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IONOTA, N.I. (Kazan')
IntrwAnodenal navacalne :Irrigation in billary dyakinesia wA chols-
'Ostitim (with sumxal7 In linglia4l. 37 no*2:91-96 7 '59-
(NM 12:3)
1. Is peiviiy frafeft termpli (say. - prof . L.M. Rakhlin') i pwray
kafedry rmtgenologli (save - prof. M.K. F~Vsullin) Kozanskogo Instl-
tuts, usovershenstvavanlya vrachey Imeni V.I. Lenina.,
Procalue. intraduodenal Irrigation (Run))
dFakinesla. intradmodenal procaine Irrigation (Bus))
(PROCAM9 there use.,
billary IdyeklAesla & cholecystitim, Intraftodenal
Irrigation (Rua)) 7
L 8950-66 EWT(n)/WP(j)/T FM
ACC No U5026529
~ fT
AV=St ToUgUM, V2 1.1
9MCx Coul VR/0266/65/OOQ/01q/Wjo/wo
ad . .:,I
kino A.. 1!~-
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ifts 7 oubko
A. P. ow
TITLIc 11othod ter obtal"M film-foraw materials and imorammatim materials for
'trimajo "A tint" ot.astavi laid' artitiow l4***r#Ci4a-G-*
so. IW2
Wlelval Isabretemly I *mwmykb smakow, no. 19, 1965, 70
TA08s loolkwo polpffs proteint vixwl planti.60 &Wylie pbotic
'MMON .1his Auftw. Cortifloolke presents a Imatod for abtain, -Pilwfo" so
iuwovauw materlas tw Windag and fillimg of matual and artifigial lealowsy'.-
!a9diftestIft 4w vbw1# for isistoome. awilla MA so boom" 1w ""of
smatomet Md vs, uIrobf Mail#
od filling of as imaterl" stmak" ow eswiEre somomien we
t2~plx la an almoomm; potela "Imu&u. Ub :z"Ifteattem, " fell TAF
j ou'd 1/1 .1*1 676. A2416
6770 *944
*406 *0 iso
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0 1 1 v it U 4 M ts 14 tfis ##pill U limb lov it IN N 11 u u N a IN v IS 440 11 wit we'll*
, , , L A 0, -A-
-At ki m"'k.
AMMIN'p6skigal smiksmood all, M. 8, MI'siml and -00
0 0 mddowind zhipow W11 Is, "N it
My. (tw. to. No~ I
0"h- rl-m
Al. (IWi4)) 011POW44 t with tht laffes"s vow". 4 samy.
in coltummatid W it* alk. mflains of ad Impvft~-
00 8~ Nwr the ps4VItrook chewier of "pl, - emah -00
IW" by -wAW imytstiointcali It Om r-1,110 to Iavrmil
00 pit the wfk'.A cd od&JL of K611 WW pbuk- comm'.
*0 00 11W elk. TA"Iew, CPO* 41 Was tivated with 11 M_ -419
pWIf, lky talk nj, milf-ted "4 vit., pui, "I see
tastain in few 00W.- MA altel hosting IQ 110 Will filamliag
011'ernight at ram t"llp., it wax 4raduall stirltd with
11m1% vllco~ft of 10% Nsoll at N) W'. 9. a. hittmi
a' fr"m tie, mxop~tmk, Owl, hkwhrd with 2% d4wilfin at coo
tut im' asel thru fr"d frien phtrAA* by washing .4-11,
lim" with 2 vWq. fol btAling WaIrr. The prehinfavy rr-
%ult.% *Now that thr alk. tranills is sfrafly Imptliv"I by dw
Wilin, tol pbtwh. traWlind in lowrgvd cokwans of W and
smur ykM,6 of fvfir*d prodtKt. Thir mtthod is mtorr
effirctive with dtfwtivt on% than mmial (Als. Thr
00 gmtcr* dkct M-mul(rd with the Add". pholf.
TFAI cbas. Blaw
#P4-; S1~8341- -1.2. 0J.1n.
-to 04V Cat
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. , F 'T r " M An t
STY u I So 0 mu-,--, u It It IN "o 0 ~194
0 0 919 0 00 00 ooo*ooo!oooo 00000000000000
Isolation and studies on highly purified nystatin preparations.
Antibiotiki 6 no.3:200-203 Mr 161. (MM 14:5)
1. Rizhskiy zavod medpreparatov (for Klydyner, Ionova).
2.1-Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov (for
Trakhtenberg, Rostavtseva).
KLEINER, G.I.; , N. V.
Effect of water on the solubility of nystatin in lover
alcohols. Antibiot1ki 7 no.10&926-929 0262. WU 16tlZ,)
I 'M
Thermal stability of nystatin. Antibiotiki 8 no.8:712-717 Ag 163.
(14IFh 17:5)
1. Rizhakiy zavod maditsinskikh preparatov.
Significance of sialle acid and the oryth:-o--yte sedimentation
reaction in the diagnosis of surgical diseases. Lab. delo
no.8t455-457 165. (M1RA 18:9)
1. 2-ye kbirurgicheakoye i laboratornoye Adeleniye RespublikanskW
klinicheskoy bollnitsy Ministerstva zdravookhr--ieaiya Tatarskoy
ASSR (glavnyy vrach K.L. Svechnikov) i kafedra fakulltetskoy
khirurgii (zav.- prof. I.F. Kharitonov) Kazanskogo meditainskago
10111(NAI O.P.; SAVELIEV, V.Ya.
Cytological dlagnosin of cancor of the urinary bladdor. Nauch.
trudy Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:437-438 164. (MIRA 18:9)
1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. I.F.Kharitonov)
Kazanskogo maditsinskogo instituta.
To N (f) v 4
rp A
a 40
a u
's, ic
Rp, P.,
Fly- 1731
istry - Tire cords
Card 1/1 Pub. 5o-7/18
Authors Uzina, R. V., Ionova, T. V;, Vasillyeva, S. A.
Title The effect of a high hygroscopicity of viscose cord on the quality of
automobile tire casings
Periodical Xhim, prom,) No 1,,34-39, Jan-Feb 1955
Abstract Theharmful effects of a high moisture content in viscose cord are
described. It is recommended that the Main Administration of Cord
Production ("Glavkord"], Ministry of the Consumers' Goods IDdustry,
initiate work on the reduction of the hygroscopicity of viscose cord.
Three references; one USSR, since 1940. One figure, 3.1 graphs. 2 tables,
Institution Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry
Affect of the chemical composition of reagents on the bond strength
between viscose cord thread and rubber. Tek*t. prom. 18 n0-8:35-37
Ag '58. (KIRA U: 10)
(Rayon) (Textile chemistry-) (Tires, Rubber)
IONOU, T.V., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Study of the effect
of the nature of functional g OtIps in ti~b molecule of -at
reagents used forerocessing Tire cord Ift the strength of
its with -0 and 4n the physico-mcchanical
4d. "dUAof the cr,
,jord.11 Moss 1959, 11 pp (Min of Higher Education
If,os Inst of Fine C,,hemistry Technology) 150 copies M, 34-59, 113)
44 -
AUTHORS s R. V. 5/183 1
lonova. T. V.. Usina, 9 160100010 10101031
PORM-MM , TV. K., Rogovin, Z. A. BOO4/BO14
3*991evich, N. A.
TITLEs The Effect of the Composition of the Avivage on the Strength of
the Linkage Between Tire Cord nd Rubber
PERIODICALi Khiniohod*e Voloknal 1960p Nr 11 PP 30-31 (USSR)
TEXTs This paper in intended to explain the problem as to whether the appli-
cation of the avivage to tire cord strengthen@ the adhesion between the latter
and the rubber impregnation, or whether the avivage applied to the cord diffuses
through the impregnating film and changes the contact between the latter and the
rubber. The experiments were performed with a special viscose monofilanent, and
14T viscose cord. The fibers were treated with the avivages Novvol and Aviroly
and a simultaneous experiment was conducted without an avivage. The specimens
were impregnated with latex albumin, and the strength of linkage of the
specimens with SIB rubber was determined from the loosening of fibers under
static and repeated compression. Table I shows that in the case of both
specimens (sonofilament and cord) the linkage with the rubber in loosened by
avivage, especially in the case of Avirol. Next, the authors studied the
diffusion of Avirol prepared by sulfonation of butyl oleate with radioactive
Card 1/2
The.Effect-of the Composition of the Avivage on the S/183/60/000/01/oiO/031
Strength of the Linkage Between Tire Cord and Rubber B004/BO14
sulfuric acid. The accompanying diagram of the measured radioactivity illustrates
that Avirol diffuses through the impregnating film (latex albumin or latex
resorcinol formaldehyde). There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 5 referencess 3 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCILTIONs VNIIV (Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut
iskusetyennogo volokna. - All-union Scientific Research Institute
for Synthetic Fibers) NIIShP (Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut
shinnoy promyshlennosti - Scientific Research Institute of the
Tire Industry
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: lonova, T.V.; Suleymanova, Z.I.; Uzina, R.V.
TITLE: The effect of double saturation of viscose cord on its properties
and adhesive strength to rubber
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk I rezina, no. 4, 1962, 3 - 7
TEXT:- The significance of the preliminary saturation of viscose cord
with hot water is discussed (Ref. 1). Experimental data are obtained for single
saturation under tension, showing thattearing elongations and adhesive strength
of the viscose cord to rubber are reduced. A further study is made of double sa-
turation under tension to determine its effect on the properties of the cord..
The iiB(n V) and Super-cord were used In the experiments. Latex-resorcin-
-formaldehyde-carbon black saturation compositions with an 11.5% concentration
were used as the main saturation bath, based on three types of latexes- CKC-30
(SKS-30), 1UXr1(Sh1(hP),CU-l (M-1), a'ndAY1BT1-1OA (DMVP-10A). Lining rubbers
based on NR andCKC-30AM (SKS-30PJ4) were used to study the cord-rubber strength
of adhesion. The cord was processed on theJIY-1 (LU-1) laboratory saturation-
-tension machine [designed and constructed -CKB K00(SkM KOO) at the Ivanov
Card 1A
The effect of double ..... A051/A126
ile Machinery], (Fig. 1). Experimental data revealed that the
Plant for Text
physi'co-mechanical properties of the 11V viscose cord, preliminarily processed
with water, are higher as compared to those without this preliminary process. In'
the case of the super cord, similarresults were obtained for both. Further data
showed that the applicaldon of 11.5% concentrated latex compositions did not inqL~
the adhesive strength in the cord-rubber system. Diluted latex compositions do
increase the strength of adhesion. Optimum strength of adhesion indices are ob-
tained for concentrations of about 3%. The use of aqueous 1 - 2% solutions of
diamines for preliminary saturation of the viscose cord with the SKS-3OShKhP latex
in the main saturation leads to a considerable increase of the cord-rubber ad-
hesive strength and of the physico-mechanical properties. A composition of lower
concentration is recommended for the preliminary saturation to decrease the com-
position viscosity and enable the substance to penetrate the thread depth. Test-
ing of the preliminary saturation method with diluted latex compositions at the
Dnepropetrovsk Tire Plant confirmed the following conclusions; the use of dilut4 d
latex compositions in preliminary saturation increases the cord-rubber adhoolve
strength; the use of water reduces the latter. The use of aqueous diamine so-
lutions has a favorable effect on the adhesive strength. Preliminary saturation,
Card 2A
.The effect of double ..... A051/A126
both with water as well as with diluted latex compositions improves the physico-
mechanical properties of the cord. There are 4 tables and 5 figures. The ref-
erence to the most recent English-language publication reads as follows: 2, M,W,
Wilson, Tappi, 43, No.2, i2q (196o).
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti
(Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry)
Fig. I. Mation~diagram of the cord thread on a laboratory saturation-tension
1- unravelling spool, 2-.thread, 3- preliminary saturation vat, 4-main
saturation vat, 5-drying chamber, 6- tension chamber, 7- fixation
chamber, reeling spool, 9- tension measuring devices, 10- directing
Card 3/4
The effect of double .....
Fig. 1:
card 4/4
Dependence of the properties of viscose cord on the Xocatlon
and intensity of force applied in impregnating and drying.
Khim.volok."7 163. (KIRA 16:2)
1. Nauchno-i 8sledO4 iellsidy inatitut shinnoy proo7ohlennosti.
(Tire fabrics)
- ----- - - - - ---- -- - - --- -
9. . v
L.L.; ROM s- -G ; , USLISTAYA, Ye,G.; ASHEVSKIYp I-i;q
Method for the processing of polyester cord. Kauab. i rez. 24
no.10:30--~P 165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Nauchno-issladovatellskiy inatitut shinnoy promyshlonnosti.
Method of determining daily food rations of the young of
some cyprinoid fii'hes under field condittons. Test. Hook.
un. Ser. 6: Rol, pochv. 15 no.2:22-30 16o. WRA 13:6)
1. Irafedra darvinism NookovIski0 universlt*ta.
(carp) Oplahen-lood
Methodology of studying the daily-feeding periodicity of
young fishes. Vest. Moak, un* Sere 6: Biole, pochve 18
no.6:8-13 K-D 163. (MIRA 16:11)
Rafedra darvinima Mo.Awskogo universiteta.
IONOVA, V.K., kandidat meditainakikh nauk; SHBVCHIBKO, X.Y.
Came of rupture of the lymph nodes into the bronchial system In
tumorous bronchadenitts in children. Zdrav. Kazakh. 16 no.8:42-43
056. (NLRA 10:1)
1. Is Kazakhekogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo tuberkalesnogo Instituta
(direktor - professor V.1.2yusin). is pervay detakoy tubarkulasnoy
bolluitay (gl&YW vrech - N.A.Zolontyahanka)..
IONOVA, V.F.. kand.wditsinskikh mauk
Morphological evaInation of a new mthoil for the preventlon of
silicosis propomed by A.?. Pologivkbin. Vest.AX Zsxaich.= 16 no.7:67-
78 Jl 160o (Ou 13: 8)
IONOVA, V. N.: Master Agric Sci (diss) -- "The agrophysical characteristics
of the chernozems of the central zone of Moldavia". Kishinev, 1959. 17 pp
Olin Agric USSR, Kishinev Agric Inst int M. V. Frunze, Chair of Soil Science of
the Kishinev Agric Inst), 100 copies (KL, No 11, 1959, 121)
Zirco'2'-n1=mo=r=ran Cos.
-'PArt 1: Intalaction of ZrOC12 vith
N841700061 and JILCROCN)II In squeous .solutions. Zhur. neorg.
khIm*. 2 lOt2468-2474 0 57. (MIRA 110)
1. Inetttut obahchey I neorganicheekoy khimU is. N.S.Kurnakova
(Zirconium compounds) (Sodium ferrocypnide)
(Potassium forrocynnide)
5(2) SOV/78-4-6-25/44
AUTHORS.- Seyfer, 0. B.) Ionova, To# A.
TITLE: On the Scandiuff-re`rrocya~nides (0 ferrotsianidakh skandiya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 6, PP 1362-1368
ABSTRACT: The system SoCl f
[Fe(CN)61 -H 20 (M - Li, Na, Cs, K and Rb)
was investigated by the solubility method, electric conductivi-
ty, potentiometric method, and light ab orption. The results
of the investigation of the system Seel 71 41Fe(Cff)6j _H20
are given in table I and in fi e I Th y show that only a
normal scandium ferrocyanide SrIFe(;??) is formed in this
4 6
system. The inve tigation results of the system
_H 0 and S Cl 0 are given
Seel -Na [Fe
(CN I c
3 4 2~ 3
in table 2 and in the figures 2 and 3. The interaction between
these systems proceeds initially unjer formation of normal
scandium ferrocyanide - Sc
and with the increase
of the sodium- and potassium ferrocyanidesin the solution,
scandium ferrocyanide probably peptizes under formation of
Card 112 a compound with changing composition -
On the Scandium Ferrocyanides SOV/78-4-6-25/44
mso 41FG(CN)6J nMSc [Fe(CN )613 in which the ratio m : n depends
on the concentration of the alkali metals. The compound of
the composition MSc[Fe(CN)61 (M - Na or K) is formed with
the increase of the alkali ion concentration. The influence
of the alkali metal chlorides on the composition of the
produced ferrocyanide was investigated and the results are
given in table 3. The investigation results of the systems
Socl 3-Rb4[Fe(ClT)6]-H.0 and ScCl3-Cs4 [Fe(CN) 6]-H20 are given
in table 4 and in the figures 4 and 5. The mixed salts
RbSc [Fe(CN) 61 and CeSc[iFe(CN)~] are formed in the systems
of the ferrocyanides of rubidium and cesium. There are
5 figures, 4 tables, and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: March 28, 1958
Card 2/2
5(2,3) BOV/2o-127-3-29/71
AUTHORSt Tananayev, I. V.) Academician, Seyfer, G. B., Ionova, Ye. A.
TITLE: The Niobium Analogue of Phosphorus Nitryl Chloride
PERIODICklis Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 3,
pp 584 - 585 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In recent times the interest in high-polymers of inorganic
origin rapidly increased. The substance mentioned last
in the title also belongs to the group of this kind which,
although known for a long time, has not been of great inter-
est, and is now being investigated most eagerly.: It was
interest 'Ing to explain the possibility of the existence of
derivatives of a similar type among elements which are ana-
logues of phosphorus. No published data could be found in
this connection. The elements of the arsenic group do not
fall within this scope, but the elements of the sub-group
of vanadium, in a higher valence stage, are analogous to
phosphorus, as far as the structure of the outer electronic
shell is concerned. Among them niobium was suited best for
Card 113 an intr9ducing inveatigation. Its higher chloride (which
The Niobium Analogue of Phosphorus Nitryl Chloride SOV/2o-127-3-29/71
is lacking in vanadium) can be immediately used according
to the experimental method which is analogous to that of the
production of phosphonitrile chloride (Refs 1-6). The method
of reference 4 was easiest for the.authors, since it allows
an observation of the degree of the reaction course, accord-
ing to the rate of the HCl separation. The developed product
is a finely crystalline yellawy brown powder, resistant in air,
but.slowly hydrolyzable in water. In benzene, toluene, di-
chlorethane, CS 2' CC;4 and ethylether it is not noticeably
soluble. Inalytic results are given. The given data show that
the original supposition regarding the possibility of the
existence of a niobium compound with a composition analogous
to that of phosphonitrile chlorides, has been proved. The
investigation of their properties is still going on. There
are 6 references ~ of which 1 is Soviet.
Card 2/3
The Niobium Inalogue of Phoaphorus Mitryl Chloride SOV/2o-127-3-29/71
KSSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova
Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTEDi blay 159 1959
Card 3/3
0 0 (A)
S7.21oo 68119
AUTHORSs Seyferv Go B*V~UALU Yq. A~.
TITLE: On Scandium Peroxideyl
PERIODICALs Zhurnal neorganiaheakoy khimii, 1960p Vol 5P Nr 1,
p 223 (USSRY
ABSTRACTt The authors describe attempts to obtain-*f3candium-peroxide by,
the methodused to produce the well-known peroxides of yttrium
and lanthanideve Scandium
sulfate And scandium bromide were
precipitated with an equivalInt quantity of KOH in the presence
varying from 25 s I to 132 1 1.
of "2020the ratio R2 02 1 Sc
Ursa was added in order to stabilize the compound# The re-
Bulting precipitates were dissolved in sulfuric acid, and
were titrated.with potassium permanganate. The results of
analysia.listed in a table lead to the following formulas
Sc (0 OH)(OH)2*XH20. Even with a large excess of H202 no-com.
pounds with a larger content of OOH- groups are formed.
There are 1 table and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
Card 1/2
Interaction of sirconyl chloride with alkali metal ferrocyanides
in acidic medium. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.4:791-794 Ap 162.
(MIRA 15*4)
(Arconyl chloride) (Ferrocyanides)
Interaction between titanium tetraehloride and phosphonitrile
chloride. Zhur. neorg. kbim. 10 na.711749-1751 Jl '65.
(MMA 18; 8)
BIRKGAN, I.N.; IOMVA, Ye.F., rodaktor.
[Practical manual for keeping records on valuable property
In'therapoutic institutions) Praktichoskoe rukoyodstvo po
uchstu: imushchostTenno-vaterialInfth tsennostei v leahebnykh
udhreshdoultakh. Moskva (Trildroservisdat) 1953. 140 p.
(Hoop itala-Management &n& regulation) (KEaA 7:8)
Ye.P. BARANOVp B.A., inzh.,, 'red.; DOBRITSYNA, R.I., tekhn,-- 0
[General time norom used in machinery manufacturing for establisbing
machine-work norms in woodworking shops; mass, large lot., andlot
production] ObobehemashinootroitelOnye normativy vremeni dlia normi-
rovaniia stanoebEykh robot v derevoobrabatyvaiushchikh tsekbakh$
massovoes krupnoseriinoe i oeriinoe proizvodstvo, Moskv-ap Goo,
naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo zaahirostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 78 p.
(MIFLA 24: 10)
1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye bywo promyshleny7kh normativev po trudu,-
2. Waurbno-isoledavateltakiy institut tekhnologii traktornogo I
sellskokhozyayotvennogo mashinostroyeniya (for Malakhov, Molotok,
Dmitriyevj, Gorbatenkov Ionova).
(Machinery industry) (Woodworkirg)
SMMOVAp A.0 kand. Beltakokhoz, nauk; SHABANOVA, M., kand. Bellskokkioz. nauk;
Z.; FEDIKO, I.v kand. biolog. nauk; SHEVCHENKO, A., aspirantka;
mladshiy nauchnyy ootrudnik
From work practices in the use of poisonous chemicals. Zashch. rant.
ot vred. i bol. 10 no.3:22-24 165. (MIRA, 19:1)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut zashchity raoteriy
(for Smirnova,, Shabanova). 2. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut
sadovodstva im, I.V. Michurina, Michurinsk (for Ionova). 3. Voesoyuznyy
institut kukuruzy, Dnepropetrovsk (for Fed'ko). 4. Ukrainskiy institut
rasteniyevodetva, selektsii i genetiki im. Yurlyeva (for Shevcheako).
zic~,d t -radi t-,i ley 4~ a-, q:- ; no
-a ma twii-y' rA v
TAC-3i iaSeotj yeatioide, biologi=l reaearch, agriculture
The experimental otation of the Tmstitate of Orchard Cult%,-re tnveatigat~
and 0.20% ooncentra,
-ate of tr)-chlorometaphoo. The tcxlr, 4.r r.
at~ ~era!Wd againat mitea and aphids dainagirle currant. cherry, Ead apple cropa.~
llophoa was uned as a comparison standard. a a-11 ~asas,
-,i~i G thy 111-
txich-'.Lorometaphos pxaved about equal or morp effective, The resulta achieved V~;h
Ngto axe --in te--e (~f n4llrc4~--itage destruction end the
IQN-QVA,.-~,,.,-qtarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Apple powder7 aildow. Zashah. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.7%53 165.
(MIRA 18.10)
1. Tok3ikologicheakaya laboratoriya,Vassoyuznogo nauchno-iBaledo-
vatel'skogo instituta 2ashchity rasteniy, Michurinak.
AUTHOTIS Ionson, V. A., Arnover, Ke R.
TITLE; Mo dernizition of the WKC-1 2 IKS-12) spectrograph by the use
of a seirqi6onductor-pickup-~
PERIODICAbs Referativniy'zhurnai. Khimiya, no. 14, 1962, 340, abstract
14 153.(Sb. "Goryuchiye slantay. Khimiya i tekhnol.". noo 4i
TaNin, 1961, 257 ~. 261)
TEXT: In orderito reduce the spectrograph's sensitivity to mechanical
interference. and jo make the task of tuning it less faborlous the O.;*y -18
I(FE09-:16) vhotomuVtiplier ha 's been replaced as the pickup by a semiconduc-
tor bolometer, the low thermal inertia of vhich has made it possible to use
modulated radiation with'a modulation frequency of 9 cps. The output
voltage of the bolometer is amplified by a selective, six-stage, negative-
feedback, voltage amplifier tuned to a frequency of 9 cps. The amplified Owl
signal'is detected and passes through a divider to the input of an !ArC-15~
WS-158) recording potentiometer with a seneitivi-ty of 10 mv. Two s-pecb;'o--
Card 1/2'
Moderni~ation of the ... B166/i3144
graphs have already been put into operation with positive results. The
circuitfis given and the electronic ampli*fier described. LAbstracter's
-note: Complete ~translation,-j
Card 2/2,
Iontov, A. S" - RGertain stages of the embryonic development
of the thoracic section of the.human spinal cord", Trudy Gos.
in-ta,po-izueheniyu nozga im. Bekhtereva, Vol. XVI, 1949,
P. 204-11+,, illustrations p. 413-19.
so: U-4631, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 24, 1949).
Interneural relationships of the cerebellar cortex. Blul. eksp. biol-
i mod. 4o no.12:61-65 1) 155. (KLIA 90.3)
1. Is.laboratorit morfologii (sav.-chlen-korrespondent AN SSW I.G.
Kolosov) Instituta f1stologii Iment I.P. P&Tlova (dlr. akadmik
X.M. Bykov) AN SSSR. Leningrad.
(CZRXBNLLUM CCRM, anatomy and histolocy.
Sensory isnervation of cerebral arteries. Dokl. AN SM IW-109-1:
(on 9:3)
Isaiitut fisiologil Iment I.P. PATIOve, Akadoxii. nauk Ssm.
Predstaviets, mkodoulkow )K.M. DykOvYu-
109P I. A.
Some steig-38 In th,3 embr7nnic devilopment of th,3~-thorsclc sop-meat of
the spinRl cord In nan. Trudy Goa,tnetsvo inich. nozga 16t204-215
14c,% . 10:q)
Hepatocerebral syndrome in atrophic cirrhosis of the liver. Top.
pulkh. I neyr. uo.U75-80 158. (KUM 12:3
1. Is Il leningradskoy psikhonevrologicheekDy bolluitsy.
TM, A.S. (Leningrad,
D-23, Rachnoy per., d- 7, kv. 27)
of Golgi cons (granular layer) in the synaptic systm
of the cerebellar cortex [with sumea W Inglishl. AAh.anat.glst.
I enbr. 35 no96:37-42 Jr--3D 158. WRA 1.2: 1)
1. Laboratorlya morfologli (xv.-chlen-korr. AN SSSR. prof* N.G. Mo.-
lomov) Inatituta f Iz1ologII lvwnl IqP# Pavlova AN SSSR-
(MmWaa cam, =at. 4; histol.
Golgi cells In synaptic system (Rua))
Golgi cells in_aerebollar cortex synaptic systen (Rut))
Condition of the nuclei of the hypothalamic region and of the
spinal cord after extirpation-of the cortex and total removal
of the cerebrum. Nauch. soA. Inst. fiziol. AN SSSR no.1:179.!.180
'59. (MIRA W-10)
1 Laboratoriya morfologii (zav. - N.G.Kolosov) Institute, fiziologii
;;efii Pavlova, AN SSSR.
A gmetal type of fiber In the cerebellar cortez, Trudy lust,
fisiol. 8059-564 159. (XIM 13:5)
1. Laboratorl" morfologil (savedaymshchly - I*Go Kolomov) Insti-
tuta fistologit in. 1.P. Phwlov& AN SM.
IOW*V, A.S. (Leningrad, D-23, Raohnoy per., 7, kv.27)
Origin of I~djvldual fibers In the cerebellar cortex. Arkh.awt.
gist.t embr. 37 no.10t45-W 0 159. (NMA 13 :4)
I Taboratorlya morfologii (savadmWushchiy - chlew-korrespondent
ii SSSR prof. N.G. XDlosov) Institute, fiziologii im. akad. 1.P.
(CIMZBXLM anat. & histol.)
170) SOY/20-125-l-,51/67
ADTHOR: Iontov, A. S.
TITLE: Topography of the Golgi Cells and Their Importance for the Inter-
neuronic Connections of the Cerebellum Cortex (Topografiya
kletok Gol ,dzhi i yeye znacheniya dlya mezhneyronnykh svyazey
kory mozzhechka)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Fr 1, PP 188-190
ABSTRACT: The Golgi (Golldzhi) cells are located in the cerebellum cortex'
of mammals at different levels of the granular layer. It is also
well-known that the cells differ with respect to size, shape,
length, and the point where their projections end. The latter
point refers to another role of these cells in the connection of
individual-layers and elements of the cortex. In the most recent
time it was found that the mentioned cells play an important
part in connection with the interneuronic connections in cats
(Ref 3). Oxi the outgrowths of several types of Golgi cells
numerous loop-like synapses were found situated at the tops of
special types of fibere which enter the granular layer of the
Card 1/ 3 cerebellum cortex coming from the white substance (Ref 4). In
Topography of the Golgi Celle and Their Importance for the Interneuronic con-
nections of the Cerebellum Cortex
this connection the following observations made by the author
are of interest: in cat he observed numerous variants of the
atypical position of the Golgi cells., Their bodies and out-
growths were covered with a large number of synapses and indi-
vidual conducting fibers. The latter deeenerated in connection,
with the dissecting of the white sabstance (Fig 2). The follow-
ing variants were recorded: 1) The cell body was partly situated
in the white substance of the convolutions of the brain, partly,,
however, in the granular layer of the cortex~ The greatest part
of the outgrowths of such cells was in the granular layer and
reached the molecular layer, the remaining outgrowths were dis-
tributed in the white sabotance. 2) The further atypical topo-
graphy variant was a Golgi cell the body of which was located
between the granular layer and the white substance. The main
part of the outgrowths reached inio the granular layer: it com-
prised with respect to surface a considerable part of the cor-
tex (Fig 3)- 3) A variant known from the descriptions by some
researah-workers: the Golgi cells were entirely situated within
Card 2/3 the white substance (Fig 4). The character of distribution and
4 SOY/20-125-1-51/67
Topo&aphy of the Golgi Cells and Their Importance for the Interneuronic Con-
nections of the Cerebellum Cortex
the structure of such cells can in no case be identified with
the cells of the cerebellum nuclei. According to the author's
opinion the above mentioned variants are due to a retarded
migration of the cells during embryogenesis. This was followed
by a differentiation at various parts on the way towards their
normal place in the granular layer. There are 4 figures and
5 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziologii im. I. F. Favlova Akademii nauk SSSR (In-
stitute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTED: October 23, 1958, by K. M. Bykov, academician
SUBMITTED: October 20,1958
Card 3/3
Hietopathological and electrocorticographic ct7srges ir P. Cortical
Spileptogemic focus. Vop.psikh.i nerv.
(RIRA 1-44)
1. lz laboratorii morfologii instituta flziologii Iment Flavlova
AN SSM i Leningradskogo nauchna-lssledovatellskcgo
neyrokhirurgicheakago instituta imerl Polenova M4MIsterstva
zdravookhraneniya RSF,9R.
Role of some evolutionary features of the brain in the propaga-
tion of a pathological process. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 10:336-340.
162 (MIRA 17:3)
N.G, Kolosov) Instituta
Laboratoriya morfologii (
zav. -
fiziologii imeni Pavlova AN SSSR.
ALITMAN., Ya.Ae; IO.NT(?V,,-A,L-.
Relations betweep some sones of the auditez7 cortexe Zhure
0 13 hae2a -Ap 163 (Kalk 16:9)
vyoonerve doiA+j, .330-337 Mr
1. Iaboratory of Acoustic Analyser Physiology and Section
of Electronic Microscopy, Pavlov Institute of Physiology.,
U.S.S.R. Ac#demy of Sciences,, Leningrad.
Relationship between the diameter of the synapses of neurons
of the anterior horns of the spinal cord in the cat and the
functional state of the central nervous system. Dokl. AN
SSSR 155 no. 2r474-477 Mr 164, (MIRA 17:5)
1. Institut fiziologii im. I. P. Paylova AN SSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom V. N. Chernigovskim.
Thlrd Regional Europoan Conferance on Electron Micro5covy. Aumint-
Septemberp 1964, Jn Prague. Arkhe anAt.. gist. i emir. 49 no.72120-
2.22 J1 165, (14IRA .18t).O)
IONTOV, A.Si doktor med. nauk, otv. red.; MAYOROV, V.N., kand.
He . WAR otv. red.
(Morphology of the tracts and connections of the central
nervous system] Morfologiia putey i sviazei tsentrallnoi
nervnoi sistenV. Moskvap Naukat 1965. 1" P.
(MIRA 19:1)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova.
00JO-wov, L.Ye.- STUPAIIDV, G.N.; KOVILLEV, S.M.; 'EASUKOV, 11-ye.
Type V-12-2 high-frequency telephone equipment. Vest,svlaxi 17
no.6:7-9 J* 157. (~U2A 10:8)
I.Glavnyy Inzhener Spetoiallnogo konstruktor kogo byuro zavoda
Hinisterstva radio tekhni chaskoy proMvhlenno:ti (for lontoy) 2.ftchallni'
laboratorii Nau chno-Insledovatel'skogo Inatituta Ministerstva radlotekh-
nicheakoy promrshlennosti (for Stopanqv) 3.1fachal'alk laboratorii zavoda
Ministeretva radiotakhnicheakoy promyihlennosti (for Kovalev) 4.Glavr4y
konstruktor zavoda Kinistorstva, radlotakh-M,!heskoy promyshlennosti (for
(Telephone-A-pparatus and supplies)
Type V-12-2 high-frequency telephone equipment. Vest.sviazi 17
no.8:3-7 Ag 157. (MIRA 10ilO)
I.Glavna inzhener spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro zavoda
Ministerstva radiotekhnicheakor proWshlennosti (for Iontov).
2.Nachallnik laboratoril nauchno-iseledavatellskogo instituta
Minigterstva radiotakhnicheskor prosyshlennosti (for Stepanov).
3.Nachallnik laboratorii savoda Ministerstva radiotakhnichookoy
proWshlennosti (for Kovalev). 4.Glavnff konstruktor zavoda
Ministerstva radiotakhnichookoy proWshlonnosti (for Baskakov)
(Telephone--Xquipment and supplies)
USSR. Ministerstvo svyazi. Tekhnicheskoye apravleniye
Novaya 12-kanallnaya apparatura VCh telefonirovaniya po vozdushnym
liniyam svyazi tipa V-12-2 (Now 12-Chamiel High-Frequency "'arrier
Telephone Equipment of the V-12-2 Type) Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 1959.
140 p. (Series: Tekhni.ka svy'azi) 12,000 copies printed. '
Resp.. Ed.: JL.Ye. Iontov; Ed.: V.Ye. Petrova; Tech. Ed.: K.G.
Marko. ch_r`-mI_s`p`rI_nt-rh'the source].
PURPOSE: This monograph is intended for personnel concerned with
practical problems of modern telecommunications.
COVERAGE: The book contains basic data on the V_ '12-2 high-frequency
carrier telephone system, block diagrams of.the stations, single
and multiple units, oscillators, automatic level control devices,
channel separation equipment, and some special operational charact
.-istics of the*bistem. This monograph was Written by L.Ye. Iontov,
S.M. Kovalev, G.N. Stepenov, and N.Ye. Baskakov., There are no
Card 1/5-
New Channel (Cont.') SOV,(5 670
Forewo rd
Ch. 1. Bagic Data on V-12-2 Equipment
1. Technical features of the equipment 5
2. Principles of component layout 10
Ch. 2. Block Diagrams of the System
1. terminal station 17
2. Intermediate station 23
3. Channel separation device 26
Ch.,J. Single Units
1. General data 29
2, Block diagram 30
3. H yorid system -and limiter (DSO) 32
4. Si ngle-fr.'equiency converter and channel filters 34
5. Audio-frequency amplifier and the'dialing and calling tone.
signal receiver 38
Card 2/5
New Channel (Cont.) SOV/3670
6. Ringer oscillator (GTV) 42
7. Simultaneous operation of devices for sending and receiving
calling tone signals.and,dialing pulses 44
8. -Swit6hboard and PVU!(speaking and calling device) 47
9. Neper meter 51
10. Test amplifier 53
Ch. 4. Multiple Units
1. Generaldata 55
2. Line amplifier 56
3. Filters 59
4. Matching devices and devices for remote power-supply con-
trol 64
5. Initial slope equalizers 67
6. Multiplex frequency changers 68
7. Transmission-line amplifier 79
8. .
Reception applIfie*r TI
9. Channel group equalizers. 72
10. Channel group filters in the terminal station T4
Card 3/5
New Channel (Cont.) SOV/3670
Ch. 5. Oscillator Equipment
1. General data 79
2. Block diagram 80
3. Master oscillai;or 83
4. Ak'a amplifier and harmonic generator 86
5. Current amplifiers of group cark6r frequencies 87
6. Oscillator equipment filters 89
7 4/5 kc changer* 91
8: 'current generators 93
Ch. 6. RetrazioMittIng Stations
1. General data' 96
2. Set noise and nonlinear distortion of retransmission
statIon 9T
3. DK-2,8 and.BDK-2,8 filters 10
4. Eqtializers'of channel groups ~1
5. VK-33 110
6. Speaking aMcalling-device .110
Ch. 7. Aut
omatic Level Control Devices (AAU)
1. *
General data '113
New Channel (Cont'.) sov/3670
2. Pilot channel receiver 115
3. ARU control panel 126
4. Adjusting phantom lines 118~
5. 50 cps oscillator 126,
Ch. 8. Channel Separation Equipment
1. Geheral data 128
2. Multiple amplifiers 129
3. 'Channel group filters 131
Ch. 9. Same Special Operational Characteristics of the System 135
AVAIT-ABIZ: Library of Congress
Card 5/5 6-21-60
____ , Te.;
L.K., red.; MARKOC-H, X.G., ;
[multichannel apparatus for higb-voltage telephony on overhead
lines and cablenj Mnogokanal.Inaia apparatura vysokochastotnogo
telefontrovaniia po vosdushnym i kabellnym liniiam eviazi. Moskva,
Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1959. 511 p.
(MIRA 1,4:1)
(Telephone--liquipment and supplies)
YARISEY, G.19.; IONTCYVf L.Te., otv. red.; BOGACHEVA, G. V. ,
rodi; RORANDVA,.*S.F., tekhn. red.
[24-Channal apparatus for multiplexing cable coummication
lines] 24-kanalluala apparaturs. uplotneniia kabellnykh linil;
informatsionnyi sbornik. (By L.E.Iontov i dr.] Moskva,
Sviazlisdat, 1963. 184 p, (Telephone) (MIRA 16:6)
L 31977-66 PWT(d)
ACC NN Ap6010786 (A) SOURCE CODEs UR/0106/66/000/602/0 F9rOO i2
AUTHOR: Iontov# L. Ye.; Lyubintsev, A. A.; Shutov, 1. 1.
ORG: none
TITLE- Multipurpose equipment for multichannel multiplex systems for cable and
radio-relay lines 14
SOURCE: ElektrosvyazI, no. 2, 1966, 9-22
TOPIC TAGS: multiplex, multichannel communication, radio relay,, F,--figotA.~cy
9 0S("1,LL'9 710A~
ABSTRACT: The development of multipurpose oscillator and frequency-conversion
equipment for multiplex communication systems is reported; the equipment is mounted
in cabinets with swing-out frames; it can operate within +10 +40C. Supply-voltages
required: 220 v:! % ac; -21.2 vt 0 dc for transistors; -24 vt 14 do for signal
circuits; +206 v� 3% do for anode circuits. The oscillator equipment is suitable
for Soviet-made X-21-2, K-60, K-60P, K-1920, R-600 systems; the frequency-conversion
equipment can be used in K-60P, K-300, K-1920, R-600 systems. The oscillator cabinet
generates a number of carrier frequencies (among them 120 kc for 12--108 kc linear
spectrum and 564 ke for 12--252 spectrum), 64, 847 104, and 412 kc monitoring
frequencies, etc. Block diagrams of some oscillator units are shown..The frequency-
conversion equipment is based on standard 12-, 60-, and 300-channel trunks which uas
Rq: 621. .4
L 31977-66
ACC NRI k'6616166
12-108 kc, 312-552 kc, and 812-2044 kc. A few block diagrams illustrate the
patterns of conversion channels used in this equipment. In the development of the
above equipment, "the leading part was played byt 0. G. Borodzyuk, A. A. LeshchinskI3
A. A Livovich M. S. Orl~~s~ y, 0. 1. Astashkin-a,--K.--T.--Rerk-ulov, N. M. Driatskiyp
h, T. A. Shchegl6v-a-, =ochina, W.-T.-S=y-n-,
Z.-A. Gertsik, 1E.T. 5Mh2RZu=-e 09 A. v.-Riklshini-t I. Yu. Mirimova, and-o-th-91?370-
- g- -i -
Ori-9. art. last N t res and 1 talTe-.
SUB CODEt 17, 09 SUBM DATEs 07Sep65
Card 212
/0,../ To V
"Type 11-12-2 Apparatus for High Frequency Telephony," by L. Ye. Yontov,
Chief Engineer of the SKB Plant of the Ministry of Radio rh-gin-ee-r-`---ng
Industry, U.S.S.R., G. N. Stepanov, Chief of the Scientific Research
Laboratory, S. M. Kovalev, Chief of the Plant Laboratory and N. Ye.
Baskakov,, Chief Designer of the Plant, all of the Ministry of 'Radio
Engineering Industry, U.S.S.R. Vestnik Svyazi, No 6, June 1957, pp 7-9
(Part I) and No 8, August 1957,7p-3-7-
Analysis of the technical data, circuits, and structural desing of
type V-12-2 apparatus, which is a modernization of the V-12 apparatus,
used for multiplexing telephone conversations over aerial lines.
Card 1/1
- 37
jo'vos'msc-~ X ,
Selection of the proper dimensions of caris for the least wear.
p. 63 (Lietuvos TSR Mokslu Akedemije. Fizikos-technikos institutes. Derbai. Vol.
2, 1956, Vilnius, Lithuania)
Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EUI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2,
February 1958
D'YAKONOVAs V.S... i-n7,h.; SAKHAROV, A.A., inzh.; MIALIGHENIKO, T.V., inzh.;
MLI,IIIKCV, O.A., inzh.; SIMOV, G.V., inzh.; 10MIJ, Ye.Ps.. inzh.
Technology of the produztlon, and properties of 17GS Pteel for
welded gas and oil pipelines. Stalt 25 no.8:7.1,0-744 Ag 165.
(~UPLA 18:8)
1, Cherepmretsk-ty metaillixgiche.-MLy zavcd.
KILIMANN, Victor, ing.j IONUT, VaB12e, ing.
Rapid rectifica tion and condition of its application in
the machine construction industry. Matalurgia constr mas
13 no. 4: 351-355 Ap 161.
Hereditary chemical character of biological forms and its
variability. Rev chimis Roun 9 no. 4031-336 Ap 164.
1. The "N. Balcescu" Agricultural Institute, Bucharest.
r- U- b- t- -
-Tt:, e~ , , . 'i~~
Deteradning the alectrodynamic conetant of the saimmagraph pendulus.
Trudy Inst. fis. i-geofis. AN Turk. SSR 3,01-96 157. (KWK IOR9)
AUTHORS: Ostrovskiy, A.Ye., jonyciev, N.N., Fandyushina, S.M.
TITIE: Earth's tidal inclines according to observations at Ashkhabad in
.1957 - 1958
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Gdodeziya, no. 5, 1961, 33, ab-
stract 50218 (V ob. "Gravimetr. isaledovaniya!, no. 1, Moscow, AN
SSSR, ig6o, 49 - 52, Engl. summary)
TEXT: Observations of inclines were conducted in a shallow banement.,,poorly
isolated from,temperature fluctuations of the outdoor air. Inclinometers fqith
photoelectric recording were installed in two azimuthst North-South and.East-West.
Six monthly series out of two-year observatinns were utilized for harmonic analysis.
It foilows from the results presented that diurnal waves were very strongly.affect-
ed by temperature inclines. The following results were obtained for the main wave
M2 of the lunar-solar tides: in the North-South component -1 - 0.515 � 0.021
in the East-West component - 0.855 � o.o4q.
B. Pertsev
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Recordiag of dislocations, velocities.. and accelerations by
seismographs. Izv.AN TuA.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh.,, khimi geol.nauk
no.2:33-41 162* (MM 15:4)
L Otdel razvedochnoy geofizi1d i seymwlogii AN Turkmenskoy SSR.
I I (Seiomometry)
Th f.the recording of long period waves. -Izv.M Turk.SM,Ser,-
teL khimA geol.nauk. no.3:36-46 162. (xft 16,5)
1. OtdW.rasvedochnoy geofialki i seymmologii AN Turkmenakoy SM.
(Seismie prospectipg)
Comparative characteriotice ofelectrodynamic and photoelebtric
seismic inclinostiters. lzv'.ALN SM.Ser.jeofiz. no.4s610-613
lp 163, (MA 1614)
1. Otdel razvedochnoy geofisiki i seymoloFii AN Turhmenskoy
L k)/~,-,4Fthj/c0Wi't1j_____jJF cj AT
__ W d --I-
ACC NRs AP602 519 SOURCE CODE: UR/0115/66/000/001/0065/0066
AUTHOR: Gerashchenkol 0. A*;-Ionovap No N
ORG: none
TITLE: Thermoelectramotive force of galvanic thermocouples
SOURCE: Izmeritellnaya tekhnikap no. 1. 1966,, 65-66
TOPIC TAGS: thermocouple, thermoelectromotive force, thermoelectric propertyp
heat conduction, potentiometer, thermoelectric equipment
ABSTRACT: The torwelectAo characteristics of large thormopiles (several,
thousand Junctions) were studied. Geometric solf-similarity was establichod
on the basis of thermoolectromotivo, force measurements in a large number of
homogeneous thermooloctrically identical specimens of heat conductors with
-diameters rw%-ing from 0.1-to 1.5 m. Identical thormooloctromotive forces
wore measured throughout this entire range for identical relatAve coating
dimensions* A high-resistance potentiometer was then used for neamu-ing the
thormoolectrowtiva force for various ratios of the cross sectional area of
-the coating to that of the substrate therwelectrode. The sotup used for-
naldria the noarz*wnts Is illustrated. The high thermal conductivity of
the sImtrodon my cause a considerable, difference betmen the taqwrature
,of the Junctions and that of the anblent medium. ' The temperature differews
estimated by oon#dsrbg the worst case with rwUm wire diameter
card 1/2 IUDC:' 536.531'
L 34049-66
.and the thickest copper coating (750- Calculations show that the error
due to the therml condootivity of the elaclavdos cannot exceed 0.5%
Cuz-vea are given showing thermoslectrosioUve force as a function of it/2e
where I is the current strength; t is the copper plating time; 1 is tfie ---
'length of the coppor-plated section of the wire; d is the diameter of the
,wire. The results show that a section of a thormoolectrode uniformly cut6d
with some other thermoelectric zaterial may be replaced by an equivalent
system made up of two conductors connected only at the ends with cross sections
And lengths equal respectively to the cross sections and lengths of the
i substrate and the coating material., An expression is derived which my be
urod under specific oonditiorA for determining the optimom coating parameters.
Ior a maxinim signal from the sensing slament in heat flux converters~ The
'data given In this paper may be used for determining ths, therweUctrio
,propertle~_p~ galvanio s, or for making MmuipUe with pro-
determined properties. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 formula. CJPRS:* 3M951
SUB OODE: 20# 09 SUBM DATE: none CRIG IMF: 006 OTH REF: 001
ACGFMI014 NHt Ap4o2oo95 S/030h/6b/000/0M/0Q38/0D39,-
AUTHORSt Ionyochova, Le S. (Engineer)j Marchw*os'N. A. (Engineer)
TI'lUt Electrolytic plating of an indium-sine alloy
SOURGEt 14ashinostroyenlye, no. Is. 1964j, 38-39
TOPIC TAGM electroplatingg electrolytic platingg indium zinc plating,
galvanizing., indium zinc electrolyte.. indiums, zinc sulfatep sodium sulfate.,
ammonium sulfates acetic acids ammoniap platinum anodes graphite anode
ABSTRACT: Alloying indium with zinc eliminates some of the disadvantages of
galvanized parts used in a corrosive atmosphere and undergoing friction. The
electroplatine qualities of an 4ridium-sinc alloy were investigated using an
electrolyte consisting primarily of metallic indium. (%(W4)3); sine sulfate,
sodium milfate, ammonium'sulfate, and acetic acid and ammonia additives& The
plating was-conducted under the tollowing conditionst current-0.5-14 &up/d&21
temperature-16-200j yH-401 anode-platinum or gmptiltee The composition at
the remating alloys was 2-5 % indium a;A the rest sino., It was famd that the
Cord 1 2
indium-zine alloys were 2-3 time lose porous Wian the pure zinc platings and
offered much better protective properties. Raising the indium content in the
electrolyte above 2 jAiter decreased the quality of the plating by Inweening
the grain size of the slWe
06372 -T
Up C)L_=jMW
ACC t4R#l I-..AP6O27490-':- OUIiCE CDDE,',,~uR/0418/66/000/003/0079/0082
AUMOR ti .4 Cad'd Aite,.~6ticwd&1444,
't7 1.
_4 Mw
-~_, ~ ~. -) , "7 .w.. , p
h-rare meW8._.:YIt"I_-.
Won. 60' hidko alloys vit,
SOURCE: Tekhnologiya i prgapizatsiyk,proiz odstva', po. 3, 1966i T~9-8:i
~dvia' TAGS t' indium- d~~tainink g rmanium containin nickel alioy
g alloy
zinc b .so a3loy., 'eleArodepoiiti~h', electriochemistry
ABSTRAt~fi '~hq.J.~~thorq dikiiiss. the. jr~Auctldn' o'-f _--,-nicIkel-w:jii=ni=- a~~
all6js,b)r~ bal metbodb'.~"-,Th i*'and'Ge require* cod-
E`-dlectrdc~emi e- J;iAt~~ieci~itation of I
T~~ solution aelet ted- for It~isl~
plex,el, v a ..ow f
purpQae,-nf.--a.i;qMP4.eXL.o.f- Wr6onium.,thloride and , "ohia - irater vith. and - -without idditiVes,
of, :6.. liring.
ee -mon a-afid ammonium,oxalatei~ The electrolyte was*prepired I~r dl~so.
Ni(OH)j ~.akid.G*Oj!*ih a satfjrat~,s&~tio~,of ammonium,..chloride vitli.hiiting'no higher
660 o~cexitrfitibil, of - el* _4.4--wi, 1.75'Go
C.: Th4~;co ec'trolyte componebts wad (g/1)'. 1;75
and 2.5 lseiAilon` vn-vp v tor.-sejs~a i and-hic"kel,
G'Xff4Cl; - ~'PO te precip tation'of germanium
show a, AhIR tt~mid ~ore,'hwjati4i ikoilentials for germanium. The, curve f6r,the alloy L
6 ~83 691-
Card 1 9.
-ACC Nk-,I-,,.V6 7490r..;,
- -b i ;k
h*lw~ q,64"P~ oncentrat OP
imee curvec*f-_,theA6di*t~.-
A~~a~iwm, i6nd:-;A44 Oxdoz!t,~ ]PO, I
a, Op.q. _64
Tli*~,& d tion, of aim Va o*43
~oh,~.6fjl- if~-V Ionq #f'..pre6it t4t,
Ahe' bli~-~ 'T
.AU '"deppsit, on-. -Th&--bAjk6,
I, 'rate
f", t, . qd
.64 -of
zi C-111 im. -A.. table': is" givial.'abo6iing I t i4' es,-w ch
weir;' die OW -'k6 I"' I"
1;61", iition Q r- -,, z Is- hifted I tciaid'
pi~ n S
th:,:, curves `.,for, zinc'- anA
)in sdparatei* Ainaly s'. of thel
'indii -ijoliri zat ion
cur"Od's- s~~i illat; ~ihe ~Indium V~ecipitsti6n is ftnsideribij
~.. 1. . I grea or
than Ilifio. And ir':Lth~ an. increab.P.Am cuirren density. A high 4*itjr~ alloy. cont4iini_
ing pr6au-ced,- th-.41' cuiriiint- density ~oi'b.'5-1.0 6/dm Vitlv,tbi f63-1-ow-.
Lid indium (ii ~ the s~it~te) iot&Uid,
t*-~~ 26"iahd,iin-.~aq ob Ut an of~.::Opoc~jp
bi he
2L2 :La. 0d
i C, (--, fi"; I!-;rv, v -
EYSEN, 0. [Eisent 0.1, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ARUMM, E.; IO(XSON,V.
Doonson, V.]
Application of gas chromatography in determining the chemical
composition of the light-shale extraction products. Beat toad aked
tehn fuus 9 no.2:113-120 960. (EM 9:12)
1. 1nstitut khin!Li, Akadeali. nauk Estonskay SSR.
(Shale) (Chromatography)