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On pressure-deformed ... D225/D303
ik -P(ik) [A fik )+ Bmnpf ik ik
mnp (1 (2)+ Omnpf(3)j (56)
1/giigkk mnp
In the system
dz (44)
coefficients FrS and free terms LS depend on the pressured state
of the shell; therefore, to solve it the method of elastic so-
lutions will be used. For the first solution T it was assumed
that? (o-1 0; then a 1=. 1 , (x2 . , and FrS and LB are
1 + v
constants. For N=1 the system consists of 3 equations; for N=2
Cgrd 12/14
On pressure-deformed ... D225/D303
it consists of 24 equations,which are solved by Gramer's formulae.
For N=n the system consists of m equationst solved-in computers,
There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references.
SUBMITTED: August 10, 1959
19 Q 1121 S,601 lffS LV~1_4 D221/D301
AUTHOR: Ionov, Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE. Calculating stresses in an ogive shell during penetration
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashinostroyeniye,
no. 7, 1961, 19-26
TRXT: The stresses ogive shell~at its penetration into a medium
of known properties are malyzedo It is assumed that the deformet:ions
of the shell are small, the material is isotropic, and its stress-strain
diagram is known; (Hooke's law within the limit of elasticity dnd the
laws of the theory of small elastic and plastic deformations beyond the
elastic limit). The problem is quasi-static because the speeds of
contact between the shell and the'barrier are assumed to be below the
critical speed The system of external forces cons,ists of gravity with
the potential the outside external pressure P33-- P & (0) "1 ~, (? )
2 2 2 T 2
at zzh (Fig. 1)a Internal pressure P33 P AM (0) at zmbh;
Card 1/#
Calculating stresses D221/D301
the end pressure for 2 in defined by, Eq. W9
Guj2.sin 02
-.n (f) Z (z) (A)
2 4 7-'_' r h
where Pr( (=1.2) are the characteristic* of the external and internal
pressure; a is the coefficient of overloading, and G up in the weight
of the upper part of the structureo The geometry of the shell is
specified by the radii of curvature of the mean surface R I and R 2 . The
variatioa limits of the coordinates aria (B) 0 0 '!;~O , 0 2 V,
and - h ~(*~ Z t;~hv the thickness of shell being generally variables,
h -,, h (0, ? ). The stress tena*or is ( fj' WCV0)+((Tc), where ( 6 ) is
the principal tenaoro and (,%'Ola) is the correction tensor,~ In considera-
tion. of the principal-tensor,9 the generalized surface forces Qik
are quoted, and the stress function of the principal tensor is a 'kht
Card 2/S 1,
Calculating stresses ... 0221/D301
after in the form Eq. (5)''
(I - cos.0) (Pit Cos Z) Fj'j+ (I Cos (5)
2 '2 2
Each unknown term of the latter 16 determined from the boundary
conditions on the surface and the ends of the shell. The correcting
-stress tenser must be obtained by solving an infinite system of algebraic
equations.- linear within the elastic limit and lion-linear beyond it.
In the second caset one must use -the method of successive approximat ions.
A previous work of the'author is referred to (It6f4 2: "Mashinostroyeniye"
no.2, 1959) for calculating the coefficients. These calculations plus
the solution of algebraic equations should be made with the aid of elec-
tronic computers, or by methods of numerical integration. There are I
figure, I table and 2 Soviet-bloc referenceso
AS60CIATION: MVTU im. N.E. Baumana (MVTU im. N. 1E. Bauman)
SUBMITTED:, September 5, 1960
Card 3A ~'L7
()0(D 2~ 07 S/145/61/000/004/001/008.
'AUTHOR: Ionovp V.N., Pandidate of Physico-Mathematical
aul-endeet Docent
TITLE: Calculatingstresses in spherical and almost
spherical bodies
'PERIODICAL: ..Izveetiya vyeshikh uohebnykh zavedeniy. Mashino-
no. 4p' 19610 90 100
TEXT: Nearly.'spherical,bodies-are defined'as bodies.of revolution,
whose.generatrix is a~circular are with a displaced center..The,.
author introduces a system-of spherical coordinates x! = e' X2 cp
and x3 = r. The metric tensor has g1, z: r2, r2sin2Tptand
1. The stress tenser arAo'constructed as a sum (d)
(yb) - + ~'(O'c
where (tyb) is--the basic stx~ess tenser; ((r..) is the correcting stress
tenser. The author--obt~aizie.-
1 M4 F
02 P, ~OF 0
f _2F - I 1 1(6)
+2 L--w- B,
6)r2, . it .1 y2
'd r Cos? oi-
Card 1/3
Calculating stresses in ... D22 D301
where r I C12QII(I) + a OQO ctg 01 (r' Q(t)l I +
ar (r 0 +
+ sin O"t 6, s (r' ~%)'I,dyfl)
The above caii be solied;. by the method pf eigenfunctions if certain
conditions are satisfied. The.eligenfunbtions are
],-A +An
RI- +AJ p (2 -A:.) p' (17)
where A~I are roots, of.the'transeendeiital equation
(pl+ I.- A) (2 -A) N 1 (16)
(P,+I+A)(2+A) 2A
p being a di'mensionlese radius* The final form of P is derived,
and the. boundary conditions are met if the generalized surface for-
Card 2/3
8/14 qW1000100410011008
Calculating etreosee In D221 D301
ces, Q 1k ) are self-balanced. F is determined by the same method.
(Y 12
Other functions F are obtained as series expansions. The func-
tions (Pik are obtained from the same formulae as Pik by change of
an index. If Q"k) does not meet the conditions of self-balance, 1-11,
is necessary to separate the self-balancing parts, and apply the
above solution. The stress functions of the baoic tensor can be
found from F ik and(Pik with the aid of well-known formulae. The
construction of ok has been considered in a previous papers The use
of computers is advisable for the calculations. There are 3 Soviet-
bloc references.
ASSOCIATION: MVTU im. N.E. Baumana (MVTU im. N.B. Bauman)
SUBMITTED: February 5, 1960
Card 3/3
IONOV, V.N.~ kand.tekhn.nau~
Calculating stresses in an ogive shell during the penetration into
the ground. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.7-19-26 161.
(MIRA 14:9)
1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana.
(Elastic plates and shells)
BABULIN, NikolAy Alekseyevich; BARANOVSKIY, M.A., mucim. red.;
KONCIIA, F.F.g red.;IONOV)J.11~~.l red.
[Construction and interpretation of working drawings
for the maTmfacture of machinery] Postroenie i chtenie
mashinostroltelInykh rabochikh chertezhei. Izd.2.,
perer. i dop. Moskva, Vysshaia shlcola, 1964. 275 p.
(NIRA 18-1)
FRIft,".1111, Isidor YIJZIJ!MC', Yurijy Arsenlyevt-,,h:
LEYNACRUK, Yetg,--P-Ly lvanovicb; CIEEKAIM, A~k,.,
nauchn. red.; V UEOVA, L.K., red.; red.
[Technology of mechanized metal deposition] Tek~nolo-
gila makhanizirovamoi naplavkli.. MuEleva, Vyssheia
shkola,, 1964. 303 P. (MrRA 18:1)
L ~2581-6
'2.8gloll AP5002236 3/0140/64/000/006/0059/0066
4=20RS: lonov. V. N. (Moscov); LvediSqUy 0. 1. (Moscow)
T11AXi On possible forma of general colution of equilibrium equationa with
our-.rilLnear coordinates
SOURGEt MZ. Hatematilmg no* 69 1964v 59-66
TOPIC 20-St streas tefteorp tensor analysis, elasticity theory, curvilinear
-tot all i9 Solittioni
Ihrai rQSS iviotiond f
obtAned in ybysically meaningNI forms. Orig, ext. hass 26 equations.
Card 2/3
BASTOV) Viktor Fedorovich; IVANOV, Rodion Prokoflyevich;
IPPOLITOV, Anatoliy.Georgiyevich; 14AREMIYANICHEV, S.N.;
MOSOLOV, K.V.; IONQY.,,_V.& red.
(Teaching of the fundamentals of production mechanigation
and.automation]-,Prepodavanie osnov mekhanizatsii i avto-
matizataii proizvodstva. Moskva, Vysshaia sbkola, 1965.
157 p. (MIRA 18:7)
,.~~ONO~V ~doktor tekhn. nauk
Stresses in a cone-shaped body under static loading.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.7:49-57 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
1. Submitted June 4, 1963.
YEMELIYANOV, Leonid Vasillyevich; ZHIVOTINSKIY, Lev Abratmovich;
GITLEVICH, Arlon Davldovich; TYURIN, V.F.,, nauchnyy red.;
IONOVt V.N.I_ DORDDNOVA, L.A.,, tekbn. red.
(Auxiliary equip~tftrveldlng; an album] Vapomogatel I nos, obo-
rudovante dlia evarki-, al'Us. Moskva, Prortekhisdat, 1962, 123p.
(MIRA 16:1)
(W9ldInC-;--Wpwmt and supplies)
ZHEBIN, Moisey Isaakovich; SHMIRGON, S.A., naucbrq7 red.; IQ49V
-V.N., red.; GLAZKOVA, Ye.l., red.; DDRODKOVA, L.A., tekhn.
[Molder employed in -,w-1 soklinglFormovshchik ruchnoi for-
sovki. Moskyaj, Proftekhisdatp 1962. 294 p. (MIRA 16:1)
(Nolding (Founding))
.iw -,4/0
Title 4,,Zandidate of Technical Scimees
Affiliation : Member, Iditorlal Board, *ftobl~ of Rockdrt Teebnolo&"
Rammrks : N. A. Akkm~p N. 1, DiryukDvp V, T. VImso*# V* P. IOWTO
Yeo V, Madryawtaws B. Is MazaroY2 A* A. Orlovp V. J6 Pb]pv#
and Ya, M. Shaulov are ambers of the &Utorial board of, the
parlodleal "ProblaW Rak&tnoy TeMn"r'" (*Problms or hocket
Teehnology*)., ptiblishe& by the Ibrelp Literattire polishing House
in Jlbxwv. The periodleal in a collection ef translations and
abstracts of forellp scientific articles and monogm1phs.
Source P: PzobleW Raketmoy Tekbaiki,, No,, 1., Jamary 19%p P. 2
kTMYAVTSff, Te.T., doktor tekhnwnsuk, rVd - UNOT, T.P.. Land.fis.-mat.
namk, red.; OSOKIXA, 1.1.0 red.; RMKINA red.
(Problems of high-speed fligMal Problemy poleta a bollshial
akorostiami; sborulk statei. Moskva. Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry.
196o. 173 p.
(Aerodynamics, Dapersonic) (mIRA. 14:,3)
P---dvoditelev, Aleksandr Savvich, Yevgeniy Vladimirovich Stupochenko, Viktor
Pavlovich Ionov, Aleksandr Bergeyevich Pleshanov., Igor' Borisovich HoWestvenskiyj
and levgedy-Millyevich Ba=Wlov
Temodinamicheskiye funktsli vozdukha dlya. temperatur at 1000 do 12,0000 K i davleniy
0t 0.,001 do 1000 atm (grafiki fudktoiy) (Thermodynamic Functions of the Air for
Temperatures From 1,000 to 12,000" K. and Pressures From 0.001 to 1,000 atm.
/Graphn of the Functions/) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 53 P. Errata any
inserted. 2,500 eopies printed.
Sponsoring Ageacies: Akedemiya nauk BSSR. Fnergetickeskiy institut imeni G.M.
Krzhirba4ovskogo; Mnisterstvo vyoshego obrawvaniya SWR; Moskovskiy goeudaretyennyy
univeraitet imeni N.V. I&Aonosova. Fizicheskiy falculltet.
Resp. Ed.: A.S. Predvoditelev, Corresponding Mmber, AcadenW of SciezicesUSSR.
PWOBE: Mis book is intended for scientists and engineers coacerned vith thermo-
dynamic air functions.
Tiermodynamic Functions of the Air (Coat.) sov/446T
COVERAGE; The publication contains diagrams or tt*rwdynamia air Ametions plotted
an eats of curves in relation to teaperatum and pmimrs, where preosura has been
taken as parameter. In addition, an appriaximation meftod for caleulation of the
straight shock is described. Universal curtres., representing the dependence of the
ratio of pressures and enthalpies along the sh,,,.Nck on the H numberoare given.
The diagrams have been plotted using exact data eceputed by means of an electronic
cerputer at the Vyehislitellnyy tsentr Aka&..mii nvA SSSR (Camuting Center,
knademy of Sciences: USSR). Mie work preasent~xd in this publication was done by
scientific workers,bf the Laboratory of Combuotion Physics at the Energeticheskly
ins"itut AN SSSH (Power Ningineering Institute, A.adeqj of Solences USSR), apd the
lkpartmient of Molecular Physics of the Diviaion of Pb~mics at MU (NDscov State
11hivelraity) under the general direction of Professor A.S. Pradvoditelev,.porresponding'
Merber of the Academy of Sciences USSR. ar:-: 3 references, all Soviet.
IONOV, V. P., and IONINOV, A. A.
"Spectral Properties of Some Gases at High Temperatures
and Pressures."
Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer,
Minsk, BSBR, Tune 196l.
KORYAVTSEV., Ye.V.., doktor tekhn. nauk,, red.,-IONOV, V.P., kand. fiz.-
mat. nauk, red.j VISKOVA, M., red.; DOTSOKO, V., tekbn. red.;
IOVLEVAp N., tekhn. red.
N~obile plasma] Dviawshchaiasia plazma; abornik perevodov. Mo-
skva, lzd-vo ihostr. lit-ry, 196-1. 612 p. (MIRA 15:1)
(Plama (Ionized gaoes))
AUTHOR: ligno-VIN-P.- 1014/1252
TITLE: Determination Of gas flow parameters at the surface of a cone moving at high speed,
with gas dissociation taken into account (approximate metl:ods)
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Silovyye ustanovki, no. 4,1%2, 37, rbstract 42.4.237 "Fiz. gazo-
dinamika i teploobmen' M." AN SSSR, 1961, 25-30
TEXT: It is assumed that the flow is isentropic and axially symmetrical. The problem is solved on the basis
of equations of motion and continuity, as well as of the energy and the state of the gas. An approximate
solution was obtained on the assumption that at high flight speeds the conic shock wave approaches the
surface of a cone while flow parameters vary insignificantly inside the gas layer between the shock wave and
cone surface. Theproblern is simplified by using an approximate adiabatic curve equation for a dissociated gas.
Comparison of the exact and approximate methods for M = 3.6-8.7 showed good apreement. A method was
also studied based on the assumption of non-compressible liquid flow in the zone between the conical shock
wave and the cone surface,
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation.)
Card 1/1
AUTHORSs Ionov, V. P., Konikov, A. A.
TITLE: Radiation spectra of diatomic gases under adiabatic compres-
PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimlya, no. 24, 1961, 15, abstract
24B83 (Sb. "Fiz. gazodinamika i teploobmen". M., AN SSSR,
1961, 46-- 50)
TEILT3 Emission spectra have been obtained, on an adiabatic compression
apparatusq for air, 0 29 N29 H29 Ar. and He. The spectra of air and the
diatomic gases are continuous. The radiation of air in the 5500 - 6700
range temperatures between 2000 and 35000K and pressures between 100 and
5PO atm can be regarded as gray-body radiation. In these conditions the
spectra from single-atomic gases are line spectra with a slight continuous
background. Abstracter's notes Complete translation
Card 1/1
Vie 61~003/001/004/020
A05i Al 29
AMORB# Banoylov, O.Ts., Tikhomirovt V.I., Ionovq V.P4, Kuzueteova, A.A.
TITM The relationship between the effectiveness of the salting-out agent
and the hydration of the salting.,out ion
PIRIODICALs Radiokbimiyag v 3j no 19 1961,o 144-18
.=Tt In the present~vork the'authors have investigated the relationship
between the effe,ativenses-of-tho malting-out,agent and the hydration of -the
theory developed in Ref 1. It is -
seen. that the -stranger'the salting-out cation in hydratedg the more effect-
iTO the given a should be in rols,tion,to it, i.e.9 the
<ing_oUt sCent
higher should be the value of its A- Boalting-ont (a decrease in the energy
of activation of the water molecule extraction from the closeet surroundings
..Of the extracted ion). Thus, AS '~~ k- (3)
salting-out S3
card 1A
The relationship between-the offootiveness 4051/1129
where k is a coefficient depending on the cation charge of the salting-out
agent, dipole moment of the water molsoule and characteristics of the water
-solution i -and -ai- the &Volage (6ffootivo) distanoe between-the salting-out
catiwand. the Gation of-Ake salting,*out agoatV W& an increase in the
hydration of the- salting-out ion, the value.of E related to the
action of a certain salting-out agent an it increasesa (4)
(Assalte-out)i 4' zoalto-out)i , or (b E,,lt.-out)i -rr(,o z,a`lt.-o,t.,$
'where the coefficient T> 1 0 For *arious salting-out agents it is %soused
that the values of the oooffiaients are about equal, th*ns
salt.-Out), (""Osal't.-Out)i (5)
where s m 1#2139 corresponding to the different salting-cuVagents. Us
.authore,inv*stigate the saltia#*out ion* i and J, whereby the L~-L~&As
., characterized by a higher hydration than the J-ion. It in established--Ahat
'.the relationship of A Es,li.-cut to the hydration of the salting-out ion
Card 2/6
8/18 61/00j/001/004/020
The relationship between the effectiveness ... A051YA129
brings about the-squatialis
8,2 A2 i *
(where a is the distribution coefficient 45ef 17). It is confirmed *xpori-,
mentally by investigating the extraction of ur&4yl and thorium with tributyl.-
phosphate from water solutions containing magnesium, calcium and strontium
nitrates. Equation-9 indicates that with a strengthening of the hydration of
th*-s<ing-out ion the relative increase in the distribution coefficient
growei determined by the growth of the effectiveness of the salting-out agent.
Table 1 lists the determined values of the dietribution coefficients of
uranyl and thoriump and tabie 2 liets the ratios of the distribution coeffi-
oiento for uranyl and thorium in the presenes of various salting-out agents
frosi a group of magnesiung calcium and strontium nitrates. The ratios taken
are that of the distribution ooofficionts in the presence of a more effective
salting-out &Sent to the value of the distribution coefficient In the pro
once of & lose effective salting-out agent. The data of table 2 show th;t
hose ratios for thorium are greater than for uranyl. Since thorium is
Card 3/6
The relatioi,.~:hip between the effectiveness.&. 1051/.L129
hydrated 2aro strongly in:aquedus solutions than uranyl, it is concluded that
the experimental results confirm the validity of equation (9). Thor* ors
.2 tables, 9 foraulas and 6 reforenosse 4 Soviet-bloc, 2 non-Soviet-bloo.
Card 4/6
AUTHOR: Ionov, V.P$
TITLE. Supersonic flown in profile nozzles in the regime of
overexpansion during variations of the Reynolds number
of the'stream
PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 2, 1962, 34, abstract
2B204 (V Sb. Gazodinamika i fiz. goreniya. M., AN SSSRI
1959, 84-87)
TEXT: Investigation of the structure of the stream in regimes of over-
expansion was carried out in plane supersonic nozzles with transparent
wall* irith the aid of Tepler's'instrument. Two nozzles with M = 2.03
and M = 1.55 were tested. By varying the density of the jet stream,
the number R was changed from 0.25 to 2.5 x 105. It is shown that in
the case of laminar boundary layer (small absolute pressures of the
stream) the oblique discontinuity of condensations at the wall of the
nozzle branches off into a complex system, while In ca-me of a turbulent
boundary layer the oblique discatinuity ends at the wall by a A -shaped
Card 1/2
Supersonic flows in ... D234/D302
discontinuity with on* 'leg'. I Abstracter's not*: Complete transrationj -
Card 2/2
AUTHORS-z Kon,lkov,' A.A, and Ionov, V.P.
TITLE: 41actral'-charactoristics OC some gasea,at high
temperatures and pressures
SOURCE: T'Opxo- A~-massoperenoz. t-. 1: Teplofiziche'SkIYA
kharaktoriatiki.materialoy i metody ikh opred*lamiyaq-
Edi by - X., V. ',Lykoy and B - M. Smol I skiy. 'Minsk,
lzd-vci-'AN 5SSR* 1962. 196 - 2o4,*
TEXT: This., paper -reports astudy of the spectral character-
is.tics of ~-pure air,and of -air contaiftinj carbon duot. In
addItlon,, a 'study"Wasi.mad8of the properties of nitrogen. oxyfien
and hydrogen- up to .3 ~ 500 K and helium and argon abo*e, 5 000
A special. steel chamber in which the gases were adiabatically
compressed was used to obtain the above temperat~xr6s between 100.
and 1 000 atm. The, . temperatures could, be hold for about I
The emission spectra ifere recorded with the itid'of thew n _51..
(ISP-51) spectrdgraph (both integral and' time-resolvoci spectra
were obtained). -A determination.was mado'in each came of the
temperature, emissivity, degree of blaelmesal electrical'
C,~rd 1/2
Spectral charact~A&.tics ... E03P/1951.4,
conductivity and,compression of tho gas. Xt, was found.that the
emission spectra of adiabatically compressed air and the diatonlo
gases mentioned above were continuous in.the absenc*'*of artifici-
ally introduced impurities. Under these condition' IL the wnixei~u'.
of air between 5 500-and 6 700 X at 2,000 - 3 500* K and 100
500 atm. may be looked'upon'as the emission"of a gray body.- Undelo
thdoe..conditions the, emission spectra of, monoatomic:,.Satsen exhibit
spectral lines, superimposed on a low continuous-background. The
spectrum contains lines due to Fe., Cr, Na -and K impurities. . Th* '.m
emission spectra'of air with suspended unactivated -carbon dust'Ars
similar to the spectrum of ordinary air under tfie'above conditions;,
except that the intensity Is higher by a factor of 60 70.
The introduction of 0-57;.(by wt.) of carbon dust into air giv"
rise to an increase in its electrical ~,onductivity JW a factor of,
100 - 500. There are 7 figures and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: -Energeticheskiy institut im. G. He Krzhizhanovskogo'
(Power Engineering Institute im.
G%%M. KrzhizhanovaRiy)
Card 2/2
KTUIZnCR V.P.p kandAekhn.wmkI red.~LLONOVOJT..'.. "fis t-,
;;L9 radol SKR=KAj V.Nej reds; RUMBOAt A.G.p tsklm.rad.
[Gas dynamics and beat, exchange ix conaiis~tb obamical
reactions] Gazodinamiks, i teploobmen PLI
reaktaii; abornik statei. Moskva, lzd-vo iz6iO.Iit-rYp 1962.
552 p. Translated from the Inglish. (KIRA, 3.3 z 5)
(Gas dynamics) (Heat-Transmission)
AUTHORS: Kon',kov, A. A. and Ionov V. P.
TITLE: Investigation of radiation and electrical conductivity
of adiabatically compressed air with admixtures of coal
particles and CO
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energeticheskiy-institut. Piziches-
kaya gazodinamika, teploobmen i termodinamika gazov vy-
sokikh temperatur. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 290-299
TEXT: The experimental installation and methods of measurement are
described in *detail. The author investigated the spectral composi-
tion of the radiation, the degree of blackness and electrical con-
ductivity up to 35000K and *at 100 -.1000 atm. Maximum size of coal
particles was 100 microns, The emission spectrum of air containing
~'non-activated~coal particles is continuous and siTilar to that of
CO burning on oxygen atmosphere, for 5500 _ 6700 A wavelengths,
with T- 2000 - 35000K#- p = 100 - 500 ata it can be regarded as a
,-.~-grey body radiation. The admixture of coal powder to air (0.5% by
,...Card 1/2.
Investigation of radiation ... D234/D308
weight) increases the emission capacity of the latter by 60 70
times and its electrical c -onductivity by 100 - 500 times. The au-
thors also give an oscillogram of the conductivity of adiabatically.
compressed CO + 02 mixture, pointing out that itis asymmetrical.
Thereare 9 figures and 1 table.
;Card 2/2
Inver'sion of the order of the salting-out capacity of cations during-
extraction. RadiokhirAiia 5 no.5;559-562 163. (KRA 17-0).
Determination of sodium in metallic tungsten by the radioactivation
method. Zhur.anal.khim. 18 no.lOtl272-1273 0 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R.,
'.L 12364-61~.
SSDI(b 14101C-
ACCESSION Nil: 9/0000/64/000/000/012710137
v., G. M..,-,G1ugevj H. V. Luneva, 0. 1.:
AUTHOR: Tjpti'2~ ~-V:P Rikotave
TITLE: -Investigation of shock-tube flows using the Tepler method and high-speed
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Energeticheak!y LtLqtipq~. Firicheskaya gazodinamike i svoyat-
va gazov prf ;-y*sokikh temperaturakh (Physical gas dynamicu and properties of
gases at high temperatures). Floscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 127-137
TOPIC TAGS: 'shock tube, shock wave, shock'wave reflaction, stipersamia flow,
shock tube flow
ABSTRACT: An experimental - st.udy'of shock-tube flows using the Tepler method-and-I
hiih-speed photography is presented. Detailed descriptions of the optical ap-
paratus, shock tube, and the experimental procedure are given. The photographic
records used to illustrate the various flow patterns and shock wave reflections
in the range from Mach 6.7 to 7.2 are presented and discussed. The method is
applied Lo the study of shock wave reflections from a wall with a slit and also
to supersonic flow around obstacles of various shapes in oxygen and nitrogen.
i_ Card
I- - - - - - - -
Mechanization of welding operations on building ways. Avtom.
over. 18 no.808-59 Ag 065. (MIRA l8r1l)
1. Subidtted Febmary 269 1965. . .. I
1, 'T -F ~ J10 - ~7 r,-- 1,
.71 j 7, -ZZ T j,~1
AUTHOR:__ Ion G. N.
ORG: none
TITLE: Experimental study of a flow of dissociated gases through a supersonic nozzle
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Energeticheskiz institut,. Issledovaniya po fizicheskoy gazodinamm--
(Studies of physical gas dynamics). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 158-164.
TOPIC TAGS: gas flow, supersonic flow, equilibrium flow, propulsion nozzle, super-'.
sonic nozzle
ABSTRACT: The supersonic flow of various gases (oxygen, itrogen,and carbon dioxide)
through two supersonic nozzles was investigated iiiii-rf-mentaliy. The n.ozzles were
placed in a shock tube so that the heated and dissociated gas discharged through the
nozzles after reflecting from the tube end. Two nozzles were used: one with two
flat straight walls and two flat diverging walls, and the other, an axisymmetrical
nozzle with a hyperbolic contour. The gas parameters at the nozzle outlet were
determined by photographing the flow patterns of the gas flowing around a semi-wedge.
Mach numbers at the nozzle outlet were obtained for various nozzle-area ratios, and
then compared with data calculated under the assumption that the flaw is in equilib-
rium and isentropic. The errors caused by disregarding the heat transfer and fricti
at the walls were estimated. A considerable Aeviation from the isentropic data was
C!nrA 1/2
10 11 'T T 11"
L 344o6-66
ACC NRt AT6022657
observed for 00 and 02. This discrepancy may be due to the fact that the flav Is
not in equilib;Ium. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. lpvl.
Card 2/2
ZAKHAROV, S.N.p kand,tekhn,,nauk; KAPIAN, V.V.., inzb,- IORCY--V.V. inzh.;
OSIPWAS T.V., inzh.; SHEFNAN,, U.N., inzh.; SHESHIft, B.A., inzh.
New MG-10 and MG-20 generator switches. -Vest. elektroprom. 32 no.3:
73-76 mr 161. (MA 15:6)
(Electric switchgear)
RUNOV, VA., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent5 SEDOV, M.G., dotsGnt,- IONOV, V.Ye., inzh.
Some defects In the introduation of large silica blockn In the city
of Gorkiy. Trudy GISI no.43al6-24 163. (MIRA 17:4)
'-'- .. 1.
IONOVp lueA,
Most ffective periods for immunization with normal and purified
adsorbed diphtheria anatoxins under experimental corAitions.
Kaz. med. zhur, no6 4:50-52 Jl-Ag 160. (MnA 13:8)
1, 12 kafedry apidemiologii (zav. - prof, A.E. Ozol) Kazanskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
Importance of the interval between the vaccination with
purified adsorbed diphtheria anatoxin and the revaccination
with native anatoxin. Nauch. trudy Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:
187-188 164. (MIRA 18:9)
1. Kafedra epidemiologii (zav. - prof. A.E.Ozol) Kazanskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
Immunological effectiveness of purified adsorbed diphtheria
anatoxin and native anatoxin in an experiment. Nauch. trudy
Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:189-191 164. (141RA 18:9)
1. Kafedra epidemiologii (zav. - prof. A.E.Ozol) Kazanskogo
meditsinskogo instituta. -
Titanium tetrachloride compounds with carbamide.
Zhur.neorg.khim. U no.l.-138-143 Ja.166,,
(KIRA 19:1)
1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni
N.S.Kurnakova AN SSSR. Submitted April 6, 1965.
Interaction of titanium teirachloride with pyridine and ethyl
-. alcohol. Izv. AN SSSR. Neorg. mat. 1 no.11:1853-1857 N 165.
(~HRA 18:12)
1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni N.S.
Kurnakova AN SSSR. Submitted April. 27, 1965.
1 ~,
IONOVS Yu. K.p kand.tekhn.nauk
Relation between the peening and the wearing of band steel.
Vop, rud, transp, no,2:312-315 1957. (MIRA 14:4)
I* Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut.
(Mine railroads)
(Mechanical wear)
,IONOV Yu.K., kand.tekhn.nauk
Abrasion wearing of band steel. Vop. rud. transp. no.2:316-321
1957. (MIM 24:4)
1, Duepropetrovskiy gornyy institut.
(Mine railroads)
(Mechanical wear)-
ICKOV, Yu.K.9 kand.tekbn.nauk; GVAYp P.I.9 otv. za vypusk
[Design and vear resistance of pine of a sectional pull chain]
0 raschete i isnose palltsev tiagovoi razbornoi, teepi. Ebepro-
petrovsko 1959. 17 p. (Ihepropetrovsk. Inzhenerno-stroitel4qi
institut. Naucbnoe soobohchenieq no.52). (MM 14:6)
1. Zmestitell direktora Dhepropetrovskogo inzhenerno-.Stroitellnogo
instituta (for Ovay). (Chains)
Using a DW Insecticide mixture for controlling flies. Gig. i son.
22 no.6t87-88 Jo 157. (KIRA 10:10)
1. Is Koskovskay Corodskoy dazinfektsionnoy stanteii.
control with MW mixtures (Rua))
(M. effects.
f lies -control. mixtures (Rue))
LnWA) V&A,,; AM-4AD71, I.Z.-! mii~ :I
Use of dry Ow&homor* fly-paper with chlorophos a4 84 .
subotanos in fly control. Ned.paraz.i paraz.bol. 29 31 ~
330-334 160.- W~K= 13t:L2);,
(mmiclm) (n-m-urmmmrics)- .
-IONOVA,.A. M.: Master Agrio Sci (diss) -- "Keeping potatoes in holes and tren-
ches Under the conditions of western Siberia". Omsk, 1959. 23 PP (Abstracts
of dissertations presented at the Omsk Agric inst im S. M. Kirov), 170 copies
(KL, No 14P 1959P 121)
IONOVA, 1. A.: Master Med Sci (dies) -- "The problem of reactivity in dysen- I.I
tery of children". Moscow, 1958. 15 pp (Second Moscow State Med Inst im N. 1. e
Pirogov), 220 copies (KL, No 5, 1959, 156)
-- ONOV;, G.V.1 OY~'TKTNAj N.Ye.
Molecular orbits of tetrahedral 1.7droxyanions of tranaition
eXATents, Report I'loolz Chromate and permanganate. Zhur. strukt,
R-Um. 6 no.1028-136 Ja-F 165.
(MIRA 18s.12)
I., Institut obshcheX i neorganichaskoy khimll imeni N,S,
Nurnakova AN SSSR, Submitted January 10, 1964,
.LO_kq~,_~~Yo DYATKINAl Me*
Molecular orbits of MzO3F. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.9:2036-2040 S
165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Institut obahchey i neorganichaskoy Ichimli imeni Kurnakova AN SSSR.
Molecular orbital!j of tatrabodral crrdnions of
Repurt N0.49 FGD,4 molecule, Y"hur.atruktAhim.
1, Tretitut nbahobay.1 neorganichasiccrf Khiuall.
Al SSSR, Submltfnd' 14.Lrob a. 1965.
lvransiticgn metals.
6 r4o.5:796~-'197
OCRA 18112)
Imori PI.S.Kurnakovaq
oblem of reactivity in dyeentery In children. Vop.okh.
.mat. I det. 4 no.3:45-4 M7-Jo '59. (KIRL 12:8)
l..Iz kafedry propedevtiki detakikh boleznoy (zav. - prof.
V.A.Vlaaov) II Hookovokogo me&itainakogo inatituta iment
HoIoPirogova (dir. - doteent H.G.SirotkirAs) n& base Detskoy
klinichooko7 bollnitay, Imeni N.F.Filatova (glavW vrach
Irythrocyte sedimontation rate and curves of erythrocyte sedimentation
In nurseries, kindergertens, and schools [with sumary
In Znglishle Pediatrlia 36 noo-9:62-66 D158 (MMA 11:11)
1e Is kafedry propedevtiki detakikh bolesney (zav. - prof. T.As'
Vlasov) 11 Mookovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni, N.I. Pirogava
na base detakoy bollnitsy iment, N.Y. Filatova (urlavnyy vrach M-Ne
Kalugina). .
In child in Russia (Rua))
LYSOVAI A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; DANDBEKOV, S.D.,, kand. tekhn.
[Altum of prestressed,reinforced concrete roof construc-
tions for the general repair of apartment houses] Allbom.
predvaritalino naprinshennykh zhelesobstonnykh konstruk-
tsii krysh dlia kapitallnogo remonta shilykh.-domov.
Leningrad, 1962. 8, 58 p. diagrs. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Aka&miya komunallnogo khosyaystva. Leaingradskiy
nauchno-isOledovatellskiy institut.
(Roofing, Concrete)
1322. FAIS QLdJt=22'Z rruccula taitns Pile*
altetzedw d , S -
.T4a4F'.':' U.S S.M., 11951" t72
n1faimiffe tlm effect of tfurd e!6-aents to jyoc-ro.
pspbLz aulysm it i; aeceszmT to destroy the
cryaW tattica. Ce., to work with the liqvki state,
and at the Luno time retain 5park excitation. The
----V~Ojf the, r 01- e
LYSOVA, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; VINEii, irlvh-; GA!"fMiG,
i-iv,h.; IONOVA,,_K.,.L.., inzh.; KALISTRATOVA, N.V.p inzh.;
RABINOVIGH, G.M., lnzb.; MISTER, G.M., red.
[Album of precast reinforced concrete elevients of enclos-
ing structures for major repair of residential buildings;
working drawings] Albom sborrqkh zhelezobetoMkh kon-
struktsii perekrytii dlia kapitallnogo remonta zhilykh
domov; rabochie chertezhi. Leningrad, Akad. komun.khoz.
1963. 115 P. (~IIRA 17:7)
1. Akademiya komunallnogo khozyaystva. Leningradskiy
nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut.
Statistical study of the precision of spectrtzo anal sis of
unalloyed steel. Isv. AN'8332. Ser. f1s. 19 no.1:129-130 JA-F
,55. (NWA 8:9)
1. Kazakhokly metallaWcheekly savod
(Spectrum analysis) (Spectrometer)
- 'MIG"Itcal. StudY of the ozectitude of umlloyod sto*l qmtre-
grapMe analyals. Zav. lab. 23 uo.5:5M-591 137. (KERA 10:8)
1. Emkbskiy Uvt&IlUrgtCh9Sklr nvod.
L (fteol--Swtra) (cormlation (Statistics)y
Statistical consideration of the fluctuation of parameters of
calibration curves. Itz.abor, no.4:528-~532 '58AKIRA 12:5)
le.laxekhokly mtallurgichaskly zavod.
(Spectrum analysis)
AUTHORS: Ionovsu--XjL-Qenshaft, S.A. 32-2)+-4-34,/67.
TITLE: A Method for the. Spectral Analysis of Cast Iron Graphite on
Magnesium (Metod spektrallnogo analiza chuguna, i grafita na
PERIODICAL Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 4, pp. 459-460 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the course of the determination of magnesium in cast iron the
fine metal chips on the send bath are dissolved in hydrochloric-
and nitric acid 0:1) and the dissolved magnesium is examined on
a ISP-26 speotrograph. A IG-2 generator with carbon electrodes
is used as a light source. Standard samples made frcm synthetio
standard magnesite Nr 82 are usedo the preparation of which is
described. The error limit of this method is given as being
+ 5.E%; magnesium can be determined within a concentration inter-
ial of 0.02-0.45% in oast iron. Analysis of six samples takes
1412 hours. In the case of the determination of magnesium in
graphite powder, the latter is annealed for 2 hours at 10000 C;
there follows a treatment with byarofluorio ae-d, melting in
soda at 10000 C for 5 minutes, and dissolution in hydrochloric
Card 1/2 acid (1:2). Standard samples of magnesite, the production of
A Method for the Spectral Analysis of Cast Iron 32-24-4-34/67
Graphite on Magnesium
Which is described are again used. The employment of an "inner
standard" in form of a chromous chloride solution is also
necessary. The other conditions are similar to those applying
in the owe of the detemination of magnesium in cast imn. The
spare deviation is mentioned u being + 2.53% (relAtive).
Magnesium can be determined in quantities of from 0.5 - 11% in
graphite powder, in which case 6 houm am needed for the in-
vestigwtion of five samples. Investigations were carried cut in
cooperation with N.R. Laletina. There art 4 references, 4 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATICN: Kazakhskiy matal-Ourgicheskly za-oa (Kazakh Metallurgical Plant)
1. Graphite powders--Spectra. 2. Magnesium--Determination
3. Spectrum analyzers--Performance 4. Hydrofluoric acid
--Chemical effects
card 2/2
Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Investigation of the effect of ter-
tiary elements in the spark spectral analysis of open-hearth
slags." Alma-Ata, 1960. 16 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Second-
ary Specialist Education Kazakh.SSR, Kazakhstan State Univ imeni
S. N. Kirov); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 1?2)
~, ".- IONOV&, K. 1.
' -ieey-ef the spectrographic method of anRlysis of open hearth
slags. Zav.lab. 26 no.5:581-507 160. NTRA 13:7)
I., raropudiuskly politekhnicbeski7 Institut.
. - - - I.: -. .I .I ~ I ~ : . ; - . I -.- I I
. - " : .I P
AUTHORS: Karanovich, G. G., Ionova, L. A., Podollskaya, B. L.
TITLE: The Photometric determination of Gallium by Means of Gallion
(Fotometricheskoye opredeleniye galliya pri pomoshchi galliona)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol- 13, Nr 4, pp. 439-
444 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Several organic compounds are used for the photometric deter-
mination of gallium. These compounds react with gallium in
forming deeply colored compounds (Refs 1-4). "Gallion", a re-
action product from H-acid and diazotized 2-amino-4-nitro-6-
chloro-phenol, is an interesting reagent to gallium (Ref 6).
It is water-soluble; its 0,01% aqueous solution has a dark-red-
and the alkaline solution a blue-violet color. The reagent is
easily soluble in alcohol and acetone, whereas it is difficult
to solve in chloroform and ethylene-chloride. The solutions of
gallion form colored compo-dnds with several elements. A com-
pound of blue color is formed with gallium. Gallion changes
its color between p H 318 and 5,8 from red to blue-violet. Be-
Card 1/4 tween PH 5,6 and 13 the blue-violet color does not change.
The Photometric Determination of Gallium by Means of Gallion
I value the color changes to
With a farther increase of the p H_
pink and attains the same shade at PH about 14 as at PH 4.
The optimum pH-value for the determination of gallium is at
PH 2,4 - 3,4. The maximum of light-absorption is at 600 y~ A
biphthalate buffer solution is useful for standardization,
though it depends in a high degree on temperature. The crystals
separate if temperature drops to +160. At optimum conditions
(pH about 3,2) the susceptibility of the determination amounts
to 012t gallium in 5 ml solution. If the solution is heated,
the final color is reached after 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, but at
room temperature only after 10 to 15 minutes. Determination
can be carried out by means of colorimetric microtitration.
The maximal tolerable quantities of foreign ions which do not
yield colored compounds with gallion (Ge, Pr, La, Mn, Go, Zn,
Li, In, Rh, Tl, Re, Pb, 1.1g, Ca, Be, Al) were found and are
mentioned. Aluminum and indium form colored compounds with
gallion at pH about 3,2. Gallium, however, can be determined
Card 2/4 in stronger acid compounds if there is a 50-fold excess of
The Photometric Determination of Gallium by Means of Gallion
these two elements. The influence of iron, which is disturbing
to a high degree, can be removed by a hydrochloric acid solu-
tion of h1droxylamine. Copper likewise exercises a disturbing
influence and has to be reduced by means pf a solution of so-
dium sulfate before its determination. After adding the hy-
droxylamine solution, the p -value of the solution has to be
brought to 2,4 --3,2 by sodium acetate. Prior to its deter-
mination in alumosilicates, aluminum alloy I zinc
blende, and other materials containing only traces of gallium,
the latter has to be separated. This 'is usually done by ex-
traction by means of organic solvents from hydrochloric acid
solution (Refs 3, 5, 7). The extraction with isoamylalcohol
and ethyl acetate from 6n hydrochloric acid solution proved to
be the most useful. The conditions for the separation and the
determination of gallium in various objects are mentioned in
detail. There are 4 figures, 7 tables, and 7 references, 2 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONt Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut khimicheskikh
Card 3/4
The Photometric Determination of Gallium by Means of Gallion
reaktivov, Moskva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of
Chemical Reagents, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: September 20, 1956
1. Gallium--Determination 2. Gal1ion-Properties 3. Reagents
--Synthesis 4. Photometry
Card 4/4
Determination.of small quantities of caprolacW in aqueous
solution. Zav*2abo 27 no.Z.-160-262 161. (MIRA 24:3)
1. GasudaretVGnnyy bA+AIWAZOtnoy promyshlonnosti.
.1.0exammethyl e)
I 'j-015M L.,V...+ 14DROZOVA, Ye.A.
Use of formyl protection in the synthesis of lysine peptides. Zilur.ob.
khim. 34 no.2:403-407 F 164. (MIRA 17:3)
.. 1. Moskovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. I
. Synthesis of tetrapeptides. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:769-772
Mr 161, (MIRA 17:6)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova.
Cyclization of totrapeptides by using ethoxyacetylene as a
condensation agent. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no.2t203-206 JI 164
(KMA 17&8)
1. Predstavlemo akademikom A.N. Belozerakim.
Cyclization of peptides with the use of ethoxyacetylene as a
condensing agent. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.9-.2859-2863 S 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
- - - , l;-,,--.:"'~.,
Synthes' of cyclization of glycylphenylalunine tetrapeptides.
Zhur. rb. khim. 34 no.12t3888-3690 D 164 (MIRA 18i1)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvemyy imiversitet im. Mmonosova.
,- I
Leptospirosis infection at a Leningrad meat combinev according
to data of 1957. Mrudy lan.inst.apid. i microbiol. 182193-201
158. (MIR& 16:7)
1. Iz kafedry epidemiologii lAningradskogo ordena Lenina insti-
tuta usovershenstvovanila vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova i laboratorli
oooboopoznykh infektoiy i rikketsiozov Leningradskogo institaft
apidemiologii,, mikrobiologii i gigi imeni Faster& (nauebmy
rakovoditell -,prof. X.N.Tokarevich ,
IONOVA, L. Yet Cand Mad Sci -- (diss) "Leptospirosis infection under conditions
of a large city (Epidemiological and laboratory data). 11 Len, 1959. 15 pp
(State Order of Lenin Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians in S. Mo
Kirov). (KL, 41-59, 106)
Cases of watat'fever, ditease caused by Leptospira of the Taramy
type. Trudy.Leninst.epid.i mikrobiol. 20.-146-156 059.
JVMLK- 16:1)
1, Is laboratorii osobo opaanykh infektsiy i rikketei6saw
Leningradskogo instituts. imeni Pastera i kafedry epidoxiologii
Goeudarstvannogo Instituts, dlya usovershomistvoyaniya vrachey.
IONOVA, M.A..refereni; LEVASHEVA, M.Ye.,referout
lowering timber in care suspended in the cage (from "The Mining Journal'
U0.6354, 1957). Biuj.TSIIN tsvet.met. no.18:36 '57. (MIRA 11:5)
(Canada--Katerisl handling) (Mine timbering)
UDALUX&q M*Be, referent;,-,IONOTA. M*A.g referent.
Shaft olnldng in Rwu Antilon and Pon Stock mines. Blul. T'SIIN
tovet, awt, no*'22t32-36-157, (XIRA, ns8)
(Sauthorn Ihodesia-Capper mines and mining)
Came of heart surgery. Ehirurgiia 35 no.10:116-117 0 159.
(KIRA 12:12)
1. 1z khlrurgicheskogo otdeleuiya (sav. N.A. lonova) bollnitsy
iment N.K. Mmpskay Krivogo Rogn Daepropetrovskoy oblasti (glavnyy
vrach G.Fo Fidpalyy).
IONOVA, M.A., Cand Agr Sci (diss) "Study of the
biological Parttmils2*4joks of ~he development ofkhe
V,,, VL-64,
aprico6 *~ selection for
winter resistance." Michurinsk, 1958, 27 pp with
illustrations (Min of Agr USSR. Fruit and vegetable
Inst im I.V. Michurin) 100 copies (KL, 50-58, 126)
- 92 -
Duration of the dormiant stage of apricots in the central fruit
growing zone. D**I'khoa. 21 Ei.e.231 no.12:19-22
'589 (MIRA 12:1)
1. Krymakly pomologicheekLy rameadnik Voesoyuznogo instituta
rastaniyevodetya. P.redetavleno Waademikom P.M.Zhukovskim.
sHuRAKOV, F.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MOSKAMiKOy K.M., tekhni
MOSTOLOVITSA K.Yu. tekhnik,- Q10VA,
.9 .9 .1 kand. sellkhoz.
nauk; TOLKACHEV, V.P.x nauchn. sotr.; ORLOV) G.K., tekh-ni
SOLCYVIYEVA, T.F., tekhnik; ZHIIYAKOVA, 0., red.izd-va;
GLIKMAN,.N., red. izd-va; ISUPOVA~ N.., tekhn. red.
(Catalog of fruit crop varieties of the All-Union Scientific
Research Institute of Plant Growing in the Crimea] Katalog
sortov plodovykh kulltur Vsesoiuznogo nauchno-issledovatelf-
skogo institute, rastenievodstva v Krymu. Simferopol',
Krymizdat,, 1960. 230 P. (MIRA 17-. 1)
.1. Leningrad. Vsesoyuzryy institut rasteniyevodstva. Krym.-
skiy porologicheskiy rassadnik.
iONOVA,, N. I.,, Gendidate Ned Sci (dies) -- "Intraduodenal novocaine irrigation
in the treatment of dyakinesia of the gall ducts and noncomplicated cholftystitls".
Kazan', 1959. 12 pp (Kazant State Ned Inst), 200 copies (XL, SO 25, 1959, 140) 1