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BOLTNEVAI L. I.; VASILENKOt V. N.; DMITRIYEV, A. V.; JONOV,N. A,.; KOGAN, R. M.; KUMETSOVA, Z. V.; NAZAROV, I. M.; YAGODOVSKIY, 1. V. Use of the method of air-borne gamma-spectrometry in studying the radioactivity of granitoid intrusives. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.6:85&871 Je 164. (MIRA 17:7) IONOV, V.A. kand. tekhn. nauk A Applying the'lSpotheeis'of iionpl=6 aectiona-'to the deteizibiktibn of stresses caused-by torsion in hollow circular rods &,4th rntolAam. Trudy GPI 18 no-4:50-58 163. Applying the hypothesis of broken sections to the determination of stresses in hollow rods with notches. lbid.:59-68 (MLRA 17:9) Di:;,;ortation: "Pro'blo,"a of Ga.Lc'll.,LtI,jlg the Farf,-i (A' " Ofil-tIlhy. I nL:, G ie ti odio a onplanur Grosa See tion. 11 Caae, Tt~c!i sc or lAy Poly te Ifj:j t, "or G t kiy, 195~. (Referativnyy Zhurnal-1,11ekhanka, "oscow, Jun SO: 3,.Uq 3 1. 23 Dac. 1954 BOOK EXPLOITATION WO Verkhovskiy,, Alekawdr Vasillyevich; Andronov, Vladimir Favlovich; Ionov, Vladimir Aleknodrovich; Lupanova, 01195 Xonstantifiovna; and C5i-vRrn-ov, -VntM-Tv-an-oWcT- - Opredeleaiye napryazheniy v opauwkh secheniyakh detaley slozhnoy formy; metod neploskikh sechen4y (Determination of Stresses in Critical Sections of Members of Complex Form; Method of Nonplane Sections) Moscow, Kuhgiz, 1958. 146 P- 3POOO copies printed. Reviewer: Vagapov, R.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Preyss, A.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Xbrableva.. R.N., Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Model', B.I.; Kwu!Lging Ed. for literature on general technical and transport machine building (Mashgiz): Ponomareva, X.A., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for design engineers, scientific workers and students. COVERAR: The book contains a description of an approximate method of stress analysis in critical sections of complex components. The method is based Card 1/6 Determination of Stresses in Critical Sections (cont.) 8oo on the nonplane (angular, cylindrical, spherical) section hypothesis. Analytical for=las are given for'the determination of stress concentra- tion factors for flat, rectangular, and circular bars of variable crosB secti"on subjected to tension, flexure and torsion. Results are presented of an experimental study of stress distribution in samples of variable sections having different dimension ratios. Illustrative examples of the analysis of beading and tension of a flat plate having symmetrical and asymmetrical cutouts and shoulders are given and examples'of tension, torsion, and bending of a shaft with cutouts and shoulders are also presented. There are 29 references, of which 24 are Soviet, 3 are English and 2 are German. TABIR OF COMM. The Problem of Detemination of Stresses in Critical Sections of complex Componmts 3 Preface 7 Card 2/6 Determination of Stresses in Critical Sections (Cont.) 800 Ch. I. Angular Section Efypothesis and Its Application to the Analysis of Complex Bars 9 1. Basis of the byWthesis 9 2. Bending stresses In a flat bar of symmetrical curvilinear shape 3.1 Ch. II. Deteraing the Stress Concentration Factor in Notches and Grooves According to the Angular Section Hypothesis 14 3. Tension stress in plates notched on both sides 14 4. Pare bending of plates notched on both sides 21 5. Tensile stress in a cylindrical bar vith a circular groove 25 6. Pure-bending of a cylindrical bar vith a circular groove 29 7. Torsion of a cylindrical bar with a circular groove 30 8. Determination of the stress-gradient 32 Ch. III. Normal Stresses In a PI-Ate vith Filleted Corners on Both Sides According to the Angular Section Hypothesis 35 9. Tensile stresses in plates with filleted corners on both sides 35 10. Pure bending of plates vith filletbd corners on both sidee 38 Card 3/6 Determination of Stresses in Critical Sections (Coat.) 800 Ch. IV. Normal Stresses in a Plate Vith Filleted Corners on Both Sides According to the Cylindrical Section Hypothesis 41 11. Tensile stresses in plates with filleted corners on both sides 41 12. Pure bending of plates with filleted corners on both sides 44 13. Determination of the stress gradient 46 14. Experimental verification of analytical formulas 47 Ch. V - Shafts with Shoulder Fillets 65 15- Normal tensile stresses In shafts 65 16. Normal pure bending stresses' in shafts 68 17. Shearing stresses in shafts subject to torsion 69 18. Determination of the stress gradient 72 19. Experimental verification of analytical formulas 72 Ch. VI. Tensile Stresses in Bare With a Groove According to the More Accurate Hypothesis on Cylindrical Sections 81 20. Cylindrical section hypothesis of improved accuracy 81 21. Tensile stresses in plates notched on both sides 83 22. Tensile stresses in round bars with a circular groove 89 23- Experimental verification of the cylindrical section hypothesis of improved accuracy 93 Card 4/6 Determination-of Stresses in Critical Sections (Cont.) 800 Ch. VII. Stresses in Bars With a Circular Groove 24. Pure bending of plates notched on both sides 25. Pure bending of round bars with a circular groove 26. Torsion of round bars with a circular groove 2T. Experimental investigation of bending stresses Ch. VIII. Stresses In a Plate with an AsymetrIc Groove 28. Basistfor selecting a plate's shape 29. Broken section hypothesis 30. Cylindrical section bypothesis 31. Experimental verification of the nonplane section hypothesis Ch. IX. Bending Stresses in Gear Teeth 32. Experimental determination of stresses 33. Analytical determination of stresses 98 98 102 105 108 3.12 3.12 W 116 121 126 126 136 Card 5/6 Deteraination of Stresses in Critical Sections (Coat.) 800 Ch. X. Stresses in Cantilever Variable Width Beam 141 Bibliography AVAIUBIZ: Library of Congress IS/mas Card 6/6 12-12-58 IONOT, V.A., k&ud.tekhU.u&uk, dots. Rkportmental investigation of stress distribution in plates having bilateral cut-outs and subjected to eccentric stretching. Trudy GPI 13 no.8s6_12 1$8. (XIBA 13.'2) (Blantle plate@ and sheUs) IONOT, T,A-, kand.takhn.neuk, dote* 1, , . Using the hypothesis of nouplane sections In graphic calculation of stresses in rode with mulular grooves. Trud7 GPI 13 no.8: 13-25 '58- (Blastic rods and wires) (KM 3.3:2) IONDV,_V.A., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk Using the hypothesis of spherical cross sections in determin- ing stresses and the concentration coefficient resulting from the torsion of rods with annular grooves. Izv.vys.ucheb.sav.; mashinostr. no.5:92-97 '59. (14IRk 13:4) 1. Gorlkovskiy politelchnichookiy institut im. Zhdanova. (Elastic rods and wires) 8/138/60/000/007/005/010 A051AO29 AUTHORS: Malkina, Kh.-E.; Pukhov, A.P.; -Ionov, V.A. TITLE: The Ultrasonic Defectoscopy of Tire Casings PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960., No. 7, PP. 12 20 TEM In most Soviet plants the quality check of tire casings has been conducted until recently by external examinations and knocking. This method was satisfactory due to its subjective nature. The ultrasonic defectoscopy method is recommended. Figure 1 represents the operation principle of an ultrasound ap- paratus. The NIIShP of the Soviet Union has designed an apparatus which is de- scribed in great detail. It has 6 channels plus an extra receiver and.genrerator to ensure continuous operation 0 cases of a channel break-down. Figure 2 is an external view of the apparatus-P The circuit diagram (Fig. 3) of the apparatus contains a block of feeders, a generator, receivers and transmitters. The feed- ing block has its own regulators, located on the front panel of the casing. M. The circuit diagram of the feeding block is shown in Figure 4, and that of the gener- ator in Figure 5. The circuit diagram of the receiver Is given in, Figure 6. A diagrammatic cross-section of the transmitter is seen in Figure 7. The emitter Card 1/3 S/138/60/000/007/005/010 The Ultrasonic Defectoscopy of Tire Casings A051/AO29 contained in the metal body is made of barium titanate. The thickness of the bar- ium titanate plate is caloulated,from the formula 2200 2200 t 44, 50 so.that it can function at a frequency of 50 and 150 Mc. In the formula t is the thickness of the plate in mm, tP - the resonance frequency in Mc. The casings be- ing tested must be clean. Otherwise the defectoscope may give false readings. Water-is used as wetting liquid with additions of 10 - 15% ethyl alcohol to ensure more uniform wetting of the casing. The authors tested casings of various sizes, starting at 5.60 - 15 to 12-00 - 20. The number of correct readings represented 93% of the total tested. There were different defects present, such as imination, porosity, airbubbles, foreign bodies, destruction of the casing. The results of the tests conducted with the defectoscope are listed in Table 3. As a result of the experiments and tests carried out by the authors, several conclusions were drawn: 1) The defectoscope operating with 50 kc can detect defects in casings of small dimensions compridnga thin-walled body (5-60 - 15), as well as in massive casings with thick-walled bodies (12-00 - 20). 2) The size of the smallest de- feats detected with the apparatus on an equivalent surface was 7 - 8 mm in diame- ter, which shows that the apparatus has a high sensitivity. False data in most Card 2/3 S/138/60/000/007/005/010 The Ultrasonic Defectoscopy of Tire Casings A051/AO29 cases meant the detection of "false" defects. 4) The reliability of the apparatus in operation is high. DurIng-its functioning period (one year) no damages in the electrical part of the apparatus were observed. 5) The apparatus described can be installed in tire plants as a laboratory and production apparatus for selec- tive, total or combined flaw detection, as well as in automobile and tire-repair plants. 6) The drawback of the defectoscope is the absence of a recorder of the defects shown. The duration of the testing of one casing will be 4 min when an automatic recorder and a perfected tub are introduced into the design of the de- fectoscope. There are 3 tables, 4 circuit diagrams, 2 diagrams, 1 graph, I pho- tograph and 3 English references. ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti (Scien- tific Research Institute of the Tire Industry-) Card 3/3 S/032/60/026/011/015/035 B015/BO66 AUTHORS: Rvzhov, V. I.,and Ionov, V. Ao TITLE: Ultrasonic Quality Control of Tires~~ PERIODICAL: Zav*oaskaya laboratoriya, 1116o, Vol. 26, No. ii, pp.::1244-1247 TEXT: The authors des'cribe.,. a, device' of: the WA-1 (ShD--',) type for. the detection-,-of material.defebts- '. means o*-' The ultrasonic immersion method. M. F. Krakovyak, Kh. E. Malkinal and P. 0. Vobova took part in the.development!of this device. The tire cover is submerged into the liquid, the ultrasound emitter is introduced Jato the cover and the receivers of.the ultrasonic vibrations are placed tround the part of the cover to be tested..The emitter applied may operaia at frequenoies of 90 and 156 ko/sec. The vibrator of the emitter is a ring-shaped barium titanate piezo element which is placed in a cylindrical plexiglass casing. An oil film between piezo element and casing is used as acoustic contact. The electrodes are applied to the inner and outer surface by means of Card 1/2 Ultrasonic Quality-Control of Tires S/032/6o/o26/O11/P15/O35 BO15/B066 silver paste. The vibrator of the receiver consists of a rectifier, a piezoelectric crystal plates and:a reflector. The m,chanioal part of the testing instrument consists of a container for the -'iquid and auxiliary mechanisms. Tires of any dimension can be tested. By means of the mechanism the tire can be rotated with a speed of 2 rpm. Tests with pure water, 15% alcohol in waterg 0.5% solution of "nikal" in water and 0-5% solution of the 0f1-10 (OP-10).wetting agent. 'In water disclosed that wetting with water and with thealcoholic solution is irsufficient..' that, however,the wetting agent solutions considerably foam, so that a suitable contact liquid had to be selected. The device described was found to detect separations of layers covering a surface of 20x 20 mm at a frequency of 50 kc/sec and of a surface of 10 Y410 mm at 150 kc/seo. There are 5 figures and I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Teentrallayy na-achno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologil I mashlnostroye~iya (Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Machine Building), Nauchno-issledovatel'sMy institut shinnoy promyshlennos-t-.1 Institute of Tire-Industry) Card 2/2 IONOV V.k.., kandj tekhn. nauk; LUFANOVA, O*K.9 kand, tekhn. nauk; ViftXHOVSKIYj A.V., doktor tekhn, nauk Bending stress calculation in a rod with an annular.groove and an. axial hole.. Trudy GPI 17 no-3175-79 161. (KRA 16:12) BATIA N.D.; BOLTNEVAO L.I.; DMITRIWI A,V,;.IONOVI V.A.; NAZAROVj, I-Me Determining'-the radium* thorium and po4wai= content of rocks from an airplans* Atomeenerge' 10 no*6:626-629 is 16le ~(KERA 14t6) (Aeronautics in geology) (RadioactiTe substances). BOLTEVA, L.L; VASILENKO, V.N.; DMITRIIEVO A.V.;.ION'OV.,_j.A._,, NAZAROV) I.M.; YAGODOVSKIY,, I.V. Experimental determination of radium.. thorium, and potassium in rocks from an airplane by means of a NaJ(TI) crystal pickup. Atom energ. 13 no.3:280-282 S 162. (KMA 15-9) iGamma-ray spectrometry) (Radicactivation analysis) VASILENKOs, V.N.; DMITRIYEV, A.V.;_~qNQY,_Y.?Af; KOGAN, R.M.; NAZAROV, I.M.; FRIDMANP Sh.D.. Using the gamma,-4ay spectrum surveying method In geology. 80v" geol. 6'no.10t47-62 0. 163, (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut prikladnoy geofiziki AN SSSR. 1. 1268-66. ~ACCESSION NR: AR5008450 System is. simplified, the backg -scal round.compensation with sensitivity a, svritchin g becomes: unnecess ry, an& the possibility of count recording, in the . ul- a P formwith an accuracy -of one pulse is retained. The equipment -includes a twoa- ~position subtracting unit, an electronic delay circuit, a logical unit, and a- memo :unit. The'subtracting-unit error is investigated for the particular case when the. Tulse sequence is,set,by a separate background frequency- stabilized generator, band the input pulses are -statistically distributed according to the Poioison law.'.~ U ithe subtracting unit )iwitch has more than two positions, missing of a pulse Of the ~background generator: will de end not only on the number of the arrived input the j :pulses but also on them switch position. at the start of the period; refore,, m.this case, the o eration would be described by a Markov-type -circuit probabilistic p process. A- table and a recurrent formula set up for various sequences of the I input pulses are analyzed-*_ -A piincipal circuit realizing the simplest switch.,18 ~described. Bibl.' 3, figso, SUB CODE:, DPO, EC ENCL: 00 14 t .1 C"rel BOLTINEVA, L.I.; BUY/W'"TA, L.I.; DMITRIYEV, A.V.; IONW, KOGANp H.M*1 NAZAROV, L,M.1 Radioactivity of sands in Central Asia. Dokle AN SSSR 165 no.ItI83-186 N 165. (MIRA IWO) 1. Submi,tted Marah 16, 1965. IOM20 VIMIMWOAWVVT5~54M~ IONOV,Y.L,-- Spectral distribution in the atmospheric ground layer of gamma rays from a Co6O point source shieLded by an aluminum layer. Atom. energ. 19 no.4:397-398 0 165. (Min 18:11 ) _L 28366-66 FWA(h)/EVTr(m)/EVfP(t)-/E-TI ---IJP(C) -' JH/JD ACC MR. AP5026454 SOURCE CODE., UR/0089/65/019~004/0397/0400 AUTHOR: lonov V, As 4,3 ORG: none TIM,: Spectral distribution of gamma rays in the air near the ground f rjO a Co-60 point source shieldea-Uy__a_n-7KIumi~um screen SOURCE: -Atomnaya energiya v., 19 no, 4,~1965, 397-400 TOPIG TAGS: gamma radihtibn radiation.simulationg air pollution dist b4tio t ori Aielding,.cobal I raftoisatopep atmospheric raldiation Mea remen I radta. i t PAR Etoln t AIBSTPJICT: Phe measurem'ents:of gammaradiation. above the.; ia airtlis surf ace 4 Are described. The,experiments weie~-oonducted A of Appli d Geo-. from th Institute a e L 'A 4xi the Arrangement .shown in Fig. .1.~ Here. physics M is a-Go-60 source while A represents a sointill- -d L ation detector installed on the tower platforms at tWheights:H of 50-and 100 m. A'mobile.Go-60.',' source equivalent to 3 grams of Ra was p1 LIT Ground 0 -and at various distan' s 15 im above the ground ce Figi -A..'~ L (259-550, 100,'d..~'200 m) from the tower. A square Aluminum sheet of 2 x 2.m was used as a shield. The thickness d of aboorbipg..aluminum layer was changed from zero to 1, 20 4j 8 and I Card '1/2 ACC Nh~_ AP502.645-4 12 cm*::~ The AI-100" 1 analyzer was used.- The energy resolution of the spectrometer was 12.5%..-Thenumber matrix method was used for treating.. the speotroeram data for-Compton ~Soattering. The energy distribution,, f unctioh L,~d) reduced with respect to the intensity To of straight rayswas,caloulated-and.a series of curves for various-Z (111, Met) and different values:of2l L,and d was obtained. A ~- formula for calculating To va . iv n4 The total-measurment error varied from 10% (at'A. 4, om) to :0~ ~ (:t d>`- 4 cm) . The gamma ray distribution f rom the, point source (d = 0 ) was compared -with that f rom an inf inate f lat isotropic film. Agraphic representation traced for R equal to 501a,nd 100 m S~Rwed a coincidence of the compared energy-distributions within.:, the errorjimits,of'some percents. The problem of gamma radiation from thick, bulky sources (for.instancie from rook deposits),was also.investi* -gated-Od.diaphioally illustrated'by integrating gamma radiations from the potit'49urces shielded by'aluminum sores (0-12 cm). A table,was -whi it given in . -0)2 ~expe=rmental gaMma'dose ratU are compared~w h the data ealculated bt,;. ,means of,the Monte Carlo zaethod.-Gratitude was expressed', to R Kogan, and 1,4-- M. Nazaroy.for critical observations.and.disousaft. io Allso to-V* V6 Dmitriyev,and Sh D Fridman-for _/A9 Vorob!yav, A& .their asqiotejioe.~ -.-.-:prig. aR., has ~4 f Igures and 1 tawe SUB COIG: 04p 20 SUM -DATE i 26Apr65' OFaG REF: 004 /,0TH IW:. 002 2/2 dard to -1 r IONOV,V.F.,' inshener Some aspects and causes of wear and breakdown in the working parts of ZD6 engines. Rech.transp. 14 no-8:13-16 Ag'55- (MW 8-.11) (Marine engines) AUrHORS:'Aonov, V'-.G', and Konkint Jif. (Engineers) 100-5-9/10 TIM: New hydraulic Jack for tensioning steel reinforcement. (Novyy.gid.rav1icheskiy.domkrat dlya natyazheniya provoloki). PRUODICAL: "Nekhanizatsiya-Stroitellstva" (Mechanisation of Construction.)p 1957g Vol-,14, _D 9 pp'29 - 31 (USSR). - XK- ABSTRACT: Designerswof the Sheksnin factory of Transport Construct- ions (Ministerstvo Transportnogo Stroitellstva) construct- ted the new hydraulic jack GD-15 WA-15)'.- This supersedes the jack SH-539 (CM-539)' The new jack consists of a~jAin body to which 5 small Ja;ks are fixedt one for each steel rod. The jack is suspended in the horizontal position to allow for the use in various levels and positions.(from a stand on wheels)', The stand incorporates manually operated gears and other controls.2 The J.aak is designed for a work- ing pressure of 300 kg/cm I the capacity of each of the small jacks (in tensioning) being 3400 kgq.the maxima- dis- placement being'105 mm. .The gripping capacity is 1500 kg and the weight of the whole jack is 82 kj~ It was designed for tensioning of five 5 mm diameter rods. It cang howeverv be conbtructed with varying numbers of small jacksp il'.9'. different number of rods and different cliameters'. The Card 1/2 introduction of this jack has increased the output 10 - 15 New hydraulic jack for tensioning steel reinforcement. (Cont.) 100-5-9/10 foldl, losses decreased considerably, the quality of the work as well as safety was improved. There are 4 f igures. AVAIIABLE: Card 2/2 BARANOVSKIT, M.A.. lmud.tokhn.nauk; IONOV, T.G., lush. Investigating the process of flanging low-carbon stools. gash. Bel. no.6:56-62 159. ( mmA 13:6) (Metalwork) I . . - -, *~- ~ -- 1~-! 5(4) SOV/153-2-4-3/32 AUTHORS: Morozov, I. S., Korshunov, B. G., Kokorev, V. V., Ionov, V. 1. TITLE; Thermal and Tensimetrical Investigation of the System NbC1 _FeC1 NaCl 5 3 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 4, PP 485 - 4aq (usn) ABSTRACT: The investigation of the subject mentioned in the title is of interest with regard to the preparation of easily fusible melts containing niobium as well as to the purification of KbCl from FeCl 3. The system mentioned in the title is part of the q ater- nary system NbC1 5_FeC1 3-AlC1 3-NaCl. A thorough investigation of the latter will make it possible to produce melts with a crystallization temperature lower than that of the adjacent ter- nary systems (Ref 2). In the treatment of raw material c.ontaining niobium by chlorine a simpler condensation device is sufficient for easily fusible melts. The binary lateral systems adjacent to the system mentioned in the title have already been investigated earlier (Refs 3-5). In order to investigate the ternary system, Card 1/3 five inner sections were made, and several mixtures determined Thermal and Tensimetrical. Investigation of the System SOV/153-2-4-3/32 NbCl _FeCl7,_NaC1 5 which do not form independent sections. Tables II and 2 show the results. The crystallization of the melts the figurative points of which are in the triangle NbC1 -FeCl _NaFeC1 in 5 3 4 1 the phase diagram is concluded in the triple eutectic point E the solid alloys consist of the phases NbC1 Peol and NaFeR 51 3 4 The t e n s i m e t r i c a 1 1 n v e 9 t i g a t i o n of the a y a t e m mentioned in the title was supposed to prove the results of the thermal analysis mentioned above. Moreover, the possibility of separating niobium chloride and iron chloride was to be examined. For this purpose, the vapor tensions over the mixtures of NbC1 5 , FeC 13 and NaCl were determined between 0 13o and 320 . For method and apparatus see reference 3- 1 table (without number) shows the composition of these mixtures in mol%. The results are shown in table I and figure 3. The results of the thermal analysis were proved by tensimetrical investiga- tions of the system mentioned in the title. Moreover, the possi- bility of separating niobium chloride and iron chloride by means of fractional distillation in the presence of NaCl was proved. Card 2/3 In addition, vessels by Stepanov were mentioned in the paper. Thermal and Tensimetrical Investigation of the System SOV/153-2-4-3/32 1TbCl 5-Fe-Cl 3-11aC1 There are 3 figureal 1 table, and 6 reference a, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni M. V Lomonosovap Kafedra tekhnologii redkikh i rasseyarnylb elementov (14oscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology imeni M. V. Lomo- nosov., Chair of Technology of Rare and Dispersed Elements) SUBMIT'M: April 28, 1958 Card 3/3 5W BOV/78-4-6-41/44 AUTHORSt Morozov, I. S., Ionov, V. I., Korshunov, B. G. TITLEt Thermal Analysis of th e System NdCl 3_XgCl2-KCI (Termicheskiy analiz sistemy NdC1 3-mgcl 2_XCl) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 6, pp 1457 - 1458 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The system NdC1 3_MgCl 2-KC1 was investigated by the method of the thermal analysis; -the phase diagram was constructed and is shown in figure 1- 7 internal sections were investigated in the three-component system. It was found that 7 regions of primary crystallization are formed on the surface of the liquidus corresponding to the compounds KC1, NdC1 31 MgCl 2' K3NdC16' K2 NdC1 6' KG1.UgCl, and 2KCl'KgCl2 . The four-phase equilibrium in the system NdCl 3_MgCl 2-KC1 is given in a table. The existence of the compound 2KCI.MgCl 2 was confirmed in the system MgCl -KC1. There are I figure, I table, and 6 refer Card 1/2 ences, 4 of whih are Soviet. S/14q/60/OOo/003/'b1O/012/XX A006/AOO1 AUTHOPS: Ionov, V.I., Korshunov,.B.G., Kokorev, V.V., Morozov, I.S. TITLEz Physical and Chemical Study on Interaction of Thorium Chloride With Chlorides of Alkali-Metals and C-erium in Melts PERIODICALi Izvestiya vysdaikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, 1796o, No. 3, pp. 1o2_1o8 MCT: Literature data on thorium chloride chemistry are incomplete and obsolete. The authors investigated the interaction of thorium chloride with chlorides of sodium, potassium, cesium and cerium in melts, for the purpose of- completing the knowledge about-the physical and chemical nature of a6mbe techno- logical processes of thorium chloride preparation. Thorium chloride was prepared by oblorination of thorium dioxide mixed with charcoa from sugar,, by gaseous chdorine at 1,000-1,0500C. The melting temperature of the chloride obtained was 7500C. Vapor tension of thorium chloride corresponding to its melting tempera- ture was about 80 mm Hg. Cerium chloride was prepared by the method described in Rereren,3e 16. The melting temperatures of chlorides of addlien, potassium, cesium and cerium were 800, 776, 646 and 802'c, respectively. The chloride systems Card 1/4 S/149/60/000/'003/010/012/XX A006/AOOI Physical and Chemical Study on Interaction of Thorium Chloride With Chlorides of Alkali-Metals and Cerium in Melts were studied by thermal and tensimetric analyses. The thermal sarialysis was made by differential and plain recording of heating arid cooling curves on a N.S. K-=r- nakov pyrometer. The temperature was measured w-4th a platinum- platinum rhodium thermocouple graduated accord-ing.._to conventional datum. point,.;. Melt-ing ct the ~saltn mixtures',.and recording of curves was made in quartz glasa Ste-panov cont.-adners. After filling, the container with the salt mix-',*,ure, the air was eva-3uated by a dry hyd:rogen chloride current. 7he container was then sealed and plaoed in a furnacs. The :!ooling rate was 4-100C per minute, deperd-Ang on the tempa-raturre range. It -Mecl sy - the components formed chemi-:~al was established the.. in the ThC14 S-1-ems com;;o,inds of the MeTh Me2ThCl6, Me ThC1 4- pe (excepted Alhe T1hC1) .1-NaCl system). C15, 3 Phe NELThCl system melts inoongruentl at ;~OoYC, KTh and Cs,rh melt con- y C15 C15 428 and 4900C respectively Na?ThCl6 melts congruently at gruently a -3600C; K2ThCl6 and CsTh-C16 melt incongruently at 406 and 5730C respectively; K-AThC17 and Cs3Th melt congruently at 705 and 7200C respecItAvely. Data obtained e thermal C17 DY analysis are confirmed by tensimetrio investigation of tlie system. The tensi- metric analysis was made by the dynamic method. The determination of nhlori-Ide vapor tension was conducted in chlorine atmosphere, Thr, amount --,f the initial card 2/4 S/149/60/000/003/010/oi2/XX A006/AO01 ftsical and Chemical Study on Interaction of Thorium Chloride With Chlorides of Aika'-Ti-Metal:3 and Cerium in Melts mixture in all: experiments was about 30 g. The salt mixtures were melted in sealed ampoules cooled, crushed in argon atmosphere, and placed into the appara- tus. Ttke amount of chlorine passed was determined flom the inorease in weight of the potash bulbs filled with 25%.NaOH solution. The rate of the chlorine current was sufficient to saturate the volatile chlorides. The quantity and composition of the sublimate were determined by chemical analysis and the pressure in the apparatus by the sum of atmospheric and excess pressure obtalned when the gas passed through the absorption flasks. A formula is given to calculate the partial vapor tension of the mixture components, and values of vapor tension of thorium ahlbride over Na2TKC16, K ThC1 and C1 at various temperatures are given. 7 It was established that !z Cs3lh iTy of thorium chloride combined with thermal stbbil alkali metal. chlorides changed regularly, Increasing from sodium chloride to cesium chloride. The method of thermal analysis was used to study fusibility of the systems ThC14 - CeC13 and ThC14 - CeC13 - N&Cl, which was -shown on fusibility Card 3/4 S/149/60/000/003/010/oi2/Xx A006/A001 Physical and Chemical Study on Interaction of Thorium Chloride With Chlorides of Alkali-Metals and Cerium in Melts diagrams. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 20 references: 5 Soviet, 8 English, 3 French and 4 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimichaskly tekhnologii (Moscow insti- ff). Kafedra khimii i tekhnologii tute of Fine Chemical TechaSotlo redkikh i rasseyannykh elementov (Department of the Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Dispersed Elements) SUBMIITED: July 1, 1959 Card 4/4 S/15 60/003/003/010/036/XX Bol 6YB058 AUTHORS: Korshunov, B. G., Morozov, I. S.2 Ionov, V. I. TITLE: Study of the Interaction of the Chlorides of Rare Earths With the Chlorides of the Alkaline-earth- and Alkali Metals in Melts. Thermal Analysis of the System CeC1 3 - Cacl 2 '_ NaCl PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol. 32 110. 3, pp. 402 - 404 TEXT: The authors report on the thermographic analysis of the fusibili-~ ty of the two binary systems CeCl 3 - CaCl2 and CeCl 3 "' NaCl in the ter- nary system CeCl - CaCl - NaCl. The nonvolatile melt which develops on treating lop'a ;,te raw2material by means of the chlorine method, is composed of these three chlorides. The chlorides dehydrated by the au- tlho~s were molten in quartz-glass containers according to Stepanov (not, described in the text). Apart from the two binary systems, the authors Card 114. S/153/60/003/003/010/036/XX of Rare Earths With the Chlorides of the B016/BO58 Alkaline-earth- and Alkali Metals in Melts. Thermal Analysis of The System CeCl - CaCl 2 "' N ac 1 3 studied four inner sections~ the direotions of which are mentioned in the Fig. On P- 404- On the basis of their results, the authors state that three crystallization fields of CeCl 39 CaCl 2, and NaCl exist on the liquidus surface. The components of all the three systems mentioned form a fusibility diagram of the eutectic type. The ternary eutectic consists of CeCl 3 12.2; CaC12 38-89 NaCl. 49.0 (in mole%) and crystal- lizes at 440 0C. The eutectics CeCl 3 " CaCl2 and CeCl- 3 -NaCl contain (in. mole%): 55.0 and 32.5 CeCl 3 , respectively, and melt at 618 0 and 488 C, respectively. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 6 xeferences: A Soviet~ 1 British; and I German. Study ofthe Interaction of the Chlorides Card 2/4 of-the.Chlorides of. Rare- Earths Witli the Chlorides of the B016/BO56 Alkqlind-earth- and Alkali Metals in Meltu.~ Thermal. Analysis or -.the .;System CeCl - CaCl 11aCl 3 2.' ASSOCIATION: lAoskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhrxologii im. X.- V. Lamonosova; Kafedra tekhnologii redkikh i rasseyanylth element0v'(Mo~cow Institute of Fine Chemical ..Technology imeni M. V. Lomonosov; Chair of Technology of Rare. and Disperse Elements) SUBMPTED '~--'--'Novemb~r 5, 1958 Fig. card -3/4.. Stu4y' of the Interaction S1153160100310031010103rIX7. B/149/60/000/005/004/015 A006/AOO1 AMOS,, Korshunov, V.G., Morozov, I.S., ~onov, V.I. and 2~orina, M.A E, IaCl System TITTLE. Physical and Chemical Studies of the AlCI-x-FeCl 3 ~ - PERIODICAL.- IzvestiyA vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, ig6o, No. 5, pp. 67-71 TEXTg The authors stud led the interaction of aluminum, iron and sodium of chIcarides by the method of -thermal and tensiomet-ric analysis for the purpose developing ahemical and physical bases for the refining of chlorides of titanium and otI'Ler metals. The necessary aluminum and lr,~nx chlorides were obtained by chlorinaticn with gaseous chlorine ef -the respective metals; sodium chloride was preliminary remelted. Melting temperatures of the chlorine salts of aluminum, iron and sodium were 194, 303 and 8WOC respectively. Due to the fact that, aluminum and iron chlorides have high vapcr tensions at their melting tem- Peratures, different mixtures of the system were melted in molybdenum or quartz glass Stepanov containers. The thermal analysis of the system was made by re- cnzAing the cooling curves on a N.S. Kurnakov type pyrometer. The temperature. was measured with a nichxome-constantan tlhemrc~coupie, gradueted according to con- Card 1/5 I 8/149/60/000/005/004/015 A006/AO01 Physical and Chemical Studies of the AlCl 3-FeCl3-NaCl System ventional datum points. The ternarIy system1was studied by investigating six internal secti.-,ns (Figure 1), whose direction was mainly determined by the loca- -tion of non-.variable equilibrium points on the !ateral binary diagrams. The com- posit~ions are expressed in molei,percent, The tensiometria analysis was made to ocnfIrm the results of the thermal analysis of the system and to investigate the vap.or tension of NaAlC14 and NaFeC14 compounds during th6ir joint presence under cc-nditions of sodium chloride excesa. Va~-,r tension was determined in chlorine atmosphere by the dynamic method. The f,:,rmatic~n of a NaFeF14 compmand in the FeCl 3-NaCl system and its vapor tension were determined. T-he results of ten8io- metric, analysis are given in a table, Tris fusibility diagram plotted may be used for calculations connected with tha vuz-1ficatien of chlorides of tit-anium and o'her elements from aluminum and iron chli-,,rides by means of sodium chloride. Oaxd ~/5 3011 Card 3/5 -- - ------ ----- S/149/60/000/005/004/ol5 A006/A001 Physical and Chemical Studies of th6 AlC13-FeCI 3-NaC1 System Res'U;lts of the tensiometric analysis of three mixtures of the AlCl3-FeC1 3'NaCl system No. No. of Temperature, OC Vapor tension, mm Hg mixtures NaAlCl4 NaFeC14 500 0,0 0,0 530 0 2 2,21 86 5 1 2 : 11.8 620 2,6 15 "9 650 5,1 21:4 670 6,7 25.0 362 0,0 0,0 2 ~423 O'g 2,2 477 1,2 5,9 3,5 12,9 Card 4/5 4,7 21,1 s/149/60/000/005/004/015 Aoo6/Aool Physical and Chemical Studies of the AlCl 3-FeC1 -NaC-' System No. No. of mixtures Temperature, 0C Vapor tension, mm Hg A12C'6 Fe2C16 150 32,0 I'l 3 161 67,2 -3,3. 1 7 129,0 4.,5 8 1 272,8 6,1 There are 2 figures, 1 table and 22 referenoes,- 12 Soviet, 6 English.. 2.French and 2 German. ASSOCIATIONS8 Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimiche2koy tekhnologii (Moscow Insti- tute of Fine Chemical Technology), Kafedra khimii i tekhnologli redkikh i rasseyannykh elementov (Department of Chemistry and Technology of.Rare and Dispersed-Elements) SUBMITTED.- October 27, 1959 Card 5/5 S/078/60/005/C)6/09/030 BOO4/BO14 AUTHORS: IonovL V._I., Morozov, 1. So, Korshunovq B. Go TITLE: Thermal Analysis of the Systems XdC1 3 FeC121 FeCl NaCl~~ FeCl FeCl and 2 - 2 C-1 2- XdC1 3 - FOCI, KC1 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neoreanicheskoy khimiiq 1960, Vol- 5, No. 6, pp. 1248 1253 TEXT: The authors specify the following data obtained from experiments:, / melting-point diagram of the system XdCl - FeC12 with a eutectic at 0 3 6 o8 C and 59-8 mole % FeC12 (P'g- 1); melting-point diagram of the system FeCl 2 - ffaC1 with a eutecticat 37000 and 44 mole % FeC12 (Fig. 2); melt- ing-point diagrafa of the system FeCl 2 - K01 (Fig- 3). The compounds XFeC1 3 (a- and P-modification) and X.FeCl 4 are formed in the latten The Card 1/3 Thermal Analysis of -';he Systems NdCl - FeG1 16010051061091030 3 29 S/OT8 FeCl - N&Clv FeCl - KC19 FeCl - CNCIP and B004/BO14 2 2 2 HdC1 3 -FeOl 2 - KC1 2 3 4 0 39-8 mole % PeCl 2* The eutectic KFeC1 3+FeOl2 melts at 380 C with.a con- tent of 52.2 mole % FeC12' 7n the system FeCl 2 - CBCI (Fig- 4)9 the com- pounds CsFeC1 3 and Ce2FeG1 4 arise with the eutectics Cs 2FeCl4+CGCI 1/2 (5080, 21-4 mole % FeCl 2)0 CeFeC14 +Cspecl3(52209 38-0 mole % FeCl2)P and CsFeC13 +FeC1 2 (4980C, 69-3 mole % FeC'2)' Hence, the thermea stability of compounds of PeOl 2with alkali chlorides increases from Na to Cs. Eight sections were examined in the system NdCl 3 - FeCl 2 - KC1 (Figs. 5-11). The melting-point diagrammatically shown in Fig. 12 was constructed on the strength of these results. Numerous conversions were detected below the liquidue surface. Data on the four ternary euteatic points and one a content of melts at 3400C and corresponds to +K FeCl eutectio KFeC.1 Card 0 Thermal Analysis of the Systems NdCl - FeC1.9 S/078/60/005/06/09/030 FeCl 2 - NaClq FeCl 2 -KC19 FeCl 3 and- B004/BO14 2 NdC1 3 - FeCl 2 -Kol ternary peritectio yoint are suppliedo There are 12 figures and 4 referenoess 2 Soviet and 2 Amerioan. Card 3/3 86938 S/149/6o/boo/bo6/bio/b18 A006/A001 AUTHORS. Korshunov, B. G., Ionov-V. I.. Baklashova, T. A., Kokorev, V. V. TITLE: An Investigation of Interactions Between Thorium Chlorides and Chlorides of Magnesium, Calcium, Cerium, Aluminum, Iron, Niobium, Tantalum and Oxychloride of Niobium in Melts PERIODICAL: Izvestiya. vysshikh Aohebnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurglya, 1960, No. 6, pp. 114-118 TEXT: The extended use of chlorine methods for processing complex rare-b lement raw materials containing thorium, requires a study of the systems with the articipation of thorium chloride. the authors carried out thermal and tensio- ~ metrical analyses to investigate the interaction of components in the following systems; ThC14 - MgCl2, ThGG14 - CaC12, ThCl4'- CeCl3, ThCl AlCl ThC1 FeM31 ~-- ~~i - 4 - ThC14 NbC15; ThCl -TaCl . ThCl - FeCl - NbCl and ThC 4 The - r I -LIde chlorides we obtalned as iollow2 chlor of tRorium by chiorinalgo a mixture of thorium dioxide and charcoal from sugar with gaseous chlorine at 1000 0; chlorides of aluminum, iron and tantalum were prepared by chlorination of metals; ahlorildez of magnesium, calcium and cerium were obtained by the method Indicated Card 116 86938 S/149/60/000/006/010/018 A006/AO01 An Investigation of Interactions Between Thorium Chlorides and Chlorides of' Magnesium, Calcium, Cerium, Aluminum, Iron, Niobium, Tantalum and Oxychloride of Niobium in Melts in reference 5, and oxyahlorlde of n1obium by a method described In reference 6. The thermal analysis of the systems was made by the method of fusibility; the curves were recorded on a N. S. Kurnakov pyrometer. The ThC14 - MgC12, ThC14 - CaC12 and ThC14 - CeCl~ systems have a fusibility diagram of the eutectic type (Figure 1). The eutso ios contain 55.0 molecular % (82.8 weight %), 46.0 iiol. % (74.2 weight %) and 6o.6 mol. % (70.0 weight %) ThC14 respectively and melt at 610, 560 and 640C. To.confirm data obtained by thermal analysis and to reveal the possibility of separating .and refining the chlorides, the authors .carried oit a tensiometric study ofthe aforementioned systems based on the measurement of vapor tensions over the systems, which were determined by the "flow" method. Chlorine was used as a carrier gas. Thorlum In the sublimate was determined by a method given in Ref. 8 and 9 arid-the otherelemente by conventional methods. The method of tensiometry has been described in Ref. 10. The absence of a chemical reaction between the components and the difference in the vapor tensions can ),i used for the separation of chlorides by distillation. Card 2/0 86938 3/11191601000100610 20/018 A006/AO01 in investigation of Interactions Between Thorium Chlorides and Chloridez of ;--nnsium, Calcium, Cerlum, Aluminum, Iron, Niobium, Tantalum and Oxychloride of -1--i.un in Melts results of the tenziic!-,~tric Investigation are given below: Contcnt of Vapor tension overJ the system Th'-'i,- in jie 0 IgP + B, mm Hg n cem mixture in C T chlorid6 A B for mol. % ThC ~-Lg% 22.9 700 - 820 4. 6260 6.84 ThC14 ThCIL - CaG12 54.o 575 . - 819 7210 8.26 T ('I; - CeC 13 40 .5 895 WOO 6 0-1 27.,? 114 - '52 5020 13.7 i Al C16 2 3 228 - .2 t*7 5825 12.5 Fe2C-'6 33-W 9.itS Nb Cl -3660 8.5:! NbOC 13 T C 3710 9 90 a l 5 86938 S/149/60/000/006/0 10/0 is A0061AO01 An Investigation of Interactions Between Thorium Chlorides and Chlorides of nesiu.--, Calcium, Cerium, Aluminum, iron, Niobium, Tantalum and OVchloride of Mag ~Niob'-un -izi i4elts FiF,ure 1: Fusilh)-i-lity diagram of -,Ile systc-is ThCl4 ,-:,P,C12 (a); ThC1 (b) and `4 772'Vh CeC13 (c). 7sd YC 7.0' 730* Mv 650 xw. mqj q2 600 Ll Cd 40 60 J IAW 0 A7 441 601 $0 IN0 w 1w 60 for, Af9elz NO" MCI, CaCt, A10A. MCI, OeCl, Af",' 86938 '3114916010r,O1'jj61.,','i1" 1~, . J A006/AOOI 4n Inveuti-ation of T-nteractions Between Thorium Chlorides and Chlorides.of :,.r.-nes'um, Calcium, ':erium, Aluminum, Iron, Niobium, Tantalum and Oxychloride of eb:: u!n in Melts. M of t'ne diw:,ra AlCl_ -CC! 0 '4 .3 (b) , T K Kb .1,i ThC ~aC'5 I "~ cL (d) . There arc !'r figures aild 10 rc,r,~,rences: 6 Soviet, French.. 1 German., I 1117' nh SIA A. ~' - 4-1 9;1 E R YZ 86938 S/149/60/000/006/oio/oi8 A006/AO01 An Investigation of interactions Bet;-.reen Thorium Chlorides and Chlorides of tlagnesiu-A. Ca~,~ium, Cerium, Aluminum, iron, Niobium, Tantalum and O.Vchloride of IMoskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology) Kafedra khimii i,tekhnologii redkikh i rasseyannykh elementov (Department of Chemistry and Technology of Ral-e and Dispersed Elements) SUBMIT'IM: January 28, 1960 Card 616 s/149/61/000/'001/003/'013 AOO6/AOOl AUTHORS: Korshunov, B.G,-_Ionov TITLE: Study of Fusibility of the NiCl 3-TiCl2-NaC1 System PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, 1961, No. 1, pp. 77 - 81 TECT: Previous studies (Ref. 1, 2, 3, 4) on titanium refining by electro- lysis using crude Ti as soluble anodes, do not contain Indications on the optimum composition of the electrolyte, due to the lack of information on its physico- chemical properties. The authors Investigated the most important physico-chemical properties of the TIM 3-TiCl NaC1 system. Fusibility of the system was as yet not studicd but its componen?; binary systems, had been investigated by a number of authors. Data on the TiCl2-NaC1 system had beensubmitted by K. Komrek and P. Gerasymenko (Ref. 5); the TiCl3-NaC1 system has been studied by V.M. Kamenetskiy (Ref. 6), B.F. Markov and R.V. Chernov (Ref. 7), P. Ehrlich, G. Kaupa, K. Blanken- stein (Ref. 8), and M. Farber, A.J. Darnell, F. Brown (Ref. 9). The results ob- tained by the aforementioned authors disagree with regard to crystallization from melts for mixtures containing over 25 mol % TiC13 . The authors of the present .Card I/rb s/149/61/0oo/oo1/0o3/013 Study of Fusibility of the NiCl _TiCl2-NaCl System A006/AOOI article studied fusibility of the TiC13-NaCl system and of the TiC13-TIC12-NaCl system within the concentration range of lower titanium chlorides determined by the electrolyte composition for Ti refining. Trichloride of Ti was obtained by reducing tetrachloride of Ti with Ti metal by a method described in Ref. 10. Sodium chloride was preliminarily remelted. Investigations of fusibility were carried out by the method of thermal analysis; the curves were registered on a N.S. Kurnakov type pyrometer.. The temperature was measured with a platinum-plati- num rhodium thermocouple. Melting of the salt system was performed in Stepanov's quartz glass and in stainless steel containers. The salt mixtures were prepared by a method described in Reference 7. Cooling curves were obtained for molten mix- tures containing up to 49.8 mol % (72.4 weight %) TiCl 3` Results of thermal ana- lysis, given in a diagramP are in agreement with data of Reference 8 and differ considerably from data of Reference 7 at a TiCl concentration of over 25 mol.%. This is explained by the Imperfect investigatiog method employed by Markov and Chernov, who melted the mixtures in open crucibles. According to data obtained by the present investigation, the components of the system form an incongruently melt- ing NajTiC14 chemical compound; the temperature of peritectic transformation is 5430C.. ~ Eut'40tics, formed by the chemical compound and titanium trichloride, has a composition of 43 mol% TiCl 3 and,57% NaCl, and melts at 4600C. All the mixt ures Card 2/6 Study of Fusibility of the TiClyTiC12-NaCl System S/149/61/000/001/003/013 -AO06/AO01 contained, after their melting, titanium dichloride whose content increased with a higher amount of titanium trichloride and attained 4 - 5% in weight. This shows that the system Is not a strictly binary one. Fusibility of the ternary TiC13- TiC12-NaCl system was studied within a small range of lower titanium chloride con- centrations. Previous studies had shown that in alkali metal melts, containing lower T1, chlorides, an equilibrium between bi- and trivalent titanium was estab- lished. Therefore samples of the following composition were used to compose the salt mixtures: TiC13 TiCl2 NaCi Sample 1 62.2 6.7 31.1 Sample 2 6.4 12.9 80.7 Sample 1was prepared by sodium-thermal reduction of titanium tetrachloride in an amount required 'to obtain Ti trichloride. Sample 2 was obtained by sodium thermal red-action of titanium tetrachloride calculated to obtain Ti dichloride with sub- sequent dilution of the reduction product by sodium chloride. Results of thermal analysis and literature data on TiCl2-NaC1 were used for the partial plotting of Card 3/6 S/149/61/000/1001/100~ 3/b13 Study of Fusibility of the TiC13-Ticl -NaCl System A006/AO01 the liquidus surface of the TiCl TiCl NaC1 system (see diagram), which could 3- 2- onIV be obtained for the vertex of ohlorous sodium if the TiCl content in the mix.ture did not exceed 50 mol %. Data on the type of a phase Lagram of the TiCl -Ticl2 system do not exist in literature. The boundary lines of the liquidus our 3- face are approximate. The lowest melting temperature (about 44300 is shown by a composition of 40 mol%. TiCl3, 7% TiC12 and 53% NaCl. The phase diagram obtained of the TiCl TiCl2_NaCl system can be used to determine the temperature-of begin- ning crystZlization of electrolytes employed for the refining of titanium. Card ~16 S/149/6 i/croo/00 110031b13 A006/AOOI- I I 416 - S/149/61/000/1001/003/013~ Study of Fusibility of the TIC134iC12-NaCl System A006/AO01 Figure: IM -TiCl -NaCl system Liquidus surface of theT 2 Data given by Kamenetskly 0 Markov and Chernov A - Ehrlich and others - the authors of the present article. There are I figure and 19-references: 9.Soviet, 6 English, 3 German and 1 Japanese~ ASSOCIATIO14S.- Moskovaiii institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii (Moscow Insti- tute of Fine Chemical Technology); Kafedra khimii i tekhnologii redkikh i rasseyanykh elementov (Department of Chemistry and Tech- nology of Rare and Dispersed Elements) SUBMITTED- April 15, 1960 Card 6/6 S1149A 1/000A02/40 10/0 17 AOO6/AOOl AUTHORS-. Korshunov, B.G. TITLAs Investigating the Density, Viscosity and Electric Conductivity of ttke MC1.3 - TIiC1 2 -NaC1 System ,PERIODICALi Izvestiya vyeshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, 1961, No. 2, pp. 102 - 1o6 TECTt The authors studied density, visoosity and electric conductivity of melts of lower titanium and sodium chlorides, used as electrolyte in titanium re- fining. To determine the density of the TiC'3-TiC'2-HaC' system the authors used the equipment and method described in Reference 4. The composition of the salt mixtures was based on samples of composition: 1) t62.2% Ticl 6 7% TIM and 3.1% NaCl and 2) - 6.4% TiCl P 12 9% TiCl and 80.7% NaC1, obi&ea bys;&m- thermal reduction of titan~J tat;achlorige and subsequent dilution of the reduc- tion product with sodium chloride. In the TiCl -TiCl -NaCl system the density of melts was studied which contained 2.5; 4.o; 6~6 7!2; 9.1 and 21.85 weight % of0total soluble titanium,-,in the 850-1,0500C temperature range with intervals of 50 C. Simultaneously, the 4ennity of NaCl melts was determined. It appeared that Card l/ 5 S/149/61/000/1002P10/617 A006/AOO1 Investigating the Density Viscosity and Electric Conductivity of the TIC13- TiCl.-N&C1 System the density o6 melts in the system f .luetuated from 1.430 g/om3,for NaC1 at loO500G to 1 833 g/om for a mixture with 21.85% Titotal at 850'C. At equal.temperatures, the aensity of melts increased with a higher content of Ti .. Results are given in Table 1. The density of solidified apeoimens at Wt was determined with the aid of benzine (specific weight q-747 g/om-7). Density increased with higher total Ti content wand was 2.115 g/amo' for NaCl and 2.352 g/om~ for a malt contain- ing 21 85% Tit t. Den4ity of Ti ohloridds (according to W. 5) is 2.65 g/OM3 for T'613 and 3.13 g/om;' for T'*C12- The results show that the density of the sys- tem increases with a higher content of titanium tetrachloride. The viscosity of the system was determined by the method.,of a torsion pendulum. The material was placed in a crucible and in a electric furnace under whose roof dry argon current was switched on. The stainless steel balls (65 - 75 g weight) of the torsion pen- dulum were suspended on a molybdeniim thread of 0.104 diameter and 12D mm length. 'Preliminary determinations were made of logarithmic decrements in air and liquids of known density and viscosity (water and molten sodium chloride). The viscosity of a melt with 7.2% total titanium content (6.4% TiC13; 12.9% liC12; 80.7% NaCl) Card 2/5 2,"0 1 IT*, OA S' 'r A 'jw-17t InvestigAtlng'.theIlen4tty Viscosity-and Electric Conductivity of the 013 Ti TiCl -NaOlsystem, 2 wits 0.028. p'oise-'- 1~ Elevation of temperature entailed the accumul fit 8000C ation of 'solid'thq.melts and distortion of results. An a ruled the i.", t viscosity of molten saj a decreases rapidly with higher temperatures which cor-, responds to-;& reduced interaction force of salt ions. A slight decrease of via 5 ~cosity was observed at a lower.conoentration of lower titanium chlorides; this in agreement with the concepts on the effect of the mobility of cations on the via cosity of melts. Eleatroconduativity of the system was studied on melts contain-';+'" ing up to 9.2% titanium chlorides, in the 820 - 9500C range. The method and equip.,,"'_~ ment, described in Reference 6, were used. It was found that the eleotroconduc- .0. tivity of the system decreased at the given temperatures at aoooncentration of titanium chlorides raised from 0 to 9.2%,and increased with higher temperatures. J'The results must however be considered as approximate, since it was stat6d,l that the platinum electrodes employed for the experiments were partially.-dissolved in the electrolyte. 72 Card+ 3/5 VOLYNSKIY, Aleksandr Yakovlevich; BAZILEVY N.P.; nauchn. red.; SIROTINAP S,L.p reds; 1010~ V.I., red. [Foundry molds and their assembly) Liteinye formy i ikh sborka. Moakvap Vyashaia shkola, 1964. 290 p. (MIRA 17:10) R 343- SOURCE CODE: 211(*31110039 AUTHORS: Koryukin.9-,V. Is,*- ~oreyniqp 'JAS!1 Sh Delov V. I*; lono ,~J. ORG: none TITLE 2 AL device for recordin' g angular displaceme S' in nt , velocities, and accelerations the joints of extremities or. in hinges of prostheses and orthopedic apparatuaes.~ Class 30, No. 176036 fainnotinced by the Central Scientific Research-Institute for- Prosth Iesis Design and Manufacwre (Taenrir~nyy Tnauc~o-iesledovateltskiy inatitut proCelzlFo~vaniya Tipr`cei-osEr-o_yen1ya)7 SOURGE3 Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarrkykh znakov., no. 21 1965, 38-39 TOPIC TAGSi orth6&dic equipment This.Author CertificateA scribes a device for recording angular, Adisplacements V810C,t,08.0 arxi accelerations in the joints of extremities or.Lin ihinges of prostheses and orthopedic apparatuses. The device contains differentiatin ,;RC circuits and variable resistors, linked with the- hinge jaws (see Fig. 1)o To lobtain a simultaneous recording of the angular displacements$ angular velocitys and angular acceleration by asinglerecorders the device contains a single potentiometer with leads from the hinge jaws. The latter are made from a plastic material in the- Card 1/2 UDG: 616-073-753.3 ,j Vj,; SOLOVEN, A.B.; TETERIN, E G.; SHESTERIKOV, N.N. INDIKOV, E.M.;_I~NOV Demixing in the Oystem HCIC~ - H20 - -tri-n-butyl phosphate - diluent. Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no.2l12569-2571 N 165. (MIRA :L8tl2) 1. Submitted December 16.. 1964. 1. IONOVA, V. IL PhOomorphological, changes following alimentary introduction L of silicon duet. Trudy Instekraev.pat. AN Kazakh.$SR. 100t- 29 P62e (MIRA 1625) (LUNGS-DUST DISEASES) (ALMMTARY CANAL-DISEASES) "An AP, .3licatiGii Of iariational .-,e'u'qods to the Solution of Saveral 13roblens in the -I, Space Theory o-P 6-lasticity in Cylindrioal Coordinates." Cand Phys 11"ath Sci, Sci Res nst of ','i-acnanics and Ha aematics, Moscou State U, N-oscol-1, 1953. Dissertation (litferati-mr I I F _y Zhumal,--illatertatilm 4oscow, eb se: SU-1-1 186, AuC 195h T-T-T.-m- 'T, IONOT, va. Bqalllbrium of an elastic thln-valled pipe subjected to internal pressure applied to a 2c. length section. Vest.Rook.un.11 no.5: 13-24 My 156. (MMA 9: 10) I.Kafodrm, teorli uprugostl. (Strains and atrosses) (Pipe-Hydro"mics) SOV/124-58-3-3133 A Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3. p 83 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ionov, V. N. TITLE: The Equilibrium of an Elastic Cylinder of Finite Length (Ravnovesiye uprugogo tsilindra k6nechnoy dliny) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Issledovaniya po teorii sooruzheniy. Nr 7, Moscow, Gos- stroyizdat, 1957, pp 413-436 ABSTRACT: The paper discusses the problem of the elastic equilibrium of a hollow cylinder of finite length. Following the method of M.M. Filo- nenko-Borodich (Prikl. matern. i mekhan., 1951, Vol 15, Nr 2), the author constructs a stress tensor consisting of three tensors, namely, the fundamental, the supplementary, and the corrective tensors. The components of the fundamental tensor must satisfy the equilibrium equations in the absence of body forces and the given end conditions on the surface of the cylinder; several specific instances of surface loads are discussed: 1) Normal face stresses, 2) tangential face stresses, and 3) inner and outer pressure. The supplementary stress tensor is a special solution of the equation of equilibrium which Card I /Z leaves the cylinder surface free from stresses; a supplementary SOV/124-58-3-3133 The Equilibrium of an Elastic Cylinder of Finite Length tensor is constructed for the centrifugal force and for the gravity force. The corrective ten5or satisfies the uniform equations of equilibrium and the uni- form end conditions of the cylindrical surface and contains a number of arbi- trary constants which are determined from the condition of minimum poten- tial energy (the suggested solution does not satisfy Castigliano's theorem of compatibility). The author suggests that the corrective tensor be constructed in the form of atriple series'of the products of cosine-binomes and plain trigonometrical functions of the variables r, 0, and z V. K. Prokopov Card Z/2 IONOV, V.11., kand.fiz*-mftt*nauk, dots. Thermal stresses in an elastic cylWer. Izv.vys.ucheb.%av.; mushinostr. no.6:75-80 '58. (HIM 12:8) 1. Moskovskoys, T7saheye takhnielhasko7e uchilishche im. Bainam. kThormal stresses) (Cylbulere) IONOV, Calculating strossom in a shell of revolution having a nonzero ourvAturo, Naucb. dok-1, vys. shkoly; mash. 1 pribe n0-2:78-85 '59. '(MIRA 12112) (Elastic plates and nhells) kullibrins of todies of revolution. Imch.dokl.vys.sWw1y; f1s.-MLY-Uld U6.3287-0 159. (MM INQ 1. Moskovskly CosudarstvamW usiversitat imeni N.T.Lomonomovs. (Geometry, Solid) (Body of revolution) IONOV, V. N., Doc Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Application of the princi- pl-e--o-f --possible variations in a condition of strain in solving spacial problems of elasticity and plasticity." Moscow, 1960. 11 pp; (Moscow State Univ im M. X. Lomonosov); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 31-60, 140) ,Lao I I ts 4 21 2 27850 -8/508,/60/029/000/006/012 D225/D303 AUTHOR: Ionov, V.N. (Mo oo~i,' TITLE On the pressure-,def ried state of shells with null curvature PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk.SsSlt~ Inzhenernyy sbornikp v. 29, 1960, 63-76 TEXT: The aim of the paper is to establish a method for calcu- lating pressure-deformed states. ~or shellowith null curvaturej based on the variation principle. of the minimum of 'energy of deformation. The author introduc6s the following system of co- ordinates x - distance along the tracing line,from the zero un- til the treated cross section (FF. g. 1). If - the angle which de- termines the position of the poi6t an the parallel circlep z - distance along the normal to thel meab surface of the shell.! The component of the metric tensor wall then be Card 1/14 27850 8/508/60/029/000/006/012 On the pressure-deformed D225/D303 (r + x sin cL+ z cos)2; 911 1; 922 0 g33= 1 differing from zerov Christoffells.symbols.have the,following f orm: ri (r0 + xsIna + zcos ctj. ci~ 22 =a a(r#+xslnct +zcosa, r1l, sin a y2 COI rs+x sin a + z cos so rj+xsinz+C0s-* Cos 41 + ) (J's + x sin 3). re + X 31n a re + xSln a +7cos -a The coordinates therefore change in the range Card (2) 27850 S/508/60/029/000/006/012 On the pressure-deformed D225/D303 0 X~