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0 JONOV NITTSEV, M.A. Utte of surface ionization phenomena in studying catalytic reawtions on a surfacer;' Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.l*.137-139 3 163. (mina6sq) L. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikm B,P,Konstantinovym. (Ionization) (Catalysis) (Surface chemistry) ACCESSION NR: AP40,18.379 SIOIZO/64/000/001/0138/0141 AUTHOR: ,16nov,,.Ej,;, Karatayev, V. I. TITLE: Two-stage magnatic.mass spectrometer SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1964, 138-141 TOPIC TAGS., spectrometer, mass spectrometer, magnetic mass spectrometers two stage magnistic mass spectrometer, puss_ spectrometry ABSTRACT: A further development of these 'authors' two-stage mass spectro- meter (PTE, 1962, no. 3, p. 119) is described. In this model, a change in the ion-path radius in the second stage is- effected by means of a step change in the ,_rlaagnetic field J~tensity. Dispersion. formulas are derived. A sample mao ill v0 of spectrum of isot' as (X aX , and~X ),of~"utral potassium Mustrates the OP feasibility'of measuring two peaks dii.fering b'y one mass unit and having an jol~/107 intensity ratio cif These advantages over the previous model are C'A ACCESSION NB.:. AP4018379 claimed: (1) The entire chamber volume is under the same potential: there is no' necessity of an additional internal ch4mber ini~sulated from the external; (Z) Easier alignment procedure and sweep. 'brig. art. has: 3 figures and 10 formulas. ASSOCIATION.'Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy:institut AN SSSR (Physico-Technical Institute AN SSSR) :SUBMITTED: 02Mar63 DATE A00: 18Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 Card, f ACCESSION NR: AP4022712 S/0020/641156/00210309/03111,~ -AUTHOR: :Piakuiina', L'. M - Ionov- N'- 1, T~ TITL4: NtOtmining th4:eziergy ofelectron dfinity of copper,, silVer and gold. ce'icin atoms by this -suifa ization method SOURCE: M SSSRj Doklat*, v. 155s no, 2, 19641 309-ifl TOPIC TAGS;, electron affinlty,, energy,, copper, silver, gold,'!ourtace ioniza- tion method, Iodine ABSTRAdT"-.* The energy of,the.electron affbilty of copper, silveiafid gold atoms I w as determined by a'snethod previously described by the authors (ZhM, ~ 33, No. .9, 2063, (1'958)),in:~whi&the,-currents of the negative ions of two elements, d Mn ohi e tungsten'filal are6mpaied.u. g-surface4 zatibnonhdatingapolycrystallin t to; 18004300K. :The electron affinil y eherq (S) of iodme,vlas used foe coln~* men parison--(s ~,,30_07 UP pj and ng oxe-.- the 0115:'Ce tbe 4i current-,, il S! I'llows-o-:4t; cc, 2 002 ~ACCESSION NRi AP4013429 S/0057/64/034/002/0354/0360. AU7141OR: Ionoir, 2~. 1. Tontegode, A.Ya. TITd: Probe.characteristics obtained %vith,various types of probe in mercury and cesium vapor gas discharge plasmas s6unc`r.: Zhurnal -telchn.fiz. v,34, no.2, 19G4, 334-360 TOPIC TAGS ischarge plisma, plas asma, mercury,plasma, cesium plasma, gas d ma diagnostics plasma probe ABSTRACT: Pl.~6be,moasurements in mercury and cesium vapor gas discharge plasmas were,. fund ;!iliken ji-imirily to observe the'-b"hav'ior of a type of multi-telectrode probepro- C d )r posed long ixdo by one of the authors (N.I.Ionov,DAN SSSR 85,753,1952) and subse- quently.ignored. Both electron and ion characteristics were obtained. The 6 cm long hot ca-ihode discharge was produced in a 7.5 cm diameter glass tube. The multi- '~6be not electrode pr consisted.of four plane electrodes, the dimensions of which are givQn, b"ut which measured more than 4 nm in at least one direction. These electrodes wer(Y'Ahountidd parallel to the axis of the discharge at 3 mm intervals in a centrally located side t a, the first electrode closing the entrance to the side tube. The U~ .j ard C A SI IR ccss 09 1 AP401342P first three clqctrodes had tee anplar of~oninga for passage of ions and electrons, andithe f ourth oleetrodo served ;Ls collector. The mercury and'cosium vapors were. froy:en out.of the side tube by a liquid nitrogen trap. N simpb cylindrical probe, was.- mounted opposite the multi -electrod ci probw for compari3on. The multi-olectrodo pro)oe could be 'operatedt as a simpte planb probe by connacting all the elocti-odes to-: gethar, or it gould be operated as a two, throe, or fourz,electrode probe as-dosired' When two elect es worb employacU, the abalyzing potential was applied between the t firit clectr6dMd tho'plasma, and a constant potential to distinguish between ions and..eiectron current was applied botwoon this electrode and the collector. When the' proi~e was used "As, a throe or fouj olactrode dovicb, the first electrode was kept at.- the i'plasmz pot * tial to" prevent disturbance of the plasma by the probe field. When on all..four electrodes were employel , ono electrode served to suppress photoelectric and"secondary electron emissionlf~om the collector. Two groups 6f thermal elec- trons of ividely',differont temperature were observed in both plasmas at suitable -pressures (2 x -i0- torg x 10-3 t~r for mercury and 3 x 10-3 to 4 x 10-4 tor for cesium). At lower pressures at least in the mercury plasma, the electron distribu-;~ tio4 became nol"axwel~ian. The temperatures obtained for the hotter group of eleca-( .trons (of.tho order of 104 olo varied cg'nsidorably, depending on the' probe connec- ti employed.4' From t1he measurem(fits r~portcd, and many not reported, the authors~ Cord 2/3 ACCEMION NR;. AF4o1A29_. 1) Tho-electron characteristic of the plane probe:,; draw the following donolusions: potential and elce-.,'- ~at small retarding potentials as well as the observed plasma tron density, is practical ly,indopendent Of the number of electrodes emPlOYed-2) if e- At iargo retarding potentials, the onc,.two, and three electrode probes SWe di - rent results. This is due to errors inherent in one and two electrode-probe systems.i. 3) The fourth electrode is required for correct measurements in rarefied plasmas such as occur in interplanetary space. 4) The cylindrical probe characteristic dif- ter .afrom the plane probe characteristic in all conditions investigated.'. has- 7 figures, ASSOCIATION: F#iko-telchnicheskiy'insti~ut im.A.F,,Iofie AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physi--,j cal-Technical Institute'. AN SSSR) SUBMITTED:: 28118662 PATE ACQ: 26F6b64 ENCL:' 00 SUB CODE-_PH, SD rtFX- SOV: 002 07HER: 0.02 3/3 Card IACCESSXOX NR: AP4020587 B/0057/64/034/003/0546/033i~,'~. 'AUTHOR: Ageyev, V.N.; lonov -K.I.* Ustinov, Yu.K. TITLE: Application of-a pulse mass spectrometer to investigation of adaorption..~-_f 1-characteristiesby the flash method SOURCE-. -557 zhurnal tekhnichekoy fiziki, v.34, no.3, 1964, 546 TOPI6 TAGS: pulse mass spectrometer, pulse mass spectrometer manomete ', flash de-n. r 3tion curve, carbon monoxide desorption, carbon dinoxide desorption, water de--t ~i sorl S040~ion, hydrogen desorption, oxygon desorption T .10nov, (W~I -ABSTRAC : The pulse mass spectrometer doscribed by Ye.r.Agishev and N.I T.F,28,1-775,1958) was employed as the partial pressure gage in an investigation of Al:_ adsorption characteristics by the Ilash desorption method proposed by J.A.Becker !and C.D.Hartman (J.Phys.Chem.57,157,1953) and further developed by G.Ehrlich'(i ~Chem.Phys.34,29,1961) andothers. The theory of the flash method is developed b ly and.the principal equations are derived. A 0.025 mm diameter 120 mm long tung 3! sten wire served as the adsorber. Thij; was mounted near the ion source at one d _9f the 2 liter mass spectrometer chamber. During the heating of the wire _(d ati. /3 1 Card MM11 ACCESSION IM: AP4=587 about 0.1 see) the accelerating potential was applied in '50 microsec pulsesat re-4' Gular intervals.'The ions automatically sorted themselves into mabs groups during.~, their drift to the ion detector (a secondary electron.multiplier) at the far end of the spectrometer chamber. A four grid ion gato was located directly in front of tl$e:, detector and was so pulses as to peirnit only ions of a selected mass recordaL"" The amplified ion current, after being smoothed by an integrating circuit with an., appropriate time constant, was displayed on an oscilloscope. The temperature of the: tungsten adsorber, obtained from the unbalance voltage of a bridge in the heat_ng~:]_` !circuit, was also displayed on the same oscilloscope. Thus, flash heating and do- !sorption curves for'a selected molecule were simultaneously automatically recorded. Flash d 4esorption cur 'ves were obtained for CO, 1120, 112, 02 and C02 after adsorptio;. ihad.beren :permitted to proceed for times varying from 0.25 to 30 min. The residual~J gas'pressure during these measurements was about 8 x 10-8 torr. The authors consid-1-- ;.or this the most.serious iiiadequacy of the present apparatus, and thek ar~ taking,; Steps to reduce this pressure. All the desorption cu rves except those for hydrog4~n twere complex. In the case of C0j three phases were distinguished, which are tenta'' 'tively identified as the CC, 02 and �3 phases ol Ehrlich (loc-cit.supra). Ehrlichlj~. phase P3. was not found. Vio activation energy for desorption of CO from!Phases pa~~ 2/3 card :ACC.NR: AP4020587 andh was deduced from the desorption curves. It waslfound that desorption from is a first order reaction with activation energy 1.6 eV and desorption from s a second order reaction with-activation energy 2.4 eV. The rather'large discrs--;:i~ pancy betmen these activation energies and those found by other investigators i 129cribod -to inaccurato*tomporatur-a-monsuremorit,,b'y t4e other workers. An increasi%~'.. Ifinai co 1prossure observed at high temperaturo6. is",iiispribed, as it has. been by oth-, ers, to oxidation of carbon diffusing from within t4i~ iungsten. The reaction was !found to be with H20 and not with C02. The authors',:"are7gratefult-to Ye.LAgishev- ,,for advice and assistance during development of the aponratus.",13 ;formulas and 10 figures. ASSOCIATION. Fiziko-tokhniches kiy Institut im. A.F.1offe AN SSSR, LeninMd (Ph);sk~_ 'Ical-Technkcal Institutel AN SSSR) -SUBMITTED-. O6Feb63 .,DATE ACQ: 31Mar64 ISUB CODE: PH NR REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 00 1~ Ir 3/3, .am ACCESSION MR:, AP4033684 9/0057/64/034/005/0769/0767 AtM[OR: _jRn :TITLE: Investigation of gas discharge and cosmic plasmas with multielectrode probes ~;SOWM Zhurnal tekhnIcheskoy fIzIkI, v.34, no.50 1964, 769-787 !iTOPIC TAGS! plasma, rarefied plassa,.planna diagnostics, simple probe, multielec trodo probep gas discharge# consdo p2g~m ;'ABSTRACT: This Is a review articlep and can5equently contains no now lacavaticue! The measurement of ion and electron densities and velocity distribution with the i :bald of probes Is discussed,from Its inception by Langmuir to recent applications In the sea~~ ~antellito research.- The discussion is limited to rnrelied plasmas in which free path In long compared with the 'dimensions of the space-charge region that forml.:-1-el about the probe; applications to dense plasmas and to plasmas In strong magnetic :,fields are not discussed. Theoretical derivations are few and are limited to pla probes. The f Mrst halt of the paper deals with laboratory measurements. The. a (single olectraie) probe Is discussed In considerable detaill and the UUMe V ACCESSION NR: AP4035694 C,probes to inirestigate an electrodeless discharge Is described. The deficiencies of f1fthe simple probe and their causes are pointed out. The author then 616CM9 addition of it second electrode to separate the ion and electron currents, a t Id --j';electrode to limit the space-charge region and thus minimize the disturbance the .!,plasma by the probe, and a fourth electrode to suppress photo- and secondary emis- t ision. This section ends with a brief review of recent work by the author-and Aiyao q a~Tentegode (ZhTF,34,354,1964) In which they compared the behavior of on" two, hre Aand four-electrode le!~ probes under similar conditions. In the second half of the pap~~; ':er the author discusses the problems peculiar to the investigation of plasmas In Tspace. These arise mainlyfromthe tenuity of the plasmas and the motion of the In-* 'I'stiiiment. The discussion Is Illustrated by descriptions of instruments employed and ,results achieved by both Soviet and American workers in space research, ranging t"i N simple probes carried on early V-4 f lights to the four-electrods "ion trap" of Rx- ;.Iplorer-10. The paper concludes with the suggestion that valuable results might be obtained by subjecting the charged particles of one polarity, collected by a multi-:!- Alelectrode probel to magnetic analyslas OrIgeart.has: 12formulas and 23 figures. A.- W3 BAKULINA, 1. N.; IONOV, N. 1. Electron affinity energy of copper, silver, and gold atoms as determined by the surface ionization method. Dokl. AN SSSR '155 no. 2:309-311 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. loffe AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom B. P. Konstantinovym. A, ~ C%W 4 4 es wore measwtd -with A D-u-lse- d- -mass ~speatromqter,_as_0scribd__ %~Curves-_or-pmssure-ana versus time were- sittultaneously displayed -on anosaillqscopo. In all the oxperi-:~-! ments the desorption was complete at a' temperature below 10000K; thus, no appre-ci- able quantity of atomic hydrogen was involved. The desorption ourves were complex and indicated the presence of two adsorbed phases, both of which were desorbed by second order reactions. The rate constants.and activation energies for tho two phases were found to bo 1.4 N 10 -6 cm2/soc and 0.01 oV, and 0.14 om2/scc and 1.48 f~hn nnn^ Aq thn J,~ -qn jtmnnrfj24j hit ff - 1, - I n~ny% .1 1 ~. ~ , '; , " 11 1 1- - , - ~ -.. ; " Ju t 1-Ju .I ictl&i 3 a; T -P&M-M-9:04A - 3550445 IACCESSION NR: AP50673081 ;increased w'ith the temperature. !Qweffective work function for Mg+ ions, which vere obtained by injection of Mg from specia.1 evaporizers onto the filament, was found to be 5.16-5.20 v in the 2000-26OOK temperature range. The atom ionization potentials V (for m/e = 29) were V29 6-3 to 7.3 v; V44 = 5.8 to 6.2 v; V55 = 6.2 to 6.3 v; V85 = 5.9 to 6.4 v; and V. 6.0 to 6.4 v. The case of VsI = 9.3 to 'Ve 51 was fractional. The temperature inde- ;10.9 v indicates that the ion with m :pendence of the ion current with m/e = 34 indicates that the atom ionization poten-. tir-I for thin compound is equal to or lover than the work function value of 5.1 v. 7~ --- ----- 4--nfo Aa-na+-"a+-A +hn+. man-y nrvanle molecules and radicals zossess a lip(c) /n ~ R A JLI/JW/JG ACCESSION NR: AP5015636 MV0057/65/035/00 AUTHOR: 113tinov, yu.K.; Ageyev, V.N.; Ionov, N.I. TI",LE: Investigation of cheml~sorl)lbion7-o-f-c--a-r--b-on-FTmonoxide on poly- crystalline tmgsten wires by Yhe -Maiih me~h_od SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhn~eneskoy f izlki, v.35, no.6, 1965, 1106-1114 TOPIC TACS: chemisorption, adsorption, carbon monoxide, tungStau# MnTID x ~i t 1- activra cc enetg w0 0 This paper Mports a co the chemisorption of CC) 2056,2.9 e a s been described in t tie ea r 11 e r a r s The flash desorp- Wag employe-d, ar)j~ S VUISed spectrome- waslised to M4easure the ejesorbed gas. 12"G ras--~auaL pr~e3~;,-,re was 7 M H9. The adsorbers, wore is cm long C-025 mm diameter tLing--,- -3 , Nfrw wims were heated at 260()(%K for, on-- tiour before use were heated at 2400011 fo.- one mLn--J~.e !)et-w-3::in measurements. Card L 5L755-65 N R AP5015636 T-C, 'I A 0 S 7 Three ad-5 so r-- ---do' PtIOA-9.0-tt-ilatiOL -ALA, a- ' -eneml Of -r-! 3.87 eV were found Ih C!e are identif-74-e-d wits -he rt~,,-Sosq 6XI fn -d re- S 0 P Pectively, r G.Ellch and Ehrlich's but rot 143 Dham uas sought, foL7,d. The autl- I o C . C of th, F; anf, wag 0 a:l incomplete ... ~ ) w pararaun of Two Be ith Ehrlich's ~I .3pas o in Q Fiu6 tirlv , , -~ ia"- I Plu"a, es 3tar of world was shown by mass Spec- r ~,i, ThG e-~+ho-s not-e Crrd L Acc-rll-~S.109 XR.' AP5015636 iko-tekhniche institut im.A.F-loff-8 AN SSSRt SOURC9,- j.,zhurnal tekhnibheskby'fizikiI v. 35, no*. 1l,.-1965,-2099-2108 TOPIC TAGS: ,gas.:ndsorption, chemisorption, nitrogen tungsten', CAt4ltA orhe adsorption -of, nitrogen on 12 cm long 0.025 mm diameter polycrystalline ~t t; es has, been invest igated by the flash method, using a pulsed time-mof- ungs en r. 110t: mass measure the:gas pressure during the flash. Simultaneous adsoi0tioi,il'Of N2, CO, and 112-WaS.0100 investigated. The apparatus and the expori- mental a-nil data. processing techniques have beendescribed elsewhere bA V.N.Ageyevo -:and Yu.X.Us t in ov (MIT 34, 54 6, 2056 (1964), 35, J. N. I lono.v j, 1106 (1965)).~ The a ads6rbed. phases of T.W.Hickmott and G.Ehrlich (Phys. Chem.Solids,:51 470, '1958) were-observed~ and two.p Ohases:were-distinguished. The parameters C, n andE in the -expreiislon .CNn exp (~_E/kT) for the ra te of decrease of the surf ace conce ntration Hof adsor.b.ed -nitrogen molecules *were found to be 10-1 CM2/sec, 2, and 2.'4 eV,, 2 _respectiviily,4orlone of,the-I 3 x 109 cm /see, 2, and 6.5 eV,reapectivel .3 phases and Coid ACCNR,-~-AP5028327 tot the other. From: the I act that n s; 2 it Is concluded that in the p phases nitroger,, is adsorbed al,atoms and..desorbed as molecules. The easily desorbed a phase was obse ed only at high suz entrations, and it never contained more than 5% of Pv face.conc s the total number of adatoms, The-sticking~probability of nitrogen molecule onitihe tungsten :surf ace .at:3000K was 1 0 .-22 for surface co ncentrations bel 13 ow 3 x 10 ~mo ecu ek. cm2::-and was very.small'for higher' concentrations. The equilibrium surf ace concen- en on tungsten at 3000'K.and -7 mm Hg was 11 114 molecule/CM2.' tration'of nitrog 10 .2 x 10 -Co.tind H2-were readily:.ddsorbed eveniwhen the tungsten-surface was saturated with N2-: Trom: this it Is concluded that N2 is,easily adsorbed on some crysta f eo and fille x1mughly practically not at all ofi,,others. 7he. nitrogen adsorbing faces, _half the..surface area of the.tungs en w re. -The data are discussed In terms of the.theory -.. 11 1 . it, - . I - . - of 1,ayere& adsorpti6n, an<. is.'s.hown.that they are not inconsistent with this theory. The possibility of deriving-information concerning the adsorption process, from, equilibrium measurements- is,discussed and some. preliminary measurements, are presented.. -The-present experimentavtechn.ique, however, Is not.adequate to realize 'the.full potentialities of the equilibrium. method has; 4 formula,sand., SUB CODE: 20 V7::, .:~SUBU DATH:*"~ -IOFeb65/ .'OHIO. REP: 003, 0M MP: Oll APS0283 28 Sounct cobt UR/0057/65/035/011/2100/2ilO.., . AUTHOR--.-AReyevj:V.X nov ORO.* Phisico-technical-.1natitute. im 'A F.-Iolfe. AN SSSR. LenIngrqd.-(FIzIko- AN.. SSSR)!-,:. !~id6kiy institut -Ii(ivestigationof-dhoMisorOtio on polycrystalline tun sten by. TITLE:~ n of oxyge Ahe I Iish method SOURCE:' !Wurnal tekhnicheskoy- f iziki j::v.., 35, no..11, 1965, 2109-2116 -,,gas sor io~.,~mimisorptio tuneaten TOPIC:VAGI~-. ad pt A,,oxygen, AWTRACT-` The adsorpti6n~of-.-oxygen-on 12. -cm, long M25~mm diameter polycrystalline', tungs t en I wites.,-has -been~ , investigated Iby, -the 11-ash method using a pulsed time-~of- flight Mass spectrometer,to miasu'ie,the gas pressure duringthe flash.' The apparatus experimental technique have been described elsewhere by the authors and Yu. k. Ustupov (ZhTF 34; 3, 546, ~2656-(1964)). After outgassing by the usual techniques -9 in a vacuum of.10 . mm2g.1the,tungsten wire.was heated for 100 hours at 2300OK-in-vin -7 6 atmosphere of 10- min Hg of,O2 at 2200' K in 10 mm, and subsequently for 40 hours Eg of 02. After this,tieatment-the adsorbed oxygen was.idesorbed as 02,,whiereas prior to the treitment only desorption of CO and C02 had been observed. An ionization'gage gave.h ighti .r pres,sure readings below 3 x 10-8 mm. qg than.did the mass sp .eIctro.meter; this is ascribed to desorption df,O+-ions from the grid of the ionization gage.~Thermo, Gird'I/3 -7 -10676-t NR# AP5028328 .0i -tungsten wire during flashing!,,was suppressed by.. a electron emission from,the n appro-,: piiate pottintial-difference.between the wire.and the walls of-the spectrometerto avoid ther0toelectron-1,stimulated desorption Of 02, CO, and C02 from-the surrounding, Two- adsorbed. -ph,oses (named.01 ando ed. .The pa.rameters n 2) were distinguish C, n, ,and It'In the expression CK :~ex'p (o-E/kr) for the rate of decrease of the sur ace.-. -7 S concentrationN oxygen molecules were found to be (2 :L.0.6) x 10 :cm /see 2, and 1 1.5, 0 2 eV respectively*~ for the .pi phase, and 120 � 18 CM2/sec - 2, and 6.1.-�,0.4 W,~respectively, for-this.p phase Prom the value 2 for.n it is.concluded, that oxyge4: Is:adsorbed'as atoms 'and ge'sorbed, as molecules. The sticking probability. of an-- oxyg6n~.Tftolocule~onthe tungsten 'surface was 0.14 at low surface concentrations 0 and-tempers',tures, from 300 to 1800 .'K,*..where the adsorption is mainly into the p2 phase and was 0.07 at 3000 X and high Ier surface concentrations where-the adsorption is mainly, into the p, phase. The~equilibrium concentration of adsorbed oxygen on tungstei at 3000 K -m;as 5 x .1014, molecule/cm.2~ with roughly half the adatoms in each of,the'two phases. if.was found that~oxygen displaces.adsorbed CO molecules from-the high temper. state"in this process one'O u a displaces two CO molecules., The re- 2ture P2_ 2 m6lec 1 SIults of tije present -work or e. compsIred with those of a number of other investigators., The valu'e 0.14 for thesticking probability is in agreement with the finding of J.'&.. Becker, E.JI.Beckeri:and .R.G.Brandes (J. Appl. Phys., 32, 411, 1961) but is much smaller than the valubs obtained. by JAIsinger (J. 310, 412, 1959) and R.E.Schlier (JOAppl. ~ Phys. ~i .1162,.'-1958). -The.valuelobtained-for the-equilibrium concentration of adsorbed'. oxygen agrees with tbo-se.found by Becker, Becker and Brandoul and by Caird BAKULINA, I.N.; ICNOT,, N.I. Ibsolute energies of electron affinity of halogen and sulfur toms. Zhur. fis. khim. 39 no, 1a157 Ja 165 (MIRA 19t1) . Fiziko-tekbnichaskiy institut izeni A.F', Ioffe AN SSSR, : Submitted Novmber 1. 1963, . I M I011OV, U. V. IONOVI N. V.: "Vascular reactions in patients before and after and oper- ation." Kin Health FRSFSR. Leningrad Sanitary-Hygiene Medical Inst. Leningrady 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences) Source: Knizhnaya letopis' No. 28 1956 Moscow comntry : USSR Catc6ory : NvMn and Animal Physiology, Internal Secretion Aba. Jour. : Rer zhur stol., xo. 2, 1959, xa. a266 .1 Gr : Ionov N.Y. .u 1~1,:bittlt. : Karaganda d1cal Institute Titlc~ : Vascular Reactions In Tbyrotoxicoole, Ti Orig Nb. : Tr. Ura8andinek. sad. In-ta, 1957, 1, No. 3, 219--220 The plethismographic curves of 20 patients with tbyrotoxiconts had a markedly wave'-like pattern; It was not possible 'to obtain a tero plethismogrem. Reflex vascular reactions were charecter12ed by great lability, the absence of a latent Period, Impeded extinction of the orientation reaction to conditioned stimuli, a spastic reaction-to unconditioned stimuli and Impeded eatablIabsent of the conditioned reflex and differentte- tion. After treatment with bromides and drug-1nduced sleep, the plethismographic curves lost their waTe-like character. Reactions to uncondition~4 stimuli were not Card &a sharp and were more p~oportiowl to the stimulus. G,,urftry : JMR T Ce-t LS3 r.Y~-- : Humen and Animai rhysiology, Tnternal Secretion Abs, Jour. : Ref Zhur Bloli No. 2, 1959, io. 8266 AtiVao r Inntitat. T itlc OrIrS. Pub. : llbstranct : Following surgery a zero plethismogram could be obtained. Also noted Vas OL nOrmali2stilOn Of 'vascular tons (Pulse and arterial pressure).- Car,d: IONOV. N.V. (Uregands. bullyar Kira, d.90 kv,17) and postoperetive vascuUr reactions [with on-ry In Baglish p. 1591 Test6khlr. 79 no.7:64-68 Jl 157. (KIRA 10:103 1. In falmlotetskay kbirurgichaskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. K.G. Shrayber) laregandinskogo minditsinskogo instituta. (613~myv GPMTIVB, preops A povtop6 pletbysmogrophy (Rug)) (PI&THMORApff . 17 Preop. & postop. (Run)) IONOVI N.Y.. (KarWnda, bullvar Mira, d.9, kv-7) Ixtensive gastric, duodenal and pancreatic resection for gastric enrcoma, Test.khir, 80 no.4:116-117 AP158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetakoy khirurgii (zav. Prof. M.G. Shrayber) KRragandinskogo medltelnekogo inetitutne (STOMACH NIOPLASKS, Burg. extensive duedennl & pancreatic resection with gaRtrecoaW for nFircom (Rua)) (GASTRECTOKY with extentive duodenal & Pancreatic renection for gastric earcoma (Rua)) (DUMENN, Burg. extensive resection in gnstrectomy for sarcomh (Rue)) (PANCMS, surg. same) (SARCOMA, Burg, gastrecomy with extensive duodenal & pancreatic resection for gastric sarcoma (Rue)) YNOV, N.Y. -ion of aneaVnet4o methiAs accordIng clAnIcal mater!!tla. Trudy Inst. klin. i oksp. khir. AN Kazakh. IM 93120-122 163. IVAIM-1. Yevgeniy Abramovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; STOLBIN. G.B., kencl,tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; IOIIOT, P.I., inzh., red.; BLIKIND, V.D., takhn, red. [Clutches; construction atlas] Hafty dlia privodov; atlas konstraktati. Koskya. Goo. nouchno-takhnoizd-vo mashinostroit. lit-r7, 1957. 190 P- (Clutches (Machinery)) (KM 11:3) (Machine tools) IONDY, P.M., inshener, rodaktor; TIXWNI)V, A.Ta, tokhnichaskly redaktor. [%gines 2D 16.5/20 1 mA ZW 26~5/20:1; collection of desigiw] Dwigatell 2D 16,5/20 1 1 2DBP 16,5/20 1; allbou chortoshol. Isde 2-99, ispr'-Moskra, Gese'nauchno-takhn. Izd-vo mashinestrolt'lit-ry, 1956. 35 P, of diaaamm, (Mm ;:6) 0 1.01selestreltolliwl saved OKowuntsts, Koscove (Diesel eMines) SAPOZM41KOV, Matvey Yakavlevich; SILENOKs S.G.,, inzh.,, retsenzent; IONOV, P.M., inzh., red.; CHERNOVA, Z.I., tekhn. red. -[Machinery of the building materials industry; atlas of de- signs]MashirV prouWahlennosti stroitellrqkh materialov; atlas konstruktsii. Izd.2.# perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz., 1961. 215 Pe . . (MIRA 15:10) (Building materials industry-Equipment and supplies) LAPIR, F.A.; SUSNIK(YV, A.A.; SHAGINOV, D.L.0 dots.; OGIIEVICH2 A.Lp kandatekbnonnkgretserownt; IONOV.P.M.sinzh.pred.; SMIRNOWAIG.V.p tekbn,red. :---- (Mechanical equipment of plants manufacturing precast reinforced.: concrete elements; atlas of technical drawings]Mekhanicheskoe oborudovanie zavodov sborrykh zhelezobetonnykh izdelii; atlas konstruktsii. Pod red. D.L.Shaginova. Moskva, Mashgizj 1962. 128 p. (MML 15.12) (Concrete plants-Equipment and supplies) REWICHRIKOO V.S.; KYUBLER, O.A.; BOLTUKHTN, A.K., dots., retsenzent; -.IUNOV, P.M.# inzh., red. [Transparent drawing and design stencils and materials; album of drawings] FrozrachTqe chertezhno-konstruktorskie trafarety i prinadlezhnosti; allbom chertezhei. Moskva2 Mashinostroeniep 1964. 130 P. (MIRA 17:8) DOLKIIOVITINOV, N.F.J. doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; BOLKIIOVITINOU, Ye.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots --i-LOFY '-p-7-M. , inzh... red. [Atlas of macro- and microstructures of metals and alloys] Atlas makro- i mikrostruktur metallov I splavov. Izd.3. perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1964 101 P. imm 17.8) FOYGELIRM Grigoriy Abramovich; SVORTSOV, G.D., inzh., retsenzent; IONOV, P.M., inzh., red. jAlbum of drawings of universal dies, die blocks and units for sheet-metal work] Allbom konstruktsii universallnykh shtampov, blokov i uzlov dlia kholodnoi shtampovki. Mo- skva, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 120 p* (MIRA 18:11) -- i ^~, I I I - D. --- - - --- - ---- --- - -,-- - -- -- -- - - - - ---- -- - JONOT, P.S.; DONRACHU, G.T.-, prof.g PADDZYZT, L.A.; BRANZBLMG, A.Yu., DISIN, M.A., [Diagnosis of diseases of the horsel conolse visawl for the military veterinarian] Diagnostika bolesnei loshadi: kratkos rukovodstvo dlia voiskovago voterinarnogo vrachs. Pod red. 0.T. 'Domrachava. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo sallkhox.lit-ry, 1945. 176 p. (KaLA '13:3) (Horses-Diseases and posts) IONOV, P. S. Labokatory t6sto in v6terinary clibi6al'diagnosis.' Mosim, Gos. iid-vo sOlkhos'lit-ry 1953.- 252 p. (Uchebniki i uchabnye posobiia dlia vysshikh seliskokhosiaistvennykb zavedenii) USSR/Medicine Veterinary, Textbook Card 1/1 Author : Shishkov, V. and Ginzbu rg, A.,, Veterinary Physicians (reviewers) Title : "Review of 'Laboratornyye issledovanlya v veterinarnoy klinicheskoy diagnostikel (Laboratory examinations in veterinary clinical diagnosis)" by P. S. Ionov et al Periodical : Veterinariya, 31, 58-6o, Apr 1954 Abstract : P. S. Ionov) V. G. Mukhin, A. I. Fedotov, and I. G. Sharabrin have intended this book primarily for students in veterinary colleges and to provide reference material for laboratory workers and practic- ing veterinary physicians. Importance of this book is enhanced bY the fact that all previously published textbooks and manuals on the methods of clinical and laboratory diagnosis in veterinary medicine have been sold out and have become somewhat obsolete. Notable ad- vances have been made in the past few years in the Soviet Union in the field of veterinary medicine; veterinary clinicists have~con- tributed much new to the veterinary laboratory-clinical diagnostic methods. All these advances have been incorporated in this book- The book was published in 1952 by the State Publishing House of Sovhoz and Kolkhoz Literature, Moscow, 252 pp, Fifteen thousand copies. Institution Submitted 3:0116i,,~gt iqh; KUMSITEV, Shalva Alekseyevich; SHAPTAIA, Ivan ,',Semenov, ' ~-f - 'ok~f NUSIN, A.D., red.; GORIKOVA, Z.D., 0 (Principles of therapeutic practice in veterinary medicine; with elements of diagnosis] Onnovy terapevticheekoi tekhniki v vaterinarit; a elementami diagnostiki. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 19~7- 274 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Veterinary medicine) IOL-OV, P.S. CIsboratory research in clinical veterinary diagnosis] laborstornye tuslaiLovenits v Yeterinarnoi klinicheakoi diagnoitike. Izd. 2-9. parer. Moskva, Go#. Izd-vo selkhos lit-r7, 1957- (HDU 11:4) (Voterinary medicine) ~ATTSEV, Vladimir Ivenovich. prof,; SIM, A.V., prof.; Tnuny P Q prof.; VASILIM, A.V., prof.; SHAR RIN, I.G., prof.; qOLOM, red*; BALLOD. A.I.. [ClIbloil diagnosis of Internal diseases of domestic animals) Kiinichadmia diagnostika vmtrannikh bolesnat . domashn.lkbL shivotuykh. Pod red. VJ.Zaitseva. Moskva, Gos.izd-va selikhoz.lit-ry. 19~8. 375 P. (MMA 12:3) (Veterinary modicine-Diagnosis) 0 VIOZGOVI I.Ye., akademik,, red.; ;EqHOV, P.S., prof., red.; OSTAPENKO, K.A.j kand. vet~i,' nauko red.; OSIPOVI-, VA., red, (Propbylaxis and the-~/a of noninfectious diseases of farm '. py animals] Profilaktikik,.X lechenie nezaraznykh boleznei sell- skokhoziaistvemWkh &votnykh. Pod red. I.E.Mozgova, P.S. lonava, K.A.Ostapenko. Moskva, Izd-vo "Kolos," 1964. 254 P. (MIRA 170) 1. Nauchno-metodicheekaya konferentsiya o merakh profilaktiki nezarazrqkh bolezney sell skoU'.--)zyayetvennykh zbivotmykh. 2. Vsesoyuznaya akaderiya selVkokhazyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Mozgov) ZAYTSEV, V.I., prof.; SIREV, A.V.f prot.; IONOV,,P.S,.0 prof.; VASILtYEV, A.V., prof.; SHARAERIN, I.G.,prof.,- ZZLEPUKIN, V.S.9 red. (Clinical diagnosis of internal diseases in farm animals) Klinicheskaia diagnostika vnutrennilrh boleznei sellsko- khoziaistvenrqkh zhivotnykh. 2. perer. i dop. izd. Moskva, Kolofs,, 1964. 350 P. (MIRA 17:11) IONOV) P.S., prof.; TINK"'MIN, Z.F., ase-istent Effect of amaroids on the motor function of the rumen in cattle. Veterinarlia 38 no.2;54-55 F 163. (miu 18: 1) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy pro- myshlennosU. IONOV, P.S., prof.; TIMOSHKIN, Z.F., assistent Use of white false hellebore tinctures for treating the atmy of immeno V'eterinariia 38 no,3s64-65 Mr 161 (MTRA 3-8i1) 1. Moskovskiy tekbnologicheakiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti. IONOVS P.Lgire.f.; UBHA, B,,V., aspIrant Diagnoeis of liver diseases in cattle. Veterinarlia 42 no.7258-59 JI 165. (MIRA 16s?) 1. Muzkovskly teklinolog-Joheskiy Institut myusnoy i molochnoy prcayshlennosti. 6 --EWT(1)/EWP(m) "ACC NRt AT6022646 souRcE CODE: uR/oooo/66/ooo/ooo/oo62/OO7l-- AUTHOR: an, Le. N.; Ionov, P. V.; Kon'kov, A. A. .ORG: none TITLE: Spectroscopic investigation of gases heated by shock waves SOURCE: AN SSSR. Energeticheskiy institut. Issledovaniya po fizicheskay gszodinsm (Studies of physical gas dynamics). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 62-Tl TOPIC TAGS: spectrographic,analy6is,~gas spectroscopyt-opectral-obsorptivi-tY, radiation spoctrum, thermal radiation, radiation apectrovAptef" AAWW "J'0fft#MA1?A4 ABSTRACT: This article reports an experimental study of the spectral characteristics of highly luminous gases heated by strong shock waves with velocities from 2 to 10 km/sec produced in a shock tube. A schematic representaLion of the experimental setup is presented. A detailed account is given oftithe techniques used for produc- tion,of shock waves and for measurements. Nitrogen~\argon, itir, and a mixture of nitrogen and CO 2 were investigated in temperature ranges from 5000 to 10,OOOK, with pressure from 5 to 50 atm, and wavelength from 6000 to 3000 1. A special iarrangement for obtaining time-resolved spectra is described which has certain advantages over a drum camera. The analysis of spectra obtained for all gases shows the presence of 1) continuum radiation, 2) impurity lines of Fe, Ck, Cu, Ca, and others, and 3) CN lines of the violet system and probably lines of the N (1+) N (2+) NO(O) systems in the spectra of air, nitrogen, and CO 2_N2 mixture. in th; tKe-~;solved spectra, L 36QAQ-66 ACC MRs AT6022646 a secondary emission was observed. The distribution of spectral aboorl)tivity referrW to the unit of length of the absorption layer with respect to the wavelength which was obtained for nitrogen and a C02-N. mixture from quantitative analysis of spectra using, heterochromatic scanning. Orig. Bit. has: 19 figures and 5 formulas. [AB] SUB OODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 3lFeb66/ ORIG REF: 003/ MR MW: OOLk/ ATD.PFXM. AMBARTSUYIYAN, Ye-N.; 191LOVi P.V.; KONIKOV, A.A. (Moscow) *Investigation of the optical properties of gases behind strong I -U--1 - ------ L 431,51-66 EWTW/EWP(J)/EWPW/ETI UP(q) Rti/-D 10' 666-16670-0-01 ACC N 00 60210 0 AUTHdR:. AmbartqgMan, Ye. A.;Jonovp P. V.; Kon'kov, A. A. ORG: rione TITLE: Enerimental determination of the oscillator strength of the violet system of the C11 radical SOU'rRCE'". =ANSSSR Energeticheskiy institut. Isoledovaniya po fizichaskay gazodina- mike (Studies of physical gas dynamics), Moscow,, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966,p 72-80 TOPIC TAGS: oscillator strength, MiSAVity, spectral ab3orptivityp cyanogen ABSTRACT: The Mi33iVity and absorptivity of the (G-O) band of the violet system of CN were measured in the range of 5000-IOpOOOOK, and the resultsmade it possible to determine the matrix element of the transition dipole momentJof this system. The ex-1 periments involved the Use of a shock tube which produced shock wave velocities up to,: ,10 km/sec. It was found from the absor-ptivity data that Re = (0-35 :t 0.08) at- u6p and f8 = (0.027 * m6). The time requ.ired by the system to reach equilibrium was found to be 20-10 psec for T - 5000-60000K and P = 12-25 atm; at higher temperatures and pressuresq this time approximately coincides with the time resolution ..of,- the syseem. (-2-3 pec). Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 14 formulas. SUB COI)E: 07,ZPAUBM DATES 3IFeb66/ ORIG REFS 003/ OTH REFS 005 Cod I KLP BYKOVI V.N.; JONOVt R.A.1 RUDENKOI V.A. . Structure of +hin oxide filmis on irorr-oilicon aJ-1-07sv Pis, not, i astalloved, 20 no*38472-1+74 S 165s (MIRA l8tn) I YMODTSIV. I.Y.; GUSAROVA, A.M.; POPOVA, L.I.; IOUOY, R.N.; BAIALO, V.7a.; TSYBIKA, Te.T.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Recomendation for grass seeding and irrigation of mountain pastures in the Tien Shan and Issyk-Kul provinces and the Susamyr] Rekomendatsil. po vysokogornomu travosetanilu. i oroshaniiu pastbishch v Tian$-Shan'skoi. Issyk-Kullskoi oblastiakh i as Susamyre. Frunze, 1956. 11 p. (NIBA 9:9) 1. Akademiya nauk KIrgiselroy SSR, Frunze. Institut botaaiki. 2i Institut bot&aW i Institut vodnogo khozyaystva i energettki Akademil nauk Kirgisakoy SSR (for Tykhodtoov.Guearova, Popova, lonoy. Bakalo) (Issyk Kul Province--Pastures aad meadows) (Tien Shan Province--Pastures and meadows) IONOV, R.N.; VYKHODTSEV, I.V., red.; ANOMINA. K.G., of needed forage plants In Susamyr Valley of central Tien Wm] Diologiia seianykh kormovykh trav v urochiahche Susamyr TSentralinogo Tinn'-Emnia. Prunse. Akad.nauk Kir- givskoi SM. 1959. 78 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Gusamyr-7orage plants) IONOV, R. N. , Cand Biol Sci -- "Biology of soviA fodder grasses of the SusaRyr reservation of Central Tyan I -Shan '."Alma-Ata, 1960. (Min of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education Kaz SSR. Kazakh State Agricultural Inst). (KL, 1-61, 187) -117- Yr,-VTUSHENKO, Gavriil Alekseyevich)- SULTANALIM., Asek; IONOV, R.N., otv. red.; KOVALICHUKj VoV,q red, ixi-val ANOXHINA) M.G.-., Te-~. red. (Agribiological characteristics of corn in the Issyk-Kull regioial AgrobiologicheWde osobennosti kukuruzy v Priiasyldmlle. Frunze., lzd-vo AN Kirgiziskoi SSR., 1961. 107 p. (MIRA. 14: 11) (Issyk-Kull region-Zorn (Malze)) oil PORAY-KOSHITS, X.A.;TSINTSADZE, G.V.; IONOV, S-P- Distribution of electron density in_a thiocyanogen ion. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 32 no. 101-57 0 163. (NIRA 17:9) 1. Gruzinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Lenina i Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khImU Imeni, N.S.Kurnakova AN SSS.It'Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentqm- AN GruzSSR D.I. jQtLOV, - PORAY-KOSHITS,M.A. - JI.P., Cis-trans laoinerism of amonium tetrachlorodioulfitoiridite,, Zhur. strukt. khim. 5. no.5t791-792 S-0 164 (MMA l8d) lo Inetitut obahchey i neorganicheakoy khimii imeni N.S. Kurnakova AN SWR, IONOV S.P.; PORAY-KOSHITS, I.T.A.; TSINTSADZE, G.V. Elentronic structure of sulfur dioxide. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 35 no.3:559-564 S 164. (14IRA 17:11) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni Kuxnakova AN SSSR i Gruzinskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut imeni Lenina. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentcm AN GruzSSR N.A. Landia. - --- - MR. -1-1- 1-1-1- - I..,- S."., FORAY-KC-3HITS 14.A. Magnetic, suacep-Ubility of sulfur d1oxide. Zhur. neorg. kh,-Im. 10 nn.5-.1285-1.1287 -My 1615. (~9RA !8s6) .1. Institu" obahc.~hey nearganiches"Poy khimii imenL Kurnakova AN ESSR. IONOV, S..P.; PORAY-NOSHITS, M.A, Molecular orbits of a sulfits ion. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.9sl961- 1965 S 165o (MIRA 18:10) 1 PORAY-KOSHITS, M.A.; IONDVp S.P.; NOVDZHEIMKp Z.M. Structure of the crystals of certain trivalentiridium compounds with inner-sphere sulfite groups. Zhur. strukt. khim, 6 no.l! 173 165. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Inatitut obahchey i neorganicheakoy khimll imeni N.S. Kurnakova AN SS.SR. Submitted June 22, 1964. IONOT, S.P.; FORAY-KOSHITS, M.A. 1 Molecular orbits of thiosulfate ion. Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no.8sl?71-1776 Ag 165. (MIRA .19s.1) 1. Submitted December 14, 1964. . . -W CNO ro o 14 i AUTHORSs Dbitriyev, A.V., Ionovp V.A* 132-58-4-6/17 TITLE: Automated Reduction in Gamma-Ray Aerial Survey (Automatizatsiya privedeniya pri aerogrammaslymmke) PERIODICALt Razvedka i Okhrana Redr, 1958,~~r 4, Pp 31-36 (USSR" ABSTRACTs In gamma-ray aerial surveys, the intensity of the gamma radia- tion decreases sharply when the gamma rays pass through the at- mospheric layera, Therefore, it is necessary to take into con- sideration the height at which the aerial survey is carried out. Up until now, the registration of the height and of the gamma radiation have been conducted separately, and only by joint laboratory processing could the reduction of the field be as- certained. The introduction of 2 devices, which can be easily installed in existing radiometers, is proposed: an automatic height corrector, by which the variation of the intensity of gamma radiation at varying heights can be calculated by the King Functionp and a device for the automated reduction of the field. These devices will increase the effectiveness of aerial surveying and eliminate complicated laboratory calculations and Card 1/2 adjustments. Automated Reduction in Gamma-Ray Aerial Survey 132-56-4-8/17 There are 3 graphs. ASSOCIATION; Institut prikladnoy geofiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Applied Geophysics AS USSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Gamma rays-Me asurement 2. Radiometers-Applications B/089/61/010/006/007/011 'B136/B201 AUTHORSt Balyasnyy, N. D p Boltneval L. L, Dmitriyev, A. V.;, Ionovq V. A*, a;d Nazarov, I. M. TITLEt Determination of the content of' radium, thorium, and potassium in rocks from an aircraft PERIODICA,Ls Atomnaya onorgiya, v. 10, no. 6, 1961, 626-629 TEXTs A three-channel analyzer allowing measurements to be made in three energy ranges with automatic subtraction of the background has boon uied for effecting spectroscopic gaima meaeurem6ntso The integral sensitivity was 350 Pulses/see per miororoontgon/hour. The channels worked (1) in integral operation with a out-off of 0-5 Mev to eliminate the effect of the soft scattered gamma radiation'; (2) in the 1.6-1.9 Mev energy range; (3) in the 1.9-2.7 Mev energy range. The contents of the individual elements were determi by equations n h) M n Ra + n Th + n 1 11 12 13K n h) - n,2 Ra + n22Th Card 1/4 S1089161[61 006/007/011 Determination of the content of ... B136/B201':!~ n 31 (h) = n31 Ra + n32Th Here, Th and K denote the peroentual thorium and potassium contents, Ra the percentual radium content of equilibrated uranium, n the counting 5 rates, ?(h) the reference coefficient to the earth's surface; n1 - 8*10 V/ *12 - 3.6-105$~n 13 -1.6-10 2f n21 - 4.8.1049 n 22 ' 2.6-104, n 31 w 2-7-104 4 *32 - 4.6-1o . ~(h) is independent of the o6atent of elements, and for altitudes of 10t 25f and 50 m equal to 1.08, 1.24, and 1-55. The ooeffi- cients nii were determined by a direct method whiah, however, proved not to be very accurate. Since the spectra of the standard specimens and of the semi-space differ, the standard spectra were taken without and with a 25-cm water screening. The root-mean-square error in the determination of the elements was calculated after the fourth control flight an& was found to amount to 25 The flightscovered an area of 5-5*10 km Card 2/4 S/08 61/010/006/007/011 Determination of the oontent of B136Y3201 at intervals of 100 mat an altitude of 25 n* A clear relationship was found between the radius and thorium contents and the eologioal st 0- ture The highest radium and thorium contents (7010-4, and 11-10-4p re- speciively) calculated according to aerial survey results-are found in such regions where effusive rocks of a medium composition appear in ra- nite outcrops on the s faoej the lovestq on the other hand (1-5-10 1% for radium and 4.0-10-19 for thorium) are found where effusive rook; of a basic composition appear. The radium content determined from the air- craft is, on the average, by 28%v and the thorium. content by 21%p less t/ than the contents determined by radiochemical analysis. The introduction-' of a correction facior X-1.1 in n3 improves rdsu Its considerably. As., however, the'number of analyses performed is small, their accuracy is insufficient.; The conclusion is drawn that errors caused by tolerances in P3~eMaturely introduced coefficients can be eliminated by this correction. The potassium content in effusive-sedimentary rocks fluctuated between 1 and 2% and attained 2.5% in granite, which agrees with data available in thq literature. V. N. Vasilenko, Z.V. Kuznetsova and I. V. Yagodovskiy Card 3/4 S/089J61/010/006/007/011 Determination of the content.of B136/B201 are thanked for having supplied geological material. There are 2 figureaq 1 table, and 3 Soviet-bloc reterences. V/ SUBMITTED: JulY 149 1960 Card 4/4