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GAI,I'-t',,;OVAI H.D.; NOVICHKOVA, A.T.; IGNICHEVA G A. Sterol composition of yeast organisms. 'rlr.-kl. biok-Hn. i mikrobiol. 1 no.3:294-298 P~,-Je 165. (RM l8t7) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN S.IMSR. RUMANIA / Cultivated Plants. Commercial. Oil Bearing. M-5 Sugar Bearing Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.j No 6, 1958, 25150 Author : Olteanu, Fl., khailescu, G., jonicioiu. Q- Inst : Agronomic S.R.I.; Inst. of Biodh-e1ffT3rfy- Title : The Effect of Growth Stimulants on the Sunflower and Corn Crop Increase Orig Pub: Comun. Acad. RPR, 1957, 7, No 1, 107-112 (Rum., res. Russ., Fr.) Abstract: Test made at the Agronomic Scientific Research In- atitute In 1954-1955 together with the Institute of Biochemistry show that seeds of sunflower and corn which have been treated with hydroquinone, KBr, I in Lugol's solution, KKn04, NH4NO3 and other substances have a considerably higher yield. The best results were obtained by treating sunflower Card 1/2 A . RUMANIA / Cultivated Plants. Commercial. Oil-Bearing. M-5 Sugar-Bearing. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blol., No 6, 1958, 25150 Abstract: seeds In a 20% sol. of hydroquinone. The longest soaking time showed the best results. -- A. M. Smirnov IONIDI, brikl ,-, NO,t,xwia4,,Aoktor filos. nauk, prof.; GAIKAV=op Y,L, red,l D(OT, A.T.. takhn red' [Phllosaj~hlcwl sWfleance of D.10 Mendelesyls, periodic lav] Pilonotskoe-srAchenle ~erlodlcheskogo sakona AI. Mendeleeva. Moskva. lzd-vo NM=19, 1 1958. 47 P. OIZU 1197) (Periodic law) g6, j!.qt;~qv.kq#;.AHOSTAF-OVMIY, H.F., doktor khimicheskikh nauk.; BASMOV. V.G.. doktor filosof.nauk,; KOKPAOMS, A.I., red.isd-va; BRUZGULI, V.V.,, [D.I.Mandeleev's world outlook] Hirovossranis D.I.Mendeleevs. Moskva, Izd-vo Amd.nauk SM, 1959. 374 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Mendeleev, Dmitrii Ivanovich, 1834-1907) inshener. Problew of highway engineering In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Avt.dor. 19 no.1:31-32 J& 156. OWA 9:5) (Roads) , f~ IaI411.1&~ / BLTDANOV, V.; IONII. A. -- M Submarine photoil~a-'AY- Sov.foto 17 no.2:49-51 7 157. (KUU 10:7) (Phatograpby, Subnarine) El IONIN) A. A. Gorelki Szhiganiia Gaza (Gas Burners), 106 p., Moscaw., 1951- IONIN, A.Ae. kudidat takhnichaskikh Aauk. OptIml clistance betwien the nozzle and mixing chamber of ejectors. ftAy Strolsinste Mosgorimpolkam no.4:84-91 153. (MM 8:3) (Jet&)- A. A. IONIN, A. A, GA5 JETS r0fl J?lrU.'5TtlI,*L IICATIUC-4 f~ua ;~7 MAY 52, COHITUUCTIOPI IWIT OF THE, M05COW 50VIET or WORVERZ DEPUTIES (DiSSERTATInli F'j;? THE DEGREE OF CANDIDATE In TECHNICAL SCIENCES) SO: VECFICRNAYA W31WA,.JANUAny-DECEMBER 1'171~2 .-x (-- o- i 'j I v, , %~ - IONIN, A.A. - Hydraulics of low-presaure gas systems, Us. prom. no.2:23-27 7 '58. (Gas distribution) WIRA 11.-2) ~ :~M IONIN, A.A. Rydraulic conditions in the operation of low-pressure gas syvts=. Gas. prom, no*3:2%-35 Mr 158t 11: 3 (dow distribution) Ilk I- e Vod. i san. !=mors) ~T~p_ #-A- ~ Designing mediumpressure injection burners. Gaz. prom. 7 no.2: 19-26 162, (MIU 17:6) I011111) A.A. Optimal radius of action for the gas regulater po"ritz of city gas networks. Gaz. prom. 7 no.11:30-34 N 162. (1111R.A 17:9) _;Agp ,qch kand. tekhn. nauk; NOVIKOVA, M.M., 4g.A k ION~!I'JAI ,&kp r~ p! -~e'.- red.; VORONOVA, fjV .., tekhn. red. Vel A. . (Fundamentals for the design of jet gas burners) Osnovy ras- cheta ashektsionnykh gazovykh gorelok. Moskva, Gostoptekh- isdat, 1963. 151 p. (MIRA 16%10) (Gais burners) IONIN, A.A.1 -AKOFMj, V~Mo Detoraining rated flow rates- for. low-pi*emure gas pipolims Gaz. prcm. 9 no.7816-21 164. (MIRA, 1705 . IONIN,,,Aleksandr.Aleksand:r~Qvich, kand. tekhn. nauk; St-INNOV, A.S.., 1 - - - - -do kItor-, tekhn. nauk, Iprof., nauchno redo [Gas supply] Gazosnabzhenie. Moskva., Stroiizdat, 1965. m "6 p. (MIRA 18:10) , ~--i Y- --V--- -- it . ..-I. D IONIN,A.S. Now data an vertical movements of seashores. Trudy Inst.okean. no.13:40-51 155. (KLRA 8:11)' (Coast changes) Card 113 /V / A~ 15-57-1-~i6 Translation from: Referativn 19579 Nr'19' P 30 (U,,,Ty zhurnal, Geologiya AUTHORS: Budanov, V. TITLE: Contemporary Vertical Movements of the Western Shores of Bering Sea (Sbvremennyye vertikall'~yye dvizheniya zapadnykh beregov Beringova morya) PERIODICAL: Tr. Okeanogr. komis. AN,*8SSRt 1956, Nr 1, pp 65-72 ABSTRACT: T e western shore of the BeAng Sea may be divide& to a,number of parts'according to the character 6f t4eir contemperv" -vei-ti4a;j., movements. L --AUng*.,the ~ southwestern and westerpshore of the Anadir Bay, the southern part of the Kgaak shore and the western part of eastern Kamcha t an1uplifting may be observed at this time. In the Ortion of the shore from p Ushako4 cove northward to the Dezhney cove then Contemporary Vertical Movements (Cont.) 15-57-1-216 southward and'a.~ong ~Ihe shore of the 01yutorskiy _"Cape a elOOF re2atIve subsidence is toking~place. The regions of uplift and subsidence are separated by a zone of relative stability. The following factors bear witness to the contemporary uplift: 1) incfease in the absolute height of shore ridges as their'distance-from the shore increases, that is, as them pas6 from the younge to the older ones; 2) sighs of.drying off in those parts of the 1 goon bottoms which lie behind natural dams .(the dry portions are lifted above the water level in the lagoons to a. height of 0. 3 m to 0. 5 m and show no signs of b4ing submerged; 3) p~6sen_ce of submarine abrasidnal terraces in the bOd- rocks of the supmarine shore slopes; 4) diminishing of abrasional steps; 5) cuttibg of river outlets into th6 contemporary terrace. The signs of present,subsidende are: 1) diiinution of the absolute height of ancient shdre ridges as their distance from the contem- porary shore lin6 in'reases; 2) charalctee of the submerged off-shore slope: presenceof very wide abrasion~l terraces in the bedrgck, stretching out to a considerable depth and showing no distinct Card 2/4 Contemporary Vertical Movements (Cont.) c4rvature in their profile; 3) wide distribution of active abrasional steps; 4) presenqe of perched outlets which were formed because the time 6f incision'lagged behind the time of the shore recession, due to the intensification of the process. For signs of the stable state of the shor'e we take: 1) approximately equal height of the a4cient shore ridges and the contemporary storm ridges; 2) wide distribution of well developed submerged abrasional terraces formed in the bedrock and in the Quaternary strata. The article includes a schematic map of the western shore of the Bering Sea, showing the character of vertical movements in various locations and the profiles of the leveled contemporary marine accumulations. Card 3/3 G. V. K. TONUN, A. S. 14-1-38P Translation from: Referativun Zhurnal, Geograftya, 1957, Nr 1, P- 35 (USSR) AUMR: lonin,, A. S. TrM: Evolution of Bay-Shores (K voprosu ob &volyataii bukhtovykh beregov) POMIXIM: Tr. Okeanogr. koods. AN SMO 1956, Nr 1., pp. 82-89 ABOMM. The evolution of bay shores formed as a rdstat of an ocean Iuvaalon of Slacial troughs,, or an ingression of the ocean after th sinking of moraine relief', Is considered# The egfect of different geological formations on the evolution of the shore line and the primary character of the submerged terrain are pointed out. Evolution of fjord-like shores is described at some length. ASSOMM10M.0ceanograpby Commission, Academy of Sciences, USSR (Okeanogr. koW s. AN SM) Card 1/1 IONIN, A.S.; KAPLIM, P.A. ForwAtive-characterlstics of measbore terraces. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geog. no.5:9-21 S-0 156. (mm 9SU) 10 Institut okeanologil Akadouli muk 553R, (89"hore) 101UN, A. S.., BUDAITCV V. !., VLOLMOV, A. T., 'KI'U-L:X, r-. A. and '!EDILD2j, V. 3-. 'Present Day Vertical Movement of Far Eastern Seacoasts of the USSR," paper presented at the 9th Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok, Thailand 18-29 11ov 57- Trans. in Mining Gazutte, v. 2, No. 11, 1957 (Bangkok) 20-6-31/42 AUTHORS: Budanov, V. I., Vladimirov, A. T., Ionin Kaplin.. Pe Ae) Medvedev, V. S, TITLE: Recent Vertical Motion of the Shores of the Far East Seas (Sovremennyve vertikalinyye dvizheniya beregov dallnevostochnykh morear). FERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 19579 Vol. 116, Nr 6, pp. 1005-1008 (USSR) ABSTPACT: in literature there often appear data about the kind of the re- cent and not lodg ago motions of the shores in the Far East and Northeast of the USSR. Frequentlys the data about the velocity and direction of these shiftings contradict each others coarselys Such an estimation apparently has its cause in a) different conceptions of the mechanism of formation of the shorerelief- forms; b) imperfection of the method of investigation and c) an indistinct limitation of the characteristics of not long ago and vertical notions. These latter are defined here. The-authors used a uniform theory of method which is in use in the Laboratory for Bottom of Sea- and Shore Relief (of the institute, see belowl "association"). Thus,, comparable results were rendered possible. Here the theory of method is described shortly. The shores of the Card 113 Far East Seas are divided according to the kind of their recent 20-6-31/42 Recent VerticaJi-Motion of the Shores of the Far East Seas. vertical motions into a number of sections: some are sinkinep other are rising; finally there are relative steady sections. The clearest symptoms of the sinking were stated: in the Eastern and Noithirn part of the Chukot Peninsula ("Chukotakly poluovp tr6v"), on'tbe Northeastern shore of the Korayken Highland ("No= raykakoye nagersy*ft) in some sections'of the Eastern- and Western shore of Kamchatka, in the surroundings of the town Okhotakp and at the Northeastern shore of Sakhalin. The raisingzones are*o Western shore of the Anadyr Bay., individual sections of the Northeastern.. and Eastern Kamchatka, farther the shore of Sou- thern Sakhalin and the Sea Province. The characteristics for the above-duntioned classification are given., In connection with post-glacial transgression all shores of the Far East Seas have an ingroBei6n appearance. But that does not mean a recent shore- sinking., because at the raising shores the eustatic raisung of the level was not comperwated by tectonic motions. Therefore the observed raising is not relative, but absolute. Law sinking or stability of individual shore sections are to be estimated relan tively. They form an algebraic term of a sum of the ouatatic raim sing of the world ocean during the late glacial period and tec- Card 213 tonic motions of the continent@ No sections with high velocities 2o-6-31/42 Recent Vertical Motion of the Shorea of the Far East 5ease of motion have boon observed. By the differences of the height of the old shore quays the authors conclude that the velocity of the relative sinking of the Western.-Kamchatka shore exceed that one of th' Eastern part of the Chukot-Peninsula by the 3 - to 4 -for. The definition of absolute velocities just, is impossible because of the deficiency of proofs. There are 3 figures, and 12 Slavic references* ASSOCIATION: Institute for Oceano logy AN USSR (Institut okeanologii Akademii riauk SSSR) PRESEMM: June 12, 1957, by A. A. Grigorlyev, Academician. SUBMITTMI ftne 11, 1957. AVAnMLE; 'Library of Congress.. Gard 313 10111 N, A. S. Some Peculiarties in the Dynamics and Morphology of the Bering Bea Coast. The article reports on a number of reconnaissance jobs undertaken by a group of scientists on the trawler "Geolog". The main morpbogenic types of coastal slopes tire discussed. Three photographs and a map are included. The author offers a classification of shore types and surveys the main types of deposit on. Oceanographic Research in NW Dart of Pacific Ocean Moscow, Izd-vo-An SSSR, 02 148pp. This collection of articles reports the results of observations made in the Pacific by the :rNstitute of Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. In 1949, the Institute launcehd a systematic five-year program of scientific exploration of certain bydrographic peculiarities of the Soviet Pacific Area. The Operations were carried out as a "Complex Oceanographic Expedition," using the Motorboat Vityazl as its base. The Expedition worked in collaboration with the Hydrographic Institue of -'the Soviet Navy (WIS), the Pacific Institute of Piscatology and oceanography, and some 40 other institutes of the Academy of Sciences. Between 1949 and 1954, 18 trips were made, covering about 130,000 miles. Among the subjects of direct concern were: Meteorology, hydrology, geeanography, hydrochemistry, sedimentation, geography of the littoral, geology and contours, of the sea bottom, fauna, plankton, microbiology, and gravimetry. Twenty-eight authors contributed to the collection which consists of P-7 articles. There are: 6 gables2 8 23 diagraips, 3 illustrations (Photographs of the littoraio) 4 maps. There are no references. .IONIN. A.S. In the dynamics and werphology of the Bering Son Aores, Truo Mean. kom. 3 t55-65 158. (MIRA 11-8)- (Bering 3"--Sesebore) IONN. A.5e; DOLOTOV# Th.S. Characteristics of dynamics and morphology of raising coasts; illustrated ty the exaWle, of Novaya Zemlya. TrU4 lust. okean' 28--71-M 150. (KWA lit-5) (NDvaya Zomlya.-Coast changes) IONIN, A.S. Studying the dynamics and morphology of the Soviet shores of the Ohukchi Pkad Bering Boas. Trudy Oksan.kon. 4:205-214 159. (NDU 13:4) 1.Institut Oksanologil AIF SSSR (ChWwhI Ssa-4oast changes) (Bering Sea--Coast changes) YA Nil r.4t,~jONIN9 A*Se Methods for geological and goomoryho logical underwater exploration. .Isv. AN SSSR. Oer.,geol. 25 no.1-1t105-112 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut okeenologit AN SSSRt Moskva. (Submarine geology) BELOTJS0119 Vladimir Vladimirovich; IONIKv AS._k red.1 GEORGIYEVAp 0.1., -bekbn. red. (Structural geology] Strukturnaia goologiia. MoWm Izilryo Nook. =iv. :LqQ. 2o6 P., IMIRA 14s7) (Geologyp Struotural) IONIN, A. 4; SHCRPMKOV9 F.A. Stratification of littoral deposits in the eastern part of the Black Sea. Okeanologiia I no.3:866-871 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR. (Black Sea--Sediments (Geology)) S15191611000100910011001 HOOO/HOOO AUTHORS: Uplin,, P. A..* and A&-S. Ionin ITLE: Some coastal relief features of the Kurile-Kamchat" region in relation to tsunami problems SOURCE: Akademiya nauk S33R.. Soviet po seismologii. Byulleten" Problemy tsunamf j, no. 9,, 1961., 74-88 TEXT: The Mirile-Kaisehatka area,, which lies parallel to a line of epicenters known to. cause tsuna!mis# in schematized and regionalized on the basis of available literature according to its susceptibility to tsunamis. The severity of a tsunami in a given coastal area de'- pends not only on intensity of the quake causing the tsunami., para- meters of the initial-wave, and distance from the expicenterj, but also on submarine and surface coastal relief characteristics abd configuration of the shoreline. Tsunami wave height at the coast depends specifically on 1) e:kposure of coast Iine, 2) surface features and bottom relief of embayments (fiords, craters, etc.)* 3) pre- Gard 1/3 S/519/61/000/009/lDOl/001 HOOO/HOOO sence or absence of the broad shoaly terraces which border the coast in many placesp 4) submarine canyonst 5) height# curvature and structure of coastal slopes and cliffs, 6) aggradation landformsp and 7) submerged offshore bars in front of river mouths. A full-page map is given showing five zones of varying susceptibility to tsunamis in. the Kurile-Kamchatka region; 1) zones entirely safe from flooding, possessing volcanic (with steep sides faciing the'vater), abraded (wlt~ Uench not less'Ahan 20 m high), denudedp And abras Ion -denuded formations,, and coaats-,w1Vh enci'oned and drAt6r-type bays; 2)_.zones of slight floodingo possessinIKflords and ria bays low or terraced abraded shores and shores wi .th'obliterated cliffs lotmershimi klifamil hemmed in by offshore bars-3) zones of severe floodingp possessing recent marine allu-Vial plains, marine aggraded terracesp and major aggradatiorn landforms; and 4) regions of -sharp tsunami wave magnification and 5) diniindtion, '6iririg' to relief features of th~ bottom an 'd configuration of the cbas;t11n6.- Low coaatlineap con- sisting of alluvial and marine alluvial plains,,,and large aggra- dation landforms, whether locaie'd in embayments or along the open Card 2/3 S15191611000100910011001 HOOO/HOOO coast., cuffer the heaviest,destruction from tsunami-so Shoal water offshore increases the destructive effect still further. structive effect on abraalon-denuded coastline Is directly related to the distance the shallow .-Abrasion t6rrade wttends'dut .'Into the watet,'axid to the 'presence or 'absence or low abraded *or. ag&Aded terraces bordering the coastal shelf, A-shallow abraded terrace ex- tending a sufficient distance offshore frill dissipate tsunami waves so,that they will not.reach the brow of the low terrace. Volcanic coastlines and abrasion-denuded coastlines having a-high coastal. terrace are almost entirely safe.from danger'of tsunami destruction# while the shores of crater bays and narrow-mouth bays of the Avachinakaya bay type are not.-inibjOct to the effects of tounamini There are three figuresp including the map. There are 2 English- ,%&, A.O,*Theor- language referencesp which read as follows: Mwwu, etical and applied seismology"# Maruzenp Tokyo# 193T; Shepard F. POP Go A, Macdonald# and Do Co Cox# OThe tsunami of April 1,, 19401,,' Bull. of the Scripps Univ. of Calif. Press, V. 5r no. 6. 1950- Card 3/3 IONIN, A.S.; KAPLINq P.Av; MMVEDEVp V.S. Classification of global coast types (as applied to maps of the physicogeographical atlas of the world). Trudy Okean.kom. 12: 94-108 '61. (?IIRA 15:1) 1. Institutokeanologii AN SSSR. (coasts) IONIN, A.S.; KAPLIN, P.A.; MMVEDEV, V.S. Some results of regional investigations of seashores in the Soviet Union. Trudy Inst. okean. 48;3-33 '61. (MIRA 13:1) (coasts) IrOUOV, ?.A.; IOXINP-~S- )kpitude of nowrosivo wave velocities for gravel. Okeanologiia 2 no.3410-W 162. (MMA 15:7) -1. Institut okesnologli AN SSM. (Waves) (Gravel) ~2~ KAPLINp F.A,,; WDVEW, V.S. Submarine goozorphological studies in the U.S.S.R. Vent. Mosk. unf, Ser. 5z Geog. 18 no-.3tl7-23 My-.To 63. (MM 16:6) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR. (Submarine topograpby) ZENKOVICH, V.P.; IONIN A.S. Migration of pebbles:along the shore. Priroda 52 no.4394-W 163, (KMA 16:4) 1. Inatitut.okeanologii AN SSSRp Moskva. (Pebbles) (Seashore) IONIN A S KAPLIN, P.A.; MEDVEDEW, V.S. O.K. Leontlev's book *Fundamentals of seashore g*~Omorphology." Okeanologiia 3 no*51946-948 163. (KMA 16M) BUD91OV, Valentin illar-~onovich; 1OHN, A.S., otv. red. (Methods for the study of coastal sea zones by exploratory expeditions] Metodika ekspeditsionnykh issledovanii bere- govoi zony moria. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka,n 1964. 223 P. (MIRA 17:6) AXSENOV,, A.A.; IONIN, A.S.; SHCHMAKOV, F.A. I Now data on the structure of strata of recent coastal deposits. Okeanologiia, 4 no.5s842-849 064. (MIRA 18tl) 1. Inatitut okeanologii AN SSSR. 1-0 F A, R ACC NR~ AT7001796 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0194/0206 U -CN M AUrHOR: Ionin, A. A 'MG: none (RG ,;TITIS: Development of some coas.tal.;accumulated formation types 'TITI- SOIRC'.. ~SOIRCE: AN SSSR. Okeanograficheskaya komissiya. Issladovaniya gidrodinamichoskikh i .-morfodinamicheskikh protsessov beregovoy zany morya (Studies of hydrodynamic and more od ij imorphodynamic promsoB of the shoreline). Moscow, Izd-Vo Nauka, 1966, 194--206 ph ~TOPIC TAGS; oceanography, ocean dynamics ABSTRACT: The developmental histories of two coastal accumulated formatiom in the Bering Sea are traced, demonstrating the polygenetic nature of their origin. A diagraxi illustrating the successive stages of one of these formations is given In Figue Z. Card 1 /3 ACC NR, AT7001796 Fig dia bea (2( fol ac( or~ fol so: ACC NR-- A17001796 Orig. art. hast 3figures. SUB CODE; 08/ sm DATE:' i?Apr66/ CRIG REFs o14 Lgard 3.11 -Z-c~W~-jv 13, T ATMORSs Efros, L. S. and ronin, B. 1. 79-~28/58 TITIZi Study of Tioldisole Deiri*stiv6s. Part 16. About'the Dpoicity'of riameric 4- and 6-Amine-3-Mot W bensimidesoles (lasledovaniye v oblasti proizvod- nykh'imidasola. xvr. 0b osmovnosti ixomernykh 4,- 1 6-amino-3-motilbensi- midazolov) PKRIODICKLt Zhurnal Obahchey IhImA, 1957, vol 27, No 2, ppe 40&411 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTt Expqriments were eendubted to'determine'the effect of the mino grapp In Positions'4 and 6'fespectively on th6'basicity of tecimric bensimi- dazoles, A comparison of the basicity'constants of derivatives of 4~ amino-3-kethylbensimidexcle with the constants of analogoui'derivatives 6f -6~-aminb-3--imethylbonsimidesole showed thkt ~n this~eriss of 'the smino group in poiitioti'4, in'contrast'to the amino group posigan 69 has a3zoit-n6 effect dii the bdilcity of the compounds investigated'. A study of* secondai-y'hydroljrsis constafits'of isomeric 4- and 6-Minor3-awtbyI- benklmidezbles showed thkt-aleb'izi 'thi ~iiqi'of'-doiri#iiti*iii'ha*lng''nd asthyl- groups. in- ~mltibh 39 the basi6it* of the Ci'&OUP 'in 068itiotIl Card 1/2, 4, is considerably smaller than the basicity of,the amino, group in positioo Study of Taidazole Derivatives. Part 16. 79-2-28/58 6. The absence of the effect of the amino group in Position 4-on the basicity U explained by the disruption in the conjugation betwen the indicated smino group and the nitrogen atom of the benzimidazole hetero ring. 1 tab16, 3 graphs. There are_? references of which 2 are Slavic ASSOCTATIONt Loningrad Technological Institute imeni, lansovet, FRESMM BYt- smycrml March 1. 1956 AVAIIAZZ: Library of Coogress Card 2/,2 BOA ToToakov, A. G., 3h Ionia, 1. 1. rMil ?1W ffif.ragilon 100.0- Df.1kYZ-phV8pAOro- AcIde7and QUI.04.881 VIMIDDICAL. DokI.Aj Aka"ll cook 3331. 196P. V01. 132, so. 1, pp. 143-148 . TEM The arganophospborce cospow4a are highly active as additiono to lubrioat. tug oil. (Rare. 1-5). go.. at dithloph-VMrows, VMOVharto, and - r %%Its lbllot& %a %bas. the authaTs love taken' %ha tra.". to - 8 borms cospoundo'.1ilch b' '47. ' hi h U1 h 4 d ,= e 5 w c . - t r . hy roc . . Thus. the , authors tried to add -.1V acid to She ul-u*o The . q reaction of dialkyl-pWaphorous aside or pbas7bites with "toozoquicano, can t , "am too my# "a load too 0) 460ro of or b soopoundo in whish phosphorus Ii bombar ! p Tko mothers have, 00.1-11064 that 41611,3 it) b.aylph-pbotoo are formed on the roattlon of dIalkylphomphorous .I,. p-bonsojulummo, An a result, %be phosphor*%* group adds to the oxygen a a of the %eal.q.1ftome (see achaa*). 2ida 4461%loa to accompanied by a convoralom of %be Card 1/3 - - - - - " -- - ~ C7 ~ beftsold atrootUT4. quinold structure Into to dtallt .1b., roma 4 ia it b g ioo ;io; "go &did& and Is similar. Table I #how# the selling temperatures and the result* of Uib. compounds produced. T1 OTIGUMSO $02AXIM602. 661"16 1& Sq-6.0%6 'JUS31 give charantortstie color- reaction for ph.ayi4iroxvt with r*rrL* Chloride. but reaction for the earboall grasp. the hydrolysto of %be substances attained A rt with SO (i a i)# and %be saponitiontlem olt1k alookolle alkalU at 40-504 gives & yield of 80%. All aospomads prodecad o4asain stay do* Wroxyl group. On the basis of %be ultraviolet *%sorption opestra the authors be" stated that -phosphorous said are tomaersed. Is can U seen from Smile 2, at "o"boxyl absorption sallow of the prodasto It shifted towards short waves. and Woo Sib the maximem or Thus, $be result* gIv : be b. have show that no said covetanoes, arm really diiakyl-p-omhosylp op too (6-0 scheme). The following card .189 quet0do T. S. Abramov, A. 3. Padow1k, U P Slialov. add 4. ga"farove. ftere arm 2 tatles sat IS voterolkeel, 10 of Web it" Soviet. "SNIM0111 laottiat met An "is&" a -or Science@ 1~3~1) Card 115 7.77777 17.- S/080/60/033/010/029/029 D216ID306 AUTHORS: Zav1inj F,11.1 and Ionin, B.I. TITLE: Preparing trialkylphosphates PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prik-Ladnoy khimilt v. 3',;, no. 10, 1960, 2376 - 2378 TEXT: The authors' investigation of the reaction of fatty oxyami- nes with phosphorus trichloride and other chloranhydrides of phos-. phoric acid has shown that in the simultaneous presence of an ami- ne group and,an oxy-group the ester of phosphoric acid is formed by the general scheme: >P - C! ~. HO(CH2)n11H >P - O(OH HC1, 2 dn""2 0 0 From -this it can be predicted that phosphorus trichloride will re- act with alcohols in the presence of primary amines forming the corresponding esters of phosphoric acid by the reaction: Card 1/4 S/080/60/033/010/029/029 1~,reparing trialkylphosphates D216/D306 Pol3 + 3ROH - 3R1NH2 ___~ P(OR)3 + 3R1NH 2 ' HCl. Subsequent work has shown that this is so and the present work deals with the use of aniline as the primary amine. The table shows the trialkylphosphates prepared and gives some of their data which corresponds well to the pusblished data. Trimethylphosphate was prepared from 96 gm. (3 moles) of methanol, 279 gms. (3 moles) of aniline and 700 mls. of absolute ether; to this mixture (in a 3 necked flask fitted with a stirrer, reflux condenser and.dropp- ing funnel)* at 15-200C, a solution containing 137 gm. (1 Mol) PC13 in 150 mls. of absolute ether was slowly added with continuous stir- ring. The reaction was complete in 1-1.5 hours. The resultant IJ- q~xor vas freed -f aniline hydrachlorifle and the solvent was aistil- led off; the yig~ld was 12 gms. Triethylphosphate was prepared using a similar set un and thefollo Win reagents: 69 gm. (1.5 moles) of ethyl alcohol, 139 gms. (1.5 molel of aniline, and 500 mls. of ben- zene; to this mixture at 18-200C 68.5 gms. of PCI of benzene were 3 Card 2/4 P~ i p t lk l h S/080/60/033/010/029/029~ 6 re ar ng ria osphates y p D21 /WO6 Table. ' Le end l C 2 B d 0 Pt 0 22 40, t , g -- . ompoun ; 3 - . 4 yields gm .nj ). R OA I r l i 03)p tit-112 1.41h 72 58 l 1 0) P J58-09 I AM 62 75 0 P f 3 8 82-40(32miduL) 1:4278 L4240 01. 82,x 78 79.5 . . . . . . . C 4HOO) -5 um) 107-M (4 1.430 96 77 .Card 4/4 IOMN,, B.I.; FSTROVO A.A. Arbuzov rearrangement vith acetylenic halides having a halogen atom at the tripla bond. Zhw.ob.khim.' 32 na.7t2387-23ai n 162. (MMA 15:7) 1. Leningradskiy tekhm1ogicheskiy institut Imeal Lensoveta. (RearrmVemento (Cbemi try)) (Phosphorous acid) (Acetylem) ~ 7~ IONIJIJ, B.I.; LEBEDEV,* V.B.;.PETROV, A.A. Phosphinic -acid-eaters-with -diacetylone.. radicals. DokL AN SUR W-no.6t1354-1356-0. 063. (KIRA 16M) 1. Laningradekly-tekhnologichookiy institut im. Lensoveta. Predstamleno akademikon B.A, Arbuzovp. -i- 7-- L 17962-(a EWT(m)/EPF(c)/tWT(j) Pc-4/Pr-4 AS Da 5-/St A/ I'mIn-WIRm ACCESSION RR: AP5002621 S/0079/64/034/008/2630/2632 AUTHOR: lonin, B. I.; Mingaleva, K. S.; Petrov, A. A. TME: Dipole moment of ph!~~ni~ca,cid esters~ ith unsaturated radicals SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v. 34, no. 8, 1964, 2630-2632 TOPTC TAGS: ester, phosj#iinic acid, chemical bonding, organic phosphorus compound,, saturated hydrocarbon, unsaturated hydrocarbon, dipole moment Abstract: The dipole moment of eignt ukeLhyL esters of phosphinic acids with saturated, ethylene, and acetylene radicals: diethyl esters of methyl- acetyle-,.yl- and phenylacetylenylphosp~hinic acids and their ethylene and -- I I- - 4 , -f-1 ; ~i ~ ..t- 11-a unsaturatiii~-ana loge measure4., a - tiott--d wreik,mnj a sump ugation of the d iethylphosp hone gr,6uv--- with mul t iple bonds was conf irm-e-d.- It ime shown that the diethylph6sphorva group it aamewhat more conjugated with a triple bordsLhan with a double r)ond. The dipole mozent waa found to be directed in all cases toward the di-ithylphoaphone group. Orig- art- bar- 2 tables. Card 112.- SUBMITTED: 27Jun63 NO RIT soll: Oll ENCL: 00 CTHER: 004 SUB CODE': OC, EH JFRS MASKYAKOVSKIY, L.N.; IONIN, B.I. --- Unsaturated phosphinic acids and their derivatives. Part 1: Sy-nthesis of phosphinic acid chlorides with diene and acetylene radicals. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.9~1577-1584 S 165. 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologictieskiy institut imeni LenAMMAP110) L 25687 -m66 EWT(MOmp(j) RM. -- 6 SOURCE CODE: 57667976575357612 2~53TV T ACC NRt Ap6()1673 . B. I.; -Patrovp A. A. -AUTHOR: Ionin , ORGo U ~iad Technologeal InetWite im4. - Lensovet, (Laniiigr;a4skiy -tekhno insiA TITLE Ester,.of acetyleneLhos a acid Lh the~diethylamino group atAhe triple.... bond -kh SOURCE:,:.: Zhurnal obahchey... li~ii, 1 35 no. 12t 1965 2255, rinated organic compound ,~Lidne TOPIC TAGS: ~'ster, p~osphfnie ~.acid, chlo org phosphoris can ound'.carboxylic acid P 'ith the dialkylamino group at -ABSTRACT! To zwoompounds w -a tripl 0 or e b ndi-monochloioacetyle nes containing eleotron-aeee~t rou ' , s can be u ed ~Thue when.triethylamine Is created 1w Ith th p S -'Aiet hyl ester,of ohloraoetyleAephosphinio acid (f'Ythe unstable . quartertiary 'Salt (II) to immediately formods.whio*h after boiling --~10 minutes in~benzene decomposes to form~the diethyl eater of diethyl~aminoaoetyl6nephosp~inio aold (III). When oompound (III). ' n a wate bath, hydr' _J t r Is heated wlth~a slight.exoess.of wa e 0 r. ationr ..oooursto forM,the previously undesoribed'diethylamide of.. diethyl-et- T~hosphonaoatio. so qt ~7-314.2+547-341 CC NI Li AP6016690 ' .spectra of' the vixV34wetylene 4 ~The infrared spectra and proton magnetic resonance A Idea are. cited The authors thank A.-Eak satux-ated itoid chlor , & ov and t i * thank G 4Savich. for; Okhr inko'for their interest In this work The authors.also 6 0 mid K W Parshina for talciv* the taking the ;piatra and Y: ~B " Lebedev. Wrarw i proton magnetic resonance 3. tablA, -- lcoiit DATE, j : 20Mki& ORIG REF% 013' OTH REFt SUB~ . ~ , . 1 2/ I ------ ---- -- - --- ---- I - -- -- - - - , - --- - :^ ::---- ---- - - - ~ , - --- -~: -: . - , ------ -------L-27 - -- - - -_" - -, - - I - -- - ~- --- -- :!~. : --- - 7-- 765---& -- I 11-1~1: I I EWTW/F,'~VP (y I /T&:',NP( 1JP(C I RMI'VIN L 408Q!-66 ACC Nki SOURCE CODE: AP6025622 'UR/0413/66/000/013/0077/0 OW AUTHORS: Mashlyakov~kiy, L. N*; Ioniny B, I,; Old=imankoi I. S.; Petrovil A. Ae ORG: none TITLE: kreparative method for -containim polyoLtIrs. Class 39, Nc~. phospho .183385 ~rann~uncqd by L_GW=ad Technological Institute imeni Lee ovet (LeninMda~V-~ 7=eologiches* inati "ut I:ZOURCE: fzobretenlya, promphlennyye obraztsy,*tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, -41.0~C TAGS 3 phosphorus, polyester,, polycondensation, phoaphonic acid, glycoij( TRACT: This.'Author* Certificate' presents a method for-- rua- .irepaing phospho Ataining polyesters by polycondonnation of alkylphosphonic chlo- with aliphatic or aromatic glycols. To broaden th(Vassortment of pho orus-~;Z~! :.'qbntaining polymers having bi& 'fire resistancW~nd food adh I meta Phlorides with 1,3-diene groups at the phoophorus &tom.`t-.g-v 2-me Y -mmKueny osplimic chloride, are used as the alky2phosphonic chlcn-ides. .[o4j '1h OUB CODE: 07/ UtM DATEs 22Apr65 ATD. pRESS: 5-t7 4 UDC: 678.671, 678.85 IA 179'e-10, ACV NRs AP6028905 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079j'66/036/008/1505/1~b 'AU THOR: Ignatlyev,.V..H.; Petrov, Ao A*; ORCt Leningrad Tachnalogical.inatituto Ino Lensovet (L'aningradekly takhaologichaskly inatitut) TITLE: Acetylene-&Ilone Isonerization of propargyl dichlorophosphites SOURCE: Zhurn-al obshchey khiall, v. 36, no, 8, 1966, 1505-1506 TOPIC TAGS: dichloride,, propargyl compound,, acetylanep allene,, isomerization,, organic phosphorus compound ABSTRACT: Alkylpropargyl dichlorophosphitas are readily isomerized to fora the corresponding dlalkylpropadionsphosphonyl dichlorldos: 0 GIs R>C..Ccw As-an example of this type..of Ison.arizati6n,-preparation is.-re'ported of Card 2 VDC: 547*241 ACC NR: AP6028905 3-methyl-1,2-butadionyopboophonyl dichlorldes bp 79*Cv d2O 1.25530 n20 1.5140. (W.A. 501 D SUB CODE's 07/,' SUBM.-DATZi ORIG RZFs- 007/ OTH RZFs ool-~ MOISEYKV, A.A., doktor tekbn.,nauks nauchnyy red.1 IONO. D.G. inzb,., retsenzent; ZAVELISKAYAp V.M., red. i2;d-v4__KOfIOvEuKO, YU.N.V tekbn. red, jHandbook on-tbe 'technology of ship repairing] Spravochnik PO tekhnologii sudomontazbrqkh rabot. Pod red. A.A.Moioeeva. le- ningradq Gos.soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl 1961 728 p. UIURA 1;: 1) (Ships-Maintemance and repair) IONIOV, I.; TSOIOV, R.; HUMV, M. Cholecystitis at the Internal Propedeutic Clinic in Sofia. Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 no.6:65-66 1957. 1. Is Propedevtichnata vatreshna klinika pri, VNI; Sofiia. (CHOLMYSTITIN, statistics. hoop. statist. (Dal)) ION-IN, M. V. PA 11-T-43- - ---m ioNiN, x.v.; NIKITINA, V-G. late of hydrolysIsvf ferrous chloride In a water vapor - air sodium. Zhur. prlklo khIm., 33 no.i2,2631-265? D 160. (KMA 14: 1) 1, Kafedra, obahchey Mail. Gortkovskogo politekhnicheakogo institute inmi A.A.Zhdano". (Iron chloride) s/oal/62/000/019/004/053 B144/13180 AUTIM i lonin M V T11LE: Convcrsion. of the electrochemical into the thermodynamic scale P 10 u 10 jk L RefArativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 19, 1962, 40,iabstraot 19B253 ' ITr. -Po kiii;;,iii i khim. tekhnor. EGorlkiy] , no. 30 196~ 427 429) TEXTi The isobaric J)utential 42-ol 105-77 kcal/g-ion and the enthalpy bi 0' - 103.35 kcal/g-ion of byclrogen ions in colutio'n vere determinod by the thermod-namic scale. Using the e4uations 6Z 4Z + 105-77 n and'dH a0 0 0 + 103-35 n, vherc n is the number of elementary ionic charj;es,43 0 and & tire the i3obarLc potential and the enthalpy, respectively, of the id0 r in 0solution, rie4sured by ~he hydroUen scaleg the 4Z ' and AH I values 0 0 can be calculated for any ion. The hydration heats 4k(calculated) deter- iai.ned f'or a nur.,,~er of ionswere in po.-id igreement with AH, (experinent)o Ca'rd 1/ 2. m I k.lonversion of the ... [Abetracteric notc; Corwolete-translation .3 Card 2/2 IONIN, M.V.; KOZHAKOVAg A.A.; NIKITINA, V.G. Hydrolysis rate of ferrous chloride in a water vapor medium. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.4:900-902 Ap 162. 15.:4)' 1. Kafedra obshchey khimii Gorlkovskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Iron chlorides) (Hydrolysis) IONIN M V, Determination of the enthalpy of gawous Ions from electrochosioal and thermochemical constants. Zhur.fis.khim. 36 no.1032215-2216 0 -162. (MIRA 17W 1. Gorlkovskiy poUtekhnicheskiy institut. IONIN.,-A---V- Determination of the energies of hydration of ions in solution frCM electrochemical, thermal, and spectroscopic constantb. Zhur.fiz.khins 37 no.7tl575-1576 J1 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. GorIkovskiy politekhnicheskly institut. - Determination of the isobaric potentta3s or some salts of metals of the second group of periodic table. Zhur.fIzAhIm. 38 no,11: 2684~-205 U #64. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Cor'Rovskly politekhnicheskly instItAit, IONIN- X-Ijbi MINAS N.V. DUiribAimooefficient Of elOOtrolytes ad a fun6ti6n of orolviLtion and of the activity coefficients C& Atdlil* Trudy Kom,an~j,khjm. 34i87-98 163. TARASENKOv Mitrofan Ivanovich; RFIN~_'Setkey_M~lovich; VOLKOVp V.A.9 UVROTAIrv O.G., tekhn. red. red.; [Som laws, principlesp and'2~11es of-geheral cbemistry; manna' for students of the cbrre ~'~ '--6eOr4wbnts of phmacoutical 0 ewe institutes and facu1ti6b'1-Hbk6tor~e-'zhkbmyp printsipy i prdvi:La obsbcbei Ithim#; posobis dlia student6v iaocbi3ykh otdelenii farmat sevticbe ski Irb institutov i fakultetov. Moskvap Pervyi MOINI im. I.M.Sechenova, 1960. 69 p. (MIU .14:7) (Chemistryq PIWsical. and theoretical) TARASE11KOp Mitrofan Ivanovick; MOROKHOVETS, Andrey Yevgenlyevich; MITSELOVSK17, Eduard Sergeyevich; 'BULDIKOV, Trifiliy Il~ionovich; PERKOVSKAYA, G.7"o., red.; GOROKHOVAs, S.S., tekh.n. red. (Laboratory vork in inorganic chemistrylpraktikum po neorga- nicbeskoi khimii Moskva,, Vysshaia shkola,, 1962, 219 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Chemistry, Inorganic--Laboratory manxials) Arperimental thin-valled panal apartmeDt boases at the *Rostovs- hakhtstrolO Combine. Trudy Wl 109:1#5-52 9. WRA 13:7) (Concrete slabli (Apartment houses) Mfflmw~ - DUROV, I.S.; KRASULIN: N.N.; IONIN, S.N. I ! I. Experimental study of panels for apartment hotj3es. 7ruiy NPI 147: 11-16 163, (MIU 17:3) j I F 0 i; i *- i lie 00.0 WS, I 1 0 is 11 -V %~~ T , . k ff tow oes .00 j mius Mel .04 age 477 On the tub.". Isotope between VPjV&%A.IP.LAkw- . g now, U. a. Kato", sall As. U. ftsawyman DOMMOF A" No& LLSA.-Of 40-40"OHIft son Malay autos" at a sepalratim of Isollopes by Way Of tw- tW sUbmagn to CbMkol rescuous bn* Wied. becaww ad a malvaliffe ilimpubsowlty (A WAA excham"s in certain cases. a Ma boom homer. (Sabovembo let &I, Daklaily Absd. Me* LLILIR. 14.6411190)) 00, by ralmins the tem- Pursture of thr readies. pukiv* nh"s OV ouslard In the cam KI* . 93131~ (in ago~ SOMWO. Is the present work. sow &"mols wore Mao to Mach wakwous meas in the came too 091 m4val, * PukPO, and 1~,0110. + 11,1110'. Slab& Mpou" - comaw" slow" d sohitiono of Uwas sainiiiancts were placed in steel bovilbs wd boded fw aim Own at Z s0@ temppratures Ilromv 100-3WC; afty the sepusiMe of the reaction prodsets, the letter's seuvity was Massured with a me Commim Now of the rose" showed say =sow" i"OPIP e eachurs, m .1 5 A SL ItIALLUX10,KAL MIERAIMIk 010 . MLM. I R 0 0 0 0 0 e ,e