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, ; ". - ---- ~,- --- t' 71 , 7 . f Tr' d6rwi ons an invariants ofi or. An Bu des Invariants - d' un, lFoupe, ft u1 Politehn. Ust * kiui4fl.-19 (M7)j no, 3/4,,27-M. (Romanian. RuWan d F n i h an . sumi ar renc es) V; -Under,Ah6 group OZ(O' A), defined in the previous -d a ti l 6061 tfi f h h j 5I r r e MUM o t e eterminants $ of t e e [ ], matrix lets W-V+1 isresultis interpreted geometricauy in are invariants. Th6 - erms of L Struik (Cambridge Mass.) Cross ratios. D. 4 ~J-V, IONF.SGU-BUJOR, Constantin, prof. univ. e.merit. On the occasion of the fifteenth ~nniwezsary of "Ga'Zeta Matematica series B." Gaz mat B 16 no.3:97-100 Mr 165. L 33338-66 TaWb~+) ACC NRt -7690001, SOURCE CODHt 02 RU1017 AM OR i qrtxo3amx, E.-Kznioham,'Yo~ (Engimor; Candidate of too ical sciences) hn I Ionoscii-Duari-Si-loneekti-Btxzhor, So (Pbysicist)f Nigtorg No (Physioint) ORG Institute of PlWaics. RM AcadszW (Iwtitita 71dca al Academdei RM) TME Dondritic awth of t;rnudm monoorystain SOURCS 1 y1stalurgli. no- 5, 1965, 249-25L "TOPIC TAGSs single crystal growth, gWrnUdUM single GrY8t&1 ABSTRACT: A report on a stddy to deternine the optba corditions for drmlm cor- mnium dendrites of specified shapes and sises* The-influence of various factorm.on, the shape size and aryntalline structure of the do a3Ao discussede' Qrlg~IL Art; hags 116mromFn,ffiisod' on authors I Engo abs*rAi;y M CoDa: 20 SUM DME .t rim SM M V* ON REFt 031 "3.017620,1M.4 0 C/ 1,5- eawa CRIJCFMTI.. E.; IMESCU-BUJORYS. 'Relations soiong the microhardness., width of the forbidden band, and the interatmic distanoe in compounds of the 171 VT A ]!k-- type. Studii cera metalurgie 8 no.4s391-395 163. On: the etz th r ~c -Ac-ad. Rvpub. ' w ubtain a gonerai zolut ion of Galerkin ithor daiim, The '11 type for b0di" S;AbJCC~ t, reVi,-Wcr noteS tha CIV- 31011-tof', cfjv,t~i.-v~ (1) i Ii" .- ;! ! bl l f i ;;, . !, b"t l e, ou 5u ta ur Cqu y -v"latildcr of 0!t 'o :11w :U"! ;C" ow 4 -iop" Revt Vol Ila t,herAsl Sur 1e-,,; r-ara,,,t6risCjqurci~ de OV f W L4 1 koj A - . - --Y I t - - - - -_I C~; -~, 7 AtTr j , , 7 - e - ; - 'k, F~l - . ~t I I IONIP.9CU-CAZIMIR, V. Problem of linear coupled thermoelasticity. Pt3.1-2. Bul Ac Pol Tech 12 no.9:659-674 164. 1. Institute of Mathamrtic5 of tile Rumanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest. Submittod July 20, 1964- IMISCII-CAUKER, V. Problem of linear coupled thermoelasticity. Pts.3-4. Bul Ac Pol tech 12 no.12i837-851 164. 1. Inatituts of Mathomatics, Rumanian Aoademy of Sciences, Bucliarest. Submitted July 20, 1964. I IO-WCV-WNARLWf 1. Geographical distribution of Pinuo cembra in the Fagaras Mountains. Problems 9009 8011-518 161. I E ~ IONM Z-amc=ta, a'. ents for the characterization and classification of brown coal in general em and l Rumania lignites expecially and for the establishment of the nomenclature. P. 65 (Acadenia Repulblicii Populare Romine. Institutul de Energetica. Studii Si Cenetari de Energetical Vol* 7j, no. 1, 1957., Ducuresti,, Rumania) 145nthly Index of East European Accessions (FFAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 mArluA- V chm-c-C-1 1--T n.-, e ty-- a :d ,5 "v- CountrV Rumania Academic Degrees: _prof AffnUt'on 1 -110 t given- S owes' Bucharest, Earlwalu Vol 3X P Mo 71 Ju:L 1961, PP 431-4x.. "a' "25 Years.3ince the Death Of PMfessor Stefan Gro 981641 IgeJur-tri r'ULqar ~j J.P- C V;t Gry '-C-,J'LTjvr,'TSD 1'LAN*;"J,'UD1C1 JAL. 0U6. Toxins. i.[;,bs. jou-r. REF Zj1UR-B10L.,21,1958,M0-96184 Au'CIvir Ifi-Ppien; Orhoorehiu; ~~-r ~-Y t~iu,f'Baloaaou; Avram comriiiii1st ft-adazy I'M 2t.j. Pharmanagno tio Study of rysintun bransitlvan C icum, 30hur. Orig. Pub. Comun.. Aoad. 17111R) 1957, 7, No. 3, 355-367 One pruseat.-j, ttu synonyns of 7rysimm trans cum -7), P-orphol-gioal dusuripticn of the charac- terintios of tha crganEt, data on rLicroscopic exam- inar-41on of.the fluff gotten, froja flowers, leaves a.rad atcum.,3, and 1). drawbipla of the pi-ant, Its parts, wiLA oroza suotiong of atem arid 1-avee, flower, leaf and stam down. 7xPe%Anentq,ion -In the biolog- 0a.1 a0tion. of I oil tin "isciated fr"og he"art in a PFjrfW31Cjn of Rlino,G-rla rolution was made. A 5% in fusion fto.9i :;he -.taria, leave.3 oar floverares, as well] Card: ry 1/2 M TED PLAN'Ti.f.4-01CINAL :CULTIVA COTIGARU, Buium, ing.1 IONESCU-MUSCEL Ana ing.; IONESGU-14USGEL, Cornel, ing. P- P. Some methods w4 electric andelectronio devices for the analysis of rubber productse Itdustria; usoara 1.1 no.2:76-78 F 164- COTIGARU, Buium, ing.; IONESCU-MUSCEL, An&, ing.; IONESCU4fUSCEL, Comel, ing.; nMTwU-'Vio-reI-- Electronic methods and devices for qualitative analysis of leathers. Industria usoara 11 no. 4:169-172 Ap 164. -M - COTIGARU, Buium, ing.; IONESCU-MUSCEL, Ana., ing,; IONESCU-MUSCEL, Cornel, ingo Some methods and electric and electronic devices for the analysis .'of rubber products. Itdustria usoara'11 no.2,:76-78 F J64* COTIGARU . Buium, ing.; IONESCU-MUSCEL, An&, ing.; IONESCU-MUSCEL, ,q9=v-I-,,-ing.; PETRESCU, Viorel Electronic methods and devices for qualitative analysis of leathers. Industria usoara 11 no. 4:169-172 Ap 164. "The scalding oC silk coooons", p. 1, (TEXTILE, Vol. 2, no. 7, July 1951, Bucuresti) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, Vol. 2, no. Library of Congress, August 15153, Uncl. ICIFST-I-:U,'~i,~-:I. I., AIID CUTUIS Fiberneter, 1 1% Pew Apparatus to Measure the !,Prp .,th of Ccl.ton", P. 32-1,, -j (IBDUSTRIA TUTIIA, Vol. 51, No. 9, Septenber 1954, Bucharest, Riurania) :0 0: Y nthly List of East Etropean Accessicinq (F-M), LC, Vol. 4, No. 3, Varch 1955, Uncl. IOMCU-;~MUSCEL T.-,' AM others. Mechanized fibrometer. p. 273. Industria Textila. Bucuresti. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug. 1955. SOURCE: East Buroicean Accessions List (EEAL)p W. Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1956, ICNESCU-MUSCEL, I. ------------ ? Elemente de merceologie. Bucureati, Editura -StiIntUtch. (Elements of merceology. i1lus., bibl.) Vol. 1, 1956. NN Not in Mz Rumarda SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCES MONS (EEAI) LC, ML- 7. NO. 1, JAN. 195.8 IONESCU-MISCELS 1. nitw method to determine the Apness of cotiton with the help. of polarized light, p. 101, MUSTRIA TEXTILA,9 Vol. 7j, No* 39 Mare 1956, Ruawdas SO: East, European Lists,, Vcl* 5# No* 10# Le of Gj Octe 1956o RLHANIA/Cherdcal Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Dyeing and Chemical Treatment of Textiles. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya., No 8P 1958j, 27408 Author Ioneecu-Muscal Slad I., Vlad Emilia Inst Title Determination of Marcerization Capacity of Cotton Depending on Its Degree of Maturation. U-34 Orig Pub metrol. apl., 1957, No 3, 19-20 Abstract To exprest; the capacity of cotton to underEp mercerizing the author propose the coefficient of mercerization M which is defined by the correlation M = ml-t 2m2-+-5mq, where in m 'm and EL,, respectively, are the percentdges of fibers in -21ich 2c7(p, + P2) is greater than 3, 4, and 6 (c width of fiber lumen, p, -- thickness of wall, p thickness of wall on opposite side of lumen). Cotton is suitable for mercerizing only if M is not in Card 1/1 excess of 50. 104 I0NFbCU-M1JSGEL, L., and OTURS. Dorwstic apparatus for determination of the length of cotton fibers. I. (To bc contd.) p. 262. (1-iDUSTRIA TEXTILA. Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1957, Bucuresti, Rumania) 30; Monthly List of East huropean Accessions (EM) Le. Vol. 6. No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. IONESCU-VIUSCRL, 1. p and *ars. Domestic apparatus for determination of the length of cotton fibers. 11 P- 305 (Industria Textila) Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1957, Bucuresti, Rumania SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 IONEI bo-Pawk-k-1110 Clousecu-Nuscal, 1], professor; VLAD, I., inshener; ....... doM VLAJ),.B.. iushezei;' MUNGAM, V. [Charganu, To] inshener- GRMYA, K. Drindsa,. X-J. insheneri: XOMN, B.. tcoman, B.J. Wnml-.fl'b!!r-Masw'ng device. Tekste- prom. 17 no.5:70-72 NY Mu 10-. 1. 12-tibikk.71saskogo politekhnichookago inatituta narodnoy respublIki. (1himanl&-textile mchinery) 10lLVZ,Kw prof* Us Text iov.;Wovoss la mtrolea, Hatrologia ayl 6 mo*20547 Ap-& 959o . v 77 - , 6 U avan Jam~-~s countrYl R,.miania Acade-mdc Degrenst (not given Affiliation: -not given- Source: Buchar.~nt R,,.ivista de Chim-.i Vol 12, No 99 Sep 1961, pp 538-!43- Datai Pipes and Containers of Fo lyv#yl Chloride in Drinking Water Networks Authors: OONSTAIITINE SCU, A. IONESCU-MUSCEL I. CO RITI M SCU I D. GO TIGARU , B . KEITM M 1. 7 IONESCU-MS CEL, M P. MIRCEA, C. 00 981643 7 7- 7 17M.&TORM 21 MAE= M."M M77 OEM fikk.-~ Em -:y D U i 41 LI Cho-mical Toobnolojy. Cimmical Products and Their Uses. Part ~+. Dycing and Ohemical* .'CUIR. RUhim., Fo, 19601 No. 33711. .4t) IM01i. ionJECU-Muscel, J.; SjUanciu-Stoian, E. Certal-11 Mlonsurc,~ Connected with Organization of I'Losearoh Laboratcrios ir, the TWCtile Indus- try for Work with Ridiuactivo Isotopes oh'fo FUR toz-L-I. 19.59, 10, Yo :L, 9-15 4. 'afa-.~n pinnn'LnE; auorics for wo:0-' leiith radloar--t-I'lo it is noccui- 3Q_rly. to InLa accom-it the follcuin~.:; din.- po~'I~~tj.on of roo-ma, arvar'-~O'~"Ionlu of " -Ust hoods, I 11_11-1p~ Itabloo :~nd tjoirbilation, 3"'hu 1%--.11 a s!;a fe t7j tacliniryaoa. U101. 6 titlos. I G. Xtrlma *jroatmon4* of Taxtilos U IA ;4 H-3-75 IONESCII-MUSCEL I., rof. ing.; HIMERs Lj ing.; COTIGARU,, B.., ings; WSAXGVSCHI, Maria, ing.; GMWCEA, M... ing.; COSTEUCIUC, N.9 ing.; GHERSIN, B.,j ing,; MATEI', Ana$ ing.; IONESCU-MSCEL,, C., ing.; mkcxs M"' ing* Contributions to the problem of wool washing under optimm temperature and pH conditions. Ind text R= 13 no-5:197-203 My 162. 1e I'natitutul dp stiinte economice IT.I. Ionin (for IoTkescu- ~ftscelj;I,j KeInfir Cotigaru), 2. Lab~ratorul central Ministerul Induotrisi Usoare tfor Ksanovochi, Ghencea). 2. Fabrics. TextiU Grivita (for Cootenciuc, Ghersin), 4, Ministerul Industrial Petralului A Chixiei (for Matei), 5, Institutul de Oncologis (for lonssou4luscel, Ce)e 6. Fabrics, IlectrOtehnica (for Na.du)* IONESC'q:KVS-EI4-j.4 prof.1 MIFANU, V*,, prof.; COTIGARU, B. , lectori RVSU, D., (Iasi); IONESCU-1411SCEL,_I.,-.DAVIDESCU, M. (Iasi)'; GGPERSIN, B. ,Improving wool quality, an important actual task, Probleme econ 15 no.2:76-82 F 162. V 1. Membru al Coleguilui de redactie, "Probleme economice" (for RUSU) I., pro,f, ing,j REJ3EIMvC,., ing.; COTIGALRU,B., ingiq HUI %ria, ing.; STOLA11, Elena, Ing.; NISTOR,11.; BAMCNIU.,P. Mixed cotton and flax duck far pro,eation clOthing. Ind text R= 12 no.8:313-318 Ag161. CONSTANTINESCU,A.; .10MCU49JSCEL I *- CCRNnMGU,D.; GOTIGARU,B.; KELMERvI.; IONIEC-4NO.K.I.. RAVULESCUqP.; MIRCFA,C. Conduits and receivera-made of polyvinyl chloride in drinking water networks. Reve* chimie Min petr 12 no.9t538-543 S161 IONESCU-MUSCEL,Ib. prof, ing.; KEIbM,I., lector ing.; COTIGARU, B., RUSANOVSCHI, Maria, ing.; GHERSDI,IL, ing. CONSTENCIUC,N. Regarding the pH of the wool washing liquid. Ind text Rm, 3-4 no.111532-533 W63. IqNESCII,~~: prof.; COTIGLRU, B., lector; KEIMER, I., lector; lector; MOLDOVAN, L, ing.; BORSATTI, M.; IONESCU, Museel-Ianculescu, M., ing.; GREAVU, V., ing. Importance ofthe economist expert in the science of commodities in the improvement and quality control of products. Industria usoara 10 no.8:356-360 Ag 163. CONSTANTINESCU, Antong prof.inp.,,; IONESCII-MUSCEL, Iosif'- prof Ang. I COMILESCU, Dan'ing; COTIORU, Buium, lector ing.; KEDIER, lector ing.; IOffESCU-MUSCEL, 14irceap ing.; CUU'U,* Virg:Up ing:" Stabilizers of polyviyl chloride, made in Rumajia. Industria, usoare. 8 no.12.-460-463 D 161. CONSTAW.,11NESCU, Anton, pr6f.Ing.; IONESCU-MUSCEL, Iosify profiing.; CO*ILESCU, Danjing; COTIGARU, Buium, lector ing.; KELMER, "I., lector ing.; IOIMCU-MUSCEr,, Mircea, ing.; GUCU, Virgil, ink. Stabilizers of polyvkyl chloride, made in Rumatia. Industria usoara 8 no.321460-40 D 161. COTIGARU, BUium, ing.; IOUSOU-14USCEL, Mircea, ing.; FETEANU, Ghborghe Packaging functiona. Industria usoara 9 nooll;479-483 N 162. 10,NESCU, Muscel, I., prof.; COTIGARU, B.p lector; KEIMR, I., lector; REBEIDEA. C.,, lector; MOLDOVAN, I., ing.; BORSATTI, M.; IONESCU, Muscel-Ianculaseu M., ing.; GREAVU, V., ing. Importance of the economist expert in the science of commodities in the improvement and quality control of products. Industria usoara 10 n0.8:356-360 Ag 163. CONSTANTINESCU,A.; IGNMCU-MSGEL..I.; CORRILESM.D.; COTIGARU,B.; KM49R, I.; j0 ff,L -MSGS~,, qL~,!~oj ROULBSCUpF.j MIRCHAIC. Cmduits and receivers made of polyvinyl chloride in drinking water networks. Rave chimie Min petr 12 no.9t538-543 S161 COTIGARU, Buium,, ing.; CORNIIZSCU, Dan, ing.; IOMSCU44USCEL, Ifircea, ing. Rational utilization of Turda E Rovinil plastisols. Industria Usoara 8 no,3:110-113 Mr. 161. 1. I , S;2p -- L~- E 101-TESCU-PATIAS, N. Nonadditive composition of volumes in a nonreactive mixutre. P. 285 (Acadania Republicii Populare Homine. Institutul de Fizica. Studii Si Cercetari De Fizica. Vol. 7., iw. 2, Apr./June 1956. Bucuresti, Rumania) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (M-PI) 1,C. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 MMNIA/Physical Chemistry. Liquids. Amorphous Subatcaices. Gases - B Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim-, No 15, 1958, 49474. Author lonescu-Pallas N. Inst Title Asymptotic Properties of Real Gases and Their Equation of State. Orig Pub: Studii si cercertari fiz., 1956, T, No 3, 463-478. Abatract; Equations of state of the form F = P(T)V) (1) and V - V(T,P) (2) are derived on the basis of the following assumptions: in case (1) there is known the energy E as a function of te W rature and volume V or, at least, the derivative VIE/ ;? V; in the case (2) there is known the entalpy H as a function of temperature T and pressure P or, 1/3 -t AciooAll' RePW;cj;' Pop,,/,4,m Rem,4~. 1-4-rlirwrvi ve & 4 XJCA' Card RUMMA/Physical Chemistry. Liquids. Amorphous Substmices. Gases. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KhJn-)- No 15, 1958, 49474- redpeqtively, 0 Rlr-~ p; in both instances there an ~ known Lini: a - li6o T V lir, r t (PV) 7 and lim (E) T the existence of which.follows from physical considerations. There le' ' -t 1'~ '; i .: P are deriv4d-doub , asynp 'oti gxp=s Ons CWI . and boOT/(V-bjj ) + i,j; w ' T 1 T/YX V b T//P + b 00 h clents of t e variables the.c. i are ponstantpz P, A (p) a Polynocial -of 6rd4r wiith-reepekt'to'p.~- From the'existence of the above-i6rvulated linits there follows the existence ofthe limits lin (F,Tj(c P CV (C whi ch an taken'ai theTZ66ndarY conditions in the Card 03 12 B Card 3/3 7j57- -( - r jr~- ,-4~-_ .4 -FV~ ---It I - -10RESCU- Nicolae J. ~ ~ A now derivation of the Schmldt formmla. Studli cer.fiz. 10 no.4.- 639-642 '59. OMAI 9:5) (Inclear uovento) (Transformations (Mathematics)) IONESM-Pallas, N.J. On the selective charging of the Zeeman levels in alkali atoms. Studii cere fiz .11 no-31585-596 160. (EKAI 10:2) 1. Institutul do fizica at=ica Wcuresti. (Atams) 43kalies) (Nagnatic resonance) (Sodium) (Ught) Xv Al MOMMA6 W", f tt 77t stle -them' '18 i 1y vuaucr than 4 IPII#'MAtU Aftsptw Bmt vqhlch takes Into wolant the- I CroMford-Schawtow correedia Icuil tOgtthcr 'W'th U~ dhnodotli Of -the t6crectim, W~Ich tak", into account! MAP lithm Sp'atW - d lear: 12A the least the order gulu In ~ftpllhft at ectionev cutati-, I Carr tore ard ddA6-. hWlyst*Wc others am to a, dn i of the ? Sol I *jn~r -syiteim: I All ithese ifficWtI6 iwo, 4y anaL expreask 60tilplett :d and the finst calms. ~ made Jm g tow,corr"dow , Iiumirkd (Hg.zl) fan In. d date the Hglm:by starft from lm~ Momedtdedi Ofthe V ZA-vir-ftn"nt irith. the= S/058/62/000/010/030/093",' A061/A101 AUTHOR; Ionescu-Pallas, N. J. TITLE: Conr ~t-rc-in-Ca iW~ theory of heavy nuclei PERIODICAL: Referativny'y zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10, 1962, 35, abstract 10B216 ("Rev. phys. Acad. RPR", 1961, v. 6, no.. 4, 441 - 455, French) TOM In the statistical nuclear theory a great difficulty, besides the mathematical difficulties connected with.the 6oiution of Eulerls variational equation, is the proper choice of the expression for the energy defisity (the ex- pressions that are obtained from the concrete potential.are extremely complicat- ed), The author uses the expression, characterized by one parameter, for the energy density of a compressible gas; a correction is introduced phenomenologi- cally for the inhomogeneity of the nucleus. The variational problem is solved precisely. The distributions of nucleon density, the binding energy, and the nuclear compressibility are calculated. The unknown parameters are determined from experimental data of the binding energy. [Abstractr3r's note: Complete translation] B. Struminskiy Card 1/1 _101EUCO-PALLAS, N. J. Given Namej Conntry: Roumania Acad.-,da D~greea: /not give 7 Affilirition: Institute for Atomic thy~~i~cs_ Bucharest /no original language affiliation given/ Sourac: Laipzigp Annalen der Physik, Vol 8, No 1-2, 1961, pp 9-27. Eketa: "Theory-'of Isotope Shifts in Heavy Atoms." 10. J`~ S/058/6Z/000/006/020/136 A06IIA101 -AUTHOR- Ionescu-Pallas, N. J.' TITLE: Electron wave functions in the vicinity of the nucleus PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962, 2, abstract 6VIO ("Comun. Acad. RPRII, 1961, v. 11, no. 10, 1155 - 1161, Rumanian; Russian and French summaries) The wave function of an alkali-like atom in the vicinity of a finite nucleus has been calculated. The constant of the solution, being singular at the origin of coordinates, is associated by a-precise relation with the para- meters of nuclear charge distribution. The constant of the solution regular over the entire space is found with the aid of both the correspondence principle (using the semiclassical expression for ), and the WKB approximation. It is noted that the claculation technique perfectly corresponds to the derivation of the Fermi-Segre,formula - ~ka GDkKM;111r -.4te ZE C_ C V. Bykhovskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 B/081/62/000/024/001/0'73 .4 B108/Ble6 AUTHORi Ionesou-Pallas, N. J. TITLEt' Calculation of the effective quantum numbers for heavy a tom'91 PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 24, 1962, 7, abat~act, 24B11 (Studii 91cerdetIri fiz. Acad. RPR, v. 12, no.;3't 1961, 613 - 623 [Rum.; summaries in.Russ. and Fr.]) TEXTt The effective quantum numbers for a-electrons.are calculated'by means of semiclassical approximation of the phase integrals. Spherical J~ symmetry is assumed for the electrons of the atomic-core. The exprea .deduced make'it possible to estimate the value of Yn2(0) for heavy atofts.'., whose level's are not kno wn [Abstracter's note: -Complete translation t Card 1/1 S/058/62,/000/012/013/048., A160/A1O1 A=OR: Ionescu-Pallas, N. J. TITLE: A more precise relativistic determination olf the hyperfine structure PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1962, 1, abstract 12V3 ("Studii ~i cercet&ri fiz. Acad. RPRII, no. 1, 1962, v. 13, 101 104, Rumanian; summaries'in Russian and French) TEXT: A more precise formula was obtained for the relativistic correction of the magnitude of hyperfine splitting for s1/2-electrons. This formula is true for the states with the finite quantum number n. RpLeah's known formula was ob- tained as a li-mit, when n --,i, oo. [Abstracter's notel Complete translation] Card 1/1 HAFNER, H.; IOKESC(~PALLAS, N.J. On the principle of constant speed of light in restricted relativity. Studii fis tehn Iasi .14 no.1:193-197 163. HAFNER, :a"*I On the 5-dimensional exterwion of relativistic physics, Studii Core fiz 14 noo3,.Z77-287 .1638 I, Institutul- do Mica atomica Buovresti. fn IONESCU-PAIJAS) N.J. The Wppler-Fizeau affect. Studii cerc fiz 14 no.6:857-86, 163. 1. Institutul do fizica:.atomica, Bucuresti. IONESOJ-PALIAS., N.J. Clas-ic motion of particlemin arbitrary tensor fields. Studii cerc fiz 15 no. 2-.1.33-11+0 164o L, Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest. L 33725-bb T SOURCE ACC NRt AP6025170 CODEs GE/6061 1/025/03-/0144/ AUT11ORs Ionesco-Pallas.-4-4 ORO: Institute for Atomic Physics, Bucharest,--RuNAMA TITTE: Theory of male atom SOURCE: Annalen der nqaik, To 25, no. 3-4* 1965,' 144-149 TOPIC TAGSt atom, wave equation, nucleus, charged particle, quantum nuWnrs ABMACT: This 46rk was 'undertaken to obtain the ,energy formula for Pi and mi mesic 1-nma?/The method employed was based on the fact that th tions may be solved exactly gut- side the nucleus. The energy formula was expressed in terms of a pa-. rameter defined as the departure of the main quantum number from an ,integer, representing the solution of a transcendental equation. Klein-Gordotfls and Dirac's equations were solved for the case of a po-, tential, yielding by a constant charge distribution inside the nuc- leus. The approximating equations of the energy,,,_yikXAd for light.masic atoms, _ye~e presented and discussed. Orig. art. has: 10 formulase Fkrj:g. art. in im.7 rlpaO SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATEs 03Ju164 ORM REF: 002 / OM REF% 002 IO1TSC"!-PWTA1TF,SCU~ 0. 1 P011, E.; BLUK, 1. On the value of the permanganatic index as a method for the study and classificktion of coals. r. 21j7 STMII SI C2RCSTzU?,I ~-B ENERGETICA Bucuresti, umania Vol. 9, no.-2, 1959 Monthly list of European Accession Index (EEA1) LC Vol. 8, No. U Novmeb(3r 1959 Uncl. BLUM9 I.;.IONESCU-PANAITESCUt C.; FOLo E. The significance of the permanganate oxidation number as a method of studying mid el"sifying coal. Rev electrotechn ens t 4 no.2.1, 359-376 159. rrEi:I 10:1) (Rumania--Coal) (Permanganates) IONESCU'LSISESTI, B. Structural streaks and strata in coal beds. ps 29: Vol. 7F no. 1. Jan. 1956 REVISTA MINELOR Bucuresti SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 12 December 1956 fir r. .9-tr -a- s 11;14.V PE ~7, Cf 7---- Itz Vol i n -'K-( )R) P c E 0. Rumania/Chemical Terbnology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Treatment of So-lid Mineral Fuels, 1-12 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Mdmiya, No 19, 1956, 62510 Aut1wri Ionescu-Sis Institution: None Titlet New Aspects of the Problem of Hunic Coal Structure Original Perioddcal: Aspecti noi in probI structurii carbunilor humici. Rev. Univ. "C. I. Parhou" si Politehn. Bucuresti Ser. stiint. natur, 1955., No 6-7, 231-2391 Rumanian; Russian and French resumb Abstract:. Classification of coal by petrographic characteristics is ccusidered. Structure is various types of coal: (a) cellular, cbsracterized by capacity of strongly reflect incident light, and the higher the reflecting power the greater is the vitric carbonization of the coal and the quality thereof; (b) agglomerative, characterizing low quality of coalB (c) ornamental, which may serve as an index in determination of the gradations between lignite and coal according Card 1/2 Rumania/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Treatment of Solid Mineral Fuels, 1-12 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur WnLya, No 19, 1956, 62510 Abstract: to the proportions of vitric component and residual bulk of coal, as well as according to shade and degree of carbonization; (d) mineralized. Card 2/2 10 N M 1 T 1, F. New viewpoints on present notions concerning the petrographic constituents of coal. P. 73 (Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Institutul de Energetica. Studii Si Cenetari de Energetica. Vol. 7, no. 1, 1957, Bacuresti., Rumania) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 loliacu SIS 'UXI , D. , -Ing. Systems of for water supply in the rivers, and some designing problems to be solved by laboratory tests. Hidrotebnica. 6 no*99*301-.310 8 '61. IODESGU-Sisestip_Dq, ingal Belecciup Soq ingo Regularization of the Siret River at the Commenti-lonasesti sector. Hidrotehnica-.~7 naoI28423-,04 D 162. Buruienile 9i comgaterea for. Buouresti Editura Agro-Silvica de Stat, 1955. 231 p. (Weeds and the flght against them DA Not In DLC SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5v No. 3. March 1956 ION-ESCIT-SISESTI, G. IOITESCU-SISFZTI, G. Let us preserve, use isoonomicaUy,, and carefully reganerate oi= forests. p. 433. RE-VISTA PADMILOR Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 70p 110. 10, Oct. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) LC Vol. 5 No. 6, June 1956 COUNT.ry I RUMMIA CATFURY Oultivated Vls-ft~s- Corsais. m U5. J01JR. Uhffiol.; U64, 195% 633i9 JP.~esCU-Sis0qti'.f G., IMhalca V., Boldea El. INST. rhe'loads F--o-f 'rPR TTTILE MorphologL;xl Signs and P4YSiOI07~ioal Characteriatice of It 'Aisat Straina 31 and 135 Originating frm A-15 Uritity. 13UI. qtjinto 'kCaLd, j MR. $9, b1ol. 9, St, inta agria 1956, 8, "fo. 4, 799-807 IkDSTUCT Strain 31 I:P resiStant to infootion with rust, to dazipins- I oft aM is very froat reoistvtt. With rejard to quick ripenj ing and yield it surpasses the orlgia&LL variety JL 15. Strait, 125 is resLitant. to 3trifurust, lonse smut). it is Garly- matcArIng w0 highly productivo; it lodger, but does not ahed grain. Strain 135 is one of the highest quality Vaeats. 24 Grains ,'~bs Jour : Biol., No 10) 1958, 44022 j.ji:Ialc,, U0, poldea, Eo : '10:,Qscu-Sisostiy Go, Author -r-ific Listitut,; O:C Inst Scic, k' ndi- (,Ultivatcd jjjjcL;r Co' Titlu Diffront lines Of U ,t.ijlls of Superior AGricultural Techniquce oriC,; -Pub ;a-marurucar stiint. Tnsz.. ac;ron., 1957, 5-22 Uj- lin,s No 185-31 aild 41 is.,)Ir-tcd t1jo vr-ri-",'Y t'Y in r, - Abstract "15 of I-Tintor wheat suroass t~.,.: oriaima 'far L~:-' droji[~-t resistance, wijitu~-r r-- prLi ~1,-o quick Vntur sjs-LajjcL aild yieldo Linl.~ No 185 is tjjLN rjost' 1,10 I'l is succeptivic onc %,o droopinG alld ing in furtile soils$ Card 1/1 M-I -MrrrA 1n-1+41m+I,A Pirints -a General -Problc-sb RUNUTITA/Cultivatc,i Plants - General PfubL,.:~,s. Abs Jour Rof Mur - Dioloj, No 9, 1958, 39142 and by 2.3% - in comparison with annual leguninous s3winGs vf,Ach arc considorod as ~ha bz;st prixceding cr0j)3. Me yield of hay roachcd 11.3 --/Ila- I.K. Fortmatov. Card 2/2 4 IOBIESCU-SISESTI, G., acad. .1 -- Ir-reasing the earth capacity of production. St si Teh Bue 13 no.7; 6-7 il 161. 1 IONESCU SISESTIP Uid, ing. Agrotechnics of irrigated corn. St ai Teh Buc 15 no.4:11-13 Ap 163. 1. "N.Balcescull Agronomic Institute, Bucharest. CHIOSA, L.; IONESCU-STOIAN F3. ; MUNTTU, N.; DUMITRESCU, S. Contributions to the study of the pyrogenic and antigenic imparities in medicines. Studii care fiziol 6 no.21245-257 161, 1. Inatitutul do cercetari farmacoutice si Controlul madica n lor, Sectia, de, oareetari si control biologic. 2.Nmbru al Comitetului do redactie, IStudii oi coreetari de fisiologial (for Chiona). (DRUGS) RUWJM/Cultivated Plants - General Problems Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Diol.) No 12) 1958, 53516 Author I lonesctl Sisesti'-C21. Inst Title Crop Rotation as a Means of Increasin.- the Yields Orig Pub Probl. Agric., 1957, 9, No 7, 23-30 ,lbstract No abstract. Card 1/1 COU'Umy i Rumania H-2 CA TFV:NY I AB3, JOUR, S RZKhinev We 5 1W* NO* 1996 1 AU T-~X-R Ciobanu, A., Cristea, S., and lonescu-Sisesti, R. INST, I Not given rLTLE The Freezing of Eggs ORIG, PUB,, Rev Ind Aliment Prod Animale, No 3, 8-lj (1958 ABSOMACT The effect of the addition of NaCl and Na-citrate (1), freezing temperature, and storage temperatur on the quality of the egg mixture [sic] (EM) has bQen investigated. it has been established that the viscosity of EM stored for 3 months at -60 increased from 2 to 60 Engler for EM to which NaC has been added, to Z.?* for EM containing 1, and to 9.60 in the control batch; the acidity changed from 9* Terner to 11.21 7.5, and 0.3', respec- tively; the NF-3 cQnter.,t changed from 0..004 to ICAPDt 1/2 38~ M Rumania H-2q YU N3 C I "S 13 1""), 1 `1 , G SUR~ItCrE kin caps); Civen Names Country: Rumani a Acad-waic D&-gree3; -Academician- Affiliatioa: -not given- source; Bucharest Stiinta. si Tehnica, No 7, Jul 1961, pp 6-7. D--ta. "RaisinO, the Production Capacity of the Earth." 0 IONESOU SISESTI - V-1ad, ing. Irrigated agriculture. St si Teh Buc 14 no.6s22-23 Je 162. l,r-ONicolas Balessau" Agronomic,Irwtituts, Bucharest. I i I I CRIOSA., L.; MUNTIU, N.; IONESCU-STOIAN, Fl.; TAUTU, S.; BOTTESCH, A. Relationship between the response to py'rogenic substanc6s and capacity of producing 3:ytic antibodies in rabbits. Studil cero fisiol 6 no.1:27-33 161. (EUI lot 9) 1. Institutul do control do atat al medicamentelor ei corcetari far- maceutice. 2.Mevbru de redactie, "Studil ei cercetari do fiziologie" '(for Chiosa). (ISM) LYS INS) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) SORU, Eugenia; IOIESCU-STOIAJI, norica Purification of the hyaluronic lyases by chromatography on the DEAD-Sephadex. Studii. cerc biochimie 5 no.4:497-505 162, 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for Sorru). XHOSA, L.; IOnESCU-SI-OIAN, Fl. Disorders of thermal homeostAsis, produced by anaphylactic shockin rabbits, and their utilization in control tests of the antigenic character of injectable products. Studii: cerc fiziol 5 no. 4.&693-702 160. (I. Homeostasis 2. Anaphylaxis) Institutul de corcetari farmacoutice si controlul medicamentelor si IntBitutul do fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.'R. 2. Membru a Comitetului de redactie "Studii si cercetari do fiziologiell (for Chiosa).