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77z- IONHISCU, 0. Polish airplanes in Rumania; a letter from a friend. 15. (Sk-r2yd'late Polaka, Vol. 13, 14o. 22, MaY. 1957, Krakow, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East EuroDean Accessions (REAL) La. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug. 1957. Uncl. RUMIIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Fats and Oils. Waxes. Soaps. Detergents. Flotation Agents. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - XhimlYni, No 171, 19581 58909 Author : Nicolescu, I.V., Ionescu 0" Inst Title Concerning the Surface-Active Properties of Detergent Substances. Orig Pub An. Univ.,, "C.J. Parhon". Ser. Stiint. natur.., 1957, No 15P 103-108- Abstract The results are given of an investigation of the surface- active properties of Na-isooctylbenzolsulphonatc,, and of the influence of the chemical construciion of several hydrocarbons (tetralincj, decalin isoociylbenzol) on the surface properties of solutinns of detergents (surface tension, coefficient of spread). Card 1/1 69 M.1- NKs 'AP6025159 SOURCE CODE-. RU/0012/65/061/004/06la/0615 AUTHOR: Me0aide. 1.-(Doctor; Colonel); Calin. Ve Majorl Doctor); Galin, ra- Laoctor Ionescu, P. (Doctor; Lieutenant colonel) 0 ORG: none TITLE: Considerations on sprains of the knee Joint in military envirorments SOURCE: Havista sanitars. militara, v. 61# no. 4v 1965p 611-615 TOPIC TAGSt skeletal mochanicag injury, military medicine ABSTHACT: The authors analyze the cases of sprained knees treated during the last 6 years at tboir hospitale They find that knee injuries represent a relatively high proportion-of the total number of inJuries treatedv that early treatment is.most effective, ami that the Hey-Groves-Smith method-of treating ruptures of crossiLd ligam which.they trie4U a DMOU number of cassep given good to excellent results.LPT-PBS; 33 SUB COM 06/ SUBM DATE: 22jan65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 AccEssiot4 im- AP5023237 RU/OOW64/OW/005/0743/0750 4UJ7'TIQR; loneeru, P. (Veterinarian, Major) A?, S, otwe aijpocts concerning the effect of gaimmit Lz-nd x-raye on the systern of test animalo E: Ri!vista sanitara militara, no. 5, 1964, 743-750 AGS eyperiment animal, gland, endocrinology, radiation biologic effect, zqviia Irradiation, x ray irradiation -i 14-co- -The --wd-rk- '-cb'~ered--~the` ff densk e4 e ect-Of X-m-kayO and ~.H rayo on various systems and ore-ans, barticularly the th.7muq, gonada and ovaries. A.S,',-XIATIOI- tione L 63ho8-65 ACCESSION KI.. ALP5023Z.37 SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB COM LS NP, TzKiv so'n. 00, OTHER: 013 JPRS RUMANIA SUTEU, I., ColonelMedical Corps; GIURGIU, T., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Veterinary Corps; 12aL~~, Major, Medical Veterinary Corps; SAFTA, T.0 Major, Medical Veterinary Corps; and BANDILA, TR., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corps. "Some Physiopathologic and Therapeutic Aspects of Experimental Hyperthermic. Shock" Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp 48-51 Abstract; Study on 32 rats, 40 rabbits9 6 dogs brought into experimental hyperthermic shock by placing then for 30 minutes In an environment rais- ing their colonic temperature to 44*C. and then treated with various drugs; different types of cooling. Gradual air cooling was best, ice cooling too drastic and sudden; digitalization was helpful but other drugs had question- able value. 1/1 - 60 WMANIA SUTZU, I., Colonel, Medical Corps; GIURGIU, T., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Veterinary Corps; j9HfAQLZ" Major, Medical Veterinary Corps; and SAFTA, T., Major# Medical Veterinary Corpse "An Experimental Model for the Study of Controlled Induced Hyperthermiall Bucharest# Revista Sanitars Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp 51-53 Abstracts Study on 32 rats, 36 rabbits and 5 dogs in a specially built box "Pirostat" for experimental hyperthermia; chlorpromazine or related drugs, anesthetics, ganglioplegics were given. These, plus careful monitoring and supportive treatment before and after, permit achieving body environment (excluding the head) taisperature of 80*C. for 20 minutes with ultimate survival-, far beyond the 44*C* previously thought to be maximum compatible with recovery. 2 photographs. 1/1 RU hAN 1A GIURGIU, T.p Lieutenant-Colonel; Medical Veterinary Corps; U- ---- %_e_.3J __ I -_ -_ - . - __ IONIESCUJ P RUMANIA OANCEAP Tr.9 ColonelpHedical Corps; ATHANASESCU, S., Colonel, Hedical'Corpol POPESCU, P., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corpol BACHWJ1., Lieutenant- Colonelg Medical Corps; GIURGIU, T., Lieutenant-da__fq;n__ei, Widical Veterinary Medical Veterinary Corpal SAFTAS' T., Major, Corpsi IONESCUa Medicalf sterilnsry C,orpal NOVACEK, A., Captain, Hedical Corps; VOICU, Ch., Captain, Medical Corps; and SINGER, D.p Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corps. "Experimental Research on the Effectiveness of Some Therapeutic Measures in Blast Injury Shock" Bucharest, Revista Sanitars Militarat Vol 16, Special No*, 1965; pp 58-62 Abstracts Study on 44 dolls and 70 rabbits and 26 guinea pigs, exposed to shocWT-M-01 'explosion of 2 kilograsso of "T'rot1l" [TNT?J at varying distances frm 2*2 to 25 mtere away; use of HiDip-Dol" (tiparcol (diethatine) with Dolontin (pathtdine)?] with a trachoostoinys The nouroplosic treatment had good of f ects as had the trachooodmay in scute respiratory Insuf f 1clenty. Artif Icial' respiration iwso pointless. I chart; 2,k7moarms, 3 tiblis. RUMANIA OANCZA, T., Colonel, Medical Corpsl ATILOASESCU, S.,, Col6el, Medical Corps; CINDEA, V., Captain, fledical Corps; POPPr-m- Po, ifeutenant. Colonel, Medical Corpal GIURGV., Ch., Major, Medical Corps; VOICU, Ch., I and TONESCU. fog Captain, Medical Corpel SAFTA, T.,.Major, Medical Corps, Major Medical Corps. "Cardiac Tamponade -- a Study of the Phystopathology with Therapeutic Lessons In Peacetine and Under Conditions of liar', Bucnarest, Revista Sanitara Hilitars, Vol 16, Special'No 19651 pp 62-66 Abstracti Study on W dogs, producln3 Votetrating scailpe*: wounds to left car RIac ventriclep 1-3 centimeters In extent; careful! monitoring of cardio- vascular sequelas. The causes contributing to sither rapid death or un- expected recovery through presence of just the right amount of blood to block hamorrhage without overloading Mart were investigated In detail. f 3: photographs o sursical specimen. 62 RUMANIA OANCEA, To, Colonel, Medical Corps; ZITTI, Eugen, Dr., GlURGIU, To, Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Veterinary Corps; IONESCU, P., Major, Medical Veterinary Corps; SAFTA, To, Major, Medical Veterinary Corps; POPESCU, P., Lieutenant-Colonelg Medical Corps; and STEFANESCU, Th., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corps. "Experimental Studies on Pulmonary Autografting" Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Hilitara, Vol 16, Special No., 19651 pp 226-228 Abstract: Report on total pulmonary autograf t studies on 11 dogs, with survival up to 9 days. The metabolic and general tissue viability as well as details of surgical technic must be mastered thoroughly before the major problem of hwune reaction comes up. I table. RUMANIA AUGUSTIN, Al., Colonel, Medical Corps,' physician Bmeritus; GRIGORESCU, Co. colonel, Radical Corps; STRIMBEANU, I., Colonel, Medical 4'Corps; qR.RqZ6.ZV Licutenant*Colonelv Medical Corps; 10"Fism- r., Major, Medical Corps; d ROMAN9 'Log Majorp Medical Corps, MARINESCO, I., Major, Medical Corps; an ,,Evolution of Ronal Lesions In Radiation SloknossO Bucharest. Revista Sanitara Wilitera, Vol 160 special No.. 1963; pp 453-458, Abstracts X-irradiation with 440 r in rabbits, followed by unilateral no- phrectony at 6 or 24 hours thereafterg and careful histopathological study of the rgisaining kidney 23 of 33 days after the first operation revealed that radiation disease brings about OPOCIfit processes in kidney and delays hg&lms and G1CStr1&&t1qjss*, 6 pbotaisterearaphs- IONESCUI P. Brigade of pupils and their instructor. P. 4. CONSTRUCTORUL. (Ministerul Constructiilor si Industrid Materialelor de Constructii A Uniunea Sindicatelor do Salariati din Intreprinderile do Constructii) Bucuresti. Vol. 8, no. 331, MaY 1956 So. Eust Awopean Accessions List Vol. 5, no. 9 September, 1956 iclacu, P. filifilUm- the pl p. 2. is hinderirg the fac'j,)ry fru,,~, ar Ste Vol. E, ro. 359, Dec- 1950' Co'~ISTRUCTIORUL T.-C LOG RIT-2-YU 57 Fast Jr.,Ajopean Accessions Vol. 6" No. 5) Y12y 10 IONES CU, P. Studying the draft of a collective contract. p. 4~j (CONSTRUCiORUL. Vol. 9, no. 373, Mar. 1957, Buctwosti, R=ania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (E=) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. I01mcult P. Machines helping man. P. 39 (CONSTRUCTORUL. Vol. 9. no. 399, Sept. 1957, Bucurestis R=ania) SO: Monthly List of East i;txcpean Accessions (EEAL) Lr,-, vol. 6., No. 12, Dec. 1957. Und. IONESCU,.Y.. ing.; PAUNESN, N., ing. Completion of narrow benches with qtabilized soil. Rev cailor fer 12 no. 63327-331 Je 164. 1. Iasi Regional Office (L) (for Ionescu). 2. Section L 8, Tirgu Ocna (for Paunescu). IONEW-11, P., Ing.; GRISU~ S. I tehn. ConsolidatlL*n or the earthwork uith fillast bags. I. Rev callor for . ID n6'.W94-301 L.Directia rojionala Iasi. KIEfAI,C.,dr.; BOIU.N.,dr.; IONICSCU,P.,dr; KIICU,V.,dr. Contributions to the pathogenesis of the complications of inflUOUS& (epl6mic of 1959).,Nod. int.,bacur. 11 no.11;1687-169Z N '59- (INPLJRM, complications) (CAPIIJARIJIS. pathology) (PUINOURY JDAU. etiology) ON IMONIA, etiology) ~i I ,_,__.~qNESCU,, Study--on the economical activity of a regional department of . the railroad. Rev cailor fer 12 no. 7:363-367 Jl 164. Country RWNIA- Cately,or"y': Orgm-Ac' 8~oti6- AbsJour RM'him." 1-10' 17,' i95~9_',' No. 6111o41 Author Isacescu, D. 'L.; _Imusm~ Inst Title Syiatheti6 Protoilosi 'Containing Iodine, As H6rr.lono Substituto's-ofIThy~oid Gland. I. Syn- thesis of Iodine-Containine Proteins from Cascin. OriL-. Pub: Comn. Acad. IRPR, 1-958, 8, No 6, 571-575 G Abstract: Effects of chfferent factors on the iodation of cauvin, containinu, 61~ of tyrosine, were studied. The r=imn, quantity of thyrcxine iodine (6-75 atons per nol of tyrosine) in the reaction pro- duct was found that occurred when the recction was Card W IONESCU, P.; ISACESCU, D. Syhthetic iodaproteins as substitutes for thyroid ho.mones. II. Influence of casein iodoproteins upon the.basal metabolism and pofideral loss of the rat, and upon the tadpole metamorphosis, P. 785. COMUNICARILS. Bucuresti,, fbMani4j, Vol. 8,, no* 8. Aug. 1958. Monthly List of European Accessions,(EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. CIAMIG14. qonf .1,11 CLUT's P. dr.,PjwAI.p dr.; VASI.IZp &aranda,,. dr.; ROVINTESCU 'F 'dr.1 IONESCU,, Pelitghia, dr. Bioudical and clinical vaiti,,.of the urInar7 elimination,of 17-ketosterbids;Ih epidemic hepatitis, 9hrmic hepatitis and cirrhosis following e0idemic hepatitis. Mad. inteni. 16 5~-45 Jat64 19 Luerare, efectuata, in do semiologie a fpitalului BrincoveneW. IONESCUR P. MeIbod of eliminati the chlorine from electrolytic solutions. METALURGIA iNtallurgy and Machine Construction.) 20106b 55 SI CONSTRUCTIA DE MASIN, P. The pf~rssistency prortnty of seismc epic,~rt&rs of 't.he 3, J111,Y/Sept. E T-1 L LAI NSTIINTTFIC. So: E.-st Furopim. Acctssion, "Vol. 1957 itnatfal.1 44C rm~ Lie iultrf~ Ir pi-allyn et 10 -417 f." (Kon-1 in all the Ltrwnu fit.,10oll/irl the rt,,~'wn bouadcd bv two -,(r- Varies with time. The authws obtain ~.XPUCIE e~pmisxyfm- to-. distrilnitiou ~tnd the 11 hary'l-, I liese -expregsirms col-tair. Uw b"3vl lual-,ioi-s sign It h,)we,,-tr. that a COM plitatit it 1,11 ly-a~, ti~ N. Cunt-d jut L)Cicne IONESCU.'P.; GOLDFRAGHT9 TH. A m6thod of forecasting.the behavior of gas deposits in case of advaming marginal water, p. 386. PETROL S1 GAZE. (Asociatia Stiintificia a Ingineri or si Technicienilor din Rominia, si Ministerul Industriai Petrolului si ChImiai) Bucuresti Rumania. Vol. 10, no. 9, 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 9, no.2 Feb, 1960 Uncl IONESCU, Py.4,A'OMACAVEI, M. ISACESCU. D. Studies on disalbumenizers and'dinalbumenization. VII Influence oftoly1sulfonic acids, triohloroacatic abid, and various mineralizers on the content of the total nonproteic nitrogen. p. 845 OCKUNICPRILE. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol- 7, no. 10, October 1957 Monthly List of East Exwopean Accessions (EUI) LC Vol, 89 no* 89 August, 1959 Uncle T1 1, PUJIMAI-11A / Forestry. Forest ManaSemen-u- -T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Mol., No 10, 1950, 4j, A'Lit'tior : Ionescu, Pe Inst : Not given Title On the New Direction in the rorest Management (of Pamiania) Orig Pub Rev. padi-ir-ilor, 1957, 71, 1,10 B., JWC-501 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 /Y,,F sz C'I -1 . j). AUTHORS: 8 iAYwakiY P V* I Solcoon , Le Xe. , Ionesku, P. D. 131-12-9/9 TITLEi Report on Matters Concerning Science and Technical Engineering of Other Countries (Is in0st=nn0Y nauki. i telchr-W). The Punotioning of Ref raotories Made from Forsterite in Forging Funiaoes (Sluzbba forsteritoyykh ogneWorov v podinakh kuznechnykh pechey) PERIODICAL: OsaeuPOXY, 1957, Nr 12, PP- 56&-571 (USSR) ABSTP=T: Forsterite refractories are mainly produced from serpentine raw mte- rial. Refractories. the main component of which is forsterite ( 2 1W - S102) , have a weaker reaction with respect to iron oxides than the alumin= silicates of the firsday products, and therefor* they are not destroyed so quickly. The refractory lining of forging furnaces is subjected to considerable temperature fluctuations while in operation and also when operation is interrupted, which leads to a destruction of the arched roof of the furnace, and pieces of fireclay bricks fe,11 on to the hearth of the furnaoe. Table I shows the proper- ties of fireolay-mgmenite and foraterite refractories. Further, the mineralogical composition of the for3terite is given and its mounting and operation are described in aetail. The illustration shows a forste- rite hearth brick after the smelting furmoe campaign. In table 2 the Card 1/2 chemical analyses and the state of the refractory forsterite bricks ANMNCIT ICI, Gh. BADENSKI, --A.; OLARIU, Tr.; IONISCU, R.; JONESCU. M.; RI SNI CU, V. SpIdemlological, studies of an epidemic of dysentery in a commmity. Rev. Igiena microb. epiden., Bucur. 1-26-40 Jan-Rar 55. I' Lucrar* efectuataln cadrul Sanapidulut central &I Capitalsi. (NS]Wjnr, Spidesiol. epidemic In school in Rumania, otiol., develop. & Provo measures* RA,ILFXM, T., dr.; 11-ug Plo. dr.; FARCASp Ghop dro; R(ZOR, Florlow, t&~ Gistric PoInm. Xsi. ~,13.8X987-990 Ag f63- 1. Lucrars efectuata in Spitalul MTTC din Oradea. (STOMACH NEOKASMS) (POLTPI) C? ',!rrin; Goj"v CU, Unria; IGIESOU, I?AZVFIII; SUM- I ?Iorlcr; PI,V:~ 1ATHE. Alexandra -OMWAMMi0ft in hospitalized. patients. Probl. ter., Rucur. 5:79-57 i957. W IC70COCCUS ~I-IUGIS!MS natho,z-c rcc-irstnnt types Isolated from nic ~" ntibiotle- honritall'-d natlento in RiLmanis) RUMWL JONESCU, Razvan,, MD. gious Viseases Municipal pbysician of Hospital No 1 for Conta ase Nr. (Medic primar al Spjt~lujui de Boli Contagio Bucharest- No 4, 15 Feb 63, pp 275 Bucharest, Viata &dicala -283. 11peculiar Features in the Practice of Antimicrobial Therapyou g gt OUDWOO, MON o0 w , v :2~:W v ~ 1 ~5 W~ -3 - i .4 43. C4 Ig w-, ,Iv IN 9!n j rn, :1., -d .1 a A V, a 'v.'1 P, 5 -P,.,r. 4. V a:r DO - -xo: A 0 31 t4 01, IP4 prof, (MaIIEN140) *Tkio seas and oceans of the earth* by Petre"Barbuneam Rovieved b7 Romulus Ionsecu. Naturs, Geografie 23 no.4-,8546 n-Ag 161. IONE4Sq!~,_A;)mulua,,-, prof. (Mangalia) The glass globe and its'use in map projection teaching. Nature Geografie 12 no. 6:103-108 N-D 160. iCFESCU, S. Dravdngs in standardization. P. 25- Ducilresti, Vol. 7, no, 5, L:,'Ly 1~,~55- SO: Eonthly List of East European Accessions, (-- A'.L), 1-C, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, IONESCU, S.IARIE, E. Approximations by using equivalent networks in the calculation of both the stationary conditions and the static stability of the electric systems. p. 709 STUDII SI GERCETARI DE ENERGETICA. 'Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 7, no. 4, 1957 5 Pt Monthly List of East European Accession. (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9,7?4 F9 Uncl. IONESCU, S.-, NICOLAE, P.; POMMEANU, N. --.1 Principles of secadar7 astatic regulation of frequency. Rev electrotechn enorget 4 no.2:323-332 '59. (ERAI 10:1) (Frequency) IONESCUp S. Characteristics of the functioning of an asynchronous motor. Variable tensions and constant frequency applied for the fixed values of the electromagnetic couple. P-337 STUDII SI CERCETARI DE MIMMICA Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 9, no. 2, 1.959 Monthly.list of'Ruropean Accession Index (MI) LC Vol. 8, No. 11 November 1959 Uncl. DEMAO Is; DUMITRUp M.; GIRD,, E.; OAINARI go; RUS19 As; SPIRIDON# St.; SARAU# 0,; CONSTANTINESCUp Osq~ IONESCU. S. Contributions to the utilization of organic solvents as oluting agents in cation exchange. II. On the possibilities of a selective- elution of lanthanideso Studii core fiz U no-2:397-405 160. (EUI 10:1) (Solvents) (Elution) (Rare-earth metals) (Base-oxchanging compottnds) (Organic compounds) Z,; IOMKUE._(Ioneycu, S.1; NIKOLAE, P.(Nico:Lae, P.]; POMUZAIRT, M. The study on models of the operating conditions of intersystem veak aoupUngs. Rev electrotechn energet 6 no.1:75-93 "al. IONESCU, Sebastian; PCKRLEANU,, Marius Results supplied. by the electronic- digital computer C37AP-2 at the computation of dynamic conditions in electric-paver uysteme with Us rLmning of automatic controllers taken into account. Studii cero energet 11 no.3:533-550 161. 7777=777777T=;Ii~,~ IOITESCU" S. "Propagation of government standards, of Bul6tinul de Standardizare,'and of pamphlets on standardization in the Ministry of Railroads. p. 23. (PETROL SI GAZE, Vol. 6, no. 1/2, Jan/Febs 1954. Bucuresti, Rumania.) SO; Monthly TABt of Fast European Accessions, (EEAL), IC. Vol. 4, No. 5, MaY 1955, Uncl- RUEANIA / Analytical Chemistry--Analysis of E-2 Inorganic substances. Abs Jour ; Referat Zhur--Khimiya, No. 11, 1959, 38275 Author : lonescu S.; Constantinescu, 0., Gainar, I., and Topor, D. Inat ; Not given Title : Investigation of the Possibility of Separating Some Iona on Rumanian Type R-21 Cation Exchange Resina. Orig Pub : Studil si Cercetari Chim 6, No. 2, 313-319 (1958) (in Rumanian with French 9iid Russian summaries) The authors have determinod conditions for the resolution of 4 pairs of cations using Rumanian- made type R-21 cation exchange resin, obtained. by the polyoondensation of p-phenolaulfonio acid (1 mol) with CH20 (1-3 Mol) in the presence Card 1/3 82 RUL.:AWIA / Analytical Chemistry-Analypis of E-2 Inorganic substances. Abs Jour Referat Zhar-Kh1mlya, No., 11, 1959, 38275 of H2804withOut the use of pressure or diatil- ca lationi The ion exchan pacity of the R-21 resin*Is about 2 mequi /Sm, calculated on a dry resin basipi ~he density of the resin is 1.4852 SMICM3 mbidtUre content 7.8%, and swelling fac- tor Mi lWore utilization the cation exchange resInIs put In the H form by washing with an H01 solution. Good results were obtained from the resolution of the following ion pairs: Na4-K* (elutIon with 0.05-1 N H01; column di- mensions 1 x 103 cm; resin grain size 0.2-0.3 mm), Ca2l*-Ba24 (0.3 M solution of ammonium cl- citrate at PH 5; 1.5x 24 cm; 0.4-0.5 mm), La3*-Ce3+ (ammonium citrate so ution of PH 3.2; Ix 105 cm; 0.1-0.2 mm), and TA "02 2*(l N HC1; Card 2/3 S10811621000102010091040 B166/B186 AUTHORS: Ionescu, S., Grigorescuq SabAu. C., Spiridon, St. TITLEt The use of organic solvento aseluents in cation-exchange separations. IV. Possibility of a.eparating sirconiua.and hafnium PERIODIdAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 209 1962, 91, hbatract 20D32 (Studii si cerceta"ri fit.'Acad. RPR, v. 12, no. 2, 1961, 269-277 *fRum.; summaries in Russ. and French]) 95 3 TEXTs Zr (3-8 10- g/ml) and Hf 'a' (7-03 10,-4 g1ml) were taken for investigating the separation of these two over KU2 cationite from. acid solutions (PH 3) using mixtures of or4anie solvents and inorgani.c acids. The separation was studied as a function of the thickness and .ionic form of the oationite layer, the nature of the organic solvent, its concentration and that of the acid in the eluent. It was found that Zr -and Hf separate readily in a column '--2-3 am long, 0.8 cm in diameter, filled with KU in the H form using 100 ml concentrated HC1 acetone 2 Card 1/2 5/081/62/000/020/009/040 The use of organic solvents as ... B166/B186 water (3:40) as an eluent at a rate of 3 drops per min. A gamma-ray spectrometer was used to check separation. Other forms of cationite (NH +V.*K+P Ba 2+ ) assist'in separating the peaks, but the quantity of eluent 4 used is considerably greater. Vt'hen acetone is replaced by other solvents (isopropyl alcohol, methylethyl ketone, diethyl ketone and acetyl acetone; the last two mixed with HCI in a ratio of 70) the peaks become more distinct, the quantity of el4ent is greatly reduced, but the elution beds bedome covered., (Abstracter's note: Complete translation. 1,041 off WNP 11 Ir RIP i MAUN-gF.I No 0 qt ARSANI, X..; OPR&SKU, 1. ; 10=4U, S. Montrausatic in traps renchyms tous cerebral and cerebellar heastowe [with summery In French]. 2hur.nevr. I paikh. 58 no.1:13-20 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Neyrokbirurgicheskeya.,k1inika Bukherestalrogo gosudarstvannago gospitalys No~9 Iment G.Ibrinesku. (GERBBILLUM, heisorrhage, havistous, nontroun. intreparenchyme tons (Rus)) (CMMML JMKORRHAGE. case reports. seine) RUMANIA 616.916-085-371 CAJAL? N., CEPLEANUt Maria, SORODOC, Yolanda, 12ME-1 -8.0 GARUMO Magdat IANOPOL, Ligia, BOGHITOIU, Gh., HMUTA, Lilienn, and IONESCU, Doina, of the Institute of Infra- microbiology (Institutul de Inframicrobiologie) of the Academy of the Socialist Republic of Rumania (al Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania). "Specific Prophylaxis in Measles. II. The Testing on Children of a Vaccine Prepared with Modified Live Virus." Bucharestp Studii si Cercetari de Inframicrobiologie, Vol 17, No 5, 66p pp 377-387. Abstract: An anti-measlea vaccine prepared with modified live M60-5Huang virus was tested on 220 children. only minor clinical reactions resulted, with a complete absence of rashes or con- vulsions. One month after vaccination serum conversion was 79.41 percent, and the titer of anti-measles hemagglutination-inhibit antibodies varied between 1/80 and 1/320. After 4 months the corresponding values were 75 percent -and 1/40 to 1/80. Thus the vaccination seems to confer a specific immunity, which so far has protected the vaccinated children against measles. 1/2 DUMITRUe Me; CONSTANTINESCU,, 0.; IONESCUp S. Contributions to the study of the isotopic exchange in ion-exchanging resins. Studii care fiz 11 no.2:383-396 160. (Ew 10:1) (Isotopes) (Ion exchange) (Guns and resinsq lynthetic) IONESCU, Sa; GHERGHESCU, A. Preliminary studies on theinterface phenomena in Cd-504 rod with the aid of cadmium 115 as a tracer. Studii. cere fiz U no.3:685- 694 #6o. (MW 10:2) 1. Institutul do Mica atanica Elucuresti. (Cadium) (C;&diux sUfato) (Interfaces) (Tracers (Che.xisiry)) (Radioisotopes) Ri/003/60/011/005/005/023 A125/A026 AUTHOR: Ionescu, Silvia, Doctor ------------ opes TITLE: The Application of Radioactive Isot Chemical Research PERIODICALi Revista de Chimie, 1960, Vol, 11, No. 5, pp. 266 - 270 TM: Subject article deals,with radioactive isotopes used in analytical chemistry. After a brief historical review of the utilization of isotopic trac- er elements for studies in anorganic chemistry, the author briefly describes the most important radiochemical methods, i.e.: a) The control of analytical meth- ods based on precipitation, centrifugation and filtration. Svedov has checked by this method the oxychloride precipitation of lead and then the separation of calcium and magnesium under the form of oxalates. Miller, Neimann and Sasonov studied the co-precipitation of strontium with BaCr204. b) Radiometrical ana- lyses. Blackburn and Robsons determined aminoacids by complexes, formed of traced copper salts. The works of V.I. Kuznetsov on the precipitation of com- plexeslexpose co -precipitations at a concentration ratio of 1 : 1o13 (0.0001--- Nb/_1T--c) Analysis by isotopic dilution. d) Analysis by radioactivation with a series of variations. D.I. Yakovlev determined by this method traces of rare Card 1/2 R/oo3/6o/o1l/oo5/oo5/o23 A125/A026 The Application of Radioactive Isotopes in Chemical Research earthes In minerals. e) Analysis by transparency in neutrons. f) Measuring of the absorption of 0 rays. g) Determination of the maximum power of the A radla- tion. h) Method of tracing the microcomponent and recording it on a photograph- ic plate (autoradiogram). I) Counting of the isotopic change. Radloactive,in- dicators can be used for the computation of the constant reaction speed, estab- lishment of unknown reaction mechanisms. etc. The chemistry of C111 is of spenial importance. Calvin conducted studies on the biosynthesis of carbon hydrates Brief reference is made to the chemical action of Ionizing radiatiansand tot~vir application in practical chemistry. The author finally mentions the importance of nuclear reactions, obtained by the Jmpact of light particles ( p, n,Of)jor heavy particles (N, C, 0). Nuclear reactions served for the determination of new atoms; which filled the free places in the periodic system of Mendeleyev. There is I set of figures. Card 2/2 110NESCU S t k- MANZA- RU114NIL Buchareat, S pi Cerce-tarl. de Fherg JL tqdj~t PMerp 249-,63. atica-Generpda 81 Electroenqpg tic~A No '2, 1%2, 01hpid Rogtauting PoovibUlties of d M,,iostatic Voltai:o I~er~uletor with R-olling Sections. Use of the ffUecm?l k,,a2og, Computer for Stt~ing the Stahilit of Adjustnont ol' an 1.*Tchronoue I&cUne.ll Co-authoro PO)MIMU 14. RUSIq A.j IONESCU, S. Beat tempering after neutron irradiation in case of some nickel complexes* Studii, cerc fin 13 no.4:605-614. 162. I.Inatitutul do fizica atomica,, Buouresti. um MANEA , F. . Ing.; YlR-'SCY_, ESGIJ, D., Ing. ---, -, ~., Ing.; POP' - - Optimum rower distribution between power stations. Energetica Rum 12 no.10:507-513 0 164. 1~~FISCIJ, S. , ing.; WTAG, D. , ing.; AGALIDI, E. Optimum. distribution of power between stations of an electric power system. Energetica I:hnq 12 no.10-538-51d, 0 164. ACC NRs AF6026651 SOURCE CODE: RU/0017/66/000/001/0027/0028 AUTHOR: Costache., S. (Engineer); Ionescu, S.((Engineer) ORG: "Timpuri Noill Works, Bucharest (Uzinele "Timpuri Noi") TITLE: Modification of cast iron by the addition of liquid steel SOURCE: Metalurgia,, no. 1, 1966, 27-28 TOPIC TAGS: cast iron, liquid metalg steel, metallurgic process ABSTRACT: The authors report the successful modification of cast iron by adding liquid steelo- The improved material is especially suitable for r he ads, pistons, cylinder sleeves and similar puts, Orig. art. has% 2 figures and 1 table. [8saW an authors* Eng. abet.] WM: 36#6461 MM CODE: U / SUBK DATE: none / CRM R17i OM / SW RVt 001 MAHRL, E.; IONESCU$ S. 77-7 Study of Umnsients'in frequency and tio-line power control in power byotems with the-aid of the mooan analogue computer. Studii cerc -onerget,,,k 12 no-4077-604 162, MANFAA, F., ing., TONESGU, S.0 ing.; 111COUS2 P,,, ing, Influence of some'paramoters and methods of the electric power system on the transitory processes of frequency power control.. Rhergetica ram 11 no.102519-524 0163. E 11 - - IMITSICU, Sebastian; Pa-IIRLMU, Marius; VICOLAE, Petre Automatic diBpatcher, a devIc8 for regulating the 'requency and opimum distributicn of the active power in electric systems. &ergetica Rum 9 no.12:481-0,8 D 'a. KUWA, Plorin, ing.; IONFSCUi Sebastiano ing. . Autotransformars in calcul ation of the power loss in electric pwor networke, 1harge#ca Rm U no*6: 253-255 Je t63* MM (AV$& C&Mtryl AwAvmLct Cranes: Member or the AGA44OW at the X-r-R-46adviels AMIL&ttont Correa laurta.. I&1 houbliett ftyuIrtre AmAinag CommIlAWS vp 529-M. bkt&:* bA tiw ftsucr or %he Itil I a Olaturbomems In Utabollm nry '=1810 the hasslame of the Aging Presses.' at NRUTZT~Mmw IONESCUS S.; GRIGORESCU SABAU,, C.; SPIRIDON, St, Contributions to the study of utilizing organic solvents as slution agents in cation exchange. IV.Qn the possibility of separating sir- conium from bafnilwa. Studii cera fis 3.2 no.2:269-277 161. 1. Institutul do fisica atmica Buouresti. (Zirconium) (Btfti=) (Ilution) (Cation-exchange compounds) (Separation) OERIU, 1").; IONESCU, St. Biochemistry in age biology. Disorders in the metabolization of vitamins, one of the causes of aging process. Comunicarile AR 11 no.5:529-533 My 161. 2. Gilec ivul de chimioterapie al Academiei R.P.R. ~n colaborare cu Institutul de cerce tari fa-maceut,.ce si Controlul de stat al mod- Icamentului. din Ministerul, .9anatatii Pi Prevederilor Social. 2. Membru corespondent al Academisi R.P.P. (for Oeriu) -4- ALEXANDRU, C.) conf. ing.; BUIABARU, S. , ing.; IOSIFESCU, C. , ing.; IONESCU, St, Combined power equipment consisting of gas generators with free pistons and gas turbinea not up,on board ships, and -103 their behavior Rev transport 9 no. 3:97 _qu. Mr 162. BRANINSKI, Al.; IONESCU, T. Special calcium coments containing barium oxide. Rev chimie 5 no.l: 95-105 160. (EEAI 10:2) 1. Laboratorium fur anarganische cbemi3che Technologie des Polytechnischen Institute Bukarest. (Cement) (Barium oxide) (Portland cement) (Calcium) IONESCU, T., prof. Economic efficacy of technical and scientific research. Problems econ is 163. 1. Director, Institutul de oercetari. alimentare. owc-'s C_ Ll RUMANIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Applicationj Part 1. - Water Treatment Sewage. Abs lour:,Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 181 19580 61360. Author 0. Fostiropol, M. Goruneanu, V. Cristoloveanu. Inst :Polytechnical Institute Bucharest. Title :Treatment of Water by Coagulation in Presence of Activated Silica. Orig Pub: Bul. Inst. politehn. Bucuresti, 1956, 18, No 1 - 2, 59 - 64. Abstract: Experimental results of water coagulation in the presence of activated silica (AS) are pre- sented. A12(SO.) 31 Fe2(SO 4)3 and FeSO4 were used as coagulants. AS was prepared by adding 3%-ual H2SO4 drop by drop to a freshly prepared Card 1/3 RMIANJAJ Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H r Their Ap~'ub6tii)ni.~Part 1, Wate Treatment, awage A s, Jour: Ref, Zhur!-Khimiyia _No 18 1958, 61380. Abstract: aquoous~NaZSIO solution at continuous stir- ring ~~ t ill:Alkahni ty:. wa spartially or'-c6mbiete- ~ly~'neutralized. The-solution was aged,till opal- es6einceb dppeare'd~and~distilled water was"added t6'it to"th6.acincentiation of Sioq~of 1% or., less. S61utions'with'pH = 8 to 8-were used-. _Va ter_of -, tfie , ;fiardnes's:of-3,4 mg-equ. per liter -'bidit~of'16W'to 19000 (artifibia and t ur prepared-ahd~na ur .was coagulated. It Was fniinA ~fhnt. n`n'sati!R+Ani~ 'With Aln(MAI_ Without DOBREkl"CJ, Edith; IONESCU, T. Spectral determination of impurities in pure zinc alloys. Rev chimis Min petr 14 no.8.-465-466 Ag 163. t ,-"t `:, - : EXcERPTA ,~ZDIU See Vol V116 rediatrics jun& ~O 1866. CHRONAXIMETHIC RESULTS OF THE THFATIMENT OF POLIOMYELITIS SEQUELAE AT THE 'MAY IST' SANATORfUNt, ORADEA - Rezultatele cronaximetrice ale tratamentului urmfirilor poliomielitei in Sanatoriul bal- near 11 Mat', regiunea Oradea - lonescu T. - PEDIATRlA (Bucure�ti) 1959. 8/4 (345-349) Tables 3 Chronaximetric measurements viere made on 147 muscles of 13 patients, the onset of whose poliomyelitis had occurred 3-9 months previously. The most favourable values were found in the cases of 3-6 months' standing. Retractions (observed in 75% of ceases of less than 1-yr. otanding) were reduced completely. Chronaximetry Is the most exact method of assessment of neurorhuscular function, but where such facilities are not available a minutely performed clinical examination can also give satisfactory information. Schachter - Marseilles (L, 8, 7, 10) .L MITROIUP 0.; BARBUp C.; CAJALp N.; DEMETRESCUp R.; POPA, M.; in colaborare cu. RAbUiXZGU, M.; DOBRESGU, G.;' ONITIU, L. Etiological investigations of epidemic hepatitis. I. The study of several 4iruses'cultivated in call cultures from cases of epidemic ,hepatitis. Stud. cer'oet. inframicrobiol. 13 no.3:319-327 162. 1. Comunicare prezentata la Inatitutul de inframicrobiologie al Academiei-R.F.R. (HEPATITIS 11MECTIOUS) (HEPATITIS VIRUSES) (VIRUS CULTIVATION) (TISSUE CULTURE) ~: 7 '- ' .': I i-1 0 ti-,A., - ., I , L iii:-- -E,"'~NT Th-o'ora; POPA, MUC-11a ir rwme vrrrertips of the BF straln , 'rv--Iatx~ -~ C.112e of azAdenle.hepatitis in tha course of adartatacm In ranpan embryonic cell cultures. Stud. cercat. JnfYwaIcrc4,,irJ. 16 no.1-25t-59 165. MITRO11J,, Otilia; IOITESCU, Theodora; POPA, Milena, tehnician F - - , .. -"., -NNUMMAW" Comparative serological. studies of Moscow strain K 3 and strains isolated from patients of epidemic hepatitis in our country. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 16 no.2:135-138 165. IQXE9CU, Traion, ing. Optimization by analog computers. Automatica. electronics 5 "o.6: 238-243 r-D-1619 I Inginer principal Is Ivistitutul do Mica atomica al Academioi R,P.R. -, ::~ 5-~ ~,11-1-1- F 7~,'~, -,~71 -1-- -~ -~,i - I i_ t~t ~ - 1-111-11- _ ,- IONESCU, Tudor, ing. Meeting of constructors from the design and construction enterprises of the Ministry of Mines and Electric Energy. En4prgetica Rum 12 no. 1: 58 Ja 164. IONESCU T D - BRANISM., Al. Obtainment of magnesi= oxide from sea vater. Studii cerc metallargie 7 no-4:457-463 '62- -0 FLOARZA, M.; STOICA, F.; TUDORACHE, G. Reoovary of vanadlum from used catalysts with the aid of ion ex- change. Bul Inst Politeh 25 no.6:77-81 N-D 163. 1-141, BRANISKIP ~1.; 101 _~OUT.~Di ]ES The barium puzzuola--aic cements. Studii care chimie 10 no~2:225- 233 '62. 1. InstitUtul Politehnic.0 Bucurestio 0 ,Tudor D. Behavior of grulfonated cationic reeine in the process of grape must and,milk decationization. Rev.chimie 7. no. 1; 279-284 162. 111 If Institut Polytechnique do Bucarest, IONESCU, T.; WEISSMM, Ilean& A method for the quantitative spectral analysis of pure R, zinc. Rev 6himie Min petr 15 no.11:690-691 N 164. BODI, Alexandru; LASZLO, T., prof. dr.; XMTESCU. T.V.; prof. dr. (Bucuresti); CISMAN, A., prof. dr. (Timisoara)-,---P-E-T-R-E"3M, D., prof. dr. (Iasi) Contribution to the study and use of rectangular tension: in th~ technolngy of measurements. Studia Univ B-B S. Math-Phys 9 no.2:139-140 164, 1. "Babes-Bolyai" 'Unimrsity, Cluj (for Laszlo). 2. Corresponding YAjbber of the Rumanian Acadenq (for Ionescu, Cisman). RUMANIA/ Physical Chemistry, Molecule, Ch9mical Bond. B-4 Abs Jour i Hof Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8, 1957, 25749 Author Th. V 10 Inst Acad f People's Republic of Ibimania Title t Potential Activation of Negative Molecular Ions of Hydrogen Hj. Orig Pub i Bul. stiint. Aoad. R.P. Pomine Soo., mat. si fiz., 1954, 6, No 4, 919-935 Abstract i The author offers a theoretical explanation of the charac- teristioal minims of curves expressing the dependence of the current magnitude in an oscillating circuit, connected with the negative glow region and the Faraday region in the direct current discharge, on the current magnitude in the discharge tube. The author connects the presence of nimima. with the energy absopptiou by negative molecular ions of hydrogen, the number of vhich reaches a maximum under certain conditions. The author notes a now effect connected with the energy inter- change between tbe spinning molecule and the electron joining Card 9 "Soviet and Rumanian research In the field of electric wa'resl"D. 378; ociety of mathematica-and Physic!!, ilonthlY". "Iss-Lied by the Rumanian S , Vol. 6, no. 8/9. Aug./Sept. 1954. (aAUTA j.LkT91kkT1CA sl FIZICA, SBIRIA A,~' Bucuresti, Rumania). so: Monthly Lii!t of Za_,jt 1juropean Accession. Lc, Vol. 4, No. 5, may, 1955. of a Wa, ed" I ;1.,:10. the m0], in4netic* lle-twud m VL 0 moytiiiint - The In6l.- met., i~nc leld is ak r I m t the I hatid a men b th e tlie~ 0 tisol.; 66 the- . g 'upetic 6thir Wild: b7th -mot6cau tit t4d"'a ovenlelit of - the Caw- -resqua we reqdoi~i odu 4iilucs awasured Imm the ab-. Air is V" By oniied y godd , , C-- WW'oUthe qmkWm avA show ion pt 6~' . Vuft w Im aft -'7 :7 I ONES CYA--- P. "Perpetual motion." P. 579 (Gazeta Matematica, Si Fizica) Vol. 9. no. 11, Nov. 1957 Bucharest,, Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7,, no. 4., April 1958 ICN&13CU TH. Propagation of high-frequency currents in tubes with ionized gases* In Frenebo P9 890 REM lE PHYSIQUE. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine) Bucureatip Rumania. Vol- 3. no. 2, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (MAI) LO, Vol* 8., noe 7p July 1959. Uncle S/0-51/62/000/003/004/090 B151/B144 AUTHOR: Ionescu. Theodo-r-J. TTTLE;: Absorption and liberation of energy by nefeative molecular ions of oxygen and hydrogen PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. '~, 1962, 14, abstract 3B606 (Comun. AciAd. RPR, v. 11, no. 2, 1961, 161-186) TEXT: It is shown that on the basis of three different resonance phenom-ena observed durin- an investigation of negative molecular ions of oxygen and hydrogen (RZh Xhim, 1960, no. 21, 83737), there is one common mechanism: By means of the electron joined to the molecules forming negative molecular T ions, the rotational or vibrational energy of the molecules can be liberated or absorbed. -The quantum transitions at this point are studied. It is also shown that by means of joined electrons the molecules of organic sub- stances can be activated or disintegrated to radicals. In this way numer- ous new compounds can be formed in ionized gases in a high-frequency field. ~bstracterls note: 'Complete translationj Card 1/1 GEORGESCU, Miron; DOBRSANU-ENESCU, Viorica; FOTESCU, Dorin; IOVESCU, Tr. Hemodynamic aspects of performing football p1ayars, stud. cercet. m d. intern. 3 no.3091-401 162. (CIRDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM physiology) (SPORTS) (EXERTION physio:Logy) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) (BLOOD CIRCULATION) (OXIMETRY) (BLOOD PRESSURE) DAVIDOVICII M.p ing.; IANOUO~ Ale,, ing,j IONESCU,jr,, ing. WEISS, Ad.v 4g~ I I Electronia computer for optimm load distribution imong electric power plants considering the network losses. Energetica Run 3.1 no.7:363-366 J1 163v IONESCU# V, j DUMITRESCUP D, ------------- Numerical method in the stuctr of the runoff across the overfall. P*387* Academia Republici Populare Romine. COMUNICARM. Bucurestim, Rumania. Vol. 82 zwo 4, Apr. 1958 Monthly list of Best European Accessions (KEAI) IDv Vol. 8v no. 7v Ju3,y 1959 Uncl, IONESC V. TECHNOL40GY Periodical: RMSTA INDUSTRW ALIMENTARE. PRODUSE ANIMALS. No. 4x 1958* IONESCU, V. For the development of the invention and innovation movement in the consumption-goods industz7, p. 1. Monthly List of East European Accession (EW) LO, Vol. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. ~a~v. iV496- BLEOU, N., ingo- LO!z right ing the deep eroeionu in the framework of territO17 -1 5 -arganisationw. ~ftv-gmlosie--7 no,.22%-6 163- 1. Consilaul Superior al Agriculture~. CRISTESCU, Cornelia;_19RL9CU,-VlaJuw-;.-VLAICU, Stefania; NOGACEVSKI-RUSU, L.; POPOVICIs Gigel Precise positions of minor planets. Studii astron seismol 4 no.2: 321-361 159o (EW 9:9) (Planets) 27420 R/oo8/61 000/004/001/003 D238/D30~ -'AUTHORS: Tipeig N., and,~Iqnescu, V. ,TITLE: Study cf a class of plane motions of aircraft PERIODICAL: Studii si cercetari de mecanica aplicata, no. 4, 196,19 743 - 753 TEXT: The article deals with vertical loopings flown by air- craft performing aerobatics. When studying this motimn, gen- erally it is assumed that the path is a vertical circle. This hypothesis, however, is seldom satisfied, the curve having the more general shape 'of a phugoid section. Starting with the gen- eral expression of the radius of the curvature gin S1 Nn Card 1/10