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IONESCU a; GOIA, Ileanm~ MANTSCH, Horst On 2-Nitro-bentylidenes)-bia-benzamide. Rev chisis 7 no. 1: 267-270 162. 1e Akademie der Rummmischen'VokerepubM,, Organisch- Chemischas Inatiiutp Cluj. IONESGU,, Maria; MAKKAT,, C3Ara Condensation of the nitrobenzaldehyde's with derivatives of mandelio acid. Studia Univ B-B 3 Chem 8 no.1:283-.290 961 Is "Babes-BDlyail'University, Muj. VANTSCH, H.;,GOIA, Ileana; IONESCU, Maria On acridonen. Pto, 30-31. Stizdli cerc chimie Cluj 14 no.2: 281-301 163. 1. Institute of Chemistry, Rumanian Acadeqr., Cluj Branch, VAWTA, Ch.1 Ta=GU, Maria; SLUSAWSCHI,, H.; RLIU, neana Accumulation of the main c4amical components in the vage tatik'ategee of wintej wheat according to the applied. fertilbehL Commicarile JR -13 no.n:995-looi Is Comunicare prozentata. do academician A.Vasiliu. IONESCU, Maria; MAGER, S. Photochemical reactions in the series of derivatives o-nitrobenzylidene acetals. Pt. 20. Studia Univ B~-B S. Chem 9 no. 1i13-20 164. In C, t i03 It t 1-9 E s MARIESKU.,Vo [MAxinescu V) prof. (Bukharest., ul.Leytenanta lompjd&2); I FOTIADE, B. (=eat); 10?IESKIJP IL Elonescu. M.] (Rikharestb DOICMKUS R. [Doioescu, R.) (BukharestT------~ Remodynamir, changes in deep hypothermla. Vest.khir. 90 no.2: 30-31 F'63- (MIU 16:7) (HYPOTIMUL) (BLOW-GIRCUUTION) (BLOOD FMSURE) - - I -- . . --- -1- ~,:. --- 'a ILNESCU, MaKian, dr.; PAUSESCU, ByacuBtodian, dr. - -111. Profound hypothermy. St si Teh Buc 14 no.l:-18-20 Ja 162. 1- 0 )bchanization of plant cultivation. Mee electrif agric 9 no.3:22"30-',164. 1. Station bf'Teoting and Homologating Agricultural Machines, Moara Domneasca. GWIRU, Dumitru,, -iAg*; I01MCU,, Hihalache ing.; PESTREA, lonp ing* (Buoureati) The construction of tho'Bica" giu-Ludus 220 kra, electi*U Unes Energetica,R= 10 noo~ilg!l; MY 162, 11,;nginer sof la lirustul do Constructii si Montaje,Energetiese Buouresti (Yar-Ceap'iru)s 2.,IngirAr *aef al,1*0*14etep qibiu lfoi Ioneiau). 30 Trustul do Constructii si Montaje BrArgetioes (for.Pastrsa), Z-~ T-; IONWCU. Mirce-ing.; FASCALIDI, Ghoorghs, Ing. -Trogress. omideAzi Rumania in the field of reagent synthesis for om :di4iiiing,~.-.]&*-,Rin.,22..zo.16:4~3-439 0 161. 14 In8tiWtUl,de.,C*r.;&tmLri -Xiniere. (Hunnia--Ore dressine) IONKSCU, Mircea; IONUT-CARAGIANI, Silvia Hereditary chemical character and its variability of biological'forms; case of the Zea Mays species, Studii care chim 12 -no. 4031-336 Ap 164. 1. Chair of Biologicah and Organic Chemistry, "N.Balcescu" Agricultural Institute, Bucharest. - -0001 ICNESCU,, N11roea; CRICIM, Teofil; CICFU, bgela Modification of chemical chexacteristice of agricultural plants by hybridization. Studii cera chim 12 no.9093-397 1(4 1. 'Agronomic TnBtitutep Ikobarestp B-4al Marsatis no*53. 1OW-13CU, Mircoa -. - -- The character of plant, (Zea mays species case) chemical variability. Studli care bloahimle 8 no.10-16 165. 1. Corresponding Wmber of the Rumanian Academy. 2. Chair of Biological and Organic Chemistry, "N.Balcescu" Agronomic In-it-A'Alte, Bucharest. CALOPIFIRESCO,, Al.; WOLSKIp V.; GRIGORIU, T.; DADULESCO, E.; PEARAp M.; IONESCO$ M,j- NITZOULESGOI C, Coirelation between the immunological level of the population and the circulation of C. diphtheriae during the stage of diphtheria eradication. Arch, Roum. path. exp. microbiol. 23 no./+:1053-1060 D 164. 1. Centre sanitaire, Service anti-epidemique, Bucarest (for Calomfiresco, Wolski), Laboratol-re Central de Bacteriologle LS.I.P.M., Bucarest (for Grigoriu, Badulescot Peaha, Ionesco, Nitzoulesco). STANCULESCU, G.; IONESCU., M.; TESLARU, S. Influence of the aggregate nature on the creep under compression.and~on-the.contraction of granulite light concretes.- Studi cere wee aP1 15 n0-12189-215 1649 1. Institute of Building Research and Construction Building Economicei Bucharest (for TeBlaru). I ONESCU, H. 111he Moroeni hydroelectric plant." P- 7- "Peace prizes." p. 9. (MINTA.-ISItCULTURAl No. 2, Feb. 1953. Bacuresti.) SO: Monthly Ust of East European Accessionsj Vol. 2j A) Library of Congress August) 1953) Uncl. IONESCU, M. stucl~r on the operating conditions of heating turbines with regulated steam supply. p. 71. ENERGETIC&. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia si Ministerul Energiei Electrim si Industrial Slectrotehnice) Bucuresti, Rumania, Vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC,,,Vol. 8., no. et Aug. 1959. 'Uncl. IONESCU, M. ROMAN, N. Now contribations to the study of zoocecidia in Rumania. p. 161. (ANAIXIZ. SERIA STIINTRWR NATIRTI. Rumania. Vol, 5, no. 11, 1956) SD:. Nonthly List of East European Accessions (EUL) LC, Vol. 6. ~,o- JdY 1937-Uncl- RM4ANJA / General and S1.3ocialized Zoology. Insocts. P Harmful Insocis and Acarids. Ganoral. Abs Tour: Rof Zhur-Bicl-, No 130 1958, 59170. Author : jonosou, M. A. Inst. : Tfi~551~onffc Academy of RPR. Title : Now Data on Gallflies and Galls in Rumania. Orig Pub; Bul. stlint. Aced. RPR, Sec. biol. si stiinte agric, 1956, 8, No 4, 775-788. Abstract; Spooios of galls of tho gdllflios Kndricus aos- tivalis and Nouroterus (Psoudonoutorus) ~mcrop- torus, now for Rumania, woro discovorod. Thera were found also the commonsals (raalas and fomales), Perielistus caninao, in the galls of the spccios DiplolGPiS spinosissima, and synorgus thaumaeora in the galls of Trigonespis synapsis. Card 1/1 C) t-e RUMANIA/Special and General Zoology Insects. 0-3 Abs jour : Referat 2J'ur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 69683 Author : lonescu, N.A. List Title New investigRtiO12 Of Soviet Theories In the Filed of General and Appli6d~,,Entozology, 0r'9 Pub AM Rom.-Soy.) Ser biol., 1956, lo, No 4, 10, Abstract No abstract. LiCard 1/1 5 30(l) AUTHOR: TITLE: RU,!/2-11-4-11/44' Ionescu, M., University Professor, Corresponding Rumanian Academy PEIRIODICAL: ABSURACT: Card 1/1 Colorado Potato Beetle, the Nr 1 Enemy of Potato Cul- tures (Gindacul de Colorado inamicul nr. 1 al culturi- lor de cartofi) *tiinttl ,~i Tehnicti, Seria a II-a, Vol 11, Nr 4, pp 2, 14 and 45 (RMI) The author gives a short survey on the spreading of the Colorado Potato Beetle from the Rocky Mountains to Rumania. He describes.the different growth stages of a beetle and mentions some methods of combat. There are eight drawings and one photo. Em C Sp N.A. [Ionescu. N.AJ# prof. (Bukharest) Entomological research In the Rumanian People's Republic* Bnt. obox. 37 no.4:950-953 '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1, Chlen-karrespondent Akedeall Rwkvnekoy Narodnoy Respubliki. (RWOW"ntomological research) INS IONFSCU, M. Geographical distribution, and ecology of termites in southi3ast Surope. In French. p. 107 RETUE DE DIOLOGIF,. Journal of Biology (Academia Republicii Populare Romine) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol* 4., no. 1, 1959 Monthly list of Eastern European Accession Index (UAI) LC Vol. 8., No.'ll November 1959 Uncl. IONrMCUt N.A. Contributions to the study of parasitic cynipides Hymenoptera Cynipoidea of the Rumanian People's Republic. Rev biol 4 no.Z-. 263-272 159. (EUI 9.-8) 1. Corresponding member of the AcadesW of the R.P.R. (RUMWIA~CYNIPIM) (HYMCPTERA) IOUSCU9, M.A. now "eies of Cynipipide (Hymenoptera Cyntpoidea) and a now Zoocedidium: Timaspis rufipse n.sp. Rev biol 4 no..Z:273-277 159. (EEAI 9:8) 1. Membre correspaidant do l'Academie do I& R.P*R,, (for Ionescu) (RUMWU--CYWIDAS) (HYMENOPTIRA) (RUMANIA-7IMAVIS) IMMSCU) M. ;WEINIBMRG, M. Ilew contributions to the study of Asilidae (Diptera%silidae) of Rumania. p. 99. IONBSKU. N.A. rionere,, M.A.] (Bukharast) Japygidae (Diplura, Insects-Apterygota) from the southeast of the Haropoan part of the U.S.S.R. (M.S. Giliarov's collections). Zool. zhur. 38 no.5:719-726 My 159. (KIRA 12:7) (Krasnoder Territory-Apte-ra) IONESCU, N.A.; WZIBERG, Kedeea Studies on the taxonomic characteristics and variability 'of some species of robber flies. Rev biol 6 no.l+:425-434 61. I Naturhistorisches Museum RGrigore Antipa." 20 Korrespondierendeo,Mitglied der Akademie der RumFLnischan Volkarep uI5lik (for lonescu). IONESCUI M. WEIMMG, Medeea. Biology and eco logy of aai3idas O)Iptera, Asilidae). Com=icarile AR 3.1 no.3.1:1343-1350 N 161. 1, Mombru compondental Academiel R.P.R. Nev contributions to the loowledge of the parasitic Gynipidas (Hymmuop- tem. Cynipoidea) of Rummia. Studii core biol anim 13 no.4:445.-456 161. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.F.IL si membra al Camitetului do redactie, *Studii si coroetari do biologiop Soria biologis mmimsum IONESCU,, M.A..- WEINBERGj, Nedeea Fame Namootrinidae, a tow family of Diptera. In the fauna of RumabU. Cmunicarile AR 22 no.S-.937-941 Ag 162. Is Membru owoopcmdent al Acadmioi R.P.R. (for Imencu). IONESCU., M.A.; WEINBERG, Medeea r'-"~~ Some dipteroue insects.(fam.Asil4dae) fr- the collection of the Bruckenthal Museum-Sibiu. Trav M" K-t 4:291-314 163. IONESCU H L - ZAMFIRESCUp Ana; ECULESCU, Floriana Contributions to the study or the parasites of lepidoptera Pyrausta nubilalis. Commicarile Ar 13 no.4:369-376 Ap 163. 1. Membra corespondent al Academiei R*P.R. (for Ione~cu)- IONESCU 14. A.; ROMAN, N. Now genera of gall maker Cynipidae in the fauna of Rumania: Weldiella aequalis n. gen., n. sp. and Cecconia Valerianellae Thomson. Rev biol 7 no. 4: 551-559 162. 1. University of Bucharest, 1--boratory of Entomology. 2. Corresponding member of the Academy of the R.P.R. (for Ionescu). IONESCU, M. A.; WEINBERG, Medeea Contributions to the knowlege of the taxonomic characteristics of some robber flies (Laphria Meigen,, Diptera Asilidae). 8 no. 1: 83-M 163. Rev biol , 1. Korrespondierendes Mitglied der Akademie der RVR; Institut fur Biologie "Tr. Savulescu" der Akademie der RVR, Naturhistorisches Museum "Gr. Antipa". i0flESCU, M.A. Contributions to the study of the ouperfamily Cynipoidea (Insecta - Hymenoptera) in Rumania. Rev biol 8 no.2;165-176 163o 1. The Institute of Biology Traian Savulescu of the Academy of the R.P.R., Section of Animal Ecology and Systematics. MM IONESCUP M.A.; PRECUPETU-ZANFIRESCU, An&; NICULESCU, Floriana Studies on the parasites and predators of Pyrausta nubilalis (Hubner), Lepidoptera- alididae. Studii .Pyr care biol a. zool 16 no. 2:734.85 164. - w 1. Laboratory of Animal &616(W.. "Traian Savulescu" Institute of Biology. 2. Co)rresponding Member of the Rumanian Academy (for Ionescu). -I TO"PES I~u ~ M. A. j, prof. Twelfth International Gangras.,3 of Entomoic-gy, July 8-!61 -19' 1 1741 London. Studii care blol s. zriol 16 no.6,077-578 164, 1. CorreEponding Member cf the Fuiiznlam 1014ESC119 M. A. The Cynipoidea (Hymenopt-~,ra) superfamily in Riumnia. Studli cerc b1ol s. zool 17 no.1:3-6 165. 1. Corre3ponding Member of the 'Umanian Academy, Laboratory of Animal Sy3tematics, "Traian Savulescull Institute of Biology. Sumbitted August 6. 1964. 101 P~TE 'V,_M.G., Dr and COKBIESCU, C.N.g Dr. Work performed at the Rumanian Railways Hospital No 2 (Spitalul CFR Nr 2). "Quantitative Uroculturee" 13uchea'est' Pligrobioloaia, Parazitoloaia. ftidemiologia, 17o.1 8, No 1, Jan-Fab 1963v PP 87-90* Ahgtractlt Describes a new method for quantitative uro- , Lcw o u- fe, which is superior to the classical methods in -the sense that it can differentiate better between po- sitive, false positive, and nega:tive cultures. The method is simple and does riot require excessive amounts of culture media or any materials that are hard to obtain* The complete results can be obtained in 48 hours, as with 'the classic methodsp and are easily interpretable by clinicians. Includes 2 tables and 6 Western references. ta/i IONESCUY Mircea Chemical variability of the agronomic crops and the improvement of their quality. Rev chimie 7 no. 1: 271-277 162. 1. Institute of Agronomy, Buchareste Ionescu, N.1 Pepp, N. Boring in the Danube River delta, some geomorpholopical and hydrogeological interpretations. p. 231. HIDEOPIOLOGIA. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Comisie de HidroloFllep hidrobiolopie si Ihitolorie) Burcuresti, Rumania. Vol. 1,, 1958- Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (MI) LC, Vol. 6j no* Op Aug* 1959 Uncl. N. Hydraulic pimping in depth. p. 451+. PERTM SI GA ZZ. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienlor din Rminiasi Ministerul, Industriel Pertolului si Chimiai) I'ucuresti, Rmania. Vol. 10, no. 10v Oct 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions ("IT) LC Vol. 9. no. 2. Jan 1960 Uncl. WMANIA /. Soil Science. Soil Gon,-.s18 and Geography. IT Abs Zour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 6050. Author -IoaQaoAk,,jj,..~Yopp, N. Inst : Not given. Title : The Soil Cover of the Duna River Dolta and Rush Cultivation. Orig Pub: Coluloza si hirtio, 1956, 5, No 11-12p 291-304. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 0 ~,IONEXUV N.., prof. (Bucuresti); BRAEDT, A.,, prof. (Bucuresti) 7 t-11- -~ I Itineraries for the school excursions in the southeastern part of the . country* Natura Geografie 14 no-4:49-57 J1-Ag 162, . m IONESCU, N.0 ing. Use of nomograms in interpreting mass seiss"ounding by tho gradient method. Petrol 9i gaze 15 no. 6t267-271 Je, 164. , TRJFM,G., dr.- dr.; R "E'A, dr.; DIAGMT, Jr=e, dr. Microbiologla (Dumar.) 9. no.4007-311 jl-~g'64 1. fu-,rare afec-tuatp. !a LqsFeitta do stat pantmi ir2lena si protectla munnil, Regiunea Galati. prof. UXW;-.'.GU, M., r-r.,- Bl(;A dr.; dr.; F., dr. Human infections w"11h fastm-rolla serc- logic-My confirmed. Hicrobiologla (aici:r.) 9 na.42331-336 1. tuarare erectueta la Catedra de minmbioicgic Facultatl d6 medic-Ina veterinara sl inspectia de itat pentri -giena si protectia muncil, Bacure5td. EXCERPTA YEDICA See 10 Vol 10/11 Obstetrics Nov 57 2048. IONESCU N. 4nd GRIGORESCU St. Inst. de Oncol,, llueureVti. * Diagnos- ~_Wrul reclilive4or canecruluide cot uterin, The diagnosis of recurren- c e o f c a n c e r o f t h e c c r v I x OBSTET. GINEC. (13ucure4ti) 1956, 4/3 (227-234) Gra4phs I TableE I Illus, 7 Pre-oporative radiotherapy followed by wide lymi)liu(icno-colpoliysterectomy gives the least number of recurrences In the stages I anti 11. A study was made of 137 cases or recurrence, 15.37o occurred nfter treatment of incipient stages and 84.7% after advanced stages. The following types are distinguished: (1) 'incipient recur- rence' when the lesion is small and permits mobilization of the vaginal dome with the adjacent parametrium; (2) 'advanced recurrencel, with pronounced infiltration and immobilization of the vaginal dome. A careful monthly control associated with cystoscopy and rectoscopy for detecting 'incipient recurrences' which can benefit from treatment, is necessary. In 137 cases, 108 times parametrial recurrences were found and 101 times recurrence in the vaginal stump. The greater part of the pararnetrial recurrences (60%) occurred in the first 6 months. In a number of, cases the 'recurrence' was rather a postoperative course of a prc-existing neoplastic in- filtration, for the simple clinical diagnosis of the stage without histopathological examination. remains insufficient to define the actual stage precisely, Aburel - Bucharest (X, 5,16) IONESCU, N. Some aspects of the development of lumber industry in Ru-nania. p. 280. (INDUSTRIA LUCMI.,,Vol. 6,, no. 8,, Aug. 1957,, Rumania) SO.,. Monthly List of,East European Accessions (EFAL) Lc. vol. 61 No. 12, Dec. 3.957 Uncl. IONESCUj N.; COTTA, A. Aspects connected with the manufacturing technology of electric machines in the Klement GottwaldFactory. P. 463. ZbECTRDTHMCA. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia A Ifinisterul Energiei Electrice A Industriei Electrotehnice~ Bucuresti, Rumania* Vol* 6. no. 12., Dec. 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EF-Ai) w vol. 6,, No, 6, June 1959. Uncl. IONESCU, M.; BACHU, C.; BROSTEANU, G.; STANCIULESCU, P.; IONE U Arteriograpbjr in.OSBOOUB t=ors of the extremities. Rev. eel. med. 6 no.1/2:57-59 161, MITRWITIES neoplans) NE AND BONES nep M (ANGIOGRAPH!r) plams ILIESCU, Florica L.; FADEIs Lidia; IONESGUI N.; IONESCU, V.T. Culturing of mallgnant.cells from human neoplastic ascites fluid. Ramanian N Rev. ho.3:13-16 161. JNEOPLASMS) (ASGITES) (TISSUE CULTURE) CAJAL, N.; DUMITRESCU, S.; CEPLEANU, M.; IONESCU, NJ. Etiological investigations of human cutaneow reticuloBarcoma. II. .Electron optical study of the 2.esiom of chorioallantoic membrane in embryonated hen 6,-V0' Stud-. o9reet. inframiez-obiol. 13 no.2:169-1?3 162. :Is- Comunicare.presenuta la Inatitutul do Inframicroblologie al Adademisi R.P.R. (SKIN NEOPLASM experizente-i) (MICROSCOPY, EMTRO.N) ,(SARCOH&, RETICULUM CEII-experimental) (nTAL MDUMM) BALAN, Maria dr.; IONESCU, Nicon, dr.-- Tl-;ODORWCU-FR%IOSU, Sanda, dr. ,GonBiderationa on a casa of basophilic leukemia. Mod, inter., Bucur 13 no.3s459-463 Hr !61.. 1. Lucrare efectuata JA Spitalul din Turim Magurele. (LEUKEKU,case reports) (BASOPHILS) IONESCU, Nicon, dr.; GEOROFSGU, Elviraj dr.; TEORDORESCU, F. , dr.; GEORGESCU, C. M-.-- TOADER., Gh. , dr. Critical considerations on the dysproteinemia tests,, with special reference to the Sellek-Frade r-action. Med. intern. 3:359-364 Mr 162. 1. Lucrare efectuats, in Spitalul din Tr. Magurele. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (LIVER DISEASES diagnosis) (TUBERCULOSIS,, PULMONARY diagnosis) (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID diagnosis) (NEOPLASMS diagnosis) (CORONARY DISEASE diagnosis) SURDAN, K.; PORTOCALE, R.; DMITRESCU, S.; ~ONF -QU-,-Ni. A cytologiedl.otudy of the changes, caused by Hubarth's virus in the liver of chick embryos. Her. sci. med. 7 no.3/4:203-207 162. (VIRUS CULTIVATION) (LIVER) M-- -/5 LAZIWIUY M., MD; APOSML, N., MD; IONESCU, N., MD; iONESCU, D., MD. 10HESCU Nicon __ADER Gh., MD. Tunlu maLnrolu 11oapital (Spitalul Tr. Magurele) - (for ttll) Bucharest, Viata Medicala, No -23, 1 Dec 63, pp 1645-1646 "Clinical Aspects of Tuborcitlosis in Aged 'People Seer from the View Point of General Medicine.1t(R6swm6) Clinic ORL II, Institute of Medicine and Phar-macir, Bucharest. (Clinia ORL II, MF.) - (for all) Bucharest, Vista Medicalat No 7p 1 Apr 63, PP 433-439- "Comments on Congenital Deafness Caused by Maternal-Foetal Infections.w MIFSCII, Nicolas, ing.; STAROSTE, Zew, ing.; CATARAU, Gheorghtt; VASILACRE, The concrete trade. Constr lba 16 no.7700 10 OV64 IONESCUp N.Hot inge New desigm in constructing zadderm,'Aawmilla in the U.S.S.R. Ind lannulul 14 no.4ii2l-127 Ap 163. 1. BOBOESCU, N.; BALOI, A.; BOZAN, G.; IONESCU, N. On the reduction of losses of pressure in the valves of steam turbines. Bul St A Tehn Tim 9 no.2:377-387 Jl-D 164. 1. Submitted April 26, 1964. NICOIAU, St.S.; MaGANWOO, N.; NIGOIAU, Cl.S.; FUHHER, B.; GLRD, Z.; IOITAS(;O, NO 1'. '-A new igra- Jkj%#~-rabies .- vaaalhiff-* stigaticras Into th t ion, in the anim mna radioadtlie subfitaiiaes. ~ Acts, 'viro*. ~~91- -Pj~86 3 (Supplem. 1,.IrLqtitute of Inframicrobialogy, kendemy of the Ramanian People's Republic, Bmabarest. (TABIAS, lamnology) PORTOGk1A, IL; DUMITBWGU,.S.; RONSCHILD, 14; IONNSCU, N.I. Morphological characteristics of type A2 (OA-AslaQ) influenza virus isolated in Rumania. Acta virol. ltngl. Id.. Praha 3 no.2:113-114 Apr 59. 1. Institute of Inframicrobiology, AcademW of the Almainian People's Republic, Bucharest. (INIPimmi VIRMAS, type.A2 isolated in RumanU. morphol. characteristics) PONOALLA.; WKITFMCU,S.; IO1WCU,N.1o; BWNITZI,A. Morphological study..of strains of influensavirus isolated during the epidemic of february-Narch 1959 In the Aamanian Peoplels Republic. Stud. cercet. infrastarobiol.,Bucur. 10 no.41433-446 159. ' .1. Camunicare presentata I& listitutul do inframicrobiologis &I Abademlel R,P.R.. (INFUUM TUMM) PORTOGALAp R.; DUNITRESCO, I.; SAMUEL, I.,- BOEHUp V. Infectivity of riboduoleio acid isolated from influenza virus; morpho;ogloal aspects of the generated virus. Rev. sai. mad. 5 no.3/4t227-229 160. (IOLURMA VIRUSES) (RIBONUCLEIC ACID) SURDAN,, Col DUbaTR&SCU# S.j IONESCU, No I - POPAp M.; PACURARU, E... asistent tehnic Electroz)-microsagpic studies of the changes occurring in the myofilbrils of sucklin mice infected vith aphthous virus. Studii core inframicro.. biol Special issue-supplement to 12:429-436 161, 1. Institutul do inframicrobiologie al Academlei ROPDR*, (MJSCLE) (FOOT-AND-MUTH DISFASE) (VIRUSES) SURDAN, C.; DUMITRESCO, S.; IONESCU N. I.; POPA, M.; PACURARU, E. Cbanges in the myofibrile of suckling mice infected with aphthous fever virus, studied with the electron microscope. Rev. sci. med. 6 no.2/2:3.23-126 161. (FOOT-AND-MTH.DISEASE experimental) (MUSCLES pathology) (MISCOSCOPY, ELECTRON) NICOLAU, St. S.; DUMITHESCU, S.; IONESCU, N.I.; UAN TI LIAN Morphological changes of human amniotic cells infected with adenovirus, type 3. RRv. sci. mod. 6 no."A:187-389 161. 1. Membre de L'Academie De La R.P.R. (ADENOVIRUS culture) (TISSUE CULTURE) SARATEA14U JD. HUNG I Taoj DUMITRESCUP IONESCU, N.I. Study of the behavior of ornithosis virus strains and the morpho- pathological changes they produce in the chario-allantoic membrane of the developing chick embryo. Stud* cercet. inframicrobiol. Bucur. 32 no.1383-91+ 161. 1. Comunicare przentata la Institutul de inframicrobiologie al Academiel R.P.R. (MIYAGAWANSLLA culture) (T.L~iz&k; CULTURE) NICOLAU, St S. academician; DRAGANESCU, N.- IONESCU N I - BOERU, V.; HUAI Experimental studies of the anti-rabies vaccine prepared under the influence of cooper ions. Contributions concerning the mechanism of transformation of, the pathogenic virus into an i-olno-genic one under the influence of the cop ami Per. Stud. cerect. ihfr orobiol. Bucur. 12 no.2tl93-203 161. 1. Comunicare prezeIntata la Institutul de inframicrobiologie al Academiei R.F.R. (UBIM j"Miaklogy) (COPPER'Pharmacology) NICOLAU, St.S., academician; DRAGANESCU, H.; BOERU, V.; 101,4ES;u, Ultraviolet spectrophotometric investigations of ribonucleic acid extracted from influenza virus inactivated by copper ions. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 3.2 no.3:285-288 161. (INFLUENZ4 VIRMES chemistry) JRIBONUCLEIC ACID chemistry) (SPECTROPHOTONETRY) (COPPER) NICOLAUP St.S.iacademiciarq DUILP=CU 3 j !at UAN Tj T-TA Morphological changes in human amniotic cello infected with adenoviruej,4ype 3. Stud. cercet.,inframicrobiol. 12 no.3: 289-295 '61. .,(ADENOVIRUS culture) (TISSUE CULTURE) (kWON) PORTOGALA, R~; IONESCU, &j,~DIHjIrjjj,;SCU, S.; BOERU) V.; SAMEL) I. Reproduction of influenza virus with the aid of viral ribonucleic acid. VIL The morphological aspect of the ribonucleic acid. Stud. oareet. inframiorobiol, 12 no.3009-315 161, 1. Comunicare prezentata la Institutul, de inframicorbiologie al, Academiei R.P.F, (INFLUBINZA VIRUSr,i cllu'm'istry) (RIBONUCLEIC ACIP) (HICHOSCOPY.1 EUCTRON) - - - - - -- - - - - PORTOCALA, R.; ICNESCU, N. I. Morphology of nucloic acids. Studii care inframicrobiol 12 no-4-' 557-563 161. 1. Inatitutul do inframicrobiologie al Academioi R.P.R. FORTOULLP R.; SCHWLRTZ, J.; MOSCOVICII 00;1~ N.I. Ble6tron-microscope study of the development of disorders of the tVof1brilsin infant mice infected with GooMackie virus. Arkh. pa, 23 no.2:33-0.161. (MIRA 14:2) t (KISGLES-DISZAM) (CaUCKIE VIRUSFZ DRAGAW,SCU,, N.; DUMITRESOU, S.1 IONESCU, N.I. Cytopathological lesions in the chorioallantoio membrane in embryonated hen eggs infected with shoep-tick encephalitis virus. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 13 no.2t227-232 162, 1. Comunic"e przentata la Institutul de inframicrobiologie al Academiei R.P.R. (ENCEPHALITIS,, EPIDEMIC virology) (VIRUSES culture) (FETAL HUMHOES) (TISSUE CULTURE) POP, I.; IONESCU, N.I SUMITRESCU, S.; PORTOCALA, R. Morphology of viral wheat streak elementary bodies. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 13 no.2a233-237 162. 1. Con micare - presentaaa la Inatitutul do inframicrobiclogie al Aoadeniei A.P.R. (WHEAT diseases) (VIRUS DISEASES) DURITHESCUs 8.1 GAJAL) L; IONES0 N.I,j POPESCU, G. Erperimental'investigations of murine hepatitis. IL Electron microscopic study of the changes in the liver of mice inoculated with M11V-3 virus. Stud. aeroot. infrwdorobiol. l1no.2s239-243 162. 1. Comicare prozentato I& Institutul do infrazdarobiologAe al Aoadomioi (IMPATITIS p INFECTIOUS experiuntal) (LIVFR pathology) IONESCU, N.I.; DIMTRESCUO S. Presence of some pol.*dral forms in influenza viruses. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol, 13 no.2:245-249 162. 1. Commicare Wesentata la Institutul do inframicrobiologie al Academiel R.F.R. (ununu viRusEs) (MIGROSCOPYO ELEGTRON) SURDAIT, C.,;P' FORTOCALA, R.; DUMITRESCU, S.; IONESCU, N.I. Cytological study of the changes produced by the Rubarth virus in the liver of chick embryos. Stud.. c.ercet. inframicrobiol. 13 no-3:335-349 162. L Commicare pros'ontitta la Institutul do infrainiorobiologia, al Academiai H.P.R. JAPATITIS, ANIMAL) (DOG DISEASES) (ANIMAL VIRUSES) (HEPATITIS VIRUSW) (VIRUS CULTIVATION) (TISSUE CULTURE) SARATFUM, D.; DRAGANESCU, N.; 10 M MA I.; PETRESCU, Al. Modification of a strain of ornithosis virus by rapid passages in embryonated egg. Stud. cereet. inframicrobiol. 13 no.6:715-724 162. 1. Comunicare przentata la Institutul do infrwaicrobiologie al Academiei R.P.R. (MIYAGAWAWJAA) IONESC Nicon, MD; CLTWFA, M., MD. Hospital in Turnu-Magurele (Spitalul Taniu--Magurele).- (for all) Bucharest. Vi-ata Mediml4, No 51 1 Mar 63, pp 341-344. "Acute Terainal Aortic Wndrome dixe to Dnbolism.11 (2) 7 .9- wd 7MIr -Wuv~%Ia- Qwtft1 F Inc ~r ftud PMU ftas. 1 i Abeirowl at war4a"., No I,* lm. 9M. UNK4 is b'&*I, ft-j ft~. 1.1 &M009AM-9.0 0"Aaft'n, N-j Gonva-14 X.1 Im"N' "Us 0-A--%d-1Q60M1 ft* at Poo w in, rv..% a. Md-Aftl rmtumit apa prossafte of ciftl yftatmt of not in M. G"4 I&' "BUI 'd 61MU"i MOM-, 1W, 6, M 3, 263-M. Absonot n fts 9-4 in Val Uban" vat wo suwwj of brtyate am@ no Inerm" mussaw WIWI the, rise 0t VMW." Qbm 150D ke a" 3/2 VA CPU,, naleaft In vast fft-4m wtowu PWItIft Or 68PWAN an go Im* ~a dm"'o WOMW V111h it. t to bw4j, cc b" at.,, r, ON" W-fte" wteaft tzft "w 4ft a ~aa" rlw ft'U it bddd at 3 a now* Ifts maftwo Ge ma cc pma via WA ce an emb. us cc rwa. an L 41104 x RUMANIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 3. - Treatment Of Solid Combustible Minerals. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KhimiYa, No 189 1956, 62203. Author N- X. 1QUIA04- N. D. Duinea. inst i~ot given. public of Title Study of Coking Coals in People's Re Rumania* Orig Pub: Standardizareas 1958, 10, No 2, 83 - 87. Abstract: The me thods of sampling and the preparation of samples for analysis are described and the kinds of carried out, physioo-chemical determinations are enumerated in the first part. An instal- lation for laboratory coking according to Grey- King is described in detail. Card 1/1 73 IOWIESCU, N. TIECIPMOLOCIly Periodical: REVI,,;TA It pr .ELr Vol.. i )_q no. 12S Dec. 1957. IONESCU, N.; MAIOR, 0.; GANZERT, N. Contributions to the reduction of explosion danger in the coal nines in Valea Jiuliti. p. 567. Monthly List of East I~uropean Accession (EKAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3 Harch 1959 Uncla-ga. CCUV.MY Ruman1a CAIM(gy H-22 79725 j0UR0 RZUIZ*p M*922'1959,fto Or olteanu,. E., Ionescu, N-s and Fotache, E. MCR Not given IIZT, on the Mechanical Concentration of Lignites i TISE Rev Minc-lor, 91 No 2~ 82-87 (1958) ABS7RACT The authors report on the,~ tcsting of three pro- cesses for the con,entration of Rumanian brown coals: separation according to particle size Of brown CO&IB and eomicoke, separatioa in high- densitY organic solutions, "Ad separation in ~Uapene 'Ihe aathors high-density aqueous ~ ,iott~6. ~ note that for the coals tested separation accord- ing to partiCle size is insufficient and the ap- plication of gravity-concentration aethods is necessary. ICARD2 1/1 22'8 G. Stellmakh Y CA !?GC.-RY I Cilemical TeejjnojO,,, ,Y. Chemical ProuucU: and ir Lqgsg~ N; DUII&A~ N. Sidfur in Rumanian coal. P. 565, WrALUPGIA. SI CONSTPUCTIA DE MSINI. (Ninisterul Induqtriei metalurgice si Constructlilor de %sins si Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si, Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 11, no.7, July 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC, Vol.9, no.2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. CmEasm TONESCU, N.M.~ 1r!.,-. J ng. Spic Ificatio'lls -11, the q1tality of thf) 'C"-tumAnous coal of Rwmania and theAr -airploym.~?n" In 4-,hc, production )f coke. Rev mLn 15 no.11-,589-592- N ?64.