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S/076/62/036/009/002/011 B101/B102 AUTHUS: 'iceori)v, Ignatlievn. L AKiselev, V.-F.. Krasillni- C., and Topchiyeva, 'K. V. TITLE; O'tud.., of the stirface properties of datalytic aluminum oxide A"RIODICALI Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii, V- 36 no.. 9, 1962,1882 1089 TEXT: The specific heat of wetting of commercial Al 203 by water, methanoll ethanol, ,And ti-hepLane, and the content of strucitural water A12Q 3- were measured, the phase composition of Al 203 vine determined by x-ray anal'ysis, and ti!c Infr&rcd spectrum of :1eitterated. A1,0 was taKen. Whereis with n-hoptane tht: heat of wetting is ifidependent of the content of structural vnter In Al 203f it incrousen, in the case of water and alcohols, -.Ath in- creasing, thermal dehydration of Al 2U3' zoincet hoWever, the specific sur- face of A110 beco-tioc smaller 6kt hieh annenling temperatures, the heat of vard 1/3 3/076/62/036/009/002/011 study of the 3urface B1 ,,, 1 /8102 ,..,ettinF caleul;Lted net, of Al 0 roache3 a maxin,um for Al 203 hcaAed at jux%. 2 V:3 ~rglCM3) vernus structural rater 50bTC. _rne ciirvo;, for hcot of ct+i,,,- N, 0 - mal olellm2) 911ows the followi,nr sectionni (1) Increase of Q after ther. I .0 ~~reatment of Al 0 tit 70 - 150 C owinp to removal of the adsorbed 11 01 (2) 2 2 3 unchanged Q ctt V10 2-30 0C In spite of dehydrqtion of the bayerit in Via bulk of Al 0 incrensv~-, at ZJO _ ~JOOC owine to dehydration of the 2 3 0 A1203 .9urf Piol (4) shnrp increase of C4 between 500 and 700 C, althouph the content of sVructural water chanCes only little in this rnnge owing to for- mation ofr-Al 0 ; (5) Increrr3e of P4 at 600-9000C owing to formation of )r1? St 9, arilt-4-2,1f203 (cortindum). "he infrared apoctrum of deuterated Al20 shov.ed a broad 2630 cm- 1 band v.-hich disappeared at 4000C (interacting vi) groups), a narrovr band nt 2755 cm-1 (free, non-interacting OD E-roups), and a narrow 2710 ctu- 1 band bound OD groups). For eibbsite, maximum hydration wis calculated to be-2",LmoLe/m~; for the (0001) face of corundtim, 1 1 2 1 the hydration av -i,nts to 12.7 msole/ul , The ooordination sphere of the Al Card 2/3 j/076/62/036/00~/002/011 3tudy Of the suri"'Ice BIOI/B102 wirl'ace 21omo viiien in not fully occuplod after the thermul. dehydration is fillel up by waLe", or alcohols %nith formation of hjdratc'hol'ates, reopectively. The irreversible sorption of alcohols increases after ther- mal tro-atment of Al 0 at high temperature. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. 2 3 ASjOCIAT1ON: Moskovakiy gosudarotvennyy unIversitat im. M. V. Lomonosova, Fizichcak.iy i khimioheakiy f4kulltety (Moscor, State Universi- ty Imuni M. V. tomonoeov, PhysicnI and Chemical Dopartments) SUBMITTED: November lt 1960 Card 33277 S/078j62/007/002/003/019 C.2.too 10 C61 B1191B110 AUTHORSi Ostroushko, Yu. I., Filippova, K. I., Ignatlyeva, L. A. TITLEt Interaction of P-spodumene and sulfuric acid PERIODICALa Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiit v. 7, no. 2, 1962, 244 - 251 TEXTs The mechanism of the reaction between spodumene and H2SO 4 was studied for varying thermal pretreatment of the former. ~-spodumene was obtained from a-spodumene (U20 - 6.71%1 A120 3 - 23-94%1 S102 - 62.4%) by heating to 10000C (tube Silit furnace). The conversion of the a to the ~-form was checked by crystal optical and x-ray analys so. -spodumene was cOP made to react with U2SO 4 in quartz test tubes (standard ditiones 2500C for 60 min; U280 4 consumption 40%), the mixture was filtered and washed with hot water. Residues were studied by x-ray diffraction analysis (with the ~PC-70 (URS-70) apparatus), with -the Pq-62 (RKD-62) camera with Fe anode and Un filter) as well as infrared spectrographically (AKC-2 (M-2) doubl'e4eam inftared speotrograph with LiF prism for the range from 6000 Card 1/3 33277 S/078/62/007/002/003/019 Interaction of ~-spodumene&*. B119/B110 to 1500 cm- I and'with KC1 prism from 1400 to 550 cm- I) and compared with the data of the initial substances. Besides these analytic methods thermogravimetric and chemical analyses were used. 1) The minimum tempering temperature for a-spodumene required for a reaction with H 2s04 (it is 950009 2) the optimum temperature and time of the spodumene - H2so4 reaction (up to 1000C - spodumene is not changed; minimum reaction temperature 1500C, optimum temperature with minimum reaction time 250 - 3000C); 3) the reversibility of the reaction with H SO by tempering of 2 4 the non-washed reaction product at 5009 700t 600P 900, 1000, and 11000C were determined. Resultsi ~-spodumene reacts with H 2so4 as follows$ Li 2O*Al 203-4 S102 + H2so4---,*Li2so4+ H 2O-Al 203' 4 S102; the IR spectrogram of the residue shows one OH-ribrational band each at 3020 and 2450 cm- 1 (the latter verified by substituting H 20 by D20) which are not present in the spectrogram of the initial substance. The above-mentioned reaction is not possible with cx-spodumene. Significant deformations of the crystal lattice occur, if Li in spodumene is replaced by H. The residue resulting Card 2/3 33277 8/07 62/007/002/00/019 Interaction of ~-spodumene... B119%110 after leaching is a partioular.mineral which is not like the product leached under natural conditions. The substitution reaction affected by H2304 is reversible above 7000C, ~-spodumene is formed again. There are 6 figures, 4 tables, and 7 referencess 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references to Engliah-language publications read as follo*ss I. J. Bear. Chem. Engng. and lining Rev-P 5-0, 40 (Febr. 1958); 1. J. Bear. Chem. and Engng. Newev 32, no* 29, 2868; no. 51, 50171 no. 52, 5108 (1954)1 L..Z. Djighouzian. Symposium on the extraction metallurgy of some of the less Common Metals. Londong We C*9,2t march 22, 1956, paper 5- 1 Metallurgical Developments in the Recovery of Some of the less Common Metals in Canadal R. Hader, R. Nielsen, M. Herre. Ind. Engng. Chem#q Al (12), 2636 (1951)- SUBMITTEDs February 20, 1961 Card 3A IGNATIMA, L.A.j LEVSHIN, L.V.; OBIPOVAp T.D.,- POLUKM, Yu.M. vr~~~ Study of the agoociation of rhodamine 6G molecules baced on electron.and vibrational absorption spectra, Opt. i. spokU,A.13 to-3:396-4o2 s 16z. (MIRA 15:9) (Midamine-Spectra) (Moleculix assoc4ation) IGNATIYEVA.9 L*A* ------------------- Diocuosion of V.L.Ioevohin's report "Migration of energy in oolutions and the asoociation theory of the qumcbing of luminescence." Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.1:52 Ja 162. (MIR& 15:2) isolution(chemi0try)) Umineiscence) Levshinv V,L,) BORISOVAo M.S.1 MISIXOt V.A.; IGNATIYEVAO L.A.; TIMCFUZVAj L.N. -------- 01 Acidity, of bydroxyl groMm of oxide catalyst surfaces studied tw. means' of infmrod opectroveopy. Kin i kat. 4 no.3z 461-466 Fq-Je 163. iMIRA 16:7) L Mookovakty gosudaretven"y univereltst imeni Lomononovap fizicheskiy fakulltet i Fisiko-khimichookiy inatitut imeni Narpova. (Catalyits) (Wdroxyl roup) (Spectrum, Infraredl TEGOROVI H,M. I KRASILINIKOV, X*G*; TOFVHA-AMIKT.'4p-L-"-" ""0 V.P.; p Surface propertiea of catalytically active aluminum mcideo Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.9tl882-1889 S t62. (MBA l7t6) 1. Moskovskiy gosuderstvennyy universitat imeni Lomonosova., fisicheskiy fakul'tot i khimicheekly fakul'tet. Inf rared )4 pv-, trr)s(,c,,py a ,,..iy of tht, tra ',3 cresola or! ItUn.1 Mt. N-D 164. (1.CRA 180) 1. Mookovukiy goaudarstvim*y injivpruitat 7.,:mOtIO.,io"ra, fIzIchealkiy i khlAtchenkly fakulltety. IGNATIMMA. L.A.1 MUSAYEVv T.N.; WCKHOTOVA, T.A. Study of interaction of isopr.opyl alcohol with a Ni/Al203 catalyst by infrared Mmotroscopy. Kin.' i kat. 6 no.2t294-299 Mr-Ap 165. (KIRA 180) L-Moskov*14~ gosadarstvennyy universitat imeni Lamonosova, fizi- chaskiy i khimicheskiy fakulttety. DAVYDOVA, N.J.; ZIIIGUNOVA, I.A.; IGNATTYEVA. L.A.: KOVNERP M.A* Calculation and interpretation of the spectra of nonplanar vibrations in m-crisol, n-crpsol, o-cresol and their douteroBubstituted. Opt. i spektr. 18 no.6:1077-1079 To 165. (MIRA 18:12) IGNATIYEVA., L#Ao Determining the productivity a,' #,he aerial part of grasses in a birch and aspen forest. Izv. So AN SSSR no.8.Ser.biol.-medo'. nauk no,,2t62-&7 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. TSentrallnyy Sibirskiy botanicheakiy sad SIbIrskogo, otdoleniya AN SSSR,-Novosibirsk. ~ I IGIIATIYEVA, L.A.; T1JXA*','G-,W, L.A.; AXIMOVA, ','.V. Studying the effect of a catalytic polson on the h-ldroxyl coating of oxidic catalysts by the infrared spectroscopy methods Pureprikle spekto 2 no*0331-335 Ap 165, (KRA 18:8) IGNATIYEVA, L.G. Development and distribution of irrigation farming in the Crimean steppes. Izv. Krym. otd. Geog. ob-va no.5:233-243 '38. (MIRA 14:9) (Crimea--Irrigation farming) 1. M RBZMSV# Kikhail Denilovich; CHNTYRKT , K.I., otyststvonW re4sktor; RMOU, V.A., radektor. Izda tell stvq; 1GJ14T'YBU# Lots, redaktor izdatel'stva; UZULIMUTA, V.Y.,'takhn LWIMI)PTIOVor; KCROVJMVA, Z.A.l` takhnichookiy redaktor [The economies, organization and planning of production In the coal industry] Bkonomike, orgenizatelia I planirovanie Proizvod- stye v ugollnoi promyshlennosti. Isd. 2-os, parer. i dop. Moakwm, Tigistakhudatl, 1956. 342 p. (NLVA 10:3 (Goal mines an& mining) I G 1~ h PN LV il ~, I BUKHAW, Sergey Iksix,ovich; QXRCHIKOT, S S., otvatstvennyy rp"ktor; SUROTA, T.A., redaktor isdatelletva; NIATI--' TA. k-;A, redaktor isdatelletva; AIADOTA, Tool,, tokhnicbsskiy redaktor [Organisation and planning of production in coal mines] Organize- tidis i plantroveale proisvodstva no u4gol*nykh shokhtakh. Moskva, Ugletekhisdat, 1937- 355 P- (MLBA 10:8) (Coal mines and mining) RZHEVSKYJ(, Vladimir Vasil 'yevich; SIKXIN, B.A., otvetstvennyy red.; SUROVA, V.A., red.; IGNATIYEVA, L.I., red.; BXKKKR, O.G., [Open-cut mining of coal and ore] Re2him gornykh rabot pri otkrytot dobyche uglia i rudy. [Moskva] Ugletekhizdat, 1957. 198 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Strip mining) SIOCHINSKIT , A.A., akademik, red.; TPMIGOR3ff, A.M., akademik; SHMAKN. L.D., akademik, reds; MELINIOV, N.V., red.; AGOSHIWV, K.I., red.; SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.O., rod.t PLADIN. 1.N., red.; SUDOPLATOY, A.P.; doktor tekhu,ntaak; red.; BAROI, L.I., doktor tekhu.nauk, red.; PROTODIYAIDNOT, M.N., doktor takhn.nauk, red.;PAYXRXAN, Ye.K.0 doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; XIMMMV, G.F., red.; CHETYRIN. M.I., red.; IGNATI 1r red.; RUM , O.G.,; ALADOVA, Ye.I., [Soviet mine engineering, 1917-19571 Sovetakala gornaia nauka, 1917-1957. Kooky&, Oosonauchno-tokhn,lid-vo lit-r7 po ugo 11tol prowyahlonnosi *Ugletekh1sdst,* 1957. 64o p. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut gornoyo del&. 2. Chlen-korrempondent AN SSSR (for Mellnikov, A shkov, Spivakovskly, Plakain). fmoining engineering) ACC NRs A26017 SOUICE CODE: I AiTKURS: Falatniks L. S.; Ignatlyev., 0. H.; Ignatlyeva, L. X. i%harkuv Polytochnic Institute im. V. I. Lonin (Kiiarikovskiy politokiiniclioskiy ins--t'itlut); InstituEe o? Chomistry and Technology of Rare zlementsj Kollsk Branch M 5SjH (Institut khimii i toklinolorii radkikh olementov Kolskogo filiala AN SSSR) TIrL';;: Nothod of curvilinear supports for the preparation of complete alloy systems of variable composition after the mothod of S. A. Vokulaiiwkly SOURCE: Fizika motallov i metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 5, 19669 700-703 TOPIC TAGS: alloy, alloy composition, alloy phase diagram, alloy system,, metal vapor deposition ABSTRACT: A 16thod for the simultanuous preparation of two- and three-component allo;E systoMitovering the complete concentration range of all components is presente4 The riew wathod is on extension of the ono propos d by S. A. Vokshinskiy (Novyy metod metallografichookogo isoledovaniya splavov, N., GosLokM.zdat,, 1944). Tho nothod consists of a simultaneous vacuuin evaporation of all the alloy components onto a spherical or cylindrical surface (see Fig. 1). The density of condensate at a given point (see Fig, 1) is given by the expression QI(b+I)CO3a-bj L Card 112 UDC: 539s216.2 Fig. 1. a - condensarion onto the 17 outer surface of a cylinder from a point source evaporator; b - pro- duction of a binary condencate on a, cylindrical or spherical condenser; A and A' - evaporated components; Mt - region of condensation of thol binary alloy of variable cam;posi- tion; DD - region of conu,~,nsation of pure component A; BIDI - rogiom of condensation of pure coinponent whore Q is the mass of the evaporated subabancoy R is the distance between the evaporator and the epicenters b a r/A is a geometrical factor, a - Cz/R is tho linear coordinate of point C, is the angular, coordinate of point C. Th13 rela- cil pecimons, and good agreement between tionship was tested oxperimenta y on antimon the calculated and experimental values for q was obtained. A photograph of the experimental apparatus is presented. Origo art, has: 5 figures and 2 equations. SUB CODE: U/ SUB14 DATE: 12Jun65/ ORIG IW 2 014 ,L 36113-66 '-AC-C-NRs-At'6R73-0h a astronomii, no. 1, 1965, 102-109 TOPTC FAGS- solar eclipse, solar atmosphere, residual radiation, terrestrial at- r, radJi emission. amnapnt ABSTRAC7 An expedition went to Simushir Island to observe the time of the second ;3Tl d f ') i - dradio contacts of the solar ecltpse of 21 luly IQ~' k for detecting the 1e 1,7 h lapid rh-qng--~ in the solar atmosphrere- rliiriniz rlie porind of wpak r'nlar ar- F-!- meaguring the reqid,vi~ ri,11a, 1 iT ;I! 1-l", ip T Pr r 1,,r - P QT14 It. R. ; i"111:5ZiY, ; , ; F:: '~~j 1.'y ~i . ". I- i--'!-`l',n'l- L ; L~~ MOUll,"!0V ) A. F. ; I 'X'AO~i Li"O" , lIT.T-,- KR,'~Ti i~~' , Vo. ; . ;".R =,,,I li.ij. ; YU14111) 0.1.; YASNOV, 1,.V. RadionstronomIcal obse.,i,ations of the uolur oclipse of July 21, 1963 In the microwave band. Vert. WM 20 no.1:10,2-109 165. (i,!!.PJ, 19:2) FW~ Y1 PSI X SCLINOV, F.G., kttnd.tekhn.n&uk; BUDOV, V.M., Inzh.; FRUCHPIIN, Yu.D., kand. imb. tokM. naukj-JQHAj:'4Mj. Effect of additions of fluorine and the replacement of sodium oxide by potassium oxide on the crystallizing properties of sheet glass. Stek. i ker. 22 no.6222-25 Xe 165. (Min 18:6) Is Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut stekla (for Solinov). 2. Salavatakiy zavod tekhnicheskogo stekla (for Budov), 3, Ural'skiy politekhnichooMy Institut imeni S.M.Kirova (for Kruabinin,, Ignatlyeva). -, =711 foul, IGNAT11- . A N., inzh. Reconstruction of the air ducts of the ejector-type dryer designed by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Woodworking. Dar. prom. 13 zib.W2-23 Ap 064. (KRA 17W 1. Tiraspollskaya mebellnaya fabrika No-4. a 11 m 13 31 a0 0 4 $CON*" At LON@ @I I Wg' MI L & - L - . . .! 0*1 oat eel SOP lot ~~N* little Itmou'", 4.0 416 go"al 4100" twig I-WIf 'T 6:-W~f'y-F-v6- - - ----- Zbdlo. A. L. and jjIAL#Wg4,4.-- CAIT LOWING NLUCuS now ALvmj.4A mAa you tnum xmrm rjemont. 6 161 41-45 (I=).-LJakg blocks can he mt from aluminom blant-furnam skp wita a C&O content not euvediml 39%. Owing to the good aptalliting Mk-a of the skg. the c"Ungs coakd to 2W . a I to 4 days. The blockm obtAhwd haim good mumbanical popn in &W me mistant to Ow, efird of dialm. but tbry have Im resist. aam to spoiling, oWvW N, 00694 NK Its amULA., Jftj ii i i I 00 0 *** : -#-L:j ii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -16-0- _6#6i rjF-rjL-W'14A Ili: W OA' W-1-mutrilid low raw 43111INA00101116 16 MW in, J. It, Repsm, GOP GXA rrwy VQ 1W. Rt. V, ", Wea IV=).-Tbe falluvrimse uAterlak wore usqd: Oat 11) ==ICUY ""4110104 WkW IJW, Bf(h l.oO. 34-M Cm0 Uk M10 OZ. FbOi 1.26, IN hTc Z% (low an WON 12) RvsbrvA SO, GA 6. AWN 10. 1% C&O 0. Km0l3AM..T$0otrggcv% ttl k. po deird qmrts no- (3) A 0 MO. Ah% 0 C&O 10 (1.14. OAMMS 170 (lomen 4mitims 0. Chairs Wtit takdog day, fildigismar. OW powderets 400ts -se In p0" Inns of 60. 25, MW 36; 43,23. and 30; 411, 3k mW 00 .1.1; mod 35,23, sod W%. Bach dwse wim mixed with wain a" Megle Into pules W mm, in 22:7~==Jkiclk mWer of 101) kc./em's. 06W put" ego 4k fw 2 to 3 ZyvsmwmmWCWU dried in an E zoil 0v" It 105', aftee wbkb they were dred st lHW*. The see 00 platft wm sprayed with the following siam 0,3 Kit) 01 xfto Ojij4jA.3R".Wp OACILO I 7* Plietes wwr then drvd sit 13009. Tats gave the Ulow. : breshdown stfttWk 3.47 to kv./mm.. woo =!!"Vily 3,14 X 1011 to 3.7 X 10t$ obm Y W" L' 10111AUMN" LMIATWI WW"T" ;L 4W I lam 0004.19 No* __~ ff 14 $ago" use viv Alki rA 0 to 9 -1 is so 9 a a 1 0 u it 4, CIA 1p It 0 09 a I a,* 0 0 0 0 a 4j 0 a a _a 4'* 0 0 a 0 0 a 00 0 a a a a a a a a a a a 0 610 s __Aa 0 # 0 0 0, 0 00.4 *4 *:~o a so-* 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0,,* 0 0 0 0 0 0 CEIMOTI 16700 kILnd.t*hn-Uftk; IGIATRIWA, L.P., lush. Building gypsus mde of vastes obtainsd in producing bydrofluoric &old. nrot* nate 6 noslOs36 0 060. (MIRA 3,3110) (Gypmm) CHEBUKOV. M.7.; IGUTITIVA, L.P. 1. Frilrofluorle acid production wastes as additives to cement for regale- ting the time of setting. Zhur. TM 5 rio*W12-713 160,, (MIRA 13:12) 1. Urallskiy politakhaicbesidy inatitut in. B.H.Kirova. (Cement) (Ffdrolluoric acid) IGNATITUA L,P. Deovication. of oement slurries by centrifugation. Trudly Urale politekba inst, notH8132-37 '62- (MIM 16t 6) (cement) (Saparators(Macbinaa)) IGNATIYEVA, L.P, fieutrallsed gM 'WAOtOo froM the production of hydrafluoric acid as an additive during clInker grinding. Trudy Ural. politekb. inst# no,118*8-43 162, (MIRA 160) (Cament-Tenting) (Oypsum) J~: ~ Acassim NR, AW07983 S10190163100510121185011853 AUTHORSs Razinskaya, L N.j jozlov, P. V.j Shtarkman, D. p.j Ignatlyeva., L. P. TITLEt Intra- and interbundle plasticization of poly(virql chloride) interbundle SOURCEi Vy*ookomolskulyarroroye soyeanoniyap ve 5. no, 12, 1963,v 1850-1853 . TOPIC TAGS: polymer, poly(vi'rql chloride)p polymerization, omulsion polymerizatia-~ bal]k polymerization, plasticization,, intrabundle plasticization, interbundle plasticization., mixed plasticization, plasticizer, primary supernolecular sti-deture, supermolecular structure., secondary structure, bundle, glass transition temperature, PVC ABSTRAM The plasticization of polyvirqlchloride (PVC) propared by suspension polymerization (PF-4) mA block polymerization has been investigated. The cor'~- pounds used as plasticizers wares dioetylphthalate., othylstoarate, butylstearate, castor oil, and glycerine. The investigation was carried out by the thermomachan- ical method with specimens prepared from pressed powders. Throe types of plasti- cization are shown for PVC: intrabundle, interbundle, and a combination of these two limiting typesi, Because of the graiter effi~t of plasticization of PF-4 than Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRs AP4007983 of the block polymer it has been suggested that the former is endowed with looser primary supern-olecular structures, It has been shown that Uie plasticization effect is not changed qualitatively or quantitatively in an three types of plasticization on reproolpitation of PVC from dilute solution. This is ascribed to retention of the primary supermolecular structures (bundles) during this process. Orig. art. hass I figue. ASSOCICION: none SUB11ITTE) i 22Jun62 DATE kqj 20J&A ENCL 1 00 SUB COM MA '310 W SOV 3 006 OTMM: 000 Card 2/2 6 :011M, ~111 A.-V 1AUTHOR: Chebulcov, M, F, (Professor); Ignatlyevao L. P, (Candidate of itechnical sciences) ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute (Urallskiy politekhnicheekly Institut) ores ,,.TITLE: Boric acid from 'SOURCE: Tsement,, no, 1,, 196T9 12-13 40jw TOPIC TAGS: boron mineral# datolite, gypnuml,' cement ;QA41. "141 ABSTRACTS The Ural& Scientific Research Chemical Institute has dev'sloped a method for obtaining boric acid from datolite and lean borate area f tom, Far Eastern regions. The method to based on grinding rocks and leaching them vith sulfuric acid,, Large swounts of gypsum are obtained as a by-pro- duct. It is sugSestod that gypswri-rich by-products of the datoll-te processing be used at the Far Eastern cement pla9ts." additives to clinkers Instead ok u*psum Imported f rm the central regions of the --Cwd 1/2 77 7 "I IGNATIYEVAJ, L.V. Self-made polaroid-ocular photometer, Per, zvezdy 14 wat 119-121 Je 162. (MIRA 17t2) 11 Astronomicheskaya observatoriya Moskovskogo goeudarst- vennogo pedagogicheskogo institute. imeni V.I. Lenina. IGNAT t YZVA, X. A. "The Pharmacological Characteristics of a Now Domestic Alka- loid, Triakantin (triacanthine)." Cand Mod Sci, Leningrad Sanitary- ftiene Medical Inst, Min Health RSFSR, Leningrad, 1955. (KL, No 13, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertatione Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (15) TOMILINA, T.N.; FOSKALOIKO, A.N.; RkLYGMA, Ye.i.; MUCHKOV, S.V.p prof., red.; ,,.A., red. [Practical work in pharmacology] Fraktikum po fa,-..iikjIogiiI. F,oskva) Meditsina, 1965. 189 P. 18:2) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlon AFJI SSSR (for AnIthkov). USSWPharmacology. Toxicology. Cardiovascular Drugs V Abs Jour Ref Zhur'-, Diolo-, iio n..,1958, No 5M Authorr_f_u~' e~vam-_'* ~.. Inst . - Title Hypotensive and SpdAmolytic Effects of Triacantine. Orig Pub Farmakole i tokeikologiYa; 1957, 20, No 1, 56-58 Abstract Triacantlne-(I)-is an alkaloid of Gleditychia triacanta L. It,vais'e'stdblished that DI of I for mice is 259 mg/kg. In intravenous administration 6f I to decerebrated cut, in doses of 0'-1-5 mdkg,a hypotonsive effect (HE) was noted, increasing with larger doses,# the HE of I is 10 times weaker than that of papaverine. Preliminary aection of the vague nerve or injection of atropine-had no effect of the HE of I. Denorvation of the carotid sinuses was also with.out effect on the HE of L Me establishment of HE in animals with damage of tw spinal cord proved a direct effect of I on the cardio-vascular system. Mis was con- firmed by experiments with an isolated heart and blood Card 1/2 IGHAT lYlVA, M.A. Iffect of certain narcotleson the periodic activity of an empty stomach In a dog@ 7arm.1 toks. 22 n0.5:39,5-397 S-0 '59. (KIRA 13:3) 1. rafedra farmakologli (saveduyushobty - prof. S.T. Anichkov) T,eningradukogo sanitarno-giglyenichaskogo meditsiuskW inatituta. (NARCOTICS pharmeol.) (STONACH pharmaeol.) I-- O'Now I . POLIAX, I IGULIWAiM GIB,, rea, RMIONOTA6 Z&Ao, redo; Ewa# 10006 takhn, red, Developing independent solution of problems in the first gradel Privitis navykoy gamostolatellnogo resheniia sadach v I olasse. Pbd red, G.B, Poliaka, Koskya, Goa. uchabno-pedam. izd-T-0 M-Y& proxy. RSFSR. 1957. 69 P. (MIRA- 1117) (Arithmetio~ftudy and teaching) IGNATIYEVA, H. A. IONATIYEVAs 14. A. "Effect of Organoelemental Comppunds of the Fifth Group of the Periodic System of Elements of D. I. Mendeleyev on the Velocity of Solution of Steelin Inorganic Acids." Sub 3 Mar 52, Moscow State Pedagogical Inst imeni V. I. Lenin. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952 :::-VP M, 'A' M ii,! 5-d! Ll---v jjF-!#P-' ihkir ~ts ILA !r~h, j;" nf tr.' ozid, rate dfclea bc=ltd,'l ta-J k4ulc cl-larIC20AS t,!;Wflcf I~wp xmi SI.,W1,11 I. nn the rat- of g6lution of c"Adjon 0e.01 in Inotganic adds. ;i.-A, Bait-ml 2ri'l hl. A. lin"t L:YA, I'mr. Afad. Sti. U.S'S.R- ~vt. tran%l4tioll)-sce C-4. ;14 I.Af- M. R. 4 WON M-~- ct of J, on Me ate of I ect d &am* hatero ~gwnulc Ccc~M;OUZ solution of on 6 1~nEffel . 'A &*tu~ d St. A. 5t. af. r- 49, lf,"If-Addii ld 0 02'~i "I with 11-ch, c 'r7. t'-:l-' ~ CId T i ."khdc' kL()'Avl lw".4d 1. IvItchig ii .I- 'if, 1, -lrjd,,l rt-wing lit-, li-ih,ji, I. 111!~MX' t' p~ 1. i, icorrCst!") miicu~c SOV/1 37-58-10-21322 Translation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p 125 (USSR) AUTHORS: Balezin, S. A. , Ignat' yeva, M. A. TITLE: Influence of Organogen Compounds on the Rate of Dissolution of Steel in Mineral Acids (Vliyaniye elementorganicheskikh soyedineniy na skorost' rastvoreniya stali v neorganicheskikh kislotakh) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. gos. ped. in-ta, 1957, Vol 99, pp 77-86 ABSTRACT: A study of the influence of tetraphenyl bromides of elements of the fifth group: I (C6H5) 4PBr, (C6H5) 4AsBr, (C6H5) 45bBrJ; orgunic compounds containing phosphorus: [ (C6H5) 4PCI, (C05) 4PI, (C6H5) 3CH3PI]; diphenyl chlorides of As and Sb: I (COO ?AsC 12 and (C6H5) ZSbC 121; and thriphenyl compounds containing N, P, Sb, Bi, and I (COO 3N, (C6H5) 3P, (C6115hAs, (COS) 3Sb,, (C6H5) 3Bil , on the rate of dissolution of steel in HZS04 (I - ION) and HCI (I to 5N) solutions at 250C within .5 - 6 Card 1/Z hours. It is shown that the greatest inhibition of the rate of SOV/137-58-10-21322 Influence of Organogen Compounds on the Rate of Dissolution (cont. ) dissolution of steel in H S04 takes place with a concentration of the inhibitor as low as 0. 5 mlllimole~l of solution. Upon a further increase in the concentration of the inhibitor the rate of dissolution is almost unchanged. With HCI the inhibiting effect increases without interruption with an increase in the concentration of the inhibitor. In H2SO4 inhibited by tetraphenyl halogenides, the rate of dissolution decreases with an increase in the con- centration of acid; in FICI the rate increases with the increase in the concen- tration of the acid. Tetraphenyl bromides and iodides cause a considerable retardation of the process of dissolution in the 25 - 600 temperature range. It is shown that tetraphenyl halogenides affect the rates of anodic and cathodic processes. Tetraphenyl compounds proved to be stronger inhibitors than diphenyl trichlorides. Triphenyl compounds inhibit the dissolution of steel in H2SO4 to a still smaller degree. 1. Steel--Decomposition 2. Acids--Chemical reactions 3. Organnic cor!- L. A. pounds--Chemical effects 4. Metal bromides--Chemical effects 5. Metal chlorides --Chemical effects Card 2/2 L 1311,46 ENT(I)A - _.Wt(m)/E WP(b) IJP C JD/JG ACCESSION W-0661001 4D242 SOURCEt Ref. zhe Flaikat Melik AUTHOR: Ignatlyeva, -Gaykazyans I, Ya.; Grigoruk, L., Va Tit TITM- Effect of lead impurity on the concentration of F-centers In alkali halide, _hQoyhgr grystals 00, jD -jot CITED SOURCE9 Sb-. Spektroskopiya. N., Nauka, 1964, 176-170 TOPIC TAGSi a stal,phosphors color centers alkali halide, sodium chloride, otassium, chlorlde, potassium bromide p TRANSLATION: The authors study the effect of Pb-content on the number of F-centerd (n In HaCl-Pbg XCI-Pb and KBr-Pb crystal phosphors. The Pb-content (C~max) is del termined which corresponds to the maxima number of F-centers. The initial growth, in n "as the activator concentration Is increased in due to embedding of the In- purify-into the fundamental lattice.structure at concentrations less than C max Which Increases the concentration of V- and then F-centers. The reduction in F_ band absorption with a further Increase in Pb-content is associated with that por-, Card 1/21" NR& APS027452 SOURCE CODE:---(UWMTR 6FI,--65/007/011/3465/3467' (/'1, 5- q- ~/ Ij , ~- ~ I/ ~~ 5, ~~_ AUTHOR: Melik-Gaykazyan, I. Yas; Roshchina, L. L; Ignatlyeva, M. I. ORG: Tomsk PoAltechnical-Inst tute 'im. S. M. VArov (Tomakiy politekhnicheskiy ins- titut) TITLE: Accumulation of F-centers in KC1 crystals with an admixture of sulfur -SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telas V. 7, no. 11, 1965, 3465-3467 2 1. q 4 TOPIC TAGSi sulfur, potassium.chloride, crystal defect, color center ABSTRACT: The number of anion vacancies in a KC1 crystal was increased by adding 1 mol % Na2S to the malt, thus reducing the concentration of cation vacancies. The state of the cation sublattice with'respect to defects was checked by measuring the electrical conductivity in the low-temperature region. Curves for conductivity as a function of temperature show tbatthe conductivity of the doped crystal is two orders of magnitude lower at 1200C than that of the pure KC1 crystal at the same temperature. This indicates a reduction in the concentration of isolated cation vacancies, which causes a reduction in the rate at which Xcenters are generated on preradiation de- fects In a KC1*S crystal in comparison with pure KC1. Experimental data are given fvr the rate of accumulation of F-centers on vacancies produced by radiation, as well as for other paramters of F-center kinetics in both doped and pure KC1. It was found Card 1/2 ACC Nib AP5627452 It ej that the sulfur Impurity has very little effect on the linear stage of F-center accu- mulation. Orig. art. hast 2 figures, 1 table. SUB CODEs 20/ SUBM.DATEt 3OJun651 ORIG REF1 003/ OTH REFt 005 t)/ETI IJP(c '60-1-8-769 SOURCE CODE: UR/0070/66/011/003/0410/01114 AU'rHOR: Melik-Gaykazyan, 1. Ya.; Ignatlyeva, M. I. ORG: Tomsk Polytechnical Institute (Tom ki litekhnicheskiy institut) I Iv-7 ~1 TITLE: Thermal and radiative dissociati:n Iof complexes in alkali-halide crystals al- loyed with divalent additions SOURCE: Kristallografiyes Y. 11, no. 30 1966$ 410-414 TOPIC TAGS: alkali halide, impurity content, impurity conductivity, cation, defect structure, thermal conductivity, thermal decomposition, x ray irradiation ABSTRAM The dissociation of metal-vacancy ccmp1exes1(V*"V*) by heat and x-ray irra- diation was studied in the alkali-halide crystals: NaCl-Mn ++ , NaCl-Cd++ , KC1-Pb++9 KC1-Sr ++ and KBr-Pe+. Electroconductivity, microhardness and the density of color centers were measured as a function of impurity content. The electrical conductivity was measured as a function of temperature (300 to 3800C) for impurity contents up to 1.3 at %; the density of r-centers were determined from the absorption coefficients in the maximum F-region using spectrophotometer readings; the concentrations of Mn ++ Cd ++ and Sr ++ were detemined by colorimetric titration. A constant irradiation does UDC 1 548 Card 3 L 36394-66 ACC NRs M6018769 of about 104 roentgens was used. The temperature ds-'Ice for log (a) (conductivi-' I `1 - ++ + ty) wag linear and an activation energy of 0.4 ev was -ciklculared for Mn v complexes in the temperature range 200-5000C. The dissociation of complexes increass-d th--, num- ber of single cation vacancies in the lattice and increased the conductivity above 2000C. In contrast to NaCl-Cd++ and NaCl-Mn' the conductivity of KCI-Pb~+, KCI-Sr+ and KBD_Pb~+ increased with crystal purity for temperatures of 20-2000C. The depen- dence of log (a) on impurity concentration was given for crystals in different condi- tions. In all cases, the curve rose sharply and leveled out at concentrations lower than the limit of solid solubility for the particular systems. The microhardness, indicating the degree of resistance to plastic deformation, was highly dependent on the introduction of divalent ions into NaCl. At temperatures corresponding to com- plete dissociation of complexes (indicated by electroconductivity) the abscissa drop- ped for log W=f(a) and H (microhardness) = f'(O. Further increases in temperature did not affect the lebel of the curves. Irradiation dropped the conductivity as a result of the increase in the concentration of electron-acceptor Impurities (Pb+) but decreased with increase in the concentration of electron donor impurities (Sr;t+ The shift in the levelling out of the log (a) curve to higher values of concentration was the result of dLesociation of Pb;++V+ complexes and resolution of cation vacan- C~Wd 2/3 q L 3639446 ,k ~_N _R_ k-A'-P 6- 0"1 -8'7- 6- 9_' cies in the cation sublattice. ror KCl-Sr tt this shift did not occur since Sr does not possess electronic acceptor properties. The introduction of Pe and Sr into KC1 and KBr intensified the process of radiative generation of F-centers on ac- count of the improvement in the localization conditions of electron vacancies. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: .20/ SUBM DATE: l7May65/ ORIG REF: 005/ GTH REN 006 "0' ImUTIP-1A. M. -,i.t G 2LIB. Ys. Ye. Horses Development of thorow.,hbred riding horsne up to the are of one and a half, Konevod9tvo No. U. 1952. Monthjr List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JulY 1952. Unclassifiea. IGNATIrWA, M. B. Horse Breeding Organized weaning of foals and proper raiaing during their confined period. !Conevodstvo, 22, No. 1. 1952. I Monthly List of Russian Accensions, Library of Congrego 11ovemb;-r 1952 Unclikosified. i CATI--uORY A-'1~3. JOUR. 1 RLSIal., No. 42 1959, Fo. 16620' AUTHOR INST. ~T i" LZ -. F or, Broeftiv, !,I L ORIG. PUB. so 1918, lio 3, ~'7-43 AM'TRACT '17o i-Oootraot, CARD: i/i KUZIMOT, Nikolay Terentlyevich. inzh.; ALM:SEYNV, G.P., inzh., red.; BUSHUM, NX. kand.tekha.Aauk, red,; GMKAN, I.M.. lash., red.; KA ICHMd, P.2.0 lush., red.1JOATITZT. M.G., agronom, redo; PIC=, F.I.9 kand.tal~hn.nauk, red'.-j'~~ ~1'.P.. kand.takhn. nauke redo; DUGIgAl ~.Ae, te~hnaqd. (IffioJent use of machiriery 14 harvesting by separate stages] Ratsionallnoe ispollsovanie mashin no razdalinoi uborke. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnsivd-vo mushinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 101 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Harvostins machinery) 011 Y _~Z_ 0 ?S00 S/ 139/ 99/000/0 YO 20/ID26 1201AR91 AMOMI SAVIDUOV, PIA., pqr1rhova. V,XS.& Zionko, T.YS., TITLIs On the Naturt and the Linear Velocity of ClontAot Moltinf/ PIRIODICALI lavostlys Tysshikh U habnr sav*donly, Mika, 1959, Wr 5, pp 128-1033 ( BSA) ABSTRACTe Contact melting Is used In preparation of alloys (Ref 1) and In physloo-chouleal analyst@ (Bet 2). It "a suggested (Not 3) the t contact molting of &IM11-hallde crystals Is due to formation of a low-moltlng-votnt solid solution by mutual diffusion of the conpon*nts. Ta study tootAct malting in greater detail the authors I46ur#d the toop4ratm dapoMseas of the lattice Mat"tv or Pomponents in 40 tatectic mixture of povd*rs 90141 (Pigs I end 2), the temperature dependence of the surface and bulk diffusion coWlelents In XCI-MaC1 (Table I)* KCI.XBrj and IZI-KI acnocrystals, the temperature dopendenct of the electrical conductivity of ,Vsr mixtures 11-M&C1 (Table 3), 91-RaDr (Table 3), he r I Car :nd heat of forsuition. of th: eutectic alloys 1 1/34 XCI-12CrN (Table 2)9 XCI-KI (T his 2)o The authors used the -ray diffsajitlon method devsloped for high AIWCIATIONs Toeskly :ollt:khnlch skly institut Imeal A.M.Ureft (15110 P IFt# hatealInstitute in*n1g,M~ Kjr") SUMITMI April 6, 1959 Card 3/3 t IGXATIIEVAI_1~1--) ZAVADOVSKAYAP Yo.K.; MLI"AYKAZYAN, I.Yao Effect of divalent impurities on the radiation stability of alkali halide crystals. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.10:2775-2779 0 163, (MMA 16:11) 1. Tomskly politekhnicheskiy institut. ACCZZSION NR: AP4028465 '3/0181/64/006/004/1243/1246''! AUTHORS: ,A$,ol1k1-Gi*4rkazyan,, 1. Ya.; Zavadovskaya, Ye. Xs; ~~TITLLB: Change in electrical conductivity of XG1 crystals on addition of bivalent ,,izpur:Vwies after x-ray irradiation ;SOURCE. Mika tverdogo tala., v. 6. no. 4, 1964* 1243-1246 .TOPIC TAGS: conductivi~ys electrical conductivity; KClp X01 crystal,, x-ray, F 1~ i i centor,, Pb doped KCIp Sr doped K01,, F cantor den3ity,, impurity., Impurity concen- 'tretion, current carrier, hole center 'ABSTRACT: The authors,have studied the ionic conduotivityi, its radiaticA change A during equal doues of x - I rradiat i0 a (- 4-104 roentgens) in KC19P,b and XCl9Sr crystals, -and the density of F centers in KC1.3r. Pb-and Sr Impurities have alto-, 2* in jisol is an :igetherdifferent acceptor properties relative to holes, Pb ~acceptor of electrons., but Sr2+ in X01 gives rise to activator hole centers, In XC1 a comparatively-small increase in ulectrical conductivity ac~oqpanying the .'injection of Sr up to 2o10-2 zolecuLar percent corresponds to an iamwe in 7 Cbrd L/2 ACCESSION NR: APh028465 centers of 21&,*.' The maxi== increase in. density of F centers in KC1 activated by Fb does not exceed 70.'m', Changes in conductivity vith ebAwges in impurity concen- tration indicate that the first are observed only in the interval of concentration ifor v-shich a change,in conductivity in nonirradiated crystals takes place. Conduc- ~tivity in a crystal affects radiation change only at those impurities situated in ;regular points of the cx7stal lattice., Increased radiation changes in the conduc- 'tivity of K01-Pb are observed,, first, through decrease in number of ourranh-c4wr1-.1-,- ers arising during localization of holes at 9.lngle ion vacancies'and,, sec because of increased stability of hole center& that have formed through the appear-I..~ ;ance of claotron atomic canters*, Orig. art. has# 2 figurm, A=IATION: Tomskiy politakhnicheskiy institut (Tomsk Polytechniwa Institute) i SUBMT 29Jul63 DAU ACQ3 27Apr64 ENCLs 00 SUB CODE: PH NO FW SOV 1 .001 OMR: '0Z C' r~2 STAVSKAYA, V. V., dotsent; DAVYWVAp T. A*, kand. mad. nauk; IGNATIYEVA, ff. A. (Iieningrad) Clinical cbaracteristics of an outbreak of Influenza in the epring of 1961. Klin. mod. 40 no.7:41-47 J1 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. 1z kafedry propedevticheskoy teiapii (sav. - doystvitel'My cblen AMN SSSR prof, M. D. Tushinskiy[deceasedl)-I Leningrad- skogo instituta imeni akad. I. P. Pavlova) (IMUENZA) YERMSHIM, M.A.1 IGNATITIVA, N.Y. Methods for irrigating cotton in growing containers. Dokl.AN Uz.SSR no.11:45-48 '56. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Institut sellskoeo khotyaystva AN UzSSR. Predstavleno chlenom- korrespondentom AN UzSSR A.I.Abtonomovym, (Cotton growing) BFJZAYKM,, I.V. , inah.; LT I YEVA A NLG. j. inah. Nowgraphs for calculating the strength of welded beating system pipes. Elakesta, 32 noe6s23-26 Je 161. (KMA 1418) (Steam pipes) (Heating from central stations) i I A FESHKOVAO V.M.; IGK&TIYEVA, N.G. ----ft -------------- .1#2-Cyclohoptanedione dioxi as a reagent for the gravimetria and extraction.,photometric determination of nickel in the presence of coppere Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no,9:1086-1090 D 162, (miRk 16:2) lo M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. (Nickel-Analynis) (Cyclohaptanedione) Ii MHKOVA, V.M.I.IGNATIMA,, N.G.; OZFMVAp G.P. Determination of rhenium withoC-ftryl dioxime in the presence tof7molybdenum. Zhur.anal.khim. 18 no.4s496-499 Ap 163. (MW 16 tO 1. H.VAomonosol Moscow State University. (Rhenium-Analysis) (Molybdenum-Analysis) YAN TOUL; IGHATIYEVA, N.G.; PESHKOVA, V.M. -------- Valenoy of rhenium during its reduction. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.2t224-228 164. (HIRA 17:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. P&;IIFOVA, Lt-I.; IGNATIli-NA, N.G. - Complex formation of molybdenum with some d1oximes. Zhur.anal.khlm. 19 no.10:1269-2270 164, WIRA 1702) 1. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. L_2362a_65 zwT(m)/F-4P(0/ZWP(b) IJP(c) JD/JG/ ACC99SION NR: AT5002789 5/0000/641000/000/0239/0241 AU MOR Ignat' yeva,N G.; Peshkova, V. M. TITLE: Determination of the presence of molybdenum, tungsten,'and vandium SOURCE: Veesoyu gnoye soveshchaniye prpbleme _reniyl. 2d, Moscow, 1962. Reniy (Rh~niium) tiudy-ibviishc'lianf~i. Moscaw_,"_'Xx_d-'_v___o Nauka, 1964, 239-241 -TOPIC TAGS: rhenium determination, rhenium analysis, oZectrophotometry, furyldioxime AMTRACT: The authors -determined rhenium _in th.e presence of large amounts of molybdenum 4le-.Mo -ratiovvere, 1:40- and -1: 100) by means of a differential spectro- photonwtric method using cok-furyldioxime and tartaric acid, which freezes the valence state of Re (V or IV) and promotes a fasLer formation of the compound between rhenium. and A-furyldioxime. The simplification introduced by the authors consisted in takl-.g as the blank a definite amount of the solution being analyzed, thus eliminating the influence of the relative quantitieg of molybdenum on the determination of rhenium. Using this simplified method, the authors also determined rhenium In the presence of large amounts of tungsten (Re:W ca 1:500 and Card 1/ 2 1:1000). Finally, rhenium, wag determined in the presence of a 10,000-fold excess of vanadium, which does not interfere with the determination, by means of a direct spec tropho tome tric analysis. Orig. art. has: I figure, 3 tables and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITIZ : 05Aug64 ENCL: 00 KO REP SOVt 001 OTHISR: 002 Cord 2/ 2 SUB CODE: IC)GC1 26285 S/078/6i/006/009/005/010 B107/B101 AUTHORSs Kochergin, V. P., Ignatlyeva, N. I. TITLEt Oxidation of iron in malts containing sodium halogenides and 3odium carbonate PERIODICAM Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no. 9, 1961, 2126 2131 TEM The rate of oxidation of Armoo iron in mixtures of sodium carbonate with NaF, NaCl, NaBr and NaI between 700 and 9000C was investigated. The degree of thermal dissociation of Na2CO 3 in such melts at 800QC and the emf of a galvanic cell iron - melt - platinum were also determined. The inves- tigation of the rate of oxidation of iron is of interest in order to clarify the nature of the adhesive forces between enamels and the metallic surface. Fig. 1 shows the change of the rate of oxidation at 7000C in Na2CO 3 - NaX (X - F, Cl, Br, I) melts with 50 mole% Na 2CoY The aggressiveness drops in the order NaIf NaBro NaF, NaCl. This is based on the differently strong depassivating affect of the halide ions. It was roentgenographically estab- lished that wUstite and magnetite form as reaction products in melts with Card 116 26285 S/070/61/006/009/005/010 Oxidation of iron in malts containing ... B107/BIOI NaF and NaClj and wUstitealone in melts with NaBr and NaI. The oxidation proceeds according to the equation Fe + CO 2 Peo (or Fe304) + co (1). The oxidation products form a coat on the iron which has, however, a porous structure and does not prevent further oxidation. Only a small part of the iron dissolves as sodium ferrite. The degree of dissociation of Na CO in 2 3 the melts of the composition mentioned was determined at 8000C (Fig. 2). Here, too, the order NaBr, NaFj NaCl corresponds to a decreasing degree of dissociation. No trivalent iron forms in the malts with NaBr and Nal du- ring oxidation of the ironp probably because the Fe 304 from Eq (1) is re- duced by the halide to FeO. The Er 2 or 1 2 thus formed has a strong oxidizing effect on the ironj the more aggressive effect of the bromide and iodida, especially with access of air, is explained in this way (Fig. 1, isotherm 1 The rate of oxidation in malts with various halide concentration (8000C,lhr~ was also investigated. As shown in Fig- 4, there is a strong concentration dependence, i.e., maximum aggressiveness exists for certain concentrations. The emf of the galvanic cell iron - melt platinum at 8000C was finally determined. The melt consisted of Na c0 NaX (X - F, Cl, Br) in the molar 2 3 Card 216 M285 8/076/61/006/009/005/010 Oxidation of iron in melts containing ... B107/Biol ratio I t 1. Fig. 6 shows the change of the emf with time. It is stated in COnClU3ion that a Na 2CO 3 -NaCl malt with 30 - 50% NaCl is least aggressive. G. V. Akimov (Osnovy ucheniya o korrozii i zashchite metallov, Metallurgizctat, 1941) N D Tomashov, V. I. Modestova (Tr. In-ta fiz. khimii AN SSSRP.~t 75 (1958~);*B7N. Kabanov et al '(Dokl. AN SSSR, 52, 917 (1948); Zh. fiz. khimiJ, .11, 2501 (1957)); Z. A. loffa (Zh. fiz. khimii, 13, 1105 (1939)) and 0. A. Yesin et al (Fizicheakaya khimiya pirometallurgicheskikh protsessov, Metallurgiz~at, 1950) are mentioned. There are 6 figures and 23 referencest 19 Soviet and 7 noh-Sdviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: 0. Balestra. Metal]. Progress, -1, 19571 F- Bacon, I. Forrest. The Engineer, 202, 93 (1956)1 F. Bacon. J. Beama, 61, 6 1954 ; M. E. Straumanis, A. W. Schlechten, J. Electrochem. Soc., 102, 131 1955~- ~ ASSOCIATIONs Urallskiy goeudaretvennyy univeraitet im.. A. M. Gor1kogo (Ural State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) SUBMITTEDs July 19, 1960 Card 3/6 DAVXDOV, V.I.j BILIKOV, A.M.; IGIATIMA N.I.; VIRMVETSKAYA, D.79. j Reaotion of germnium dioxide with iron. ZbtLr.prikl.kh4-- 35 noent 2543-2546 N 162. (KMA 15 112) (GerUnium oxide) (Iron) m X. IMSR rxtnfjory CULTIVATED PLANTS.0,01CINAL. ~',asential Oils. Toxlnab Ignatt ova I Mo armnoeutie'al Instittite Tl A PharmaeoRnostia StUdy of the Tansy P%ib. -.Sb. natiahn.. ra4ot. )(ojk. farmatsovt. in-t, 1957, 1, 187-200 A"rstract :The loanay,(Tanaoetum -7uigrAza, d) is a perennial buxqb whioh -haa found widespread use in folk .madiaiiii attics Ujae lymnesnorial. A exaot botanioo- anatomical study in made of the loaves, St6ma, .roots,. rootstocks, infloreseenoes and fruit. The obsorVations were conductad over a porlod of two years (1954-1955) throulihout the zntire vageta- ti-7o utage. A detailad desoription is presented of the external and inner struoture of the inflo- rescanoes (standard raw materiall with an indioa- ICard-. 1/2 I-..-- - - . - - - I oo~ :CLILT IVAT ED PLANTS.MMiCINA'L.. 7--8,9entin-1 Oils. Toxins. .04. jour. :REFZHI)R.BIOL.,2l,l9"j8,NO-9618) to- A Ph T 11 Ph St d f th ti : u 4rmacognon a e ansy. . y o y chemical 'Rosearoh. :--ig.Ith -,9b, nriLuohn. rabot. Mrisk. rarmatso7t. in-t, 1957, 1, 201-208 Aln; ~.rar%t :Dwing, I'Q54-1-955 a study waj made of the lynamies Of tho qo~W-Vliation of essential oil (I) and tan- nins (11) in the leaves and blonaomo of the tansy (III) tbroughout the enti:e vegetation period, The content of I ani 11 reauhad its maximim daring the stage from the beginning of budding to tPho end of flowering with a doorenao In the fruiting stage. The richest I and 11" was in 'ho flowaza and ITEI in L' the leaves. Tho stam and roo t syntem practically containod no 1, and their 11 content was 2owor than in the flowers and leaves. 1, derived from Card 1/3 Cowvtrj t CP.tUJr-'ry -*CULT1VATLD PIANTSNANCINAL Abs. Jour IOREF ZHUR-BIOL.,21,1958,NO-9618 3 Auth~.- Utio r&ig. lhib. M Abnftlract from the floviers in full- blosnom had more esters and thujone' thall I at the stqxt of flowering. I ~.%Oroz the 1,javes Dad 10-u all plant development stWa I :3411e.-ied nljarly ide.-itical essential oll content, althouph before budding and full flowering more thuione eas sean L A. - - ccntent in I in the flowqrs W-~71f')f"h Polyn ITI In ltjave3 (33-9410 % and were noted. it In suggaited the rnw naterial be 001160tad (flowern and "L~javt;.O in the budding, start of flowering and full flowering stages. Card: 2/3 A No ,ZqNitT'YEVA,, N.S. Analysis of Tanacetum vulgare for the presence of aromattoic oxacidso Apt* delo 9 no. 4z26-28 Jl-Ag 16Cro CMA 13:8) 1. Kafedra farmakognozii (oav. - prof. L.A. Pzzdorskaya) farmatsevticheokogo fakulfteta I Hookovskogo ordera Le-~Irw~ neditobiskoeo instituta im, I.11, Schanova. (TANSY) IGM-1 Y.:uTA,.-K-S- Anatomic structure of Tanacetum vulgare L. Apt. delo 9 no. 5:25- 29 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Kafedra farmakognozii (nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. L.A. Razdorskay) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta im. I.M. Sechenovas (TANSY) IGNAT-YEVA, N. S. Cand Pharm Sci - (diss) "Accumulation of active substances in the common tansy grown in the Moscow Oblast, and its pharms- cognostic evaluation." Moscow, 1961. 19 pp; (Ministry of Public Health RSFSRj First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst imeni I. M-Secher.ov); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 242) IGNAVIEVAj Analysis of Tanacetum. vulgare for the presence of manganese and the influence of manganese salts on the accumulation of ethereal oil and tanning substances. Apt. delo 10 no-3:196-24 My-Je 161. (MIRA 34s7) 1. K&fedra fa=s oknozii farmatsovtioheskogo fakul'tots, (rukovoditeil- prof. L.A.Razdorskaya.[decoased)) I MoBkovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (TANSY) GRINKEVICHI N.I.; IGNATI~AZ_N.S.; LIVOVA, I.L.; ZORIN, Ye.As FaAmination of some vitamin-containing plants for their manganese content. Apt. de2o. 11 no.5s4.1-43 S-0 162. WIRA 170) i 1. Farmatsevticheskiy fakulltet I Moskovskogo ordena lAnina. I medituinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. It 6 - . . . -- I .. I - I A - - DOLGOVA, A.A.;,IGNATIYKVA, N.S. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of oleander leaves. Apt. delo, 12 no-4:36-41 Ji-Ag 163. (KMA 17:2) 1. Farmatsevtichookiy fakulltat.1-90 Moskawskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogQ~,iPstituta imeii I.M. Sechenova. GfUlIKEVICHl Me; APNAT'ILVA. N.Se; SAFRONICH, L.N. Hxamination of aa~- refme3entativee of the Compositas family for manganese and carotene content. Apt. delo 12 no.2238-40 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Farmataevticheskiy fakulltat 1 Moakcvakcgo ordena Lenina meditainskogo Instituta Imeni IsM, Sechenava. GRINER, B.M.; GRINKEVICHP N.I.; IGNATIYEVA, N.S.j KAZIM111A, L.P. Color of leav*es an an index of the content of tanning plants. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no-53t72-75 164. (MIRA 17%6) 1. Botanicheskiy ead Pervogo raoskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenovae BEWV, H.S.; BIRYUKOV, Ij.; YERBLTUDOV, R.N.; GORBUNOVA, M.N.; TESIPOVA, M.M.; WICHEY. A.1.; IGNATIYIIVA N.Ta.- KOVACRIVICH, P.M.; LYTKIN, A.M.; LOSKUTOV, V.G,~ S.. T~iOSHNICHZNKO, N.Ta.; INFEDOT, A.Ta.; OSIPOV, K.V.; OSIPOV, P.M.; PETROV, N.G.; PETRACHKOV, M.I.; PINEVICH. K.M.; POPOV, B.B.; POTAPOV, P.V.; PRWEIN, T.Ye.; PUKHOV, A.Y.; CHUSOVITINA, Ye.I.; ANGILISKIT, N., (The Kuznetsk Basin in the sixth five-year plan] Kuzbass v shestoi piatiletke. (Kemerovo] Kemarovskoe knishnoe isd-vo, 1956. 125 P. (MIRA 16 - 12) (Kuznetsk Basin) IGNATrEVA, 0. . ZAIKONNIKOVA, I.V., AGONSKAYAt L.S. Antibacterial properties of*& organic compounds of phosphorus. Kbimlya I Primenaniye-lPoefororganicbeekikh Soyedineniy (Chemistry and application of orpnopboophorus cormounds) A. TE. AR3J7DV, Ed, Publ. by Kazar. Affil. Acad. SOL USSRv Hoscow 1962j 632 pp. Collection of comolats papers presented at the 1959 Kazan Conference on Chemistry of (Owganophosphorue ComDounds. PCZDEYEV, K.A., starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; ICNATIYEVA', G.A., mladshiy' nauchnyy sotrudnik Use of the metl-d of indirect hemagglutination reactlion In the diagnosis of brucallosia. Uch. zap. KVT 89:75-78 162. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Laboratorlya Nr, 2 (zav, - prof, DeGoGizatullin) Kazanskogo veterinarnogo instituta. VELIKORETSKIY, D.A.; LORIYEO K.M.; FINKEL', I.I.; GRIGORCM, ru.F.,- BERGER, L.Kh.; *XrROBINA, V.V.;*M1A1W-E34KO, V.P.; MF.SHG*rlEfMWV, A.V.p student V kursa; 0B."FOICHENKO, YA.V..,; NMTIN, AS.; MUKHOMOVA, S.N.; KUSFARTSEVA, L.V., assistant; KUZHETSOV, V.A.) dotsent; KUKHTINOVA, R.A., assistant; BONDARM-0, Ya.D. (g. Fastov); KURTASOVA) L.V. (g. Fastov)j FEVOIKII, V.V.; CHURAKOVA, A.Ye.; BABICH, M.M.; KMININ, K.P.; PAVLOV~ S.S.; SIMYAKOV, L.V., kand. med.nauk; TrMATIMA ", Q-M,; ZEYGERMAKHER, G.A.; GUTEDT, A.A.; POLYKOVSKIYj T.S. ftesumes. 25 no.nav-,152 N 161. WPA 1. IA Inatituta grudnoy khirurgii AMN SSSR (for Velikoretskiy,, Loriye, Finkel'). 2. 1z bollnitsy-No.3 Gorlovki Stalinskoy oblaoti (for Grigorchuk), 3. Iz Tyumonskoy oblastnoy bolinitay (for Berger., Utrobina)- 4. Iz Karatasskoy rayonnoy bollnitay Yuzhno-Kazakhatanskoy oblasti (for Kharchenko). 5. Iz Goopitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditdnskogo instituta imeni Sechanova (for Moshcheryakov). 6. Iz kliniki propedevticheskoy terapii Stalinskogo maditsinskogo instituta na baze oblastnoy klinicheskoy bolinitoy imeni Kalinina (for Oberemchenko). 7. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy terapii Voronezhskogo moditsinskogo instituta (for Nikitin, Mikhoyedova). 8. Iz kafedry obahchey khirurgii Kiahinveskogo meditsinskogoInstituta (for Kuamartseva). (Continued on next card) TUIXORMSKIY1, D.A.- (continued) Card 2. 9. Iz akusheroko-ginokologichookoy kliniki Stalinskogo meditainskogo instituta na. baze bollnitsy imani Kalinina (for Kuznetsov, Kukhtinova). 10. Iz gbapitallnoy terapevticheskoyk3-iniki lzhavokogo meditainakogo instituta (for Pevchikh, Churakova). 11. Is Nosovokoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Chernigovokoy oblaoti (for Babichl. 1.2. Iz Vyborgskoy mezhrayonnoy bollaitoy (for Pavlov). 13. Iz I-y gorodskoy bollnitsy Tymani, (for Ignatlyeva). 14. 1% 2-y Wektsionnoy bollnitsy g. Zaporozhlya (for Zeygermakher). 15. Iz infektsionnogo i prozektorskogo otdoleniy-Patrozavodskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (for Gutkin., Polykovskiy). (MDICINE-ABSTRACTS) A-011 4 R6032263 SOTJRCr-, COM-., UR/0398/66/000/006/VO14/VO14 AUTHOR:. J TITLE: Dynamic characteristics of the gas pipe system of a marine engine and 0. a turbosupercharger SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. OV78 REF SOURCE: Tr. Tsentr. n. -i. In-ta morsk. flota, vyp. 63, 1965, 73-80' TOPIC TAGS: turboAupercharger, ship, marine engine, gas dynamics ABSTRACT: Evaluations were made of the main functions relative to the gas ,,dynamics of turbosuperchargers, taking the receiver volumes into account. It ~Vaa found that in the evaluation of its dynamic characteristics during intermittent Aisturbance, the turbonupercharger can be considered an aperiodic link of the first order. Since the magnitude of the time constant of the engine as the control- ling object of the rotation speed of the shaft is of the range of tenths of a second, the turbosupercharger exerts a sufficient effect on the transitory process. [Trans- lation of abstract] SUB CODE; 13/ UDC: 621. 431. 74-501. 22+621. 515. 5-501. 22 i Corti Y' o2'1' r =00 lj4Z-jr4~ At _1 1 6'VM 3- AILC NRi AT60 86i 'SdURCE WbE: --UR/2752/65/000/063/0073/0080 AUTHOR., Ignatlyeva, 0. V. ORG: none ,TITLEt Dynamic characteristics of the gas channel of a marine engine and turbine supercharger SOURCE: LCningrad. TggntrallnXX nattehnn-jamlednvatalInkly InatItut mnrakoyo fInta. Trudy, no. 63, 1965. Tekhnicheakays ekspluatatsiya morskogo flota (Technical operation of the merchant marine), 73-80 TOPIC TAGS: marine engine, diesel engine, supercharged engine, engine performance characte ristic, gas flow dynamic a supercharger ABSTRACT: The air-gas channel of a marine'grmine with a g _t ine-hupercharger can be regarded as a complex branched annular duct with artificia ' g f12% .: The working processee.are considered separately for the engine, the supercharger, the receiver, and the condenser of scavenging air. The similarity theory is widely used for analyzing varying operating conditions. As graphically represented, the calculated characteristics of various superchargers show a linear relationship over a wide range. of analyzed parameters'.' Thus, the analyzed linearized equations given for the dynamic characteristics of the supercharger and receiver are applicable for small as well as extensive disturbing effects; this was proved by reference to test data onanlB,000-hp Card 621"431,74-501,22+621.515.5=5-QI.ZE:7r~ --ACC Ngs- ----AT6008033-- diesel:engine installed on the tanker.Lisichansk and by sudden load changes occurring when the rpm of the fuel pumps wereIvaried from 90 to-114. Thus, as shown, the theoretically plotted curves for the air-gas-channel dynamics adequately represent the transition stages during sudden load changes even in the presence of high disturbing effects. Orig. art. hast 4 figures.and 7 formulas. ICE) SUB CODE: 13, 21/ SUBH DAM none/ ORIG REP: 001/ OTH REP: 003/ ATD PRESS, Crd ~7.' '77, 4i L iW4 ACCESSION MR.- AR60194" UR/0273/65/000/001/M6/002d 16 621.43M31.3 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Dvigateli vouttennego spraniya. OWelInyy vypud4 Abe. 7. 39,211 AUTHOR: Antonovich, S. Ap IZM!Iye~z, 0. V. T1TLE: Dynamic properties of diesel units CIL rZ SOURCE: Tr. Tsentr. n. -L in-ta morsk. not, 59, 1964, 14-36 MPIC TAG$-. engine cwtrot system, diesel enginev Tarine evn turboshaft e6ghM4 supercharged engine. shaft TRANSLATION: The outh or 111scuss the dynamic properties of a marine diesel as a BYSOM cmitrolling the rpm of a shaft In marine diesel and diesel-generator Installations with and without a gas turboblower. The analysis covers smooth and rough water operations of ea- gines with a turboblawer and an Ideal or 4namically complex regulator of shaft rpm. Finally, authors descrMs ways of improving -the static and dynamic properties of contrafted objects, so an to Insure optimal characteristics of the transient process, SUB CODft, M# PR MC14 00 tA 1 Al IGNATIYEVA, O.V. Dynamic characteristics of the gas duct of a marine engine and turbosupercharger. Trudy TSNIIMF no.63:73-80 165. (MIRA 18:32) -.. - f I, - - - -. .