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Evaporation Or g6rManium int.. 81181161100310011009164V B1021B212 Logond to pig. 31 Surface Of single crystal aftor OvAPOratlon at, e6oo-C for 12 hr. I A LA4r, SIMI& 7;A C strd s/181/62/004/oo6/m/051 B108/B138 AUTHORS: ignatkov, V. D., and Kosenko, V. Yo. TITLE: Diffusion of tellurium in eermmnium i-010DICAL: Fialka tvardogo tola, v. 4, no. 6, 1962, 1627-1631 TEXT: Diffusion and solubility of tellurium in germanium single crystals between 770 and 90&Cwero studied. The experiments ere performed in evacuated quartz ampoules at tellurium vapor pressur: of 10-2 mm Hg. The Isotope To 125 was used as a tracer. Diffusion was investigated by successive remoial of thin layers. Three kinds of diffusion of Te in Ge, ach at a different rate, were observed: (1) a new type, the so-called ,):urface-layer" diffusion with the diffusion coefficient 6ooo 2 exp('65022). (2) --Slow" diffusion with D 5.6 exp(- RT 81 w RT (3) "FasV diffusion. The diffusion coefficient of this type at 800OC was 5-10- 7 C1021sec. The respective concentration limits (solubilities) of To in Go st 800OCp each pertaining to its specific typo of diffusiotip were Card 112 aANDALAN p Loonid Xikheylov:ich,, general-palknwik;. IGRATKOVICH,, G.M. red.j VAIWM, AXv tekhn. red. IRsainisconces) PareWdtos. Hooky&# Voon,isd-vo H-va obor. &W 1961 199 ps (MIRA 3.5: 5) (military education) (World Warp 1939-1945) 17-26 ",;,q Jmvr- 1-,A.~ f Zhjjr-jjjj-,.) ;70 2. 10,59, 6400- Tr~7--Antu, D. -'L x t it I j !-,f I~r-ducti nA 'xAl-al. Tiuv. iA. nrLnIc, 19571 :~Io 1, 1.1-14. Roquilrumnts to bu -At Ly ;~roducto (micrut butter ,raid cheesca) stomd un~.Ir refrimrati,-n, thc ccndi- tions Of DtOMLL, the rule o: ator--,-;,; in calcl sto- rr-(,e ilants,ruid roqu~rkrcnts, whie~i shculd be *,-j-,t by tbc-- Lr~ttcr, cLrL; pros4L-atcA. The dux-.ti,!)n of atcr--wc ~~X LidkilduA ki-flz ryf ch4~es~: 10 Mrain. Cant I/I 1311 rjNATOIUj Do ttdHNOU)GY PeriodIcalt RRVISTA INWMIEI ALIMMARE. PRODUSE ANDIAIE. No, 2., 3.958. IGNATOIU, Do Coefficiente of utilization of general cold storage, P. 5. Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI).. Wes Vol* 8s Nos~V3 March 19q . Unclass. I L.,fv v, Ljj 4Z -n -r mr- CA-7XMT s ADS. JOUR. j RMIX~j lb*22 1959 NO# 80138 IVIMCR i Ignatoiu, D. IMT, j Not tivan T1= I The Stability of Certain Varieties of Apples and Pears during Cold Storage. I, M M10* MO j Rey Ind Aligant P.-Od VeLrutstle, No 5, 5-111 No ?-8, 30-35 (1958) tABOTRACT 1 1. Jonathon apples from the iistrictaof.Pitesht and Xympilung [tran;i1iteratad] were stored in crates (25 k9 each) from December through May at 00 and 4.5* (relative huaidity of the air 87-92%) and under noreal conditions in rooms disinfected with a solution of CuSO4. Periodic dotermina- tions were made on the organoleptic propertias'of the apples, the loss in weight, and the presence of deftcte. The apples attained consumer ripeness in December. The -total losses (in %) ait 0" r, 1/4 269 Furax'ip AMS. M. A. I-MrM 1100 22 1952 Xot 80138 A71HOR MM, TITLZ am* PUB# ABSTRACT I increased from 1.1-5.6 (December) to 15- 21.9 (May)t at 4.56,1from 3.3-6.8 (December) to.16.8- 37 (May)l and uisier norxal ccr4jtionj, fror. 1.4- 7.4 (Docember) to 34o8-52.4 (Kay). A table and 14 rrAplis exprozoing the dynamics of tl~e losests dtiri ng storage are givon. Tho apples eoawe~j a-, SqU&I idgrGS Of r*ttnt'&OA if pr3pertles regardleals of area or origin'when stored under similar aordi- tionn. CA RM 1 2/4 AIOO JO(MO Itudilef x6e, 22, 1959 No 80138 TI ra i 0"0 PM InsTRACT I the diseasia are indicated. The distnfection of the storAgo rofte witl m 5% solution of CUA is recommended.' A. Marin CARD i 4A 1GRAT01UP D. TSWOU)GY Periodicalt RSVISTA INWSTRM ALIMMAR,". PRODUSE ANIMAU. No. 5., 1958. IGNATOIU, D. Indexes of using public cold storage installlons. II. p. 9. Monthly List of last European Accession (SRAI) 14, Vol. 8j, no, 3 March 1959 Unclass. IGNATOIVO D. AWCULTM IGNATOIU, D. Observation on the resistance to preservation In frozen state oZ certain kinds of apples and pears. p.5- Aerosol pabkaging for perfumes, cosmetics, and food.p.12. Vol. 7. no. 5. Nov. 1958 Monthly I.Ist of East European Accessions (EKAI) LC, Vol - 8, no. 3. March 1959 Unclass, IGNATOIU D AGRICM TURE IGNATOlUp D. Indexes of using public cold storage Installations 11. pl 9. Processing cheese In the course of r1renIng. p. 13. New Development of plastic materials for rackaring Tmrposes. p. 16. Vol. 7, no. 15, Nov. 1958 Monthly L4st of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3 March 3050, Unclass. ICRIATOTU, D T7COOLOGY P'MIODIUL: RrVTSTA TN-TSTUMT, AIJIMITAR77 PMEUSIF V`TM-rALF N'o. 7/113, 1958 IGRIATOT, D. Observations on the resistance to conmervation of some varieties of apples and pears while under refrigeratim . IV p. 30 Monthly List of Fast European Accessicn3 (M-.I) LC Vol. F, no. 4 Anril 191~9, Unrlass NAUHKINP O.P. (Moekva)j IGNAVIY, DeV. (Moskva) Struotural and kinstia Investigation of the oxidizability of metallic mcandium. Izv. AN SSSR. HoU i gor. delo no951142-146 3-0 164. (MIRA 1891) IGNATOK, A.L. insh., red.; SIDORWHKZN.S.S-. inyh., red.; GOMZMA, red. Clkles for accident prevention and Industrial hygiene in the production of acetylene. oxygen, and in the flame machining of metals] Pravila takhalki basopasnosti I proizvodstvoanoi sanitarii pri proisvodstva atsetilena, kisloroda I gazopla- menuol obrabotke metallov. Soglasovany a Glavuoi Gosudaretyan- nol. saniternol inspektalei. SSSR 27 sentiabria 1958 g. Moskva, 0os.nauahE6-tekhn.ivd-v6 mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 100 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Profsoyas rabochikh mashinostroyaniya. TSentrallnyy komitst. (Gas welding and cutting) (Acetylene) (Oxygen) IGNATOXt A.I.j inzh.j BETEMp M.M.-,v kand.tekhn.naukv red.; PQDVOLISM # L.I.p starohiy inshat' red.1 ZLITERMUp T.M.,, kand.tekhn*UaIIkp reds; KUGINISO B.L.9 red.; VASIVM9 Ye.V.v staroMy inzhop redo; NEVS=v AoIop insbep redel GLAGOLEVAj T,A~.v kandetekbnonstAp redej TROBIEVSKIrt R,V,t redo .[Safety engineering regulations and industrial b7giene in electric welding operationoj Pravila tekbniki bezopasnooti i proizvod- etvennoi sanitarii Pri ~;'-'ektrovvarocbrqkh rabotakh. Moskvap Goo. naucbno-tekbnsizd-vo maohi-iostroit.lit-7t 1960. 38 p. (MIRA 14&6) 1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostroyeniya. TSentral'My komitete 2e MookcrvBkiy inatitut okbrany truda Vaeaoyuznogo teentrallnovo, soveta, profs esionallmykh sopsov (for BeterevtAPtermaby MMolova). 3.'N4xichno-issledovatellakiy tekhnologicheWdy institut avtomobillnoy promyeblemosti (for.Podvollokiy). 4. Glavi3yy tekhnicheskiy insp6ktor TSentrallnogo komiteta, profsoyusa (for Kuginio). 5. Naucbno-isclado- vatellskiy institut toklmologii traktornogo i sel'skokhozyaystvennogo, mashinostroyaniya (for Vasillyev). 6. Rachallnik podotdela energo- oborudovaniya avtozavoda im. ldkhacheva (for Nevskiy). 7. Yedushchiy inzh. VoeBoyuznogo proyektno-tekbnologichookogo instituto, stroitell- nogo i dorozbnogo mashinostrayeniya (for Vroblavdciy). (Electric welding-Safety measures) S/117/60/000/010/008/01Z/XX A033/A133 AUTHOR: Ignatok, A.-I. TITLE: Multi-purpose chip-breaking cutting tools PERIODICALs Mashinoatroitell. no. 10, 1960, 27 - 29 TEXT: The author reports on the practice of the Lipetskiy traktomyy zavod (Lipetsk Tractor Plant) of designing, fabricating and introducing into production multi-purpose chip-breaking tools with fine flutes on the cutting edge. The flutes are made by the lapping method and, depending on the cutting conditions, three types of flutes are utilizeds a) closed; b) through-flutes; c) bow-&hq)ed (Fig. 1). The closed-type flute does not reach down to the auxiliary cutting edge which ensures an increased strength of the tool top. Since the through-flute gets down to the auxiliary cutting edge the tool top is somewhat weakened. There- fore, this type of flute should be used for tools working with cutting depth of less than 0-5 mm and feeds UP to 0.3 Mm/rev. Bow-shaped flutes are used for tools with curvilinear cutting edges, e.g., recessing tools. The curvature radi- us R, of the flute bottom in the range of 10 - 40 mm does not essentially affect the chip-breaking process. The sintered carbide plates should be soldered onto Card 1/3 S/117/60/000/010/008/012/)C< Multi-purpose chip-breaking cutting tools A033/A133 the holders at an ankle of Y - 0. On the front edge along the main cutting edge a small space 3 - 4 mm wide with a rake angle y - -50 has to be ground on which the fine flutes are lapped. It was found that the chip gets accurately into the flute during the working of different steels if the width of the charfer is not greater than half the chip thickness. The width of chamfer can be determined by the formula: f W s sin ) - q , where s - feed in mm; (P - main cutting edge an- gle; Q - coefficien? of chip shrinkage (is to be determined experimentally). The length of the flutes should be somewhat greater than the width of cut, so that the chip with all its width gets into the flute. The author recommends a flute depth h in the range of 0.1 - 0.15 mm. The flute bottom radius should be selected in such a way that a dependable chip breaking is ensured. The rounding off radius R of the flute bottom and the width of chamfer f depends on the chip thickness, and it was established by tests that the maximum permissible radius increases with a growing chip thickness. The lapping of the fine flutes is car- ried out with a rotating disk-lamp made of bronze or cast Iron charged with boron carbide. The flutes can be produced on multi-purpose grinding machines or hori- zontal milling machines. The author gives a description of a special fixture used for the lapping of the chip-breaking flutes and a brief description of the lap- ping process. During a 7-hour shift one grinder is able, with the aid of this Card R/3 s/1i7/6o/ooo/0io/oo8/oi2,'Yx Multi-purpose chip-bisaking cutting tools A033/AI33 fixture,-,to produt~- 800 or more fine flutes on tools tipped with sintered ~arblde bits. Thbre are 4 figures and 3 tables. FiPre 1 a) b f c) Card 3/3~ AN IGNATOK A.I. inzh.,- SHIPM, G.M., kand. med. nauk., red.; K01-tETSM, inzh.j, red.; SHULENIN, II.A., red.; MIKWIDVA, V.L., red.; KOGAN, G.M., starshiy inzb., red.; NARBEKOVA, N.N., etarshi7 UMKINA, G.Ye. inzh . red.; SIDOROCHKIN, S.S., starshiy inzh., red.; SL te;h -red. (Safety and industrial sanitation regulations for founding shops in the machinery industry] Pravila tekhniki bazopasnosti i Iroizvodstven- noi sanitarii v liteynom proizvodstve mashinostroitellnoi prou7shlon- nosti. UtvaraMerV Prezidiumom TeK Profsoiuza rabochikh meahinostroeniia 19 noiabria 1953 goda.... Moskva, Goes nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry., 1960, 67 p, (KIRA 14:9) 1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostroyeniya SSSR. 2. G:LavMy tekhnichookly inspektor TSentralinogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh mashinostroyeniya (for Ignatok, Mikheylova). 3. Hookovskiy institut okhrary truda Vas- soyuznogo teentrallnogo soveta profocrpzov (for Shifrzn). 4, Moskov- skiy zavod "StankolitO (for Koretskiy). 5. Uchenyy sekretarl NIITLITMASha (for Shulenin). 6. GosxAarstvennyy institut po proyekti- rovaniyu stankostroiteltnykh, instrumentalInfth, abrazivnykh zavodav i zavodov ku,-nechno-pressovogo mashinostrayeniya (for Narbekova). 7. Mo- skovskiy avtozavod im. Likhacheva (for Kogan). 8. Gosudarstvennyy ko- mitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po sudostroyenivu (for Sidorochkin). (FOUNDING-SAFIETY MEASURES) (FACTORY SANITATION) IGNATOK, A.I., inzh. (Safety regulations for warehousemen and workers receiving and dispensing acids and other chemical matorials]Instruk- tsi'ia p-, takhnike bezopasnosti dlia kladovshchikov i ra- bochikh,, zaniatykh polucheniem i otpuskom kislot i drugikh khinicheskikh materialov. Moskva, Hashgizp 1961 12 p. WRA 15:8) (Chemicals--Storage--Safety measures) L(jIA-TQX,-A-I.-, inzh.; SHIRW., G.E., kand. r.-ed. nauk r d.; i' -- S'Kn " e 10. 1 V.A., starshiy inzh... red.; SHULUID4, N.A., red.; VIKFAYLOVA, V.L., tokbiftpektor, red.; KOGAN, G.F., starshiy inzh.p red.; VARDEKOVAI N.N.j atarshiy inzh., red.; SIDOROCHKIN, S.S., starshly inzh., red.; 34IRNOVAp G.V.j tekhn. red. [Regulations on saNty measures and industrial sanitation in foundry practice in the machinery industry) Pravila tekhnik-i be opasnosti i proizvodstvennoi sanitarii. v liteinom proizvodstve mashinostroitellnoi promyshlennosti. Utverzhdony Fre2idiumom T Profsoiuza rabochikh rashini.strooniia 19 noiabria 1~56 goda... Moskva, Mashgiz, 1961. 69 p. (HIRA 15:6) 1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostroyeniya S&EM. 2. Glavnyy tekhni- cheskiy inspektor Tgentrallnogo koriteta profsoyuza mashitostroye- niya SSSR (for Ignatok). 3. Moskovekiy institut okhrarq truda Vee- soyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov (for Shifman). 4. Ho- skovskiy zavod "Stankolit" (for Yoretakiy). 5. Uchenyy sekretarl Vauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta liteynogo rashinostroyeniya i liteynoy tekhnologii (for Shulenin). 6. Tekbnicheskiy inspektor TSentrallnogo koriteta profsoyuza mshinostroyeniya SSSR (for Mikhaylova). 7. Moskovskiy avtozavod im. Likhacheva (for Kogan). (Continued on next card) IGNATOK, A.I.-- (continuod) Card 2. 8* Goaudarstvennyy institut po proycktirovaniyu stankootroitell- rjykh, instrumentalinykh, abrazivnykh zavodov i zavodov i zavodov kuz- nechno-pressovogo mashinostroyeniya (for Narbekova). 10. Gosu- darBtvenrVy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po sudostroyeniyu (for Sidorochkin). (Founding-Safety measures) kTOKj,_,N.L, red.; LABUTIN. V.P. 9 red.; IVANOV, J.Z. r stz-asX71 inzh.p(, tekhnike bezopasnosti, red.; GANUSHKIIIA9 Ye.V., kand, tekhn. rAaILI-.1 red.; PIAKM 9 A.S.9 kand. med. nauk, starshyy nauchnyy sotr., rod.; SR4YGOVA, K.N.f red.; FESELIO M.I., starsby), tekhnolog, red.j ALEKSEYEV, A.I., red.; DOBRIMNA, R.I.v tekhn. red. [Safety and sanitation regulations for electroplating shops] Pre- vile. tekhniki bezopasnosti i proizvods.vernoi sanitarii pri pro- izvodstve metallopokryt1i. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo mash!mostroit. lit-ryp 1961o 30 pe I (MIRA 14:8) 1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostrayeniya SSI;t. 2. GlavrO7 tekbni- cheakiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza raboahikh ma- shinostroyeniya SSSR (for Ignatok). 3. Nachallnik laboratorii Metal- lopokrytiy Nauchno-isbledovatellskogo instituta tekbnologii avto- mobillnoy prowyehlennosti (for Labutin). 4. Nauahnq-issledovatells~iy institut tokhnologii avtomobillnoy promyshlennosti (for Ivanov). 5. Nachallnik laboratorii metallopokry-O.y Nauchno-isslodovatellskogo instituta tekhnologii traktornogo i sellskokhozyaystvennogo mashino- stroyeniya (for Ganushkina). 6. Moskovskt3r nauelmo-issledovatellskiy institut okhrany truds, Voesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo sovet& Drofsoyuzov (for Plakhin). 7. Moskov6kiy zavod malolitrazhnykh avt6~~4117ey (for Fesell). S. Glavnyy Iconstruktor Gosudarstvennago instituta po pro- yektiruvaniyu zavodov avtomobillno pro"shlennosti (for Alekseyev). (Electroplating-Safety measures (Factory sanitation) DUKMIN,, Yu.A.,, inzh.j.jgNATOK, A.I., inzh.0 otv. red.; DOBRITSYNA, R.I.0 takhn, red, [Safety and industrial sanitation regulations for the beat treatment of metals; approved by the Central Committee Presidium of the Trade Union of Machinery Industry Workera]Pravila tekhniki bezopasnosti i proizvodstvennol sanitarii pri termicheskoi obrabotke metallov. Ut- verzbderq Prezidiumom TsK profaoiuza r-ibochikh mashinostroeniia 6 iiulia 1960 g. Moskva,, Goo. naucbno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.lit,- ry, 1961. 50 p. (Kuu 14: n) (Metals-Heat treatment) (Industrial safety) (Industrial hygiene) DUFMIN, YU.A., in2b.; IGNATOXJ_~A-i I red.; FIAIZOVSMA, T.A., BtarahJY naucbnyy sotr.., red.; WITHITEVA, A.A., red.; KAZANSM , A.Y., istarshiy inzh., red.; PMROV, Ye.N., red.j. SKMUVA, G.V., tekbn. red. (Regulations for safety and sanitary measures for the painting of parts in the machine'ry industryl Pravila tekbniki bezopasnoti i proizvodstimnnoi vanitarii pri okraske izdelii v mashInostroenii. Utverzbdery postanovleniem Prezidiwaa TsK profsoiuza rabochikh mw- shinostroeniia 27 iiulia 1960 g. Moskva,, Gos. nauohno-tekhn, izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ryf 1961. 92 p. (MIRA 14111) 1. ProfBoyuz rzbochikh mashinostroyeniyo SSSR. 2. Komissiya TSentrall- nogo komiteta ptbfbbyuza rabochikh mashinostroyeniya, SSSR i Mookovskly avtomekhanichskiy institut (fcr rhikhanin). 3. Gl&vW tekhnicheskiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta, profsqyuza rabochikh mashinostroye- niya SSSR (for Ignatok). 4. Moskovskiy institut okhrarq truda (for Fialkovskaya). 5. Nachallnik proyektnogo byuro Moskavskogo zavC mlolitrazbmykh avtomobiloy (for Dmitriyeva). 6, Nauchno-iseledavatell- skiy institut tekhnolokii traktornoge i seltakokhozyaystvemogo ma- shinostroyen4aVor Kazanskiy).7. flachallnik otdela Nauelmo-issledo- vatellskogo tekhnologicheekogo inatituta avtomobillnoy pron7shlen- nosti (for Fedorov).' (Painting, Industrial-Safety measures) IGN-ATOKI A.1 1' inzh.p red.; SIDOHOCHKIV, S.S., inzh.p red.; DOBRITSINA, .R.I., tekbn. red. [Regulations for safety and sanitary measures in the production of acetylene, oxygen and in gas metal cutting] Fravila tekhniki bez- opasnosti i proizvodstvennoi sanitarii pri proizvodstve atsetilona, kinloroda i gazoplamennoi obrabotke metallov. Utverzhdeny postanovle- niez Prezidiuma TeX profsoiuza rabochikh mashinostroeniia 29 sentiabria 1958 g, Mookva$ 14ashgiz, 1961. 98 p. (M IRA 14: 11) 1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostroyaniya SSSR. (Gas welding and cutting-Safety measures) (Oxygen) (Acetylene generators--Safety measures) IGNATOK A.I., red.; SHAYKEVICH, A.S., red.; VOLKOV, Yu.N., red.; ELITEPHAN, Ye.M., red.; PKRWVA, S.A., red.; NIKOLAYEV, N.A., red.; ERENBURG, G.S., red.; BUTKOVSKAYA, Z.M., red.; CHERNILOVSKAU, F.M., red.; YANKOVSKIY, V.F., red.;MALYGIN, O.P., red.; BOGOMOIDV, I.G., red.; KOZLOV, A.A., red.; SMIRNOV,LL, inzh,,red.; ROGOV,, B.A., red.; PETRUKWVA, G.N., red. izd-va; DEMKINAp N.F.p tekhn. red. (Safety and industrial sanitation regul,%tions for making boilers and metal constractions]Pravila tekhniki bezopasnosti i proiz- vodstvennoi sanitarii pri proizvodstva kotellnykh rabot i metallo- konstruktaii. Utverzhdeny 29 avgusta 1961 gods. Moskva; Mashgiz., 1962. 28 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostroyaniva SSSR. 2. Glavnyy tekh- nicheskly inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh mashinost-!4--.--,.--- ~ya (for Ignatok). 3. Starshiye nauchnyye sotrud- niki Leningradskogo instituta, okhrany trudp- Vaesoyuznogo tsentrall- nogo sovet-a profsoyuzov (for Shaftevich, Volkov .. Ellterman,Perlava). 4. Nachallnik otdela Vaesoyuznogo proyaktno-tekhnologichaskogo In- stituta tyazhelogo mashinostroyaniya (for Nikolayev). 5. Starshiye nauchnyye aotrudniki Leningradskogo instituta gigiyeny truda i profaabolevaniy (for Erenburg, Butkovskaya, Charnilov3kaya). (Continued on neit card) IGNATOX, A.I.; TSYGANOVp M.A.; KUGINISI B.L.; KHRANTSOV, V.A.; DUKHO11-1, Yu.A., retsenzent; SIMONS, D.Ya., red.; FOCIrIAREVA, AN., red.izd-va,- DOBRITSYNA, R.I.,; 34IWWA, G.V., tekhn. red. [Manual on safety engineering and industrial bygiene in machinery industry enterprises] Spravochnik po, tekhnike bezopasnosti i proizvodstvennoi sanitarii dlia pred- priiatii mashinostroaniia. Sost. A.I.Ignatok i dr. Mo- skva, Mashgiz, 1962. 591 P. 41IRA 15:2) (Machjuer7 iva"stry ow-Safety measures) (Machinery industry-Ilygienic aspects) OMELITAUMW, T.P. , PO'kovnik; Iawosny, s.A., Inshener-mayor Compute the aerod mic drift &Ugle -off XJ-4. yggt. lozd.ln_ n0-7:83 84 T.1 t6o. 019110OPters) (XIU 13: 7) 41P -.j R Tao 1L8 ~v D Lt t> C0000 I lz a I G N AT05Y Ati ~5 PRO I