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w IGIAPIDI, Z. Damages caused by frost-cracks in our oaK forests. p. dl. kAZ FOIShULJ KUZu2-IEt4Yk;j, No. ;ep LY5b. Sopron, Hun~:ai7) SO* Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. C), no. 50, Sep. iy57. llncj-. IWNDY,t Z. "Fungi causing the decay,of the stumps of oak seedlings in forest." p. 3,31 EMESEMUDGMANYI 1071 NM, Erdomernoki Folskole. Az Erdomernoki Foickola Kozlemenysi Sopron, Hungary Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC,, Vol. B. No. 6., June 1959 Uncl. Hungary/Plant Diseases. Diseases of Forest Flmts. Q-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol.t No 8, 1958, 34925 Author : Inst : Not given Title : Effect of the Enviromental Factors on the Dis- tribution of Xanthocrous obliL-uus (Pers) B. and G. in the Planting of the Austrian Oak in Hills and Mountains. (Vliyaniye faktorov sredy na ras- prostraneniye Xanthocrous oblif,-uus (pers.) B. et G. v nasazhdeniyakh duba avstriyskovo v us- loviyakh kholmov i gor) Ori- Pub : Erdo, 1957, 6, No 4, 121-124 0 Abstract : No abstract Card 1/1 IGHANDY., Zoltan paipar n pungi of oak and their effect an the qualitY Of V"d no.nsw-346 N 159~ :L. Frdomrnoki rolgkola Irdovedelextani Tanezekep SoPrOne lMqAnY,, Zoltan, dr*; PAGOVY, Rubertv dre Data on the life of Lyctua linearia Gooze, Faipar 12 no,6:190- 192 Je 162, 1. Erdomernoki Foiskola eo Erdeszeti Tudamw7os Intezet, IGMANDY, Zolt&n, dr., egyatemi docann (Sopron); 1"AGONY, Hubert, dr. Dangerous fungi perilous to white and grey poplars in Hnngary. Erdo 14 no.l-.19-25 A 165. 1, Scientific Divielon Chief, Scientific InstitutA of Forestry, Sopron (for Pagony). GAVRITA, I., Prof,; CUOU9 A.; I(MA, X. Notes on cases of leptoopirosis in the clinic for contagious diseases in Cluj. Med. int., Bww. 10 no.5s679-686 Nq 58. L rucrare efectvAta in clinics. do boli contagioase, Cluj. (IMPTOSPIROGIS, case-reports in Ramanians in Cluj. etiol.. epidemiol. & diag.) GAVRILA, 1.9 prof.; COMESs L,, conf.; IGN !t , dr. ; 014i!SCIUC, I - P dr. BOTAI R.,, dre Problems of interpretation of aideremia in the diagnosis of jaiindices. W. intern., Buour 12 no.llsl6l9-1627 N 160. ,L Lucrare efectuate, in Clirxica de boli contagioase, Cluj, director prof. L Gavrila. (IRON blood) (JAMMICE diagnoais) COMES, L., conf.j KJRESEANU, T.; IONA, M.; URCAN, S.; SERHAN, I. Stnphylococcal infections in the clinic of infectious diseases. Micro- biologia (Bucur) 6 no.1:21-22 Je.-F 161. COMFS, L., conf.; IGNA, M.1 URGAN, 1. Staphylococcal acute angina. Hicrobiologia (Bucur) 6 no.100-31 Ja-F t61. GAVRILAq I.; GOMSp L.1 IGNA, M.; BERDILA, L.; MARBA, M.; TUXAS, G.; KIRALY I M. TranBaminaeo and &ldolase in the diagnosis of epidemic hepatitis. Stud. cercet. mad. intern. 3 no.4:461-471 162. (JAUNDICE) (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (ASPARTATE AMITIMMiSFERASE) (ALDOLASE)' RL"IA GAVRnA, I., Profossor;,IGNA. M.., MDj GOMM, V.0 MD; 50LOVIEvt U.p MD; NEGMIREANU, T.pMD. Clinic of Contagious, Diseases (Clinica do boli contagioase), Clujj Directors ProfessovI. Gavrila. - (for aU) Bucharest, Viw~a Medicala No 5., 1 Uar 63, pp 313-322. "The Accidents in CorticotherapV in Infectious Pathology." IGNACHAX, I. [Ihnachak, 1.1 (Tarshava) --'- Aropagation of stresses in an Indefinite medium vith a hole caused by a dynamic nucleus of thermooleatio deformation, PiTkl.mekh. 6 no.4:368-374 160. (KMA 13 -. 11) 1. Institut oonovnykh ]problem takhniki, Pollskaya AN. (Thermal stresses) BLAIM, AlIcja, IG?IACIUK, A13na Frfect of therapy on the growth and development of hypothyrold children. Fol. tyg. lek. 19 no.36:1367-1169 7 S 164. 1. Z 11 KlinAki PPdIatryczrej Akridemil Mo--dyczrej w War-szawle kJerawnik (prof. dr. med. T. Lewenfisz-Wojnurowska/', IGNACY, ErwIn Chendoal Abet. VOL 48 1(0- 8 A r, 23# 1954 P Biological Mwalistrr Tho Offed'O a dkt m upon is* a Cima 21.01 le Au %tin nr~ I Sci. res 1704T.- J&) g. of cooked beans by a human subject and by a dog In, ervased -he pit of uflne from approx. 5 to S. UrIft Na and K also increwl, Nits and P decreased. and 0 concn. was unchanged. Sem-n Not content demamd from 515 0352t..C.90'. Thealkstkmisicitthtdamat.inito2hn.I jq_kki!~k~lerelx In 3-to 4 bri. P. L. E. LUKASIEWICZ, M. j FRAENKEL, E.; tachnika spolupraca HOVAN, J.; IGNACZ., I. Contribution on a method of evaluating the analgesic action of drugs. Cask. farm. 12 no,W3-89 F 1621 1. Farmakologicky ustav Lekarskaj fakultyFPJS, Kosice. I (ANALGESICS AND ANTIPrMICS) fPHAMACOLOGY) I IGNAGZ,, Janos; NAGY, Mihaly; URANT, Ivan; RADNOTI, Laoslo; TAKACS,, Kalma Manufacturing joined leatherboards from splits and split vaste materials. Bor cipo 10 no.307-80 My 160o 1. Ujpeati Borgyar (for Ignacs and Nagy). 2. Boripari Kutato Intexat (for Lorant and Radnoti). 3, Borip4ri Igasgatosag'(for Taiads). j LMMT, Ivanj RAIVOTIO Iaazlol TAJKACSp ICIIACZ _.Jan.9.01 NAGY) Mihaly) Haking joined leather boards of splito and eplit refueefis Bor cipo 10 no,3t77-80 Hy160 1. Ujpesti Borgyar (for Ignacs and Nagy). 2. Boriparl. Kutato rntezet (for Lorant and Ra&oti)o 3. Boripari Igasgatonag (for Takaos). 4. *Bor- as CipDtschnIk&* azirkessto bizotteagi tagja (for Lorant)e I-I.-F-I m-~ .., - - I.- -1-11-I.- 'i - 1!- ,..l. '' - 1 _z- ",i.I : , ., , 1 -1 . .. - . .11 . 7- . . ., -- mi 0 m ~4 WE- - .- - - - .- , ,- - - -,- - I - I - I taL-.~-L:6 Id Pogo" TM A Memo OIN"I WIMMY. w"foom cob$ ad 1"11 r. 44 W" "w%wh"L qpwmko of 4 I@ aboo wow "Agiva ol a win&* .W.'a w ow is WOWW7 to "r-&" faun inow Fv"I* ,W.y WWWCWW mom. 8'd we 6d CM pm kvi so CWNN room ft do whoom so be PMWIAA P.j , ~OW40"WhkpWar, ow to uw bw I-L Im at so as" a b br" M b dwm go lpav lu mom bw and 16 am fw ow do bm" 10 do md carsity Am the wft callam um vocilk MM IMMW. Tlw woobw of of tha Ale ja dwon by so kWKew wd wwwOb *m pie WCW-Y tm somprom ON m , lh- Raky cmacts cim dw W%VM ,",kwon of dw dm wwl adjualfflost' Cm 08 N%wm *won". is bmw on amim -4 ft wrops" The mobw L GRM r"wm as *fIvei KE I r - - - - --,- --- ---- 7 a "Influence of an error In measuring power on the accuracy of the determination of tha phase angle." Flektrotechnika, Budapest,, Vol. 471, No. 2, Feb. 1954p p. 57-4 SO: Eastern European Accessions List,, Vol. 3, No. n, Nov. 1954,,L.C. IGNACZ. P. IGRACZ, P. Xxtinguisher tub# surge d1vertors And their development In Hungary. P. 137 Vol* 49s no* 6s June 1956 ZMTROT2CHINIA TWENOLOGY bu""St, HunfArY SO: last Aropoan Acoession, Val. 6. no. 3. Karch 1957 71 Ignacz, P. Reduced scale models and compating machinO3 In the service of raising the technical standard of electric-ower Industry. P. 193 LUKTROTSU-NIKA. (hagyar ZlektrotecFmikai Egyeaulet.) Budapest,*Hungary. Index to V. 51, 1958. Vol-52, no.5/6. 1959 Monthly List of East Suropean Accesnions (E.'Al) LC, Vol. 8, no.11 November 1959 Uncl. IGNACZ, Palp Nossuth-6jaso a mussaki tudomanyok doktara Work of the JUsatrio Power Resoarch Institute in the past ton years. llaktrotochnika 53 no,,2/3,54-59 160# 10 Inteseti ipsgato. 11 1, ICKAGWO Jazef Rayleigh waves in a nonhomogeneous isotropic elastic semi- space. Pt.l. Jrchiv meoh 15 no.3041-346 163. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Buie Technical Problems Polish Aaadaq of Sciencess Wersox. Isnoczak. *16xcf Thermal dLs eats in an CLU* to sudden tearg of the boundary plam Arch. Mech. Stos. 9 (1957). 39-5-416. (Polish and Russian summaries) This paper contains a solution of a special problem in the theory of thermoelasticity. The problem is dynamical In the senst that it I tt lynamical equations of ,jeCoys hue ( the i incl des the term aTI-N in the equa on governing t e distribution of the temperature T; it does not however include in, this equation the term proportional to the rate of change of the dilatation intro- duced by M. A. Biot (J. Appl. Phys. 27 (1956)..240-253; MR 17, 10353 and thE:efore its solution cannot be de- scribed as a completely dynamical solution. The boundary conditions on the displacement field vector uj(xj, x3, x2', 1) are uj(11, X2, 0, 0 =0, U&J, X1, X8, 0) =0, Ot(xj, X2, X3, 0)-0 to that they too are rather special and do not co d to an obvious physical situation. The LZLMbFtn~e solid is produced by a steady heat Wurce of strength TO situated at the point (11*, W. 0 . The formal solution of the problem is obtained b jntucng a "thermoelastic dynamic potential" func%n O'with the yroperty vj- 1 aln 4j'ex, and by the use of Fourier tramlOTM3; cert I 7,k properties of retarded potentiMs are also employed , 1,014. numerical results are quoted. 1, N. Sweddon (Glasgov,) ThjeM&1_9r_MtC In a long cylinder ~~~LO_Z%Lscontlnuous manner ever the lateral surface. Arch. Mech, Stos, 10 (1958). 2.5-34. (Polish and RuWan summaries) -- The temperature stressft are iound in a long solid circular cylinder under steady state conditions; the sur- face temperature is constant circwnferentially and varies axially as Heaviside's step function. Integration of the equations of themo- elasticity is effected by introducing the tbermoelastic potential of displacement. E. ff. Maxifidd (Famborough). -Distro 4Vb(b) 1W IT T454: Twup I CL_The stresses due to xuam of themoel a"r a seml-influlte puR ataini" a "micircular notch. Amh, Nech. Stos.-W 713, (Polish and Russian summaries) Consider a semi-infinite elastic plate, the straight edge of which has a seml-ckctilar notch. The paper aWs tit ibe two-dimensio fu-tTo-nippropriate to a center of dilatation which lies on the axis of symmetry in the: interior of the plate. Starting with the known elementary solution for the center of dilatation inside a half-plane, the Pthor reduces the residual problem to the solution of an infinite system of linear algebraic ejuations. This is Accomplished by means of a scheme originally employed by blaunsell (Philos, Mag., Ser. 7, 21 (1936), 765-7731 in connection with the problem of the notched plate under tension. (A solution in integral form to the present residual problem could be obtained on the bmis of C. B. Ling's U. Math. Phys. 26 (1947), 284-289; MR 9, 481) approach to Afaunsell's problem.) E. Stertiberg (Providence, R.I.) 23903 24JI? %,_,ai, not, 2,907 r/033/60/012/002/008/008 D214/D301 AUTHORS: Piechockip 17kadyslaw, and Ignaczakj J6zef (Varsavi) TITLE: Some problems of dynamic distortion in lk,-herrio- elasticity PERIODICAL: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 12, no. 2, 100609 259 - 278 TEXT: The problems of dynamic thermal distortion considered here are those of a temperature field discontinuous in space and time. By analogy with a static case, a non-steady atate nucleus of thermoelastic strain which may be surfacep linear, or point nucle- us, is introduced an it means that in a body of volume V the tem- perature distribution has the form T*(xit 91; t) = S(xi - 91) VIC,)) (0-4) where SW is the Dirac functiont knowledge of the solution Card 1/7 23903 P/03 60/012/002/008/008 Some problems of dynamic ... D214YD301 denoted by [s*(Xiy ~jf t)] of the dyna-mic problem for a non-steady state nucleus enables one to obtain the solutions for any other temperature distribution T = T(xip t) from I$ (XII 01 -1 dTj [S* (xi, It; tT)j T (it; T) dV (11). (0-5) The problems considered here are poiAt symmetric for the elastic sphere and the infinite body with a spherical cavity. For the case of a non-steady state nucleus of thernoelastic strain distributed over a spherical surface in an infinite body, the temperature dis- tribution has the form T(r, r0 6(r r0 where is the Dirac function. For a te;nperature field die--v continuous in time the authors obtain Card 2/7 23903 P/03 60/012/002/008/008 Some problem of dynamic ... D214X501 )-,#act ro #Oct r0 Mi to -to- ra+r~ + -c' + r.-T -r+ t t)- (t Iro+r + to - t)ln (r.-r) + (t- . ct ct I c et + It- In (t-e- r-ro)-,, + ct ct + T-ral 17 Ir-re + to- r+re),7(r-+tro+t,- 17 (t 'cl t) - (t cl The Eq. (1.23) may be-interpreted as follows: During the period 0 < t ----t* an infinite elastic body containing the spherical sur- face r = r was heated to a constant temneraturef the sphere hav- 0 Card 3/7 23903 P/033/60/012/002/008/008 Some problem of dynamic D214/D301 ing a coefficient of thermal dilatation other than the surrounding riedium, the elastic properties being the same. Ifq in the region of the spherical shell r r e-' r there exists an inclusion o~" 2 f a different coefficient of thermal dilatation from that of the Sur- rounding bodyp and if the entire*body is heated to a u-niforri te-a- perature during the period 0 _< t, a is free from stress, a" Finally a surface nucleus varying periodically in the neigIrbor.'.0 6d of the spherical cavity has the potential function givcn by oe-101 sh h r c-'-- shh r h,r h, ro r 00 0 (4-7) (s+*.-t),- e-h' a ts+ h, fw1cl. 2 h, r, r(1'~,-a) There are 19 references: 5 Soviet-bldc and 2.4 non-Soviet-bloc. The four most recent EngliBh-language references rjad as follows: E. Sternberg and E.L. McDowell, On the steady state thermo-elastic problem for the half-space.-Quart. Appl. Yatuh.;14, 14, 1957, 381- 396; In-N. Sneddonp P.J. Lockett, On the St-eady'-State The=oelas- tic Problem for the Half Space and the Thick Plate, Quart. Journj appl. M'ath.p Brown University in press., 1950";,E. Sternberg and Card 6/7 Some problem of dynamic 9os. 23993 P/03 60/012/002/008/008 D214YD301 J.G. Chakravorty, Thermal,Shock in an Elastic Body with a Spheri- cal Cavity, Quart. Appl. Math. 2, 17, 1959; E. Sternberg, Tran- sient Thermal Stresses in an Infinite Medium with a Spheric Ca- 4h A% vity, Proc..Kon. Ned. Akad. Weten -, 5 B, 60, 1957, 39-49. ASSOCIATIONs Department of Machanic a of Continuous Media, 1BTP, Polish Academy of Sciences SUBMITTED: November 20, 1959 Card 7/7 26615 /,,,/,,,,/()ol/001 /033/60, jb%ef alary qilell- 'bOux' 0-ble'a 0~ V;:0615 'PT tvitc Of 8.111 1C)r00 I al 4 ..zs'VL _~~_etv Ue 'r i, c Oro 'J~ejuie'q .4. 3.29 Of V 0, ne 0 to -PT0,01-ell 0-p- e, IS131, a 'astl 0 a VUU1 -,,fare yli. 435 .1 Gael'- ical a 869 st'jo .LON' p~Ler A,086 ?Iler '0-rittelnL ela Of 901alMle 61 'be tlle%%O VLS tjje te ran -tTje Uti.0 tus tui-dy- tjje .1voe of 901 -t Iill r o'b Ouvo j oT a 'V-'tYL fro'a a Ill aelLce 86CC OWN ti.0 9 for 'Vt J-tj sat"a seo~ J-r~+'o Moe1a, seu e9' ,,.IT e f 16 e free f 01 of 8, ~ -t-aeTl StT Iss-tic + tuTe ,V,e.r%oe.tejU-qeTa_ aT f 060 -o-OTL 0 an& %YeTa ite Lje t' tUe .1aTa 90111 see te -t'he -9 3e- & t-ric 6%110 t e O'Pta 'A'Y16 '1_ wa'0-01 '%0t6 ,ae 1e . of tt'e 60 .PIS, "011. 'a.,. jjju+,aoxjt le i -t-ae 06i se _j, V1 , 0 T, ~TLe f -a a 0,01'elot O'helltjoil Of 1 T lus, a .'e lAeTi-cal .ro'01e +4 '9 OfoT st-Le 'P 'he else 'he-Miev 0, t-reA '00ele t bj f tAeT _t,tLe j.6 90 to 0 -,e% 61e 26615 ,/60/012/004/001/007 P/033 The axially symmetric boundary ... D242/D301 found that the four infinite systems of equations for the coeffi- cients of the aub-seq4ence solutions may be solved by considering only two systemsp from which the other two sets of coefficients may be obtained directly. There are 8 non-Soviet-bloc references: The 4 most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: E.L. McDowell, E. Sternberg, Axisymmetric Thermal Stresses In a Spherical Shell of Arbitrary Thickness, J. Appl. Mech. 24, 1957I,,3M B. Sharmap Stresses Due to a Nucleus of Thermoelastic Stra (i in an Infinite Elastic Solid with Spherical Cavity and (ii) in a Solid Elastic Sphere ZAMPP 2, 8, 1957p 142-150; R.A. Eubanksq Stress Concentration Due to a Hemispherical Pit at a free Surface. J. Appl. Mech. 1, 219 1954, 57-62; D. Collins, On the Stress Distributions due to Force Nuclei in an Elastic Solid Boun- ded Internally by a Spherical Hollow and an Elastic Sphere, ZAMP, lip 1960. ASSOCIATION; Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, IBTP Polish Academy of Sciences SUBMITTEDs January 220 1960 Card 3/3 0 -- ----- - - ~ --- --- -- - - - -- -- - --- IGNACZAK, Jozef (Warsaw) -OL ---------- A plane. problem of dynamic thermal distrotion in thermo- elastidity. Archiw meoh 12 no.5/6t763-774 160. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Basic Technsial Problems, Poliah AcaderV of Sciences, Warsaw, 10-6400 4. 0 AUT11OR: TITLEt VERIODICALt 26348 P/033/61/013/003/003/008 D28T/D303 Ignaczak, Jd`Zef (Warsaw) Transient thermal.stresses in an elastic semi-space after a number of thermal shock cycles Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 13, no. 3, 19019 327-335 TEXT: The author points out that one-dimensional problems of thermal shocks on the surface of an elastic semi-space treated by V. I. Danilov- skaya (Ref. 1: Prikl. Mat. Mekh.,, 31, 14 (1960), and Ref. 2t Frikl. Mat. Mekh., 3, 16 (1952)) and others concerned only classical dynamic problems of thermoelasticity and did not concern the coupling between the strain field and the temperature field. According to W. Nowacki (Ref. 6s Arch. Mech. Stos., 3, 9 (1957)~ 326-335) a thermal shock consists in a discon- tinuity of the temperature in function of time, at the boundary or inside the region, In the present paper, the classical assumptions of dynamic problems of thermoelasticity are made to consider the general one-dimen- sional case of a finite number of thermal shocks on the boundary of the Card 1/6 26348 P/033/61/013/003/003/008 Transient thermal stresses ... D287/D303 semi-space. In additiong it is assumed that between two successive time-discontinul ties the temperature of the boundary can be approximated in a continuous manner by means of straight line segments (where two neighboring cycles may differ by the type of time variability) and that the temperature becomes constant after a certain number of cycles and the stresses vanish with time. For solving the problem, the author assumes that the edge of the semi-space x :),0 is acted on by successiTe cycles of thermal shocks uniformly distributed over the bounding plane. The stress V 1 1% CYx9t) and the temperature T ~ T(xt) are functions of the variables x and t only. The author then discusses the equation of motion in stress with the initial and boundary conditions, and the classical one-dimensional beat equation with the initial and boundary con- ditions. After performing the Laplace transformation the author obtains the solution of the problem for x N 0 in two equations which, when in- verted ', give the two equations for the temperature and the stress. The latter two equations are used by the author for further analysis of the problem. The general problem is shown graphically in Fig~ 1, which re- presents three groups of cyclic shocks, each being characterited by a Card 2/6 Transient thermal stroasos4ea P~OAYI 81,/013/003/003/008 D287 D303 sudden temperature rise and fall and a state in which it is conatants T - T o To T_ - T_ 1 4 T7 T , T; 4 T7 T = T 2 54' T 7 T a T 5 8 r3 r- - 6 9 "3= t1 t6_t5 t3_t2 t t7a t 2- tj # te_t4 - t2_ tj t 7-t6 tl tO_t8 - t3_t2 " These groups end with states of constant temperatures. The author then considers some special cases of successive thermal cycles for the elastic semi-space. He discusses two cbses of thermal shock cycles followed by states of constant temperatures, including the particular case where T 0 TI , T2 - T2 which corresponds to a gradual temperature rise Card 3/6 Mi 26348 P/033/61/013/003/003/008 Transient thermal stresseso.o D287/D303 from zero to T at the time ti and a sudden cooling of the surface to the temperature T + for t>t, & In this case, only one stress jump 2 will take place at the moment A I + x0/c.. The author is concerned with one cycle of thermal shock. beginning with a continuous temperature rise* He then considers three groups of thermal shock cycles repeated in a regular manner, ejLch containing two temperature discontinuity points corresj~onding to sudden beating and cooling, whereby he assumes that the temperatures of heat and cooling are constant for the entire thermal shock process and that the process ends with the cooling temperature 1 + t2 M t3 9 2t2 t-4 9 tI + 2t2 t5 T T , T - T T n T. T T T+ 0 2 4 1 3 1 3 5 ' f2 Tr4l The author points out that in the case of regularly repeated groups of Card 4/6 . 26348 P/o 01/013/003/cc-/Ocs Transient thermal stroaaes*os D.087YI)303 cycles where the level of heating and cooling is constant in successive time intervals, the stres.3 fatigue in a certain intermediate titne intervnl of the proccan ia more common thiin at the beginning of the themnl shock cycle and after the teraperature becomes constant. There are 4 M-tres and 8 referencesi 3 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The three i oces to Englijb-laigutige publictitiona read as followas, E. Sterubor,,, Chckravorty, On inertia ~ or irects in a transient th~emoeladtic yrL&.! J. ApI.I. Lech., 4, 26 (1-050); J. E. Ificheals, Thermnlly induced el~.~itic wave propagation in slender bars, Proc. Third U. S. Nat. Congr. Aijil. Mech., 1058;iJ. It. Dietrich, Wo 11. Zinn$ Solid ftiel reactors, Gelleral KuPl. Engin. Corp., 1958. XC IAT ION: Department of Mechanics of Continuous Vedia, IDTP,Polish Academy or Sciences )MMATTED: December 2, 1060 Card 5/0 I- IGHAGZAK'- JO-zef - -- --- Transient thermal stresses in an elastic semi-space after a number of thermal shook cycles. Arohiw meab 33 no.31325-327 161. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Mediat Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences. 10~~Mo 11,27 2,607 1"01 P/033/21M13/005/006/006 D265/D302 AUTHOR: Ignaczak, J6zef, and Nowacki, Witold (Warsaw) TITLE: Transversal vibrations of a plate, produced by heating PERIODICAL: Archiwum, mechaniki stosowanej, v. 13, no. 5, 1961, 651-667 TEXT: In this paper equations are derived for the harmonic forced vibrations of a plate therrally excited by the density of the three- dimensional temperature field moment acting along the plate thick- ness. The.longitudinal vibrations are assumed to be independent of the flexural vibrations. Starting from the heat equation V 2T 0, V 2 = ~2 + a2 + a2 7t ' 1 2 3 (1.11) in 3 dimensions coupled and not coupled with the deformation fieldq the basic equation is given for an infinite plate on elastic forms- Card 1/3 Transversal vibrations of 31129 P/03 61/013/005/006/006 D265YI)302 mations with a prescribed heat flow across the bounding surfaces harmonically varying in time [(82 + 62)2 _ 82+ kjW + (j+v)QLt(a2 + a2)g 0 (1.22) 1 2 1 2 and (a2 + 62 + a2 2 &h 1 .2 PU - iju 0, a N t 1 )1#1 (1.23) The problem is also considered for the vibration of a rectangular plate simply supportedp or simply supported on the contour and hav- ing an- additional support inside the plate region along the line parallel to the edge and for the plate of which one end is clamped and the other is simply supported. The thermal vibrations are also considered for a circular plate. An approximate solution is pro- vided for the above problems, consisting in the assumption that Card 2/3 IGNACZAK, Jozef A completeness problem for stress equations of motion in the linear elasticity theory, Archiw mech 15 no.2:225-234 163. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences,, Warsaw, and Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, Rhodes Island. IGNACZ~X,j Jczef (In the strean &quations of motl;;n in I lnn~zr- therwi6lasticit,70 A'rcbiw meeb 15 na.5z,6914Y95 163 1. Department of Mealmlzs of Ocnti,jucrus Vidia, Institute of ES31C TeCIMICal Problems, '-olJoh Avhdemy cf "IoAerk,:as, Wareave IGNACZAK' J.; CHIU JEN- YI I"ft% On the congruency of stress problem formulations in linear elastodynamicas Bul Ac Pol tech 12 no. 1: 1-4 1 164. 1. Department of Mectapics of Continuous Media, Institute of Fundamental Teabbical Problems, Polish Academy of .Sciences., Warsaw. Presented by W. Nowacki. IGNACZAK, J. Dynamic displacement field produced by a point source of heat moving with unifoi-m velocity in Pu infinite elastic solid. Bal Ac Pol tech 12 no. 3:177-180 164* 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuoui Media, Institute of Babi6-Tedhnical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences.. Warsaw* Presented by W.Nowacki. Mlodziez chlopska odpowiedzialna za przyazlosc wei. P. 167 (The peasant youth responsible for the future of rural co=.=ities. illus., ports.) Monthly Index of European Accessions (AEEI) Vol. 6, No. 11, November 1957 IGUR, S. Gospadarka spoldzieini produkcyjnych i POH w powiecie wyrzyskim. (Wyd. 1.) War- szawa, Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolmot,ze i Lesne, 1956. 321. p. (Management of production cooperatives and machine-tractor stations in W~wzysk District. 1st ed.) DA .. Not in DLC SO: Monthly List of,gast European Accessions (EFAL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 10, October,, 1957. Uncl. IGNAR, Stefan Purpose, methodg, and orgeni2stion of researoh on areas under- going induntrializatione Review Pol Academy 9 noolil-5 Ja-& 164 4 IGHAR, Stefan_-- Aims, methods# and organization of studies on the regions under industrialization. Nauka polska 12 no.104-58 Ja-F t64. 1. Vice President of the Council of Ministers, Warsaw. VASILIYEVA, G.A.5 FOLOVTSEVA, YuJ',.; LGN~4'ECIMIKOVA, II.V.; -ZAF'YM4TSEVA, I.H.; SUDIIIKJI R.H.; PRAWKI'0111., M.L., red.; KONMATIYEVA,T.F., kard.tekbn.nauk,red.; ALMHEVA,N.A.., inzh.rel. [Reliability and durability of piston machines; an- notated bibliographical index: Soviet and foreign literature publishe4 in 1960-1963] Nadezhnost' I dolgo- vechnostt porshnevykh mashin; armotirovannyi biblio- graficheakii ukazatell: otechostvennaia i inostrannaia literature 1960-1963 gg. Leningrad, Otdel nauchnc- tekhn. Informats'i1v 1964. 1" p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i konstruktorskiy institut khimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya. Leningradskly filial, Repairing collar nut '61. 1. Nizhne-Tagillakiy Sbor.rats.predl.vnedr.v metallurgicheakiy kombinat. (Bolts and nuts) 1-2,9 61 -ErOP(q)/ZaT(m)/BDS---~AFFTC)~APD--JD L !3Z-,Cd73S-X. 1;') e, a-',/ 63 ccrl 003/C-09 0103 7:L A. U 0~ vosibiralt); (7nashev, Yc.. 4.0 i-n 7 A T -L- -Z S., ntA, in ',~=idili!I-c-a hild' I-L ~ ring molybaenv-"l co:Tacts into Strip n -10 3, !~, 13, 9- 3 OUC-L-13: ForosWcov-aYa 0-. -,OpIC TArS.- molybdenurm po-.qer, com-pacting, silatering, rollinC,,, ,"Ditaininj I- to A production tcchn-jqv,,z *-laS batm develorcd for ) 1,:~c :.*, J.--D ar, sh-acts measuring 110 x 11( 77;.'~I, 4CIVII includc,3 I) I-n2 prV thc to b`llr!!-~ X of n-- ting mx tricxida obtainal b7 rOas of 'Inn of moly"7den,'" Metal scr-,n~ L "R: A?30-01957 millior- ne,,;ton/m;v ; hicner pmssi)-r-as or tl,-- uz_~- of fi--~r 7;mrdlero at tl'~. ,-~.'Oycd prom.0tc"d I'Lliration Of, the cO-_pn_ctI. The :-,--2n for 1 t-,r at 1075-1-125C _nnd thon for 2-3 h= at 17c0-175C-'_7. Oin- had a wniform, finc-,-~,incd structuarz (111-2C, thousz:~_nd ~,~~ns/ n - '10 C ~.e n s i tY 0 f 9 - 5 - 10 - 5 G/cm Tl C! b 111 c t 5r-- ! i tc d I- o I II 0C - 7 2 3 ~_roC~,.-: atmosphere and rolled (wit'hout prc:Cor_-'_nZ,) with a 10-15' -r-arluctio.- ~-,Tv T ~ hot-rolled -to vore z):IcO, in -~~ss 4nto 511,2ets 1-5 to 3-5 um, thic!7- h! i:olte- potassixi nitrate, ourfacc-colditio-cd y 2--ld aft~cr ~_e~atin,-, -0 3-c- LOCC in air rollcd into s trips 1 to 3 rm fi:Clc;'-.. 177o ";a3 o .Oscrved d'~Lrin,~ !iuj,3cqucnt blarkIn" and st:%7.-.:-.-,. 11:i 7. a:-t. 1--s: M)SCOM, ION : none m): olux-,62 mr, Aco: jul63 E'~:CL: 00 SUB COM* 00 1110 Mt- r, SOV' 003 OTHER- 001 C~Ird ~Kdrff_d_: ~_W C T03- - -AW-FIT i M JUp" EWFAV0017ya MZ U - I I AD' ACC 101,11 1111 tj 10 3/01WW000/007/0031/0031 j( _3448 AUTHORS: i5naahev, Ye. P.; Kharin, A. U. TITLEt Intermediate annealinv- of Molybdenu-n wire 2_1 . SOURCE: Metallovedenye , tellrmicheakaya oYrabotka metallov. no. 191163, 31 TOPIC TAGSt wire annealirG, molybdenu.-i wire, brignt annealing ABSTRACT: Basic characteristio of fino mol7jbdenum wire, used f3r radio tube spiralling, is elongation per unit length. The mechani- operties- of molybdenum, wire can be improved by heat treatment, Pr A L Authors established that bright rearystallization/pnnealing of 2 Z: _' r,L 11 -~ - -L .'U- u,-, dJamtatar i-dre ass,.Lrea a aufficiently hlzll~iRdnd uniform elon- Q gation after drawing to 100-30 microns and supple!T-entary annealing. A.-t-'ale contains a figure which shows the effect of annealing Lem- perature for two heats on the elongation per unit. In the case of heat A, the required elongation Is attained only at an annealing temperature of 1450-1540C. In the case of heat B, this is not attained, if recryntallization annealing were not carried out. The Card JA L 12694-63 ACCMSIOX VR: AP3003448 annealing was done by drawing the w4re through a tubular hydrogen furnace at a rate of 12-14 meters per minute. Orig. art. has: I f ltplre. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTM: 00 DATE ACQt 02Aug63 MICL: 00 SUB CODE: FIL NO REF SOVt 001 OTHM: 000 Card 2A SOV/137-59-3-5930 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 140 (USSR) AUTHORS: Blagodatskiy,. L. I., Ignashin, V. F., Klimovitskiy, Z. L., Tupitsyn, S. P. TITLE: A Gantry-type, Two- electrode Machine for Two-sided Spot Welding (Portal' naya dvukhelektrodnaya mashina dlya dvukhstoronney tochechnoy avarki) PERIODICAL: Byul. tekhneekon. inform. Sovnarkhoz Bryanskogo ekon. adm. r-aa, 1958, Nr 1, pp 28-31 ABSTRACT: A machine for resistance spot welding of the sides of all-metal, large-capacity refrigerator cars was developed and adopted at the Bryansk machine -building plant. The machine is capable of per- forming two spot welds simultaneously. The current for each electrode is supplied from two transformers of a capacity of 150 kva each. Under completely mechanized conditions, the produc- tivity of the machine amounts to 2000 spot welds per hour. The members being welded are 2-4 mm thick. A block diagram of the electrical system is presented together with over-all views of Card 1/1 the machine and of the complete installation. D.F. C:V "5 IGNASHKINAO M.S., assistant kw~~~ Natworks of lymph capillaries and vessels In the skin of the face. Trudy LBWa 9138-50 151. (MIRA 1111) 1, Kafedra nornallnoy anatoull Uningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyani- chaskogo maditsinskogo institute (sav. kafedroy - chl.korr. ANN 583R prof. Zhdanov D.A.) (FACB) (LYMMTICS) IGNA-I, .1 1 1. IKINA, Lymphattc systpm of the diaphragm in health and pathology. Trudy L,SGMI 651138-147 161, (KRA 17-4) 1. Kafedra normWnoy anatomil Leningradakogo nanitarno-giglyeni- chr.~skogc, meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy - prof. V.1I.NntiozhdIr). BAIASHEVP V.N.1 IGNASHKINA, M.S. Changes in the architectonics of the lymphatic system of the diaphragm in a rabbit with rA Brown-Pierce tumor. Arkh.anat gist i embr. 43 no.7:105-110 J1 162. (KM 5;4) 110 Kafedra normallnoy anatomil. (sav. - koktor med.nauk V.N. Nadezhdin) Leningradekogo, sanitarno-gigiyenichegkogo meditsinikogo instituta. DI (LYMTICS) (DIAPHRAGM--CANCE., BANISUEV, V.11.; IGNASHWNA, M.S. ~ Lymphatic systim of the parathyrolit gland.,i lirt enook. i gorm. 10 no.lj:52-55 S-O 16". le: 0) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomli (zav. - prof. V.N. fladezlidin) l,aniiigradekogo sanitarno-giglyunielieskogo rmiditflinskogo irist'.'tuta. ~,., $ -/ . r f ;- f - -. TUN ITSKIY, L.N. P" Irmumd' dat f isiko-matmatichaskikh nauk; IGWHK(M.A. L , kand4dat fisiko-matmaticheek1kh-nank now Alectric discharge lighting In an elongated tube. Syetotekhulka 1 no.2:23-26 Ap '55. - (Kin 8:9) - 1. Moskovskly elektrolampoW savod. (Fluorescent ligbting) 1GIAT, A. M. IGNATS A. M.- mOutlines of History of Development of People's Education in the Trans- Carpathian Oblasts During the Years of Soviet Government, (19hh-50." Min of Education Ukraine SSR., Kiev State Pedagogical Inst imeni A. M. Gorikiyp Kiev, 1955 (DissertationB for the Degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences) SO: AnizLm~aa Letopis' No, 26, June 1955, Moscow IGNAT _.D. _ing. Organisation of goods transportation in the large Famian cities. P*v transport 9 mo.M442-448 0 162. IGNATx Dan., ingo . ............................................4 To I.- OgAc flow in motorcar garapso Rev transport 10 no,.6463-2~ ~.Te 163, IuNAT, Dan, ing. - . - ~iI Machanizatlon of loading and urf-ididing oreratIons in the local transport of goo4 by automobiles. Ray transp 11 no.4:173-179 Ap 164. I I =IaA X IONASCU, Al., Dr, Lt-Col, SATMARI, C.. Dr. Col, IGNAT, Fl., Dr, Cpt, and STEFAN, I., Dr. Cpt LAffiliation not given] IoNew Laboratory Diagnostic Methods in Leukemias" Bucharest. Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 62, No 2. Mar-Apr 66, pp 345-351 Abstract: A survoy of the various diagnostic methods for leukemias (aiming at early identification as well as at classification of the type of leukemia In- volved), with emphasis on the two most useful methods, namely the cytochemical. reactions and the determination of Phl chromosomes. 'Includes one figure and 9 references, of which one Rumanian, one Russian, one German and 6 Western* Manuscript submitted 16 August 1965. 1/1 - 8 "Our reserves for increased-maize production*" P9 12 (Drumul Belsugului) No. 6., June 1957 Bucharestj, Rw4ania SO: Monthly Index of East turopean Accessions (EFAI) LC. Vole 7. noo 49 April 1958 A1,171 1-1/1 Ckt.-UISAII) C., Professor; GOLOGAN, I., MD; CUM, c., 1m; 3TANj A.2 hID; LGHATp GO) 1M. Clinic of Thoracic Surgery, Institute of !medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest. (Clinica do chirurgie toracica, I.M.F.) - (for all) acharest, Viata. Medicala No 7, 1 Apr-63, pp 447-450. "Long-Range Results of Surgical Treatment for Pulmonary Suppurations." sIO58162.1000101010261093 A061/A101 AUTHOR: _M. Tr=:* Latest InAsti'ations into th~ structure of elementary particles 9 FMIODICAL: Referittivn zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10, 1962, 25, Astract.10B205 ("Studii'0cercet9vi qtiin~. Acad. RPR Fil. Jagi. Fiz. qi~ qtiinje tehn.", 1961, V. 12. no. 1, 79 - 93, Rumanian) TM: This is a revie'w of experimental and theoretical data oIn the struc- ture of elementary particles. It is noted,that the optical model is applicable to pions and nucleons of sufficiently high energy. [Abstraoter's.note: Complete translation] Uit 1/1 IGNAT, Mar ta - I New studies on nuclear maiter and its properties. Studii fiz tehn Iaei 13 no..U65-79 162. L 3 -66 ACC NR-. _TP6026U0 SOURCI& CODE: RU/000376Y/6i-676-o3Tozg-3/-o2gi-I AU'11 [Olt t _Boral, 1101 ORG: Instituto for the State Control of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Research (Inatitutuli" pontru controlul do otat al modicamontelor A cerootari farmaceutice) TITIL: Determination of p-acetaninobanzaldehyde-isonicotinoyl-bydrazone in UM tablets SOURCE: Revista do chirde, v, 16, no* 5, 1965, 293 TOPIC TAGS: bromide, bromate, quantitativo ana3ysist pharmacology, drug ABSTRACT: The authors describe a bromometric mothod for the direct determination of of the active substance fr= the powdered INHA tablets, The method involves treatment of the powder with an excess of a bromate-brom-lde misture in dilute hydrochloric acid medium, followed by retitration of the excess bromines The mothod is simple and pro- oiae, with an error of � 2.3-1 percent,, Origo art* has: 1 table. LJ-PRg SUB CODEs 07, 06 / SUBH DATEt none / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REFt 005 suouress, ZAKWU, so 6, 2941, 357-365. ft"I TM Use of 0" IMIMISIA L. jampArls AIW -emu 1516 mot lostSS4 h or of ni" ".1. str"teT FrIMMIA P46S.0 res Phumselas lot* A LA2222mM WHO IS 30M COM W/OM/66/OLT/OM/WAtW A"C 20 -#gum Ems ftan no 4 I JhpvjA do chimb v To 179 no* 1p 1966v 50 'Tom TiMs quatitative mljmiog oftanic oolvW* hyler mmine, mothanolp bemmw AwmcTs After testing d1mothyUmmooddev at ad' and mixtures at tbose as solvents for the detemination ot the prodwtg the autharo dotensined that best revolts an *9&UW with othyleme diwdmg Jif- as* ImAicator# or with a 1#2 mdxtwo of dimtbyl-fmmudde and mothamolq usift '=1 blue ad bodivator. Origo art.~ bass I tables EJPRSi 36joC21 s 07 MW nine' now MW w s On orH Rtr oo2. OWN ACCESSION NR: AP4031109 S/0236/64/000/001/0171)0182 AUTHOR: Tgnst&vichsne.._.11_. R_ TME: Some Peculiarities in the &tmosphbric circulation of the Baltic region SOURCE., -AN LitSV. Trudy*.- SarLya B. no. 1, 1964g 171-16Z TOPIC'TAGS: climate, Baltic Iclimate, meteorology, northern hemisphere, Baltic sea, climatology ABSTPACT: The Baltic countries being on the boundary between the sea climate tone of Western Europe and the continental climate zone of Eurasia, the purpose of the author was to compare metsocogical date of Vilno, Riga and Tartu for a number of years and to find out the role of the maridional air circulation from the north. This would permit the designation of the Baltic countries to one of the macro-regions. It was found that in the winter, early spring and spring the Baltic belongs to the circulation of the European sector, whereas in sumier, fall and early winter it belongs to the Atlantic sector. However, studying the specific data for 1920, a sudden change in this pattern has been observed. During the second half of summer of this pariodp ~ha influence of the Atlantic Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP461109 circulation became lerant, while in Harch (and Possibly October) the Eu;opcan circulati' preponi tak This confirm' 91 predomins that during the 20 a *:fact known in the literature th century there were two peri?ds with different circulation processes* CLrculo~,ion pat terns and deviation@ 'frod general rules are cousoll- dated for the 19204954 period in comprehansible'tab'les. Orig. art.bas: .6 figures, no formuii~. 4 tables. ASSOCIATION. InstLtut geologii i geografii Ali J:Jtovskoy SSR (Institute of Geology and Geography AN Lithuanian 63R) SUBM l8Jul63' DATE ACQ: 29APr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODa: Es NO11F SOVs 006 OTHER% 002 Card L7/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4042239 8/0230/64/000/;02/0106/0113 AUTHOR: Ignatavicionot L', ftwu!qch~en TITLE: Certain characteristics of variations of atmospheric circulation and climate in the Baltic area SOURCE: AN LUSSR. Trudy*. Seriya, B, no. 2, 1964, 106-113 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, climate, cliniatology, atmospheric circulation, precipitation, regional climatology ABSTRACT: On the basis of data on the general circulation of the atmosphere (the B. L. Dzerdzeyevskiy classification of circulatory mechanisms of the Northern Hemisphere) and data on the frequency and duration of the effect of groups of types of atmospheric circulation over a 56-year period (1899-1964) for the Atlantic regions and Europe (averaged for 10-yr. periods), the auLhor has studied variations of air temperature and precipitation as recorded at Vilnius, Tartu and Riga. The ptudy also Included variations In Individual groups of circulatory types (westerly zonal, northerly morldlonal, disruption of zonal flowl southerly'! morldional and easterly zonal) in Zanuary, May, July and October. Ito results are Wus- tratod by Figures 1-4 of the Enclosure (for clarity, data for only 1 station kre shown). Analysis reveals that the relationahip between variations in meteorological elements Card 1/6 ACCESSION NR: AP4042239 and atmoopherto circulation in by no means expressed clearly in all cases. The examples presented indicate that this relationship is rather complex and In many cases the variations In the meteorological elements cannot be attributed to any single circulatory group, but to the totality and interrelated character of the processes. On the general background of --=Latiaw. In-atmospherio. circulation there Is a teradency to a change of 41s character-in the middle of the Investigated period. For example, in the first half of the investigated period there were individual cases of southerly meridional circulation in July and easterly zonal circulation in January, but later these types of circulation began to appear 2-3 times in a.' single year. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut, goologii I geograftl AkadenAi nauk TAtovskoy SSR (Institute of Geology and Geography, Acadany of Sciences of the lAthuanlan 89R) SUBMITTED: 28Oct63 ENC14 04 SUB CODE: ES NO REP SOVt 006 OtIER: 000 L 216 ACCMICH NRs AP4042239 EmC=Um, 01 Fig. 1. 0 'A 'C. Long- term variability of V westerly zonalft), northerly.. meridional QI)j disruption of zonal flow (III)., southerly (meridional) and easterly zonal circulation over the Baltic 7 area and of air temperature W* and precipitation (2) at ViWus. in January. J A C~rir* 3/6- A.CCF.SSIaA NRs AP4D42239 ;t -C ENOWSUMS 02 Fig. 2. ' Long-term variability of westerly zonal northerly meridional , disruption of i3p . zonal flow and southerly meridional circulation over ,the Baltic area and of air rature and precipitation at Vilnius in ACCFMICN NRI AP4042239 03 ENCL4DS Fig - 3. *C Long-Aerm variability of westerly zonall, northerly meridional., disruption of zonality and southerly oil, meridional circulation over the Baltic area and of air tosp*rature and t Vil L it ti i a on a n us prec p in July, ard j 5/6 INN AACCFMICH NRs Ap4042239 XKCIMWMS 04 t fit.. ~Fm dw Fig. 4. L*ng-term variability of ;westerly zonal northes, ~meridional disruption oT meridional flow and 4b !southerly meridional ~:Circulation over the Baltic area and of tomperature land precipitation at Vilnium- in October. > o IN. it CoIr-\ -6/6 MIATAVI4TE, M, Sone now srmts in Lithuania p. 339 Lietuvou TSFI Mokslu adademija. Biologijos instituatas. DAR.B4U. Vilnius Vol*' 3, 1958 Lithuanian, Poland Monthly List of East European Acces:Aon (ESAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. IG*~ ViCHU.- r;$ Y. f nd `Iol -d(A For-, A of ustiI7,CjIloom I'llplirooifik! thi villll~lls, 1~7'~:. ?'I pp 'VA01 (Ilri of Al-,lior diii.: tion U' J.11i V. 103) L., yu - IGNATAVICMM, M. Now Lithuanian atraine of the funguB Ustilaginales. List. TSR Mokal. akad. darb. [Bioll 3.tlQ-43 162. 1- (YOGI) GONCILUMM, G.K.; IGH&TCHEM, A,G, I Improvement of the .process of producing the extract of Althaea radix* Madeprome 13 no*7t49-50 J1159. (RZRA 22:10) 1, lharlkovokiv nalichno-issledovatellskly khtmiko-farmatsovtlcho- skly Institut ( " ) (XT M OTION (CHHHISTRT)) TT IIT V NOSOVITSKATA, 3,A.t IGNATCHVMO, A.T. ArtiLle on tablets In the gth edition of the pharmacopoeia, Apt.delo 4 no.3:47-50 My-Js '55- (MUIA 8:8) 1. Is tharlkovskogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo khtmiko-far- matsevtIcheskogo institute Ministerstya zdravookhranazilya SSSR. (PRARMOOPOVIA, In Russia, section on tablets in 9tb edition) (TABLWSO in rhissian Pharmacopoeia IX) IGNATCHINIO. 1. Great result of competition. Sov. profsoiusy 6 no-2:33-36 F 0.58. (KMk ll: 3 l.Pressedatell komitete. protsoyuza Novo-&ubanskoy washinno- traktorno.r etantsil Irrasnodarskogo krays. IGNATCHEM, N.A. . - , -1 -'.4 'a, - ~Ntrographlo varieties of Mesozoic coal and some characteristics of coal accumulation in the ThImtek-Kangalasy area of the Lena coal bamin, Isv, Yost, fil, AS SSSR no,12:15-26 057. (MIRA ILI) 1. Yakatskiy filial AN SSM (Yakutia-Coal-Geology) AUTHOR*. Ignatchenko, N. As 20-4&5~47/59 TITLE: A Neogene Coal Accumulation in the Baain of the Lower Coarse of the Aldan River (Neogenovoys uglenakopleniya v bassayne nizhnego tocheniya. r. Aldan) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademli Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Mr 5,, pp. 1014-1017 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was, stated, that the neogens sediments comprise a wide area at the lower course of the Aldan river as well as on the Lena river inclusive of its left tributaries (figure 1). The sediments are deposited on the washed out surface of the Jurassic and Lom- Carbonniferous rocks and are covered bjr Quaternary-and Alluvial. sea- and pureir Alluvial sediments. At the right bank of the Aldan Neogene in lying below glacial sediments. The Neogene crose-aection begins with a sandy-mass,,-not containing fauna. Great wood fragments turned brown were found as plant remains. Width of from 15o - 381 m. On this a characteristic alternation of beds consisting of sandp alourites aleurite clay and little carbonized coal is lying. The width,of the coal containing layers increases to the north, reaching Card 1/4 305 motors. South of the Aldan river these sediments wedge out. A Neogene Coal Accumulation in the Basin of the Lower 2D-1l&5-4?/59 Course of the Aldan River The layerr free from coal and those containing coal form a Xithological complex. it possesses a width of 68o m and was separated out. an Tandinskaya suite by the author. Numerous pollen and spore analpe3 speak- in favor of a Miocene-Pliocene age. Badly assorted sands are lying on the Tandinskaya suite) with a width of from 14o - 15o mp denoted aff Bayaginaka" suits by the authors Spore and pollen analyses and coniferous cones at well as nuts without doubt indicrateL a Pliocene age. In the Neogene sediments,cycles are determined by quite regular successions of lithologic complexes and types of rock. Such cycles (macrocycles) of first order are represented by the mentioned Tandinsk" and Bayaginskaya suites. These macrocycles are distinctly classified into several eyales of lower order, The depression filled up by Neogene with respect to its structure appertains to the south eastern part of the Priverkhoyanskiy border downwarping. One of the most closely investigated flexures of this area is represented by the asymmetric antiolinal on the lower reach of the West-ormyg& riverwith an oaat-weatern direction. It is about 4o km longs Lower Carboniferous rocks with gradient angles up to about 3o - 4o0 were explored in their core in the vicinity of their vaulting. The antis clinal developed during theLNeogene sedimentation and later as wells Card 2/4 Two great flexures are known on the right bank of the Aldan river,0 va vjjW AJaRn NIVell - -,.; ~z least loo milliard tow on the area explored by drillings. The total reserve wq amount to the two-or threefold. There Ara I figure.. 1 table and 0 references. ASSOCIATIOM Yakutskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (Yakutsk Branck of the AS trm) FUSENTED: September 4, 1957j, by Do Ve Nalivkin,., Academician. SUBMIT=% August 28, 1957. Card 4A IGNATCHENKO, N.A. is in the southern part Composition and "staffiOrPhi6n of Cos , no.1:93-loo Mr '59. of the Lane coal basin. Say-9901o 2 OaRk 12:6) 1. Takutskiy filial AN SSSRI Valley-Coal geoloff) IMTGHMO.,,44,KqISLAlskeandrovich; CMMMIY, N.Y., otv,red,; KISHINA* R.L.. red.izd-val NPURE&A-9 T,T,, [Geological structureand coal deposits of the western part of the Lena coal basin] Oeologichaskoe stroanis L ugolInye mestoroshda- niia sapaduoi chasti Lenskogo ugollnogo bassaina. Xoskya. Aked. nauk sm, 196o. ill p. (MIRA 13:11) (Lone Basin-Coal geology) -GNATCIMKO Ilikolay Alekn&ndrovichjCMSKI7, N.V., otv. red.; KASHMA, P.S., takhn. red. (Geology and formation of the Yakutsk-KangalauBy region; Lena coal basin] Geologicheskoe stroenie A formiravanie Ukutsko-Kangalasokogo ralonal Lenskii ugollnyi bassein. Mosk,va, I2d-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. -142 6A 15t2) (lana Basin-4oal geology) CHUDINOV, G.M., kand. skon. nauk, at. nauohnyy sotr.; POPOV, R.A., laborant; GHISTYAKOV, G.Ye., mladshly nauchnyy sotr.; CHUGUNOV, BJ., mladshiy nauchnyy notr.; LI, G.S., mladshiy nauahW sotr..; IGNATCHMO, N.A., otv. rod.; SOL071YEVI, Ye . P. . tekhn. (Power resourose of the Yakut A.S.S.R.]KRergeticheakle resuray Ikkutakoi ASSR. Pod obahchim nikovodstvom G.M.Chudinova. IAkutak, IAkutakoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962., 265 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Yakutakiy filial, Yakutsk. Otdel ener- getiki. 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom energetiki Yakutskogo Miala. Akademii nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye (for Chudinov).3. Otdel energetiki Yakutskogo filiala Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii "uk SSSR (for all occept Ipatchenko, Solov'yeva). (Yakutia-Power resouroce) IGNATGPENKO$ N.A. The Lan&-Aldan ~rc-cambrian ledge am Ah. Sle in the formation of the Verkhoyansk,kold area and the Vorkhdya=k marginal ti-ough. Nauoh. soob. IAPAR SSM no.10-12 158. (WRA 17i1) ."r, A,qK 4F USS-II/Metaliurgy - Cast :ron, Casting, May 52 hothods -Cacting Into Vibrating Molds," N. M. Ignat'-I-u A. M. Menlok, P. 14. Sovsimov,Engineerail N Plant of Road-Bldg Machines -Litey Proizvod" No 5, pp 26, 27 Briefly describes ribration method for settling liq- uid metal in green sand molds to improve mech Prop- erties of metal and decrease defectiveness of' cast- -i ngs in respect to gas and shrinkage cavities and sand inclusions. Discusses application of metbod ,'or casting 75-kg vindiass-brake drum out of gray --ast iron.