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IBRAGIMOVS M.R. Denigning beams of minimum weight under movable load. Izv. AN Axerb. SSR* Ser. fiz.-takh, i mat. nauk no.6:19-26 164. (MIRA 18W 40 ABASOV, H.T.; MZHALILOV, K.I.; IMOIKOV, X.R. Apiroximate solution of a one-dimensinnal problem on the expulsion of gas by water# Dokl-AN Aserb-SU hoo3t239-243 160* (XIRA 1317) 1. Aserbaydshanskly nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut pa dobyche nafti. Pfedstavleno akademikon AN Azerbaydshaaskoy SSR Z. I. XhAMOTYRO (0" well@) ABASOV9 Mitat Teymur ogly; DZHALILOV, Nurban Nizameadin og3,v,* AZIZGVA, F.H.; ALIYEVp Z.S.j BABANIZO V.7u.1 GULAMOV, Kh.A.1- IBIIAGIYOVp M.R.; KUI- MOVO A,Sh*j KULIM, A*M.j SEMMOVA, I.I.; ROZEREERG-.I-',.-V*-j prof., doktor tekbn. nauk,, red.j ALITMAN, T.B.,, red. izd-va [Problems of underground bydrodynamics and development of oil and gas fields] Voprooy podzemnoi gidrodinamiki i razrabotki neftiwVkh i gazovykh mootorozbdonii. Baku, Azerbaiazhanskoe gos izd-vo neft. i nauchno-tekbn. lit-ry, 1960. 254 P. WRA 14:3-1) 1. Neftyanaya ekspeditsiya AN Azerbaydzhana (for Azi-zova, Iliyev, Baban3.yjq Gulamov, Ibragimov, Razimov, Kuliyevp Semenova). (Oil reservoir engineering) DIKENSHTEYN, G.Kh.; KUTUZOVA, V.V.; MASHIYKOV, K.K.; BABAYEV, A.G.; POLISTER, L.A.j YUFERM, R.F.; SHISHnVA, A.I.; BAREYEVt R.A.; MAKAROVA, L.N.; MURADOV, K.; PYANOVSUYA, I.A.; SEMOVp V.N.1 SIROTINA# Te.A.; TURKINA, I.S.; FELIDMAN, S.L.; KHON, A.V.; KUNITSKAYA., T.N.; GOLENKOVA, N.P.; ROSHINA, V.M.; FARTUKOV, M.M.; SHCHUTSKAYA, Ye.K.; ALTAYEVAI N.V.; BYKADOROV9 V.A.; KOTOVA, M.S.; SMIRNOVp L.M.; KRAVCHENKO, M.F.1 MJkRKOVA, L.P.; ROZYYEVA~ T.R.; UZAKOVp 0.; SLAVIN, P.S.; HIKITINA, Ye.k.; MILOGRADOVA, M.V.; BARTASHEVICH, O.V.; STAROBINETS, I.S.; KARIMOV, A.K. [Splicing of the wires of overhead power transmission lines] Soedinenie provodov vozdushrWkh linii elektroperedachi. Mo- skva, Energiia,, 1964. 69 p. (Biblioteka elektromonteral no-132) (MIRA 17:9) IBRAGIMDT, N.A. - -- - ---- On the co sms ition of unimodal distributions (with summary I'. in Inglishl. Teor. veroiat. i as prim. 1 no.2s283-288 '56. - (MLRA 10:2) (Distribution (Probability theorem)) ACCASSION NR: AT4044394 5/2835/43/OWOWOW)0042 AUTH(?R: bragnev, N. B. TITLX: Prelheinary results d h0sgrd atry of Mare tropholom SOURCE: Xkrkey. UsiverdW. Agrommicheakaya observatodys. TidrIodyar, me. no! IM, 31-42 TOPIC TA(W. ustranoiny. Kars. Martian sarfaco, Martian, albedo, Martian ep ift pluotu7 &.400wbTf hdogral spectropbotometry 01 - 'ophotometri ABBTRACT; A a observations of Mars were made during the oppedtim of 1960-1961 at am mtem astrotizicheakaya observatoriya AN Aserbaydaknukey 8W (Bbemakhinskaya Astrophyslial Observatory, AN Aterbaijanian SM - 71w spectrograms were obtained using an A$P-9 spectrograph (dispersion of 215 A/sun d 11,6) and an AZT-? telescope; slitwift was 0.01 mm. l1fordHP-3udKodsk0aF(1ln1' was used. In order to obtain the greatest possible number of spectrograms an a singe plate the magazine was modified me thal plates measuring 6 x 9 pm cou)d be used. The padom stan, taken from Ow Gresawfob catalogue, wereD(Aql,C( Cut. AGGIS Md Ori. The observation program was prepared In such a way that dw spectra of Mae ACCESSION NR: AT4044396 wW the comparison stare were obtained at opal altitudes and wpal exposuros. During the period from September 1, 1960 through May, 12, 1961 about 200 spoetrograms of Mare were obtained on 60 plates. Intensity was datermined at 20 wavelengths in the Greenwich system of monochromatic stellar magnitudes. The spectrograms were measured on an automatic microphotometer in the Laboratoriya fiziki 6olatea Puthowsmy observatoril (Solar Physics Laboratory of Pulkovo Observatory); only some of the observational data have ban analyzed. 7hese data have been used to determine ft phase coefficient said the absolute stellar magnitude of Mars using the empirical formula +%I A/ T;P- 77tese coefficients were determined by the least squares me" for all 20 selected wavelengths. In addition to a general decrease In the phase coefficient with wavelsl4ft there was found lo be a minimum near )PS260 A. Spherical albedo was determimod soft! the formula jkw0,4 (0t 2 19 sift 0- 2/3 Cardr,-l ACCESSION NR: AT4044398 the value of e- the angular radius of Mare - was assumed to be 411.70; 0 Pkare Greenwich monochrommUc stellar magnitudes. 7le values of spherical albedo an given in a t;Lble. The author also discusses the variation of special color Indices with change in pha'se angle; It was found that the color index of Mars increases somewhat with an Increase in phase angle. Orig. art. ham: 6 formulas, I figure and 4 tables. ASSOCUTION: Astrosomicbeekoya oboorwatoriya Nbarlfwvdwp *Wversiteta, omical Observatory# Xhar%ow University) SUBBUTTED: 00 ZNCL-. 00 BUS CODZ: AA Igo Pjlr wV1 600 OTHM' 004 Cwa 3/3 IBRAGIMOVP N. G. (Dinaver) Comparative characteristics of morbidity of the upper respiratory tract in workers of the Dzhezhazgan Ore-dressing Plant and Mine. Zdrav. Kazakh. no.4:39-41 1620 (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry bolezney ukha, gorla. i nosa (sav. - professor B. V. Yelanteev) Kazakbokogo meditsinskogo instituta. (RESPIRATORT ORGANS-DISEASES) (DZHZZWGAN DISTRICT-COPPER MINERS-DISEASES AND HYGIENE) IBRAGDIOV (DIIIAVER)p N*G* Stgte of the upper respiratory tracts of vorkers of the copper ore concentration plant of the Balkhaah 14ining and Ore DreaeIng Combine. Trudy Inst.kraevapat. An Kazakh. SSR 9:42-48161. (BAIZH k-SH-aESPIRATCRY ORGUS--DISEASM) (MM 16:7) (DUST-PUSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) IEFLAGIMOV -" (Dinaver) Mleasev 9f the upper respiratory traota in workerv of the Dzhazkaxgan mine and the DhwzkazM~ and Bilkhash ore dressing plants. Trudy Inst.krampato AN Kazakh.SSR 10s62-66 162. (MIRA 16 S 5) KAZAKHSTAN.-MPIRATORY ORGANS-DISRASES) WAIMAN-OCCUPATIONAL DISMES) i (DUST-PRYSIOLOGICAL EMCT) IMAGIMOVI N.G. (Dinaver) State of upper reopiratory tracts in sillcosise Trudy InSt.kraev. Pat. AN Uzmkl2.8SR 10&67-70 162, (Mmk 160 (WNGS-DUST DISWM) (RMPMATORY ORGAM-DISMES) IBRAGIMOVO N.G. State of the upper respiratory tract in miners of the Dshezkasgan copper minese Zdrav, Kazakh. 22 no.8t39-43 162 WM 174) I@ Iz kafedry bolezney ukba., gorla i nosa ( zav. - profe B.T, Yelantser) Kazakhakogo meditainakogo Instituta. 66269 SOY/181-1.ii-4/27 gimovs 7,brS and,I Bismuth Impurities XUTII0IL5 I 'Influence of Tin -IT LE P 'R-j0DjcjkLI j3STRACTs Ca Card 1/2 on the of Selenium r 1, fir 11, PP Vol the Thermal on 1668 - 1669 (USSR) diameter* height - ,,zi, tverdogO tels 1 1959, (20 mm i' , To the 99.9941A lindr Cal Sampleauum melting- t by veight 01 of OY ared by Vac percen I Sub- 2 series prep ..15 and SO er 50, selenium Be 5 to '0 0*259 0' ure saure 0 100 kg -pure S eleniuln added. P OoesS at a Pr n 0 1 y coeffi- tin and bismuth vere thermal 10' es a steady crystallization PT The 1 11 Sam pot6d to a &uring 2 110'r'* or a ea 4,5)- an(I at 2000 (; I times measured f I met 0 all close are several ,plying the plane the ther- Ojents 'W fieldq by nted in figure ' ar hat ius. temperat ure are repres results prove t 10 r, egged Values luring oryst elline selen The svei raight lines. The 062 hous and f tin. L i~ addit to 4 st~ both amor,p of 11~ 0 duotivity Of dition ertY Of metall-i.0 le al 0011 L by j()~ by the a This Drop temperature tab m increase4,auses a 3b~ increase, probably Ca- is auth ( the prepare tion Of n8 vere given by of bisu 6, allove - e suggestlo a4dition ,otifiers- Valuabl Selenium ALIY17, N.A,; IBRAGIMovi-NA11- Vacuum X-ray camera for use at high and low temperatures [in Azerbaijani with sumoary in Russian]. 'Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 15 no.4:289-292 059. (KIRA 12s6) (X rare-Squipment and supplies) 31516 S110 58/6 400A I OP 78/100 AOOI/AIO1 AMOS;. Eliyev, N.E-, TITLEt Effect of admixtures of tin and bismuth on heat conductIvIty of amorphous selenium PERIODIGAL-i Reforativnyy shurnal, Fisika no, 10, 1961, 252, abstract IOE183 ("Tr. In-ta fiz. AN Aze; 1960, v,:10, )0-33, Azorb., Russian summary) IEXrI- Theauthors measured-heat conductivity of amorphous So specimens with different concentration of Sn and Bi.-admixtures, produced In a vacuum fur- nace with vibrational device. -Ifeat"conductivity slightly increases wIth In- creasing concentration of admixtures, following a linear law. (Abstracter's notel Complete translation] Card I/A 01,181/61/003/011/012/056 >/ ~M100138 AUTHORSs Ibragimovp N*'I,p and Kuliyevp 1. A. TITLE: Electrical migration of thallium in polycrystalline selenium PERIODICALs Fizika tyerdogo tola, V, 39 no. lip 19619 3330 - 3335 TEXTs The authors studied the temperature dependsaoo of the Tl ion mobility in polycrystalline So between 100 and 215 C. Electrical migration of impurity ions in semiconductors lowers the quality of p-n junctions and is therefore of great interest. The authors chosed amor- phous selenium, as used in rectifiers, for their investigations. The selenium was pressed at 6 - 7 tons/cm2 into cylindrical compacts from which films 100 R thick were out. Diffusion and electrical migration were studied on polished cylinders 10 am long and 6.5 mm In diameter. A 204- thin layer of Tl I van deposited on one end of each.oylinder. Then with these ends together-the pieces were fastened in a poroolain-insulated holder and the system was ;Yaouatod,to 10-4 ma Hg and placed in an Card 1/3 10 Is/!81/61/003/011/012/056 Electrical migration of tballium ... B102/Bl3e ultrathermostat (temperature kept constant to 10.200). Migration was studied in a field of 10 You (300 p). The extent of migration was determined from the activity of the B-100 thick layers removed. The diffusion coefficient D was found from the relation between activity and T1 204 oonoentrationi 1(xj t),vC(x, t) - C (I - erf T I where C is 0 2TTV 0 the initial concentratioup x the depth0of diffusion and t the diffusion annealing timep which was at 100 - 213 0. D wasfoand to be between 3.8-10-13 and 6.2-iO_1icm2/s*o' its temperature dependence can be described by the relationt DT1-+So m 2.q-iO_3*XP(-0-73 ey/kT) cm 2/sea. lotivation energy was found to be 1-5 times as high an in selftiffusion, In7eatigation of the in- fluenoe of electric field on T1 diffusion sh-jwed that T! migrates maJrly towards the cathode. Migration also decreases with decreasing field strength. The fact that the temperature dependenoe of the ion mobility was just'the same as the temperature dependence of the difZa:~'*Iin oonsks--i'. indicates that diffusion and electrical migration are of the same naturq. Card 2/3 9 1 /61/003/011/012/056 Electrical migration of thallium L002/Bi3e I From charge measurements it was found out that T1 migrates in Be as Tl 3+- simil;r The ionization onergy.was determined to 0-79 ev, a value, which is to the activation energy of diffusion. The authoria thank Professor G. B. Abdullayev for comments and interests There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 18 referenceso 14 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publioation reads as followas H. A. Bathe. NDRO Rep., 43-12 (Publication Board U.S.Dept, Commerce, Decemb., 1942). ASSOCIATIOlt Institut fisiki AN AzarboSSR Baku (Institute of Physics of AS Azerbaydshanskaja SSR9'Baku) SUBMITTEDo May 249 1961 Gard 3/3 0134 -0 a/wJ62/004/011/038/049 BIOS/B186 AUTHORS: Ibragimov, N. 1.9 Shakhtakhtinskiy, It. G., and Kuliyevt A. As TITLE: Diffusion and electrical transfer of thalliun in tollurius PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 49 no- 11, 1962, 3321-3325 TEXT: Purified tellurium powder we pressed into the shape of little cylinders which then were sintered :t 420-4360C. Other specimens to be tested were single crystals grown along the C crystal axis from purified tellurium. The tracer isotope Tl-204 was applied to one polished side of each specimeng after which pairs of specimens were formed by sticking theme sides together. Direct current of 30-40 a/cm2 was sent across the joints in transfer experiments. After diffusion and annealing (10-300 hre) thin successive layers were removed from the specimens to determine the thallium concentration. The tests were made at temperatures of from 430 to 3600 C. The diffusion coefficient for thallium in tellurium was found to be Dpolycryst. 0 3.2-102oxp(-41.0/RT)cm2/see D!1C M 8-5-10 llexp(-73-1/Rr)ca2/@so Card 1/2 9/1~61/62/004/011/038/049 Diffusion and electrical transfer B108/B186 6 1.8-10, exp(-84-4/RT)cm /sec. Within the temperature range,in questior, p-typs cohductivity is dominant in tellurium. Probably thalliVm diffusion in tellurium takes the form of positive ions. Entrainment of the thallium ions ty holes in tellurium was observed. This effect becomes~more intense as temperature increases. There are 2 figures and 1 table# 1 4 ASSOCIATION: Institut fi;iki AN AzSSR, Baku (Physics Institute AS AZSSR9 Baku) , 1 0 SUBMITTED: May 28f 1962 (initially); JulY 15t 1962 (after revision) Card 2/2 IBRAGIMOV. N.I.: SHMITAIMINSKIY) ~LG.; KULIYEV, A.A. Effect of an electric field on the diffusion of thallium 00 single-crystal germanium. Fis. tver. tela, 5 no.3t862-864 Hr '63- (MIRA 16-4) 1. Institut, fiziki, AN AsSSR,,'4ku. (Thallium) (Germanium) (Electric fields) . . . , - - f ~ - j i - - 7 1 , , .. . -1 1 I_-., - r'c - I - IN21, u1i i'm -1--l- --,-1--l- ~ - - - 1. . - -1. . . . 17=~. -, m'- 9 .~11 I - fy r I I r ri Ty ~f ~l .- . - .-,- - 1. -1,1 ABDULLAYEV, G.B.; IBRAGlY.OV, N.I.; MAMEDOV, Sh.V.; DZHUVARLY, T.Ch. State of an Mn impurity in Se. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 21 no-403-16 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut Miki AN AzerSSR. L 21-747-66 E1111p(t) , lip( ~R-.- 'A'P6007212 3 URCE CODE: R ch/0JR/66/010/002/033 A AUTHORS: Kuzlmin, R. N.; Ibratmov, N S.; Zbdanov, 0. S. ty Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy unJ i ORO: Moscow State Universi LveAdtet), !TITLE: Moesbauer effect in polgr all= SOURCE: Zburnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticbeskoy fiziki V. 50 !no. 2, 1966) 330-338 ;_TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer spectrum, absorption spectrum, ternary alloy, line shift, heat effect, line splitting, alloy phase diagram- ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the Mossbauer absorption spectra Wn, Ni of ternary Heusler alloys namely Co ,MnSn, Cu MnSn, Cu FeSn 2 2 2 CU CoSn, and Cu NiSn, using Snl19 as the Mos'abauer Isotope. The 2 2 ,samples were synthesized in quartz ampoules in vacuum from components, in stotchiometric ratio. The Mossbauer spectra were recorded with 1 apparatus in which the absorber moved at a constant velocity, using, a Sn source. The absorbers had the same thickness with respect to, M92 L 23747-66 21 ACC NR: Ap6oo7 2 2 tin as the source (15 mg/cm ) and were made of powders of beryl IIAM dioxide alloys. The source and the absorbers were kept at 77K. Twol'l different heat treatments were used -- quenching after annealing, and annealing followed by slow cooling. The Mossbauer the chemical shifts of the different compounds are described briefly. The results show that the Mossbauer spectrum is sensitive to the heat! treatment. The most interesting Mossbauer spectrum was obtained for i Cu2MnSn after quenching,since the Mossbauer line was split into nine' components of almost equal intenslt~, instead of the six allowed by 115 the splitting of the nuclear levels of Sn in a magnetic field. This anorialy in the spectrum may be due to a disordered distribution of the tin atoms in the nonequivalent posit.ions in the structure of this compound. The 'internal magnetic field- at the tin nucleus was determined for the compounds Co 2MnSn and NiOnSn and found to be 42.Q and 70.5 kOe, respectively. The results are compared with those ob-' tained by others and the causes for the differences discussed. It is- noted in the conclusion that although the Mosebauer data yield much valuable information on the structure 9 properties, and phase transt- tions of Heusler alloys, in some cases the spectrum structure is toof,--- Card L 210747-66 ... ...... .. ACC NR:..AP6007212 complicated to be able to obtain quantitative resultsj so that the iMossbauer method must be used in conjunction with other methods. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 3 tables. 'SUB CODEt 20/ SUBM DATE: 03Aug65/ ORIG REP: OOB/ OTH REF: 013 32652-66 EWT(I)/T- JK XC NRt AP6003393 (A, N) SOURCE COLES UR/0346/65/000/03-0/0039/0040 AUTHORS: , Safarov, Yu. B. (Docent); _RSagimov, 11, Mt (Hospital surgeon) ORGi Azerbaidzhan Agriculture Institute Azarbaydahanakiv sell skokhozyays tvenrq7 institutF- TITIEt Results .of simultaneous vaccination~of sheep against malignant anthrax# bmVp and infectious enterotoxna- SOURCEt Veterinariyas no, 10l 1965j, 39-40 TOPIC TAGS: anthraxp vaccines animal disease therapeutics, animal disease, blood serum, protein / STI vaccine, GOA vaccine ABSTRACT: The results of laboratory testa of simultaneous vaccination of sheep and white mice against malignant anthrax, branrs and infectious enterotoxemin are given. Eighteen one-year-old rams and 1/,.'+ white mice of 16--20 g were used. STI vaccine was used for malignant anthrax (0,25 ml for the rams and 0.01 ml for the mice), and GOA vaccine was used for the other diseases (2 and 3 ml in two vaccina- tions for the rams and 1.3 and 06 ml for the mice). The interval between the first and second vaccinations vas 14 da~m, The tests were run in six versions. Unvac- cinated ra and mice were used for controls. The morphological composition of the blood and proteing.the degree of agglomeration of neutralizing antibodies in the blood serump-were determined by mans of the neutralization reaction for Clostridium 1/2 UDC: 619:616.981.51.981-55-636.3 ACC NRt Ap6003393 napticum and type-C C1. perfingens. It was found that there were no sharp devia- tions from the norm in all versions of the test for the rams. In some versions, there was a sharp-increase in the globulin fraction, a decreace in albumins, and a small decrease in the total protein, When simultaneous vaccination of animals against malignant anthrax, brwWO and infectious enterotoxemia is nocessar7, STI vaccine can be used with the second innoculation with concentrated polyvalent GOA vaccine, SUB CODEt 06/ SUNU DATZ# none _kS2LL3_-67 LWT(1 ACC NR, AP6029107 FZEWP SOURCE CODS: Un/0048/66/030/006/0957/0961 AMOR: Zhdanov1Q,S,; I L.1a lbralmov,N,S,; KUz min,R.No; Chechernik~V,V,I, 7 0 ORG: Phy 1cm Department, Moscow Stat a University Im. U.V.Lomonosov(FizIchexkIy fakulltetlg;:skovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) TITLI: The Mossbauer effect in the Intermetallic compounds C01 On and Nil 48nsepor All-Union CoiY-e-r-e-n-c-e--o-n-TEe-Physice of Ferro-and Antiferromaguetiss hold 2-~ July 1965 in SverdloveV z SOURCE., AN SSSR, Izvestiya, Berlya fixicheakays, v# 30, no* 6. 1966# 957-961 TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer spectrum, Mossbauer effect, magnetic susceptibility, cobalt alloy, nickel allcy,tntermetallic compound ABSTRACT:,,?;he in . 4 intermotallic compounds, In particular those con- ta pecifically, there was studied the Mossbauer effect in C01.4SU and Nil.4Sn. The compound specimens were prepared by vacuum melting of the components, followed by homogenizing annoal in Bealed tubes (50 hours at about 80000 and then slow cooling to room temperature. In the some manner there were prepared specime q f_rxtures of the two above-mentioned compoundsj iteep representatives of Cciti,ell the yetem# Among the last only samples with the NLAs structure VVII seleco for the Mossbauer measurements* The Mossbauer effect was studied on the,8n nuclei Card 1/2 I'S if present study was undertaken In conjunction with the growing interest L 07113-67 AP6029107 0 2 in specimens with a 'tin!' thickness of 9 mg/cM . The source of the 23.8 k9V gamma rays was a 5 mg/cm2 thick sample of U928n . The measurements were performed with the source at liquid nitrogen temperature. The Mossbauer spectra obtained for Co an at different temperatures of the absorber and for a series Of COI.4Sn-Nil .On molls solutions (0,9,25,50 and 100% C01,46n) are reproduced in figures. Also presented in graphics are the temperature dependences of the reciprocal.susceptibility an obtained by the authors &ad taken from the literature (M*Asanuma# J.Phys*Japan, 17, 300, 1962); the agreement for COI ASU is better than for Nil On. The temperature variation of the Mossbauer spectrVihows that quadrupole splitting persists up to the temperature of the phase transition, that in, up to the temperature of the break in the reciprocal susceptibility versus temperature curve; above the transition point there is observed only the singlet Mossbauer line. The results are discussed briefly and reasonpi'are hypothesized for the absence of ferronagnetism in the studied intermstallic compounds* Further investigations must be made before a full interpretation of the prebent re- sults can be offered. Orig. art, has: 4 figures. MM 00DRs 20,07 SM JAM 00 MIG, RIW s 005 am ILM 004 2/2 TMFEMI N.S.; IBRAGIMOV, N.S.j KULIM9 K. Presence of gallium in the rocks of Kugitang. Izv,AN TurkeSSReSer, fiz.-tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.3slO6-UO 161. (KIRA 14:7) 1. Iwtitut geologii AN TurWwnskoy SSR. (Nugitangtau R=99--G&Ui=) I i I.." Al fl!U." ,I I . : ~ . ; X 11 Z I Mi N , ; '. . , I ~ Studly or tho Mos3bauor offect on Pd .. 3n alloill. Z-i;jr. I toor. fiz. 48 no-1:101-105 Jn 165. (MIRA 18:4' l.. Illoskovskiy gc;.,)udm,stvennyy tiniverisitet. 7 - 7 Y,7 ACC NR. SOURCE CODZ': Uii/IOOOo/65/0OO/00J/U1--13/0129 AT60147 6 3 AUTHORS: Zhdanov, G. S.; IbraiLaov, 11. S.; Kuz'min, Y ORG: none tion of uperconduct g TITLE: Application of the If6asbauer effect to the investil-a s in alloys SOUNE: Soveshchaniye po metallovedeniyu i metallofizike sverkhprovodnikov. lot, 1964. khprovodni a og-rapfq and physics of metalu Yetallovedeniye wetallofizika aver koi in superconductors); trudy soveahchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 123-129 TOPIC TAGS:* superconducting alloy, Wasbauer effect, chemical bonding, tin, isomorphism, hyperfine structure ABSTRACT: A survey is made of ty various applications of the Mgssbauer effect to the J~ study of superconducting alloys.PThe method of determining the type of chemical bond is discussed by usin-g-IH-e-fa-omorphic shift of Mbssbauer lines, or 0 1 (0)11 1 T. A121. For white tin ihe 1700)11' versus curve is used to obtain the effective number of s-electrons, quantitatively. Then, utilizing the fact that superconductivity is connected with phonon-eleotron interactions in a crystal, the 116sabauer effect is used to determine f where /(0. T) 0Xp E2, 3 C.,d Z AC-C'- N-jC.-AT&O-1 If f is determined experimentally for a metal in both normal and superconducting j i states, the Debye temperatures before and after transition can be directly conpared. This, however, in shown to bo a very sensitive experiment and J'a very difficult to perform. Finally, the possibility is investigated for using the Mossbauer effect to serve M a low-tomperature/thermometeir!l This could be done by observing the splitting of the ~057 ground level into two sublevels for which a unique temperatiLre can be determin--ed. Once more, it is stressed that because of small magnetic momenta the phenomenon of splitting is small and the experiment very sensitive to noise. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 3 formulas. SUB COD',!,: 209 1l/ SUBM DATEs 23Dec65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REP: 012 Card VE I ~NRMEWAM am OM S/181/63/005/003/023/046 B102/B180 AUTHORS: L~~~,Shakdtakhtinskiy, M. G. , and Kuliyev, A. A. TITLE: Effect of an electric field on thallium diffusion in germanium single crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 3, 1963, 862-864 TEXT: Own and foreign results on thallium thermodiffusion in the pre- sence of a constant electric field are discussed. Measurements were made with Ge single crystals 10-5-6 mm3 in size with -7,30 ohm-cm in the temperature range 910-800 0C (�50). Diffusion times were 12 to 200 hrs, 204 and Tl was used as a tracer. The effective ion mobility B~' and the effective charge Z4 were determined, the latter from the resultant force F - eE(Z+nld)=Z*eE, I being the mean free path and d the electron-ion scattering cross section ocF.:fIO-1 2- 10-13cm2). The thallium migration toward the anode in fields of 0.4 - 0.7 v/cm showed definite temperature dependence for the effective charge: Card 1/2 5/181/63/005/003/023/046 Effect of an electric field on thallium ...B102/B180 T, 0K 1Z , e B, cm 2/v.sec This can be attributed to I - i t f th lli th t nmen e en ra o a um 1180 100 -9 4.8-10 ions by the germanium conduction electrons. 1120 32 2-7-10- 10 1'070 12 1.8*10- 11 There are 1 figure and 1 table. ASSOCI ATION: Institut fiziki AN AzSSR, Ba~u (Institute of Physics AS AzSSR, Baku) SUBMIT TED: October 19, 1962 Card 2/2 (f6 31""3-) ACC NR, AP6005113 SOURCE CODE: UR/0316/65/000/005/0082/0085 AUTHOR: Gasanoy, B. G. lbragimov, N. Yu. i,Karayev, Z. Sbe ; Naalbov, L 0. ORG: Institute of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, AN Azerb. SSR Inkitut-n6organic I fizic SMQ TITLE: Infrared absorption spectra of selenogallates MeGaSe3 of certain lanthanides SOURCE: Azerbaydzhamkfy Ithimi sidy zhurnal, no. 5 t 1965,82-85 TOPIC TAGS: selenium compound, gallium compound, lanthanurn compound, p:-aseodymium compound, neodymium compound, samarium compound, cerium compound, infrared spectrum, refractave index,'A r0,j 4JMr&Ct0n ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to establish general relationships between the optical pro- ?erties and composition of the compounds LaGaSe CcGaS03' PrGaSe3, NdGaSe and SmGaSa-,- kn IKS-14 Infrared spectrograph and MIN-8 polaing microscope were used. Mi the IR absorption spectra of these compounds were found to be basically similar, and not very fifferent from the IR spectra of the corresponding scleuldes. This shows that the selenogall- ites studied are analogous in character. These resul'.z are in agreement with the reported re- 3ults of thermographic x-r diffraction, and chemical analyses. Microscopic examination 3howed the selenogalMes to%o nontransparent, Le. . no pleochroism or extinction was observ. 3d. The refractive indices of the compounds were measured and found to be the same, 112 L 31553-66 ACC NRt AP6005113 ACC NR' Al 11.5085; nd I - 1. 4785. The data wnflm the general charactOrifities of the molecular 508 . nd ~ 5. CeGaS63 teg, of the cerium subgroup elements' Or1g' art, has: I figure and 1 nature of selenogalla W [n re of s( table. 003- SUB CODE: 07,ZqASUBM DATE. 18Dec64 ORIG REF: Lc-ard 2/2 LISITSYN, V.,, sershant; I4WIMOV. R.. mladshiy aerzhant; DJLAYEVA, R., starrhina;'-idIS!ATOV, H., oanitmqy instruktor, mladshiy serzhant,~ Field training on the agenda. Starsh.-serzh. no.614-5 A 164. (MIRA 17:7) DRENNOVA, K. A., prof.; GRISHIN, S. I., prof.; MARTY"MIKO, I. I.; DADAKUKHAMEDOV, A. N,; jgAQZQYJI,-I.; AMIWVA, A. A.; FMIWAN, F. Ta.; MESHKOVAP N. P.; SHENKER, D. 1. Condition of the ears nose and throat in children of preschool age in Tashkent. Vest. otorin. no.3:60-,62 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz Otdrino3aringologichookaWkafedry (zav. - prof. X. A. D"mova) Tashkentskopo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey. (TASHKEUT-OTOUfflIGOLOGY) - Ago ard conditions governina the formation of a conglomerate-sand- stone band In northwaster, Krzban-Tau. Nauch. trudy TashGU no.249. Geol. nanki no.21s205-211 064. (MIRA 1835) :-, 1-11--"~,~", , `~, 1.11 11 -11,~~., I ~--b - I --ACC- Nft.-_ AT/001793 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/64/000/000-/0071/0079 AUTHOR: Ibra&Lmov, R. N.; Atabayevs Kh. A. ORG: none TITLE: Seismotectonic characteristics of the Fergana Basin SOURCE: AN Kir&SSR. Sovet po seysmologii. Voprosy regional'noy seysmichnosti Sredney Azii (Problems of regional seismicity of Central Asia); materialy XXII seasii Soveta po seysmologii AN SSSR i Instituta fiziki, matematiki i mekhaniki A14 Kirgiz- skoy SSR. Frunze, Izd-vo Ilim, 1964, 71-79 TOPIC TAGS: tectonics, seismicity, earthquake, t=dtr_=:r~~ hY1_===tVr / FegegAia I ABSTRACT: Present day tectonics and its formation are briefly described. The following highly seismic zones are delineated in the Fergana basin: The Chatkal, Namangan, Andizhan, Osh, and the Ura-Tyubin. Groups of destructive earthquakes o=cur in each zone. The earthquakes originate in the flexure-fault zones reflected in the overlying layers as deep faults, along junctions of adjacent blocks, or in areas of young anticlinal folds. These zones are described briefly. The greatest degree of seismic activity is found in the northern part of the Nanay block, especially in the sector where the Chatkal-Ataynak fault merges with the Karastrl fault. The average activity of this sector Alen-tWOegbut it is sharply differentiated by the level of seismicity. For example, h r ion of occurrence of the Chatkal Card 1/2 ---.UDC:- -.none- ACC NRi AT7007793 earthquake A - 1-1.5. A certain regularity is noted in the distribu- tion of ioca'l depths. They tend to occur in the transition region between the basaltic and the granitic layer (20-30 km), the granitic layer and the Paleozoic formations (10-20 km), and between the Paleozoic and the .4esozoic/Cenozoic complex (5-10 W. The greatest number of hypocenters is confined to the boundary between the granitic layer and the sedimentary cover. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. (WA-79-0141 [CS] SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REP: 016/ -Card.-2/2 IBRAGINOV, R. P. Be* Gulture Fight against the wax moth. Pchelovodstvo No. 20 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions) Library of Congress, May_1951,2Uncl. IrmAnrov, a.r. V pomosbehl molodym pchelovodam ITelping Young apiculturiats7. Baku, Azer. Izd-vo det. i iun. lit-ry, 1953. 50 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7 No. I April 1954. CZMHOSLOVAKIA / Fam Animals. Honey Producing Bees. U-11 Abs Jour i Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1967, 72246 Author i lbragimov, R.P. Title fX761f6tt History of The Study of Bee-Diseases in Azerbayd- zhan. Orig Pub iIsv. AN AzerbSSR, 1966, No 9, 49-55 Abstract iIn Azarbaydzhan, the center for the study and liquidation of diseases in been, particularly of the American foul- broad, was located in the Nukhinsk region and NagoriVi Karabakh. Card 1/1 ---------------------------------- - 85 COU.~'.TRY USSR CANC-ORY Farm Animals. The Honeybee* ABS . JOUR. i1o. 25943 RZhBiol. , 14-o. 69 1959 AUTHOR bragiMoVq Re P& :___j L73T. T IT L _E - s against Ameri- Testing Medicinml Preparation can Foul Brood 0,-jIG. pUB. Pchelovodstvol 19589 No 79 44-48 ABSTRACT In an industrial experiment carried out in Jkzerbaydzhan it was established that SM811 doses of penicillin (100 000 and 2009000 in- tornationAl units' per I liter of sugar syrup) are not effective for treatinr, Amorican foul brood* supplementary feeding of this kind only stl;aated the bees and made the work of the bee colonies somewhat more lively. Yfilen nec- tar collections were abundant (600-39000 9 the disease disappeared in 81 percent daily) , of the colonies; but when ample suPPlementarY MID: 1/3 ROSTOVTSEVAp I.; SKALINSKII, Ye.; SHPAY, N.D.; KARYAGIN, V.I.; KADYROV, N.; XOPICHAY, L.S.; IBRAGIMOV, R.P.i GOLOVINOVp I.M. Information and brief nova. Vaterinariia 40 no.7:87-93 Jl 163. (KIRA 16s8) (Veterinary medicine) KURASOVA, V,V.; KVISMINA, Ye.S.j KADYROV, N.T.1 IBRAGIY;CT$ 4.L.] MOfr,.V.. V.I.j ROGOZHKIN, A.I.j SIROMKO, M*. Informatlm* Vaterinarlia 38 no.lle92-96 N 161 (MM 18il) OKUNIKOV2 P.1 CBTAPENKOp K,; YEPIFANOV, 0,F,; MEDVEDE;V, I.D.1 FCRTWWY, V.; IERA_qXQL R.P. j KOLEGAYEV,, G. Brier news. Veterinariia 41 no,M101-109 D 164. (MIRA 18t9) IBUGIWV, S. Construction workers of Uzbekistan prepare for the 22d CODMBN of-the CPSU. Stroitell no.10:3-5 0 161. (ICLkvL 14: 11) 1. Ministr strcitallotva UzSSR. Wzbekistan-Construction industry) -A u.:l~,.-,-;!: ii. Of ',,lie qcat ',Iio Cotton Plarit to s"Ill and t',-,c '.Tatu-cr Cycle f ICand I~r Sci, TaslOcont Tri.;", 21' Fuh DI on J. w) I u (Pravda Vorto,:a TasW-.t.,nt, 12 Fub 30: M'. 210 Auc Q~ JmlkQ;TYj, ~~ A., A young engineer. Put' i put, khoz. 9 no.7s8 165. (MIRA 18j10) 1. Glavnyy bukhgalter Nakhichovanskoy distanteii ZakavkawAoy dorogi. IB-P-kG1'~:OVJ* S. 1. "Internal Friction of Certain Phonol-Contain Double Liqu'd S-;gtcw " ine Cand Chem Sci Kazan' Chen -1cotechnological Imt, Tashkent-Kazan', 295,5. (a, No 12., 'Mar 551 So: Sum. No 670., 29 Sqpt 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Hicher Educational Institutions (15) PAYZITEV, P.; IBRAGIMOV, SM.; KOVALICHUK, R.I. Effect of plant irradiation on the growth anl development of cotton. Radiobiologlia 5 no.4j593-595 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. InatItut genetiki i fiziologli rastenly AN Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. IBRAGIMOVI.-.-Sh.T.-j-KOVAI,ICHIIK, R.I.; 1-6 High-Yielding rutant producf-cl f~f OWr` of cott*n plants. Gonetiks. no.10.(C-1721 '(.5o (VIRA 18:10) 1. Institut eksperimentalIncri biulcgii r!--L!ten-ly Art' UzSSR, Tashkent, ACCESSION NR2 AP4018645 3/0249/63/019/011/0009/0014 AUTHOR: Ibrardmov. 3h. I. TITLE: Approximate solution of the Cauchy problem for an evolutionary equation with unbounded operator (Presented by academician Z, I. Khalilovs AN Azarbaydahan SSR) SOUME: AN AzerbSSR. Doklady*j ve 19, no, 11, 1963# 9-3.4 TOPIC TAGSt approximate solution, Cauchy problem, evolutionary equations unbounded operator, Hilbert space, positive definite operator,, self adjoint operator, finite difference, Banach space ABSTRACT: Let H be a completd separable real Hilbert space, The scalar product and nom in it are denoted by (xsy) and 11x1j. On the finite interval 0 f, t ~ I ; consider the collection B2 of all measurable functions x(t) with values fr7om H having finite integral 11 x(t) H 2dt Card 1 ACCESSION NRs AP40186h5 In this linear set define the scalar product (1). and the norm x( Idt (2)! The set B2 Will now be the complete separable Hilbert space B2(0,),). investigates the problem dx(t) di-. UY x(O)-xo, Mi The author Card 24 ACCESSION XR: APLO18645 where .x(t) is the desired veotor-funotion from B2(0j) and the operators A(t), B(t) and f(t,x) satisfy certain conditions, The author introduces the Hilbert space D(A 1/2 ). The elements of this apace have the fom y a A-1/2(0)%, vhere x is any element of H. A/2(0) is the positive root of the operator A(O). The scalar product in D(Al/2) is defined as (y,.. V2)D - (A/2(0)y2.# A~/2(0)y2)0 D(Al/2) is a complete space. The author gives conditions for solvability by the method of finite differences of the generalized solution from the class D(Al/2) of problem (3) and (4). "In conolusionp I use this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to my scientific instructor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaydahan SSR., Z. I. Khalilov,11 Origo art* han: 11 formulas* Card 317 3 IBRAGIMDV,- Sh.-I.; KOVALICHUI(, R.I. Effect of radiation on cotton plants at various itagee"in +Jwir development. Dokl. AN Ux.SSR. 20 no.1:44-47 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut genetiki. i fiziologii rasteniy AN Uzbekskoy SSR. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom AN Uzbekskoy SSR A.I. Avtonomovym. (Cotton) (Plants-gffect oe gamma rays on) NEZGOVOROV, L.A.j !~RAGM,-~h*Ioj SOIDVIYEV, A.K, Reducing the pregerminatIon death of seeds of thernophy.11c Plants at low temperatures, Fisiolerast. 8 no.3061-370 161. (MIRL 14: 5) le Inatitut fisiologli rasteniy in* K.A.TimiryaseN* Akadwdi nauk SSSR Moskva i Institut genetiki i fisiologii rastiniy AN USSSRt Tasilent. (Soil temperature) (Seeds) IBRAGIMDVt Sh.I. Vegetative nerves,of the abdominal cavity in sheep and vegeta- tive innervation of intemal organs, Trudy Us,nauchwi-issLinst, vet. 14t249-252 161. .. WM& i612) (ilimen" canal-Innervation) (Karakul sheep) IBRAGIMOV, Sh. I., Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Anatomy of the vegetative nervous system of Karakul sheep and domestic Uzbek goats." Samarkand, 1960. 1? pp; (State Committee of Higher and Secondary Specialist Educa- tion, Council of Ministers Uzbek SSRI Uzbek Agricultural Inst im V. V. Kuybyshev); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 146) IBRLGD(OV Sh - - ff! VIA Dokl. Al isx an An~toxW of the'vagus nerve of the Irarakal sheep. U0.3367-70 '58- (min u 96) 1. Usb9ksklyiwl'skoklhozyayst,v@nW lastitut b6 TT, rhybysbam, Prodstaylano almdamilcom AN Us BOA. Tu. Tunusovm (raralml eh" 11" (Vagus nerV95 IBRAGIROV, Sh.I. Autonomic n*rv*o of the goat's thorax as related to Innervation of the heart and lungs. Dokl.AN Us.SSR no.12151-55 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Uzveksidy sellskokhozynystvennyy institut. Predntavleno akademikon AN UsSSR S.S.Zanashom. (Goats) (Chest-Innervation) (Nervous system, Autonomic) iBRAGIMOVP Sh.l. Analog of the method of straight linen for differential equations in abstract spaces, Dokl. AN Aserb. SSR 21 no.613-8 165. (MIRA 18t]2) 1. Azerbaydzhanskly gosudaretvennyy universitet. IBRAGIMOV,O S. M. Cand Agri Sci - (,,iss) "Agrotachniques of growing potatoes uncter Bukharsk Oblast condittanstm Kivvq 16 ppv 200 cop. (Ukrainian Acadeny of Agricultural Sciences) (KL,, 45-60,, 127) IMAGIMOV, S.S., dots. eOoow* Effect of methods of killing larvae and drying cocoons on their technical characteristics. Sbor. nauch.-isel. rab. TTI no.4:163-166 '57. (MIRA 11:9) (Sericulture) USENKOp Vladimir Andreyevichs profsp doktor tekIn. naukj ZA13ELOTSKIYp Lazar' Markovich, kand. tekbn. nauk; KUNTSEVICH, V.A., inzb., retsenzent; ZVEZDKINA, Ye.V,, in2hop retsenzent; 14~ ~GD,9, .pj.,-kand. tekhn. naukp retsenzentl SHMNGART, M.D.# red.y- BATYREVA, G.G., tekhn, red. [Silk technology] Tekbnologiia shelka. Pod red. V.A.Usenko. Iloslcva, Isd-vo nauchno-tekbn. 3At-ry RSFSR. Pt.2. [Silk spinm- ning] Shelko riadenie. 1961, 343 P. (MIRA 15:2) (St!:~ (Spinn4m ) Imou % 137-58-1-913 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 130(USSR) AUTHORS: Ibragimov, V., Bushuyev, V. ------------- --- TITLE: An Electrovibration Method for the Deoxidation of Parts (Elektrovibratsionnyy metod vosstanovleniya detaley.). PERIODICAL: S. kh. Bashkirii, 1956, Nr 12, pp 34-38 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry 1, Metals.-Doaxidisatim 2, Zlectrevibratim--4pp1icatiftm Card 1/1 ZAKHMIGvt N.N.9 Jnzh.~ '-'13RAGIK)V, V.I,., inzb, Deeigning gear pumps w-`th a hydraul'-c cDmpanWion of the end I clearance. Vast. mashinostr. 44 no.502-35 My 164. (YJRA 176) V. ZVI. Organizing a naroological department for treating alcoholism. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.8s68-69 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Iz Aktyubinakoy oblastnoy paikhonevrologicheakoy bollnitey pos. Kukashasa (glavvraoh - A.S.Lopatin). (AKTYUBINSK PROVINCR-AWOHOLW"TRFATMENT) IBRAGIMOV, V.Kh.; UDOVICHENKO, A.S. Treatment of alcoholism with nicotinic acid (vitamin FP). Zdrav.Kazakh. 22 no.300-33 162. (MRA 15M~ 1. Iz AktYubinskoy oblastnoy paikhonevrologicheakoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - X.N.Kaldybayev). (ALCOHOLISM) (NICOTINIC ACID) C at a 1-Y Microbiolo,7. Gancral Plaroblology. Crovth Dovelopment of the Acrobip.1 Populatior. ;".-j 0 u r Rof Zhur-Biols, No 23t 19513, 10597 Author jbr!KLx~V Institut. :'-KA-z'kh' ftioutifte Reattach V2t~rivw7 lastituts TItIcj Vw Regenwation of Filtrablo Forms of the Strangles Streptocooous OrV; Pub. Byul. nauohno-tskhn. inform. Xa%avak. n.-i. vot. tu-ta, 1957, No 1. 36-37 .Abstract No abstreat. C ard: s/137/6i/ooo/,bi2/114/i49 -Aoo6/Alol AUTHOR: Ibragimov, V.S. T1TWt On the problem of selecting optimum conditions of electric pulse building-up during the repair of auto-tractor parts FERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 12, 1961, 87, abstract 12E54T'fSb. asuchn. rabot. Moak. a.-kh. eked. im. K.A. Timiryazeva" , 196k$-'V. 13, 75 - 84) TEXTs Information'is given on the circuit of a unit for electric-pulse building-up, and on the physical principle of the process. The author analyzes methods of regulating the electric parameters of the -proossal the affect of inductance in the welding circuit on the nature of the procensj the seleption of electrode oscillation frequency and the part of the liquid cooling. It is re- ported that NIAT together with MIMXh is conducting investigations on the complex operationerl capacities of parts, built-up by the electric-pulse method. It Is noted that practical oases of breakdown of built-up crankshafts of automobile motors indicate the imperfection of the existing building-up technology. To deter- Card 1/2 s/i37/6 1/boo/lo 12/1 iVi4g On the problem of selecting optimum conditions ... A006r/AI01 mine optimum building-up conditions, it in, in particular, necessary to establish the relationship between the wear resistance and fatigue strength of the built- up parts. Problems studied by NIAT and MIMM are formulated. Ye. Terpugov [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] Card 2/2 IBRL~11j',OV, -1 V.S. "An Investigation of the Influence of the Conditions of the Process of Electro-iinpulse Welding on the Quality of the Coating in the Reconditioning of Parts of Automobiles and Tractors"; dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (awarded by the Timiryazev Agricultural Acadeffq, 1962) (Isvestiya Timirymovskoy Sellskokhozyaystvennoy Akadeivii,, Moscow, No. 2, 1963, pp 232-2A 30696 S/020/61/141/002/006/027 C!I!/C444 AUTHORs Ibragimov, J. A. TITLEs The evaluation of the spectrum of a Gaussian stationary process PERIODICAL% kkademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 2, 1961, 296-299 TEM Let CX I be a real stationary Gaussian process with discrete time n a 0.. -it 00 1, ... and E xn a 0. Let F(A) be the spectral function of f x I , f(A) be the speatral Unsity. The author estimates the spectrum ofll"y on C O,1r:1 and further on uses the term pectral function for F(h) - F(O) which again is Indicated by F(A), L:t L(FOG) be the Levy-distance between -the distribution functions F and G. Lots 11 1 X N 12 FP) - 2JTN ~ I L d 0 J-1 Theorem It There exists an aboolute constant P. > 0 such that for all Card 1/15 30696 S102 61/14i/m/oo6/027 The evaluation of the spectrum . . . C111YC444 sufficiently small E there holds sup P (L(FN*p F)>,,E~ > ~O _ (JE)1/4 0) 4 the sup being taken over all absolutely continuous P(N ) for which F(Tr) - 1. Let T indicate some class of equicontinuous spectral functions With P(Z 1. Let c,~(df) be the continuity modulus of P(A Further ba (i (d) sup 63F (S Theorem 2s For every > 0 and N -4 co there holds su P ( L(Fi* v F) 0 (2) F r the left hand in (2) not being large than min( 1114 + WT(2 T C I where C Is an absolute contant. 3 Card 216 30696 3/020/51/141/002/Oo6/027 The evaluation of the spectrum 'Ir"'1'/C444 Let P(X ) be absolutely continuous and f 2(A) dA < no. PNindicates the probability measure in 0 [OjIr j *91ch In generated by the ranAom process r-it E Fj", (x ) - F(A 0 lot P be the probability measure in 0 [0,Jr ] which is generated by the Gaussian process S(A) with S(o) - o, C So~ o, E S S(6t) min(h,W f 2(A) dA Then Y 00 0 Z (_I)k Amax k-- oo IF J-ro Whera G f2(A dX and ~(z) is the normal distribution. 0 Card 31,5 S102016 1/ 1340161(0)602/006/027 The evaluation of the spectrum C.11/0444 Theorem 3a (oompare with U. Grenandert M. Rosenblatt (Ref. 11 statisti- cal Analysis of Stationary Time-Series, Stonkholm, 1956)1 and U. Grenan- dsr, M. Rosenblatt(Ref. 31 Ann. Ruth. Stat., 537 (1953))). The following conditions be satiefiedi 1.) F(A ) has no constanoy intervals or 2+ S 2.) S (p )) dX -- w for any S> 0. Vion the sequenoy of the - J7, measures PI converges weakly to P for N -) ru, Sep9cialli there is p ~ May. r1i I F". (A) - ip(N )I ~c z j ~ A ( z 0 A< ir CO Theorem 41 If 0 m w--- f H e- oo then for every > 0 there holds Card 4AT 30696 3-/o-'o/61/141/002/006/027 The evaluation of the spectrum . . . li"IVC444 -F_z2 P [ r" I * ( X ) - F(A > 3mz t ~ _G *~z G 15/20 2 max jr where 1 P 14 z max sin and the constants 2 M N C, and C2 only depend on & . The estimation of the 8 eotral functions of the generalised Gau9sian stationary processes Xi4f ), where tf 6, D, D being the class of the infinitely often differentiable complexyalued functions with compact support, is shortly considered. There are 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. references. The three references to English language publications read as followas U. Grenan- der, M. Rosenblattp Statistical Analysis of Stationary Time-Series, Stockholm, 1956; U. Grenander, M. Rosenblatt, Proc. 3-d Berkeley Symp. Math. Stat. and Prob., Berkeley ~- Los Angelos, 1956; U. Grenander, M. Rosenblatt, Ann. Math. Stat. 24, 537 (1953) PRESENTED: June 2 )61, by A.h-_-t6lmognrov, Academician 1061 SUBMITTEDs June 21: Card 5/5 IBRAGNOV, Ta.A. Midwife Zakhtla. R&MI*ovna Abdur"hitoya. Irelld.i akush. no.8: 55-56 Ag 155. (MLBA 8:10) 1. InsPaIrtor Altyn-Kull~kW raysdrava Andishanskoy oblasti. (ARDURASHITOTA, ZAMIA RA IA) IBRAGIMOV Ye. I, Factors influencing the recurrence of cancer of the breast. Vop. onke 6 noe 9:58-65 8 160, (MM 14:1) (BREASTS-CANqM) SIGOV. S.A.; IERAGIMOY, Tu I. -000-- Mechanism of conversion process of carbon monoxide by steam. I2v. AN Uz. SSR. Bar. khim. nauk. no.3:21-27 157. (Nnu n:9) (Carbon monoxide) (Steam) SIGOV, SA~; LUX=# ZAS; IBRA INOT. YU.I. ". ~ . Affect of compression on the mechanical strength and activity of catalysts. Dokl. AN Uw. SSR noelft3l-34 157, (NIU 1125) l' Bredwasistskly politakhmiahaskir institut. Predstawleno akide. ;;kon M USSM X.19. Miyevs. (catalysts) SIGOV,, S-.A-.t IIMAGIMOT, rusl-. Decomposition of Karatau phosphorites by nitric acid containing a=onium sulfate. Usbo'khis.zhur. no.6:12-16 159. (XrU 13:4) loGredneasiatskly politekhnicheskiy institut. . (Phosphorites) (Nitric acid) IRRA IMOV, Tu. I.: ORION SHCHIKOTA., N. P. ; AL ITZV, Th. Tu.; SIGOV, S. AP \ ----,--,Convorslon of natural gas and water vapor on Iro&-n1ekel cat&- N,., -lysts. Usbe khIm, share no.4s49-54 160. (XIRA 13:9) 1. Institut Irk'all AN UsSSIL (Catalysts;,lickel) (Gas, Natural) GRERMHCHIKOVAN N.F.j IBRAGIMOV, lu.I.; ALIM, Ya.Yu.; IUKOV, Ya.I. Conversion of natural gas on a nickel catalyst in the presence of eilioa. Uzb.khim.zhur. no*4t73-78 161. (Kam 14; a) 1, Inotitut Irlhi-ii AN UzSU* (Gas, Natural) (Catalyvis) k Ya.Yu. (deceased]; GREEEMHCHIKOVA, N.P.; KRYLOV, MOV Yu I ; KHAMOV, Yu.A.: ANANIRTA, K.V. =J~~ Conversion of natuml of silica. I~sb. kJxIAo a nickel catalyst in 9 no. 4:69-74 165. AMINOVAp R.Kh.p 'kand. ist. nauk; TETENEVA, L.G., kand. ist. nauk; ALIMOV, I.A,) DMITRIYEVt G.L.; DZHAMAWV, O.B., doktor ekon. nauk, redaktor ; DZHURAYEVA, T., kand. ist. nauk, red.; ATFENYUK, S.Ya., red.; DANIWV, V.P., glav. red.; BELOV, G.A., red.; GRIGORIYAN, L.L., red.;_IBRAGjmwQ_V ift, red.; IVNITSKIY, N.A.,, red.; ILIYASOV, S.I., r0a;;--mu S.D., red.; KAMENSKAYA, N.V., red.; KRAYEV, M.A., red.; KULIYEV; O.K., red.; KAKHARADZE, N.B., red.; OBICHKIN, G.D., red.; PLESHAKOV, S.T., red.; MDZHABOV, Z.I., red.; SELEZNEV, M.S., red.; TURSUNBAYEV, A.B., red.; FEDOW)V, A.G., red.; SHEPELEVA, T.V., red.,-.FATLAKH,.B.,, red.; MASHARIPOVA, D., red.; BUIATOVA, R., red.f GORIKOVAYA, Z.F., tekhn. red.; KARABAYEVA, Kh.U., tekhn. red. [Socialist reorganization of agriculture in Uzbekistan) Botsialistichaskoe pereustroistvo sel'skogo khozinistva v Uz- bekistane, 1917-1926 gg. Pod red. O.B.Dzhamalova. Tashkent, Izd-vo.Akad. nauk UzSSR. Vol.l. 1962. 792 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut istorii i arkheologii. (Uzbekistan--Agriculture) GUSEYNOV, I.A... akademik, red.; prof.y red.; TOKARZHEVSKI-Y, le.A... doktor isto naukj prof.p red.; NOVOSkRTOVx G.M., kand. Ist. nauk, red.; SHIKHLINSKIY, Z.B.2 kand, iat, naukp reds (From the history of the qn-lat labor class in Azerbaijaul Iz istorii sovetskogo rabochego zlassa Azerbaidzhana. Baku., Izd-vo AN Azero.SSR, 1V64. 2~4 P. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Akademiya, nauk Azerbaidzhanskoy SSR, Baku. Inetitut istorii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Azerb.SSR (for Ibragimov). IBRAGIMV, NJ Z.S., Cand Ueol WAn Sci -- (diss) 'IfInysical paraT,eters of petroleum-gas vel s of chalk and ikx of the Paleogene'o~ the ferganeklW_ depression." Taskkent, 19~6, 18 pp (Acad Sci UzSSR. Inst of Geology. Depart.Ant of Geology and Geochemistry of Petroleum) 150 coDies (KL9 2.7-58, 105) - W - IBRAGIMOV* ZOS-.-, Studying physical parameters of Cretaceous and Paleogene carbonate and terrigenous rocks in 7ergana. Usb. geol. zhur. no.1:47-63 158. (MIRk 13.2) (Yergana-Petroleum geology) rMGIMV, Z. S. Physical paravieters of Cretaceous and Paleogene oil- and gun-'bearing hoilsons In the Fer&mm Valley. Uzb. geol. Shur* no.6:63-68 159. (mru 13:6) 1. Institut geologil I razrabotki neftyanykh I gazovykh wastoroshdonly AN 1110M, (Forgam-011 muds) !L�~U~~b~irovi ~'Muy, A.G., doktor geologo-mineral. nauk,; MANSMY, A.R., red.; GORIJIOVATA, Z.F.., [Physical parameters of Cretaceous and Paleogene oil- and gaa-bearing horizons in Iftrgenal Tisichaskie parametry nefte- gazonoanykh gorizontoy mole i paleogena Fergany. Tashkent# Izd-va Akad.nauk Usbekskoi SSR, 1960. 130 P. (KIBA 13:12) (IFergana-Petroleva geology) (Ferip --affei, Natural-Geology) < --MRAGDIOT 9 Z. S. ftactured racks'in the soutbeastern Nam gun. Uzb.geol. shw. no. 107-41 tt6i* I (MIM 140) 1. Inatiiut goologii i rambotk:L neftyanykh i pilovykh sesto- rozhdardy An VsM, (Zara lab-40ints(Geology)) AKRMHODZHAYEVp A.M.; FEDOTOV, Yu.A.; ZHUKOVAv Te.I.j BABAYZVp A.G... red.; NURATDINOVA, M.R., red.; GORI KOVATA p Z. P. 0 tekhn. r ad. MIMAZOVA, N.Ye.;. IBRAGIMDVP Z-S.; doktor gool.-miner. nauic, otv. MDSHCHENKO, ZA, red.; (Geology and some problem of oil and gas potentials in the rcara- Kalpak A.S.S.R.]Geologiia i nakotorys voprosy neftegazonoonosti Karakalpakii. Taabkont,, Isd-vo Akad. nwak Uzbekakoi SSR 1962. 1629 po (KiRA 161:1) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut geologii i razrabotki. neftyanykh i gazorykh mostorozhdoniy. (Kara-Kalpak A.S.S.R.-Petrolem geology) (Y . . 'ara-Kalpak I.S.S.R.-Gas., Natural--Geology) IBRAGIMC~, Z.S.; KORSAKOV, S.F. Reservoir properties of terrigenous sediments of the Cretaceous of the Southern Mubarek structure. Uzb. geol. zhur. 7 no.4: 39-43 163. (MIRA 16tlO) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki neftyanykh i gazovykh mesto- rozhdeniy AN UzSSR. (Uzbekistan--Oil sands) IBRAGD40V., ZIS. -- 7 - - A - , .~ , -, ;, , , - - Concerning the book by A.A. Khanin "Reservoirs in oil and gas fields of the U.S.S.R." Razved. i okh. nedr 29 no.7:61-4L 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. IGIRITIGK. (Oil 4ands) (Khanin, A.A.) IBRAGIMOV, Z.S.; M.Kh.; ArIDEDOV, 11.U. Prospects for finding oil and gav in tho rocks of the Upper Axasaic carbonate formation of Shargim and adjacent regions. Uzb. geol. zh-ur. 9 no.3:20-24 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Inatitut geologil I razvedki. neftyanykh i gazo,,-ykh metorozhdeniy Gosudarstvennogo geologicheskogo kordteta SSM. POLUNSKAUt P.I,1,11~IMOVAt A,A. Case of death,frm ampbyxla caused by a taborculosiis abpoess in 3.00ions.of the carviaothorsofa section of the opine. HeC shw. Usb. no.:L2s66 D 160* (MM 3-4: 1) 1, Iz ResiMblikinskoy kootnotuberkulasnoy bollnitsy imeni V.I. Leninap Samarkand (&My vrach - dotsent R.R.Far al). (AOPMU). (SPINE--TUBEMLOSIS) "Familial" schizophrenia. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 61 no.9:1392-1395 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kafedra poikhiatrii (zav. - prof. V.A.Glazov) Dagestanskago meditainskogo instituta, Makhachkala. (SCHIZOPHRENIA)