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m .1 . ~:~ '-, - -, ~~ -~ Z- , '. - _; - 7-: - -~ :- m . ; . -, -~- I - -.-I f Z~Lrk Kr-~~ -'-- I- -, - -` , -- I - , . ~,,_ ~-,p - L 21103-66 Up '(W)/T~/EWp(t)/EWPW IJP(c) JD/HW/JG ACC NR: AP6008679 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0065/65/000/005/0448/0461 AUTHORS; Hyapecka, Ludmila--Gysp*taka, Ludmila; Baluaek,__Jaromir--Valushek, Yaromir; Mazanec, Kara ts, Karel ORG: VIT VZKG, Ostrava TITLE: The effect 6f metallurgical factors on strength properties of structural Cr-Ni-Mo steels"after thermo-mochanical treatment \q SOURCE: Kovoye materialy, no. 5, 1965, 448-461 TOPIC hGS: alloy steel, structural steel, mechanical heat treatment, plasticity, strength property, martanaits, austenite ABSTRACT: In this study.,the effect of production technology on the properties of an alloyed~'C-Ni-Mo steel af ter therma-mechanical treatment was determined. 'In all cases investigated there was an increase in strength properties 1%tf ter therno-machanical treatment and in some caseq (mainly in melts -with higher carbon contents), 'there was also an increase in plaBticity. The relative maximum rise in the ultimate strength for given carbon content was measured in melts smelted in the air, while the relative minimum valuakwas measured on melts smelted in vacuum from highly pure raw .material. This finding was explained by the so-called dynazic effects of martinsite platis..on the boundaries of austenite grains. It is most likely Card 1/2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A AL ACC NR: AP6008679 0 that in melts smelted from highly pure material (low P and S), a reinforce- ment of the auatenite grain boundaries takes place to a certain extent and, evidently, the possibility of defeat formation on the boundaries of auettaite grains under the impact affect of martensite plates decreas*4. In these melts, the probability of relaxation of stresses caused by the dynamic effects of martensite plates on the austenite grain boundaries was increased. Further, it was shown that it in very difficult to clarify the observed phenomena by the action of carbide precipitation or by nucleation of carbides ,in the course of therno-mechanical treatment. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 4 tables., .(Based on author's abstract.) (KS) SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 16Feb 65/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REY: 0131 SOV REP: 002/ Card 212 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0065/66/000/001 T~i-O-W'! AUTHOR; Hyspecka, tudmila--Gyspetska, Ludmila a ff.11-1 ORG: VU VZKG, Ostrava TITLE: The effect of carbon content on mechanical properties of structural Cr-Ni-Mo steelafter thermo~-mechanical treatM at . 11 i~* g) A T SOURCE: Kovove materialy, no. 1, 1966, 7h46 TOPIC TAGS: steel structure, carbon, plasticity, martensite, anstenitei tensile I 4z UA IuA 411 r%&d.*,utea +~-.+ +,u.,4--f ABSTRACT: A number of experiments and studies dealing with the effect of carbon c tent on the properties of structural steel after thermo-mechanical treatment have produced differing opinions and even contradictory results during the past six years. This was because the steel used,in the experiments was not of uniform composition and was subjected to differing treatments. A series of experimental tests were carried out recently by the Pesearch Institute of the 'KlemCat 00twal Iron Works in order to examine the effect of carbon content on the properties of structural Cr-Ni-Mo steel after tbermo-mechanical treatment, and,to attempta mare generally valid evaluation of the effect examined. Potak's study (Lq_taLLa. MOM M., Orzhekhovskiy Yu. F., Pevzner L. M., Roshchina I. N., Yermakov, V. N., 1961, 5, 2.) vas used as a basis for the experiment. All rolling operations were Card 1/2 J. eeD42-00 ACC NRi AP6008074 performed in the Foundry Research Institute (VUS) in Bratislava. The results of (I)The presence of carbon In necessary foz the experiment have shown that: . aignifi- cant increase in strength, the optimum value being 0.521% C. (2)For higher content (0-4 to 0.52 fl, the strength and plastic properties are higher after thermo-mechanical treatment than after conventional treatment. The strength TM1d plastic properties also were shown to be In full agreement with the character of the fracture surfaces investigated in tensile tests. On the basis of experimental results, the author presents a concept of the influence and the so-called dynamic effects of martensite plates on grain boundaries of initial austenite. In steel with a higher carbon content, it was possible.,to obtain higher values of plasticityl or strength after.-jhk_rao-~~hsalg~A treatment1by limiting the dynamic effects of martensite plates, Orig. art. has, 4 figutes, and 2 tables. [JKP] SUB CODE: IV3/SUBM DATE: 0814mr65/ OHIO REF: OOT/ OTH REF. 018/ SOV REF: 002 K.1-HYZAK,._A. Contribution to eye pathology. (Generalized of the adrenal medulla with metastases into oftal. 21 no.lt65-71 Ja 165 sympathicoblastoma both eyes. Cesk. 1. Ocni klinika lekarske fakulty Palackeho University v Momoual, (prednostas prof. dr. V.Vejdovsky, DrSc.); Ocni oddeleni Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi ve Thetine (vedouoit MUM,. K. Uhradnicak), a Patologickoanatmiclcy ustav, lekarske faku-Ity Palacksho University v Olomouoi (prednostat doo. dr. V.Valaoh). ZJN0HAj Romnq doo, ins, 080, 1 HTWECKY, Lubos, ins. Using high-speed reheating in heat treatment of pipes. Hut listy 19 no.10:715-720 0 164. 1. Higher School of Mining, Ostrava (fA" Sojnoha). Research and Testing Institute of the Nova hut Xleaviiia. Gottwald& National Enterprise, Ostrava (for Hyspooky). RYSPECKA. Ludmila ins.; BALUSEKp Jaromir; MAZAREC, Karel, ins.,, Thernome6hanical trea'iment of ;tructural steel. Hut listy 18"-48 - Ja. 163. 1. VYZkWW uBtavp Vitkovicke selezarny Klementa Gottwalda, n.p., Ostrava. h3031 s/194/62,/000/010/069/084 A055/A126 AUTHORs Hytha, Miroslav TITI.E., Filter for separation of two cross-polarized waves of the centimeter range PL-7110DICALS Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika I radloolektronika, no. ~0, 1962, 85, abstract 10-7-1708 P (Czech. pat., cl. 21a4, 73, no. 99561, May 15, 1961) TEXT: A filter design In proposed for separating two cross-polarized waves of the centimeter range in a round wavegulde. In the design, the filter Is con- ceived in the form of a waveguide triplet, two branches of which are formed by the section of a round waveguide, and the third by the section of a rectangular waveguide. The part of the filter proper Is played by a metal plate placed'in the round waveguide along its axis. The end'df the plate, nearest to the input end of the round waveguide, is placed at about the level of the middle of the window into the rectangular branch of the triplet. At this branch Input and along its longitudinal axis, another short plate is placed which a)mpensates the influ- Card 1/2 S/194/62/000/010/069/084 Filter for separation of two cross-polarized .... A055/A126 ence of the window. Rectangular,waveguidea for transmission of energy into two separately working antennas are Oonnected to the output flanges of the triplet. B.Ya. [Abstracter's note: Complete ~ranslationl Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Hytha, Miroslav TITLE: Primary radiator for two polarizations h3028 S/194/62/000/010/065/084 'A055/A126 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika I radioelektrynika, no. io, 1962, 77, abstract 10-7-153m P-(Czech. pat., cl. 21a4, 46/02, no. 99562, May 15, 1961) TOM The patent Is taken out on a primary radiator for two polarizations, consisting of a horn antenna and-a reflector, the reflector being a part of the surface of the revolution-hyperboloid. The radiator is calculated for operaticn in the centimeter wave range and can work with one as well as with two vertical- ly polarized waves. The feeding of the horn occurs through a square-section waveguide In which are propagating two vertically polarized waves El and E~. The planes of the horn-cuts pass through the edges of the horn, forming an angle with the longitudinal axis; the cuts are provided with dielectric covers. The electromagnetic waves radiated by the horn are reflected from the hyperbolold surface and directed towards the main reflector of the antenna. The primary Card 1/2 S/194/62/000/010/065/064 Primary radiator for two polarizations A055/Ai26 pattern of the horn radiator IS somewhat widened owing to reflection from the hyperbolic reflector. The advantages of the feed in question are its smallcr weight and size, as compared td those of the previously used feeds, as well as the possibility of using one fdeding waveguide for operation with two different- ly polarized waves. R.P. [Abstracter's note: Compl4te translation] Card 2/2 HITHAI YAroslay, inz., CSO. !nergy relat'GnB in OlsvtrwagnOtic field disturbed by agnetodielectric body. Act& techn Cz 8 no-42368-374 '63. 1- VYz'i-umrq lqstav pro adelovaci techniku, Praha - Branik,, NOVOdvoraks, 994- 14-Y V L A I G-1 HUNGOy/EloctricitY - General Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fi4Lkas No 1i 1959, No 1138 Author ;Horvath -T.I., HyUlai, J. Inat :7he universif, , zage , Hungary Field in moving Title :Conservation Laws of ElOctrOmaenet'a Dioloctrics- Orig Pub :Acta phys. et chem, szegcd,? 1956, 2) No 1-4, 39-48 Abstract :The field equations in moving bodies arc considered. A conservation law is derived for the electromagnetic field in a moving dielectric. 7ho problem of the energy-pomentum tonsor of the electromagnetic field is again examined. Card 38 Jn=& Ilm mog PmAn/parm taimis. Honoybees Abs Jour Hof Zhur - Biol-ij, go 4; 1958, No 50129 Author Inst Title A Rare Bee Killer Crig Pub Pszczelarstwo, 1957, 8, 110 % 254 Abstract In one of the villages of Carpathian Poland the author discovered a new fly species called Physocephala vittata, belongine to the Conopidne family, vhich vas formerly unknown in this reGion. On s=mr evenings towards the end of the sxuz)or season2 these insects attack bees which.. beinG burdened with nectar, have been delayed in their return fliCtt to beehives. Abstractor's note: in the Polish oriainal the name of the insect has been incorrectly c;iven as Phytocephala vitata. V.A. Kanzyuba Card 1/1 HYZIK, J. Cultivation of sugar beets. P. 18, (Rolaicke RI&GY) Vol. As no. 4, Aug, 1957, Praha, C2echoslovakia SOt Monthly Index.of East European Acessions (EFAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 HYZIK, J. 'st me- Sony rdjsulta,!and experiences in the sugar-beet harW ukrovar 81 no.4%86-87 Ap 165. In 1964. LtitY 0 f 4r hani HYZIK, Jaroslav Some i4orienop with the large-scale technique used in sugar beet harvestizig in 1942. Lietyeukrovar 79 no.2s26-27 F 163. - - i.... 1.01~111--,--Mo - stanislaw; HNIM, 140; J.; WARCZTAUI, r.,- PIBAROZYX, A.; ZZA"WWWRI, Solampsis at the rrakow Olinio f or the last So years. gin. Polska 28 noo2tl?l-175 Nist-Apr 1956. 1.9.1 Ilir4ki Polossiotwa I Chorh roblooph AX v Krokovis. 114rovalks prof. dr. 8%. 6dwars. 4tanialm Dobdc--b&cw, u1. Iropernilm 23. (solawsla, statistios Olin. statist., in Polud (Fol)) KIR1LOVj D.p inzb.; PETROV, Iva# inzh,;_LApkjR,_j!~.,jnzh.; KHAIDUKOVp P.p inzh. The T4.4,411 ~O television relay, Radio i televiziia 11 A0*111335- 339 IU. inzh. Decreaso of jaming in transmitting video signals by coaxial cablen, Ridio, i telmviziia 12 no. 12-365-366 163. LIAPUITOV, A. A. [Lyapunov, A. A. );jAbjouaki,,. S... V.. Yablonskiy, S. V. I Theoretical problems of cybernetics. Fiz mat spisanie RAN 6 no. 3tI80-198 163. KOZLOVSKI, Z. rKoz1ovskit Z.1 (Polsha); IABIDNSKIp V. [lablonskip V.1 (Po2.sha) Faulty rahning of drawing frames., and its influence on the characteristics of unevenness. Tekstilna prom 11 no.3:4-7 1629 1: jr~ -- IACHEV~-K*-------- Singla-tube radio receiver for beginner radio amateurs. (Supplement) p. III. RADIO. Vol. 4,, No. n, 1955 Sofiya., Bulgaria So. East European Accessions List Vol. 59 No. 9 September, 1956 PETROV., D.A.; RWAKOVj T.A,j IACLEVA, S*K. - m4w""00' Radial heterogeneity in germanium and silicon crystals. Godishnik fiz mat 55 no*2.*89-103 160/t61 (publ. 1621. IACHEYA,Zdr.,prof. d-r REfect of fruit Juies* on the activity of penicillin, streptomycin and bionWoln. Izv, m1krob. Inst.,Sofla no.11112)-138 160. (FRUITS) PENICILLIN pbarmcol.) UPTWON pharmscol.) 0 (GRZOZMMCTCLIM pbarrAcol.) IACHEVA, Zdravka, red. dotsant d-r.; NEICHNV, SI., d-r., asistent Bacteriologic control of closed forms of pulmonar7 tuberculosis with culture media. Izv.mikrob.inst., Sofia 5:215-222 1954. 1. Mikrobiologicheski institut pri Haditsinakata akadamita V. Chervankov. (TMU=05IS, rammy, diagnosis, bacteriols'tachnics, culture media) (CULTURB MIDIA, diag. of pulm, tubftres) - IACHEVA, Zdr., d-r Bulgarian antitoxin standards, Nauah trud Inst kontrol Isk It5- 20 #63. IAGIEV3KI, G. "Asymmetric bridgelike Plan for a Substation Serviced By Two Electric Lines", P. 18. (ELEUROENMGIIAo Vol. 5, 110. 10, Oct. 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) SOs Monthly List of East European Accessions, (E&AL), LG) Vol. 4, Ito. 6~ Jwe 1955, Uncl. UCHINOVp V.M.; SAMUSEVA, V.R., tekhn. red. [High-speed scaling storage circuits] Byotrodeistvuiushchie pereschetrqe nakopitellrqe skheW. Dubna,, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh isel., 1962. 10 p. (MIU 150) (Pulse circuits) (Frequency changers) C019STANTIMOU, S.; TRODOFMCU,, B.; SANIELIVICI-X&RINOTI, S.; GUNWOU, V.; ILOOB, A.-II-SMITZAR, G.; VUWAMMOU, M.-, WIIOV, M.; VASILMiGUi 0,; ZIGOBM-Ow, R.; DARM, F.; DANECU, A.; BMSTAINO D. Kass clinical and radiological detection (by radiophotography) of carditim in school-age children. Probl. reumat., Buour. no.5t79-82 1938. (MUMTIG RURIP, DISMSI, prevent ion & control in school-aged child. in R-nia, clin. & radiol, diag.) 9 IACOBI A.$ ingo; MARIN, V.p ing. .1 ............................... ::~~ Television translation stations from channel II to chan I IV O.I.R.T. Telecommicatii, 6 no.2s6O-67 W-Ap 162. . ~ _~ - ~,:MMMIMOOM IMBIGN-WEIP! 11 -1 - '__1-_.1.--_ '- - - --1 -1 -_- x ---" I.. ~ "1 7- - II ..' . . I 1 1 ~ , : . ~ ~ . . . I . ~,~ ~ I - ; Z' " , , , ~ ~" "'-- - - IACOBO A., ing.; MARIN, V., ing. Television trans t on tation from-channel II to channel IV, International Brratoastin Organisation. (II). Telecomunicatii 6 no.3t116-120 Yq-je ILS UUJUATISL EL u KA ""' L A if CATEGOW Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application. Pharmaceuticals. Vitamins. Antibiotics ABS. JWR. t FZW(hiz.) No 17, 1959, No. 61833 AUTOR I Calafeteanu, I. Physico-Chomical Determination methods for Nico- Unic Acid and Its Amide in The Pharmaceutical* OPJG- MB- Farmacia (Romin.), 1958, 6, No 4t 333-349 ABSTPACT Comparative investigation of chemical, 7)hotomet- rical, and polaro rapbic determination methods of nicotinic acid (11 and of its amide (II) was con- ducted, employing the above substances in a put* form,&s well an components of pharmaceutical pro- p&r&tions. It was establiahed I that the cbemical metho4-givex tzood,resvlta in the determination of I when in for'm or when contained in tablets. The Aetermination.of II by chemical metbod is difficult. The,photometric mothod. yielded good *Pronarations. Cards 1/2 H - TO c A onc( ~153. JOUR. : ~1.7:f' ;I .101 75821 A~ 1101- C : FusBu, C., CalafetriAnu, I., and lacob, A. :ot n 11 For Application of the uefrnc tome tr 1c Metnod t.) the Quantitative Determination of Magistral Mixtures C. i 171. PUB.:Farmacia (RPR), 6, No 6, 505-510 (1958) A B '-"' P F A C T:The authorz liave studied the poesibility of apply- ing the refractoinetric me~.hod of analyzis to a of magistral mixtures mosi. froquontly en- !.,ountered in medical practice and h.,ive determined corstants required for the analysis of the follow- ing substances: codeine phosphate, caffeine, ~zodium benzoate, and spartelne aulfate. FroM %Utnors' summary CARD: 1/1 XACOB.A. On some radiologicaliaspecto of dilAtation of the left Auricle. Probl. card.,Bwur. 4:287-299 159. (R=R DISALSO, radiogmpby) /,7-C(5 ZZ SUR:W-2, Given Ramos comtrYs Rumania Academic Dogreev Affiliations SO=01 Bucharest Parmaois Vo I IX 1No.7, Jul 19619 PP 403-43-Is Was "Study' on the Conservatioq, of Vitamins A, B19 B2 and 0 in Viplex and Pblyvitakin Produotse Autbors: BERAL, H. ~ I Uria&$ X jaLq_qjj 1. C Work performed under the auspices of the .LmL=ute for jb~-�t Control of-Drugs jMd Pharmao6utioal Inv ~iAatiO-ffN-T;MsIIr-UM-& AA HtAt ALI Medldnmantu tari Parmacci SVBA%Ml GiVGn NOMS Countrys Rumania AeOemic Degreess Affiliations Insti A 31hAfA anntm-1 Of Drugs -and &armaceutioal t (Inatitutul pentru.uontralul de Stat al 2X=0= en I al Gercetari Farmaeoutioei, Souras: Bucharest, FArmagia, Vol IXI No 8, Aug 1961, pp 501-504# Data$ "StAidy on the Conservation of Vitamins Bl, Bp and PP." .j B6 Autbarst BERA -Pharmacist.- -HUMA isat -Pharmaoisto- -=Us a.$ -Pharmacist*- IAGO BA.,. -Pharmacist I&CO:3, B. . . .... .......... .!:~- The town Ob;rgiu; ovservations based on physical nM eccnomic geography& P. 239 PIOURME DE GFa-.:AFIE!. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Institutual de Cereetari Geografice) Bucruesti, itumanin. V o1. 6, 1959 Monthly list ,)f East European Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 9, No. 2. Feb. 196V Uncl. IACCB B. SCIEWE Periodicalst REVISTA DE CHIM Vol. 9,, no- 109 Oct- 1958 IACOB,v B. Application of -the twitanometric method to the analysis or inophenols. P. 576. Monthly Listof East European Accessions (EFAI) LCs Vol. 8, No. 2.,, Febrvar7 1959, Unclasa. Analysis of interinediste compounds from dve Indumi-es through papcr Otrommography. S. VaO, mi'l . I.IL'4'. (Bilch.irc.41 . 4 6,063";~.-A it ~7 - -T77T Z =rp Lr,t-r (S.AihicherSchidl N,.. timi in (lie wim. (-I acid, 1.R,,Mb)-droYitmp11- ncij, an(I 1-n.,phtlic,141,13,L,;-tri.,ttlf,)tiie acid devt],qwd frons a 10~-(,, NaCI soln. (1?1 0.0, O.S. 0.6, tind 0.14, rem.). The iwiili were icivifified by thcir JltiorLs- cence. For the sclin. (if the 1-niplithyl;ktnitit-4-sulft)ijie and acids, flicasceilding inettirki Is used, front a 10"l, NaCt sidi. as Folvent, in an atitt. satd. With the MIA BuOll-AcOH-1 1-0 (4:115). Thb fl mscrnt spots were SVIKI. at an R1 0 7 and 0,70. M. SA,NIELEVICIp H.1 BROMLNO F.; IACOB B-; TZOWRMCUp L.; PAUL, V.; - , a - PASCALIMR~ Re; SiUiiik' 0 -!~ Organia pipents for p3mtio materialB. Pt. 1. Rev ohimis Min petr 13 no.lOt7n-583 0 .162. SAPIELEVICI, H.J BRODMAPtJ j TEODOPMCUj L.; PAUL, V.; PASCALIDE, R.1 IACQBP R.; STUIJI~M, C. Organic p4ents Aor plastic materials. 13 no.113668-674 N .162. k" Pt 2. Rev chimie Hin petr BRMM,, F.; STUMMO C.; IACOBO B.; The antbraquinone-carbasolic 14 noo4t222-2Z3 Ap 163a .. V-1 S,jp I A 9 I - A k PAUL.. V. dyestuffs, Rev chimie *n petr 11 gntZA-,EMnM, L.,; BAR=, J.9; VASTAC, B.'; FAMK&N, A.,; IACCB, C. Conditioned reflex activity In dogs during anti-rabies vaccination and subsequent inoculation with street virus. Stud. carcet. infraniarobiol., Buour. 6 no.1-2:65-92 Jan-June 55. (RABIRS, Imunol. vaoc.. off. on conditioned "flax activity in dogs) (RVM, OONDITIOM off. of rabies vacc. & subsequent inoculation with street virus. in dogs) SZILAGYI, P.; IONESCU, D.V., prof. dr.; IACOD, C., acsid. prof.; HAIMOVICI, M., acad. prof.; WMAREANU, G., acad. prof. AbOU4 iolving the Dirichlet's problem on the system of equations ~of eliptic type, second order, with partial derivatives. Studia Univ B-B S. Math-Phys 9 no.2:140-142 164. 1. "Babes-8n1gaLl' University, Cluj (f-T Ionescu, Calugareanu). 2. Universit. of Bucharest (for Iacob). 3. "A.I.Cuza", Iasi (for Haimovici). 4. Ir I . I - - -- -- --- -- - - - - r 4~ X -v jjjjl~ ". . _ , ~ ..- I I.L. 1 -11 h 1-11 ; 11 --- ~.- ~ 11 M~M~ - - .- . - . - M~ . - ~ - - ~ - ~--- E I-,- I ldco~), C. Etude-com-Firk.demi rm.'=-cea de Ja =&Lodt MWe 40 S. A. Tchppl -7 Ygufne dAs le ,e ou U? "Menj P c t oubsoMque itutoundu c.YUDdre c1m;Ialre. d. Repub. 1. Rumgne. Ilid. Sti. '1~ Itif r;l Aca~ P" . . . - I . . ~ - ~ I - - a~~ F I .. I ~ -, ~ I ~t-i I -1~ - It- . - .-- - --ml ~ I I ZZMA-Z T - - . I il~ I - J= m - . ~, I ., , - ". a .- ! 5r ll~ ; tk % i I I ~ LL * . - -- . -- - - , - I I -- - - - - -- . - -- - - - - - -- - M -~- :- *, p i - -- .. - I-T- :1 T r --; -1 - - -- -- ---- --- -- .- - - . - III- . -1. .1-1 ;V-, - ~Rll.l z-1- I , ~ I . .1, 1, --., , 1. 1-11 . . I i- .. . . I I I . I I - , . , - , . ", - I wuvom Ll- - .- - - - --- , I . -,- -. - - - -- I -- - - -- . - - - -.7'r ---- - - - 0 M- -1- -1 - 7 C ~~ , - . --. -- J~-M~M WTM! I kr09' 0. OW.-ro3,ation5hip with Scviet science", -p. 375; "Issued by the Ruzanian Society of Kathematics and Phy5ic-5, Monthly". (GAZZETA MATEMA71CA SI FIZICA, SXRIA A., Vol. 6, no. 8/9. Aug-!Sept 1954. 'Bucnremti, Rumnia). SO: Monthly Mit of Nalt European Accassion, (MAL), LC, Vol. 4. No. 5. May. 1955. IACOB, C. IACOB, C. The Third Congress of USSR Mathematicians. P. 561. Vol. 8, nO.11, Nov- 1956. GAZETA MATPHATICA ST FIZI(A SFTIIA A. Bucuresti., 1.4mania. SOURCE., East Edropean Accessions List (VAL) Vol. 6,, Mo. 4--April 1957 IACOB, C ~ 7- "Determining the complex potential of some flows of fluids with given peculiarities." P. 387 (Buletin Stiintific. Sectia De Stiinte Matematice Si Fizjce) Vol. 9. no. 2.. 1957 Efucharest,, Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7P no. 4., April 1958 I t ------'-TAKODv-Tk7,us[Iacob, Caium) #~beso ution of the Rio-s- characteristics, !Zdv math pure I Hilbert problems with giTon no.10-19 160. (spacea . Generalized) (Hilbert (Harmonic analysis) On the solutions with given singularities of some boundary problems@ Rev math pures 3 no.3/41483-493 060. (EW 1013) (Boundary value problems) . (ffydrodynuics) (Potentials Theory of) !AW Cointr-j: Rumania Acade-nic Degrees: -no t given- A,ffiliaticn: Corrosponding Member of the RPR AcaderV (Membru Corespondent al Academiei RPR). Source: Bucharest I Comunicarile Academiei Rer)ublicii Pnt)ulare ROmine 7 v0 1 XI 7 eio 6 2 1961 2 pp 901-90 7& Data: "Determination of the Second Approximation in Compressible Subsonic Outflow in the Presence of a Symmetrical Joukowski. Profile." spo 9616*3 0.0 1ACOB, Caiua (Ducureati) On the development In series of Green's function in the vicinity of the Infinite point, StudJa UnIv B.-B S. Wth- Phys 7 no.1:95-98 162. IACOBP CaiuO -------golution of the Dirichlet problem for the circle in certain particular casost Comunicarile AR 12 no.4:~81-185 Ap 162. 1. Mwbru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. IAGOB, CtLux On the fundamental biharmonic problem. Commicarile AR 12 nootioc,j-in iv 1.62. L Mmbru corespondent al AcadexieL R,P,R, - IACOBp C. - Study of mathematics in the schools of general education. Gas mat fis 15 nooli35-39 Ja 163., 1. Membru corespondent al Aeademiei R.P.R. (for Iacob)* IACOB. Gains.. acad prof. p "atise on specialmathematics" by N. Cioranescup [prof.] Hadu Badescu. Reviewed by Gaius Iacob. Gas mat fiz 15 no-9: 502-503 S. 11.63. pr 69 n o . 3 r 164- Gal Hoo GiOTLF,I, 1-564-1642- "'Z 1. j3ucb,,iroit Universit.y. MUNIZAR, Romeoj IONESCU-TIU t~~C. ; (Brasov); EEBEA, N. (Tirgovis VIOREL, Grigore (Eforie) Capitan.. Gh. I. (Aninaj. Exercises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 15 no. 6t270-272 Je 164, 1. Pedagogic Institute, Bucharest (for Munteanu). I COVEAp Ana; VOLOVICI# C.) MUCMIC, luliaj IIITU,Is; 31AT083p Niculinal BUCRACp Elena; IAQJjo-&&p#~Lj VASIIMCUI Marcela; BAIABAN,,Iddia; COLIOS, Mona; PETRESCU, Adrian&.-, POPESCU, Florica; SAFTA, Rodica; MACt Hareta. The Oradea plain and hilly soilso Dari seama oed 48wPW8 60/61 [publ. '621 IAGOB,sqpi. #go; 011041MCp Do fteumatio regulator PID for temperature regulation. Metr~logla apl 10 no,M460-1+62 Ot63 I TAC Seasonal migrations of tba forest laborers (butinari) of the Yaramwon region. Probleme geog $1527-535 161. IACOBp Gh. A procedure of.extracucous bronchial suture. Rmmnian mod. rev. no.8t47-50 162. (PNEUMONECTWY) (SUTURE TECHNICS) IACOBJ, Gheorghe, cercetator (Bucuresti) Contributions to the geographical study of Maramures. Natura Geografie 12 no. 6:13-22 N-D 160. IACOB, Gh. Development of agrimature in the YAra=es territory. Probleme geog 9s245-256 .162. (publ. 163) ~ IACOB ...... qktj ~~"o tator (Bucuresti) Geographical agricultural zones in the depression of Sibiu* Natura Geografie 3.4 uo92:48-36 Mr-Ap 162. 4,, MOB, Gh,, carootat)r (Bueur*oti) ... ..... ..... The Glibon Repub2iol a geopolitica3. sketch. Natura Geografie 14 no.4: 69-72 ji-Ag 162. VEILEAS I (Ducureati); IACOB,, Gh.- (Bucuresti) The Danube Deltaj its structure and ways of reclaiming its land. Natura Geografle .14 no&5:3-23 S-0 162. I - IACOB, Gh., at. (Bucureati) Contributions to the geography.of.agrimature in the Fagarap Depression. Natura Geografie 15 no.,1:22-29 ja-F 163. IORDAN, Ion; VELCEA, Ion; IACOB, Gh.; GliLITOVICI, Alexandra - - The economic map of Rumania. Natura Geografie 16 no. 1:3-7 Ja-F 164. IACOB.- Gh., cercet. st. (Bucuresti) Contributions to the study of the agricultural geography of Cimpla Crasnei. I'latura Geografie 16 no-3:1,/--,*l jlly-Je 164. EVGHENIDE,, C.; IACOBj I.1 IONASCUTp Aq SOCOL,, S. Specific weight continuous meanux-Ing device for plpe31ne transported naphta and petrolem products* Ahtamatica eleotronica 6 noo5t2l5- 220 S-0 162, Ing.; SOCOLp S... Ing.; EVGIMIDE, C,P Ing.; IGNASGUT, A., Ing. Considerations on the automatic apparatus for the volumetric measurement of crude oil flow for the collecting stqtions. Petrol si gaze 13 no-5:219-228 My 162. 1. Institutul de Cerdetari pentru Foraj si Extractie (for lacob Evghenidep Ionascut). 2o Ministerul Industriei Fetroluluj si Chimiei (for Socol)o- IACOBp Ls inge; SOCOL9 S,p ing.1 EVGHENIDE., C., ing.; IOKASCUTY A., ing. Automatic equipment for volumetric measurementa of crude oil flowo in collecting stationo, achieved in Rumania, Petrol oi gaze 13 no.8:343-$52 Ag 162s 1, Institutul do Corcetari. pentru Foraj si Extraoti~ (for lacobp Evghenidep Ionaecut), 2, Hinisterul Industriei Petrolului si Chimioi (for Soool). EVGHEKIM, C., ing.; IACOB, I*., ing,; SOCOL, S., ing. Iavel regulators in gascrude oil separators on the laminary type, Petrol. si gaze 14 no,4tI89-193 t63, P IACOBp M.,, ing. Problema of corrosion prevention at the antibiotic factory in Imai. Rev chimie Kin petr 3.2 no.11:659-W N 161. ROTENSTEINj Be; DRAGANOV,; STAICU;Iwl IRIEERTsH.; IACOBpM* Contributions to the study of transformation of undercooled austenite into carbon steel* Studii cerc metalurgie 8 no,41 375-389 163. RCITY'NSTFIN, B.; NAGAII, N.,- S)TAICU, L.: hULIF-i" H,I Contributicn3 to the 3tudy on tho transformatl,--~a of undercooled auntenite of carbon slGels. J"LIV ROUTI Mf~'t~lllUfg 9 no. lilO5-115 164. , rv "Jew AWL JACOB., M., Lector (Bucuresti) -dm ------- 1prom the pedagogic practIce of student naturalists* patura Biologle 14 no. 1:60-66. J&-F 162. IACOB, M., lector univ., cand. in stiinte biologice Wcuresti) Aspects of the practice in training student3 in m tural sciences. Natura, Biologis 17 no.1:69-74 Ja-F f65. IACOB, Maria - "Contributii la combaterea qargaritei sfeclei (Bothynoderes punctiventris Gem.). (Not TTeliminara)."Comunicar 1e Academiei Rerublicii Porulare Romine, Vol. 7, No. 1.1, 1957. IIIPOBI M. , Col, Dr [affiliation not givenj "The Specialized Treatment of Peripheric Nerve Lesions." Bucharest, Revista. Sanitara, Militara, Vol 59, No 3, May-Jun 63, PP 401-406. Abstract: Discusses the incidence of peripheral nerve lesions in wartimo and the causes for the possible failure of treatment or surgical intervention* Reviews emergency measures for such injuries and the preparation of the patient for future surgical intervention. Emphasizes the importance of neuro-surgical intervention within 3 months after the injury. IACOB, N. (Buouresti) *Album of plant proteationu by'S. Savesou. Vol. 2g *?onto of ornamental and leguminous Plants." Reviewed by N. IaCob. Natura Biologie 16 no*401-82 H-Ag 162. EXCERPTA MMICA See 8 Vol 12/12 Neuroloey D!!~.. 59 6124. PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL, ASPECTS IN CHAMMEREBRAL TRAUALA. CLMCAL AND EXPERMNTAL OUSEHVATIOMq - Axpectt psihopatologice tn triumatismele cranlo- cerebrale acute. Observatil clinics It *xperimentale - lacob-3. Steiner Is. . Ar- gintaru D. and Nagy 1. Seel. de Cereettri Med..~~. ~. Romfne. Filiale Cluj - STUD. CERC. MED -172) Tables 22 Qj (rClujn) 'he". 0/1-2 (153 In a series of 57 cases 0 t ad Injuries preventing transient disturbances of conscious- none, nouro-vegotative symptoms, and neurological microsymptoms, In addition to the routine clinical and laboratory Investl tlors, an attempt was made to assess the psychopathological involvement by using some reirlogical tests such as the orientation reflex to sound& and cuts. enous irritations, the primitive suck reflex, lyaW(-Smglenskl verbo-motor condistoncd reflex tests. Gakkella verbal association methods and 5orodina*a experimental tests. The psychological reactions to trauma vary according to Uw Individual affecttvv and Intellectual condition at the moment of the injury and to the Individual's background. The varbo-motor and verbo-varbal issfa give some Insight into the disturbances of the superior nor"" activity at a time when the else- sical psychologicai-tests them an yet. Tyndal-Toranto IACOB, S. Results of the studies on utilizing beech lwnber for sheathing, flooring, and lathing. P. 361. LNDUSTRIA LEWWLUI. (Asociatia Stiintifice a Inginerilor si Tehnicieniler din Rominia si Ministerul Industrisi Lemnului) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly List of East European Aocgesione (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 UNCL. MICUP A., prof.;-IACOB Sto dr.; INICU, A.T., Jr., dr,; DIVIN, M., dr.; CHISU, A.p dr.; .'J adAkil A., dr, EEG as eots of the hvno,:ia syndrome in children. Pediatria (BucM 3A no.1:1-5 Ja-Ft65- 1. lucrare efectuats. in Clinica do pedintrie nr. 1, Institutul medico-famaceutic, Cluj (Sef de secties prof. A. Iancu) s1 In Clinica de neurochirurgie, Cluj (Sef do sectio: dr. St. Iacol).