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Development and Investigation of the Properties of the Type
CrMnN Auatenitic Steel for Castings
work on this subject in 1958. At that time, the mechanical
and other properties of such steel were not verified, not
even in the wrought state and it was necessary to determine
the basic properties of castingsto investigate the
pertaining foundry technology and to gain more information
on this material by means of semi-industrial and industrial
heats. The developed steel has virtually no Ni content.
The Mn content is 13-15%, the N content is very high
(0.20 - 0 *.35%), whilst the Cr content remains around 17%.
To retain the austenitic structure 4% Ni used in other Czech
economy austenitic steels is substituted by an increased
content in Mn and N. The main problem was to achieve the
desired nitrogen content without running the risk of obtaining
bubbles and porosities. The-limit of solubility of the
nitrogen was determined by the method of F.C. Langenberg
(Ref. 9) at 0.33% for 1600 OC. The nitrogen was introduced
Card 2/7
Development and Investigation of the Properties of the Type
CrMnN Austenitic Steel for Castings
in the form of a 93% Mn + 5.3% N alloy after complete melting
of all the additions, deoxidation of the bath by ferro-
silicon and measurement of the temperature by means of an
immersion pyrometer. For verifying the state of the steel and
its behaviour during solidification, specimens were drawn from
the furnace and cast into chill noulds or into small dry
or green sand moulds. only after these tests was the experi-
mental melt tapped from the 100-kg magnesite-lined induction
furnace into a preheated 100-kg capacity ladle with a basic
lining. After withdrawing the slag and measuring the
temperature again, the steel was teemed into moulds. The
time interval from the instant of adding the nitrogen up to
the time of teeming was between 15 and 30 min; as an
exception it was I hour for two heats when the effect of
alternate cooling and heating of the melt on the final
nitrogen content of the steel was investigated. The total
Card 3/7
Development and Investigation of the Properties of the Type
CrMnN Austenitic Steel for Castings
duration was 2 to 2.5 hours. The nitrogen content determined
by analysis was found to be in good agreement with the
theoretically determined limit of solubility of the given
steel at 1 6oo OC. The laboratory tests were followed by
tests in electric-arc furnaces of 250 kg (VZU LZ, Pilsen)
and 1 000 kg capacity (9m or a 1 Works, Brno). The chemical
compositions (in %) of two heats produced in the 250-kg
furnace are given in Table 5 and that of one heat produced
in the 1 000-kg furnace is given in Table 6. The nitrogen
was added in the form of an alloy (86yo mn, 5.27% N). The
nitrogen losses amounted to 40-50% as compared with 6-15%
during laboratory tests. The usual foundry tests were made
for determining the foundry properties and for working out
a technological process of casting this material. Similarly,
the mechanical properties, heat-treatment, possibility of
using this steel at elevated temperatures and the welding
properties were studied. From the point of view of the
Card 4/7
Development and InveBtigation of the Properties of the Type
CrMnN Austenitic Steel for Castings
mechanical properties this 0material can be used reliably
at temperatures up to 500 C, although the similar American
"Tenelon" steel ib recommended for use up to temperatures
of 700 OC. It is pointed out, however, that the structural
stability of this steel drops considerably with increasing
temperature and therefore use of thib steel as a high-
temperature resisting material is justified in applications
in which the recpdred qervice life. ift on1v a few tans or hundreds
of hours and tile favourable cr.eap__properties are important,
provided that it is notnecessary to consiaer fully the
embrittlement of the components. In the case of fittings
to be used in c hem i c a] plant or :)ower-generation
equipment .his structural instability must be taken into
consideration. The authors recommend for standardisation
a new steel of the following compositions 0.08-0.18%, C.
Max. 1% Si, 13.0-15.5% Mn, 16.o-i9.o% Cr, max. 2.0% Ni,
0.30-0.6o% mo, 0.30-0-50% Cu, 0.20-0-35% N, max. 0.050% P
Card 5/7
Development and Investigation of the Properties of the Type
CrMnN Austenitic Steel for Castings
and 0.035% max. S. After austenisation annealing the
material should have the foilowing av;rage/mefihanical
properties& cr Kt = 43 kg/mm , apt = 20 kg mm , 65 = 4o%,
50%, impact strength 10-25 mkg/cm , depending'on the
Xlemical composition and the method of e-i.,tenisation.
Table 5: C
Specifi- max,
cation 0.15
3814 o.16 17.23
3815 o. jL4 14.oo
Si P S Ni Cr Mo Cu N
max. max. max. 15.5 o.4 o.4 0-25
o.65 0.050 0.040 to to to to
16.5 o.6 o.6 0.35
o.67 0.017 0.012 0.22 17.04 0.42 0.48 0.34
0.42 0.015 o.oil o. 2 o Aw 0.53 0.57 0.24
Card 6/7
Development and Investigation of the Properties of the Type
CrMnN Austenitic Steel for Castings
Table 6:
C Ma Si P
cation max. 13.5 max. max. max, 1.7 16.5 0.3 0.3 0.20
0.12 to, 1-0 0.045 0.030 to to to to
15 17.5 0.45 0-5 0-25
20 oo6 0.12 14-0 1.29 0.036 0.007 .1.68 17.200.23 0.37 0.23
There are 11 figures, 8 tables and 17 references: 8 Czech
and 9 non-Czech.
ASSOCIATIONSs SVUMr* Prague (Ldbl. iustek)
VOHY, Prague (HY'bek)
Card 7/7
AUTHORS: L8bl, Karel, Pot~6ek, Be6ich, Vystyd, Miloi, Wbek, Karel
TITLE: Austenitic heat-resisting stainless steel for castings
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no.*10, 1962, 77, abstract
101499 P (Czech. pat., no. 99833, June 15, 1961)
TEYT: The patent presents an austenitio steel containing (in 0.20 -
0.75 CP _-53 si, 6 - 16 mn, 16 - 32 Cr, !0 Ni, 0.2 - 6 mo, 0.15 - 0.75 N and also
-1-0.05 B and r:z,20 Co. The presence of B and Co contributes to heat resistance.
These steels are characterized by a high heat and aorrosion resistance and can
be used for work at up to 1,0000C and in an atmosphere containing C and S.
V. Srednogorska
(Abstracter's note: Com Iplete translation]
C~rd 1/1
AUTHORS: f6bl, Karel Bagine*er
TITLE: Re-smelting of Scrap
PERIODICAL: Hutnickfi listy, 1961,
and HV*'bek. Karel, Engineer
CrNiMnN Austenitic Steels ly
190.1, PP-13-19
TEXT: Sufficient experience is now available on the use of
18/8 type CrNi steel scrap. New problems arose in conjunction with
the development of new low nickel content economy steels. As a
result of efforts over many years, nickel-gree austenitic steels
Mnl7Cr?Ti 0SN 17481) and also Mnl7CrlOV (CSN N7 482), Mnl7Cr7MoV
0SN N7 483) have been developed. From 1957 onwards, much attention
has been paid in Czechoslovakia to substituting austenitic stainless
CrNi 18/8 steels by steels with a higher Mn content plus a nitrogen
content as for instance the steel Crl8MnlONi4N (dSN 17460) and also
type Cri6Mnl5N (6SN N7 470)9 which is to be introduced shortly.
In both cases the manganese content is between 10 and 18%, which
influences appreciably the technology of smelting charges containing
such scrap. The basic consequences caused by the difference in
The chemical behaviour of the individual elements are reviewed.
First, a theoretical analysis is given of the phenomena taking
place during the refining by means of oxygen. Particular attention
Card 1/5
Re-smelting of Scrap CrNiMnN Austenitic Steels
is paid to calculating the reaction heat. The theoretical results
arrived at confirmed the practical results obtained by Pachaly
(Ref.10) on processing 100% scrap of the steel Mnl9CrlONil-5. The
slag formation was controlled in such a way as to prevent develop-
ment of manganese silicates, i.e. prior to blow4ng oxygen the
.melting slag was drawn off and new purely lime 31ag was prepared.
Oxygen blowing was started at 1635 6C and the reftaing proceeded at
a speed of 0.02% C/min down to 0.06% C. Following that, the slag
was reduced by grgnular Al and drawn off. The bath temperature
increased to 1945 C. The Or utilisation was 96%, that of Mn was
66%. This experimental melt is dealt with in another paper
(Ref.11) but some of the relevant data are contained in Table 4.
Experiments on practical methods of processing scrap of these high
Mn content economy steels hgve been going on since 1955. Some of
the data are discussed. SVUMT, jointly with the gmeral Works Brno,
started experiments in 1959 on solving the problem of usin!F',_'_f_nternal
scrap of CrNiMnN and CrMnN stainless austenitic steels. Some of
the results obtained in three experimental heats are described.
There was particular interest in the behaviour of nitrogen. It was
Card 2/5
Re-smelting of Scrap CrNiMnN Austenitic Steels
found that,after an initial drop, the nitrogen content remains
unchanged. After evaluating the results of the first oxygen blast
re-smelting of the CrHiMn steel scrap, two further melts were
proceeded with in A 1-ton capacity are furnace. The charge
consisted of only 50% alloy scrap, the rest was carbon steel scrap.
More intensive oxygen blowing was applied, more attention was paid
to the reduction of the oxiding slag and the high temperatures at
the end of blowing in oxygen were utilised for rapid smelting of
further alloying additions, primarily ferrochromium, as aresult
of which a quick drop in the temperature of the bath and the
lining to the normal. value was achieved. The results of this heat
are tabulated. The following conclusions are arrived at:
1. 50 to 60% alloy scrap can be used in the charge.
2. The smelting should be carried out in such a way that,prior to
blowing in oxygen, the melt should contain 0,,25 to 0.30% C.
3. Prior to blowing oxygen, the slag should be prepared with lime
in such a way as to avoid formation of manganosilicates.
4. Blowing of oxygen should be started at the highest possible
temperatures and should be continued without interruption and with
Card 3/5
Re-smelting of Scrap CrNiMn-N Austenitic Steels
the maximum permissible intensity.
5. The bath should be decarburized only to the specific upper limit
of the carbon content.
6. After termination of the oxidation period, there should be a
reduction of the slag which contains metal oxides and then the bath
and the lining of the furnace should be cooled as quickly as
possible by throwing in lump scrap or alloying additions.
7. After reduction, the slag should be drawn off as quickly as
possible and the melt abould be terminated in accordance with the
s'i'Decified requirements.
some Czech works have already tried re-smelting of such scrap in
open hearth furnaces but this was done exclusively in the manufacture
of steel intended for further shaping operations. In the described
experimental melts, monitoring of the temperature was not entirely
satisfactory due to the lack of suitable equipment for measuring
the bath temperature. Also it was not possible to weigh the metal
in the glag during the process of smelting. Acknowledgments are
expressed to Vl. Yteffek and Engineer P. Fremunt for practical
Card 4/5
Re-smelting of Scrap CrNiMnN Austenitic Steels
assistance and to the Director of SVUMT, Engineer Mir. avoboda,
for his interest in the problem of introducing economy nitrogen-
containing stainless austenitic steels for producing castings.
There are 18 tables, 1 figure and 14 references: 6 Czech, 3 German
and 5 English.
ASSOCIATIONS: SVUMT. Prague (L6bl) and VNI, Prague (Hy'bek)
SUBMITTED: October 22, 1960
Card 5/5
~K.,~golc, J. and Zezulov', M., Engineers
of -Development
TITLE: State
of CrMnNiN-type Austenitic
Economy Steels
PERIODICALs Strojfrenstv4 1961, Vol. 11, No. 4,
pp. 275 - 282
TEXT: The main aim of development of economy steels of this
type was to save or completely substitute Ni. A break-through
was ach:6red only after combining successfully the use of Mn
with N. The combined used of these two elements enabled
developing CrMnNiN steels which are suitable as a replacement
for unstabilised CrNi steel (CwSN 17 241), Steels of this
type are the US steels AISI 201 and 202 and the CrMnN steel
described in an article in the 1958, No. 8, issue of this
journal, which has so far not been included in the Czech standard
specifications. In this,paper the results are described of
the developme nt of economy austenitic steels which were
achieved at VdHZ with the cooperation of VZKG and TZ VASR
Stalingrad Works. The problem was investigated independently
Card 1/12
State of Development
by K. Protiva (Ref. 4 Hutn1k, 1959, Vol.9, No. 12, pp.
396-399) (SONPI Kladno) in cooperation with SVU'Mr, Prague
(Ref. 6 - B. PoAcek: Economy Stainless CrNiMnN austenitic
steels MTS - Technical Report 201, Prague, 1960). The
results are described only briefly, except for the properties
of the steel and the experience gained during fabrication,
which are described in greater detail. In preliminary
experiments it was established that the chemical composition
for production heats should be an followns max. 0.12S Cj
8-10% Mnj 17-19% Cr; 4-5% Ni; max. 0.035% S; max 0.035% F
and 0.20-0.30%,N. Two 3-ton heats were produced, one with
a Ni content at the lower limit, the other at the higher
limit. That the metallurgical process was satisfactory was
proved by the process of casting and solidification during
which the steel was not effervescent. That the correct
forming technology was used was proved by the fact that for
the selected sheet thicknesses of I and 2.4 mm the surface
of the sheets was perfect. Thereby, the fact that the
Card 2/12
State of Development .... 9073/E335
austenitic structure was stable even at higher forming
temperatures was of great help. Metallographic tests
showed that steel from both heats had a purely austenitic
structure, both in the aB-rolled state as well as after
ouptenisatIion 4mealing at 1 030 to 1 050 OC, the 8Pt'mun'
austenisation temperature being 1 000 to 1 100 C. Even at
the higher limit there van no grain coarsening. Corrosion
tests gave good results and therefore this steel is
recommended for consumer goodst i.e. kitchenware, dairy
equipment and other food-industry applications as well as
for components which are exposed to severe atmospheric
conditions (for instance, railway carriages). The results
of the mechanical tests are summarised in Tables 2, 3, 4 and
5. Table 2 gives the mechanical properties of 9 sheets from
both heats, taken at random; the further tables indicate
the effect of heat-treatment. The developed steel is fully
equivalent to similar foreign steel and is superior as
regards ductility. Weldability in the case of oxyacetylene,
are and argon-arc welding is good. The machineability is
classified as 11b. It is particularly favourable to
Card 3/12
State of Development E073/E335
machine this mLterial at elevated temperatures. However, the
steel has to be protected against work hardening by pressure,
bending, etc4 if these peculiarities are taken into consid-
eration, no difficulty will arise in machining this steel.
The steel can be very satisfactorily polished both mechanically
and by electrolytic methods. The forming properties are very
good. In experiments with good-quality equipment reduction
in the cold state of up to 90% without intermediate annealing
was achieved, which means that from a sheet of 2-5 mm
thickness a sheet of only 0.25 mm can be produced without
intermediate annealing. Deep-drawing tests in producing pots
and other kitchenware and also plates of a pasteurising
column showed that the steel had very good forming properties.
No difficulties arose in cutting, rolling, austenization
annealing, grinding and polishing of products from this steel.
The main advantage of the recently developed CrMnNiN economy
steel is the fact that its introduction into industry does not
require any considerable change compared with the manufacture
of current types of stainless steels, although slight changes
Card 4/12
Z/032/ 1/011/004/002/004
State of Development .... E073/E335
in technology will be required in view of the higher strength
values of this steel. From the technological point of view,
the steel will also have a number of advantages. It was
confirmed experimentally that the austenitic structure remained
stable up to 1 260 OC, even if the Ni content was at the
lowest limit. If the content of the austenite-fortaing
elements was at the upper limit no two-phase structure
developed even after two hours heating at 1 300 OC. On
exceeding the aR 11 tenization temperature.for which the range
1 030 to 1 050 C/min/air (the time was determined for sheet)
was chosen. in view of the increased tendency to scale-
formation ior steels containing Mn, no undesirable change
in the mechanical properties (particularly in the decisive 0
property of elongation) occurred at temperatures up to 1 100 C.
Certain properties of this new steel justify the assumption
that in many cases it will be not only a good substitute for
the steel CSN 17 241 and 17 242 but for certain applications
it will even be superior to these steels. For instance., the
higher strength values will enable maintaining a higher
Card 5/12
State of Development .... E073/E335
polish and a better resistance to abrasive wear. Furthermore,
the higher strength of the material will enable reducing the
weight by using thinner and lighter sheets. on the other hand,
due to the higher strength values, manual forming operations
of thicker sheets will be more difficult. The results of tests
of the influence of cold-forming indicate an entirely new and
wide field of application for these steels as a material for
substituting . special hardenable austenitic steels. Intro-
duction of this stainless economy steel with only half the
usual nickel content as compared with current types of CrNI
steel is of very considerable economic importance. This steel
is now being manufactured by SONP, Kladno and VUG, Ostrava.and
the Trineck6 zelezfirny VRSR (Trinec Irons works VRSR) also
intend to start manufacturing this steel. A specification is
being drafted for the manufacture of a CrMnNiN steel
(CSN 17 46o), with the following proposed composition:
max. 0.12% C, 7.5-10.5% ~jn, max. 1.00% Si, 16.o-1q.o% Cr,
4.o-6.0% Ni, 0-15%-0.30% N, max. 0.060Y9 P and max. 0.035% S.
Card 6/12
State of Development E073/E335
There are 9 figures, 5 tables and 6 references: 5 Czech and
1 non-Czech.
ASSOCIAtIONs Vjzkumn' 4stav hutnictvf z'eleza, Praha
(Research Institute for Ferrous Metals, Prague)
(Abstractor'Ia note: key to Tables 3. 4 and 5 on card 12/12)
State of Development ...
Table 21 Mechanical Properties of 9 sheets (from both heats)
taken at random.
1 - Number of test; 2 - sheet thickness, mm;
3 - yield point, kg/min 2 4 ten sile strength, kg/mnl 2
5 - elongation, 5d, (1)
01;18 TI-atkA -11res. Pe"88% Taftoet.
kir V=lm
V tabu,
I -
1. 0108 4518 81.5 61.7
47.8 82,4 63,7
2. 1.00 45.4 78 .6 63.7
47.3 81,6 63,7
3. 1.04 52,6 87,7 53,3
1.02 53.4 88.6 55.5
C 1.03 55,2 05.8 53.3
1.00 56,2 80,6 60.0
5. 1.04 55,8
51 8o'8
50-0 59
1.04 ,
54,0 .
87.9 .
6. 0.90 48.1 81,6 50:6
0,92 48.7 82,6 65.7
7.- 0,00 50,3 84,0 GO'O
0.98 49.7 84,1 61,7
S. 0,09 52.4 85.0 50.0
Card 8/12 1,00 50,9 84
7 61
9. 0,02
1 1:
8 aj 60
0,02 5315 $3.0 63.3
State of Development .... E073/E335
Table 3: Mechanical'Properties of I mm thick sheet from the
heat 2923 (Ni content 3.97-7-07%) (Erichsen tests gave
a cupping depth of 12.5 mm, which is an average of
3 x 6 measurements)
I I=
P Taft
I-M I - 10d
stev PO VIUOOVAM 46160 70,41 62,60 54.27 51
000 '0/267voda 42,50 78,87 60,47 58,80 ,
3 1
025 -0/26 Ivods
4 1050 -0125-lvoda 41.32 15.22 60.95 00,50 68,40
1076 -0/26'/voda 38,65 72,02 68,67 6132 58,57
1100 '0125'/voda 37.22 72.17 71,00 62:42 30,07
2060 -015'/iro" 41.80 75.25 $8.32 59,62 46.13
9 1050 -q/00'/VO"
1060 -0/281/vzd
k 37,85
12 73,67
6 69.30 50.57 58.15
ua .
. 7
.20 1 69,67 60,22 67,10
Card 9/12
State of Development .... E073/E335
Table 4: Mechanical properties of 2.4 mm thick sheet from the
heat 2923 (Ni content 3.97-7.07%).
Top" xviseavw
=j I OW-4
23--1 stav VdIOOVw
P 66,32 83,9T 50,15 41.85 46,6T
C12511yodsJ) 40.20 74,02 64.50 56.30 61.95
3 025 00/250/vods 40,15 73,80 64,40 57,37 62,05
4 1050 00/26"/vods 41,05 73,76 04.76 57,35 62,35
a 1075 -0/251/voda $9,30 73,32 66.37 58,23 63.00
6 1100 -0/25y"" 39.80 72.67 67.40 59,02 so
7 1050 41.52 74,32 62.30 K52 89.95
9 1050 -C/601/vods
1050 IC/251/vzduab 39.57
50 73.75
12 K40
77 55.25
92 60,80
, . . . .
Card 10/12
State of Development
Table 5: I-lechanIcai properties of 2.4 mni thick sheet from the
heat 2933 (Ni content 5.02-5-35%) (All specimens
were cut in the transverse direction; the given
values are averagea of 4 measurements)
Wir Taftastt%j
VM'MM'i, "WMWI 1 -64
33-1 stay PO V9WVdd CO K67 07,07 38.25 30,75 38,80
2 000 '0/251/vods C~t) 47,32 81.22 50,32 50.52 56.10
4 102610/25,/vods
1050 90/251
d 47,66
75 80,6~
80 58,72'
17 51.05
6 55,96
/vo . , , 5
. 96.70
5 1075 Og/251/vods 45.97 79.00 61,35 52.42 58,50
8 1100 -0/251/vods "05 77.50 61.05 51,85 58.67
7 1050 'C/61/ioda 49.65 81,57 67.50 49.46 55.00
8 1050 -U/601/vods 46.57 70.05 58.92 501.i-f 56t35
9 1060'0/25'jvzduoh(D 46,12 79,05 57,65 49t07 54,15
Card 11/12
State of Development E073/E335
Key to Tables 3, 4 and 5s
I - Number; 2 Heat treatment;
3 - Yield point, kg/mm21 4 - T ensile strength, kg/mm2
5 - Elongation, %; 6 - As-rolled state;
7 - voda water;' 8 - vzduch air.
Card 12/12
LOBL., Karelp inz,j H7BEK., Nar I _iuzo
1: _t
Remelting of the waste of CrXIMnIl austenitiI steels# But litity 16
noel.-13-39 Ja 261*
2. StatnI vyzkumiy uotav materialu a technalogle,, Praha (fqr IOU).
2, Vyzkumy ustav hutnictvi zelezap Praha %for H7bek) . :
HOLK, Yorel, inz.
Fradafc~i of oriented transormer sheets and its development in
Cz,.-choolovakia. El tech obzor 50 no.12:676--681 D 161.
1. Vyzkumny ustav hutniotvi zelazat Praha.
Synthetic zoolites, molecular sieves. Ropa a uhlie 6
no. 3: 81 Mr 164.
1. Reseexch Institute of Crude Oil and Hydrocarbon
Gasen affiliated with the Slovnaft National Enter-
prise., Bratislava.
HYBL, Cestmir
First National Seminar on Molecular Sieves. Chem prum
14 no. 5: 164 Mr 164.
1, Research Inatitute of Crude Oil and Hydrocarbon Gaaes.
M 17,
Differential thermal analysis of a phosphoric catalyst. D. 146.
(SILIKATY, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) *
S~): Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. V )] . 6, No. 12, Dec 1957 - Uncl.
CZECKSLOWMA/Analytical Chemistry. General Questions. E-1
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim.) No 13) 1958., 42993.
Author aLbl C., Lhotsky 0.
Title Gas ChromtoC;raphy at a Plant lAboratory.
Orig Pub: Chem. prumyal, 1957, 7, No 8, 405-407.
Abstract: The analysis is conducted using two columns, connected
in series, one of which is filled with AltO land the
other vith activated charcoal. The columns I~ 1000 m
in length and 5 m in diameter, are placed in elec-
trically heated Jackets to which a stabilized voltage
is supplied which permits to maintain a temperature
within the range of 2o-1600 , with a naximum, difference
in temperature between the two columns of +3 The
Card 1/3
CZECHOSLoVPMA/Analytical Chemistry. General Questions. E-1
Abs Jour: Ref 7,hur-xhim., No 13, 1958, 42993.
sample of gaseous mIxture being analyzed is intro-
duced into the columns and is eluted 'with a current
of CO at a rate of 50 ml/minute. In this manner it
is possible to separate mixtures of stable cases
containing saturated and unsaturated C, - C~ hydro-
carbons, includine butadiene. For an analysis of
the fractions use is made of a Zeiss gas-interferometer.
To obviate the possibility of the formations of "tail-
inea" on elution Of h1rher hydrocarbons it is recom-
mended to resort to a gradual heating of the A110i
column - Elution of C,,Hf, C,4H4 and CAIin the activated
charcoal column, at room temperature, requires approxi-
mately 1/2 hour, and therefore it is recom:ended to
heat the colum, which greatly accelerates the process
Card 2/3
Thermogravimetry ... E112/E453
Sieves 4A and 13X were synthesized directly, while the other types
were prepared from the two former,by the exchange of sodium Ions
for calcium and potassium respectively. The present study was
undertaken with the zeolites in powder form, without a binder.
DTA-curvea showed minima, corresponding to endothermic dehydration
and two peak areas in a temperature range from 800 to 1000*C.
It is submitted that already the first exothermic reaction
(corresponding to first peak area)'causes a change in the
crystalline structure of the zeolite and that temperatures at which
peak areas occurred were a function of the cation of the molecular
sieve. Thus the first peak areas of the sodium zeolites 4A and
13X were approximately 500C lower than those of the calcium
products 5A and 1OX . Highest first peak areas were shown by
potassium zoolite 3.8A, X-ray diffraction studies showed that
after reaching the first peak areas, the crystalline structure of
all zeolites collapsed, giving rise to amorphous substances in the
case of 3.8A, 5A and IOX. The sodium zeolites, i.e. 4A and 13X,
formed at 820*C crystalline compounds which were identified as a
mixture of P-cristobalite and nepheline. The authors have also
Card 2/4
Thermogravimetry ... E112/E453
attempted to identify the reaction products formed after the-
second exothermic peak on the DTA-curves was reached. '4't lOOO*C'
crystalline materials are producedl kaliophilite from 3.8A,
nepheline from 4A, a mixture of nepheline and plagioclaae from
5A, P-cristobalite and nepheline from 13X and plagioclase-from
lox, The efficiency of the zoolites as sorbenta at varying
temperatures was also studied by plotting isothermals (sorptionlof
methanol from binary system methanol'-benzene). It was seen that
the zeolites lose sorbent effictency,.already 2000C below the
temperature of molecular sieve stability and it is therefore
suigested that in industrial applications of zeolites as sorbents,
a temperature of 6000C must not be-exceeded. There are
4 figures and 7 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc."
The reforence to an English language publication reads as followal
Ref.3: R.M.Barrers British Chemical Engineering, 1959, 267-279-
0 .0
ASSOCIATION: Vyskumny' ustav pre ropu a uhlovod~kovdplyny,
Bratislava (Petroleum and Hydrocarbon Gas Research
Instittite, Bratislava)
SUBMITTED: ~ay 18, 1961
Card 3/4
Uybl, C., Jantula, J.
L_:." ur
PEP, 1 OD 1 C AL - Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 4, 19631 105~ ~tbatract-~----
4B707 (Ropa a uhlies v. 4. no* 6. 1962, 172-173; ISlovak;
aummarion in Rusah# French, and Ger.'!)
TEXT; The variation in color of A-type Ap,, Ni, Na,and Co-Na zoolites
Yvan inveatigated as it function of' the tiumidity content in the gases.
These zoolitee are more sensitivo than paper impregnated with OoBr,
polution. T)w AP, zoolito oannot be uned when tho gaz3 contains H S.
jibstracter's note: Complete trunulatJonel
Card i/1
Thermographic study of properties of molecular sieves. Silikaty
6 bo.1175-80 f(9,
lo Vysku~zy ustav pro ropu a ublovodikove plyny, EtmtiBlava.
Molecular aieven in gas chrmatography. Ropa a uhlie 7 no.l-.26-
29 Ja 165Y
1. Research Institute of Petroleun and Hydrocarbon Geees of the
Slovnaft National Faiterpr3se, BratisInva.
Use of mathematical methods in operational research. p. 257.
TEXTn . Obydsterstvo lahkeho prumyslu) Praha, Czechoslovakia,
Vol. 14, no. 7, JU3,v 1959.
Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI). LC Vol. 9, no. 2,
Feb. 1960.
EEDNAR31j, Z:, in%:, ~Prahajj HM.-J., nup, dre (Fraha)j STRADAL, 0.,'
doo . inz Praha
Using mathematical models in designing a plant for casting
prefabricated elements* Stavivo 40 no'12s410-413 D 162s.
-inz. dr.
Use of structural analysis in the woodworking Indu try,
Drevo 18 no,WO-244 il 163,
1. Statnl vXzJa=,7 ustav ekonmlokoorganizaoni., Mnlateratvo~
spotrobniho prumplut Praha,
I-rV-BI,, Jaroslav, inz. dr.
..... ..... --
Better utillzatl~,n of tru,--ks by imthematic~-A prvg.-smnJng.
Drevu 19 no.2t5l-53 FT64
1. Statni vstAv lKinistarst7a spotreb-
niho prumy-slu, Prahae
RBL, Jaroslay, ins. dr. CSo.
I .
Modifications of limiting conditions in sj4plex tasks of linear
programing, Podn org 19 no.1:20-22 Ja 465.
1, State Research Inst1tv's of Economias and Organization of
the Ministry of Consumer Goods Industry, Prague.
701 13/3 C'est, D'13- ~'ar 60
TA YEOI~;, See 15 1. 1 . 1
Rubel R. Oncol., Reg. Inst. of Publ. Hlth. Ceske Bud7-.-,Tc-e-
NEOPLASMA 1958, 5/3 (383-202) Tables 8
In patients with primary, inoperable bronchogenic carcinoma trtated during a 9
ears' period by 3 different methods of irrikdiation (large, full ftelds; 6 small
ields; and sieve Irradiation), the resulte of treatment. as reflected by the average
time@ of survival obtained, are reviewed. The longest average periods of survival
(from the beginning of treatment) were gained by sieve irradiation (0.5 months),
both In general and in the single groups of patients differentiated according to the
tumour dome applied. Individually, the longest average time of survival was ob-
tainsd by the mothod.with a tumour dome over 5000 r. (11.2 months). The average
MMURs T.; VAUKO P,v in2s,
Report on the lat National Conference on Deodorization of Fuel
Gasea. Palivs 43 noo6tl82-183 Jo 163,
.1 CIVtT
di-g- bM:,",
Results of the develolment of the Slovak gas Industry during the
past 10 years. p. 131.
(PALIVA,, vole 35, no* 5. MaY IM. Pr*1a)
SO: Month1y List of last luropean Accession., (IM),, LC., Vol, 4.,
No. U. Nov. 1955, Uncl.
i "( r-1 I '11r. )T ,
~'Pr-~or~r r.,,~tW of wa3%in- nachtnalene vith tninprpl niln r-.nc7 exp-icnice in .mzhing
np!-)hi halo ne ,!It h spl-An I scrubb In oiln Pt napht h!denp nn~ irStAl- 2 1 ti0r.3.
PALI77A. Praha, Czechnslevakla. Vol. 35, no. 9, Sept. 1955.
6 Jwq 59, "'nalas
11onthly list of East Eumpenn Accessions (E:~A!), LO, 17o1. ~P 9
Operational experiences in the petroleum and natural gas
cracking by the cyclic method in the Slovak gas rdants.
Paliva 44 no.5/61163-166 MY-Je 164.
H,I-jwvAj L.
IWATKO, J.-, KOH-dl it. -, iinLOVA, L. "ProducLion of edible s~rrlp frov, uugar. I.
Purification of sorghum juices."
Chemicke Zvesti, Bratislava, Vol 6, No 1, Jan 1952, p. 1
SO: -;astern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct. 1954, Lib. of Con~--razs
`A--ATKO, J.; ~'.OHI-J, i~.; liYi1OVA, L. I'Productiui~, of eAble syrup from oor-!-hum aue-ar.
II. The quality of product."
Chemicke Zvesti, Bratislava, Vol 6, No 2, Feb 1952, r). 73
SO : Eaotern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 1~54, Lib. of ComLress
hc-ull~,~; of !~ro,luc!.t~;r,
Linat-Iolava, Vol 6, 11o
Acccosion5 V-1 3, ~~o 10, Oct Cor
1~ - Vol 29, no. 7, July 1956.
,YKA, J. Speed drilling in cast iron. p. 270.
l'-ECLAYIK, Warszawa, Poland.
SOURCE: East Earopean Accessions List (EM) Vol. 6,, No- 4--April 1957
MiM:Cily I
AP4.. JrAm. I RZKhtme's No* 22. 195/9,fto TIE27
I N-3 T t
C Fyc-,~llr.,
TI-0-t given
TITLE ViAhods of IdtilizIng tclld tl udgec.
M101. PUB, VJia(lr,,ri Naft, 3, ',:,'o 11, 12-14 (1957~
ABSPACT A nu;nb:.-r olf net'.-wis for t~,e !itillwktior, of A.,:Id
s1iidges obtained during the refining of perrolclim
producti are doscribed.
M. Z~-mlyannkhina
HYCHAP.p Jan, mgr Inz,
DrYing tranoformer insulAtion under operational conditions.
Energetyka Pol 17 n0-10:311-315 0 163.
Inhibited tranfo=ar oils. Viad naft 10 no,. 1: 8-10 Ja '64v
HYCNAR, Jan, mgr Inz.
Inhibitor-added transformer oil. Nafta, Pol 20 no. 1: 18-23 1
Ja 164. 1
1. Zaklad Energetyczny Okregu Poludniowego, Katowice.
Methods of obtalning transformer oile. Viad naft, 10 no.3t68-71
AUTHORS: RY0n&r, Jan, Master Engineer, and N&stawnYj Miectyslaw,
TITLE: The importance of inhibiting insulation oils
PERIODICAL: Naftal no, 5. 1960, 138-143
TEXT: The authors present a bibliographical review of the relation-
ship of group eompositton of insulating oils, their dielectric stabi-
litY and antioxidant properties. Methods of improving the stability
of Polish-made transformer oils by addition of an inhibitor, the
2.6 di-tert butyl-4-methyl phenol, known,as "Topanol O"s are also
described. "Topanol 0" used for authors tests was synthesized at the
Laboratorium Chemiczno-Metalograficzne ZEOPd (Chemical-Metallographi-
cal Laboratory of the Power Association of the Southern District)
from cresole fractions, alkylated with iso-butylene in the presen8e
of sulfuric acid, The product with a melting temperature of 69.3 C,
contained 99.2% of "Topanol o". Properties of this compound as-aa
inhibitor were tested on fresh and regenerated insulating oils treat-
Card 1/3
The importance of P/025/60/000/005/oop/oo?
ed with 0.3% "Topanol 011. For comparison, samples of treated and
non-treated oils were artificially oxidized on Baader's apparatus,
in accordance with the DIN-51554 standard. Upon analyzing-the re-
sults, the authors arrived at the following conclusions: 1) Addition
of ,Topanol 011 at the rate of 0.3% does not deteriorate dielectric
and. physico-chemical properties of trans ormer oila;.21) when oxidized,
oils treated with "To 01 011 produce-not more than hal the-.amnun
of acidic and saponi=cated products and sedimants-that. appear in
non-treated oils; 3) aging products of stabilized. oils are less-
corrosive against copper. Since, according to bibliographical sour-
ces, stabilization extends the life of transformer oils by 2-5 times,
tests with stabilized transformer oils should be undertaken on an
industrial scale in Poland* In working out standards for stabilized
oils, artificial aging of same and dielectric stability tests should
be included. The authors suggest "Topanol 011 as stabilizing agent
which can be easily and cheaply produced from local raw materials.
Following names of Soviet-bloc scientists are mentioned in this
article: N. I. Chernozhukov, A. Y. Skoblo, S. Ye. Krein and K. I.
Card 2/3
The importance of ... D003/DlOl
Ivanov. There are 2 figures,, 6 tables, 24 Soviet-bloc and 13 non-
Soviet-bloc references. The references to the English-language
publications read as follows: J. L. Jezlj A. Po Stuartq As Schmeider
- Ind. and Eng. Chem. 1958, no. 61 C. E. Boozer, G. S. Hammand, C. E.
Hamilton - Jo of the Am. Chem. Soo. 1955, no. 12; C. E. Cook, N. G.
Nassh, H. R. Flanagan - J. of the Axq Chem. Soc. 1955, no. 5; A. W.
Stannett - Electr. Times', 1956, no. 3346.
ASSOCIATION: (Eng. Hycnar): Zaklady Energetyczne Okrqgu Poludniowe-
go, Katowice (Southern District Power Association)s
Katowice, (Eng* Nastawny): Rafineria Nafty (Oil Refi-
nery)q Trzebinia
Card 3/3
IIYCNAR, Jan, mgr inz.
Prevention of aging of transformer insulation. Energetyka
Pol 18 no,93271-274 3 164
1. Electric Power Plants of the Southern Distrioto Katowice*
an- -- We
Nitrogen protection of oil-filled transformers. Energetyka Fol 14
no.6:176-180 Je 060. (Ew loll)
1. Zaklady energetyune Ckregu Poludniowego
(fleotric transformers).
(Inmdating oils)
HYCMRI Jan..--Fgr Inze
--- ------
Stabilization and row,%reration of transformer and ttwbine oils b7
silica gel. Ft. 2. Zl~orget-ka Pole 15 no*9: Suppl.: ZnergOPOmiar
7 noo2:277-281 S 161*
1. Zaklady Energetycane Okregu Poludniovegoo
RrCNAR, Jan,, Ngr. Ins.
Stabilization and regeneration of transformer and turbine olls using
silica Col. ft, I. (To be cont'd.) &ergetyka Pol 15 no.8:235-239
Ag 161,
1. Zaklady Inerpl4exas Okrep Poludnicitego.
(Oils and fate) (Electric transformers)
(TurbinesY (silica)
;~ !?
- -, , .. . f -
! 't
btu'rilnu -!J~'- '"'i "' '~ I . I .. .
'*,lr--,PlaU,4 (;f (j - .. 11
92-93 A T, I (,I.
HYCKAR, Jan,, mgr inz.
Causes forp and prevention ofo aging of turbine oils.
I Energetyka Pol 17 no*3:75-80 Mr 163.
1. Zaklady Energetyesne Ckregu, Poludniowego.. Katowice.
HYCNAR, Jan, mgr inz.
FirlnC boller-~ "ith llnuid N81, In power production. Energetyka
Fol 18 no. 4ti '~~51UTZ---"9 MY 164.
.. .. ..
A~ Eato-Aca.
1. Power Plants of ,hc Southern Djjtrj~-
HTGNIZ, Josof, Prof., Dr*
Intersexuality. Cook. Un. 22[361 no.4:247-252 YAw 57.
1. K sodesatym narozeninam prim. MUDr. J. Jorts.
Banska Bystrica '-fartin, Osvota, 1957, 1901). (Banska Bystrica. 1st ed. chiefly illus.)
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEA.T.) W, Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan 1953
Poznan Aero Club fights for records. p. 324. (SKRZYMATA POISKA, Vol. 10,
No. 21, Ilay 1934, Warazava, Poland)
SO: Honthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec.
1954, Uncl-o
I / I I , , ,
- f-r ;;~ A-E- - I
I C- X-- ?I -j- --- - - - --- -- ---- - ---- - - -
Irf KFI, J.
I Gas holes in aluminum castine. P. 238 (Slevarenstvi. Praha. Vol. 2, no. 19, Aug. 1951s)
SOi Montlily List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 1j, NO. 6,
June 1955, Uncl.
Detonators, primers and electrid detonators. P. 374- (STAVIVO, Vol. 35,
No. 9., Sept 1957, Praha, (~zechoslovakja)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (-,,.EAA") LC, Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec 1957, Uncl.
H=" J.
"Production of machinery and equipment for foundries.n p. 169.
SLEVARENSTVI. (Hinisterstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi a Ceakoolovenska
vedecka technicka spolecnost pro hutnictvi a slevarenstvi). Praha,
Czechoslovalda, Vol. 7p No. 5s May 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EUI), LC, Vol. 8. No. 8p
August 1959.
AUTHOR: Okel, Jind~ich'
TITL.Ei Production of lead azide
?ERIOD-TCALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14, 1962, 3132 383,
abstfact 1091 (Czechoslovak Fatent.98236, -January, 15, 1961)
TEXT; A solution of lead salt is added to an alkaline solution NaN Fre-
1 .71 *
cipitation is carried out in a medium of 'protective colloid (dextrin),
Merinipon the basic lead- azide whicl. fdrms is convert ed to Fb(N,3)2* 'Be-
fore filtering the Pb(N ) crystals the mother liquor is acidified. Exumpl-_
500 6 of Naw are ctissgl4cld in 24.5 1 of water heated to 50 C, and 10-20 g
of NaOH are 2dd d to the solution; on completion of the dissolution the
is filtir6d, In another vessel 1306 g of Pb(,,;o ) are dissolved
3 2
in 24-5 1 ofiviaJer heated to 50 C1 after filtration this solution is trkLns-
forred'into a pre ipitation ap-paratus# where it is mixed with a oolution of
160 g of dextrin ii 0-5 1 of water. With continuous' stirrin6, the
Card 1/2
Produ&tlion 0~ lead azide B166/B144
alkali NaI,." solution is tgen added to this mixture over 60-70 min.durinz
which ~e teAperature at 50 0. Vlihen the Pb(N 3)2' precipitation is co;nple-',-,o-!
a solu ion of 40-50 ml 6f glacial CH COOH in 2-3 1 of water is added to
i 3
the mot er liquor and stirred for 3-5 min. Then the mother liquor is dra-.-n
off and the azide is washe(t on a Nutach filter. The product contains
1-2 W6 ore Pb(N 3 2 than it would if the mother liquor were not acidific
after o,ecipitating the azide.' [Abstracier's notet Complete translation'
C.-.,rd 2/2
BK positivity In negative pulmonary findings, Prakt. lek.,
Praha 35 no.15-16:344-346 20 Am 55.
1. Reditel lecebny tuberkulosy, v Martinove Udoli, p. Cvikov
MUDr. A. Tomanek. Vyskunny ustav tbc, Praha-Bulovka.
M.tuberc. positivity in negative pulu. findings)
positive finding In d1af, of pulm. tuberc. In
negative pulm. findings)
Hyns, O.T.
Ae&Aorq of science proposed by Jan BY.Parkyne. Chakh. fiziol. 1
no.3tl78-184 Sept 52.
11 Siologichaskly Institut ps4agogichaskogo fakulltata univeraltats,
im. Xarl& ff., Praha.
Czech. Acad* of Science)
nPurkynels Monument.f P. 86 (CASOVIS LErIRU CESffCIIq Vol. 93, As. 39 Jan. 1934) Praha
SO*, Monthly List of last European Icessaionaj, Library of Congress,, Vol. 31, No. 49
April 1954, Unclassified*
Ivaluation of the results of treatment of nourosyphilis by penicillin
and favor therapy. Prsegl, dorm., Wares, 7 n0-1:39-47 Jan-Yeb 37,
1. Z KlInIkI Dermtologiosnoj A, N. w lodsi IVrektor: doe. dr
J, Intowleaki. Adrest Lads, Klinika Dermatologiesna Akadamit Modyesuej,
Trasmajova 15,
penicillin alone & with fever ther,q comparison (Pol))
(MIGILLIN, tbar. use
nourosyphilis, alone & with favor ther,, comparison (Poi))
(YIM TWAPY, in various dim,
nouronyphilis, with penicillin, comparison with
penicillin alone (Pol))
INKI-Ic"j, ile,
A simple method of column chromatagrapl,y cf brnrc~u-1:1-Alein.
Gesk. farm. 13 no-Il."005 5506 V $64
1. Laborator pro p-~,Y;jlcloplj kn-rc'.,
fakul ty vseobecneh--)
HYLA, Bohdan
Remote follow-up in hydrocaphalus. Neurol., nsuroobir.p paychiat.
Pol. 34 no. 3 421-424 - It-Js 164
1. Z Oddzialu Neurologii Dzieclecej imeni J. Korczaka przy
Klinioe Chorob Servowyah Akademii Y-4dyeznej v Gdanskn
(Kierounik Klinikis prof. dr. Z. MiLjmka).
houte polsoning with aniline and nitrobenzena* Contribution
to data on morphological and biochemical changes In the blood
and their course. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.45:1251-1256 6 N t64.
1. Klinika nemoci z povolani fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi
Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. J. Teiringer)
I ustav pro chemii lekarskou fakulty vaeobe-eneho lekarstvi
Karlovy University v Praze, (prednosta prof. dr. K. Kaal).
Metabolism of & halogen analogue of bromoulphaloin in rate.
Sborn.-16k. 67 na.10t294-297 0 165.
Is lAborator pro patofyziologii k*.' tvorby a jater pri 1.
interni klinice fakulty vaeobsensho Iekarstvi University
FArlovy Y Prase (pradnosta prof, dr. V, Hoenig, DrSco)o
Chromatography of commercial bromoulphalain preparatione.
Can. lek, Cook. 104 no.43:1193-1194 29 0 165.
1. Laborator pro patoryziologii krvetvorby a jater pri I. interni
klinice fakulty vsoobecneho lekaratvi Karlovy University v Praze
(prednceta prof. dr. V. Hoenig, DrSa.).
HM, 2.
Modern machinery for soil stabilization. p. 122. (D.-ogownictwo, Vol. 12,
No. 5, May 1957, Warsaw, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Acemssions (FFAQ IC, Vol. 6. No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl.
9,7100 D222/D309
AUTHORt Hylebrant, Karel
TITLE: A list of programming plates for the Aritma 00
PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronikar
no. 5, 1962, abstract 5-1-57V (Informs sluliba praoov-
niky SPS Aritma# 1961, no. 25# 508-510)-
TEXTt A list of 72 plates for the Aritma 520 calculator is given
with a short deeoription of the operations which~can be executed
with them; addition and subtractinn (15 operations)# multiplication:
(21 operations), division (11 operations) andcomposite operations,
such as multiplications of the type �A.(� B) � C ... and � A.(� B
+ C &&*) (14 operations)p and divisions of the type � At(� B � 0)
and (� A � B): � C (11 operations). 16 standard platesp giving the
simplest operations - addition I multiplicationj division and-compo-
site multiplication of the type � A.(� B � C)... - are included in.
the basic machine while the remainin ones are to be ordered sepa-
rately. [Abstract;rlo notet Complete translationjil
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Hylebrant, Karel
TITLE: New programming
and Kliner, Josef
plates for the Aritma 520
PERIODICAL:. Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronikat
no# 51 1962p abstract 5-1-57k (Inform. elu9ba pracov-
niky BPS Aritmal 1961p no. 26, 498-508)
TEXT; New plates are described for thepmgramming of the division
(� A + B)s � C at a speed of 4000 operations/hour (plate not 38), Ole
for t0he checking of this operation obtained by a multiplication exe-
cuted at the same speed (plate no. 39)t for the-multiplication
� A.(� B � C) at a speed of 8000 operation8/hour plate no. 40j, and
for checking of this operation at the same eVeed ~pla'.e not 41 . All
operations can be executed on 9-digit decimal numbers# Time-diagramo
of the operation of the calculator are given# together with a draw-
ing of the platesp and an example of a composite division is-follow-
ed throught indicating the sequential operation of individual ele-
ments and units. 8 figures. (Abstractor's notes Complete transla-
,Card 1/1
HYLINSKI,, Wieslaw., mgr. ins.
Complete steal support of the pile wall vithout appl7ing
stacks along the sub-vall drift. Wiad gorn 13 no.1:17-19
ja 162.
inz.; OISANSKY, Cestmir; MINARIK, Rudolf
Production of Edam cheeses by using cultures of Lacto-
bacillus casei. Prum potravin 14 no. 12;656-659 D 163.
1. Sdruzeni mlekaren, Vyroba cistych mlekarskych kultur.,
Praha (for Hylmar ~
2. Vyzkumy ustav mlekarensky,, Praha,, pracoviste Zeletava
(for Olsansky).
3o lacrum, n.p., Zeletava (for Minarik),
HYWAR, Bohumil; ORS7,AGROVA, Vencealavu
Osmaphilic yeasts in the food industry and a new technique
in their determination by the paper testing method. Listy
cukrovar 80 no. 1:18-23 Ja 164.
1. Sdruzeni mlekaren, Praha (for liylmar).
2. Ceske cokoladovny, Praha (for Orozaghova).
HYLMAR, Babumil; VOROUNOVA, Libuse
Selection and preparation of suitable lactio rermentation bac'.
teria cultures ror innoculation or beet consettes. Linty Oakwo-
vu 8U no.408-93 Ap, 064.
Is Vyrobna oistych miskarskyah kulturt Prague (for Hy1mar),
2, Research institute of !;ugar Industry, Modrany near Prague
(for Vokounova).
periodluls: PRUMYSL PrYTRAVIN Vol. 9, no. 10, C)ct. 1/058
HY114AR, B. Making of butter ',y adding areduced quantity of yeast
culture. P. 520.
1,11onthly List of East European Accessions (EL-Al) LC Vol. 8, no. 5
I-lay 1959, Unclass.
Ncw tecbmique of inicrobiological eontral iia tke food industry. P. 408
PRU14YSL POTRAVIN. (Ministerstvo rotravinarakeko yruryalu) Praka,
Czackoslovskia, Vol. lot see 8, I~g. 1959
Mcatkly list of East FAworeas -4,cces!!icza (EE&I),LC. Vol. 9, no. 2,
Fe b. 19(0
HYLMAR, Bohumil, inz.; TEPLY, Milos, inz., dr.
A new simplified method for controlling the gentle milk
pasteurization. Prum potravin 13 no-W05-206 Ap '62.
1. Sdruzeni mlekaren, Vyroba cistych mlekarskyeh kultur, Praha.
EIBENI E.; HYMPANG J - Neurological Clinic, Medical Faculty, P.J.
Safarik University ( ologieka Klinika Le1c. Pak.. UPJS), Kosice.
"Some Problems in the Evaluation of Iatrogenic Damage Caused to
Some Nerves by the Administration of Butazolidin- Containing Com-
pound:3. "
Prague, Costcoslovannica Nourolorrio, Vol 30., No 1 . Jan 67., P 71
Abstract: The authors investigated the cases of % patients to
whorm preparations containing butazolidin were administered. In
12 cases where butazolidine was administered intramuscularly
lesions to the nervus ischiadicus of a varying extent were ob-
served. Traumatic lesions of nervus; ischiadicus resulting from
the administration of some drugs are discussed. No references.
Submitted at the Irleeting of the Neurological Section, Slovak
Branch, at Kosice 16 - 18 Jun 66.,
HY114AR, Jiri, inz.
Creative workers and personal data. Vest ust zemedel 11 no.l:
32-36 164.
1, Ustav vedeokotechnickycb informaci, 1-tinisterstvo zemedelstvi,
lesniho a vodniho hospodarsivi, Praha.
In-UiAi-ll r1l).
Koul-a) J. Choice oi a vf-ntdla~or ac(:ordinF- to ucc]..11, rt-voliuLicri-~. p. 7LL.
Vol h, no. 1C, Oct 195L.
SO: Monthly List of' East hurpean Accessions (11-.AL) LC, Vol. I", "o. (,., junc- 1()"6 Uncl.
NStandard Irrigatioit System Made of Prefabricated Parts." p. 1242 (ZA SOCIAL15TICKE
ZOMETSTVIt Vol. 3. No. 11, Nov. 1953) Prahap Csochooloyakia
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionst Ubra:7 of Congreass Vol. 3t No. 41
April 1954o Unclassified,
M'MN' nwmv.
Zavlazovanim zvysujem hektamve vynosy. i.vyd. Praha,
Orbis, 1954,. 24 p. (Mice prednasek pm osvetove besedy.
no:~23) LRalsing yields per hectare by irrigation. lst
DA Not in MC
SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (HEAL) Library of
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HTLS[Y. JANDSLAT * Uvlaby usetskpd odpadnial vodant. T Prate,
Ceekoelovonaka asademie smedelskych ved, 1957. 18f p. (Rostlinna VMba)
DA Not in MC
Xonthly List of last Ampean Aocessions (NMI) LO VOL. 8, llo. 2
may 1959, Unclass
A complex survey of Infection foci in lastern Slovakia in 1933.
Bratiol. lake listy 34 no.104IM66-1193 Oct-lov 54.
1. ZQ Zoologickeho ustavu Tysokej skoly polnohospo v Brno, pradnosta,
prof. dr. J.1ratoobvil, a Virologiekago ustavu, OSAV Y Bratislava.
risifttell &kadamlk D.Blaskovio, z b1ologicksho ustavu OSAY v Praha.
riadital akadenik 1^19k, z Oblastneho ustavu apidemiologis a
alkroblologis v Bratislava, riadital &r. JeWoloak. s Metrologickaj
klinik.y PLISU v losiolach, prednosts. doco dre JAgwan, z MMSuv
lCosiolach, riaditel dr. J.Kratochril, z Hygienickeho ustavu 17OU
v Bratislava, prednosts, &WemIc ToNucha
(ANCUMIT189 MPIMMIC, epidemiology
In Osechoo tooi, survey In 2,81*Takia)
(LUTOOPIROSIS, apidentology
in Cisoh.. foci survey in I.Sloyakia)
ff"Aff. T. 6 Doe.,
Clinical experiences
nos4:252-255 NdT 56,
Klinilm-pre cboroby nervoye
no ryousIsystem (Cs))
viral: bifect. (Cs))
gel- P, 1, F.
4-1 11 tl
t- ON
W45 !as
NOVAKOVAO 0.4 Praha 10; Srobarova 5~ WCIKO V.
Determination of free and bound bilirubin in the blood, Case
lake Cooke 105 no,10-10 7 J& 166.
Is 1. klinika nemooi vnitrnich Iskarske fakulty hygionicke
Karlovy University v Prass (prednosta prof* dr. Vs Jonas,
DrSoa)e Submitted August 1964o,
On the problem of primary biliary liver
no.2t92-99 Mr 162.
kiinivA nemoci vnitrnich, predn. prof. MUDr. Vra
patologioke anatomie a hiatologie FID11 KU v Frazo
J. Stolz.