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HUTU, NIcolae, ikr. Some aspects of the introduction of new teebriquea in proceasing Moroqco goods at the Simion Barnutiu Enterprise in Sebes. Industria usoara. 9 no.4:151-154 Ap 162. I- HUTUS ficolaep ing. Mechanization of owe operations in processing m~orocco goods* Induotria uooara 9 no.8:317-319 Ag 162. L 04494-67 -JK-- o,' ACC NR3 AP6033621 CA) SOURCE CODE! RU/0023/66/011/005/0431/0435 AUT*6R' .- Birzu, Alexandrina. (Doctor); Bealeaga, Virginia --Beshlyaga, Virginia.. (Doctor); Zavate, Olga (Doctor),,Hutu, I. (D ctor); Khutsu, i. Moctor); Iluca, V. Iluka, V. (Technical assistant); Vyrlan, V. (Technical assistant) ORG Institute of Hygiene, Iasi (Institutul de igiena) TITLE-. Rattus norvegicus as a pathogen carrier SOURCE: Microbiologia, parazitologia, epidemiologia, v. 11, no. 5, 1966, 431- 435 TOPIC TAGS: animal disease, experiment animal, epidemiology, carrier state, pathogenic microbe, ABSTRACT: The stite of pathogenic germs and conditioned pathogenic germ carriert were investigated in 106 rats captured in meat packing plants. It was found that 15, 0916of theanimalt-were carriers of S. enteritidis Gartner, and 1. 8 % of S. typhimurium. Rats are carriers of conditioned pathogenic germs of the following genera and strains:: Arizona.' Citrobacter, Aerobacter, and Enterococcus with predominance of Str. faecalis in 7416 of the cases. Of the examined animals, 8. 5% card 1 2 L 04494-67 C NR' AP6033621 .,.showed potentially entero pathogenic coli-like germs, of types 0125 B15 and ,1'01'26 B16, Orig. art. has: 3 tables.I[Based on authors' abstract] CK, -4. S'-j SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 08May65/ ORIG hEF: 005/ SOV REF: 002/ OTH REF: 0041 Card 2/2 -e ,-, _ __ , m ___ - ___7-______--_--.-_- T _'_.T _dn'. HUTUPAN, Florian Yesterday and today. Constr Buc 16 nr. 757:4 11 July 164. 1. Secretary of the Trade-Union Committeep Group of Construction Site No.l. Regional Trusts for Housing Construction, Cluj. HUTZ, 1. We will have our owr. TU-104 planes, P. 400o (Kridla Vlasti. No. 13,, June 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO; Monthly List of East European Accessions (EML) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. HUTL2, J. The air-borne radiolocation equipment of transport planes* P. 787. (KRIDLA VLAKI.) (Prabag Czechoslovakia) No. 25, Dec. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 59 May 1958 . " _.11171-a_`*~~-~ZLL___ I ~~-,.~_:~_ HUT~, J. Radar equipment in airplanes. P, 820. (KRIDLA VLASU.) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) No. 26, Dec. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1958 IIUTZ, J. "Our peace cl,)Ieratlor, on IoFkrd a TU-101, plare." p. 2 (Kridla Vlasti, iio. f), 195P, P ilmn, M,-.mthly on Diropewi Accnssions Ir,, Vol. , , No. Senteml-.or 1955. HU VAR,, B. --immmommigir The fibroscope. P. 28 (Jemna Mechanika a Optike. Vol. 21 no. I.. Feb. 1957., Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of Fast European Accessions (EFAI) W. Vol. 7, nol 2, February 1958 CZECHOSWVAKIA -Opimbi RUSTOVAp L. 1. X-ray &W hal"r WOW Sootion (Katedra radlologit a AW. lekarstyi)t UP UJIP, Brno; 2. First Pediatric Clinic (1, detaka Ulm'") 17 UJEP, Brno; 3, Second Pediatric Clinic (11, detaka klinika), IF UJIP, Brno Brno, jaltrui IvkRjjtvi, No. 5. May 1966v pages 481-485 "Diagnosis of Vestoo-Ureteric roflwc 4 means of isotope renograpbr.11 22821-66 tWA( 411FAak) ACC NR, AM010700 Souwm Cow,; I ,,,z/()034A5/(M/(fJ/,,/021,2/0252 AUTHOR: Huyar, Lubomir (Engineer) ORG: - MZa g ca Reiearch Institute, VZKG, n.p.p Ostrava (Vyzkumy ustal metalurgicky.MG, n.p.) TITIE: Influence of alloying metals of the rare earths group on properties of cast SOURCE:' Huthicke lietY, no- 4V 1965j, 242-252 TOPIC TAGS: steel microstructure, grain size, austenitic steel, rare earth metal, structural steelp chromium, nickel, stainless steel, metal surface, material fracture, solid mechanical properti/30CIIN2144 stainless steel 14, ABSTRACT: Modifying stainless steel 30GHN2HA by alloying it with rare earth elements is discussed. Effect of these additions upon the fractured steel surface, upon the macro- and micro-structures, and upon the mechanical properties is discussed. Ifeans of improving austenitic grain size# and oVgen removal technique are described. Orig. art. has: 40 figures and 5 tables. [JPRS) SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATIE1 none SOV REF: 002 UDC: 669.14.018.29: 669.15-194 __j LC ad 1/0 - - - __j JIUVEP lntvwi; WORNAlp Laszlo .Short history of semiconductor tools. Radiotechnika 14 no.11:432-435 N 164. HUVOSVOLGYI. Mihaly --f- - I - - Figures about the significance of irrigation farming. Munka, 13 no.5313 My 163. HUVOSVOLGYI, Mihaly Raising the technical qualifications of women. Munks, 14 no.1204-15 D 164. 1. Wage Division, Central Council of Hungarian Trade Unions, Budapest. HUVOSML4GYI, Mihaly Some experiences with wage administration on state farms. Hunks, 10 no.9 ao-n s 166. Is Ssakozervesetak Orstagos Tanaces, munkaugyl- as berosztalyanak munkatarsa. HUVOSVOILYIO Kihaly Experienoes conoerning the eMloyment of vomen. Mm*a 13 no-lls 24-25 N 163, 1. Ssakaservesetak orssWo Tomacoa uWksber ~vstalya, Coy *V MiIialy . On the activity of trade unions in the field of manpower management. Munka 12 no.9:12-13 S 162. 1. Szakozervezetek Orazagoa Tanacea munkaborosztaly munkatarsa. ~IdN-46iiin-.Ribaly On the taske of factory trade-union organo in manpower managemente Au*a 13 noo3sl2-13 Mr t63. lo Szakozervesetek Orssagon 2anaosa munkaber oazta:Lya -nlmtaroao L 3185-66, EWT(d)/EWT(m)/EYP(*)/~WP(v)/EWP(k)/EWA(~)/ETC(m) U ACCWSION IMI AP5,010783, UR/0021/65/000/004/0442/004 AUTHOR -Ru 00, M. (Qux'j A. N. TITIEs On the stressed state In shells weakened by a series of holes SWWZ: AN McrRM. Dopavidi, no. 4, 1965, 441-444 TOPIC TAGSe shell theory,, stress analysi periodic solution, partial differential:', equation ABSTRACTt The author analyzes the stressed state of a shell weakened by a series Of openings. It Is assumed that the stressed state of the original shell before weakening in known,, and that the distrdbancesdue to the openings extend over a re.- gion of dimensions such that they can be described by the equations of the theory of gently sloping shells, The problem Is thus reduced to the form 0 with suitable boundary conditions fras the solution of which an equAtion to derived'; for a plate weakened by an Infinite series of holes of equal size. A method of Card 1/2 L 3185-6.6---.... I AccEssion NR: Azm=83 isolving a similar problem for a spherical shell In also considered and a uuxerlcal', example in presented. This report vas presented by He Me Savin (a. N. Savin). Orig. art. hast 2 figures, 9 foraulas, and 1 tables ASSOCIATION# Instytat sekhaniky AN UM (Institut iwkhWki AN VkrSSR1 (Institute A- .-AA-1k swiTTED: gisep64 MM 00 SUB COM AS NR PZF Gov t 009 1 000 Card 2/2 -w- ,a m t. &JIM 1.160.1 NAM Jigv. ImAted "ilk Wbegu%s. V., I W.- fuuml in wbar matirr too " booing. It was por"t m %-k-Mic *gumcs. bolb in wbktf WA CMY M&%Icf- frOm lwrwm with imm"Iplor WN11"is. Warm M. Swm~ T%. . .. ~ -17-7- ~_, -4 17 p=ASCDVCNJRLS R Oft 21 1 W PL X. Ill "ID m 1,21111 loop" w6 AM 4111 09"21 Aur"Do well waftemLl lo"I itzt NMAW~Pu) VIP IF 00 IjbAl V L No W, too Go. & 00 00- 00. 0 00 00. -2 A : 66. so 4414HIl Obt Q*V Ill w Ip n W_IT_ -I- - #- - - -0 0 9 6 1 , T 1, iW if a a IS -W a 11 2 It if ?f t 4 1 1 A 11 " I fill ft 4 1 I 1 T - - - - - _~ )* 0-0 41 f 0Il 9 0 41 0 0 4-11111 oilb * GA) is 8 0*as0 W111 4 OZELLA, T. 190 (Budapest U. 11. oz. Belklinikajanak Kozlemenve) IlContribution to the Pathogenisis of Antidiabetes Insipidus." Orvosok Lapjal Budapest, 1948, h/30(273-276) Abst: Exe. Med. Vo Vol* 3-1, No. 7, p. 565 YUGOSLAVIA _.~UZjAKj-0xj-jqmisIav and BEZJAK, Dr. Branko; Department of Infectious Disease, Medical Center (Zarazni odjel Medicinskog centra), Karlovac; and Infectious Diseases Hospital (Bolnice za zarazne bolesti), Zagreb. "Filarlasis Loa - Reporc of Two Cases." Zagreb, Lijecnicki Vjesnik, Vol 87, No 10, Oct 1965; pp 1105-1111. Abstract [English summary modifiedl: Description of cases of filariasis loa in a 5 year old girl and her 64 year old grandmother who had spent some months in the French Congo In 1960 visiting their aunt (i.e. the grandmother's daughter) who is married to a European working there. Uneventful recovery after diethylearbamazine treatment. 2 tables, photomicrographs, 2 Western and 7 Yugoslav references. Manuscript received 13 Ocg 65. III YUGOSLAVL% IIUZL~K Tomo; FISM, Dejan; and PURAK, Mirjana, Service of Infectious z al Center (Infektoloska sluzba Nedicinskog centra) Diseases ot Me Medic 1~arlovac sir.osinophilic Meningitisil Zagreb, Lijecnicki Viesnik, Vol 88s No. 4, Apr 66: pp 389-394 Abstract: finglish surmary modified] Case histories of 2 boys2 both 7 Years 0l , with eosinophilic meningitis; in both of them some helminthic parasitosis was suspected but could not be definitely identified or con- firmed. Treatment was synptomatic. 2 tables, 1 Yugoslav and 9 Western references. Manuscript received 2 Feb 66. 22 - MI. Frant, HU3)r Lassions of the motor system in press operators in television picture noreen factories. Fracoval lek- 7 no.1:29-31 Yeb 55. I.Klizdk~6 chorob z povolani a Wisny prace v Praze, prodnosta prof* Wr Jat, Telsingsil, (ARNO diseases tonasynovitis in gl"n moulding worker in television plant) (OCCUPATIORAL DISEASS tenosymvitis, of are in glass moulding worker in toleviston plant) (TsIMYNOVITIS am In glass moulding worker In television plant) Comm i CZXCHOWOVAKIA COMM t Chenioal Technblogy, Chemical Products and Their Applies-tio'n.'r'Sale-ty and Sanitation. AM JUM. I FOMM-i No 17o IM; NO, 61342 AVMR MWZMM i Huzl, Pot Joaclilmathaler, J.; Sykora, J. TM ; Chronic PoisononR with kraenic orao, PuB. Pracovni lekar.,, 19589 10, No 5, 422-4?4 AB9TMT A workman that in the course of 35 years was In contact with.A&,,As 0 and others (basically in the manufacture of M04-by the chamber method) is a subject to the motor-and sensory damapes of the peripheral:-nervotin systemg to paresis and atrdphy of muscles comprizing the upper extremities, to hyporearatosis of the skin of upper and lower extremities, to hyperpigmentation of skin,.toLhead- aches, weakness, sleeplessness, absence of upetite, to neurovegetative transformations, to irritation of the conjunctive, conjunctivitis, to irritation of the tipper resnerative ducts, chronical Card: 1/2 HUZL,Yr.; MACHIMSTHAIM,J.; 6YKORA,J.; SYBLIK,J. -------------- I Lead poisoning in ceramlo industry. Pracovni lek. 12 no.5t256- 259 Je 160. 1. Oddeleni chorob s povolant 7N 'v Plzni, prednosta kand. l6k. ved MUDr. Fr. Huzl; Pracoviste dorostoveho lekara'MUN2 vPlAui, MUDr. J. Joachimethalera; Pracoviste krajakeho lelcare pece o savody MUDr. J. Syblika. (IKU POISONING) -HUZL, Prantisek Caplan's syndrome and allico-arthritio. Pracovni lek.12 no.9: 476-480 N160. 1. Oddeleni ohorob s povolani lekareke fakulty KU, pobooka v Plani; predn. XUDr. Ir.Ruzl, kandidat lekarskych ved. (SILICOSIS compl) (ARMITIS compl) STKORA,J.; KMT,A.; RUZL,F. Radiation hazards In storing monastic sand. Precoyni lek. 12 no.6:291-294 Jl 160. l..Oddeloni chorob z povolant a onkologicks oddeleni, SIN,Plzen. (UDIATICE INJMY) (OGGLTATIOUL ]Ism=) HUM, FraEt-lasek The relationship In silicosiss pusumoconiosis of miners and primary chronic progressive polyarthritis. ftacovni lek. 12 no,17: 369-373 8 16o. 1. Oddelent chorob x povolant. lekarske fakulty 1U, pobocks. v PlznI, prednosta WOre Yr. Huxl, kandidat lakar.yed. (BILICOSIS) (ARTHRITIS, RHNUKATOI:D) (MINING) !CCUOTRY u -T -:f 1 C" P. IV "'Ile-' dc Tcclanoio- ' ' ' -t."Cor'. P-r-'; rr,'t.,inr, a-n,,' ! , JCUP. 1960 NO. 1-'19 CPTILZ M t 3 11 -al C j 0 A L35 7A CT 0*1 ro CJ-1 to 0. 1- i- - ~J 131 of Of 'mid Ca.~.t-iralov!] T'.0"41C~`j oi' 'L-,i-- procrij!- ri---o it Treabaent o' Tu::ti3.oq HULAY M.; HmLI 1P.; LUKESOVA, L.; SYKORA, J.; SOUSTEX, Z. A special type of skin allergy after beryllium bronze. Pracovni lek. 13 no.lo:497-499 D 161. 1. Klinickopatologicke dermatologicke stredisko SPI V P12ni pri kout klinice, prednosta prof. MUDr- Viastimil Real, a pri patologicko- anatomickem ustavu, prednosta prof. MUDr. Josef Vanek D. So., oddeleni. chorob z povolani a pa-uwslove toxikologie SFN v Plzni, prednosta MUDr. Frantioek Huz1 C. Sc., apektrograficka laborator Kovohute, n.p. Rok-yeany. (EERMIUH toxicol) (ALLERGY etiol) sURMT, alven Names Countrys Czaaboalovakie Academic Degrees$ Affiliation s 3qpa]ftpent of O%M4udj&M&j Dj,3ease~q, State Faculty Hospital (Oddeleni shorob z povolanl statni fakultnt nemoonice) Cbief Dr Fr. HUZL; Plzen Sourcet Pragueo Praktiaky Lakerp Val 41) No 15-16p Aug 21p 19611 PP702-706 DILtat"Ohronta Poisoning with Lead and Edtasal Spofe In Prepaney" MD S v0 961443 SYKORAt J.; iPJZL,__Ej- KUBATj A.1 techniaka spoluprace STARDEROVA, R. Hazards in processing rare earths. Prav. lek. 14 no.6:271-277 Ag 162. .1. Oddeleni, chorob a povolani a proValove toxikologie SFN v Plzni, prednosta MUDr. F. ffuzl Onkologicke oddeleni SFN v Flmd, prednosta MUDr, A. Kubat. (ELEMENTS) (OGGUPATIONAL DISEASES) 0=110SLOYAKIA JOACIIIUSTIIALBRO JI 71 =I SYKDRA, J. Ward of Ocoupallowa Masumse and To~oology 5"), Filson (for all) i 11raguo. Vnitmi Iskers ,Vvi, So B. 1963, pp 797-799 MWARIKOVA,J.; JAf,'KOVA,J.; IIUZL,F. Tacimicka spoluprace: EYBLOVEOI-I.. Iocad poisoning in tender workers. Prac. lek. 16 no.1:24-27 Ja 164- 1. Oddaleni chorob z povalani a prum3mlove toxikologie fa- kultni nemocnice v Plzni; vadouci: MUDr. F.Ifuzl, CSc. SRUTEY, Josef; HUZL, Frantisek ..,_ -..- I.- ". - - - ~ . - - " . I~rgienic problems in ac-~,urutb castbig by thf., mmthod of thl dissolvable wax model. Prac. lak. 17 no.1:16-18 A 165 1. Odbor bygleny prace , Krajska hygienickc-epidamlologicka atmica v P:Lzni (vedoucit MUI~r. J. Srutek) EL riddelemi, chorob z povolani a prumyslove toxlkologle SFS r Flzni (vedouctit nP-. F. CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616-0O1.2T1-O5T-OT(43T-l-l5) HUZL Frantlah..,-XLIWOVA-DEUTSCHOVA, Eliska; TAMMA,, Jarmila; MAINEROVA, lir-L-1-aJ-SALCMANOVA., Zdenka; SCHWARTzOVA, Xvets; SUCHANOVA, Larisa; SyKMA.. Jindrich; Department of Occupational Diseases and Toxicology Faculty Hospital. (Oddeleni Chorob z Povolani a Toxikologie Fakultni Nemocnice;p Plzen,, gem Vedouci) Dr F. HUZL; Neurological Clinic Medical Faculty# Charles University ~Neurologicka Klinika Lek. Fak. KU)., Plzen., Head (Prednostka) Docent Dr R, KLIMKOVA-I)EMSCHOVA. "Examination of Workmen Exposed to Electromagnetic Waves of One Meter and longer Length in the Region of West Bohemia." Prague, Pracovni Lekarstv1p Vol 18, No 3o Apr 66., pp loo - io6 Abstract rAuthors ' English sumary modif ieg: 68 vorkmen employed in ar*as of ere-etromagnetic fields vith frequencies of 2A to 2.4 cycles, and veve longtht 3.5 to 30 meters vere investigated* 52 vere subJected to an uninterrupted field, and 16 to a polyfrequency interrupted field* 23% in the first, and " to the second group vere influenced by the f leld. Only in one a serious disown re- sulted; most suffered simply from headache, fatigue# vegetative sMtom wad Ud of coordination of the cortex and mesodiencephalic CNS function* . 6 rigwess 2 Tableep 4 Westerns 14 Czech references. (me. rec. 29 Tan 65)0 1/1 uDe 616-596-057 cZECIIOSLOVAKIA NY, Frantisekp SYKORAv Ja- hFULA, Milan; Z-UZL. FrgMj~jsek; POKOR (Kozni rosle-v; Dermato ogica Cl-1-nTr, Fled. Pao. Charles Univ- - r1ako KU)s Plzen,, Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr V- RESL; Klinika Lek Diseases and of ToxiOO109Y# Pacul-tY Department of 000upational oxikologie Fak. Nemocnicel Hospital (odd. Chorob Z povolani a T al Dept. 0kresni, Plzen, Head (Vedouci) Dr F. HUZL; Toxicologic gicke Odd, 0-iES), Station of Hygione and RpidemiolOgY (Toxikolo Gottwaldovs Head (Vedouci) Dr P- PoKORNY. "Nail Damage in Laminated Glass Produetione" Prague, Pracovni LekarstVit vol 18) No 6 - 7. Aug 66, pp 310-313 Abstract; 8 out of 19 women employed in the production of la=in- ated glass suffered da=aSO to nails, duo probab17 partly to the chemicals present ( polyester resin containing 40-504,,f, fret styrene, I cobaltnaphthalate, 2-3% eye lohexanonperoxide, toluenes .and di- 1% alcohol, and pol7- but-ylphthalat and a liquid containing water . The damage Vinyl alcohol)p and partly to mechanical exe 'rtion consisted of discoloration, dorsal deflections dorsovolar cross- splitting, and fraying - of the nail plate- 7 Figures, 1 WOStOrnt 3 Czech references* (Ms. ree. I Doe 65). REM F~�Il --- - -- ---- - - - --- - me .HMDA$ Jooef# ins, ------- From the experience of the Czecbosloyak Fabe-Oder River Navigation Liness Doprava no~20038-359 162o BIAZEK, Ladislav; IfVEZDA, Otto Modified casein and possibilities of its use in tan- neries. Kozarstvi 14 no. 3: 74-75 Mr 164, 1. leather Research Institute, G6ttwaldov, Leather Research Section, Otrokovlceo BLAZKK, Ladislav; HVXZDA, Otto Determining the leather finish adhesion. Kozarstvi 14 no.8t221-223 Ag,164. 1. Research Institute of leather Industry, Tannery Research, Otrokovice. 0 Personal erneriences with renair of fistulas of lower urinary tract in women. Rozhl. chir. 36 no.5:290-296 14n7 57. 1, Urologicka klinika VIA JcvP v Hradoi Kralove, prednosta prof. Pr Jan 3edrrA, (PISTUIA. V7.31COVAGINU.. surg. (Cs)) -- -- E7~ /~ AW - i HV=DOSIAV ApDroach to the kidney through the Ilth intercostal space. RozhI. chir, 36 no,9:639-644 Sept 57o 1. Urologicke oddeleni Ustavu klinicks a experimentalni chururgis. Pmha Urologicka klInIka VIA, Hradec Kralove. (KIDINYS, surg. I approach through llth intercostal I~acs (00) VOTOCKOVA, J.; PRAUS, R.; IP&ZDOVA, H.; STERBOVA, V.; BRETTSCHNEIDER, I. _ ~ - , The significance of the arteriae temporalis and nasalis iridis for the nourishment of the cornea. Cesk. oftal. 21 no.4:322- 317 il 165. 1. 11. ocni klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lakarstvi Kurlavy Uni- versity v Praze (prednosta akademik J. Kurz) a Laborator fyzio- logie a patologie zrakoveho analyzaroru Ceskoslovenskej akademii ved v Praze (vedcruci akademik J. Kurz). PRAUS, R.; BRETTSCHN EIDER, I.; 1BTLIRVA,~ H. STER1011A, V. _ j_ The effect of lathyrogens on thb cornea. The affect of beta-,amino- propionitrile on tbp aillfation of acid mueopolyeaccheriden of the beef cornea in vitr6% Cask. oftal. 21 no.31244-248 My 165, 1. Iaborator fyziologle a patologia zrakoveho analyzatoru Ceskoslovenskej akadamie ved v Praze (vedoucit akadamik J.Kurz)# HVOJ, Josip, inz. The Sjenica Hydroelectric Power Plant. Elektroprivreda ~ 16 no.9:436-438 S 163. GVOZDIKOVSKAYA, A.T. [jivozdy !aj!'ka, A.T.); PARSHIKOV, V.N. [Parsykov, V.M.) Effect of the photosynthetic activity of leaves on the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by corn. Ukr. bot. zhar. 21 no.6:18-24 164. (MIRA 18t2) 1. Institut fiziologii rastenly AN UkrSSR i Institut botaniki AN UkrS---R. SLIZOWSKI, Adam, mgr iriz.; HWALEK, Stemialaw, mgr in2. j Now method of deepening pits and small shafts in salt deposits. Wiad gorn 14 no.10:306-308 0 163. HYANEK J.; CAFOURKOVAI Z.1 tochnicka opoluprove Contribution to the problem of the trypoin-inhibiting actiTity of the serum in newborn infants. Cook pediat 18 no. 3s214-219 163. 1. Ustredni laborator fakultni polikliniky v Praze, vadouci doo. dr. J. Homolka, DrSc. (INFAI?r)NEWBORN) (TRYPSIN) :HYANEK, T. I Orientation method for determining bicarbonates in the blood. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.44tl222-1225 30 0 164. 1. Ustredni laborator UNZ -MVP v Praze, (vedouci prof. dr. J. Homolka, DrSc.) HYPIJEK, J.; CAFOURKOVA, Z. I SIMple-scroening test-for-dateation of increased urinary excretion of amino nitrogen* Case leke ceake 104 no.199524-525 14 Ily 165. 1. Oddeleni klinicke ohemie UNS NT Me mestu Prahy a Ustredni laborator Flt (vedoucit prof. dr, J., Homolkap DrSc:J9 IIYAI-IF,Kp J.; TIYANKOVA, E.; CAFOURKOVA, 2.; VANFCKOVA, V. Our experiences with a screening test f or cys tinuria and amino- acidurla. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.9:781-784 S 165. 1. Ustredni laborator Fakultni nemocnice 2 a oddeleni klinicke blochemie fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy Universtiy v Praze (vadoucl prof. dr, J. Homolkap DrSc.) a Detske oddeleni Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi v Praze 9 (vedouci W'Dr. A, Guttmanova). Biochcoii3try CZECdOSLOVAKIA UDC 616-002.1:616.153(577-156.3-014)-074 HYANEK J.- Department of Clinical Biochemistry,' Faculty of Gen- era Charles UniverBity, and the Cen~ral Laboratory, Faculty Hospital 11 (Odd. Klinicke Biochemie Fak, Vseob. Lek. KU a Ustredni Laborator Fakultni Nemocnice II), Pragua, Head (Pred- nosta) Prof Dr J. HOMOLKA. "Trypsin-Inhibitor Activity of Human Serum, its Diagnostic Value, and Relation to some Laboratory Tests in Acute Inflammations." Prague, Casopis Lelcaru_ce~Mch, Vol 105, No 38, 16 Sep 66, pp 1032 - 1035 Abstract fluthor's English summary modified_7: The serum trypsin- inhibitor activity (TIA) was investigated in a group of now-born infants, adult blood donors, healthy pregnant women, and in pa- tients with tumors or inflammatory diseases. A correlation between the TIA values and the serum level of mucoproteins . alphal, and alpha2-globulins, and the sedimentation rate of red blood cells was determined, Diagnostic value of TIA and its role in enzymatic changes in the molecule of the inhibitor are discussed- 3 Figureq, 19 Western, 4 Ozech references, (Manuscript received Sep 65). -____1 /I CZECJIOSI,OVAKIA L.; Departmont of Clinical Biochemistry Fac- TYANRK.__J.: Labors. ,ty of Ge eral I'ledicine, Charles Univer3ity and Central t;d- 0 eleni pro Klinicizou Biochemii Fak. Vseob. Lek. KU a Ustr ry (Odd xplainod7 2, Pragueo Chief ni Laborator), FN J~breviation not e: aiatric-clinio Fac- of Pedi- (Prednosta) Prof W T. H014OLKA; Ist PQ Charles University (I. Detska Klinika Fak. Detskeho Lek. atrics, Sues Chief (Prednosta) Prof Dr J, SVEJCAR. Kii), Pra "Hyperlysinuriaell Prague, Casopis Lekaru Cesky0b, Vol 106., No 9s 3 1,11ar 67.9 PP 253 - 251~__ Abstract: The authors describe a case of a 3 year old Girl'WhO suffered from the disease; the child was born to healthy Parents, The Composition and amounts of various aminoacids found in the urine are giveno 2 Figureso i Table., 2 Western, I Czech refer- ence* 1/1 11YANEK, J.;-ff)V~~RYAJ-Eq CAFOURKOVA, Z.; VAUCKOVA, V. Our experiences with a screening test for cystinuria and amino- aciduria. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.9:781-784 S 165. 1. Ustredni laborator Fakultni nemocnice 2 a oddeleni klinicke biochemie fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy Universtiy v Praze (vedouci prof. dr. J. Homolkax DrSc.) a Detske oddeleni Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi v Praze 9 (vedouci KJDr. A. Guttmanova). PITTER, Favell HrANKOVA, Xvetoslava Determination of syntbetic detergents in water. Sbor pea yod rJChT 4 no.1:269-286 160. (EUI 10: 9) 1. Katedra tealmologie vody, Vysoka skols, chemick---technologicka, F~mha. (Cleaning oompounds) (Water) CZECHOSLOV~~.IKIA / General Problems of Pathology. Tumors, Human Neoplasms. Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Biol., No 11, 1958, 51785. U Author : Hybasek, Ivan. Inst ; Title :Leukemio In-f=ration of the Brain ~,,ssociated With Intracrenial Complications of "*cute Otitis Media. Orig Pub: Ceskol. otolaryngol., 1956, 5, No 6, 331-334. Abstract: "I case of chronic lymphatic leukemia with chron- io left suppurative otitis is described. The exacerbation of the chronic otitis was brought about by rentgentherapy administered for the leu- kemia. Acute mastoiditis developed followed by diffuse otogenio suppurative meningitis. Neuro- logical and laboratory data pointed to the pres- ence of an otogenie abscess in the left temporal Card 1/2 CZEC1__-03L0V,M.i,. / General Problems of Pathology. Tumors. Human Neoplasms. Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 11, 1958; 51785. U Abbtract: lobe. The error of the clinical diagnosis was proven at the autopsy, when the presence of large leukemic infiltrations were deLionstrated in the left cerebral hemisphere, in the area of the pons and medulla oblongata, with large areas Of softening, hemorrhage and damaged cerebral tissue. -- Ye. A. Skvirskayia. Card 2/2 83 7, r- MASEK, Ivan; KRC, Gyrilt HUBA=, Jiri Remote x-ray data on antrectoulsed subjects. Cesk.otolar.9 no.51 277--282 0160. 1. ORL klinika PU w Olonenai, prednostik prof.dr. Y.Ledl. Ustr. rtg ustay fake as*&.- FU v. Olosonoi, predn. prim.dr. Jar.Doubravoky. (KAXILTART SINUS surgery) HrWEK, Jan; Hn3ASEK, Ivan On the stiopathogeneoia of so-called hewtympanum and its relation to the morpbogenevis of adhesive process. (Chronic postinflawatory hematom of the pneumatic cavit of the ear). Sborn. ved. prac. l9k. fak. Karlov, Univ, (Brad. Kraff 4 no.1:23-38 161. 1. Otolaryngologicka klinika; prednosta prof. Dr. So. MUDr. J. Hybasek. (oTrTIS MEDIA pathol) (HEMATOMA pathol) HIBASEK., :an,_MDr-. y-Dr-.-,Se. v prof . Elongation of the styloid prooess ae the cause of pain in the region of the glossopharyngeal nerve and of the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve. Sborn. ved. praco lek. fak. Karlovo UniVP Ozed Kral) 4 no.3t333-340 161. 1. Prednosta'kliniky,otolaryngologicket (TERiPORAL BONS abnorm) (GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE die) (NEURALGIA etiol) (TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA stic,l) HTBASEK, Jan; HTBASEK, Ivan On the atiopathogenesis of the so-called idiopathic hemo- trDpanum and its role In the morphogenesis of adhesive proceases. (Chronio post-inflammatory hematomas of the Pneumatic spaces of the ear). Ceek.atolar.10 no.1:9-1? IF 161, 1. Otolay7ngologicka klinikm lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci KraloTe, prednosta prof. MUDr. Jan Hybasek. kEAR MID= die) HYBASEK, Ivan Xcamination of hearing by deafening with the finger. Cook. otolar. 10 no-4:229-231 Ag 161. 1. Otolaryngologicka katedra KU v Hradai Kralove, prednosta prof. HUDr. Dr. So. Jan Hybaaek. (HUMG TESTS) HYRLSU , Ivan Repneumatization of the temporal bone following anthro-mastoldectomy with primary suture. Cook. otolaryn. U no.4:207-213 Ag 162. 1. Otolaryngologicka katedra lokaroke fakulty Karlovy university v Hradoi Kraloveg prodnosta prof. dre.J. Hybasokp DrSo. (MASTOIDITIS) (TEMPORAL BONE) HYBASEK, I. Plasmocytoma of the naaopharyrx. Cosk. otolar. 3-1 no.5:270-272 162. 1. Otolaryngologicka katedra lekarske fakulty University Karlovy v Hradoi Kralove, prednosta prof dr. J. Hybasek, DrSo. (HASOPHARYNX) ipusmocymm) ol HYRASEK, I.) CEMOCH" Zd.; BRA KY, M. Esophageal findings in Sjogrents oyndrame (opithelcmarosi*). Cook. otolaryng 11 no,6047-349 D 162. WOMEN IS SINDME) (ESOPHAGOSCOPr) I 'HYBASEKP 1.1 NOVAK, J. Gar experienoeo with deatructi-ve InbyrinthotcW in Menierele diaeaeo, Cook* otolaryng. 32 n0-0214-218 Ag 163- 1. Klinika nemoci usnich, noanich a kranich :LekarBke fakulty KU v Hradci Kralovep prednosta doe. dr. L. Faltynak, CSa. (WNIERE'S DISEASE) (IAMINTH) (SURGEU, OPERATIVE) jr(BAE, "IT I i I 11 - -, 1-1 1 1 ~ Cholesterol gran,.Ioma or dkile. ear. ital-sr-riF -3 no*6049-351 N 1 64 . * 1. Yatedra 0 tni-13 r7ngol ogle lekarske fakii1ty rnriovy [InIvers' -7 v Hradzi Kralove (vedcuci doe. dr. !.. Faltvrckl/. HYBASEKI is Tympanoselerosies Cook. otolaryng. 13 no.5009-312 0 164. 1, Otolaryngologicka klinika lokaroke fakulty Karlovy univmity v Hradei Kralove, (prednosti doe. dr. L. Faltynek, Me.). I* HY 3ASIX, 1. Plastic surgery of protruding auricles. Cook. otolaryng. 14 no.2t 104-107 Sp'65. 1. Katedra otolaryngologle lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v f1radei Kralove tvedoucit doe. dr. L. FILItynek, We.). HYBAM J # Prof* HUDr Penicillin in otorhinolaryagology. Cook, otolar. 4 no.1:62-63 Pob 55. (MASTOID, surgery motoldeatoWg use of pealoillin) (PSNICIMSe ther. use surgep wastoldootomy) HYBASIK, Jan, Prof.. MUDr. Use of skin grafts in the treatment of chronic otitle. Cesk. otolar. 5 no.4:218-223 Aug 56. 1. Otolaryngologicka klinika VLA JIvP v Hradci Kralove. (OTITIS, surger7, skin transpl. (Cz)) (SKIN TRANSPLAWATION, in various diseases. otitis 02)) '"m HYBASICK J . C - Terminology of owgical procedhrom in the middle ear & Its Owndactlys passages in chronio Infl-mmations & Post-inflo-atorY states. Cook. otolar. 6 no.3:134-161 June 37, 1. OtolaMgologicks, klinika VLL Jov r v Hradcl Kralove. proinosts, prof. NUDr Jan Wbasek. (OTITIS KIDIk svrge Indic. & torainol. (0s)) MASEK, Jan (H. V., ul. B. Nemcove 44, Cenke Budejovice.) Use of immune serum in staphylococcal infections. Cesk. otolar. 7 no.2-3:167-176 Wy 58. 1. ORL klini)m VIA JRwO v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof. dr. Jan Hybasek. (MIORMOCOAL IHPBCTIONS. 4-unol. passive immun. by micrococcal anti-2-toxin from blood donors HYRASEX, Jan ------------ Experience vith-colwoellisatiou; clinical picture, surgical technic and postoperative course. Cask, otolar. 7 no.3:302-309 Oct 58. Ii ML klinUm VIA J W. P. v Bradai Kralove, prednosta prof. Dr. Jan Rybagsk. (MR, MI 0 dise % suppurations, columallisation, technic & postop. course (05)) - - M&SIX, Jan; NOVAK, Jan Carcinoma of larynx in patient with scloroma. Cook. otolar. 8 no.3: 129-133 June 59. 1. Otolaryngologioka klinika VIA JlvP Hradoi Mralove, prednosta. prof. XUDr. Jan Wbasak, (URYNX, nacylasam with rhinosolerovia, case report (02)) (ILMOSCIEROMA, case reports with cancer of larynx (0s)) HTRASEK, J. , "': -::'. - ~. - Contribution to the surgical therapy of chronic adhesive processes, Ceak. otolar. 8 no.4.*229-236 Aug 59. 1. ORL klinika lakarske fakulty XU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof. XUDr. Jan 91basek. (X&R , M TnDT , dis . ) . HYMJff,Jan. Anatomical and functional picture of spontaneous tyxpanoplasty consecutive to chronic spitympanio inflesivation. Cook* otolar. 9 no. 111-15 7 160. 1, Otolaryugologicks, kliniks, lokarske fakulty V v Hradci Kralovep Prednosta. Prof. dr..Jan *basek. (ILR XIMIa pathol.) M HYBASEK, Jan -1 1 - - - I Pathological-anatomical changes in the oonduction apparatus of the ear in chronic middle ear inflammtlons with choleateatoma. Sborn. ved. Prac. lek. fak. Narlov. univ. (Hrad. Kral.) 4 no.117-11 161. 1, Katedra otorinolaryngologiel prednosta prof. Dr. So. MUDr. J. Hybasek. (OTITIS MMIA pathol) (CHMMT,,?ATOMA pathol) _FwMc.-Jan Patbologic anatomical picture of cbronio adbesive processes in the middle ear, Sborm. ved. prao. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Elmd. Kral.) 4 no.ltl3-2r, 161. 1. Katedra otorinolaryngologie; prednosta prof. Dr. So. MUDr. J. Ilybaaek. (OTITIS MEDIA pathol) FBASEK, Jan; HrWEK, Ivan On the atiopathogenesis of so-called hemotyxpan= and Its relation to the morpbogenevie of adhesive process. (Chronic postinflamatory bematom of the pne=atic cavit Of the ear). Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Umd. Kral.1 4 no.lt23-38 '61. 1. Otolaryngologicket klinika; prednosta prof. Dr. So. MUDr. J. Hybasek. (OTITIS MEDIA pathol) (M24ATOMA pathol) HrBASEK,. J~m Imperfections in tympanoplantic surgery and poBsibilities of their solution. Shorn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Hrad. Kral.) 4 no. idol-ni 161, 1. Katedra otorinolaryngologie; prednoata prof. Dr. 80, MUDr. %T, Hybasek. (FAR MIDDLE surgery) MASEK. Jan, MASEX, Ivan On the otiopathogenesis of the so-called idiopathic hemo- ty"num and its role In the morphogenesis of adhesive processes. (Chronic post-inflawmator7 hazatomae of the pneumatic spaces of the ear). Ceek.otolar.10 no.1:9-17 7 161. 1. Otolaryngologicka kliniks lekaroke fakulty KU v Hradoi Kralove, prednosta rof. HUDr. Jan Hybasek. ZUR HIDMX die) HYBASEXI Jan Congenital defeat of the aonduction apparatua as a cause of middle ear deafnems. Cook. otolar. 10 no.4:219-223 Ag 161. 1. Otorinolaryngologicka klinika lekarsky fakulty KU v Bradei Kralove, prednosts prof. MUDr. Jan E~,baook. (DEAFNESS stiol) (EAR MIDDLE abnorm) m---- --- - - - - - -- -- - - - - HrBASEK, J. Pain in petrositim. Cook. otolaryug. 12 no.5:277-279 0 163. PEMOUS BONE) (PAIN) (MENINGITIS) OTITIS MIA) (TRIGEWAL NEMLUAIA) i HYBASEK., J. Late results of hearing tests following antromastoidectomy in children. Cesk. otolaryng. 13 no.2:82-86 Ap 164. 1. Otolaryngologicka ~linika lekarske fakulty KU [Karlova Universita] v Hradci Kralov (prednosta prof. dr. J.Hybasek). -r. ...... 000~0w~ Res-ults of tre-atmant of rpa'! Ignant of the I It%r region. CuBk. otolaryng. 1,4+ Jo 165. I# Otolaryngologicka katedra Ittkuriks.- Jfm~cu'ltj F,~,rtcvi ty v 11rudei Kralove (vedouc i prof . dr. j - H71-;'~!36k, Dz-,7c. " . HYBASEK; T. On the problem of the origin of cholesterol In a cholesterol k,ranuloma of the middle ear. Cesk. otolaryng. 14 no.4-234-236 Ag 165. 1. OtolaryngologlcAm klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove (prednosta doe. dr. L. Faltynek, CSc.). Effect of histAmineq a oxygen uptake by human no*2t78-81 Ap'64 and pilocarpine Cask. derm. 39 1. Laborator pro vyzkum fyziologie kuze lekarske fakulty PU v. Olomouci (vedoucit prof.dr. G.Lejhanec) a Pblarograficky ustav WAY Praha (reditelt akademik LHeyrovsky), ~ F,-. ~ -6~~ P-F;;' F, I , R~, HTSASIK, Pavel. Dr. Critique of the method of determination of water lose from the human skin by measurement of resistence of semiconductor*(NaGl crystals). Cask. dorm, 31 no,5:249-252 Oct 56, 1'. Dermaiologicka klinike, lekarske fakulty Placksho university v Olomouct, prednosta prof. Dr. G. Lejbanec. (SKIN. dehydration, determ. by resist. of sodium chloride cryistals (IMHTDWION, skin. determ. by resist. of sodium chloride cyrBtals (Ox)) (SODIUM CHWRIDE, resist. in determ. ofskin dehydration (Cs)) LEJHANEG, Gustav; HrMEK, Pavel; VYSIN, Vratielav Wetting piWerties of the skin surface. Cesk. dorm. 34 no.2/3182-"- Ap 159. 1. Dermatovenerologicka, katedra Palackeho university v Olomouci, vedouci prof. MUDr. Gustav lojhanse Katedra fyziky fakulty prirodnich ved hlackeho universityl vedouci prof. RNDr. Bedrich Havelka. (SKM pbysiol) (WATER) LEMIMC; G.; SERAK, L. I RtMEK, P. Contribution to the mechanism of allergic reactions. Cesk. dem. 36 n0-4:205-207 Je 161. 1, Dermatologicka klinika University Palaalteho v Olomoud, prednosta prof. MUDr. Gustav Lejhanec Polarograficky ustav CSAV, Praha, reditel akad. -T. Heyrovsky. (ALLEM diag) (SKIN metab) L11-JUMO, - 11-.-, FRUC11AZKA , J. k_E)MAMjL_P. Internal medicine and dermatology.. Cook. dem. 37 no.2877-82 Ap 162. 1. Dermatologicks, klinika lakaroke fakulty UP v Olomouoi prednosta prof. dr. 0. Lejhanso Ie inteini klinika lokarake fakulty UP v Momouci,, prednosta Drof. dr. P.Lukl. (WIMTOLOGY) SEW, L.; HYBASEK, P. Measurement of insensible perdpiration by the psychometric method. Cesk. dorm. 37 no.6s361-366 D 162. 1. Polarograficky ustav CSAV v Praze, reditel akad. J'. Heyrovsky Dermatologicks. kliniks. lekarske fakulty Palackeho v Olomouci, prednosta prof. dr. G. Lejhanec. (PERSPIRATION) k ~ - - -~ I-.---- --- - --- - - - - - - -, - - 1 -. - 1: E 4 E-~ ; , z -, - , - - rzfw-- 'a ED- om~--71 lll.~~, -; 1. - ;,-, ~!-- - , 'j", - - ~ ~- - P~-*~"'K K. - SODC, J.; MULUIA, J. ) "Economical anzbenitic stainless steels." p. 146 (hutnik, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 1958, Pralia, Czccl-iislovakW Monthly Index of Fast European Accesslons (ZEAT) IL, Vol. 7, No. -,, 3eptember 1958. HnEK K, Economical austenitic stainless Cr-Ym-Ni-N steels. p-28"' hUTNICKE L.ISTY. (Ministerstvo hutniho prurWalu a rudnych dolu a Ceekoslovenska vedecka techoicks spolecnost pro hutnietvi a slevarewtvi) Rmo, Czechoslovakias V010111) nosh,, Apr. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol.!~',, no.11, Novo 1959,, Uncls, Z/034/61/000/002/004/006 2073/2535 AUTHORSt Ubl, K., Engineer, Potd9ek, B., Engineer, Vystyd, M., 0 Engineer ABIJI?ek., K., Engineer TITLE: Austenitic Heat Resistant Stainless Steel for Castings. Patent Application Class 18d, 1/30, PV 1915-59, dated April 2, 1959 PERIODICALt Hutnickt listyl 1961, No.2, P-138 TEXTt The steel contains 0.20 to 0.75% C, maximum 3% Si, 6 to 16% Mn, 16 to 32% Cr, maximum 3% Ni, 0.2 to 6% Mo and 0.15 to 0.75% N. Furthev alloyIng elements are a, maximum 0.05%, and Co up to 20%. Castings from this steel are heat resistant and up to 10006C they resist carburizing and sulphur-containing atmospheres. The steel is suitable for applications in which high temperature strength and resistance to corrosive atutompheres are required simultaneously. Card 1/1 19,111-0 23044 Z/005J60/000/012/007/031 A121/A127 AUTHORS: Lbbl, Karel# Enginaer, PotlSek, Badfich, Engin 11: r, Vystyd, Milog, Engineer, and EgbeklKarel, Engineer (Pr gue) TITLE: None given PERIODICALs Vynklezy, no. .12, 1960P 5 TEXTt (18d, 11301 Registered April 2v 19591 Patent Application 1914-59). Austenitiov refractory, stainless cast steel, characterized by a content of 0.20 - 0.75% carbon, maximum 3% silicon, 6 - 16% manga- nese, 16 - 32% chromium, maximum 3% nickel, 2.2 - 6fo molybdenum and 0 *15 - 0 75% nitrogen. Two points of the definition of the patent follow. ~X Card 1/1 86355 1g. 11 15 0 Z/032/6o/olO/012/003/009 E073/E335 AUTHORSi Lbbl , K., gustek, A. and Hybek, K. TITLEt Development and Investigation of the Properties of the Type CrMnN Austenitic Steel for Castings PERIODICALt StroJtrenstv~, 1960, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 907 - 915 TEXT: The authors investigated the properties, particularly the technological properties, of nickel-free austenitic steels which contain chromium as the main carrier of the anticorrosion properties, and Mn - about 15% and N 0.20 - 0.35% as austenite-forming elements. A wrought steel of a similar chemical composition is being marketed in the USA under the trade name of "Tenelon" (Refs. 1, 2). A Czech version of this steel with additions of Mo and Si is being subjected to tests in Czech metallurxical works (Ref. 3). This material has hitherto not been considered for castings produced by the classical technology, although it was considered for components of automobile gas-turbine engines on the basis of tests carried out in the Ford laboratories. The authors started Card 1/7 .-ai,