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KEGLIK, M. ; FRIC, P. I HUSLAROVA.- A.; HORACEK, F. - KOVAROVA, M.; FRIEEMODBEMMRIGIEMR, Prooperative diagnosis of anioteric obstrdctions of the choledochus. Cas. lek. ceek. 104 no. 211566-572 28 My'65- 1. Interni oddeleni fakultni polikliriky Karlovy University, v Fraze (vedoucis prof. dr. K. Herfort, DrSc.); Centralni rentgenove oddeleni fakultni polikliniky Karlovy University v Praze (vedoucit MUDr. F. Horacek) a IL chirurgicke kli- nika fakulty voeobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednostat prof. dr. J. Lhotka, DrSc.). JEKLER, J.; ALESOVA, Hel HUSLAROVAp A. Congenital cystic dilatation of the comon bile duct. Rozhl. chir, 42 noo6:383-387 Je t63, 1. 11 ebirurgicka klini)m fakulty, vooobeeneho Iskarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Lhotka. Interni dddeleni Wazltni polikliniky v Praze 2, vedouci prof. dr. K. Herfort. (COMMON BILE DUCT) (SURGERY OPERATIVE) (ABNOMUlTrm) (crml - HWhER, VaeUv' Experience and tasks of td,4hnical comercla.1 agencies with rOjhrd to the development of petroleum productse Rope. a ublie 4 nopt353-355 D 162. I* Benzinal nepop Odbar tecbniky mazani a palivp Praha* HUSNERV Z. "Tanks Consooted vith the Drafting of Labor and Wage Records in Iron Oro Mimos." p. 79. (LIAX" V01.2" W0.5p JWT, 1953, Praha.) Vol. 3, 1;0 - 3. SO: Ilonti-ay List of Za3t Euopcan Acce~5iois /Librarj uf CoN;rc.-tL, 1'--Xch Unc~.. h5771- ._~S/194/62/000r/02/018/101 D413/D308 4.6,ooo AUVORS s Durovicj'Svet.0za'r and Husnik, Niles TITLE: A circuit for d.d. transmission in television moda- lators PERIODICAL: Referativnyy.zhurnalt Avtomatika i radjoelektronikag -7-71 u (Czech. pat&p no: 12q 19629 36l.abstract 12 c1 2.1,al:, 33/209 no. 984819 Fe.b. 1-59. 1961) T&IT t The. patent., covers a.circuit f or transmitting the d.c. oom- ponenVdnd al6wly-varying'voltages from the mod4lator to the me- dulated.dirbuit- of ~a.'TV transmitter. 'The a.c. component from the oUtput,of.tlia modul&t.or-cathode follower is fed'.to the modulated ciicuit: 'through a capacitor, while the d.c6 component ie fed throu h ' '* xiliary cathode follower which Is reeletance-coupled g qu. to'. both',.the modulator, and thu modulated circuit. The control vol- tage.'.AV,the-input to,ihe.auxiliary cathode follower is taken from tlie"modula:tok'-,through~a"diVider network conuisting of a gas-filled stabiliier', and a reeistive"impedunce. In-order to adjuBt the Card 1/2.". j/194/62/000/012/078/101. A.circ.uit f or. d.c. D413/D300 j d ' transfer constant 'POtentiO Imutur io connected in parallel-with VV -the stabilizery and the Volta6c rr0a its slider is applied to the input of thtf auxiliarY cLtthudo follower. Three varianto of the circuitB-are,prationted.. 6-ilbutracter's'notet Complete tranalation.7 aa-rd. 2/;i HUSKJAK 2 Peter, inz. Inspection of refinery installations in view of the experien6es at the Sisak Pstroleum Refinery. Nafta Jug 13 no. 11/12:414-422 N-D W. 1. Petroleum Refinery, Sisak. HMNUKj, Petarp inzo Inspection of refinery installations in view of the experiences I the Sisak Oil Rafiwryq Nafta Jug 13 no,11/12%414-422 N-D 162, 1. Rafinerija naftep Sinak. - -- -1~~ HUSDVA, '41. Disea&es of glass blowers; a treatIse by Dr. F. X. Bimann In 18311. P. 223. (3BQ)R1J1K PRO DE.JINY ITIROD1.11CH VFL A TECTITM, vol. 19'-4, Praha) SO: Monthly List of East Biropean Access Ion, (MIL), LC, Vol. Z, No. 11, Nov. 1955, Uncl, L 22949-66____.__ ACC NR, AP6006150 (A) SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/65/000/010/0010-/-O-Olb~~iI AUTHOR: Huss Vaclav Dr., engii)eer. Doctor of ~%clences) (~qcky); Bydzovsk (Engin_e_;_r)jW_iW) 96fty, L, (Engineer) (Sadeka);. Kriz, J.(Prague); Ladnar, J. (Prague) ORG: None TITLE: (Overvoltage protection device for rectifying semitonductor diode) CZ Pat. NO, PV 7039 64 SOURCE: Vynalezy, no. 10, 1965, 10 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor device, semiconductor c4ode, Zener diode, zener ABSTRACT: A device is described for protecting a rectifying semiconductor diode, or a group of several parallel or series-parallel connected diodes from overvoltage, and is distinguished by the feature that to the diode of group of diodes Is connected a parallel matched polarized breakdown (Zener) diode, or a group of several break- down diodes connected in.series, in parallel or in series -parallel. The Zener voltage on the breakdown diode in the reverse (non- conducting) direction, or the value of the sum of the Zener voltages in the reverse direction in the breakdown diodes connected In series is lower than the breakdown voltage of the diode to be 1/2 L 29949-66 ACC NR, KFUUU6150 protected froxn overvoltage, or than the value of the sum of the breakdown voltages of the protected diodes connected in series. SUB CODE: 09. SUBM DATE: AiDe a64 C,,d 2 2 KHYUSSE, I.Y MMIX, R.E.; MMIK, L.Yu. (Metaik, L.) U. L _ poation, 0 calcium chlorldik Investigating the process of A in the tar and tar water from Of.,! ;o)dxg'qk oil shali in gas generators. Xhim. i tekh.jW. elan* i piod# ikh, perer noolOt257-263 162. Investigating the composition of inorganic chloride compounds in the products of the semicoking of oil shale in gas generators. lbid.t264-277 (MIRA 170) 7..rP(q)/BDS AFFTC/ASD JD Z/0065/63/000/002/0251/0262 ACCE3310 NR: AP3002912 AMIOR: Hyspecka, LudmLla; Haluaek, Jaromir; q!.zan(_Cr1arel i-TITLE: Iner 1 9 the strength ILatt of structural steel CrNLkfo ty tharmomtehanial I treatment. SOURCE: Kovove Materisly, no. 24 1963, 251-262 TOPIC TAGS: suatenitle are#$ ste,61 deformation, quenchLng, elongation. ductility. martensitic structural change ABSTRACT: A study was made of tharmomechanical trealtme one steel, containing 0.27% C, was Ciech steel 30MNLMAT(of two kinds of steell the other contained 0.4% C and its composition waat 1-1.68%Hn, 2.29-2.V%-Cr, 1.86-2.2-A Ni, 0.42-0.39% 'LEta, -samples were rolled at 9000C_v a a speed of 0,75 m/sec and 120 tons pressure. Time used for rollin w a 20 seconds,' I quenching in oil 07 water was accomplished in 1-2.5. sets, tee wl~?0.27% C 0l at 5500 C, showed an increase in tensile strength of 14 kg/,MM2 even when r led although deformation then changed from 85% to 70%. Steel with 0.4%C showed an 1/2 LCord L 17520--63, '-'L _17~ '[TA ES ACCESSION NR: AP3002912 CC increase of 18.3 kg/mm2 at 9000 and 39 kg/=2 at 5500 C., Increase of ducti lit wan also obtained. The thermomechanical treatment not only refines the micro- structure, but also causes changes in the geometry of the meftensite plates. The difference in strength in catastable or stable austen1te after forming may be explained by a larger number of failures when forming metastAble sustenite, and by their retention even after the LCqn_jfq&M~tion1 from aultenite to martensite. The favorable effect of thermomechanical treatment is due to substantial avoidance of the softening of the original austenitic grain boundaries during transition to martensite; thus maxWum strength due to chemical coaspotition is maintained. Or Lg. art. has 6 figures aM S tables. ASSOCIATION. Vyxk,4mny ustav VZ901 Ontrava (Researoh Inotitute of the Klement jGottweld iron Works at Vitkovicel. SUB'MIrMD; 00 DATE ACQ: 15 Jul 63 ENM: 00 SUR CODE: ML NO REP SOV: 004 OTHER: 008 ,-Cord ASS j -~PAQJA- Benthonic and planktonic foraminifers in the Upper Cretaceous sediments of northwestern Poland. Acts, geol Pol 12 no.l:LI3-157 1624 1. Oil Prospecting Research Center, Krakow, HUSSAK, T. HUSSAK, T. The bookseller cooperates in the fight for technical rrogress. p. 190. Improvement of the standard of secondary technical education as an urgent problem. p. 193. Vol. 77,.no. 5, May 1956 FRZEGLAD TECHNICZNY PHILOSOPHY & RELIGION Warszawa, Poland SO: East European Accession, Vol. 6, %rch 1957 HUSSAK,, Tadeusz The booksener's trade is an ally for technological progress. Przegl teohn no.400-4 5 0 160. 1, Dom KaiaAll Waresava. POIAND/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and their Application. J-12 Glass. Ceramics. Building Materials. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Kh., No 8, 1957, M31 P. Author Helena MW3&rska Roman Hussarski Inst Title Method of Burning Ceramic Products. Orig Pub: Polish patent 37926 of Aug 30, 1955. Abstract: This method of burning ceramic product differs from other me- thods by that electric beaters or heating gas tubes are intro- duced inside a hollow ceramic product. During the burning the heated object is covered with a refractory =old, for example, of cement or plaster-of-Paris, an air gap 2 to 3 am wide is left between the object and the mold. Card 1/1 -98- lfc 414441 POLUD/Chemical Technology. Chemic&l.products and their Application. J-12 Glass. Ceramics. Building Materials. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Xh., No 8, 1957, 27731 P. Author Helena Hussarska, Roman flassarski. Inst Title Method of Burning Ceramic Products. Orig Pub: Polish Patent 37926 of Aug 30, 1955. Abstract: This method of burning CGrWdc product differs from other me- thods by that electric heaters or heating gas tubes are intro- duced inside a hollow ceramic product. During the burning the heated object is covered vith a refractory mold, for example, of cement or plaster-of-Paris, an air gap 2 to 3 cm wide is left between the object and the mold. Card 1/1 -98- EUBSBLLJLI.., MWWW- Causative Wat of the bone actino3wcosto in cattle. Acta alcrob. hung. 1 no.41391-421 19.54. 1. Aus don Institut ffir Seuchenlehre und Baktortologis der Vaterinarmedisinishchen Rochachule zu Budapest. (ACTINOkTCIIS bovin, culture) VELGOS, S., prof. MUDr*j"STj.;,j BMIUS, J, v ~ ~- Ultra-sound exploration of perlapical space activity. Bratial. lek. hatY 45 no.M659465 15 JS 165. 1. Stomatologicka katedra Lekanke fakulty Univer2dty Kimenakeho V Bratislave (veduuitprof. HUIh,. S. Velgos). IMSTAX, M. The importance of the radioisotopenawdetection method in crane construction. p,,406 (Czechoslovak Heavy Industry. No. 2 1957) Prague SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (UAL) LC, Vol. 6 no. 7 Jul3, 1957. Uncl. HALY, I.: HUSTANOVA, 0. WWA"W"D Penicillin 1mvel in children following administration of procains penicillin 0 In oil with 2% aluminum monostearate. Ceek,derm, 26 no.6:238-244 June 51. (CIMI 21:1) 1. Of the Dermato-Tenersological Clinic (Head-Zocent I.Maly-,X.D.) of Slovak University Branch In Kosice. Derm. -vener Klin., SU, Kosice. 07amillarpy vyekvt arythrodermle icthyosiformis cong. Brd-cq--Fj~~iiliar occurma-ct-oferythrodermia Lchthvostfomis congenit4k Brocq CSL. DM. 195 , 28/3 (192-195) Graphs I Fn5a family of ? children 2 had died and 3 of the 5 living showed signs of the disease. The dates of constption approximately corresponded to the cyclic course of heredity described by Gunther and Scott. Steve - Prague SO: Izeerpta Medic& Sectionnil Vol. 9 No. 1 EAST GER?JAhY/CZECHOSLOVAXIA KMEN, J.g KWHERY, Y., and FUSTA1107A, H. Research Institute for hygleae (Original-Language version not givenj, Bratislava. "Antibiotic Multiresistance as a Result of a Resistance to Oxytetracycline Acquired in Vitro in the Case of Staphylococoi and E3cherichia Colil i4st Berlin, Zeitschrift fuer Allgemeino Mikrobiologis, Vol 7. No 1. 1967; PP 77-79- Abstract: Contact with an antibiotic, in the present case oxytetrac)tiine, may bring a t. the development of mult!re31stant variants of originally sensitive strains (St. aureus ATCC 5824 and E, coli). Tetracycline acts as an inductor on the penicillinase formation. in the case of 5taphylococci the multiresi3tanCO is linked, In addition, with pigment loss. The possibility of induction of multiresistance through tetracycline alone (especially the development of resi3- tance to penicillin) deserves to be studied with the greatest attention. 6 References, mainly Western. Manuscript received 1 Apr 66 HUSTAVOVA,p..~#j KELLEUp Js; KROCW, Ve Mechanism of action of tetracycline antibiotics. V11. Erfect of substances influencing the C-aidationo's*duation potential of the madius cn the antibacterial aotiAty of oxytetracyclines is byg. spidems (Praha) 9 nos2t212-219 165, 1. Research Institute of Ilygianep Bratislava. FEIJ,EGIOVA,,M.; HUSTAV(IVAH. Hygienic appreciation of the residual quantity of antibiotics in agrioul-tural productse Ceske byge 9 no.31149-154 Ap'64 1. Ustav hygieny,, Bratislava. ir RUMANIA / Farm Animals. Shoop and Goats. Q-3 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biolop No 140 1958p No 64455 Author : Saghinp L; Hustiu., C.; Dobrovici, M. Inst Not given Title On the Problem of Milk Production in the Individual Sector Orig Pub Probli zootehn.p 195~) No. ij 56-58 Abstract No abstract given Card 1/1 J.; HUSTAVOVA, Helena; KRCMY, V. Nev method of detection of certain bacterial oxidoreduotases and trannaminasea by the ibdicator reaction an agar. Folia microbiol. 10 nc).5*271-271, S 1 65. 1. Research Institute of Hygienist Bratislava* StAmitted October 1, 1964. RLI!ANIA / Farm Animals. Small Horned Stock. Q-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54775. Author : Teodoreanu N., Stefanescu C. lljiu~u C. Inst : Not given. Title An Outline of the Zootechnical and Regional Map of the Rumanian Breeds of Sheep. Orig Pub: Bul. stiint. Aced. RPR. See. biol. si stiinte agrioe Ser, agron., 1957, 9, No 1, 51-69. Abstract: The quantity of preoeipitation in a year in dif- ferent districts of Rumania was taken as a basis for the regional division of the breeds of sheep as follows: for fine-wool sheep - 600 mm., for semi-fine-wool sheep - 800 mm., for coarse-wool- sheep - over 800 mm., for Karakul sheep - 540 mm., and for Karakul hybrids - 500-550 mm. The dis- tricts where various breeds of sheep are being raised are indicated. Card 1/1 DUSTY Zdanak co=mmoration of the 50th armiveraary of the foundatdola of the Brno Branch of the Association of CzechoSlovakhathemati- ciano &ud Physicistse rokroky mat fyz a3tr 8 noe5z304 163. HUM) Zdensk (Bmo) The eightieth birthday of Profeasor VladWr Maseko Cas pro peat mat 89 no.2&250-251 Ap 164 1 -- , -'7:- - -; -.-. - - : ~ ., ~n , I -X.WJ,X,-Zda=k (Brno); ILPIL.. Old-rich (Gottw;ddcv); Vaclav (Kar- lovy Vary); MIY:i-'>KA, Jindrich (Ostrava); KUTIL, Jiri (Plzen); HRADECKY,, Frantisek (Praha); EXINO Tomas (Zvolen) Reports from branches. Pokroky mat fyz astr 8 no.5:306-312 163. HUSTf, Z. Generalization of the functional equation of gonlometric functions. P. 3. SBORNIK. RADA C: SPISY FAKULTY LESNICKE, Brno, No. 1/2, 1954. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (~:EAL'J, LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. HUSTf, Z. Dependence of the power of germination of the birch seed upon the rarts of a catkin. p. 160. BRNO Vysoka zemedelska. a lesnicka. SWRNIK RADA C: S?ISI FAXULTr LESNICKS. No- 3/4 1954. SOURCE: East Europnan Accessions List (39ALj Library of Congress. V01, 5- 110- 1, J&nuar7- 1956. FUSTY, Z. Some criteria on the convergence of the arecial infinite root series. p. 33. (SBORINIK. RAM C: SPISY FAKULTY LESNICKE, Vo. 3. 1956, Brno, Czechoslovakia) SO: Yonthly List of East Eurorean Accessions (ML) W, Vol. 6, No. 12, Dee 1957- Uncl- USSR/Forestry - Forest Biology and Typology. X-2 Abs Jour: Rof Zhur - Bicig, No 19., 1958.9 86848 Author ; Vyakotp M., Husty, Zd. :rn!R+, Not given Title I The Problem of Water Shoots in Oak, According to the Findings of a Precise Study Orig Pub: Za sots. c,,-khe nauku, 1957, A6. No 3. 301-332. (aerman; me. Russ, Eng... Fr.T- Abstract: In the pole and young-mature stages of Queraus robur cultures (Southern Moravia),, the effect of the artificial reduction of crown dimensions and of root pruning on the Intensity of water shoot formation., was studied* The lower third of the crown was removed from trees with water shoots with the aim of stimulating the formation of water ahootal several roots were pruned from trees with a large number of water shoots, with the pro- Card 1/3 speot of reducing the quantity of water shoots. 12 USSR/Forestry - Forest Biology and Typology. K-2 Abs Jourl Ref Zhur - Biol., No 19.. 1958.. 86848 Abstract: At the end of five years it was ascertained that the oaks with trimmed crowns were distingu- ished by great average length of water shoots when compared with the control. In the pole stage, trimming of the crown does not influence the formation of water shoots# In the Young- mature stand under all conditions, the total number of water shoots after five years proved emaller,j which is obviously explained by the better crown development and less crowdi.nge The pruning of roots in the pole timber in one case but caused an increased formation of water shoots, in another casep the remata were similar to the control. Alsop in the first case the relative width of the crown after five years had not in- creased,, while in the second case it had markedly Card ?/3 ?loon /-- DECKY, Fraxitisek; WABLY, Fftrayntise MIKESKA, Jindrich; HUSTY, Zdenek Reports of the branches of thMmelsociation of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists. Pokroky mat f astr 7 no-5:316-320 162. Celebration of the 50th omniveroary of the fwaMing of the Brno Branch of the Association of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Pbpioiatso Pokroky mat fyx astr 9 no,2:98 163. RMTr,Zd"&k.. (Brno) 1 MMADAO Frantisok (Cooke Budejovico)j LEPILy ~~Mrjob (Wttw&Uov ; NOUBMA,, Mrosuva (X"IOTY T"Y); -DUYAJSKII, L&dimlav INItra); NRLMMI, Frantinak (Prah&); IMNI, Tomas - Report on the activity of branalms of the AssodAtion of Csochoolovsk Wthousticians and Physiciats. Pakroky mat fyz astr 8 noo2t99-3-06 v63. wk p -aUl Bran,lbas of the lasocirttll.,~n ,.)f Xathe- .1rullfAcira-i-, and I'(-,;trokY trat .-'.'Yz !1.7tr '? 164. MM"M-M Sow propertiso of a fifth order differential equation. Caa pro pea mat 87 no.2t229432 162. HUSTY, Zdenek (Brno) - Fiftieth anniversaty of the foundation of the Brno Branch of the Association of Czechoslovqk Mathematicians and Physicists. Cas pro peat mat 89 no.ltl26-127 F 164. 1,,=,75~ a HUSTY, Menek Asymptotic formulas for the solution of homogeneous linear differential equations of the n-order in an oscillation case. Cas pro pest mat 90 no.1:79-86 F 165. lo Higher School of Agriculture, Brno-Cerna Pole, Zenedelska 5. Submitted February 19, 1964. HUSTI,, I (Brno)- V',.JS;.DA, FraTitisek (Corke Pnwiejo%-ic4~1; i;--"..".-~,i'., Vriclav ~ _.~ek I.A.. z i-;-, - 1 kKarloxr.r Vary~; -DU?JAJ:iKY, La-iialav '(IIiLra%/';' 1-i'IL) GLI - (-,~ 110RAGEA, Rudolf (Oloumuc); JINADIECKY, Frantinek Milada (Trnava); PROCHAMA, Tiri (U:jti nad Lsibem) Reports froin local organizaLlons of tho Unlan or Czocl~osloval( !~athema-Uciano and Physicists. Poki-oky mat fyz 1) no.2-.134- 14-1 64. L&JOB, L,;PALI, 1,;SZONTAGH, I.;GATI, I.;HUSVETI- 71;CSABA, I.;H<AX. L. Improvement of results of abaominal operations with the utilization of recent pathophysiological knowledges. Ory. hetil. 94 no.23:348- 351 29 Mar 1953. (GLKL 24:4) 1, Doctors. 2. Obstetric ana Gynecological Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Laszlo Iajos), Pecs Mealcal University. I , Laszlo GATI, Istan; KISS, Desso; DORM, Gyor&v-, ffl!qYXI &,HAYAX Importance of extensive liquid intake In prevention of thromboembolism according to coagulation tests. Magy . noory. 19P. 18 no-3:167-170 MY 55. 1. A Pecei Orvoatudomay7l Iffstsm SxulOBzeti 89 NOU097ass8ti Klinikajanak kozlemerqo (Igazgato: Lajos, Laszlo dr. egyetemi tanar). (TMMBOIMOLIS)I, prevention and control, liquid Intake, coagulation test control.) HUNGM Human and Animal Physiology - Internal Secretion. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Blol., No 2, 1958, 8920 Author : laszlo Lajo*.) ~ezso Nagy, Istvan Gati,, Antal Bacss, Gabor, Beres, Ivan Clos, Vilmos Zoltan, Ference Ruavet and iozsef Adam. Inst : Title : New Endocrinological Observations of Prenent Women. Orig Fab : Orv. hetilap, 1955, 96, No 14, 366-373. Abstract : A gonadotropic Bubstances was isolated from the urine of preganant women which stimulated spermatogenesis in earthvorms and failed to give a positive reaction in frogs. This distinquishes it from the chorionic gonadotropin, which is isolated from the urine along with it. In a normal pregnancy 60-1000 units of the gonadotropic substances are found in a liter, of urine or serum, from the second trimester on. When toxemia is present, the concentration of the gonadotropin, even in the early period of pregnancy, attains 1000-5000 units. The Gonadotropic substance usually accompanies the chrorionic gonadotropin which, in a pathological preg- nancy, is formed in large quantities at the expense of a damaged placenta. EXCF2PTA 147-DICA Seo 15 Vol 9/11 Chest Diseases Nov 56 2597, I)INll'l-lt()V-NZOKOI)l 1). anti IiINVETI S. I.Chir. INVET inktion., Im9geninnervition und Alvin =. . t A.. n _P '. inonary innvrvation and. i'v4piratory function TIIOIIAX(*Ili ItU Ij(;I E (~tujtga (133-340) Graphs 2 Illus. :1 III 16itionts. %home 61VAchl"I nothim was rpfrnetory to the most va''. n *% 1119 Con- I hvi-vollve thomptoulit: methods, resection of the thora'cie vagivi nerve and 1he Svitipothetit, nerve wam carried util and the rempiratory function w,jk exanijovtj before ond after the operation. The latent bronviiial spnsin, U-hich persisted throughout the attack-free intervals, improved after interruption of the %--'R-"l anti Hyinimithet ic nervem. %%heream twfore the operation. asthma-like am.eks e'.ould be induced lp.% adminisfration or hixtamine, thim waii no longer possibit- liot. topera live- iv. flowever. the effect of ndrenalin was distinctIv vithanced after tile nerve dis- section. The vital capacity (if the operateil patients was increased by an average or 111%, the maxitntil brealhing vul-ItY by 16%. The imprownient of die renpiratory funrlion wid the absence of the atlackm ins attrihutea In thi. interruptlon of the re-- flex trartg ond to the Increased Isulmonary mensitivitv it) adrenahn. AaWbe rger - Ifemer (XV. 2, 1j, 0) 4~t~ r C;,,Rn'% MDICA Soc.9 Vol.11/6 Surgery Jime 57 1985. DIMITROV-SZOKOVI D. und11USVETI S. 111. Chir. Univ.-Kiin., Buda- pest. 41he chirurgische BehandTu_ng des it destruktiven bronchopulmoitalen Verfinderungen komplizierten Asthma bronc!iiile(f,utigf-iirt!tic~titititind De- nervation). Surgical treatment of bronchial asthma c;-in- plicated by dv~,tructive bronchopulvionary changes (pulmonary rest-(tlon and (ILnervation) Zi3L.C111R. 1956. 81/22(665-875)Graphs 111lus. 6 It is shown, that on the one hand frequent paroxysms of bronchial astilma may lead to secondary destructionq in tht! bronchial system and the hing. and, on the other hand, the existing destructive processes may be acconmamed by the asthmatic syndrome. In both cases. the destructive processes and the bronchial astiulla. by constituting n vicious circle. affect each other unravourably. In surgical treatment of these cases, it is emphasized that together with wide rcsection uf the destroyed -)arts of the lung, the most rndical pulmonary denervation that is pussible should )e carried out. In the authors' experience, their operation method (resection of he pulmonary branches of the vagus and of the upper thoracic sympathetic ganglia) .jroved appropriately radical. Thirty patients have been operated oil for refractory )ronchial asthma. Six of these cases showed destructive bronchopulmonary pro- -esses. In these cases, pulmonary resection and denervation were carried out simultaneously. Persistent disappearance of symptoms was obtained. The authors' cases are analysed and it Is pointed out that in cases of recurrence of asthma after pulmonary resection and simultaneous denervation of the lung. the contra- lateral lag.should also-b.e..denervated. (IX, 15) LOBLOVICS, Ivan, dr.; 0OM0Jffp An& 9, dr.; HUSVETI_I~Andor, dr.; XMASZ, JoZoef, dr.; L=Zj laavloo drej MARKOS;-Oj~~ij~;,~d'r.; PAPP, Sandor, dr.1 SZABO., Zoltan, dr.1 SUNT0, Natalin, dr. Data on the organization of preoperative preparation in mwgery per- formed with extracorMml ciroulation. Nagy. sebooset 14 no.6037- 343 D 161. 1. A Budapesti Orvootudomanyi Egyetex IV oz. Sebeezeti Klinikajanak koslemenys. (HEART MEC HAN ICAL) PAPP9 Sandorl dr.1 OMMM# Andras, dro; r. dr - MWASZ? YETI,# Sanft , of Joseef, dr.; LENCZ, Laszlo, dr.; LMVTCS,"Ivan, dr.; MAMp C~yorgy, dr.1 SZABD, Zoltan,, dr.; SZANTO, Natalin, dr. Management of patient& dm-ing the first 2/+ hours after the use of extracorporeal circulation. Yagy. sebeezet l/+ no.6:343-350 D 161. 1. A Budapeati Orroattulomanyi ~Uetem IV as. Sebeezeti Klinikajanak kozlemenp rpsga-Got &idass -Tozeef dr..egyetemi tanar. (K&W MIGWICAL) MDREY, aabor, dr.; HUSVETI, Malignant paraganglioma of hokerkmadl's body in pregnancy, Orr, batl2. 102 no-181840-U! 30 Ap 161. 1. Bmlapesti Orvostudemayi Egyatem, I Nerbonctafti ea Kimerleti Rakkutate Isteset ao IV Sebesseti Klimika. (MGNANCY compl) (PARAGANGLIQU in pregn) (AORTA nespl) KUDASZ, -Tozeef, dr.; GOMORrp Anadras, dr.; HUSVETI, Sandor., dr.; LENCZ., Laszlo, dr.; LOBLOVICS, Ivan, dr.; MXRKw, GYoFg-y, "&r.; PAPP, Samdor, Dr.; SZABO, Zoltan, dr.; SZANTO, Katalin, dr. Exp.erience with extracorporeal circulation in lot 10 intracardiao operations. Orv. hatil, 102 n0,48:2263-2268 26 N 161. 1. Bidapesti Orvostudomguqi Egyetem IV Sebeazeti Klinika. (HEART MECHANICAL) MARKOS, Gyorgy, dr.; GOMM, Andras, dr.; RN CUT--Skndar, dr.; KUDASZ, Joseef,' dr.; LENCZ, Iaazlo, dr.; LOBLOVITS, Ivan, dr.; PAPP, Sandor, dr.; SZABO, Zoltan, dr.; SZANTO, Katalin, dr. Blood coagulation regulation during extracorporeal circulation with protamine mxlfate titration. Orr, hetil. 102 no-501.2366-2367 10 D 161. 1. Badapeati. Orvostudomanyi EVetem, IV as, Sebeaseti . Klini)m. (BLDOD COAGULATION) (HEART MECHANICAL) . (SUIYATES) SZABO, Zoltan, dr.1 GDMW., Andras.. dr.; HUSVETI. Sandar. dr j KUDASZ, Jonsef, dr.; LzNCzj Lasz2o, dr.; LOBLOVICS, IvaiF, -dK; MARKOS, Gyorgy, dr.; PAPP, Sandor, dr.; SZANTO, Kata.Un., dr., Intra- and postoperative complications in surger7 performed under extracorporml aircaktiona..Orv. be-til. 103 no.14.-636-643 Ap 162. 1. Budapesti Orvostudom&nyi.Egyetez,.IV Sebeszeti Klinika. (HURT MECHANICAL) HUSVETI, Sandor, dr.; BWZNYAK, Istvano dr. Experimental regional isolation perfusion with Degranol. Orv. hetil. 106 no.18t827-829 2 My 165 1. Ekidapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, IV. Sebeszeti ninika, Sziv. es Ersebeszet (igazgatot Kudaszj Jozaef, dr.) HUNGARY HUSVETI, SandoE. Dr.) BESZNYAK, Istvan, Dr., and MARKOS, Cyorgy, Dr., Fourth Surgical Clinic for Cardiac and Circulation Surgery at the University for Medical Sciences (Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, IV. Sebeszeti Klinika, Sziv- es Ersebeszot) in Budapest (Director: KUDASZ, Jozsef, Dr.). "Regional Perfusion Chemotherapy of Malignant Tumors" Budapest) Orvoni Ifetilap Vol 107, No 28, 10 Jul 1966, pp 1313-1317. Abstract: The authors describe their experiences with isolated regional perfusion. They discuss in detail regional chemotherapy by this tech- nique in five cases involving malignant tumor localized in the lower extrem- ity. The operational techniques, possible complications, and results obtained were presented in detail. 7 references, including 1 German, 1 Western, and 5 Hungarian. This article is a continuation of the pa- pers published Ibid., Vol 106, 1965, p 821, and Vol 106, 1965, p 827. HUNGARY KUDAsz, iozsef, Dr, sOLT~sZ, Lajos, Dr, H( -VFrI. SaijUL...~" DIOSZMHY, Gyorgy, Dr, KULGSAR, Andor, Dr; Medical nl' Bud:'Pest, IV. Surgical Clinic (directort KUDASZ, Jozsef, Dir) (Badipe5ti Qx-vro5tudomanyi Egyetem, IV. Sebeszeti Klinika). "Surgical TreatTntint of 11;%iinvascular 11ypci"to,i~Joo,11 Budapest, ~Lrr