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In=# I.; FWZq I.
Ang4lar distribution. of the j?rotons of 6.2 HeV, elastically and
nonslastically diffused on 334. Studii cere fis 11 to.4ilO23-1031
160. (Ew 10:8)
1. Institutul do fixica, ktomica, Bacuresti. 2.Comitetal do redactiop
Studii-mi coreetari do fisica, redactor responsabil(for Rulubei).
(Angilar momentum(Nuclear pbYsics)) (Protons)
(Nuclear emulsions) (Sulfur) (]Radioisotopes)
KHULU13EY,, Khoriya (Hulubei, Horia), akademik; BARVIN, Gaynts, prof... laureat
Leninsko7-premlij ROKOV, Ronstadin; CHIOCIIERSKU, F. LGiocervau,, F.1
Atomic reactors today and tomorrow. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no.5:47-48
my 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Direktor Instituta atomnoy fizjJd Akadudi nauk Rumynskoy Narodnoy
Respubliki (for Khulubey). 2. Zamestitell direktora Ob"yedinanncgo
inatituta yadornykh issledovaniy (for Barvik). 3. Zamestitol,
direktora Instituta fiziki Akadomii nauk Bolgarii (for Ruskov).
.4. Zamestitell direktora Instituta atomnoy fiziki Akademii nauk
Rumynskoy NarAnoy Respubliki (for Chichersku).
(Nuclear phyuics-CoWeasea)
3GU 9
AUTHORS: Hulubei, fl., Purika, I., Hoshesku, T., Sabeu, M.
TITLE: Internal thermal columne for intensifying the thermal-
neutron flux in water-moderated reactors
PERIODICAL: kii-mniqu eneraiya, v. 12, no. 6, 1962, 528-531
TEXT: For reactors t!nr~e.,hed U235 and ordinarj water as moderatorst
the contribution of hermalized epithermal and fast neutrons to the thermal-
neutron flux has uci .)e,taken into account. Though the effect has been
considered saveral times, no general results could be obtained. Here a
moderator cylinder of Civen radius and infinite length is considered. The
cylinder is poaitiortod in a medium with a spatially constant neutron flux
of g2ven apectr~,!.,~. 17-he introduction of a thermal column should not
intarfere with the spatial distribution and the energy spectrum of the
neutrons. The princi?al characteristics of the internal thermal columns
are determined JXL two-group diffusion approximation: (a) the ratio'between
the maximum thermal neutron flux d Max inside the column and the thermal
neutron flux 10 in the me'dium when the column has been introduosdi (b) the
Card 1/Z 2
Internal thermal co-,.,,.T.L. for B102/BIO4
dependence o" tr.-% column radius a opt on the spectral compoeltion
of the flux and t.-~,-Ierator in order to obtain the highest possible
Of I lax. oalculationa were carried out. for H Or D 00 CS
2 2 2
ar- it3. H2 0 -was found to be the best moderator for internal thermal
The calcula;iona were checked by experiments on a BDP-G (V
rea.,,tor. Agreement was round only for a < 4-5 cm. The critical mass of a
71VR-S reactor gtows the faster I the thicker the thermal columns# but can
os- relluced from 3.2 to 2-5 kg 0
f U235 if the water reflector is replaced
by one of C, Be$ or BeO 2* There are 4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Instizut atomnoy fisiki AN Rumynskoy Narodnoy Respublikip
Bukharest (Institute of Atomic Physics of the AS of the
Rumanian Peoplefe Republic# Bucharest)
SU~31",'.ZTTED% August 14t 1961
CArd 9/2
1 r
Vuf L-
Mr.! *Ij
44 x
14 C~
Inelastic difDasion of the neutrons of 5,,2 Mov. over As.
Comunicarile AR12 no.2:241-147 F 162.
1. Institutul do fisica atomicap Bucuresti.
acad. prof.
A profitable meeting. St. si Teh aic 11, no.I:F-9 .Ja 162.
1. Director, Institute of Atomic Physics, Comuna Magurele.
KHULUEEY Kh, f Hulubej - H. 1; AWLEIIDERq Y. (Auslander, I. J; FRIUMER, E.
tFriedlander, k.]; TSITSEYKA, Sh. [Titeica, S.]
Angular distribution of /.,'-masons inJ/' -/4-decay. Zhur.eksp.i
toor.fiz. 42 no.1:303-304 JTA 162. (14MA 15:3)
1. Institut atommoy fiziki Rumornakoy akademii nauk., Bukharest.
Inv B104/3102
ALMHORSt Hulubeit H., Neamuj lot Franxt lot Martalogu, N., Sainteit 161
TITLLt Scattering of low energy proton from 8
PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i tooreticheskoy fiziki, v. 421
nv, 61 1962, 1433 - 1437
NEXT: Expvriments were carried out with the 9-120 (U-12D) cyclotron of the
Institute of Atomic Physics in Bucharest. Protons of 5.70, 5.85, 6.029
6.20 and 6.34 Mev with an enorgy spread of 150 kev were focused into a
scattering chamber with a tantalum tube. 4 diaphragc~aa in this tube
reduced the diameter of the incident particle beam to 4 mm. The vacuum
sputtered S32 target had a surface area of 4 cm 2 and a thickness of less
than 2 mg/om . The sensitivity of the angular distributions of inelastical-t,
ly scattered protons to the incident proton energy (Fig. 2) indicates the
formation of a compound nucleus. The asymmetry of the distribution curve
may be explained by direct interaction. The angular distribution curves of
Card 1/1
32 510561621042100610011647,
Scattering of low energy proton from 8 B104/BI02
elastically scattered prptons show that the reaction mechanism via compound,
nucleus formation in elastic processes with S ~!6.02 - 6.34 Hey plays an',-
increasingly important role. There are 4 figures.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut atomnoy fiziki kkademii nauk Rumynakoy Narodnoy
Reepubliki Bukharest.(Inatituto of Atomic Phydics of the
Academy of Sciences of the Ruzanian People's Republitq
SUBMITTEbt November 129 1961
Card 2/11
HULUBEI, H., academician; MORUZI., C.; ONCESCU,, M.; SOROIU, M.
Contamination of some iorms of vegetaUon by long Ufe fission
produoto reaulting from Inuclear experiences* StudA corc fiz
14 no.1:25-29 163.
1. Institutul do fizica atomics, Bucuresti., Universitatea
HIHLIp 0.0 dr.; HULUBEI, P.~ ohim.j OANCZA, C., dr.
clinical value of urinary pentodyopent and porphobilinogen in patients
with hepatio and renal diseases. Med. intern. 15 no.3-.355-362- Mr 163.
1. Lucrare efectuata in Spitalul NG. Davilams Ducuresti..
T7 T-7-F-- V-
DIMITRIU, C. C., Prof.; RINNICIANU, R., dr.; GX)RGICSCU, St., dr.;
SOLMU. I., dr.; BULIGISCU, L., dr.- HULUBZL. P.. dr.
Study of the effects of haparin in angor an& in sequel" of j
myocardial Infarct; clinical and electropborstic results.
Med. Int., Bucur. 8 no.3:375-379 July 56.
1. Lucrare efectuata In clinics. medicals. Spitalul Odre Carol Davila.6
haparin, clin. & slectrophoretic results)
(MYOCARDIAL INFARCT, complication*
. ther.. hepbx1n. clin. & electropborstic results)
(HRAPARIN, tber. use
angina pectoris &,:9q. of myocardial infarct. clin. &
electrophoretto r ults)
H!5UTA, 4140nnxand IONESOU, Doina, of the Institute of Infra-
microbiology kinatitutul de Inframicrobiologie) of the Academy
of the Socialist Republic of Rumaniso(al Academiei Republicii
Socialists Roviania).
"Specific Prophylaxis in Measles. 11. The Testing on Children
of a Vaccine Prepared with Modified ~. Live Virus."
Bucharest# Studii si Cere0tari de Inframiarobiologiep Vol 17,
No 5, 66p pp 377-387.
Abstract: An anti-measles vaccine prepared with modified live
M6o-3Huang virus was tested on 220 children. Only minor clinical
reactions resulted, with a qomplete absence of rashes or con-
,%~ulsions. One month after vaccination serum conversion was 79.41
percent, and the titer of anti-measles hemagglutination-inhibiting
antibodies varied between 1/80 and 1/320. After 4 months the
,corresponding values were 75 percent and 1/40 to 1/80a Thus the
vaccination seems to confer a speoitic immunity, which so far bas
protected the vaccinated childrezi against measles*
.......... ~_ 1". - -1-
"Economical mathematical modeling of socialist repro-
duction" by V. Dadayan. Reviewed by Katalin thilyak.
Stat szemle 42 no.5:552-553 W 164.
Method for the purification of diptheria toxins and
antitoxinse As He Sabal4yr. S. Me Tere-
o A- El 4194F
Move P. S. Astakhava, Be Is Nl-emtsovas Ukre blokhime
zhur. 24 no. W37 - 148 152
HULYI, li..F.
Study of diplitheria toxins and antitoxins Furified and
concentrated b7 the mletho6 of sedimentation rat the iso-
e-ectric I-oifit. S.M. Tereldlov, P.S. Astaknova, B.I. Niev!tsova,
Ukr- bio '-w". 24 llo-'~:149-159
'4.F. HUlvi, A.H. nabaliyrl.
GULTr, M.F. fwvi. go-ra); MARTYKENKO, F.P. (M&rtynenko, F.P.); SUAIMR1, A.G.
(Sabaldyr, A.B.]
Nonspecifin funotione of nucleia acids and otber polyanions in
protein blosynthenis. Ukr.biokhim.zhur. 37 no.5006-7n 165.
(MIRA 18tio)
1. Institut biokhinii AN UkrSSR, Kiyev,
SOURCE CODE: UR/03CV/65/037/002/0169/0176~
AUTHOR: Dehtyar, R. -G.--Dogtyar, R. G.; HuIZZ, M. F.--cuiy, 14. F.; X zel',E: B.-
Maizelj E. B.
ORG: Institute a'
medytsyny AMN SRSR
(Instytut biokhimiyi AN UkrRSR);
ingrig (Instytut eksperymntallnoyi
TITLE: Certain properties o4 crystalline andpurified noncrystalline gluccooozidase
preparations from Penicilliun? Vitale Pidopl. et Bilai -
SOURCE: Ukrayinalkyy biokhimichnyy,zhurnal,.V- 37, no. 2s 1965t 169-176- - 44-
TOPIC TAGS: enzyme, funguej ultracentrifuge, electrophoresis
AB5TRACT- Certain properties' of crystalline and highly Farified noncrya-
talline keparation of glucosooxidass from Penicillium vitale Pidopl. at
Bilai have been studied. It has been established that glucosooxidase
crystals are homogenous both on investigation in the ultracentrifuge and
.in electrophoretic studies on an agar gel. The sedimentation constant
calculated from sodiment4tion curvest 7 0. The pH optim= of cry3-
.talline glucosooxidass action Is M-530, 7h; enzyme is strictly specific
~with respect tof -Nglucose. In the absence of substrates crystalline
glucoaooxidase preserves its full activity after 15 minutes heating at pH
4.0 to 500. Enzyme activity is inhibited by sulfhydryl and carbon:1 toxins*
The inhibition of its activity by sulfhydryl toxin is c9mpatiti" reo-
~pect to glucose. Certain cations and anions.(P&++s-NH4 +# and C17)s described
Corti 1/2
L 24211-66
--AC-r--NRi --- AP6015~73~
6--activatorep-stabilize the enzym with res
-earUer as glucoso6iddaie pe-ct tb~the
action of the SH-toxins* -Origs-art, has: -7-figuress [Based on authoret
abst.) [JPRS]
SUB Comi 06, Oll SUBM DATE i02Jun64 ORIG IV 1 008 OTH REF 1 002
C.rd 2/2 ~-a 4
"New apparatus for measuring hobbing machines-it
JRAYA IKEMNIKA A OWIKA, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 11, No. 3, March 1959.
Monthly List of Fast European Arcessions (EEAI), Ir,, Vol. 8y No. 9y September 1959.
Haw Polish pilots are traihing before the International Glider Contest. p. 356.
SKRZYDIATA POLSKA, Vol. 10, No. 23, June 1954, Warszawa, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL),.LC. Vol. ?, No. 12, Dec.
1954, Uncl.'
HUMMUK, Bogdan
Brucelf6sis in the Olsxtyn region. PrzeCl. ep1dec.. Vares. 20
no.3:199-203 1956.
1. 2 Wojewadskisj qtaeji Sanitarino-Spidemiologicsuej v Olsstynle.
(BRUCILLOSIS, ipids'aiology,
in Poland in farm workers (Pol))
. biticellosis in farm workers in Poland (Pol))
)/T/"V1, t)/Eft/E*L)
'I . I f
AUTHOR: V. P. N.; Humenyuk, V. S.
"ORG z 7 --sicotechnical Institute AN Vw$SR, Kharkov (Fizyko-tekhnichW instytut AN Ice";
TITLE: The velocity of ultrasound in liqu aluelnum
ISOURCE: UkriLinslkyy fizichnyy zhurnal, v. IX, no. 4, 1966, 4ho-44
TOPIC TAGS; ultrasound, ultrasonic velocity, interferometer, aluminum, adiabatic
ession, standing wave, nonferrous liquid metal, P0+6n41*0Vne4e6- /IEPP-04. P040n-
ABSTRACT: The authors study the speed of ultrasound in liquid aluminum as a fWAion
of temperature. A-11 meesurements were taken with a high-temperature interferometer
consisting of a vertical tubular crucible with a rod made from the material to be
studied. The rod is placed within the crucible and its lower part is water-cooled.
An ultrasonic emitter is attached to the lower section of this rod. The upper part
of the rod melts as the crucible is heated and a reflector is immersed in the melt,
standing waves are formed at the moment of melting and stress on the emitter varies.
These variations are recorded on the EPP-09 eleptronic potentidmeter. Both the cru-
cible and the reflector are made from graphitel-'auring the first stage of the study,
and from alundum. for the second stage.7-K-EU-cmel-alumel thermocouple van used for
temperature measurement. The thermocouple was fixed in the frame of the reflector
ACC Mks AP6023003
approximately I VA%Jfrcm Its surface. The rod specimens for the study were made from
AVOOO 99.99% Pureil4luminum 20 mas in diameter and 4o0-450 mm long. The melt was main-
tained at a height of 60-120 mm depending on temperature. Once the reflector was im-
mersed, it was left for the entire series of experiments to avoid formation of alumi-
num oxide. The speed of ultrasound at each temperature was determined by averaging
20-25 measurements. The results show that the speed of ultrasound inliquid aluminum
is a linear function of temperature. Extrapolation shows a,velocity approaching
4730�25 m/sec at the melting point with e. temperature coefficient approaphing 0.16
m/sec-deg. The coefficient of adiabatic compression approaches 1.88.10-12 cm2/dyne
at the melting point, and 2.01.10-12 CM2/dyne at 10000C. The coefficient of adiabatic
compression is a nearly linear function of temperature. The experimental data for
AD1 alisminum agree with those for AVOOO. S. art. has!. I figure.
SUB CODE: 20, ll/ SUBM DATE- noct65/ ORIG RVI 003
Card 2 2
Dry electrofilters for dust separation from cupola gases.
Slevarenstvi 13 no.4tl67 Ap 165.
Hum=, Jan, Mrs
Newinoma oolli. Cook. otalar. 7 no.1127-29 Feb 58,
1. otorhinolaryngologicim katedrat vedoucit a)Mdemik A. Pre,39chtel,
ORL oddeleni Pakultni poliklinbq, prednosta doc, Dr. 14 Naha,
(MICK, neoplasm
newilemova (02))
neck (Cs))
KOKCA, Zofia; KOSCIUSZKO, HalInal HMGMWM,, Miroalawa
Further investigations on the occurrence of different varieties of
Paramecium aurelia in Polands Folia biol 8 no.1/2:59-63 160o
(RW 10:4)
1. Department of Experimental Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciencess
Krakow; headi.Prof. Dr. S.Skowron.
oxtallur, B.
Apisoctic vaccinia in cattla. Przeglo spidem., Wares. 8 no.4:283-285
L z Vojewe Stsoji SmItarno4pidestiologlobnej w Olostyniao
In cattle)
(CATM, dis"oes.
HUMINSKI, Stanislaw
Itypioal female genital system in Aao&ris auum Gooze, 1782.
Przogl soolog 6 no.2:195 162.
1. Katedra Zoologii, Wyssza Szkola Rolnicza, Wroclaw,
HUMNSKI, Stanislaw
Linnaeus 1758)
dintering of domice (1.1,uscardinus avollanarius,
in captivity. P24ZO[a 7ool 8 no.2jI71-173 '64,
1# Department of Zoology, Collego of Agricultura, 4roclaw.
HUML, Frantionk, inz.; SVOBODA, Jiri, promovany geOlog; TRAXLER,
Jindrich, dr,
Now raw material area for preparatio-i of high quality glaas
sands. Sklar a keramik 14 no. 1; 24-25 Ja 164,
1. Ustav neroatnych surovin, Kutna Hora.
,-. .._L",.-, L - - I - -r
I'--.- . Lf',
HUM, Frantisok; JAVDAK, Josef; SVOBODA, Jiri
Increasing the efficiency of magnetic separation. Sk-lar a keramik
34 no.12:34D-342 D 164,
1. Institute of Rineral Raw Materials, Kutna flora.
TRAXEXR, -Tindrichj HUM Frantiwks SVOBODA, Jiri
Use of kaolin sands in founding# Slevarenstvi 11 no.lt22-25
A 163.
1. Ustav nerostnych surovin, Kutna Hora.
HIML, Irenap at. aVatent
A contemporary artist of the Renaissance tM,, Wojciecb Ustrsebovold"
Problemy 28 no,5064-372 162o
1e, Instytut Sstuki, Pols)m Akademia Naukj, Varosawn
HUML, Jaroslav, inz. dr. .
-----C-omp-arison of trai!Qon properties of traetor tlre3. Zemedel
toohn 10 no,6061-388 Jo 164
1. Developmant Center cf the Fudy rijer Natiorial Enterprise;
Enterprise L. ietr.., inz.
HUML, Irena, W
Craftsmanshipj in connection with the World Congrtns. Problemy
21 no.31l65-166 165.
IIUML, Karel. SD4ECEK,, Tomislav
Iaboratory tube furnaces for temperatures up to 1,300.
Cs can fya 14 no. D46-68 164o
I., Katedra fyziky pevnych latek, Matematicko-fyzikaini
fakulta, Karlovy university, Praha (for Simecek).
2. UMCH, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Praha (for Huml).
AUTHORi Huml, Karel
TITLE, The use of semiconducting photoresistors for detecting
ionizing radiation
PIMIODICAL. Pokroky matematiky fysiky a astronomie, no. 3, 1960,
TEXT: There are many uses for simple detectors in the measurement of
ionizing radiations. Most semi-conductors will change their electric
resistance when so irradiated. This article gives some of the advan-
tages and disadvantages of semi-conductors in this field, especially the
US type. When constructing dosimeters the main problem is to obtain
good sensitivity, and inertia. US is at present the beat known material.
More recently CdSe and CdTe have been developed - compared with CdS they
ure more sensitive at longer wavelengths. S.V. SvItnikov (Ref. 15:
XTF 27 (1957) 2492) states that CdSe is more sensitive and has less
Card 1A
Z/O 2816'YyQOIOO 3/00 2/00 5
The use of... D253/D302
inertia than CdS. Monocrystals of all 0these materials are manufactured
at a temperature of around 800 to 1200 C - strict control is necessary,
as slight variations will influence the properties of the materials.
SvVaikov shown that for best results a monocrystal should be used,
with d.c., in an evacuated container. The following properties arm
of interest in the case of the dosimeter: a) sensitivity to the type
of radiation; this can be controlled by the selection of materials and
methods, for X-ray, gamma ray,1C4 , and 10 particleaf protons, and
deuterons. Luminescence is one of the methods for selection. b) dosi-
metric properties; the dependence of the current on the wavelength.
c) Voltampere characteristics - at steady irradiation Fig. 6 shows the
dependence of the current on the voltage#.d) Photocurrent inertia;
mono - and polycrystals have been investigated by SvgEnikov, who
gives for monocrystals a relaxation time of 10-2see while for poly-
crystals it is several seconds. For theoretical investigations,
Svg~nikov used a model built according to La%kerev jCAbstractor's note;
No details given_7. The sensitivity of the detectors depends on their
properties and on the circuit used. For low sensitivity a direct
connection is adequate, if higher sensitivity is needed an anplifier is
C ar d 2/4
The use of*** D253/D302
used. The work of S.M. Rivkin$ (Ref-28: ETF 26 (1956) 2667) gives
details for selecting componentm (RC) to obtain suitable pulses for
a given photoresistor. It is possible to improve the sensitivity by
additional irradiation of the CdS crystal with blue or green light.
These detectors are very suitable for soft radiation, but not for hard
rays (from COO). In this case a phosphorescent material is used. The
sensitivity of the US can be increased 169 times by the use of Nal
(as phosphor)* The reason why these semi-conductors have not been used
very much so far Is the complicated technology of semi-conductors. 1K
Further disadvantages are that the time constant is not as good as wi th
gas-filled counteral the sensitivity varies over the surface; tempera-
ture influences the reading. The advantages are good absorption; the
height of the pulse is proportional to the incoming particle; simple
arrangement - no need for complicated electronic circuitry; small
dimensions. There are 14 figures and 33 references: 12 Soviet-bloc,
and 21 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to Fjiglish-
-language publications read as follows; w*Sa Moos, F. Sponberg:
Card 3A
The use of,*.
Nucleonics 6 (1955) 88e Brother H. Brian, R. Coles Rev. Sci. Instrp
30, (1959) 90. J.T. Sihvonenj Rev. Sci. Instr. 27(1956) 330. L. Ruby:
Nucleonics 5 (1956) 101.
ASSOCIATIONs Katedka fysiky pevn�ch la"tek Mat.fys. fak. KU (Section for
Mathematics/Physics, Department of Solid Physics, Charles
University, Prague) A
Card 4/4
6,.7 A205/A026
AUTFOR. Huml, Karel
TITLE: Exploitation of the P-n Junction of Semiconductors for Detection of
Ionizing Radiation
PERIODCICAL: Pokroky matematiky, fYsiky a astronomie, 1960, No. 4, pp. 424 - 431
TEXTt The authorstates that semiconductors which change their impedance
upon irradiation are being introduced for measuring radiation Intensities above
2 - lo6 particles/sec. The p-n Junction of semiconductors is also guitable for
measuring ionizing radiation. The first part of the paper is a general descrip-
tion of functions and properties of "n to and "p " type semiconductors and of the
p-n Junction. The energy-band scheme of electrons in a p-n Junction at the ftte
of equilibrium without Irradiations is shov?n In Figure 1, that at stationary il-
lumination in Figure 2. The electric equivalent scheme of a photovoltaic elecen
with a load impedance (R) Is shown In Figure 3, that of a photodiode with nega-
tive bias (V) in Figure 4. The relation 'between the shorted current (II') of a
GaAs p-n diode and the intensity of X-ray Irradiation is shown in Figur; 5, an
AlSb spectrogram (Mo anode, unfiltered radiation) detected by a GaAs P-n diode
Card 1/4
Exploitation of the p-n junction of semiconductors for Detection of Ionizing Ra-
is shown in Figure 6 and the relation between the no-load voltage ((p) of a GaAs
photovoltaic cell and the Incident radiation (X) is shown in Figure 7. The lat-
ter 3 diagrams are taken from Reference 2. H. Pfister, Zeltschrift ffir ange-
wandte Physik 11 (1959) 290- The application of theare three methods in dosime-
try is described In the following part of the paper. Medium radiation Intensi-
ties can be measured with a shorted p-n junction. The deflection of a sensitive
galvanometer is then directly proportional to the amount of particlesetriking
The shorted current is practically temperature In-
the diode surface (Fig. 5)- the value "elms4p" is meas-
dependent. In case of small radiation intensities,
ured (Equation 5a), which is a measure for curreent carriers generated by the ra-
diation. A disadvantage of this met-hod is the non-linearitY of theq7-radiation
Intensity relation. The temperature dependence of the value'P is compensated by
so that the
the opposite temperature dependence of the saturation current (Isl-,
product(P - is is practicallY temperature independent. An apparatus based on
this method is used in interference goniometrY Of powders- A.V. ArvaDetVAnts
a14 S.m. Rvvkin (Ref. 3) developed an n-p Ge photodiode instrument for counting
impulses originating at the absorption of heavy, electrically charged particles.
card 2/4
Exploitation of the p-n Junction of Semiconductors for Detection of Ionizing Ra-
The block schematic of the apparatus Is shown In Figure 8, its wiring in Figure
9. The impedance (R) serves as load, the capacitance (C) comprises both, the
capacitance of the p-n Junction and of the external leads. A third magnitude
influencing the properties of the counter Is the negative bias (V), which must
have a certain minimum cutoff value (Vo). The dependence of impulse counts/min
on the bias (V) of a p-n Ge photodiode, Irradiated with alpha-partiole3 Is shown
in Figure 10. The kinetics,of the Junction are determined 1) by the 'Lifetime (D)
of minority carriers hLnd 2) by the actual time (to) of minority-carrier passage
from'the place of their origin to the p-n Junction. Material with a large T
value is generally used, so that T>to. Calculations made by the author am
.2imited to values for to and RC. A favorable pulse pattern can be achieved by
suitable proportioning of these values. a to value of jo-5
see for R>200 kja and C - 26-5 pF. Tests proved the good coincidence of the Fly-
kin' method with the theory. In conclusion, the author states that old semican-,
duator diodes had large saturation currents ~ and were not suitable for radi-
~ Ts )
ation measuring. However, modern Si, Ge and GaAs diodes have only small negativ6
saturation current and can be used for this purpose. Compared with conventionLI
Card 3/4
Exploitation of the p-n Junction of Semiconductors for Detection of Ionizing Ra-
dosimeters, p-n Junction counters have several advantages. It can, therefore,
be expected that semiconductor dosimeters will be soon available in the tSR.
Finally, the author gives credit to Docent Dootor E. Klier for valuable advice.
There are 12 figures and 3 references; 2 Soviet and I West-German.
ASSOCIATIONt Katedra fyalky pewikch litek Mat.-fys. fak. KU (Department of Sol-
id Matters, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University,
;'U~iiua. Huml, K.
TITLEi Method of Drawing Single CdSe Crystals from Vapours
PERIODICAL: Ceskonlovenskoy *c"asopis pro fysiku, 1961, No.4,Pp-35~L359
TEXTt* According to an older method of the author, E. Klier
and T. Pec"en'y (Ref.11 Patent specification PV 6330 60), an
electric furnace was used which had three independently heated
parts. Into this furnace a silicon tube was placed.into one
side of which two silicon tubes of a smaller diameter were
inserted, the ends of which protruded into the reaction space.
Into these two tubes boats with a charge of selenium and cadmium
were inserted. The necessary temperature of the components could
be adjusted by heating the first and second parta of the furnace,
The vapours of the components were driven into the reaction space J
by an argon stream. A disadvantage of this method is that only
small charges can be handled. In this paper a further variant
is described-which enables using a larger charge. The set-up is
shown in Fig.l. The furnace and the main tube are the same as
Card 115
Method of Drawing gingle CdSe Z/037/61/000/004/003/004
those used previously. However, only one tube,containing a
blown-in space for the selenium charge,is inserted into the main
tube; the boat containing cadmium in placed deeper into the
furnace,where the temperature is higher. With increasing size of
the charge there will be a greater danger of the crystal growing
space rapidly clogging up with small crystals. This can be
counteracted, for instance by gradual cooling of the space
during crystal growing. As a result of that, the spot with
optimum crystal growing conditions will be shifted towards the
reaction space and the crystals will grow from germinations over
a sufficiently large area (Ref.31 P. D. Fochs, J.Appl. PhYs. 31
(1960), 1733). Heating of the third part of the furnace must be
so controlled that at the spots where crystals grew in the first
instance the temperature will not drop below 5000C during the
gradual cooling, since otherwise vapours of uncombined components
may deposit on the surface of the crystals. The table below
gives the applied growing conditions for an ar on stream of
50 cm3/min above the selenium level and 150 cmi/min above the
boat with molten cadmium. The temperature of the selenium was
Card 2/5
Method of.Drawing Single CdSe ... Z/037/61/000/004/003/004
4700C , that of the cadmium 5800C and the highest temperature in the
reaction space was 1100'C. In agreement with J. Nishimura
(Ref.4%.Sci. Rep. RITU 12 (-196o)., 384) it was foun7d that larger
crystals without macroscopic defects will grow, provided that the
growth area has a higher temperature and simultaneously a steeper
temperature gradient. All the crystals have a hexagonal structure,
wherebythe axis c in acicular crystals and prisms, is in the'
direction of the longitudinal axis of the crystals, whilst in
plates,,it isparallel to their surface. ar:e made
to H. Slchova,'K. Hauptmannovg and J. Fiala for their.a3sistance
with the preparation and evaluation of the X-ray photographs.
There are 1 figure, 1 table and 4 references: 2 Czech and 2 non-
[Abstractor's Notel Slightly abridged translation.]
ASSOCIATIJON: Katedra fysiky pevny'ch lfitek KU, Praha
(Chair of Solid State Physics, Charles University,
SUBMITTED: February 11, 1961
Card 313
Preparing of mziconductor sonocrystals from Tapor. Ce cas f7s 3.1
noo6035-555 '61,
1. Katedra fyBiky pevVeb latek matsmatioko-fysicke fakulty Karlovy
univeraity,, and Ustav tecbnioke f~raiky, Ceskoslovenaka akademis Ted,
AUTHORS: Hl~ml K and Bohun, A.
TITLE: Optical and electrical effects in LiF crystals with cobalt
PERIODICAL: Physics status eolidi, v. 3, no.2, 1963, 250-253
TEXT: LiF crystals were grown from the melt, which contained 1 mole
percent CoF Optical absorption measurements performed with the
spectrophotometers CF 4 of Optioa Milano and SE 2-M at room temperature
show that the non-irradiated crystals have absorption bands in the
yellow-red and ultraviolet region which do not exist in an aqueous CoF2
solution. After X-ray irradiation the originally violet-blue crystals
becom yellow-green, and n w absorption band3 appear, an F band at
2500 1, an M band at 4400 1, and another wide band around 3600 %. It is
concluded that at least two different types of cobalt complex exist in
the crystals, probably one of octahedral and one of lower symmetry.
V,Fhich fluorine ions in the octahedrons are substituted and by what, is
not yet clear. Thermal exoeleotron emission (TE) and thermal luminescence
Card 1/2
Optical and electrical effects B163/B136
are studied using the usual Bohun measuring arrangement. For untempered_
crystals, which were X-irradiated (50 kv, 30 ma, 10 min) immediately
before measurementi- there was no particular TL but a marked TE-peak at
4000K. When the same crystal was heated to 4000C and quenched, it showed
after X-ray irradiation a considerably increased TL up to temperatures
above 5000K. This is explained on the assumption that coalesced Co-ions
are separated at high temperatures, this increasing the concentration of
cobalt complexes. There are 4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fUr FeBtkbrperphysik der Tsohechoslovakischen
Akademie der Wiseeneahaften, Prag (Institute of Solid
State Physics of the Czechoslovakian Academy of
Sciences, Prague)
SUBMITTED. November 9, 1962
Card 2/2
TAM, J. '-T~
Optical and electric occurrences in sodium chloride orystals
ixotivated with copper. Chekhoal fiz shurnal 13 no.3t23.1-215
1. Ustav fyziky pevnych latek, CeBkoolovenska akademie ved, Praha.
HUML, Karel
X-ray diffractio-- methods used in the study of textures of
macromelocular substances. Cs cas fys 15 no.3s245-272 165.
1. Institute of Marcomolsoular Chemistry of the Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences, Prague. Submitted March 25, 1964.
On thd oelinographio behavior of scine purins, and pyrimidins
baeon of nuclear avide and their analogs. Con Cs Chem 29
no.1t.182-187 Ja'64
1. Institut fur medisInUchs'. Genie, UrImmivvroltat., Plzen.
Conference of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences on the fight
a,~ainst im~alation of dust in mining, p. 193,9 RUDY (Ministerstvo
hutn:Uio prunWslu a rudnych dolu) Prahas Vol. 3, No. 7j July 1955
SOUMEt. East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress.,
Vo'! . Y., No# 22., Dece:*er 19.55
HUMMUP Fr tin".4
--- - - I
NPlanerld hwidbook" by Cinzo] A,.Vendr and others. Reviewed by
Frantisek Humel. Stroj vyr U no.9:47/+ S 163.
HUMMEL, Frantisek
Nork on shaping machines* by J.Lr! OutraW. Rn-.-iewed by
Frantisek Hummel. Stroj vyr 11 ro."11:586 12163.
Wr^w-U-M, F.
Removing broken tools. pe 593.
TECHNICKA PRACA. Bratislava, Vol. 6, no. 10, Oct. 1954.
SO: Monthly List, of Fast European Accessions p (HUL) , LC , Vol. 5. No. 6,
June 1956, Uncl.
Notes on some of the present problems of metalworking with cermic tools. p.357
TECHNICKA PRACA. Czeeboslovakia. Vol. 71, No. 8,, AuR. 1955
Monthly List of EastEuropean Accessions (LPEAI), L.C. Vol. So No. 9, September 1959
Rion I F.
Actual experience with the introduction of metalworking with ceramic cutting tools
In the CKD Sokolovo, National Enterprise, Prague. P. 393
TECHNICKA PRACA. Caechoolovakla Vol. 70 No. 91 Sept. 1955
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUI), I.C. Vol, 8t No. 9, September 1959
"Using large sintered carbide cutters for machining steel, p. 3"
STROJIRZNSKA VYROBA (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstyi, Ministerstvo presneho
strojirenstvi a Ministerstvo automobiloveho prumyslu a zemedelskych Stroju) Praha,
Czechoslovakia, Vol- 7. No- 1, 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EZAI)I Wj Vol. 8, No. 6 June 1959
"Use of IKS copying attachment for machining large pistons." P. 283.
Praha, Czechoslovakiss Vol. 7, no. 7j July 1959.
Monthly List of Blast European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 92 September 19,9;~.
PUMMEL, Frantizek
') One bundred example3 of adv&nced machlaing') by 8. 1-h-nicka.
Reviewed by Frantisek Hummel. Stroj vyr 12 no.614t,! je v6,,,
- --- --
Still more about ozone. p. 297
Vol, 9,, no. 9,, Sept* 1955
Sources Montly- Idst of A&st European Accessions (EFAL) x IC., Vol. 5,P no* 2j
Feb. 1956
m,mm, H.
Sanitary protection of water supplies in the LISSR. p. 34.
(OCiMNA PRACY; BEIPLEGUIlbTWO I UGIEIIA PRACY. Vol. 12, no. 9, Sept. 1957,
Warszawa,, Poland)
SO; Monthly List of East European Accessions (EZAL) LC- Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 15.57.
CC INTRY Czechoslovakia H-27
AE 1. JOUR. AUhim., i0. 16 1959, .58765
i'2. 'oot priven
T I 'L Improving Beer Quality
OR *G. PU-Pj Kvasny Prumyal, 5, No 2, 41-44 C1959)
7 "'1 '0T -ne author discunses mearures for tte 4-n-crtvcment
zf cear quality which &to nvat require modification
of the filtration and pasteurization procedures.
The following are recommended: (1) when the
beer contains sufficient C01, aeratio n should be
held to a minimum and the air removed by shaking
prior to the sealinsr, of the bottles; (2) the
empty space in the neck of the cattle 6tiould ue
redixed to a-5-35~ of the volume of th e bottle;
(j) sufficient reserves of 00, should be available
CA 0: 1/2
IL';T,c" :Czechorlovakia
A E, JOUR. iMU112. , Wo.
AU ~-,ioil
16 1959, No.
AEURACT :at the filling and bottling roots together with
the necessary equipment for the pumping of the
C02 into the tanks; (4) the biological purity of
the filter sludge should be controlled by th~ use
fo H;!02 for its sterilization.
A. Yemellyanov
.0 0 0 0 07: so 00 0 4100 oil f 0 0 -,Pw
4, 1 L L N Q 90 M d
..MkIM W~ #NLFIN~ -00
of -00
so In. RWW r1w hw lkrkbwm of jbw ArwWworeft SCUM .00
00 9 team the FW%ft In 11110 low INOM 31 at .00
hibraft (In C"Ch.) Josef 1,?Otv,
0 0 E T. t. June 1947, P. t&168.
00,31 Above equipment Is dispaintmed and deorribed, at,
00 4i 11 as the Prow m6od for operation of a
P hY whith Ow Air content of the ph it GOO
OOJ Inerrapm to 64% after difullf"Ir ON the 7" (an
*0- =rod :ith % Aby the previous methoti. only
Ird al* remalmm to be me
00A rated by o2idatio" and weltinie in t?w produrtfa.
of 111V". Coots arf rut lit half. :*0
Ogg v00
to* 0
0 0 goo
%.112.3 .11 Oat i a. 44,9" ~ts
%- r w
--v7T(- it's
AV -0 It to to if a d OF a it it It a 9% It A an
11 : 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'a 0
0 0 O's Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a
0 46[o 0-00-00 990064-46 age
0 0 We 910 0 so 0 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 see
---te owes* 00940-6 96-06tot
0-0 0-0 0-6 0 0!", -T*
14 " m " il " x 1 0 H If h )1 A 0 A
L L-v&jL-j A, Lob r a IV OF it
U f") M E Ll
"61111a. Ipw IJUHLMW
lly- idrJI"Al Oil ItW lijirlijiggiloo W lho r4ulh 4:ruml.
a oloft1w flow to the empsidimm, it !W111w wul- age
J! warepliori. Ilw fornwhii, t .a allot- 1.4
-IF amided,
C.I WAst
it 4014141~"Ak 011`4416,010 tiawliti(Alwo
14 1; 1. vlimi %low 0 q 0 1 9of IAl
17 -4 Of9a 0 SO 11 19 "1 A f ... 0",
0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 a 0
0 60 0 !o0 fe 9 00 fe 0 0 a W
IfulisicM Lisly S, 247-44 19501, -The
arit has the foupwing av. emnpn.: S40v 14M, AIA 0.10.
'0 P40 AM (InUt Fe 14- 10%). IMO 21M
Caf) 7.49 16140 3 00 P^ 3.67 (P I.M.
21.w Ralit, lwaa~l
37 1
int""t 044 r",d to the westbtir4ccompil. top
IA". 1l.4U#V%fnl tIMS(Ing the We WithI11411MV. IAII
11"IN *.It vartirif out in an firrit"Ir brAlevi el'to WN
.11 It"110, 11101) to 711"'. In An all" mis.1 *felt YN
Apji:em. PA17.0 the Unvansicuo 4 1 hr oor is i#Asi.limw,j
fat rAjay Into UnW, which rAn lw riad. by -it"
rontg. a mumill quantity of sultate. th6 9=1 10 C"".
*61trably mmkntrd by beat. Piplo. an jW0,11sc-
lion wale we mm its pIrgrews AM IOIafy4ru"I.IytW
furmovr~ "Ifts is chaurable tilting afigle arr U-1. sinc-T
in ulurs) conditions Ilir lwomss is rupth"mi.. 4rul jwa~'
ON& at low Itt"PI., fillif b"Ons Is likely to 1W "Cersury.
The remits win be publ6lml Lite. P. (*,I(*
1- , ,
, L, _~ ,
BE- _--
HUMMEL., Jaroslav
Effect of the ingredient composition and technological process
on the surface and foaming properties of beer. Kvasny pr= 9
no.9:206-209 S 163.
1. Vyzkumn7 ustav pivovarsko-sladarsky Praha, pracoviste Plzenske
pivovary,, nope
RU*E-L, Jaroslav
Division of sulfur containing beer albumins, Kvasny prum
10 no.10017-219 0 164,
1. Research Institute of BrewIng and Wting Industry, Prague,
Worksite Plzen.
Hu=tl, J.
Carbon dioxide an a waste product in the brewing industry. p. 82o
KVASNY PRUMYSL. (Ministerstvo potravinarskeho prumyslu) Praha.
Vol. 1, no. 4, Apr. 1955.
Source: EEAL - LC Vol. 5p No. 10 Oct. 1956
CMMOSLOVAKIA/Mmdcoa Technology- Cheal Cal Products and
Their Application. ParmmmUtion Madmatry.
Abs Jouri Referut Zhur-Odad7so No 5, 1958j, 15955.
Author Mnmwl Jaroalav
mis 03d"tion-Fladuction Potential mA Biological, Stability of
Orig Pub: KYSM Prum"lp 195T* 3.- No 91 193-195*
Abstract: A correlation has Usen ascertained between the rR values,,
daterm' d by the patentlametric imetbods and the 02-content,
of beer: vith a decrease of the latter the rK also decre"es,
and vice versa. Beer having low rN valm is am stable
biologically after. being poured into containers. On pouring
into baz"ls, out of contact with 402P of beer filtered ac-
cording to the procedure of OWS L-transliteratodl its at&-
bility increases Indefinitely.
1-4 (A. IYU n E
C ~-,l I "I I (':;L C'r
L "T
01 17.ontr., .;lon In-411i2tr.;
T 1 W by
;aade oi~ different bn=ds
of bc,:-r four -11,bo ar-posc of T- iir,:4 t lon of' fl,
L It ~;nq-
OC the 0" b-ur.
of ,.11rit 3.r
It-- f',. .
,1302) in beer,
-130: ve t_ti tin 4iiaica-6cr for chr, of t
"tindling of (,()- . A tcolrunirtia tined ';':I() detbr_.~
.,e 1-S
of t
~rn-- lk"ac, of br~!;-Ikr, of
re- vee, 1-1 i.,Lm-at of to 4 .8
HU1,11EL J
periodicals: WDY Vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 1958
IRTT-ITL, J. I-lining by the roof-caving method in the Lucice iron-ores
basin. P. 302.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (ELAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 5
May 1959, Unclass.
MJMM,, Vratislavo imz. dr.
, :w7
"Hydrocytloneo and their use* by Do Dinter. Reviewed by
Vratislav H=el. Wy 3-1 no,3.19 380 1; f63.
0 fie
01. 'L t
A fit 01"'i'llil-is
The ddartmL-fatiom of tifeck acid %'IAW14v linfuntel
(ReiltmChIft".Cwtholkwaksutar Ind... jijajjjj~ MW
Ob., 2%W=).--A truthad wim devirtived I'mr the to 0
Ito. with foralle. citric, And IAI.
detn. of ~*
Ifide acidth awl in the Ivessift-st of MrOll atilt W011.
"Witind is not iffirmfirst hy Small riollte. tif lim-new and '00
IL ficM k dkl,t. oil bY MC011' -
inihoilipta tlwLwt T)w Comics! -
vapor under The gal*
mte. after alkalint Cligint. to dryur,44. is dist-timl.
0' prattv strwilly Italic slid oxitliml to MAW OWW by S' v
Kjjf"(N (Ipy Ill, ""4hod to AI.M41A. It..
13momm, klmnof i'l milicird by ll'Ov. Ow Mrs by-
dirtaides am Wirml, and In the fittlatc filter a ruivirrale
wistl6fration. CmC40s Is pptd.. whiLb by K761n04 titrItim
4).0=31 a. of bmetic )sin Micks
AV 00 it it a Go,,*
o 0 ok
a PI r v V1 I 'A IS U. UD It j
ytYrAq L . .. ... ..
00 1"';( I&dk add 113 "of of the prodam
The detwod" -00
0' -4r.- OW
.-If. det'l.
7 -
ff lee
o 0 o
. 1
laclic arm by ti) dirmt titvsti~ (m com-mind the
With K n(14 in 1kn alt- mn%Ls.
104jr mm into malle AM I "00
00 Jun "trillylv, The Idelk eA "itil P.IVOII Vowr
1 VAPMI%f flk$ low 41141-1. CO.,.
4 2 hi t r
he jawtu
is 6611AITIA11h KAfn(% is? N4
"Oft I" St'"'
mdil~ Ow
kto PIC, j1W 41110141V As Al Ca wj1. and 1411 do*
cil 014140 witb Kmao'. With purv CA Witte. tvw :1 goo
00 '1
004 1
& I
d U Soo
oow l
am unreF-
fur the ckcs. .1
lArtle seW In Uawd strups
burnt nmg&ws
acitt nma
.04nd C001- CS I&CUtts; method Ut 4a" delwadable mulix
z nt
mseprodurtsforcom a. of Iseckscid mn&g from Iji
to PAIA%
ct*nft rd 11C0011
. rjjrk
. of o0
mismsvasit" UYINA101 CL"WIUTM
I amw I "OPSW
-1 an 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0 V: 0 010 4 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 6 a 0 0 a
film owing,
gotIIt 0101 4.. '1,
a IS 91
0 0 0 0 0
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00 !-so
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004 -*G
*0 Tks ddwombdWe ON ladle 4d4 woodiM W. 1=60 .00
oft L"'y
;L-dk,jmulvwJ in the deta. W lactic "M scewdingto
00 43
*0 42 the ustch. cwns". ftbo- SWOL1101). py"Ch4
t.$. A, W-, Ymnk MA.reeb
eou -: lies
04~ -ov
-it) 0. 1 - I-
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All 0 W WW
A A-C-AL a -1 A I
At W%W Uft I I A
of 00
acid and 161%-4111 iv V%Olt in the .00
p presence Ot UPSO., I IJICtI. ur C.1 AIR 1.116 -1111* liqUki
Men. The Me cocy b. 144tVllbut form. with Ale0l I as*
vapurs IM ammu"Ic mixt. which atimils frImn Abe "n.
0 at 004ID". In water the vsgKwo hydralyre Ito lactic arid
000 and M*011. The marthod 10 INIIIA111P Itit I'VIIIIiIij VnJlll' "AD 0
00 .3 tattle sew and is U01 I"llorimml NY the pli-mom W little.
MrOll. Ilt,1104, or actinted chArmal, Me 1#14141114 A ".It a**
P&tWWtWY 19F O"WOOP11,140) UOC. COntAIII 11,11cli 111111C too
=wdplheFWmdwtbMecfb*AwtedrutgretomluomwaM- Pw"Jibrdlulty. A
CMddMW PON b 0017 8 thClOtefiCA-l POOSiWity. Tb~
of MAIOH and the ImAirs, In its nwitirratitma
aft Frank IdArrsh
0 a.. tat S11911 ow a.. it
6 1 1 4 1 A I" - - -'UP, ;o it
1.0 it to 'a Is a Its I'll Is, 10 S 413 0 > 9 0
0 0 0 A, 0 0 0 All 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO T40io 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0
we 777-iz.
i4vt CSAV. 1054 4M K64. 75. Rem;vA"I in
Ckem I illy 49, IIY,10(1 055).
4 GhentCal Ltteratur.!!,
Ita DoMan attilm and Vos. 2~-crae t PtIblishin-CH-w7le -OSAV.
422 pp. Kcs. 75- Roviewod In Chem. Liqty, Ycl.
Some signs of the occurrence 'of micaceous iron ore in the .3pis-liemer area. p. 113.
Praha, Vol. 3, no. 4) Apr. 1955.
SO: I-Tonthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LG, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955,
Calculation of the output in a closed flotation cycle. p. 27. (Rudy.
Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan 1957, Praha, Czeeboslovskia)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl.
"Fast method for determining specific weight of ore and concentrate density
in ore dressing." p. 125
RUDY. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol- 7, Mo. 4, April, 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EW), LC, Volo 8, Noo 9, September, 1959
Wimn, V.
"Treatrwnt of Czechoslovak pegmatites." p. 161
RUDY. Praha, Czechoslovakiaj Vol. 7, No- 5, Mav, 1959
Monthly List of 7-Ast European Accessions (EFAI)j, W, Vol. 8, No. 9, Septemherp 1959
H%HM, V.
Calculation of the surfaces of settling tanks. p. 263.
STAVIVO. 01inisterstvo stavebnictvi) Prahap Czechoslovakia. Vole 3T, no@ 8. Aug*
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI)., LC, Vol. 8j, no. 10, Cct- 1959- Uncl.
HUM, H. . .
Catalog of the fossil flora kept in the Regional Museum of Banat,,
Timisoara. Studii agr Timisoara 10 no.1:185-201 Ja-Je 163.
U-- - -
HTR-10 A
Wor1k of the Party on the amed rebellion in Bcsnia and Illercegovira. p. 231.
VQJNO DFIO. Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vol. 11, no. 4/5, kpr./May 1959.
Monthly Lint of East European Accessions (FEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1.959.
MID, Emir, dipl. inz.
Dynamic continuous analog memory. Automatika 5 no.4s
277-281 164.
1. Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sclencon, 891grade-Vinea.
TITLE: Rolling a thin strip on multi-roll mills
PERIODICAL: Reforativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. ?, 1962, 6, abstract 3D28
("Hutnik!', CSSR, 1961, vol. 110 no. 10, 471 - 475, Czech.)
MT: The author discusses the design of multi-roll rolling mills, used
for the cold rolling of thin strip.~ For cold rolling 1, 5 mm thick strips, two-
high, four- high and six-cluster mills are used. Very thin strips are rolled on
12- and 20-aLuster mills or on combined four-high and 12- or 10-cluster mills. For
the purpose of reducing the metal pressure on the rolls during cold rolling of
strips, lubrication, and either forward or rear tension are used. Metal pressure
on the rolls decreases with a lesser diameter of the working rolls. At the presmt,.'
there am 80 multi-roll mills in the world, including mills for the rolling of
alloyed steel strips of micron thickness. The width of a rolled super-thin strip
attains 2,000 mm. In the CSSR several 12-cluster thin *-strip rolling mills of
Soviet manufacture have been mounted in the CSSR; the diameter of the working
rolls is 38 mm and their length is 350 mm. The electric-motor power, driving the
Card 1/2
Rolling a thin.... Aoo6/Alol
mill is 150 kw; the power of the reeler drives is 60 and 18.5 kw. The mill is
equipped with a centralized lubrication system. The working, backing and inter-
mediate rolls are made of 9X (gKh) steel containing in %.- C 0.8 - 0.95; Mn O.Z5-
- 0.35; Si. 0.25 - 0.45; Cr 1.4 - 1.7. The surface of the working and intermediate
rolls is subjected to quenching with the aid of 2,500 cycle frequency current.
Ihe depth of the quenched layer is 4 - 6 mm, minimum hardness of the surface is
66 R.. The extremal conicity of the rolls is 0.005 mm and the extremal oval shape
is 0.002 mm. In the backing rolls conicity and ovalness should not exceed 0.005
mm. The working rolls are exchanged after 2 h operation; the intermediate rolls
after 20 - 30 h operation, and the box in general after 3 - 4 days. The thickness
of strip is checked with the aid of a contactless thickness gage, operating on
Sr90 radioisotope. It is shown that the rolling of a strip 0.08 mm thick, from a
0.7 mm thick blank on a 12-cluster mill is carried out in 11 passes, while on a
four-H& mill (diameter of working rolls 130 mm) A passes are required. Moreover,
in the former case 4 intermediate annealing processes are eliminated. The neces.
sity is stressed of mounting 20-cluster mills In the CSSR plants for the rolling
of super-thin strips of up to 1,200 mm width. There are 11 references.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation] G. Mokhad
Card 2/2
SVANDA, Jos-af, Inz.; HUMLA,, Ibbert, ins,
Nxperience of the Brno Resswob Vbrkelte of the Branch Union
of Mortar and Asbestoo Cement Producing National Enterprissis
In improving the economical use of fuels and electric power
According to Goverment Dudsion No.256/63. Ibergetika, Cz
33 no.3-1081-585 N163.
1. Oborove adrumni narodnich podni)m :,-ro vyrobu maltovin a
osinkooementu., Vyzkumne praedviste, Brno.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technolo&r. Cherdcal Products and Their 1-9
Application Silicates, Glass. Ceramica. Binders.
Abe Jour Referat Zhur nirdyn, No 4, 1957, 12666
Author _1!~u~q ~H.
Title Ti3ovec Blast Furnace Slag as an Addition to Mixed
~Cements I
Orig Pab Tisovecka haldova trocka ado prosada do mesnych comentov
Stavivo, 1956, 34, 249-252 (Slovak; Russian and German
Abstract Precented are the results of experiments relating to
studies of the effect of a slag with a high content
of 1100 (up to 60, used as a hydraulic addition to
Portland cement. Addition of up to 30% is recomended.
Card 1/1 - 118 -
CM,Cj[OSLOV;jML/c11anical ToCIL1010GY- Chel-,Lical 11roductS C-11d
Their jpplication. ccrr~,Acs. Gl--ss. Diiiaing J:atcrials-
:,'b a Jour:.Rof zhur-1(him., iio io, 1959, 35783-
;6uthor Hurlpc)la).H-
Title Particle Si-,2 Diatributiua ,,na.;.ysis by the Method Of
oria Pub: Stavivoy 36., 11o 7.- 260-272 (1958) (in Sjovaj-~ with GerClan)
English) Picncho and Russian sumWiCs)
astract: The author discusses the theoretical foundations and
the acm=QY 0r Xaticlc size distributioL vzlv-lYsc5
(pS,r,) of cements cald other granulatcd sv'ostM'ccs
by the Andrcaacn mtllOLI- -n imirc"(1 rn(b'e"1Se'1-
Den,ior Capelling uncer-LaijaPParatus is described
Card 1/2
Periodicals: poZD711 STAVBY Vol. -,j no. 2, Feb. 1959
ment of ejectri- Control of tl'-e dryin,1.1 of floors by reasure-
C Jre.Sistance. P.
F'OnUily List of East European Acce-3ions (EF-qj) jC Vol. 5
MaY 195'~, unclass.
ABS, JOUR. RZKh3.m-p No. 22 1959, NO - 79350
Humpola H.
INSTo v4n
d i
The Fiaen*as of Orinding of the 8AZples
the Analysis of Planter Stone, ArhyJrito, &ad
ORIG. PUB. Stavivo, 37, Ho 3, 91-92 (1959)
ABSTRACT :The author has made a camporieoA of the results
obtained from the determination of SO~ and of
water of crystallization it pl*star WhIMael anhy-
drite, and in gypsum. Simples of plaster stone
and anhydrite with a fineness of grinding of
";?-- OsOq mm give higher results khan similar
samples ground to 0.20 mm ana less [sic]. Grind-
kng to a fit*nesa of jeg 0.09 an Esic; see above]
and of 40.20 an in recommended for samples of
plaster stone and anhydrite and gypsum, respec-
From author's summary
CARD: i/i
L 01250-67 -1
ACC NRI AT6035616 SOURCC C 006: IIU/2502/66/047/004/0329,10342
Fe , and Ii
iTOROK UK Iv&g 1.1 Reseaich Group for InManio ChoAstry of the
,'Hungarian Aoado!q~-or 60162068v Bud4PGGt LOriginal-languago version not give-43.
Vibrational Spectrum of the Trime Group"
~Buda- Aota-GhimiSa ACQ81AA8
post, ois4i" hunr ric a, Vol 4?, No 4, 19661
pp 329-342. 1 1 1 1 1
'Authors' English 6~Mary~j Article in Engliah]j The force field of
thylsilyl group affAmd to oxygen was approached by Urey-Bradley
'torce constants. The group frequonales which are almost constant in difforont
molecules have boon sepaqted from the framework frequencies by the method PI
Of King and. Crawfords Xatftces are given for the.. calculation of the.
Ihe authors thnnk G. roszo ~Compuclng Center of Hungai
lia'rv Academy of Sciences) for his.assistance in rosolving the numerical procedures a In a
INZ~4POD digital computer.- Orig.'art. hns 9 tables. [JPRS: 36,86;j
TopICITAGS: vibration spectrum, silicon compound
SUB CODE:t- 07 / SUBM DATZI 26 Jul 65 ORIG REF: 001 OTH REF: 011
Member of staff Of the R89hin RaiOn "OOP'tal (SP'talul Ra'onal
Regbin), Mures-Hwgarian Autonomous ltogiunO
Bucharest# Viata Medicala, No 2, 15 Jan 63, pp 81-88.
"New Aspects in Repatologf-W
co-author -.
HUWA, m., MD, Member of staff of the Reghin RaiOn Hospital'
N. Dr; COVAC1, V., Dr.
Reghin Hospital (Spitalul Roghin) (For all).
Buchamet, Vista modigalt, No la, 1 ~a 63, PP 907-"
y 2reatmat of Biliary and Ronal Colic@. (Using
stitutes for Morphine vd, Zte Derivitives)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chomical T,;chnology. Chemical
Products and Their Applications.
Fermentation Industry.
Abs Jour s Ref Zhur-Khimlya, No 6, 19599 21237
Author t Huncikova, Sona
Title t MethoO for Determining the Content. of
Soluble Oxygen in Fermented Substrata.
Orig Pub : Kvasny prumysl, 1953, 4, No 6, 132-139
Abstract : A comparative study was carried out of
KochergaqWinkler and polarographic methoCs.
The change in thi concentration of soluble
oxygen was studied in the process o.-L" -L-er-
41 mentation. -- From tho authorts summary.
Card 1 1/1
HU11, Nandor, dr.
011 social gerontology. OIrv. betil. 106 no.47:2216-2222
21 N 165.
1. Fov&rosi Tanacs VB, XII. Eges2segugyi Oaztaly.
XORANrI.. Oyorgy, dr.; WUNSCH, Walterp Dr, ing,; OBOHMMUSER,, Kurtj
FUTNOUS Janos; SOMMMI,, Karoly; SZUMAN.. Witold; VALY,, Ferenci dr.;
DOBO, Laszloj NAGY BIROv Sandor; VIDAp Miklosj TOBAK, Lajoe;
MAKOLDI, Mibaly; NASZMZI,, Laszlo; HUNEK, Wl
Tecbnical and economic questions relating to gas utilization.
Ipari energia 3 no.1/20-14 Ta-r 162.
1. Toyarosi, Gazxuw k ==saki igasgatoja (for Valy).
hViv"EX- , - U% - -
nSecuring Raw Material.A. for the Food Industry-1- P. 77 (i:ie~~esi Ivar. Vol, 6.
no. 3, gar. 1952, Budapest.)
Vol. 3, no. 6
Sot Unnthly T.Int nf Sant Rnmpan AccefimioraL /Library of Congress, -Jgw 1954s Uncl.
HU-INE-1, J.
"Our system of collecting surplus agricultural produce to continue, sevoral years."
Elemeze,3i Ipar, Budapest, Vol. 8, No. 2, Feb. 1954, P. 41.
SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 11, i4ov- 1954, L.C.