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L 25475-66 ... ENT M)LTLE"VP(t ZIP(c
AUTHOR: Gross, Ye. .; F.; Guellna,,L. 0. 44L
ORG: Physicatechnical Institute im. A. F. loffe An SSSR, ningrad (Fiziko- 46
tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR)
TITLE: Emission spectrum of donor-acceptor pairs in,AJng_sulfide Sastaj&.
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telap vo 81 no* 3) 1966, 872-876')'l It
TOPIC TAGS: zinc sulfide, emission spectrum, luminescence, semiconductor impurity
AMTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (FTT v. 7, 291,
1965) dealing with edge li4ninescence of polycrystalline ZnS. In the present investi-
gation the authors studied the edge luminescence of hexagonal ZnS crystals In the
3300--3600 A range. The spectra were 17estigrAted by means of a quartz spectrograph
(ISP-28) with linear dispersion of 21 Almm in the 3400 A region, using a photo-
graphic technique. The ed e luminescence was excited with mercury lamps used in
conjunction with a filter ?1P1ISO4 In solution). The temperature dependence of the
edge radiation in the 4.2--77K interval was :hrvestigated together with the afterglow
spectrum of the edge luminescence at 4.2K and the dependence of the type of the edge-
radiation spectrum on the Intensity of the exciting light. Ilic, results have also.
shown that long-vave excitation of the edge luminescence of ZnS (wavelength 4350 A)
has a low probability and its effect in equivalent -to the reduction of the intensity
of the exciting light. It is concluded that the edge luminescence of ZnS exhibits
L 25475-66
the same behavior as that in GaP, observed by the authors earlier (DAH SSSR v. 152,
1335, 1963) - Just as in the case of GaP, the edge luminescence can be described by.
the model proposed by F. E. Williams (J. fts. Chem. Sol. v. 12., 265P 1960)) vherein
the edge radiation In the crystals is due to donor-acceptor pairs in-
trinsic lattice defects. Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
SUB CODE: 20/ sum DATE: o5Aug65/ om uF: W/ oTH Ru: o12
Card 2/2 P,ej
A % A i ___.LtLA_
PR, 7000540 BOURCE CODEz up/o386/66/oo4/oio/o418/o422,
AU','MR: Gross, Ye. V.; ~EeMqlld, F. I.
ORG: Leningrad State University Im. A. A. Zhdanov fmningradskiy gonudarstvcnny uni. I
1 TITIZ: Excktons in A920 crystals
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretielieskoy fiziki. Pls'ma Y redaktalyu.
I Prilozheniye, v. 4, no. 10, 1966, 418-422
TOPIC TAGS: silver compound, line splitting, spin orbit coupling, valence band, light
absorption, absorption spectrum, absorption edge
ABSTRACT: To check whether the splitting of the upper valence band in crystals of the
CU20 type, 'which results in the appearance of two line:; (yellow and green) in its
spectrum, is caused by epin-orbit interaction or by the 21) levels of ''-he 0-- ion, the
authors studied the optical absorption spectrum of Ag_~O, which is inoit,orphic to Cu_-,O.
They succeeded in obtaining good crystals by chamical precipitation, and measured the
I spectra at temperatures from 77 to 20K. At 77K the Ag_,O spectrum har. three absorption
lines" two (narrow) at the edge of the main absorption (8020 and 7950 A), and third
the absorption band (7150 No tests could be M-111C at 4.2K be-
I_'cau.Ge-the A920 was perfectly opaque to the investigated cpcctral region. At 20K,, two
series of lines were observed) of wavelengths 78118 - V18 ("infrared") and 6990 - 7080
i A ("red"),
_~Lve*j, wbich turned out to be analogs of the yellow and green lines
I Card 112
L 10942-67
of the Cu2O. The line frequencies can be described by a hydroC;cnlikc formula, and it
is concluded from nn examination of the F~rdberg constants and the line widths of the
series that they are due to spin-orbit splitting, whIch is probablj also responsible
for the aimilar.~Splitting in CU20- Orig. art. has: 2 fonnulas and 2 tables.
SuB cODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l4Scp66/ OiRIG RU: 004/ OTH MF: 003.
"The Influence of Residual Games on the Operating Processes of Internal
Combustion Engines.w Cand Tech S4i, Moscow order of Labor Red Banner Higher
Technical School imeni Baumanj 20 Dec 54. (VNt 9 Dec 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (12)
SO: Sum. No. 556j 24 Jun 55
5/06 1/62/000/021/061/069
AUTHOR: Groeschmidt, A.
TITLE: Effect of stretching rate during strength tests of rubber
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 21, 1962, 493
abstract 21P385 (Bull. VUKI, v. 14, no. 6, 1961, 31~8-320
ISlov.; summaries in Buss. and.Eng., ')
TEXT: The effect of the stretching rate (SR) on the resistance to
rupture and percentage elongation are studied. Data are given for rubbers
of J* (NK) and perbunan. In practice the change in these characteristics
when the SR changes from 200 to 500 mm/min lies within the limits of
experimental error. In order to specify the test conditions more precisely
it is proposed, however# that SR values from rupture tests should be'
introduced into Czechoslovakian standards. jAbstracter0s note: Complete
t ran slat ion
Card 1/1
t- "592-65 EWr(g)/EpF(n)-2/EW(t)/Eo(b)/EWA(h) Pu-4Aeb DIAAP/IJP(c) JDAN/M
ACCESSION NR: AP5001646 S/0186/64/006/006/0736/0762
AUMOR Kherrmann, Z.; Grosee-R an* Kh,; Lebedevi N, A.; KhalkLn# V..&* .2 't
CAN .2
TiTIZ: Isolatlon/rf neutcon-defftlent isotw f elments in the cerita group
of rare earth* from erbium irradiated with 660 Nov protons
SOURCE: RadLokhLmLyat v. 6# no. 6j 1964, 756-762'
Topic TAGS: proton bombardments erbLtv irradiation, rareearth isotopes
neutron deficient isotope, partition chromatography, lanthanide isotopes silica
gel, alkyl phosphate
ABSTRACT: The authors bombarded erbium with 680 Hev protons to obtain neutron-
deficient isotopeo of light lanthanides. In order to separate these elements
from erbium, use was made of partition chromatography on silica gel with bis(2-
ethylhexyl)orthophosphoric acid as the extracting agent. The method is suitable
for remote-control operations. The following light lanthanides were separated
chromatographically: Dy. Ths Gd. Eu, Sm, Pm, Nd, Pr, and Ce. The separation on
a cation-exchange column was begun 2 hours after the proton irradiation had ended.
When the isolated products were measured with magnetic.0'-opectrometers and
Aspectrographs in the soft region (< 100 Kev), no broadening of the lines of
Card 112.
L 27592-65
conversio.n electrons was observed. From this the authors conclude that the puri-
fication of erbium by partition chromatography makes it possible to eliminate
light rare earths virtually completely. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, I table and
7 f ormulas,
NO REF SOV: 001 OMER: 017
Card 2/2
Ecological study of Pinum pumila RCI. Blul. VOZ?. Otd. biol. 64
no.2:85-96 Mr-Ap 159. (MINA 12:10)
(Fine) (Plants, Effect of temperature on)
Age of the thermophilie reliot flora in borad-leaved forests of the
Russian Plain, Sourthern Urals, and Siberia in connection with the
paleogeography of the Pleistocene " Holocene. Uul.MOIP.Otd.biol.
67 no.3t94-109 VV-Je 162. (MA 15,11)
Distribution of Coraus sangulnea a.le r8ces nnd the hiotory of
deciduous forests in the European pArt of the U.S.S.R. [vith
summary in luglishl. Biul.MOIP. Otd.bioi. 63 n0.4:77-86
JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:11)
Oscillation of the boundary between forest and steppe during
the Holocene in the light of the 4eory of zonal shifts. Biul.
MOIP. Otd. biol. 66 no,2:65-84 Mr4p, 161, (MIRA 14:6)
(,;, , (; . 1". .
..f - -
Mterials on Ue L4~story of flori arid, NO.I.
Taxoriomlc position, ecology ancl gerienis of ti,t~ vir, r~ ci, .'ari-ne
julla K.-Pol. (=D. cneoruir. 1.). PN1. 69 no.
5:8~-1102 S-0 164. (",U 17111)
Ancient distributJon of the stoppa marmot. Blial. MDR. Otd.
biol. 70 no.2:34-116 l4r-Ap 165. O-URA 18: 5)
Gaw"SE-1, G. E.
GeographieFil dJntributicm cf tht.~ European grAndle. tree
(aionymus europea L.S.I. ) an a material for the W.,iton,
of the flora in the Russian Plain. Blul. VOIP.Otd. bi oi.
70 no. WP9-115 11-D 165 (17--A 19il)
Botany See ILC
"S-,~ore and Pollen Group;; ~-f th,.~ Darl*L2mian k--.AP--
A:.c.r*aytIz*han and -Tieir Stratif,-raphic Imnp,-,rtani,-~" p.
Azc-I-aydzhanskiy inilAt,-ii. p,-, li.)'~;ych--, n.-ftl.
Topr-m-,y Eeoflziki -7 i3ec"JAnii in .10~)l "'Y'
physi,~~c an6i 34
1-5 copi,~s- its:
Barremian spore-pollen complexes in northeastern Azerbaijan and
their stratigraphic importance. Trudy AzNII DII no.4:96-101 156.
(MIRA 14:4)
wl /Geol MW/Alr 19M
Rock Formation
*I)lbrarian Rocks of the Southeast Caucasue,w V.A.
Orossgeym' l5k pp
"lz Ak Neuk SSW, Ser Geolog" No 2
lAuthor describes the distribution and genetic
qUesification of exotic formations, videly knomm
Dibrarian rocks. Bases his facts on data 001-
locteA I- thematic studies for period of five years
(1936'"ig4o) . States that tectanin wooseses vere
~of significance in the farmtIon la anI7 a few
cases. PMUW%pe rss~=s for the ranatlan af these
rocks vere denudation and gqdj=gnt,&tjm.
4ft 67"9
Jkr/Apr 1948
"The Paleogeography Of SOUth*"t*rn CSUMIAL in th6
Upper Albian Vochp" V. A. Groosgan, 17* PP
RIVul Mook Obsh Ispy NirW,, OtAelaeaoe vol xxiii,
No 2
Author basee attewipt to give the character of the
basin and the nature of the residue accumulation in
the Upper Alblan epoch of smtheastern Cavc"Ia on
material and data he collected. Brave @am conclu-
aims on the presence of currents arA several sources
of naterIal deposited in the basin.
4M 66T54
soortaft 20110f MOM Of tkf Bmtb~twn Caucasuis
A. Qr"~Mao 10 pp
,any ve"aru Googmt OW Val I=t so I
A"OVU tO cWlaln Vw role md pime- of oj~ts
TWIG= OrISIM la devololomt of the c(mtwMw&ry
:3LW Of tJw ar*& OCOVIOd bY thS Weasolo d"wits
SOAtk~Wtffa Owacams.
"A, 0!,- te
26r~qo. V V 7pi, (4, 1 fl. ii.
(I e tal" n rj,. o so;~05~.a,vIv,~,rd'.ra- T'aVI'(,,7.(sV flinha. j' ;y i , I Ito~, r., I r-: (,,!3 k, .U-JA js-vta-
tele.. prdrody. GTA. G-ol, 19h9., VYP. It c3'7-1;7.
SO: Lr-Lopir,' Statey, Vol. 36. 19L9.
'7178h and method for studying itO by N.B. Vassoevich., Reviewed
by V.A. Gromegeim, V.I. Khain. Biul. KOIP. Otd. geol. 26 no.4:81-83
151. (Rocks, Sedimentary) (MIRA 11:5)
(Grosagelm, V.A.)
Main, V.Te.)
"T. '-; 11- P.
Geolof-i, Stratii~rap~ic
On the stratigraphy of th,~ I'maikop" layer in Southern Dahestan., ijokl. An SSSR
1, " 81,
no. 5, 1951.
Monthly Lji~j of lRussian Accessions, Library of Congress, Nay 1~62. U44CUS.;IFIED.
fled. 11 May 1951
VASSOYANICH, H.B., prof., doktor geol.-ninsr.nauk; ANDREM, P.F., kand.
khim.nauk; BELYAKOV, M.P., knnd.gool.-miner.nauk; BARANOVA, T.E.,
nauchnyy sotrudnik-. BUSHINSOY, G.I.. lorof.; GMM, R.F., prof,o
doktor biolog.nnuk; knnd. go o1. -miner. nnuk;
kand. go o1. -miner. nauk, PORFIRITXV, G.S., kand.geol.-miner.nauk;
POMOVML%Y,%, I.M.. prof.. doktor geol.-mlner.nank; I.ADCHEIW.O. O.A..
kand.khim.nnuk; RUKRIN. L.B., prof., doktor geol.-miner.nauk;
TORGOVANOVA, V.B., gidrol;eolog; UMMSKIY, V.A.. kand.khim.nsuk;
FROLOV, Te.F., kand.geol.-miner.nauk; YMSHIO:0. A.V.; KHAIN, V.Ye.,
prof., doktor geol.-miner.nauk; SHaONOV. V.V.. prof.. doktor
fiziko-matem.nRuk-, YASHCHLF.MINSKAYA, A.B., vedushchiy red.;
SOKOLOVA, Te.V., (Continued on next card)
VASSOYEVICII, N.B.-(continited) Card 2.
(11tondbook for field goolollfists nnd petroleum proapectorej
Sputnik polovogo geologn neftlanik-9, Leningrt9d, Gos.naiichno- neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Leninrr.otd-nie,
1952. 504 p. (MIRA 12:12)
1. Groznenskiy ordena Tmdovogo Krssrio,,:o Znwieni neftyanoy insti-
tut (for Itenbarg,). 2. Dayntvitollnyy chlen AN Ukrninskoy S.M
(for Kriphtofovich). 3. Chlon-korrospondnnt AN Beloniaskoy SSR
(for Fursenko).
(Potroloiim geoloa-Unndbooks, rumunls, etc.)
__ _- --i-- 7 -
.7, .A.
2. u3jp. Wo)
4. Dighestan - Paleogeography
7. Paleogeography of Daghestan of the Karagan Period, ImAN 333h. Ser.geol. no. 5,
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JIJIRIL - 1953, Uncl.
1 . -r.10-jSW.YM, V. A.
2. USSR (600)
4. Kuban' Province-Geology, Strntigraphic
7e Eocene profile In western Kuban'. Dokl. AN SSSR 87 no. 1. 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of CQngress, F2bru-~ry -1953. Unclassified.
"Sea and River Termces and Ancicnt Sin-faceo of Levelim-If
Izv. M,' Azerl). ISSR, NO 1, 153, pp .21-41" rccrmc)
The aut,,,or divides the Caspian quaternar:,r deposits of ttie southca~t
Caucamis into -J,- starer, W lch ~clnnr to the lo-,,:rr ind up, er antro-
rorenetic era-. A descri-,,tion of t,h(, dpro~~itz and terraces
(MiGrol, No h, 195h)
so: rT-311rU,J,) P. mar 55)
Distribntion of microfauna In layers of terrigenous ftleocens flysch of
western Kuban. Btul.MOIP. Otd.geol. 28 no.2:32-41 '53. (KLRA 6:11)
(Kuban--Flyoch) (Flysch-luban)
Pollen and wpore distribution along the crose-section of the 1hadum horizon
and Maikop series of the Belays, river. Dokl.AN SSSR 92 no.6:1205-1206 0 '53.
MRA 6:10)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nallvkin).
(Belay& rivor--Pollen, Fossil) (Pollen, Tonsil--Belaya. river)
Falsogeme profile of the Zybz Valley In the western Kuban. Trudy
VNION me-4:3-14 '54. (Km lo: 4)
(Kuban-Goologr. Stratigraphic)
Now petrological data on rocks from the uMr Senonian stage in
northwestern Caucasus. Dokl.AN SSSR 95 no.5:1081-1084 Ap 154.
(KLRA 7:4)
Prodstayleno akadsaikon I.M.Strakho"u.
(Caudasus, Northern-Petrology) (Pstrology-Caucasuq, Northern)
k1restion of a terminoloa for the morphological descriptiou of
,hieroglyphs," Oeol.sbor. no-3:314-325 '55. (KM 9:6)
Miocene crone section of the Zybz& River Basin (northwestern
turn Caucasus). Dokl.AN &W 108 no.3:523-525 Yq '56.(MA 9:8)
1. Krasnodarokly filial Tessoyusnogo neftegazovogo nauchno-Issle-
dovatellskogo inetituta.
(Zybs& Valley--Geology, Btratigraphic)
Now dmta on the petrography of Cretaceous rocks from the 14~se
region. Dokl. AN SSSR 108 no*51937-940 Je 156.
(KwA 9:10)
1. Irmanodarokly filial veesoyuinogo neftegazovago nauchno.-Istlede-
vRtel'skogo instituts. Predstavleno akadealkom N.V. Strakhov".
" ojGE.I V. A. Doe Geol-Min Sci -- (dis,-) "History of +0
GNCi a4- _," terrij;;n4,us
!h V14-:1
minerals Meso-Cenozoic ldd4wltlu of the NorthOft C,uo .4j,,
44 P4
F%4m1k&Tk&v-tye in connection with the geolo&lcal devolop7ent of -th=
Mos-Krasnodar, 1957. 19 pp (Mos StAte Univ In *.!. V. Lononosov. KrAsnodRr
Aff I I latiom or K11-Union Petroleum and Gas
'O'ci Res Inst), 110 copies.
P-~- -
Diethnne In Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of the Northern Caucasus
and Clsoaucasla, Geol. nefti I no.12t2g-36 D 157. (MIRA 1111)
(Caucasus, Northern-Disthane)
SUBJECTs USSR/Geology 5-2-8/35
AUTHORi Grosageym, V.A.
TITLE: On the History of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sedimentation in the
North Caucasus and Adjacent Regions (K Yoprosu ob istorii. osad-
konakopleniya v mozakaynosoye na territorii. Severnogo Kavkaza i
FERIODICALt Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytateloy Prirodyo Otdol
Geologicheskiy, 1957, # 2, pp 121-125 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The history of sedimentation in the Caucasus and the northern
adjacent region during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic *ran is briefly
laid down on the basis of a study of associations of terrigenous
Through the relative shares of terriStnous materials supplied
from the Northern Russian Plain# and from the South, the
internal upheavals of the Caucaiian goosynclins, are determined.
The evolution of terrilenous material is discussed.
The article, which represents a brief exposition of a report
Card 1/2 delivered on the meeting of the Geologic Section of the
TITLEi On the History of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sedimentation in the
North Caucasus and Idjacent Regiou (K voprosu ob istorii osad-
konakopleniya v mozokaynosoye na territorii Severnogo Kavkaz&
i Prodkavkazlya)
moon (vo,P), contain$ 4 sketchy geologic maps.
2 Slavic references are cited.
ASSOCIATIONt Not indicated
SUEMITTED: On 28 Doe, 1956
AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
-7 TIT, , -
AUTHOR: None given 5-3-11/37
TITLEi Chronicle of the Geological Section (Khronika geologicheskoy
PERIODICALi Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel
Geologicheskiy, 1957, No 3, PP 153-157 (USSR)
ABSTRACT! On 11 December 1956, M.V. Muratov, Chairman of the Geologic-
al Section ot_ih~6'_Roscow Society of Naturalists reported on
the Section's activities during the last two years. The re-
port was followed by elections of the n;w Bureau of the
Section and of the delegates to the Conference of the So-
ciety. The following members were elected to the new bureaut
M.V. Muratotov, D.P. Naydin, B.A. Petrushevskiy, D.S. So-
kolov and A.L. Yansbin. The following reports were deliver-
ed in the Geological section during its meeting from 11
December 1956 to 26 February 1957: N.A. Kudryavtoev on
"Basic Regularities of Petroleum Localization in the Earth's
Crust"; M.V. Muratov on his Voyage to Mexico for the 20th
session of the International Geological Congress; Yu.M.
Sheynmann on "Some Differences in the Development of the
Pacific and Atlantic Folded Belts"; P.Ye. Korobetskikh on
Card 1/2 "Objective Foundations of Tectonic Phenomena Systematization"I
Chronicle of the Geological Section
V.A. Grossgeym on "History of Terrigenous Minerals in the
Veso- and Ceno-zoic Systems of the North Caucasus and Adjacent
Areas ("Predkavkazlye") in Connection with Geologic Develop-
ment of thin Region"; Yu.V. Krylkov on "Periglacial and
Other Formations of Continental Sediments"; N.M. Chumakov on
"New Data on Geological Structure of the South-West Part of
the Vilyuy Depression"; V.B. Neyman on "Paleotectonic Control
of Stratigraphic Classifications"; M.S. Burshtar on "New Data
on the Structure of the Foundation of the Eastern "Pred-
kavkazlyell and Adjacent Districts"; V.G. Korolev on "Peculi-
arities in the Tectonics of the Tyan'-Shan' in the Lower
Paleozoic Era", and V.V. Bronguleyev on "Erosion Phenomena
in the Middle-Paleozoic Sediments of the Karatau Range
Mistaken for Overthrusts and Folded Overlappings".
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 212
SUBJECT: USSR/Geology 11- 50-5/15
AUTHORs Groaageyst V.A. and Korotkova, K.F.
TITLE3 Torrigenous-Mineralogical Provinces of the Chokyak and
Karagan Basin@ in the Territory of the North-Western
Caucasus (Terrigenno-mineralogicheakiya provintaii Chokraks-
kogo, I Karaganskogo basseynov na territorii severo-zapadnogo
PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akadesit Kauk SSSR, Serlya Goologicheakays, 1957,
# 5t pp 69-79 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The paper gives now data on petrography of rocks of the
Chokrak and Karagan formations (Xiocene) and describes changes
of terrigenous mineral associations In the territory of the
north-western Caucasus.
During the time of Chokrak formations, 3 different terri-
genous-mineralogical provinces can be distinguished in the
territory of the modern north-western Caucasus: the Donskaya,
the Kubanakays and the Vostochno-Predkavkazakays provinces.
The Kubanakaya province can, in its turn, be divided into
Card 1/3 sub-provincess the Western, the Eastern and the Anastasiyev-
1'_- 7--)5V 15
TITLEt Terrigenous-Mineralogical Provinces of the Chokrak and
Karagan Basins in the Territory of the North-Western
Caucasus (Terrigenno-mineralogicheakiye provintaii Chokraks-
kogo I Karaganskogo basseynov na territorii severo-zapadnogo
skaya subprovinces.
The source of sediment supply for the Donakaya province was
the northern dry-land, and for the western and eastern sub-
provinces of the Kubanskaya province it was the Caucasian
island at the Chokrak time. The Anastasiyevekaya sub-pro-
vince and the Vostochno-Predkavkazakaya province were suppli-
ed with sediment materials from both north and south.
The paleographic situation changed somewhat during the Karagan
time, mainly because the Karagan sea extended farther north
than In the Chokrak time.
The 3 provinces of the Chokrak time changed their dimensions
and can be sub-divided in a different manner.
The Donakaya province became considerably larger, and two
Card 2/3 sub-provinces can be distinguished: the Vyselkovskaya and
TITLEs Torrigenous-Mineralogical Provinces of the Chokrak and
Karagan Basins in the Territory of the North-Western Caucasus
(Terrigenno-mineralogicheakiye provintaii Chokrakskogo I.
Karaganskogo basseynov na territoril, severo-zapadnogo Kavkazo)
the Toyakaya.
The Kubanskaya province retained approximately the same
dimensions, but In place of the western sub-province of the
Chokrak time, two now sub-provinces can be singled out: the
Gladkovskaya and the Kluzhekaya sub-provinces.
The supply of material proceeded in the same manner as during
the Chokrak time, that is, from the north into the Donskaya
province, from the south into the Kubanakaya province, and
from either Bids, into the Vostochno-Prodkavkaxakaya province.
The article contain$ 4 geologic maps and 1 figure.
Thor* are 12 references, all Slavic.
ASSOCIATIONt Ministry of Oil Industry of the USSRI Krasnodar Branch of the
All-Union Oil-Gas Scientific Research Institute
SUBMITTED: No date indicated
AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress
Card 3/3
AU14HOR: Groasgeym, V.A. and Khain, V. Yo. 11-10-19/23
TITLE: --------------
Stratigraphical Dictionary of the USSR (OtStratigraficheakom
slovare SSA
PFRIODICALs Izventiya Akademii Sauk SSSR, Seriya 10jeologicheakeya, 1957,
# 10*, p 105-108 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author enumerates the faults and shortcomings of the new
edition of the Stratigraphical Dictionary of the USSR by
B.K. Likhartv, Goageoltekhizdat, 1956. Some of the omissions,
such as the stratigraphic subdivision of the Kalinskays formation,
one of the most important oil-bearing strata of the Apsheron
peninsula, are especially annoying. As a measure to avoid
such occurances In the future, the author proposed to submit
the dictionary for review by national geologic organizations
prior to its publication.
SUBMITTEDt March 9, 1957
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 1/1
,~ r") , : --~ '! " -~ ,
Oil and gas collectors of Falsogene deposits In the western luban.
Trudy V111 se-111115-137 157. (NLVA 10%11)
(tuban--Gas, 11atural-Geology) (Kuban--Petroleum geology)
First fina of pliocene flora in the Northern Caucasus. Dokl.
IN SSSR 116 no*5:845-846 0 '57. (MIU 11:2)
l.Krasnodarskiy filial Vaesoy'uznogo neftegazovogo nauchno-
iseledovateliskogo institute, i Sektor paleobiologii All GruzSSR.
Prodstavleno akademikom S.I. Hironov7m.
(Caucasus, Northern-Paleobotan7)
GROSSGXYM. Vladimir Alaktandrovich; TMWNKO, Hikolay Andrayevich;
MOT, Ivan Petrovich; KOSYGIN,
Turly Alekeandrovlch; PUSTILINIKOV, Park Romanovich; -HOSTO"TSIV,
Nikolay 111kitich; SIAVIN, Vladimir 1111ch; MIN, Viktor Y;fiwvich;
KHhLTURIN, Dmitriy Sargeyevich;CHIRYINSKAYA, Marina Vladjoirovna;
SHCHBRIK. Ysygentya Aleksandrovna: SZDRIN. Mikhail Borlsovich;
[Tectonics of petroleum provinces] Tektanikk nettenoanykh
oblantel. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. tzd-vo neftA gorno-toplivnoi
literatury. Vol.2 [Regloiial twctbnics or-petroleum provinces of the
U.S.S.R.] Regionallista taktonika neftenoonykh oblastel SSSR.
1958. 613 P. (HIRL 11:12)
1. Chlen-korresponcint AN SSSR (for Kosygin)
~.etrnleum geolo#v)
Principal stages In the ftleocens development of the western
Kuban. Trudy VNII no.17:3-28 '58o (MIRk 12:1)
(Suban-Geoloff. Stratigraphic)
AUTHOR: Gronageym, Vo As SOV/20-12o-4-0/67
TITLM': A Cross-Seotion of Eocene Along the Gubs River (North-West
Caucanue) (Razraz eotsena po r. Gubs (revero-Zapadnyy Kuvkaz))
P"-'RIODICAL: Doklady ~,kademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 12o, lir 4, PP063-M5
ABSTRACT: This crone-section is of special interest, as in the mention-
ed area it io the only one, where nummulites are entablinh-
nd to exist. Although they are known for some time, neither
their stratigraphic pocition, nor the spectra of the species
and the age of the rocks are known. Thiewis matup for by the
author, who describes his findings. The cross-section in lo-
cated directly in the Cossack village (Stanitsa) Rare-
kayevikaya, In the area around the fruit juice factory. It
is divided into numerous small blocks, each containing from
2 - 3 suites* No contact with the strata below was discover-
ed. The problem of the existence of the Paleocene remains
unsettled. The cross section can be divided into four suites:
a) The oldest is considered to be concordant with the Ku-
taieskaya suite of the Went Kuban (Fuban'). A rich fauna (de-
Card 1/4 terminations by F. N. Borisenko) was found. It has a thick-
A Crosa-Section of Eocene Along the Guba River SOV/2o-120-4-48/67
(North-West Caucasus)
nose of about 7,0 m. b) Above this a parcel of white nummu-
lite rock alternating with loose greenish glauconite sands
and aleurolites and with solid green glauconite marl, was de-
posited. The 9 species of nummulites found here were de-
termined by 0. Dkroperidze and classified as Middle Eocene.
Smaller Rhizopodae werc ietermined by :1. N. Borisenko. The
nummulite suite has a thickness of up to 5 m. Thus, the com-
mon occurrence of l'ItAdle 1~ocenic nummulites and of small
Rhizopodae is estnlli~jhed and the age of the Kutais (Kutais-
skaya) suite of the veatern Kuban iu conclusively determined.
a) The next suite is the Kumakaya. The author maintains that
no analogies occur in the cross-sections of the Kaluzhakaya
and Khadyzhenskayn suite. In the lower part of the Kumskaya
suite (with a thickness of up to 10 m) small pelagic fora-
minifern are found in brown bituminous calcareous loams ,
Further up a strata with a thickness of I m consisting of
bright green, loose and coarsely grained sandstone (gravelite)
follows with a rich fauna of nummulites and small foramini-
fers which were re-deposited. (determined by N. N. Borisenko
and 0. Okroperidze). It can be assumed that this rock ori-
ginat^j from the erosion of the entire Itiddle Eocene. The
Card 214 some facies were found which occur in thin croso-eection.
A (,'rosa-Section of Eocene Along the Cuba River 507P-i- 12-, -41-4 8
(North-West Caucasus)
Huncel the place of erosion could not be far away. The Vontji,~aya
suiteis topped by a parcel of characteristic bitunz!naua
marls (with a thickness of 15 m), whien rilro contnin- !*i,unr,.
The visible total thickness of the suite amounts to arjut
26,0 m. These marls are entirely concordantly covered by bale
green calcareous rocks of the d) Beloglinskaya suite, which
are crowded with foraminifera. Tho vinible thicknefis of tho
suite is about 25,0 m. Thus, the cross-nection is charactor-
ized by interruptions, small thickness of the layers and by
the development of nummulite facies in the lower parts of
the Middle Eocenic. This can be explained by the fnct 0~.,tt
the Cuba river drains the east part of tlia Adygeyskoye elf-ri-
tiont which in the Miocene separated tho Asr%v-;Ajban ~ .,Povo-
Kubanskly ' tind the East-Kuban (lostochn, Kubanskly I down-
ASSOOATION: Kraanodarokly filial Veenoyuznogo neftc-gazovogo natich-ne-
ledovatel'skogo Instituta
(Krasnodar Branch of the Scientific Reveerch Instituteoll
Card 3/4 Petroleum and Natural Gas)
A of t~oc,~no pjolig Cubs Aiver
PPEOMITED: Fot)ruary ?44, 19I)i , by D. 4. !;ajjvk-n, ;..cud-~-my nf
fn (! e P~ . U1 fl, .3) R
webrunry )2, 1,111-,,t3
1. Geology--USSR 2. Geological time--Determination
3. Paleoecology
card 4/4
Faleocene and Eocene in the flysch zone of the southern slope of
the northwestern Caucasus. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; gaol. i razv.
2 no.1:13-22 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:10)
l.Krasnodarskiy filial neftyanogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo instituta.
(Caucasus, Iforthern-Geology, Stratigraphic)
GROssGam, V.A.
Riccano sed'mento in tho central ~,-jrt --' tl.- ',,rn 4L~ ~-m, trough#
I -
Trudy XF VNII no.lz45-65 159. 16.'~)
(Kuban.,,Azor Lowlar,6--leology,, .-
GRC6SGi;Y?4,, V.A.
Miocene croaa section of the Vkraninn ant,tcline (northwestern
Cancasus). Trudy KF VIIII no.1:66-71 '59- (MIRA 16:9)
(Cauedsua, Northarn-Geologyp Stratigraphic)
Practice of complex studying thinly alternating flysci-type reservoir
rocks in the western Kuban. Trudy KF WIN no.1:202-!21 159.
(1-djUk 16:9)
(Kuban-Oil nands-Permeability)
Origin of fossil wedusae. '.Prudy KI VAN no.2:38-41 159.
(MIRA 13:11)
(Medusas, Yossil)
--- .. GROSSGLY14, V.A. __._
Petrographic studies using the immersion method. Trucbr
KY VNII no.2,42-49 159. (MIRA 1):11)
AUTHOR: Grosageymp V. As
TITLE: On the Book by Ye. A. Shcherik "Stratigraphy and Facies of
Tertiary Deposits of North-'Afestern Caucasus and Western
Ciscaucanir.~' (0 knigo Ye. A. S)hcherik
'13tratigraflya i fataii tretichnykh otlozheniy Severo-
Zapadnogo Kavkaza i Zapadnogo Predkavkazlya")
Izvestiya Akademii nauk -;SSR, Seriya Geologicheskayaq 1959,
Nr 4, pp 114 - 118 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a review of the above book.
Card 1/1
3(5) :7i r
A"7:0R: Grossgeym,
T T1, E 00MO I i, t r0i:yFlphi C ".1r"d I 'I I f~ n~-iF f
'~') o!!~
Study of the Caucasim, Fo-Wed
IERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii naul~
0 (-- q
/, -r 7, PP
ABST RACT: Petrographic and of basic
fovmations of the extern al cf* th,:~ 11.-tucaoian
C~- osynclinal zone and de,--)ress n;- i 4L.
10-0 fire
described in thio article. 'Th- -0-nTiles all
available information on
sedimentary strata of t1his ra:ii
into four basic form,~Itions: the olate, .'l,-:cch and
lov;er and upper molassic formitiono. litlolof-ic
r-(, 4- y
fov;.iatlon is a regul,~r combirlition of
in t-rcoll-locteJ facies formed un,~!(!r defi.Ate
Card 1/6 the r,;,,or;-t important o,lemer,'L. and
Some I-etrorraphic and Pale oCeof.-raph i c Fe-a-;res of -edim'-pts From
Geosynclinal Formations (as Basea on the 'Study of the Caucasian
Folded Zone)
deCree of dynamic activity of the surroundinCs where
t)~e accumulation of sediments ocrurred. The slatp
formations developed in the external (p,?redovoy)
depressions of the geosyncline3 at the first stage
of development of the Ecotectonic cycles and
characterized by an increa!-7inC- Sinking of
the Ceosynclinil zoner ,-Ih,, ~!,~vrition of Cec-
anticlines which divided L`iem. '-h- Feos-.-rIcline of'
t~.e northern slope of thc- mcui-.LL%-ins was)
in the Jurassic peric~~I, ---r. to fte
Flateau, depression v~zt--o snnoy --
aleuro - arGillaceous c:s eci ly
in the region occupied 1.!
and Do[,.,-cr strata of tl,l,~; ir", 10,000 M
thick. The distribut-In-ri of t'.e coMpooition
Card 2/6 of the, terrigenous tl,,~! !-!rgr~st
Zome FetroFraphic and Palo orreoCrapll i c. Feit--iros of From
GeOsynclinal Formationo 2usr,-~J ~:~ 11~h('
Folded 'Zone)
nfirt of the sedimpntar,~,, brouf7ht frov. the
northern (adjoininC the deprpszion) Scythian Eri-
I i,
llerc3imian Plateau and th~- rema-inder - I'rom a fey; in-
,S4 on on the
ternal elevations bor(I'ei:-'.nr -,hr, depreg
south. The flysch forr,.~Ition in time t.)
the second stnf-e of dev~,I-jir;c- o*' ~ne reosyncline
characterized by a predoml'r-trco' of -~inkinr- Tiro-
cess and further incr-eas-1, f t.;e *k.L-,r,F),-,ress)ic,,n in
the Cretaceous --..i-d At the same
time, there continucd th-'- of -11-smcmberment.
of already forned F i --t-oantic" inc-~,:
,e o 31'" 1-1 ~; I IS
into internal det~ropsions !tnd The flyf-,(;h
formations wf~,re ~~-'U,'Illy t~er"-
..r,l depressions and form tro-ou'hs, r-lonCated in the
s-ime direction. -Ihe otUt'- of'
Card 3/6 composition of thefi(,
'( "/ I I `)~, ': - -
Some PetroGrnphic and FnleoCco(-,rnphi~ of 3ediments From
Geosynclinal Formations (as Based on tho 3ttvly of the C-iticasinn
Folded Zone)
Fenous material %,.hich thaze trcu;-~hs brour-ht
excluniYfOy from thc- irftorn~il elev,itions. ""he com-
position of mine raloCAcal- zi-isociritionn, a10:-,,:: thO-01,0
flysch troughs variec Cradually, and across-nharply.
This depended on changeable (1ir-etions of currents
which distributed th(~ n(-limi~ro-1-.! n ti'le depressioz-.,~,.
The lower molassic, formauiozns '-he tlird
sta-e in the developmt~nr, of --orvnclin-il zones
the elevation process b(-,C,-tn the sinkinC
pt-ocess. Strata belonf-inC~ to f,cr,~-a t i oils wooc
composed of deposits of ino ind
76iocene epochs. The ranik.1 eRv-t1'o:i of tl.e '"Treat
Caucasus Megaanticlinoriulln in t!-,e 011-Cccene
epoch and the formatiorl of euri. tic, rt;-A cor,-
Clomerate strata, haviziC ,.i
Card 4/6 d;ng character, occurre,l ~-jt I An f_-- e n e r
Some Fetrographic and PaleoeeoCruphic Featu--nes of 3ediments Fro,.,i
Geosynclinal Formations (ac. Based on A-11-!e Study of the C;111--acian
Folded Zone)
the study shows that the o"
brouCht either from the or C-om t~.e
synclinal regions, iF~ a of
lower molassic formation-1. t,',a~-!-ents -which brour'
t1~.em viere directed from .%e- to
with the course of the extr~rr:,.' T"r .1
upper molassic formations v;or- 1111i'11111f, '-hf~
fourth stage of the cycic, wl'(~n .-i sli%,rl- elcvatirn -,f
anticlines transformed th#_~m into of --iount-i-ir'-L
and further sinking of tl,? ~~i d-:~Pre?s.-.4Lon
In time, these transfoi,:~,.atij-.~; v.-i,,h
the Pliocene epoch. Strata fo,,r..(-,d al this staCe are
corppor,ed of thick cont,10I.Y.-rates of _-,.-terials brot.iCht
from the Glope!-. of Claucruii,in iri the South,
and of s-indy-ri rri I laer. ou.1 1-",y01"' from m,-lteri:i13
Card 5/6 broill-lit front the Platerju - i.,,, iorth. 'he noithr)r
Some Petrographic and FaleogeoCraphic Features of Sediments From
Geosynclinal Formations (as Based on the --3tudl, of the Caucasian
Folded Zone)
Gives a detailed description of all these formations.
The following geologists are mentioned b,,, the authnr:
11.03.3hatskiy, V.V. :Ielousov, Yhiin, ,'.V.1:ler.,ova,
.~3.L:.Keller, I.A.Konyukhov, T.'.Kh. Bulach, A.A.Arusta-
mov, R.G. Dmitriyeva, E.A.Kornyeva,
V.T.,'.:alyshek, ".-B.Vassoyevich,
Blagonravov, V. S. Saf onov-L L.'J"--i I.ya..; nova,
Kolpikov and L.F. Gmid. There ire -.-ps aric], 26 1-jo-
viet references.
ASSOCIATION': Erasnodarskiy filial VSerioyIJA-7,C,-,-)
instituta (The of ill!-Union
nnd Oil Scientific
-'I -
S'-~*BILAIM0: ebruury 6, 19-58-
Card 6/6
Gross section of the Pkikop. in the laba VaIje.v. Trudy KY YNII
no-3:57-66 160. (MM 13:11)
(Laba Valley--Geology, Stratigraphic)
"Structural geology" by G.D*AshgIr9Io Reviewed by V.A.
aroaagaim and others. Izv.vys.ucheb.xav.: geolA razv.
n0-3:136-139 MY 160, (KIBA 13M
1. Imenodarekly filial Yessoyuznogo rAuchno-iseledovatell-
skogo Instituta. nefti.
(Geology. Structural)
(Ashgirel, G.Dq)
Band correlation of terrigeaous flysch. Trudy U VNII no.3:227-232
16o. (MIRA, 13:11)
(Kuban--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Ylysch)
origin of sand of the Anapa beach.
Trudy KY VNII no.3:233-236 160.
(MIRA 13:11)
(Aaapa region--Sand)
Paleogene in the nor thwesterN Caucasus. Trudy IF MI no.4:3-190
160. (Caucasus, Northern-Geology, Stratigraphic) (XIM 13: U)
GP.W,,X;F,YM, Vladimir klekoandrovich; VASSOYLVICH, N.B., nauchn~.Y reel.;
---T-r--- IF A - -, to d
(Hiotory of terrigenous .,ainerals in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic
of tbo Northern Caucasus and Ciscaucanial Ictorlia terriL;ennykh
mLnera.lov v mezozoo .1 kainozoe Sevemogo Kavkaza i Predkavkazlia.
Loningrad, Gos.nauchm-tekhn.izd-vo neft.i garno-toplivnoi lit-m.,
Loningrot,d-n.le, 1961. 375 P- (Loningad. Vacuoiumiyi tieftianot
nauchno-isoledovatellskii goologorazvedoelmyi inBtitut. Trudy no.180).
(JOAA 15-4)
(Caucasus, Noxthern-Hinerals)
Some now soil markinvs on lower Cretacnous sediments in the north-
western Caucasus. Trudy KF VNII no.6!202-2o6 161. (MIRA 1~:Z)
(Caucasus, Northern--Sediments (Opolopy))
Ponsibillies of correlating flysch landi,, at great ~;.
Izv.AN 3SSR Sor.gur)1.26 no.~2.49-57 D 161. ("IM 14, 1:')
1. Krasnodarakiy filial Vsegoyuznogo neftegazovogo riniwhno~
issledovatel'sko-o !--kituta.
(F -w Ch)
Lithologic alteration of carbonaceous flysh an revealed by the
studies in the northvesten Caucasus, Izv.vyo.uoheb.Z&V. e01.
i razv. 5 no,90-15 S 162, (MM V:l)
1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovateltakiy geologoravedochUy
neftyanoy inatitut. (Caucasus, Northern-Flyah)
I i,1 -1 , . -, 0 1 1 f ~ I
. I
. I -,
GROSSHFIM, V. A., FOrosageym, V. A.); IASsOEVICI, N. B. (Vassoyevich, ff. B.]
Resul's of the study on lithologic variability of flysch deposits.
Anale-le gool geogr 16 no.1:57-71 Ja-Mr 162.
GROSSHEIN, V.A. [Grossagaym, V.A.]
Possibl2ity of correlating flysch profiles at long distances by the
Iteleconnectionft method, taking actual strata for basis. Analele
geol, geogr 16 no-3:79-88 JI-Ag 162.
Attachment for the Vullf net. Ruved.i okh.nedr 28 no.3:46-47
Mr 162. 0-MRA 15:4)
1. Vseaoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologorazve-
dochnyy institut. (Crystallography)
Paleocene and Eocene of the Adygey upWt (northuestern Cameo)
Biul.1101P.Otd.geol. 37 no.2:62-74 X-Ap 162. OORA 15-7)
(Caucasue., Northern--Geology)
NALIVKIN, D.V... plav. red.; VMWHCHAGIN, V.N., zam. glav. red.;
MENNER, V.V" zam. glav. red.; OVECHKIN, N.K., zam. glav.
red.[deceased); SOKOLOV, B.S., zam. glav. red.; SHANTSER,
Ye.V., zam. glav. red.; KELLER, B.M., otv. red. toma
GRPS8aYM, V.A., redaktor; KIPARISOVA, L.D., reiaktor;
KOROBKOV, ~.A,v red,; KRASNOV, 1.1.9 red.; EBYPGOLITS, T.Ya.,
red.; LIBROVIdH, L;S., red.; LIKHARP , B.K., red.; LUPPOV,
N.P., red.1 NIKIFORDTAp N.I., r9d.;,jWUGHEV`i S.V., red.;
POLKANOV, A.A., red.[deceased]; RENGARTEN, V.P., red.; SrEPANOV,
D L. red ; CHE2WSIIEVA, N.Ye., red.; SHATSKIY, N.S., red.
(;ece'asedi; EBERZIN, A.G., red.; GOROKHOVA, T.A., red.izd-va;
GUROVA, O.A., tekhn, red.
(Stratigraphy of the U.S.S.R. in fourteen volumes] Stratigraftia
SSSR v chetyrnadtsati tornakh. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat.
Vol,2. (Upper Pre-Cambrian] Verkhnil dokembrii. Otv, red. B.M.
Keller. 1963. 716 p. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sokolov).
Stratigraphy of Cretaceous sediments in the flysch zone
of the Greater Caucasus. Trudy VNIGRI no.220. Geol. sbor.
no.8:10-28 163. (MIRA 17:3)
Currents dn flysch basins. Biul. MDIP. Otd.geol. 38 no.1s17-30
J&-F 163. NM 16:5)
(Caucasus, Woetharn-Currents (Hydrology)) (Caucasusp Northern-Flyseb)
Bottom flows of the oligocene basin of the eastern Carpathians.
Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.2s4O2-404 JI 163. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Vaosoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-isaledovatellakiy goologorazve-
dochnyy inmtitut. Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Strakhovym.
(Carpathian Mountaina-Hydrology)
Methods for the reconstruction of ourrtntj In forsil b4airs. F.6teds
7 t~gacg*Jsvls no.2.04-95 164, (WRA 3,8t6)
w,( 'Ossf',~,-nl , V. 1, .
Bottom currentu in thf.- Chokrak fiaoin of the now.hern,"tavropol
Territory. Dokl. All SSSR 151, no. 4:825-8Z'i.) JO '64.
(MIRA, i-.6~
1. Vaesoyuznyy neftyanay geolugorazve-
doctinyy institut. Predstavleno akademikom A.L.YLnuhinym.
GRO6$5151IDT, G. T. Cnnd Tech Sci -- (diss) "Study of the performance of
pressure valves in,'hydiii-A161 mnchine.r-toai~ drived with throttle speed control."
Kiev, 1959. 16 pp with drawin&s (Min of Higher Education UkSSR. Kiev Order
of Lerdri Polytechnic Inst. 0hair of Metal-Cuttinr Mno!.Ina Tools), 100 copies
(KL, 45-59, 146)
11 '."o c'-! ~ -* c -1 rerearch Ii :~ IV -11(1~;Irl;;*" -P ni n o " c: ~ : -: ~: *' C :.t w, * v , ' . 11
I,, ;, -r,(";7A!,Iji, !,,, Vol ."# -,! , I ? jf~n ", 1) ~! 1,
.1 .. ~ .~ A. - I
-:-: :Lstern 7~'Ziro:~ean Acce:7al )ns lls~ , Vol 7, ID, 0--t 1 LI!, . of Congrers
IfTc tL~r tile "1(1 10 of 70,
Vol. 1.10 Oct. 195'
ti Acces"ll
1955, I'ncl.
1~ 4 1$ m 11 If tt of to a A so JP 8 M 011 U U 11 D 0
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094 tu rrw(MY4 Ow". S.
so$ 0. M1.1g, grofwnion of ~fbtm 14~k to tltft-u4ft%l Alkl
be war A cowNwi WWk 1h rubtof VXMIS to tiview"t.
sell 11i Soo
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-.AA. Gq~ Ohm., 1"IM =r- fgv(a -
.Ahm- IL Tougeos.
BvIt Alif. wal of C Hy low uh ankul. A. Gro"man, D.
-nil S~ (11pirm, CArns., 1952, 8, 543 .-544).-
Ju IJ4. Specially rclinrit cipal, rontaining 0.6-0.8". of ash, giv" coke
containing 04--- cifmh, which Is t#wP higli for making rJectrodi".
Addition ti) the coal of .30%. of pitch of wiltruing point 70, giv" it
coke of acceptable mechanical and chemical propettie%.
11 Twiterni,
Zi~saamw A, hfurio D. DeteminAtIon of Aqh l2a C-U, of Lii,, A37i
.0nuicurJe p*oiu w koksach n1zkrp,)p:o1,3-,vvJt'- P,:~;,a~fl Cl~)-
MIORY. MO. S. IM pp. 401--4ft. 1 W).
A simple method, sufficiently accuratt for indoAtriA p:ir~, of
prepating samples for determining tiNh. content In 1vF 0 it
cussed. The result obtul"ed chararicrizes thu, e d,lut I , ,)0cb
stance Is fit tor preParing the raw mixture fur thc r~anvlfavlure f I L,~:11~
electrodes. It Is confirmed INA, niter vitnNift,mon u; fortigii
tho compooltlan III ush of the batch coal, and of the t !if iwd
such coal, are (within the limits reqvir(-A t,y IIA-101,:.) I& 'I,!)
conformity of composition does i,vt r-an co-Arar, 1,) 11
differences bvlweezt the mineral sub3tonces Iii cuke und vaA ic 1.,:I-
IYW ard 04 Velatively rteatt-r v~h ennteW In vokt!
Communication c~~ncernln coke cooling. B. KALINOWSKI and A. GROSSM.
(Frzomyel Chem. 91 138 f1953). - Lob. expts. shou that d?y-dOk6-c6b1Ibg
Improves the endurance of coke by 2-9% over vat cooling and that the
method of coke slacking does not InfIvence definitely Its resistance
to vear. Gone A. Vozny
"ateflanstion of t4h ils J'AnA of tow 1k4h content. A-
n 211.1 U_bJAL~- Fr - Y11 ("Am. 9, +0 i"'Ef!'It-
tJo1iiIimmoyl ..-A th'Al 11111 q)j ~ vvnp I!rv 11,f
In 51WA.41(oke c(mqi;M ,( w',%, InliNigof
c-It fit a mill to gt,,%6 dicon. I run., wV;nie -( A x1l)-Mi r,),-
tima. V,J. 10 g, And glilsdiuc It ill an agAtile Infatr to A
train tILLm. bclijiv mru.. ~nd rm"iiiit Oil, I-mv,intiri
the rnmi, of Ated jKjWder With a 111,4111Z.. G. A, tV.
7~ T
Groi:xarm A.. Kafin.n%vski D. Ncw Pro.4pectiv of ItoPtoving Ifir (11-MY
jlnwo m0liNvOct poprawy jikr,',.l koltrm". 11tiell,1-14 Wimlepy. Nn. 1,
1051, pp. 31-1.1, 3 firp., 0 Wim
l1ei;urch citricit out proves that coil dti6w., the lir-.I!-
MITIary opq!r.]t1Cfl.4 prucedfrig the ch,jrgin~, of Is
PrIlIfy gradcl imnidin:1 to -,pcdfIc grivily ;,ril guln'lllift1n; (flat 13 Inn-
Linownt V, pailial with varlois; p0i rnimpulents
havIng -11vergent toking proi% rue., vii, rc. im, in u- r,initiGn witi in
Orimber of m-As M ((,),II having diM rim, u,kii, t w-perhe'. Mil,in., A
t)revcnt1ng rmch undvair.)b1c plicnrimentin, Prr~pvrts tit Improvinr tile
mal thargvA Into the c,)kp-rvtn %kith the re julml petrographic
S'S 11
-n-, 0111""an 4 Rojek S. DtlermInIng Coke Aptness by
Measuring the Viral M_1111i.13nre of Coke Chniks. MY
,,Ust3lonle gotowoici knksu no podstowle pomlaru oporu eirktrycz-
nego bryly koksowej". Ifulnik. No. S. 1054. pp. 256-259,3 figs., I tab.
nescurch over the determination of correct coking time hns Ird to
the compilation of a methal of measurement which makes use of the
dependence of electric conductance of coke on Its degree of carbonisa-
lion. The method has been adapted to lndustilnl conditions. It consists
In measuring Ihe electricAl resistance of coke chunks, by means of two
carbon electrodes Introduced 1hrough opposite doors of the coke-oven
chamber and connected by a Wbeatstone's bridge, The diagram showing
variations in the resistante of the coke chunks as thoy are being distil-
led follows a characteristic course, an inAlysia of which makes it possible
to determine coking lime.
195k Vol. to. 31
eating qualities of coal. "m I*Md bY. S-1-ttrg 9mIf' a IZIS 50 Al to,
narmud.the prapcrttc~ Of vItj?~1AAr4-'OIwAIn MW 4OCr94S* 91149 Of fUSS111-
.A1.1"Ll "T"T
"Imna-t of Quick Technical X#-tho,,Ij of Con4rol in tl-e Coke L JI tr
wr"~:73r, C'U.""T17~,"Y' Vol. 10, ?io. 4, Apr. 1954, Polnnd)
SO: Ynnt.*iIv List of East Eurapean Accen3ionn, ir,, vol. 4.
No. 1, Jnn. 1955 Uncl.