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I-eirable. Origeart.WWI 3 f1wo -sad 31 tables,
gem 00
SMITnDs 00
Omni, we
am COMI W, OR M mows 094
-.L- -2ll32-66-"-w(M1hwPw DTAAP1ijP(c)--PLj-o--
A%A. NKs AP6011986 SOURCE CODE: UR/004SM/o29/005/0760/0765,
AUTHOk: Groshev, L V.; Demidov, A. M.; Shadiyev, N.-
ORG: none
TITLE: Gamma ray spectrum produced by capturing thermal neutrons using palladi= 12
(The pap;Fr was presentea at the 15th Annual Conference on Nuclear_jpLcL,,~p7?S y nd.
Atordc Nuclear Structure held in Minsk from 25 January to.2 February 1960
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 5, 1965, 760-765
TOPIC TAGS: thermal neutron, palladiumo gamma ray, gamma spectrum, isotope
ABSTRACT: Current literature has no data on the gamma radiation spectrum produced
-by the reaction (nY.) of thermal neutrons for palladium isotopes. This is due to
the fact3 that zhe identification of r-lines is made difficult bocause of some
other iGotopes being present and the capture*crons-section of thermal neutrons is
un1moinn. The energy spectrum of palladium gamma radiation above 4.5 M9V is given.
A table of energies and intensities of gamma rgdiation, camma transition schowa,
and tho nucleus and levels scheme for the Pd1 nuolaue are r.1so given. Orig- 'axt.
has: 3 figures and 2 tables. [JPRS3
SUB CODE: 20, 18 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: om / (mi REF: 005
L 54-785-65 - EWT(m) Jeb DILAP
AUTHOR., Groshev.L.Va! Demidov.A.M.: Ivanov.V.A.: Lutsenko,V.N.- Pel
khov,V. ~.-~,,Mi I
TITLE: Levels of erbium.168~xaited by neutron cap"re.41eport,_A5t
SOURCEs AN:8SSR,Izvestiya*8eriya fizichookaya,,V.29, nos5l 1965, 772-
Icard V-3
TOPIC TAGS: gamma ray spectrum, neutron capture# erbiuml internal
A TDAGT: The gamma rays between 0*5 and 8 MeV from the E467(nty)-
Z~j "L' reaction were investigated with a magnetic Compton spectromete
with a resolution of 0*:% for Soma ray energies abovs 2 MeV. The .
spectrometer has been described elsewhere (L.V-Groshev A.M.Demidav,
V.N.Lutsenko and A.F.Y1a1ovq1zv.AX 8sGR9Ger*fiz.24q79l,i96O). The
Pple was Er 03 vith the natural*isotople composition, to which
BrIal contrItSes 90g of the slow neutron capture croos sections Poo"
sible origins of the gammot. rays are discussed and It is concluded
that those with energies above 5760 klybut not betwqen 6185 and 6248
keV can be confidently assigned to Sr. Nineteen puch gama rays
are tabulated; there a" also tabulated 13 rays with energies
between 5000 and 5760 k9V of which the. origOllas ig,doubt and 23 with
energies below 1400 k*V which are ascribed to ii, The estimated
,erro*s of the energy measurements range f ram 0 to 8 We The meamxred
relative Intensities were ocaverted to 'absolute Intensities by nor-
malizing the -total radiated energy to the neutron bindin energy.,
Conversion electron wasurements are presented for 21 -transitions'.
with enerfies,belov, UM We the oomrsion electron measummts
for transitions-wLth one e balm 1000,,koV were taken from earlier
work MA91vanov and Vele IsveAN NOR, SerefissM ~%S)
-and those for.h1shr.10a" t"WrtLa ism measured V1
toohniques Conversion coeMalents were obtained for 19 the
sitions and multlyclaritlis we" assipedi A level and db~_
L 514785-65
gram encom~ass~p�.19 levels below 1996 keV and 47 transitions was
derived fov ErLD Ws dia6ram and the reasons for some of the 0
and parity assignments are discussed In considerable detail. T129
energy of the level into vhich the neutron is cattured was found to
be 7766 4 keV* Orig-sartbhnst 2 figures and 6 ableso
SUBMT79D: 00 EML 1 00 an CODE: NP
L 54786-6 EWT(m) Peb DIAAP
iCCESSION NR: AP6013996 UlVO048/65/029/005/078P/0786
AUTHORt GrosLay. L.V.: ShAdIms N.
TITLE; Levels of holmium V10-12vinced In the ne tron capture reaction
&eport, 15th Annuil-Conference on Nuclea u
r Spe troscopy and,the Strao.-
ture of 'the Atomic Nucleus held In Minsk 25 Jan-2 Feb 1965J
SOURCEt AN SSSR. Isvestlys. Seriya fizicheskayal v*291 no*5, 1965,
TOPIC TAGS: gamma ray spectrum, neutron capture, holinfum
ABSTRACT: The gamma, spectrum from the HJ65 (njje)Ho 166 reaction
was recorded for gamma-ray energies from 4o5 to 6e35 ReV with a mag-
netic Compton spectrometer having a resolution of O.Zq(. The spectro.
meter has been described elsewhere (L.V.Groshav A.M.Demidav V*N*
Lutsenko and A.F.Wov Izv#AN BSSR Bert f1s. 27 j lb9,1960). ThIrty-
eight lines are tabulited. The estimated errors of the enersy me&
ments range f rom 5 to 8 keVo The measured relative intensities we
converted to absolute intensities by normalizing the total gamma ra-
diation, to the neutron binding energy obtained from the Q of the
reaction measured by G.L.Struble, N.Shelton and R.K#Shenline (pro-*
print)* The gamma-ray energies were converted to level excitation
energies by subtracting them from the 6249 keV neutron binding energyj
and these excitation energies are tabulated together with those ot-
served in the (d,p) reaction by Struble et al.(loo-cite) and In the
(n9j') reaction by V,S*Orecher (Z.Naturforsch.,18a,576,1963) and 0*
Schult (Private communication to R*X*Shelayn). A total of 58 levels
are tabulated. Most of these levels appear in two or more of the
groups of data and the afreement among the several groups Is usually
satisfactory* +h9 18 love s to which Struble et al.or Schult have as-
signed spins and iarities are tabulated these as well as other
s :,=d
assignments are d cussed. 7he 1# ass nt for the 430 keV level
made by a number of authors on the basis of radioactive decay measum
Ments is questioned because the transitions to this state from-the
initial state In the (n,3r) reaction are abundant. Comparison of the
(n$16 and (d p) data showthat all the states to which the gm=
transitions k;om the initial neutron capture state are Intense cor-
Card Wa :1 . I . I I .
L 547P.6-65
respond to intense proton groups In the (d,p) reactiom The converse
Is not true. Orlgoartohass I figure and 3 talkleso
NR FJW 60V 9 003 OTHBRi 010
[card 3/3
- L :-111JJ-00 VAMArl I-Itll C IJ" - -
ACC NRj AP6011987 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/65/029/005/W66/0771
AUTHOR: Groshev,,._L. V.; Demidov, A. M.; Shadiyev, N. 7
ORG: none A
TITLE: Gamma ray apectr produced by capturing thermal neutrons using gold [The
paper was presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Atomic
Nuclear Structure held in Minsk from 25 January to 2 FebraFfl9651-------"-*,---,---
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izveatiya. Seriya fizichaskaya, v. 29, no. 5, 19659 766-771
TOPIC TAGS: gamma ray,, gamma spectrum, gold, thermal neutron, spectrometer
ABSTRACT: Odd-odd heavy nuclei belong to the least studied catoeor'y of nuclei.
77ds is due to the fact thni only seldom may they be excited durina a radioactive
decay, and as they are unstable, thoy may not be usod in inelastic processes. The
'reactions (dp) and (n)~'). served as a study of levels of odd-odd nuclei with a
relatively good resolution.
This article describes the results of reaction Au 117(nk)AU 198. The p-" ray
spectrum was messuTed between 3.5-7.7 NO by a magnetic Compton mpec tar. whose,
resolution was 063%- Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 tables [JPRS1
Card 1A
L 29669-66 EWT ETC(f)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) RDW/JD
ACC fiR: A760'12h) 65/ODO/5~~6/00OWOO16
, ~'- t :1., 4-0
AUTI[OR:-Groshev, L. Va; Demidov, A. M.; Shadiyev, N. j64 1
ORG: State Committee on the Use of Atomic EnergZ SSQR, Institute of Atomic Energy
im. 1. V. Kurchatov, Moscow (Gosuda &tvenrWy komitet po ispollzovanlyu atomnoy
energii MR, In-stRute aoinoy energii)
TITIZ: Spectrum of y rays/fwoduced upon capture of thermal neutrons intellurit
SOURCE: Moscow. InGtitut atomnoy energii. DoklwV, no. 966, 1965. Spektr gamma-11;
luchey, voznikayunhchikh pri zakhyate teplavykh neytronov v tellure, 1-16
TOPIC TAGS: tellurium, Gamma spectrum, thermal neutrong neutron capture, radio- I
active decay scheme
ABSTRACT: The authors measured the y ray spectra produced by the capture of
thermal neutrons in a natural mixture of tellurium isotopes. The measurements
were made with a magnetic Compton spectrometer with resolution 0.3% in the energy
interval 4.5 - 9.5 Mev. The spectrometer was deitcribed by the authors earlier
The energies and the intensities
(Izv. AN SSSR oer. fizich. v. 24, 791, 1960Y.
of the y lines were determined from the known values of the binding energies fcr
the individual isotopes and the level excitation energies, using a procedure de-
Card 1/2
L 29669-66
ACC NE: A760 12688
veloped by the authors earlier (Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 29Y 760, 1965). The
capture cross sections for the individual tellurium isotopes, obtained from vari-
ous sources, were also used in the calculations. The various spectral lines and
their relation to the individual isotopes are discussed. 7 transition schemes
are presented for Te and a complete level scheme is presented for Te'24. The
binding energy of the neutron of this isotope is found to be 9410 t 5 kev. The
decay of the initial states of the isotopes Te 124 , 0114, and Sn'Lla is discussed
and the results compared with the published data. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and
4 tables.
Card 2/2 Qv
AUMORs Groshav, Le Vq; Demidov, A., m,j Shadiyev, N.
ORGt none'
TITISt Do-exoitation of Ni Mlei after therrial neutron capture
SOURCEt Yadernaya fiLijm, v. 3, no. 3, 1966, 444_448
TOPIC TAGS9 thermal neutron. neutron capture, nickel , game. spectrum, gammn transit
ABSTMTt Schemes of Y-trimaitions in the N159, N16l , and N163 nuclei are construc
on the basis of data obtained by measuring Y-ray spectra from (n,y)-reactions on Ni
isotopes* The proton yields in the (d. p)-reaction are compared with the Y-transit
matrix elements from the initial state, The mochanism of thermal neutTon capture in
those nual ;1p discumed, Orige art* has: 2 figures WA 3 tablese LBasod on autho
Engo =
SUB COM 20, 18 / SUBM DATEs 04jun65 / CRIG REF: 002 / OTH REFt 008
L 04101-67 EWT(m)
ACC NRg AT6031141 SOURCE CODr- UR/3136/66/000/037/0001/0012
AUTHOR: Groshev, L. V. Demidov, A. M.
'ORG: none
;TITLE: One characteristic of the cmture of thermal neutrons by nuclei
SOURCE: Moscow. Institut atomnoy energii. Doklady. IAE-1037, 1966. Ob odnoy
osobennosti zakhvata teplovykh neytronov yadrami, 1-12
TOPIC TAGS: neutron, neutron capture, thermal neutron, thermal neutron capture,
nuclear capture, nuclear neutron capture, gamma transition
ABSTRACT: Attention is drawn to the fact that in some nuclei (Fe57, N163, Zn65)
the I -transition from the initial state (arising in the process of thermal neutron
capture) to levels with a low degree of particle singularity (determined from derived
neutron widths in the reaction d, p), proceeds very intensely; and conversely, transi-
tion from the initial state to levels with a high degree of particle singularity proceeds
weakly or not at all. This phenomenon cannot be explained either within the frame-
work of a simple picture of the direct capture of neutrons or from the point of view
of the formation of a complex compound nucleus. The authors show that the
Card 1/ 2
ACC NR1 AT6031141
phenomenon may be explained, if it is assumed that in the process of neutron capturel
a'pair of nucleons Is activated from the skeleton of the target nucleus. This assump-
tion approaches the concept recently developed by Feshbach and others on the
mechanism of neutron capture through doorways. A summary is g!ven of diagrams
comparing derived neutron level widths, and matrix elements of 'f-transitions
from the initial'state of these levels, for nuclei with A = 25 - 67. Orig. art. has:
3 figures. (SP)
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ OPIC REF: 012/ OTH REF: 022/
ACC NR: Ae7008883 SOURCE CODE: UR/0367/66/004/004/07P,5/0790
AU'i'HOR: Groshev.--L. V.; Demidovo A. M.
CRG: no-e
TINE: Specific feature of thermal neutron capture by nuclei
SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v- 4, no. 4, 1966, 785-790
TOPIC TAGS: thermal neutron, neutron capture, nucleon
ABSTRACT: It is noted that very intensive -e -transitions from the capturing
state, produced in the capture of thermal neutrons, to levels with a low degree
of "sinple-particality," determined f~qm th reducgd neutron widths in (d, p)-
*reactions, exist in certain nuclei (Fe , Nth . Zn 5). On the other hand,
transitions from the capturing state to levels with a high degree of single-
particality are weak or not observed at all. This feature can not be understood
in terms of the simple direct neutron capture mechanism, or from the point of
view of the creation of a complex compound nucleus. It Is shown that the effect
can be explained If It Is assumed that a nucleon pair in the core of the target
nucleus Is excited during the neutron capture. This assumption is related to the
notions on the mechanism of neutron capture through "doorway" states, recently
developed by Feshbach et al. A list of diagrams is given, comparing the reduced
neutron level widths and matrix element for Y -transitions from the ground state
to these levels, for nuclei with A - 25 67- Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [Based
on authors' Eng. abst.] 1JPHS: 39,658;-
L 5069-66 EV1T(m)/EPF(n)_2/EWA(h)
XCCESS189 NR& AT5024118 UR/3136/65/000/885/0001/0012
AUTHORs Groshev, L. V.j Doxidov, A. M.; Shadlyov, N.
TITLEs Do-excitation of nickel nuclei after the capture of a thermal neutron
SOURCEs Moscow. Institut atomnoy energii. Doklady, IAE-885, 1965, VysVechivanlyo
yader nikelya posle zak*ata toplovogo neytrons, 1.12
TOPIC TAGS% gamma transition, gamma neutron reaction, nickel, nucleus, thermal
neutron, neutron capture
ABSTRACTs A description is given of an experiment In which a magnetic Compton
spectrometer is used to measure the spectrum of gamma-rays nascent during the
capture of thermal neutrons by nickel nuclei A d8gram Is presented showing the
gamma-transitions of the nuclei 141596 Wi6le ;nd N1 . A compariscn of the proton
yield In the (d,p) reaction is made with the matrix elements of the gamma-transt-
tions from the initial state. The capture mechanism of the thermal neutrons in
these nuclei to discussed. Orig. art. hast 2 figures and 2 tables.
ASSDCIATIONs Gosudaretyannyy komitot po ispollrovaniyu atomnoy energli SSSR
(State Committee for the Utilization of Atomic Energy SSSR)j Institut atomnoy
energli Im. 1. V. Kurcha ~nstltute of Atom]LC Energyj/
Card 1/2
L 5069-66
NO REF SOYs 002 OTHERt 008
Card 2/2
3HOS '11~~,, M. 11.
Groahvi, i'l. V. "Low-f-jr,!ssure nozzles," Izvel-tIVA K-Y--vuK-
- A.
politelch.n. in-U, Vol. VIII, 191j,3 (on cover: l.1A,-I;,p.
SO: 17 Dece,-i'mr 1953, (Letopis 141h,irnal Inykh Statay, ilia. 2",, 1)49)
0000000 000000004pum 0 0 0 0, 0 0 1
a v s
VS Not
A a C a OF 64 A L A 0 0 ouA
oft ?Go
go. 00
go. low *'"a UT OTITI 18014" ft So Sol fofj!~QIM IAODSOWASTJ) goo
00- 1 WK 'AG4i&iD_ -ETD 7"faYa JO W31jxTIm3 es.2130mu *965C
Of 00
00. r go
("fivul #14 jf~t
GROSUjj.J3,U,- LADIYRY, R., redaktor; GOLOVCHENKO, G., takhnichookiy
(Principles of calculations for industrial furnaces; gas mechanics
an& the theory of similitudes) Oanovy rasehata pronwahlaWkh pechoi;
makhanika gazov t toorit podoblia. Kiev, Go@. izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry
ussR, 1954. 198 p. (MLRA a.-4)
(Purnaces-Construction) (Dimensional analyses)
(Ganes. Kinetic theory of)
GROSM, Mikhell Ynall'yevich; MIT-IS , A.I., lnzh., red.; VAGIN, A.A.. Insh..
red.izdAte11stvft;"_KMS1V. A.I.,
LHeat calculations for open-hearth furnaces] Teplovys raschety
martenovskikh pechet. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chemot
i tovetnoi metallurgii. 1957. 247 p. (MIRA 11:1)
(Open-hearth furnaces)
M.A.; -GROSqy~_!j~Jit rinimali uchastiyet
Production of ferrovanadium sinter at the IAbyazhlye aintering
plant. Stall 25'no.W84-486 Je 165, (MMA 18:6)
1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy maiallurgicheakiy kombinat.
K1111101ior"'11KOVP I.P.; MAY7,F11, CX; 141ANIMOV; VAVj'FQIVI(,F, l.M.;
Heat treatment of sinters. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met.
8 no.1007-41 065. (MIRA 18:9)
1. Urallskly politekhnicheskiy institut i Nizhne-Tagillskly
metallurgicheskiy kTbinat.
(-f c,: the c:'
oi;e. Me ',A .1urg nu
'skJ y
usm/soil Scicacc - Mineral Fcrtilizer,,,
Abs Jour : Juf Zhur - Bir)l.) ZU, 15, 1~53, 67959
Author : Groshov 11 A.
In3t : iUl-Union ordena Lenia ;,c,,%Ccmy of AL:ricultural Sciencee
IncnL VJ. Lenin.
Title : Fomm of Lubile Potassimi in Lcached Chernozcm Used ia
Garden Beet Rotations,
Ori g Pub : Dokl* WXWIL) 1957, No 9, 4o-43.
Abstract A. stuOy of the behmvior of various forris of potasaiuri ;.i*.
the soil was undertaken by the Scientific Research IrAsti-
tute of ACTiculture of the Central Rayon of the lhm-
Chernizen Belt, usinL; four forms of fertilization (control,
or[pilic, uinerral, and )r~pno-nineral). The crops bcinz;
snCpr beet and winter wheat in a seven-field rotatior.
SuGar beet was sown in the contrc-l and only 11 was added
Card 1/3
USISM/Soil Science - Fertilizers vincral.
Abs Jour Ref 711ur - Biol-o 113 15, 1958, 67959
to the soil, bein(: applied to the rowa; in the variant
with (,r(pnic fertiliterc 56 tons of nanure were adalod
durin,; each rotation; in the mineral variant N, 1, and K
were applied in quantities corresponding to tl-.e cciitcnt
o A' t1ho-se minerals in 56 tuns of mnure; in addition, all
the suMr beat got phosphoric acid fertilizer applicd to
the rows; in the fourth vc-riant half of the N, P, u.Ll K
was applied in the firri of nincral fertilizer. Du_--In~;
the veC;ctation period speciLwais of the soil were taken
frnn a depth of 0-60 cra. in )recr to detemina the K in
extracts of water ancl 0-2 n. nitric acid. K was neasured
by the cobalt-nitrito nothod. It was noted that K was pre-
sent in the largest quantities in extracts from the cr[;a~
aic and mixed fertilization systems. Systenatic applica-
tion of fertilizers leads to accumulation not only ~)f ~hc
free forns of K but also of inn-nctabolic K. There is a
certain connection botween crop yields- and the K cnitmit
Card 2/3
- 47 -
USSR/Soil Science - Minaral Fortilizer3.
Abe J-our TIcT &wr - Biol*j 1,':) 15, 1.95,"); 67959
of the veaker acid extracts (0-05 and 1.0 n.). %lie
basic nass of assimilable K is found in the 0-20 cLi.
horizonp The K In a '21 n. 111103 extract represento K i-ii-
nerals serving to replace mtabolic K. In soils Vaich
have been fertilized over ai; uxtanded pariod there is
a certain tendency fDr the 0-2-0 nnd 20-40 cu. horizons
to be enriched by the fertilizers which add K. --
A.M. Shchepetillnikova
Card 3/3
:,if, V,
o!, o
pp 1 in f '.I:r
GROSHIV.-R.A., kand.seliskokhoz7aystvenn7kh nauk
Practices of the Hironoyka Xxperimental Station. Uauka i zhizn'
27 no.5:78-79 My 160. (MIRA 13-6)
(Mironovka--sugar beets-Fertilizers and mangres)
Obt ash Y
GROSIEL"V, N.A., kand-sellskokhosysystvenny" nauk
Increasing the crow. Nauka i zhizut 27 no.10:78-79 0 160.
(KIRA 13:10)
(Mming of soils)
BOGATIKOV, O.A.; GROSHEV,-.N..A,, kand.sellskokhos.nauk (Moskva); DAVYDOV,
News, events, and facts. Priroda 51 no.4:106-112, 114-116 Ap
162. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhderiy, petrografti,
mineralogii I geokhWi AN SSSR, Moskva (for Bogatlkov). 2. Gosu-
dars tvannyy astrcnomicheakiy institut Lm. P.K.Shernberga, Moskva
(for Davydov). 3. Institut okeanologil AN SSSR, Moskva (for
(Science news)
GROSHEVO '..' N.A. P- kand.neliskokhoz.nauk (Moskva)
Potassium and plant nutrition, Friroda 51 no.5:U7-.U8 Vq 162.
(HIPA 150)
(Flantst Iffect of potassium on) I
GROSHEV, N.A., Yand. sel'skokhoz. nauk (Moskva)
Incisions on tubers and potato hnrvest. Priroda 51 [i.e. 521
no.53112 163. (MIRA 16:6)
(Seed potatoes)
GROSHEV, N.A., kand.sel'sko1,choz.nauk (Yoskva)
Influence of lupine on crop yields. Priroda 52 no.6:114 163.
(No subject headings) (MIRA l6t6)
Hydraulic armature gear withdrawer from 1,"1-60 electric traction
motors. Pats. predl. na gor. elaktrotransp. no-9:1.3-44 164.
(,-IM4 180:2)
1. Depo im. Volodarskoro upravleniya
GOLUNSOV, R.A., inzh.; GRIJW, S.M., inzh.; GROSHEV, N.I.. inzh.
forty years development of electric transmission lines. Elsk.sta.
28 no.11:53-58 N '57. (MIRA 10:11)
Ollectric power distribution)
XHISTOV. V.S., otvetstvenny7 red.; BBLYAKOVP A.A., red,;
red.; HOSOV, R.P., red.; PODOYAKOT, A.S., red.; ROGOVIU, B.A., red.;
STWOV, V.Yu., red.; TIbTROVA, 0.11., red.; YHOKIN, A.M., tairhn.
[Electric power development in the U.S.S.R. during the past 40 years.
1917-19573 Nnergetichaskoe stroltel'stvo SSSR za 40 let (1917-195? go)
Moak-va, Goa. energo itd-vo, 1958. 397 Do (MIRA 11: 51
1. Russia (1923- U.S.SoRo) Ministerstvo alcktrostantsiy.
TokhnichesbWe uprailenlye.
(Electric power)
GROSHIKOV,l NlikolayIosifovich, inzh.,- ZASIAVSKIY, Yuriy Livovich., inzh.;
GORBENKO, Nikolay- Ios-ifovicbp Inah.; GORBUNOV, M.N., kand. tekhn.
nauk, dotsent, retmenzent; SHEKHTER, V.Ya.0 kand. tekhn. nauk,
red.; MOROZOVA, P.B., red, izd-va; ROZHIN, V.P., tekhn. red.
[Preparing and stamping operations in the manufacture of airplanes]
Zagotovitellno-ahtampovocbrye raboty v saroletostroenii Moskyal
Goa, navohno-tekhn. izd-vo Oborongizp 1961. 555 WRA 14110)
(Sheet-metal work) (Airplane industry5d
AUTHORi _,Sro,,hev.P.F. tr)
.k'of Drawing
TITLE: Investigation of the Wear Resistanc
Dies by means of Radioactive Isotopes
PERIODICAU Tavetnyye metally, 1960, No. 10, m, 71 - 76
TEXT: The experiments were carried out with a drawing die
made of carbide BK3 (VK3), weighing 3.5 g and used for
drawing 0.6 mm copper wire. Prior to the experiments the
finished dies were irradiated for 5 to IfOo ur T8 ~y a strgam
of slow neutrons. As a result of this W W and Co
formed,. The most suitable from the point of view of the
investigations was W187 s -ince its half-life is less than
24 hours, The high energy of the 0-radiations (1.33 and
0.63 MeV) enables recording the radiation of this isotope
-rery effettively. The y-radiation can also be used and in
view of the relatively low radiation energy (0,072 to
0.776 MeV) the protective measures against radiation are
simpler. The required radioactivity was determined on the
basis of preliminary calculations of the probable weight of
Card 1/3
Investigation of the Wear Resistance of Drawing Dies by means
of Radioactive isotopes
the worn-off part of the die, the value of which was
1.7 x 10"5 g. Thus, the required activity equalled 10,5 mllll--
Curie, The test rig for drawing enabled winding the drawn
wire on a cylindrical drum with a gap of about 0A mm between
the individual turns. This was done to prevent contact between
adjacent turns of the wire in order to avoid transfer of wear
particles from one turn to another. The radioactive die was
placed into a thick-walled steel housing, which can be shifted
longitudinally relative to the drum by an amount corresponding
to ~he pitch of the turns during each revolution., During the 2
experiments annealed copper wire with a strength of 23.4 kg/mm
and a relative elongation of 30 to 33% was drawn, rhe wear
was determined on the basis of the activity of the wire samples
measured immediately after drawing (with some cherk measurements
::.arried out one day later). The wear of the die was determined
as a function of the drawing speed for the speeds between
14 and 1 050 m/min. A total of six experiments were made. three
Card 2/3
Investigation of the Wear Resistance of Drawing Dies by means
of Radioactive Isotopes
with increasing speeds and three with decreasing speeds, The
results are given in a table and on the basis of the average values
of all the experiments a graph was plotted, Fig. 3, which shows that
the wear drops quickly with increasing drawing speed, The
relative values are 500 impulses/min for a drawing speed of
14 m/min. 260 impulses/min for a drawing speed of 216 m/min and
145 impulses/min for a drawing speed of 1 050 m/min,
There are 3 figures, I table and 3 references; I German,
I Soviet and I English.
Card 3/3
Investigating ths mechanism of the wear of drr-wbench dies by the
method of radioactive isotopes. TSvet. met. 34 no.3:71-75 I-Ir 161.
(MIRA 14:3)
(Dies (Metalworking)-Testing) (Mechanical weur-Testing)
(Raoioisotopes-Industrial applications)
AUTHOR: Groshev
TITLE: Investigation of the Mechanism of Wear of Wire Drawing
Dies by the Radioactive Tracer Method
PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, 1961, No. 3, PP. 71-75
TEXT: When the radioactive tracer method is used for
investigating the process of wear of wire drawing dies, it is
necessary to measure the radioactivity of the wire, the lubricant,
and the cooling drum, since it is there that the products of wear
accumulate. In studies of the effect of various parameters of the
process on the degree of die wear, the activity of a large number
of samples of both wire and the lubricant has to be measured. If
the proportion of the products of die wear dissipate through each of
the ohannels mentioned above were known, It would be possible to
determine the degree of wear from the data on the activity of the
wire alone which would considerably shorten and simplify the
experimental work. It was for this reason that the present investi-
gation was undertaken, its object being to establish whether the
distribution of the products of die wear does, in fact, follow a
Card 1/8
Investigation of the Mechanism of Wear of Wire Drawing Dies by the
Radioactive Tracer Method
definite law, and to find out how it is affected by the variation of
the drawing speed. The drawing experiments were carried out on a
special drawing machine in which provision was made for coiling the
wire in such a manner that the consecutive turns did not touch each
other. The radioactive die and its steel holder were placed in a
lead container with walls sufficiently thick to absorb the
y-radiation. The lubricant (a 2% soap/oil emulsion) was gravity-
fed through a channel in the die and holder. The relative quantity
of the die wear products on the wire and in the lubricant were
determined by experiments in which copper wire was drawn through a
bard alloy 80 (VK3) die to attain elongation of 1.44 at drawing
speeds varying between 30 and 1+90 m/min. The results are
reproduced in Fig.1, where the relative quantity (%) of the die wear
roducts on the wire surface (curve 1) and in the lubricant
eurve 2) is plotted against the drawing speed (m/min). It will be
seen that at slow drawing speeds (about 30 m/min) approximately 75%
of the products of wear adhered to the wire, the remaining 25%
Card 2/8
Investigation of the Mechanism of Wear of Wire Drawing Dies by the
Radioactive Tracer Method
being carried away by the lubricant. As the drawing speed increases
this ratio changes quite rapidly and, beginning from the drawing
speed of about 120 m/min it remains constant, the relative
proportion of the wear products on the wire and in the lubricant
being 92 and 8% respectively. The observed effect of the drawing
speed on the relative proportion of the eroded die particles on the
wire and in the lubricant is attributed to the fact that at high
drawing speeds more lubricant adhering to the wire is drawn through
the die, This view is confirmed by the fact that the degree of die
wear decreases with increasing drawing speed, This effect Is
illustratgd in Fig.2, where the specific wear of the die
(mg x 10- /g) is plotted against the drawing speed (m/min); the
degree of wear was determined from the radioactivity of the wire
(curve 1) or of the lubricant (curve 2), curve 3 having been
const-ucted from data on the radioactivity of the wire, the
lubricant, and the coiling drum. The relative proportion of the
eroded die particles, accumulated on the surface of the coiling
Card 3/8
Investigation of the Mechanism of Wear of Wire Drawing Dies by the
Radioactive Tracer Method
drum, amounted (at the drawing speed employed) to 4-8%, and was
determined in the following manner, The coiling drum was encased
In an 0.01 mm thick sheet of vinyl chloride on which the wire was
then coiled; after removing the wire from the drum, the vinyl
chloride sheet was also removed, rolled up~ and transferred to the
container of the radiation counter. In the next series of
experimentst the degree of die wear was determined from the data on
the activity of the wire alone. For this purposet the following
formula which included a correction for the quantity of the wear
products carried away in the lubricant and deposited on the coiling
drum, was derived:
Ll~ P =. M - n
N - '-f - 'd - K - q
where P is the specific die wear (mg x 10-6/g), M is the
weight (g) of the wire, n Is the activity of the wire sample,
it is the coefficient taking into account the loss of' wear
Card ~,-/8
Investigation of the Mechanism of Wear of Wire Drawing Dies by the
Radioactive Tracer Method
products with the lubricant (obtained from graph in Fig,l)9 id is
the coefficient taking into account the quantity of wear products
deposited on the coiling drum, K is the coefficient of efficiency
of the counter In measuring the activity of the wire sample and of
the whole wear, and q Is the weight of the sample. The results
of this series of experiments showed that a large proportion of the
wear products are only loosely attached to the wire, This fact
was established by measuring the activity of (a) a wire as drawn,
(b) a wire cleaned with cotton wool impregnated with benzene, and
(c) the cotton wool pad used for cleaning sample (b). It was found
that in the case of wire lubricated with a 4% soap/oil emulsion,
50% of the wear products had been removed from the wire surface by
this treatment, the corresponding figure for wire lubricated with a
2% emulsion being 30%. This indicated that the adhesion of the
eroded die particles to the wire surface depends on the nature of
the lubricant used. The object of the next series of
experiments was to determine the quantity of the wear products
Card 5/ 8
Investitation of the Mechanism of Wear of Wire Drawing Dies by the
Radloac ive Tracer Method
assing through the consecutive dies. To this end, a copper wire
.6 mm In diameter was drawn to 0.5 mm diameter through a radio-
active dies after which its activity was measured; it was then
drawn to 0.1+5 mm diameter through a non-active dies after which its
activity was determined again. (The 2% soap/oil emulsion was used
as a lubricant in both operations). The results showed that 85%
of the particles eroded from the first die passed through the second
die, 12% having been carried away by the lubricant used in the
second die assembly. Finally, the distribution of the wear products
along the wire was studied by the auto-radiographic method. A wire,
drawn through a radioactive die) was stretched between pins of a
specially made frame in such a way that the consecutive parallel
segments of the wire were in one plane. An X-ray film was then laid
flat on the wire and pressed against it by a lid. To protect the
emulsion of the X-ray film from the chemical action of the wire, a
thin sheet of polystyrene was interposed between the wire and the
film, The exposure (governed by the specific activity of the wire)
Card 6/8
Investigation of the Mechanism of Wear of Wire Drawing Dies by the
Radioactive Tracer Method
varied between 18 and 120 h. The results showed that the wear
products are not uniformly distributed alone the wire, the eroded
die material being present in the form of ka) small uniformly
distributed particles, as if "smeared" on its surface and obviously
representing the traces of the binder (cobalt) of t-he hard metal,
(b) single tungsten carbide grains, and (c) aggregates of tungsten
carbide grains. This division of the wear products is caused either
by relatively large particles of the die-material being torn from
the die, moving along the contact surface and becoming embedded in
the wiret or by seizure occurring between the wire and the binder of
the hard metal, as a result of which large particles of the latter
are torn away from the die and cause further damage as they move
along the die channel.
There are 2 figures, 3 tables and 1+ references: 2 Soviet and
2 non-Soviet.
Card 7/8
AUTHOR: Groshev,.P_.,F..._,
TITLE: Determination of the wear resistance of wire drawing
dies by means of radioactive isotopes
PERIODICAL; Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya
metallurgiya, no.12, 1961, loo-lo6
TEXT: The wear of wire-drawing dies and the necessity of their
frequent replacement is responsible for a 10 to 15% loss of
production time. In addition, the quality of the wire produced
depends to a large extent on the condition of the die surface,
In order to develop better wire-drawing die materials, it is
necessary to determine rapidly and accurately the degree of die
wear and its dependence on the rate of drawing and the nature oC
lubricants used. In the tests carried out, use was made of w107
radioisotope with half-life of 23-85 days and y-radiation energy
of 1.33 and 0.63 meV. The radioisotope was produced by
exposing cobalt and tungsten carbide base dies to irradiation by
slow neutrons. The residual radiation emitted by annealed copper
wire (0.6 dia), drawn at speeds of 14 -1050 m/min, was recorded
using an ionization chamber of 5 litre capacity with a microradiation
Card 1/4
Determination of the wear resistance Eo40/E435
counter. A lead cylinder screen with 40 mm wall thickness urns used in
order to reduce the background radiation and improve the
experimental accuracy. The die wear was determined on wire lengths
weighing up to 75 9- The test data were calculated as mean values
from 3 to 6 passes at increasing speeds and from 3 passes at
decreasing wire drawing speeds. The die wear was found to drop
sharply with rising speed of drawing up to 100 m/min, less sharply
in the drawing speed range of 100 to 400 m/min and very Ixttle at
drawing speeds from 400 to 1050 m/min. There is an indication
that after reaching the minimum of wear with rising drawing speed.
the wear begins to rise again. In four out of six tests a
clear wear maximum was observed in the drawing speed range of 20 to
25 m/min, A similar sharp increase in the wear reduction of dies
with rising drawing speed was also observed in the drawing of ~,tesl
wire, In the tests on the effect of the lubricant on the dic w4ar
the drawing speed was constant, amounting to 42 m/min., The
lubricants tested weret soap/oil 2% emulsion, soap 1.78% emul3l')YI
soap 1 % emulsion, solution of 1.41% triethanolamine and ol ex,~ 41~~ I (I
solution of 2,72% triethanolamine and oleic acid, solution of
Card 2A
Determination of the wear resistance ..EO40/E435
1% triethanolamine and oleic acid, soap/oil 4% emulsion,
solution of 2.03% triethanolamine and oleic acid and solution of
2,2% triethanolamine. The test results obtained for all the
above lubricantb are tabulated. It was found that soap/oll
emulsions Increase the die wear resistance nearly twice as inuch as
triethanolamine lubricants. If the soap content in the emulsion
is increased (up to 2%) the die wear is diminished! by raising
the soap content in the emulsion from I to 1.78%, the die wear was
reduced by 10%. The lowest die wear was obtained with 2% Soap/oil
lubricant. The highest die wear was observed with 2.2% solution
of triethanolamine lubricant. It is concluded that the radio.
isotope method of die wear determination is very reliable and very
much more economical than other test methods. There are 3 figures
I table and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc,
The reference to an English language publication reads as follows:
Ref.25 J.C.E.Button, A.J.Davies, R.Tourret, Nucleonics, v.9, no-5,
Card 3/4
Determination of the wear resistance . . EO1j0/E435
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut khimicheskogo mashinostroyenlye
(Moscow Institute of Chemical Machinery)
SUBMITTEDi August 1, 1960
Card 4/4
3(7) ~(l )
AUTFC113: Leonov, V. 3., 'Nlichev, V. 3011/90-59--l-11/20
G-oshey. P, !1,,_KhRkhalin, V. :3.
TITLE. Restoring Long-Stored Dry Batteries for RAdio 3onl,~s
(Vosstanovleniye dol~-o khrqnivshikhsya qukhikb hntarey pitaniya
PERIODICAL: Meteoroloiriya i gidrologiyn, 1959, Nr 1, pp 49-50 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The anode battery GB-70 Nr 2, rind th(-fPe=c:n:t battery 3011-3,
which are used for the transtaitter of rridio sondes, have a
storini- period of one y-rx. Ilut often they are stored much
longer, 2 to 3 years, iind nro thon useless owinr- to self-
discharr,e and drying up of the electrolyte liquid. In spite
of this, they should not be discarded. They crin be recharged
with the rectifier of a radio set or with a car battery while
the elements of the battery ar,'? iupplied with water from an
injector (syringe). Such restored batteries are sometimes more
efficient than fresh ones which were not treptei in this way.
The paper gives further details an me,!surini~ the charrinr,-
current intensity and volt-ge, as well as controlling the
temperature while chqrginr,
Card 1/1
- -1
i , -1 ,, .
!1:~ 3-,.,Its of of draft liorse3 t*,,-,ir cm3sbr,;f,(!s. -,"1 -.0. 33)
1", ~;'2. .- 1',: -'Julle
VISMAMV, A.1.4, 811EV SIS,
Device for exptying out usimd oil and pouring in freeb oil.
Tekst. prom. 18 no.9t$9-60 5 158. (WRA 11:10)
(Spinning mebinary)" (lubrication and lubricanta)
GROSMI V., serzhant
In deep snow on steep ascents. Starsh.-serezh. no.12:10 D 161.
(MA 150)
(Artillery, Field and mountain) (Winter warfare)
GROSHEV,V.Y., inshener
Calculating the width of it harness frame. Teket.prom.15 no.9:35
S 155. (MLRA 8:11)
Organizing the work of shift supervisors. Tekst.prom.17 no.1:6-8
Ja '57. (MA 10:2)
1. Nachallnik tkatskogo tsekha fabriki iment logim.
(Textile Industry)
"The Source of Hydrogen Ions for Mirror Machine Ogra,"
report presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases,
Paris, France, 8-13 Jul 63
GROBIEVp Y',N,p mayor moditoinakoy oluzhby
Experience in the work of a station for functional diagnosis.
voen.-med. zhur. no.2s75 165. (MIRA 18:11)
GROSHIT, Y.Y. uchitall.
Simple method of transplanting seedlings. Ast.v shkole no.l.,84-85
JaAr 154. (KLBA 6:12)
1. Shcherbatovskaya somiletnaya shkola Telatomakogo rayona.kazanskoy
Cl-.erkasova, L. 3. , cl. F. , 'E";, Ye. T. ~~ ; ~ . an, C'. S.
Grosi.ev, Ye.-I. "On the relation of t.-e idi'l-neral co,xositi).n )f and dien,-il
Tissue to -the :rotein contint, of f~;e food rat'l.on," Trid~,- Ka"a.,.ak. i,os- in-ta
Ism- 2, 1A), p. 31-37
SO: U-5240, 17 Dec. 53, (Letopis lZhurnal ln,.,kii State.-.-, ?I,). 1"o).
ChAill" I'l tho ChriallcAl C'Julp".116,ift of boncoi and rr.,t;l
In exper mruW trnumatic (liteuillyclift-li L. S. CN a.
F, 1. wid A. V. KruvimA (S6. llc~cw,ll
OrOul-liti Katian). Ilkmin. 1444ims.
Zhur. 2.1. tratunatic
(If rat; Accl-, Ill, Cht'lli. 4mimitutilli (4 bwic
It.;q]- ; lul wll,r ilt (It,- 'liclui f"ri' but
U1141T.-Cti'l Iyul,* -'Ild ti'vill of
Patti to( the- hf-ly. Thtte. i-& rvilm-timi tit Ow N%,mirtu w,l
walumtreitt:"t in tlio~,Cannd I'Iii,
true Pf Chm"i- Th,: tv,ruwl Cit'.11' ;tad l,';,/,N
tire .Tlt,-r,! appeirs too lot: it itmk'Filig ill tllcnrtiv-
ity "I'thealk. the Active site--t an&.1 snpaVieti-
Cally ist Arnibir mntrol Imars. Lvith-ure pointi w a rather
general (Ilitturbilig effect which lmalior,l lostecomyelittit h-IR
tip"ll Ow 1"1111 I"Ar I'lefAl"li'lli. P. S. I., iv,
Country :USSR T
Ct~toeuri-= :Riman and Animal Physiology, Metabolism
~'iba. Jour.:Ref Zhur - Biol., No. 2, 1959, No. 7843
Tit1c Nervous Repletion of the Activity of the
Enzym Phosphatess. 1st Report, The Errect of
the Central Nervous System on the Activity of
OrIS. Pub. :Alkaline Phosphatase In Coses of Fracture.
V ab.: Vopr. ortopedii i travisatol. Teoriya L
kliniks. Kasen'. TatknJLgoizdat, 1957,, 166-171
Abstract :The tibia of one posterior extremity of a
mimber of rats was fractured. Determinations
of the alkaline phosphatass activity of the
traumatized and intact 3YMtrical bone were
made at different times . Sodium amytal (5 xg
per 100 gm,,- subcutaneously) was injected daily
into one group of the animas from the first
day after the fracture,, while caffeine was
injected into another group (0.01 mg/100 go).
In the traumatized bones of the control rats
Card: 1/3
Country :USSR T
Catogary !MAM aW Animal Physiology# Mtabolism
Abs. jour. :Ref Zhur - Biol., No. 2. 1959t No. 7843
OrI3. Pub,
r) C, t r.,. c tthere was rioted toward the tenth day a sudden
rise in alkaline phosphatase activity, which
reached a maximum on about the fifteenth day,
after Which the activity of the enzym gradualli
diminished, In-the animals receiving sodium
anytal the rise in alkaline phosphatase activitV
occurred more gradually and reached a maxlailm
on about the thirtieth day. Following the
injection of caffeine the rise in alkaline
phosphatase activity was noted earlier and was
sharper. The decrease in activity began from
Card: 2/3
Country : USSR T
CataSory= : Roman and Animal Physiology, Metabolism
Aba. Jour. : Ref Zhur. - Bioles No. 2v 1969, No. 7843
Orig. Pub.
Abstract the thirtieth day, In the intact bones of all
the groups of rats except those which had
received caffeine, there was a reduction in
alkaline phosphatase activity.--V,I.Rozongart
C:.rd: 3/3
GrRO!;H&'ll, Ye. 1. Cand Blol Sai -- (dies) "The activity of bone phosphatnee
in cases of experimptal fractures." Kazan', 1958. 14 pp (Kazail Stnte
Vat Imt im N. E. Bavman), 150 copies (KL, 11-58, 115)
L31311-6~ EW(m)/EPF(c)/E1r-?(J)
ACCESSION NR: ARS003086 S/0081/64/000/018/HO73/HO73
~SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs. 18Zh235
;AUTHOR: Aristov,-L.-I.; Kostina, G. I.; Grosheva. H. P.
JITLE: Organosilicon compounds with quimline radicals
',CITED SOURCE: Dokl. 2-Y Mezhvwvu . konferentsii po khimii organ.
isoyedinenly, 1963. T -Tomakiy un-t. 1963, 93-94
ITOPIC TAGS: organosilicon compound,' quinoline, organo metallic compound
TRANSLATION: 5-bromo-hydroxyquinoline and its esters (methyl, butyl) were synthe-
sized from 8-hydroxyquinoline.j They react"with RMgX in tetrahydrofuran. The yield'
of reactionFi~oducts is 40%. Ilp the case of benzoyl eater of 5-broma-hydroxyquino-!
line the reaction proceeds only upon addition of CH 1. 5, 7-dibromo-hydroxyquino-
Iline and its butyl ester were also obtained from hyiroxyquinoline which also reacts.
icasily with RMgX. The reaction of the obtained Mg-organic compounds with SiCl
;produced Si-organic compounds with b~utoxy and methoxyquinoline radicals, which4
Icondense with (CH3)2S'C12',and C6 HSS 'C13 producing Si-~organic resins. These latter
Card 1/2
Card 2/2
. - I -.-I.- ~ ..- 11 ~ . -.- ... .. I I.- ~ I - - .. - -I I . - - - -. ~ i
1. GROSHEVA, )(~Y6-, Docent
2. USM (600)
4e Horses - Diseases
7* Etiopathogenesis of acute distention of the stomach In horses.
Veterinarlia 29 noo 11 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified.
visl-217p.roll, S.I., kand. veterin. nauk; UM-HE.':*t, r--, ~. npju~
Infectious gastroanteritla of swine. ".1-terinar.;!a 38
37-40 ~~ '61 (~! 1 -7, A . I )
1. Kurvkaya obl-nBtnaya,.Vp-r,.-:Iivq V,-tA7,,r,,b.--r:,qva
G.A.; :.'FIO;PVYAKUV, .14.-~,, 0'*,rO".KO'O', 7..".
i % 1 IV; , N " ., ".. Yi, . $ 00,11EVAJ
Frizootiology and biological charac Loris t-1 c3 of
Infesting poultry. Vi9terinarlin 411 noe'.J,~7-410 N It...
1. Vsnso)ruznyy Institut. eksperimentallnoy velvinnarA ! .
FOMINA, A.Ye., kand. vnterin. nauk GROSMA, G.A.1 kand. veterin. nquki
SHUBIN, V.A., kand. vaterin, nmuk
Studying the strains of Escherichia coli IsolRted from poultry
with Mycoplasma, Infection. VeterJnarila 41 no.l.,927-30 Ja 165.
1. Vsesoyuznyy Institut ekSDerimentallnoy veterinariJ.
1. .
URVUVA, G.4., kand. vatp-r. naul.. ~; I V., . 0 ;"t.. :h: ~., . ., *.,.,-,.Idn',
WictertologInal Otudy of the iyrnl,,) ~~t wP.I.
infectIon. Veterinariia 42 !1- "115. -
3. Vspjooyuznvy in!71-itut 7 1", ~f - 71 7~ J , i .
ALENTIYEV, A. A., doirtor tekhn. nauk; GUROVICH, Ya. I., kand. takhn. nauki
PRqqIWA M , inzb.
Investigating properties of a construction naterial based tm
silicon carbide. Mashinostroanie no.5:86-87 S-0 162.
(MMA 16ti)
1. Kiyerokiy politekhniobasW inatitut.
(Materials-Testing) (Silicon carbide)
GROSHEVA, V.M., inzh,
Thermochemical treatment of building ceramics on a silicon
carbide base. Stek. I ker. 20 no.10:31-32 0 163. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, stekollnoy i
farforo-fayansovoy promyshlennosti.
rld- ',3khr r nk C, 0. cl.
CnrtLm! grates made fr=
Lv,-d rilemlcal
, U 7
GROSMOT, G.V. (Koscov).
Home-made lov-voltage soldering bit. Fiz.v shkole 7 no.2:56-57 147.
(KWA 6: 11 )
(Solder and soldering)
"A Fluzmter on
(139)9 pp. 77-790 1950
String Axis." Ak. NRuk SSSR Trudy Geofiz. Inst., Ko.12
Translation 563438
B, T- R-
V01- 3 )(0-
Apr- 1954
51*06* MCOUV Of 4:00IMMUS IhO hrusill-ity nd Ift,
mining The Fre"erkey mad Amplituda (Israeter-1*41re of
#*Aving Chonueld W111% oh It Ir 0( Iks
-- I -,%$!2n ) and
1-7x-rcsiua AGd~mu " u erths Gro-
pticheiliala, I. rxL 5. p. 424-428 + Iplate.
Reception of sinusoicial shapcd stress was Snatle wtWIC ratio of
Aroplitude to frecitsency rernained constint. Ilurtogtaph, oxil.
Iolparns, scismogyams, dialtrarn. 4 IA
G a .-' -I- '. i 6 v () Y I G . v .
- '! ~!, 1. - ~ I ~-,- .
Planning and making calculations for magnetic systems for geophysical
Inatnirwnts. Trudy Gaofl.2.inst. no.20:88-94 '53. (HLRA 7:5)
(Mi4,,notic instruments) (Geophysics)
Calculation for GB type galvanometers. Trudy Goofis. inst.
no.29:57-65 155. (MW 9:1)
AUTHOROt Groshovoi.G. Vo# and
TITIZo Small Dimension Mirror GaIrA?.r.:,uttif of Ifigh Sen3itivity
FERIODICALt Trudy Goofizicheskogo Inritituta, Akadevilia flauk SSSR, 1955,
No. 27)T3-5W,-pp 73-77
AVAILABLE% Original WIF snf-~I
Highly sensitive two-frame reflecting galvanometer without
inductive coupling. Trudy Goofis.inst. no-29.78-79 '55.
(Galvanometer) (MW 9:1)
Highly sensitive RPS-1 field seismograph for recording short period
comnonents of seismic wavms.lsv.AN
o 156. (MIRA 10:1)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR Geofizicheakty inatitut.
Groshevoy, G.V.
Tekhnicheskly raschet, proyektiroyaniye I ekBpluatatsiya gallvanometrov
dlya Integriruyushchikh skhem (Technical Calculation, Design, and Operation
of Galvanometers for Integrating Circuits) Moscov, Izd-vo AN ssSR, 196o. 86 p.
3,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki zemli imeni 0. Yu.
Resp. Ed.: A.I. Zaborovskiy; Ed. of Publishing House: L.K. Nikolayeva; Tech.
Ed.: I.A. Makogonova.
FURPOSE: This book is intended for designers of galvanometers for integrating
COVERAGE: The book Includes detailed data on methods for the calculation, design,
and operation of galvanometers in integrating circuits. The author presents
a draving and description of the GB-3-F galvanometer for oscillographs
Terhnical Calculation, Design and Operation (Cont.) SOV/4766
designed by the Soviet scientist Ye.S. Borisevich. The application of integrat-
ing circuits to various fields is also discussed. The works of the following
Soviet scientists are noted in the review of the technical literature: A.G.
Kalashnikov , G.M. Ivanovao G.N. Petrova., M.I. Subbotin, I.L. Nersesov, I.G.
Gutovskly, and S.P '. Kapitsa.' The subject was treated by the author in his
dissertation which was published in 1944. There are 27 references: 20 Soviet,
5 English, and 2 German.
Introduction 3
Brief Review of Previous Works 4
Setting Up Technical Tasks for Designing [an Integrating Circuit With a
Galvanometer] 5
Calculation of the Parameters of the Circuit and the Design of the
Galvanemeter in Connection With Errors 10
Designing Units and Parts
Card 2~*- -
Specifications for the supply and delivery of sugar beets. Sakh.prom.
34 no.M47-48 0 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1, Vaspropetrovskly oblastuoy goeudaretvennyy arbitrazh.
(sugar beets)
ACC S O'l jC F C 0E, ui-flej ,, -;L,/16 bl'coliI0061020i10205
AU7KR: Fridkin, F. M. Gerzanich, Ye. 1. Grorhik, 1. 1. Lyakh vitskaya, V. A.
Gi-'G, Institute of CrystaUograpl kr al o-
_A~~dSmy of Sciences SSSR (Institut Ist 1
---- ------
6rafii Akadcmii nauk SSS11)
TITLE: Asorption edge In the semiconducting ferroolectrics SbSBr, BiSbr, and Sb5I
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pis'ma v redaktsiyu.
Prilozheniye, v. 4, no. 6, 1966, 201-205
TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric material, semiconducting material, second order phase
transition, phase transitloa, absorption edgc, light absorption
ABST11ACT; To ascertain the behavior of the intrinsic abnorption edge I a series of
~erroelectrics of groups V, 111, and VII, which undergo low-temperaturelphase tranei-
tions, the authorG inveGtigated--b tical absorption In SbSBr, BiSBr, and Sb~f_'In
polarized light in the InLerval from +h0 to -190C. The SbUir, BiSBr, and SbSi single 1
c~-fstalr, were grown from the gas phase. The SbSBr and DiSBr crystals were in the
fi~irm u!' thin needles (trantwerse dimension not 1arj:rr than 0.1 mn, length 10 - 15 mm)#'
7i-,e SbGI sinGle crystals were larger (10 x I x I m). All the Investigated single
cr-,,.,ials were rhombo-dipyramidal. The Wrection of the spontaneous polarization co-
incided with the twofold uxis paraUel to the needle axis. The measurements vere made-'-
In a vacuum cryostat cooled with liquid nitrogen, with a temperature maintained ac-
curate to 0.2C. 'llic transmission apectra were inventigated with a monochromator and
a phoLQmiulLiplIcr. I'he relation ml/-' - hv (a. - ab.;orptlon coefficient, hv - photon
energy) was autisfied for all three crystala in the entire investirTated temperature
lnlerv'~I, thus pointing to the indirect character of the transitions. In addJtlcn,
" 172
the CL vs. liv curve of 5bS1',r had two straitht-llne nectiorn., connected apparentlY
with t'Le absorption and emission of a phonon. Ilie phonon enerjy determined from. the
difference betweer, the enertien corresponding to 'the two sections turned out to be
0.03 ev and independent of the temperature. No rhan)-,e In the shapc of the, absorption
edge during the phase transJtion was observed In any ol' the crystals. A jump in the
wi~i.h of the forbidden band takes place In fhe region of the phase transition of all I
the ferroalectrica. A ntriking, fact if. the jtwq) in the temperature coefficient of
the forbidden-band width observed in the care of njo"Br In the paraelectric region at
a temperature -103C. apparently due to a second-order phase transition. The behavior'i
of BiSBr and SbSI is qualitatively the same. The results not only confirm the ex-
istence of ferroclectric phase transitions In SbSBr, BISBr, and SbS1 at -180, -170,
and +22C respectively, but Indicate untunbioioualy their charneter (first-order transi-I
tions). 1n addition to these transitions, sly~_jilttrttlca in the temperature depen-
dence of the width of the forbidden band are observed in the paraelectric region for
ObSBr and BiSBr and in the ferroelectric region for SbSI. These are apparently
evidence of the existence of second-order phase transitions in these crystals. Orig.
art. has: 1 figure.
OUB CO-'E: 201 suBm DATE: o9jun66/ ORIG REF: C03/ om mn oo4
Card 212
ORDSHIKOV, AUkwzdr _Ivaqgdch; USU, Alsksandr IWdch; VASIIJffSKIT# N*Ao,
ant; XIMAIAIM~ IoPe, retsenzent; RLPPOPQRT, N.G.. red.;
AXDWA, A.O., red. Isd-va; lUVAMVA, A.Fo, takhn. red,
[]Fbrty-five colum punched card computer; mervicing mid repair]
Schetuo-perforatelonWe 4~-kolonnye mashiny: takhulcheskoe obalu-
shivante I remont. Hiskya, Obs. nauchno-tokhn. Isd-vo mahloostrolt.
Ilt-rY, 1958o 270 P, Oalullsio)
(Bleat rania 'calculating mchines)
PHASE I 1300K EVWlTC10N SOV/5902
.-uroshikov, Aleksandr Ivanovichp Yuriy L'vovich Zaslavskiyp and Nikolay
Zagotovitelino-shtampavochnyye raboty v samoletostroyanii (Pressworking Processes
in Aircraft Fabrication) Moscow,, Oborongiz., 1961. 555 P. Errata slip in-
serted. 5000 copies printed.
Revieverx M. N. Gorbunov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed.:
V. Ys. Shekhter, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing Houses
P. B. Morozora; Tech. Ed.: V. P. Rozhin; Managing Ed.t S. D. Krasil'nikovy
PURPOSEs This textbook In intended for students in aircraft-construction tekh-
nikums. It can also be useful to workers, foremen, and process engineers in
aircraft fabrication.
COVERAGE2 Basic information is given on pressworking processes used on aircraftq
including methods of planning the manufacturing processes and the aesign of
Card 1,/$
PreBsworking Processes (Cont.)
accessories for shops making pressworked parts. The eqaipment,, accessories,
and pro,,esses used In making aircraft parts from nhe ptp shapes, and tube
are described. Also discussed are the means for mechanization and automation
of pressworking processeaq particularly manual finishing operations, which
account for to 30 to 60% of the labor In all pressvorking operations in ex-
perimental ard small-lot production. Ch. I to III were written by N. 1.
Gorbonkop Engineer, Ch. 1V to VII, III XIII, and XVI, by A. 1. Groshikov,
Engineer; and Ch. VIII to 1, XII,,KV,ard XVI by Ya. L. Zaslavskiy, Engineer.
There are 26 referencesp all Soviet.
Ch. I. Basic Information on
Prcduction and processing
lypes of production
Engineering Preparation of
Planning of manufacturing
Preparation of Aircraft Production 5
prMuction 6
processes 7
Card 2/8
L 51474-65 EV.A(h)/kV&(c)/EWP(k)/E7WT(d)/EdT(m)/W(h)/T/EWA(d)/'-WP(1)/DIP(w)/
EWP(V) - f _h/Feb &VWd gg/
AM5015609 BOOK EXPLOITATION 629.13:658.52.011,
arosq~~o!. Aleksandr Ivanovich V,
-on an- tomat '_nn_nT_
e.~~".'W'mechantza"'i d technological
processes in air-plane conBtructionjOon vy mekhanizatsii i avt----,--
matizatsii teKnno1og1che3i(1Kn Vro-t samoletostroyenii)
Moscow,, Izd-vo "Mashinostroyeniyeg" 1965. 347 p. illus.j biblioo
3500 copies printed. Textbook for technical schools of airplane
TOPIC TAGS: aircraft manufacturingo mechanization, automation,
mechanized operation, automated operation, automati: forming,
aitto-matic welding, automatic assembling, automatic fitting
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This textbook is intended for aviation tech-
nicians. It may also be useful to technologists, foremen, and
workmen in the aircraft industryi\"\The book deals with basic con-
repts of lliic theory underlying automatic devices and describes
1-indard (,--ments and systems used to automate aircraft m
ving. It. gives a considerable number of examples of mechanized
a---' automa~cd operations ouch as forming,, welding, fitting,
a~,,--_mbling,, transporting,, etc,
'i Card 1/ 4.
L 5104-65
Foreword -- 3
Introduction -- 5
Ch. I. Elements of automatic devices 9
1. Classification of elements of automatic devic6s
2. Receptive elements -- 11
3. Setting elements 32
4. Comparing devices 39
5. Converting elements 41
6 Performing elements 70
References -- 76
Ch, II, Elements or the theory and standardized designs or automatic'
devices -- 77
7. Concept of actual nature or processes and their mathematical.
--expression 77
COM v-
L 51474-65
8. Various aspects of control of simple processes 79
9. Methods of automatic linking -- 80
10. Basic systems of *automation and their properties -- 80
11. Qualitative indices and classification or automatic systems 97
References -105
Ch. - 111, - Mechanization and automation of preparatory operations,-ind1 -- 106
12. Mechanization and automation of lay-out 106
13. Mechanization and automation of forming 133
14. Mechanization and automation of bending the ahells, shapesp
and tubes -- 187
References -- 2111
Ch. IV. Machanization and automation of fitting-assembling operations
and of welding and riveting operations -- 215
1 Mechanl7ation and automation of fitting-assembling operal~'.
tions 215
1conj j/4
L 51174
5 6
16. Mechanization and automation of welding operations 248
17. Mechanization and automation of riveting operations 279
References -- 3111
Ch. V. Mechanization and automation of transportation between shops
and operational teams -- 315
References -- 339
Ch. VIO Technical and eoqnomic substantiation of mechanization and
automation of technological processes in aircraft manufac- i
turing 346.,
SUB CODE: 19 SUBMITTED:' 20Feb65 NO REP SOV: 055 1
OTHER: 000
Crd -4 4 77116
1, 42,021=a LNG(J) 1EdG(r)L0,iZ(l)
,1ACCEIGSION NR: AT5010605 UR/3147/64/003/000/0106/0115
~ALITIHQR: Groshikov, M. A.; Sorokin, P. A.
jTITLE: Pathomorphological.changes in the lungs of animals exposed to high oxygen
SOURCE: Ali SSSR. Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii. runktsii organizma v
usloviyakh _1_zr~e_nennoy gazovoy sredys V, 39 1_~~4_,_i06-115
"mrg, lung, oxygen effect, hemorrhage
TOPIC TAGS: o2Sygrep_pr
ABSTRACT: The changes caused by high oxygen pressure in dogs and guinea pigs are
essentially the same. Expansion and hyperemia of the veins and capillaries, so.-r4-
jtimes with hemorrhages in the surrounding tissues and in the lumens of the alveoli
Jare observed in the lungs as well as perivascular edema, thickening of the inter-
~alveolar walls due to edema and dilatation of the capillaries, and varying degrees
iof atelectasis. Lung injury was combined with more or less pronounced congestion
!in the other viscera. Adrenalectomy in the dogs$ especially when combined with
division of the splanchnic nerves, reduced the pathological effects of high oxygen
lp"ssure on'the lungs. This confirms the importance of humoral factors in pulmn-
Jary lesions resulting from acute oxygen poisoning. Division of the splanchnic