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I - , I ~, - i ! W., , , I I ",- - . , . ) "~Iow latter ir- orgruilzed," Sputnik Agitatoral P-145, Ilk:, 1-'~, PT-, " - I m T V I-T2 "Penetrut*nt! (Atmoopherlc) Showerc In Cosm' Rsiy~," The Physical Review, V ol 1103. 5-6, pp (In Englich available at 2attelle Memorial Inctitute). "T 4 Die tamiber ul" -,uln.~--idences Letween cowiter t'-nyc armn~-,ed wa-,- ecrmAired with that when they were url-anged mc, above the (, r.-l fou:il tc, be r,,,,Iy rflbout 1/5. The dlLfference, however, could not be acillribed cnt~rcly to hicavily irinizing partiQles, tu; a ssubsULntial proportion of' the vert!cal rema!ned when twel*;e cm, of Pb Is interposed, indicating penetrating (prolviviy ~:-.eson) Ellowers. These ohowers were produced in the atmonphere, as the uppi-ritut-, ~mr, ek'le~~tively In the open air, an (I were ahout twi.ce as frequent no Augei, chi-lWeIT IT4 i.1111;-.111v 711. 14irtAcle.; each i,.,rj -.M~- tray, 50 cm. arjnrt. The mechanioi:l Or Production A* these ,;,Iiower[; i-~; c u s s ed. " r ; 'P~14 -1;", ~ I Wftulv , -' . , LOWIIHLN , V. I.. , li; P ;.,; '' * I I , ~ . -.~ . .1, 4 , I . . . t ~ i , , , ~ ~ . ., ', I., I ~ I . 11 . I Cojjr:~e, Vol. 11 (Electricity, OptLes, 'N."ClIettv blliaistry of 1,?,-gher Education, of U. S. S. R., Moscow, 10147, (PAPAIE~=, N. D., Editor). IIIJRCISlOl~ L. Ussrvrhysics Gazuna 'Lays Nuclea.r Physics Nov 1947 "Possible Vethod for Investigating the Selective Absorption of GAmma 4ays by Atom Nuclei," 1. Fiarit, L. Gro3hev, M. Pedgoretskiyo -hysics Institute imeni. P. N. Lebed-~v, AC-ndemy of Sciences of the USSR, 2 pp S"I, L, "Dokf.Ak Nauk" Vol LVIII, No 6 - An investigation of the selective absorption of gamm rays cnn give wcrth-while Information on the plane of the ntomic nucleus. Authors attempt to show that it Is possible to study tile selective absorption of gamma. rays by the so-cnlled self-indicator method, widely used in nuclear physics. Authors also explain the possibility of measurements of the width of lines for the resonance transfer G2- Submitted by S. 1. Vavilov 5 Jun 1947 PA 36T81 MR/0"Iser fte - asimma News Feb 1947 Nuclear Phys - Impact, Ileetrmic .v!And&W Distribution of Ilectranic Pairs Produced t7 ,Y.Raye of TbC," L. V. Groshey, 1. M. Frank, Phys Inst ' f;:f P. 1. Lebedev, Aced Sol WSH, 2j pp *Zhur. Akmper I Tecret 71 z" Vol IVII, No 2 17-39 Bbows that dependence of d1strIbut1m of angles be- tvem oamponente of pairs rormed. by Y'rays an the atamlo number of the irradiated substance can difrerp dependiM on method or pair registratlan mplcUred. A result of this, the difference In results obtained with use of the Wilson obamber and the counters does not lead to cmtreAletim. 4M 57T70 ILL SkCtCij(.1V, on Editor) GorudarrtvcnjjL-,c U~qjj W , Htl';4;I L . V - PHASE I TREASUIV, ISLAND BIBLICIMPHICAL REPORT AID 679 1 BOOK call No - : r''IC 787.i6v4 Authors: VMLER, V. I.; OROSHEV, L. V.; ISAYEV, B. M. Full Title: IONMITION METHODS OF RADIATION ANALYSIS Transliterated Title: Ionizatsionnyye metody issledovaniya izlucheniy PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publishing House of Technical and Theoretical Literature ("Gostekhizdat") Date: 1949 No. pp.: 424 No. of copies; 5,000 Editorial Staff: None PURPOSE: The book is intended for a wide range of scientific workers in various fields and for graduate students and teachers. TEXT DATA Coverage: Part I of this work (p. 9-162) discusses ionization chambers for alpha, beta, gamma radiation for C08Mic rays and fast neutrons, as well as ingmilse chambers. In part II (p-163-423i counters for charged particles are examined and the theories of their operation and of corrections for individual counters are given. Proportional counters, including those for fast particles and neutrons, and self-extinguish- ing and non self-extinguishing counters are examined in detaiL. New types of counters and different modes of operation aw! '27, 1:1119 1113(ZHEX) V., "Some Par-ticular.1tiec in the Distrib ution Of' Level~, in Atomi: Nu--ic~ D,Dr*-!-a,,iy Mmdej.,ill Nauk SSSR, 1)h~), Val. k~'6, No. 6, pp Institut iv,ienit P. U. Lubcdeva Akivit.-ml I Nauk SSS10 - "Tabulatlcn of the Immm datn of' nuclear energy levelc Lej ,,~ uric c-unc1uticri that, by and large, and with the possible exclurjon Of too-111:;ht ejc,,-,ejjt-, t1he 'st e..-*.cJ'ted level lieo tit about 800-1000 e. Irv. in even nuclei (,with even nos. of protcns and of neutrons), ond r.,nch lower, of at. no. Z). Deviations may be due partly to wicertaintics of the data: In 1-,&ht elements, low levels my be difficult to detect owing, to the very low pmbability of internal Y -conversion. If' the conclusion is vallid, it woull follow that the position of the excited nuclear level Is linked vith the nuclear momerrit, which is an odd multiple of' h/4 11 In odd nuclei, and zero In even nuclei. Actually, even nuclei of tile U-Ra radioactive disintegration series hnve energy le-;els of the order of 1000Y -whereas odd nuclei of the Th family have levels of the order oil' IJ,'Cl. Inasmuch as Iso- meric nuclear states have, mostly, low excitation energies, they will, for the mozt rart, belong to the class of odd nuclei with even M but odd Z. Actually, of the kno'-M 45 nuclear isomers, only 2 (GJ2 , 5 X 10-7 sec., 720 e. 'Kv., tuid 21-0 e. kv.) may belong to tile cluru of even nuclei; 35 have odd M, tit arLAtrary Z, and S even M, with odd Z. The conclusion that, in nuclei of not too low 7, the lst e.~,:clted level, lkleo M& If the nuclear moment ~~c zero, arld low 11' tile mome.A 0, is -":i -a,2c,~rJ with Mattlauch's, (over) are ~,i~ .'it) , CL I . .1~ tjLLit JUIVI.' !-' !- .OL.nrl~Lngl (C. A. 3()) ." - c) i, tlic i.rt irt, 'ri .1' 1 tile ex.-.1tatlull ellurg.1 e I I - - 1 z f;Y1 " E! I . - . I , tiuin ut 111.01 Z.fv I t L -2-4 -1. L a N P Q _11 0 A I I Vo 1761 Measurewmal al the Pi~rt~ 0 ~oowclrum al TkB by 41 1" MMhIW a Double 0 loped tom - *I C"W So 21 Shavivalor. Duk L. V. Lon 5 i-OW19491(to li;Wl". fv -00 A proceftr* is sliown for the am yals of a complex 0 0 8: spectrusix from a transformation in wikkk the revollisol nuclei 0 :0 4: occuff several exclied le"Is. Tlor usual 0-Y colacitiesco methmi. convemew for 110 case d Owl am excited onste. 0 0 0 #1 bpi" Inapplicable here. the $*VMS OmPi"" 0-0 COLACI- .00 draros between a certain lodersal conversion wW low cor- go respond" St ercey. WA Mosto some consisted of a 3 m " metal pope a" a counter at each end; the rad$aWlvqp source 960 Occupi" tm uddille ad too POW. and the two Opposite electron 00,3 beams were faceasoil upon the counters by man" of two age 99,0 madmotic lesson. On commer. throwo a Ilmod adjumment 004 of it Wes, received the conversion electrons. alkild Into the goo a&&:. by varylinit Its I*x*~ fleM. ducal electrons of dWoreed see parts d the oppr1rus were Aive . A froolmoncy curve of 2 see 0 low coinclilwates was thise aliftimed anil a" Iloes convert Into a Feral curve d too It"I le"Olopel". TIO "AW was wand for the Meradmatloo of the partial 0 spectrum of goo tow, transformation TO - T%C whick correspeaft to a tranal. lion onto the *wK" Ir"t 238 bev; the y Quentin emitted are Irdefteely converted. TWo source employed was a pMSPItate id TM9 - C - C'). The Fermi greph obtalmd to a x4ralol 110 ion* Intorwretinog tow ~wor" axis si 340 kvv. Rlt, A Is ItA -CIALLV461CAt 1.111041641 CLAWFKATION I Ion; I N.. wee U 0 IV 10 111*4 f 1, 00 .0 0 IT to MO do pit a W a - - 0 it of a ft It a so 0 010 0 0 0 0 go 0 Goo 00000034 ; go 66666660666646066;6 iomzAnoN mmons or INVESTIGATION. L. Grosher, fad U. lasev. Moncow-Uningrad, (In Russian) (Book on didplay at Genave Cotdcreace) part 1, Ionization tham"rit for a. and cosmic radiattuns, tbambers for neutrons and Imise chambers. Part n. Counters of ebArC#d particles, the theory of tbair operation and corrections for separAte OfflAntete, PLQV=Z.- i1poat egunlatL(for last partJoles sad amutrnnx~ and counters with Individual discharges (fion- or If- eiXagut *bed nnd self- ,,/extinguished). (publisher's note) - 7J, - ' - 71 T - r -, - - -'7 't '111ki I ; 1. 1~1. I , .-I . , J , . , y '~. -1-1.11 . . I'lonizak,I-onal eictho]3 for Injostiv,tiolls f Aakj atiuns," -'~1aVTQIi'r-.-fiZT-,t., 1,Ain I I i olv-rai ',A:: . In : "ollse, 2nd e~ ition, ];'!-, 1, , 1952. ~ I . . . 1 4 1 -.1 f BOOK Ca.. No.s QC475.G7 Authors GroaheT- and Shapiro, I.S. Fidl tit1-e`7-6F-W-TItO6C0Pr OF ATOM NUCLEI Transliterated Titles Spektrookopiia atomnykh iader. Publishing Data Originating Agency% None. Publishing Houses State Publishing House of-Technical-Theoretical Literature. Moacove Date: 1952 No, pp.: 440 No. of copies; 6#000 Editorial Staff i Editor: None. Tech. Ed.: None. F.d.-in-Chief: gone. Appraiser* None. Text Data Coverage; The scope of the work is limited to radioactive nuclei and states of relatively low excitement in which nuclei form from the disintegration of alpha or beta. The work treats general problems of atom nuclei spectro- scopy and special problems involved in gama, alpha, and beta spectroscopy. Methods of analysis and instruments are described. The material on methods a~pplies to the analysis of radioactive radiation as wall as to radiation of various atomic reactions. Subject index. 38 Tables. 233 Diagrams. Appendices, ?izrposes The main purpose of the work is to characterize the main ideas and research trends in atom nuclei spectroscopy; alsop to give data on the most impor- tant results of recent studies in the field. FacIlities'. None. ii. R729stea k Slavic Referenoes3 Of 288 references, 76 are Russian. A7912able; Library of Congress. 1, 11, : T V, . ; B(V " FrYdir-,V , I . ':U I I ' I" Al' ' ' " 'C ' ' ' " . . - -7 ~: , ~ ~- V ~ . GR W ; il, v , - . I I . ., . . I . , , , ~ A:% , ", 1 .1 , 1 . . "Measuring the Activity of Beta and Garm. Radlatior Sources)" !-,(-Iitel'ctvo AlrUademl L Nittil-, OSSR , MOOWOWP7171-11 -,*.-, 471 TFI) . GROSHEVj L.V.; AD UASEVICH# B.P.; DEMIDOV, I.M. [Investigation of gama rs7s emitted by nuclei in the capture of tbermal neutronal Issledovanie gamma-luchei, ispuakaexvkb iadraml pri sakbyate toplMkb rei-tronov. Moskvap 1955 36 (~g l4t7~* (Noutrono-Capture) (Gama rayB) (Nuclei, Atomic) he mult"'a Atton of neutrons In urmnlinn-Irrilghl't'r R I I, , ! remil, 14, It ~Zgjjgv .Colwrit, anti 1. Xt. Frank. ~Al ZIMSY4 Akan. AOMA PO Mismanim Alommoll Emergii. Zajetlaniw Old,& Pis, Mal. Xjmj: qK,,A-v 3-18(Lngfisli gummary. 19-20); cf. folIgwing 3 ahilrarti. -'FIIC PIIY!O- U51)(Vt (If 11010011 111 [tit ij)lkel I It til III A hCI(J`0- geneow U-paphile system wai oll-cii-cd from t1w citlal. anti theoretical stAudimint. TIM CILIA'S. Vrl~tC CAlfittl Wit by the elIX)nentiAl Illethotl by using Various C.11CIS3. (A U and for various lemp. ctiudillisni,4. The valu4:,i ,f the thcristal imutrun ulilization cow,., 0, ainj of tt-c werv deld., and the effect tf the -,%,: tai, mhl -f the water ),;t:kri "folind ths, %lugoo wis mij,14,1- J. 16-mo Ix.14IL OJSR the -ni -i-fizz ..... will, Ily I bT we pusm mill 1, Komi -to, ., I ~ K. t), To 4 ov. .. I I Al. alld 1. V. Slitta=111, 1. fel "!"!P' I )kJ linerjoi, Z,jjcdj);iyj IV;, - all, 't. 21 rAKI:'1191i'Al sill"I'larY. 61 -2).-'Ific buck-lifig, V, ill,- multijil Ic" "Oll f'tCt"r k- -0111 tile tltVflllUt IttiliZA6011 fjVtor 0 ill u U-griphite 1wictogeovoll, sy.1tclil With ORA. billit diam. ISVI~' 111VvItfigatt-ti as a fiII14:1joll of tile U C:t)llcl". C IvIded pti-all of IN) X IN) X 4~1() Cill. The Ctilli- distAlit chillmdtill list- graphilecould Iw fille'l either oill, ty .31tig-6 Of grapilife toils. C ill ow prislit was V'irictt by C- moving Illmll 110111 Ilo- cleallot I.I. 'lit J1. I .... ~o If Nfl 'J.'Ildifig Io it lay, 0 A-111 ji ii IIJV illLilrary 11111t. Al-lit 11.111 If 0". Lur,kr dialls. I- Ihm ~m.wil tI,v %hig.; by Illovilly tlj,- S111v w. tit, tif" I C.-ULI I- III. v-do- V and k w,I, I, i.1 att-rdloic Ill tile 4.311-11coli:11 Illuillo,j; 1.411 11.1.1 .4 "..1%. C " It-%. --ill-I WIAV 1) ;it (: ~. W:1, jo.1 I ;.I (' - I.V. 0 WV.j.; .I,. taim-41 (toill, Ilmlit:'. 11VIA villfiFt fi'lid h-um-FuAi5i. -Thn- LJ_! Alm 41 mill thr muh Uf Ilit 111111AIliull thtOgY. b/# 6A ISSIVAI I %twtimt '4 C; by CX(CAIK-Litilig to C - 1) h C034 Ix: Split inio, eloj)irical li't"Is mr, JIM 'p. 11 6 tile 110 . of 11'.ar"llf guller-t(A Im-f theillial licutfoll C.Ipturcd; it is 1.31 .1 IJAY-1, It, is the lit"kit'llity (A fiii,,ik neuirons m0ting the 0- sm.d. ellergy l'iti"ll. Thus I - '0 is tile lu'liatioll ';% U, pattLilly c,Iitvjwtt,.ttI:d by epicadittiunt til"i ti-w-ii, It iN ;A funciwit of C. flotla air tapl, atO IIAJ gaii~ %"c 1rit:d G,r o-litig. At C < V5 11:0 has a urg. OTv,t oil k wid ;it > 1.5 .4 111". Oit.; tile lit gap illfluell, vl a III'mily. W's 6,11b K.111 '11'cI% If ait or [III) %vctc sill;Stl't thall alstic- ilm(M ft-,Ill Oc 0,111c,tiar) diffil'i"ll 110. ~'Ff; 1hii I, 'imply t lit, 1 Pt by sow, k^ lu rsOd*,!jP and A ., sessiYa 0XV01 Vd. Film- 04 Y WO y; 270_ t loss ~ N 4 p ~a rW& a , am UMM bl~ N-93).--The re- . f w ~ sults emuirments im Ifen'fof the -y-(ay spectra emitted by C , fig, and Ph i nder neuttun irradimion in the thermal column of the `~FT reactor. The ?-ray spectra Wc1V ="isureft in P aagnefic spectrometer, where the Compton ctce.# - Otuduced In a thin radiator were KKtEd according to their energy. This instrument covered the energy range from 0.3 to 12 rn.e.v. A large no. of peaks corresponding to monnehromatic -Y-rays were dc1ccted in the -,-ray spectra of Cd, Sm, and fig. The c,,rrrsponding -rray energies and the intensities expressed in ph(jtnns/ ,eutron capture were deEd. nere wii satkfarivry agree- r -at with the values tA other authti,3. i-I)tc-iY schemes are drawn for SmsM, Cd'", and HS26. The -r-ray spectrum of Ph wa-s mmurrd after thermal neutron capture. thus one grc * state tratt-ution was Intind both for Pbal and Pit".. Ilete-i "0. aweeme t *Idt data by other authan is motip (atiory. The neutron binding e" I detd. as 13.00 + " %1 0.03 for Susts and 9.03 10 1 . for llgg*. with angular moments of the cnmpd. nuclei of 0-- for ligm and 4-- for Smul, thus the ground state spin for Sm'* must be 7/2-, h1ultip)[ar orders and pArtial widthi have liten dctd. for a no. of Cd, Sm, and fig t1ansitioul, and the Fmlltl widths are compart4l with those obtained accotding Wcisskopf (CA 45 10073C) 30 references 1 .2 c I I _` .-M C ;13 A` Pays Ev-11tted by the N1.1"Iel, I'll CytpWrI. ;A, ThQ2-,;W1l Iftletrun:;," In"erriatifinal CGrifercn--c on the Periceful U.,;er of' Atom-lc Enf,~rgy, 1,Y-55, A/Conf. (USSR). Trauslaticin avalklable at Battelle MemorLkAi Inst"tute. Ther,,-;al neutron capture gamma radiation from nuclel haw. livvru.A,1~7.ited with the aid of a Compton-clectron magnetic spectrometer. The LirLmple wider -'ras irradiated vith ther.,fri.1 neutron flux from the RTF reactor. Spectra of beryllium, sodi-luz, sulphur and chlorine gwr:zma rays have been rrzear~urcd in the energy range from 0.,~~ to 10 Mev. The treat- meat of results obtained niade it possible to deduce the Intensr tLev. (if' some spectril I ines In term-c uf photono per neutrun capture. For a nwrber or ti-cr-,sitions experimental radia- probabilitics were compared with thegretical ne.,; calculated from W, isol-opf Is formulas. Splri,-, ~L)f come of' the lower levej,., 01, cl3b and r1r," were "ietex-milled. ma/ Physics Gamma-rays Card 1/2 1 Pub. 22 - 11/60 Authors s Groshey, L. Ve TIUS t GA--rays Of tbe.capture of thermal neutrons and a structure of atomic nuclt'i NVICUU1 I Dok. AN MM 100A- 651-654, Fab 1. 1955 Abstract S A now method of studying spectra of I rays originating at a capture of therzutl neutrons by atomic nuclei is introduced. A quantity at (rZnjhjQ is suggested to be used for this purpose. The symbols are an followso ni in the number of photona of the hvi energy emanated during the capture of a hundred thermal neutrons andF__ is the binding energy of a neutron in the nucleus. In order that the"Oprevious data 1jan be used for the above formula, it in suggested that only those photonen be counted the binaing energy of which exceeds a certain arbitr ary InAtitution i Aced. of Somo.USSR, The Po No Lebedtv Physical Institute Primented by i Academician D. Vo Skobelltsyn, October 9. 1954 Periodical f Dok, AN SMI 100A# 631-654m Fab 1. 1955 Card 2/2 :s Pub. 22 ii/6o Absftatt I quanti 1. a* hifj7/ and to count a qwftntityCq on vhere 4t~1121) in the number of photons of the energy Eh%,. Five USA references (1950-1953). Diagrams. VSSR/fiu:l,c~ar Ptyz,' . s - S* r1;- -,u,: ;A-,t Fr, Abet. j~~urnal: Fe'-~Ya-. Zr. r No '.2;. Alilth,_r: Ad,*.Y-aliv_!.:-Ii., B. P.., Gn,oh-v.~ L, V., A. M_ Lutq~!rkr,, V. M. _.n 9'. N Ti~~i?. .--.-.v Fa, n : r Gqirma !'ct-tl Fff.'j tt~~. '~;U-_'. *,ag Dvr~ g C it OrIgInal At-Tn. Eierg,'.ya, 1956, No 2, ?8-;'9 Abst.ract: A magn~,;,_.c fl-r ana:pais tf is uo-d t." measure the ard gawna rayr, t~f CS, 14', and K when *1,~-.y --,apktr,~ T h i L, p ~c !, ra 1.4~, g,%=_pa rdirq ve 9',.id'Fd 4-n the F~r.,c!zg~y fi:,.z!rval o.2r,_12 Yt;nr. Tti of ttt-7 a I~xe. g_ Mna q ar,! glIven In -a ye'r 10~) r,~-ulr-_n captt-rep. Thp poss-lble sclt,~-=Ps Cf ga=a tranBit~lis _'n th,.6 Ca-41, Il NI( a11.1 K40 ~aVp. op VSSR/~U"clesr Physie's Structure and Properties of Nuclei Ab3t Jourual I Itolovat Zhur - Ylzlka, No 12, 1956, 34001 Author : Ad'yasevich, B. P., Groshe Demidov, A. U. Institution : None C-4 Title : Investigation of Gamma Rays Emitted by Nuclei of Titanium, iron, and Silicon during Capture of Thermal Neutrons Original Periodical : Atom. energlys, 1956, No 2, 40-49 Abstract t A magnetic spectrometer which analyzes Compton electrons was used to measure the energies and intensities of gamma rays occurring during tho capture of thermal neutrons in Ti, Fe, and Si. The gamma ray spectra were studied in the energy interval between 0.25 and 12 Nev. The intensities of the gamma rays are expressed in numbers of gamma quanta/100 captures of neutrons. Possible 49 57 schemes of gamma transitions in the nuclei of T1 re and Si29 have been compiled, Card 1/1 710 INVUTIGATION OF 4&MV&-A&MMITTED BY NUCLEI OF CALCMU, NICKEL, AND POTASSIUM ON CAPTIMING - - tut A. M. Demidov Mid V. N. , ,let J. Atdiwvd r 171-615137.7 The energloo and intoolitles of y rays emitted by nuclei of calcium, tackel and potsesturn when they capture thertual neutrons were inessured by a m"netic $Dgc=mttor which &Wyzos the Cotnpion olootrons, The I-ray spocirit werv OW1611 14 tbA energy Interval 0.25 to It Mow. The latonal- U44 of y ray are "Preased ta ortus of the atunber of y quMts wWfte4 per 108 vtoutran& a 4pbarod, Ible y- transition dispams have been ooWrwW for C01, Mim. -el-MILK-0 ancloi. The present work An a coca~u-atlon of Me Ivreattgatim of v rays owItted by nuclei on capturing tbernW nwArme which is being carried out with tbA Jill of tbe Aza&my of ficlowee at the VM. ThG ex- _ _ +'j S2 =szunm*.t and the o1 periosental ca'atiz. spoutrometer lix" all been described before. Results are givvn as the lovesUption of v rays from the nuclei of cal- 0.1 alum. WOW VA Potassium. 'tauth) IV I 'OF QAMbdA-RAYb EMITTED BY NUCLTJ VESTIGATION IN Of TtTANtUM, [RON, AND SILICON ON CAPfUltiMi and A I ,M. ~Wy. 1..VLi:t when The enorgias aad 1314MIlles at V rays arlaing thermal neutrons Are eapturod In titanium, Iron and $11tclot were Mossureil by a mj"Ig sy"trilWgUl which uAlyted the Comptonaloalhum. The r-ray spaotra orvro studW in the enerri Wernl 6.94 to 12 Mev. The ietenwitles of the I rays are wIpressed In terms of the number at y quants por 100 neutron captures. Possible -y-traultion achemes have been co"inteted for_je, tell and St" nuclcl. Tte pre sent work Is a continuation of the Audy of y spectra, eviltIM by nuclei after capturing thermal heutroAq. carrivJ (xit with tio aid of a inagAt4lo y xpoctromttrr. In 1he pr, -nt paj~w Aj e gWo the results of (fia iu(moremrnit 411 thk: P~~( n ond a the laten5itlas of y rays emitted by the nuclei 4 titanium, Iron and silicon. The maitarament of the lr"uJty Wanbef of y quanta per oaptars) was carried " by means of nor- mxllslng The radistad energy to the binding energy of the in the lander Investivoon. (Auth) JOLIOT-CURIN, Frederic; SKONLITSYN, D.Y., akedemik, otvetstvevnyy radaktor-, TANHO I.Yee, redaktor; DZHXIAPOV, B.S., redektor; MNK. I.K.. r9d&ktor,-eqHOSE3TJ# redaktor; SMIMVA, G.N.. rodaktar; BARIT. I.Ya, eVf7o;r---1 ida tell a tva; RYND=MSKATA. 0.M., redaktar . izda tell StTa; ZELINKOVA, Te.T., takhnicheskiy redaktor; MAZARTAN, L.V., takhnichookiy redaktor [Selected works. Work written in collaboration with Irene Joiot-Curts] Isbramrqs trudy. Prederik t Iron Sholio-Kiuri. SoTmetnys tmAy. NomirTal lad-vo Akadmil nauk SSSR, 1957. 561 p. NLRA 10:2) (Radioactivity) AUTHOR: BEREZIN,V.S., GROSHEV,L.V., DIKAREV,V.S., PA - 2254 EGIAZAROV,M.B.9-iO-R-O-lET-,-E-.N-, MADEEV,V.G., NIKOLEYEV,YU.G. TITLE: The Spatial Distribution of the Folws of ~ -Rays and of Slowed- down Neutrons in the Graphite Column of a Physioal-Teohnical Reactor. (Prostranstvennoye razpredeleniye potokov ~% -luohey i zamedlyayu scohikh neytronov v grafitovoy kolonne reaktors, RFT, Russian). PERIODICALt Atomnaia Energiia, 1957, Vol 29 Nr 2, pp 118 - 122 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTs This distribution was investigated in spring 1953. The results obtained are suited also as experimental material for controlling the theory as well as for the computation of the spatial dis- tribution of -rays and slowed down neutrons. ExperimentAl Ltailat The thermal column W graphite) of this reactor has a cross section of 100 x 100 am and a length of 200 am. This column is separated from the active zone of the ap- paratus by an 80 cm thick graphite reflector and by a 45 on thick layer of air and the sidewalls are surrounded by concrete. An experimental channel leads along the axis of the colilmn, which is filled with graphite rods. The indicators were irradiated in the cavities of these graphite rods. The development of the Card 1/3 density of thermal neutrons in graphite was measured by a dys- PA - 2254 The Spatial Distribution of the Flows of g -Rays and of Slowed- down Neutrons in the Graphite Column of a Physical-Technioal Reactor. prosium. indicator. As an indicator of the resonance neutrons# Indium surrounded by cadmium, gold and Iodine were used. Measurements were carried out when reactor operation had become steady. Measuring results of the spatial dispersion of the neutron fluxes of different energies In graphite are shown in form of diagrams. The neutron flux is diminished much more at the be- ginning of the thermal column than at its end. The curves of the reduction of the neutron fluxes change noticeably at a distance of from 160 to 160 am. The fluxes of the resonance neutrons and of the fast neutrons are exponentially attenuated. The course of the curve of the density of thermal neutrons is discribed quite accurately by an exponential relation with the relaxation length L - 21,6 + 0,1 cm. Also the decrease of the dosage of ,r -rays in a gra7phite column in shown in a diagram. Discussion of the resultst In the asymptotic domain spatial and energy distribution of the slowed down neutrons is determined by that energy which corresponds to maximum scattering length. At great distances ( > 180 am) the resonance neutrons are Card 2/3 probably produced by penetrating of fast neutrons. The spatial PA - 2254 The Spatial Distribution of the Flows of ir -Rays and of Slowed down Neutrons in the Graphite Column of a Physical-Teohnical Reactor. ASSOCIATIONs PRESENTED BYi SUBMITTEDs AVAILABLEi distribution of fast neutrons then determines the spatial dis- tribution of resonance neutrons. The experimental results ob- tained here are essentially a confirmation of the theory. (5 illustrations). Not given. 17-5-1956. Library of Congress. Card 3/3 AUTHOR TITLE PERIODICAL ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE GROSHEV L,Ve DEMIDOV A M. in Lig;t Odd-Odd Nuclei and Their Manifestation in Nuclear Multi y-Trarqttions Following Thermal Neutron Capture (Yadvmve multiplety v le&kh nechetno-nechetnykh vadrakh i ikh proyn- v2enip v y-perek *hodakh p:~sie zakhvata teplovogo new'r-onas Russian) AtounsylL Energ ' 1957, Vol 2, Nr 8, pp 91 - 100 (U.S.SeRs) On the basis orlthe comparison of the hitherto experimentally found y-transitions in even-odd (odd neutron) and even-even nuclei with A < 60 the presence of nuclear multiplets near the ground state in proved@ The following nuclei were investigated: 11 Na 84 , 12M9 a5 0 13 Al. 28 .0 14 Si 29 # 15 p34 0 16 s33 9 19 140020 C&41 21SC 46 1* 22 T14q J1 23 V52 J1 24 Cr53 P 25 Mn56 0 26F* 57 0 28 Nj59 (With 7 tables, 6 illustrations, 6 Slavic references). Not given 28.2-1957 Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORt GROSHEV,L.V., TITLEs -In__v5-5TIC_a_f_i`Jn Co, Al on the (Isa1odcT=#e pri zekhvate PERIODICALt Atomnaya Energiya, 89-9-1/32 DE"IIDOV,A.?.I., LVT8ENKO,V-N-, FELEK_'HOV,V.I. of the t-Rays Emitted by the ;:uclei of V, Mn, Occasion of the Capture of Thermal Ifeutrona. e-luchey, inpusksyemykhyadrami V, ILn, Co, Al teplovykh neytronov) 1957, Vol 3, hr 9, pp 107 - 203 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTs The energies of the r -quanta were measured by means of a sointillation spectrometer. The r-energies can, for com- pariaon with other nuclear reaction moaijurements, be arranged in level schemes. The following levels (in MeV) were found with individual nucleit 56 C060 4.7 128 V51 (n,r)V52 Mn55(n,X))Jn Co59(n r) Al^' (n f)A 22 J:-lihe a 11 t-lines .40 ~-Iines 25,r-lines Ifivew in Xivng in Nivens in Niv oaug_in V:) Un Co Aleo 0,13 0,11 o,o6o 0,03 0,42 0,21 0,206 7 Ot97 0,67 0,306 0,445 1,37 0,83 Ot47 0,513 1,63 1,40 1,15 0,557 "' .14 Card 1/2 1,40 1,32 0,622 2,20 89-9-1/32 Investigation of the e-Rays Emitted bj the Nuclei of V, Un, Co, Al on the Occasion of the CaDture of Thermal Neutrons. 1,55 1,53 0,972 3,10 1,75 1,73 1,012 3,29 1,79 2,05 1 )12 3T 3 46 1,84 2,23 1,533 3:60 2,09 207 10625 3988 2,13 2,54 2054 4,03 2,15 2,6a 2,295 4,24 2,31 3,83 2,610 4,69 2,42 7,26 3,138 4,77 2,46 7,51 4,90 2,53 5,14 2,85 5,47 3,00 5,77 3,09 6,25 3,1A 6,76 Card 2/2 .0,31 7,729 7,296 With 7 tables, 16 illustrations and 4 Slavic ASSOCIATION: Not Given PRESENTED Byt SUAMITTEDs AVAILABLEs Library of Cont;resa 2- 10/1 AUTHORSj Groshev, L. V. Demidov, A. M. Naydanov, V. A. TITLE: Spectra of Electrons of Internal Conversion Which are Emitted in Captures of Thermal Neutrons by the Samarium-, Cadmium- and Gado- linium-Huclei (Spektry elektronov vnutrenney konversii, ispuskaye- mykh pri zakhvate teplovykh neytronov yadrami samariya, kadmiya i gadoliniya) PERIODICALi Izvestiya AN SSOR.,Seriya Fiziche3kaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 12, pp. 1619 - 1623 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The spectra of electrons of internal conversion which develop in the radiation n, r were investigated here. For this a magnet spectrometer was used with electrical recording of the electrons by counters placed far apart and connected to the coincidence-scheme The apparatus was not the very best, as it possessed comparatively small light intensity and dissolving power. The measuring method and the apparatus are described in reference 4. The only difference consisted in the fact that the neUtrons from the one of the chan- nels of the reactor (PTR) im:aediately passed into the camera of the spectrometer and impinGed upon the investigated sample. Sample 3 x 4 cm 2. ~he investigation of the line with T keV at a thick- Card 1/2 ness of the sample of 0,78 Mcm- 2 and 0,31 ldcn- in the spectrum 48-12-10/15 zipectra of Electrons of Internal Conversion Which are Erait,.ed in Captures of The mal Neutrons by the Samarium-, Cadmium- and Gadolinlum-liuclei AVA I LA 13LE s of a Gd-sanple showed thUt the peak-area in this rauge of thick- neso still increases linearly with the thickness of, the tianple. The data obtained for the energies and the multipolarity of the transitions In the inveatigntod nuclei are 1,iven in !A tablO. At enerj;ies of the electrons below 100 koV an essential decrease in th coefficient &2 was observed beside a widening uf lines. The find- inr, of the line-intensity becane unreliable here and therefore at electron-oneraies below 100 keV no multipolarit~- for the peaks wLs determined. Multipolarities were dqWmined for tran?Wona with ener q~g s of 337 and 44 ~eV in Sml!~O, 553 keV in Cd 9 197 keV in Gd , 180 keV in Gd15 . For all these trarsitions may be assumed that they are transition3 of the type E 2 which alao is in agreement with the results of other works (refere--ces I - 3). There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 9 refererces, 2 of which are Slavic. Library of Congress Card 212 r.! I k , , " -~, V, 1,enniri Vasi-l"ievich (Prof .) "Thermal-Neutron Capture of Gamma-Ray f:pectra and lNuclear Level Distributionl~, a paner to be prerented at 1958 UN "Atoms-for-Pence" Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.). - M.NXI[OV, V. 1. DWIDOV, A.M.; LUTSMIKO, Y.N.. (Atlas of gamma spectra of radiative capture of thermal neutrons] Atlas spektrov-t-bachei redistsionnogo sakhvats teplovykh neitronov. Isd-vo Glaynogo upravlenlia po ispollsovaniiu. stomol energil. 1958. 198 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Gomm rays--Gpeetrs) (Reutrons-Capture) AUTHORS: Groshev,L.V., Demido'. ',.M.,Lutoonko,V.N.,PelekhoyoV.I- 89-1-1/29 TITLEi r Ray Spectra Emitted by Even-Even Nuclei With Rotational Levels if the Nuclei Captured Thermal Neutrons (Spektry f -luohey radiatsionnogo zakhvata neytronov dlya ohetno-ohetnykh izluohayushohikh yader a vrashchatel'nymi uroynyami) PERIODICAL: Ataonsys. Energlya, 1958, Vol. 4. Nr 1. pp. 5-21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By seam of a magnetic Compton spectrometer the r -.spectra (E = 0.3-9 MeV) are measured and the following lines are obtainedi E r in MeV 157 Gd155 n. Gd Gd( Zz( nr) HA nf) Dy( n.() Ta( y) nj,) (n.r 6.74!0-01 7-33�0-03 (0.69:tO.02) 6.680t0.015 6.39�0-04 5.87�0.02 6.04+0-02 6.44*o.03 6.71,tO-03 (0.64�0.02) 6.202+0.015 6.140-02 5.58DO-M 5-94;0-03 5-88+0-03 &444tO-035 0.55:tO.02 6.07+ 0-03 5.7340.812 5.15�OD2 5.80j0.03 5.62i0-03 -4.3- 5.88-1 0.03 5.4910.03 4.65t0.04 5.54tO.O3 Card 113 %5.2 1.24+0.02 5.73� 0.04 5.34tO.O3 4.10+QD25 5-36~+O-03 rRay Spectra Emitted by Even-Ilven Nuclei With Rotational Levels if the Nuclei Captured Thermal Neutrons 4.92tO.O4 I 17tO.O2 5.340-03 1 02 i:06to.02 = 4.7-AOD35 : : 1 02 (0. 96tO.O2) 4.66+0.03 1-185rO-015 "M;QO45 1."0;0-015 4.1 0.96tO.O2 1.9 OMOtO-015 1-3 O,V~0,02 1.01t0.02 0.94+-0.02 OMIO-Oi o.736 �0.015 0.64t0.02 89-1-1/29 4.92�0.03 3.48�0-03 5.24!0.03 4-8OtO-45 3-140.03 4.9910-03 4-,~4+10-04 3-81�0-03 4-83�0-03 I* 3W_ W5 2. LO-03 U41510.015 2. 74+GDZ tM tOD 15 0.42+0.02 1.30+0.02 t 2200015 1-18G~W5 tM10.0i 5 sms r -quanta of the nuclei can te well classified in level schemata. The following levels are excited with cartaintyi Card 213 ~f Ray Spectra Mitted by Even-l"m Nuclei With Rotational Levels if the Nuclei Captured Thermal Neutrons 89-1-1/29 W58 (mi56 Er, 68 E r in MOV 3 4 in MOV I in XeV 0 0.08 0.26 101 1.20 1.25 1*40 7-87 Then are 15 figures. Slavic. 0 0.060 o.265 1.08 1*28 1.80 7.76 0 0.089 0.287 1-17 1.24 8.46 11 tables, and 26 referenoes, 5 of whieh are SUMTTIM August )1, 1957 AVAILMIEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHOJRSv Vlasov, N., Groshev, L.j Mostovoyp V.p Pevzner, M., 89-1-2ol29 TITLZs Interaction Between lieutrons and Nuclei (Vzaimodeystviye neytronoy a jadrami). MIODICkLe Atomnaya Energiya, 956, Vol. 4, Hr i, p,-,. 96 - iol (USSR) A33TRACTs Prom September 9, to September 13, 1957 an International Con. ference took place at New York Columbia University, which was attended by more than 2oo physicists. A total of 70 lectures was delivered. The most important results age the followings The reaction arose section for B10(n,a), Li (n,a) and W(n,p) must be measured with much greater accuracy. Description of a neutron spectrometer with a pulsating neutron source from a synchrocyclotron. Readving power obtained: ~;00,01,tv/m with a flying distance of 35 m. A mechanical selector which attains a ray-resolution of o,ol to o,o15 &s/m At 1d143 a negative point of reso 5 nee was uniquely founds Eo - -1,5 i o,5 eV; oof' - 415 b(eV)2. Determination of the *lds of variou imotopes at the fission of U233_witb En = 1,8 eV and the fis:ion of U235 with En >2 eV. A three fold fission of U235 with neutrons in the energy range Card 1/5, of from o,o2 to o,2 eV was not found. Interaction Between heutrons and Nuolei. 89-1-2o/29 A magnetic speotrograph was built for the purpose of measuring the energy of fission fragments. For pU240 resonanoes at En a 1,056 eV$ 2o,4 eV and 30,2 eT were found. For pu242 o7a~ r:sonances at 2,65 and 53,6 eV were found up to 1 KeT. For 1 2 a d Zr93 no resonanoe was found within thG range of from I to loo eV. dr(u 253) 0,93231o,0013 a (UZ3 dr (pU239) for neutrons with . 1,405~-+0,0009 Maxwell distribution df CUZM and T w 2oOC Cjr(pU239) 10048+0,0009 q.(pu241j 1,351+ o,ooo6 6 f(rvxo) - 6. for Au s 98,8 -+ 0,3 b En 22oo M/sec T1/1 of U 233 a (1,611 t o#oo8) . 105a Card 2/3 df for U233 x 524 1 4 b En a 22oo M/aec Interaction Between beatruns and Njclei. 09-1-2o/29 dE f 6c E - u25,5 ;L 5,0% for Pu 24o a. 22oo m7sec The folbwlng reactions are deacribeds U"'(d,p); U2" (d,pf); U238(c,.'p); U2 38(d,pf) Ed - 14 MLIV U 236 (n,n?), U235(n,n'); Pu239(.1n,) En . 0,55; 1,o and 2to MeV Fe56 (11'n'), 1' 2, (n,n') En - --,1,5 MeV F(n,l*) - 15 resonances from 2 to 15 eV were foand (n-p), (n-u), (n-2n) reqctions on various elements D(p,n) Ed - 3,5 UP to 3,9 MeV. Furthermore, the)-- spectra of the most varied n-r processes were measured. There are 2 figures. AVAIUBLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Varshalovich, D. 307/53-65-4-10/13 TITLE: VIII Annual Congress on Nuclear Spectroscopy (VIII yezhe- godnoye soveshchaniye po yadernoy spektroskopii). IV PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheakikh nauk, 1958, Vol 65, Nr 4, PP. 725 - 726 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Contins,ation of the list of lectures held at the Congress of Nuclear Spectroscopy, Leningrai, January 27 - February 3, 1958. L.V.Groshev, A.M.Demidov, V.N.Lutsenko and V.I ~6 158 PelekE6-v---FAN---ffM) gave a report on y-spectra of Gd' I Gd Er 16e , Hf178, Dy 165 and Ta 182 ; B.S.Dzhelepov, N.N.Zhukovskiy, I.F.Uchovatkin and S.A.Shestopalova (VNIIM) on the y- spectrum of Ra in the range of 200 - 1500 keV;A.A.Voroblyev, A.F.Komar, G.A.Korclev and G.Ye.Solvakin (LFTI)on the spectrum Sm 147(T 1/2' 10 12 a) and of Pu 238, observed by means of an ionization spectrometer; A.P.Komar, G.A.Korolev. G.Ye.Kocharov (LFTI) investigated the excited states of Th230 and Th234 by the method of the (a - a k)."coincidenoe; B.V.Pshenichnikov Card 1/4 and Yu.I.Filimonov (LFTI) reported on Investig%tions of the VIII Annual Congress on Nuclear Spectroscopy. IV SOY/53-65-4-10/13 U235 decay by means of the methods of the (a-y)-coincidence and of the (a-y) angular correlations; L.L.Golldin, G.I. Grishuk and Ye.F Tretlyakov (TTL AN SSSR) on the conversion spectrum of pu23�; L.L.Colldin, V.b.Dedov and L.N.Kondratlyev (TTL AN SSSR) on the a-spectrum os Sm242; L.A.Khalfin (VIRG), A.G.Zelenkov (AN SSSR) and Sator Salan and Denesh Bereni (111un- gary) spoke on devices applied in spectrography and spectro- metry, respectively;L.L.Golldin, G.I.Grishuk ~~nd Ye.F. Tretlyakov (TTL AN SSSR) gave an account of an ironless P-spectrometer; K.Y.Abramova,ya.Zhilich, Ya.Kormitskiy and B.I. Peregud (LFTI) reported on the stabilization of direct current and of electromagnetic fields; I.Ya.Korollkov of the automatic measurement of y-spectra; A.I.Zhernovoy, Yu. S. Grigorlyev, G.D.Latyshev (LIIZhT) on the measurement and stabilization of magnetic fields on the basis of the magnetic resonance of protons; E.M.Krisyuk and G.D.Latyshev (LIIZhT) on the problem of compensating the earthl+ag-nctic field; Ye.L.Stolyarova and S.G.Chukhina (MIFI) ipoke about a y- scintillation spectrometer; N.V.La-arev (TTL All SSSR) reported on the same subject; M.P.Sokolov (AN S:,SR) reported on an Card 2/4 automatic differential analyzer; V.R.Burmi:jtrov (URTF) on a VIII Annual Congress on Nuclear Spectroscopy. IV SOV/53-65-4-lo/13 scintillation counter; A.Ye.14elamid and N.S.Khlebnikov (MRTP) on photoelectronic amplifiers. The authors: A.G. Berkovskiy, L.G.Leyteyzen, V.G.PolInkiy and A.G.Berkov3kiy, I.Ya. Breydo, B.M.Glukhovskoy, O.S.Korollkova, L.G.Leyteyzen, Ye.I.Tarasova (MRTP)in two lectures gave a report on photo- electronic amplifiers for scintillation spectrometers; V.A. Filimonoy (MU) spoke about the interaction of A-particlea with nucleons and on the binding enorgy of the hypernuclel He3 H4 [e I V.U.Strutinskiy and V.G.No3ov (AN SSSR) on At ~,, and E I the oancade em,14ssion of y-quanta; D.D.Ivanenko and E.V. Teodorovich (11,1GU) on the Lamb shift in hydrogen ; A.S.Basina, K.A.Baskova, B.S.Dzhelepov and M.A.Dolgoborodova (LGU) on measurements of the angular distribution of the quanta in the positron annihilation in liquid hydro,r,en and helium; N.A.Guliyev (Baku) on the polarization of nucleons "E. 110 MeV) in the scattering on Al and Cu nuclei. The lectures are published in the perlodica!3: "Izvestiya Card 3/4 Akademii nauk (Ser.Fiz.)" and "Atomnaya Encr(71ya". VIII Annual Congress on Nuclear Spectroscopy. IV S07/53-65-4-10/13 Card 4/4 jai fill I a 4111 t I 210) suleg-6-3-5129 AUTHORS: Groahev, L. V., Gavrilov, B. I., Dtmidov, A. It. TITLE: Investigation of y-Radiation Emitted by Nuclei at Capture of Thermal Hentrons (Issledovaniye I-lucheyo ispuskayemykh yadrani pri zakhvate teplovykh neytronov) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiyat 1959, Vol 6, Hr 3, pp 261 - 289 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Compton- (Kompton) spectrometer used in the measure!nent of the y-spectra has already been described In reference 2. The spectrometer was located in such a way opposite to the target and the neutron irradiation duct of t',.e reactor X-M of the AS USSR, as to expone only the target to the direct nentron and I-beam from the active zone of the reactor. The I-radiation originating from the tariet wan collimated over a length of 3650 mm by means of 7 leaP diaphragms. The predominating weakness of the spectrometer is its unusually high 1-background, which is caused by its being placed very near to the reactor. In order to suppress this background the whole spectrometer wna nurrounled by a water tank and paraffin bricks, respectively, and the mea7uring chanber Card 1/3 of the spectrometer ran protected by a lea!] shield about Investi(:ation of y-Radiation Emitted by !fuclei at 3 07/6 9 -,(,- 3 - 5 /2 9 Capture of Thermal Neutrons 10 cm thick. The inteniity and the cnerj~y of the y-radiation originating from neutron capture was measured for the following nuclei: P, Sc, Cr, Cu, Zn, Sn, and Sb. The values obtained generally show a good agree-.ent with values de- termined earlier. The preparations of the individual element were treated as follows: P205 wan put into a bakelite box, which could be sealed hermetically. The prepnration was besides IncertA into an aluminum casing with a rall thick- ness of i mm. The target had a dianeter of 140 mm, a length of 120 mm and a weight of 1-5 kg. Causel by the presence of the intensive capture I-lines originating from the hydrogen, lead and aluminum in the preparation it waq impoonible to record the y-npectrum of p32 in the range of 3.22 and )7 MeV. So203* The target had a dinmeter of 100 mm and a weight of 25 g. The preparation was housed in a jraphite container. No menatirements could be conducted in the range of 2.23 and,j 7-38 MeY due to the intensive background caiised by the Card 2/3 reaction H(n,y)D, Pb2o7(n,y)Pb2o8. Invent igat ion of y-Rndiation Emitted by thiclei at SO-1/89-6-3-5/29 Capture of Thar-iial Hentrona Cr 2031 The tnruet had a Oinnoter of 120 mm, n lent-,th of 10 mm and a reight of 1 kg, The y-spectrum of the chromium isotopes 53 and 54 could not accurately be recorded in the ran.-e of 7.38 !.,.eV. Cu and Zn: The tareets convistcd of a rinC vith a diameter of 110 mm and a thickness of 20 mm. They weighed 1.7 and 'v 1.3 kg, r~,spcctively. The target was exposed to the inci- dent neutron beam at an tviale of 450. The background was in the ranre of 7-38 MeV very weak. For this reason this recion could be measured for these two elements. A. S. Volkov pre- pared and performed the stabilization and the measxirement of the mag-netic field. There are 7 fi,-,ures, 4 tables, and 13 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 17, 1958 Card 3/3 21(9) SO'1/6 9 - 7 - 3 -: 1 /2 9 AUTHORS: Groshev, Lp V., Demidov, A. M. TITLE: The Spectrum of rRays of the IRT Reactor PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 257-258 "USSR) kBSTRACT: A channel tube extending as far as the reactor core of the IRT- reactor is partly filled with boron carbide and paraffin and a lead screening substance. In the lead screening Substance there is a thin central channel, through which the r-quanta produced in the reactor core reach a A-spectrometer described in reference 2. The I-spectrum of the c~zre is superimposed by a number of ~-lines, which originate from the (nd procssses on Al (the material from which the rea--tcr is built3_, C (graphite reflector) U235 and U238 and fro= the radioantve nuclei produced in these proceS300. If those 11-lines are eliminated from the measured apectrum, the I-spectram aor- responding to the core of the !RT-reantor r4mains. Both spe~:tra are graphically represented. For the latter, the relative _"n- tensity of each r-domain, i.e. divided into 'I intervals, 0.2 - 7.72 Mev is in addition tabulated. The '_"RT-spootrum is Card 112 distinguished from the spectrum of the RFT-rea~~tcr esp,~~lally The Spectrum of r-Rays of the IRT Reactor SOV/8 9 - 7 -- 39 by the fact that .1n the latter the h'Ag.h.-energ., Tart ~-,f ihc- spectrum is more pronounced, because here -Jrcn, ard chromium are used ds building materials, ~ra because the processes on these elements have a great yieli. Therp a--3, 1 figure, I tabla, and 3 Sov!,3; refleren-,es. SUBMITTED, May 4, 1959 Card 2/2 ALIT 110R Groshov, L. V., Demidov, A. M. SOV/89-7-4-2/28 TITLE: On MI-Traneitions From Highly Excited States PEMIODICAL: Atomnaya energiyaf 1959, Vol -, Nr 4, pp 321-328 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First, a short report is gi.-7an on earlier papers dealing with this subject. It is of intereot, on the basis of the single- particle model to investigate the probabilities of Ml-transitdims from the initial state for mi.-,h nuclei as lie within the same range of atomic weightn. F!r3t, the forbidden Ml-transitions under investigation in the -,Angle-particle model are diseussed. The authors confine themselvos tr. analyzing the MI-trancitions of even-odd nuclei produced in F., reaction (n, In nuclei with A of from 20 to 60 MI.-tranaitiorL were found to-occur in the 25 29 nuclei Mg 0 Si Ca . The Ml-transitions from the initial state lead to levela with characteristics 1/2+ or 3/2+. For determining the orcler ~~f this prohibition of the investigated MI-transitiona ~A is necessary to compare their probabilities with those of thL~ permitted transitions, which are determined by the formulas for the single-particle mcdel. Card 1/3 Table I contaIns the Tadiatirn widtha and the densities of the Uri -~-Ti,jiisitiwi, Yrom Highly &ccited SOV/89-7-4-2/28 neutron-a-resonances of the ;:,.uclei with A - 20 to A = 40. These data are very inaccurate and, in some cases, even WrOrgo Tho second rather volumiiiotAs table gives data conceruing Ml-transitions from the 'initial states of even-odd nzzclei. This table also contains the characteristic properties of the ut.J.te6 between which a transition occurs. All M11-transitions, way be oubdivided into two 'Large groups which differ by the ar:ount of the variation of the orbital moment of the neutron 29 ii~ the transition. The MI-transition in Si , which leads to a level with isotropic distribution of protons in the reaction (dtp), is given in additior. The next part deals with the causes for canceling the prohibitibn. In heavy nuclei with odd atomic weights a large number of forbidden MI-transitions with A 1 - 21 is found to occur betveen the lower levels. The experimental data on these transitions are discussed in more detail in an appendix. The following causes do not come into consideration according to the authors' opinion: (1) Inter- action by the exchange of charges and spine between two nucleons. (2) Spin orbit coupling. (3) Coupling of nucleons Card 2/3 tu-,d the surface oscillations of the nucleus. The most natural a dn 11-Tmsitions From Highly Excited Stater, SOV/89-7-4-2/28 explanation for the observed probabilities of the 91-transitions is apparently the mixing of the probabilities of MI-transitions in the initial and final state. The last part of the present paper deals with MI-tran.3itiOlIS in odd-odd nuclei. Also in this case the transitions are subdivided into groups according to the variation A In t and, besidesl a transition in Na 24 to the level with the energy of 0-47 Mev is sorted out. An appendix deals with MI-transitions between the weakly excited states of heavy nuclei. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 28 references, 6 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: May 15P 1959 Card 3/3 V~T~, L.V. "Radiative Capture of Slow Neutrons (Survey)" report submitted for the ?nd USSR Conference on Nucloar Reactions at Low and Intermediate Energies,, Moscow, 21-28 Jluy 1960. QWSHEV, L.V.; DEVIDOV, A-M-; FELEKHGVp V.I. [Spectra of gamm rays accompanying the capture of thermal neutrons by Mo. Nd, Ho., Tu, and La nuclei) SPe)ctr7 ~ - luchei, soprovozhdaiushchikh zakhvat tep- lovykh neitronov iadrami Mo, Nd, 11o, Tu,, 3 IA. Mo- skva, Glav. upr. po ispolvzovaniiu atomoi energii, 1960. 19 P. (MIRA 17:2) S/048/60/024/007/002/011 BO1q/BO6O AUTHORS: Demidov, A. M., Lutsenka, V. N., Malov, A. TITLE: A Magnetic Gamma Spectrometer With High Resolving Power PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya. 1960, Vol. 24, No. 7, PP- 791-801 TEXT: This is the reproduction of a lecture delivered at the 10%h All- Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy hold in Moscow from J;nuary 19 to 27, 1960. The authors describe a now magnetic Compton spectrometer which allows the gamma spectrum to be measured in the energy range of 0.3-12 Mev with a resolution of 0.3% at hv > 2 Mev. Resolution becomes poorer at lower energies. Fig. 1 shows a scheme of the experimental arrangement. in V/C which the spectrometer described here was used and which served for in- vestigating the spectrum of gamma emission caused by the capture of thermal neutrons. The sample investigated was placed in a core-tangential channel of an MPT(IRT) reactor near the core and was collimated with iron and lead diaphragms. The neutrons were filtered by means of a 10 cm thick paraffin Card 112 A Magnetic Gamma Spectrometer With High Resolving S/048/60/024/007/002/011 Power B019/Bo6o layer. The novelty in the spectrometer described here consists in that the energy of the Compton electrons is analyzed with two different magnetic fields. The first axisymmetric magnetic field is produced in a device called separator and collects the Compton electrons coming from the con- verter by means of a horizontal and a vertical alit on a counter C1. The electrons then reach a magnetic analyzer, the O-spectrometer proper and In the experiment, the depend- are there again collected on a counter C 2i ence of the number of pulse coincidences n the counters C 1 and C2 on the magnitude of the analyzer field is measured, the separator field chi with the analyzer field. The authors then give formulas (1) and (2) which describe the magnetic field. In the following sections, they describe the capture angles of elbotrons, the resolving power, the spectral sensitivity of the spectrometer and its construction in great detail. The authors final- ly thank D. V. Pavlov for his calculation of the magnet system, T.. M_ Kamyshev for having designed the instrument and for having provided the drawings, A. S.Volkov for having worked out the electronic equipment, and the reactor team for their assistance in the measurements. There are 8 figures and 12 references: 6 Soviet, 5 US, and 1 Swedish. Card 2/2 A UT HORS 32-50-~ S/048/6 B104/B201 Groohev,. I r. Be:zidov, A. M., Lutsonko, V. A. F. TITLE: A mag4otic gamma spectrometer with high -.,ower PL--210DICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSIR. Seriya fizichc-skuya, V. 24, no. 7, 1960, 791 - 901 TEXT: The present paper has been read at the 10th All-~;nion Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Moscow, January 19 - 27, 1960. A new magnetic Compton spectrometer is described, which allows the Cammi spectrum to be --easure.a in the energy range of 0.3 - 12 Mey with a resoluticn Of at h,: - 2 ,',ev. Resolution becomes poorer at lower energies. ?ig. i nhows a scheme of the experimental arrangement, in which the spectrometer de- scribed here was used and which served for examining the s-pectruz-1 of gamma emission accompanying the capture of thermal neutrons by nuclet.. The sample concerned was placed in a core-tangential chanrel of an , 7' ~RT) reactor near the core. The gamma rays were collimated through lead and iron filters, and the ncutrons were absorbed bjalO-c:-- t1hick D~-.ra:'fin Card I /P 1-1-7 A magnetic gamma spectrometer... S/04q/60,'024/CC"i/CO2/'C11 B104,'/B201 layer. The novelty in the spectrometer described here conoi_--ts i:. t!'_,t the energy of Compton electrons is analyzed with two diffvrent -.ajnc!J_c fields (Fig. 2). In the so-called separator the Compton electr,~r..,; e4ected from the converter (K) are collected by an axisymmetric field, paus throu0i a horizontal and a vertical slit, then a counter D1, reach a nagnvtic analyzer serving as /~-spectrometer, are again collected, paso through ~ thizd slit, and hit the counter C 2' In the experiment, the dependcnce Of TJUlSe coincidences in the counters C 1 and C2 on the analyzer fl:e1d -4:; -.,n_~urcd, the separator field changing with the analyzer field. The authors then i~ive formulas I _ 0,,SO rr,, -;- (1,65 I (it - R~ 2111t - R. Y' + -n ` -F, ~_ -1.1. " which describe the radial variation of the magnetic fieldz in the se-ara- tor and analyzer, respectively. In the sections coming next, they de- /0 ) ard 2 '-) C =Fnetic gar-ma spectrometer ... 310413201 scribe t'-e cauture angles of electrons, the resolving thv smsiti%ity of the spectrometcr, and itf; construct ion. in 6-cut det,.i I . D. ravlov is thanked for his oalculation of the ma, r i c- yo t u::~ , i. Kamyshev for having designed the device and for having t ~.. ~ I . . drawings, A. S. Volkov is thanked for having worked out he vIC!:trGr,-.'c equip.ment, and the reactor team for their assistance in the :n e a ~;, - r v:-. L~ n' :; There are 8 figures,~l table, and 12 references: 6 So;iet-bloc and 6 non- Soviet-bloc. /I "I" Card 3 S/04 8/60/02 4/007/016/0 3 2/XX B1 04/B201 AUTHORS: Groshev, L. V.., Demidov, A. M., and Lutsenko, V. 14. TITLE: Spectrum of the gamma rays from the reaction C135(n #Y)Cl 36 PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 24, no- 7, 1960, 833-836 TEXT: The present paper has been read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Moscow, January 19-27, 1960. The authors studied the spectrum of the gamma rays formed during the capture of thermal neutrons by C135. The measurements were made by the new magnetic Compton spectrometer, which is described in this issue (Groshev et al., PP. 791-601), on NaCl samRles (50-100-190 mm). The gamma spectra obtained are shown in Fig. 1 (hy - 4.8-8.7 Mev) and Fig, 2 (hV - 0.2-4-6 Mev). The nature of the countirg background caused by gamma radiation in the x1eactor channel and in the converter is discussed thoroughly. The first cause of the background forma- tion is said to be the radiation coming from the reactor channel, and the second cause, the formation of electron pairs in the converter due to gamma Card 1/14, _77> 3/040/60/024/007/016/032/7X Spectrum of the gamma rays B104/B201 radiation. Energies and intensities of gamma rays, atising in the reaction C135(n,,)C,36, are collected in a.table. These data served,gs the basis for the construction of the part of gamma transitions of the Cl nucleus, as shown in Fig- 4, using the results of a study of the (d,p) reaction by Paris et al. (Phys. Rev., 100, 1317 (1955))- Special interest was attached to the neighboring 1-957 Mev and 1.949 Mov levels. This part of the spectrum is presented in detail in Fig- 5. The part of the gamma transition scheme shown in Fig. 4 is described and discussed thoroughly. Four variants of the quantum characteristics of levels are dealt with in a detailed discus- sion, making use of data on the orbital momenta, which have been obtained by I. B. Teplov (Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., ~1, 25 (1956)). It is finally stated that data available so far permit no opinion to be expressed as to the authenticity of one or the other variant. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 11 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. Legend to Fig. 1; Part of gamma spectrum of NaCl in the energy range hy - 4-8-8-7 Mev- 1) coincidences/3 minutes. Card 2/V GROSHEV, L. V., -DDMM, A. M., LUTSENKO,. V. N., PELEKHCVp V. 1. *(n,Y) Reactions Studies at the IRT Reactor of the U55R Acadew of Science" paper preoented at the SMosim of the International Atomic bwrgy Agency on Pile Neutron Research in Physicep Vienna,, 17-21 Oct 1960* GROSHEV, L.V.; DEMIDOV, A.M.; PELEKHOV, V.I. Spectra of ga- raya produced in the capture of thermial neutrons by heavy nuclei. Part, 1. Zhur.ekap.i teor.fiz. 38 no.2:588-597 F 160, (G~ rays) (Neutrons---Capture) (Min 1445) STRUTlNSKIY, V.M. j GROSEIIIN, L,V. ; AKIMOVA, M.K. Spectra of gamma rays produced in the capture of heavy nuclei. Part 2. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 38 (Gamma rays) (Neutrons---Capture) thermal neutrons by no.2:59&-611 F 160. (MIRA 14:5) GROSEEVP L. V. "Decay of Gdl56 and GdI58 )to report presented at the Conference on Low Energy Nuclear Spectra, Cppenhagen, 23-27 May 1961. Inst. of Atomic Energy, Moscow 33004 S/641/61/000/000/07,1/0.33 B102/B136 AUTHORS: ~fnhev, L. V., Demidov, A. M., Pelekhov, V. I. TITLE: Spectra of rays accompanying thermal neutron capture by Mo, Nd, Ho, Tu and La nuclei SOURCE: Krupchitskiy, 11. A., ed. Neytronnayn fi,,,.ika; ibornik statey. M,oscow, 1961, 555 - 347 TEXT: This is a continuation of previous investigations of thermal (n reactions (c.f. Groshev et al., Lecture at First Geneva Conference 1W~-; experimental apparatus and arrangement have already been described. This paper gives the results in great detail. Mo: A specimen of 1.4 kg total weight, consisting of disks 55 mm in diameter, was used to measure the spectrum in the 0.3-10 Mev range. Up to 80 % of the thermal neutrons were captured by Mo95. Nd: Range 0.3 to 9 Mev, 200-g specimen of Nd203' 77 % of the spectrum is due to r- transitions of Nd144. The binding energy, B n, of the last neutron in Nd 144 was found to be 7.60 + 0.02 Mev. Ho: Range 0.3 to 7.5 Mev, 50-9 specimen of Ho 20 3' The Card I 33004 3/641/61/000/000/0211/033 Spectra of rays accompanying... B102/B138 high-energy edge of' the spectrum is at 05.15 Mev, B n> 6.15 Mev. Tu: Range O~3 to 7.5 Mev, 50 g specimen of Tu 20Y High energy edge: 6.56 + 0.02 Mev; B >,6.56 Mev. La: Range, 0.3 to 7.5 Mev, 400-g La 0', n 2 ~ specimen containing no impurities of other rare earths. Lines previous found at 1.18, 0.74 and 0,44 Mev with impure specimens and attributed to La 140 were found to be due to r-transitions of Gd. B n was VIk" >,5.145 + 0.015 hiev, This is somewhat higher than found by Johnson and Nier, The 5.145-Mev line is attributed to a transition to the ground state and the arguments for this assumption are discussed. There are 12 figures, 5 tables, and 8 refer,.nces: 4 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet The four references to i~nglish-language publications read as follows: ---. B. Kinsey, G A, Bartholomew. Canad. J. Phys, 31, 1051 (19A); G. A. Bartholomew. L. A. Higgs. Comnilation of Thermal Neutron Capture Gamma Rays. Chalk River, Canada, AECL-669 (1,956); U, H. Johnson, A 0. Nier. Phys, Rev. 1c'), 1014 (1957) ; P. Boskma, H. De Waard. Nucl, Phys, IA. 145 (1959). Card 24 33005 S/641/61/000/000/0'WO"" B102/B138 AUTHORS: Groshov, L. V., Demidov, A. M., Pelekhov, V. 1. TITLE: Determination of slight gadolinium and samarium impurities by gamma spectrum analysis with (n,r) reactions SOURCE: Krupchitakiy, P. A., ed. Neytronnaya fizika; abornik statey. Moscow, 1961, 346-353 TEXT: Thermal neutron capture gamma rays can,in certain circumstances,be used for quantitative determination of rare-earth impurities, provided a magnetic Compton spectrometer of high resolution is available. The impurities to be determined must have large, and the substance in which they are contained, small, d n and Bn values. d n is the thermal neutron capture cross section and B n is the bindinE energy of the last neutron. The method was tested by determining Sm and Gd impurities in other rare-earth substances. The minimum concentrations which can be determined with a Compton V-spectrometer of 2 % resolution are given in the table. The 6.74- and 7.22-Mev lines, which are characteristic of Gd and Sm, have energies above the B n. value of most of the rare earths. Several spectra Card 1/1 Determination of slight... 33005 S/641/61/000/000/032/033 B102/B138 are given and discussed as examples. The method is limited in its application, due to the cn and Bn requirements (.-,iven above and the necessity of uninp large specimens (5C-100 g) in this type of spectrometer There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 3 references: I Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: G. A. Bartholomew, L. A. HiEgs. Compilation of Thermil Neutron Capture Gamma Rays. Chalk River, Canada. AECL-669, 1958; G. Backstrom. Nucl. Instrum. and Methods, A, 5 (1959). Legend to the Table: (1) Element; (2) Impurity concentration. Card 211 (Quant--r t',,rcx-:,) S/903/62/000/000/039/044 B102/B234 A UrHOR 8 Groshev, L. Vo TITtEj Radiative capture of slow neutrons Yadernyye reaktaii pri malykh i erednikh energlyakhl trudy Vtoroy Vsesoyuznoy konferentaii, iyull 1960 g. Ed. by A. S. Davydov and others. Moscowt Izd-vo AN SSSRj 1962P 515-524 TEXTs The author reviews the most important results obtained in the last few yearep both in the USSR (especially in the Inatitutatomnoy energii AN BSSR - Institute of Atomic Energy A3 MBR) and abroad, on low-energy (n,Yl) reactions also in the ease of resonance. The theory of radiative reeonance~ capture of slow neutrons is briefly considered as to the determination of the ooefficients 0, entering the Ifunction of the state A formed on neutro ok capture. Also-the problems of direct neutron capture is dealt with (NUCI. Phys. 139 205P 1959; Progr. The'or. Phys., 23, 161, 1960). The last chapter of the article deals with the now types of spectrometers developed in the' last year for detecting thermal-neutron (nq) reactions (Can. J, Phys., 37, 1959; Rev. Sci. Instr. 26, 255, 1957; BkP3g Ilt 4P 4769 1959). The Card 1/2 S/903/62/000/000/039/044 Radiative capture of slow neutrons B102/B234 review ends with 1960 as it was presented at a conference held in 1960* There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 38 references. S/903/62/000/000/041/044 B102/B234 AUTHORSi do v fA, U.9 Luteenkot V. H., PslekhoytVe Is TITLEs Radiative properties of the Cd114 lower levels SQURCEs Yadernyye reaktaii pri malykh i erednikh energiyakhl trudy Vtoroy Voesoyuznoy konforentaiip iyull 1960 g. Ed. by A. S. Davydov and others. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 548-550 TEXT: The authors investigated the Cdl'3(n,r)Cd'14 reaction induced by thermal' neutrons and measured the X-ray spectra in the range 0.3-9-5 Mev as well as the conversion electron spectra in the range 0.3-2 Mev. The measure- ments were made with a now type of Compton magnetic spectrometer with 0-3% resolution at hv>2 Mev and with a special conversion spectrometer with i 0.6% resolution. Energies, characteristics and coefficients of the transi-' tions were determined (Table) for emission of pquanta (I) and internal.oon- version electrons.(II). The res"lts obtained are discussed on the basis of, the vibration model (Phys. Rev. 103t 1035, 1956)o It is assumed that the levels 1135P 1207 and 1283,kov form a two-phonon triplet; it is, however, not impossible that the 0 level of 1135 kev is due to the excitation of a Card 1/2 S/903/62/000/000/041/044 Radiative properties of the... B102/B234 neutron pair. The 1848-kov level, far away from the triplet, is a 0 + level (Cohent Price# Private Oommunication). The 552, 650 and 1207 kev levels have the reduced S2 transition probabilities of 36, 60 and 0-76 Weisskopf + +1 units which agrees with the collective nature of the 2 -2 levels according to the vibration model. There is I tablce ASSOCIATIO~s Inatitut atomnoy energii im. 1, V. Kurchatova AN SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy imeni I. V. Kurchatov AS USSR) Card 2/2 F,,kev diviol + M 557 4,11 ~5 650 3,1 5 708 3,5 - 726 2.3 748 2,1 808 2,8 H33- >20 1305 >1000 0,5 E2 E2, MR Mil J% gz+M1 0+-.0+ M777,-, GROSHEVI L.V.; DEMIDOV, A.M.; FELEKHOVp V.I. Gamma-ray spectra generated in neutron capture by heavy nuclei. Trudy Inst.fis.AN Gruz.SSR SiBl-94 162. (KMA 16s2) (Gamina-ray spectrometry) (Neutrons.-Capture) GROSHEVO L.V.; DEMIDOV, A.M. Determining the bura-cut of fuel rods by means of a magnetic gama-spectrometer. Atom. energ. 13 no.5:458-466 N 62. (MIRA 15:11) (Nuclear fuels) (Gawna,.ray spectrometry) 3/048/62/026/008/003/028 B163/BlO4 AUTHLRS: Groshav, L. V., Demidov, A. M., Lutsenko, V. N., and 9 _QFQ wo_~ I ~V- I TITLE: Spectra of t-rays and internal conversion electrons from the reaction Cd 11 3(.t) Cd'14 PERIODICALs Akadamiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 8, .1962, 979 - 992 TEXT: The t-spectra in the energy range from 0.4 to 9.5 Idev were measured in a magnetic Compton spectrometer giving a resolution of 0-3~; for energies above 2 Mev and of 0.6~ at E _' i Mev, described earlier by Groshev at al. (Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz., .24 791 (1960)). The spectrum of internal'con- version electrons in the energy range from 20 kev to 3 Mov was measured in a magnetic beta spectrometer with a resolution of 0.6% at E ~i-300 kev and a of 1~'Q at lower electron energies, described earlier by Pelekhov and Malov (Izv. AN a5R. Ser. fiz. 25, 1069 (1961)). The energy levels of Cd114 are of interest for investigating the lower levels in even-even-nuclei. To measure theppeatrum, a metallic cadmium target consisting of the natural; 1/3 Ji S/048/62/026/008/003/028 Siectra of T-rays and ... B163/B104 mixture of isotopes was boml)arded with thermal neutrons. In the ropectnzn 132 lines were resolved, containing ML of the total energy released by the r4cutron capture. To measure the internal conversion spectrum a cadmium oxide target of 0.0 mg/CM2.thickness, enriched to 8%, Cd113 on an aluminui bickine foil was used. This spectrum contained 36 lines up to energies of 1.7 :s:ev. The energies, relative intensities, and internal conversion co