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GRO14GADZEP D. N.p AND SULAKVELTDZE, G. K. Certain Results of an Investigation on the Intensity of Direct Solar Radiation Upon the Slopes of the Ellbrus Tr. Isentr. Urolog. 2baery, No 10, 1953p PP 48-54 In July-October 1949 participants In an expedition organized by the Institute of Physics and Geophysics, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, and by Tbills; University conducted actinometric observations at and 4,150 meters. Definite results were obtained only in relation to direct solar radiation, whose fluctuations were observed, but without relating successfully with variations in the meteorological elements. The magni- tudes of the mean maximum radiation were respectively 1.62 and 1.42 cal/cm2 min. (RZhGeol, 110 3, 1955) SO: Sum. No. 639, 2 Sep 55 T.r." 1'. 1,111:, V.F.; OZEHYU:OS,.",."YA, n-, -9111-JBIX, V.,.; -OLUILV, D.3. (L-- in of BoVdrilo din~,tiso. llo.-Im`t,~- (V 1.62. 15-3) 1. 1z j:,,,ftdry mi'A-.,-nl.Aol(,gll (nal-h. ..A. SirAt,-,kly) ordowt L(Intlia alwanr-lt Inc'.1-1i S.!',. Kjrc:v-. inf~!Ictslonnwr b-VnJ~ay imeni. S.P. Bottkina (r,lavuyy l.-ra-I Turinai & ~h M.M. Fig GRONINI I.P..~ Diagnostic value of the beterohemagglutination reaction in Botkin's disease. Vop.virus 7 no.4:118 Jl-Ag 162. (KMA 15:8) 1. Kafedro mikrobiologit Voyenno-neditsinakoy ordena Lenins, akadenii imeni S.M.Kirova. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (BLOOD -AGGUTINATION) GRONINo I.P. Diagnostic value of the methods of laboratory diagnosis of epidemic hepatitis. Zhur. mikrobiol., apid. i Lmaun. 42 no,7s24-29 J1 165. (HIRA 18:11) 1. Voyanno-maditainskaya ordena Lenina akademiya imeni S,M. Kirova, GRONIN, MI.A. - Locating the places with decrease-i crossta,1k attenuation In overhead cormunication lines. Avtom. tolem. I sviaz' E no.2: 21,P-25 F 164. (,'-jjfjA 17:6) 1. Starsidy 1nzh. laboratoi,LJ sigializatsil I svyazzi Vostcchno- Sibirskoy dorogI. n r) . Avtnr., toletri. I nnlst,-~' 8 rm.~-~46 My 16 4 1. Starshly j.nzh. -'ab,-)reLtr*)r!-' rA?n-il!zats.'! ! qvyfi-,lk 'Ica tonhno.";! 1~. "a kc,,y iorog~.. A /V j U7 V i BMICKA, I.: GRONIOWXKI, J.- . ........ Case of fetal erythroblastosis, due to incompatibility of blood groups A and B, and having complete agreement of Rh factor. Pe- d1at.polska 23 n0-7-8:717-723 N-D 149. (CLKL 19:2) 1. Of the First Clinic for Children Diseases. University of Warsaw (Director -- Prof. N.Michalowics). 2. Of the Institute of Pathological Anatomy (Director -- Prof. L.Panskiewics, N.D.). ow'.1a.fSKIS J. DiolorAeal wthode in diagnosis of wwore PoWd tygod. lek, 50.0v 6 :!ar. 50. p. 303-4; contdo 1, Of the Institute for Anatomical Patholog7 at Warsaw Univemity (Head-Pror. Ludwik 11aaskmaki, M. D.). CWL 19s 5, 'Nov., 11)50 ORONEXISKI, J. Dioloeical methods in diagnosis of oac*er. Polidd tygod. lek. 5tIIj 13 'Rar. 50. p. 4244 1. Of the Institute fbr Anataxical Pathology at 1-?areaw University (Ilead-Prof. Ludidk Passkiawiasp He Do). CLI 19p 59 Nov.9 1950 GRoillOWSKI, J. Systemic pigmentation changes. Patal. Polska 3 no. 1:73-85 Jan-Mar 1952, (GLNL 22:4) 1. Of the Institute of Pathological Anatoov (Head--Prof. L. Paosklevics, M. D.) of Warsaw Medical AcadeV. Problem of morphology ,nd itn relation to cortico-visceral pathology. _,od. lek. 8 no,37-39:lZ75-1279 Z8 Sept 195f. (CIML 23:4) PolBki tyl, GRONIOWSKI, Janums; CHROSOMINMI. Ddward ; ROZYM. Marian Fetal and neonatal mortality according to an&tonical and pathologi- c&1 Investigations. Polskl tygod. lek. 9 no-36:1151-1156 6 Sept 54. 1. Z Zakladu Ansloull Patologicsnej I ModycyW Sadowej A.M. w Posnantu; kierown1k: prof. dr sod. Janusz Gronlowski. (VITAL STATISTICS, fetal & inf. mortal., causes) (rims* death. causes) INPUT, NPBM, mortal.,-oauses) GRONIOWSKI. Janussl CHROSCEIIAMI, Bdward: ROZTNIK, Marian Fetal and no onatal mortality according to anatomic and pathologic Investigations. Polski tygod. lak. 9 no.37-1189-1192; concl. 13 Sept 54. (VITAL STATISTICS, fetal & Inf. mortal.. causes) (Y"us. death, causes) IWANT, NMORN, mortal., emses) GRONIOVSKI, Janusz; CHROSCIBIAWSKI, A.: R07,TNEK. M. Anato"s,thological studies on fetal and neonatal mortality. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no-38:1236 20 Sept 54. (MUS, death, p&thol. aspects) ( IVAN?. MY-KRN. (, mortal., pathol. &@poets) ITAL STATISTICS, fetal,& newborn mortal., pothole aspects) HIMMEL, Andrzej; GRONIOWSKI, Janusz; KUGZTNSKI, Franclazek; ZGLICZTNSKI, Imesek flomMioondothelioms of the heart. Folskie arch. sad. wownetrz. 24 no.5:795-806 1934. 1. Z I Klinikl Chorob Vownetrznych Alrademll Medyezuej v W&rox&wie. Kisrowniks prof. dr sod. A.Biormaki. Z Zakladu A7atomil Fatologicznoj Akad,omii Kedyosnsj. lisrownik: profs dr sod. L.Paszkievict. 2 Zakledu RMlologll Lek&rskioj Akadmil Nodycznej. Elerownik: prof. dr mad. Clawadowski, (BEKANGIOI]MMMIOMA, E7C.`T""TjA LEL"DITUCA -Q-,c 5 Vol, 10/10 57 2941. G RON IOWSKI J. Zakl.Anat.Patol. A. NI., Poznarl. * 0 nledoroz~,-.roju tkanki pluenej.-Hypo-plania of the pulmonary tissue PATOL.POL. 1957, 8/1(1-12)lllus. 10 17he lungs of foctuscs and newborns (311 cases) were studied with reference to hypoplasia of the pulmonary tissue. as manifesting itself In tJlc form of quantit-Itive and qualitative deficiency of the surface gas exchange. Pulmonary hypoplasia i3 characterized by hypoplasia of the blood vessels, and by inInibition of the tran5- formation of the connective tissue and of the maturation of Lhe alveolar celln. L-I 16 cases of newborns (weighing more than 1,000 g.) veho died during the l'i;-Zt hours after birth. hypoplasia of the lungs was found to be the cause of death. zna- tomical changes which could justify the fatal issue were not ob.'ierved. Illypopla.,:ia of the pulmonnry tissue may be not only the direct cause of neonatal dcall: I~ut nlay also cause indirect death by forming the basis of a pneumonia developing. several days or even weeks after birth. 'Me syndrome of hyaline membranes is associated with pulmonary hypoplasla. Karlinska - Warsaw (V, 7.15*) EXCUIUM YMI Sec.7 Vol.12[3 Pediatrics March 58 -6-1, j - - Gof efi// a W_-W-j T INVESTIGATIONS ON THE HYALINE MEM13RANE SYNDROMM IN NEW BORNS. 1. MORP11OL40GICAL STUDY - Badania zespolu bion szklistych plue noworodka. 1. Badanta morfologiczne - 0 r o n I o w a k I J . . G a b r y e I P. and G r e m b o w I c a L. ZakI. Anat. Patul. XW.-P61MA - PATOI~ Pol. 1957. 8/1 (13-22) Tables I Illus. 7 Among 250 non-selected postmortem studies on newborns, the syndrome of hya- line membranes was observed 52 times. "a authors Include In this syndrome: atelectaais, extensive hyperaemla and the existence of hyaline membranes. Con- clusiono: JI) Hyallne membranes form on the place where they are found; they do not come rom aspirated amniatic fluids. The material of which the membranes are formed originates from the capillaries. which present pathological permeabili- ty. (2) The process of development of the membranes Is as follows: (a) initial peri- od - formation of the membranes. (b) complete development of the syndrome, and (c) final period - elemination of the membranes. During the final period, the hya- line membranes are detached from the underlying tissue and divide into fragments. The detachment of the membranes Is accompanied by an Inflamm tory process. These different period@ are not strictly demarcated: fairly often :11 the stages of development of the hyaline membranes are observed in the name fragment. Death may occur during each of theme periods. even during the Initial period. Attention to drawn to the correlation between the syndrome of hyaline membranes and pulmo- nary inflammations. During the period of complete development of the syndrome of hyallne membranes. ths, changes observed in the walle of the respiratory tract have the character ot Interstitial pneumonia. During the final period. alveolar pneumonia develop@ if death has not occurred earlier. Consequently. it may be concluded that the hyaline membrane syndrome has to be understood on the basis of the mecM- Mom of inflammation. Karlineks - Warsaw (V, 7, 15) GRONIMSKI, J.;GAMM, P.;GMWOWICZ, L. "Noun Studies on hyaline membrane syndrome In newborn. II,71norescence microscopy In hyaline membrane syndrome. Pat. polska 8 no.1:23-30 Jan-*Lr 57. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomli Patologicznej A. N. w Poxnanta Klerownik: nrof. dr me4. J. Orontowski. Adres autora: Poznan, u1 Kosta 9. (HYALINS NWRANN DISMI, pathology, fluorescence microscopy (Pol)) v GRONIOWSKI. Janusz On the problem of morphological exponents of myocardial insuffi- ciency. Pat.polska 10 no.3:283-300 '59, 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Akadsali Medycxnej v Posuaniu. Kierownik: prof.dr J. Groniowski. (HnRT n ILURE C ONDESTIVE pa thol. ) GRONIOWSKI. Janunz ~V_ ~~ -,- - ~, Problems of ultramicroscopic pathomorphology. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.23:1041-1047 8 June 59. (PATHOIWY) (MIGWISCOPT, BUCTRON) GRONIOWSKI. Janusz; GABRYBL. Prvenyslav Morphological studies on chick embryos with special reference to the effect of poeteorten changes on tissue picture. Po2nootty, przyjaciol nauk, wydx,lek. 18 no.2/1-17-46 160. (HEPATITIS IVWTICUS virol.) GRONIOVSKI, Janusz; GABRM. Prsevyslaw Morphological studies on chick embrYos from eggs inoculAted w1th the serum from patients with infectious jaundice. Poznan.tow. przyjaciol nauk, wydsolok. 18 ao.2/1:49-58 '59- (HEPATITIS INMTICUS virol.) GFM IOWSKI, Janusz Physiopathology of the onset of respiration In the light of morphological studies of the lungs during perinatal period. Poznan.tow.przyjaaiol nouk,wyd2.lok. 18 no.6:1-122 160. (RMPIRATICS phys tol. ) --4AVANT NWDORN physiol.) (ftGS physiol.) SUMMIZ, Given Nama & r2c)~~,, J. Countr7s Poland Actademic Degroesi i5ot given7 zTresumed7 Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experi Affiliations mental therapy .(.:rff-8-t-Y--:FUt Immunologii i Terapii Doswiadczalnej ft-Ver im. Ludwika HiTszfelda)p Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN--Polt Akademia Nauk) , Wroclaw; Director % Prof . Stef an X?LOFEK, Dr. 8"i9i Warswa, PostAny Hielenv I Medveyny Rosyladczalnel, Vol XV, No 4, 1961, pp_PT2_-T;1X. Datas "Electron-Microscopy of Fibroblasts in Continuous Culturesell English abstract of paper reported at the I Conference an Pathol- ogical Anatomy, Poxnanp ig6o. Authorst XM=YXOWA9 Z. ___JQ=(%4`SKI 9 ;. DJAUENK -W-; UWAIEWSil 9 D. GRONIOWSKI, Jerzy; JELVIEWSKA, A3.icja Omseouo changes in murofibromatonin of the spins. FolAkI prsegl. radiol. 25 no.2:117-126 161. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii lAk. AM w Warssavie Kierawnik; prof. dr nank sod. W. Zawadowski. (NSMFIBROMATOSIS radiog) (SPIn die) BERENDO, B.; qF19NIOWSKI, J.- SZOSTEKP M. Utero-oigmoid fistulas. Polski pMgl.radiol. 25 no.3-1469-474 My-Is 161. 1. Z Zakladu Radjologii Lelfarsklej AM v Warszavie Kierownik.' prof. dr nauk mod. W. Zawadowski Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM v Warssavie Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Nielubawica. (INTESTINAL FISTULA radlog) (UTERUS diB) (FISTUIA radiog) 'Al "c o cs "Al T.'r. oll -'kv- GRONIOWSKI, Janusz Morphological indices of myocardial insufficiency in children. Pat. Po.loka 13 nooltl7-26 162. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof, dr J. Groniowski. (HEART FAILURE CONGESTIVE pathol) GRONIOWSKI, Janusz Studies on the structure of cancer cells with the aid of electron microscopy, Pat, polska 13 no.2:123-137 162. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologiamej AM v Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr J. Groniovski. '(MIGROSGOPY MECTRON) (NWPIASKS pethol) ,--GRONIOWSKI, J. An electron microscope study of abnormal mitosis in a cancer call. Folia biol 10 no.3/4025 162. 1. Electron Microscope Research Laboratory, Department of Patholo~~icnl Anatomy, Medical School, Poznan. GRONOWSKIt J. Intermediate frequency amplifier vith regulated band Przen Inst telekom prace 14 no.45,.67.-69 164. GRONIOWSKI, Janusz; BICZTSXQWA, Wieslawa Elqctron-microseopic studies of the lining membrane of fetal lungs. Pat. Pol. 16 no.2:119-128 Ap-Je 165. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Warazawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. J. Groniowski) I z Zakladu Anatomii. Patologicznej AM w Poznanlu Werownik: doe. dr. med. P. Gabr.vel). GRONNOSt, Janunz, prr)fo dr* Ilse of electron microacopy In oncological vIrology. Postepy big. med. doew. 19 no.107-82 Ja-F 165 Hole of genatic mechanisms in the appearaxc of neeplaams. lbid.s83-91 1. Z' Ukladu Anatomli Patolorleznej Akademl I Memlyomej V Warszawle (Klerownik: prof. dr. J. GronowskJ). GRONIOW3KT, Janusz Surface tension in pulmonary alveoll -- It3 role Jn the Fathomechanism of pathological procesaes. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 rio.29:3067-1068 19 .11 165. 1. Z 7akladu Anatoraii I,atoIcgIczncj AM w Warszawle. GRONIOWSKIP KrZyDztOr An attempt to organize a Polish scientific center 'n Petersburg before 1863. Kwart hist nauki i tech 7 no.4%461-478 162. (,p.^N'K(MSK' Tir"layl, --$r -'n-,. li I ~ I y Splw~*,ors frequenc 11 no~7;208-211 il 164. kc'o~f GRONOWSKI, Roman, mgr inze General problems of selection dialing in dispatth co=ijr.'cation# Przegl kolej elektrotech 11 no.10040-2" 0 164. I Jt GRONIOWSKI, K. Hypothesis in automtive transportation. p. 57. MOTIOHYZACJA, Warszawa. Vol. 11, no. 3, Mar. 1956. SOURCE: East European Acession (EBAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5. no. 8, August 1956. S[262162i(MIOI 1,V01030 100711252 I I I HOR Grontowski, K. I IT I F The effect of temperature in an internal combustion engine on the %car of piston f Intp., and cylinders PURIODICAt Rclicrativnyyzhurnal.otdcl'nyyvypusk 42.Silovyyc ustanovki no 11. 1962, 59, abstract 42 11 3108 (Tcchn. motoryz. Y. 11, no. 11. 1961. "Biul. inform osiod Badan tranip Samochod " v. 7, no. 5. 1-2 [Polisho I (-,X I (No abstract givenj jAh-tractci % note Translation of title only.1 (at(I I'l GRONOSTAJSKI,, J*; DWORZAKj E. Heat-treated apheriodal cast iron and its use for wheels of narrow gauge cars. P. 519. PFZEGLAD MECHANICZNY. (Stowarzyszonic Inzynierow i Technikow Mechanikow Polskich) WarBzawas Folands Vol* 18, noe 16, Aug. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC,, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960o Uncl. G'~.L. lit I ~-_,.*Ad_.J.", , , .'erzy , dr inz . , a Li Iu I ii': *_ - ........ _ , 'last-iron corroulon In wAter s.)Iutionm of 1111~!Tl ii, h1ghIer tem- perat tireu. Przegl MeCh 22 t10. 23!'72~2 -) 2 A 110 b 10. 1., Departmont, of Tpchnc lory ol' Mt~tall 9 1 T~,, tin, -t ! Un i Vero 1 1~y., I.Ircc law. GRC','OSrAJ3Kl, jerzy, de inz. ~ EL ' a JOYC . Ghan(;t--.,; in -lectric ro~;ijfanuo oi' CuSi , , . 4 ~- I 0 d , j -I re no.12-.6' `1-6~,9 D 164- Id ~, . ~ t -11 . I-) . , , . I . I 2hd~-,5. !. T. !rvwherderabot V. 11. '-4r)k,:r!i-yGvn 91y, ;'r,,,.,!,v Yub-'Ieyrioy Sessii, P-0-y"fashch. Ftoletjy,,r Zo Dnya Ro 7hocniya T)okilr!r.-Ve7a. -,'l. 1,., 19V;, S. ).",-)15 W: Letopis I No. 33) 19)49 7 I&WA and chW&I p"Wada of &f,A- UnIf." Iffrua, Polad)., i low. (1955).-Leucorubrophene T was: obtained In 20a &W by q. a mixt. ofj=o . CW 2 dtl hellot .9 -6 proal M Cis d KOH ratio to 100 the I a ma Pre - rophem hydrochloride by adding' ,notrub j Li Am to of I In AcOgt which bas beta utd IAI with drv HCI. Werser jscou-"~. ~77 Synthosts ottualacolphthalefu from gualacol add phthallc anhydride I* the preamce of condensation agents. funina konowska (Ugly. Toruh. Poland). Roaxiki CAA!"Sl", lifft-nusummary)~A modification of the 3 act ac orfer synthesis (Der. 22. 21M18W)) of .3- 4- tux -3-methox h Qphthalide (1) was given. The y T; dpd=l,- seldic eh.,.t,., .1 the uktion,a t: SuCla (02.5%). ZnCl, (28.0%). 11 d(I I A7, Ch (8.4170) and PeOs (2-070. In the C. .1 51c or lid no I was formed. A. K. (zo,iu,si-7j" J. Tripheny1muthane dyes from runicol. P. 153. (Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne) 14roclaw, Poland. Vol. 13, lo- 3,, ',',rAr a 1959. Monthly List of Last European Accessions (1-:KAI) LC, Vol. 8, lo. 0, Aug. 1959 Uncl . cf nu. Aka F.Ist Yuropenn Accesc-ions 1959. I,,- T'j~,t, of Oncl. GRONOWSKA, Janina; SZPILLPWSKA, Barbara Oh the synthesis of certain Isuoo derivatives of fuchmons. Rocs chemii 34 no.1:289-291+ 160. (EFAI 10:9) 1. Katedra, Chemil Organiesnej Univeraytetu M. Kopernika, Torun. (Fuchsone) S/08 62/000/021/017/069 B156YBloi AUTHORs Gronowska, Janina TITLEs Leucoaurin synthesized from 4-hydroxy benzaldehyde and phenol PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 21, 1962, 149, abstract 21ZhI11 (Roczn. chen.t Y. 369 no. it 1962, 157 - 158 [Pol.1 summary in Ger.] ) TEXT: (p-HOC 6H4)3CH (I) has been produced by condensing p-HOC 6H4CHO with phenol under the action of IICI gas. The HCI gas was passed at 45 - 500C through 12.2 g p-HOC 6H4CHO dissolved in 20 g of molten phenol for 4 hre; the mixture was left in the dark for severil days, the solid precipitate washed with hot water and dissolved in 100 al of hot dilute CH 3COOH with a small amount of Zn-duat added, the solution filtered and cooled, and It C19H 16 OV obtainedl the yield was 42,4 %t a.p. 238 - 2400C (from aqueous alcohol); the acetyl derivative, m.p. 126 - 1280C (from alcohol)- LAb- stracter's notes Complete translation.] Card 1/1 - GRCVOWSKA, Janina Synthesis of phenolgualacolphthalein and its derivatives. Rocz chemil. 36 no.7/8:1239-1242 t62. 1. Katedra Chemli Organi=,ej, Un1werytet Im. M.Kopernikap Torun. GRONOWS01, J nina; IIELDT, Jozef; .-I ..-a, Absorption spectra of phthaleins obtained frcm guaiacc;- Roes chemii 37 no.2:345-152 163. 1. Kate" Chemii Organicznej i Katedra Fizyki Doswiadczalnej, Uniwersytet im. M. Kopernika, Torun. 31 .~j, T " - , I ~ ( i r N tj , ~ I I , . -.i. ~1.~ v alA 5 t :-- ~n Oyc..-. J A t-sm -18 521 I I (,.I 1. !tpa"unrit if . "~;Iqnlvtry, !~~ "l~l,,,4"r'0,nlz-~ Ur,,lvf!l-,-iltvj T -) n ..- a GFONCUSKI, F. Three years of experiences In the work of Soviet navigation. p. W. COSPODAYM WnDNA. (Naczelna Organ lzacja Technic?.nal) Warqzawa. Vol* 1h, noo lo., Oct. 195h. SCUME2 East European Accessions List (EEAL)t Library of Congresag Vol. 5, no. 7. J,,1Y 1956, GRT10-.r3K,I, F. Necessity of basInR the vork of river harbors on tPchnolos,,IcAl rmeces-;Ps. p. 258 Vol. 15, no. 6, June 1955 I(SPODARKA 'IOWA !;arszawa SO: Monthly List of Fast Puronean Accessions (FFAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 2 Feb. 1?56 3-1:100:11KT, F. Biblioc~raphy of 100 Issim of Ioqngjn-ka :I~m, 1015-1030 nnA IC'Zf-- 1954/55. (Conclusion) p. 259 Vol. 15, no. 6, June 1955 GOSPODARKA IIODNA 'farszawa SO: Monthly Liqt of East European Accessi-ins (FrALI, T.", Vol. 5, no. 2 Feb. 1956 MONOWSKI, F. Passporting watexways,, harbores and vessels in inlard navigation. p. 160 Conference on meadows* P*167 GOSPODARM WODKAj Wikrszawa. Vol. 16, no. 4, Apr. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol, 51 no. 8, August 1956 .,R( `(.'-cKT, F. F. Conditions for proper economic ~-cccunt settlement.- ir. inland n--miqation p. 547. Vol. 16, no. 12, Dec. 1956. '-, Warszw-a, Foland. SOURCE: EAST EUROPEAN ACCF-SSICTZ 11"T (EEAL) VCL 6 N(, 4 AF-RII 1957 ~Ailizatlon il.-nninL: in itilt-nd navif-af-lon. T-.2"' 1'6 !-). 5) 57. UA ,,,f Ea:~f. ',i;roivmi ccessi= 7 1. - 4 )l . r, . : . ~ :, - ct 19 CRONOMI, Franciazek, mgr. adjunkt Remarks concerning the definition of inland communication and waterways. Archiw hydrotech 7 no-33381-384 160. (EEAI 10;2) 1. Zaklad Transportu Wodnego Wydzialu Inzynieryjno-Ekonomicznego Politechniki Szczecinakiej (Poland--Inland navigation) GRONOWSKI, Franciazek, dr The seaport as a technical aM economAe concept. Tech goap morska 12 no,7/8i2OO-201 JI--Ag 162, 1. Wydzial Inzynieryjno-EkonnmIczny, Politechnika, Szczecin. GROMMKI, Jacek; 7IJBIELEWICZ, Jaroslaw ki automatic lymphographic syTinge. Fol. przegl. radj*l. 27 no.6:487-492 163. 1. Z Pracowni Rentgenodiagnostycznoj Miejsklego Szpitala Bielanskiego w Warszawie Kierown1k: dr med. J. Bowkiewicz. (LDfPHOGRAPHY) (SYRI.IGS.", ) Yo. Sh. USSR/Chemistry - Titration Chemistry - burete, Micro- 1949 "Titration in Small Volumes," I. M. Korenman, Ye. Sh. Gronsberg, Inst Cher., Gorlkly State U, 9 pp "Zhur Analit Minili" Vol IV, No 1 Desbribes a micro-buret which permits determination of small volumes of solutions with an accuracy up to 0.005-0.025 micron liters. best results obtained during titration in presence of methyl red. Relative inaccuracy of the deterr-ination was in rjost cases under 1.5-2%. Ten tables give figures on titrution Of 30lUtions. Submitt ed 20 1-:ay 47. PA 29/49T17 U SSR NDeterrWastlan of 11MY1 dJW1Jd itl thO AIC- P- ;)I- Grwv~htrg (In3t. Ind. illy And Orcupational r3rrrr-Mjkn4 i &'t 1. f~44, No. 11, 43-4.--The riv*t balwaacty Jew 6 tx~K Ott adda. of 11% to ellspellel. The boo (141vtots log lhtf6tialon vues 1:1 Inixt. of Clict) aiA AcOll, the rtaction bring run in diffus,3 light. For actual sir awnpling an ab4otp(W train with 4 vc~vlv cludg. ClIC1, rAvt itunat. 'Ptake of M.-Clicl 4t W-12 L/br, Th, On. 6 thea treatm with Bri for 40 nsia., and eir". Dr, i9 Wck-titratkrf sit ustud. Thr trit is aeu~i- tive to 0,1 mp, mad MrOll and (CJIXJ~ do vat Wirrivre. is ded. separattly. C I'll s "VSamJtaUhyx1eWi canditiane of wcrk in the productlon of _ay Cs n3 i4y, and mptsutics of Impiovement. V. S. arld Oc-cll- NO. 1. ~S-42 11 2 1. IL (M7).-The cmw-n. of CIT.-.C11C1 (L; in Om;Air -( -A ;-,,IY- I In CIICIj with Dr lu C11CII-110A, , I u, -c & neuruils have be.-en otmmA cven in I&Lcci wimmOlie c-acn. of I Is 0-01-0,04 till.P. Thi:g indwMtj tbLkt !bc currr:it RU351an Iepl wax, ut I niz./f. -Aoufol be TwomA and Olut very eflott SWIM br. tf~ If-Ame LL~, funt. 1:1 (lie GRONSBiOG, Te.Sh., kandekhimoneuk Chromatographic @operation of benzene and isopropylbenzone, benzene and bonsyl chloride in air analysis. Gig. i son. 23 no.1:77-80 ja 158. (MIRA 11;2) 1. Iz GorIkovskogo rAuchno-iseledovetallskogo institute gigtyeny trude i professional'afth bolevney, (A 11 POLLUT I ON benzene related cpdo., chromatographic determo) ORMNS. rel. cPda in*air. chromatographic determ.) AUTHOR: Grcnsberg, 1:.Sh. TITLE: Benzaldehyde Determination v vozaukhe) 32-24-4--16/67 in Air (Opredelmniye benzall degida PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laborator.11ya, 1958, Vol. 24, fir 4, pp. 421-421 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The m9thod suggested In based on the colorimetric reaction of benzaldehyde with c( -naphtol in a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acil and alcohol. The air to be investigated its made to pass through two Petrl-absor-bers containing 3-4 ml concentrated sul- furic acid with a velocity of 30 1 per hoi~r. A scale of standard solutions with a certain benzaldehyde content dissolved in sul- furio acid is prepared. A certain quantity of sulfuric acid from the absorber as well ai of the standard solutions is then well shaken in test vessels with a '% cC -naphtol solution in sp.~r-its. A red-orange color is produced, which gro%Y3 mort intense vrith time. In the c4ne of a simultaneous treatment of the .3tandar-3 acale and the sampiss, comparati'7-i colorimetrizations Can be r,arried out in the course of W -- 30 minutes. Th-~ c-ont-_.)l sample Card 1/2 assumes a yellow color, and if it as well as the standard scale Benzaldehyde Determination in Air 32-;?J*-4-16/67 becomes oherTy-colored, a fresh quantLty of ,iulfuric acid and a new standard solution =qt be taksn. The standarl 3ol7~tiop. re- mains unchanged for at least oce month. The semiti-rity of this method is up to 0.0025 mg benzaldehyde. If the air t-~ be investi- gated contOxs altio benzyl ahlorlde, detenalnattcn is d13t-,1r4)V.J only by a mori than 100-fold quAntity. Th:!r--. -'.,1 -1, ta"Cle. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy nauchno-iss led ovatell skiy Lazatitut g_*,g*_yeny truda profzAbo1e-r__i,~y (Gorkiy Scientific Rtsearah Init.?tlite for Labor Hygiene and Oc,;upational DisesseL.) 1. Air-4'alorimatric analysis 2. fieiizoldeliyde:,-..Detert,,iiitition 3. Sulfuric acid--Chemical effects 4. Alchohols-4hemical effects Card 2/2 f~ r ri r wi if GAMISM21G, Ye.Sh. Determinntion of ethylene oxide In air. Trudy kom. wutl, kh1m. 11:422-429 6o. (141RA 13:10) 1. Gorlkovskiy naucbno-iseledovatellskiy institut gigiyeny truda i professionallrVkh bolezney. (Ithylene oxide) GROBSBERG. Te.Sh. Determination of xylene In the presence of benzene and toluene In air. Zav.lab. 26 no.2:156-158 '60. (MIRA 13-5) 1. Gorikovskiy institut gigiyany truda I profbolazney. (416ne) (Benzene) (Toluene) GROTISBIRG, Te,Sh. Determination of ethylene oxide In the air of production shops. Kh1m.prom. 2:162-163 My 160. (MIRA 13:7) Is Goe kovnkly nanchno-Issledovatellskiy instItut gigiyeny truft i proftabolenty.. (Ithylene oxide) Of 1.111, J..'Cr Ye Detorminatim of et.vIenc. o;:ide, evidlor-*drin, wA glycol in al-, amal.-sis. *Ilim. pron. no.7.-!~Dr-509 Jl IcSI. (illick 1j': 09 I. ar "r:uvo;:iy nivx' no- ..'. mslcdovatr.*l Ij'-.-Ly insti tut c I ny (Ethylate glycol) FILATOVA, V. S.; GRONSBEROP Ye. Sh.; BABOOKINA, H. S. (Gorlkiy) Problems of industrial hygiene in the production of vinyl chloride from acetylene. Gig. truda i prof. zab. no.2:10-15 '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Gorlkovskiy nauchno-insledovatellekly Institut gigiyony truda i profbolezney. (INNSTRIAL HYGIENE) (ETff LENE) ( AC Lqff LF-FW.) - - GRONSBERG,-Ye. S, h. -., Determination of ethylene chlorohydrin in the analysis of air. Khim.prom. no-3:144-145 F 162. (MIRE 15:2) 1. GorIkovskiy institut gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh bolezney. (Air-Analysis) (W*anol) F I LA ~.Iijnitriry anri ch"ortele and bon.~,I.)Aohyle, GRONSBERG, Ye.Sh. Determination of methylene chloride In several chlorinated hydrocarbons in the Trudy po khim.i khim.tekh. no.ltl3l-135 the presence of atmosphere. 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted June 20, 1963. GRONSKAYA, N.F. Some characteristics of the change of mitotic activity during starvation in animals. TSitologiia 4 no.4:403-408 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Otdel ekoperimentallnoy morfologii TSentrallnogo nauchno- isaledovatellskogo instituta meditsinskoy radiologii Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya SSSR, Leningrad. (KAPYOKINESIS) (STARVATION) AUTHOR: Gronakayn, N.F. TITLE: Correlation between the injuries and the normal tion in different tissu,2s temporaria S/219/63/055/002/004/004 D296/D308 development of radiation rate of repair by rcgenera- of the tadpoles of Rana PERIODICAL: Byulleten' eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny, v. 55, no. 2, 1963, 108-112 TEXT: The correlation bet3,ieen the rate of tissue prolifer- ation and the relative radiosensitivity of the tisSues is well known. Tadpoles of Rana temporaria 37-40 days after hatching were exposed to X-rays in doses of 300 and 600 r respectively, from a distance of 30 cm. Groups of 5-10 larvae werc investigated 2, 4, 6 hours and 1, 3, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20v 27, 30 and 35 days after exposure. The mitotic coefficient, i.e. the percentage proportion of the number of cells in mitosis, and the total number of cells in the banal layer of the epithelium, was calculated in 2 tissues: the cornea and Card 1/2 S/119 ,/63/055/002/004/004 Correlation between ... D296/U308 tile, epithelium of tile tail. III the fon-ner, tile 110,11"InI mitotic co- el"licient is 5 times greater than in the latter. In both tissues a -;harp drop in the mitotic coefficient could be observed after expos- tire to radiation. This drop, however, -was ritich moro abrupt in the tinsue with a higher original rate of mitotic activity, i.e. the cornea. in this tissue the rate of regeneration was also much more rz--pid, but the degree of regeneration achieved wan never campletc. hese differences became somewhat less manifest after exposure to 4- *, I.te larger radiation dose of 600 r. There are 3 figures. ,13SGMATION: Otdel eksperinentallnoy morfologii (=av. 1;rof. G. Strelin) Tscntral'nogo nauchno-isslcdovatel'skogo instituta meditsinskoy radiologii (Dir. Itandidat meditsinskikh naul, Ye.l. Voroblyev), Leningrad (De- p.-xtment of Experimental Morphology (Dir. Prof. G.S. Strelin), Central Research Institute of Medical Radiology (Dir. Ye.I.Voroblyev, Candidate of Nledi- cal Sciences) Leningrad) 3 !;.'! N ED by Academicinn N.A. Krayevskiy S1JB111'jL"2LD:. April 24, 1962 Card 2/2 ACC NRI A V70 0 3 5 ! 7 SOURCE' CODE: UH/0219/67/063/001/0027/00100 'Mlioll Gronskaya, N. _F. ORG: Laboratory of Experinental Cytolory and Histology 11cad-Prolf. G. S.~ 3trelin, Central Roentgenological and Radiological Scientific Research ,:nst4tute direbtor-Ye. I. Voroblyev, Ministry of Health SSSR, Len-_`1;,rad (Laboratoriya eksperimental'noy tsitologii i -gistologii Tsentral"nogo nauclinoissledovatellskogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo instituta Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya SSSR) TITLE: Prevention *of death from radiation sickness in rats by shielding part, of the bone marrow during irradiation SOURCE: Byulletent eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny, v. 63, no. 1, 1967, 27-30 TOPIC TAGS: radiation sickness, hematopoicnis, radia-.ion shielding blood system,'bone marrow, ionizing radiation biologic effect ABSTRACT:'Male Wistar raL-S-4~_ie~ expos&d"to 00-', 720~-,' and '8i0_-r -dose's or x-rays. :The relationship between the radiation dose and the protective effect o-~ shielding a given quantity of bone_marrow was studied. It was fourid th--.t 1/2 UDC: 61f-001.28-092.9-036.88-084-893.6-031.84:611-018.46 ACC NRt AP7003527 the protective effect depended on the quantity of bone marrow shielded. The smaller the radiation dose and the greater the shielded area of bone marrow, the greater the percentage survival after irradiation. When rats survived the crisis period (intestinal syndrome) after sublethal radiation doses, 100% survival occurred when a substantial quantity of bone marrow was shielded. A further increase in the quantity of shielded bone marrow did not improve survival. During whole-body irradiation in lethal doses. survival was limited by intestinal (crises period) death which could not be prevented by shielding. In this case, increased shielding was effective only up to a certain bone marrow quantity. SUB CODE: o6/ SUBM DATE: ATD PRESS: 5113 1OApr65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH*REF: 004 2/2 GRONSKI, S. (Warszawa) . . ......... ............... ............, Problems concerning the occupational qualities of the navigation crew in the German Federal Republic. Tech goop morVka.13 no.3:75,-96 Hr 163. 1% , I - I Op TSITSIVj M.V.; SUDIT, Zh.M.; GRONSKIY# A.I. The "Mikron" wheelbarrov-knapeack aerosol apparatus. Zashch.rast* ot vred.1 bol. 7 no*6821-22 Je 162o (KIRA 15tl2) 1. Gasudarstvennoys opetisallnoye, konstruktorskoye byuro po mashinam dlya. khimicheakoy 2ashchity rasteniy LIvovskogo Boveta narodnogo khozyaystva, (Spraying and dusting equipment) TSITSIVI M.V.; SUDIT, Zh.K.; G~.OKSIIIY, A.I. 'Raketa" GiN -2 aerosol sprayer. Zashch. rast, ot vrede i bol. 7 noo7t16-17 Jl 062. (MMA 15:3-1) 1. Nachallnik aektora aerozollnykh opryokivateley Gosudarstvannago opetsiallnogo konsturktorskogo byuro po mashima, d1ya kbimicheskoy sashchity rasteniy LIvovskogo soveta narodnogo khosyaystva (for TSitsiv). 2. VadushchiYe konstraktory Goaudarstvennogo opetsiallnogo konstruktoriskogo byuro po mashirma dlya, khImicheskoy saahchity rasteniy LIvovakogo soveta, narodnogo khozyayntva (for Sudit,, Gronskiy). (Spraying and, dusting equipment) LEVIN, M.M.; ADAMCHUK, V.D.; GRONSM, K.T.; DITACIEWO, M.Ta. Arevention of occupatiowl dermatitis in vorkers of the vet spi=ing industrye Tentederm,i iron. 34 no.6119-21 160. (MIRA 13912) 1. Is kafedry kozhn*h bolezney sav. - prof. M.M larin)t kafedry fakulftetakoy khirurgii ~Zav, - prof. S.M: Nekrosov) Baolmakogo meditainskogo institute (dir. - dotsent G.M. Starikov) i sdravpunkta ftolenskogo Itnokombinata (zav. V.D. Adamchuk). (TZZTITZ VOFMW -DISMSES AND HIGIM) (SKIN-DISMES) LEVINP M.M.,, prof.; GRGNSKIY, K.T.; SHITIKOV, V.P. SpIlin in the treatmAnt of my-comod of the ocalp. Sov. mod. 27 no.3t 129-130 Mr 164. (KINIA 171U) 1. Klinika kozhnykh I venericheakilch boleznoy (zav. M.M. Levin) Smolenskogo maditainskogo instituta. and th(iir pr,~-ventlon an '-,ne.,i oot viroses I 38 no.P.,71..-12 Ag 164. i4:R) Kfkfr~flra knzktnykh I v~m#~. i,, P.M. in .1 Smo ', mf.~! I t s ; nf, knpt; 1. n:-. inzh. - --- Cheml cal cleanIng of the plpel ine!j of the lydrc-r*.-,-m=ic control system of the K-300-240 turbine and bubbling controll unit. Elek. sta, 36 noo9:18-19 S 165, (MIRA 18;9) GRONSKIY, V.I., inzh. Electric mcdeling of gap* In the coupling gear of rolling stAck. Trudy DIIT no.29:125-133 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Car couplings) (Electronic analoe, computers) GROIISKIT, V.K.! Cherenkov radiation for a particle with spin 3/2. Dokl.M BSM 4 no. 11;456-457 V 160. (MIRA 13112) 1. Institut fiziki AN BSa. Predstavleno akudemikom AN BSSR B.I. Stepanovym. (Cherenkov radiation) V. K. Scatter-ir :~ o- ' clectronr, 7-.n~-* F!-(.ton-- b-,, a partic2e with spin 3/2. ;s , Doll:1.17; 1. b". 5 no.1:6-E Ja l (-,I. DQ) 1. Instii,trt MAU At' BSS:-.. Prr-.dst,vlsno akadonikon J'L',* I;SS*'. D.I. Stopanov~m. Dolcl. BSc3' I AN 1' 5 no.1,64 Ja '61. (MI..A (Protons-4o&tterir,j,,) (Electr,ns--Scr.-Utcrir,: GRONSKIY, V..K, Scattering o; a polarized particle with spin +,by a Coulomb center. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.9098-601 S 163. (MIRA 17%1) 1. Minskiy pedagogicheskly institut imeni A.M. GorIkogo. Predstavleno akademikon AN BSSR M.A. Yellyashevichem. " "it -- , V"L. Scattering of polarized particles witk, snin 3P by particles with spin I and 0. Vokl. ;,,I N113R 8 no.14":770-733 D 164. (MIRA 1814) 1. Minakiy pod uglogiche sk iy inatitut limmi Gartkoga. GRONSK.TY,V.K. Nonleptonic decay of a polarized . --hyperon. Vestsi AN WSSR. Ser.fiz.-mat.naw. no.2t62-64 165. (MIRA lgtl) GRONSKTY, V.K. [Hronski, VA.]; SATSUNKEIIICII, I.S. Origination of resonance with spin 3/2 In a high-energy neutrino beam. Vestsi AN BSSR. 165. (KIRA l9rl) ACC M, - AT6o33313 AUTHOR: Gronakly, Ya. 1. (L'Yar); Mchogs, L. A. (L'vov);-Oleg, V. I. (L'Yov) ORG: none TITLE: Comprehensive apparatus for the production and investigation of short acoustic pulses SOURCE: AN UkrSSR* Voproay prikladnoy akustiki, i vibratsionnoy tekhniki (Principles of applied acoustics and vibration technology)p Kievp Naukan dumkap 1966, 91-94 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic equipmenty pulse generatory sound tranamicsion# acoustic signaly. electroacoustica ABSTRACT: The authors describe tranamitting-receiving apparatus for large pulsed cul- rents., aimed at producing the electrohydraulic effect (Fige I)# The apparatus opera- Fig. 1. Diagram of acoustic pulse generator. 1 Charge- discharge unity 2 - triggering pulse generator,. 3 auto- matic control unity 4 - high-voltage rectifier, t syn- chronization block., 6 - synchronization output. ates on a principle similar to that of the hydraulic ram.. using the synchronized charging and discharging of ca- pacitorse Pulses of several microseconds, at voltages up 6 33313 .e control clXcult t-rig- 3 j are generated, T oplea also starts amd rp to 1.3 % 10 F tion of the ~,roxiwstelY 1200 V. 30 IV and at energieO ',, capacitors and produc a -to eilbs 550 kg and consume ge.r,M the discharge of tl aiwatus ops a tspe reCOrde3r* The st 2 twese Orise art IM I DATZI XqVO106/ 0MG RVS 002 SUB 2D# 09/ SUM T, 37653-(5 Peb 6W :ACCESSION NR: AR5008606 S/0169/65/000/001/GO14/GO14 .SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abe. IG63 'AUTHOR: Tsykhan, A. I.; Kramarenko,__P_. K.; Gronskiy, Ya.-L. TITLE: Semiautomatic apparatus for determining the amplitude-frequency character- ,iqtics of electromechanical converters 'CITED SOUPCE: Sb. Avtomat. kontrol' i izmerit. tekhn. Vyp. Kiyev, Nauk. idumka, 1964, 167-170 ITOPIC TAGS: electromechanical converter, seismic instrument, s~, final ogy \f, 1TRANSIATION: The authors describe a semiautomatic apparatus for determining !nomograms of calibration curves for electromechanical converters such as seismic detectors. The apparatus is based on the use of (24K-1 double electronechanical !oscillator as a generator of oscillations. The oscillator consists of two separately installed magnetic systems and two coils, generating and measuring connected rigidly to one another by- a pin. When the generating coil is supplied an; alternating current,. 'a force develops which causes oscillatory motion of the moving system. In order to ensure a particular amplitude of oscillations in it given range A 1/2 Co,d