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s/o68/62/000/003/003/003 Corrosion resistance E071/E435 of the condenser from steel X18H12',12'r (Khl8Nl2M2T) or ATM I At the side of entry of aggressive vapours, the :ondenser tube :an be protected by coating with bakelite lacquer and subsequent thermal polymerization of the latter, There are 3 tables ASSOCIATION: UKhIN Card 2/2 AMMUM NR3 AP4038930 810068/64/000/005/WWO04 AUMOR: Gromov Too, lei Cborkasbinp V. N.; T"Ilkj, V. To. TITIE: Corrosion activity of ammium AIA sodium rwanstes SOURCE: moks i kumiya, no. 5, 19Q, 4244 TopIC TAGS: sodi= rhodamte, ammonium rhodanate, steel corrosiont rhodanateo steel corrosion, tbiocyanste steel corrosion, synthetic fiber AWTMCT: This work waa prompted by the planned increase of syntbetic. fiber pro- Iduction requiring increasing amounts of sodium and ammonium rhodanatess Their preparation from icocyantes involves steel equipment, nnmely, dinsoci- atora and evaporators. Therefore.. a study was made to ascertain the corrosion of -different types of steel in this equipiment. As a result of their testa, the ,authors found the corrosion rate of steels Gt3,, 1xhl3,Kh17Tj LKhl8N9Tj, E1530,, Kh1&u2m3T and E1629,. depending on temperature and a=onium, rhodwate coacentratiom ,With increasing tamperature and salt concentration., steel corrosion rises markedly ifor tYPea St3, IKhl3,, =To IMa&19T- The authors havo found the corrosion of i stee" St3v 2XbGM# M13j, LKhl8N9Tj Khl8Nl2%N and E1629 versus the yE of sodiua 'AccEssiai NR: Ap4o3693o rbodanate running f rom, 1.8 to 8.65. Along with decreasing pH of the solution., ,;the corrosion rate of St3, 25KbGSA and lKhl3 abruptly increases. ATK (zantifric- j%ion thermoconductive material* a combination of graphite and phenolformaldehvda JrCDin) can be used as material for the dionociator in the production of ammonium. J rhodaaate. The beat material for pure salt separation equipment is the Khl8N1243T stainl Do oteelg vbile for the absorption equipment steels MM and IKhl8N9T am recommended, likawUs steel OWa3. Orig. art. luw: 2 figures and 3 tables* ASSOCIA=CK: Nwe SUMQTM: 00 Dws AoQt o5jun64 ENCL: jISUB CODEt HT, M NO MW OW t 002 OMEW 000 2/2 Card L 23073-65 FWU(J)IEWP(e)IL?WT(m)IBW(o)IBPRlr-MP(J)ITIFWP(v)lgwp(b)IW(l) Pc-.h/ F'r-h/Ps-4 RM/WH/W ACCESSION NR: AR4048186 S/0081/64/000/009/Sioo/SiGo SOURCE: Ref. zh. Xhimiya,.Abs. 9S671 AUTHOR: Gromov, Ye. I., Cherkashin, V. N TITLE: Determining the adhesive ca acity of pj~ints and varnishes CITED SOURCE: Sb. nauchn. tr. Ukr, n.-i. uglekhim. in-t, vy*p. 14(36), 1963, 111- 112 TOPIC TAGS: paint film, varnish film, film adhesive strength, adhesive power, asbovinyl. film, bakelite varnish, ethynol varnish, undercoat TRANSLATION: The authors report the following values for the adhesion (in kgfcm2 of various films to metal: film based on asbovinyl composition, 24.6; asbovinyl plus 10% powdered diabase, 28; asbovinyl plus 10% graph e~~'24.9; KhSL varnish, 14.2; bakelite varnish, 57.6; ethynol varnish (50% film forming), 95.3; BF-2 glue, 110; epoxide undercoat E-4021', 133; and undercoat 1-4022, 108. The measure- ment was based on a determination of the pull directeo perpendicularV to the sur- face,and was carried out on a tensile testing machinell'of the IW-50cfvtype, using specimens shaped like small cylinders with an area of 2 cut&. A layer of varnish Card 1/2 L 23073-65 ACCESSION M: AR4048186 0 was applied to the sand-blasted and defatted end surfaces of the cylinders and allowed to dry into a film, after which another layer of varnish was applied and the cylinders were carefully aligned end to end. When the adhesion to determined by such a method, without intermediate layers and glues, the results pertain only to the film under investigation. 0. Toeytlin ASSOCIATION: None SUB CODE: HT -ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 GROKUV, Te.$., inzhener. ~-,l Strengthen the roadbullding organizations of the R.S.F.S.R. Avt. dor. 18 no.8:4-5 D 155. MRA 9-5) Oload construction) GRONOT, To. Pli A now book which has already become old (*Analysis of the economic activity of road machinery, stations." A.I.Grluaberr, N.S.J~ikiforqiv, Reviewed by Gromov). Avt.der.19 no.2:30 IP 956. OILRA 9:6) (Road construction) (Road machinery) (Grilinberg, A.I.) (Nikiforev, N.S.) I GROMOV, Ye.B.. Insh, Work of organisations of the Moscow Trust-for Gas Pipeline Construction. Strot. trubooro4. 5 no.8:7-9 Ag 160. (MIRA 11:9) (Pipelines-Cold weather conditions) GROW)V, Ye.V. Practice of lining short-b-min parallactic traverne surveying. Gnol* I ~nrt. no.9%34-39 3 163, (MIRA 16-10) VON rov' problem-S Of ge T -4. no-ItI47-:48 KRONGAuzt A.N,., PANSHINV I.M.: FROKSHI~ V.R.; GROMOV., Yu.D.i YAKUNIN, V.F. Uni.veren't c:)ndenser don'mater for roontgen and gamw irradliationa. Vast. rent. A rad. P no.~,60-63 S~O 16-) (M:RA 1702) 1. 'A;~ do;Imetric'neskogo otdela (zavedtqushchly .. datsent A.N. Krungauz*i I ekspe-,JmentAl'nykh,mastersklkh (direktor I.M. Paribin) Gosi-Aaritvennogo nauchno-lasledovatellskogo rentgeno-rad 4 01C A 9'1,choskogz~ Anantuta (&rektc,-.- .. prof. 1.G. Lagunova). MWOV, Td.N.; IVAKENKOo B-G-v nauchnyy sotrudnik Mchanized filling station. Zaoheb.rastoot vred. i bol 5 no.2zI4-15 Ir 160. NIRA 15d2) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom mokhanizataii Severo-Kavkankogo inatitata eadovodetra i vinogradarstya (for Ormov). (hmying and dusting equipment) .(C * -,: $. . GAR13UZOV, G.A.; GROIKOT, Tu.V,; MIKHAYLOV, A.V. Equipment for making sewage screens (Suggested by G.A. Garbruzov, IU*V. Grom6v, A;V, MikhmUov]. Rate.1 Itobr.predl.v stroi. no.148: 20-28 156. (Sewerage) (MMA 10:5) GRWOV I Yu. V. Some investigations of lotatron injectors. Trudy Inst. met. no.8:217-224 161. (IAIRA 14:10) (Betatron) No-~ ER/ Ce 010gy Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 3 5/47 Authors % Gromov, Yu. Ya. Title I Seashore roof deposits Periodical : Dok. AN SSSR 9815p 829-431, Oct llt 1954 Abstract : Geological data regarding shales and other reef deposits, found along the seashores, are presented. Ten referencesi 8-USSR; I-Japanese and 1-Chinese (1934-1952). Table. Institution All-Union Scientific Research Geological Institutep Leningrad Presented by Academician N. M. Strakhov, August 14, 1954 e6 ILI 0 V USSR/ Geology Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 30/46 Authors I Belynyevskiy,, N. A., and _-Gromov, Yu. Ya,. Title t The Central Sikhote-Alinek structural junction Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 10311., 109-111, Jul 1, 1955 Abstract I Geological'data are presented showing that the Central Sikhote-Alinak 'Junction separates the zone of Upper Paleozoic deposits of the main Sikhote-Alinsk anticlinal fold from the territory occupied by strong Mesozoic strata of the synclinal structure. Two USM references (1947 and 1951). Diagram. Institution i All-Union Be. Res. Geol. Inat. Presented by : Academician.N. S.'Shatakiy, January 27, 1955 GROK)V, Tu.Ya. Sinian and Cambrian stratigraphy of the southern part of the Maritime Territory (with summary in Inglish). Sav. 80l. I un.6t44-53 Je 158. qWRA 11:10) 1. Veanoyusnyy nsuchno-tseledovatel'skiy g"ologiche "kiy institut. (Maritime Territory--Geology, Stratigraphic) GROMOV, Yu. Ta. Tectonic pattern and formation of the Ussurl-KhAnka7 median mnguif. Sov.geol. 2 no.12:40-51 D '59. (MIRA 13-5) 1. Vansoyuznvv geolol-tcheekly nauchno-igeledowitell8kiy Inaitut. (Sikhote-Alln' Unge-Geology) GROIMOV, YU-79.1 PUTINTSEV, V.K. Basic Reatures of Pro-Cambrian geology in the southern part of the Soviet Far FAst and adjacent territories# Dokl*AN SSSR 138 no,6: 1409-1412 Jo 161. (KMA 14:6) lo Voesoyuanyy naucbno-issladovateliskiy goologicheakiy institute Predstavleno akadenikon D.S.Norshin kiln. (Far Easto-~eologys, Structural) BELYAYEVSKIY, N.A.; GROMOV, Yu.7a. - " Faleozoic stage of the geological development of the Sikhote-Alin' Range and aouthern.Maritime Territory. Sov. gool. 5 no.7:41-63 n 162. (MIRA 15M 1. 14inisterstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR i Vsesoyuznri nauchno-itioledovatellskiy geologichookiy institut. (Sikhoto-Alin' Range-Geology, Structural) (Maritime Territory-Goologyp Structural) GROMOV) Yuslao Marginal troughs of median, massife. Trudy VSFjGEI 85491-100 163. OGRA 16.- 11) SHTALIP y -Y r (MIRA V- YU-VO es". Newt bigbly offici6nt injector for betatrons. Trudy Inst. met. no.12s276-281 263. (MIRA 16z6) (Betatron) MATAKSIS, T. [Mataxis. T.], polkovnik* GOIDBZRG, S..podpoIL-ovnlk; ALUSANDROY, I.A. (tranalatorj; CR(MOV, Ifujo. [translatorj; FITROV, Y.G. [translator); TSYGICHIO. N.P., red.; KRODATIVi Tu.A., red.; IOVLXVA, N.A.. [Pantomic Divison; tactics, armaments and firepower of the pontomic division, battle groups and companies operating under conditions of atomic warfare] Pentomichaskaia diviziia; taktika, voorushenis i ognevaia moshch' pentomicheekoi divizii, boevoi gruppy i roty v usloviiakh primeneniia iadernogo oruzhiia. Pod red. N.P.TSygichko. Moskva. lzd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 345 p. Translated from the English. (xiRA 13:6) (United States--Army) (Atomic wnrfnre) RYAKHOVSKIY, V.; RAGIMOVp Z.j kand. biolog. nauk; SMYWOV, S., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudn1kj MVETSOVA, A., dotnent; SFMCNOV, A., assistant; .GRO"MEL,A,kand. biolog. nauk; SELIN, I., nauchnyy sotrudnik; LAZHAUNIXAS, Ye.; MPLF,.WOv R,j PRLPOBRAZHLPNSKIY, V., starshiy prepodavatell To the attention of a plant protector. Zashch. rant. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.6s4G-43 165, (MIRA AM 1. 7Aveduyushohiy otdolom sashchity rasteniy Luganskoy nallskokhozyaystvan- nay opytnoy stantsit (for Ryakhovskiy). 2. Aserbwzhanskiy nsuohno--is- aledavateltakiy institut sashchity ranteniy, Kirovabad (for Ragimay, Sulaymmov). 3. Omakly sellekokhosyoystvennyy inqtitut (for Shvetsova, Semnov), 4, Otdel saahchity rasteniy Smolenskoy seltakekhosyaystvennoy opytnoy atantaii ffor Selin). 5. Zaveduyushchiy Tellmanskin purktom signalizataii i prognozov, Karagandinakaya oblast' (for Lazhaunikan). 6. Zaveduyushchaya Vitsbakin punktom signalizataii i prognosov (for Haleshko). 7. Buryatakly seltakokhosynystvennyy infititut (for Preobraumsi- skiy. I '.r'lUQvA' fan,l, binlig. nniik; VIADIMIR17AYA, M., knmi. nellskokhoz. nauk; GIF'ol, o., , kin,!. blolog. nauk Rovlawn nnd hiblingrnphy. 7Aeshch. rnst. ot vred. I bol. 10 no.616l-62 65. (MTIRA 180) 1. Brpstskiy peelaeoglchr~skly Inntitut (for Gromova). 2. Vsesoyuznyy institlit znshchity rantenly (for Vladimirskaya, GlISEW) I GROMOTA. A.A,; BM=OVA, Ye.G., starshays evinarka; ZAYTM, V.S., red.; TIJEHONOVA, I.M., [You gave your word; keep It!] Dal slovo - adershi.1 Leningrado Lenixdst. 1959. 84 p. (KIRA 13:4) 1. Sakretarl partlynoy organizataii kolkhosa OPervoys mys" Gat- chinskogo rayons, delegau IMI awyesda KM (for Gromovs). 2. Agi- tator kolkhoss imnl ZZI parts"yesda Yeavolothakogo rayons (for Belenkovs). (Agrioulturs) SOV/81-59-5-i6887 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1959, Nr 5, p 46i (ussR) AUTHORS- Khaznaferov, A,I., Gromova, A.A., Fokeyev, V.M, TIM, The Interaction of Yarega Oil With Carbon Dioxid#W PERIODICAL4 Tr, Vses. neftegaz. n.-i. in-t, 1958, Nr 15, pp 146 - 162 ABSTRACT. The properties of Yarega oil degasified and saturated with CO 2 and CH%Iwere studied. The degasified oil Is characterized by a vii'losity of 3,490 centipolse at 200C and a viscosity of 182 apoise at 600C. Oil which Is saturated with (-74 at 1500C has a viscosity of 100 epoise at 400C and 40 cpoise at 600C, and oil saturated with CO 2 at 150 atm has a viscosity of 68 opoise at 200C and 10 cpoise at 600C. A conclusion Is drawn that highly viscous Yagera oils can be extracted from collectors, which have no cracks, by pumping In CO. or mixtures of C02 with hydrocarbon gases, M Rudenko Card 1/1 USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants, 1-13 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1957, 5496 Author: Mamuna, V. V., Gromova, A. A., Namiot, A. Yu., Pokeyev, V. M. Institution: All-Union Petroleum and Gas Scientific Research Institute Title: Mutual Solubility of Carbon Dioxide and Romashkinskaya, Petroleum Original Publication: Tr. Vaes. neftegaz. n.-i. in-ta, 1956, No 8, 392-399 Abstract: Investigation of mutual gQlubility of C02 and Romashkinskaya petroleum (molecular weight 253, d~'D 0.8736, content of paraffins 3.40$, of tars 15-75% by volume, starts to boil at 600) under conditions correspond- ing to the average stratum conditions of the Romaahkinskoye oil field. The C02 used was contained in cylinders under a pressure of 60 kg/cm2 and included 00 S/08O./ 61/04/oll/ Oil/ C20 D243/D301 AUTHORS: GeraSiMOVp V.V.9 Gromova, A,I..,. and Shapovalov, E,T. TITLE: The corrosion behavior of zirconium in distIlled water at 850C PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v, 54, no. 11, 196~_; 2473 - 2477 TEXT: The authors studied the corrosion resistance of zirconium (-L) :in distilled water at d5oC and (2) in contact with iXi8HqT o50C. ~iKhidNqfl steel and AM aluminum$ in distilled water r0l. 'Three types, A (greatest impur,-ty), B, C (least impurity) of zir- 11A, conium, containing up to 5 % impurity, were used in the tests. The samples were suspended on glass hooks in glass vessels in a ther- mostat after being previously trer 'ted to remove surface impurities. Contact was achieved as shown in Fig. 1. Corrosion resistance was estimated visually and by weight loss,. The maximu-1 welrhtl loss was shown by samples of A after i0e hours (O,tj,5 j7,in2~ equivaienL to a rorrosion rttte of 0.uO8 g/m2. 1_'n~ler these "'o re, ns rrv'ref Card 1 30i98 S,, OdOj/b !,1 311/ 020 The corrosior behavior of zirconium ... D24"5/D'3Ql, Z i y be considered highly res-Istant- On a 1(20~) ilour te 34- ..rconlum m,% - i*. Is conoidcred com,.-,letely resistwit. Cont,-,.-,,-, sta;.nless s-tee'L Und a'.',jm.4.qljm alLers the kine,~ics of corros.,on, cu-, eads to no in- creaae In the rate, A I m gap between the t,3ntaot_nl-. surfaces rali- ses no charige in behavior. The high corros;.on res_':=-!*nnce depends on zirconiim passivity in these conditions. Therc, --e 6 figures, 2 tables and 2 Soviet-bloc referunces, SUBMITTED: November 28, i960 GIUSIMOV. V.V.; GROMOVA. A.I. Affect of the solvent composition on the low-carbon steel. Zhur.priklAbine 33 ji 16o. &modie behavior of no*7:1563-1567 (KI" 13:7) (Stool--Corrosloa) GFJWIMOV., V.V.; GLO~A ~A.I-; SABININ, A.A.; SHAPOVALOV, E.T.(Moscow) Autoolave for electrochemical studies at 300* and at preamwes up to 100 kg/aR2. Zhur.fis.khim. 35 no*6&1359-1361 Je 161. (KIRA 14:7) (FAlectrochnei8try) (Autoclaven) GROMOVA, A. I. and MOSKVICHEV) 0, S. j~,O ftV