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T I in n A vA.LL_J__LI '. J; 1; U" oop A 19,11-i And Ij. V. Girom"Ov. U &S R 66 310 MA 31 . . . . . Y , A 41-In. to U.S.S.R. M.AM WA. 40, 7AMI). Its Zie,41, 94A"S. (Irr-I team Co by thir furfluxi .4 V -8 S.R. w"Olli, filter is a drop in naricul in The rourvar of Ow cj4-clit4y%s%, i h f 4m lls t a I o twerwricr o ;Aol halt. Titivirvirut this, /W'41. %411-. art toral"I oil Is aSint. filheir duffils or allve Ill, lee Wills. of Co. Ilowls lee Go lee ed 0.3 goo S~ see Ices goo Wes ALLUG 44 CAL Lill* AIWI CLAIMPICA' M ile told" a.. and AV ID u d a ill In 9 A 6 it, 00 0000 go 609069 so* 000 40 W ~ L L , T' T n . Tl , , i is I is l I T T 0 in, rir~w a-111woullate "sidelme flitims"AtIng Co. balt as xminthpite. It It' C44-stwir " A. It go hinva. I'mim" MINI- 10, %ti. 3. 21-N11916v Ib- ' llwtw.l i. an ii-Ispialion ill the Camin it,, 11u.1 , ( .1 31, 7017 ,41, Cot I-fe'vill In wiltis Ill zns(?. Ill Ills, I.V.I. fit -)At., - is 01irlized to she Itivid, sit ~falsr still w itL 1l. Intl) 1 00 lauthale. 71-C ititi'latim Is by sit in the In. . It. , 'J 4. it 00 acting as 0 enryster, Ifir Ilion is carrkti-mut as 1.11 , 3.6 sifitit-led by sliding COO -A Ink) to rjll~ its- 111 Cfj.14f. 44, ilia I I I, n1-1,1-1 Ili its. I~wnv 14 its, .'V' IfI'.% Ili" j f$,41 tho' it, slur oil Ific /it ref.... IV. 11, . 1 l , 4 Ill Its I. I vo- 4 unf Vill'twillf1j, 1-1 y 00 0 1, ~' I : /11-0. ".10K .1" C. ".,( 1, M t . f1-1 A At$ aV id "t It,, C" 1 N, go a 1. "4" '., ~ I., It- /" It. -1, V, I P-m-, 11, 1 4 %40hisli, ,it, 1, rit-A) I, it $fit I 10j), '~~i IIIIA"ot -.1 00 v"1 j .111, 00 00 f See 00 0* sit -je 0 00 sit. it. .1161i.vir'Kht L1110AIL41 CLAIJOI(Alloft boo 00 A, of or ill 0 a w "s 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0000 000 0 0 0-004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * *~~ AA [0* A 0 0 _4 0 ir : as POSOft ad siduiall im in 116C must* Solutions, by 1446rusnov. J.'IrtimiChe". R i F ti mm 1916 (i f i ) : uii an . wnts ou o n t, ~ 0 hydrated Ft unkle uud(r the indueoce -4 hydrtApis and 0 00 the presence of ZnO in ZnSOo solos. -Ims out take place f Fe l ti t i f 2 00; n. o call on com. prac amot o rc; Pp under co"dit y urcur after caliclatiun to the trivalent state. AtPI14.9#x og 13 lu"efi atm. 0 does not cause such o%itlation. At pil 5 = : w hisber In the immace of Cu ions. such olklation can so 0 KI-ur activrly. and at P11 SL2,5.4 It can lipt. Fe to a level : %A'26tW-W suS.A. in ownplete at~ruce of klu car. l 0 C.. At. K-441-11 A *0 l 'lee i '39 0 $see -0 00 lee LITC 0 4 TIMC Ct&ISWKATICN ' ti - - , r- e 0 ire It tAO.$ -4 u 19 AV 00 As:, An A Is so 0 a R a Ot te K -~Iplp I 00 0 0 0 : 0 0 00 00 0 00 We 0 N, 0" 0 0 0 -a W-- Out i I 1 4 '1 & f I t If it u $I ! 11 U Ir a 1 6 it x v a b I. it 0 A a It 41 V. '-I-X-Ai WAL so u Al go r 00 di: 0 "W rbysIsO.Cbrualral Meet for The "Ydrem"all"Twi- *9 cW Cane"Wrathis of ImA (in Russtati ) H V. (;rvnwv. 00 Jourpeal of Ap;died ChentiOry (U.S.S.R.). V. 19. no 00, 11, 1946, p. 810-819. Experiments dtwritwd Indicate the feasibilitY of Improving the hydrametallurrical recovery of leall from Ores, concentrates, and other materials. 14 A r ref. 41 0 too.. $I, ja~ "i" 011- It -X-40-- -tvide, it 'J4l so, Il 4- Ostia, to u a A, so is IF '11-1 an 1 11 rw 0 It 0 9 Is ct it It or dc a P11 it It 91 a It or I im e u : :* 0 0 0 & 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 g 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 P T440 4p i1ii 1* 0 * 0 * o * o & 0 * 0 000 0 * 0 00 9 0 a * 0 a 0 0 960406 coo solb '54041 60* Coo see VOID -IM ' - Metallurgical Plant zinc ln&awtry Jul/An 1947 One Tockmolaelcal DIsplaceseent Daring the Ilectro-&7- ids ar Zinc at the Maelyablask Zinc XLectrolyals rlmt..- S. V. Mramv, Cwdjdate in Teabalcal Sol- Moog, 33. A. Regoverav j, ]kWv Chelyabimak Zim J100trousis Plant, 4 PP aTerveta"e. Metalle RoAs ftgausses the el*ctrcnvt&LjurWr of zinc. Tables ~d ampba Mustrato the wtharlm fUtesments M the 4wounts of various types of e2sotrol7tes and the momat of we produced vIth relation to the CUrrIekt. ]PBOU as ealwaslibift 4C "Re elestrelf"s, 000"_ 2 "---: tion of the equipment, propertima or colloide used,- and quality of the zinc ingots. oew 0410 diew t Z.L-6 c a W 4 a IN I a it 0 Or 2 1 1 W on I PC ...... Q'itmil 03 -o9'9 W. 7:1i, rolff;v 1 4- 0" iwuqvm Ulm *11 Welif P3 -Orl-li WWI c an" Met "&4d :an 980108J11'" aw P -V I )'" + WSW H4 au (01) .2 log lid 40MA 2:= -oazc - vdd '91,11,0111 Irost (oz) Pog -a"= BOS -Pligid . pimoaddil lid Is 'OPA P jFrj&ul" u1 joup AJ" IV 611"n ;q )"m -agl P *ub" 414101 "MIT 9 -Wq Hd'orl 4'19 P..Nm jam 11 (11Z) J"L1..8A *' 9 *9 Nit al'ooli + Ouz + NMI (6) 2 0011VOOSVIOPSAC _sx4&,jd4'tI"t lid -S&MUZ lid 'C*'o *rf T I 'O'11 z I 'ut, 1 '116,0 '1W0 LB-St -90-9 100-9 lid T= + %;)Yd"o`lrvOdtKr1t(11I`9 .uj,j 1.1 . I-Ime'd + OPHE IV I Wil "m so .9 lid 1(rW P '19upaig qN oaAz*"A .1 -1o I + mm -P&M In, Ou uO 14114 JP"m + (041 6uWI (9) (Iloio:) j4d '9*9 lid *(Yn 4)..) L j4d 'tit*L'JC1 *06'9 Ild'O" " b Ug oil mi + Wr .0,11reciPSY :11 let 'd 4 Irc 11 OU -Idd -It -0 C r1l I. a ! 19. (Y1# r lid 'WO'cl '6 91 'TWE I ut '00,11"illo,ol %AV + YoRMY W -leg lid 'Irgi j4d 'wC + 'ObT3 Wil. 0 tell, 161 V lut rz,f Wt W 10 a v At 4 41 Al Q a! 4 no. ii-; IT cm AT it vs v I 1 6-11 Rd luro 'J.-C 1-11 1 -1 oil IV os .;n3 + (Ylix.b 'o11 + ona + kwaa W (ire H Jp strz 'Idd lid TI W1117 y1Z 1 00 !qIjj'lt6l1Z 4 Ulls"ObuTOM Vt.,r lid .(rW, oil, + OuZ + .01guZ (1) : A" IstRad 00 I"'Plag -Iltrpm -2 u1 pamajiffa an 1 *582"03 'Pill 00 it sq, In jimutil -Idd Illim 3q$ l- Pm m1p.Its -u1! luf Ail 11314"'All I I Ili -P.1, -f--Ik 1110 111111111ijap Pro. IC. go '41.1w A".dal. Ali 1-nivil- Agirl 'r 00 ITION JOWN N V'U 10 Jim .11plint, f"IpMul aql jil -au" '1111% AllVIIIIII L&I 4AACWIW 00 per It lid So AUw4jl-jxjtlJ) .11mulMa mit"IdIlti!nh v I'ma u... -.111all i. j 00 W 41!0 WI Imllp 11 3 -jr-I tujq.) Iwld4lV 1) &-tvy 'Plitlo.1 'ARN7 -.% 4 -OSpj atuartil "I ud 0 MOOFA P It fil. Go Ir -MIA3.0, did, -Gjy*i 13 a r I _13 it If 61 0_4-- ,IV w 0 bp 0 00 #-A. too. 00 $6' 00 N.Mdwd 7-1 00 Pill, -44, 00 00 shmi S"," " OP 0- IDJ 00 Our Pon Uhl& IL ftftmbmi 00 too SIR Is Mock the of 00. at sub . Ao lbft-r .A -a, I'M a J. i. . cda 0 00 - ON and %oo A; 4 &Is" olio c4m-, in g bbmft7w' ale. ;:-,m 00 . -0 0 min, to W:cb OW a Oak of ;Zhmx- ri" Own -- me 4 A so 00 .as Q PW- I IV 00 00 fe 00 so 00 00 00 00 00 f e 00 0.0 0 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 0*0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0010 00 We 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41.6.6 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 I IV ~,. ; i"!l; A, ; ;(,V, I.,.V . S tudy 1 f1j, Olf, I jil+ .,x tra, f, ! i~qi bv t I - ,- ', 1, ', - r, -, , ~ : t,,-f : ~ :,-. : - -, -~ r, , u ', (. r. in ',he i1crmence of Fel) + am! ic'no. " j n,.,.I."7: . .7 150 ' (4 - .. ,, . - I I .911 GRCHOT B.T. -- Flagellation of Seliberia, stellate. Arist at Parink. Vest. LGU 19 no.21s148-150 164 (MIRL 18i1) "I ;~~ I . p _j 1, " 1 (" 7, (' W! 'A, il 't " t. ,; ~,.; u X. f 'if; AO M (~.ry T 1 -1 rt!j',~ F~IP rj.'j T.Tj I I I T r", I~j r ",I,' Tj I L'a.; ;~V-Iwv, I.A. Quantitative claBsIfIcation cf algae of the g.---r,-,f! Chloralla, Wat. JrU 20 no.9:118-123 165. Omil~-4 ACC AT7001784 SOURCE CODE: UR/3119/66/m/oo4/0053/0055 ALMIOR: Gromov, B. V.; Bespalova, T. 11. ORG: Institute of Physical Chemistry AN SSSR (Institut fizicheskoy khimii AW SSSR) TITLE: Influence of soft beta radiation on the kinetics of dissolution of radioactive strontium sulfate crystals SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut fiziki. Radiatsionneya fizika, no. 4, 1966. ionnyye kristally (Ionic crystals), 53-55 TOPIC TAGS: strontium compound, sulfate, radioactivity effect, beta radiation, aqueous solution, solution kinetics, radiation damage, crystal lattice defect ABSTRACT: The main purpose of the investigation vao to analyze the influence of in- ternally produced radiation on the.structure-eensitive properties of crystals. The tests were made on.SrS04 with specific activity 0, 0.8, 10, and 50 microcurie/G (in terms of S35), dissolved in distilled water. The concentration of the dissolved salt i was determined by two independent methods -- radiometry and electric conductivity. The results showed that introduction of 535 in the SrS04 changes the rate of disso- lution of the salt. At first the dissolution rate increases rapidly with increasing activity, up to about 10 microcurie/g, after which it increases. The latter increase is due tD the radioactive changes occurring in the crystal. The results are similar Card 1/2 ACC NR, -AT7001784 to those observed in other salts. They can be explained by assuming that the rate of the dissolution is affected not only by damage to the crystal lattice, which contrib-;, utes a more rapid dissolution, but also by some process which delays the dissolution. One such factor may be the decrease in the number of crystal-lattice defects, and another may be the charging or the surface of the SrS04 as a result of the continuous beta decay of the S35. It is thus concluded that the total number of defects due to self-irradiation does not remain constant in the solid, and this affects the varia- tion in the rate of dissolution. The results also show that radiation-chemical changes in the solution does not influence the rate of dissolution of precipitates of SrS04. Orig. art. hast 1 figurs. /:6 1 SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG RU& 010 Ca.rd 2/2 Oct 56 EXCUM ICA Seo.5 V01.9/10 %M.P&UWL09Y 3041.GROMOFF B. Ys. Milli. Hoop.. Odamma. #The morphological chang- es In the kidney after a contusion by air blast (experi. mental study (Rusmian text) VESTN.KIHR.1955.11 (107-115) Tables I Illus. 5 During the war contusions caused by air blast* made it possible to observe various lesions. more particular of the kidneys. Experiments on rabbits proved that a con- tusion due to an explosive wave causes in the kidneys: venous hyperaemis. &nae- mic Infarctions, haemorrhages and ruptures within the renal parenchyma. Micro- scopical examination in addition demonstrated the presence of albumin " red blood cells in Bowman*& capsule. tubular cast*. epithelial necrosis of the tubules, and sometimes fragmentation of the vascular internal elastic membrane. Air blast contusions are especially characterized by a diffuse distribution o! the le- sions. After recovery there are no serious functional disorders. Tverdy - Antwerp GROMOV,B.Ta.. kandidat maditainnkikh nauk Peculiarities of kidney function in air contusion; experimental research. Urologlia 21 no.1:11-17 Ja-Mr '56. (MLRA 9:12) 1. 1z kafedry 1-y fakulltatzkoy khirurgil Voyanno-meditainskoy ordena Lanina akademli immal S.K.Kirova (nach. - prof. Y.N.Shemov: nauchn.vy rukovoditall - voyeanogo gospitalya (nach. A.G.Belltyukov) (WOUNDS A11D IMMIRS air trauma. aff. on kidney funct.. esper. study) (CONTUS IONS same) (KIDNIYS. pbvsiol. funct.. eff. of air contusion In exper. study) OWMAP BeYA*j Surgical treatment of varicose veInB of the spermatic, cord, Vest.khir. no.5s7&J77 162. CTIRA 15111) 1. Iz Odeaskego okrU2hnogo voyennogo gospitalya. Vest,khire no.5t76-77 162. (VARICOCELE) (KM 15tll) GROMOV, D.I. C - Computing on the electronic calculating machine the dynamic loads in the transmission of wheel tractors auring starting. Dokl. AN BSSR 6 no.1:31-34 Ja 162. (MIn l512) 1. Institut matematiki i vychislitellnoy tekhniki AN BSSR. Predstavleno akadem:Lkom AN BSSR V.I.Krylovym. (Tractors-Transmission devices) GROMOV, D.I., inzh. Use of an electronic computer for calculating dynamic loads of the transmission systems of tractors. Makh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 20 no.3:25-28 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut matematiki i vyohiolitellnoy tekhniki Akademii nauk BSSR. (Tractors-Transaission devices) (92"tCMdf calculating machines) .I&A I GROMOV$ D.I., in2h, Investigating the loads originated in the transmission of tractors during starting. Trakt. i sellkhommsh. 33 no.2:8-11 F 163. (141ra 16-3) 1. Vychislitellnyy tsentr AN Belorusakoy SSR. (Tractors-Transmission devices) Ct"IbElli"YUK, V.A.; IU;;T(,;AI,OV, A.I.; Yl-li,FINEV, I.Yo.; Kj*~AhAGII, A.L.; 'IURGAMBAYEV, b..X.; F.Ye.; Yi:,,,"l.L,Y-,;X, A.G.; V.D.; YE"""itOCHMI"', A.A.; D.I.; 'l,HUYKo, 'Yu.1'.; FANOV, S.A.; [Twenty-second ConFreoz of tho T'firty of the S)viet Union Mrm] wdnik ',r.(!ni XXil I-os)rva, kedra, 87 p. 17:10) 1. itu.;jla (1917- Vo-.itoc)mo-Kitzit'lli:jLanskiy ekonomlche.9kiy rayon. Zyrlyanovikiy qvint.,;ovyy kombinat. ' ,GROhM, S. A. I [The n"rvous system and health: popular scientific essay.] Nerynala sistema i sdorov's; nauchno-popultarrWi ocherir. II Moskyap MeMis, 1955. 129 p. (MLRA 9:1) (NICRYOUS STSTM4) L 46o55-66 EEC(k)-2/1t"r1T(d)/ -2 -I YSS- WS--2/PD_ ACC NRt AT6022342 SOURCE CODE: UR/00001661000/000/0036/0039 AUTHOR: Gromov, F. A. ORG: None TITLE: A method for increasing the speed of transmitting discre-le information based i on beam selection by polarization state SOURCE: Voesoyuznayn nauchnaya senaiya, poavynahchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektsiya teorii I tekhniki peredachi diskretnykh signalov. Doklady- Moscow, 1966, 36-39 -10PIC TAGS: polarized signal, *Jdn=z]ww polarization, data transmission, radio wave propagation ABSTWXT: The author discusses the polarization method for differentiation of radio beams on the basis of the difference In polarization due to differences in conditions! of propagation. The case of arrival of two beams at the reception point with given states of polarization in considered. A formula is given for the propagation ratio between the first and second beam and the receiving antenna in terms of the angle of inclination of the polarization ellipse and the coefficient of ellipticity. It is shown that when there are two beams at the reception point with polarization states P, and P2, the first beam may be differentiated by using an antenna with polarization~ state P2 and vice versa. In this case, the energy propagation ratio will be a maxi- 1 -__Cc~r4-_jj2 --- -1 L h6055-66 ACC NRs AT60223h2 mum for conjugate polarization ellipses and zero for identical polarization elllpncs.~ It is shown that most extraordinary waves have close to circular polarization w4cre they enter and leave the ionosphere, but with opposite directions of rotation. Thus when the transmitter radiates waves with elliptical polarization, each of the beams at the reception point consists of two magneto-ionic components which are approxi- mately circularly polarized but with opposite directions of rotation. However, the direction of rotation for the polarization vectors at the reception point will differ for each beam due to the effect of changes in the direction of rotation of the pola- rization vector for the circularly polarized wave during reflection from the surface of the earth, and since these characteristics are inherent in the propagation of SW waves, polarization selection may be used in this range. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas. SUB CODE; 09/71SUBM DATE: OqApr66 -Card. POMOV, F.Y., insh. New narrow-gauge MIP2 locomotiv** Torfoprous 37 no*2:9-10 16o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Belgiprotorf. (Diesel locomotives) GROMDV, G., inzh. Mechanization of operations at fuel dumps. Zh"l.dor.transp. 36 no.1:82-83 Mr '55. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Zamestit"ll nachallnilm toplIvno-tekhnicheskogo otdola sluzhby lokomotivnogo khozyayetva Mookovsko-Hyasanskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Fuel) (Loading and unloading) AZBBIZV, V.V.; GROMOV, G.D.;_IAGUMOV, Mww~ M Repeated spnwning of the salmon AN SSSR no-5:131-140 156. 1.I. Salmo salar L. Trudy Kar.fil. (XLRA 10:7) 1. Polyarnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozymystva i okeanogrefit. (Snimon) YUROVSKIY, Yakov IoBlfovicl-., dots.; -'%lck.-.ey Ivanivi--h; SOLDATKIN' Valentinu DmItt-1yenia; V, leann4l.: ,;IIUYh-V'~, 11bina; A-'eksarvir Serge. * ' Ye-. 1, ,.; [Agricultural mapping of a demonstration farm] ~~i'11;3kokho- ziaistvenTloe kartogrnfirovanie oporno-pokazatellnogo kho- zinistwi. !4o.,,kvn III Gospeoltokhlv itp 1961. 37 p. (MWA 1-:u) L . - . I YUMAN, Y a, I.; Xd~L IT SEIV, A ~ I,; UNA G. 1 1 LAYEVA , A.S . 11,N . A. T.V.,, YURO'.',,;KIY, Yfi. I., rc-,I. (Agri cul tural marr,lng of the area ()f' a state farm ai~rlcilturnl region)] r'tnrii pro~vv)dvt~;er n1la (Administrativn0j;-, ruicln). GRONOV, G.N., inzh. Choice of conditions for efficient control of an electric train. Ilek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no. 12:33-35 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Ilectric railroads--Trains) VORONOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich; BLIDCWKO, Ignatiy Fedorovich; GONCHAROV, Viktor Mikhaylovich; LOBANOV, Vasiliy Vasillyevich; M&WRIYEV, Gennadiy Dmitriyevich; 13LAGOVIDOVs I.F., kand. tekhn. nauk# retsenzent; GRONOV, G.11.,, inzh.s retsenzent; EMITOV, Ye.A.p inzh., retbanzent; WSIKOV, D.V., prof., red.; SOBAKIN, V.V.,, inzh., retsenzent; MEIVEDEVA, M.A., tekhr.. red. (Fuel oil and lubricating materials in railroad transportation] Neftianoe toplivo i smazochrqe mpterialy na zheleznodorozhnom transports; spravochnik. [By] N.M.Voronov i dr. Moskva, Trans- zheldorizdat, 1962. 322p. (MIRA.15:9) (Railroads-Fuel) (Railroads-Lubrication) (Petroleum products) GRaKOV., G.N. - ~~ ~ I -M--, 'I ........ . Lbe vork of railroad engineers should be respected Elek i tople tiona 7 no,3124 Mr 163, (MIW4 16:61 1. Nachallnik otdola okepluatateii lokomotivev upravleniya Moskovskoy doregi. (Locomotive engineers) (Railroads-Foployses) IVANOV, A.G., inzh.; OKERBLOM, Yu.I., inzh.; USHAKOV, S.G., inzh.; GROMOVI G.V., inzh. Results of the studies of a turbulent ZIO burner with a radial twinting apparatus and regulated twist of the flow. Energomnshinostroenie 9 no.9:8-11 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) L 57502-65 F-dT1 050139" DR/0096/65/000/006/0027/0032 683-87-001.5 is AUTHORSt SNM~Ovaj S Lo (Candidate of technioal soisnoes); Shnitsert L No i(Engineer)l Gromovi Go (Engineer) :TIT-LEt Investigation of the aerodynamio flow oharaoteristice produeed by a burner 41th vane defleotore 1SOURCE: Toploenergetiks, no. 6t 1965, 27-32 ,TOPIC TAGS: powdered fuelp fuel burnerp fuel injectorl furnaoe burner/ UT 11 2 1/~ ,burne \0 !ABSTRACT: The experiments with powdered fuel burner UT-11-2 (capacity 5 t/hr, used !on boilers with capacity 640 t/hi) presented previously S L Shagalovap I. No Shnitserv and Go V. Dromov ("Toploonergetika" No- 3# 19651 w;reocontinued by deter- ;mining the acrodymAmio charaoteristios of the flow in a 14 scale model (see Fig. I .on the Ehalosure). Flow irregu.1arity# change of velooity along the flame axis, ;swirl in the flovp angle snolosed by flamel size of reoirculating regioneq and 'amount of reoirculation were measured* A ocaparlson with other types of burners was !also perfonpea. It was founa that in the range of speeds w2/W1 from 1-0 to "a With 1/4 L 57502-65 'ACCESSION NRs AP5013999 'with w1 20 M/Bec the flame had a compact flow character with substantial disanarge the center region the length of the recirculation zone was 2#0-42.5 d (d - out- iside diameter of Ime was below 4N440- At lower w~wi pots; angle enclosing f the :angle increased but the flow irregularity (ratio between maximum and minimum velooiV :at a point and t1e aver&63 calculated flow velocity) was also increasede Maximum dimensionless axial velocities decreased with increasing w for x/d /- 2-2-51 but 2/w1 were independ for x/d > 2.5. A-11 parameters depended on whether the ent of W2/Wl ~toroh was operating with or without flow separation between the primary and ~secondary air supply. With flow separation# the length of the torch increased with la decrease in swirl. To control the position of the flame corej it was faund advis-' able to change the distance between the primary and secondary air supplies* Compar-, ~ieon with other burners showed that the velocity change and length of flame penetration of the UT-11-2 &a comparable to that of round double-helix burneraq but that flame penetration is.much lower than for ZiO burners with radw vanes. Most recirculation occurred in sections --j 0.5 d from the throat anA comprised 9-10% of the total flow. Mixing of primary and secondary air supplies was found to be much better with separation between the flows than without. Since UT-11-2 offers icomparable performnoe to double-helix burners (with a wach lower b7draulia loss ,ooeffioient)k Uses burners are rsoom4mded for industTial. use. Orig, art. bass L 57502-65' ACCESSION NRs AP5013M J figureaq 2 tableep and 3 forwiWo ASSOCIATIONt !EogTl I zio SURICV=: 00 EffCLs 01 SUB 00DR: FRI ME !110 REF 8W, 004 s 000 Card 3/4 !AdmBidt IRI AP5013999 ENCLOSMs 01 a A-A Fig, 1. Location of (WIludrical ohs=olo in bu=er UT-11-21 I- primoxy obwmell- 2t 3# 4- ismorp internediatep and outer seamdary roopeatively; 3- orlindriml throttle; 6- tbree-880tim Two Cord assembly -.-- .1.-I I1 1.-. T GROMOVI I&A00 ingh. .......... I ,- Ioningrad shipbuilding plnnt operations under new cnnditione. Sudo- atroanin 23 no.11:38-39 N '57. (MIRA 11.61) (loeningrad-Shipbuilding) GROHOV , I. A, . ........ .... Catch of Aristichthyx nobills Rlebardoon in the middle course ?f the Amur River. Zool. zhur. 42 nu.1%147 163. (HIf-A 16-5 1. Laboratory of Fresh Water fishes, Amur Section of the Pacifle Research InaLiLut ol Fiwior~ Amnagoment and Oceanography, Khabarovsk. (Amur lUver-Ariatichthys) na. A Ye., Engineer GROVOV, 1. G., Enginner-PEr""111Y A,','.KOI "A Drilling and Boring Head for Large Blind Holes," Stanki I In3trmentp 17, No. 6, 1946 Br-52059019 ANANITU. S.L., prof.. obahchiy red.; KURPOVICH, V.P., kand.tek-bn.nauk, obohchly red.; GRONOL.-I.G.. nauchnn red.; RMNOT, Ya.N.. red.; SEMOVA, Y6-.V., takhnred. (Workability of structures] Tokhnologichnost' konstruktaii. Moskva, Dom tokhniki, 1959. 452 p. (MM 120) (Machinery--Design and construction) -7~1, I ,- , r, IX. Rev'll".1 e,c-lo'nit, - razvltly-i flotx I lilt at 1. -h#--'-~n-y -):-o 7!~!-Aann- orl t SSSR. '4. , 101)1i. It'. s. :12 s'n. (Al-vd nbshoheq tv. N'li-Oc nrt *s-: ! Kafo-0 r- -),-)I! t . W~onomzin ) '17~ P'rz. '19. Tp. - ( RUBTSOV, Ivan Antonovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akadomik, Llavnyy red.; 3Ti'11LKOv# A.A.Y. red.toma; LiYYJIOVSYIY, Mo., rod.; GROMM,-1,11s, red.; 11,1011C11ADSI"'lY, A.S., red.,- SKAMATO, O.A., red.; S11TAKELIDERG, A.A., red.; BORISOV, K.A., red.izd.; SHIMOVA, A.V., [Concise clasulfication key of U.S.S.R.] Kratkii opredelitell I,bskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, faune SSSR, no*77)o the bloodoucking black flies of the krovososuahchikh moshek fauny SSSR. l9o2. 227 p. (Oprodeliteli po (ADA 15:8) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta. LN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Black flies) GROKOV,11.M. Station of co-mmist labor. Zhel.dor.tranap. 42 no.8:71-73 Ar 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. lachallulk stantall Marganets Stalinskoy dorogi. (Y^rganets-Railroads) SVETOVIDOV, Anatolly 111kolayevich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnFf red.; BIKIIOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.,- Gfi(X.,'OV I re,,'.; XONr,!.AW~:IY, re'J.; Ii- I 7i~ -M A.A. , red. SKA:IA'10, O.A., red. i~rx "rW [Finhas of the Black Sea.) Ryby Chornogo moria. ;-"oskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 196,1.. 550 1). (Opredolitoll po fauna SSSR, no.86) N_ GRONOV, 1. M. and PA 1, 1 w iZI OIA,I.M. "New Materials on the Feeding of Filina (bubo b,ibo, L.) In Semi-Arld Regions of Northern Pre-Caspian," Zool. zhur., 29, No.5, pp. 31'-.9-405, 1950 Zoological lnst., Ali UbSR C, f *-1-t w1, 1 . - ~, I ,.. . . I Gryzuny eauny Z-Rodents of the lj~S-R, by7P. S. Vinoj,7radov i !. X. Gronov. Ylost-va, Tzd--,ro Akademii Nauk lf~,52. 296 r. Illus. (Akademiya "auk MS)Ft. Zoologichesk'.i Institut. v. 43) V5 720.01 .V7 G 4 k1 1 177 --t- V3aMHC-HAGIN, N.E.; GROMOV, I.M. History of vertebrate fauna in the region of the lower course of the Ural River. Trudy Zool.inst. 9 no.4:1226-1269 152.(KT-RI 7:11) (Ural Valley--Paleontology) (Paleontology--Ural Valley) The Comittee on Stalin PrIZON (of the Council of Ministers U80) in the fields of science and inventions, announces that the foLloving scientific vorka, popular scien- tific books, wA textbooks have been rAbaItted for ecapetition for Stalin Prizes for the years 1952 and 1953- (Svrvet!~M Wtura Moscow, No. 22-40, 20 Feb 3 Apr 1954) Sam Title of Work Roadnated by so: w-3o6o4, 7 July 1954 TSMICHAGIN, M.K.; GROMOV. I.M. -Ij-1: Nollatition of remainn of higher vertebrates of the Qutternary period] Sbor ontatkov vyokhiV-h T)o.-vo-iocbWkh chetvertichno:~4) nerlnda. Mo,.%!-V.'I, 12d- vo Akademli nank SSSR, 1951. 16 p. (141,RA 6:5 ) (ftleontoloa) GROMOV, I.M.; YNGOROV. 0.V. Materials on the feeding habits and economic signifance of the eagle owl of the Pamiro and Kopet Dagh. Zool.zhur. 32 no.5:964-978 S-0 15). (MLRA 6:10) 1. Zoologlohenkiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR. (PumIrs--Owl*) (Owls--Pamirs) (Kopet. Dagh--Owls) (Owls--lopet Dagh) IMUSHCHAGIN. N.K., kandidat biologichosikki nauk. GRUMOV. I.M.. kandidut biologi- cheskikh nauk. Former fauna and flora of Stavropol'. Pr1rods, 41 no.7:103-104 J1 153. 041-RA 6:6) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk S=R. (Stavronoll-Katural history) GROMOV.1-M.; VOROBIEV.B.L. Scrub vole (Pityvws the western area of no.17:135-159 '55. [Microtus] majori Thos.) in the uplands of the Greater Caucasus. Trudv Zool.Inst. (HLRA 8:10) (Caucasus--Field mice) GROMOV,I.M. Characteristics of accumulated bons remnins In cave sites. Biul. gon.chetv.per. no.20:88-92 '55. (MLRA 8:11) (Paleontology) VINOGRADOV,B.S.; GROMOV I.M.; PAVLOVSKIY,Ye.N.,akad. IVAN(N,A.I., relaktar; , 'E"' e XRTZHANOV-SM'?I'- ., r- daktor; MOICHADSKIT,A.S.. redaktor; STRIL- NOV.AoA~. redaktor; KOZZMA.G.I., redaktor; KRUGLIKOVA,N.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Concise guide to the rodents of the U.S.S.R.) Kratkii opre- delitell gryzunov fauny SSSR. Moskva. 12d-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. 1956. 118 p. (V pomoshch' rabotatushchim po zoologii v pole i laborstorit, no.1) (xw 9:2) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR, (for Pavlovskiy). (Rodentia) GROMOV* ism. . 'A,, 3oze results and prospects for the study of fossil quaternay rodents of the U.S.S.R. Trudy Zool. inst. 2200-99 157. (KLRL IOW (Rodentia, Fossil) GROMOV. I.M. Sow features In the preservation rate of the bones of small mammals from river-ch&nn~j_,;%lluvIux as their geological age indices. Trudy Zool. inst. 22tlDO-111 '57. (MA 10tO (Rodentia, Fossil) (Bones) GROMOV. I.M. I --- -1- Upper quaternay rodents of the Samara Bond and conditions for the burying and accumulation of their remains. Trudy Zool. inst. 22t 112-150 157. (MM lotO (SawAra Bead-Rodentia. Fossil) GROMOV, I.M. W.Wmw. Upper Pleistocene rodents of the Xam-Iruybythev, area of the Volga Valley. Trudy Zool Inst. 22:131-191 137. (MLIA IOW iYol,ga Valley-Rodentla, Yossil) GRONOY. I.K. 14terials on the history of the rodent fauna of the lower Ural Valley and the northern part of the Caspian Sea region. Trudy Zool. inst. 22: 192-245 157. - (KIRA 10:6) (Ural Valley-Rodentia, Fossil) (Caspian Sea region-Rodentia, Fossil) ORONOY, I.M. qup#arnary rodents in the northern part of the lower Don Valley and the adjacent area of the Volga-Don watershed. Trudy Zool. inst. 22:246-318 '57. (KIBA 10W (Don Valley--Rodentia, Fossil) (Volga Valley--Rodentia, Fossil) AUT'I-T cand id"'I e of "i iol S ' '; ' ' c, - ' ', - - 1214 x 4 j 'I'LE Planning urd Co:)rrilnatirm o" .,.i-.L -c r. I rovan iye Ro" i ct.eqkikh i :-, :; I t,~ d' v - i koordinatolya zoalof.- i n i T.- L; a -, t I U n a of t'.9 Conference in t~-.e Zooloi-ic7~1 ~'!oveshchaniye v Z~olai;ichem'.om institute) PERIODI~'AL: Vcotnil: AI-11c.-iii nauk S"'IGR, 6, pp. 1-29 - 150 (USSR" j ABSTRACT: rhio conf,2vencp- was ritt,,ndw! I.y rt!l ive-, of ill main uchrezhdAniya (institutions) of the nailk Ak;-~demii nauk S.,SB(Dep%rt;,'.w-t of Bi ulc -.y AS USSR) which a.*e en,-,a,~ed in r,-searcil. in t-.P.;e fiel,15, of' :-nai-Drity of the branch establish!n--nts, of t~~v A:'~,!,,,- JA-- o S-1 '.C" of the Union Republica, of the univev:~.tat~13 i.,; 1, r I ', I ' I d Majeow, of the Vsero.'ju-..nyy Inot It".t o'-'.ernoco i rechnogo rybno,c-,o union Scie::tific Research Inititite of IAke ~.'nd F;-" Brecdin6), of the Institut mikrobloloj-ii L i em i c 10,- i Yugo-Vostoka SSSR (Institlzte of :.Hicrolviu l and Ei;idf-'MOIJ~7Y Card 1/4 of tie South-East of t',,.e USSR). from Planning and Coorli.,;;.tiori j,,* Transactions of t,)(., Conference In t~,p Finland (Finlyandiya) also atterded t;.e The work of the conf._~rence was pez":Dr7neri in t',Ii-ee Frc:, March, 28' - 53, of t'-", and of the Dirj,~r-tion of t.-.e Zoo!,),:-J,c%] '-e re~resenta- tiVeS Of tilt! Z0010,~_iCal ir;!,t i tilt i0l',3 ')f thf, establishments wore hell. In thtl:le :7:e, plans Cor t,,,e research for the years fro, 11,55 - 1)~o were- (1-.Scusoed, It was conjidered necessary t, of an In3titute of Zooloci in wa~; re-c-m-nended to widen the s,~ope of the zool~jz7icul work out in the Yakutsk branch in 1959. It wi,to rf~quezted to convert the biologicheskiye otdcly Dal~ncvuztoctinzij~::. filiala (bio- logical Departments of the Frtr E_-..:t Brnr,..~31.) into an of zoaloj;y and butary anA above .1 C) E. 11 1 1 I'l 1:,) r'l t 0.11 i 4? 0 of paraoitolo6y and ecolorY and " 1 a ~;:,. r,~ r e -a r c-.h In the second ata~7e (frc):!: ',I. to Aril. 2) re:.ort.,~ and informations concerninj-, of of the Zoolmical Institute and uf a numl-.~-.-r- (j,* Card 2/4 AS U"P were heard. Draft re.,ie-arc.:. 1. 3 1. Q., P3 an ninj Cc ord i rift t i on of Zoo I j.- e -I r(. Transactions of te Cunf rence in t~.e, Z,.Jol,~ r"t I r. t~.e in~!ividual inltituti!u of tht, u,' tne Un4on Republics. It was ted t,,:Lt t'ie ~Ir- -:'t of c ould be 4one in the co7,.rd in.-tt ion co,:.-1, i on --t t%e ZooluCical Institute AS USOR. Tht-, t%~rl _* -e o ' t:.;- c on f e ren c e ( f r om A pr i I , 3 - 9 ) was (I j-i d by .!.e p rL-jotice of fore irn nci ent i ,,,t a. 14 V4, I0 V 0,; tr-, co, I Ct joint re a e arch work in the B~ It ic Sea (Balby*cbre mom 1j,lierU 1he nrm* ,,erz,: which is to proceed under the part i c-4 p_*.ion of oc le.-Aints from the Srandinavinn oountrioll nill t'-'n for:%!111 Fekler:;l Hopublic. The conference ap~ r_!ved of tm- pro,,onal to draft a uniform plan for zoological rez;e,irch in tt'rie -SSR and in the Peoples' Republics for 1959. At the e.,,,:i of the con- ference the participants appealed to all zzooi,~tical institutions of the USSR and of the Peoples' Republics to assizt the National Lluseum in Budapest (Budapesht) with mate.,lial for the collections and with lite-atuve, --,s t, is m-.oeu7, suffered herivy losses during the rfivolT:tion in tne itutumn. of 1956. Card 3/,1 GROMOV, 1.11. Study of fossil mammals in the Hungarian esople's Republic. Valoont. zhur. no.1:141-143 '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Hungary-Faliontological research) - GROMY, I. M. Some prnblems in oubspecific systematics of foooll rodento of the late Quaternary period. Zoolabur. 38 no-10:1583-1597 0 '59. (14M. 13:2) 1. "Zoological Institute of t 'tin Academy, of Scionces of the U.S.S.R.. Leningrad. ~Rndentia, Fossil) qROMOV I,.-M, (USSR) "Some peculiarities of the restoration method of the hictory formation of the rodent fauna in Anthropogene (in Russia)" report presented at the Int-1. S~mpcsium an Methods of Thcr;olocical InventiGatim, Brno, Czech... 4-,., ~,- Uept. io6o GROMOV, Igor' MikhaylovIch; GROHOV, V.I., otv. red.; NIKITINA, O.G., red. i~d--~a-;- -N-0-V-IC11-KOVA-,N.D.j, (Fossil upper Quaternary rodents in the Crimean foothills] Iskopaemye verkhnechetvertichnye grylzuny predgornogo Kryma. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 188 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Komissiia po izucheniiu chetvertic6ogo perioda. Trudy, vol. 17). (MIRA 1434) (Crimea-Rodentia, Fossil) GRO14OVY I.M. quaternary susliks of the western Palearctic. Report No.l: large susliks of the subgenus Colobotis Brandt. Trudy Zool. inst. 29:22-80 161. (1111RA 14:6) (Suoliks, Fossil) GROMOV, I.M.; SHEVCHMO, A.I. Jerboas (Rodentia, Dipodidae) from Kuyalinitakiy deposits of the uouthern Ukraine. Dokl. All SSSR 139 no.4:976-979 Ag 161. (MMA 14:7) 1. Zoologichoakiy Institut AN SSSR i Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN USSR. Prodstavlono akademikom Yo.N. Pavlovskim. (Odessa region-Jerboas, Fossil) GURIYANGVA, Yevprakuiya Fodorovna; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glav. red. STIGIZOV, A.A., prof., red. izdaniyao BURIGUY.-I-Y, B,Ye.,, red.; GROMOV., I.M., red,,- red,,* MONCIIADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKARIATO, O.A.? red' ;'SIITAIM0jik,, A.A.; VELIYATAGO, N.A., red, izd-va; KOI~RWYEVA) MIN.0 tokhn. rod. [Amphipods of Vie northern part of C-e Pacific Ocean (A-.phipcda- Gammaridea). Part 1) Bokoplavy severnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana (Amphipoda-Ganaaridea); chant' 1. Moukva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SS-SR, 196;!. 440 p. (Oporadeliteli po fauno SS13,11, no.74.) (mmA 15:6) 1. Direktor Zoologichoskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Favlovokiy). (Pacific Ocean--Gannaridae) KLYUGE, Gorman Avgustovich (deceased]; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.11., akadarmi ;;glav. rod.j STRELKOVI A.A.# prof., red. toma; BYKHGVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMCIV I M .-red.; MOIICIULDSKIY, A.S., red.; SKARIATO, O.A., red.; S~ ~p A.A., red.; VELIIATAGO, N.A., red.izd-va; VINOGRADOVA, N.V., tekhn. red. [Bryozoa of the northern seas of the U. S. S. R.) Mnhanki severnykh morei SSSR) Moekva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 54 p. (Opredeliteli.po faune SSSR, no.76.) (MIRA 15:6) lo Dixvktor Zoologicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pavlovwkiy). (Arctic regiona-Polyzoa) GROMOV, I.M. [Hromov, I.M.]; SIIEVCHENKO, A.I. A new jerboa species (Rodentia., Dipodidae) from Kuyallnitskiy de- posits of the southern Ukraine. Dop. AN URSIR no.1:108-110 162j, (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut geolog4cheakikh nauk AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR V.G. Bondarchukom (Bondarchuk,, V.H.]. (Kryzhanovka Region-Jerboas, Fossil) CHEXANOVSKAYA, Ollga Vitolldovna; PAVLOVSKIYI Ye.11.1 akademik., glavnyy red.; STREIXGV, A.A., red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GRO140V I M red.1 MONCIIADSKIY, A.S., red.; SWIATO, O.A., red; SHTIMLIBERG, A.A., red.; VELIYATAGO, N.A., red.izd-va; SMIRNOVA, A.V., [Aquatic oligochaota worms of the fauna of the U.S.S.R.) Vodnye maloshchetinkovyo chervi fauny SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 4U p. (Opredeliteli po fauno SSSR, no.78). (MIRA 15:3-1) 1. Direktor Zoologichuskogo instituta Ali SS3R (for Pavlovskiy). (Oligochaota) KOZLOVA, Yelizavota Vladimirovna; FAVLOVSKIY, Yo.H., akademik, glavnyy rod.; JIMIWO A.I., red.toma; DYKNOVSKIY, Me., red.; GRGMCV I.M., red.; 1401,'CILADSKIY, A.S., red*; SKARIATO, O.A., red.; STi-5,M, T.-A-.,7-rW.; SIMAKELIBERG, A.A., red.; KOZLOVA, G.I., red.izd-va; BOGNEVER, V.T. , tokhn.3ped. [Charadriifomes; the cubordor of shore birds) Rzhankoobraznye; Podotriad kuliki. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Vol.2, no.l. [Birds] Pfgitoy. 1962. 432 p. (Fauna SSSR, no.81) (MIRA 15:6) 1. Dircktor Zoologicheskogo inctituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (S%ore birds) TOMMIN, Avenir Grigorlyevich., prof.; PAVLOVSKIY., akademik, glavnyy red.; CHAFSKIY, K.K., red.; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye.., red.; 9RO14OV, I.M. red.; 14ONCHADSKIY, A*S,, red.; SKARIATO, O.A., red.; red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A. red.,- MAKAROV, B.M., red.izd-va;' ~KOVICHKOVA ROMANOV) G.M.0 U.D.1 (cataceans of the seas of the U.S.S.Rj Kitoobraznye fauny morei SM. 14Dskva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk &SSR, 1962. 211 p. (Opredelitell po faune SSSR.. no*79). 04IRA 15:8) le Direktor Zoologicbeskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (cetacea) GRUNIN, Konstantin Yakovlevlch; FAVLOVSKIY, U.N., akademikp glaVfi~,y red.; SHTAKELfBERG, A.A.,, prof., red.; BYKHOVELIrl B.Te., red; OW1Wp- I M red.; NONCHADSKIYt red.; SKARIATO, O.A.,, red.; jwW~t A.A., red.; MAKOVSKAYA, L.M., red.izd-va; BOCHEVER, V.T., [Warble flies (Hypodermatidae)) Podkozhnye ovoda (Hypodermtidae). Moskva, Izd-vo Almd.nauk SSSR, 1962. 237 p. (Fauna SSSR, Ser. 82 no. NasekorVe dvukrylye, vol.19, no.4). (MIRA 16:4) (Warble flies) LIKHAREV, Illya Mikhaylovich; PAVWVSXIY, Te.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A.A., red.tom; BTKHOVSKIY, B.Te.,~red.; GROHDV, IOMO; red.; MONCHADSXH, A.S~, red.; SKARLA70, O.A., red.; SETAKELIBMG, A.k., red.; ZENDELIp Ms., [MollUsks Cladeiliidae] KleLuztliidy (Clipusill1dae). Moskva, Iad-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 317 p. (F&una SSSR, No 83. Holliuskip V01.3t no.4) iMIRA 16s?) 1. Direktor ZoologicheBkogo inatituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovokly). (ClausWidae) GROMOV, I.M.; GURffEV) A.A.; NOVIKOVq G.A.; SOKOLOV) I.I.; STRELKOVp P.P.; CHAPSKIY, K.K.; PAVIDVSKIT, Te.N., akademik, glay. red.; BTNMVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKARIATOP 0.1., P*d.; SHfAKELI WM, AA., red.; SMIRMOVA, N.V., red.; SMIRNOVA, A.V., tekhn. red. (Mamnals of the U.S.S.R.] 141ekopitaiushchie fauny SSSR. Soat. I.M.Gromoy i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR. Pts.1-2. 1963. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Zoologicheskiy in5titut. (Mammals) GOLIKOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; PAVLOVSKIY, U.N., skademik, glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A0 ., red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKARLATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIBM.G, A.A., red.; KONDRATIYEVA, M.N., [Gastropods of the genus Nefptunea Bolton] Briukhonogie molliuski roda Neptunea Bolton, Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 217 p. (Fauna S3SR, no.85. Holliuski, vol. 5, no.1). (PaRA 1635) (Gastropoda) SHTEYNBERG, Dmitriy Maksimillanovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.H., akademik., glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A.A., red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV,, I.M., red.; MONCHALGKIY, A.S., red.; SKARIATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKEL'BFRG, A.A., red.; MAKOVSKAYA, L.M., red.izd-va; BOCHEVFR, V.T., [Hymenopteraj family Scolildae) Sem.skolii (Scollidae). (Moskva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 185 P. (Fauna SSSR, no.84. Nasekoqre pereponchatokrylye, vol. 13). (MRA 16j2) (Scoliidae) GUREYEV, Aleksey Aleknandrovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A.A., red.toma; BYXIIOVLKIY, B.Ye., redi; PRDMDV, I.M., red.; MDNGHAD6XlY, A.S.; SKARLATO, O.A., red.; S TAKFLI"EERG-,'A.A., red.; VELIYATAGO, N.A., red.ited-va; ZAMARAYFVA, R.A., [Lagomorpha] Zaitseobrasnye (Lagomorpha). Moskva,, Izd-vo "Nauka " 1964. 275 P. (Fauna SSSR. Ser.87 Klokopitaiushchle, vol.3 I no.10~- (MIRA, 170) MANUYLOVA, Yelizaveta Fedoroyna; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A.A., red. toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV LM red.; MDNCHADSKIY, A.B., red.; SKARIAM, O.A., red.; SHTid6iig' A.A., red. [Cladocera of the U.S.S.Rol Vetvistousye rachki (Cladocera) fauny SSSR. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 326p. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR, no.88). (MIRA 17:12) ~17'%;"'Ovp Alnksnridr lvnnov~Jrh.; 611"I",-I'MAN, fio-r-s Karlovich; PAVIk)VSKIY, Yo.-.!I.p aka(J,-m.IV, glamly red.~ STPELKOV, A.A., -ed.; HyKHOvsFzyv D.Ye . , red . , G';'Om6-;, 1 .14. , red .; KINCHAUiFTY ) A,S,, red.; SKARLATO,. O.A., red.; ')ffTAKEL'BFRG, A.A., red. (A conrisf, VL-Ids to the birds of the Kratkil opredelitell ptits SSS.R. Yosk-.,t,. Nauka, 119t,,41 . 'Q7 p. (Opred,911tc,11 po fnuroi, no.R5)', (MIRA 17sIO) 1301EIN.SKIY, NikoIny Alek5eyevich; hl)Zl.*,ETMV, boris AlekrarxirovIch; KUZYAKIII, Aleksandr Petrovich, prof.; VATAIJ, V.F., eijktor niol. nauk, retsenzent; SOKOLOV, I.I., doktor biol. riauk, retsenzent; CHAPSKIY, K.K., d(jktor b1ol. nank, retnenzent; GR0MQVj I.M.) kand. biol. naukt retsenzent; HUNTSKAPIYA, UJI~.-,- -re'd. [Guide to the mammals of the U.S.S.R.; a manual for students of pedagogical Institutes and tenche rs) Opredelitell mleko- pitniushchikh SSM; porobia dlin studentov Fodagoricheskikh institutov i uchitelel. lzd.2.p Ispr. J dop. Monkva, Prosve- 9lichenie, 1965. 381 p. (MIRA 18:5) ZAGULYAYEV, A.K.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akaderrik, otv. red.tdecea~edj; BYKHOVSKlY, B.Ye.p akademllk, red.- G?OMCV , l.M., red.; MOCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; A.A., prof., red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red. (Moths and Pyralids attticking grain and foc)drtuffsl Voli i ognevki - vreditell zerna i prodo%-ol'stvcr-rVP)i virmsov. Mooln-va, haukap 1965. 270 p. 0":BA 19:1) NAU,'-IDV y Donut Vladimirovich; PAVWV.,.MY, Ye.H., akademik, glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A.A.,red.; BYYJfOV6KlY, B.Ye., red.; GhOMOV, I.N. red.; MONCHADSMY A.S. red.; SKAhIATO O.A. -- A.A.; ZAMARAYEVA, )R.A.) I p , III I [Scyphomedusaa in the seas of the U.S.S.R.) Stsifoidnye meduzy morei SSSR. Moukva,, Izd-vo Akad.nauk =R. 1961. 97 p (pprodeliteli po faune SSSR, no.75). iKM 15:2) 1. Direktor Zoologicbeakogo instituta A14 SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Scyphomedusae) GrROMOV J:L.S'. USSR/ Engineering Ceramic Ixoduction Card 1/1 Pub. 104 - 5/12 Authors lGramov, 1. S., and Dikerran, 14. 11 Title IManufacturing decorative majolica earthenware Periodi"l i Stek. i ker. 1, 11 - 14, lan 1955 Abstract l New metbods of manufacturing decorative majolica earthenware at the DUlg&tkin Ceramio-Tile Factory in Moscow are described, and technical data is given on the manufacturing procedures and the chemical composition of various clays. Tablel illustrations, Institutiont Submittedt I . *;A'l0Y-,l*Vl, Feldsher 1. V. 2. U:351,i W;0) 4. JoIntz; - Tuberculods 7. Therapy of o!Aeo-articulit- tube rculo~5 i z5. Prof. A. ~. Icy Feldsher.l. V. "iromov. Folld. i aku-nh. No. J, , -1. 9. Monthl List of' Russian AcccBsions, Library of Congrens, ~Ullc - 1953, Uncl. ' T1 ~ G F SHESTOPALOV, V.I., iriz~.; lt.T~.. 'T'Zi,.; W-1 CA' A ,- - , inzh.; GHC*,,.OV, I.V.,nauchn.sotr.; SlIEPANOVA,I.N.pred. [Fishing in the Amur Riverl i',ybolov3tvo na Amure. Vla- divostok, TSentr. uluro informut.Ai, 39('~2. 103 P. (I'Li"A 18:1) 1. Amurskuye otdolonJye Tiklicokeanskogo Imstltula r7bnogo kho7.yaystva (for Gro.-.ov). A,bM.~d.IKOVj A.; ABDURAWOV, A.; ABDURAZAKUVA, F.; Uh(),-IIUV~ K.; U:-Lk:-.UV, G. Dotcr.idnaticin of tJjc- relative intensities of conversion lines Wood ou Um blackenitil, density. Izv.AII Uz.O`SR.Sor.fIz.--mut.nauk i na.107-13 362. (ALU 15:4) -1. jRAif,ckhjiiL:h(3skiy imititut. (betu-ruy spec-troub-o'er) BAYJIMAT, A.; BELOGUROV, V.; GROMOV,-K ---Z 11 1 ., JIL'UN, Zh.,,- PIEIL', L, Study of the Y-ray spectrum of Eul48* Izv. AN SSSR- Sqr. f-.j.. 26 no.2:217-220 P 162* (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut fiziki Ali Latviyakoy SSR I OWyedinennyy inetitut yadernykh issledovaniy. Europium-Spectra) mma rays) t auloy' K. - DzManiv, B. 137 Spoctnim B Dct~j. %~,_d. Ibillk SSSR P,5, -,99-300 '52. 5;.. rw.,~71:7889 153) wm;' 5:8) Radium :Lnst., AS ussn Give results of investigations of spectrum of gamma rays of cesium with the help of the gammaspectrometer (the so-called "riton") of the Radium Inst., which was decsribed by Dzhelipov and 11. Orbeli In 1948 (Dokl. All SSSR No.62, p. 1615). On this spectrometer magnetic analysis is conducted with O.U9 of cesium carbonate in a thin cellophane film, from which electrons are knocked out by gamma rays. Acknowledge assistance of N. N. Zhukovskiy, Yu. V. Khollnik, and A. Silantlyev, Presented by Acad P. L LtWirskiy A May 52. 252T89 S6 R 539,166 3812- ur I'. 2,F211EI N.-&Lug=l, lb- K~"~,Gv- DoR .4kad. Natok 53-5R. 96, No, 255-8 (19 2) bw Awitan. U2418 a Compton tlectron "pcorometcr R linc3 wera found -at 597, 711, 958, 1032. 1341, 1691, 2070 keV with Ml' intensities J-54,0-19,0-066,0-044, 0, 17. 1 -OD, 0-10. A level scheine can be constructed for To... consistent both with the P--ipcctrvm of SO' and the VsWtrurn bf I"' (Kern o at 1948) Pe GROMOV9 KeIsp inzho-tekhnolog Una the building up method with vibratory are welding for the repair of machine parta. Putt i put. khoz. 3 no.3:24-25 M, 061. WRA 14:3) 1. Proyektao-konstruktorokoys byuro Glavnogo upruvieniya puti i soorusheniy. (Rai4rodda-Maintenance and repair) (Electric wd ding) GROMOV, K. Ya., Cand Phys-Math Sol -- Wiss) "Conversion Electrons of NMon-Deficient Isotopes of Lutotium and Thulium." Len, 1957. 13 pp with drawings (Radium Inst im V. G. Kh1opin, Acnd Sol USSR), 100 copies (IM, 50-57, 117) - 6 - 48-7-4/21 AUTHORSs Gromov, K.Ya., Dzhelepov, B.S., Preobrazhenskiy, B.K. TITLEt The Spectra of Conversion Electrons of the Neutron Deficient Thulium Isotopes (Spektry konversionnykh elektronov neytrono- defitsitnykh izotopoy tuliya) PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akad. flauk SSSR, Ser. Piz., 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 7, pp. 916 - 939 (USSR) ABSTRACTt After irradiation of the tantalum target with rapid protons the rare-earth elements were, by chemical proces.,3, sepurated from it and thereafter, chromatographically, the thuliur. fractions. The spectrum of the conversion electrons was investigated by means of a "ketron", which process is described in detail. As a result four lines were discovered which are represented on figure I and the values are given in table 2. Table 1 shows the values of the Siborg (Seaborg?) tables on neutron deficient thulium Itgotopes. Figure 2 gives the conversion lines b, c and d of Tu and table 3 gives the relative intensities of the conversion transtion lines hy - A keV. Figure 3 records the possible scheme of the decay of TuM, . Figure 5 si;ows the curvei Card 1/3 of the D group of the conversion electrons of Tu167 and table 4