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s/o49/6o/ooo/oo4/oi4/ol8 E032/E314 Airborne Condensation Hydrometer with Automatic Recording of the Dew Point frequency generator 7 which supplies the coil 6 This leads to the heating of the mirror. The condensation begins to evaporate, which in turn reduces the amount of light reflected, and consequently, the amount of heat supplied by the coil 6 . As a result, an equilibrium deposit is obtained on the mirror and the temperature on the surface of the con- densation Is equal to the dew point. The Instrument is thus similar to that described by Suomu (Ref. 2) and Barrett (Refs- 3 and 4). Fig- 5 shows a photograph of the whole L'/c instrument. It can bs used to determine the dew point to an accuracy of about 0.4 The inertia of the instrument does not exceed 0.60.0' according to laboratory tests. The dew point 0 can be measured between +30 and -20 The consumption of carbon dioxide in the refrigerator is not more than 20 to 30 g/h. Typical oscillograms obtained are shown in Fig. 6. Analysis of these oscillograms shows that the instrument can Card 2/3 s/o4g/60/000/004/014/018 Airborne Condensation flydromefoe~24fi~i"Autoni.-itic Recording of the Dew Point Z be used to record fluctuations in the dew point having amplitudes down to 0-30 and duration down to 0.5 sec. There are 6 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Alcademiya nauk SSSR Insitut prikladnoy geofiziki (Academy of Sciences of the USSR Institute of Applied Geophysics) SUBMITTED: March 27, 1959 Card 3/3 BASITt L.T.1 kand.-sellkhez. nauk; STOLLYAR, T.A., kand, selikhoz nauk; ASANOV, P.M.,, assistent; SELYANSKIY, V.M.,, kand. sell- khos. nauk; LOBIN, N.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KOVINIX0, D.A., kand. biol. nauk; KASLIYEVA, 0.1., kand. sallkhos. nauk; PETROV, V.M., kand. voter. nauk; ANANIYEV, P.K., kand. voter. nauk; PENIONZHKEVICH, E.E., doktor biol. nauk, prof.; SERGEYEVA, A.M., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; BALANINA, O.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; GRIGOROYEV, G.K., at. nauchnyy sotr.; KRIKUN, A.A., Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda, kand. sallkhoz. nauk; YARDVOY, P.F., kand. voter. nauk; ECLOKOSYLENKO, V.T., no- uchnyy ootr.1 ZROMOV, A,M., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MOSIYASH, S., red.; NAGIBIN, P., tekhn. red. (Handbook for poultrymen] Kniga ptitsevoda. Alma-Ata, Kaz- sellkhozgiz, 1962. 354 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Kazakhstnn--Poultry) NIFOL'SM, D.S.; OWMOV, A.M., karvJ.se1'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk W:e of* donor t.plood component5 by chicken realpents. Agrobi oloLviia no.1:125-131 Ja-P '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut ptitsevodstva, g. Zagorsk, Moilkovskaya oblast'. (Poultry) (Blood-Transfufdon) Gh~,xAN, AlcA'-.j`IkjjkJI' I-'Iak:3jp.ovjcji, lj~i~jid. t~cl'khoz. imuk; Ci(OINGVA, A.V., red. [Veget.-itive hybridization of poult.ryl Vegotativnala gibri- dlztlt. lin ptit:-,. 11-1,oskT~~f Izd-vo "Kolos," 1961.. 141 p. Oell.,,A 1?:P.) 3/0P,9/63/014/00/003/019 A066/A 126 AIJMOR3% Bolovintsev, K.A., Belyak, A-Ya., Gromov, A.M., Moroz, Ye.M., Che- renkov, P.A. TITLE: A 6.5 Mev miorotm for electron injection into a synchrotron PERIODICALs Atomnaya energlya, v. 14, no. 4, 1963, 359 - 363 TEXT: 'It is first pointed out that the relatively high intensity of the electron beam attained in conventional miorotrons, the simple design of the de- vice, the escape of a relatively large amount of electrons from the accelerator, the great similarity of the electron energies, the w=11 divergence angle of the electrons, and other facts Indicate that the microtron may also serve as a ayn- chrotron injector. These assumptions were checked by the authors on the 280 Mev synchrotron of the Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Institute of Physics 1meni P.N. Lebedev,-AS UWR) with the aid of their 6.5 Mov miorotron. The number of electrons retained during acceleration when a magnetron is used as a synchrotron injector is estimated at. about 2-5 - 1010. It Is thus proved that modern accelerators of this type are very efficient already now, and further de- Card 1/2 S/089/63/014/004/003/019 A 6.5 Mey m1crotron for electron Injection A066IA126 velopment will make magnetrons even more suitable for this purpose. The magnet- ic poles and the sheets are made of CT-3 (St-3) steel. The magnetic poles are 600 mm In diameter, and the diameter of the operating area is 500 mm approxi- mately. The magnet requires 450 w, and the supply of energy Is stabilized with, an error of about 0.03%. The pressure in the chamber is about 2 - 1o-6 mm Hg. There are 3 figures. SUBMITTED: June 27, 1962 Card 2/2 GROMOV, indrey Nikolayevich; POLYAKOVA, V., red.; SHLYK, H., tekhn. red. (Lilac] Siren'. Moskva, Mosk. ratochii, 1963. 246 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Ulace) GFIGIV(N, Androy Nikolayovich; SOMI-OVA, G., rtd, [GIndiolus) Gladlolusy. Moskva, Mork. ral,oclni, IW.5. 66 p. (Ml.,',,l 18-12) CTL,-A;~, 1 1, . . . GA)RIV, i. i. - "Pi4edicolegul Evaluation of Injurlle:- of th- Auditou Ort-ans." Lid, 16 Jun 52, First ].;o:;cow Order of Lenin Modical Tll!-t. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate dn Medlcal Sciencesi. SO: Vechernaya Noskva danuary-Deceil1ei- 1952 GROMOV, A.P. (Melskess) Filmstrips as a visual aid in teaching of secondary school mathematics. Mat.v shkole no.6:6-13 N-D 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Nathematics-Study and teaching) (Filmstrips) N"'GROM01' A.P. (Malskess). ;;:z I *SWWW-Mt*Uj* Now geometrical motion-picture films and their'iAllization. Mat. v shkole n0-5:11-12 S-0 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Geometry) (Motion pictures in editcation) Gamov, A.P. Problens in forensic otlatric expert testimorky. Vont.otorin. 20 no.2:42-46 Xr-Ap '58. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz latfedr7 sudebnoy maditainy (zav. - prof.V-F.Chervakov) I Hoskovskogo moditainakogo instituta. Timmolly on forannic otiatrics (Hns)) (RAR. (lie. nxpnrt testinov Ollm)) GROMOV, A.P. Using filmstrips and motion necondary school. Uch. zap. (Mathematics--Study and pictures In mathematics classes of the MGPI 116:195-208 '58. (MIRA 12:9) teaching) (Motion pictures In education) GROMDV, A.P. (Melektoo) Training movies for mathematics abroad. Hat. v shkole no.5:71-73 S-0 '59- (KRA 13:2) (Mathemation-Study and teaching) (Motion pictures In education) BMRAVICH, A.N. (Gomel'); 13XMIAVSIEIY, P.D. (Uzhgorod);!~.'WHOV, A.P. ..(Melekess); DWINCHUK, Ye.S.;TZ;IMKO. I.Y.(Kiiev);ZOWTOVITSKI'Y--Yi-'I (Rautoyo); XAZHUN, B.I. (Ion ingrad); KLIMINCHIM, D.Y. (Berdya;zk)*;MI*LINIXOT, K.S. (Stsrlita=k);NIXHAYIA)V, K.Y. (Magnitogorsk); HASTROV, A.Z. (Sterl- itamak);IfYYJIDOV, D.I. (J4oekva);IIOVOSXIOV, 5.1. (Moo Ir-va ); FRATILOOT. B.R. (s.Kanino Hyazanskoy obl.);PRINTSIV, N.A. (Kursk); SAMOV ICH. A.F. (Sverdlovsk) Discussion of the olans for the programs. Mat. v shkole no.6:5-28 N -D 59. (MIRA 13:3) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) GROMOVt A.P. (Melekes); PETRAKOV, I.S. (lVoskva) Use of slides in mathematical instriction. IJAt. v shkole no.2:67-88 Mr-Ap 161. 14:4) (Mathematics-Audio-visijal aids) GROMOVf-A.P., Practical aspects in establishing coLuses of sudden death in miners. Gig.i san. 26 no.ltlO9-112 Ja 161. (MIRA 14W 1. Iz kafedry audebnoy meditsiny I Moskovskogo ordena Ienina medit- oinskogo iyWtituta iMeni LM.Sechenova. (MINEIM-DISFASES AND HYGIENE) (DEATII--QUSFZ) , . . I . - i j, t.l.e. metLo(jolog m y of' te;-.(,j;lng and scientific research at the :!I di,-,ll t*n(-Illty. Trudy Un. dmmli. nar. 7. Vop. med. no.139-21 I'll-I's (MIRA 18:9) Gh~ I-'k)V , It I Fe trovic I i, ! ~-K.' '/(;W, , K.V . , r~--(j . [Forendc medical expert4 -4 on the degree of the gravity of bodily lesionsiona; a methodological may ual for studenti)] Sudelmomeditninskala ekspertiza stepeni tlazhenti taleanvkh povrezhdenAl; rwtotilci.eskoe dlia studentov. 11-Insk-va, Vooik. med. In-t, 32 yy . i . 'I) K-1 A 1C.-1- ( ALTUE110vt B.N.; Gi-Mt-IN, A.P. (I'lelckesa) A new student'i textbook. Mat. v shkole no.5:38-40 S-0 163* (,141liA 16:11) MORDKOVICH., B.I.; NE;YFERTP X.V.; GROMOV., A.P.; SANDRAK, Ia.R.j ANSO, Ta.Ya, L*wering nitrogen oxide losses in towar sulfuric acid systems by means of automatic control, Khim.prom. no.121832-837 D 16L WRA 15:1) 1. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy inotitut udobreniy insektofungitaiday i Kh W chookiy kombinat Haardu. (Sulfuric acid industry-Equipment and supplies) (Nitrogen oxide) 19 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 e o # 0 6 lip s If o un it P I# a it ~I If .4 .4 A m . V V It I It1 4 It F 1 1 )40 .4 pit L -A-A-L -L if8 4 1- u II. qL--LIL #A 04 iL 10 U91 s j s 0 .4 1 (r o M-0 A-S In humda milk A 's (Atau"t - A,mms It It , Q. Nii. a lOtIONI). -TIw "Itiml L4 lh~ r1l.l. 'A', I., th. 00 -1111IMM.Alt" 44 11W vwo lItAl takillig quillm, I-T but""i Illwhas can mre sult6tta Ili x1svii mki,mit mfmil~ %ldi, *44 I-ILAIII'l. 14W (11jujing 2, 4, 0 4n,1 1.' 14'. Aft' I 4dre ...... fIA11.41; 110 .140111W 04, Ittr-f"I C- -00 '00 COO aso KOO 00 8941 00 00 1 e go 1111,14tw -0) 1 t; An I I a w a 0 1 16 411 10 0 0 * 0 * o 0 o 0 0 lop 41 0 * 4 :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 40 -C-13 A. 0 1 GIOMOV, A.S. Duration of malarial Infootion. Sovot mod. 16 no.4:29-30 Apr 19,42. (GLKL 22:1) 1. Of the Valarial, Station of the Middle-Asiatto Water Health I*- partment. GROMOV. A. S. ; S IL I CITWO, T. S. -, PAYM I YEVA, 0. V. Vaccines and vaccination in control of dysentery. Zhur.mikrobiol. epidA immun. no.5:14-17 NY '55. (KM 8:7) 1. Is Dnepropetrovskoro instituta spidemiologit, mikrobiologli I giglyany. (DTSIWF,RT, BACILLIART, prevention and control, vacc.) (VACCINNS AND VACCIWI-101i. dysentery) GRGIOV, A. S. CRQI,OVP A. S.: "The relationship between the antigenic and immogenic properties of typhoid vaccines." Min Health U3,;R. Central In5t for the Advanced Trainine of Physicians. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for Ue Degree of Doctor in Ycdical Science.) So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 37, 1956. Moscow. ORCHOV. A.S. .....1..k..... W, . 1, Role of receptive zones in immunogenesis ia intestinal infections. Zhur.mikrobiol.. epid. i immun. 27 no-8:107-108 Ag 156. (KLM 9:1o) 1. Is DAapropetrovskogo instituta epidemiologit. mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. (TTPHOID MIR. experimental, variability of response to various Pites of infect. (Bus)) GROMOV, A.S.Ikandidat meditsinskikh nauk -I - Heterogenous and paradozal immunity. Vrach. dolo no-3:277-279 Mr 157 (MLRA 10:5) 1. Dnepropetrovksly institut epidemiologit. mikrobiologii I giglyony. (INKUNITY) SiL',;H.iJ9v. T--- ; GRQML,V. i4icrobiM."Wmchoammroac.e~rist~ile of Newcastle's -~yse-.-ery bacillus isolated in Dnepropetrovsk. Zhur.mikroblol.spV - I i.- jr,- 28 no.4: 87-93 Ap 157. (..LRA 10-10) 1. Zz Dnep rope t rov,~kogo Instituts opidemiologii, -nikro~Aologtl i gigi.veny. OWIGLLU 3AEhI)TiANTARI" biochan. & imminol. charscterivtlt~s f varlms tyoes) GROMOV, A.B.; SILICHEKKO. T.S.; PAYNUTIYEVA, G.V. Immunological characteristics of Shigella dysenterine strains icolnted at the onset and in the terminnl steges of disense; nuthor's Abstract. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 29 no.4:PI-94 An 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Is Dnenronstrovskogo inatitutn enidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. (SHIGELLA DYSMMKRIAB, Immunol. senects of strains isolnted in enrly A late phnsas of die. (Hue) GROMOVj. A.S., prof.. doktor nod.nauk, ' ji--ZATA, %.A., doteent. red.; GORITSKAYA. Y.i.. dotaunt, rud.,- XAILAUM, R.I., aauchnyy sotrudnik, red.; BADAYXV, D.A., (Problomu in the inmnology, microbiology, and epidemiology of intestinal Infeotionsj Voprosy immmologii, nikrobiologii i opidemiologii kishechnykh iafektaii. Dnepropetrovsk, 1959. 256 p. (mIRA 14:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskly nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut apidamio- logii, mikrobiologii i giglyeny Im. N.F.Ganaleya. 2. Direkior Dnopropetrovskogo nauchno-issladovotol'skogo instituta epidemio- logii, mikrobiologii i giglyeny im. N.F.Gawleya (for Gromov). (INTESTIRES-DISIAGM) GROMOV9 A.S.v prof. (Nopropetrovsk) Virus disease resembling Coxsackie infection and its prevention. Felld. i akushe 26 no.3s24-27 Mr 161. (MIRA, 140) (VIRUS DISEASES) G.10MOV, A.S. (Dnepropotrovok) -- Toxopla=csis. Felld. i akush. 26 no.8:24-27 Ag 161. (YJRA 14:10) (TUOPUSMOSIS) BESPALOV, P.V.; GROMOV, A.Y. Voltage regulation In loaded 6 kv TM-type transformerz. Prom. energ. 16 mo.2:21-23 7 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Electric transformers) GROMDV, A.V. Device for attaching connections In rubber hoses. Mash. I neft. obor. no.3:20-21 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Odeaskly neftyanoy tekhnikum. Aw GROMOV, A. V. Ifinge-joint metal pipen for heating mazut. Transp i khran nefti no. 11.,24-25 t63. (MIRA 17:5) 2. Neftebaza No. 5 Odevskogo upravlenlyn Ukrglavnaftesnabsbyta. SMAKHOVICH, Kon3tuntln Ivanovich, prof., doktor teklin. n~.tuk; SHIM,!, AXI., aspirant. Prinimal uchast-kye_GRQ-'C)V, A.V., aspirant; KALININ, V.F.,, red. [Thermal gas dynamics and the theory of heat transfer] Termogazodinamika i teorlia teploobrena. Leningrad. Pt.2. ig6i.. :L66 P. (MMA 18:7) I. Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Kafedra "Teoretichoskiye asnovy teplotekbniki." 2. Kafedra "Teoreticbeskiye osnovy teplotekhnikill Lening-radskol7o politekhnicheskogo instituta (for Shtym, Groriov). SLUTSKER, A.I., GHM4DVO A.Yo. Study of orientation in polymer fibers by the x-ray diffraction mothod. Report presented at the 13th 0onference on the high-molecular compounds Moscowo B-11 Oct 62 ACCESSION NR: AT4020714 5/0000/63/000/000/0247/0252 AUTHOR: Gromov, A. Ye.; Slutsker, A. 1. TITLE: Investigation of the structure of polyethylene by x-ray diffraction methods at wide and small angles SOURCE: KarbotsepnyYrye vy*sokomolekulyarny*ye soyedineniya (Carbon-chain macro- molecular compounds); sbornlk statey. Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 247-252 TOPIC TAGS: polyethylene, crystalline polymer, x-ray diffraction, crystal orientation, polyethylene structure, spherulitic structure ABSTRACT: Wide- and small-angle x-ray diffraction patterns of high-pressure polyethylene films and the same films after slow uniaxial stretching at room temperature to 5 times the initial length showed large periods with dimensions equal to 260 and 116 4, respectively. These periods differed from one another by the fact that In the Initial(unstretched) state, they lay in a direction per- pendicular to the axis of the chain molecules present in the crystals, while in the oriented state these directions coincided (and lay along the axis of stretch- ing of the sample). The characteristic, meridional, large periods with a stable value of 116A are formed Immediately after the beginning of the stretching and th nyber increases markedly on continued stretching. The passage of the poly- ,w i r cor I ACCESSION NR: AT4020714 ethylene from the initial, unoriented state to the oriented state is accompanied by narked structural changes in the 5uperirolecu)ar level, due apparently to the destruction of the initial crystals, the strong reorientation of the polymer chains and the formation of new crystals oriented in the C axes approximately along the axis of stretching. This picture can be connected with the spheruiitic structure of unoriented polyethylene, the gradual destruction of the spherulites and the development of a fibrillar structure according to the orientation. "The authors express their sincere appreciation to S. N. Zhurkov for his continuous attention and interest in this work and to D. Ya. Tsvankin for his useful suggestions and the discussion of the results. They are also indebted to B. M. Rovinskiy and A. 1. Avdeyenko for prepari,nq working drawings of the X-ray tube and acting as consultants in its construction." Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics-Engineering institute, AN SSSR) SU BIM I TT ED: iljul62 DATE ACQ: 20Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC, MT .NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 0)2 Card 2/; L 19943-63 EPR/EWP (j )I EWT (a) /EFF (a) /BDS-AFFTC/T/jPg,113P70-017-84- 00/ ACCESSION NRs AP3005325 2 1%r2 19'F AUTHORSs Gromov, A. Yes, Slutakery A. 1. ~WW"I"%AAMOM, TITLEt Determii3~ng degree of orientation of crystallites in polymers x-ray diffraction SOURCEi Fizika tverdogo tela, V- 5, no. 8, 19639 2185-2192 TOPIC TAGSs orientation, crystallite, polymer, x-ray diffraction, molecule, azimuthal angle, equatorial angle, infrared, dichroism, double refraction, disorientation ABSTRACTs The authors undertake this study because they'feel it urgent for obtaining high strength in polymer structures. They have computed the connection between azimuthal width of reflections (of x-ray diffraction) and the distribution of crystallites according to orientation in the ?olymer. They consider rather strongly-oriented polymerse The axes of the polymer molecules are used to measure the orientation (or as indicators of the orientation). Computations were made for equatorial reflections, since it is in this region that the principal crystalline reflections coming from planes parallel to the molecular axes are focused in Card I/W.J ill L 19943-63 ACCMION NRs AP3005325 oriented polymers. These computations require that the orientation be uniaxial, and that this axis must be the symmetry axis, The direction of other crystal- lographic axes in the crystallite (apart from the molecular s) is considered to have equal probability about the molecular axes. It is fs: important that -"X). Results show orientation be high, and that the x-rays be not too soft (?,,(2 the reflection intensity to fall off rapidly with azimuthal Ongle, approachIng zero at 5 to 100. Stretching decreases the value of azimuthil angle at which reflection intensity approaches zero. The degree of orientation in oriented fibers may reath a very high value; the average angle of disoftentation is on the order of but a few degrees. The authors conclude that it is Aafe to determine the disorientation of crystallites where this disorientation is on the order of several degrees and to trace out angular changes within this range only by x-ray diffraction. Optical methods of orientation--infrared dichroism and double refraction--are found to be too insensitive at high deerees of orientation. "The authors express their sincere thanks to D. Ya. Tsvankin for discussion of the. results." Orig. art. hass 8 figures an-d-f-fo-r-m-Tra-s. ASMIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSRp Leningrad (Physical and Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) Card 2 AbCESSION NRt Ap4ol.3A S/M8l/64/006/002/0456/6461 AUTHORSt Slutaker# As Iq Grcsw#,,~* Ye*j Psheshetakiyp Ve So TITLE: Structure and strength of whisker crystals;of polyoxjnwthylene obtained by directional polymerization SOURCE-. Fizika tyerdogo tels, v. 6. no. 2. 1964# 4564461 TOPIC TAGS: whisker crystal# polyoxymethylene,, polymer, polymerizations direction-, al polymerizations strangthp crystal strength, crystal structure ABSTRAGTt The authors have studied oriented polyoxymethylene in whisker crystals by x-ray diffraction. The crystals were grown by polymerization in trioxane crys- tals by radiation initiations Results show that layered structure doer, not develop because the specific growth of the polymer crystal does not allow the polymer molecule to incline toward the fold conformation. In contrast to the layered structure in crystals grown from solution, the structure of crystals grown by directional polymerization lacks the layered structures The structures are illus- trated diagnmatically in Fig@ 1 on the Enclosure. The strength of the whisker crystals of polyo3Wmethylene decreased with increase in crystal diameter,, from 350 Card 1/~ ACCESSION NRs AP4013A /m2 kg/=2 for crystals with a diameter of 2.4 microns to only 36 kg . for crystals with a diameter of 12 microns. Many reasons may be found for this, but the authors! believe the basic reason to be more complete polymerization in the more slender i needles. They consider the ease with which the larger needles split into smaller needles to be evidence of this conclusions "The authors express their sincere thanks to Professor A& Vo S-tepanov and E. M. Nadgorny*y for making possible the ase~ of their experiments and setups for investigating polymers, Lo Gorshkova, a stu- dent at LPI im. M. I. Kalinina, took part in making the measurements* The authors also sincerely thank So No Zhurkov for his interest in the work and his valuable I .discussions." Orig. art, hast 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheBkiy institut in. A*'Fo Ioffe AN SSSR, laningrad (Physical and Technical Institute AN SSSR) SUBMITTEW 03Aug63 DATE AOQ: O3Mar64 ENCU 01 SUB CODEs PH NO REF SOVs 004 OTHERs oo6 card 2/) ACCESSION 11R: AP5008379 13/0 190 /65 /007 NO M h6 /05,50 AUTHOR: Gromw - A, Ye.; Slutsker 1. ell TITIX : Change. in the suprawlecular structurd of crystallizing polymers on orien-_ tation SOURCE: Vysoko'mole),ulyamyye'soyedlneniya, v. 7, no. 3, 1965, 546-550 TOPIC TAGS: supramolecular structure, cjo~ orientation, orienta tion mechanism ABSTRACT: nie change in the morphological forms (supramolecular structure) of yst,Bllizing polymers on orientation stretching and the relationship belveen the cr initial and final or ented structures have been studied with hiom-pressure poly- ethylene pnd capronl'specimens. The study va3 conducted to arrive at a bctt.~-.- un- oeiFe orientation mechanism of polyraers. The specimens were oriented by stretching at different temperatures. Their supramolecular structures wcr~ determined from small angle x-ray diffraction data. It wm shown that the surra- imolecular structures produced by orientation or reorientation under given cond!- tions are independent of the initial. polymer structure. At low stretching rftt~,n :1 the quantitative characteristics describing the supramolecular structures are [Card L 37?29.-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5008379 clearly defined by the temperature of stretching. The mechanism of rearrangements In polymers on orientation may involve the breakdown or the initial suprexr-olecular structure followed by the formation of a stable fibrillar structure Inherent in the oriented state. Orig. art. has, 4 figures. 11301 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut im. A. F. 19rfe ,V? 033R (Phys i cote cli-- nical Institute, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 22Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 0c, mr 110 REF SOV: 00'f CrINER., 009 ATD PRESS: 3224 I.Card -2112.,,i~q_______-.-----~------.-.- -.A GRMIOV, A. Ye.; SLUTSKER, A.I. Apparatus using a microbeem for studying X-rwj scattering at small angles. Prib. I tekh. okep. 9 no.3zl65-169 My-je '64 (mIRA IS.-I) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichoskiy institut AN SSSR. Change In ~he st-li,--*.t;-e of !.,7ntall izing r polyz.;-I s -o!irse of Lhzl; r orlentaticn. VysAomi. soed. tio..;:5 E-550 (MIRA 18:7) "'R, ln!mitut Ilm'Irl A.F. loffe AN s 0 GROMOV, B. Salt removal from sea water. Hauka, i zhizn' 27 no.8:63 Ar. I&,. (Sea water) (Vater--Xlectrolysis) (MIRA 13:9) SHELONIN, V.; GROHOV, H. Wide-band dipole antenna. Radio no.2:33-34 F '61. (FIRA 14:9) (Antennas (Electronics)) ;Z21 - GROMOV, VIT U-R, V. B.; SITYAPN IYOV, Yu. A. Compres!~i,)n moldinr of' ftlmi frorn polypropylewl. Pla!~t.nas5y -;).IC: (6 1 ill . (1-I I RA 15: 1 ) (Films (Cbemistr-y)) (~ropvne) 26298 5/19 6'/CC~'0/GCD9/01 9 t3 92005 YB .1 tic B11O 218 AUTHORSs Gromov, B. A., Miller, V B,, Neyman, M, 3t, Shlyapnikov. Yu. TITLEt Study of the mobility of lon-.)l In po.ypropilene ard polly- formaldehyde PERIODICALi Vysokomoleku'Lyarnyye soyedinuntya, v 06' 1231-!23~ TEXTi It wa8 tte aim of the presen' w~,rk to de;ermre ~ilr- coefficien! D nf the antioxidant ;onol (2,6-d-tert-butyll -zc-*nv.phenol) in solid isiofa:t~,~ polypropylene (PPI an'A pol'yforrza.~delVd-~- (PF~. Ionol tagged with C,4 was examined. in tt;s, ~h-~! a,ithars fcllsw~.,d .i!e method by A; A- Zl.ukhovitskiy et al (Primeie,iiye v metallurgii (Application of xeta::;-riy. . L*;~it,-'.,jrgizJat. Sb, 34, 1955, P, 102) Tagged .oro. 'ap~. 1.? mg for 11P, and app C.5 mg f or PF) was appl, Pd ! o the polyzer ; : es' 1 1, - 2 =,D-. ! :~- :-k"Tne plates were heat ed 'to experimental ttmperut-1-re (tu- O'C fz~r PP, 8~%- C~'~C f -,r FF) Card 1/3 16 9 0/ 6 CC 'U(J3 1/0 " 1/01, 9 Studj of the mobility of ionol in - B1-'()/B21t3 and the activity wilt, mea4.u1'vd, Whi,,tL docreadirid due tu of lonol According to Zhu?.ncvj.takiy, the c,,i-ve 12 into the platea. . . 11/1 1) f(t" ) has an a~:ympto-e ahich patioes throu6h the oi gn cf Between D and the tang9rit, of the asymptote, thti relation D 12 d 2)1(12~. Ir. M2) holds, where d . thickneas of the m - tan6ent of the S-':)pe, and I,, . acti~rlty aft,,,r at, Infinite time of dtffuuioti, W.'th D being suffi- ciently 11arge. the () rays of C14 cannot practir;ally penetrate thq plate so that one may wr~ te down for 1,,,s L.:- Z I d /t, is the absorption coefficient of f-radiation (as is the case with most )rganin_ substances it is 0.28 cm 2/mg)~ To exclude losses of ional. the authors also chose an experimental arrangement in which the Alonol was applied between two polymer plates, In this case, they measured the aum I,TI 2 of the activity 6, of both plates, and found: (1) for PP, D - 5,110 exp 23000/11T)j (2) for PF, D - 2.r,-10 Iexp (-16300/RT). Due to the high diffuaion rate of ionol Card 2/3 26258 S/ 1 9~jj L ../019 Study of the mobility of iondl%rk... B110/B218 mixing of the antioxidant with the polymer is in PP, even un incomplete sufficient. There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet references. ASSOC I AT ION iInstitut kh"micheskoy fiziki AN' SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) 3 U BI-I I T T E D :November 1,0, 1960 1>1 Card 3/3 Acassiou ims A?4o3o363 S/0190/64/006/003/047O/Oh72 AUTHoRss Gromovo B. A.; Millerp V. B.; Shlyapnikovs Yu. A- 7 TITLE: Correlations in the performance of inhibitors in oxidation reactions. 5. Kinetics of ck-naphthol conmaVtion in the induction period SOURCE: Vy*sokomol*ku1yarny*ys soyedinaniya,, v. 6, no. 3. 1964# 470-472 TOPIC TAGS: polypropylene., oxidation of polypropylene, oxidation inhibitor, alpha-naphthol, 2,,2-mthylone-bis-(4-metlwl-6-terb.butylphanol),, didecilsulfide, temperature affect, oxygen effect,, oxidation induction period, activation energy ABSTRIACT: The consumption rate of d-naphthol in the induction period of polypropylene oxidation at various temperatures and oxygen pressures was studied. The teclunique is described in an earlier publication by the authors and 14. B. Neyman (Sb. Xhimicheskiye, svoy-stva i modifikatsiya polymerov. Izd. "Nauka," 1964). It was found that by using 0.2 mole of alpha-naphthol par 1 ke of isotactic polypropylene.. at a constant oxygen pressure of 300 mm, mercux7., the induction period of polypropylene oxidation decreased from 510 to 2h0 minutes with an increase in temperature from 180 to 200C. It was also revealed that at a constant Cdrd 1/2 :AcassioN n: Aph=363 tem9erature of 200C the duration of the induction period dropped from 450 to 150 minutes when the oxygen pressure was raised from 150 to 650 = KC. Calcula- tions showed that in the middle part of alpha-naphthol consurption the rate constant e7ftibited a linear relation to the oxygen pressure, and that the temperature dependence of the induction period was 16.8 kcal/mole. The addition of 0.01 mole of the mcidation inhibitor 2.2-motliyleno-bis-(Il-r,.ethyl-6-tort.butyl- phenol) per 1 kg of polypropylene with an equal amount o~' alplia-naplithol (at 200C and an oxyLon pressure of 300 = Hg),. shortened the induction period to 225 rxLnutos, as against 285 minutes needed for alplia-naplithol alone. On the other hand, the simultaneous incorporation of 0.1 molo/kg of alpha-naphthol and 0.08 mole/ kg of the inhibitor didecilsulfide extended the induction period to 520 minutes, as compared with 160-170 minutes for alpha-naphthol alone. The authors theorize that the oxidation inhibiting performance of alpha-naphthol was caused by the pressure of its transformation products. Orig. art. has: 5 fiLures. ASSOCIATIONs Institut khivicheskoy Siziki AN SWR (Institute of Chemical Physics AN SSSR) SUBI-aTTM: IlMar63 DATS ACQs, O7&May64 a.CL 1 00 So CO))E: 00 NO RU SOV i W2 OTHM: OW Card I ./2 L 29992-65 EWTW/EPF(c)/9WP(J) PC-h/Pr-4 RM ACCESSION NR: AP4047220 S/0190/64/006/010/1895/1900 O~2 AUTHOR: GroMov. B.A.: 11 r V. B - ' Noym an, M. B. : To rs uveva, Ye. S. Shlyapnikov, Y-uW."-"" 6 TITLE: Mechanism of action of weak antioxidant during the oxidation of 2olypropylec 11 SOURCE: Vy*sokomolckulyarny*ye soyedineniya, v. 6, no. 10, 1964, 1895-1900 TOPIC TAGS: polypropylene, polypropylene oxidation, antioxidan!, rnonophenol, isotactic polypropylene, antioxidant consumption ABSTRACT: In order to confirm the hypothesis that all monphenols are weak antioxidants, the author Investigated the oxidation of isoLactic polypropylene in the presence of 2,4, 6- tri-tert. -butylphenoll 2, 6-ditert. -butyl-4- phenyl phenol anti 4,41-methylene-bis-(2, 6- &-tert. -butylphenol).' Samples of polypropylene were oxidized in sealed ampoules as described in earlier papers. In addition to determining the consumption of the monopheriol, the authors measured the water content in tho gas phase of Oic anipoule, and in some cases the characteristic viscosity (in tetralin at 130C). The results showed that the monophenol was consumed according to a zero orderlaw, at a rate proportional to the oxygen pressure; the rate was decreased by the presence of didecylsulfide. In the presence of antioxidant, the molecular weight of the polymer decreased sharply, and oxidation was Card 1/2 L 29992-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047220 found to proceed In a non-stationary way at all anLioxidant concentrations. Mathematical analysis of these results indicated that the reason for the low degree of effectiveness of the monophenols as antioxidants Is that they stimulate branching of the kinetic oxida- tion chain. Orig. art. has: I table, 6 figures and 11 equations. ASSOCIATION: Institut khImIcheskoy fizild AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 26Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC, GrC, NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 ACC NRs AP6027774 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0190/66/008/008/1411/1413 AUTHOR: Yasinap L. L.; Gromov, B. A.; Miller, V. B.; Shlyapnikov, YtL A ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics, AN SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy fizikf AN SSSR) TITLE: Investigation of 1 ropylene%xidationAstabilized with 4-methyl substituted alkWy p enole SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedinenlyap v. 8, no. 8p 1966, 1411-1413 TOPIC TAGS: alkylphenolp phenolp polypropylene, oxidation ABSTRACT: The oxidation of pol propylene in the presence of 2,6-di- tertbutXl-4-methylphenol and 2,Miisobornyl-4-methylphenol has been Investigated. At a cert-t moment of the induction period, the rate of phenol consumption is sharply decreased. The moment occurs with the maximum concentration of nonvolatile products of antioxidant conversiop. It is shown that the oelf-accelerating oxidation process becomes L 00833-67 1 ACC NR, stationary for some time due to the effect of products of antioxidant :- '. conversion. Orig. art* has: i rigure and 2 rormulas. (Based on authors' abstract) [NT] SUB CODE: OT/ SUBM DATE: o5jul65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: O~04 hs _KdZ__RV, AP5022639 UR/0089/65/019/002/0179/0180 AtMIOR: 0 *fermgkoy, Kazarnikraa- Yes Yoe; ;2 G KOM21- Soludyankin X.__ TITIZ: Angular and energy distribution of gamma radiation o the surface of a iolume source SOURCS: Atomnaya energiya, v. 19, no. 2, 1965, 179-180 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactorg gamma radiation, nuclear physics apparatus ABSTRACT: Many layers of material are usually placed in nuclear reac- tors between the reactive core itself and the outside surface of the shield. Therefore, various attenuation processes must be taken into account in calculations of biological shielding. The authors investi- gated the angular and energy distribution of gamma radiation on the out- side surface of the reactor. The results of their resenrch are given for two cases. In one case, the reactor vessel wns protected in water by a boron shield while in the other case no boron shielding was provided, The Monte Carlo method was uned for calculations by means of M-20 electronic computing machine. It was assumed, that the gamma rays ,here generated at the initial energy levels of 2) 3t 4t 51 6 and 7 Mava uDc: 539.122:539-121-73:539,171.64 caicitz- ~ - -, - --- ___- - - - --- -- - n Yd' 'A L 5066-66 ACC NRo AP5022639 The greatest statistical error after 12000 tents was less than 25% for angular and 20% for energy distributions. The distributions applied to two above mentioned cases and seven energy levels were illustrated by two sets of histograms. The attenuation of 7 Mev gamma radiations in lead shields was also analyzed. The results of this analysis expressed In dose rates were tabulated and graphically illustrated. ASSOCIATIONI None SUMaTTED: 2oMat*65 ENCL: 00 StM COD9.1 NP NO REF BOV! 000 OTHER., 000 GROMIOVI B.F.; THOFIMOV) A.S. Heat transfer in nuclear reactoru. Inzh.-fIz. zhur. 7 m3,-8:31-30' Ag 164- 17:10) 1. Fiziko-onerCeticho:jkly institut, ObnInsk. L 2691h-65 EWP(e)/F.WT(m)/EPF(n)-2/EWO(m)/FWP(t)/W(b) PU-4 IJP(c) JD/'bM ACCESSION NR: APS004010 S/0089/65/018/001/0069/0070 AUTHORS: Gromov, B. F.; Pankratov, D. V.; Solodyankin, M. A.; _SQko1ov, TITLE: Reduction of the'capture gamma radiation from structural reactor materials by screening the materials with boron-containing screens SOURCE: Atomnaya energiyat v. 18, no. 1s 1965, 69-710 TOPIC TAGS: reactor shielding capture gamma radiation, bnron shielding ABSTRACT: The authors point out that earlier experimentally deter- mined coefficients expressing the decrease in the intensity of cap- ture gamma rays from reactor construction materials were obtained for only one particular case, where!the gamma detector was located at approximately half the mean free path fromthe surface of the Card 1/3 L 2691h-65 ACCESSION NR: A75004010 21 source, whereas the coefficient of reduction of the capture gamma dose (blocking coefficient) was really a function of the thickness between the source and detector. They have calculated with an elec- tronic computer the spatial and energy distributions in steel screens and in the reactor shell using an 18-group method in the P2 approxi- mation, for'the case of a reactor with and without a boron-containing screen. It has been shown earlier that leakage of neutrons gives rise to capture gammas in the reactor shell, which increases the gamma level outside the reactor. The calculations show that the de- crease in the capture gamma radiation is quite rapid until a value of 4 mean free paths is reached, after which the coefficient becomes independent of the thickness. "The authors thank S. G. Tsykin and _Yu. A. Kazanskiy for interest in the work and for critical reniarks." Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 formula. -6914 L e -65 - - -- - - -- - -- -I ACCESSION NR: AP5004010 SUBMITTED: 02Jan64 ENCL: 00 NR REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 0 SUB CODE: UP BYCHKOV, Yu.F.; ROZANOV, A.M.; GROMOV, B.I.; CBKBMOV, V.I. Laboratory equipment for the vacuum distillation of lithium with a complete filling of the crucibles. Met* i metalloved. chist. met. no. 2:171-177 160. (MIRI 13:12) (Li thiusi-Me tallurgy ) (Metallurgical laboratories--Equipment and supplies) GROMOVP B.F., manhinint t.nolov"a First forty tons of saved fuel are there! Elek. L tepl.tiaga 7 W.Ut 13 N 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Dmpo Vologda Severnoy dorogi. L 8h07-65 EWT(I)IEWr(iii)IEFF(c)IFN(n)-21EMITIEPA(bb)-21EWA(l) Pr-4/Ps-4/ Pu-4 ASD(f)/BSD/SSD/AbX(b)/A~14L/A~(mp)-2AEDC(a) WW ACCESSION NRt AP4044413 s/0170/64/000/008/0031/0036 AUTHORt Gromov, B. F,j Trofimov, As S. TITLEt Heat transfer In nuclear reactors SOURCEt lnzhenerno-fitichaskly zhurnal, not 8, 1964, 31-36 TOPIC TAGS1 nuclear reactorp reactorg heat transfer, heat transfer agent ABSTRAM The ObnInsk Institute of Physics and Power Engineering has studied the transient processes and heat transfer in nuclear reactors& As a result of this study, basic equations defining the temperature of a coolant and surface temperature of multilayer fuel elements wore derived. An analytical solution was obtained for con- ditLons of arbitrary variatLon in heat release and the coolant tem- perature at the reactor Inlet at a constant coolant flov rate. Orig. art# heat 11 formulas and 3 Eiguren. ASSOCIATION1 Fixiko-energotLcheskly institut, Obnitsk (InstLtut2 of Phytics,and Power Engineering) it 2 L 8407-65 ACCESSION HRt AP4044413 SUBHITTEDi 03H&y63 SUB COM NP ATD PRESSs 3101 NO REF SOVt 002 ENCLt 00- OTHERs 004 cs~o-z I 2~~063 3/1 -47/6 ~~ I .A AO 56/A 10 AUTHORS. Bychkov, Yu. F., Rozanov, A. N., Oromov, B. ', , , C~1,? r bu k o v , V TITLE, Laboratory Installation for viouum distll:atlon cf lichixr witn tn- filling of the crusible PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurral, Metallurallya, ro. 11, 196-1, c-~O, mb-it-sr'~ 411-~?9 (V qb. "Metallurglya I metal] oveden 11ye cnistykh metallov". ro. 2, M., Atomlzdat, 1960, 171-177) TEXT-. The schematic diagram of a distiller for obtaining Ll Its operating conditions are a3 follows; The vajo.lzatlon temperature of lysis crude lithium is such, that LI Itself ax%d the more volat'le COML1011sat5 (K --Lnd Na) are sublimated, while the less volatile (Pe and NO remain in tl?e evaporator; the condenser temperature is fixed so that L1, p-eCt[)I*,3t11nW -a,. liquid state,should flow into the cruc-ible, while Ule mork- V,)1At1"- shculd vaporize and precipitate only In the voldor 14 parts of' the The processing Is effected under a pre3~~ure o!" 10- mm H;, The ~f Li AttaIns '39.96%. !Ab5trlicterls note,; 'Complet!- C,% rft t / I GROMOV, Boris Vasillyovich, zhurnali:it; BIMMSHCHIKOV, S., red. [104 men on drifting ice ... j IC4 - rA drtifuiuzhchei... I,-'oskva, Politizdat, 1964. 68 p. (ML-A 17:12) 1. Spetsiallriyy korrespondent gazety "Izvestlya" (for Gromov. GROMOV, Borig Vasil'ovich. The expedition of the "Sibirlakov" 140akva, Sov. lit. 19)4 . 252 p. GROMOV. B.V. Studying algae of the primitive soils in cortaln northern r--ogioas of the U.S.3,2. Uch,zap*Loa, une no~216:170-179 '56. (MLRA 10:3) (RUSSIA, NORTMN--SOIL MICRO-ORGANISMS) (Al"l) USSR/S_jil Science - Di,31),,7 )f SAIS. Abs J.)ur Ref ?Jiur Di)l., 11) 22, 1958, 100035 Auth -jr Gr ~)niv, B.V. Inat Y. Title Micr:),, I)m -)f R )cks in Prii.dtive S)ils )f Certain N:1rthern Re~;i)ns in the USSH Ori: Puli : Mlkr-j',)i.)I-)_:iya, 1957, 26, N., 1, 52-59 Abstract : On the surface if r)clc specimens -,f the Khibia M.-Imtoins and if the c)ast if Lake (acridine jra:i~;e (11ye, ,)bserv3ti:).i in a f'L,,.)resce:it micr.)sc)~pe)) c.-)I.)-,.ies )f nl::ae, bacteria and were 1.)uad. Vari '-us zdcr:v)r- :p,,,isns .;r_)w in the ~)lants in scrapin.,,s fr~,,rj the surface ,3f the r)cks. In melk)zon t shall.~w earth_7 =cicr li- chens, ra-mes an(l r;r-asses especially numor)uo are t,.e ann),nificnt.-Irs, Ai(,onitr)p4yIl bacteria, Lacteria ,;r-jw- in.,; in a starch-aminiacal m6dium, nAd fim._-,i and al;Ae. Everywhere are enc.)untered butyrate Lacteria, in Card 1/2 - 39 - Abs J.ur Ref nur DiA., N.~ 22, 1958, 100035 pcirticul,ir C1.3stridim i lActoitri-witri. 1,11) xt ror mq, auci:)- iAficat.)rs, dunltrificat)rs anci 3cr3bic cellul:me-des- tr )~In_ '-acteria ii, 1-rimitive s 413 are :,.)t while idtrificntjrs ancl az it .',nctor am o:ic--intered vory suldxi. Thu collid no tino~w to primrily by fwi,_i. The Ldcnfl~)ra charncteristics if I)rirlitive s)ils depends upm their ;,,C).-Taphic distriLuti.~r. mLI their ve~;etative eDver, MicroflDra if the sAls, situa- teft farther s.)uth, are relatively richer. In Inel1kzeri, imder the lichens, -,mllud;zte. S,).~ri- fer.),,:s auimdficat~xs, ii-i relatively lar---c are f)uae under sime i-Ames ai,d in cxxarntively c-.vDlvcd 9)ils. -- T.A. j'xist.ivskayn Card 2/2 GFLL-.'.'-.-CV, F. V., Ctind of bio 6ci --a (disS) "Gonc(trnirp, the SAFnifict-nce of Concentrttion of Nutrlt-fcnel i~.:ediup. in the -"'tudy of Soil Microorp.-E.nispis," Leninprtid, 1959, 16pp (Leningrtd Order o1 Lenill Sttite Institute irieni t%. A. Uds-inov) (KL 4-60, 116) GROMOV, B.V. . .Si ificance of the concentration of the nutrient medium In determining the number of m1cre-organlems in various noll types [with summary in English]. Fochvededento no.2:101-109 7 159. (MIRA 12:3) l.loningradskiy ordena Ionina gesudaretvannyy universitat., (Soil micro-ergantess) GROMOV, B.V Katiplication rate of some bacteria in media of different concentration. Vest.LGU 14 no.9:16-24 '59. (MIRA 120) (BACTXRIOLOGT--CULTUM AND CULTURE KIDIA) Alcroblologlanl factors promoting, thn fascEide destruction of buildings. Vent.LGU 14 no.21:146-155 159. (MIR& 12:10) (Antorinla-Dotmr1oration) (ilicro-orpnnises) RAZUMOVSKATA, Zinaids Guorglyevnaj profe; CHIMIX, Genovefs Takovlavna-, OROMOVO BorieJasillyevien: PSMVICHWA, O.L., red.: ZMOVA. Y . , tokhnerode [Laboratory exercises in soil microbiology] Laboratornys zaniatiia po pochvennoi mikrobiologii. LenlrV~rad. Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1960. 18) p. (MIRA 14:1) (SOIL HICHO-ORGANISM) GROMOV, B.V.; SUDAUKOV, 8.N. tiChemistry or uranium and transuranium elements" by V.M.Vdovenko. Rpvipwpd ~y B.V.Gromov, B.N.Suderikov. Zhur.neorr.khim 6 no.10; 241R-2419 0 '61. iMIRA 14:9) (uranium) (Transuranium elements) (Vdovenko, V.M.) GhOMOVS B.V. Microflora, which destroys bricks, plaster, " marble. Vest. LGU 18 no.15:69-74163. (MIRA 16:9) (MICROOMANISMS) (MAT ERIALS-DETERIMAT ION) GROMOV, B.V. A new bacterium from the genus Microcyclus. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.3:733-734 S 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Predstavleno aka demikom A.A.Inshenetskim. GROMOVP B.V.; KAWSHKOVA, N.N. Isolation of the antagonists of the alga Chlorolla from soils. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; b1ol. nauki no.ltl7l-174 '64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy mikrobiologii Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta tin. A.A.Zlidqnova. ZSSION Iffl: AP4036972 ACCE S10078164100910051]ZT21IW9 AUTHOR: SemenikhIn, A. M.; Gromov., B. V. TITIZ: Extractive purification of beryllium, with the aid of acid alkylortho- phosphatea. 50-URCE: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy k*himli,, v. 9., no. 5, 1964, 3V2-Mg TOPIC TAGS: beryllium, purification) extractive purification, extraction) alumlnuMl fc--rous iron) alkylorthophosphoric acid) dodecylorthophosphoric acid, Trilon Bt Be(OH) sup -~ aluminum beryllium separation, aluminum iron separation 'ABSTRACT: This study war, conducted to obtain data on the oxtract*ion of beryllium, aluminum and iron from H2SO and HC1 media with alkylorthophosphoric acids and to dcteraine the possibility o~ separating Be from impurities. Extractions were run at about 20C with 10 volume % of the allqlorthophosboric acid in isomeric diisopropylbenzene an diluent; phaxse separation usually required 3-5 Minutes. Complete extraction (and no Beparation) of these elements is effected from weak alkaline Media (PI1 7-8) regardless of their original concentration. Al can be com plexed with Trilon B to form the non-extractable complex which Is removed In Cprd 1/3. ACCESSION NR- AP4036972 ,'.the aqueous phase; Be does not complex under these conditions. Using 14.4 and IiTrilon B/gm. Al. practically complete separation of Al from Be was affected. .;When Trilon B is not used, the boot separation of Be from Al and Fei is effected ~jfrom media containing 10 g/1 H2SO the coofficiqnt of purifying Be from Al in 42 and Mnk2 do not sig nif icantly affect the then 7 -8., and f rom Pei .9 15 S102 ~,extraction of Be) Al and Pei j~ith acid alkylorthophosphatee. A study of the ireextraction of Be,, A]. and Fe with different concentrations of H2SO4-.and HC1 !showed 5 N HC1 has the beat reextraction properties. It is better to maintain Be 1concentration below 5 g/1 in the organic phase to keep phase separation time down .!to 3 minutes. The coefficient of separation of Be from Al in a second extraction :;cycle containing 10-15 9/1 HC1 is about 15-20. If Trilon B 4s used.. the coeffic- ilient, is increased to 100-120. The Be is extracted as Be(011)r. The seemingly low 1:capacity of the extractant for B6 is due to the low atomic weight of Be, on a I ! 11.molar basis the capacity for Be is twice that for U. Orig. art. bas: 4 tables :,and 6 figures. ASSOCLATIOM. Moskovskly khlmiko-telchn logicheskiy Inatitut I=. D. 1. Mendelneva (Moscow Chemical EngJ aring Institute) ~.rd i-? 3 ACCZ---'~Iai NR: AP4036972 sumTrED: 2alar,63 DATE Am: o5,Tun64 SUB CODE: MHAC Norm BOV: 010 ENCL: 00 OnMR: 014 c 3/3 , ": 1-1~ . i i ~;).'~ . buctf-rla of thp Caulobract.,-r Fenno . 33 no.2.290-J05 Mr-Au, 164. 17:12) 1. LenIngradakAy gosud;irvtvpn!:yy anivr-ni%fit :ri-n. d"Jdlanovft. (A ~i~Msl;v I P. V. f r.V 1. 1,,()V# I A. f "Milll L"I'Y ~. , V. A - r-hys I(; Ici, I,- it I Or I tPr-I -i in tlie t~qxcnomy k f 'li ~ .I -t: . ;'1 -1 v I' Veot. 1.611 ~?O riti.21:112-123 #65- ,,, "-i. ,,I,. O1 S A 11 JAMP All jjLk__jL _A ji. - 040 If Ad by a .r' (;wII wairl tiolls twirc -a as son $.scrii 0, Ad Aw 11 0o00 o0 0" 0" ID, 000000,00000000 se I P' u" I I be be 1 , 11 a a ifjLis 'L ,t IZI 4 1 uaa , . iie, V-04,14 -00 of "taiia hydrsbaidi, 0*4 "Unb :BrIocasible ' s .I.Ld .Iis V. hydressfide. 1. 1. 14.4 1 Maid. 3. Nis. V. '_V 30011,11). Atill, 1 ' W N Illuminate ashiss. uskire vaj maiss cobilli - : .7ft ! " the sit . twe Ond Nato ctillictst of list III.I. weir 11w AIA particles p(nd. by asiditis C(I. to swilm. a. A" Per I. were Jaffe-cl when IIPId- 'It 2V 09 ine frtwn wbins. crmig. .141) it. A1,41, Iwr 1. wric I ppid. at W. -the %'*#0 vointrive Ill list In,, with ifirfraw Its -.wwn. ..J At -In.. 11.1- 111 00 Ill Wine Ed rtmetsict -4 list N.J. "Ills list is 9 I with the Isecervicir of waltAxIssic.6"d call.asals, so* Mass. If. W. Rathniatin the #90 -00 ;800 -00 5~_ go . 4AII a W Joe 0a 0 1 w 1* 1 isait If It I III It 000 0 0, 0 0 Go 0 0 0 o 0 0 v 0,: 0000 000000000*00000000 0:1 6 L L I u a OF 1 6 00 00 -0 re- _4 -0 -0 -0 -0 1 -go 0 0 0 * 0 9 0 0 a 0 # 0 0 11 ,1 a ?q 11 .16 p A ja a 4, v it 0 a to 11 a 1, 0, u v it a a & I, a I. p 0 1 1 1 u a 41 it It 00 I U 11 1 of 00 R-4. I; q . 41 .-An 4mokt av", r 4 to , lannms of 111"MIUSIr 101111. "ith 14 Al(IIII)a in ciamduils, Alk. fit. 44 twat is AMI'l Ube ol.-OWA we. Ir-Irtl 4t a fact,-IT. V1. V Sb~*110-11 -00 see see .00 voe 1. 4 &IvAk&kvf6KA1 LITISAT1.41 (L AMIKATK% 4 DID I I,?& o 7 tj It AD 43 1A a a I w 0 a a I a Is .1 Al 4 3 0 rwt p to it 9 0 It 4 A a If 13 A 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 G Rol,: CIV 4B'.3v:" 6.- 1~1 1. B. V.; VYALOV, A. V. 2. USSR (600) Experimental Plant of "Glavislnksvinets" (Main Admin. of Zinc -in,l Leal Industry) "~he 3eparation of Zinc Sul7h"i.e Solutions from Iron", Tsvet. ~1-t. !I+, NO. 7, JulY 1939. 9. 09 Report U-1506, /. Oct. 1951 t; 11 I'M "silo b).,b,po a it to w Al its Jett 1, 1 . v I _!44 Rues. a. V. RI :0 all A* 00 J; .00 egg .0 o '00 :D* A S 41 L A418fAILL,44,017AA, 01111AIVIIICIAIIWKA IIGM its -r. -V *71 A a 3 4 7- 4 e es 010 0 0 9 0 j-0 -Oce jjjjj;--;j;;O 0 0 0 .4 4 10 At j, L. It f rho formadw Go emploses in the SY11419112 to the rM., -00 9 -Lkuuuw- Jf- Applood Che. A NOCI R.O. D'.4 -00 Wn H.11ch, :1111 ~ 19111) jIj%F%I144?u4I III lite jvvions I.V twilimstal orrAlim ar"I 1--flown-I -1,11% -so .1-1-11 ml--Ih~ -4 Iom I" I.,tor"n 14A 4 de"I NAt I An --fraw u# %4y. J 14KI, in -md- --hii -4 %,it I VIA, - t. .00 IdAino-d mo the Wsjoi -4 the iWiry 4 a, ImIv. ze 0 A A P-Iiw- 0 0 Zoe ..00 00 00 f --69 fee WOO it (00 a * 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 a 1 4 M, 0 S-1 p 40. -till off 11"t AP"M oil -00 -*0 A" 00 .60 0 tm morkawal Oa 4 A09 k -00 : P m + Ns~904 tilt "ID" It" It + %M bommam the " W " md NI ON 6 ad P Vals &IV i N see tabookled Wild 0d A Ar P&AWd. amily u 0 Af a No is a, *'o of 00000 09 900 coo tree loco* too AAA %SIMS M$IWDVMQ 0 0 0 0; 9 A At a v 0 w A 4--~L-A-A-J - A.-A Ak.11111 Q Will' It? A.0 L ~*** 4-11 reacesses 4.6 "Werlef .042 Gif U"Ifcw L64 fulialff-ealu-140ad ca CA""M" by tho ft-tilin of hydireigem aWfi4e )wj t Allen aml Va. P. mill 0 0 am xivell (en the rrt"4)V&l 4.4 Lu alut C., lee by 11.14. "ith Stw" to the, nnj.*jA.~i %mewhk. I I~ "W" 1. off fill 11 Fve~. *14wws to Iler tvi-40intem at &I-,Ut 16 a I . glith It"' got 10-1 jersults tie-ins 4411411W.1 gligh go, "Ith WS -%%$I ;.7', IN hisherri undef 4h- 11""fifidwit Ow tilld) Cot I law 11 is 3-A rend.A. The C11 Islan. to r.wiffially rimuldror And toplid; 161thr IIW V111,11. 11141111, 'AO. 111-011Y JrVOI"I 14. CA in-Iit. goo goo 064 c see Soo goo v Be* A 1111, 1 L A 14takkkoseC&L Lelflijittel CL&jWjCA,,,,, it -r-r-s- too 0.0 I I w w j a a to u a 'k I Oki 9-0 At 0 0 0 00 too 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 940060 eassoossil *of go, .3 000 A ~ z ST ji if g S Is li i ji i di i IT z sic* AA-JII Q W K4" A L A I & A . - -- - -- - - - -1 -00 -jq,16~ W'48bIj hats du outlaw awtiatt", v. v. 111mlon slut B. V. Caumov. U.S.S.R. 65,696. JAu- :11. IW. Ca is liptd. ham ANA). "n~. by s" -1kah zats. **,o thair in thr ptremmo of a wall quantity of Itiv-Alent Cu 41410 to hamen (he olidatim ot Co. The Co ccAtte"t in Z104 1. , Wns. can thus In mluml frocit Pit) it. I" "I. In. W 21 5 Ago X.Pefru.m. 4&O Wcrth" with th, V.. ll~h ck JIM fee it 04 400 see so* too" Watfiv 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 61 0 0 a 0 0 a q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-&