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us s R V.-giverall rules for the 91011in, Agrams of Wary k n1if IM11-1 I'state U-70); Cf. cc o ocnintiltrald the vali-Iltr of the mW f1twil(A priMoctily (Ine, cit.) fur dralting p ime di.ignma of hinari, sysmmi, Ow v4hii and 1410,fit j tertips. %yere mtmtimd, as (unctiom i-if tho amic fractlurs otmic coin- .potient (frolit 0 to )W%), of Oic -1-stem-i LWI-KCI, LICI- NaCl. 11blir-K11r, Millr-N~illr, 1,111r-11blir. CaCI3- BaCls, lAXrJ~-Sr(NOj)u NaN(V3f(N0A,, '11111 KNO'.Sr(N'O~)'. Rita ate c1billatc(l. W. 1.0%dwig, USSR/ Chemistry Pbysical chemistry Card I 1A Pub. 147 -~ 32/25 Authors t Oromakov, S. D. Title t Fathods of calculating the properties of ternary systems on the basis of data for binary systems Periodical I Zbur. fis. khim. 28/7,, 1257 - 1265P JAY 1954 Abstract s Mothoda for the calculation of the liquidus surface and other proper- tiea of ternary reciprocal-uptemn,, according to experimental data for binery systems, are described, These methods are based on quantitative expression of the continuity principle. Equations, which can be used for the determination of the chemical reaction between the components of ternary systems vere introduced. Six USSR. references (1931 - 1948), Oraphal d1agrama. Institution s State University, Kazan Submitted t October 27, 1953 QROKAKOV, S.D.; GROKAKOVA, L.K. - i;Mtm'e~'t of the liquidus of binary Mystemse Zhur.fis.khta. 29 no.4: 745-749 AP '55- (KEM 8: 8) 1. Kazanskly gosudarstwennyr universitet Im. Chornyshevskogo. (Phme rule and equilibrium) (Chlorides) ~JII!A 1, ".1 V~ I of lrl~ I :rllrl Y I 1 17, 1 i ;i:, t !.,I t; ri It. a cal j-i r t;t c o i -1:11jvg to IN! U.J-,~!Oit oo) + v/2 1~1 V Tho fcirwat4o t 7 1 Unit,. all, iff.v', il.. an t!ll h h; w told fqIIII~-sly fini 111~. i'mr. ran Cit'i t4c-.IL Lr 4!1""~ 1, t -'Tt I i't p. tt-~ N't- rv MMM "ROO, 0- 0 VhA evaluation of data from physicochemical measure- meats in ono- and two-component systems. We" zapiski Kazin. Crosudarst. Khim. 113, No. 3. 105-110965).- Alath. 25 formuLas and 4 dfawings are ptesentcd to show how to establish an empiricmi formula from the anal. vaiucs ot tht properties of the pure compds.; how by calculus to evaluate tiv. error in the dews. and to arrive at a methodics for conducting expts.; hor by stAtistlad atWysls to find the rbauSes with temp. and with other parameters to be applied to the empirical formulas. It Is always ponible In I- mW 2-component, systems to arrive. by a correct mixth. treat- and the rtliability of the measurements. GROKAZOV, S.D. ion-bonded cation on complex formation In malts. 115 no-3:113-121 '55. (MLRA 10:5) l.Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii. (Complex ions) f.r- -calculating prop ties -of- ternar 8 StAeras from WA far (State 49F Th wtviry sys,- P"".7,tX,I-n tflean,g"ular codrdinates, 13 bused Au a' quant. expressionlot the continuity princ;ple. The (litley-I entW-geomet" principle of fortivition &I trtuisfcr surfaces from curves exprtsssug the ptopo-rtics o* bi%niry syitems is used. As an exatnpit, the tinta on the climphor ((,I-pinene hydrochloride (P) and the camphor-bumcol (11) :,~*,!~-r-,.q are wrd to cak. the P-B-C system, L?mpirii d t~,(jo Alim.5 site used to cale. the data for the ternary sy,t,ni, -A th, timitations for the appticability of the njetiv-d as, i~i M77TTENNIN 11 j< 1"m MA on b, erges to J01V razanq, Zhur. Pis. c-T:- :.4,74~~, 6719c. St. Mlb.--R?ruatiotn ef A- dimc-milmil hyvnsudaces (equati5vi cl the TO). of il pml~~ erty) are prolw-W for the mk-u,, of ptupertipq -~l 4-:4;;il- Panent system3 frbm the cxptl. remilts Nvitlt 2-cfimpwiciii W. M. GROKkKOV, S.D.; BIRGER, L.14. Specific gravity of ternary systems. Uch,zap,Kssoun u6 no.3:127-I)l 056'0 iMIRA 10:4) 1. Kafedra noorganichaskoy khImil. (Specific gravity) T- s Surface tonsi. of terruir y y r f., - rt din -1 ne wALl"v t'A-I slic'n ir of tile 4 tern.1ty %vitcall !'kc. a.') ~~- 0!!t-!. %* With 80~"' Pf CXpil, e the tuiti;a tcrv~lry iyq(ull (4a Le jf.Ttt:d tu give accurme valuts of . L~r Cics, mkti~ th,it tint give dtptndable rr!wlm :vvtrimmitally. L-,c-tunc of thp requirement of tbt. "tittwark" nicOwd that the lines con. Lecilng projtctcd compris, Inu-t b,., co-111ournis aind rr;t;-,t intersstict. This requirement is w tig,,wu-4 t hat try devi:1. lion of an elpti. value fr('m this point of Incti ~mtiofl m1o I"! consititm! crri.;ucrits, and tile CXC.It Of ViC dr.1-LIG,41 C11-11 be wied as an r ;tim tte of O;c rxial. rm:r. Ific c "pi. '..Iluej uf ir agreed with Ow calcil. and a2phic"lly &TA. vzxlues with- in 30~'- In the s,, ~vims Nle~CO-I~tOll -1110 ;jtitl ittofl- A 01 -11-.0 the calc,!. v;jlmi wrm a~..Ove the cipti. valuc M on the far side of the Lin.lry sy.~tcltl' Nlv;('O 1`011 fitoll-Illeoll, whereas iji Ole t"rility ~Y't" Kfe&CO-11,0 the cjfcd. viiifur~i %%rrt t1:, tl~ptl. Ent- toward tile binary syttem I 11~. *a% $111AIII but vo t444T as to jlbtify ti"~ .1~4' tompd. lormatina. 4A C, AUTHOR: Gromakov, S.D. 76-12-1/27 TITLE- Matho,.!s for Comp,itirg 40he Proper-ties of Quintenary Systeirs Accord- ing to the Data for B.narjr Systems (Ketody m3cheta s-foystv pyatezT.,irkh ;ar. po lanngm Ilya d-,,uyiVkh PERIODICAL: Zhunial Fizicherkoy Khimti, 1957) Vol- 31 , Nr 12, pp-2r097-2612 (USSR) ABSTRAM. An 3quaticr. fcr a !V"_:n-_,jrfare of five dimensions for compiting the properties of Tjlntlera.-.i n3oiprocal 3Y3teW vrith solvents according to the test data for 11.rery -jy.-tew. Is proposed. In the relatiors (1) - (10) t-he -3u'1d:-e-z!c)n nf the quintenary sy.4teu-Az which correspond to the variovs mctl~nds of e~tabli3hing formulae of interrolation, is givea first. The f-)11cvr1-,g sysltezm belong to the five-component Systems: 1.) The prop,.~r kaimple) five-omirponent-sys term. The latter are characterized by th,*, fao~ that none of the pairs of Lnitial sub- stancea participate ir the exchange reaction. 2.) Qu:Lnterzary re- ciprocal system of 8 sifbitances. 3.) Quintenaxy reciproom! hys~etrs of 9 sifogtances. 4.) ~,i.-.-ernary redpnaal syuteirn with one solvent S1. 5.) Quinteriazy ra-,Ipmcal aysterm, -with two solvents For methMiGa'. ~-eaa~-ns cri_,-~ t~ie derication of th,- eallation's o? Card 1/4 interpolation for comp.%t'ring tha prcperties of systein.3 Y Methods for Congating the Properties of Quinterzr-y 76-i-&-1/27 Systems According to the Data for Binary Systems according to the dato, for Iinas-I syztems vrith the derivation of equatiorw for the z-4:ip:,o-.-a1 systems, in started with one solvent. Botb the q,.~.~erna- ar-,! -the ternzary systeTrz,which tire contained In the ql.Lin' Mary syatem, are quoted in ( 11) to ( 30). T~e composition of the r--3pective qLvintervary systein is represented in a four-dimensional (sywplex). The perspective projection of the composition (co7'icantration) of the sol-ient S an the triangular prism of the mixturt is given. The quintenary, ternary, and birary systems contained ir. ~_riA q ,ulntenary systew. can ea312,y be controled by means Cf 3a,.-;h SL O.-OJeCliCIII. Moreover, this sMlex-projectior. is used for +ne ce the propeety-change-function in binary uysttms. The of ti-ie quintenary system lu reprossented by a figure wit"a 1. axes ( coorSinate systems ~,) Y."? Ye Z . 7r . The 7f coord' nOe ax--ks expres.3es -*,e composition ( corcentration) of the 3ol-en' S., whereas the compogition. of the quartenary reciprocal 3yStCM is Bxpresaed alon,~ the x, y, and z-axes. The derivation of the equations for the cc osition of the quintenary system is given in the relaft=S C) 0 (3 '737). The mixture corresponding to the Card 2/4 composition g '_,Y aaswnee- tc be eqwl to one mol. T-he equation (37) Methods for Computing the Propeeties of Quintmary 76-12-1/27 Systems AcoordIng to the DAts. for Birary System for the composition of the f1gumtive point g is solved in (45) to (54) with respe-.t to the composition In quartenaryt and some ternary Sy3teMS. It Is sho~hv. that the four-dimensional figure, which In applied for the representabicn of the oomposition of a quintenary reciprocal systoom with a eolvent and -ahich is expressed by the equation (37), shoUd bi represented by an 18-vertex-body, and not by a 7-vertex-body, a3 is %i3nally assumed. The pcsition of the prep- erty curves with 15 'binary systews in a four-dimen3ional oper. figure of the composition of the qilntenary redprocal system with a solvent is given in ( 55). Starting with (59), the equations for the roperties of the y-aztsrary system (13) to (15) are given up to ) Inolunively. They ther- ser-r-. m a bnL3i3 for V:~e eTaa- G tion (74) lock-e-3 for for ~.he qv_irv~enary syster-a (7), (8). 1'. is sho-mi. that with ra 95~ ec+ tCj tha aoox~3inats axes x, z all three re- lations (57) to (5 can b13 rep~rase-ted in the sTiare of the mix- ture, though the first raaation (57) shova two vwniabls-a and conse- quently Is to be re Vtse-169d by a tvi~>-Jkn,:~wional d1q&rw... the second relation (58~ 3ne_,V_i -~hze-! rar-Lables qnd thereforo-, 11v reprs- Card 3/4 gentei In the space ar.3 the t'.--' M relrAtian (59) hAs fuor v.-riables, Methods for Computing the Prz~pertie5 of Quintenary -76-12-1/27 Systems According to the Data for B!xax-I Systems and must be represented four-Jimensionally. This is a fact of extreme importance since the "ecrease of the "dimnsioW of the diagram of cwposition properties ia achieved by the common expression of the compo-31tior Rni of the properties of the system by means of algebmic and geometric m6thc1e. The solution of the equation (.74) for quarte- naiy &rd terrary systems, A-1ch previouily [Aefe.6-10,j w*re obtained frccm za.~;h aior* simpla are reDnoented in (75) to (85). Th-9xv ar,3 17 ffgLires, 4 fin:-' '10 SlAvio references. ASSOCIATION: Stlat* Urdwersik:,, !_merl V.I. Ull yanov -Lenin (K-azar-skiy gosudarst-venAyy un-l-rer-aitat ~n. V.1. U1' yanova-Lenina) SUBMITTED: September 6.. 195~ AVAILABLE: Libmry of' Corgreas Card 4/4 GROMAKOV, S.D.; BMER. L.M. Calculating properties of ternary systems on the basis of data for binary systems. Viscosity of ternary nonreciprocal systems composed of water, methanol, ethanol and glycerin at OOC. Uch. zap. ~az. un. 117 no.9:210-215 157. (MIRA 13:1) 1.Kazanskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat im. V.I. Ullyanova- Lenina. Kafedra noorganichaskoy khimii. (Systems (Chemistry)) 78-3-4-34/38 AUTHORS: Gromakov, S. D., Suleymanova, R. S. ---------------- TITLEs Investigating Solutions by the Method of Thermometry (Issledovaniya rastvorov po metodu termometrii) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii0950,Vol-3,Nr 4,PP-1048-1053 (USSR) ABSTRAM The thermometrical method as means for the physico-chemical analysis in the investigation of solutions was dealt with.. By the determined temperature curves which are formed on the action of components, conclusions can be drawn on the presence of complexes or double salts. The accuracy of this method is lower than that of the classical method based on the titration with indicators. The thermometric method is suited for orienting qualitative investigations as it is simple and takes little time. The principle of the method is based on the determination of the temperature difference formed in the chemical inter- action in the solution, There are 5 figures and 2 references, ihich are Soviet. Card 1/2 Invea,, Solutions by the Method of Thermometry ,ASSOCIATIONt Kazanskly gosudarstvennyy/universitat (Kazan' State University) -SUBMITTEDs April 27, 1957 78-3-4-34/38 Card 2/2 AUT11OR: Gromakovo 5, D~ 76-32-2-4/38 TITLE: Methods of tiic Calculation of the Properties of Quinary Systems From Data on Binary Ones. II. (Metody ra3cheta svoystv pyaternykh sisten, po danny:a dlya .1voynyka siste7:.. IT,) PERIODICAL: ~;hurnal Fizicheskoj Xhimii, 1950, Vols 32, Nr 2, pp. 232-257 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An equation for the hypersurface of properties in a quinary dimensional system was derived for calculating the properties of quinary reciprocal systems from data on binary ones: Some stages of derivation are: Endin6 with equation (33) the derivation was given of the equation for expressin6 the properties of a quinary system (1). A detailed explanation of the proof was represented in the previous paper (ref. 1). In (35 to 71) equations were given for the compositions of less involved systems enterin;.- in (1), on the basis of which the position is jiven of the ~urvea for binary system properties (56-71) in a four-dimensional coordinate system (72). Furtheron the basis of the equations for t.-ie properties Card 1/2 of qua._ternary systems (4,5,6), namely (73,74,75) the desired equation is set up for the binary reciprocal sy3te2 ~',ethoda of the Calculation of the Properties of i4uinary 76-32-2-4/38 Systems From Data on Binary Ones. II. equation is set up for the binary reciprocal system equation (80). Equations for the hyper-surfaces of properties for six quaternary systems (3-8) that is to say equations ',132, 75, 't4, 73, 849 05) may be obtained from equation (So) if the latter is solved for the values x, y, z, n indicated in the lines 1-6 of table 2. An equation for the 'hypersurfaces of proportion (161) was derived suitable for calculating properties of quinary reciprocal systems (2) fro:.i data for binary ones. The individual stages of the derivatiin are quite similar to those for system (1). The particularities in the derivation of equcitions (Go) and (161) may be seen in the plots on figs. 1,3 and 2, 4. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 3 references, all of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. I. U11yanova- -Lenina (State University imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin, Kazan?) SUBMITTED: June 6, 1956 1. Card 2/2 5(4) AUTHORS: Gromakov, S. D., Cherkasov, A. P, SOV/76-32-11-1/32 TITLE: On Methods of Calculating the Properties of Ternary and Quaternary Systems (K metodam. rascheta svcysty troynykh i chetvernykh sistem) Viscosity and the Specific Gravity of the Non-Reciprocal Quaternary System Water - Methanol - Ethanol - Glycerin (Vyazkost' i udellnyy ves chetvernoy nevzaimnoy sistemy Yoda - metanol - etanol - glitserin) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 52, Nr 11, pp 2473-2478 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper was carried out to experimentally control the interpolation formulae (Refs 1,2) for calculating the systems mentioned in the title according to experimental data of binary systems. To carry out the investigation under "strictest" conditions a system was chosen the components of which differ greatly with respect to their properties. The viscosity determinations were carried out with an apparatus (Diagram) which in principle consisted of a rotating vessel with the liquid to be investigated, and an elliptic "fan" Card 1/3 suspended tn the liquid. The fan hangs from a flexible glass SOV/76-32-11-1/32 On Methods of Calculating the Properties of Ternary and ruaternary Systems. Viscosity and the Specific Gravity of the Non-Reciprocal quaternary System Water Methanol - Ethanol -- Glycerin rod. The rotation of the liquid is transmitted according to the viscosity by way of the fan to the glass rod which carries a mirror. This mirror refle-.:ts a light beam to a scale and thus indicates the relative viscosity. The measurements were carried out at 200C, the error of measurement being i 2~ (rarely � 5%). Tho determinations of the specific gravity Were Carried out !n py-~nometerg. The elaboration of the experimental data was carried out graphically according to the "net" method. It, consists cf the fact 'that the surface related to the property is orthogonally projected from the triangular priam composition - property on the selected plane. The equations valid fo:~ ternary systpms (Ref 1) may also be used for quaternary systems (Ref 2). Certain points of the composition were calculated on a tetrahedron diagram (Diagram) as an example. The calculation on the? basis of the numerical values of the properties of binary systems takes place in two stages. The calculation of properties cf quaternary systems according to experimental data for ternary systems Card 2/3 can be carried out as well. A comparison of the calculation SOV176-32-11-1132 On Methods of Calculating the Properties of Ternary and Quaternary Systems. Viscosity and the Specific Gravity of the Non-Reciprocal Quaternary System Water - Methanol - Ethanol - Glycerin data shows that the results from the data of ternary systems agree better with the experimental data. The data of the specific gravities agree well to a maximum error of 0-5%. The values of viscosity differ by up to 10-15%, so that in this respect only approximate values can be obtained. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. 1. Ullyanova- Lenina (Kazan' State University imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTED: February 25, 1957 Card 3/3 5(2,4) ^ AUTHMES; Berg, Lo G,,,,qromakov, S. D., Zoroatskaya, TITLE: Accelerated Method for the Investigation of Phase Diagrams According to the Thermographic Method (Uskorennyy r7etod izucheniya dingramm sontoyaniya mptoa,)n tormografii) I PEI:IODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr I., PP 75-78 (USSR) AB'JTRACT: The authcra SUCacst a simultaneous recording of tbermoLraphic data for 2, in some cases even 3 substances investil-ated. The thermal effects which take place in 2 samples were TOrorded clearly and separately on the differential curve even if they take place at almost the same temperatures. Thus, the investigation can be carried out twi-ze as rapidly aj in the normal case. This method, however, also has serta-in deficienciest the main deficiency may be e3iminate"I by the calibration of the differential thermocouple. This deficiency is due to the fact that heating in both sampl-as takes place at a small temperature difference as far as the thermal properties of these samples are different. The suC-ested melhrd was Card 1/3 chocked on the binary system KCl-SrCl2 '6ef 2). Accelerirted Method for the Investigation of SOV/20- I 2r.- 1 - 15/67 Phase Diat:rams According to thp Thermographic Meth.-~d Its phase diagram is relatively complicated ar.1 therefore well suited for testing the utility of the new r3eth)d (FiG 1). Some conclusions on the mechanism of the cliemicil. interaction between the substances can be drawn from a comparison of the t-. ) heating curves. The authors here use only a f(,-,,r examples from the results obtainod, They diccu-lti tho _Ai.q,Q of the differential curves (Figs 2,31~ Tho conpli~ated i3hape of the .~Ul*ve 'd, c, f) indicates that the effect cen::erned (5750) takes place in both sampler. Actually, it :;1inuld take place only in sample 2, thon it would be expreornI by a oimple "endr-thermal, line" which pasoes thrcur-h point d' and f. If this effect is observed as an exothermic phenomen-in also in sample 1 i complicated shape of the coolin(.,, curves results due to "he ...)mbination. The mentioned (,xample :)f an indefinit-2 inter- pretation of the thermographic data is no fundamental difficulty in the accelerated method of the thermoCraphic investioationa suCC,,estod by the authors. The easiont method of removin,,Y, these deficiencta',is a repeated investiCaticn of inrlivilual compounds Card 2/3 Accelerated --othod for the Investi--ation of SOV/'20-125-1 -19/67 Phase Diagrams. Accordina to the Thernoi,-raphic :-:etliod which are combined with a sample of another compocition or by recordine only one sample. There are 3 fi(;ure.- and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIOD: Kazanakiy gosudarotvcnnyy univeroitet im.. V. 1. Ullyanova,-Lrunina (Kazan'Stato University imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin) PP-'-'SIINTED: October 25, 1958, by I. I. Chernyayev, Acadenician SUBMITTED: March 10, 1958 Card 3/3 BERG, L.G.) GROMAKOVI S.D.1 ZOROATSKAYA, I.V.,- AVERKO-U.TONOVICH, I.N. (Methods for selecting coefficients In chemical equations] SpoLioby podbora koeffitsientov v khWcbeakikh uravneniiakh. Kazan', Izd- vo Kazanskpgo univ.p 1959. 147 P. (MBA 14: 10) (Chemical equations) GROMAKCYV P. S.D.; KUSURGASIOV, I.M.p red.; SEVENOV, Yu.P.9 tekhn. red. (Sove laws governing equilibrium oystemal 0 nekotorykh zakonoror- nostiakh ravnoveorWkh siotem. Kazan', IztI-vo Kazftngkogo univ.p 1961. 600 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Syatomo (Chomi8try)) (Pbase rule and equilibriwn) S/076/60/034/011/004/024 B004/BO64 AUTHOR: Gromakov, S. D. (Kazan') TITLE: A Method of Determining the Properties of Multicomponent Systems of Any Dimension From the Data of Binary Systems PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 2431 - 2447 TEXT: The author has studied non-reciprocal multicomponent systems m-component systems) the composition of which is represented as a regular M-1 dimensional simplex in barycentric coordinates. Fig, 1 shows an m-l~ dimensional simplex in which the coordinate axis x 1 of the binary ~ system AiX - A2X is expressed by the function 1P11(X,), and the coordinate axis x2 of the ternary system AiX - A2X - A 3X by the functions'~21(x2) and ~22(xd~ Fig. 2 shows the data necessary to set up the equation of the compositions First columns Concentrations A IX19 A2X19 etc. Second columni Card 1/5 A Method of Determining the Properties of S/076/60/o34/011/004/024 Multicomponent Systems of Any Dimension From B004/BO64 the Data of Binary Systems Abbreviated expression K Ii , etc. for any point in the simplex concerned. The lines of Fig. 2 represent the coefficients expressed by the coordinalo axes x V x2 ... xm_V Using Fig. 2, the equation for the composition of ternary system is written for illustration. The concentration coefficier*a of this system are indicated by 11 .... 11 in Fig. 21 g(3) = (I - x1 - x2 /2)(A,X) + (x, - X2 /2)(A 2X) + x2(A3X) (1). The coefficients indicated by in Fig. 2 are used in a similar manner for a hexatopic system. The simpler simplexes are eliminated by a section with the help of hyperplanes. The equation for the hyperplanes are found with the canceling factor of the equation of the composition. The ex- pression A6X - X5 = 0 is substituted in the equation for the hexatopic system. The number of simpler systems belonging to a non-reciprocal m-component system can be determined from the equation J = (M) (3)4 Furthermore, in determining the properties of an m-component system from the data for binary systems, the calculation of the imaginary points is Card 2/5 a of Determining the Properties of S/076 60/034/011/004/024 !,:ult4component Systems of Any Dimension From BOOA,/B064 the Data of Binary Systems applied, which are uniformly distributed in the (M-1) simplex. If these points represent a multiple (1 : d) of the concentration in which d is an integral positive number, they lie in the nodes of the coordinate system. All of them fall therefore into thle sections produced by hyperplanos, which are made for any component of the 3ystem in accordance with the concentra- tion of the components (I s d). The following problems are solved: 1) Determination of the total numbier of imaginary points in the simplex whose coordinates are all rational with respect-to the no=inator d; 2) a logical enumeration of these points; 3) determination of the coordinates on the basis of the ordinal number of the imaginary point; 1,) determination of the ordinal number of points in given sections performed with hyper- planes. There are 2 figures, I table, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V.I.Ullyanova-Lenina (Kazan, state University imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTED: February 6, 1958 Card 3/5 5/076/60/034/011/004/024 BC04/BO64 .#Ix + + +w+ 1 + + + X/ 1~ ex ............... 1P I ql Card 4/5 '5/07Y60/034/011/004/024 B004 3 064 4 /fit + + X, 4* 4 !Fj 2 Aj A,r,J K., T J-5.. 49,(X,) 0,(.rd Otr,) A IrIl Hsi zo J-It qA) ql:(Xi Vzo rd ....... lys, ..... ..r, T -V--' x ...... 47,.tr,) . LL~ ... ...... ....... ....... Z, 2 x rf 14plAd 01, 1 0,,fx,; Vvi Pit) o",trw S, S, vi/ X, ", -" %(4) fvw I,rx,)~ Card 5/5 ACCESSICH XR: AP4036976 S/WT8164/009/005/IM/13D6 AUMOR: - Grauikoyp Be Do; Marinnaso Vo No; laty*povo Z. No; Chvalao Me As TITIE; A mm modification of saw purification of materialso SOMM Zhi-ro-1 neorganicheskoy khWi. ve go non 5. 1964p 1305-1306 TOPIC TAGS: zone purification, method,, crystallization front, monocrystal, production., semiconductor# sodium nitrate, cadmium nitrate tetrahydratep Impurity separationo heating device, design I ABSTLAM, A method of zone purification was developed In which the crystalliza.0 tion plane area is increased.. thereby' enhancing the production of larger mow- crystals particularly aWlicable in the production of semiconductors. This was accomplished by devising a method for maintaining the sem temperature-gradient near the periphery of the molten zone as In Its center. Thuso heating circuits were constructed In the form of the curvature of the molten zone and of such design as to create a planar crystallization front by compensating for the heat removal* Perforated metal grids or conductors between electrodes (rectenjoile shage for r*ctangular rods or circular for cylindrical ban) W be used* The" 1 Cord ACCZSSICN NR: AP4036976 should be or metals or alloys Donreactive with the molten metals In a simple designp a vertical cylinder van heated at difrerent temperatures* It v" heated In the upper section to a temperature higher than the fusion temperature of the material and in the lower section to a lower temperature. A test tube con the sample was lowered slowly so crystallization started at the bottom., A MZjd- heating element was kept at the temperature boundary to give a plana crystalliza- tion front@ Tests run with sodium nitrate and cad-lum nitrate tetrehydrate usiM colored Impurities (sample lowered at 12 mm/hr) showed the Impurities to be collected at one end of the bar. Origo art. hes: 2 figuress ASSOCLATICK: K&zansk:Ly gosudarstvamaywy universitot, (Kazm State University); Penzenskly pedaWgLabsew institut (Pensen Pe"place, X"titute) SUBaTTO: I&o%62 DMZ ACQ: Wun& =CLs 00 KM CMI GCorc 10 MW 9"1 OW WWI 000 i-COfd t 16_066-~65 -1-7:777,V , ~'.. I-~~/ pt- i 0/rU---, I:; ('r Viscj (a) -5 ~T,'; /,',T/ I M/'i'/H ACCESSION NR: AP4046457 S/0078/64/009/010/248512487 AUTHOR: Gromakov, S. D.; Zoroatskaya, 1. V.; Laty!p5jy, Z.. M..; Chvala M. A. TITLE: Methodbr investigating phase diagrams of se miconduct in g /systems SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 9, no, 10, 1964, 2485-2487 TOPIC TAGS., semiconductor, phase diagram, semiconductor system, test apparatus design, solidus temperature, liquidus temperature 'ABSTRACT: A.method was developed for obtaining thermal data for semiconduct. I Ing materials which avoids the inherent difficulties of air oxidation, thermal decomposition, and reaction with thermocouple and container materials. The ma- terial for thermographic investigation Is placed In a quartz ampoule (3- 4 mm 1. d. 25-30 mm long), sealed under 1-2 mmHg. The thermocouple (fig. 1) made of 3- 5 x 12-14 mm platinum foil (a) with soldered platinum rhodium leads (b, c) is arranged so the platinum foil surrounds the ampoule (fig. 1-Q. The ampoule is :Card 1/4 L .,5066-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4046457 pla,-,ed in a quartz tube filled with alumina for thermal ingulation: t I hea ed n a vertical electric furnace. Using this arrangement, the solidus and liquidus temperatures were obtained for the binary systems PbS-PbSe, PbS-PbTe, CdTe-ZnTe, CdTe-HgTe, and phase diagrams (fig, 2) were constructed. Orig. art has: 4 tables and 3 figures. ASSOCIA71ON: Kazanskly gosudarBtvenny*y universitet (Kazansk State TJniversi--L I t ) Penzenskiy pedagogicheakiy Institut Wenzensk Pedagogical Institute) i SUBMITTED: 01Feb82 ENCL., 02 L 16( )6-65 ACCESSION KRiAP4046457 SUCLOSUREI 01 fig. I Arrangement of the individual thermoCouples Card 3/4 L 16'66-65 ACCESSION MRS AP4046457 1100 F 02 ENCLOSURES t-c c 11 file too I 110V - ,105, 113 OCR L % WRI 100 - it lip M to 20 40 0 10 ze 49 �0 to NSI ft*) AAM% pis PiTS )IIA) Aw pis CdTe mop off InTI, z a IV M IV ~bpl 41TI mol Aftoffo w ti fig. 2 Phase d1agrams of the binary systems: a--PbSe-PbS; b--PbTe-PbS; c--CdTe-ZnTe; d--HgTe-CdTe Card 4/4 Tic, z'17. khim. 3,- 14,11-14 13 t t, L 10780-67 EWT(1) IJP(C-)- XT ACC NR; A117003501 SOURC--,- cobc:' Lrji/0076/66/o1Po/oo6/1262/1264 AUT;l0t: Groxakov, S.-D.;. LatYP-OV,-Z- 1-1-; Kiri RE P- S- /7 ORG: Kazan' State Univaruiu iple V. is Ullyanov-Lonin (Kazansidy go-qudarstvennyy ..L~,,Ot) Ponza PodaC'egic Institute irto V. G. Dolinakiy (Ponzonskiy podagogichaukiy univor". instit xiiY I- I 11'A*catxieiit and 3~rstaaatization on the Dasis of D. 1. Rondeleyov's Foriod-le Systcrt of lacments of Properties of Semiconductor Compounds of tho 77ypo A F~%~ im I i rbscoll, h5si"o-.1Z L. Vol 40, 1~o 6, jun 66, pp i z6w 20~ / f , , , , , , . I 1 01 ARS'ITLCT. A three dimensional plot of values of the icidth of the forbidden zone was made for semiconductor compounds A(III)-13(V) by using a notimrk arrangement of the compounds accordinC to positions of elements A and B in tho periodic wfstem. MTerimental values of the width of the for- bidden zono a smooth curved surface. The ifidth of the forbiddon zone of several semiconductor compounds on which no experimental data vmre available i-ras determined by inter- and wctrapolation (Al Di, 0.7 0v; GaBi,; TIAs/%-.,0,13 ov). The method described, which is convenient for wla datcrinination of unknown characteristics and for the checking of experi-! nental data, can be applied to semiconductor compounds of other types and also presumably to other pr ertiee of semiconductors. Oria. art. hab: * I figure and 1 t1ablo . fJ-PRS. 38. TO?1C TAGS: somiconducting material, forbidden zone vridth SUB CODS: 20 SUBM DATEt nvar65 / ORIG REFt 004 Lcord ~11 UDc: ya.z) + 6?.l. GRGMAKnII_jAqqi 1_4 V t u _:YaPi.11ye- - i-ch; OAWV, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; VO' 01; V, A.I., red.; AAKIT11,, I.T., tekhn. red. [itole of the subjective factor in the buildInE of comnism] Roll sub"ektivnogo faktora v stroitellstve ko=.,upizma. Moskva, Izd-va "Znanle," 1961. 31 p. (Vsesoiuznoo obshchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politicheskikh i nauchrWkh znanii. Ser.2, Filosofiia, no.17) (MIRA 14:11) (Commulism) (Efficiency, Industrial) GROMOVA, L. M. MR/Chesistry - Alkali Metal and Oct 53 Alkaline Earth Salts "Some Regularities in the Moe Diagrams of Pirary Systems,ft S. D. Gromakov, L. M. Gromkova, Kazan' State U Zhiur Fiz Khim, Vol 27, No 10, pp 1545-55 Demonstrates the appltcability of regularities e.stablished earlier (Zhur Pi*z Xhim, Vol 24, P 641,,1950; Vol 25, p 1014, 1951) for the cri- tical evaluation of published data on the melt- tug point carves of binary systems. Checked 272T13 resulto exptly on binry oyoteso cmpo~ed of halides of U, Up K# Rbp Ce, Ngy Ca. Br,, Ba, and No or nitrates or LL, Nap Kj Rb, Cs, Ca, Sr, and Ba. Jci, Ka~~ar,' S~ate U, KaZan' SO: Surl- A.-O 29 ;c t 5~1 -)Urv(%.,, of, jeiell'ific '11-I'1 Defended at lr"S~ I-ijiei ;I'll Ins ,~ I. . I ( ,;,/) , 0) I II I- ; --*--,---- L~-- MOMKOV. S.D.; GROMAKOVA, L.M. -------I--- Treatment of the liquidus of binary systems. 29 no.4: 745-749 AP '55- (MM 8:8) 1. KFLzanakly gomAarstvennyy univereltat im. Chornyshevskogo. (Phase rule mA equilibrium) (Chlorides) 1313-66 EW W, NKI "6000098 SOURCE CODE: UR/0360/65/000/002/0041 AUTHOR: Juketov, Ye. A.; FAkhastavg M. Zb.; !~F9 "_kan'Atl 1. ORG: None TITLE: Rapid method of decomposing copper electrolyte slime for determining selen- lus and tellurium SOURCE: AN KaxSSR. Isvestlys. Seriya khimichaskikh nauk, no. 2. 1965, 41-44 TOPIC TAGS: selenium tollurtul~# luantitative analysis ABSTRACT., S tellurium are present in copper electrolyte slimes mainly as selenides and tellurides. The authors found that & cold mixture of hydrochloric act and hydrogen peroxide decomposes such slims: a 0.1-1.0 X sample to completely de- composed when treated for 5-7 min at room temperature 30 ut of 2:1 MCI to which 5-10 ml H202 had been addedg L.c., all of the selenium and tellurium go into solu- tion. The proposed decomposition proceav we* checked on slims of the Kyshtyo and Alaverdi plants, and was found to be highly reliable and convenient. The method is recommandod f*or other raw-materisl sources of selenium and tellurium. Orig. art. has: I tables 893 CM: 07 / I= DMt 2&ftt44 / GAIG IM 014 GROMAKOVAY Z.1.; BUKFTOVA, Te.A.; MAKMTOV, M.Zh.; DYMOV, A.M. Determination of tellurium forms In copper electrolytic slimes. Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no.l2tl364-1367 165. (MIRA 18t12) 1. Xhimiko-metallurgicheekly institut AN KazSSR, Karaganda. Submitted October 27, 1964. GROKLKOVSKATA, M.N. ~4-Ztulinus toxin on the excitability of the carotid sinus and the vasomotor center in immunized and nonimmunized rabbits. Biul.eksp.biol. i mod. 41 no.4:33-36 Ap '56. (MM 9:8) 1. 1z laboratorii immuniteta (zav. prof. K.T.Khalyapina) otdels eksperimentallnoy patologii infektsti I immuniteta (zav. deyetvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSSR P.F.Zdrodovskiy) Inatituta spidemiclogii I mikro- biologli imeni N.F.Gameloya. (Dir. doyetylatlfayy chlon ANN 353R prof. V.D.Timakov) ANN SSSR, )4oskva. Prodstavlona daystvitollnys chlenom AMN SSSR G.V.Vygodchikovym. (CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM, toxin, off. on carotid sinus & vasomotor center Irritability in rabbits Immunized & not immunized wift botulin anatozin (Rua)) (CAROTID SINUS, effect of drugs on, botulin toxin, In rabbits immunized & not immunized with botulin anatoxin (Rua)) (VACCINES AIM VACCINATIONS, botulin anatoxin, off. on carotid sinus & vasomotor center responses to botulin toxin (Rua)) (BLOOD MfiSURN, offect of drugs on, botulin toxin, in rabbits immunize4 & not immunized with botulin anatoxin (Rua)) GRCOUKOVSKAU, W.K. Role of neuro-reflax: mechanisms in the pathogenesis of a disease induoad, by the introduction of botulin toxin into thq carotid sinus. Dluleeksp.biol. I sod. 42 no.8:27-30 Ag 156. (KLPA 9:11) 1. Iz laboratorit immuniteta (lay. - prof . K.T.Khal"pina) otdela skeparimentalinoy patologil infektali I immuniteta (say. - daystyl- tellnyy chlen ANN SSSR F.F.Sirolovskiy) Inatituta spidentologit I nikrobiologii iaent N.F.Gaueloya AKN SSSR (deystvitellmqy chlen AHN SSSA V.D.Timakov)l Moskva. Predstavlena daystvitellaym chlenon AN SSSR G.VwYygodchik:ovya (CIAXTRIDIUN BOTULION, toxin, prod. of lesions of various oigans by admin. Into carotid sinus. role of nervous aystaw (Rus)) (WOTID SISM, prod. of lesions of various organs by admin. of botulin into carotid sinus, role of nervous system (Rue)) (MYOUS SYSM. pbCFsiology, in expers lesions of various organs tnduced by admin. of botulin Into carotid sinus (Rue)) USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - Effectu of Physl,:al Factors. T-13 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Bioli, No 7, 1957, 323U IV Author : Stern, L.S., Rapoport, S.Y., Gromakovilemya, MI.M., Zabkova, S.R. Inst Title Influence of X-Ray Irradiation on the Permeability of Histohemtic Barriers. Orig Pub Biofizika, 1957, 2, No 187-196. Abstract By introducing p32 and 1131 into the blood, the change of the permeability of the hemencephalic barrier (F573) and of the bewencephalic barriers of the liver and mus- cles was studied in rats after exposure (E) to 8W r. The tsdioactivity of t1le blood decreased 47% throngh the 5 m'-nutes after the introduction of p32 into the heart ca-rity, in the following 10 minutes - 25%, and beginning with 30 minutes after the introduction - 1-2% in the co*,,rse of each 15 minutes. Isotopes were introduced Card 1/3 USSR/Human and kiimal Physiology - Effects of Physial Factors. T-13 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 32311 into the blood or imediately after E (if the animals were prepared in the course of the first 6 hours after E) or for 1'-5 minutes before preparation (if it occurred in 1-3 days after E). In the unexposed rate, the most radioactivity was observed In the liver the least - in the brain, *writh which the appearance of ~~2 in the brain is noted'Di 15-30 minutes, and in the liver and nmacles - from the first minute after the action of radiation. After E, an increase of permability is noted in the liver in 1 minute, in the muscles - In 3-15 minute!;, and In the brain - it, 45 minutes, The rnximum increase of radioactivity of the tissues after E develops in the liver in 45 minutes, in the muscles in 60 m�.nutes, and in the brain - in 1-3 hours. In 2 days E, a significant decrease is observed of the permenbility of HEP and of the histchematic barriert; of the liver and mus- ClC.3, which is especially sharply expressed in 3 days. A decrease of the rate of inclusion of p32 in the Card 2/3 - 165 - USSR/Human and Animl Physiology - Effects of Physical Factors. T-13 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 32311 fraction of acid-insoluble P is note(-. It is proposed that the strengthenin., of the delay of p32 in the tissues in the second or third day after E is con- nected with the increaze of the adsorbent ability of the tissues. Analogous reuulto are obtained with the introduc- tion of il3l. IV Card 3/3 EXCERPTA IZDICA 'Sce.4 '761.11/4 ctc. 903. INFLUENCE OF TETANUS A,;D BOTULINOGE-NIC TOXINS ON CIT.PO.NAXY IN IMMUNIZED RABBITS (Russian text) - Gromah-ovskaya N. F. Gamalci Inst. of Epidemiol. and 1,11icrobi . 6 le ES Sci., Moscow - BIULL. ENSPER. 1110L. 1~',ED. 1957, 43/1 (46-50) Illus. 2 Invest Igat Ions of the chronaxy of the tibial muscle and the sciatic nerve, _-pinal cord and motor area of the cerebral cortex were carried out on 34 rabbits, and not Immunized against tetanus and botulism. It was found that injectioa irito the tibial muscle of tetanus toxin produced in non-iminunized rabbits generalized or localized tetanus and marked changes in the chronaxy of the muLcle and the nerve: initial shortening and subsequent marked len-,-thening, with gradual return to the original level. In the rabbits Immunized a,-,ainst tetanus the toxin (lid no,' produce any symptomo of the dificase and the changes in chronaxy weresliglitand dis:~ppcar- ed on the 3rd-4th day. In the experiments with lethal doses of the boluimus toxin type A, in contradistinction to the Immunized animals a considerable disturbance of chronaxy was observed in the non-Immunized rabbits. resulting in mar?cd leng-th- ening of chronaxy, especially marked in the motor area of the fir'st clinical sym- ptoms. The changes In both cases developed before appearance of the first clinical symptoms. The data obtained demonstrate that in the localized form of tetanus the changes at the level of the Irritative process spread, fundamentally, to the motor neurons of the spinal cord segments while In generalized tetanus they affect the motor area of the cortex. References 5. Davidova - Moscow (S) GROKAOVSKAYA, M. M., Doe Biol Sci (diss) -- "Neurohumoral Interaction of the central nervous system and the skeletal muscles In fatigue". Moscow, 1959, published bythe Aced Sci USSR. 31 PP (Aced Sci USSR), 200 copies (KL, So 24, 1959, 131) 24(0) AUTHOR: Gromakovskaya, M. M. SOV/2o-124-1-59/69 TITLE: Effect of X-Rayn Upon the Reflectory Excitability of the Center of the Hervue Vagus (Deystviye rentgenovskikh luchey na reflektornuyu vozbudimont' toentra bluzhdayushchego nerva) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19501, Vol 124, fir 1, pp 205 - 2o8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (Ref 1) the author proved that a total X-ray irradiation of rats with a lethal dose soon causes a change of the permeability of the hemato-encephalic barrier. This in prevented when the trunk is screened off with lead (Ref 2). The initial variations of the mentioned permeability are therefore an the whole a consequence of disturbances originating from the visceral organs (Refs 3-6). The viola- bility of these organs is brought into rel!,tion with a disturbance of the vagus functiong e.g. vomiting (Ref 4), disorder in the gastric movements (Hef 7), the fall of Card 1/4 blood pressure of irrrt-liated animals can be prevented by the Effect of X-Rityn Upon the 11aflectory Ezclt;.bility of the Center of the IfervuB Vnjus introduction of atropine transection of the nervus vabiis as well an by screening off of the Adominal reCion. A change of the functional state of the nervus vaFus was ob- served in irradiated aninals (Refs 9,10). Radiation da-iages also the parasympathetic nervous oysten (Ref 2). It is the aim of the prevent paper to detornine early variations of the excitability mentioned in the title and to det-~,rmine the interrelations between the rate of occurrence of the permeability disturbances of the he~.-iato encephalic barrier (blood liquor barrier) and Vnc rhange of the fiinction.11 state of the vagus center. The reflex excitability of the vajus center of 160 white rats was ]etorminel at various periods of tine after irradiAtion (dose:600 r). The functional state of the center was determined on the b,izis of re- tardation of the pulse rate in consequence of brenthirC arLionia vapor. The re~,ult3 a.--e given ir fijure 1. As, howev-Er, the possibility was left open whether the decreane ~f t!.e reflex was due to a direct radiation effe,-t or to chan,,es Card 2/4 in the peripheral or,-,ans, in th. courne of fiirther ex,.erimerts Effect of X-Rays Upon the Reflectory Excitlibility of the a" OV,,'2o- 124- 1 Center of the flervus Vagus only parts of the body were irra,liated, whereas the rest was screened off. An Irradiation of trunk or abdomen as well as total irradiation were fatal. Death occurred after 5-7 days, whereas an Irradiation of the head showed no effect. Also the functiontil state of tho va,,un center re-mained un- changed in the case of an irradiation of Vie nead. An irra- diation of other parts of the body cauned a reduced activity of the reflex. Thus, the changes are nainly due to disturb- ances of the organs in the abdominal cavity. The revult obtained (lid, however, not contribute towards detecting the intimate mechanisms ca!ioing the chant~es of reflexes. In order to eliminate a possible toriu-- increase of the a.-,rmpathetic nervous system, a) ergotamine was introlticed or b) both sympathetic upper cervical ganoJia ivere removed. Table 2 shows that these two operations do not p~-everit the decrease of the reflex excitability of the vaf.,un center in irradiated animals. The cham-es were, however, less marked. To excite the vaL-,uB center morphine raid bromine were introduced. In the latter cane the reflex excitlkbility of the vaCus center Card 3/4 of control animals is conni lerably increased and the pulse Effect of X-Rayn Upon the Reflectory E7cltability of *-~.e S07/2o-124-1-,9/69 Center of the Nervits Va;1us rate is slowed down. In irradi:,ted animals the noi-nal efrect of the rays failed to take place. This confirms the ausumption that a preceding tonus increase of the va,.-us center pre- ventn distiirbances of its functional ntate in case of ir.-a- diation. Fron rt comparison of the reaults obtained can Le seen that the change of perneability of the blood liquor barrier in irradiated animals ia a consequence of disturbances of the functional state of the nervous nyateri. The dintiirb- ances are likely to origin;Ae from the radio sensitive organs of the abdominal cavity. There are 3 fiFures and 12 referencest 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCTATION: Institut biologicheakoy finiki A~ademii nauk SSSR (Inqtitute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences IUSSR) PRESENTED: August 13, 1958, by L. S. Shtern, Academician SUBMITTED: August 11, 19513 C,Lrd 4/4 170), 21(3) a SOV/2o-126-3-67/69 A UT 110 RS t Shtern, L. S., Academician, Rapoport, Ia., Grociakov:;',i~7a, TITLE: _ _T_11_CI_1:3ortnrce of the Nervous System for the Chan7,(~~ of 11'~!r- meability of the 11isto-hcmatic B-irriur~; Uridor the i, "Cot of Irradiation (Roll nerynoy sisteny v izmenenii pro nits aye~-.(j:,t i gisto-ge-iatit.-heshikh barlyerov pri obluchenii) Pr:.1IODICLLt Doklady Ak3demii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, 11r 3, pp 699 - 7o2 (USSR) ABST"MT In previous papers by the authorG (Ilefs 1,2), it w3s afc,2r- tained that a single total irradi,ition of iri.-.als -~.ith 0 lethal dosis of X-rays leads to (arly chan,-,e8 as i.-ntionct' in the title. A previous introdict-I'Lin of novocnine, or morphine prevents these changes of the barriers mentioned in the title (IMB). The present investigation clarifies the problem of whether the protective effect of tht.: neurotropic substances in maintained in case of their introduction a f - t e r the irradiation; further - what effect such an iritro- duction b e f o r e and a f t e r the irradi-ition has on Card 1/ the duration of life of the animals exposed to rays. The The Importance of the Nervous Syatem for the Change of SOV/2o-126-3-67/69 PerLleability of the Histo-hematic Barriers Under the Effect of Irradiation e f f e c t on the 1111B- p e r m e a b i I i t y. As table I :-,hown, the nervous mechanism play an important part in the rise and further development of permeability variations of the HHB produced by irradiation (in agreement with Refs 3-13). As at a screening of the belly region no HIIB-permeability changes due to irradiation take place, tests were carried out to examine whether these changes are caused by disturbances of the organs in the belly due to irradiation. The receivers of the belly were isolated by the introduction of 1.0 ml of anaesthetics (Ref 14) 17-18 hours after the irradiation. From the results (Table 2) it can be seen that the irradiation of the animals after the isolation of the receivers doer, not brin& about an increase in the IIHB-permeability. E f f e c of the i n t r o- d u c t i o n of n a u r ot r o p i c Su b t -i n c #- 3 on t h e s u r v i v a I o f a n i n a 1 a e x 1) o s ~ d t o r a y s. These substances were introduce,] 10-15 min before, or 5 min after, the irradiation (novoc3ire- 2o n- -er animal, atropine - 1 mg, and morphine - lo ;Lg per aniz,al). Table 3 shows that only the morphine has a distinct influence on the Card survival of unimala 1-.~xpo3ed to rayo. This protective efrvet is The Importance of the 11;ervo-as System for the Chani;e of - "'? '2o- 126, - 3-67/69 Permeability of the Histo-ht-matic Barriers Under the Effect of irradiation attributed to a tissue hypoxy brought nbout by an inhibition of the breathing center. Such nuiechaniar. presupposes its inter- fer,_~nce already during the irradiation. This is cutif ir!.ked by a saying of the animala only if the morphine is introduced b c - f o r e the irradiation. Both the results of the juth~rj and the publication references lead to the coicluzion that the protective effect of novocaine is brought about by the iso- lation of the receiving portion or the reflexes which are pro- duced by irradiation due to a change in th,.7 cheuism of oreans and tissues. There are 3 tables and 22 references, 12 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 18, 1959 Card 3/3 17 (1), 21 (3) AUTHORS, TITLE: P~NIIODICAL: -.Qr_Qjaakovzkajya. 11. M., Krichevokaya, SOY/20-126-4-52/62 Ye. I., Rapoport, S. Ya. The Effect of Antihistamine Proparationo on the Development of Some k'arly Ray DiaLurbances (Viiyaniye witigistami kh preparatov na razvitiye nekotorykh rannikh luchevykh narushenMy Doklady Akademii nauk 1959, Val 126, Nr 4, pp 876-079 (US.;R) ABSTRACT: syndrome Card 1/3 The importance of hifltamine for the development of a radiaticn (Refs 1-8) has not yet been fully clarified: differenz investigators have different opinions abotAt the efficiency of histamine preparations in reA-tat-Ion si-6-mew-In previous papers (Refs 14, 15) it was proved that alreadY 5 minutes after irradiation a rise in level of the free histamine oceurs in various tissues. Their histaminepa)W [gista-minopeksicheakayal power (IEPP) decreases. Theae chan--es in the chemical composition of the immediate mediuA of organs and tis:;ues ma;j be i.-,,portant for the origin of various disturbtuices in the organism irradiated. To investigate this problem, antihistamine preparations (Dimedrol and rernovine) viere administered to white rats before irradiation. All investigations were carried out 45 The Eff'ect of Antihistamine Preparations on the SOV/20-126-4-52/62 Development of Some Early Bay Disturbances minutes after irradiation. The results were summarized as folloyu: E f f e C t 0 f a n t i h i s t a m i n e p r e p a r a t i o n s 0 n : 1) t h e 1 e v e 1 o f f r e e h i s t a m i n e a n d o n t h e IIPP o f t h e t i B a u e a o f t h e a n i m a I s i r r a d i a t e d (Refs 149 15) (Table 1); 2) t h e p e r m e a b 1 1 1 t y o f t h e h i a t o h e m a t I o b a r r i e r 3 (HHB) (Table 3); 3) t h e r e f 1 e x e x c i t a b 1 1 1 t y 0 f t h e c e n t e r o f t h e n. v a g u s (Table 4; 4) t h e r e a c t i o n o f t h e m a r r c, w o f t h e b o n e s a t t o t a 1 i r r a d i a t i o n (Table 5). The results found by the authors show that the admin4 tration of the said antihistamine preparations not only prevents the rise in level of free histamine in tissues but also the permeability disturbance of the HHB and the change in the functional state of the vague center. Finally the early damages to the marrow of the bones are weakened. Thus, it is pos3ible - by lowering the level of free histamine originating in the tissues of the animals irradiated - to interrupt the chain of reactions Card 2/3 which effect the appearance and development of various ray The Effect of Antihistamine Preparations on the SOV/20-126-4-52/62 Development of Some Early Ray Disturbances AS'~'OCIATION: PRESENTED: SUBMITTED: damages. On the other hand, the result,- obtained cannot be regarded - due to the complicated action of various antihistamine preparations - as an undisputed proof of the fact that histamine plays an important part in early radiation reactions, According to publication references (Ref 18), such hiotamine preparations as prometazine and chlorpromazine also inhibit the release of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine. Further investigations are necessary to decide this problem. There are 5 tables and 18 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biological Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) March 5, 1959, by L. S. Shtern, Academician March 5, 1959 Card 3/3 S/'020/60/134/00'1/037/038/XX B016/BO60 AUTHOR: Gromakovokaya, hi, 14. TITLE: Role of Serotonin in the Stimulating Action of the Cerebral Extract Upon the Efficiency of a Fatipued Nerve - Muscle System PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 1, pp.. 221 - 224 TEXT: The author has stated in a previous paper (Ref 1) that the cerebral extrast and the blood flowing off from the bzain contain 3ub3tances having the property of raising the efficiency of a fatigied muscle, It has been also notpi that the stimulating properties of cereb-ral extracts are causpd by low-molecular substances of organic nature, As is known from the literature, serctonin has been found in the --erebral tisn-ae and the cerebral p4-,rf-,liat,- on an irr1taticn of the pneumogastric nerve (Ref, 8) Thi- author suppoael that the activation of fatigued muscles under the influence of cerilbral, extracts was to be explaineA by the presence of 5erotcnin, and thin in the problem she Y Cari 1/4 Role of Serotinin in the Stimulating S/020/60/134/001/037/038/;(X Ai'.ion of the Cerebral Extract Upon the BOT6/BO6() Efficiency of a Fatigued Nerve - Muscle System wanted to clarify in the article under c:)nsiderntion. Methods used: extracts were. pvqared from the brain ~f white rata I ml of Ringer -ebrall ttssue Afer the animal had solution was taken for I g of ae~ I been decapitatk?d and exsanguinated the brain wa3 taken 3,.it, comminuted, an! pl,-,,:ed in a Ringer solution for 19 20 min. The activty cf the sentrifugate of this ex pension was examined on a ner-,re-muscle prepara- tI-on of a frog (Leven-Trendelenburg's method). Pr'.or to the examination thF volume of the solution was doubled by III-ating with water It was thpn perfused by way of a canulo Introdus(A into ablom.,nal -irtery, and extracted through the open abdominal vein Relaxation of muscular f'.br~ was brought about by a rhythmical irritation of the lumbar plexus by condenaer dischargeo,. A 10 g stro~;A was nppl!ed to the muscl(l Muocular ccntractions were recorded on a kymograph Table I shown the affect of serotonin and the cerebral extracts upon the contractions The efficiency increase of fa igued masol,:-s on perfusi~~n by serotonin !;Olution (concentration I- .0*-~) att.alrj In an 171~" of tho: 70 ~,ontrrj,-,tion intensity before s~~roton,n j,~-rfusion A Iciwnr 7oncentration Card 214 .% Role of Seroton,.n In the Stimulating SIO 201601134/001/0 37/0 38/X-X Action of the Cerebral Extract Upon the B016/BO60 Efficien:y of a Fatigued Nerve - Muscl'~ System '0 h!-ir, no offect upon the efficiency of fatigu#Ld muscles The sprotonin-induced muscular contrastions can be unlocked by diethyl am.-Je of lyseqlc acid. Diethyl amide reduces, but duen not neutralIzo the stim'.ilating effect of cerebral extracts Further experiments made by th~, alithcr confirm the mentioned data supplied in the literature. a,-cc~rddng to which the stimullatin ff ct of serotonin is largely rieutrallized by reserpine (Table 21.eSuemmarizingly, the author draws the following concluaions: 1) Serotonin is certain to stimulate the ,;affi-lency of the nPrve - muscle system. 2) S~.-rctonin cortained in the cerebral extract participates in the stimulating action of the cerebral extract, 3) The fact that both diethyl amide of lysergic acid and reserpine do not entirely neutralize the stimulating activity of Lerebral extracts proves that the presence of serotonin is not zj,,jfficient to explain the stimulating action of cerebral extracts 4) The ability of cerebral extracts to activate fntigut~'l !-"Uscles is explained by the presence of a number of other substances in addltllon Carl 3/4 Rol-~ of Serctonin in the Stimulating S/02 60/134/001/037/C38/XX Action .,f thE Cerebral Extract Upon the B016~B060 Eff.,--iency of it Fatigued Norve - Mu,-j:,e! System to uerotinin. These subtitan-,es give rioe tc, a --omplex of phystolcgically cerebral m,-1a1:o','Lteis. There ar- 2 table.-, an3 16 referen-ie:, S,--rlet, 12 US, and '-) Swiss ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheakoy fiz~ki Akadi-m".i na-A SSSR (Institute of Biological Phy3ic:, of the Academy of Scienceo USSR) PRESENTED: March 29, 1960, by L S Sht-?rn Academ.-.,ar SUBMITTED: Mar-Ai 29, 1960 Card C-R),Y,J1'0V-'YAYA, M.M. Role of serotonin in the effect )f the central nervous system on i rj j the workine capacity of the neuromuscular apparatur- E;okl. " S-"R 140 no-3:724-727 S '61. (M.11RA 14:9) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. (INDOLOL) (FATIGUE) G-ROMWOVSKAU A. X.- Mechanism of the action of serotonin on the efficiency of the ne==wcular system. Dokl.ANISPR 144 no.1:238-241 Vq 162. (KM 150) 1. IrAtitut biologicbeekoy fisiki AN S=. Predstavleno akademikom L.S.Shtern. (IND OLOL--PMIM=.-ICAL EFFWT) ACESSION NR: AT3011779 S/2949/63/000/000/0094/0113 ,4UTHOR: Gromakovskayag M. M. TITLE: Early radiation changes in reflex excitability of the vagus nerve center and mechanisms of their appearance SOU11CE: Gisto-gematicheeklys barlyory* i loniziruyushchaya radiatsiya. Sbornik rabot laboratorii fiziologii, Moscow, AN SSSR# 1963, 94-113 TOPIC TAGS: ionizing radiation# reflex excitability, vagus nerve center# morphinop pulse ratep X-irradiation d038, sympathetic nerve system, early radiation damage, brominet screening of abdominal region, antihistamine, local anesthesiap hematoencephalitic. barrier permeability ABSTRACT: Experimental rate were X-irradiated (RUP-1 unit, focal length 30 emp 31.4 r/min) with 100, 400, 6000 and 800 r doses, Reflex excitability of the vague nerve center was determined by change in pulse rate recorded by an EKP-4 electrocardiograph after itimulating olfactory receptors with aamnia, Pindinge show that a 100 r Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT3011779 radiation done increases reflex excitability of the vagus nerve denter, but 600-800 r doses reduce reflex excitability of the vague nerve center. The appearance of early functional radiation damage In the vagus nerve center is not affected by intraabdominal adminis- tration of artotamine.'suboccipital, administration of chlorpromazineq or removal of sympathetic ganglions from the neck. Early reflex excitability radiation damage in the vague nerve center of animals exposed to lethal doses can be avoided by administering morphins or bromine Intraabdominally 15-20 min before Irradiation# by screening the abdominal regionp by anesthetizing the abdominal region locally with novocaine, and by administering antihistamine preparations 15-20 min before irradiation. Functional nervous system change in radiatiaa is one of the contributing mechanisms to hematoonoophalitic barrier permeability damage. Orig. art. has: .8 figures, 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Laboratori-ya fiziologii, Moscow. AN SSSR (rhysiology Laboratory. AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 070at63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM Card 2/2 NO REP SOVI 059 OTHER: 028 GROMAKOVSKAYA, M.M.; DISH, T.H. Effect of fatigue on the permeability of the hematoencephalic barrier. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.5:1171-1173 Js 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom L.S.Shtern. (HEMATOENCEPHALIG BARRIER) (FATIGUE) AccEssim NH: AP40358V 8/0020/64/1%/601/0W/0190 AUMOR: Orcmakovskaya., M. No. 71TIE: Role or histamini end serotenft In Irradiation changes of excitibility of the vague nerve center SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*,, Y. 156,, no. 1,, 1964, 187-190 TOPIC TAGS: radiation protection, histamine j 6er0tGn1Ds TMPG c a n t a r central nervous system, X-ray -ABSTRACT: It has been previously established by the author (DAN 124) no. 1., 1959j,i 205) that x -irradiation,, of 600-800.rlovera the excitability of the vague center. It is also known that ionizing radiation changes the level of free histamine and serotonin in the tissues of various organs. In the present work, the effect of histamine and seratonin on t;he 'beartbeat of normal and irradiated white rats was investigated. Intraperitoucaladukdatmtion of thmo chemicals lowered the heart beat. A comparison of. the effect of serotonin with that of irradiation indicates .that the prevention of ch- s in the functional state of the vague centa.r emised ,by Irradiation Is din to t4a effect of serotonin on the Mtral nervous system@ C.M_4 1/2 'ACMSICK NR: AP4035822 This is in agreement vith the fact that both histamine and serotonin have a protective effect agawt irradiationo 10rig- ari- bas: 3fisires and 3 tables. ASSOMMU: Inatitut biologicheako fiziki. AkaUmU naui SSSR (Institute of Biopbysics,, Academy of Salewes UNCTM; 2Wuu63 ATD PRESSs 3060 MCL. 00 SM,CC)DS: LS, OG NO MW GOV: WT OMM; 009, CROKAKOVSWA, '-Iariya Viikhaylovna; RUSIN , Ya. A. . oL-;. red .; LINDAU-TYLKDA, S.P., red. [Neurohumoral mechanisms in the regulation of muscular activity] Neiro-gumorallnye mekhaniznW reguliatsli uj-- shechnoi delatellnosti. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 233 P. (F.111A 18:3) ACCESSION NR: AT3011774 S/2949/63/000/000/0017/0040 -AUTHOR: Shternp L, S.; Gromakovskayap M. N.; Rapoport, S. Ya. TITLE: Neurohumoral mechanisms of radiation damage in histohomatic -barrier permeabIlity SOURCE: Gisto-6omatichasklyo barlyery* i ioniziru7ushchaya radiatai- ,ya. Sbornik rabot laboratorii fizioloeii, Moscow# AN SSSR# 19639 17-40 TOPIC TAGS: histohematic barrier pormeabilit7, ionizing radiaiion, isotope method, phosphorus 32 distribution# Iodine 131 distribution# histamine level, sertonine-level, neuroreflexive mechanism, humoral. ~mechanismp neurotrople substanc~t novocainev atropine, morphine ;ABSTRACT: Permeability changes In histohematic barriers 'after I 'irradiation were studied in white rate by the isotope method. 4nimals X-irradiated-with 800 r domes (31 14 -r/min) were injected :with radioactIve phosphorus (P 32) or Iodine '(1---131). Tissue ,:radioactivity of-the animle killed at different periods was ,determined by'an AS-2.aluminum,counter for phosphorus and by an and Cwd 'ACCESSION NR: AT3011774 .counter for iodine. The role of neuroreflexive mechanisms was 'studied by screening various parts of the body during irradiation and :by investigating the effects of novocaineq atropine, and morphine. Tree histamine and free aertonine levels in the organism were also i3tudied to determine the role of humoral mechanisms in early radiation .damage of histohem&tic barriers. Both radioactive phosphorus and Jodine IndicAte that histohematic barrier permeability changes are a :yart of early radiation damage. The various neurotropic substances novocalneg atropine,, and morphine) administered before or after radiation remove or considerably reduce permeability changes. Screening parts of the body when applying local anaesthesia to the abdominal region also sharply reduces histohematio barrier permeability changes. Apparently these changes are neuroreflexive in nature and are related to changes in afferent nerve pulsation from the abdominal organs, Histohematio barrier permeability changes in early radiation damage can be averted by changing the free histamine level with antihistamines aud by ch in th sertonine level with g ;:t in determining reserpine, Neurchumoral-factors are import histohematic barrier permeability levels under normal physiologloal .conditions and in determining permabil-ity charges in early Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT3011774 radiation damage. Orig. art. has: 15 tables. ASSOCIATION: Laboratorlys. fitiologii. Mosoow. AN SSSR. ,(Physiology Laboratory, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 07Oct63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM NO REP SOV: 041 On=: 053 Cwd 3/3 GROMAKOVSKIY, Tops, Beading, and Breaking Off Shoots of Vines on Yield of Wine Grapes," Kishinev, 1961, 22 pp. (Odessa Agri. Inst.) 250 copies 1. K., Cand. ALryi. Soi. (diss) "Effect of Pinching (KL Supp 12-61, 279). GROMAKOVSXrT, K.Y.. agronom. ---. System of management on collective farms. Zemledelle 4 no.10:74-80 0 156. (Collective farms) (Agriculture) (NLRA 9:11) GROKAKMMI~. Nblgodonsk,, Rootavokoy obl.) Economic use of chemical industry wastes Ushch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 7 no.6t2O Js 162. (MIM 15:12) (Rostov Province-Herbicides) GROMAKOVSKIY. X.F. Use of synthetic fa-tty acids in agriculture. Masl.-ihir.prom. 29 no.1:38-39 'Ja 163. (K RA 16:2) 1. Agrokhimicheakaya laboratorir Upryinprome, Rostovskoy oblasti. (Agricultural chemical tAcids, Fa~ty) GROKAKOVSKIT, P.I., doteentl GRINTI, M.A. , asoistent; SAZONOY, V.11. . assistent. The preparation bios In veterinary practice. Vaterinariia, 33 n0-7: 74-77 il 156. (KLRA 9:9) I.Voterinarnyy fakulltst Odesskogo seliskokhoxyzyetvannogo instituts. (Vitamins-3) (Veterinary medicine) ZIL;hD~'V, A.P.; GICOWtFUV6KIY, V.P. ReizXorced concrete chutes and other nonmetallic equilment at coal Freparation plants of the Stalino Economic Goincil. Koko i khim. no.7:55-56 JI 161. (YURA 14:9) 1. Stulinskiy sovnarkhoz (for Zberdev). 2. Ilovo-Uzlovskaya ugleobogittiteliriaya fabrika (for Gromakovskiy). (StaUno Province-Coal. preparation plants-Zquipment and supplies) S/log/60/005/008/023/024 3 (Ioi% E192/E382 AUTHORS: Sirotenko, I.G., Spivak, G.V. and Groman A TITLE. Field Emission from Filamentary Semiconductor Monocrystals or Whiskers PERIODICAL, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, l9bo, Vol, 5, No. 8, Pp. 1348 - 1350 TEXT- The work reported deals with the manufacture of' semiconductor whiskers and measurement of their field emission It appears that the data relating to the field emission of such monocrystals are lacking (Refs. 7, 8). The whiskers of tungsten and molybdenum oxides obtained by the authors are larger than the usual micro-whiskers, The whiskers are produced by the following technique, A small quantity of tungsten or molybdenum oxide was placed in a quartz tube having a length of 15 cm and a diameter of 6 mm, the tube being closed at one end, The oxidt!a wet,(, obtained by burning fine wires in an oxygen atmosphere. fly heating the lower end of the tube in air a sublimation of the oxides was achieved and the vapours condensed on the comparative1y cold portions Card 1/11 M S/109/00/005/008/M'3/0211 E192/E382 Field Emission from Filamentary Semiconductor Monocry-stals or Whiskers of' the tube (see Fig 1). A growth of whiskers occurred at various areas of' the tube, depending on the concentration of the vapours and the temperature gradients, At very high vapour concentrations the whiskers were in the form of dendrites. In order to obtain the whiskers in a suitable form, a metal loop was introduced into the quartz tube and the whiskers were grown on it (Fig. 1). After that the wire loop was suitably mounted in a gun and investigated, In the case of' molybdenum oxide, the whiskers were also obtained by the following method: a spiral having a diameter of 5 mm and a length of' cm was made of molybdenum wire and one of its ends was bent in the shape of a loop; this was then placed inside the spiral so that the end of the loop was roughJLy in the i~entre of' the spiral, when the end of the spiral was heated by an oxygen flame the molybdenum was oxidised and the resulting oxide vapours were condensed on the loop in the form of whiskers, The whiskers were investigated Card 2/4 S/log/60/005/Oo8/023/024 E192/E382 Field Emins'ion front Filamentary Semiconductor Monocrystals or Whiskers in a micro-projector tube which was evacuated by means of a fore-vacuum and an oil-diffusion pump. It was found that at pressures of 10 -6 _ 10-7 mm Hg and voltages of 6-9 kV the emission of the whiskers was unstable but in a vacuum of 10-8 mm lig the stability was satisfactory and the current was of' the order or 30-30 pA. The authors express their gratitudo to N.V. Kovaleva for help in the measurement of l'ield 011110040n. Thero are 5 figures and 9 references: 3 Soviet and 6 uosi-Sovlet. Card 3/14 s/i.og/60/005/008/023/024 E192/E382 Field Emission from Filamentary Semicondtictor Monocrystals or WhiBkers Fig. It card Pilt. 1. PGCT HHCKePCO8 OIWCU' W Ila UpOR0.1011HOIJ I - W-11penofinita: I - 0111jeb W: J - Itbapnewm T1,76ita; T - Romfianum irmewpAvipao. To ~ tovome vin otmest w700* C AM 01191CH MO 2 GRIT-Wl, X.B. ftevLews an(i lhibllor~mphy. 4r, !-10.8:85-90 1 l.,TF -1) ., A 18. Ai, 105. k - . 1_ USnR/1-jiscellaneous - Book review Gard 1/1 : Pub- 128 - 35138 Authors t Gromanj It. Be) and Shnoyderovichs Re He Title t Book review Periodical : Vest. manhe 99 103-1069 Sep 1954 Abstract I A critical review is presented of D. I. Berenov's book, "Tho Stress Analysis of Machines,," pUb3ished by "MashgLz" in 1953. Institution : Subndtted : ALISHITS. I.Ta.,,kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; WKIN, S.L. kandidat takhnichookikh nank; BALAKSHIN. B.S.. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk. professor: BITSILIKA, R.D.. inshenar; BWZATW. Y.H.. kandidat tokhnichookikh dauk; HIMIXA, N.I., Inshoner; DIRGIR, I.A.. doktor takhnicheakikh nauk: BOGIUSIAVSKff, Yu.14., kandidat tekhni- chask1kh iw~; BORDYICH, L.S., kwAidat takhnichookikh amuk; 0OU11MIRG, TuX, inshener; GORDON. T.O., professor: 0OHODWrSUY, 1. To.. doktor tekhnichookikh nauk. professor: GROXAN, N.B.. Inzhaner; DIKIR, Ya.l.. kandidat tskhnichesklk~ -riMZ MSMTOT. V.V.. inzhoner; IVANDT, A.G., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk: KINASOSHVILI. R.S.. doktor tekhnichesklkh nauk- professor; KRU- TIYOV, I.P., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk; LIMSON. To.K.. tnshznmr; MAZTRIN, I.T. inshener: M&RTMT. A.D., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; NIBERG, I.Ta., kandidat takhnichookikb nauk; HIKOLATIN, G.A., doktor takhnichookikh nauk, professor; PRTRU55- VICH, A.I.. doktor takhnichaskikh nauk; POZDNrAKOV. S.M., dotseut; PONOMARN, S.D.. doktor tokhnichookikh nauk, professor; PRONIN, 3.A. kandidat takhnichanktkh nauk; HISHATOT, D.N., doktor takhni- chmskikh nauk, professor; SATZLI. V.A.. doktor tekhnichookikh nauk, professor; SIMAXOT, F.F.. kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; SLOBODKIN, M.S., Inshener; SPITSYN, N.A., doktor takhnichookikh nauk, professor; STOLBIN, G.B., kandidat tokhnichoskikh naulr; TATTS, B.A., doktor tokhnichookikh nauk-, CHIMSHM, H.A., kandl- 4at tmWinichoskikh nauk: SIINNTDFMVICH. R.M., kandidat tekhni- (Continued on next card) ALISHITS, I.Ta., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk (and others) ....... Card 2. chnskikh nauk. XTDIIIDV. T.Ta., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; LMIKH, L.B., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk.-. ACffl~'RKAN. M.S.. Aoktor tmkhnIche9kIkh nauk, profansor. redaktor; MARKUS. M.Te., twhener. rodaktor; URGANOV, V.G., inzhener, rednktor: SOKOLOVA, T.F.. takhnicheekly redaktor. [Mechanical engineer's manuAl; in 6 volumes] Spravochnik mashino- atrottella; v shm8ti tomakh. Isd.2-e. ispr. i dop. Moskva. Go@. natichno-takhnAzd-vo mashinostrott. lit-ry, Vol.4, 1955. 851 p. (Mechanical engineering) (MLRA 8:12) USSR/ En~jn,3orinr, - Gear- tranjiniasions Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 1/23 Authors I Gronvin , N). B. Title i The selection or correction factors for gear tranami3jions Nriodical I Vents mnsh, 2, 13, Fob 1955 Abetraot i Methods for regrinding and the selection of correction factors for bevel ani spur gear transmissions are discussed, and rormulas are prejented for calculating gear meshing. pitch and gear modules. Eight USSR rof- encoo (191t6 - 1955). Grayhs; drawings Institutiont Submitteds VM/ Engineering - Stress and strain calculations Card 1A . Pub. 128 - 5/28 Authors i Petrusevichp A. L# and Groman, M. B. Title t An approximate method for calculating the strength of gear transmissicme Periodicol I Vest. mash. 35/69 23 - 29, Jun 1955 Abstrimt, t The use of an approximate method for calculating the strength of gear transmissions in cases vhere the dimensions and weight of gears exceed the minimum allouible tolerances, is discussed. The calculation of per- missible loads on gear trains, selection of proper materials and beat treating mothodep and the required dimension of gears# with the aid of the above mentioned method,, in described. Threc USSR references (1951- 1955). Drawings; diagrams; tables. Institution t ..... Submitted i "Module limitationso in correcting gears cut by worm hobbing machines. Vest.mash- 36 no.7:15-21 Jl 156. (XLRA 9:9) (Gearing, Worm) - - "- ,, k-q /1-/, //,, KUDRTIVTSEV, Vindimir Nikolayevich, prof., d-r takhn.nauk; GROUN, K.B., insh., retsen2ent; MKOV, V.G., kand.teMn.nauk, red.; SIMOMOVSKIT, N.I., red.lsd-va: 50KOI.OYA, L.Y., [Gearingl Zubchatye peredacht. Koakva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.tzd-vo mashinnstroit.lit-ry, 1957. 262 p. (MIRA 11:1) (GeRring) 7 BETIJIld, T'S".'O.','I'nzhnnar; BLAGOILAIEUDIN, V.Yn., inzherwr; ltO(',IISLAVSKIY, P.Ye., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk-, VOIRONKOV, I.M., professor, GITINA, L.Ya., Inzhener; GROMAII, Y.B., inzhener; GOROr2OV, N.V., doktor takhnichagkikh nauk-[4; ddased]; IEZIISYVK, I.N., kar-Iiiat tekhnichoskikh nauk; DOVZHIK, S.A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk.- IXIKELISKIY, M.P., professor, doktor khtmicheakikh nauk [deceasedi; DTKHOVICHIITT, A.I., professor; ZHITKOV, D.G., professor, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk; KOZLOVSKIT. U.S., Inzhener; IAMIN. Tu.M., doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; LEVEIISON, L.B.. professor, dokI.,-r t6dhni- cheskikh nauk [deceased]; IXVIN, B.Z., In2hener; LIPWI, V.P.. inzhe- ner; MARTYNOV, M.V.. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; MOLEVA. T.I., Inzhener; NOVIKOV, F.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-, OSETSKIY, V.Yo, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; OSTIROUMOV, G.A.; POITORAREITKO, Yu.F., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; RAKOVSKIY, V.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; REGIRM, Z.L., Inzhener; SOKOWY, A.11., Inzhener; SOSMOV. G.I., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; STEPANOV, V.N., professor; STIEHAKRAHOV, M.M., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk: ELIKIND, I.A., Inzhener: YANUSHE- VICH. L.Vo. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; 9OKSHITSKIY, Ya.M., inzhe- ner, redaktor; RULATOV, S.B., inzhener, redaktor; GASHINSKIT. A.G., inzhener, redaktor; GRIGIZOIYEV, V.S., inzhener, redaktor; YEGUITIOV, G.P., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; ZHARKOV, D.V., dotsent, redaktor; ZAIGIAROV, Yu.G., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nank, redaktor; KAMIJISKIY, VoS., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor-, KOMARKOV, Ye.F.. professor, redaktor; KOSTTLEV, B.N., Inzhener, redaktor; POVAROV, L.S., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; ITLINIGH, F.R., redaktor; XLORIKIYAN, S,.Kh., otvetstvenn~7 redaktor; GIADILIN. L.V., redaktor; (Continued on next card) EZYLINA, TS.O. --- (continued) Card 2. RUPPEIIETT, K.V., redaktor; TvuqPIGOIEPV~ AX., FlavrY7 rein'tor; BARABANOV, F.A., redaktor; MWW, A.I., rnflaktor; TJlCR!.TV. V.K., redaktor; GRAYOV, L.Yo., rodaktor: DOKUXIN, A.V., rndaktor; ZAmfID- KO, A.U., redaktor; ZASYADIKO, A.F., redaktar; KRASNIKOVSKIT, G.V. redaktor; LETOV, N.A., roduktor: DIS11111, G.L., redaktor; W!AJJ'KOV- SKIT. G.I., redaktor; YSLINIKOV, N.V., rodaktor-, 0111KA, D.G., rednktor; OSTROVSKIT, S.B., redaktor-, POK'ROVSXIY. N.Y., mlaktor; POLSTYATTOY, G.U., redaktor; SKOCIIIIISKIY. A.A.. rodaktor; SONIN, S.D., roflaktor; SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.0., relaktor; STANCU'aO, I.K., rodnktor; SUDOPLATOV, A.P., redaktor; TOPCHITU. A.V., rt~Anktor; TROYAVSKIY, S.V., redaktor; SHEVYAKOV, L.D., rodaktor; BYKHOV- SKAYA, S.N., reflaktor izdatellatva; I"IAZULISKAYA, V.F., tekhniche- skiy redaktor; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhnichookiy redaktor. [Mining; an encuclopedic handbook] Gornoo delo; ontsiklcpqdicheavi spravochnik. A.M. Terpigorev. Chleny glav.-cd. P.A. Bara- banov i dr. Moak-ta, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.!zd-vo, lit-ry po ugollnoi promyshl. Vol.l. [General onginoering] Obshchio inzlienernye avedeniia. Redkollegiia toma S.Kh.Eleriklian i dr. 1957. 760 p. (Mining engineer'.ng) 0A.LRA 10:10)