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il . ro~ ~vt r'p:tr= Analy; fi ~f 'ul(f ig!-? ') - . -_ 'k.I'. " of *.~ F. ch 1 %T; 98 o ~- , 'A ~ 137- 1 P!tr ' 1, 'i ,r-,n b-and3. I I . , 1; ; , I'xp! r , -.I-r, , l I "iPthor-ttfa- -. : f -In P.! ' ~ ~ . , ; : r, 51 ~ L 16638--66 T/EWP(t) JD. . - - ~ , . , - IMUrt-D6008900 SOURCE CODEt HU/ool4/65/098/003/0137/0138 AUTHOR: Groma, Ge ORG: Experimental Laboratoz7, Metal Works, Csspol (Femmu, Kisorleti Laboratorium) TITLEt n-microscopic stxAAe on the agind of magnetically soft iron strips LThe pa r was presented during the I. Materials Research Week hold in Balatonstoplak from 26 to 28 my 1 SOURCE: Kohaszati lapok, v@ 98, no- 3. 1963. 137-138 TOPIC TAGSs electron microscopy, aluminum containing alloy, iron, magnet, metal aging ABSTRACT: 14achanically and magnotically aged samples of Fermax strips (magnatic&uy soft iron strip, manufactured by the Metal Works in Csepel) were investigated electron-microscopically. Mechanical aging was characterized by microhardness; magnetic aging was characterized by changes in the coercitive forces Six electron micrographs were presented and diacussed* It was found that an aluminum content decreased the rate and extent of aging* The author thanks 1-. Dorogi and M. Coak of the Caepel RKporimantal Metal Laborator7 for the alootromicroseopic preparations MCI 621-783S 669-14-018-31 620-178-15'k L--P L 16638-66 ACC NR i MM 900 a,& concerns the oarr7ing-out of the photo work, Origo art* has: 8 figures* LJPRS j SUB CODE: no 20 SUBM DATEt none ORIG REFt 001 OTH REFt 003 L ~9139-66 1 1 J I J;) ACC NR: AP60-30377 '11"CATRCE CCDE: HU/001 /61 /OGO/007/1"'- ly AUTHOR: Groma, Geza CPG: Experimental Laboratory, Csepel Yetal Works, Csepe (Csepeli Femmu, Kiserleti La7boratorium) ,T]TIE: Some physical problems in fine metallurgy !SOURCE: Fizikai szemle, no. 7. 1965, 193-197 :TOPIC TAGS: bronze, chromium alloy, iron ABSTRACT: This article is the text of the authorts lecture delivered at the 30 Nov 1964 meeting of Eotvos Lorand Physical Society (Eotvos Lorand Fi%ikai 1"arsulat). The following subjects were discussed: Studies on the aginglof Fer.,Wx (pure iron ;Fr magnetic components); studielfon the segregation processes in JM&2&6LW bronze 1rhigh-strength agginiz materialaMf good conductivity. A list of subjects worth of more detailed study was discussed. Orig. arts has: 13 figures. 1JPRS3 32,4911 SUB CODE: 11 / SUBM DATE: none / CRIG REF: 002 / 01H REF: 016 411,01 C v, '~ t,;, "A A, 107-57-5-53/63 AumOR: Gromachevskaya, Z., Munin, V., Sokolov, V. T1TLK: A Transistorized Amplifier (Usilitell na poluprovodnikovykh triodakh) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 5, pp 53-55 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A do-it-yourself type transistorized amplifier for an electromagnetic or a piezoelectric phonograph pickup Is described. In case of an eleotromagnatir pickup the preemp stage uses one type PlA transistor and a matching transformer. In case of a piezoelectric pickup two type PlE transistors are used. In both cases the final push-pull stage is designed with type P3V transistors and operates in the AB class. The amplifier output is about li w with 0.35 mv input at 1000 cps; distortion 3% and goes up to 6% at 100 cps. Frequency response characteristic rises by 7-10 db at 100-200 cps as compared to the 1,000-cps point. Due to high prices on transistors in the USSR it is recommended to use the circuit with one type PIA transistor for the time being. Two circuit diagram# parts data, instructions for winding transformers, also for mounting, assembling and alignment, and test findings axe supplied, There are 5 figures and 2 tables (with transformer data). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 L C I L! Jollit Zhti:- -B1f)109iYiA 1qo- lit 1959, NO-15597 1. T-. T IT L 3-P395 1~t I ~ZT In 'j5 t GROMADA, F., iuzh. Generator of aerosols. IUn.takh. 6 no,3s6D-61 Mr 162. WIRA 15 ~ 4) (Czechoslovakia-Atomization) VANGAYEVA, VIG., inrh.; GROMADAv G.M. Public 9fjjce of technological InformtIon in a plant. Opyt. rab. po.tekh.'fnform. I, prop . no-3:49-51 163. (KMA l6sl2) 1. Byuro tekhnicbeskoy informateii Rostovskogo zavoda 09raanyy Way." GROMADAY G.M. Attachment for simultaneous milling of two dies. Mashinostroitell no.10:22 0 163. (MIRA 16t12) GROMADOIMWKO, A. Cost of coal to leverod. Mast.ugl.2 no.11:18 N '53. NLRA 6:11) (Coal uines and mising) GROKAMMIKO A gorod shakhty, Rostovskoy oblasti; GANNOV, S., predsedatell, -1- 75'roW Ibianya. smoienskoy oblasti; VAYTULBVICH, F., Leningrad; BONDAjav. A., prednedatell, Melovatskiy rayon, Voronezhakoy oblasti. Prom the editor's mail. Voen.snan. 29 no.9:7 S 153- (KLRA 6:12) 1. Hayonnyy orgkomitet Vessoyuznoro dobrovol'nogo obahchestya nodeystviya aviateii (for Gaponov). 2. Rayonnyy orgkomitet VaesovU2nOgO dobrovollnogo obahchestva sodeystviya aviatsii (for Bondarev). (Military education) GROKADCHENKO,A. - - The main underground railroads have been bettor organized. Mast. ugl. 1, no.2:14-15 F 155. MRA 9:6) (Him railroads) GROMADGiMMO.A. A Isrge fnmily. Mn, no.8:21 An"55. (KLRA 8:10) (Shakhty--Conl minere) GROMADCHINKO,A.,(g. Shakhty, Kamenskoy oblasti) --1-1-1-1 1- ~ -1. We hnve instructions, but no active work. Voen.znan.31 no.4:11 Ap '55. (MLRA 8:10) (Military education) USM/ miscellaneous - Radio amateurs caw 1/1 Pub. 89 - 6/33 Authors a Drobot; G., and Gromadcherdko, A. Title o The network of radio circles grows Periodical t Radio 2, 9-10, Feb 56 Abstract t The number of persons IntereoLed in amateur radio is increasing in the cities of Tallin and Shakhty as is also the number of clubs into which they are organized. Illustrations. Institution Submitted t GROKADCHNKO, A. (g. Shakhty) ... .. Miners study radio. Radio no.2:10 Y 156. (MLYA 9:5) (RIdio clubs) GROMADCHMO. A.. instrumentoWshchik. Crfttlvo initintivo of miners. Sov.profsojuxy 4 no.11:74-76 if 56.- (MIRA 10:1) (Kmensk Province--Coftl mines and mining) 2 7 'A Z)C- /?r-,o , ~ I omaO ~,-henkc Int-rz: f t 1 (I'VI r , :P. C, - t 0 n i (U IU, !lc 2 of Yarorlav A r t Sr-,?.ooj Nr is -.t photot;ra~ r u.,; r T F thL Technical School Tr I in B~kit. PI. to r p :j "C w 0 1 n t t L-r d ruzhby ) des zrib(13 t 1'. e 'Zinister of Latoz, ~;CIIGOI Nr I in 116 po,:~wtnykh C,11:11.. of, Honwir t""! li~.! ,.f -~rphnn Yu. Yovtun. i ill L I o r 1; 1, t, .1 L, I.. Sduca t, iorn-~,q-,L~ivzon,, 2. B, ozrap~q 3. Agriculture USCOWM-DC-5i,769 gRg%Rpjj=O A. -t- 9=- ==" - A niner's family. Mast. ugl. 7 no,1:29 A '58. (MIRA 11:2) (Coal miners) KOZLOV. V. (g. Astrakhan'); XULISHENKO, V., Instruktor; GUSAROV, S. (Tataroketya ASSR); GROMADCHAMO, A.; BA7M. V.: SHC113GWY. A,,Instruktor With the tra4e union organizations. Sov.profooiuzY 7 no.3i62-64 I? l5q. (MRA 12:3) l**Kiynvskiy obloovprof (forAlulichanko). 2. Hay rofRozh Karagandin- ekogo otdoleniya zholetnoy dorogi (for ShcheglovK (Trade unions) GRDKADCHINKO, A., mashiniet naeosa (g. Shakhty) __ _ Mining committee In action. Sov. profoolutr 7 no.13:53 JI '59. (MUA 12: 10) (Shakhty--Coal mines and mining) VIKHMAN, A.; SAVELIYSV, V. (Arkhangellsk); DBG7YARBV, X.; RYABIOIKOVO Ya.; 'n(MROVSKAYA, Z.! KULAGIN. N.; GROX&DCHMO, A. (f. Shakht7); YJN'XO,B. (c.zaPorozh'7e) ; STROG&NOV, B. Oraliningrad); LkZAXOT, P.; XAKAHOV, L. (Dnepropetrovsk); ABRAM07A, V. (Grodno); NDTCHSNKO, V. Oriyev); KRASNOV, A. (g. Allmetl7evsk); KAPLAN, Ta.; KASATKIN, I. (Yaroslavll). Utters to the editors. Sov.profsoiuz7 16 no.4:44-49 F 160. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Ghlen zavkoma. predeedatell komissii okhrany truda mookovskogo zavoda "Blektroevet" Imeni P.N. Yablochkova (for Vikhman). 2. Glavw 1nzhner 1=hurganskogo cherepichno-kirpichnogo zavoda, selo Sokhall- skoye, Rozdelln7anskogo rayona. Odeeskoy oblasti (for Dogtyarev). 3. Dorozhnyy komitet professionallnogo soywa rabotnikov zhelezno- dorozhnogo transports, Sverdlovsk (for Bobrovskaya, Xulagin). 4. Noyo- trubnyy zavod, g. Pervoural'sk (for Kazakov). 5. Predsedatell post- royechnogo komiteta 5-go stroyrayona tresta "Allmetlyevneftestroy" (for Krasnov). 6. Predeedatell obOyedinennogo post'roykom tresta "Zhabarovskstroyn (for Kaplan). 7. Predsedatell teekhavogo komite'~'a otdola glavnogo takhnologa Yaroslavokogo motornogo zavoda (for Usatkin). Wficlency, Industrial) (Trade unions) GUBUOV, A.; KISTAIJUTIV, X.; GROKkl~CMKO, A. (stantoiya Shaktnaya); VOLOSOVIGH, A., brigadir; HA3LO*,- T.;-TLFLITBOYA, A. Q.Iyanovo), BVISMOV, V.; KOVAUV, V.; XISILOV, V. (g.Priozersk, Leningradskoy oblasti): ANISIMOV, P.; IMATTSIT, To. Bditor's mail. Sov.profsoiuzy 16 no-17:44-50 S 160. (KLRA 13:8) 1. Fredsodatell mostnogo komiteta upravlonlya sovkhoza imeat Stalin&, KrasnodarmicDgo kraya (for Gubanov). 2. Laveduyushchiy avtoklubom Tushno-Ealakhotanskogo obkoma profsoyu2a rabochikh i sluzhashchikh seltakogo khozyaystva i zagotovok, g.Hallchik (for Xistaubayev). 3. Chlen komiteta profsoyuza gillzoaabivnogo teekha fabriki Ilhikat,* Moskva (for Volosovich). 4. Predsedatell meatkoma passazhirskogo avtotransportnogo transporta. g. Nallchik (for Naslov). 5. Instraktor kullturno-massovogo otdela Leningradskogo obloovprofa (for bvistunov). 6. hedaktor gazety "Azovetal'stroyevots,* go Zhdanov (for Kovalev). 7. Nachal'alk otdola kadrov'Ullyanovskogo sel'skokhozyaystvennogo instituta (for Kutaytsev). 8. Starshiy instruktor Tyumenskogo oblastnogo soveta profsoyuzov (for Anisimov). (Trade unions) A. Corn and vegetable marrow. IUn. nat. no.6:3 Je 161. OMIRA 14.7) 1. KuybyBhevskaya sh~o2sp Rostovsk'oy oblaati. (Kuybyohevo--Corm (Maize)) Z..-^.; G!V')MPDINA, N.T. f'ormat.1-in cf the local structures qnd gen and oil pf-ols of the Bukhara-Khlva nroa, Trudy MINKHIGP no.43:136-155 163. (YIRA 11-4) MI-ASARAll":KFY, i- A.; GROWI)BA) N. 1. "Notes on foriaition of gas and ga- Unrl j-'r. AZ orl r '. 'r-, W~ platform In the south of the USSR." report, Oubmittcd Cor 22nd Sc.,*,~;, lzktl (jtjoluo~r i ~ttll E (2 D, 1 , ".4 1~c POLANI/Coamochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochamistry. Abs Jour Sef Zhur - Khimiya, No 9) 19581 28316 Author Inst Title Physicochemical Data on the Waters of Lake rruzno. OriG Pub Ekol polska, A4, No 10, 3-317-332 Cei_C7 (1956) (in Polish with summaries in Enalish and Russian) Abstract The investioation consisted in the determination of the transparency,Itemperature, dissolved 0. content) carbona- te fluidity CTN. original uses the tei:m lzhiclkost'; this could possibly be a misprint for 'zhustkost' or 'hardness' which would seen, more reasonablic c , orf;anic content (oxygen demand), No K41 Fe, and C1 (salini. ty). The overall character~s'tics of Lake Druzno waters are as fullows: a flat basin of ca. I m depth; because of the good mixint; of the waters, the thermal and oxyGen conditions are uniform throu[jout the depth of the Card 1/2 POL .-'D /rr'a.-.aral 5nd 3--)oclal Zoology. I --. 73 :; c t, 3 .Fa r.~i-p ful L.s::)cts and Jxachnids. Posts of 1,'ruit and Barry Cultures. Abs Tour: Ref 7,hur-Biol., No 14, 1OD58, 64081. Author : ('1roi-,iads*.m Inst : Title : Obsorvation of the Thrips Fauna on tho 3lossoms of Fruit Troes. Orig Pub: Voil'sizio 11siao ontmaol., ll.'.jb N,o 1-26, 367-381. Abstract: Tun t.arip s2ocijs colloctod .urinE: 1934-1955, w--r,j found on the tlossoms of vorious fruit traos. iL~iong thoso, Uxythri?q brjvistylis and Ta-,niort;irips inconsequ-ns vieru for In view of the fact Uiat no larvae Card 1/21 59 POL.ITD / ~3cj,,,jral and S:,cc-ial -!Xolc9Y- ful Insacts and ~,rachnids. -D-,sts of Fruit and Berry Cultures. Lbs Jour: R3f Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1956, 54061. .kbstract: worc found and that thoru was al.aost no dam- ago, the bloqscm3 of fruit tr.%os aro to bo ra- aarded as unfavorablo !Iabitats for- tl`irips. -- from tho author's rcsum,~. Czird L/2 .7 - Insects. I I r-OWD/Ge,acrai aild Specialized Zoolo,- fibs Jour : flef Mur - Biol., Nj 9, 1958, 4oo4g Author : Gronindska, M. Inst Title : BtoloG-Ical Methods of Control of Vests. Orig Pub : Vilskic piano entoriol., 1957, D, No 1, 39-51 Abstract : Zia abstract. Card 1/1 (PtOMADSKA, M. ...... Ilore recent observations on the evolution if insects. p.6rj- Fcsmos. S--RIA At BIOLOGIA. 1,4arszawa, Poland. vol. -j, no. 0, 195% 11-Ionthly List of East European Accessions Index (E:.,Al), T,(,. Vol. p-,, ~!O. 9, September 1959 Uncl. GROMADOWSKII J. . . ..... Works of the Institute of General Chomistry. Przem chem 42 no.6&331-332 Je 163. I f r-is t -)n,? ir -u, or !w~ !,M;I-v I",-' li'l Mill Il I I r cm GILCMADSIAI, Malitym (Torun) ~ 1 0 Tsls~gcns, -Wazechowiat no.1:8-9 Ja 162. HDOSHIN, To ; GRONAMIT, It, Uchitell (Turlyevskiy rayon. Dnepropetrovskaya obia8q'z)O'!DUSOr. i: Advice to young naturalists. IUn. nat. no.9:34-36 S 058. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Assistent kafedry selenogo stroitelistya MoskoTskogo Isso- takhalchookogo instituta (for Avdoshin). (Arboriculture) (Fishing) GROMADSKIT, G.S.; KAGHMU, M.G., glavn7y inzh. High-speed filtration plant. Tekst.prom. 20 no.4:58-61 Ap t6o. (MIU 13:8) 1. Direktor fabriki imeni Very Slutakoy (for Gromadakiy). (Water--Purification) (Textile factories) - GROMMKIT, G.S.; KACWRIN, M.G.; WASOT. S.I., 1APSJ111, X.G. Consultation. Tokst.prom. 20 no,603-85 Je 160. (N19A 13:7) 1. Direktor fabriki Iment V.Slutskoy (for Gromadskly). 2, Glavnyy Inshener fabriki im*ai I.Slutolmy (for gachurin). (textile Industry) GROKILDSKIT,M. Ways of increasing the operating qualities of vessels with water- pipe boilers. Rech. transp. 14 no.4:24-27 Ap 155. (NLRA 8:6) 1. Nachallulk mokhaniko-sudovoy 9lushby Irtyshokogo parokhodetre (Steam boilers, MArins) (ji,oinatil](I 11. hivilind of 11'repallng Osuges for Coulmiling Ilia Accurt-q FornflUrC Vit mpnIL Jak wyJ,.,,nv4 ;prj-.,4vanY do kentto!i doWdrwki obt-Ohl etc- POL 4 it Auln;6%% T't&erT,)vI I)rzcv,ny. No. 7, M4, r4j, WO-1162. Th,guLirly chrulflitg. by mcan3 of gaugei, the nwiracy Ift i-4ot me- chamrat finish of element. Ii e~sentlel 0 perfect inin-my. ne vutf,or dcal.-i -with the rncth(vVi of prodirAng rautes u-Ift %Yptovrinte weaw- r~r-g rind flnfOiln6 ImMrumentz, and revievi the poRsibititleu of uslog n varifvty of mattrUaln for this purN%O. urcnrding to the tondttlQns a ii5t, muhlaing n-A economy. lie suggerls methods for oxIdWritj Ins tuffocil of pirti 4nd linn 93unes and cliv the ioUronc" putrilwiihie In tbiThinr fory,livrp pirmcnts and In ffie manufacture of the 9DUCvt. MoMe" Mzgoa shruld be wed for thecidnil the wur4cy of pi;Rps in T~nlllnr )or GROMADZU, J. Shop for additional woodworking in the sawmilling industry. p. 74. (PRZETMSL DRZZ,4rf, Vol. 5, No. 4, Apr. 19514, Warsmia, Poland) SO: Monthly List or East European Accessions, (MAL), IZ, Vol. 3, No. 12 Dec. 1954, Unal, J. 'Standardization of urooden rackinf-s. D. 10, Vol. 6, no. 8, Aug. 1955. IIxRZ-':7LL SO: Erst 1-I'twopean Accesmions lAf3t, (,E' AL), It, Voi. 5, 11--. , Feb. 1956 jl~ GROMADZKII J. Polish veneers come back to the world market. p. 173. PRZEMYSL DRZUNY. Centralft 7ArWir Prser7slow: Drzewnegop Moblarskiego, i lesnego i Stowarzyazenie Inzynierow i Teohnikow Usnlct%~a i Drzewnictwa. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 9, no.6# Jww 1958. Monthly List of Fast European Accession ( EEAI), IL, Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept. 1959. Uncl. GROMADZKI. J. The lumbar industry In Poland. p. 413. NOVA TECIINIKA. ( Ceskoslovenska vedeckyo-technicke spoleenost) Praha, Czechoslovakia, No. 9, (Septanber) 1959. Mpnthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959 uncl. Gromadl!!~,, J. A communication on the life of the Aesociationj we are widening the coomperation with Hungarian wood experts. p. 27A FAIPAR. (Faipari TudmwWae Ereyoulet) Budapest., Hungary. Vol. 9v no.9, September 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EM) LCp Vol. 8, no.11 November 1959 Uncl. GROMADZKII--~"... African reflections. Przem dnew 12 no.10:20-22 161. (Afrio&-Umber) GRCt4ADZKI, Jan, mgr., inz. Improved profiles of veneer latbe knives. Przem drzew 11 no.9:8-9 160* 1. Redaktor dzialu Wydawnictw Czagopism Technicznych Naczelnej Organi- sacji. 'rechnicznej, Warszawa, u1. Czackiego 3/5. GROMADZKI, Julian Bibliographic review In the field of labor and social problems. Praca. zabeap W1 4 no.2:95-99 162. GROK4DZKI, Jan - Reactivation of the rationalization movement. Przem drsew 13 no.l: 20-21 Ja 162. GRCMADZYT2 Julian Biblipprarhic review In the field of labcr rroblems and social coses. FracR znbpzp spol 4 no. 4:90-94. Ap 162, GROMADZKI, Julian Bibliographical survel of books and periodicals in the field of labor and social problems. Praca zabezp spol 4 no.7: 91-95 JI 162, GROMOMI, Julian "Works on economy and social problems" tor 0. Iange; "Populatlon reflux &om rural areas" by K. Sokolowskis "Social security system in Poland" by [mgrl A. Szezurzewski and "Szkola Zawodowa.* Reviewed by Ju3ian Gromadzki. Praca zabezp opol 4 no.11:101-103 N 162. GROMADZKI, Julian Bibliographic review in the field or labor and s9cial problems. Praca zabesp spol 5 no.ls86-94 Ja 163. GROMLDZKI, Julian Bibliographia survey in the flold of labor and social problems. Fraca sabexp spol 5 no,3:9?-98 Mr 163. GROMADMI, Julian Bibliographical tsuzwy. Praca zabezp sPol 5 no.10:59-62 0163 GRa4=KI, Tulian Bibliographio survey on labor and social problemso Praca zabezp sPol 5 no*12164-65 D163, . ~ I " t , , . - .-, ., t.~ /~, -I ~a -, ; - , - . I ~. , I c '-,' c .. ~ o , , , k *, ('. ~* 10: . - , , . ~, (.I, - - - - L , '. - '. ., ; -~ n f'.- I 1~ , , . f, : ",_ . i , ,4. GROMADMI, Jullan Raview of publications on labor and socinl problems. Praca zaboap apol 6 no.3t61-64 Mr 164. GROMADUT, Jullan BIbliographic reTiew of labor and vocial problems. Praca sapezp. apol 6 no.4:58-62 AP96-4 GROIKOM, Julian Bibliographic review In the field of babor and snv'.a'~ problem. Praca zabezp spol 6 no. '?/13jllP,-j22 Jl-Ag 164. GROMANY. L, Julian Bibliographical review of labor and sociRl problms. Praca zabezp spol 6 no.12:61-67 D 164. GRL?AADZKI, Jullan Bibliograpkilcal review of Labor and j6clai problems. Praca zabez spcl 6 no.13:1 -62 N 164. p 19 GROMADMI, Julitin Bibliographical review of labor qnd q(,clqt problemij. Prnca zabezp spol. 7 no.ls61-64 Ja 165. . i j, * I . - !~ I A. d. . I II . i : I 11i -- ~ --, ::, W',: j , , , t .. I . I I ; : . . - 1 1. F : ."; X) I '/ .; -. ~: -,, .,. I "., I , Zul I tr. Bibliographical re-iJew of In),or and goclil Pra-fi zatozp spol 7 Mr 1 6 5 - J."I I L- I B lbhi I-, C t ~ . r t,-jJ ~-,v -f' - a I--r , f"I I; :* , I-, ! , "L ~ ~ ~' , ; , " - 'i ..A , . , . . . , 3 1 -.1 ') )Lk,. _ t- - - 11/1. (nROMADZYI,. Jifflan Bibliogrnwit(nI review of labor lind go(,Inl ", r, S] ~,I I ;,nt)nzp ,;I)nl 7 rm-W2-76 Ap '65 . I ' [j, ol v : , 1,.. I.II ..,7,. HIZL:',vIGZY,K, Stefan; JAJjLO'lS.",Ip !,~I, A.ILI-l ~, j .,;. . ; ~!; 3T - W.11"J'u , S. ; TAtW.Z;:l, A,il;.-,; .1 - ... 1100k '*uviOw.--- zo(.-,! ), no.2: `3 1 ",", a GROMJLDZKI, flyszard Modernization of repair and maintenance of electric machines , in industry. Wiad elektrotechn 32 (ise. 311 no. 8:177-179 f1a 6 , d 1. Zaklady Naprawy Maszyn Elelctrycznych., Glivica. BINNIARZ. J.;GROKAICKI. W. Organization of campaign against cancer of female reproductive organs. Polski ygod. lek. 6 no. 40:1314-1317 contd. 1 Oct. 1951-9 (CIML 2133) 1. Of the Obstetric-Gymeological Clinic (Director -Prof. H. Growdski, N. D.) or Gdansk Itedical, Academy. - I . ;I -. , , " .'. -- 1~ - , *t . ~ I " BIRNIARZ, J.;GROKADZKI, W. r- Organization of cancer control of female reproductive organs. Polski tygod. isk. 6 no. 41:1357-1358 8 Oct. 1951 (CIML 210) GROKADZKI, WoJcisch (&dres autor&: Poznan, ul. Dziersynskiego 144) Associated conservative therapy of obstruction of the oviducts In sterility, Ginskol pol 25 no.2:135-150 Aj>-Jo 154. (ML 3:8) 1. Z Kliniki Folosnictwa I Chorob 4blecych Akadoxii N*4cznoj w Odanmku, 119rown1k: prof. dr. H.DrommAsid. 2. Z Kliniki Polountatwa I Choroi Koblecych AkmAomII "canej w Posuaniu. Ilerownik: prof. dr. 1. R~sxkowskl* (SMILITT, FAUMP etiology mA pathogenesis, Oavidwts obstract.. ther.) (OTIMM, A.1smses. sobstruet, damming sterility, ther.) GROKADZXI. Wojcloch (Poznan. Dstersyneklego 144 m.7) Results of surgical restoration of patency of the oviducts. Gin. polsks 25 no-3t239-251 July-Sept. 54. 1. Z niniki Chorob Kobiocych I Folonictwa Almdenit Nedyesnej v GdansIm, Kierovnik: prof. dr Henryk Gromadski. 2. Z Kliniki Choro'b Kobiecych i Polosnietwa Akadevil Wedyesuej v Posmalu, lisrovalk: prof. dr Irensuss Roeskovski. (FALWFIAN TUBBS. diseases. obstruct,, surg.) GROKAMI. Wojciech; GREGCMI. Wladyslaw Blectrohysterography. Gin. polska 25 no.4:453J~66 octDec 54. 1. Z Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob loblecych Akadentl Kedycsnej w Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof. dr 1. Roaskowski. I Ukladu Budowy Aparatoy Ilektromadyesnej Politechniki Waresawskiaj. Kierownik, prof. r inz. J.1reller. 74RUS, alectrobysterograpby) GROMADZKI, Woj_S~iecl~_. Contribution to the problem of "gaping external ostium' as a cause of cervical insufficiency. Pol, tygo lek. 17 no.13:476-483 26 Mr 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Gdansku; kierownik: prof. dr med. Wojciocb Gromadzki. (CERVIX UTERI dis) t! X r t I Pnllki TVAodn1k L-9kariki V(.1 V ~ __? 251 7, !1 Feb 3, w I 1YIENEMatiOll vas found in 4 caces. i.e. L-1 2 c.%nes fnlao positlya and In 2 caoea ftlse nf*J99.t17O reSUItS War4 do- tOrIM1130d, Dt~-P_groamtspt b6twGvil tlie results of I-nsu.ff-taticr rji-n'114 the Speak tezt wore establls~od In 9 patitrrits (15.2 ..~r ent). Tha authora =1121de the Speak test a gjr)pj,~,, nafrj and reliable method of examining the oviduvot main"'r for waiien in whcm any surgical treqUiont of-the ta- lc,ptan tubes hati been performeel. In thoae patl,:~vttn V,ji; t,9:?"V LS bettiir J-.IEkn 4nLjjjffj&,,r I tab).-,, 1 tilazrarr.-, ii. ;;cur-les. GRO14ADZKIq Wojciech i Stefan WESOLOWSK I. An abnormally simulating so-called Rokitansky6-Kuster syndr and permanent transposition of the kidney pelvis with con- genital absence of the contralateral kidney. Pol. tyg. lek. 18-no-43tl6l2-1614 21 0963. 1. Z IT Kliniki Poloznictwa, i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Gdansku; (kierownikt Prof. Wojciech Gromadzki) i z Kliniki Urologicznej AM w Warszxwie (kierowniks Stefax Vesolowski). J. GR%IADZKI, 'WoJoisch Achievements in the study an famals sterility in the past 20 years in Poland, Ginek, Pol. 36 no,2t223-231 F 165 1. Z 11 Kliniki Polocniatwa i Chorob Koblecych fikademli Modycznej w Gdansku (Kierownika prof. dr. med. W.Gromadzki). G k !A , " , gr w L ". ,-M lo Mtiixmirem~-rit or Uio dlamat-~Z, of patont It!-.(! tilbes. Cilnek, Pol, 36 ro,6:6;1-635 Jr '65, .1. "., TI, KliniKI 1 Yob!,~,nch 1"k-ldw-11 l-li,2rJy(.Zne,j w Glnrisku Ircf. dr. -:ed. 'W. Gro- t.,aLa,- k I) . -~:ojcicch; 'JlnT'a'_'YlAq Istria 71AY,Vne i-ac cX biopm, In the dlr,-roalla (I~' ca: oor of the titarlro remix, Glrek. Fo2. 36 ro.9:203'/-lfV4-4 3 '65. 2* 7 11 V.11niki Polomictun i Chorob YzWlocych A.1 w Gdanalm (Klorownik: ;vol", d;r. mod, 'I'* GrarAulaki). GRO'4ANKI, WoJeJoch On the probJem of IndleatJonn for jnnntr.rlum of gynecological diseases. Ginek. Fol. J6 rio...3:299-308 Mr 165. 1. Z II KlIniki Polomictwa i Ghorob Koblecych AM w Gdans~-.4 i z 0srodka, Naukowo-Badawczcgo w PoIcz, yrile-Mroju (Kiero,4i"% prof. dr. med. W. GromadzkI). t.,UJO(101; SAlPVl,',Klj ~7yprlarq G:'-.F)i?OY(:, llronl-,I%.-, ~'rnnt:.,,ent. of adziexills us4np, the mA rpnte a;A -in,,"-,' Ginek. POI. 36 n0."':433-442 Ap 10. 1, Z 11 KII.nika Polunl~:twi I Chorob Kobieryc.-h All.! ; (Mcrownlk: pror. dr. med. INI. s1ron-Anki) i "i %rizitwn.i. ;*.,,, Vzdrowinks v Clechoulfflm (Lk-krtr- Oticza Iny- ~ir. C. ~',n _~ , . GROM&K. I., inzhener. Let's fulfIll the building plan for @wine fattening barns. Sall.stroi.11 ne.6:22-23 Je 156. Oan 9: 9) I.Orlevokeye oblastuoys upravlonlye po stroitellstva v kolkhosakh. (Swine houses and equipment) OUSEVA, A.A., dotoent, kand.tekha.sauk; SHUMINA, S.I. . lnxh.; GRORa, N.P., insh. Gmphical awalysle of the operation of the reverse two-eyst*m jacquard AUtOMtlc hosiery bmitting machine* Isv.vys.uchabe sav.: takh.log.pron. no-3:92-106 159. (KIIA 12:22) 1. Xnakovskly tekntll'zU7 Inatitut (for Guseva) Rekom"ndovana kRfedroy tokhnologit trikotatha. 2. Chulochnnys fabrika in. Ilogina (for Shuslas). (Knitting machines) GROMAKOV, B. Violation of trade-union rights In capitalist countries ("The International labor Organization and Trade-Union rights In capitalist countries' by S.A.Ivanov. Reviewed by B.Gromkov). Sotm.trud 5 no.M54-157 Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Trade unions) Uvanov. S.A*) AGURIN. A.r.; BORISOV, P.V., inth.; VOLYNTSEV, lnzh.; GOY-KOWY, Ye.Y., GROKAKOV, G.P.: SZRIC RINNUOV. S.S.. inzh.; TGLXACHEV, P.I., inzh.; TTULNMA, L.K., rad,izd-va: KID71DKV. tekM. red.; IMIKINA. N.M., (Handbook on refractory linings of industrial furnaces] Spra- vochnik po ogneupornoi kladke promyshlennykh pechei. Koskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po atrolt., arkhit. I strelt.materialam, 1960. 349 po (MIRA 13:5) 1. SOYUZTM.OSTROT, trust. Moscow. 2. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni trest Soyuzteplostroy (for all except Tyuloneva. Madvedev. X11kina). Orurnace s) (Refractory materials) GROMAKOV, G.P., inzh. -------------- I Erecting the batter7 of heat-treating furnaces for the "2500" mill. Mont. i spets. rab. V 3troi. 23 no.5:17-21 it 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Trest Scyuzteplo3troy. (Magil.togorsk__Furnace3, Heat-treating) BORISOV, Pavel Vasillyevich; WYXOIDV, Yevgenly Fedorovich; WOMMOV) Gavr112 Petrovich; SEREBREI.IIIKOV, S.S., nauchn7y red.; VDOXitIkOt Z.I., rod. izd-va; KOROBKOVA, N.I., tekhn. red.; TARAMOVA, K.Ye. , tekhn. red. [Construction of open-hearth furnaces]Klakda rpartenovskikh pe- chei. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 10,62. 158 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Open-hearth furnaces) AGURIN, klo~sandr Petrovich; GOYKOLOV, Yovgoniy Fedorovich; g.1tOM KOVp Ga3miAl.-Ratrmtiah; Z11,10"vT1!-'OVSK1Y, llikola7 Valentinovich; MOSEYEITKOV, Andrey Abramovich; SK-t-I.B.,12i'MYOV, S.S., nauchrqy red.,- HYAZANTSEVA, L.I... red. izd-va; NAU1,',GVA, G.D.9 tekhn. red. (Saf(ity measures in the conatruction and repair of industrial furnaces]Teklinlka bezopasnosti na stroitellstvo i romonte prorqsh1eMkh pechel. [By]A,.P.Agur1n I dr. Mo~kva Gosatroi- izdat 1962. 187 p. IMIRA 15:8) lFurnaces-Construction) (Industrial safety) AGUILIN, A.P.; GOYKOLOV, MOV111i"MMY, N.V.; MOSMENKOV, A.A.; SLEBRENNIKOV, S.S.J. nauchn. red. [Instructions tn safety measures in the construction and repair of industrial furnaces and smokestacks] Ins+-uktiv- rWe ukazaniia po tekhnike bezopasnosti pri stroitellstve i remonte pron7shleraWkh pechei i trub. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 126 p. (MIAA 17:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye teplotekh- nicheskikh i te=.oizoliatsionrWkh rabot. 2. Inzhenerno- tekhnicheakiya rabotniki tresta "Soyuzteplostroy" (for all except Serebrennikov). (IRaWGVp K.G. End milling cutters with a mechanical fastening of hard-alloy plates. Stan. i Jnstr. 36 no.8:11.2-23 Ag t65. (".11HA 18:9) ZHITKWICH, Yo.H., atorshly nauchnyy notrudnik; PINRIMIA, Ye.I.. kand. biolog.nauk; POZHAH, Z.A., kund.sal'skokhoz.nauk; S)MYCHYMO, V.H., kand.sollskokhoz.nauk; BUTOVSKIY. A.P., ntaroMy nauchnyy sotrudnik. upetalaligt entomolor, i fitopatolog; starshiy nnuchnyy sotnidnik, spetsialint entomolog i fitoptitolog [deceased); KARKOV, F.I., kand.biolog.nauk, spotsialist entomolog I fitopstolog; PUCHKOV, V.G.. kand.biolog.nnuk, spotaisilist entomolog i fitopotolog; PALIY, V.F., doktor biolog.nauk, spetsiolist entomolog i fitopntolog; POLEVOY, V.V., stnrahly nauchnyy sotrudnik, spetsialist antomolop, i fitopotoloe.; SHKXMA. V.A., kand.bioloe,.nauk, spetsis- list entomolog i fitopatolog; ZYMMOMB-ZUBOVSKIY, Yo.Y., prof., doktor sel'skokhoz.wink; KOM, I.I., prof., doktor aol'skokJioz.nauk: MOROCHKOVSKIT, S.F., prof., doktor biolog.nank; WHAVOYHY, V.P.. prof.; SANnISKAYA, II.I., ktind.biolog.nauk; SAW"IMNO, Ye.H., rod.; ZUBAM, A.S., (Smor beat growing] Svoklovodstvo. lzd.2.. perer. I dop. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo nollkhoz.lit-ry USSR. Vol-3- Pt.l. [Sugar beet posts and their control] Vrediteli sakhAnmoi avokly i mery bor'by a nimi. Pt.2. [&war beet diseases ond their control] Bolozni ankharnoi evokly L mory bor'by a niml. 1959. 642 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Continued on next card) ZHIT"VICK, Ife.H.-(continued) Card 2. 1. Kiyev. Vaosoyuzllyy ruillclulo-insledovatollakiy inetitut nakJisrnoy evokly. 2. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledoviitellakiy institut sakbernoy evokly (for Zhitkevich, PetrukhB, Pozhar, bhevckienko). 3. Uladovo- L7ulinetskays opytao-selaktnionnaya stantsiya Vsovoyuznogo nauchno- iouledovatellskogo instituta, eakharnoy evokly (for Bittovskiy). 4. IT&- novskaya opytno-solekto.atantaiya Voeso.,niznogo nauchno-iseledovAnsti- tuta saktharnoy evokly (for Gromakov). 5. Knro,izekays opytno-selekta. stantsiya Vaesoyuznoiv,o nituchno-iosledov.inntituta ankharnoy evekly (for Harkoy, Polevoy).6. Teaelopedolyanskaya opytno-sel..stantsiya Vsaooyuz- noe,o nauchno-iseledov.1natititta ankhnmoy ovekly (for Puchkov). 7. Ra- monakaya opytno-selekta.stentniya Yeasoyuzn.nnuchno-ineledov.inatituts eakharnoy svel-cly (for Pnliy). 8. Pervomavskava opytno-selaktg.stantai- I's Vpenovinnogo nauchno-iesledov.iy)ntitiA a 5" kharnoy ovekly (for Shme ova). 9-. Chleny-korreap. AN USSR (for Zverezomb-Zubovskiy, HuravIyev). (Sugar beeta-Disenses and posts) 1W WIW-W -W-W-W- 21 is oil 7-00 ..11 09col"t Div D. (tre. "Nov and M G. of Age Usk. VMS woo; M. IL N. N -I I% in , 1111)(194110).-The the Visaw mact": W.2 7W A KC1 oil ur "Now= I p" at Aga 008 OW Owl KfKhrma?ld~A~M.C~ I vldwll~ M% 1111111 to 1 .00 oil 11.7 afma Agmth j~~ ~1~ d 6 84 TWO mr.41 00 ~ r""A. add Tbp macl + mom Will. 411111111011111111 0. uscl-New- 00 majok (411:1 6 111w) 1 .400 meaRN 04 N .40 1. 00 so "= 11 the .l! a+ my'lem IL Kcl= of lbp ad its ItUtt Ckesweli-b". .890 see Ada to "MIAV.,soddlov! lose a low lidir lito. 00 'r OWN 8 Ono w ~Wld dWW 4W =ti Itat low w is too low. Tu stree-6, ma's !goo =11:11w, itptqpqt butt"llpmed to the prawav of a won" dm. 9*4 bV left llw Nits In a PW"ioio or Pt "Unipp. Oltba wo plm"d in 0 c - " lisrumv. DINIM, 1104141 wit lababod OW PMW dift-118 I- tbw ShOw 1""Gry .200 A. A. IWV"y moo 00 C 00 a 10 use _14108) wit 049 401 11 -am 61, * 1 1-1 L- YJ - j~ -1"-t ' ,-, - - __ __ __ -- L' 3-T Iff It It u NAT a a a '. ; ; ; 9, 0 : 0 0 000 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 it 0 UllOMA,KM,',3 D-3 1. GROMA'.-,"OV, S. D. 2. U3jR (600) () "Detpmining Surface Tension by Jeager's Method Without Knowledge of tl,.e Specific Gra~rlty of the Liquid under Study"; 13, Ncl. 4, 1?3); Kazan State Uhiv.; Rcd 17 Apr 1938. 9. -dP Rerort U-1613, 3 Jan 1952 KID caftim wkb illeb Ll Ow cliffirmal Im" SoM -A we 9001 c9 dot. it time A rbc6 mod rber a'. r. wouns. Pew 'a ibe Otbw Is qlq pus". how d6weas an 1= .61 lans.. K Na perksaic; Wilk 1'"Macu- ImAns.. K a W*b the ww- 00 ! ric V. Ob. is wow, U::tl*bv Owl- &&rW6a.iIw_6 Nbcl- _nmj,. Rb9- puk. KIM i - 1-cacle a WIN 0 by cb0p ftam am IT" of dis- r"Jim d com- ~4 bY the to Not W. lia"I'low 6 7r=xftd v MO. 1~ -4 v .1. 1 d, arv" come Z *4 ~ =1 Imms. saw, -a. d A mad ll be" a V4pMm that Is well appipasimild by a Istraislit Mm to a coops. to *SPPWAld IN at op-4 A-C end 9-C 19 "44"it. fop 4-ilo 141, In Iww. the i4wij* A 1146W. (AllAttail.044 licotskows sea " bad a lifooklus witit a "Sombb 4bvwtwo kem aa ~ skv. On 1600"m 4d C-A will be mompillow. (3) N do 04m" d bmb A-5 ma " Is memo~. CA bas a samill (4) it A-111 Wo a "It" 14! ftopermilt, C-A 6w a tbmm emmpL Wkb Mb, ruW pralliadw am be amWk as to Um ty" m p6m di- Woo im mhbwm*ptod samois. Tin owmOm e# a few JaMMajo by KIM@ "A&UP1116 109 a lawil 40(a am Pwaroped laktive to tbs fou"Ing sm mmcl~ .KA Aga: )AUCIrTIC1. AWOr"a; K - ; No- K.9 '&9COj; Nor ,O~; Kgr-XCro,: 91-K.Cro.; Nallr-N cro,vacl. The rukt ww Valid in IV vistanct. "Millbe) ISCAMIArt (1ROUOWJ.. - N termination of the surfaco tension of liquids In volumes of the order of 0.000001 milliliter. Zhur. Fis. Khia. 27, 613 153. WaA 6:5) (CA 47 no.21:10934 153) 1. Katan State Univ,