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GROH, Gejza., im. f - EXAmination of faotc)ro &ffecting the electrical load. En)rgetika Cz 12 no.9:462-464 S 162- 1. Energeticky ustavp Bratislava. GROH, Andrich, MUDr Use of penloill1a and streptomycln in isolation of cutaneous fungi. Ceskdem. 29 no,.3:187-189 Je 154. 1. Z pathologicko-amtomickeho ustavu (prof. XUDr ant. Fingerland) Tojenske lelarske akademle v Hradcl Iralove. (YOGI, *isolation from skin, purification of cultures with penicillin & streptomyoin) (SKIN, bactoriolosy, Ofungi, Isolation. purification of cultures with penicillin & streptosWcin) (STRMMONTCIN, effects. *purification of fungi during Isolation from skin) (FAICILLIN, effects, *PWifiCAtiOn Of fungi during isolation from skin) ~eonj T. GARNOHORSKT, Jindrich, MUDr; GROH. J1ndrich, MUDr Clinical picture of ruptured Interventricular septum complicating 3woeardial infarction. Gas. lek. cask. 93 no.38:1030-1036 17 Sept 54. 1. Z interni kliniky Vojonsko lakarske akademis v Hradcl Kralove. (MTOCARDIAL IWARCT, complieptions, InterventrIcular septum rupt.) (HPART, Interventricular septum rupt. In myocardial infarct) C Z E c Post-nionom disfurtualit at uremlit based an Ing estintliticin crealinfiriv level blood and ccrabroapinal fluid. jind-.. t tbrh Groh (Pathall. AMC ISMAV, 11WIPC XrShW6, C~tA-)- 1-3 awl- 74 k c w" c0 12013SMA And TAUMICY (CA, 39, WKP) bull I it out ad ptlim on Lloyd rengtot Tn r blood I ltvt re l"t Retlimilly unthilmd durbig thr 1)y OTnst 2U2 bm It Puff). Its reirebrospinal fluk], 1 1"4'. km than 1 1119, %. 1110-11 kvill excerdifig " mtc- 11*- (- Imther with pithol. finclings It, kidney% ur ob5trilciiin of tile hyl-eircreqttittricinim emshl he -tilritoal' I to extrarenal callfts. Sinliflix Slignificit"Ce "!lOuld 6v 0 tached to mcbrospinfil Puld leVC6 rAcemlill-T 3'5-1 1119, 0(1. - P119H, JIndrich, MUDr.; CEWHORSKY, Jindricb, MUDr. Dissecting aortic aneurysm. Vnitr. lek., Brno I no.6: 426-415 June 55, 1. Z faterni kliniky VU a z 1. Intrni kliniky v Olomouci. Mr. J. C. Olomouc, nemocnice. (AO Rr I C ANVW SM dissecting, Incidence & diag.) CZRNOHORSKT. Jindrich. HUDr.: GROH, Jindrich. MUDr. Isolated calcifying aortir ste"n"oe'i"s."Cam.1ek.eqsk. 94 no.20: 542-547 13 May 55. 1. Interni klinika v Hradai Kralove. (AORTIC VALVE. stenosts. calcifying. diag., reasons or ftrrors) CMWOHORSKY, Jindrich, HIMr; GROH, Jindrich, KJDr. Isolated calcifytrw, aortic stenomis. Cas.lek.cRsk. 94 no.20: 547-550 13 MAY 55- 1. Interi klinikh v 11radei Kralovo. (AORTIC VALVX, etenomis. diag., x-rpv) G --A -J1zAr1cbL_XUDrd Incidence of fungus diseases In the Hradec Kralove region. Cook. dorm. 31 noo3:152-iO june 56. 1. Z pathologickoanatomickeho ustau VLA v Hradci Kralove (pred.n. prof. RUDr. Ant, Fingerland). (JUNGUS DISM33S, skin, statist. in Czech. (Cz)) (SKIN, diseases. fungus die.. statist. in Czech. (Cz)) CZrCIIGGLOWJML/IIumn and Animal Physiolo,~7 (N,.,rml anl T-2 ,Iathalo6dcal) Metabolisn. Water and Salt Bxcharv~cs. Abo J-)ur Ref Zhur Bizlo, No 1.1, 19581 50527 Author Groh J. Erben, J. Inst Title The Pathogenesis of Kalim Doficicacy in Idiopathic Steatorrhea. Crig Pub : Ceskosl. Lpstrcenteril. a vYziva, 1957, 11, No 4, 252- 257. Abstract : Nj abstract, Card 1/1 GIMIK,Y.; RMOR.,T. ;GROH, J. Successful splenectoow after repeated bacteramia after subacute bacterial andocarditio. Cas. Isk. cook. 99 no.11.330-332 11 Mr 16o. (HYPISSPIANISM surg. ) (29MARDITIS SUBACUTE BACTURTA compl.) (SNPITCMIA compl.) NERAD, V.; GROH,_J.; Technicka upoluprace HORALKOVA, E.; PUIKMOVAY V. Relation between active prothrombin factors and some blood serum enzymes. Cesk. gastroent. vyz. 15 no.2:102-106 Mr 161. 1. 1 interni klinika. v Hradci Kralove.. prednosta prof. MUV#. J. Rehor. (PROTHROMBIN) (EMLYMES blood) GROH, Jindrich I Creatinine tranophoophorylane in myocardial Infarction. Cas.lek. cook 100 no.27/28:883 7 J1 '61. 1. Katedra vnitrniho lokaretvi fakulty KU v Hradai Kralove, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Rebor. MYOCARDIAL INFARCT notab) ANSPHOSPHORYLASES ustab) M RAMOCRA, Karel;'qRO!I, Jindrich Comparison of the therapeutio effeativeness of chlorothiazine and hydrochlorothiazide SPOFA in the treatment of edemas in pregnancy. Sborn. ved. Pac. lek. fak. Karlov.univ. (Hrad Kral) 4 no.5:583-589 061. 1. Gynekologicko-porodnicka klinika; prednosta prof. DrSc. YIUDr. J. Pazourek I. interni klinika; prednosta prof. DrSc. 14UDr. J. Hohar. (CHLOROTHIAZIDE) (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE) (PREGNANCY GOMPLICATIONS) (EDEMA) BARTOS, Vladimir; GROH, Jindrich; ERBEN, JoBef; Technicka Bpoluprace DOBROVOLNA, Anna; XOUBOVAI Marie; SCHROFLOVA, Alena; SEDLACKOVA, Stanislava The diuretic value of chlorothiazide Spofa and hydrochlorothiazide (EsIdrex Ciba). Cas. IAk. Cesk. 101 no.5:129-1!8 2 F 162. 1. 1 interni klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Hradcj Kralove, prednosta prof. DrSc. MUDr. Jan Rehor. (CHLOROTHIAZIDE) GROH, J.; CIOMIK, F.; REZAC, V.; CHROBAK, L.; NERAD, V. Sulfhemoglobinemia. Cas. Lek. Cesk. 101 no.5:151-153 2 F 1~2. 1. 1 Interni klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof. DrSc. MUDr. Jan Rehor. Klinika interni propedeutiky lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta doc. MUDr. Frantisek Cernik. (HEART DEFECTS CONGENITAL diagn) (ACETOPHEhETIDIN toxicol) (SULFONAMIDES twicol) (MOR, Jindrich; Technicka. spolupraw XIAPAC, Petr; PELIKANOVA, Vlasta GOT/M relations in the differential diagnoniB of freBh 170cardial infarct. Can. Lek. Ceak. 101 no-5:153-156 2 P 162. 1. 1 internt klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Bradai Kralove, prednosta prof, DrSc. MUDr. Jan Rehor. (WOCARDIAL INFARCT diagn) (TRANSAMNASSS blood) GROHp Jindrich; Technicka spoluprece SUMOVA, Dagmar Enzymatic microdetermination of glucose in the blood. Cas. Lek. Geek. 4"-no.12:374-376 23 Mr '62. 1. 1 interni klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof. MUDr. Jan Rehor. (BLOOD SUGAR chem) C z-r.C:io ~ LW A..*:: A MEN, J; GROH, JI BXRTOS, V; KRCII, V, KVASNICKA, Ji NAVRATIL, P; PELiZVOVA, V; SLi)LACXOVA, S. 1. First Inte;nal Medicine Clinic LF KU (I. vnitrni klinika LF KU), 11radee Kralovy; 2. Urolo~jca` Clinic LF KU), (Urologicka klinika L? KU), Ilt-adec Kralovy Brno, Vnitrmi Ickaretvi, 110 9, 1963, iq~ 8j2-899 "Our Exparience with tho Treatmont with llonodialyuio (I. Some Methodological Remarks, Indications and Analysis of Complications." ---------- ro 0 c;' U V o 10, o at. Of --t.c.,*,to .-kni r- jy j FIEDLER,Zdenek; 1JVSKY, Radovan;.Wo,,jUdrich.* CERNIN, Fran tisek; FIIIGF.qWD, Antonin; JINDRAK, Karel; ZDft=L,, Leopold. Surgical problems in endoorine-active tumors of the Islands of Langerhans. SbDrn.ved.pme.lek.fak.Karlov.Unive(Hrad, Kral.) 6 no.3t229-M 163. 1. Chirurgicka klinika (prednostat prof. MUDr.J.Proahazka); I,interni klinika (prednostat prof.,MUDr. J.Rehor); Pato- logick-anatomicky ustay (prednostat Mae, prof*, KUDre Ae, Fingerland) a Neurologicka klinika (DrIc., prof., MUIYr. Me Sercl), Universita Karlova. BARTOS, Vladimir; GROH,, Jindrich; technicka spolupracet KELIEROVA, Olga; PELIKANOVA ., Vlasta. Importance of determining serum transaminase in patients with chronic recurrent pancreatitis. Sborn.ved.prac.lek. fak.Karlov.Univ.(Hrad.Kral.) 6 no.3:325-329 163. le I interni klinika, Univeraita Kerlova (prednostat prof., MUDr. F.Cernik). ERBEN, Josef, GRO.H., Jindrich., 104SKY, Radoven; SVAB, Jozef; HEROUT, Vladimir; NOZICKA, 3denek; KVAWIICKA) JIrij BARTOS, Vladimir; MASNICKOVA, Eva. Teobnicka spolupraoe :SCHROFIDVA, A. Primary aldostoranism in adrenal cortex carcinoma. II, Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Yarlov. univ. (Hrad. Kralj 6 no.5t suppi.1601-6017 163 1. 1. Interni klinika (prednestat prof. MUDr. F. Cernik); Urologicka, klinika (prednostat &c. MUDr* Jozef Srab); Pato- logicko-anatomicky ustar (pre&osta: DrSe. prof. Mr. A. Fingerland) Karlova universits. v Hradei Kralove. -PROH, Jindrich; KVASNICKOVA, Eva; KVASNICKA, JIri; WTOS, Vladimir; EREENO Josef. Dete=ination of minerals, proteins and glycogen in muscle. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. unire tHrad.Kral.) 6 no-5 suppl.t6l9-621 163 1. 1. interni klinika (prednostao. prof. 14UW. F.C,3rnik) Ka-. lova univernita v Hradai Kralove. ERBIETP J.; BIZ110BRADKOVA, J.; STUAN, If.; Gii,011, J.; BA:-X(L', V.; KRCIII V.; KVASlj'ICi(A, J.; 11AVRATIL, 11. KLAZAROVA,, technicka spoluprace; SGIM10FLOWLY A.Itecluitc~c-. spoluprace. Ilemodialy3ij in the treatment of acute ure:~,ia (111) Cank pediat 18 no. 3:193-199 163. 1. Interni, detska, chirurgicka a urologickn klinlkn l9karske fakulty KU v 11radci Kralove; prednostove- doe. dr. F. Carnik, prof. dr. J. Blecha, prof. dr. J. Prochazka, doe. dr. J. Svab (UM- 4IA) (DIALYSIS) (HYPERKALENUA) (XID,=Y, ARTIFICIAL) KVAS!;Trj:j~, j_jj-, ; KVAS!,'VI,(IVA, Evai GR(Jl!_, .1indrich; DU:I('.KO7jl, Zdena; Vladimir, ERMI, jo-s-e'r. T~~---61~prftce VA"h-VIA, Eva. I OF Mln,--ral wid water chmi~jes durinp the aj-~inj,, pmceL3s. I. Methods of' detormination of mineraJ9 1i rythrocytt!s. Varwd values. DitfeT-enren lx-Lween the normal valw-,F, In won.(~n and men. Sborm. v,A. 14. Cak. Karim. 11niv. 9 rc.1:36~-371-1 164. llin-.-rld finq Wlt-~,I* AAC4,eo durl:~g ,Le aging process. 11. Mineral ana water in it. different age groups. Ibid. 3'7"1-381 1. 1. InLom! klitilka (prodnosta: prcl'. iXtTr. F. Cernik) Kar-Invy Unlivorsity v Hradci Kralove. 011011, Jindrich Min,!rnl and water changen during tho aging procovs. Ill. nnedlo for withdrawal of blopay awnplen for blochmical muecla examination. Sborn. ved. irac lok. fak. Karlov. UnIvo 9 no~11383-386 164. 1. 1 Interni klinika (precbmatat prof. VI]Dr. F.Corrilk), Karlovy UnIvervity v liradol Kralavo. KHCH, Vaclnv; ERMVI, Jonef; GROH, Jindrich; BAIRTOS, '11ndimir; rVASi9.*jCKA, Jift; BALGAR, Zdenek The couran of hemodialyais in elderly pitionts with acute renal failure. Sbom. ved. prac. lok. fak. Karlov. Univ. 9 no.1:397-408 164. 1. 1. Interni klinika (prednosta: prof. MUDr. F. Cemik), Karlovy University v 11radel Kralove. DURA, J.; TOUSEK, M.1 GROHIJ. ftrazysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. III. Pathology. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.251705-708 19 Je'64 1. Fatologickoanatcmicky ustav lekarske fakulty KU [Karlovy university ] v Hradci Kralove (prednogta: prof. dr. A.Fingerland, DrSc.); Interni oddeleni nemocnice v Novem Bydzove (vedoue-ILZ MUDr. M*Tousek) a 1. Interni klinika lekarske fakulty KU [Karlovy University] v Hradei Kralove (prednosta: prof. dr. J.Rehor, Mo.). GROH, J., BRZEKI V.; BUTUS, V. I. Medical Clinic and Surgical Clinic of Charles Univorsity,, 11radec Fxalove) Czechoslovakia Berlin, Acta biolor ,Jca ot Medica Goiwnica) NO-1, 1965, PP 30-33- "The Electrolytic Composition in Lymph of the Ductus Thoracicus of Ifen" 1,4 UK!' v HRAWKY, Mikulas; KRCII, Vaclav; GIIOH, Jindrich Stomach cytology with the fluorescence inethod with the use of acridine orange. Sborn. ved. prao. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8 no,2t277-283 165. 1. 1. Interni klinika (prednosta: prof. NUDr. F. Cernik) tookareke fakulty Karlovy University v 11radoi Kralove. GROH, Vladimir Owntal cynt in a 4-year-old boy. Cook. pediat. 17 no.3:235-236 Mr 162, 1. Detaka chirurgie OUNZ v Gottwaldove, prodnosta MUDr. Vladimir Oroh. (OMENTUM diaeases) (IMQHANGIOMA in inf & child) PODU;bAKOVA) 13., Jnz.; BENDA, 0.; GHOHA, G., inz.; JIUK, inz.; MANADAL, K., 1nz. Conference on the resulta of the Internatioma dymnoisium on Rationalization of Electric Power Consumption in Warsaw. Energetika Cz:Supl)l..-"-3 na.7:1-11 063. GRO'NIM, A.; SZVAS&M, J. Low temperature resistance minimum in Ag and Cu whiskers. Acts, physics Pol 24 na.2o285-287 Ag 163. 1. Institute of Physiosp Low Temperature Laboratory, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw. GROMAN, Antoni, mer.; WC)JCP,.CllC,i,"r,I, Fftzlrderz, dr. ---l-.-------_. .1 11 Scientist and detective. Problemy 19 no.8;517-519 163. GROH, R. "Synthetic Materials in Radio Technology", P. 124, (tUDIOTECHNIIIA, Vol. 1j, No. 6, June 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SOs Monthly List of East European Accessions, (FEAL),LC, Vol, 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. GROH, R. "Production of Transformer-Coil Bases Without Usinp Adhesives", P. 125, (RADRYrECHNIU, Vol. h, No. 6, June 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionso (EUL), LCj Vol. 3. No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. GROH, R. "Additional Lessons From an Additional Conference",P. 126, (hADIaTECII3IKA, Vol. hp No. 6, June 195hp BUdepest) Hungary) SOs Monthly List of East European Accessions, (KKAL), LC, Vol- 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. MCII, I~f. "Laprez,mation of -Radio Parto." p. igo (J~kDTOII' Jjjjjr 16 - X 'A. !1,01. -. to - 7/' JulY/Au(;. 195h; Budapcot) iiun-ary.) . P 16 O"t So: Montidy LLst'of EIst Euro:,,ean Accessions. b", -,'0l. %, No. ?jj, April 19';5, Uncl.. BARTOS, Vlad.lmly; DR= , Vladimir; GROH, JIndrIch Sectet1r.-induced chani-oo In the amylass level of the thorn.-Ic duct depending on age. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fnk. Karlov. Un1v. 8 no. 4467-471 165 1. 1. Interni klinika (FTednorttnt prof. ~rdr~r. F. Cernnlk-) a Chirurgicka klinika (prnlriost(i: p:of. MUDr. . t,rochazk%, DrSc.). U'lif, I'IT"'Ury, V101-11tilwi 31>0111. Wild. Prh'-'. I-,K. ffik. gfirlrkv. tlnlv. 8 no. 414814114 1 65. 1. 1. interni klintka (prerlri,~sta.' prof. MI'Mr, F. Cernik) V, , 1,)t4c-.o naft ljit-om (podmik. it ntift',Vfs M,-,t('T - red. C. Vorric,). L 59567-65 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(b)/EWA(c) IJF(c) JD/90 ACCESSION RR: AT5009439 CZ /0000/64/000/000/0073/0080 AUTHOR: Grobmant Antoni 3? ZETLE: Some q=eXcc and other properties of Sn%lnd In'-14hiskers SOURCE: Conference on Low Temerature ?Msica and Techniques. 3d, Prague, I lPbysice and techniques of low temperatures; proceedi a of the conference. Prague# Publ. House of the CzechofiL Academy of Sciencesp ;6rl.. 71-80 TOPIC TAGS: vldokero filamentary crystalo tinj indium, superconductivityo tensile strength, Curie temperature, diffusion property ABSTRACT: The purpose of the Investigation was to check on the feasibility of using Sn and In whiskers in superconductivity research) inasmuch as the technique of mounting tin whiskers described in the only published papers was not perfect., and only a few samples were investigated. 'The whiskers were obtained by a metbod described by R. M. Fisher et al. (Acts, Met. 2 (1954) 3W), and by a modification of the method of Jo Franks (Acta Met. 6 (1958) 103). The lengths of the tin and inditm whiskers reached 8 and 15 mg respectively. Whiskers were also grown from the gaseous phase# but the lengths obtained by this technique were quite short. The whisker mounting technique is demorlbedp and was such that abrupt (- 0-01K) transitions of whiskers ftaim the normal to the superconducting states could be ob- tainede The critical magnetic flelds (longitudinal and tranwerse) were measured Cof,d 3/2 L 59567-65 FACCESSION NR: ATM439 for whiskers of various diameters in the temperature range 2--3-72K. The depth of penetration of the magnetic field, calculated an the basis of the Ginzburg-Landau puperconductivity theory, turned out to be almost double the value obtained from other measurements, This suggests either that the customary approximation is too rough or that the dependence of the penetration on the mean free path is much great,~- er than that obtained for bulk tin. The shift of the Curie temperature in tension was also measured and found to be - 0-3K- Another phenomenon investigated was the backward diffusion of mounted whiskers into the layers on which they were depositedi and the transition from the 0 to the a phase of the tin. "The author thanks Acade-; mician Pe L. Kapitea for enabling this work to be done at the Institute of Fhysics i - -1 Problems AN BSSR, and to Corresponding Xember of AN BOB% K. Ye. Alekseyevs 7), r; advice i5d -help. " Orig. art, has: U figures. ASSOCIATION 21aborfLtory. of IOW- Temperatureag Institute ot, physics, Polish; AcjkdmW of sciences Wroolior, Po'liand I 0000064 Micts 00 MM CODE. E~Ht- TD IM R" SOV 1 003 On= 3 OoB ~2/2 L 41341-66- ACC NR- AP6021910 SOURCE CODE:' PO/0045/66/029/003/0303/0308 4 AUTHOR: Grohman, Antoni; Wojda, Lucjan ORO: [C;rohrnan] Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Low Temperature Laboratory, Wroclaw (Institut Fizyki PAN, Zaklad Niskich Temperatur); [Wojdal Experimental Physics Department, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw (Uniwersytet Wroclawaski, Katedra Fizyki Doswiadczalnej) TITLIE: Environment-temperature influence on the operation of a Bayard-Alpert gage SOURCE: Acta physica polonica, v. 29, no. 3, 1966, 303-308 TOPIC TAGS- temperature effect environment i!mmj ---Ps~ ultrahigh vacuum oage I Bayard -Alpert gaga' A ABSTRACT: It is found that by lowering the temperature of the environment, one can increase the pumping speed of a Bayard-Alpert (B- A) gage and thus improve the ultimate vacuum. At liquid air temperature, the pumping speed is many times higher than at room temperature, the ultimate pressure being smaller by two orders- 1/2 L 4~_341--66- ACC NRa JW-0 2 19- 1 -0 of magnitude, and a further increase of pumping speed is observed when passing to liquid-helium temperature. The B- A gage in continuous operation uses up 200 cm3 liquid air per hr. It is pointed out that the use of B- A gage at liquid-air temperature is most suitable Wheifthaving to produce an ultrahigh vacuum within a relatively small volume, e. g. , in glass tubes of field emission microscopes. The authors are very much indebted to Professor Dr. J. Nikliborc and to Docent Dr. B. Makiej for many helpful discussions and valuable remarks. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. [Authors' abstract) (KS) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBMDATE: 13Sep65/ ORIGREF: 004/ SOVREF: 002/ 2/2 11b 4 T/E'-'IP(t )IM IJP(c) JD ACC NRi AP6021913 SOURCE CODE : PO/0045/G' '029/003/041910422 AUTHOR: Grohman, Antoni; Wojda, Lucjan ORG: (Grohman] Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences,' Low Temperature Laboratory, Wroclaw (Instytyt Fizy4i PAN, Znklad Niskich Temperatur); [Wojdal Experimental Physics Department, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw TITLE: Growth of Bi whiskers from the gaseous phase in ultrahigh vacuum (Presented at 19th Congress of Polish Physicists, Cracow, 20-25 September 19651 SOURCE: Acta physica polonica, v. 29, no. 3, 196G, 419-422 TOPIC TAGS: bismuth whisker, whis.?-,Ar growth, ultrahigh vacuum, cryopump Z` ABSTRACT: A new method of whiske Ir growth frorii th'e'gascous phase in ultrahigh vacuum is described.,~113i whiskers of maximum purity were obtained using an Apparatus, 'shown in a diagram In the original article, cons isting9f a specific*Bystem, designed for the growth of whiskers and a cryopump to maintain ultrahigh vacuum during growth. Bi whiskers of about 5 mm in length with a diameter of ;I 11iii: were obtained. Liquid helium was employed for the cryostat. The method described c4n Card 1/ 2 4- L 44121-66 ACC NR- AP6021913 be employed in producing whiskers of highest chemical purity from a variety of materials, even those possessing a- small vapor pressure near the melting point. Orig. art. has: I figure and 2 tables. [HS) SUBM DATE: 21Aug651 SOV REF; 001/ OTH REF: 007/ SUB CODE: 20 7r Cord 2/2 YC GROHMAN p J. "Thoughts on technical literature of electrical engineering." El*ktrotechnicky Obzor. Prehao Czechoslovakia. Vol. 48, no. 3, Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), W, Vol. 8. No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas Distro 4120(m) Nature of and WIS Polish Acad. Scl.. Y,. . 477-8 (1900).-A technique for polishl I.Metching the trans- verse-section of wasoleveloped for examu. by field Ion m1cro.-&v!k11Ye;,1,La1 micrographs are shown re. veallng the structure of Si whiskers. Seymour M. Kaye GROHMAN, Antoni Superconductive magnet for 101 kOe. Postepy fizyki 15 no.5t559-564 164. 1. Department of Low Temperatures, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw. GROMANN, E. - - ~ Increasing the efficiency of production in our metallurrical plants. P. 367 (Ifutnik, Vol 7, no. 11, Nov. 19'.7, Praha, CzechoslovakiR) Monthly Index of Fast Furc.,pean Accessions (EFAT) LC. V01,7no. 2, February 1958 RUCINSKI, J.; GROHMAII, R., mgr inz. Reviaw of publications. Przegl telekom 36 no.10:295-296 0 't,4. . ~ -4 rI .1UGIN", '.., /$; Ill. Fevitiv of vublicat-lont;- 37 nr,.2:5P-(jj a I F 165, MARK, Istvan, dr.; FUREDIj Erzi3ebet, dr. ; GROHOLY, Eva, dr. Involvement of the gantro-intenthial tract in 11r.111-Symmern disease. Magy onk. 8 no.1:58-64 Mr'64 GFO HOLY. Tivadar Recent results in the seismic exploration in Hungary. Geofiz kozl 10 no-IA:77-78 162. O a 0 v jp AT a At At a AT 4 #1 Ar w I A A 43 *zw & -a tk- -0 (#P46, it S ..q )-v Got-tos 4 0914t of. -00 -66 00 SA 8 010 a 00 e ll 621.316.9= at doe TUbklar lightning arresters ba4mA on a am Sas-generating misterial- .00 A 0 Butkaylah, U., and zelikin, M. 31oktrichestva (ND. T) 25-8 z 00 (July" 1945) Design and characteristics tire given for a tubular arrester using polyawized cwthyl metbacrylate. The high moisture- 100 resistance of this material obviates the necessity for reaml in winter. 400 'a E. R. A* A 0 wee .00 s' 00 Soto@$ fee 0 U * 4 " 4 " '1" :6 :0 SIR 0a 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 00:0 0 0 a a 0 0 00000990094 0 GROIS, TO.B. Requirements to insulation levels of the d.c. transmission line between the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station and the Donato Basin. Isv.NIIPT no.3:100-114 '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Blectric power distribution-Direct current) Es "400 V D.C. Trans,"ISsion Line Stal ill;,, 1-aj1-Donba:;!; - nce on Large S.Yrte:75 L report to be submitted tur Intl. Confere 16th Biennial Session, Pnris, Fl'a!lccp 15-25 Jul' 60- (CIGRE), -ft IL 1W.U Immunological and Epidcmiological EtTt.-cti%cncss of Live Poliomyelitis Vaccine in the USSR' 4. & U-OMGCCWMV, A t DR')*'t%M VWAI ~ % P GA.1 It ~ % 0 IN CKALK:-~ G M-C.RotSMA", . I ILILt 'LON . %1111-1KM L KtVI06MI, IL, Q I,MaVtV. a Vn-OV a . r ZMm- Is. F9 1. -M41 I"-- of- rw fi- .w aftu.tza ar U. %~W:A B.. 6. ?6z. :Ast. or U.-rL~ua ftA4.L-, USQ 4..a. GROISKAN, S.D. Relation of pyloric motor reactions to its functional stat*. Biul. ekep. biol. I mod. 46 no.12:18-22 D 158. (KIRA 12:1) 1, Iz Otdela fiziologii pishchavareniya i krovoobraithchenlya (zav. - dots. P.G. Bogach) Institute, fiziologii (dir. - dots. P.G. Bogach) 11yevekogo gonudarstyennogo universiteta Imepi T.G. Sheychenko, Pred- stavlena deyetvitellnym chlenom AKN SSSA V.N. Qhernigovskim. (PTWRIM, phys Iol. motor reactions to mechanical atimulation at rest & with full stomach (Ibis )) C 7 (I.ROj and V. VA4F.K' Tr f0- Nlutrat!cnsl ;U:ItZ'J PrO VVA~~ *4VAtll~f), Fourth Pay#.i%DAcry ~ejp~rtmuit Kral lrlfrl!~Otol C-T public HcOtrt (4. Psvci.iz-tLic~,e oedri#io ~;iz (Kralat.o it.,trv iiai'o6nflio 3-.6 'Inotituce for F~--~erfmvqtal ,;Unicr.'. sod Study o! Certra! Yffects A~rvftc~throme s k i i let tp 'j eS and c.-~-. vapflrt4r~! Ub-nirl"i L -r~-. -A 2%;bl I!'I V i 5r 3,v- .5 psychiatric iotleft..u. wQr~. ncirly LS"! fin,! I'k fl,:C. r. 0 f 1.1.1 e 1,& Z. L ON .Cumpzch?nsiv,~ fj:of' '~jjj% -~t.!Ii r0 c, nfiry. h7PnEhfAPF of 8roup ;.I,&t nchim-phren~j !it lic-M.Aow vulatc-i to meraholie. d---ftc~eociro o~ (.-;:in(,phrlm Tabl- 2 gyaphill 3 cze-111. I sovict, 13 'Jestem refe:fitcoi. GROJEC, Maclej; WROBLEVSKI,Tadousz,E. Effect of potassium on vascular resistance. Acta physiol. pol. 14 no.5:561-570 S-0163 1. Z Zakladu Patologli Ogolnej i Doswiadczalnej AM w Warszawie; kierownik: prof. dr. J.Valawski. )t- GROJECP Weto; WROBIAWKI, Tadeusz,E. Effect of calcium on vascular resistance. Acts. physiol. pol. 14 no.6s613-622 N-D163 -,, 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiadczalnej AM w Warszawk; kierowniki prof.dr. J.Walawski. 41 -GROKHER, B.Ya. Calculi of the palatine tonsila. Zhur. ush., non. i gorl. bol. 22 no.1:85-87 J&-F 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz otdoleniya boleznoy ukha,, gorla i nosa (zav. - 11. 11. Polo tayeva) Chornovitskoy oblastnoy klinichookoy bollnitsy. (TONSILS-DISEASES) (CALCULI) ACC NR: AP7003649 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/67/172/001/0087/008 AUT11OR: Savitskiy, Ye. M. (Corresponding member AN SSSR); Burkhanov, G. S.; Bokareva, N. Nd; Grokhochinskiy, A. S.; Ottenberg, Ye. V. ORG: Institute of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykov, Academy of SciencesSSSR (Institut metallurgii Akadewii nauk.SSSR) TITLE: Effect of original crystallographic orientation on the recrystallization temperature wire obtained from molybdenum single crystals SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 172, no. 1, 1967, 87-89 and insert facing p. 77 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum single crystal, -aw1pbxhwmm recrystalli&ition temperature, 4m YgL~ crystal orientation ABSTRACT: Pure molybdenum iiingle cryatals were grown along threo different axes and wires were drawn from these crystals and annealed at various tempera-! tures to determine the temperature of recrystalliZaLion. Wires obtained from single crystals with an orlginA orientation of 24* from 1100) had the lowest temperature of recrystallization (650C) and wires obtained from crystals with an orientation of 11101 had the highest temperature of recrysLallization (950C). Microalloying with zirconium and titanium significantly Increases the temperature of the beginning of recryatalliza- ' tion. Wires obtained from microalloyed molybdenum single crystals with an orientation of [1101 had the highest temperature, of recrystallizatlon Card 112 UDC: 669.017 ACC Nk---AP7003649 f -(1700C) and those obtained from crystals with an orientation of 24' from [1001 had the lowest-(1300C). 17hus, by growing single crystals of molybdenum, microalloyed with zirconium and titanium, along the [110] and (100] orientations, the recrystallization temperatures of.wiree.obtained from the crystals can be increased to 1600-1700C. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 tables. [TD) SUB OODE: . 2CV11 SUBM DATE: 13Jun66/ ORIG REF: 0021 OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 5115 Card 2/2 rw PARlBOK, V.P.; GROKHOLISKAYA, N.V. Comparative inventiRatlon of the toxi,~lty cf nitxlt-. oxide and nitrcgen peroxida. Farm. i t-rks. 25 no.6041-746 N-D 162. (MIRA 1718) 1. Laboratoriya radlatsiowioy tsitologii (zav. - cf.ktrr mod. rauk prof. V.P. Parlbck) InLitit-0,ti u~ll:olc4il AN SS51t. GROYROLISKAYA, N.V. (doceased]; KACHURINA, NI.A.; T111r;("", 1-li. Mechanism of the toxic effects of leopropylbenzene hydroperoxide. Farm, I toks. 27 no-1:83-811 Ja-F 164, (MIRA 17:11) LITIVIN071, N.S.; NUITINA, Ye.L.1 GROKHOLISKAYA, SeD, Determination of the color index of drinking water with the FW-N-~57 apparatus. Gig. i man. 28 noo6t54-55 Je'63 (MIRA 17:4) 1. Iz laboratorii deffnyanskogo Yodoproveda Klyeva. LITVINOV, N.S.0 inzh.; NIKITINA, Ye.L., Inzhener-khimik; GROKHOLISKAYA,, S.D.p laborant Method of determining the turbidity of water by means of the FEK-N-57 apparatus. Gig. i van. 28 no.7:48-49 n '63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz sanitarno-bakteriologichookoy laboratorii desnyanskogo vodoprovoda Klyeva. H I- MAOLISKATA, V.--> *Growth and Formation of Trees in City Street@,," Zhil. kom. khosep 2p Mo*89 1952 ORMI-WILAU.-L.S. , kandidat selinkokhozysystvennykh nAuk; KHTSIVICH, I.F.. kandidat tekhnIchemkIkh nauk. Transplanting large bar*-root tress. Gor.khos.Kook. 31 no.6:31-32 Je 157. (KM 10:7) (Moscow--Tree olAnting) GROKHOLISKAYA, V.S,,t Kandidat selfskokhozyaystvennykh Rauk Using landscaped plantings in new housing blocks. Gor.khoz.mosk. 35 no.4:24-26 Ap 161. (KEM 14:5) (IAndscape gardening) GROKHOLISKAYAJ V.S.., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk Let's improve the plannin of-landscape gardsaing within blacks. Gor.khoz.Hosk. 35 -no.6sU-16 je 161, (MIPA 14#7) (NDscow-Landscape, gardening) 3 Yu, 0 - ~;,;T (d KWP v )/i~lk'P W /EVIP ( h )/SWP (I BC A~:C 111, AP0019138 SOURCE CODE: UR/0107/66/OW/001/0004/0004 MN. khol 1 -3 ki y4, A Gro -_(Voctor of technical sciences); Sobolevskiyj K (Candidate ORG: norm 'P In 1J,.)vofjj-b1rqk -- on autoWtic control SOURCE: Radio, no. 1, 1966, 4 TOPIC TAGS: mlectronica conference, automatic control, electric measurement, cybernet ALGTUACT.- Recently, the. Seventh AU-Union Conrerence on Automatic Control and Method of Electrical Measur-e-m-er-,E'a -was hold in Novosibirsk. 670 delegat;s -from 55 CNI-eeof- the boviet Union, as well as scientists ?rom Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia and the CDR heard 118 reports. Five sections worked: the section of the theory of measuring ,Lnformation systems; the section of autormatic digital measurement equipment; the section of primary measuring transducers and elements of measuring systems; the inde- pendent section, concerned with the results of uranarements connected with studies or the properties of living organisms in their ability to receive and process informatiol on the surrounding medium; and the section of electrical equilibrating measurement circuits. [JPR31 SUB CODR: 09, 06 / SUBM DATE: none Gl- ~ K I N1. ',`)K I',, A. !, . Grokhollskly, A. L. "-leas urt~ma nts of C,I acity of `ri!r.-rv 1jIqchf.r;,o (.`r-T. Y1 BUTI(Is .if for Audio Frequenclos).11 Comudsvion wi `)t!!ndnrd., -'an Tnstruments, Council of 'dnisters US-111. All-Union Sci .-s In.,:t irierd D. T. "ondel-eyev. Lenin rod, -155. (Dis:7ert9tion for 'he of Cnndidate T,~chnical Sciences.) to 0.0('01 and '!onauringp I of I!etrolo,y !)ef-rree Knizhnaya Nlo. 27, 2 July, 1,55 24(0). 5(4). 6(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATION SOV/22115 Vsesoj-uxnyy nauchno-Ifi3ledovatal'skly metrologil tment D.I. Mandel*Yeva Rareraty nauchno-tualtdovatollsol-An robot; atcik No.2 cacionttr-c Resear,ch Abstract&; Collect-Lcn or kr-tr.'*a. qr 2) K49dow, 3tandartgiz, 195d. 139 p. .OW cop.** printed. Add.qtlon&Z Sponsoring Agency; USSR. Koffaz.*- standartow, mar I IZm*rIte1-nykft priDorov. Sd.3 3. V. Re"*tIna; Tech. Ed.. M. A. F.=drat'y.Va. PURKSE: Viese ropoms are Intended for sclo.-tats. and angInvers engaged In developing oz&n4a,,ds. measures. and gages for =* Varl*U3 Industrte3. COVERA092 The volume contains 12~ reports on standards of me4surv- sent and c,ntro.. "he reports were prv;ar-: by sciontlots if or the Ycoziz.t standartov. mar prAlborov pri, 3ovate mniotrov =R (Ccm:a:**.-on on 3tandarls. neari-res, and measuring inatrument3 under tne uan counct., or ministers). ---We participating nstitu-*3 al~: VVIIX - Vaeaoy%Lxnyy nauclino-saledovat..-skly a.zroloell LAOnL D.:. Mand*1eyeva (All-Union Scientific Rea.&=h Institute or Met- rology imeni D. : :Mande loyev) In Lenlngrad, SverdlOV31c branch , of tale Inatitut , VNIN - vse3oyuzny7 InstLtut KOILItata stanl;rtov, mar I Izm.r'te-"flykh prborov (All-Un-lon Scientific Raster= Institute of tjo Commission an Standards, Memgures, and Massurinit m~.%t,j rMc - A~3 ... 4-:Y 9034darstvennyy ',at-'tw- -or I I=orI4t*l-nykh prItorov (Mz3zcw State ln-tlt~te or M.aaur,ex and M*a.aurlng In3tr--nts) Oz,4t;er 1, VNI:M1 - Vs*sQyuznyy M4UCnnG-1A3.edov4*e.'34l'Y Jn;ttut ch.s.1k.h I rsdIot*4uIth*%"xr. Scientific Rtaas--cb, Institute or Pnystcott-win.-cal &nd xt4a4r*ftVnts) 14 Most"; KhOzx1P - Khar'AcVsAI7 goaudarstvwnnyy Inattt4t mar I Lzmeril-olInykh privorov (L~LA.--xcv State :nstltutc or Measures and Measuring Instruments). and X::X:p - Xavogj- bIrskly 90&ud&r%%vonY7 InstIzu- mar 1. prIbomv (Novosibirsa State or Measures ~.d Xas"rIng :no-ru- ~10~41, -0 P11101all-t-1*11 are -.nllonod, 1.,ro are no gleatrim, mod PjKntzic Measurements (3nramaov. Ye.D.# Editor, Prvfwrao- ~ ZyXgv X & Apparatus f.,r, Cnq-,arg Standard :ndjot- * _ &.,a c-pac-iors ar.4 for Moasuring =e Time COnst&V' an., M4a of Xon;;;cti" R..,13tor. 'or 4CC-!,0G Ohm Aov, r.A, (XG~ix:?). Apparatus for m.aa~rtng -no pmt zcnx-~- po4r-%OrmIns~1 NQnpwactive ties-,s-ora for to Several Otwas j i Of I I A.L. (WOZpq.:p). Dov*.,optng a S-andard Nox-r-l" ar-3 a fcr Unit. ChocAlng Wcr~c!ng M.13ur*s Vr CAPA--tanco F.-M PC X, up I. "Ao X.j.cycles' and up to -5'~ pf a, Fr-q-nc"-- up to -~O Mazity-11-5 N.V_ A.A. ^.4,all' &M*,%~ w. nd H.G. Atc!'3 '7stng . Z*ng- bridg. 'Qr -nJ &IS."ce Gag.& ZA;;tj"%,,. (M%11M',P;. Apparat43 for Ch#~Alng Star'd3ral k-eter. CAM 1)"2T Ett AUTHOR:: Grokhollskiy, A.L. :;07-115-58-3-31/41 TITLE: A Sqt of Standard Measures for Checking Quality Factor Meters (Nabor obraztsovykh mor dlya poverki izmeriteley dobrotnosti) PEPIODICAL: Izmeritellneya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, pp 90 - Q~l (US 0" R ABSTRACT: The described set, consisting of 8 coils and 4 high-fre- quency condensersv is designed for checking "KV-1" and "KU-1" 4-moters, the most extensively used q-meters in tne USSR, in accordance with instructions 11203-56" of Komitet standartov, mar i izineritellnykh priborov (committee of Standards, Mleasures and !Veasuring Devices). It was devel- oped by tiovosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy institut mar i izmeri- telinykh priborov (?:G1r';*;jP) (Novosibirsk State Institute of P,eaquring D:!vices). The whole net of the coils, 7 "KID" Card 112 coils and 1 "KIPD", revPal the total error of a 't-meter. 30V-1151-58-3-31/41 A Set of Standard leeasured for Checking ~juality Factor 1'eters The maximum error of the coils themselves is M; at a fre- quency up to 25 megacycles and 5% at frequency up to 100 megacycles. The "KID" coils can also be used for checking high-frequency inductance meters "IlYeV-111, as well as Q-meters "160a", "170a', and 11622s". There is 1 photograph. 1. Measurement--Standards 2. Laboratory equipment--Design 3. Instruments--Testing equipment Card 212 7 r T 1,'-' Three-terminal Condensers konlensatory mnloy y~mkorW Yl~ 1'~,DTCAL: Tzmeritellnayn tekhniks, _27 '4 of I'nnAcity (-r~_'k.~-k~mtnktnyye 10r":, ~Ir i'., pp 65-f6 ("'IlIP) Tn the Novo-ibirsk 'fste Tnstitutc- of '.I'e-,iqi:rps nnd YeAsuring levices s thrpe-termina.1 spicitor set type F%'Ye-4 his been developel. It hns P cqppcity rnnging from C.CM to 1 pF. A d1agram of his citpnci tor is shown in Figure 1. I h, .,10714re .'. 7he cnpa- -, electric circuit dippr-m, is shown in "' I citor is especinll useful in connection with ;)ther levices, e.f,. for measuring thp inter-electrode cnpricitv of radio tul es .The resintnncp ditigrnm of the csp,9(!itor is shown in Figure 3. The cnpacitor set irj produced for n fre- quency of 1,CCC cycles with An error of r.j_,,~ There Pre 7 dingrnms. ASfjOCIATTON: 'sovosibirskiy posurl,%irstvennyy im-titut mer i i7meritel'nykh DrIl-,orov (Novosibirsk :,tnte Instit,ite of "'onsures snrl Yensur- inp "eviceq) Card l!]. GAOt-HOLISKIY9 A.L. Standurd capacitor for 1requencies up to 20C-300 megacycles -,cr aecond. Izm. telch. no. 6:43-47 Je 160. ll.:2)) (Frequency meamre:=ts) 3/'15/6o/ooo/oio,/017/'O28 B021/BO5fl AUTHOR: Grokhollokiy, A. L. TITLE: Excluding the Error of the Qual i ty Meter of the Type Q-1 PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1960, No~ 10, pp. 52-1,,6 TEXT: The quality of an ideal oscillating circuit consisting of the capacitance C, the inductance L, and the active resistance R, is deter- mined from formula cjL I Q - T - Z5-CR A residual capacitance Co occurs in the induction coil between the windings, as well as considerable losses, leading to a comparatively complicated equivalent coil circuit (Fig. 1). In order to determine the coil parame- ter, the coil is connected to the measuring condenser of the Q-meter (Fig. 2) and the potential e is introduced into the oscillating circuit obtained. The equivalent circuit (Fi.a. 3) of the oscillating circuit for the most widely used q-meter of the type KV-1 is studied and mathematical- ly expressed In order to improve the scheme. The averaged parameters of Card 1/2 Excluding the Error of the Quality Meter 3/115/60/000/010/017/028 of the Type KB-1 (KV-1) B021/BO58 the Q,meter which were obtained at the 11GIM P (Novosibirokiy ~rosudarntvan- nyy institut mar I izmeritellnykh prib)rov NovosibJr!3k State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) are mentioned next and recommended for use. In Fig- 4, the values of the input resistances of the vacuum- tube voltmeter are mentioned for various frequencies. The dependences of the actual quality Qk# shown in Figs. 5 and 6, are calculated by means of the mentioned values of the residual parameters. N and K are shown in Figs. 7 and 8 as a function of the frequency. By introducing improvements, it becomes possible to increase the real precision cf the quality deter- mination up to 10% by means of the KV-1 meter The quality of the induc- tion coils may be measured with an error of about V by means of such selected measuring instruments and by introducing improvements according to formula 15. There are 8 figures and I Soviet reference.. Card 212 14 1 ^ C: T 3/194/62/000/007/157/160 D413/D308 AUTHOR: Grokhollskiy, A.L. TITLE: 1, device based on a lwin-T net,.-.,ork for measuring ad- mittances over the band 1 - 250 mcle P:3RIODICJ'IT.,: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 7, 19062, abst'rdct 7-7-284 k'(Tr. Konferenteii po avtomats kontrolyu i metodam elektr. izmereniy# 1959, Novosj~irsk# Sib. otd. AN SSSR, 1961, 149 - 156) T-13XT: The paper describes the construction and operation of the admittance measuring;device (IPP-I)o designed for the checking of reference standards of conductance at frequencies up to 250 Mc/s. The circuit consists of two T-networke differing in their coupling components, The parameters of the bridge can be calibrated using only a single susceptance standard. Standard coaxial cylindrical capacitors of G;~,,,I(OKVCh) type were used for the calibration. The upper viQrking frequency limit for these capacitors is determined,b*y the relation "min _`/7 - 8/ 1 for a measurement accurate to wit~tii Card 1/2 S/19 62/000/007/157/160 A device based on a twin-T network ... D413YD308 the order of 0.1 "', 1 being the length of the capaxitor. The con- struction of the twin-T bridge is described. The instrument is built in block form. Its sensitivity is not worse than 0.001 p?, and the reproducibility of measurements is not worse than 0,007 4~- 2 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 212 20449 S/11~/61/000/003/013/013 IF, 2.//d 006/~ llvrillr3) B124 B204 AUTHORj Grokholl kiy .. - - -_ -1 8- -, --A- .. I L TITLE# I standard disk capacitor with semivariable capacity for frequencies up to 200 Mops PERIODICALt lzmeritelinaya tekhnika, no. 3, 1961, 55-57 TEXTt The high-frequency disk capacitor KBq-8 (KVCh-8) devised at the NGIMIP (.Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy institut mer i izmeritellnykh priborov - Novosibirsk State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) has lately been improved and critically examined in order to employ it more frequently in control engineering and in research. The chief advantage of this capacitor is the low degree of dependence of its effective capacity on the frequency of operation. At frequencies of 20 - 30 Mops and with an error in measurement of the order of magnitude of 0.5 - 1%, the capacity of the capacitor may be regarded to be in- dependent of frequenoy, and, at sonio frequency, to be equal to the capacity of the capacitor. At higher frequencies or when it is necessary to reduce the error, correction factors have to be introduced Card 1/4 X 20U9 S/115/61/000/003/013/013 A standard disk capacitor ... B124/B204 in the value of the low-frequency capacity of the capacitorl these factors are discussed in the following. The capacitor consists of two disk electrodes at a distance d from one another, with coinciding symmetry axes. An equivalent scheme may be established for the capacitor, con- sisting of the constant capacity C 0 connected in series to the residual inductance of the capacitor L. and shunted with the conductivity g (Fig.1). The effective capacity may be calculated from the equation Ce - C0/(1-W 2LC'C0) (1). The amount of the residual inductance L. of the capacitor is calculated from its geometrical dimensional the equation for this was quoted first by R. King and then by N. A. Kouzov, viz. L,, - (d/2) 10-9 henry (2), where d denotes the interelectrode distance; the equation holds for frequencies for which the radius of the capacitor disks a is much smaller than the wavelength. When wavelength and size of the capacitor electrodes are comparable, the relation Lw - (d/2) [1 + (1/3)n2 (./;L) 2 10-9 henry (3) holds. When the inductance I L0 of the parts joining the capacitor to the measuring system, the Card 2/4 A S/'1u1L51Y61/006/CO3/O1 3/013 A standard disk capacitor... 3124/3204 exDression Ce - C0/[I+w 2C O(L,,~+L0)j (4) holds for the effective capacity. The semivariable disk capacitor KVCh-81,1 for 25 -1250 Pf is shown in Fig.3- It consists of a massive braaa base I with a number of ring fins for strengthening the structure and simultaneously represents the low-potential electrode of the capacitor. On the one side, the base ends in "he joining part and on the other in the central axis contact 3 which is mounted by means of the insulator ring 6 of steatite. The upper high- potential electrode 2 has stability fins, too. The interclectrode distance can be altered by the pair of screws 7. The fixation of the position of, the electrodes and the lowering of the resistance to passing through is set by the nut 5. The high-potential electrode is screened by the casing 4 on the bottom of which usually a plugged window for exact tuning is located. All parts of the capacitor were heated to 300 - 4000C for 3 hr and then cooled down. The range of capacities of this capacitor is 25 - 1250 pf at an electrode diameter of 100 = . The losses in the capacitor were determined in the frequency range of 70 - 200 Mops. The error of measurement of the effective capacity only seldom attains 0.2 - 0-5~4 when a KVCh-8;1 device is used at frequencies of Card 3/4 9 20 0 S/115*/000/003/013/013 A standard disk capacitor... B124/B204 up to 3-0 Mcps and arbitrary values of the static capacity. At higher frequencies, the error depends on the amount of the correction term in the denominator of (4); if it is less than 201,',*, then the error does not exceed 1%. There are 3 figures. Fig. 3 Card 4/4 GROKIIC)LISXIY, A.L. Frequency response of the irAgnitudes of capacitance mearures. Izm.tekh. no.7:47--48 Jl 161. QIIU 14:6) (Electric capacitance-Measurement) '3 AUTHORs Grokhollskiy, A.L. 2 30 S12 61/000/008/004/004 O~ D218 V306 TITLE. Calculating the capacitance of a precision piston capacitor for frequendee up to 300 Mc/S PERIODICAL% Akademi;a nauk SSSR. Izvestiya, Sibirskoye otdeleniye, no.8. 1961, 119 - 121 TEXT: The author reports a calculation of the capacitance of a pis- ton capacitor, whose geometrical configuration as shown in the figure (W , W1 and W are the wave impedencies of the sections of the capacitor). Atolow frequeneyes the variations in the capacitance may be described by CH C1 (1 - k) + C 2k, where Card 1/5 1 C1 n D4 1 27730 Si(200/61/000/008/004/004 Calculating the capacitance of D218/D306 for the first section of the capacit:~r (/yk F/mm), and 2 D4 D 2 18. D 181 n D for the second section. The effective capacitance at high frequencies may be obtained by considering the current and voltage distributions, whose bound- ary values are indicated in the figure. Since losses in copper or brass elec- trodes are small, one can carry through the analysis using the theory of long lines with infinitely large admittance, The relation between the input and ciitput voltages is then given and the current by k 1 - k I I k T, 9 1 nF 2 sin 2 T 2 1. W1 4. W2 1 )L Wo k cos 2 ~Z Card 2/5 27730 3/200/61/000/008/004/oolo Calculating the capacitance of ... D216/D306 The input admittance of the line for 1 > is capacitve and can, there- fore, be replaced by the capacitance of an equivalent capacitor CB subject to the condition Y j C.) CB U1 The final result is tg 2. ig 2=k C. _ [- x _r - A x w0 (WI + W:) wo k _k x I- W, + W, tg21cx .,g2.1 ). (2), The first and second terms in the square brackets represent the high frequen- cy capacitances of the corresponding parts of the capacitor. Since the ratio Card 3/5 7 S/200/61 OOO/UUB/004/004 Calculating the capacitance of ... D218/D306 of the wave impedances may be replaced by the ratio of the capacitances, so that Wo/(Wl + W2) ' C2 / Cl' it is found that the final formula is C C H + CIp, (1 k) + C2p2k C 2 k I - k 1 - -u- tg 27C tg 2T 1 A (3) The leading term in Eq. (3) (which is C H) in most conveniently measured, ra- ther than calculated, using low frequency determinations. This leads to in- creased accuracy since the edge effects are then automatically taken into ac- count. Experimental tests showed that piston capacitors will reproduce the effective capacitance on 200 Mc/s to an accuracy of 0.1 0.2 %. It in em- phasised that this accuracy can only be achieved if the diameters of all the electrodes are maintained constant to within t (2 - 3) There are 1 figure and 2 boviet-bloo referencea. ASSOCIATIOM Institut avtomatiki i electrometrii Sibirskogo otdeleniya All Card 4/5 27730 S/200/61/000/008/004/004 Calculating the capacitance of ... D218/D306 SSSR, Novosibirsk (Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch AS USSR) SUBMITTEDs March 1, 1961 Fig: Card 5/5 GROKHOLISKIY. A.L. High-frequency coaxially-cylindrical condenser with a noncontact piston. Izm.tokh. no.11:48-49 11 161. (14M 1431-1) (Frequency measurements) GROKHOLISKIY A L -,_ Problems in designing adapters for measuring high-frequency devices. lzm.tekh. no,lD48-50 N 162. (NIRA 15:11) (Electronic measurements-Equipment and supplies) GKOKHULISKIX, A.L. Device of the measurement of magnetic characteristics of Materials in a frequency range of 10 kiloc-yclei; -~- 20 wgacyr-le- witi- thA help of a coaxIal holdf-r. Trudy iivist* 1,-,Imastand,mi* '. !.-~L.prft Y.-. '1 '4' t 208-213 162, tv"IR", 16:5) (Magnetic measurements.-Equipment and supplies)