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ita a x a M a IF a il if 91 id is ft L 4 .1 j sea Lai I LE-ape I I I- V1, -1 1 1 L. AA CC AD U j I A 0 a .6f4itill ..0 "CON."S SOU if. & Grg ov. Z. F. Can, Pallid. w4d. ja. '#-R. J, -3. 8, W"Is Gmaw 3M)( gall).-Tha, W,.Aalati.. wgbv*W C a" a4a bave been atedied wilib O-Gorkh" sk. = fcwtkma arc the fun"ties Of cog wd CO two sew tint. Parinazwo 00 a fit pwwy 00 dwomh as It* temp., tM 116K Y MW amt. of Oa 00 paikm arw Ow hafid will ww the wdvity of tbelaw. FarawnpirtagamAcaulas be CO sum TboilinkhavibeitYAwdAwonvills 12m. wpm. V61th 00 ii -Air kM vdwWw farM 11w rmt*A of C inib " w so ai-, f"991% Cu Wrlk octivallod I C th.0 rc-twa pf""d. P. %"tCi*Wy Oftly "'"let l)L2d M. tW' Me. The remits div of 161-11 f- it"Waving the efficiency U thip Senerair, Prix.. k -A. It v to : so v );1zee 00 see 00 goo use tiles 2 too It A also to-ILA WAL1.04KAL 1.11194101 CLASPOPKAT60% A 9~ it t. l$ met K11,111111 .nitill a 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I. fi;J4 mj1�j'fIP spa At it" KTTJ mt L got 41A -6 a ail 8 1a 1"D 06"111411.0" so -og, o Oil .00 so wo I I IL L 44 F. Tomas LMW (M. -11,14 Edim Ibm tons b Pained "M c> Ow +0 W64000"; 4*00906 +!Lckvm +0*9006mmolubrWOOMY swam" 00.3 at 11 5 * roe Ube AD Vohft of am im see IMP. wilm w(A box" On low a 11 IRS to. 21-09 "d is As (04 L T. see INS* Us* too 000 ASIN ILA 6114MnOCAt S."IFIOWt CLAIWICATION I S - wee 30 is, A I i It GO `000~ 000000 41 0 00000006900090909: to 4b a a 0 64 : : : : a 0 : : : : : : : 0 : : : :1,;o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -G-ww-" -0-w-w ??????tfttfttf 9 "1 T T -wu-T T-T 3 T a L a . . voocissis A.1, Foote"@% GROW mcialum Oil & M d A m @now tk : U M K . mfmv~ . - im-mah-J.1 lylk Oxw- im, 07 Ito "ism fA out is tmisis of WQ - so am Was" ammoba 4d so i"m us Also, W" an Oxmmism Nim 0% aw Me% the latter log bwl4N dws md"mad by so " 0 (9) , the mn 'AV), - " a dill u m a imm s br. it &'Wroys !!!t MR b" loo : ft am . w 0, dam not i 1:00 too boo ion, I so 141400 all 0.9 do% 411111 ~Idl--it WIPI V I-11-1 AN I I I OW 0 0 9 of ja 0 0 1 10 at a a it a It a aof a 0110 to ;150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0006000000000:1 ' Is a 4 , 1 19 o 1 1 1v ww IF is 016 if 0 al - go 1 6 0 0 T ' f! I ; u 0 to -0 t - 1 1 a 9 f a 1 1 a I 1 0 .1 A I AA IN IL 0 4 1 A of The on mboa*m of smal by A- Waagft. I M. V.. I Z. F. ukhmov. Solootaka. _00 - 7 sit floo poll"Not reemlimoskirm I'l i .00 7 m"tiod e Ow ctmI in - ism 11W " :: .00 v stat w U4 I CO and raislaft1w "vity of the fuel. f Ci) e be 4wbwd b i 00 r st * n y Y2 o =m = .00 , con Orut as ismacad of bwmmkd the o o mov Itwinood 1 I In cambalotitta CO a" CO 00 9" , "M title 41vpm& " the kintl M 914131AW , ffi d t I I '00 0 J:. s O ry temp, ocee as temp. t . 0" tba d 1 TI i l i W ,go ur n w as roo UWY 111NO-1 0 . o at m m tore dimppew at bigh rates ressor to It The la we Ow - ;%= use p , .. me an the 0 o1wiveired. TIONIF blab tw*. ad (up to amotil)') rails (abas ' =r , 0 = 14 goo , too I . ve + . ) allow V;r qw- I IOU- h I I f c a slaw e I""p. to T o + s " o a " redwUm is unful. .00 This "Wh is tab"d to the I all of h4b.po a pler i m n Mae. ft". Is a said w a alme" Votes sw 4 so" i Tb d = 20AM I f I mmol . satla wo" o owspert e# h4ber l ifi A N h i b i d ft c va w w evc a ca m a o o r O b n th" 1300 Col./cu. M. V. V. fqbvurtxbws - 0#t dtIV#6K4t W1441641 44411*-LAI-0- It it - r r -4 -1 '1 1 1 ,, 4 goo O 1 ~;! u III so Z 4 or A"& load a r X . . n gto o Its wa " _;_ 0 All of 0 # W ~ Is 16 a to to It 4 11 a A ~2 f 11 1 ) I V VA JF & A, . U is a a v a IS a It a is 0 *-&,w ~ I I AA N (Z JO K A a A d A, t I A[ . . __ o A A a g - .., ... _a- I -,Ale 0 O-Weissamy "Wassommis Offma vesse I Odell I sommalks I s A o b t mm m off m we om as so prommosse a I and Z. F. Chubluseirv. Akcm. III(IMM); vf C, A - 1"arl"M% brow"n 0 and C MIT IV prosolom-16 14 lW11"17 - ain d d "wro ind M . O sold C(h, the est. high vatirs. t. Imo mn$ .4 Th Th l i 4 f a us. 1 e " ue ). thr IV C (kiw 1_, 0 4 woup al-topirord lathe montAnnissm tit setive(rd Imilbroro,% min 81- A lip oned thercoal. Ncarly the seine amt. was uWaint 13 Oman mip of padesdome. load. is" I she Cmilowstion of wtxd clomerood, while $Ast CuLr slut rim- ib A W.- An pi;vprox. din. .1 if% to .,w Okm, jIkj with in, rastow l f 0 l spo* t: OWN, Sho, It"It. CIO Coh kit unrlsoonjord was 1 2% (-a the , Wi h h J f pTftVI the a 11&6t O in I k' INAW11it IUR J10 a $Twat Srgrrv) L pparent 2.0pr of "ni l" 1-h ook k h o 000 t e oalwom O t am 6 A% for the Imot.t-o. 6.t vim !~jr Old amt. of 0 pawing ow the am, The ml. of litorma l m m c vrft*%. 4 ol too g 1y. The vA,kxriviT,p .I tow jewli.,su: C + CIN .1 Go Co km -- and that of CO. derremn. UP to tbt &oh C + h 11,0 Me artidilitmord by the dipa- of a physit- VoW the vvintily cof fortrantim of CO if low" olom that C m. cmpkz C,O, which is IMM.A as am IN iff 6111 'if C(h but she mots of Cbm"t .1 that vewly with temp. i Product. The pro" of the cfvcm~ppp. of water vappor in 1: 'be 0 vine lot rimemkill differriot Irtme th t r l i 00 on alverpsal. At the fle-h POW the v4prilloICUlneont e o m on z y C + IM) - CO + fi Th i i f 1 rise* tattermly rapidly Into that oil ON r"lairse the mine e m t. m st. o an irwi a-ce m to 00 wilmome; this may top, explelood ast.4mrst Atthispumil IncomPlete consumption of 4 1 and. their(tire. the h., i - milbornt t ) .& l h th hi h 0 oleo CO Ins ticito is deld. by thr im-rcew of the no. III t is -ve a4vemp A e 11o, pricroa. g r. irlov of C somas as the Mull Of the Increase of vtkx-itv. A A. INAe-vity coo mum. of 0, and other fvtortitomms ad the untmove of the t. 1 400 111m, actual Cmbsixtion Asl C is rommotAr Imply &I Wb Vt- lovity of 0 possaiviot owr the ImAid uWh fortne only now t 00 mom mommorly that W which thia 1) i. used UP. and is cuor. 4jj;L;4 toy the rapid repromral of CO 10 preveat othlatim". JU flornialiin 64 plio"arl CO W Strosteir Goof Ow probelvditv .1 Ito oxidarkto Is monsiller in thr nanhoossim 00 9: 00 1.-1 .11 all = U a 1 0 0 IT 19 to t a 0 IN 1 I a 1 0 19 is It 91 As M 0 0 0 go 0 0 0 0 0 * To ID a m W 000000000000600000 a iooooooooeooooooooooloooooooooooooooooo:,::::: 01,1011011 unit some 0 an of 8 n JUjL-k-s C e, *.;,, I -C L I I I 10 jop &w 6v. cartel ites r -011 to% *ifas ,elm; 000 0r- 009; 009 ow of 000 00 00 pso 00 .1v Aimmid 4qi *I pAXNpJ4 0.') #0 MR)AW AD19,111 oop Jpltf fill it JPJWJOWA juvommes" - 441 It 0* .4.4 M"Wl I 'tM#Om P&AIn A"m atooplaso : 0. ..V.. PAISAII.W 'p..'6804.1 11 .114:61141% 41,10116-4) -111W El 00- 10 -".)rmWv,r 40-111111111113'A'ZIP"s v00 In amwowwo a00 J1 00 00 a a 73 a 0 1, A 4 1 1 1 1 a 06 it I 1 11 20 #**00*00000000000000* 4 0 a 0 fe 00 a * 1 it -1 a k a X-1 It _t 0 QL 9p St It OselftAlliom of OW14 fuel. F CISIlkhallity Nil., Ah'Wl' (At I it, moo I hr go-it a. #k'" I- ffl~ 11-1 M ~"IIV.Mlh -11411411;g #~4h. ., 1, 11. 14--41 It I-% It T 'th It tho I .."It a. t .4 Ow go.. 1-01 -1 1. th. 8.4. &-the rr~lt 4 1 he pmostv mitt it hatig, .4 ih. Itt, I .%I h I h. iotvxrn of stir *Itrtnl I such A% 0 1 Allot )I: 1- #21 lhAn tripmed I,w A jowAst%aliv iwitt"114, timi th, see 00 2 zoo go* Age 00 -.00 06 AS& IS& boo 00 ~ 16 ; W T "to 4 o I 1 244 Ott 4911 Occriv ltx o 0 All 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4-0 -*- ve~ -4t s .1 is INto ~ 1! 0 -.C- A_A_J__k~ R I It -U-J" 2- AL 11 1 a -M 0 00 A A go A 0 4 00 C 1, 41tar4refor power gas. Cf-jS-4jj 4 0 09 -it D. M. Sornollovich 11"A" Sri A" 1"S 57 - - -411),--Tht "RIM 19 the trAn- , 1-Triation C4 tan a Odw fuels (luring gamficall'to W2. - -Wified. chirdy in the frombuttioa zone, in which the far. 00 0 are deromPol. and micilred. The activatitot rfifirmy rV- tropif"I for deterring was 40 110c; of that tcfpjifmI -r f 4i h d AMIS Z j . enw "s y rum6m.. "e lime nl frontu-t trijuiml OO 0e I. -ow haudredths of a we. it high jenitm. are u%fil: V 400 00 0: at 7M the content of tairs remained unchang"i. omly " 3 ah- ve 10M) was It decreAsed to an &cvvptA14,- mininium. Th t A h Coe 00 e ernp. r t e encolm-tion zone mim lir inerrawil to ' to 0 00 0111,40 It the Initimicnneent of can is high. Fivere(cr. W. It. Ilron goo Mee 1 1196 --Oe 1,111114110111 CWUPKATICIL too too 0 j 1 Is Z 13.0 Is a 4 a a M st 0000 0 0 o 0 0 a 000000 9 o e O660000060olv 0o : ::::: ioo 0 o Soo 0o 0 666 0-0-offi- o_.* o o 0 0 GKONOVSKIY, M. K. Predvoditelev, A. G., 10iltrin, L. N., Tsukhtmiova, 0. A., Kol(YlLsev, ~1. I., and Grodzovskiyj M. K., "Combustion of Carbon. FAperiments in Building Up the Physicocbemical Principles of the Process." Academy of Sciences USSR, 19149, 403 pp, 2,500 coPies- All-Union Sci. Res. Inst. Underground Gasification Coals SOV/')6 AUTHORS: Kllsellgof, M.L. (Candidalite of arA Gradzovskiy, R.Ye. (Engineer) TITLE: Da st epar a tcrso f the Taganrog Boiler Works - All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute Type for Hi,~h--,utput Mills PERIODICALt Toploenergetlka, 1959~ Nr 9; pr (LISSR) ABSTRACTi Thi!, article is a brief _~;_7ttalogue--Style desc, -~, - 4L P t i r, 11 c, dust oeparators designed by the Taeanrog Boilor Works Ali-Unton Thermo-Technical In3titute (TKZ-V'fI) for use with ball mills of output ranging from I't to ~,'O t..)ns per Y,rjijr of anthracite dust. In many respe._*.#;s tnt? separator Is an improvement on earlier designs, It. -is designed to daliver dust with 6 to 28% T-03idue on a 90 mesh --leve, which is satisfactory when used in c:onjjjjr.ti.rsn with Lall mills operating on arithracLta dust arid hard In particular cases they may also be used wLth biown coal. However, for prolonged coarse milling of brown coal, other types of separator are recomnende-1, The separator is of all-welded construction and -.he mair, parts to be erected are briefly described. The main cli!i,en3ions and welghts of the separators are given In Table 1 and an Card 1/2 out*.line drawing in Fig 1. To selort th,4 rLlght size of C_ /'. SOV/96-59-5-2V " Dust Separators of the Taganrog Boiler Woriks - All-Union Thermo- Technical Institute Type for High-output Mills separator for particular conditions, its volume is determined by applying a formula in ;~onjun,:!tion with Table 3, and then Table 2 is used tc select %the correct model of separator. There are 2 figures, 3 tables and 2 Soviet --references. Card 2/2 ACC NRt A11004578 60URCE COW:--- UR/013/66/m/m/olio/olid- INVIQUORt Lukasidn, Yu. P.; Grodz-Yanskaya, T. It. ORG: nono TITM-s ISethod for correlation analysis of soismic rocordse Class 42. floe 186153 SOURC-',': Izobrotanlya. provWshlemiyo obraztuy, tovarnyye 7maki, no. 18, 1966. U0 TOPIC TAGSz soianolpraph. cor lation statistics ABSZWT: Authorls Cortificate No. 326152, datod 23 Doconbor 1964, has boon issuod to Yu. P. Lukash-In and T. H* Grodzyanskaya for a mothod doscribod as follows: "A mothod for corrolation analy-iia of soitudo rocox-la of a continuously noving courco of stationary mochanical oscillft ionse It diffors in that for tho purpose of spooding up tho procossing of magnetograms and accomplishing filtration of volocities by the use of froquoncy-filtors it is possible to detormine the current reciprocal corrola- tion functions of the rocords of the 'seistdc dotectoFand oscillator during the into- gration timog deterodmd by the length of the usoful wavo, and the recorded values of the relative shift between the rooords to be correlated for each tracee fJPRS, 38.93Z7 SUB CODE t OBA2 * / WBM DATE t none AP1j035 90 JOi~13A'5/000/020/0129/ ACC NR, CODE: URI Do 0129 INVENTOR: Lukashin, Yu. P.; Grodzyanskaya, T. M.; Push-kin, A. G. ORG: None TITLE: A method for seismic mapping of bedrock. Class 142, No. 187329 [announced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Exploratory Geophysics (Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut razvcdochnoy geofiziki)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 129 TOPIC TAGS: seismologic instrument, mapping ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for seismic mapping of bed- rock. The procedure is based on determining the mutual correlation function of sels- mic detector recordings using a continuously moving vibrator. The effectiveness of seismic prospecting is increased by determining the mutual correlation function of the seismic detector recordings at the ends of the base of observations while contin- uously moving the vibrator oq the linear continuation of the base. The signals are integrated over a time interval corresponding to the motion of the vibrator within the limits of the adjacent base of observations. SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DATE: o2Aug65 11 UDC: 550-F-,34 -!;- ,. ~ 0- GROW, Y.; KRUKOVSKA, H.: EWUKOWSKI. B. -. PASZKOWSKA. A.; FIMCZONKA, B. Concept of bronchial scrofuloid; preliminary communication. GruslIca. Warn. 19 no,6:734-746 Nov-Doe 51. (CUM 21:5) 1. Of the Pediatric Department of the Institute of Tuberculosis located in Sanatorium talent& MarchlowskI of the NationAl Complex of %ber- culosis Sanatoria In Otwock. GFIDER, F;XMOWSICA, H;PINCZONM, B. Side effects of penicillin In palmonai7 tuberculosis in children. Gruslica. Wares. 20 no. 2:207-214 Kar-Apr 1952. (CLNL 22:3) 1. Of the Pediatric Department at the Sanatorium Imiania, Marchlowski in Otwock of the Institute of Tuberculosis (Director--Prof. J. Hisievics. M. D.). GROAR, F. Control of tuterculosts In children In the Six Year Plan. Gruslioa 20:6 Suppl. 2:61-" 1952, (GIML 24:2) 1. Warsaw. GRO&R. F.. Prof. Dr. 11_1_ - PLanning of scientific work In medicine. Zdrowle pub., Warszawa no.6:479-485 Noy-Doc 54. (MIDICINS scientific work. planning) (MMARCH md. planning) Em&rpta Meftca See 7 Val 9/5 Miq 53 Pediatrica 1139 GRO911 F. and IIALIKOWSKI B. Inst. Matki i Dziecka i Gruilicy, Warszawie, '40*~ic mechanizmu harnowania odczynawoAci przez niektdre zakatenia wirusuwe szczeg6lnic odri. New as pec t on the mechanis m of restraining reactivity by some virus infections especial- ly measles VEDIAT.POL. C' 1954, 29/1 (35-39) , it is Because of the allergy -inducing effe F-ol measles on the infant organism thought thal the virus of measles causes direct irritation of the adrenal cortex or leads to an excessive production of ACTH. Investigations on these lines were made at the Maternity Institute in Warsaw. Bogdanowicz -Warsaw (XX, 7) M :22 ~=~ QROJR~ FrRnolesek Pathogenesis of diphtheria. Pediat. polsk& 29 no-7 SWpl.:19-21 9 Sept. 54. (DIPHTMIA, etiology and pathogenesis,) GROAR, 7. Zofia Golds, KD. Pedklat.polalm 34 no.11: 1493-1494 159. (GBIMRIM) GROF, Frantisok, inz. Gemerators and transformers. Elektrotachnik:Suppl.:Kurs elaktrotechnickych schemat 18 no*7:97-120 Jl 163, GROF, Frantisek, inz. Generators *nd transformers. Elaktrotachnik 18 no.8: Supplement: Kura elektrotechnickyah schemat. 121-144 Ag 163. GROMP, F. Prof. Franclazok Redlich, M.D. Pedi,4'. i:-)!. . -j I 0 164 CONSTMMIESCU, E., ing.; MILITARU, P., ing.; GRUZA, L., ing.; GROF. F., ing. (R.S. Cehoslovaca); NOVAK, 1.1 4ng, (R.S. CehQSjoVaCa)------` A Interconnection at /+00 kv. between the electric power systems of Rumania and Czechoslovakia. Energetics, R= 11 no.3:130-137 Mr 163. GRU, I., professor (Budapesht). - i Investigation of current conductivity of reinforced concrete rail- road ties In the Hungarian People's Republic. Zhol.dor.tranap.38 no.12:73-76 D 036. (MM 10:2) (Hw~pry--R&tlroads--TUs. Concrete) GROF, Iwo, tanar (Budapest) The German Democratic Republic. Term tud kozl 6 no.1:17-21 Ja '62. (Germny., East- Industries) VARGA, GrIortry; TOROK, li3tvanj ZABIUCU"t, Geza; TRAURIXII, [L~zso; KOVACS, IBtvan; BARADZIEJ, Lafzlone; PALFALVI, Andras; GROF Jozoef '- _. 7., -, -_ _.. ~ - .- The 1961 national economic plan arid the tasks of trade tmions; the 9th plenary session of the National Gouncil of Trade unions. Munka 11 no.21l-6 F 161. 1. Szakszervezetek Oraza5os.Tanacaa titkara, es Szerkeazto bizottsegi tag, "Munka". (for Varga 2 Vasas Szakszervezet fotitkara (for Torok) 3. Tatabanyai Trosztblzottsag titkara (for Zabrac?kv) 4. EpiteauUl miniszter, Budapest (for Trautman) 5. MEDOSZ fotitk~ra (for Kovacs) 6. Kistex szb titkara (for BaradzieJ) 7 Fejermegyei Szakszervezeti Megyei Tanacs vezeto titkara (for Palfaivi) 1. Vasutas Szakazervezat titkara (for Grof). 0~mgary_Economic policy) (Hungary.. Trade unions) GRCF, Jozaef Intx,Aliction of a neu signalirul eystqm by the Organization I for the Cooporatioa .)f Railwap (OBZIID';. Vasli~ 12 no.6 " 1- 30 Je )62. ~.;ROF, Joz3ef Correct interpretation and significance of the innovation movement. Magy vasut 7 no.13:2 2 Jl 163. 1. Uzemozervezeni as mus7AMejlesztesi bizottsag vezetoje. GROF, iozsef material libridlIbig for railroad vehicle rf-pailr shopal Vasut 13 no-11,30-31 N163 1. Munzak" Felleozteoi on b1zottsfir, "rezotoje. GROF, Jozsef The Union of Railway Men for the technical progress of railways. Munka 13 no.1214-5 D163. 1e Vasutasok Szaksvervezete. GROF, JozBef Role of the Trade Union of Railroad Employees in the tech- nical progress of railroads. Kozl tud am 14 no.1:36-38 J&164. 1. Vanutas Szakezervezet MbBsaki Fejlesztesi es Uzemservezeoi Bizottsaga vezetojes GROF, Karel, HUDr. Cooperation of regional hygienists with district physicians. Prakt. lek., Praha 35 no.14:332 20 July 55. 1. Okreent bygionlk, Bruntal. (PUBLIC HIALTH, in Czech., cooperation of regional hygienists with district physicians) (PqTSICIANS district, cooperation with regional hygienists in Czech.) (HYGIZNV in Czech., regional hygienists cooperation with district physicians) BLA'17,.,F,y V., inz.; ""OZAR, ~,p inz.; CIROF, M., iliz. Contrul ut' hydroulocLric i,ow#.r pliml, ,moctid!~:i. VO-Inl honp 14 no.9049-354. 104. 1. Ilydroprojekt, Frague (for filazrk and Kozar;. !. illo3emrch Calculation Contor, Prague (for Grof). L 21359--66 --EWP(t) JD ACC NRs AP6010887 SOME CODEs /0034/65/OOC)/OD8/0543/0332 AUTHOR: Grof, Otto (Engineer) ORG: '1re-s-e-a_r`c`hInsJtute for Iron Metallurgy, Ostrava (Vvzkumny ustay hutnictvi7 zeleza 6 TITLE: Behavior of sulfur in the h1ast furnace process 4 SOURCE: Hutnicke listy, no. 8, 1965, 545-552 P- TOPIC TAGS: sulfur, blast furnace, oxidation, slag, iron, metal extraction,, chemical reduction, carbon ABSTRACT: Changes in the physical and chemical state of sulfur enter-ind the blast furnace with the burden and with the fuel are discussed, Oxidation of sulfur to dioxide, and the reduction of the dioxide by carbon, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen are discussed. Carbon disulfides.. carbon mononulfidop- oarbonyl sulfide and hydrogen ' sulfide are formed; changes in their concentration according to the -reaction temperatures are described. Most of the sulfur and its. .compounds are retained by the burden, the slags and the iron; only a small part is discharged from the furnace with the gases* The content of sulfur in the waste gas dopends on tho smelting process used, on the solids in the charge and their ability to hold sulfur,. and on the temperq~ure profile of.the furnaoo* OPHS, Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 50 formulas# and 4 tables.1 003 SUB COM 07, 21, 13 / SUBM DATE: none OrH RV I - 002. / SOV iMF f Card 1/1 _UDCj 669.162.,afim GROF,P. Intensive designs lij poychophurmcological stlitlies. Antjv. j - zierv. sup. 6 no.1173 164 -W GROF. P. Data on effects of nonspecific therapy. 1. Blood histamine level changes in autohemotherapy. Borgyog7 vener. szemle 5 no.6:174-176 Dec 51. (CIXL 21:4) 1. Doctor. 2. Dermatological Clinic (Dire c tor--Prof . Dr. Miklos Nelczer), Pecs Medical UniTersitv. GROF. P. Data on the effects of nonspecific therapy. N. Blood histamine level changes In autohemotherspy. Borgyogy vener. ezemle 5 no.6:183-186 Doe 51. (CIML 21:4) lo Doctor. 2, Dermatological Clinic (Director--Prof. Dr. Miklos Melczer), Pace Medical University. GROF, Pal, iaro Effect of chemical and thermal stimuli on the total histamine content in the rabbit skin. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 37:63-71 161. 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Borgyogyaszati Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Melexer Miklos dr.) kozlemenye. (HISTAMINE metab) (SKIN metab) GROW, P.. SVITAVSKA, E.; VOJTECHOVSKY, M. P Pharmacological influence an experimental emotional disorders caused by large doses of Dexphenmetrazine. Activ. nery. OUP. 4 no.2:213 162. 1. Psychiatricka lecobna Horni Berkovice, Ustav pro vyzkum vyzivy lidu, Praha. (PHEMETRAZINE toxicol) (EMOTIONS) (PSYCHOPHAF04ACOLOGY) GROF, Pal, dr. k Dotormination of the histamino levul Jn tho ukin. I. A mothod. Borgyogy. voner. ozoml,., 38 no.3:97-102 Jl 162. 1. A Pocni Orvootudoranyl E,-yetem 8orvyugyn!;zn*.I KIIni;vQanftk (IVRzrl%o: Malczar Rildor, dr.) (ILISTM-all-E chc~:-,) (SKIII Cher.) GROF, Pal, dr.; BODZAY, Janos Determination of the histamine level in the skin. IL Idpntification. of the effective subGtance. Borcr 11 ii 162. yoey. vaner. 3ze.-. a 38 no.3:102-107 1. A Fecsi OrvO3tudomanyi Egyetem BorG,-Iomyh3zati Klinikajanak u (Igaz,-ato: Melcur Miklos dr.) kozlemenj-0. (SKIN chom) (HISTAMBIE chem) GROF, Pal, dr. Determination of the hiatamine level in -,he i9kin. III. The lovel of free histamine in the skin in normal rats and rabbits and its relation to the total histamine levol. Borgyogy. venor. szemle 38 no-3:10F 112 1 q 6 ;- # 1. A. Pacsi Orvostudoriaziyi Eg, atom Borgyogyaszati Fdintcajmak (Igazgato: Molczer Miklos drff kozlenciye' (HISTAMMIE chom) (SKIN chem) PIZAKP M.; LEDMMOVA, E.; SOUCKKI K.; _qq, _p.; VOLAVKA, V.; POKOIUIY, R.; NEUMANN, J.; BREZINOVA, V. Combined Tofranii-Pyrifertherapy of endogenouB depression. Activ. nery. sup. 4 no.2:226 162. 1. Psychiatricka klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy uni- versity v Praze, Psychiatricka lecebna v Hornich Berkovicich. (D4IPRAMINE ther) (FROGENS ther) (DEPRESSION ther) of Yedical .2,clanvta; `I-AXVI~ilixt-5 oi, YM- dicsI Scl*ncjs, and. ACKMON, iron, of tho Dermatological UAj Ollinics (F 3orgyogyast t! e;s 5zeneszotl Klinik&~, of V ii Fer,6 lop of Xedloino. of t'loo 111!,~Pmlno Contont f thi ~:k4CL-tpa"JI" A Mr!k -tolovizi -to Cjrvoq~ ~~;_-vtnypk e--ta~ -a KOZIOmew9i. 111d, t - 24Lk ,;01 Q, N~) 41 lqtz; pp jIU-320- At..,; t [.wtiicrsI ,up.Lux-y) A-athors dotartdnsd the totAl _~r A : -1 & biat"ints cantons. (;f the tiaiwes of 'Lovino eye or, iurviving guin6a-pig intest'Ann, u31ng ttt ;_-ars,.)ux_J&ddum-Code method. On the basis of the obtAinod results tte tirs-jrj3 of the eye may be clansified, according to the Atount, of hlstanlnu present, into the following four groupas(l) Sigrnifi,io-rit tmounts of H(ulhistemino) containwid in tho optia nerve (5.2? � 0.~4 ganna/Z), the conjunctiva (4.14 + 0.15) and ths oys miumcle (1-79 + 0.22). (12), Ms)dorAt6 &aountq of H in t:-h-. sclora (0.65 + O.C`)) and ~he iris (0-60 + 0.15). (3) Smal-I A;rsoants of R -In the]V--rO (0-39 0 08) th cho7lo'-dea (0-3) 1 0.07) Ard thz~ comol (0.17 + 0.0)). (4) dot3cOAtble smounta of H in 1Uio ruTlria a.M. 1IM"I. 132 rifet,- M6L "OrICAGO r4pritly 114-terni. GROF,..P 'YI, G. -- ti.,KEW, Histamine content of transplantable mastocytome. Acts. Med. acad. sci, Hung- 14 no,4:331-343 163. 1. Department of Dermatology and Pathology, UrAver3ity Medical School. 4~ GROF, Pal; BOWS, Bela; AGOSTON, Iron Relation of mast cells and the histamine content in the eye, Szemeszet 100 no.4:177-200 D 163. 1. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyatem Borgyogyaszati es Szemeszeti Kli- nikaja (Igazgato: Boros Bela az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa) kUzle- men,ye, -~ROF, Pal; BOROS, Bela; AGOST(N, Tren. Free histmine content of the bovine eye. Kiserl. orvostud. 16 no.2tll3-1-18 AP*64 1. Pesci Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Borgyogyaszati es Szemes2reti ILlinikaja. GROF9 Pal, dr.; UIXII., Mariao dr.; A-'ATFON, Iron, rjr.; Anna, ,-. Effect-of ultraviolet rays on mt-jt cells in vitro. Borgjogy. vener. szemle 40 no.1:3-11 F 164. -4 L 29510-66 A6Ci4R-1-'AP6O2OOb~-------- S-OURCE- CODE-i~-i/6-6~~/65/067/003/02WG239 AUTHOA: Grof, P. (Prague); Vinar, 0. ,G: Psychiatric Research Institute, Prague T L ro IT I,': Prolirdnary com, arativo trial of prohoptatriorn and iniprKandinolin the t at- .-.0n6 of doprossions (an intonsivo and controlled stimi ) LThis paper was presented at the 7th Annual Psychopharmacological Meeting, Josonik, 20-23, January 1965-3 SOMICE: Activitas norvoca suporior, v- 7, no- 3. 1965. 288-289 TOPIC TAGS: drug treatmnt,'pharmacology, nervous system drag A;ZT"AC-L: The drug itas tested on 35 wonon suffering from primary ondo~:onous depros- sions. After 3 weeks' treatmont prohoptatriono was found to be W% better than ird- prardno to which it was comparod. After 4 weeks the difference betwoon the 2 drue-s incroasod. Prohoptatrione had unpleasant side effects in many patients, Orig* art. has t 1 figure* LO-rir,. art. in En&j. Lj-pRs7 SUB CODL3: 06 / SUM. DATE: none / ORIG RZFt 002 / oTH RzF, 003 Card N R SOURCE COM CZ/0079/65/007/003/02')0/0290' Ps-!c,~InLric Josoarch Inntituto, Praguo-Bohnico Pro'-le.-)tntriono in cleprossion (extonsivo study) 5his paper was prosontod at th t1.0 7th c~alVlootinr,-!Iosonl~, 20-23 January 1965.7 SCURC'.': Aclu-ivltas norvona superior, v- 7, no. 3, 1965, 290 -k~F'X TAG3: ~rugr troatrmnt, pharn-icolof_-r !.-)-'?RACT: 35 pationts suffering from deproscion (32- had had previous attacks) wore t-oatnd with prohoptatriona. Tho thorapoutic effect was rapid, but lasting r"sults btalnod only in the 3rd wook of trnatmnt. Side effects worn frequent. Pro- lv-)ptatrinro Cavo an good "asults as inipranino, and bettor thim Propazopina and k. 1,:-othiadono. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. L&ig. art. in Eng:-7 firilf s~.;B coD--,*: o6 3U.,K' DATZ: none ORIG P,~,F: 002 Onl REFt 001 CZ 03 101-J1,01/AEIA ?0),,A,K, 0.; GIRO~I~-` PPwchiatilic Research In.,;Lituto, Prnrue-Bohnico. U /-Orig. Vollsion not ~,,ivon,.Y- I'The 'ielarionship Betwonn Pro~.',~ronce of th- 11--,cr i-.xtromity and the Conduction Ve-Locity of ilotor Fli-ers in 11. Ulnari3." Prague, Ac!.--LvLt-.ns Nervorin SuporLorl Vol 6, NO 21, jun 66, pp 207-208 Abstract: '~Iaxlmn-l and torminsil velocitios an,,l to.-minal and resid- ual latoncy wero dotarmined in 30 h,,-~altlv 2u~)jocrs a,-,erl 20 - LO years. ~L`ho n. ulnari3 of th,~ prefori-,d 1-'Xt1'0T,1ity :3;10',1c(; no higher valuo.9 Lh- othor n. u1nariq. Sox, n,,-,o and axi"'Irtry 11;ompor- aLiiro had no of~oct on th- rosults. 1 Fi,luro, no references. Sub- mituted at the 1~th Conf. of Exper. and Clin. Study of Hif-,her Iferv. Functions at Mar. Lazne, 12-1~ Oct 65. Articlo is in English. 1/1 CZECHOSLOVAKIA LEDEREROVA, E.; T01,1ANy M.; 2GA2F,,_2.; Psychiatric Hospital (Psy- chiatricka Lecobna)f Horni Berkovice; Psychi,!tric Research Instit- ute (Vyzimmy Ustav Psychiatricky)g Prai7,uee "Experience with Pluphenazine in the Treatm ent of Anxiety in Endog- enous Depressions (Orientative Comparison with ChlorprOMRZine by flenns of an Intensive Double-Blind Project.)*" Prague " G es;cos love nska PsXchiatri , Vol 62, No 1~, Aug 66, pp 2% - 257 Abstract /A-uthorst Ene-lish sumri.,iry Piodified_7: 8 womr-n were treated for e_na;3~~_enous type do-ressions by stnndard doses of :-nipramine, and the thorapeutic effect of' fluphenazine and chlorpromazine on the anxiety aspect and on the overall clinical condition of the patienta was studied. Comparison of the two drugs was made on the basis of the Chassan double-blind test. No si7nificant differences between the effect of the two drugs were found. Economical advan- tages of the method are discusned, 1 Tableg ill. Westernp 1 Czech reference. (Manuscript racelved 24 Apr 65). 1/1 c V7'T J, 0. ; GH ych~'-,ic Inrtitl-to (Vyz::u,--.ny I i 'J" OP)l I's I . Uatav ?cyc,-.TrrTclcy), Pra,-ue E-Johnice. % A ~j "Treatment of 'b:, Conbination of and AnitryptY.Lino. (3:-tonsive 'vo:,-)arL3on wlti,. I-iinramin).-" Activ',-.'---t:-, N,~,rvozn -.--',or Vol 8, ',o IL, :.ov 66, pp 3'j'3 Ab3tract: of 27 ee- bod. c of nortr*--)'-Y?.ino ,-)rcs . ion is clozz~ri 2-3 days, ove-t-aally; to bo of- fect"vo onl:r ii-, 2nd ol' 3rd woo,: of tron~-.r.:--nt, I.u,-. h,s a !on-or l.t.--",,7 offoct. comblivi-Ginn oL" tiv- 2 -avc bet"er results than i-mi-Lpramino a!~ far as tericienw, to oICC,60, tion, and despair aroconcorned. ~~,Apra,Jn- was ibocauisc it did !iot rriduco apfotitc, or a los:; of -ci-ht. 2 2irure-, no r~.~'ero Aual 1113-rchonhar- Submi%tod at ';iic o~;.i An: ncos. rrjaco'o-ical 1-loctinc, at Jesonik, 18) - 2 2 ja n 0' 6 . CZ,:;,C Ol.; L,.: 1A Al , C; Psvc iin. tr --uo - I 3olv-'. lco- ai '-cz - ..v ,,ince and jn,.,o3 of 1:;` i-a .'n~- De,.,rc)-.;:; ionp. . Pl','),-UO, ActivIL'as "O"wnsa ~iI - PP L)., r a c t- : Ai CIY0 1 f e r c n ell.,; "I r i b e d . In L 3 (1 r o 1 i o i 10 f n wi n;~ 3 rucco--.-`.vc t-'e- 'U-or;,,,in- 'Lo:i of a p!-,:~se thc ,),,,'u-lcn'- wa:7 I-ent frr vm 11:s on a u u m '..,-,nin-. o, 4o.; o -of tht~ (1-u-, hrlpod in o r;-,c~,,cry. lone-t~l 17) fi c i- 0,~, 11 S t -1-1. -o in J.t :,;o (lofl-.1to conclusion coi.,,'.dbo4.ra%:-,-. of ex- nor imont. I -"i :uro, 3 'zooil, I Atur~nLa.% nee. -I' t:b - " , , " Od at , " " 8 1 - L" , L, 1-uu th Annual a' Jozonilc, j 18 - 22 Jan 66. Article is .'n 1 /1 GROF, S. Apropos of optic disorders in autoexperimmts with hallucinogens. Cesk. psychiat. 60 no.321?3-182 JeI64 lo Vyzhmy ustav psychiatricky, Praha. GROY, Stanislav; VO-TTZCHDVEXT, Milos Jkparimental psychosis following a dose of 200 mg. of benactyzine. Cook. psychiat 54 no.6:369-376 Doc 58. 1. Psychlatricica lecabna Koomonosy a Ustav pro vyzivu lidu, Prahs, S. G. Praha ZVI. Zubateho 1. (TUNqUILIUNG AG3WfS. inj. eff. benuctyzine-induced psychosis in man (Cz)) (PARASYMPATHOLYTICS, W. off. name) (PSYGH0636, TOXIC, etiol. & nathogen. same) GROY, Stanislov Serntonin and its significance in psychiatry. Genk. psychiat. 55 no.2: 120-127 Apr 59. 1. Paychintricka lecobna Kosmonesy. (SIROTONIN, ther. use, ment. disord., review (CZ)) (MENTAL DISORIZIN, ther. serotonin. review (Cz)) GROV, Stanialav An umisual case of religious paranoid psychosis. Cesk. psychiat. 55 no.4:270-276 June 59. 1. Pnychintricka lecebna. Koom-onosy. (PARATTOIS, case reports) BULTASOU, H.; %RQj.--St.; HORACKOVA. I.; KUHN, E.; RTSIMM, K.; VITZK. Ve VOXr=HOVSKT, M. Psychopathology and biochemistry of experimental psychoses produceO Dy anticholinergic hallucinogens. Ceek.psychiat. 56 no.1*14-23 7 160. HALLUCINOMS toxic YCHOSIS TCMIC expo'r:~ M VOJTIEHOVSKY. M.; HORACKOVA, X.; GRM?, S. Experience with blocking experimental LSD-25 psychoses with theadryl. Ceskepsychlat. 56 no-1:34-43 7 160. 1. Ustav pro Tyzkus vyzivy lidu v Praze-Krci -- Psychiatricka locebua v NoemonosIch* PSYCHOSES exper.) TSIRGIC ACID DINTHYLAHMP) R THEOPHILLNE rel.cpda.) MTIRISTAMINICS pharmacol.) VOJTECHOVSKT, Milos; GROF, Stanislav Similarities and dissimilarities of ex-oarimental psychoses caused by LSD-25 and mescaline. Ceek.psychiat .56 no.4:221-233 Agl6o. 1. Ustav pro vyskum Tysivy lidu, Praha-Irc -- Psychiatricks, lecobna, Koamonosy. (LYSERGIC ACID DIWHTLAMIDE T)harmacol) (XRSCALINE pharmacol) (PSTCHOSIS exper) GROY, Stanislav; TOJTECHOVSKT, Milos; VOTAVA, Zdenek D-lysergic acid diethylaside (LSD) (Histor7, chemistr7 and pharmoological properties). Cas.lek.cesk. 99 no.29:180-187 19 AgI60. 1. Psychistricke oddeleni KUIZ - Praha 1. Klimintska 11, prednosta NUDr. O.Kucera. Ustay pro vyskum vysiTy linda, Praha 14, Budejovicim 860, prednosta doo.NUDr. J.Kasek. Vyskumny ustav pro farmacit a blochemil, reditel dr.ins. O.Nemscsk. (LYS]MGIC ACID DINHYLAMIDE) GROF. Stnnielay-: VWTECHOVSKT, Milos; VOrAVA, Zdenek - mmmmomaw D-Iqsergic acid diethylamide (LSD). 2. Clinical aspects. Csts.lek. ceok. 99 no.46:Lek Veda Zahr 245.251; contd. 11 N 160. 1. Psychiatricke oddelent. KUNZ - Praha 1, Ustv pro vyzkum vyzivy lidu v Praze, Vyskumny ustav pro farmacii a blonhemii v Praze. (LTSERGIC ACID DINTHTLAMIDE phamacol) GROF, Stanislav; VOJTRCHOVSKY, Milost VOTAVA, Zdenek I Lysergic acid diethylamide. 3. Practical and theoretical problems in administration of LSD to human oubJects. Cas.lek.cesk 99 no.50 Lek ved zahr 276-284 9 D 160. 1. Foychiatricke oddeleni KM Praha 3, Uatav pro vyzkum vyziV7 lidu ,r Praze, Vyzkumy, ustav pro farmacii a biocbemii v Praze. (LYSERGIC ACID DIETHrLAMIDE ther) viTzK, V.; VOJTECHOVsup M.; GROF P-s... - I Serotonin ustabollem in e"rimntAl psiloeybin psychosis. Activ. nerv- mp. 3 no.2t2l3-215 '61. 1. Vyakummy ustav experimntalni terapie, Ustav pro vyzkm vyzivy lidu Flraha-Km a Psychiatricka katedra UDL Praha Bohnice. (SEROTONIN =tab) (INDOLES pharmacol) (&4UUCINOGENS pharmacol) (PSYCHOSES exper) GROF, S.; VWMHOVSKY, M.; VITEK, V. Comparative effects of domestic and foreign adrenochrome. Activ. nerv. sup. 3 no.2:209-210 161. 1. Ustav pro doskolovant lekars,-PrycMatricka katedra Prabs, Uotav pro vyzkum vyzivy lidu, Praha 4, Vyzkumny ustav experimentalni, terapie, Praha 4. (ADRENOCHROME pharmacol) . GROF, S.; VOJTECHOVSKY, M.; HORACKOVA, E. Disorders of associative thinking in various experimental p"choges. Activ. nerv. sup. 3 nn.WM-217 161. ,-& UsUiv pro dodslami lakaru, Psychiatricka ~atedra, Praha 8. Ustav pro vyzkum vyzivy lidu, Praha 4. (PSTCHOSIS exper) (THINKING) VOJTEGHOVSKY, M.; .GROF, S.; VITEK, V. Clinical picture and experimental study of cent."al effects of adrenochrome. Cesk. psychiat. 58 no.6:383-393 D 162. 1. Uetav pro vyzkum vyzivy v Praze 4- Psychiatricke oddeleni. KUNZ v Prazo. Ustav experimentalni torapio v Prazo. (ADRENouRwE) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTDI) VOJTECHOVSHY, Mq_GROF, S. Anticholinergic hallucinogens in a model of delirium tremeno. Activ. nerv. sup. 3 no.2:219-220 161. 1. Ustav pro vyzkus vyzivy lidn, Praha a Ustay pro doakolovani lekaru, Poychiatricka katedra, Praha. (HALLUCINOGMJS pharmool) (PSYCHOSES ALCOHOLIC e"r) 3ULTASOVA,11.; GROF, S.- HORACKOVA,N-; XUHN,E-1 )MWlA.K-; VITKX,V.; V(Xi Iloychopatholog7 md biochemistry of experimtnta! psychoses inducal by anticholinergic ballucinogens. Ideg.azemle 13 no.8: 225-234 Ag l6o. 1. Institut fur axperimantelle Therapte in Prag 14. (Vorstarx! Doz. HUDr. O.Smahel) Inctitut fur Ernahrungsforachung in Prag 14 (Ilorstand Doz. MUDr. T.Vanek) Psychlatrische Hellansalt in Koemonosy (Dlrektor VbDr. V.D%nov) (HALLUCINOGENS Pbarmacol) (PSTCHOSES expAr) Ic - () . :L-Jcl~"(~-!'-'~' J . 11'. A mnd NATOU'SLIK, f'!;"'CIAILriC '~CS4 ;.'.'c"' (VyiIumn:,- untav Ps-!cbiaLrfC!'.",) '~!~'Cri-eutic i'Affect and 70 ra-jr, ~li-erior, Voi j, :.'o 2, 1:.1-- ,-,I Ct Dat, o'- r-Or Cr a z I:-. c n c 7t-"~ ri~ 12 41 -,onicn. :'0 dat;l -,")0',',L dosa,-,o a-rd duraLinn, but zesults ar~ corz:clatt2~ dia-,-,noses. Of 31 w..o could be released, v ucre itO - needed heavy U I cured; 3 margi: 0 ..ome ca::L a-.,.d su-~ ervisior.; 9 oLlivrs imrrovcd in hosrital; 8 same as I .,)(,fo.-c fix, 4 worse. Grarh, table; 8 Western ind 2 Czech refercrces. 25 Z. on the 3ri.,-in and DEvolop- of ti-c --ily i:~nvirommcnt r,(-,n'u- of jc1iizmhrcnia." ?-yc*,.j.atr, V o -1 Pp 14.0- 0 - ;)V obtained "hy tihc.. study of tho _fri_-.-__Jly on- a(, of c i op-ren-i -s, and '~-ho rc:;ul'z of of ~.,nn -,-. _.'C~ arc -~he ,-,os-. constant -,-mrccs c' -'orna- on u U - Il- I,-t t- -~ t 1 -1 o o r i [; I n -% of 'L-.ft o d i -_ c a - cSo r a c au'~ h o r s b 07i 0 v c "'-at :-osul to of ;'no inve ~Ot4:_. a-* 4 Oy U be inter- nrotcd 4-n the licht of non-h,.rcd",;,-,.r- y oZ, dor3 not, c aus cd Iny s 0 r:Llnot je,11 tranon-L s r~ ion, but are cau~;ed by u-.-brinr,-1.n iin tho, fa:~Ulv ank", -!cntal In"'oraction. wit-li ;ntally ill relat . It sco'mz t' a' `.i; i~ ~,.nnroach necdo :-.ore nic *liver .'I i, i-veStigation bai*oro f inal judZ~-.:_-at of thin question could bo zrade. 79 11ostern. rcferonces. '1 /1 WOLF.E.; DYTRYCII,Z.; OROF.S.; KUDICKA,L ; SRI;EC.J. On the method of evaluating social maladaptation. Mutual social perception inventory. Cesk. psychiat. 60 34-36 F'64. XUBICrA. L.; IMPYCHO Z.; GROF, S.1 SRNEC, J. 3tudles of interpersonal relations in a group of hospitalized neurotic patients. Pt.l. Cesk. psychiat. 61 no.5:303-313 0 165. 1. Vyzkumny ustav psychiatricky v Praze. L 29522'_66 RO ACC NR1 AP6020021 SOURCE CODE: CZ/OO79/65/OO`7/O03/C AUTHOR: Grof, S. (P~rague); Dytr7ch,, Z. 2o I- _,". , - . ORG: Psychiatric Research InatituteL Prague TITLE: Blocking of (10 LSD r action by pre=dication with niamid [This paper was presented at the 7th Annual Psychahar-macological Meeting, Jesenik? 20-23 January 19651.1 SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, V- 7. no- 3, 1965t 306 TOPIC TAGS: drug treatment,, nervous system drug ABSTRACT: loong-term premedication with Niamid induces resistance to LSD influence, even in doses of 400 micrograms. This resistance lasts at least 14 days* Experiment with 14 patients are described, [Orig, art, in Engel [JPRSl SUB CODE: 06 / SUBK DATE: none Cwd 1/1 L S ACC NR- AP6031815 ISOURGE, CZ ICA.03 If, 5 1000100 5/03 03103 13. AUTHOR: Kubicka, L.--Kubichka, L.; 1b ~r~--Dytrykh, Z.; Grof, S.rnLC-.--J--- Srnets, I. ORG: Psychiatric Research Institute, Prague (Vyzkurrny u3tav psychiatricky) TITIE: Development of interpersonal relations in a group of hospit,-dized-.nejjrot Part I. Relationship between neurotic symptoms and interpersonal situation SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska psychiatrie, no- 5, 1965, 303-313 TOPIC TAGS: psychoneurotic disorder, psychology, psychotherapy, p.3ychiatry ABSTRACT: Study of 9 women and 9 men, all severe neurotics admitted for 5 weeks hospitalization, with very strict and detailed observation and questionnaire analysis. InIttal severity of the neurotic symptoms had no apparent bearing on the attitudesof other patients toward theI newcomer, but this attitude did have a very strong effect on the evolution of the neurosis; friendly or submissive attitude of the environment decreased ,symptoms markedly, whereas hostility of the other patients mado the symptoms more severe. The authors thank Doctor of medicine IFL_RLiLek for his cooperation in this work. Orig. art. has: 5 tables. (JPRS- 33,-5-001 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REIF: 002 C Z 20 1--:; 0.00 L OV,,',, ". IA 711!,'%R1 0.; VAITA, J.; UX1.4,; 13svehiatric I'lesearch Institute, Pracruo - Bohnico. /Gri -in L7 g al version not'. given-7. "Rating Scale FKP. (Quantification of Psychiatric Sym?tomatology for the Evaluation of Pharmacotherapy Psychoses)." Prague, Activitas Norvosa Sunerior, Vol 8, No 1~, Nov 66., pp 405 - 406 Abstract: Evaluation of factors used in the ratin,-, scale is dis- cussed. In the symptomatology quantifiable bipolarly -.he following aspects are used as coriponents: sloop, food, mood, solf-evaluation, affective reactions, motor activity, speech rate and chanGes of the subjects of speech, uncooperativeness, sociability, and appear- ance. In the symptomatology not clao3ifiable bipolarly the fac- tors used are: disorientation, anxiety and fear, ag~7ressivenem, hal- lucinations, delusions,, thinking,, dissimulation, and insight. No references. Submitted at the 8th Annual Psychopharmacological Meeting at Jesenik, 18 - 22 Jan 66. Article is in English. 1/1 AIr HUNGARY Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Applicationo Ceramics* Glasse Binding Materials, Concretes. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyap No 19, 1956p 65109 Author : Grofesik Elemer Inst : Title : Eloctroceramic Materials with a Corierite Base. Orig Pub: Epitoanyagp 1957P 9, No 6p 287-292 Abstract: Described are % few physical-chemical properties of the system MgO-A120 3-SiO2* The results of ex- periments on the extraction of substances based on cordierite are presented In detail. Twelve sub- stances were investigated to some of which chamot was added. Card 1/1 GROFCSIK, Elemer Now poeaibilitieo for the developm 6.t of the technology of manufacturing oeranio wall plates* 'Zpitoanyag 15 nool:19-2/* J& 163. 0 0 0 0 I C 9 V 8 0 A L 1 0 IQ 4 1 1 W 36 0 16 S X V 0 S Ts 00, 04L 04L I'stv AMU "API uwl%As aqj p saLmLa -dutjt-*Vdwaw up opla Amm"U" cmmoo-i It vOwy *mt3r j~Ov)r "*OPW- -- f v AL-" 1k , 00 00 i lp 00 00 00 00 A t: ed I., dig It 0 &1: : 0 Ole 0 w v a v W___ I I q it u 040 0 " -I I 111A 1- 11 A, CLILMILIM.--k- A L 1 6 A.-A L --L I A 1 19 Ill f -. v" A "Fiell - --Loa. L Waip,) -1 1 L A doop at MMO OW 016 ONMONOW d Of wmft Mobn d no" pieftlik by S. G(g("A - ad L Via& Ovi Mweride - o "9 1 *00 No, low 9l VGL K N& 11 9;4 t w Va ft pwpw d Oulduliffil" millballs of do- so wMweas d an Apowk MdM "d ft InIfinisc- .00 ' oft Is do b*0107. 68 fabibig mw*o& 4d 1461W4 0 0 spoon moom irimp filudw V Molly end store .00 "a dwhoiwd in a got"" embalms Air 11189 000 Swelafth fewou" #w #a* Overy C161MMIrst 8 "WIF .00 no am* Oliffilwas M asow&m d the Insulin INI W~ sOully. a" as Sim p" amok am do valid to nw- Sa& d doemMudwil, L am" wMwrL wilb see OW d Nomad, S. Alows. wilew wAIII& of do- ices smalemble lilic, busid an dw OWWIF (d VAN ion In 4111190, a esininim meal. wA wbmo% L. A. Wayni r -a- see fnw a moo" bew" on IWA shim""ka. P. C. C4wWmM derime bb malbs4 fusaIed on a new prin- 9411116 by EgWbOMIN" 00="IdtbM. 11w mfcwW I'di'l : d do sdkb 6 do M is 00 LOW000-sinn pomwo- so . 60004WOO. Md IM 11- .'S' cd &M&CS jelfrillill.l. No hmd M Obb negialf; IM welva 6m obtained we Sompand wok I"" CONOwled Swurallif 10 the ::9 see - it ; ; n' ", _* ` - , , 'I -_ 6, "' - 'a' - a` "', I Owl so 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 go see see 0 0 : is- goo --- -to 0 a i ii-e T :is 0 of 0 009 9 0 0000 0 00001 v lw_ RT- -4- U_ h If a A r. a 1 4 IL. -11 - 004 06 of of 00 001 00 1' .3 0 0 fir f6jilirpal C4onitilu-111 PhIll, 00 ....... 4 In to see -r-7 -'I- IA 0 -0 dj_r~ a 41 40 a a4 -00 -00 to so .00 .00 see 400 iiiiii w4l;i a i ou 0*00 see see i0 goo goo lite 45 '1*11c deterininAtion of tile (jutotity of mullite Itt b4ked ceramic prutfucts - .1fidlit menn .4ge"A Ime. ,yf histAl"Mi's "ret'll he"i'mal 1r,F"1AAt-l Matell.11's, No Visiding the optimal twitilitions for tile lotmation of 11111111tv, I~ I'AIIII., toll". tonlik^ItIon of tile t.%%k IlImell.d. i7l.". N %ily IIIII,olt.11111 all lbe IkI.Illu- fALtilit' fit 14)111 It'iI.III0FIt% asiti tri.mocs. A rapid alld .1"kilate Iw-111.4 I,,[ tivitiolooll), the cmil'.341 oI tht! It'll b."I 1'. 11I.C1.411W kly It lilt- RIA(I'sIA Hungarian Technical Abet. tu 1, lot.-ly 1.111'elt"A ith 151"..'amilulowil Vols 5 No4 4 1953 Lid"t"IL. he lit"'ll'I'd %~Ilfi (all'Ith 111lit I, I o 5 111111 '11.1 slit I.,. fus Abir'S'Affe) X 1.1y tc-I I alk. of lilt- jill'ttlir ltsill A, lilt, 1. J! k~ aild I-j 811.1 AN-1 10.101 tl,-- I),, I ~,, % I,,.) A lw- ..,1 1, It... od'-waty .,I the low" 41 1---- 1'. 1'l, ot Mr. %,I$ 'to.ll - wis 11J.- pw vi-, I'll I I I I 1, 1.1 t. 11.1 1 " I i ~ I ion. 108. no* nn HUNGARY/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. Abe Jcur: Ref Mur-Xhimlyap No 22, 1958, 73o44. S I Author : J. Grofesik, E. Vago. Inst : Academy of Udiences of Hungary. Title : Study of Polywrphous Conversions of Quartz Taking Tridymite Formation Into Consideration. (Preliminary Pleport.) Orig Pub: Acts, chim. Aced. sci. hung., 1957, 11) No 3-4, 357-358. Abstract: It is shown that the addition of various metal olides to quartz, when it is calcined, results in the formation of various modifications of quartz of various specific gravity (2-65 g per cub. cm in the case of low-temperature quartz and 2.3 9 per in the case of bigh-temperature modi- B Card V2 MMGARY/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. Abs Jour: Pef Zhur-Rhindys, So 22, 1958, 73o44. fieations). BesicVes the specific gravity deter- mination, the process of polyownhous conver- sions, of quartz was studied also reentgenographi- cally, the pictures indicating the presence of christobalite and unaltered quartz but notridy- mite, although the specific gravity of the ob- tained calcined quartz glass was about 2-3 g per cub-am. The x-ray date refute the generally accepted opinion that tridymite is the most inport- ant component of Dines and prove that the methods recommended for the determination of the mineralo- gical compooitioa of refractory Dines are not ap- pli cable. B Card 2/2 ilie-. i c,-II Prociuc~ 1, - "Placir In n J~ n g i,a t eri ai sGoncretj -A)i.- Jour-. Aef Zjhur-Khimiya, VO 3, 1-959, !mthor : Grofcslk, J. lnf:t : lot riven Titl~ : U~;o of 2nndstono f3r Brick Production Or1r, Pub: ?I(--[,P-zv,-i,-yipari kutato int. kozl.g 19589 1., ;io 1-21 21-25, AbAract: The possibility is establishc6l. of obtainim,, bricks of e~' 2.3C gramn per cubic meter speclIfIc rravity fro7r sariaLtone with an admixture .)f as ,-j mirc:ralizer. T.) coment the san('ctoneji-an-ales of Cu:-I are usco. abAnict Card 1/1 HUNGiRY/Chaiiic,,Il Tc-chnology. Cho:,,ic,,,.l 1'r-Aucts H-13 and Their 1,pplientions. Corr-unics. Glass. Binding Ilatorials. Concrete. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur-Khiaiya2 No 79 1959, 24118 Luthor : Grofesik, J., Tai-ms, F. Inst .0 Titl,- : Detornination of tho Mineralogical Content of Porcal%in by flow-ts of i"haso B.-dinco. Orig Pub :Epitoanyag? 1958? 10, No 7, 233-238 Lbstract iTho d,.,scribod nothod pornits doternina- tion, of the ninerraogical content of the calcined objects and of chonical ccmposi- tion of the forriod molten glass in thd ceramics (of poreclain, for instanco) cal- cinod at any toriporature. The d,~scribcd Card t 1/2 .~~ac 11 T,;~-Ch ivIc-Y. -Iruducts . - I i U I , - and Thoir lpplications. Carr-aiics. Glass. Binding Materials. Concrutu. I,bs Jcur : Rof Zhur-Khimiyaj No 79 1959, 24118 :iathody thnt S102 systorl, mntoriU-s of 3 cor'Pormnt~?, -13 purtains to thu, K20 - j' '120 may bo also utilized for tAc othor systens containin& 2 and Card t 2/2 GROFCSIX. Janos. dr.; TAMAS, Ferenc, dr. -- -- - - ~ I Nmmr data on the behavior of kaolinite during heating. EPitomag 13 no.111401-404 N 161. GRCMIX, Janos, dr. POWIPI Lajoa Petrik, 1852-1932. Epitoanyag 15 no.2/3:76-78 F4-h- 163. I* *Epitoanyagl* azerkeszto bizotteagi tugjae GRQFCSIK, Jaxwo, dr* VIL . 16. Effect of the mineral composition of porcelain on mechanical strength and resistance to heat variations, Epitoanyag 15 noo8t291-300 Ag 1639 I* 4EpitoanyugO szorkeazto blzottsagi tagja. GROFOVA, I.; MARSALA, J. Form and structure of the red nucleus in man. C3 morfologie 8 no-3S 215-237 6o. MAI 9:10) 1. Natomicky ustav lekar3ke fakulty Karlovy university v Praze, predn,3sta prof. MUDr et RNDr L.Borovansky. (BRAIN) (CELLS) GROFOVA, I.; MARSALA, J. Nucleus ruber of the cat. Ca morfologie 9 no.3:209-220 161. 1. Anatomicky untav lakerske fakulty Karlovy university v Pmze, prednosta prof. MUDr. at RNDr. L. BorovanBky. (CATS) GROFOVA, I. Frontorubral ccomections in the cat. Cesk. morf. 11 so.32 278-285 163- 1. Anatomicky ustav lekekrske fakulty KU v Praze predmosta prof. MUDr. et RMDr. L. BorovansVp SeDr. (RED NUCLEUS) (FRONTAL LOBE) (CEREBRAL CORTEX) GROFOVA, I.; PETROVICKY, P. Cytoarchitectonic structure of the reticular formation of the mosencephalon in dogs. Cesk. morf. 11 no.4:349-357 163. 1. Anatomicky ustav lek. fakulty KU, prednosta prof. L. Borovansky. (RETICULAR FORMATION) (MESE114CEPHALON) (CYTOLOGY) GROFOVA, 1. Frontal cortical projections to the midbrain tegmentum, in the cat. Cook. morf. 13 no.3005-315 165. 1. Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, Charles' University, Prague. C Z D,!') A I P V. I jQ2aVA,._.1. r);' nri 1.,7~my, (' 'rj,~r I p -I Tin, :er:-, _i~ , , '. Paculty, Prto-i.m. not Au, c il- Lf)n s _-1 n " .'-)-po, im ton- .ialo 1`(rri Parietril %ild Ocoipj_!.~t f:.on Dol,,a iitl Prn.ruo, Activi tan N,~rvmm -;,w Vol 111, No Jim 6' P -1137 T) Ab_-tract: ~',o!-.~ L-0*.Lori of W.s with the pulse and tli twn d, w,, li-Ining 15 1cg aro it,-j~,rLbod. -ho ,pulse, raLo firid pa! i(!t!J oortlox ,;nd. 1:-, both dor-'s a cr)r-r!Lit;i.On .11' v-! tar , I f0 e w a unci No cor of pui.,~v vnLi~ ~mtl ',JiO Ill,., or occi;iLtril cortax voltac-, wa.; Cound. Tile int- -;,-i t-al v,) :_ tai,,c rp~17 a normill EM a,) rirlar..!13 L:, '(-'OT)ivfxL1y :1~)ocl fic, Cor it ;-jv"n br'lirl A unw, 11 P)n -t) lil t.- lon in r r r t-or,r i-1 to tu, -)n- tn,nooi.m Will b- C-1:11d *1.)y Vol- 12 r 11 (;:-'ech "-.-"-rOncOS. Ou"mit"' t. o' n. :;tmd.%, of 1/1 HA fhor N(jr L.,1111C fit; i nrt. POLUKINN, P.I.; 1"IrOUYEV, II.A.; iui,7~t.hifh, V.i'., I ;.." ljet~-,rmlning fh,- flattenf-I arc of Wto in shif-,-, !Zv. vys. uchob. ztiv.; chern, mot. 7 ',,4. WIRA 1,7:P', 1. Mozikovskly Inntitut stali i aplavov. SUSLOV, likolay Ivanovich, insh.; GRQQfR1j%V.- -A,,s1seu-JPAj ~ lrjyip~chj k&W,'tekhn,neuk; PIMENOV, Igor' Veniaalnovich, Insh.; SUSOADVA, Valentine Ivanovna, insh.; XWTHIXOV, Yeygenly Pavlovich,, insh.; MHDTSKAYA, Valentina Ivanoyna, insh.; UBARGINA, Tamars Vesillyewna, insh.; ZAYTSEV, Pavel Alekseyevich, Insh.1 PODDLISKIY, A.V.,-Insh., retsensent; LESIX, A.L. inzh., retsenzent; BASARGINA, T.B., insh., reteenzent; BAGIN, Yu.I., insh., reteensent; DUGINA, N.A., red. (Nonmetallic materials ]Nemetallichookle materialy; spravochnik. Pod red. N.I.Sualove. Moskva, Mashgis, 1962. 360 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Nonmetallic materials)