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GRODZINSKIY. A.M. LHrodzinsW. A.H.J; KUZNICTSOVA, G.A. [Kuznetsova, H.O.J;
Germination inhibitor from fruit of Grambe tatarla Sevook. Ukr.
bot.zhur. 17 no.1:29-39 160. (MIRA 13:6)
1. Institut, botaniki AN USSR.
(Growth inhibi$lng substances)
GRODZIRSKIY, D.M. [JErodzinsIkVi, D.M.], GR902INSKIY, A.M. [Hrodzins1kyi. A.M.]
Problem of the effect of light and the assimilation of carbon
dioxide on the uptake of nutrients by plants. hur.
n0'2129=30-160' ?KIRA 113-.11)
lo Ukrainskiy nauchno-inelodovatellskiy institut fiziologii rasteniy
i Institut botaniki AN USSR.
(Plants, Iffect of light on)
Competitive interrelationships between millet and weeds. Ukr, bot.
zhur. 17 no.6:54-57 160, (I'MA 14:3)
1. Institut botaniki All USSR, otdel fiziologii r".qtcniy.
(Millet) (Weeds) (Plants-,issimilation)
- - INSKIY B. [HrodzinvIJqi,, A.M.]; IAPCHIK, V.F. [lapchyk, V.F.1;
t*- ~ISKIYIIIKOV' V.N. [Parshykov, V.M.]
Effect of photosynthesis on the nitrogen nutrition of plants.
Ukr. bot. zhur. 18 no.3:13-22 161. (MMA 14:12)
IL. InBtitut botaniki AN USSR, otdol fiziologil.
(Nitrogen metabolism)
(Plants, Effect of light on)
Guttation of plants under natural conditions In the Ukraine.
%r. bot. zhur. 19 no.4:15-22 '62. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR, otdel fiziclogii i geobotaniki.
(Ukraine-F.xudation (Botany))
GRODZINSKIY A.M. (Hrodsinolkyi, A.M.]
ftqtocoenotlc role of phyadologleally active plant seoretions;
review of literature. 19 no.50~20 162.
(KMA 16d)
1. Institut botaniki AN Ukx6SR, Wel fiziologil rasteniy.
(Allelopathy) (Phytosociology)
~~f ~,Y~;;C
ypenki)4Urchak, L.D.1; FILIFtvviCHjPT.N. IFilippov7ch, T.h,)
Growth inhibiting substances in crop residues and weacIe. Part 1:
Effect of water-ooluble inhibitors on seed germination and plant
growth. Ukr. bot. shur. 19 w.6t3O-38 162. (MIRA 16:2)
1. Inatitut botaniki AN UkrSSR,, otdel fiziologii.
(Growth in"biting substances) (Germination)
G?-O':7INSFl'f, A.". A.P.]
.'~ I - WC ~,y
"Flant bY l'-LL!nllc9l'rlh- * - ' ' : " ~ .-I- tv, 'A -1 ~ , "
bf~~. vh1jr, 4, nL-).4.-I%,l-124 163. 1
"i"O, .". , .
1, - , I ;I. M.
ftji,:~ tit i r--ri der kolinen Ir. den -t:i.~!~~-i-.1~"..,tr~-:,z--.,.-,~:---
de2 ikrainischen
rt-~rx)rt "liumAtt.-I I'm. loth Intl hotimil.-Ial 1`1'111iblin~,!41 A14.7 01.
,16 UkSSR.
1 iv! -A; 11,
[~oncl,.,-e kirtad' A on plunt jAciJo'A: YraLki i
J,o fiziologlt ra--,'.(-nil. lial
Resiilts of the work of International 3ymposi= on Phyniology,
Ecology and Biochemistry of Seed Germination in Greifowald.
FWol. rast. 11 no.2055-358 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4)
DTIENFOY Y( P. (B-'Ienko, X.P.); GROD2114SKIY, A.M. [11rodzin-Okyl, A.M.);
PARS~HIKOVP V.H. (Parshykov, V.M.]
Efrect of light conditions on the motion of assimilates In
corn. 11kr. bot. zhur. 21 no. 2:47-54 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Institut fiziologii rastenly AN tlkr.1,'.jR I InvLitut botaniki
AN llkrS,",R.
GP,ODZrti3KIY, A.14. [fft-odzirjs'kyJj. A.M. I
InLerrelatlon between phytocenosis components. Ukr. Ixt. z=r.
21 no.30-U'64 (MIFLA 1.17)
1. Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR
, utdal fiziulogi! rasteniy.
_.PRQDZIIISXIY,.A,ndrey.,IUkhaylovich; ZERO'.,', D.K." akadernik, otv. red.;
[Allelopathy In the life of
principles of the cherical
patiia v zhizni rastenii i
micheskogo vzaimodaistviia
1965. 198 P.
plants and their cormunities;
interaction of plants) Allelo-
ikh soobahchestv; osnovy khi-
rastenii. Kiev, liaukova dumka,
(MIRA 18-0)
1. Akademiya nauk Ukr.SSR (for Zerov).
Tropisms of plant recta toward nuclear radiations. DoIrl.AH SSSR 105
no.6:1358-1360 D 155. (NLRA 9:4)
1.DeystvitelInyy chlen AN USSR (for Vlasyuk).2.Inatitut fiziologii.
rasteniy I agrokhimii AkaAemii nauly USSR.
(Roots (Botany)) (Plants, Iffect of radiation on)
US=/ Biology - Plant physiology
cam 1/1 Pub. 22 - 51/53
Authors I Vlasyuko P. A,., Act. Hemb. Acad. of Scos Ukr. SSH.; and Grodzinskiy, D. Mo.
Title Repeated utilization of phosphorus and sulfur by buckwheat
Periodical v Dok. AN SSSR 102/4, 845-847, Jun 1, 1955
Abstract I Biological data are presented on the re-utilization of P and S by
buckwheat. Five references: 3 USSR and 2 USA (1932-1950). Tables.
Institution Acad. of Sc., Ukr. SSR, Inst. of Plant Physiology and Agricultural Chem.
Submitted I January 8,1955
GRODZINSKIY, D. M. -- "The Effect of Small Doses of Ionizine Radiations
on Plants." Acad Sel Ukrainian SSR, Inst of Botany. Kiev, 1955. (Dis-
sertation for the Degree of Candidate of Biological "Iciences.)
SO: Xntzhn,-Ya letorls' , No. 4, Moscow, 1956
P. A. VbuWuk and D. M. Gralzinald glast. o(PlUt Physl-
Wogy and Atrochemistry). Qokfady AkR& Nauk 11I.B.N.R. 106,
Ul-4(ISU) JxjL St. fin Russian)
'Hod'os of radioactive Met" efle"s an plants revealed
many complicated and varying reactions produced by ionizing
radiathm. In some cases the 6ame close showed 0ontreallng
effects or no effects at all. depending on the temperature,
cadrition level, or other external conditions. As a rule. the
Positive efforts were produced by the small dooes. Ionizing
radiation produced two-phase roactionsl small radiation
dos" Intensified the physiological functions of the ptim, U60
large dones slowed dow and weakened the life functloas of
the calls and Ussues, wbicb eventually became restored to
normal activity. Such two-pbase reactions were observed to
the StMI of CA46 and Psi radiation on ftecharomyces care-
Tlet". A similar parabloile reaction was observed In
2g2hachfilly A diagram Is presented showing the
effects of Ionizing radlaactive Isotope Cas on the breathing
functions of $a a carevislao culture (to S to the
breathing intensity In stable isotope mian). Experiments
were carried out an sullar beel leaves and oat seeds. On the
0gain of the Studies It may be concluded that the offects of
WaIng radiation ars determined by the functional conditions
of the growing organism or by some of Its separate organs.
It In also possible that the radiation affects plants as back-
ground excitation. (R.V.J.)
GRODZIUSKIT, A.g. [Ifrodzina'171, A.M.]; GRODZINSKIT, D.M. [Hrodzinalkyl,D.M.]
Relation between phosphorus an4 Calcium uptake of corn plants and
..I the conditions of aeration. 15 no.4:3-10
158. (MIRA 12:5)
1. Institut ")otftntki AN USSR I Ukratnnkty nauchno-tealodovatell-
skly institut fisiologil rastaniy.
(Plantm-Asalmllation) (Plants-Reapiration)
(corn 04atzo))
ORODZINSKIT. D. [11rodz1n~'kyi, D.1, kand.biol.nauk
Plants and radioactivity. Znan.ta pratela no.11:11 N '59. ;
(MIRA 13:8)
(Plants, Affect of radioactivity on)
I ?, .
. jm'i"
GRODZINSKIY, D.M. [llroditnolkyi. D.M.]
llatimal vidiourtivity In masuno and lichems. 16
no.2:30-38 '5 9. (11mil 12:11)
1. Ukralnoldy nauchno-I,9sl,�dovptel'okiy inatitut fiziologii
(Mo3nnn) (Lichfms) (Radioactivity)
GRODZIIISKIY, D.H. [ilrodzinalkyi, D.M.); GRODZINSKIT. A.M. [Hrodsinaliqi,
Metbods of studying growth substuncou in plants: ourvey of
litnraturs. 16 no.4:51-66 '59.(KIRA 12:11)
I* Ukrainekly nauchno-ionledovatellskiy inatitut fiziologii
rastenly Ukrainakoy almdemii sal'akokhoz7ay9tvennvkh muk i
Inotitut bot#Lnlkt AN IISSR.
GiiODZIIISKIYt-D.M.--.flirodzinslkyit D.M.]
Natural radioactivity of plants In the Ukruini~Ln S.S.R. Ukr. bot.
zhur. 17 no.6:3-14 160. 140)
L Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut fiziologii razterviy.
(Ukraine-Plants-Chemical composition) (PAdiouctive substances)
GRODZINSKIY,_,D.M. [Brodzinalkyl, D.M.1, GRaNINSKIT, A.M. (Hrodsinollgri, A.M.]
Problem of the effect of light and the assimilation of carbon
dioxide on the uptake of nutrients by plants* bur. 1
n0.2129=38-160. IMIELA 13.. U)
1. Ukrainskly usuchno-isslodovatel'skiy institut fiziologli rasteniy
i Institut botaniki AN USSR.
(Plants, Iffect of light on)
witl, r
.'0., if
Dritr~y 141kha -,Igylqh_l VLASYUK, J,.A. , akaderilk'ot-;*red"-
IdIATEbT.6, A. i., red.1 POTOTSKAYA, L.A., tekhr.. red.
[Methodr, of uBinr radioactive isotopes in biologyll-letodika
primanoniin radioaktivrykh izotopov v b1ololAt ~itjvj Iqd-
vo Uki-. And. tiallkhoz.nauk, 1962. 170 P. 411iiA 15:11)
(Tracers (Biology))
GRODZINSKIY, D.M. [ilrodzinalkyi, D.M.]
Quantum phenomona In the vital processes of plant organisMB. 19 nool:3-20 162. (M3RA 1514)
1. Institut fiziologi-i rasterdy Ukrainskoy akademii sellskokhozyay-.
stvenn7kh nauk.
(',iw I ~*,,, I tl,,,K I Y 0 1-. 1 k-L!'y I 1v 1. A . (',!i I I I,'" T if) Pr i I ~ "y I-M I I,;
KAI It.: 11, 1 klop, tor III it* I't.v. r,-(l . ; ,
-,--d .
j Collo 1, :;o tutrid ~ ~74. oll 1, 1 tnt I o I 1'~ ":~ I k i i "I.7VIAVO ~- ILL ~ ,
po N %toloiti , ra-, t.eri 11 . ?. lo: v , i i,,!, . I l9fV.- ? ~~ -.' ! .
;,,,, i ~ ~,' lo)
"On t I ic or rc L LL t I on o i' I ra iate rad I ut i o t L a, iul
report submitted for 10-th Intl Botanical Cong, Au,-
(Natural radioactivity of plants and voilo' E3teotVerULaia
radioaktivnost' rastenii i pochv. Kiev, Naukova dur,.ka,
1965. 215 P. (MIRA 18:6)
(-lEOl 'ZIN: ~?,. i : J, 1).M,. , li! D"MA it, N , I ~ , I 'd -~t j ~.~ ."*. , (~~ . ; .
P ;I, t" i 1. q(A rwl ; ov-
I nnit 1 /1 , , ;, f - 1 w. I ~l !, ~ : Ij " , j!K I r rid J n f-j ron.
Plill I t-lid e) Ing 111i ') ric, .4 : I I f', 5. (MIPA jp,;r))
t(, -FK r, ~ 'P, K ~ .,, (.,; .
i fiziolol-yll 7 ,,, i v AN I '), ~
D'M.; O.P,
For-mm cf the bond nf ptassium In plan' tissueti. blofi7l'ka
10 no.3t".34-537 165. (~GHA 18,11)
1. Institul. rmitenly AN UkrS.Sll, Klyev. Siibm!tted
Aug. 17, 1864.
AUTHORS; Pechuro, N.S., Merkur'yev, A,N., Grodzin5kiy, E.Ya.,
and Sokolova, N.I.
TITLEs An investigation of physical-chemical changes
occurring in organic media under the influence of
electrical discharges,. Decomposition of liquid organic
media during spark machining of metals
PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika,
no.10, 1961, 41, abstract 10K 236. (Symposium "Problems
of electrical machining of materials", M., AS USSR,
196o, 14-24)
TEXTa The organic liquids used during spark machining of
metals (ligroin, kerosine, oil etc.) are decomposed by electrical
discharge. Investigations of the changes in the physico-chemical
properties of petroleum products. Synthin and Esthonian shale
pitch after prolonged electric spark treatment show extensive
decomposition of their organic compounds accompanied by an increase
in the content of sulphur components and evolution of acetylene,
hydrogen and soot% there is an increase in specific gravity,
Card 1/2
An investigation of physical-chemical- s/196/61/ooo/olo/o28/037
E 194/E .155
viscosity, flash and fire points and refractive index. The
investigations were carried out on a laboratory electric spark
equipment with a follow-up control system maintaining constant
conditions with a capacitance of 12,5-500 microfarads, a voltage
of 100-200 V and a current of 1-5 A. The petroleum products were
treated for 35 hours and the Synthin and pitch for 20 hours,
Characteristics are given of the materials before and after
treatment, with information about the influence of the construction
and material of electrodes on the evolution of gas and about the
possibility of using the treated fluids and gases in the chemical
and rubber industries.
11 literature references.
J-Abstractor~s note! Complete translationJ
Card 2/2
Akademlya nauk 3331. ToontralInaya mauchno-1331tdavat4l'sklya
laboratorlya elektrich*akoy obrabat-kI materalov
Fftblemy alaktrichositoy abrabatkl mattrtalav (Prubl*=j 0.1 the
Xlectrical Kscblnlng of M4terlals) Kzacow. 1:u-va AS WSR,
1960. 247 P. Lr-ata SLID Ingo-t#d. 4,20G cc;los ;r1n:*d.
(series& Itas Trudy)
2pbneorIng Agencys Akadvadys nauk =U. Reep. Ed.% B. R.
Lazareftka; Rd. of Publlsblng Smoot M. L. Fodsoye"akly;
Tech. Ed t 3. P. Golub'.
PURMZz This ealleation of articles In intended for sal~ntlsta
and technicians concerned with =* Invostlaltion of now love
of applying electrical energy.
CUVIRAIIXI Mis book containa articles on studies carriod out by
the at&" of the Tsentria-naja nauchno-imaledovatoll'skaysi
probi~a or the xiectruai (coot.) scvj,~186
laborstorlya slaktrIcneskoy abrabatkI "adeall
Sauk 33SR [T9N1L-ZLEX-..CX LIS 33W (Contril Selenti:ia Re-
sear" Laboratory for =4 Lloctr%cal )::_~ Of XR-sr-'KIA
or the AS U33R) in searching for new Vp_1jCSt_'Qr%2 Cf *.*--
trioal energy. IT%* results or these, :tud-184 Inclul-0. tzlt
dimenalonal, MACA-sning or d1ol#ctr._-8 and ths uzillIAZIon of
electric pulsed discharges In cA--7YIm9 QP4Z tr*Xin CrtlllCtl
rozoasts a carr -n& On a'.
reaOtIoss, new Information an P. ez
trod@* and in the Interoloc%roda space dur"s 6:10rt ;U'llra.
and acme sew data an the toc=01061cal ;.-0-0349a Id' mOttl
aacitining by, wl*ctrlc current pi-Iies. X~CA lttonticln to
paid to tao analysis or the, cporst-ion z,r pc-*r-a4;piy so"mes
we Id"14
need In the electrical usehirang And a:~ . 1 0.' M*ti!3.
No porsomallties, are nentioned.. Roforen:62 ac:caPA"%Y IROAt
of the articles.
ratarenko. B. R-and W. 1. Lizar*- unused ?Cs&11b2.,.11*.A
for Klectrical Zn*rgy 5
Ptchura. W. 3.. A. N, 14orkurlyev. Crod-115.1y. 1
study or rnysicoch.41,4.1 r..Z
a 9&nlc X*dlx Under the Fff*ct or El*ctrical 14
Potey,*vj N. K. Iffect of t~he Com4jtjon of the
11~_Acf on" th-4i-Parrormance of the Spj.-k pro~.oss, 4,
the PAchIning 9100trOds, the PurttY of the Sur:~ce ~;btajn*4.
end the, Procitioa or tze XacUnIng 25
Adoyanq A~,G- 1l*CtrOstAkttc llethod Of P%Lrlfy1rg D4.*:eztrZc
Uk4rdi_V1F- Product& or Spark Machini., 36
LAzAr*nkO, B. R.-. and X. 1. lazarvka: 91*ctrlt-Spark Mot-hod
of Perforating Diamonds 51
-4lQtYkh. B. W.. r,, Xh. 010YOT, and Tt. A. Tiramov. Cot-
aer"Lne the 340chant f t Cal EMS ion or xe. In a
, V -
Liquid DI&Iectric me"dic
- W. un -58
AUTHURS t pechtiro, N.S. , Grodzins kiy E,Ya,, and Pesint O.Yu.
TITU; Tile influence of the character of the feedstock on the
composition and yield of decomposition products in
electro-cracking of liquid hydrocarbons in an arc
SOU14CE: Problemy clektricheskoy obrabotki materialov. Tsentr.
natichnoissl. labor. elek. obrab. mat. AN SSSR.
Ed. by B.H. Lazarptiko. Moscow. lzd-vo AN SS5H, lgb2.
192- 19 8.
TEXT: The ijifltience of thp experimeiital conditions atid of the
i'vedstock oil the proeticts fortned by electro-crackiiig have been
inadequately i3tudied. Contradictory rt%sultb have been publish(-d.
Tests were accordingly made with pure normal paraffinic hy(Iro-
carbons, with cycloparaffins and with aromatic compounds and, for
comparison, with petrojeum fractions with boiling rangess of
13o-23v OC and 23u-281i "C. The test cell, holditig 'ju mlitre of
liquid, was Iiiade of transparent plastiLc except that benzene and
O-xylol were tested in a quartz glass cell. The gal) between the
Card 1/3
The influence oL the character of s/856/62/uuo/tuu/c(;d/tj
E 1911/E 13 j
point-sphere steel cluctrod-i was I null. The open circuit voltage
of the supply was Ij kV, with the current limited to 00 mA by a
ballast resistance of 25u kilohms. Analyses 01: tile ga-%es Obtallicd
are tabulated and it is loxind that for normal paraffinic hydro-
carbons the proportion ot acetylene in the resulting gas increases
somewhat with tile chain length of the- feed whilst the olefin yield
remains practically cotistant. oil cracking cyclobexane, the gas
produced yields more acetylene (31',) than when the feed is
paraffinic hydrocarbon-of the . chain length, n-hexane (27",) -
Gas obtaineti from the decomposition of aromatic compounds is
mainly acetylene and hydrogen; in the case of betizene the
acetylene Yield was 370. The composition of gas proaticed by
electro-cracking of petroleum distillate was very similar to that
of paraffinic hydrocarbons. It made little difference wlietlier
d.c. or a.c. wits nsed. From the carbon/hydrogen ratio in the
initial anti finished products, calculations are made of the yields
of gas and carbon, anti of the amounts of power an(] feed consumed.
Theoretical anti exp(-rimental value.4 agreed. and for subs e (1114. lit
work tile amoutit of feed used and of carbon produced were
Card 2/3
Tile inf luence of the character Of' 5/836/02/000/000/ood/oll
calculate(I f'rom tile measured amount of gas evolved. Tile total
YiCIId of gas differed little from one hydrocarbon to another,
though tile amount of carbon produced varied. Calculated values
Of tile sI)ecil'ic mean power consIimption are '11.1i kWh/m3 c.,112 from
paraffiLnic hydrocarbons, and Ik kWh/1113 C2112 when crackini
cyclolipxitnes. It is Ilest to use aromatic compounds for cracking
because they need only about half tile power of tile other
compounds. The results are valid only for tile particular
experimental conditions; later work showed that the yield and
compobition of' the gas depend not only on.the electrical
conditions but also oil the .4park gap, the shape and arraiagement
of tile electrodes and their surface co)idition.
There are I figure and 4 tablea.
Card 3/3
AUTHURS: Ilechurti, N.S., Grodzinak.1y, E.Ya., and Vesin, O.Yu.
TITLE: The decomposition of organic liquids in high-voltage
impulse discharges
SOUHCE: Problemy elektricheskoy obrabotki materialov. Tsentr.
nauchnoissl. labor. elek. obrab. mat. AN 555H
Ld. by ti.11. Laznrenko. ~Joscow, lzd-vo AN 65614: 1962.
TLXT: lt was desired to find whether the relationships
ob.4erved (hiring the electrocracking of organic liquids (pre-4ent
collection of articles, 192-198) also hold for other kinds of
diselvirges, and in particular with high-voltnge impulse.%. 1u Ise
durations of 10-6 and 1()-3 meconds were used, derived from a
capacitor discharge circuJt with a charging voltage of 13.5 kV.
The li(juids were the mame its bct*ore, namely normal paraffins,
certain aromatics atid two petroleum distillates, And the same toxt
cells were used. Individual hydrocarbons yielded products in
somewhat difj'erent proportions iii the two camen but the Seiieral
Card 1/2
The decomposition of organiLc S/056/b2/000/0OU/010/011
relationships between the yields of individual gases, for exaj,,ple
acetylene, from the various organic liquith; were very siriAlar
with the two kinds of discharge. Calculations similar to those
made in the previnits article wt!rp repeated, and again agreement
with exper:iment was good. It was found that increasing the
impulse duration from 10-0 to 10-3 seconds increases the yield of
acetylene frout ujisatitrated hydrocarbons by j-(31vl whilst the use
of an a.c. arc described in the previous work raises it a further
3-5'do. Decomposition of liqtiid hydrocarbons in an arc theoretically
requires less energy to produce a given volume ol acttylene than
when pulses are used, and the yield is higher with an arc. The
data obtained are valid only for the particular test conditions.
There are I figure and 4 tables.
Card 2/2
Obtaining acetylene by the electric cracking of 1i uld hydro-
carbon atock. Gaz. prom. 8 no.2147-49 163. ?MIRA 17s8)
ACC NR: AP7001198 (N,V4) SOURCE CODE: UR/0407/65/000/05-,'6072/0079
AUTHOR: Grodzin.skiy. E. Ya. (Moscow); Proklova, V. D. (Moscow)
ORG: none
TITLE: Electrochemical complicated-shape -cutting by wire electrode
SOURCE: Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov, no. 5-6, 1965, 72-79
TOPIC TAGS: electrochemical machining, metal machining
A13STRACT: In 1964-65, the possibility of increasing the current density up to
tens of amperes per cm Iin electrochemical wire cutting of sheet steel was
investigated. a rate-of-cutting up to 3 mm/min was achieved. Later, geometrical
parameters of a water jet, 0. 5 mm diameter, with and without a 0. 3-mm wire,
issuing from a 13*24' conoid nozzle were studied; curves of jet diameter v8. jet
length (up to 30 mm), for pressures of 1, 3, 5 atm, are shown; initial speed of jet
was estimated. Speed* of 20-30 m/sec corresponded to pressures of 5-10 atm.
The gap length as a function of electrolyte rate-of-flow was measured in cutting
Card 1/2
ACC NR: AP7001198
3-mm thick stainless-steel sheet by 15019 NaCl electrolyte; cutting speed,
2. 2 mm/min; voltage, 20 v. It was found that reducing the gap is the best means
for increasing the productivity of cutting. With a steel-cutting speed over
2 mm/min, the gap was under 0.06 mm and current density about 100 amp/cma.
Smaller gaps proved impossible because anode -dissolution products could not be
removed fast enough. With gaps under 0.08 mm, the speed of electrolyte should
be 20 m/sec or higher. The process was tested in cutting these rolled products:
hard-to -machine steel plate up to I I mm thick, hardened steels, Al alloys. sheet
tungsten, cylindrical bars and pipes. Optimal cutting parameters were: error,
tO.07 mm, alit taper, 2* or less; surface roughness, 6th class or better. Orig.
has: *7 figures and 3 formulas.
Card 2/2
ACC NRi AP7001200 (A) SOURCE CODE: Ult/0-107/65/000/05-/00i~,~'/0097
AUTHOR: Grodzinskiy, E. Ya. (Moscow); Merkulov. G. V. (Moscow)
ORG: none
TITLE: Formation of conic surfaces by electrochemical machining
SOURCE: Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov, no. 5-6. 1965, 93-97
TOPIC TAGS: electrochemical machining, metal machining
!ABSTRACT: Cone formation on a cylindrical or prismatic billet by electrochemical
process is considered. The billet is first immersed in
electrolyte and then gradually withdrawn (see figu .
Workpiece purely empirical method yielded barrel-shaped cones and!
anode low accuracy in the final size. Hence. the present article:
tries to establish mathematical relations between the
athode machining parameters and the required cone vertex angle
and also tries to map out principal features of necessary
equipment. A final formula for the rate -of -withdrawal is:.-
where 3 - electrochemical
Insulator 2-3. vp U-% J ui alent of electrolyte;
Ig 1 (2togi.y) eq v
pa 2 2 current efficiency, Yv;
ACC NRs AP7001200
V - Interelectrode voltage; electrolyte conductivity; specific weight of billet
;material; c4 - cone vertex angle; 1. - interelectrode distance; y - vertical
!coordinate. The formula permits proportioning various parameters in such a way
',that the cone generatrix in a straight line. The development of a serniautomatic
!,machine for handling up to 10 billets, 0. 5-8 mm diameter, 30-800 mm long is
;,mentioned; voltage used, 12-18-Z4 v; current, up to 300 arnp. A machining error
lof 0. 0 1 -0. 05 mm obtained in experiments is claimed. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and
;21 formulas.
Designing a group of industrial buildings taking into account
the deformation of foundations caused by underground workings.
Prom. strot. 38 no. 12:35-39 160* (MIR& 13:12)
1. TSentrogiprdshakht (for Tushin). 2. Xhar1kovskoys otdolentye
Proustroyproyekt (for Godzinakiy).
(Youndations) (Industrial buildings)
; A~L~ . 1 r. 1, 1 . I.. ~~ i ,. I F f f %': 1 ': ; , 1 ~. - 7 -
. - - . -- . I
~ F.-j I Cl.%OYL, 1 7 ~A D": ORNC,','~. i-RC! ~705:--770 11 ":~i -, - '-h.
y i .:,," ~, .
I , I I
1.~D- :? - , S(Ji'. !-.0~AVk, -;0--. 1'.'1)-V0 YURI V. Ll I%fq, --f- .
AT H ~~ A D C F 71 Ti E t V3~:AYO/,INYY INSTI !4",;P Ttifil !;I C",* .,-Ix] W.H k.'vi ~~ .
.2~0 CM"WA&e I owarring during Intiontation
_&vdD WYV 9MMpYv ~ inituilb of
h -MrMog v Acowdt "to th=
the kAd I slasun and slaisto-plastio mic
wW kw-lo*A ~=pbwtio streftes oubd rut.
0 7 o. IV
dominate In tadkW. G. defineii
Io*A, wW macm4rdnew testit as being carri& I tiride,
fir g.)
kaft of 1-200 g. (&-80 g'), 2w g.-10 kg: fmo g.- I ,
MW >10 kg., Mp'. go values . bratkets 6eLg thaw nwwt.
u"ally ftwoimte~sd in practioe, Plattio -titation b
dWwmd pyramid todentors haa led to the developmell t of Y.
Y*w daW*a-vf hartinew. whit-h has iw its haiiis the Meyer
A - P10. A method for dotemining sto ooin.
I la dowribed, artirl amia of the rwalts obtairiod thereby
d-liscumd. I)urLq mvnt, pan insny stukik* b&" Ixell
made at the nature 7, sn4 the ltwlneo oil which fmdiim of
the diamond or a(this ImnwIlato ourrouirldinp of the indiinto.
tion Ukm plave. The s~gnifimnto wA the effects of sudi
C-actures on hwlrow deta, are tkwriW and illustr%W:
they are determined. to a l4fre vxt^nl~ by t1w type of indanttr
UOwd-vickem ftock"ll, Knoop, wl doub%-vonn in&ntem
0, Ud U01.
also Af.A., 98. 97. The infiuence of the dimWon of raling
an the mftb- propalim of Al sheet is usually determine-c: by
terAge tests on spectmens cut at different angl--4, or by
X-my analysic 0. b4a carried out hardness tests on saah
sampim using & #W.W shape of double-wne diazoad In-
deatar, with which bm has been ahlo to show the vwialim,
of hardness " a fancthm of the tazture. Ile shape of t:50
Wenim vaed is Muettsted, and typical results an givet. in
the form of gmTjw.-W. F. 1.
Apparatus for correlated recording of seismic vibrations and
results of its uses Prikl. geofiz. no.37:67-94 163. (MIRA 16:10)
The acientific activity of Prof. Theodore Marchlowski, 181)?-1962.
Folia biol 10 no.3A:145-154 162.
1. Department of Animal Genetics and Orgnnic Evolution, Jazollonian
University, Krakow.
WSR/Engine'erIng cc t hs
Power Plants
Fuels - Ratings
'Selecting a Rated Quality of Fuel In Ca1c'j1at!.n&
Equipment of a Station," Ya. A. Grodzinski.%-,
:r 0 4 PP
'Z& Zkonomiyu. Topliva" Vol V, 5o 10
Tries to determine be-sis on which fuels should be
rated forVower plants and boilers, since their
.quality raties considerably. To solve the problem
.-bf whether they should be rated yearly, month!:,,
Saily, or hourly, variations In the quality ef
7M .. 4 3 A 9T 5",
WSR/Engineer1rc (Contd) OC t 48
fuel entering one station for 1947 were. recoriod,
along with their effect on operation of units in
the station.
UmAngineering Fab 49-
Coal Breakers
"Paeumatic Pulverization of Moscow-Region &nd Low-
Grade Coals," Ya. A. Grodzinskiy, Engr, 41 pp
"Itlek Stants" No 2
Discusses improvements and reconstruction of the
"VT1 Pnemo-Mill," a pne=atically operated coal-
pulverizing outfit suitable for brown coal of the
Moscow region and low-gra(le coals. This outf It
is# in performance, not inferior to a tumbling-
ball mill, and can be used an a substitute for
ball mills. Because of its =it productivity (37
so k1A9T37
USU/Saginsering (Coutd) 76-b 49
tons/hr for Moscow-region coal and 15 tons/hr
for low-grade coal), it can be set up with power-
ful boiler units (two pu-i-!erizers por boiler).
Giyes three tables &n& flye graphs of conducted
lm 41A 9T37
BXRMt;HTRYN, L.A., inshener; FIMS, N.I., inshener; GRODZIMSKIT, Taju.,
- inshenisr. --,
Tacutm filters for the dehydration of slurry. Mment 22 noo6:
4-8 N-D 156. (NLU 10:2)
(Cement Industries) (rilters and filtration)
Development and adoption of a systiWof hydrAulic conveying of
ra'W blurry at the tlovo-Zd6lbunov Cempnt Plant. Trudy IUzhgipro
tsrmenta no.4t79-107 163. ~141RA 17M)
1. Gosudaratvennyy Institut po proysktiroveniyu tsrmnntnykh
znvodov v yuzhnykh rayonakh SSR (for Grahitsa, Kinbvich,
Grodzinskly, Khudynk). 2. Novo-Zdolbunovskiy ts~montnyy zavod
(for DobrolovBkiy, Zablotskiy, Ryzhkin, Ostrovskays).
S/08 62/000/006/022/117
/b/140 B1 71Y3 101
AUTHORS: Stadnik, P. IM., Sekeresh, Ye. Yu., Grodzitskiy, V. V.-
TITLE: Effects of electric field on some catalytic processes
carried out on metallic or semiconducting caialysts
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 6, 1962, 59, abstract
6B414 (Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. khim.,
no. 4, 1961, 25-26)
TZXT: The authors indicate that, in the oxidation of methane on ZnO and
on the mixture of 60 ~ ZnO + 40 % CuO as well as in the oxidation of a
mixture of propane and butane on metallic Pt, the electric charge of the
catalyst affects the discharge of CO 2* Variations of the CO 2 yield,
amounting to 0.5-2 %, were found. (Abstracter's note: Complete
Card 1/1
f - , -
Inproving the D-54 engine oil puwp. Avt. tra" . prom. no.6:30-31
Je '55. (KIBA 8:9)
1. KharIkovskly traktornyy sayod.
Re^ctive centrifugftl oil cleaner for the D-54 qngine. Avt. i trakt.
prom. no.100-5 0 155~ (HLRA 9:1)
\,I.KhoLrlkovnkiy traktornyy zavod.
(Tractors-Inginme-011 filters)
_PZIYLV'Kty V-1.
USSR/ Engineering
Caw 1A Pub. 128 - 2/25
Authore I Grodzievski y~_V I.j, and Podoltnyyj A. I., Engineers
Title I Adaptation of centrifugal oil purification in crankshafts of tractor
Periodical I Vest. mash. 35/4, 7-10, Apr 1955
.Abstract .1 Announcement is made on the introduction, in 1954, by the Khaxkov Tractor
.Plant (KhTZ) of a new type crankshaft with centrifugal purfication of the
oil in the cavities of the connecting rod gudgeon journals. The method of
centrifugal purification of the (by a centrifugal force) oil in the shaft
journals is explained. It is pointed out that the adaption of the centri-
fugal oil purfication method requires only small structural changes in the
tractor engine shaft and leads to the considerable reduction in the wear
of crankshaft journal and increases the service life of the shafts by
approximately 3 times. Table; graphs; drawings.
ZILIBERG, Yu.Ta., kandidat teknichookikh nauk; GRDDZIYEVSKIY, Y.I.
Thin-walled main bearing linings for tractor engines. Avt. i trakt.
prom. no-3:17-20 Mr 156. (MIRA 9:7)
l.Nauchno-ianledovatellskir avtotraktornyy institut i Xharlkovokly
traktorWy zavod.
0. G.A.
Heating the cab of the DT-54 tractor. Avt.i trak-t.prom. no.8:23-25
Ag '57. (MIRA 10:12)
1. Miarlkovakiy traktornyy zavod.
(Tractors) (Heating)
, i
Hmtivg the cab of IM-54 tractors. Makh. oil'. hoop. (8] no.12:
21-22 D '57. (MM M12)
1. Klmrkivalkiy traktornly zavod.
(Caterpillar tractors)
fleatine, equipment usea for warming up D-54 engines. Avt. i trakt.
prom. no.1201-34 D 0.57. (MIRA 11:1)
1. KharlkovskI7 traktorn7y zavod.
(Tructore-Cold weather operation)
GRGDZIYEVSKIY Y.I. (Hrodslievalkyl, V.I.J,- RISTZ1410, G.O. [Rretanke, H.O.)
Heaters for D-54 engines. Makh. sel'. hoSP- 9 no.9:17-18 S '58.
(MIRA llilO)
1.Xhartkovokly traktornyy savod.
D-5414 hoppnd up tractor onginn. Tra"..i sel'khmzmaqh. no.6:9-12
j0 15 9. OCRA 12:9)
1. Kbarlknvnkly traktorMy zavod.
(MODZURTSKIT, Teniamin Isaakovich; GRIN', L.P.. kand.takhn.nauke
retsonzent; KAYNTGUY, T.T., inzh., red.
(Centrifugal oil purification in tractor engines] TSentro-
bezhnnia ochimtka maela v traktornykh dvipteliakh. Koskva,
Goo.nnuchno-takhn.ind-vo onshinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 71 p.
(Tractors-Ugines-Oil. filters)
ORM7,-IYXVSXIT, V.L.Insh.; MALI, I.A.,lash.
Tarbocharging of SPID diesel engines. Trakt. i allkhosmah. 30 no.7:
1-4 J1160. (Ku 13: 10)
1. Gosudaretyeaneye apetatallmoye kenstruktorekoys, byuro po dvlgat~2ym,
KM r I kow.
(Diesel engines)
(~RODZIXEVSXIY, Veniamin Isaakovich; BARABASH, N.L , kand. tekhn.
nauk, retsenzent; PELEVIN, N.N.f inah., red.;
(Reaction centrifuges for cleaning oil in intern4l combus-
tion engines; design and calculations] Reaktivnye teentrifugi
dlia ochiatki masla Y dvigateliakh Ynutrennego agoraniia;
konst uktaii i raschat. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 86 p.
(MIRA 16:8)
(Internal combustion engines-Lubrication)
KOVAL' , !.A. . inzh.; GL.OMUT-U,6~'"~T , inzh. ; DIM-TY0 ~ A.I.I. , inzh.;
Simsol., kand. tekhn. riftuk; FJIAI-,CTi-.NKO, inzh.
Studying the working process of the diesel eni-Ine with
turbocharger. Trakt. i sellkhozrash. no.8:1-8 Ag 1U,.
(MIRA 17:11)
1. Gosudarstvennoye spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro po
dvlgattjlyam (for Liderko). 21. :netitut inzhenerov
zhelemodorozimogo transporta Imc-ni Firova aarchenko).
GRODZrfR'vl':Frl, V.I., lnzb.; kTARC':-,E!JKO, A.I.,
Tmproving characteri.-Ucc of a tractor dle-sel enzine by
coolirit~ supercharrinc rkir. Marhinostroenle no-6:61-93
N-D 165. (YIRA 18:12)
-6 WW
[-ACE NRi AP6009925 (N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413i66/000/004/0119/0119
AUTHOR: Grodziyevskiyj V. I ; Kellahtsyn, D. M.; Puchkov, A. 1.
ORG; none
TITLE: A guide vane assembly for a radial centripetal turbine: Class 46, No. 179128
SOURCE: Izabreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 4, 1966, 119
TOPIC TAGS: centripetal flow turbine, guide vane, gas turbine
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a guide vane assembly for a radial
centripetal turbine. with guide vanes which vary in profile. The stream of gases at
the outlet is equalized by mounting the vanes with variable spacing which gradually
increases along the path of the gas stream.
UDC: 621.438.--155-226.31
Card 1/2
L 2hOO3-66
1--guide vane assembly; 2--guide vanes
I r
SUBM DATE: OgFeb65/ ORIG FXF: 000/
KOZLOWSX11, Irenao BrW1UGw, Jagiellonska R; OROUZIA. Iratarzyna
Treatment of accidentally denuded pulp with oulfonamides. Czas.
stomat. 7 no.12:445-455 Doc 54.
1. Z 111niki stomatole sachowavezej A.M. w Warozawie - kisrownik
prof. dr. J.Krsywlcki.
(IMNTAL PULP. wounds and injuries
surg. Injuries, ther. with sulfonamides)
(SULTMAXIMS, ther. upe
dental pulp 1nJ.)
dental pulp surg. inj. ther. with sulfonamides)
GRCDZKA. Katarz7na
Effect of fluoride salts on experivental caries in rate produced
by carlogenic diets. Polski tygodelek. 15 no.17:622-626 25 'Ap-160.
1. Z KlInIki Stonatologif Zachowawczej A.M. w Warazawie; kierownik:
prof. dr. J.Krzywicki I z Zakladu Patologil Qgolnej i Domwisdczalnej
A.M. w Warazawie; kierownik: prof. dr. J.Walaweki.
(FLUORIDES pharmacol)
Gi~01)ZE.Al - Kn.ta r-.-..ytm
and ~?riri;,s in 72a:T.
18 rio.3t2'31-235 Mr 165
1. Z KlJniki Stomatologli ZachowawczPj ARademli Iled-,,cznej w
Wul-szawle (Kiero,,40ki prof. dr, J. Krzywicki)o
Effect of protein-rich and high-calory dicta on the course of burn
oickness in small children. Podiat. pol. 37 no.6:573-5e.9 Jo 162.
1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieoiecej Xierownik: prof. dr. mod. W.Poradowska
z Pracowni Zywionia Kierowniki inz. S. Witkowska z Zakladu Biochomii
Kierownik's prof. dr. med. G. Bagdasarian i z Pracoiml Analitycznej
Kierownik: dr mod. A. Wolanaka Insty-tutu Matki i Dziecka w Warszawie
Dyrektor: prof. dr. mod. B.Gorniki.
(BUMS in inf & child) (jP-WN'INS nutrition & diets)
""Ll"Y Y~ 1~
v-4 j
e r r
during fj-::L i'170 C"'
administraticil Of pcsteri~,r j)jtjjtary extrarts.
tyg, leko 20 no*28:102"l-11029 1;) 165.
Z I I KI in iki I KUtH dry PolOzrile"a Chorob Kcbe,!-I::h AM
Folozrl.czcg() w
Szj~itala Ginukologicz'10- 1
pror. dr. mt:d. Edward ljoworka).
KROTKIEVSKI . Andrzej ; JUSKOWA , J (minta; , 1! i t-cs ia~.:
Effect of single injections and intruvf-nois Infus; o ns c; 4P
norepinephrine and angiotensin on electrocardiographic
patterns In dogs. Pol. arch. med. wevnet. 35 no.5:09-(,46
1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Wai--;7awi,.-
prof. dr. med. T. Orlowski).
r z 7. -
lAnt, A'CC
Rationalization of technical levelinL; '.%y reduction of the nurniber
of observation touers per kii. p. h26.
P1CEGLAD GEODEZYJIrY, Vol. 11, no. 12, Dec. 1955.
SOURCE: UST EU*,!OP7,,',Il ACCE.(ZIO":S LIST LC Vol. 5, no. 7, 1956, August.
GIODZKI, Olgierd, inz.
Problnms of city maps. Przegl geod 34 n0.63254-260 Je 162.
-GRODZKI. Olgierd
no affiliation given
Warsaw Fpr iAjLd_ OcodsI-Tiny . Vol 34,, No 1l,, Nov
1962s POP!15,,8'-=3--
"The Organization of Inventory and Planning of
Underground Town Gonstruction",
GRODMI, Stanislaw; WOJI)YLO, Julianna
A case of sensitization to streptomycin, tqdrazide, PAS, cycloserinev
riomycin and penicillin. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.18:724-726 30 AP '62.
1. Z Kliniki Ptyzjatrycznej AM w Lublinle; kierownik: doc. dr Helena
(STREPTOKNIN toxicol) (ISOIIIAZID toxicol)
(VlaffCIII toxicol) (PEVICILLIN toxicol)
Ryozard, PIMON, Nugentuss
Clinical forms of pulmonary tuberculosis In women and men from
rural and urban environments. Gruslica 27 no-11:1153-1163 N 159-
1. Z Kliniki Gruslicy Plue A.M. v lublinie. Kierownik: doc.dr.
H. Myeakowaka.
MYSAKOWSKA, Helena; SIKORA-ROZYNSKA, Maria; GROD.ZKJ-, -,Stanislaw---
Roaults of early cycloserine therapy of 50 patients with pulmonary
tuberculosis. Folski tygod. lek. 17 no.24:94P-951 11-4o 162.
1. Z Katedry i Kliniki Ptyzjatrycznej Wydzialu Lekarskiego AV. w
Lublinio; kierovnik: doc. dr H. Myeakowska.
~MAKOWSYIA. Ifeligna; sta"lldaw; Iro,-
SZAREW1177, T !g2 la4a; SPEDIM7KA , Detrit. W
Comparit3on of e 4"'1 c iwif:y of large su~j 3 J~I.,;;.,o ~A' ~ sorilauld
in combined treatment In pulmonary tyg. lep.
' 0 no. 1(-,: 19 Ar, r6l~.
1. Z Katedry Ftyz.llatril AM w biblltil-t dr. med.
fie lena '-lysakcwski ) .
1-1YSAK(1.,;SKA, Helena; KISPA(KI, 'lir-Oulaw;
Comparison of 2 groups of patienLa with pulrcriary tuberculcais
In the Lublin rural sxrea with delay(d and neglected treatment.
(Based on the material of the tuberctloaltj ClInic of Acadezly
of Medicine in Lublin in 1959-1961 and iqt,1--i963). Gruzlica
33 no.7:593-595 i1 165.
1. Z Katedry Ftizjatr1I AM w LubIlidej (KiprowrOk doc. dr.
11, Myeakowska).
IVSAKOWSKA, Ifelena; FILTRON, Eugeniusz; SREDNICKA, DanuLa; juiniolaw;
CYGAN, Edward; ROZYNSKA, Maria; SMAJKr:;WA'G7, b;dw,121
Results of examinations of students 18 months after the conclu,,;Ion
of chomoprophylaxis. Gruzlica 33 no.7:601-604 Jl 16K,
1. Z Katedry Ftlzjatrii AM w lAiblinle (Kierownik: doc. dr.
H. 14yeakowska) i z Akademickiej Iloradni Fr-.ecllwgmz-lL,~~.*cj w
Lublinie (Kierownik: lek. E. Pietron).
SHEMAE.Ovil V.A.; GROJZOVSY~AYA, R.I.; YAKDEM110, Ye.V.; ULI--,'.,*J,'O'IA, L.F.
Density of methanol aqueous solutions at various temperatures.
Noftepor. I neftekhim. no.2:30-32 163. (,%ff11,A 17;1)
1. Omskiy neftepererabatrrayushchly zavod.
AUTHORS: Grodzovskaya, R. I., Gorbachev&, N. V.
TITLEs Sulfonation of extracts from the selective refinement of
lubricating oils
PERIODIM: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 4, 1963, 519, abstract
0134 (Novosti naft. i gaz. tckhn. lieftepererabotka i ne-ftoo
khimiya", no. 8, 1962, 8-10)
TMV: To obtain the de-emulnifier 44K(NChY), solutions of diesel fuel
fractions containing 10 and 30o of extracts from the purification of
distillate and residual oils were sulfonated (direct sulfonation of eztr4-.ots
is not possible because of the high density of the resultinF tar, while
higher concentrations of the 2olution cause the formation of
acid sludges the consistency of which makes transportation imposqible~
Sulfonation was carried out with 45 and 50 H2SO 4 at 70 - 750 in two staj.jes,
two hours in each. It was shown that the yield of 11ChK obtained by sulft~-
nating a starting material containing dissolved extracts rises with the qon-
centration of the extract. The H 2so4 consumption per ton NChK falls
Card 1/2
Sulfonation of extracts from... B194/B180
correspondingly. An increase of up to 50',4 in the quantity of H2 so4 'uaed for
the starting material does not increase its apecific con3umption on IICh.K
because the sulfo~iation ia deeper. A check on laboratory results undar
commercial conditions has shown the NChK yield to be 50~ higher and the
H2 so4cons umpt ion per ton of de-emuls if ier more than 30,',; less, than .Yhen pro,laoed
from dieselfuel. The aalting-out in NChK obtained by sulfonating diesel fuel
containing 3CF/4 extracts from distillate oil refinement (:-,.-IOV (i;LOU)) was ro
,worse than in NChK obtained from the conventional starting. material.
stracter's note3 Complete translation.]
ward 2/2
Ploti,odology for the detection of tuberculosis in children and
adolescents. Probl. tub. no.70-10 164. (MIRA l8z1O)
1. Protivotuberkuleznyy dispanser Zhovtnevogo rayonft (glavnyy
vrach G.I. Safronova), W65aa.
USSIV MaCicbm - flosquitoaa Blrd Seats tfaylim 49
"Bud swtow" tirsObv Grourdo for vow4vitoas (MobotomOv" 1. Aq lattrl:Aichmp
T. Vo Oubartv A. ?. Voylockmikovg 1. IA. Cr*khavrAqjn# At Ms .,okolovop *~* Va Khodaval,
A. B6 Georarovs, mv or VrXa,-iltol and t!cd Zoolp Mat of 11,1elem-lol and "IcrAd.ALV
Aftd VAd sal us:R. * pt,
"Lool 4harlm 0o 3 4
laftatIsated 113 nasts of n1ca aleclea of Urdj &M ft~ only olght oart4lmd
evIden" of ro5rjultwous In tiam eight vazt:s Cmu-A slebt lerva, 25 jul-cp a rd 1)6
cases,p indiantlag that nacts a-s wt one of more fro-,ucet'lly uwA breadine -IL*uo
t4v of -Lrj Irot of
FA 151T"
Three natural nidi, Zooloshur. 33 no.2:323-336 Mr-4 154. (NMA 7:5)
1. Mel parasitologii I maditsinskoy soologii (saveduyushchiy - akadmik
Te.N.Favlovskly) IAN Aksdewil maditsinskikh nauk SSSR In. X.F.Gaml
(Insects as carriers of disease) (Rodents an carriers of dis:y.:Q,)
Protection of humans from bloodsucking insects in reclamation of now
areas. Zool-shur. 33 no.2:361-372 Mr-Ap 154. WaA 7:3)
1. Otdel paranitologii I maditainakoy soologii (saveduyushchly - akadealk
Te.N.Pavlovmkiy) IM Akadexii maditain8kikh nauk SSSR In. X.F.Gamlays.
Studying mites of the family Gazesidae in a natural focus of
rinkettatosts. Top.kraev.,ob. i skop.paroz. i med.zool. 9:70-77
155. (NUU 10:1)
1. Is otdola parazitologit i meditsinskoy loologii (zov. - eked.
Ye.N.Pavlovskiy) Instituts opidemiologil i mikrobiologit imeni
N.F.Gamalays (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen Akslenii meditsinskikh
nauk SSSR prof. O.V.Vygodehikov) Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR.
US.SR/Zooparasitology. Ticks nnd Insects--Vectorr, ol'
Causative Agents of Diseases
'Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., Ito 13, 1958, 57945
Author : Saflyanova V. M,,, Gynkhnvsknya_1. Budaka
A. P., Gayko B. A., Vinogradova I. D.9
Pototskaya V. A.
Inst : Not given
Title : Experiment of Treating Plants Insecticides
for the Control of Insects under Natural Con-
Orig Pub : Zool. zh., 1956, No 9, 1335-1341
Abstract : Thiophos (30%) chloroten (50-")+DDT(l5'/o), and
chloroten (657o~ were experime/n'tally tested(irl
gauze plantings with sprayed cane leaves) aga-
inst Aedes vexans (quantitatively predominating
species of the sanguivorous insects). The mini-
mal effective doses of the active substances
Card 112
USSR/Zooparasitology. Ticks and Insects--Vectors of G
Causative Agents of Diseases
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., 110 131 1958, 57945
Abstract : respectively were 0.13, 1.0, and 1.5 9/m 2. The
gnats were completely exterminated 2 hours af-
ter the beginning of the laboratory experiment;
anopheles maculipennis--within 3 to 4 hours; Cu-
lox modestus--within 3 to 5 hours; Andes vexans-
-5 to 10 hours; Chrysops gadflies--within 20
and more hours. In field oxneriments a 53% of
DDT paste remained active for 18 days in the
Volga delta, and for 37 days in the Klyazma ri -
ver basin; a 40% DDT paste in the OP-23 vehicle
and chloroten+ DDT and chloroten for 10 to 14
days. It is recomendqd that a DDT paste (at an
expenditure of 1 g/m-~ of DDT, at chlorote~+DDT
and chloroten at an expenditure of 1.59/m )
spread in the areas of the greatest accumulation
of the sanguivorous diptera be used for the con-
trol of the insects.
Card 2/2