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GINTEROVA, Angstezia, C.Sc.; MITTERHAUSZEROVA, Ludmila, Jriz.; GRODOVSKY, MIchfil, In z. Preraration of the yeast polysaccharide of ~%ymosan. Chem zvesti 15 ro.11/12:922-927 N-D 161. 1. lintredny vyskvmny ustav potmvirarskeho Trieryslu, Bratislava. Authors' address: Bratislavao Mileticova 34B. SUSSION' D-4-5 Effects of the ",upral,enal C-flex w flinithirmletif Mpw- -f Ill. Uffee. f I-W.C Rad6flon " the I'll"Ifloy A4,-,[ S,O,. 12 0. I`_ R. .,A T. 1. I,Arictdo, D'I'mg th. t1ill.,im ~' Olt -;_'I 0-4.1cly !,Ih.1 *4-,.y 0.- the .11, ~c bloi-I ~f w, Jec".c.1 ~r jo"Pr-j alosoo coniplettty. I hf,c h"!o' Plitt 1't"l 11.- 04~ T-~ i. is- .101n, A( It wrorm 4c,imiq -1 the -at k'4 thin in iticc-l"'I" t"t or ~. ...... I blo,A devicmd. X-tayi do -t oklitre I. hypophv-teov,~e, rat, Am, aoj derleli- I ~tvt,mrrt% hA%-e tvcn relf-vd to clocidile -he uwchano,n (~( tlc ..r At III 301vily in iysirroic b1-1 of irYadived r3o%. Thc ii~cofhw acid com!nif3tien in the ,cft ii e,,-t er -,,I -,,ra,!,,o,d r31, as con'rifed *ith that of the right gl~imj. v--I I he Aller mira%r-osis iri)-homof ACIII. It ~.Iq f."Iml 11,41 in iriadived rat%. I or 5 - At III c:;cit i~c mmc3'5r-l rvsr~'-% in It 1"41,_'11itit noiira,lu~wu,n orm,"noug A"Il 1a%,% rl ace t,.-we fwmry frr in~floiw of ACrff ., fbtl~d in i ... d-alied and r,on-ft,adwed rats. The &r,c, of deplelmn of adrenal aiivritw acid and the rate of its r"toratwn at s,,.Iar ~ "h grourn. The cot'yooc activity of adrenal lu",ecirrivei tait at"Yel in tm volts c%rcruncriti, %hKh tht-,cd that. fol:o*rpe W.Jm.orl. t,j-lnjhc%,j of j1doiletene ilightly incirmicif, lihilt bic"pitsevs of cotlitc,itet- OgMly deeolited I'les"ter c added 1. the ildre"al homoll'"ales of irradiated still tsoi Sormly im ... rd th. I-. lion of corlicosterette. The role of mid-temm Notyth"m remained omhamired. Ibliq. It firivari hat no 03"re occult in the enryme tyltern of tho adrenal whith h mrolnuble rot the AL111 Otect ur,,ft lhk stand 4-4 1--- cotimmierone bk~yrllhcils, ?)~ I.,ow, A,.-. 41'11~ report p"ovirited at the 2zA Intle Cm*vgg of padi&tlm Remearabli K--taii/y-kethirs. 0t. zrit. 3-11 A-is 1962 7F Zb A. H. Grodshtelm (9-1- jwfurn Initt. Non-Feffous Metals Ca, Ba, IA, and Ce were prepd. by the - thtrmv-vacuum mtIthod (CA. 49, 8757c) and the follow- Ing proptrties were detd.: Tattke period (4.148 :L- 0,002, 4.28 * 0.01. 4.15 + 0.01, 4.14 th 0.01 A.); d. (2.49 + 0.02. 4.25 * 0.02, 4.72 :h 0.02, 4.81 + 0.02 C./cc.); milcruhardnmi (2740 * =, 3000 A- 290, 2770 + 180. 3140 :E 190 kg.Isq. mm.), coeff. of linmr expamlon (5.2 :k: 10-6 0%, 5.1 X 10-t * 617e, 4.9 X 10- --L 6%, 6.2 X 10-4 07o %/dezree); specific elec. res6tance (123.5, 306, 17.4. 00.0 tulcrohm cm.), Vie heat of formation of CeD4 was fo=d to be 81 d: 10 kcal./inole. The Properties are reL-ted to the electron stfuctute cf the hexaboddes. cjvt:,r L-mch -L-JL Sowe a the lropi'Me's-if -t" he'ra "!Id d the dks ad of the razo-certh me(Mq Sunsonov , A, GRODSHTEYN, A* YEel CAND CHEM SCIp "ABSORPTION OF HYDROGEN 1. -_ -_ -_ --'- "' i"~ 1 4/1 11.4 14.1-11.11 BY TITANIUM AND THORIUMe DEVELOPMENT OF A N0t4M-ATT-lEFt4*G OAS ABSORBER," NOVOSIBIRSK, 1961, (ACAD SCI USSR. 913ERIAN DEPT. JOINT SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL FOR CHEMICAL SCIENCES). (KL-DV9 11-61, 210). -35- 311476 S/080/61/014/012/015/017 11%75, 1 .0 D204/D,")05 AUTHOP: Grodshteyn, A.Yea unlum TITLE: Killet,ics of tile absorption of hylroi-,en by " -6- 1 PERIODTCAL: Zhurnal priv 'ladnoy khimii, v. 34, no. 12, 1961, 2784 - 2786 TEXT: The absorption of hy!ro.-en by Ti -.7aS lnvetti.-ated between 5000 and 8000C and at low pressures (10-3 - 4 x jo-5 torr), since . y of titanium. such information is important in the vacuum .etal"uri- A diffuoive nechanism of the absorption Is disciissed, showing that the rate equation describing the process at utmosphtiric pressure cannot be applied at low pressures of hydrol:,en, ovi-ing to insuffi- cient rates of saturatior of the outer layer of "he :~-.etal by H2- Kinetics of the absorption process ~-iere studied by ~,aintairing a known pres.;ure of H2, tit a known temperature, over compact and po- rous samples of titanium which nere ~,-,rev~ously annealei in hydro- 6en. A ribbon of technical titrinium '1T-1 ('IT-1 ) 6 - -_~-O -ji thick provided the coz~,pact specimens, whilst porous produ- Card 1/2 -1 1,'17 8/C9O/- Kinetics of the absorption of ... D204/DjO5 ced b,,, cc-, d pi,ezsing T. i povider Hir*n-lA (I!*P-lA) ~1+ :1*,cm2, into discs 15 MM in lia..'ietur and 1 mm thick, follo%-jed b.,,, sintering in ,;-,tcuo, a-, 900-100COC and jo-5 torr~ It was fo,;rdl th-t '~Iie equation lor, C -CCt - - kt (2) (where C and Ct ,_Lre the equilibrium concentr%tion Of 112 on the sur- 1"ace and the nean concentration. in the metal --it time t resuective- ly -and k is a constant), applied in all the c;tses studied. The ra+~~ constant k varied expo:1 'entially with the reciprocal of tLe absolut'.., temperature, directly with the square root of hyd.roL;en, pressure and was also inversely proportional to 10-15 .-there I inlicates the half-thickness of the compact samples. Increasin6 the thickness of porous specimens to 5 mri did not afifect the rale of ab9orption. a-oolutions were formed in till cases. There ire I figure, 1 table o re 41 and lerences: ~ Soviet-bloc 'An-.1 I non-Sovi e t- bloc. The referen- ce to the English-language public,,.ti-n reads :,L., follows: Forta d. P., Vacuum, 4, ~, 284, reb. 1957. 'U BI,'I T"D. I'arcli 10, 1961 C~_rd 3)M3 ~;/O;3 6~1/~,-,(,/', ", ~ I/ " '12/, ,, D26 4/-,)3 C, 2 ? Yllp m U'; --Ctics 01, or, of nau",, ;.o. 1 ",6 2 48 11.,1) "14 H2 by _3 VII W, l tl 1 e I, r 0c _YI j r Su r e 1, zj"1 Lo f4 r the con,.IJ ti o discuscc;d -uion _,esol.-Otion _-.O. diffusion ,h oshi-an's kin i -, n o C~ 7 - tcl nr o _-t D etic equal cess beco.-..cs invalid at p 10--.) -::i H,f, oetwoen 80-10~C. e emn L.-ical c - C_ c 1.: t _s -4-ven for t.",ie i-ate of sorotion. C Concentration or, t','Ie surA.--cet C, is thle ion C--rd 1/2 U C, 'U* 2- 3 u I lb 3 2/~' 0 i. i r. e -~ i c s o .' a b -_ o rD t -J. 0 n c f 1'2 4 Xj 0 2 e al after a timc t and k is th,e vc-locity C --s -ivc,. by p = KC 2 e -,-p H' 2 is a zolla'.ion co-otant an (I -'. 111 i.; t, t g-:.-.c us of te.,.--e.,,atIu:,.,e '., a'-` ' 21 i ck n u z 5 0 u 0 2' i: %7 C r e -' !-,',r C 3 a 10 d I t k c", c- y 0 and LI ,r.-.enius I 1--tionchip an6 the encr-y of _-c'~iv-_'ticn for IJ 3 ti:,r. ~,Occss (to L~ivc t"O "-solutions vias :-,.c '15,5CO c -I mole. '2his can,~ t_~,ie rel-A-Lonships found- :L-ncorpGrL-.ed f. n 2 _ V? 15500 k 2.62 - 10- lu-75 Lre ;~ fin-ures, 2 calid 11 z- c. f C; 1` 0 2-. cS6 non,"ovict-bl'oe. '2~ie ,*r :.,ost :7,ccc,,.t r I e rc c o u -,ubl i c t r L,,,,,-d Us fo _11 o-:., bi 212, 204, X, 741, 1949; et n S t. , 20, 1, ~9, 195b; P. De-lia I*o--ta, V--c,.,,uiz, ca.-d :e12 GRODSHTEYN, A.Ye.; FINOV, V.P. Method for removing chlorine impurities from tItanIiA. Zav. lab. 30 no.7:831 164. (MIFLA 18 13) ~ L 58947-65 . Ewp(e)/EWT(M)/EWP(t)/EWP(k)/F,.iP(Z)/F,*rlP(b) Pf -4 JD ACCESSION NR: AP5013245 LrR/0226/65/000/005/0004/0008 AUTHOR: Grodshteyn, A. Ye.-, Kriger, E. M.; Lisitsyn, S. M. TITLE: Producing ferrite powders by thermal decoq)osition of sulfetes SOURCE: Foroahkovaya metallurgiya, no. 5, 1965, 4-8 TOPIC TAGS., ferrite powder, sulfate, thermochemistry ABSTRACT: In order to obtain ferrite powders with more homogeneous composition and better elect'romagnetic properties, the authors; recommend the method of thermal' decomposition of salt solutions of ferrite systems. Magnesium ferrite-chromite powders were produced having a Curie temperature above' 800C, a ferromagnetic reso- nance bandwidth not greater than 150 oersteds, reisistivity above-108 ohm/cm and a 4wI6 value below 650 gauss (I,= saturation flux density). Analytically pure sul- fates were used to obtain the ferrite powder'. Pa,rticular attention was given to heat treatment of the salts because of its effect on the density of sintered samples and, consequently, on the ferromagnetic bandwidth. Completeness of decomposition - was tested by roasting various samples at temperatures from 1000 to 13000C for two; to eight hours. Lowest sulfur contents (0.7%) were recorded for powders heat-treat- Card 1/2 I.L 58947-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5013245 ed at 13000C. The effect of composition on powder characteristics was studied In products containing 32-35% (mol.) iron oxide, 13.7-16.4% chromium oxide and 49.8- -51.4% magnesium oxide. The best over-all parameters were found in a composition containing 34.5, 15.5 and 50% of these components respectively. The values for ferromagnetic. resonance bandwidth are found to be considerably lower than those given elsewhere for comparable compositions. This is attributed to greater homo- geneity In powders derived from solution than that In powders derived by the oxide! mixing method. has: 2 figures, 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Donetskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute' khimicheskikh reaktivov I o'sobo chistykii khimicheskikh veshchestv (Donets Bran-,h, All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Chemical Reagents and Ultrapure Chemi-; ENCL- 00 OTHER: 002 SUB CODE: MM cal Substances SUBMITTED: 1BApr64 NO REr SOV: 006 C rd K a 21 ACC MR: . , ooo 62 SGURCE CODZ': /011/"2)9/1242 AUTHOR: Grodshteyn, A. Ye.; Kriger, E. M.; Nazarova, E. A.' V.; Scraya, L. Ya. ORGI Donots Branch, All-Union Scientific Fosearch Institute of Ciqenl~al Poagents an~ High-Purity Chomicals (Donotskiy filial, Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-issladov.-.tollskiy insti- tut khtmichoakikh rvoA-',V%voq I esobo aWV~kvkVk TITLE: Study of forrite powders obtained by thermal treatment of salt mixtures SOURCE: Ukrainskiy khimichoskiy zhurnal, v. 32, no. 11, 1966, 1239-1242 I TOPIC T4GS: "Lorrito, chemical precipitation ABSTRACT: Powdors of magnesium manganese aluminate ferrites MgI 04 M IL, A10.39 Fol.48 04 wore obtained by coprocipitation of carbonates, and powaors lo nanganeso-magnosium-zinc ferrites Mg .4 'Ano Z TO 0t,, were ob- tained by decomposing a mixture of oxalates, ni?rNos Wsulqla'Zes'.'-~~ho aluminate forrites wore fired for 12 hr at 1300-13200C, and the YZ-Mn-Zn forrites, for 5 hr at 13?0*C. Thu large specific surface of powders at lower firing temperatures is at- tributod to the high porosity of the powder particles, not to their nnall. size. As the firing to-mporaturo is raised, the internal porosity of the particlos docreasess causing a docroavo in the surface of the pc;wdor. As the to.-aporwIture risoa furtherp the particlon sintor and.incroaso in size. Dense, hieh-quality forritus for SHF 2 ACC Nil: ~_;)70CO262 applicationj aro obtained when each p(rddor is fired in the optimum to meraturo range for each salt mixturo. -Authors are grateful to V. A. Fabrik'Cov for moa'suring the forroma,-nptic rosonanco bandwidth of Mg-lb-Zn forriten. Orig. art. hass 2 tables. SUB CODS: 07/ SUB' H DX,- I 3OAug64/ ORIG REFs 006/ OTH REFs 001 N Card R 1 i'~; q, f Z ar.i ntwr~,r% inf'ant. Ptkd. ~ol. 4') n,~.! Z I Yliniki r,-rrrob rj'~ KfaJesn, I M!6-,Jy(-.T,-,-.i w p-Ofe drs mejo Ta R~X !nik-') i ~4 1 ftkadimi 1 Vely- rn,~! v P,~ r 011-~-rnwnlkz prof. -J-.. im-id. E. GRODSKAYA, N.V. Development of thought in students during the process of learning a system of homogeneous concepts. Vop. paikhol. 8 no.3:106-116 yv-je 162. Off RA 15:6) 1. Institut psikhologii USSR, Kiyev. (Thought and thinkinj-) (Concepts) , i, i GRODSKI, Czeslaw ~ Planned curative procedures In the oral ca-vity before application of prostheses In adult. Czaeoplano stomat. 8 no.7:281-288 Jy 155. 1. Z Katedry Protetyki Stomatologicsnej A.M. we Wroclawiu Kle- rownik: prof. dr H. Gorczynski. Wroclaw, ul. Partyzantow 87 m.2. (DXBTAL PROSTHNSIS, prop. of mouth for) 0" r"Illi lc no. 'o' 0: 17', lj~ 0., ons '!on 9i' -Tc! . ACC NAR: ".6 1. (;01)1.": tli(/()131;/6i')/00rj/O"*~2/OUPo7/JOtj'b AUTHOR 11arunn ikov , V.N. ; Kuna?.r)v. Grodii? "y F.A. ORt;: none -11 T .--uperconducting niobiur, microwire SOURCE: Tavetnyye netally, no. 12, 1966, 8't-83 TOPIC TAGS: superconductinr mat4i,.r4 niobium zirconium alloy, titanium alloy, niobium base compound, microwire rT&b:a-i-e,&A4-Qa- Since hot drawing of niobium wire lowers its ductility, cold drawing of ;niobium microwire preced(!d by elect rocherdeal oxidation or by coatin& with copper has been tested under labora.tory conditions. N.iobium ingots were hots forg.!d into 18 mm bars which were forged, without reheating, in a forging machine to a diameter of 3.6 mm and then cold drawn Into wire 0.3 m !n dia-zeLer with a graphite lubricant. 7he wire was electrolytically cleaned, vac-jum annealed, and coated either with an oxiee film (by anodic oxidizing) or with copper. The wire was then cold drawn to a diameter of 0.02-0.07 Card 1/2 UDC: 669.293.426 ACC NRS AP70028h6 (copper-coated) or 0.03-0.07 mr. (oxide-coated). After removal of auxiliary coatings the wire was coated wiLh tin or aluminum by passing the wire,pre- heated to 750-800C.,through a droplet of -wlten metal followed by electlrolytic~ tinning in acid or a stannate electrolyte. Kicrowire 20, 50, or 70 'a in dia-mater was coated with a tin la7er 2, 5, or 7 ,; thick, respectivel'~.. Following this procedure, the laboratory producaZ 10,000 m of wire 20-70 ji in 6iaml-ter. Cold drawIne, of microwlrre~ with copper, or oxide coating can be uzed under production conditionii- INDI SUB CODL: 13, 14/ SUB14 DATE: none/ ORIG RIEF: 00J/ OTH REF; 001 ATD PRESS: 5113 Card 212 AuThOWS,. - Grods?,iy, S.A., Engineer U7/94-58-12-5/19 K'ud`rya8hov~--8vA-6 , Lifshits, V.L. and Rattell, K.INT. On the Ventilation of Transformer Chambers (K. vopro~ru o ventilyatsii transformatomykh kamr) P.,~id0i)l(;iii,#ProL.Vshlenziaya Energetika,1958, 1,Tr 129 pp 12-11-L CJ6,;R) Under this heading there aiy.- three separate shol~t articles discussing the article by Shnitser, Zotlov and I~iesin published in Promyshlannaya- EnerLetiha, 1957, '-Ir 12. Grodskiy, S.Ye., pp 12-13 This author considers that iv--he oriCinal aiticle correctly states that it iL; not necessary to provide ventilation shafts in closed transformer chambers for ti4-Ute outputs up to 1 WA. The author's ins is desiLpin- transformer chambers of this kind. However, various objections are raised to the ventilation arrange.,:.ents proposed by the authors. The air rt~sistance formulae tr,at tney L;ivu are not accurate. -2he card 113 ventilation arrangewnts are not natiL;factory. The On the Ventilation of Transfori.-ler 1.,'hambers practical experience of trari.;former cooling noted in S4 the article is not suffici--n'u-. 2he late U- desion of transformer chamber used by the author's orgaiiisation overcomes these defects and is briefly described with a--eference to the sketch. Air reaches the transformer from one side and from underneath and leaves near the top. This method of construction has been successful in practice. A.6SOGIATIO11: Giprotrakt o rose 11 kho zmash K,udryashov, S.A., P 13 12his author states that the oriL,-inal authors should not have used the maximum permissible outlet air temperature at 450C but should have used a mean temperature of L~000. Therefore, the table of ventilating duct areas gives values are too low. A~SSOCIA'AJO.-Li: GPI Elekt-roproyekt,rr.Yuybjshev (State Planninrr "ard 2/3 Institute Elekbroproyekt in Euybyshev) .I Cra the Ventilation of Transformer Chambers iLifshits_, VL_!, and Rattell K.N., p 14 Operating experience with transformer substations in tortile factories in Central Asia which are fully iloaded all day shows that the reco=-.,.enAed method of -'renLilation is not adequate in this case. In suoh the use of ventilating shafts has Wen found very effective. In the tost results iescribed in t.he ori~-inal ~-L:Lticle insufficient referenco is r"de to oliEmtic conditions. The authors' organization !-Las to uze more 6enerous ventilation arrangements than are reco=.-iended in the article. A,66OClATIOIT: Gosudarstvennyj- pro ektnyy 1-istitut Nr 1 (The State ocsibn Institute Nr 1~ d 313 JURVETTER, Ye.N.; KLEYN, P.N.; KHAICHEV, M.K.[deceasedj; VOWBRINSKIY, S.D. YERMIILV, A.A.; KAYALOV, G.M.; A.A.; MI+PSHELI, B.S.; MUKOSEYEV, Yu.L.; GGORGDNOV, S.I.; ROZENBERGt V.A.; SHRAYBIER, L.G.; ZALESSKIY, Yu.Ye., retsenzent; IOKHVIDOV, E.S., retsenzent; FEDOROV, A.A., retsenzent; SAVEL'YEV, V.I., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. [Temporary instructions for determining the electrical loads of Industrial enterprises) Vremennye rukovodiashchie ukaza- niia po oprodelenliu elektricheskikh nagruzok promyshlennykh predpriiatii. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 45 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye energeticheskoye uprav- lenlye. 2. Leningradmkoye otdeleniye Gosudarstvennogo pro- yektnogo Instituta tyazheloy promyshlennosti (for Kizevetter, Kleyn, Kharchev). 3. Komissiya po alektricheakim nagruskam Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva energeticheakoy promyahlen- nosti (for Volobrinakiy, Grodskiy, Yerallov, Kayalov, Livshits, Maksimov, Me5hel, Mukoseyev, Ogorodnov, Rozenberg, Shrayber). (Electric power distribution) GRODSKIY.I S.Ye.0- IELYUK, A.M.; OLEYNIK, I.A. Use of a.c. rkwhines vith electric pover regeneration in testing tractoi engines, Pros. energ. 17 no.11:11 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Tractors-Testing) VIESHELI, B.S., inzh.; GRODSKIY, S.Ye., Inzh. Determination of mnximum loads with different time duration. Prom. energ. 18 no.12:34-37 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) Scrgey D,iv~dovlch; FAYAILV, Goorgiy Ni~huylovlch; KLEM; p !'otr '.'ikolaycvie.-h; MIESHEL' 'M,,( I.A. I 'F, , , VY ATT; IK'N p Prof., retnerzent; FJ,"YfA.. SX ', :J.A., dots., rett;enymnt; MODSIM, S.Ye., red. [Electrical lofids of Industrial enterprises] Elcktricheskle nagruzki prar7.sh1cnnykh pree -Untii. [by] I dr. I!ookva, Izd-va "Energiia," 1964. 303 p. OeTiLA 17:8) GRODSKIYI S-Ye., inzh.; 10,SIIFL', f'.'. ., dnz~). Simplification of thp. caldilatIcr of-pewPr and oorrrtioms] lomd control of shop transforTromrs. Pronr. enorg. 20 no.-II-29-30 K." 165, OaFA 38:6) 0 0(-,ORc)r)?,,ov, s.i., inzh.; KAYALOV, G.M., dr)ktor tekhn. nank; GRODSY1Y, J.Ye., lnzh.; VOj,ob.q1N.7JY, S.D., knnd. fekhn. nnuk Methods for calculating the electrical londs of Industrial enterprises. Prom. energ. 20 no.5:33-42 My 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Goz-lkcv!iVly avtomribt11nyyzavm 'for Crorodnov). 2. Novocherkasskiy politeklinicheskly inntit.ut (I*or Knyalov). 3. Gosudarstvennyy institut po nroyektirnvnniyu traktornoy pronyshlennosti i sel'sknVho2yaystvennogo winhinc,stroyenlyn (ror Grodnkly). GRODSKII, V. !A. Grodskiy, V. Ya. - "The achievements of Soviet scholars in construction mechanics", Sbornik trudov Studench. nauch.-tekhn. o-va (IMbsk. inzh.-stroit. in-t im. luybysheva), Moscow, 1949, pe 5-15. SO: U-411, 17 July 53, (Letople 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 20, 1949). MATVMV, Y.A.;GROI]SKIY, Tu.6,;BAKSH1, R.A. Improving individual elements of gas prodacing stations. Gaz. prom. no.6:11-15 Je 156. (KLRA 9:12) (%a prodacers) MELINIKOV. N.N-.inzhener.;-.q4ODSKIT, Ya.S.; BWHI, R.A. Redesign of gas burners in heating furnaces. Stall 16 no.11:1035- 1056 X 156, (MIRA 10tl) 1. Druzhkovskiy metilpyy savod I Yuvenergochermat. (Gas burners) (Oletallurgical plants-Squipment and supplies) 0-- NOZHXXXD, P.A. Conversion of heating unitad a metallurgical plant from fuel oil to gas, Us. pron6 no.4:35-38 Ap 058. (KIU 11 %4) (Opan-hearth furnace*) (Gas as fuel) -'-'GRQDSKIT, U.S.; X&MUNSKIT, V.D. Burning natural gas In high-pressure jet burners* Gazoprome 4 no.1:26-29 Ja 159. (MIRA 12: 1) (Gas burners) GRCDSKIYj, Ya.S.,- LIZCGUBOV,, M.A.; LIZCGUBOVA., M.P. Introduction by industry of metal heating for forging and stamping in nonoxidizing compartment-type furnaces. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 1+ no.8:39-.44 Ag 162. (~JIRL 15:8) (Furnaces, Heating) GROWKIYP Ya. S.; ZHDANOV, A.A. Starting and tuning up the central shielding gas station of the "Zaporozhatall" plant. Gaz. prom. 7 no.6s24-10 162. (MIRA 17:6) r, -1 .,.,. . I ~.. '- ; i-I '-,1 1. .I-. : . " " *,. ; . ~. ~. - -., -~l 1. ---1-: --- . .-, ,' ! 7. It- 'm~!;" ~- I,:r-,-: T - ~-. '1.,I' I I; .- 7 ~ '~ , " : -., . -,--2 .; r ': = .~LO i . ., ! I.' r; 0 ".'-I.'RA 18:~,, - GRODSKIY, Ye.; GRODEK, A., nauchnyy sotrudnik; TITOV, S., nauchnyy sotrudnik Studies of mesh-reinforced concrete. Sbor. nauch. soob. NIIsallstroia no.2tl4-30 160* (MIRA 15:5) 1. Mauchno-isaledovatel'Bkiy inatitut Bellskogo stroltallstva. 2. Rukovoditell laboratorli arnotsemnta Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo inatituts, mellskogo stroftellatya (for Grodakiy). (Reinforced concrete construction) GRODSKIYP Ye., inzh. - ,'41- Manufacture and use of mob-reinforced concrete olemente Solt. otroi. 18 no.5:12-13 My 163. (MIRA 1601 1. Rukovoditell laborstorii Ifftuchno-isalsdovatel'skogo insti- tuta sellskogo stroltel'stva. (Precast concrete construction) GASTPI, V.A., prof., doktor tekbn.nauk; GRODSKIY, Ye.ya., in7h.; BALAVADIZE, VA., Inzh. ___ - - - - Mesh-r-Pinforced concrete and its advantapei over ordinary rein- forced concrete. bet. i -.hel,bet. 13.9:389-391 S '61. (Piwt lit-IN 1. Chlen-korre-npondent Akademil stroitpl'stva i arkbitektury -":4R. (Reinforced concrete) .GRDDSIUI,-YVvsey _jAKqyj-eAah,- inzhd! GRODEK, Aleksandr Bedzhikovich, inzh.,- GLOTOVA, L,V,, red.izd-val KASIMDV, D,Ya., tekhn. red. [Mesh-reinforced concrete elements for rural buildings and structures)Armotsementnye konstruktsii dlia sel'skikh zdanil i sooruzhenii. Moskvav Go"trolizdat, 1962. 66 p. (MIRA 16.1) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii armotsementa Nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta sel'skogo stroitel'Btva (for Grodskiy).2. Glav- nyy tekhnolog laboratorii armotsementa Nauchno-isoledovatellsko- go Instituta ael'skogo stroitelletva (for Grodek), (Precast concrete) (Farm buildings) V01,1111 I NENYJ~ , :..P. I 117.11. 1 Y , Y(;.Ya. I X L Yj., ` (.7 ,I j . -,-- - , Use of reinforced coricretr structures c,.' plant!xe. Gidr. i inel. 16 lo.6:47-r),) -Te 1 '-4. (I-ITRA 17:9) 1. Goszeuivodkhoz PSFS!). (fur lKovturmiko). Volrovradvod s troy (for Groyser, Pakar-civ) . 3. tl,-,i,.cirois:3'etiovatellskiv institut sell- skogo stroitell3tva O'or rrod:ikiv). 4. Y~;zhnllly imAltut po proycktirovardvii vodok-hu~-yayitvelllloiO i ::.eliorlitivnego stroltellstva (Vor SlArnov). GRL,DZDOVA, M.D. Gontent of prGteins and nucl-le acids In the myuci:-,Ji,-r3 lln~,~r normal conditicno and in (3xperimental myocarditis. Vop. medl. khim. 10 no.4:413-420 JI-Ag 'n4. 411~A 1,1-.4) 1. Labor a t,-Ir iya biokhimil lnstituta farmak-,,;.',pll i kt-Imioterapli AMN S)SYR, knfedra biokhimLi zhivotnykh biolcvn-p.,,chvf.~r,.n(w,) Moskovakol:c) postidtirstvennovo universit.,~tlt, Mo!*wi. K()YNATSXIY, N.A.; GORN, L.Ye.LQAOl)zw_,Cmlx - ~ _OVPv"OVA,F.X.;xONlxOvA, G.S.; KORNIOS, A.I.;KUZN3CT5Ow7w-1T-". -I KOVA, L.A. Silicosis. stiolou. pathogenesis. and clinical aspects. Gig. sanit.. Moskya no.8:28-32 Aug 1952. (CLKL 23:2) 1. Of the Clinical Department of Leningrad Scientific-Research Institute of labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. r ,,'C,'jtonlc poisoning with carbon anoilo-vitle. M.A. &W, I., R. Corti, N. A. nivi H. A. K"t-, Vrachebtive Vda Refetal. 1har., KV -a: 1955, No. 1573~The cuntuUtive elfta uf poimmittg mti smailquantiticsof COOAcmdin -GR-0DZENCHUX,~11. A. Cand Mad Sci -- (ding) "Clinic of thsbiginning forms of asbestosis according tb the data of dymamical observations of workers of textile workshops of asbestos plants." Lon, 1957. 11 pp (State Order of Lenin In5t for the Advanced Training of Physicians im S. M. Kirov), 200 copies (KL, 43-57, 91) -65- KOVNATSKIY, Mikhail Alsksandrovich (1906-1962);.GRODZENGHIN, N.A., red.1 BUGROVA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Clinical aspects of pneumokoniosis) Klinika pneymokoniozov. Leningrad, Med 0 1963. 215 P. (MIRA 16:5) !tUSNGS-DUST DISEA9B) If ANDONITEV, V.L.; BAUM, V.A.; BAUNGART111, U.K.; BRUZIN, V.D.; BIRYUKOV, I.K.; BIRYUKOV. S.M.; BIOWIU, S.I.; BOROYOY, G.A.; BULAT, K.Z.; BUILWY. N.A.; VARTSAYZARO B.A.; VOVK, G.M.; VORMAN, B.A.; VOSHCHININ, A.P.; GAIAKTIONOV. V.D., kand. tekhn. asuk; GWWIN, Te.M.; GILIDANBLAT. TA.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GINZBUFO, M.M.; GLIBOV, P.S.; GODIS. B.G.; GOHRACHW. V.N,,; GRZHIB, B.T.; GXK=V, L.F., kmnd. a.-kh. nm*; DOILCTO A.G.; DMITHITRY, I.G.; DKIUIYMO, u.D.; DOB OTOT, D.D.; DUBININ, L.G.; DUNMKOV, N.D.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; ZXWMICH, D.1,; ZINARIV, Te.T.; ZIMASKOV, S.V.; ZUBRIX, K.M.; KAR OV. 1.7.; KNYAZ]ff. S.N.; KCLWAYW. N.M.; KOMAJWSKIT, V.T.; KOSSWO. V.P.; KORINISTOV, D.V.; KOSTROV, I.N.; KOTLYARSKIY. D.M.; KRIVSKIY. M.N.: KUZNIVSOV. A.Ta.; IAOARIKOV, N.I.; IGALOV, V.G.; LIK11AMW. V.P.-. 10MOT. P.I.; MAT3WICH, K.F.; MILINICHMMO, K.I.; MAMISVICH, I.R.; MIKHAYLOT, A.V., kand. takhn. nauk; MUS113ffA, R.N.; NATANSON, A.V.; NIKITIN, M.Y.; OWNS, I.S.; OGULINIK, G.R.; OSIPOV, A.D.; OSMW, N.A.; PIMOV, V.I.; FWMIN, G.A., prof.; PIYAWOTA, Ye.T.; RAYOPORT. Ya.D.; RRHAZOV. M.P.; RWANOV. M.P., kand. biol. nauk: ROCIUMV. A.G.; RUBINCHIK. A.M.; RYBONTSKIT, V.S.; SAWHIKOV. A.T.; SEMMSOV. V.A.; SIMMO, P.M.; SMAYSIATA, Y.T,; SITAROVA. M.Ni; SOSNOVIKOV, K.S.; STAVITSKIY, Ye.A.; STOLYAROV, B.P. [deceasea -, SUDZILOVSKIT. A.O.-, STRTSOTA, Te.D., kEwd. tekhn. nauk; FILIFPMIY, V.P.; KHATWRIN, A.D.; TSISHIffSKIY, P.M.; CHEWASOV, M.1,; CHAWSHAV, A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A.; SIDWOFAL, A.O.; SHAKHTAR, P.A.; SHISHKO, G.A.; SHCHARBIAL. I.N.; XNGALI, F.F.: TAKOBSON, A.G.; TAMOV. P.A., ARKHANGXLISKIY. (Continuea on next eara) ANDONIYRV. V.L.... (continued) Card 2. Ye.A., reteenzent., red.; AJalUTIN, A.N., retsonzent, red.; BAIASHOT, YU.S,, reteentent, red.; BARLBANOV, V.A., reteenzent, red.; EATUMIR, P.D., retsenzent, red.; BORODIN. P.T., kand. tekhn. uauk, ratmeozent, red.; VAILJTSKIY. I.I., kaud. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent, red.; GRIG(MIUT, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent, red.; GUBIN, N.Y., retsenzent, red.; G(MYNT, IoN., rateenzent, red.; TMOLOV, A.I., kand. tokhn. nauk, rateenzent, rod.: KARAULOV, B.F., reteenzent, red.; JCRITSKIT, S.N., doktor takhn. nauk, retiienzent, red.; lrM, V.V., retoonzent, red.; LUKIN, V.V., retaenzent, red.; UJSKIN. Z.D., reteenzent, red.; MATRIROSOVp A.Kh., reteenzent, red.; KINDMYV, D.M., retsenzent, rod.; KMIKELO, N.Y., doktor tokhn. nauk, retseuxent, red.; (3BFJIZKOV, S.S., retsenzent, red.; PEMS1101, P.N., reteensent. red.; POLUKOV. L.K., retoonzent, red.; RUMTANSIV, A.M., reteenzent, red.; RYABCHIKOV, Ye.I., reteenzent, red.; STASJWOV, N.G.. rateen- sent, red.; TAKANLYNT. P.T., rotgenzent, red.; TAWOVM[IY# SeVes prof.. doktor takhn. nauk, rateenzent, red.; TIONLI, R.R., retsen- sent, r"d.; FJIDOROV, Te.M., reteenzent, red.; SHAFWOV. M.N., retsenzent, red.; SHKkKOV, N.I., retsenzent, red.; ZHUX, S.Ta. [deceased], akademik-, rlavnyy red.; RUSO, G.A., kand. tekhn. muk, red.; FILIMONOV, N.A., red.; V01KOV, L.N., red.; GRISHIN, W.Me, red.; ZHURIN, V.D., prof., dolctor tokhn. nauk, red.; KOSTROV. I.N., red.; LIELACHIff. V.P., red.; KKDVIIDIV, V.H., kand. takhn. nauk, red.; MIMIATIOV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; PBTROV. G.D., red.; RAZIN. 11J., red.: SOBOLIT. V.P.. red.; MINGSH, BaPep red.; FUTGOYA9 (Continued on next card) ANDONOYNY, V.L.... (continued) Card 3. Ye.Y.. red.; TSYPIAKOV. V.D. [deceased], red.: KORABLINOV. P.N., takhn. red.; GWMN, Te.M., tekhn. red.; KACHXROVSKIT, N.Y., tekhn. red. [Volga-Don; technical account of the construction of the T.I. Ienin Volga-DDn Navigation Canal, the TSimlyansk Hydroelectric Center, and Irrigation systems] Volgo-Don; takhnichaskii otchet o stroitell- stva Tolgo-Donskogo sudokhodnogo kanala imeni V.I. T-enina, TSim- lianskogo gidrouzla I orositellnykh sooruzhanit, 1949-1952; v piati tomakh. 14oskra, Goa. energ. izd-vo. Vol.l. [General structural descriptions] Ubshchee opi9anie sooruzhenii. Glay. red. S.IA. Zhuk. Red. toma M.M. Grishin. 1957. 319 P. Vol.2. [Organization of con- struction. Specialized operations in hydraulic engineering] Orgs- nizatsiia etroitel'stvn. Spetsiallnye g1drotakhnicheskie raboty. . A . fCoutinuod on naxt card) AMNITIV, V.L.... (continued) Card 4. Glay. red. S.IA. Zhuk. Red. toma I.N. Xostrov. 1958. 319 p. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo clektrostanteii. BytLro tekhnicheskogo otcheta o strottelletve Vol,- ,,o-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent Almdemii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. Doyetvitellnyy chlen Akademil. stroitallatTa i arkhitektury SSSFL (for Grishin, Razin). (Volga Don Ganal-Hydraulic engineering) GRODZIRISKATA, I.YA., inzh.; TSARW, A.I., lush. In situ investigation of the wolk of the anchored upstrew floor of the Volga Hydroelectric Power,Station. Tiudy Gidropreekta 2: 168-176 '59. (MIRA 13:7) 1* Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy sektor Vsesoyuznogo pro7ektno- ityekatellskogo i nauchno-isilsdovatelskogo instituta "Gidroproyekt* tmo'S.Ta.Zhuk. (Volga Fqdroolectric Power Station-Dam) --'N' "'r, 1.YA) f .I-'arl Tec'% "),C i GRODZENSKAYA$ L.S. , Cand Tech soc' Mechanisms According to Driven I.Ink.- Mosp 1956y ',(-) Pp i50 cL)plea (Y-L, 2'1-58, lc~')) Scl -- (dius) "The Planning of Bal * -and- a Fired Duration of jti--pplnf~ 1",f the (Aced Oct M-3fi. Inst. o4P ";ci) GROUNSKATA, L. S. Design of hinged mechanisms based on given stop duration of followers. Trudy Inst.mash.;Sem.po teor.mash. 18 no.71t69- 90 058. (MIRA 12:1) (Mechanical movements) ild At I lift all a 25'(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION S6V/3438 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mashinovedenlya Trudy, tom 1: Vtoraya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya aspirantov i mladshikh nauchnykh sotrudnikov (Transactions of the Institute of Machine Science, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Vol 1: Second Scientific and Technical Conference of Aspirants and Junior Scientific Workers) Moscow, 1959. 182 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,000 copies printed. Reap. Ed.: A.K. D'yachkov, Doctor of Technical Sciencis, Professor; Tech. Ed.: B.K. Shorin. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel engaged in the design of machines and mechanisms. COVERAGE: This collection of scientific papers, presented at a conference held July 2-3, 1958,deals with the theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of machine parts, friction and wear in machines, and machine-building technology. No personalities Card 1/6 Transactions of the Institute (Cont.) SOV/3438 are mentioned. References follow each paper. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Chebotareva, A.B. Vie Problem of Classifying Four-bar Linkages According to the Type of Kinematic Relationsh ps 5 The author proposes the classification of Xur-bar linkages Into three main classes. Diagrams of position functions for each class are presented. Grodzenskaya,-..L.S. The Design of Bar-linkages With a Dwell for u omatic Machines 23 The author describes methods of designing bar-linkages with dwe~lls. These methods may also be applied in desig~inig other types of mechanisms with dwells. Matevosyan, P.A. Some Problems in Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanical and Electronic Devices With Closed Circuits 41 Card 2/6 Transactions of the Institute (cont.) SOV/3438 The author presenta results of an inveatigation of complex mechanical and electronic devices used in machine tools and computing mechanisms. Subbotin, M.I. Investigation of Fluid Damping in Vibration- measuring Instruments 53 A simple case of fluid damping is investigated. On i.he basis of the results obtained an Improved design for accelerometers Is proposed. Krasnashchekov, N.N. Theoretical Basis for Determining Accura0y of Spur Gears With M.L. Novikov Tooth Action 65 Korablev., S.S. Investigatlon of Resonance Properties of Mechanical 0 75 Systems Results of theoretical and experimental investigations of the process of transition through resonance In mechanical vibrating systems are presented. The results of an investigation of resonance properties of a centrifugal vibrator with non-linear rebtoring force are discussed. Card 3/6 Transactions of the Institute (Cont.) SOV/3438 Rastrigin, L.A. Dynamics of the Transition Through_Resonance of Vibrations of Shafts With Different Moments of Principal Inertia, With the Coupling to an Engine Taken Into Account 89 Vibrations of shafts with different prIncipal-inertia moments during transition through the zone of static instability are investigated. Equations of motion and methods for their solu- tion are presented. Osipov, K.A. Investigating the Process of Producing Splines on Shafts by Broaching or Planing With Gang Tools 101 Basic theoretical considerdrions on the selection of methods for cutting splines in shafts are developed. Broaching and planing are experimentally investigated and recommended as the most efficient methods for cutting splined shaf.ts in laxge- lot and mass production. Komarov, L.Ye. Investigation of MQthods of Compacting Casting Molds 121 The effect of vibrations on the process of compacting molds by compression is Investigated. Results Indicate that vibrations Card 4/6 Transactions of the Institute,(Cont.) SOV/3438 make it possible to obtain uniformity of density'at coppression pressures several times lower than those used in compacting without vibration. Demkin, N.B. Invastigation of Contact Areas of Rough Surfaces 131 The relationship between the actual contact area (cofisisting of elastic and plastic contact areas), the surface roughness, and the material properites of two surfAces is Investigated. Results indicate that the size of the actual contact area is considerably affected by the geometry of the surface. Krashchin, M.D. Investigation of the Accuracy of Determining Wear by the Method of Crescent-shaped Indentations 143 An experimental investigation was made of'the accuracy of determining metal wear by the indentation method, involving measurement of the length and calculation of the reduction of depth'of a creacent-shaped recess cut into the metal surface. The method of investigation and the special instruments used are described. Card 5/6 Transactions of the Institute (Cont.) SOV/3438 Makhovenko* A.I. Investigation of Lubricant Circulation in a Model of the Oil Bath of a Vertical-pivot Thrust Bearing Used In Large Hydraulic Turbines 155 Lubricant flow in-the bath and between shoes of a thrust bearing (without cooling) was investigated by a ihemQ- anemometric methock.. A testing machine, built for thi3.purpose at the Hydrodynamic Friction lAboratory, Institut masbinovi- deniya, AN SSSR (Institute of Machine Science, Jkiade4 of Sciences., USSR), is used. The results of the investigation are described. Khurshudov, G.Kh. Investigation of Stresses like Cross Beams 1 The author discusses an experimental and gation.of stresses in composite and solid The non-linear distributions of stresses shown in diagrams. AVAILABLEz Library of Congress Card 6/6 in Frames With Plate- theoretical investi- frame-structures. and strains are' 167 VK /J~ 44 60 GRODZXNSKAYA, L.S. DoBigning hinged mechanisms with stopping for atitomtic mchInes. Trudy Inst. ma9h. 1:23-39 159. ( MRA 12:12) (Links and link motion) GRODZEiSKATA, L.S. Applying the methods for designing hinged Intermittent motion. Trudy Inst. mash. Som. 19 no.76:34-35 159. (Links and linkages) mechanisms with po teor. mash. (MIRA 13,-3) BARSOV, G.A, p ksM. taav. vaink, dots.; DED040VA, L.V. , kand. tekhn. naukv ispolnyayusbehly obyazannosti dots.; GPODZ13;SKAYA L."% '-k--h-n*.-an-u';-'.-ZZ, kand. tekhn. naukj ZHELIGOVSKIY, A.V., kand. te 0 KUSIIIIIIII.IKOV, G.A.,kand. tokhn. nauk, dots.; KULIBACOYY, 0.1., kand. tekhn. nauk, ispolnyayushchiy obytizannosti. dots.; PAWELEYEV, S.I., kand. takhn.nauk, dots.; SHEKHVITS, E.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; YIJDM.'ICH, V.V., kaM. tekhn. nauk, date.; VIKOLAYEVA, T.G.,, red.; GOROKIIOVA, S.S., tekhn. rod. [Theory of flat mechanisms and the dynamics of machinery) Teoriia plookikh mekhauiw.,ov i dimmika mashin. (By] G.A. Barsov i dr. Yoskva, Goo. izd-vo "Vyflshaia shkola," 1961. 336 p. NIIU 15-2) (Mechanical movements) (Mechanical engineering) ARTOBOLEVSKIY, I. I., nkademik, red.; 141VITSKIY, N. I., (Joktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; YOZHEVNIKOV, S.N., red:; WBRIOSKIY, A.Ye.f doktor takhn. nauk, red.; PETROKAS, L.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; GAVRILENKO, V.A., doktor tekhn. nnuk, red.; BF.SSCNOV, A.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; G&"jJA&j&,,L.S. kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; MERENSKAYA, I.Ya., red.izd-va;-UVAIT;VA, A.F.,tekhn. red. [Analysis and synthesis of mechanisms) Analiz i sintez mekhm- nizmov; abormik Btatel. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 234 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Soveshchaniye po osnovnym problemam teorii mashin i mekha- nizmov. 3d, Moscow, 1961. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Kozhevnikov). (Mechanisms) ARTOBOLEVSKIY, I.I.; VILIDTp YO#O,; SECDZEUSYXIA, L.53o; GITI-IM, T.P.; IZVITSKIY, N.I.; KIIARTENBERG) R.S. Kinematics of mechanisms; German-English-Russian termino- logical dlationary. Teor. mash. i meldi. no.94/95:54-68 163. (MIRA 16: 1-1) KUDRYASaV, I.T., kand.tekhn.nauk, GRCCDZINSMA. U.S., Inxh. Technology and proportion of cellular silicates made with super- fine grained lim. Stroi. mt. 6 no.7:l8w2l J1 160o (MIRA 13:7) (Lim) (Silicates) L 41375-65 tEC-4/EED-2/EEO-2/EVIA(h)/EVrr(d)/EWT(l) PJ-4/Pn-4/Peb GW ACCESSION NR: AT4049375 8/2552/(;4/000/040/00,52/0056 AUTHOR: Voyutskiy, V.S.: Grodzenski y, TITLE: The Interference stability of asynchronous accumulation SOURCE: Moscow. Voesoyuzny*y nauchno-issledovatel'skly Institut geofizicheskikh vodkl. Pri dadniya-ge-ofli-ik-a--i6.--4Y.'-1964,--52--gG- nictodov raz -T I TOPIC TAGS: asynchronous accumulation, synchronous accumulation, seismic signal, effective sIgnal, selsmoEjah, Lsynchronous receiver, correlation converter, geophy- Bi", prospecting ABSTRACT: A comparative calculation of the effectiveness of asynchronous accumu- lation (a two-channel correlation reception) and grouping Is cited in this article. The chwiging I (Interference) ratio in the case of asynchronous storage occurs in 2 S I signal stages as the seismic signals pass through a correlation converter. The use of 4 Instruments per amplifier at the input of the asynchronous receiver enhances Lbe effectiveness of asynchronous storage (acemulation). Ile fact that the rectified and averaged osaillatlons are recorded at the output of the asynchronous receiver makes It 1/2 Card L 41375-65 ACCESSION NR; AT4049375 possible to summarize the mutual correlation functions on a wide range (800-1, 000 meters). 'fhe gain derived from such a summation Is proportional to the number of grouped channels, but Instantaneous valuen cannot be grouped on such a largo base as this would and distort the effective signals. Thus the use of groups of instruments at the input end of the asynchronous receiver as well as the other above- mentioned factorn accounto for the high efficiency of the asynchronous acciunulation method when the Incoming waves from weak and remote explosions are recorded on scismograms. Orig. art. has., 3 formulas and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION:, none SUBMITTED: 00 NO REP SOV-. 002 ENCLt 00 0THER:- 000 M CODE; ES tord 2/2 tw I v rim! 11 11 1'$ to M a a I M IT I I I o x Da F. 00 %WIT go fee 0 I, IIAS IT ",.,I Mamp-- wit SP-bulvxlV '41 00 ' - I' P.tq $$t Vitt lowo"Trwin i0 PROwil OU *0 00 00 0*0 U, I Ir -T .1 1 1 0 0,0 0 0 0 ja AL -a -a -a -A AL Jw - A, I" Pboopborve metabolism I Normal and pathalogiciii :-0o candIrl"a studied with the did at radioactive pboophorus t f ' ostfita o todi. I Mvtbod ad defervaleaticto aud divitil Ctive pbospbom In orpseat mice. It V (4-4.11441 -00 8 . nd L. Wine. J. I'Ayss& 11 S S. k 29, 111 I,in (" i 1~ ;__ : . ..( whtf with fin 11 1 IWI I 344) t .- . 1 suan. n stviv% arkv 1 ( invir,fiffilt"M it is %how" here that radicalkittv 1' 4. dir i-iiec! in the bones within 4 t1d hrs iif-trt 0- .4-1-n to 41.1 Amlonlitate% in the 11111e1". Nit gri, mt'. th, Wfim : verf slowly. Uvrr, kklorVii AM -141*tl 11-0 11 It v", f *tight changrt in 11 clontent, rvTo C., hl-. A, I *A. 51-1 ~Iho w .4 tartIr .1 b fl k I d of j rw su cu m it t n*1e , y -.00 00 _:Los 00 a fee too ue I 00 4 life At I-_ too if '% 0 31 0 Goo 0-0000 0 0 0 e 0 00060 0 0 00 00 0 0 so ,Sal 49 0 11; It 11 0 so A 1. 8 0 . r0, 1 1 . ~10. I -A- L, I A& W U LV ft go /* AnUgMw 44 f"W It b6them" study. 0 )e 0411PIAMMAN 1111M. 4049. wad, us. so C,,. pbr. 5, amoodO.-Tw Ow of tabu InibrowlyclPdimbit tion ill rots is repoirted 00 lium.4 Wr 44 P ju%rifolom into watriml of Z7. floo plaint. Jut nn nunwrical data w# "pmWd )c 00 00 '00 00 .00 400 .0 Soo 0. =so 00 0: 1700 =00 goo -00 --so -so -o* -00 too log u it a- 006000000000000000000risoooooogoooooooesoo -0-e - 0 9 000 00 0 00 0 & 000 so Gooses so fee 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 610ij -*V*Of*oo*oo 090*0 00 1. L -I ''I 60 00 0 0 0 000 - ' o' 0 Is 11 u 1 16 It a It IsI NHT~if " v Is IS A V X . 4 L 1 1 - IF I r- A AA III a 74 U-+tt--A I-C-1 --j go British antatwisliv; DAL, 1, *0 A it oo go go 0 zoo goo ago coo Soo U00 i-.d Gov 'l. I w a S A 4 it to old sit Re man 0011"aft 1114 GROMMS-M, D. E. T-A 47/--*, 1 - WSR/1MIGIM - Biochemistry Jan/Feb 49 )bdicine - Liver, Phosphorus "Investigation of Phosphoric Chanjp With a Lov Albminoue Dist by the Obthod of Tracer Atoms," D. 1. Grodzenekly, 1. 1. Koroleva, Dept of Bio- chen, Sol Be@ Inst of Alimentation, VS USSR, 0 Pp aBlokhWya" Vol M, No'l, t?,'l I Describes experiments on growth In rate. Phospho- rus metabolism in liver of animals fed on diet deficient In albumin vas faster than in control animals. This van shown by so" of radioactive phosphorus. Acceleration increases vith degree of albumin ~1MtICU. submitted 10 Jun 48. fto 45/49%2 pbomp"m membsum dad" a PCOVID-OW dint I atki H. I. K(m,aeva. 014611400ya 14. lb -Expts. with PON Noll" - . 4. C.A. 40. 50W. abow"I that the P metaboksm increased in mtb tbat hod Iven krpt for a keg tinm on a protrin-pnor diet. The umuAl 11 tu"Knw was observed in rAtz thAt bad fim bcu (cd & locotein-pow diet and tater were traniferred to* timnsal cbel. The pboopborylated products of tbc later. tutdiAle twbuhydrate metsbotism scrount for inmat of the invtmw in the P rottabolism It, priestky CROD=3KtY, D. E. tiological Chemistry "It-view of B. 1. Zbarskiy's "Progress of biological chemistry" by D. E. Grodzenskly, Biokhimiya, 16, No. 6, 1951 SO: Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - March 1952 diii, Uncl. ..,-'Tb* use of labeled stome In the study of tho*'S't cato Junctions of digestive glands, 1. V. It. Cpr(K1zt!"ikT t1t) K. S. Zumychkina, and U. 1. Kerok-va. TPOY Premenem.' Radioul-hp. 11440pov V 31rd. (h(toocoll. Ntetigic) 11053,,1) 1); 14-thidet Awl livcr bill, Ul tile It. Val it *%-,I$ Wwid u illjrt 6141 1": app"J" ill lim bilc Its W wo. aisil reactirs it-s rna%. oss tile I-Ah,wisix d-ty. The di,prutwittionately low level %41 I'll ill (hu Ictn-. indivates that it is allualwd ImIn tile WIC ill tile har-jill-41 trwt. It. S. lm lie Umbution of phosphonts -32 via the InlostInal JulcvA It. V. H. Gintize.isicit K. 8 7Amychkiiia, and IC L K-JVVA- (1~f~ rrady prink"Or kadiditiv. IZO(Op. 9 Mod. (M('~A)vv -.Met. g1,:) IOU, WD-3. A at. Zk". Kki.. Bi,4. Kkim. 1955, No. 70M.-Pop wig"flitulas to the sinall it&~tiec were used and Abe jnke wns ohUned folh,wing wvckv,~-al slinni- hitkw. A neutral iontopic Naill!'"Ot w4a. wal inJected in- tri%ve"onaZI. P's c%xnVwnds wex found circulatin In Abe b" 201 after the Intrav-mLva Injer6m. In 10 &%ys ljA7v of AV. PJW hd been diminted ria the kPIneys, -and 13-75~A via the intestine. At the end of the first hr. 0.740/4 of It had been eliminated vis The intestinal juices. More than 6U% of the total P Us the intestinal juice ii In the form of Inatpuk P. It is believtd that P cntezing the intestine with the bile Is lagely reabsorbed Into the bkxA. 1~. S._Levine--.- C.- ROM Eivwy, D, - G - 21 ipholus-3.1 0:1 tile hilroll-led L IU in post -oper Alive cholecyglams cases. 111. lj~ I... Urtn(frit-kil, K, S. I". L KCITA-va. Ya' 1'()kt!v:i. Tioddy R ... bi. "Aliiv. I Aled. hlascoc 'Nit"Wo 1953, ~"I! s. Ma'80. VIZ.. K" him#.. Z. Eking. 1955, N.. 7 %N1 - va, 1; W t". Mich fistulate INtliclots mveiv"l Iptr ft .6.,ti of N~' I I 11"O1 At tittle listvivigis I'll was detd. in the whole LIMA, tile pidsula, tile bile, tile urille, slid the firct-1. '~4w- Lific tietivity was dctd. Ir,nit the initkis a( P12:11". Mitt. Activity u1jr-ared In a purtitni 44 life bile Collected trilhill file firstbr.i) tsperciiiintake. A eatmiderable partof the P', was cWniratttl via the urine. L.1ille Y4 --'a".1orptioa ct phosl1cms by tha pbos~Y-tu, e~ -I.; r,~)njj the h.-tLn following the irijution of"dlolnve PhCS;,hCrvS. (I ':inrul- Acad- N,). 7. 37-41(1944).-In pfeviot;s exim. it ~1,ls (CKI-1114 tha raGic-active P adminfittred intravrn(jusly. subcutnnerjutly, or ptrorally is slowly ahswbed L~,-Ihe Y,~Jn A siurL rn..,~-rc rapid ~,bsorptiuvi takc3 place when the i-otei- i~ injcc:vJ di- rectly Into the brain. It is taken up by ilie inorg., acid- orl., phompholipide, and phrzphoprotrin P fractirni. The Specific L.Ctivity of each of thetit: fractioril is nlv~%Ufol by dividing the no. of impubcm per min, prcr g. of tiswc by the ault. of P present in the fraction. Thuri, it v(A-- foulad that the inorg. P fraction has the highest speci5c fictivitY, I ,11lo,wb those of the aciti-sol, phosphoproteir, end p e fractions. 11 injected into out of the cereb?'al _PIV .Ii~ a , ph, Is tly takrn up by ac other although in Irnaller amt. rhe injected P stay3 ia the brain longer than .1 F of Lion," GFDDZ]Dqff. David SwAnuilovich. kandidat n*cUtainakikh nauk; ISLUTITNA.P..G., takhaichesidy redaktor. (Radioactive Isotopes to biology and medicine] RadioaktiviVe isotopy v biologil t seditsine. Naekvu. lzd-vo wZmnie.9 1955. 39 p. (Taosoluzuee obehchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politichookikh t naucbnykh snanit. Ser. 3. no.Lk3) (HLRA 8:12) (RADIOACTIVI TRACERS) KISMZV,P.N., redaktor: POBIDINSKIY,M.'N., redRktor; rrROMRNSKIY,D.X., rednktor. SACHNA.A.L. tekhnicheek-iy redAktor - - [Treatment of orythresta and leucasis with radlonctive phosphorus; a collection of papers) Lechenis radionktivnym fooforom bollnykh eritremiei i lelkosami; sbornik rRbot. Moskva, Goo. Izd-vo med. lit-ry. 1955. 128 p. (KLU 9:2) (PHOSPIfORUS--THEUPSUTIC USX) (IRYTHRIMIA) (LNUCOSIS) GRODZXNSXIY, D.X.,kandidat maditainakikh nauk. From the depths of the atom. Zdorovle I no.8:1-3 Ag 155 (KlJtA 9:5) (RADIOACTIVITY) r The late ofiWas administered pa hoftiniccompound- . 2 of bile. K. . Zamychkinp and D1. GrocizenAR (Inst. MD lPfjy%W., Acad, Med. Sci. U.SS.R. and Central Inst. p0awrod. Physicians, Moscow). BiolikinsiYa 20, 153-9 (1955).-Radicactlye dog bile was administered per as tri other dogs. Shortly thereafter radioactive P wai demon- ,-strated In the blood scrum. 5G-W% of such P was ex- tractable with an air--ethcr mixt. The mapitude of specific activity of (lie fraction of Inarg. P folInwing the Zd- itainistration of radioactive bile was conwidexably tower than In the c of administratkyn of radioactive No pbusphatc. The specific activity of the serum wits of a higher magnitude and the appearance of the specific activity mat. was con. siderably 'delayed. The appearssuce times of the criax. .specific activity at the inorg. serum P and of the total P were not coincidental. The smific activity curve of bile PAlowing per os adminl5tration of radioactive bile Is Identical with the one fohowing the administration ot radioactive N&JIM, the max. of spccific activity appeming in 224 hr.%. In both fustances. In the cam o( ios vitro exnts. the o, g. P couilids. o(bile am not hydrolyzed by the mists. of duodenal digative juice* of the do 1. The content or total and hint 11 and the coricn.'at bilerubin In the bloed serum remala unchanged. Theorg.; compdo. of bile are absorbed bythe hitcotinea of the dog w. hout the splitting of P into inorg. jorm. . i - B. S. Lityint 0 GROW1101Y David Ammunuilovich, doteent; XCENTSEV, V.A., rodaktor; .................. TuFIAhii~#')r.A-.. -V,-eMft?Mkiy r,dktor [Atomic energy for medicine) Atomnals energlia - meditatue. Moskva, Goo. izd-wo tekhalko-teoret. lit-ry. 1956. 69 p. (11suchno- popullarnais bibliotake, no. 90) [Microfilm] (KERA 10:4) (RADIOLOGT. MEDIUL) IVANOV. I.1., profeenor; RAL&BUMIA. V.S.; ROMAIITSXV, Ye.1r.; TSDOROVA,T.A.,, GRODZINSKIY, D.E., redalctor; HBLICIIIKOYA. Tu.S.. takhnichookiy - * -0 [Metabolism in radiation sickness] Obwen veshchostv pri luchavoi bolezni. Pod red. I.I.Ivanovs. Moskva, Goo. tzd-vo mod, lit-ry, 1956. 250 p. (HLRA 10:1) (RiDIATION SICFIMSS) (METABOLISM) 111M04 b t 0 44 P di . 1). B. Gradzeaskit, a~d L. 1. He"--;LkLn&. Afed~ Radi,,- '0 iY ' 0. 3, 63-71(195d).-Expd. hi-patith w,4-. p.,c_ 4 t A d,.cd b,2.,tbods: was Inject d ubetitantously into doll-; 5 sepatatt time~i at 3- da lntir= (b) 0.1-0.2 g./kg. of boily wt. of Na &di- ~ ~4: . te wso administered to do orally daily for IG-1.1 days. cy r Under study was also ti group o ,dogs with sponutifoui hepit- I.A6 naturally contracted. Nallip"O' In 250 ml. of milk (2--3 mictocurks/L-g. of body wt.) was fed to the hepatitis and control dogs. Suppletneutal tests were p,rformed with control 'dogi receiving simil3ir NagHl"10, doses inuave- nously. Blood samples were secured 30. W, W, 120, MO, 140, and 3W min. after Oe administration of the P" com- pound. Blood setum %vus analyzed frr total aud inurganic P I l d if i d suM an ic activ ice-frecexpti. ts Atnera spec ty. Injaun bep3tiw resulting from the ndwinistrati;)n of drLji or friltu Ipootancous Infectitru the tnnen. of P in the Nood b,runi (total and IflOf KaJic) did not differ front that tit the coiltrol dogs, The oral adininlitration of P" caused the curves at specific activity of total and Inorganic P" to assume forms different from those obtained in normal dogs. In anii-cals reei-Avinji P" by the suVcutancou3 route the diaercnce In the curves in sick and control dola wai not ai fluirply ex- pressed. The processes of 11 absorption and utifli,ation are inarkedl? diiturbed In autruali with liver rmlit4i;gy. t1'dToPZ8 IN THE STULY OF THE PATJ!CjCY.-4F_,;jS OF METABOUC DIqWrq. D. E. Grodzer4kil. .9, ljt j 93 Amrvoy la logdo of the L13" Of rLda,3otWj n tho &Itu,jy of Ow POU10961wals of ineubello (j3. j. I,.) 4..Itrld AmmmilovIch, dots.; BXWMOV, O.K., red.; BIMWT, A.P.; -249RZANAW [RadlebiabW-, M61aglaal offset of ionizing radiation] Ratiobialo- gila; ~IclftlclwshDe daistris ionisirmiushchogo Isluchealla. Koskm, Isd-wo w2mads," 1958. 31 p. (Vsesoiuznoe o'bohaheitvo pa ramprostransullu politichaskikh i nauchnykh tuanit. Ser.8, Y" I no.17). (KIBA Ilgiol (Radiobiology) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION 740 Grodzenskiy, David Emmanuilovich, Docent Atomnaya energiya--medit sine (Atomic Energy in Medicine) 2nd ed., enl. Moscow, Gostekhizdat, 1958. 76 pp. (series: Nauchno-populyarnaya biblioteka, vyp. 90) 501000 CoPies printed. Ed.: Nbzentsev, V.A.; TIech. Ed.: Akhlamov, S.N. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general public. COVERAGE: The author tells how atomic energy has enriched medicine by developing new methods of scientific research., diagnosis and treatment of diseases. He cites the many ways in which various radioactive isotopes are being used -r,)r the purpose, disclosing the cause of many deficiencies when :introduced as tracers into medicinnl substances. The method of tracer atoms is used to measure the rate of blood circulation &ad the famation of hemoglobin, and to locate tumors (particularly brain tumors). By taGGing microbes and insects the causes of infectious diseases are established and the conditions under which resist- ance to them is developed are studied. The isotopic method, also used in medicine, has expanded our knowledge of normal processes and helped accumulate Card 1/3 Atomic Energy in Medicine 740 irrefutable evidence of the procedures of metabolism in animal and plmt organisms. Atomic energy replaces steam sterilization by exposing diseazed surfaces to gomm rays. 7he book contains 10 drawings. Mere are 7 referenceis, all of which are Soviet. TABIE OF COWnRM: I. Introduction What are isotopes How radioactive isotopes are obtained How radioactive disintegration is established 3 3 7 11 II. Isotopes as Tagged Atoms in the Study of Metabolism 16 The role of sugar in the organism 20 7he role of fatty acids in the organism 25 Tagged atoms in studies of albumen metabolism 28 Are bone structures restored in the organism 35 Iron and anemia. Vitamin B12 37 Tagging medicines and poisons 41 Tugging microbes, mosquitoes and flies 43 Card 2/3 Atomic Energy in Wdicine 740 III. Nuclear Radiation in Diagnosing Diseases 45 Is the thyroid gland functioninS normally 116 Are there obstacles in the blood circulation 51 Do isotopes help diagnose brain'tumors 54 Tagged red corpuscles 57 IV. Nuclear Wiation in the Treatment of Diseases 61 Radiation therapy of tumors 61 Charged particle accelerators and the nuclear reactor as devices for radiation therapy 66 Treating blood diseases 69 Treating disorders of the thyroid gland 72 Conclusion Bibliography AVAILAME: Library of Congress card 3/3 BK/fal 11-3-58 74 78 GFUDZEIZER, D. E. and IVAVEhKO, T. I. "The Use of Tracer Technique In Investigations of the Hormones Effect on the Bone Tissue Metabolism." paper to bb presented at 2nd UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sept 1958. 21(8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1825 Grodzenskly, David Emmanuilovich. Doaent ----------------------- Radiobiologlya; biologloheakoy doystviye ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya (Radiobiologyj Biological Reaction of Ionizing Radiation) Moscow, Izd-vo "Znaniye," 1958. 31 P. (Seriest Vaesoyuznoye obahchestvo po raagrostramnlyu0politicheskikh i nauohnykh znanly. Seriya VIII, 195 ; vyp. 1, n . 17) 35,000 Copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt Vessoyuznoye obahchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheakikh i nauchnykh znanly. Ed.t O.M. Banyumov; Tech. Ed.i A.P. Berlov. PURPOSE: This popular edition in intended for the general reader interested in radiablology. COVERAGEt This popular science type booklet presents a survey of radiabiology. The main interest is in ionizing radiation, its use in biology, and the effect of the radiation on organisms. A review Card 1/3 Radiobiology; Biological Reaction (Cont.) sov/1825 of the basic concepts of radiation its given at the beginning of the book. No personalities are mentioned. No references are given. TABIE OF CONTENTSt What Ionizing Radiation In 3 The-Distribution of Ions 5 The Direct and Indirect Effect of Ionizing Radiation 7 Dissociation of Water Due to Rays 8 Tho-Theory of "Targets" 10 The Role of Oxygen in Irradiation 11 Irradiation of Biological Substances Outside the Organism 12 Changes In Proteins Due to Irradiation Outside the Organism 14 Card 2/3 Radiobiology; Biological Reaction (Cont.) sov/1825 Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Coll 16 Radionensitivity of Animals and Plants 20 Disturbance of the Metabolism Throughout the Body 21 Certain Data on Increasing the Resistance to Irradiation by Means of Chemicals 26 Search for Means of Stimulating the Regeneration Processes in an Irradiated Organism 29 Effect of Radiation on the Subsequent Generations 30 AVAILABIEs Library of Congress TM/ad 6-29-59 Card 3/3 GRODZKNSKIT, D.X. "Contribution to a study of the endocrine syndrome induced by total-body Irradiatian" Jin Yrench] bV E.H. Betz. Rewieved by D.I. Grodzenskii. Ked.rad; 3 no.4:95-96 Jl-Ag '58- (MMA 12:3) (RADIATION-PHYSIOU)GICAL rr (JWDOCRIn GUM) (EM , E.H.) " '. , - , :x- if * k :- /I . .,."~ , Z' , ZAKrCHKIN. K.S., CIRCDZENSKIT, D.E. ............. Turnover of orgnnic phosphorus compounds In animnl b1le [with summnry in English). 4 no.3:175-191 W-je 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Lnborntoriya fi2iologii I pntolorii pichchev!,reniyn Instituta normAllnoy I patologicheskoy fiziolcqii AM SSSR I TSqntrnj'nyy institut usavernhenatvovaniya vrnchey. (PHOSPHORUS. metAbollem turnover of orrnnic phosphorus cpda. in bile of dogs (RUB)) (Blime orgnnic phosphorus cpdav in bile of dogs Aftor oral admin, of rAdiophosWinnis (Rug)) GRODZINSKrY, D.E., RABKINA, A.Ye,, BAGRAMTAN, X.R. (Moskva) P~reventivs and therapeutic action of the somatotropic hormone in radiAtiOn injury [with summary in English]. Probl.endok. I gorm. 4 no.4151-57 J1-A9 158 (MIRA 11:10 1. Is radiatsionnoy(!aboratoril (zav. - dots. D.E. Grodzneskty) I otdals morfologii mvp - profe Ye*Iq Tarakanov) Tsesoruznogo Initituta ekspertmentall noy endokrinologii Wir. - prof, YeA. Vft:;ZVa). (RADIATION PROTECTION, by somatotropic In x-irradiation in rAts (fts)) (SONATOTROPIN, eff. protectiTS against x-Irradiation in rate (Run)) fP