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t.ecl,, of "i I,,!; ,,-j I-,, rsn
to 13noar On-s.'l '."tale Ij imeni
sertation for !Ihe U.-I-r?e of Gandidal'A 1-11
Kniz*.iriaya Lf!tnni-sl, 10 (1 1156
SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/.Differetitial equations CARD 1/1 PG - 358
sym a_
TITLE Asympto c %havior of the solutions of non-linear systeM3
which differ little from linear ones,
PERIODICAL Doklady Akad. Nauk 108, 571-574 (1956)
reviewed 11/1956
The author compares the asymptotic behavior of the aolutions of the Sy3tems
dX . Ax + f(t'X)
and AX . Ay.
Here A is a constant matrix of n-th orderl x,y,f are n-dimensional vectorBI
f continuous for t 3~t 0 and x 6G; f satisfies the conditions in G
f(t,O) - 0, gjx'-x-'j'
where g depends on t or on V and x" (jxj is the norm of x). Several notions
are defined and eight theorema are formulated without proof. Partially these
are generalizations and refinements of earlier results of the author (Doklady
Akad. Nauk 86, No.1 (1952)) and others (Perron, I-lath. Z. 15, 121 (1922))
Haag, Bull. Sci. Math. j4.L 167 (1950)).
, I
fi r'l- i~211
TITLEt On the Distinction Problems due to Frommer (K problemam,
razlicheniya Frommera)
PERIODICALt Uspekhi Mat.Nauk, 1957, Vol.12, Nr-5, PP- 191-196 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The equation !X Pn(xty)+P(Xvy) , where P and Q are
dx - Qn (x,y)+qkx,y) n n
homogeneous polynomials of n-th degree and p,q contain the terms
of higher order, in polar coordinates has the form
d1' F~ P )+f (r. -;I
r 7- Without restriction of generality one may
assume that F(y)wa --e k+ a k +a, ~*+l +....'
0 1
G(y -1 + bl-f + .... . It is knownt If k-21+1, ao> 0, then
there exists at least one integral curve which goes into the
origin with the tangent Qf- 0. If k-21, then there exists no
such integral curve or there exist infinitely many integral
curves of this kind. First distinction problem: ku2l+l, prove
the uniqueness. Second problems k-21, establish which possibility
Card 1/2 proves right.
On the Distinction Problems due to Frommer 42-5-7/17
Theorem: If f(rftp) Ar + r t(r, q); g(Ot-f) - q(0,0) - 0
and the functions r and rg in r2+y2l~:+X 2 in r and i satisfy
the Lipschitz condition with a constant which for --~ ->O tends
to zero, then the following assertions are validt
1. in the first problem the mentioned integral curve in
determined uniquely,
2. in the second problem there exist infinitely many integral
curves with the mentioned property.
Four 3oviet referencea are quoted.
SUBMITTED: March 25s 1957
AVAILABLE- Library of Congress
1. Polynomial ecpiations 2. Integral equations
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Grobman, D.H. (Noscow) SOT/39-46-3-4/5
TITIEt Zxj&ii~nts and Minus-Exponents of Systems of Ordinary Differential
Equations (Pokazateli i minus-pokazateli sistem obyknovennykh
differentsiallnykh urayneniy)
PERIODICAL: Matematicheskiy abornik, 1958, Vol 46, Nr 3, PP 343-358 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Given the system
dy n
(1) dt = 2: aikyk (1-1,2 .... n).
The minus-exponent of the solution (Y1'Y2'.--'Y.) 'a the number
-fi-m 1n Jyj M
t 4-00
it characterizes the "increase" of the solutions for t -p -co.
If for constant a A the characteristic exponent of a solution
equals Wk, then the minus exponent of the same solution is~~ -E-3k,
The same faot is proved for the system
dxi n 9 ... ox (i-l,...,n)
-Ct- - E 'ik'k * fi(t"l n
Card 1/2 k-1
Exponents and Minus-Exponents of Systems of Ordinary SOV/39-46-3-4/5
Differential Equations
It is assumed that the fi are continuous for all t e(-00,00)
and n, that ifil >L(Ixl 1+"'+Ixnl ), and that the
constant L(r) for all r - Z 1xk1 is sufficiently small and
for r --'b0 and r tends to zero.
There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and 1 German.
SUBMITTED: April 23, 1957
Card 212
GROBT,,~,,D (Moskva); SMIRKOV, Yu.I. (Moskva)
Inonomic distribution of loads over 24-hour period for electric
power plants in mixed systems. Isy. AN SSSR. Otd.takh.nauk. Inerg.
i avtom. no.4:49-58 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Institut elektronnykh upraylyayushchikh mashin AN SSSR.
(Ilectric power plants--Load)
8(5) SOV/20-127-3-18/'71
AUTHORS. Grobmaa,-D. M., Smirnov, Yu. I.
TITLE: Economical Load Distribution of a 24 Hours' Diagram for Power
Plants of Combined Energy Systems
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 3, PP 545-546
ABSTRACT, The following problem is diuouesed in the present paper; in
a power eyetem combined of thermal- and hydraulic power
plants with a cascade-connected system of hydroelectric powur
plants the capacities are to be distributed in,such a manner
that each hydroelectric power plant uses a given quantity of
water and the entire fuel consumption of all thermal power
plants attains a minimum. The problem is solved by the su~~-
cessive improvement of the practical working methods. The
method described makes use of real diagrams and takes t~,e
channel motion and lose in the mains into account. The prob-
lem is solved in the following manner: The capacity in the
individual intervals of time within the entire system P'
1 system
and at the individual plants P n is ansumed to be constant
(n denotes the number of plan's, 1 the consecutive number
and L the number of periods of time) at (pt - 24 hours) is
Card 1/3 L
Economical Load Distribution of a 24 Hours' Diagram for Power Plante of
Combined Energy Systems
to be so small that this constancy is warranted. The system
is intended to consist of N hydro- and R thermoelectric power
plants. The fuel consumption is now, in consideration of all
loss parameters of the system, set up as a function of the
cooperation of all plants , and for it the minimum is sought:
N+R L 1 1
B > > ' B r(P;) At. water consumption and energy con-
r-N+1 1-1
sumption (the latter being equal to the load of the system
and the loss) give the conditions (1) and (2) for the func-
tion B(P). In geometric interpretation this metno 1hat in
a (N+R)L-dimensional space of the variables P,P P19
P1, P1 , P29 ... PL the function B(P) is to have a minimum
1 2 2 N+R
supposed to be located on the sectional surface formed by
the surfaces from the conditions (1) and (2). On this sectional
surface the direction is now sought in which B tends towards
zero as quickly as possible. The problem is further solved
by auccessive approximation. In reality this means that,
Card 2/3 since this way has proved to be possible, the working process
Economical Load Distribution of a 24 Hours' Diagram for Power Plants of
Combined Energy Systems
may be improved so long until, under the conditions (1) and
(2), the minimum for.'R is attained in a certain load
P( 1heme of this report as vall a
jThe / successive improvement' 6 gethe nction of
YJ .... PN+R) T fu
fue consumption was suggested by I.S. Bruk, Corresponding Ifem-
bar, AS USSR. The authors thank I.S. Bruk and A.L. Brudno for
advice and likewise also V. S. Shakhanov and V. A. Skobelev.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elektronnykh upravlyayushchikh mashin Akademii nauk
SSSR (Institute for Electronic Control Machines of the
Academy of Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTED: April lo, 1959, by A. A. Blagonravov, Academician
SUBMITTED: April lo, 1959
Card 3/3
AUTHORt Grobman, D.M. SOV/20-120-5-3/67
TITLE- K-th e Homeomorphian of Systemn of Differential `qtiations
YERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1950.,vol 12t1,11r 5,PP 880-881(USSR)
zliLTRACTs The systems (01.) X'. F
(x) and (3) yl- F
where x,y,F,,F 2 are n-dimensional vectors, are called homeo-
morphic'in the domains G 1 and G21 if Gi can be mapped topo-
logically onto G 2 so that the solution of (c4) passes over
into the solution of (3) and inversely.
Let A be a constant Jordan matrix of order n. Let in a
neighborhood of x=O the function f(x) satisfy the Lipschitz
condition with the constant L; f(O.O.
Theorems If in a neighborhood G 1 of x-O the constant L is
sufficiently amall, then the systems
(1) x'. Ax + f(x) and (2) y'. Ay
are homeomorphic in the domains G and G,, where G is a
'jard 112 certain domain containing y=O.
1.n the Homeomorphism of Systems of Differential Equations
The author mentions V.V.Nemytskiy, a.M.Yints and E.M.
There are 3 Soviet references.
':,TEDi June 9, 1959, by I.G.Petrovskiy, Academician
ST*~'::I'IIT'-M: June 2, 1959
Card 2/2
-3.2 ~
-U IiIUA: Grobman D. M.
TITLEs Topological and asymptotic equivalence of systems of
differential equations
PERIODICAM Akademiya nauk SSSR, Doklady, v. 140, no. 4, 196,,
746 - 747
TEXT: The paper starts from the paper of the author (Ref
DAN 128, no. 5 (1959)), where the topological (but not the asympto-
tic~ equivalence of the systems
dx - Ax 4- f(x)
dy _ AY, (2)
was proved, where A is a constant quadratic matrix of n-th ordk)r
without purely imaginary eigenvalues and f(x) satisfies a Lipschitz
condition in the neighborhood of x - 0.
In the present paper the author gives conditions for tne asymptotic
equivalence. The following notions are used:
Card 1/4
2 9C,02
ical and isymptotic u.iuiv!AL,~nce . S/020/61/140/OJ4/OY1/025
a po I ot,
Characteristic exponent (or simply exponent) of X(O is
m"- 1.1x(01 ~
t 4 +00 It
,,:it-&us exponCLIt 01' X(t) is -t Lnixk )I
t (JD
x( t) and y(t) are called analoo-ous for t --~ tco( l'or t-, if t
ratio of their iiurws tond to 1 and the difference of the direct-~ii
cosines to 0. 1
WQ - Y(t)l is denoted as deviation, where 1XI = (x,x) 2 is the
norm of x.
Two systems are called homeomorphic in the domains G, and G 2' 1.f
there is a toFological correspondence between G, and 0 2 such that
the trajectories of the first system lying in G, pass over into the
trajectories of the second system in G 2 and converjely,
Theorem, If:
a) A )oosess~~s no eigenvalues vanishing real part;
Card 214
Topological and asymptotic equivalence... C1111C444
b) f(0) . 01
c) in a certain neighborhood of x 0, f(x) sati-_4fies tirie
ff(x') - f(x11)j--: g(r)lxt xiff
where r - max[jx1j /x1' and for r-.- ~) g(r) -1~ 0 tilerf, hold"
g(r) 0 'In rl (2-.c,)m4' 4-P 4-
where m+1 is the order of the maximum box in the Jordan fcrm of &
L0 0, o,, > 0, 11 > 0, 0 are certain cona t ants, then,
1~) (1) and (2) are homeomorphic in certain domains.
origin of coordinateBI
2.) the corresponding 0-c;urves are analogous;
3.) the deviation of the corresponding C '-curves -.s
O(e---tt_('ntP+?)) for t oel , where L) jS 114icir !x;on-,,nC; folr
corresponding 0 -curves the deviation for t-~ -,-- 1E
,x e 01. 401 t I where c,) is thu~ir minus exponent
Card 5/4
Topolot,ical and asymptotic equivalence... C11'/C444
There are 4 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet- bloc refer_~zi~es '.ne
references to English-language ublica-tion read as follows: 17; lin~ig
Bull, Sci. Math 1 167 (195A Ph' Hartman A Wintrier, An J
Math, 11, 4, 69~ ~1955)-
ASSOCIATION: Institut elektronnykh upravIyaYLshchikh ma,-,,i-*r,, A~a
demii nauk SSSR (Institute of Electronic Contro! 41~
Machines of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
PRESENTED: 11.1.ay 20, 196* by P., S. Aleksandrov Academio~an
SUBMITTED: May 16. 1961
Card 4/4
GROBMAN. D.M. (Moskva)
Topological cla5sification of the iurroundingt of a s-ng-ular point
in n-dimensional space. Mat. abor. 56 no.1:77-94 Ja 162.
(MIRA 15:1)
Principle of linear 1ncluBion for systems of differential
equations, Usp,mt.nauk 17 no.31159-161 My-Je 162.
(MIRA 15:12)
(Differential equations)
L 18060-63 EK(d)/FCC(w)/BDS AFFrc/rip(c)
Accnsio NR: A'330ol446 S/0039/63/061/ool/0013/oo3g
.AUTi;'JR: Grobman, D. M. (Moscow)
Topologi,.,al and asymptotic equivalence of systems of differential equations,
SOUR-CE: Matematicheskiy sbornDc, v. 61, no. 1, 1963, 13-39
TOPIC TAGS: dif.,.erential equation,, homaomorphism , equivalence s.1stem , L#shits
ABSTRACT: The author considers the two systems of differenti.--l equations (1)
.(dx/dt - Ax + f(.c)) and (2) (dy/dt - Ay) where x and y are n-4imensional vectors:
and A is a constant n by n matrix. He proves tho existence of a homeomorphism
which guarantoos asymptotic equivalence of the corresponding U-curves under certain
conditions. Theurem. Ifs
a) the tatrix A has no eigenvalues with zero real parts;
b) f(O) a 0;
c) in aome neighborhood of the poir.L x - 0 the function f(x)
satisfies the condition
Card 1/3
L 18060-63
I f (X,) (x,) g x'- X'
where r max (I x'j, I -e and as r-_0 g(r)~Oj
wherelor 0 r-~ ro <
g(r) 0 are constants, tren
ystems (1) and (2) are homeomorphic in some regions
1) the s,
containing the origin;
2~ the corresponding O-curves are images of each other;
3 thu deviation of the correuponding o+-curves for t-)tco
is + `\)), where w ( 0 is their exponent; for the corro~?onding 0-
tho daviation for t oo is O(edw It) ti -(M+~ + t(k)) whera C 0 is their
Cc;. j 2/1, t I
L 18060-63
minus exponent, Under the condiAons of the Vtoorem bull with g(ril 4, 1.0r.040
Lo > C , o;-0 > 0 instes i of ( 4) , asaar ti= 1) and 2; of~the theorin hold and the
devEation of the corr3sponding 0 -cur-,rer- is o(c '0`1 tj Ifor It co , where &I is 'heir
exponent in the case of 04'-curve.j and the rninu:l exponent in hi ca ;e cf
while is any positive fi~mbor loss thnn c~,,. Ecre the =ponent of is def:
finj In I x (1) 1j,
and the minu3 exponent of x(t) As
FIM in I X (t)
Orig. art. has: 112 formulas..
SMITTED: 23May6l DATZ ACQ: 05Jun63 Ell rCL: 00
Card 313
T,..36311--65 rr Sloo
MJUBSUIUN NR: 04 10/64/158/004/0774/0776
AUTHORS: Grobman, D.M.
TITLE: The asymptotes of the solutions Of near-linear aystems
Of differential equations
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, ve 158, no . 4o 1964, 774-776
TOPIC TAGS: near linear system, differential equation, asymptotic
ABSTRACT: Without proof, the author states 2 theorems that refine
and generalize previous results on problems of asymptotic equi-
valence of the solutions for the system
x' -= Ax + F(1, x):
Y =Ay. (2)
Here A is an n x n matrix with constant Coefficients, X1 7, and
F(tj x) are n-dimensional.vactors, F(tj x) is defined for t ?-- to
and any.x,
L 36311-65
F(I. 0) - 0; (3)
F(t. XI) - R" X01 < g(I)l X1 X1 1. (4)
where g(t)ls a non-negative function. The fraction 1~~p -*'Y(q I M01
which is called the deviation, can be taken as a measure of the
closeness of the vectors x(t) and y(t). If the deviation of x
and y approaches 0 as t-ft-oo, the vectors x(t) and y(t) are said to
be analogous. Theorem It Letuand,4 be arbitrary-real numberal
whereat--Ol and let C*
r,,-Og (1r) di + oo.
Then there exists a topological mappings of the spacr W onto the
space (y) with the following propertiest a) 15 and I)- satisfy the
Lipshitz condition, b) the solutions of system (1) and (2) that
pass'through the points that correspond under the mapping ~ at
time t t*., where t* is sufficiently large are analogous and have
Ahhffi-OV NR:'AP404731'3'
Theorem 21 Assume that for some non-neg-ative number
,rlg (v) dv < + oo. (5)
then there exists a homomorphism 4t that maps the space W onto
the space (y) and has the following properties: a) of and ~)-Isatisfy
the Lipshitz condition, b) the solutions of systems (1) and (2)
that, when t - t*j where t* is sufficiently large, pass through
points corresponding under o have the same exponents ) for any
indey, k for which 4 2:: rpu I the solutions of systems U) cand (2)
that Ea-ve exponents(Okand passl at the initial instantg through
points corresponding under~fars analogous and their deviation is
o(tmk-)') for t-,6a. Two examples are given. Orig. art. hast
~.9 equations,
ASSOCIATIM Institut alektronnvkh'upravlyayushchikh mashin
(Institute of Electronic Computers)'
r'f,',OB,-AN, D.!.
Ai,.-..Io ~r of of d', f*i't-rf,.-,-,',,L! ~,
1 oint. PoIJ. A-- It,(" -'o. 1: 1: -1:' T:. V , .
(,.: -, -I 19: 1 )
1. ~I;jy '7 !.-
,y 1 415.
ACC NRs "035815 Monograph UR/
Bylov, Boris Fedorovich; Vinograd, Robert Ellyukomovich; Grobman, David Matveyevich;
Nemytokly, ViAor Vladimirovich
Lyapunov's theor).of exponents and its application to problems of stability (Teoriya
pokazateley LSr~punoya I yeye prilozheniya k voproaam uotoychivosti) Moscow.
Izd-vo "Nauka"~ 1966. 5T6 P. biblio!, Index. 8000 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS: math6matic method, mathematics, mathematic transformation
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for students, fellows in mathematics
departments, and mathematicians. It is concerned with a study of the qualita-
tive behavior 6f a differential equation system. New findings relative to the
stability of the equilibrium state and the asymptotic behavior of solutions are
included, as will as the conditions which assure the stability of these charac-
terietice. The book's contents can be considered a development of Lyapunovla
ideas. There ire 131 references, 92 of which are Soviet.
Foreword -- 5
Symbols and term 6
ACC NRi AM6035815 I
Introduction -- 9
Ch. I. General theory of exponents -- 17
Ch. II. Dingonaliand triangular systems -- 76
Ch. III. Evaluating the development of solutions. Central functions and
exponents -- 90
Ch. IV. Linear unperturbed system exponents -- 122
Ch. V. Linear system with first-order perturbations -- 157
Ch. VI. Linear system with higher-order perturbations -- 232
Ch. VII. Linear system conversion. The Lyapunov systematization -- 243
Ch. VIII. Systems of differential equations, resembling linear ones -- 291
Ch. IX. Results, 'examples, and problems -- 382
Ch. X. Topological classification of differential equation systems -- 425
SUB CODE: 12/ SUM DM: OWun66/ ORXO REV091/ OTH PXV: 039/
GR03W,- L., Inzhamer.
Building tilms from wood chips. PromAeop. s9.8:16-17 Ag 156.
(Tiles) (nn 9: is)
Moftl plAn of a shop for inimlide. Prom. koop. 12 no-3:18 Kr 058.
(MIRA 110)
1. GlAvW Insbaser proyekta linstituta "TSentropromproyekt".
(tuberculosis) (Vocational rehabilitation)
GRCBKAN. L., inzh.
Standard design of a workshop for the handicapped. Prom.koop. 13
n0-3:25 Mr 159. (Vocational rehabilitation) (MIRA 12:4)
Cost of patent ductus arteriosus and splasis of the left kidney.
Yrach.dolo no.2:191 7 157. mju io:6)
1. Kl&niks fakul'tatskoy terapti (say. - prof. N.B.Shchupsk)
Chernovitakogo meditsinskogo Institute.
Polysaccharides In pAtiontg with infactiouR hffpFititio. Vrach.
delo no-91983 5158 (MIRA 11:10)
I- lefedra fakulitstakoy terapli (sav. - orof. N.B. Shchupok)
~;ernovltskogo maditsinakogo Instituta.
__ -- ----
Some biochemical Indexes of oxidation-reduction processes In patients
with Botkin's disease. Vrach.delo no.5:529 Py 160. (MIRA 13:11)
1. Kafedra fakulOtetakoy terapii (zav. - prof. N.B.Shchupak)
Chernovitskogo sedit3inskogo instituta.
GOLIMU, A.L.. inahener; CHZRNOBROVXINA. Ye.S.. inshener; GROBW, R.M.
Cold rolled transformer steel. Stall 7 no-3:231-235 147.
(MW q.-1)
1.Verkh-Isetskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod.
(Sheet steel) (Bolling (Metalwork))
UVAIOf*,SoF*O,glsvWy red.; IWOT, A.S., red.; DITALOUN14CO, V.M., red.;
GUMS U.N., red.; FVrROVA. T.G., red.; KOUCSYLKOV, P.M.. red.;
[Papers at & technical conference on design. construction, smau-
facture, and use of reinforced concrete poles for electric trans-
mission lines and telephone communications, November 27-30, 1956)
Naterisly nouchno-takhaichookoy konferentaii po proaktriovenitu.
strottellotvu, protsvodetvu i eks luatatoii sholosobotonnykh opor
liniy elektruperedaohi i evyasi. EGrosnyi] Cheabono-Ingushmkoe
knishnoe isd-vo, 1957. 163 P. (MIRA 11:6)
1. Nauchno-takhnicheakeys konferentelys po proyektirorsalyn,
strottelletvu, protswodstvu i ikeplumtsteii sholosobatonnykh opor
Unit elektropersdachi L svyc4l, Grotnrk, 1936
(Reinforced concrete conatruction) tllectr;c Itnes-4070169)
I q N,
KIRKUNSHTEYII, A., akademik, Geroy, Soto iall s ti cheakoro Truda; KALININISH, A.
LKalnipfi A.J, al-cademik; STRADINISH, F. FStrudinfi, P.], sLkademik;
SUDRABKAM. Yan [Sudrabkalng. J-anlul, ruirodnyy,post Intviyukoy SSR
MILEARDIS, K.. khudozhnik: LAPINISH, A. [LapiVA. A.), narodnyy
khudozhnik Latvlysko7 SSR; YUROVSKIY, Tu., nrtrodnyy artist SSSR:
AVOTS, A.# fotoly-ubitell; VARDAUITIS, E., khudozhnik, zasluzheurq7
deyatell iskuostv Latviyokoy SSR; GAMS, V., kinooperator;
RIDZEIIIYXKS, V., fotograf; KALIMPSH, E. (Kalninn, E.1; LOGANSON. R.
Elohanson. RA, starayshiy maater khudozhnatvennoy fotografli:
RIBKSTS, Ya. CRIeksts, J.], fotcgraf: LERIM, Tu.; YEDOSLM, B.1
fotograf; RETKFIMAIT, E., zasluzhonnyy doyatell )ntlltury Ietviyekoy SSR;
-G'RnrMAV- X&"Grobman, J.]. fotograf; OZOLS, Ta. LOzolR, J.], fotograf;
M-12M, B., fotograf; FABEYEV, Yo., fotograf; RAKE, I., fotograf;
MWTIS, A.g.fotograf; FAKE, K., fotograf; UPIT, V., fotoryaf;
SHADMAN. H., fotolyubitell; RITERS, G., fotolyxxbitell.
Organize a societ7 of Soviet phototTaphera! Sov.foto 18 no.4:77 Ap 158.
WRA 11:6)
l.Rizhakaya VJ-nostudiya (for Gaylis, Yedoseyev).3.AN I.Ptviyekoy
SSR (for Ridienieks). Is.Chlon-korreupondent Akademli k~.udozhestr
SSSR (for KalInynsh,.R). 5.Zhurnal "Rigas foto" (for Rieksts, Gorman,
Ozols). 6.Ietviyokoye tentrallnoye obahcheetvo (for Lerkh). 7.Direktor
DDma narodnogo tvorchestva imoni 1. Melngayllaa (for IlEykhman).
B.Predsedatell Tvorcheskogo noveta.(for Grobman). %Ctlen Tvorchaskago
soveta (for Ozols). 10.Gazeta "TSInya" (for Tiknus). II.Yotokhronika
Latviyakogo tolegrafnogo agentetva (for Fadeyev). 12.1istitut
Iatgiproprom (for Hake. I.). (PhotoeraDhy-Socle*ttes)
At TT f iOPS, Y a k u L,,.)v i ~,, I IA. , Grobman, Ye.
T FELF Synthe3i,3 of Vinyl M.-inomers. VILF. Alk-2:,.y.1 EO*terz; of
Trimesic Acid
PERIODICAL. Zhurnal obshchey knimii, 1960, VC'L 30, Nr 2, I)P 607-15G~
The article describes synthesis ol' tviallyl trimesate L~.,
trivinyl trimesate. Triallyl trimesate (b.p. 210-212
at 2 rim n20 = 1.5230) Nas synthesized by the authors hy
treating tPimesyl chloride with ally! alcohol. Treatmer'-
or *,:r-linesyl chloride ~,;avc
tr-tvinyl trimesate which vms riot previously Jescribed
in the literature. Wbile the triallyl -,.aster is -a
liquid, the trivinyl ester Is a cryst. alline sclid (nC,
" 71 r
m.p, given). There are 6 references, -lerman, I
Soviet, and 1 U.K. The U.K. reference Bvil-
PEI t-lent15 4 5 3,*9
S I!,H M IE D lk-cEnnbev ,?q., 1958 'Card !,,"I
International symposium at& w4cromoleCular cAclaiStry. Moscow.
3kahdunarodn aLupoiluns p9 ma.Uramolelculyarmay khIjeIt "SR.
Mosseva. 17-18 Iyunya l9oO g.; esoklidy I avtorarer4ty.
3*ktslya 111. (International Sympost,"m on PUcronolecul3r
Chemistry Held In Moscow, J~n* 14-13. 196-3; P3pera and
,I Station III. Exostow. Izd-vo AN 333A. 19601
469 V. WO copies printed.
Tech. Ad.' i. 3. tisuins.
Sponsoring AS- Y. The Internat .1-anal Union of Pure and Applied
commiaLlon an Kezromaleculsr Chemistry.
Chemistry. C
PURPOSI: ?Us be" is Intand6d for chamIsta Intorest4d In poly-
merIzatlan reactl6na and tjL* syntzes--& of nIV% ao.'ecalxr