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December 31, 1967
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GROB971, Y.F.
Early diagnosis of pregnancy with simultaneous determination of
melanophore and spermatozoid r.-actions. Akush. i gin. 32 no-1:
35-38 Ja-F 156 (MLRA 9:6)
1. Is kafedry gistologii i embriologil (sav.-prof. F.A. Duritsin)
Xubanskogo neditsinskogo instituta.
frog test, nelanophorin & spermatozoid reaction)
GROBEL" V.F. (1frobell, V.F.]
Pessary for the arch of the vagina made from elastic plastics as a
now, offective contracoptive. Pod., alcush. i gin. 22 no.6:53-55 160.
(MMA 14: 10)
1. Laboratgriya po vishukuvannyu i vivchennyu protizachattevikh
zasobiv (naukoviy kerivni!c - prof. Ye.F.Shamray (Shamrai, IF.F.D
Ukrainalkogo naukovo-doolidnogo Institutu okhoroni materinstva
i ditinstva (direktor - O.G.Pap (Pap, O.H.1) i
Inekologichna viddilennya Pashkivs1koi likarni m. Krasnodara
av.viddilom - V.F.Grobell [Hrobell, V.F.].
Peo:viry r; re ! i i , i t onn F! r., a 9aii i n I CL I X u p, r;
38 no-5:112-114 S-0 162.
1. Iz kafedry akuz;herstva 1 ginekalog; I (zav. - prof. F.A. S7rovatko)
TS(!ntrallnogo inatituta ut over-ghenstvm-ar, iya vracl.r~y,
po Iz-,%iMniyu i izucheniyu novykh protivozaclintcochnykh rre,-L~tv
- P1,01". Yo.F. Sliamray), Itiatituta okhrany mats~riuL-Ava 1 it-111-;tva '!i-
nisteratva zdravookhraneniya PkrSll'!~ i In
otdeleniya Pashkovskoy bollnitsy Krasnodara (glavny-
GROR-Elli!K, Irena
GROBILNIX, Slobodan. dr.; GRaM"IK, Irene, dr.
Therapy of fistulas in osteoarticular tuberculoolm with continuous
irrigation with antituberculotics. Tuberkuloza, Bsogr. 6 no.1:19-
30 Jan-veb 54.
1. Speoijalna bolaica sa kostanu tuberkulosu.
(direktor doe. dr. F.Derganc)
(ANTIBIOTICS, ther. use
*fistulas In ostsoarticular Were.,
*fistulas in osteearticular tuberc.,
*fistulas, ther., antibiotics & PkS,
Sempeter kod GorIce
irrigation method)
irrigation method)
Irrigation method)
GROBLUIK, 51obodan
GROBAISIX, Slobodan. dr.; GRQBXUIK. Iran&. dr.
Therapy of fistulas In ootooarticular tuberculosis with continuous
Irrigation with antItuberculotice. Tuborkolosa, Boogr. 6 no.1:19-
30 Jan-lob 54.
1. Spocijalna bolaica, se, kostanu tuborkulosu, Sexpater kod Gorice
(direktor doe. dr. 7.Dorgamc)
(ANTIBIOTICS, ther. use
Ofietu3L&s In ostsoarticular tuberc.0 Irrigation method)
*fistulas In ontsoartloular tubsrc,, Irrigation method)
*fistulas, ther., antibiotics & PkS, Irrigation method)
GROMNIK. Slobodan. dr.
Diagnostic methods in early diagnosis of ontoo-articular tubercu-
losis. Thborkuloza, Beogr. 8 no.6:371-376 Nov-Doc '56.
1. Bolnica %a 00 Stspeter pri Gorict (direktor: doe, dr. Prane
early (Ser))
Two-stage oxtirpation of meniscus. Acta chir. iugnal. 4 no.l:
62-68 1957.
1. Bolntc& z& ostskrtlkularnu tuberkulozu Sampeter pri Gorici
(Direktor: doc. dr. Franc Derganc).
(KNO, surg,
extirpation of semilunar cartilage, two-etage technic
Ueteruriatl,nn of cerfaJn characteristle elpmenta of the Askanla
GS 1-1 125 gravimeter. Praegl geol 11 no.-;.0-455-459 0163.
1. Inatytut Goologiomy, Warazawa.
Determination of certain characteristic elements with the Askania
GS/11 nr 125 (11) gravimeter. Przegl gaol 11 no.11:490-492 N
1. Instytut Geologiony, Warszawa.
Noise meanurements in the ultrashort, wave range.
3 1. (PRACE) (Warsaw, Poland) Vol. 49 no. 1, 1957
SO: Monthly index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5. 1958
Noise meters for the ultrashort wave range.
P. 31 (PRACE) (Warsaw, Poland) Vol. 4. no. 1, 1957
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5. 1958
u C) r! r,-! -Irf! t:l i rnr., lni- -o'n-0, 177
"J nts
lpz-,nier,)-,., I '(-:inikow
I!-,r 49t of .:a!;. ."-,iropeati U%
Ur - I
A f
Inorganic .1
,LlkWkt compounds. Wj.jdy*yr., AugU3t,:, Jl/
-Olin -aWlliUIAULC*d&lrl9jv- Clsimok(Gliwm)
120~SMR(1059).-A review. with fireferences.
C-, R o 0 E L N Y, M ,
.' Fl' uorlilli"d,ltoinorglmk"c-om-pound-~.---Te-chn-;Io-&' --fid 11V
AP.PlICA0061 Ul. Auguityn, J. Chmic-1, and M. 0 AV
~1'15 ~
! chmik (Gliwice) 12. 53-7(1950).-A revleiWl
fW. ".-fices. F. J. flendel -
c/, 3 D265/D303
) (il 13 q1 / / q)
AUTHORs M. Grobelny
TITLEs The selective four-pole
PERIODICALs Arohiwum elektrotechniki, Y. 10, no. 4, ig6i, 817-853
TEXTo This paper provides a general analysis of the selec-
tive four-pole interworking at the input and output with a resonant cir-
cuit. The classification of the selective four-pole introduced in this
paper is based on two coefficients determining the internal feedback of
reactance type defined by
M (A12 21) (20)
11, 22
and of resistance type A
n (412 21)
GIIG 22 (19)
Card 1/4
P/01 61/010 004/002/006
The selective four-pole D265YD303
The analytical considerations show that the loop gain of a selective
four-pole is proportional to the values of n and m coefficients in the
case when X X2j : 0. Selective four-poles are divided into 4 groupas
nmp mp ng ala ~n a 0. The first two groups have asymmetrical trans-
mission characteristics and the remaining two groups have characteris-
tics symmetrical with respect to the resonance frequency of circuits.
The "above classification enables the uniform representation of such ba-
sic circuits of a receiver as a one-stage resonance amplifier, a-mixer,
a negative impedance amplifier and an absorption circuit parametric am-
plifi-r. The relations determining the real and reactive parts of the
inj,O. impedance as well as a transfer ftnotion of a selective four-pole
a-.-. -.i-!i in the form of graphical representation for each of the 4
i'VOIJ, IrIlLdpred. Stability conditions for the selective four-pole
H11(! iied at the critical point where it in just close to the li-
mit vynitation and the stability coefficient M defined by
Card 21if
The selective four-pole D265/D303
is derived, K 1 . Q11/Q22 being the coefficient influencing the rela.-
tive mistuning of the resonant circuit. As an example of the applica-
tion of the analysis presented in this paper, a selective amplifier
with a base intermediate between the grid and the cathode is investi-
gated, for which no adequate analysis was otherwise provided. Capaci-
tive and capacitive-inductive bridge circuits are replaced by an equi-
valent n-type selective four-pole. Results are also presented in the
form of tables giving the circuit parameters using the selective four.-
pole for the basic circuits of valve and transistor amplifiers and the
parametric amplifier with a capacitance diode.. The analysis is most
suitable for solving more complex networks such as those consisting
of a chain of selective four-pole interlocked by resonant circuits.
There are 11 figures, 3 tables and 12 referencesi 3 Soviet-bloc and
9 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English.-langu-
age publications read as followstO.P.D. Cuteridge:"Criteria for sta-
bility",IRE-Trans. vol. CT - 5. no. 2, June 1958; H.E. Rowe, "Some
general properties of nonlinear elements", Pt.11, Scall signal theory.
PIRE 1958, no~ 5, 850 - 860; A,P Sterns "Considerations the stability
Card 3/4
The selective four-pole D265/D303
of active elements and applications", IRE Convention Record, Pt,II,
1956. 46-52; A,P,. Sterni "Stability andpower gain of tuned transistor
amplifiers", PIRE 1957, vol, 45 flo- 3, 335 - 3115
ASSOCIATIONs Katedra Techniki Odbiorczej Politechnika Wrociawska
(Wroclaw Polytechnic, Department of Receiver Techno-
SUBMITTEI)i may 16, 196o
Card 4/4
P/02 11000101110011002
AUTHOR: Grobelny, Dlieczyseaw, Haster of "Intrineering
TITLE: NeutralJzation of selective amplifiers
PER10i;ICAL: Przeglqd telekomunikacyjny, no. 11, 1961, 339-342
TEXT: Simple methods of neutralizing low,paper selective ampli-
fiers are discussed. Some pointers have been given on how to mak2
the neutralizing bridge independent of frequency response. To note
the admittance variations with frequency of a neutralized ampli-
fier, the use of an oscilloscope is suggested. The variations of
the input admittance can also conveniently be detected by measuring
the input voltage which is inversely proportional to the input ad-
U E ,
Card 112
P/02 61/000/011/001/002
Neutralization of -,elective ... D205YD306
where U input voltage, E - signal generatorlo E.M.F., G - inter-
nal admittance of tile signal generator, Y AB - input admittance of
the amplifier under test, Observing the voltmeter indications on
the input to the amplifier, the neutralization bridge can be ad-
justed; the same method is also useful in detecting any parasitic
oscillations of the amplifier and in determining its input admit-
tance. An improvement on the voltmeter method is that of using a
sweep frequency generator and an oscilloscope. Six oscillograMS
are shown to illustrate this method. To ensure that the neutrali-
zation of tile amplifier covers a fairly wide frequency band, care
must be ta"Ken for tile arms of tile neutralizing bridge to exclude
all unwanted frequency dependent components other than the bridge
capacitances. This is illustrated by six simplified circuit dia-
grams. There are 5 figures and 3 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 2
non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to tile Engllo`.-lari;,ua~re publication
-eads as follows: David D. Homeo, Larry A. Free(imin and Thomas M.
Scott - A test set for transistor performance measurement at 455
kilocyc'les. Transistor I ed. RCA Laboratories, Princeton, N.J.
Card 2,2
The iselective four-pole. Archiw slaktrotech 10 no.4:817-853 161.
AUTHOR: Grobelny, M., Master of Engineering
TITLE: Grounded cathode tuned amplifier with bridge
neutralization in the screen circuit
PE'RIODICAL: 1'rzeglad telekomunikacyjny, no. 8, 1962, 239 - 245
'rEXT: Fun(iamental relations are analyzed and discussed. The equi-
valent circuit of the amplifier is studied using standard desiena-
tions. At higher frequencies the neutralizing bridge can be assumed
to consist of capacitances alone. The two conditions of neutrali- Z
zation are obtained as
Cse Oak :~ Cas' (Cek ' Cj) (24)
and Ose (Gak + ase as (Gek + e3a). (25)
The indices denote: a - anode# k - cathode, s - control grid, e -
sci-een gridp C. - capacitance matching the neutralizing bridge.
When condition (24) is not satiefiedp the transmission characteria-
Card 1/3
Grounded cathode tuned amplifier ... D271/D308
tic ceases to be sym..etrical relative to the resonance frequency;
wl.-~n condition (25) is not met, the bandwidth is changed, *.';ith auto-
rliatic gain controlp condition (25) can be satisfied only at one
point of the tube characteri3tic which is usually taken as the
point of near-maximum gain. Factors affecting anode-cathode capaci-
tance and the effect of the neutralizing capacitor leads inductance
are discussed. Formulas are derived for input and output admittan-
cc3 of the perfectly neutralized amplifier and for the input almi.'_
tance of the amplifier in which only condition (24) is satisfied;
normalized off-tuning factors of the neutralizing bridge are intro-
duced as Darameters; several numerical examples are given. Ampli-
fier stages of the type considered are usually coupled by double-
band pass transformers and a formula i3 derived for the injut ad-
raittance of such a stage. Amplifier gain is discussed. Among the
conclusions dravin are the folloving: Q-factor of the grid coil.
should be higher than that of the anode coil; the bandwidth vavics
as the tube working point is changed; when the main is decreased,
the shape and the symmetry of the amplifier selectivity curve chan-
ge; circuits with large conductances G 11 and G22 have to be used in
Card 2/3
11/022,/62/000/COB/001/001 tuned amplifier ... D271/D308
order to reduce the influence of the electron tube on the timed
circuits. There are 2 figures.
A330CIATIO',,.: Kaltelra techniki odbiorczej politechniki Viroc-l"awakiej
(Department of Receiver Technique of Viroc-kaw Poly-
technic Institute)
Card 3/3
D271 a
V o
AtPfIIOR:' Mauter of Lngineering
TITLE: Analysis and synthesis of a civacade consisting of
active selective quadripoles
PERIODIGAL: Przcglqd Te1ckomunikacyjny~_no# 19 1963j 3-9
T=r: . Tuned two-stage, clectron tube or transiator ampli-
fiers Are analyzed and n method for their nyntheoio is presented,
similar, to the method used for hirh-f requency f iltern. The cascade
under consideration connists of '' three tuned circuits sepitrated by
two active 'four-poles. ~;tartinfr'with nn tulmittance inatrix of the
6vatein., "nressions are derived for the effective VOItagC OmplifiCa-
tion nTid for- the stability criteria its a function of admittance, off-
tuning of,rcoonance circuits tind coefficicnts n, m defined by
n' * jml ?t C;1.1622
Aissuming that a Chabystiev transmission characteristic in required,
Card 1/3
Analiftis 'and e3mtheiis
D271/ "300
maximally flnt*or,.wit.h a uniform ript)lc, ex-iressions are obtained
which relate the 'transmission cluirarteriatic to the paromters of
tuned circuits and active or pasrivc quadripolea constituting the
system. There are 10 pnknovms, viz. loss factors and acueralized
frequenclea ofthe .tWree tuned circufto and four coupling coeffic-
ients of the two quttdiipoles, bul: only 6 cquations are available.
Four unknoims'havc therefore to I)v chosen arbitrarily, depending
on the expcc'ted economic or technical advantages. When the tube
or tr~-nsistor paramete'ra are givvn a priori, the arbitrary choicc
of urdaiowna is not-possible. The Ghebynhev characterintic can bc
obtained whCTI both stages of the ziplifier are not unilataralized
which is of: particuif-ar itaportance for trunsistor mVlifiers in view
of -produdtion ditficulties associ4tted with their' unilateralizution~
A tvlo-nta5e Amplifier with in-tune circuita, and of a single stag*
amplificr with a band-paso filter are calculated no illustrative
of the ex'amples of the aliplication of the inethod which
Could also im extended. to, multi-atage amplif iers. There am 2
Analysis and synthemis D271/D308
ASSOCIATION: Kattdra Techniki Odbiorqzcj Politechnild WrocXawskiftj
(Department of Receiver'Technique, lfrocXmi Folytech-;,
Card 3/3
EEO- )/EWT I )/EZC-4 2.1r)WA n - Qe
-offilt: AP4633065 P ~~.'611/ 00/ /0M/0151
AUTHOR; Grobelny,,_ Mleczyslaw robellnl*, M.)
TITLE: A radloelectric noise meter I the frequency range 30 220 mc/s
SOURM Pomlary, automatyka, kontrola, no. 4, 1964. 148-151
TOPIC TAGS: noise meter, radloelectrlc noise, radloelectric noise meter, radio
noise detection
ABSTRACT: A description Is given of the components, block diagram, and wiring
diagram for a noise meter designed to function under laboratory rather than field
coliditions. The Instrument conforii;s to Polish 1`14-59/T-06111 50 speci f i cat ions, which
conform to the recomnendations of the Special International Committee on Radio-
electric Perturbations (CISPR). The input 'sl.S4n~j~'is receivrd by a measuring an-
tenna and then passes through a rotating drum divider, through the. high. frequency
stage, a multiplier, the I.f. stago, mixeri, heterodyne cir,~ults, a measuring de-
tector and voltmeters. SeleLtIvIty data are presented In chart form. Nolse do-
tection ranges fromi Itt V to 0.32 V. "The Instrument was developed at the Katedra
Technikl Odbiorcze) Politechnlkl Wror-)6wsklej (Department of Radio Reception Tech-
nology, Wroclaw Polytechnical In5tItUtC) and Is ht-Ang produced by the Zaklad
TcletransmIsjI Przewodo%4ej Poiltechniki Wroclawsklej (Drpartment of Wire Tele-
Card 1/2
L 112P,8--~,5
transmission, Wroclaw PolytechnIcal Institute). Orig. art. has: 6 figures
and 5 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Katedra Technlkl Odblorczej Poiltechnlkl Wroclawsklej (Department
of Radio Reception Technology, Wroclaw Polytechnical Institute)
Card 2/2
ril~Ow".rly, V,
SolsioUvo 'oli--polo witivq nntv,~rk 1.11-h ra-v;naf.~~o no
Aroldw alektro~Ach 13 ro.2:353-383 'b..
1. Depar.m-.)n'-' ~^ R&O'lo Receiving Fnk,lnoering, Techr-'cA7.
University, *, r:)clqw. 3ulnitto3d Cctuber 14, l)63,
Electronic structur- of u-oxochlororuthenate find its absorption
spectra. Bul chim PAN 12 no.12:827-830 164.
1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry of Wroclaw University.
Submitted September 30, 1964.
Treatment of ostgoarticular tuberculosis with streptosWcia. Gruslica
20 no. 6:841-844 Nov-Dw 1932. (cm 24;2)
1. Of the Orthopedic Depart"nt (Nead-Read-ftsician-M. Grobelski,
N.D.) of Bydgoszcz Regional Hospital.
the'shouliler gJrdle. Chir. narz. ruchu 22 no-5:499-508 1957.
1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgii Ortopedycznej i Urazowej SzPitala Vojewodzkiago
w Bygdoszczy. Ordynator: Grobelski. Michal.
(SHOULDER, neoplasms
sarcome, oateogenic & chondroaqxonarcome of shoulder girdle.
cane reports (Poi))
shoulder girdle (Pol))
(CHOND'.ROSARCOKA, case reports
chondronyxooarcoma of shoulder girdle (Pol))
(CHONDROMA, case reports
Codmann's tumor of scapula (Pol))
(SCAPUIA, neoplasms
Codmann's tumor, case report (Pol))
GR03'IZKI, rUchal
On congenital tibio-fibular synostoolo. Chlr. narzad. mchu
01-toP. Pol. 30 no.1179-83 165
deat-resistant compacted charges for bullet perforators. Razved. i
prom. geofiz. no.27:59-71 '59. (MIRA 12:7)
kFetreleun enpineering) kBirplosives)
Use of radioactive level Indicators in the cotton industry. Prom.
energ. 15 no.9233-34 3 060. (MIRA 13:10)
(Cotton manufacture-Bquipment and supplies)
(Level indicators)
!,.o CouplX; Wi'L'il C0j6.Cjjt,'jc)(;,o t)l--
l~~--l',.(;,(:0-troonic rc. 2,27-21', P 161.
("'-'lcctrcn:c in.;LrL..-.eA3)
L 1 1,) jq~
3 Of Y) V.
4, Alujdcrlya
V. starcda'-
)c T*,""I'
U. t.
A. A.
e o P21 y z~C
A. S. Z;,I,;Ykuv
A-;alf-mictan, Acadc-my o
- L.'j
Tran:,acticuir of the Taihkent (cont.
-r-,3M'ate rf P'iy.'-'cn and Ya. 11. Tur-.'all v -, .
Ellolo.-11-,al ':ience3. Ed. 1. rdlemi'dov; !.'d.: A. U.
rul),-i.~"ltlCl 15 for vcrkor.ll and
In-J-tj In
n P. L,: I : a r are uiA fcr r--arch In Lco-
an:1 1,..-chnollo~~lcal floldcl.
cl)ll,~Ct.llon CC 133 irtlclc-7,
el' th,~ '-ran,-,a~,lon3 of the on
-C ful of Att:--cllc J r. j 1 vi -1 u a, a
vitn a rance of problc--~-, in ;.h,, ficil rf' r,,-,:' r--.~.laticn,
and ch,~r7ical analy, f
1wi,~:.,tigatic-n of th-
-Y of lootcpcD; application rf fcr tale
nuf turin
_( of radioactive
fcr dctcmilning the content or elc-rc~itz in tlie rc,:;~Z; an
&nalyzl!i of muthod3 j:or obtaining pure uubztance2. Certnin
Cnroj 2120
Trarijactio-in of tho Tachl,ont (Colit. Ovh .1r, 10
inot.-m-~nta u3.:!d, ouch as
lovol ar,--
-o aro rzezticn~.d. follow, IndivId..'al
WiFILE, 0? CCNIZ--41,13:
I,-)I)anov, Y-C. *!. (Inatitut yadc-rnoy fizlki U=0,R -inntitutc of
Phyaic3 AS U-z",M]. A~):)licatlon of Pa(~ioactivv lzozo2c3
-ind ":acleav Radiation In UzbellUztan
ar, 1. :1., and V. A. Y&,nuollil.,ovolkly (Inatitut fizlki M Ii';v
"ZR - lm-,titute of Phy3ics AZ Lat-virin SS'11. Problc!7..j of Wic
of Automatio-Control Apparatuu Da3ed on the U.-,o o:
RadloactIvi) 130,60POO 9
Card 3/20
of tho '2n.-.hkcnt (Cont.)
A. 0. n.-i. in.-titit
-7.7 'Cn I
7 lntr;~l .101clitt"Ic ol' t:,,i Cotton
A--l:illcatian of tho
for of In
:-.-, thj u -rational (*-,.:,.li',ic:i of O'lz 84
Ladalwv, N., and M. 1,1. Univar.-l,;-7 im~ni
A. Attenuation of 1:001 and Co';tcn 88
Vz!ya::ht.-.,yn, 13. 1., A. Fh. fz-cZ~v, z,.nd N. P. S:~r,.u,;
ln~titut in. L. 7a.
3clenUflo Fleocarch lr,:-,titW,;,i L. Ya.
o~* a :,'.a,"laUon-Chc=Ical 21znl. *.:it*l an
of C=-.-.a-Radiation ror ConvertinG B3nzono Into V~;nol by 0~~!Ca-
t.4on 90
Card 7/20
Intensification and automation of protein production. Mlas.ind.
S.S.S.R. 33 no.6sU_18 162. (MMA 1611)
1. Longipropishchaprou.
(Heat industry-By-products)
(Automatic control) (Proteine)
GaC D icy I, A.
. .1 ~ s, . zak K 1 .'7 T 1", 7. ""
nOrgf-Anizini: fitei 4E-conr,,--.,., in macl.ine-trilctor stations," :~." -C" ' ft ,
Vol. 2, no.11, Febr. 195), 77s.r5znwa, roland)
SO : !!ont!~Iy List of Enqt Suror;,E-an Accessions, Vol. 2, #~, Libmr:- , ' C,~hgress
August, 1953, Uncl.
0 L
3187 025.141 03). 14 4
9941wa-WIVew Alethads of Mccurfaig Halls to Biceprru
----,'"VWW-Wsoby proyWerdzinnia *;,.yn do liodkIad6w kol"10"ch".
Prienind KolaJovo, Nis. 1, 1954, pp~ 24-29, 17 figs.
1% 42 rail tYPO) Is expated, as compared with the 3 49 typo usect an
P011,31% raillwaYs, to resulk In a saving of roughly 20 tora of steel ptr
Ittlometre ot track. It It, morrover,. isoped to be ablo to introduce on
the Pulish State Railways a systom of rV4111ent rail fastening by meant
of clips. Thia depends, however, on a decision as to whether rubber
wai-har3 are adm!ssIble for prestteised chard tuncrete sieeptrs.
P 0 L
Grobirlil W. O.-trett ThItlint-its tall Resillonte of RAIIwAy Truk fidlasL
_-MV44114-Ititecl grubatcl I ;prgk.YstWci podsyl,ki w tarach kolelovejech".
Paesdi4d Kollejowy. No. 3, 111511, pli. 172--175, 3 figs, 2 tubs.
Thu author ivt6letvii lite jdv-snl;sgt--; aad diti.idvanUges of various
materials uscel at billait for tail% ay hat L, and also The rule of I-allast.
It Is essentlill, in older Io dclerml-to lite correct thIcletles.1 of alillub)Y
mallient and perin,!3Wo 1) alist, lo vnwv tl,.e pre3sureA %Nhich Ilia billast
ITAF)SIrra to Mr. balk, Tito flillb-'r flooles 1) nurnlu--r of forinuise as
isdupted In vitioua rounlr!vs for viottiputing such prvisterts. The authar's
ou"estions, bawd on expediricalti, iou aj follow,%; 11) Increase on Polish
rallwayx the thIchatesi of ilia IMIjA layer from 25 ctre as stiplated In
Moctive specificullanti to, Its tho ra-tv of wowlen ilm-peri on Clas,% I lines.
at laut 30 cm. and, fit tha custit at cmicrele dice-pets for which, slacm they
are substetrill.3117 mare right, tho problem of ballato resilience Is of major
Importance - to 40 cin. 11 IA di-sh,d4c, In ottler to a.ivv stone, to rely on
a two-layer balwd, lite liollom layer to lia sand wid travel.
cponTcn, W.
Wny,7 of ivnidinf, the premiture c-onsumption or rills on curvinr p. 128.
(PF,---C,I,Ar) FrLEJ,---Y, V,,l. (. 'N'o. %, Apr. 109h, WirS7;;',-,-,. Polpnd)
SO: Mnnthly List of Eist Eurnpain A-cesFlorr. (--4-'AL), U7, V(,,I. 3. Nn- 1". r-~,C-
1954 Uncl.
-cu way of repairing ra-Us in i J,-,ht of the exrx rience rif raj-1-
roads in Une US:;R. p. h12 PFIFC~LAD
KoI'-I-'uIikacyjne) '-,JIarszawa. Vol. 6, no. 1*4, Nov. 1951t.
SOJRU-.: hast uropean Accesnions List, L~bxrar-~- of ConErress,
.0-L. 4, no. 12, ix-cember 1~55
Under the banner of May Day. p. 161.
Rolling friction of rails. p. 186 PR7EQLAD KOLEJadY (Idydawntctwa Ko-
munikocyjne) Warszawa. Vol. 7. no. 5. MaY 1955
SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress,
Vol. 4, no. 12, December 1955
Fxperience In using conciete Fleepers for railroads in foreign countries.
p. 260. FUEGLAL KOU.JOWY. Warszawa. Vol. 7. no. 7, July, 1955
Source: East European Accessions 1,Lst, (LEAL), Lc, Vol. 5, No. 3, Farch, 1956
C"~(E p Cyl , W.
W. Toch.4cal 1~rq,,rcss in U-ileirq- rovd ic-do ct' In
foreigh countries. n. 35C.
Vol. 7, No. 9, .-,-,pt.
I tik I "'.~ 1A GY
v~arszewa, Poland
So: izst ~--ixojeon Acces!:Ion, Vol. 5, Ito. 51, 1956,
U%c" Ic"i W.
ClU I 1U'l W. Tech.;Cl(f ictiA t 1-Orress In L,, llrini- &nd the
rcad ~ds ~1' ral'rotids of the U~i It. I
ho. _~c cet. l9rl~
~c,:. 71 1
WE:-s,-awa, lolend,
So: Esst v.,,ro ~on Accession, Vol. 41:0. 19
C!,.C~!C' I, W. Prollem of rai Is witl.cut pir; c; mr,ecticns in ti,p if--fA of
s tudi--s e: nC, ex7~erietices c! Cer. an rv il ro&d.,
Vol. 7 11 , .cv. r r
I "-'C EM LOG. Y
~;erszawa, cland
So: Last "uropecn Accession, ~01. ", iio. C", "ay 39117(~
GROPICKI; W. What a welded track Is; its quality and economic and technical advantages.
Pr&Q&)Ad. p. 77
Vol. 8, no. 5, May 1956
Warszawa, Poland
So: East European Accession Vol. 6. no. 2. 1957
GROBICKI,, W. Factors influencing the cradLing of rails. p. 295
Vol. 8, no. 8. Aug. 1956
Warszawa,, Poland
So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, no. 2, 1957
iri ~ii i -c:~ t 4- n -I xt,--- ~;l. -tptr ui,
J,,( row,". Ip
rthly I ndex of turo!-enn Accesd, ns (E"'I" Vc
GROBICKI, W. 1-~eans of fastening rails to concrete ties. p. 3,43
Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1956
Warszawa , Poland
So: Ea3t Ejopean Accession, Vol. 6, no. 2p 1957
The creeping of rails in contactless tracks. P- 392.
(PPZLGLAD KOLEJOWY. Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct- 1956, W~rszawu, Polend)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957-
GROBICKI, W. Soviet experiences with long lengths of rails. p. 417
Vol. 8. no. 11, Nov. 1956
Warszawa, Poland
So: East European Accession,, V o1. 6. no. 2, 1957
r j
.1. 5
3, Tic,
Last, ~Urf)pfjarj
-.nti ~ rutoctivo f.rackg. I t
Vol, ~-, 'i"). Ju.,.c L". I and
~.Ontil., List o* L;iroj ewn
Concerning the formation of roadbeds for Vailroad tracks. p.229
(PRZFGLA-T) Y0LFJ0VJY, Vol. 9, No. 6, June 1957, Warsaw, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of Fa!-t European Accessions (FTAL) M, Vol. 6, NIo. 9, Sept. 1957, Uncl.
G.---C5D,-K-I, .1.
Sr)littin,,- of normil-track rails, particularly tho-qe of the S-1,2 t,:,re, on Pol inh
State Railroadt.
P. 37. (PIMULAD RIU~J(64Y OF-CWWY) (*,'1arszawa, Polaryl) Vol. 1-0, no. 2, Feb. 195~
SO: !.'Onthly Index of East European Accession (E~,:AI) Lc, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958
Investigating the wear of types S64 and S49 rails on West Ger-ran
railroads, p. 113.
PREZEGIAD KOLEJOWY. (Wydawnictwa Komunikacyjne) Warszawa, Poland.
Vol. U, no. 31 Mar. 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions Index, (BEAI) IL, Vol. 8, no. 66
June, 1959
The problem of deicing switches on foreign railroadse P- 155*
PHZEGIAD KOLEJOWY ELEXTMTECHNICUT. (Wydawnictwa Komunikacyjne) Warszawa,
Poland, Vol- U. no- 5. X&Y 1959-
Monthly list of East European Accessionap(EMI) W# Vol, 9. wo 1. Jane 1960*
Thr -,:-Ork o' -3~-rrir,f riln-z !rr tl~- *r[ic'
',J 7. ( 'y~a--n4Ict-!u -A"~A!- ~7 %-1'i.
Vol. 11 , no.
1 2
Mon 111111.y List o f Ea ~3t Acces2, ton-- 7
AUTHORS: Radiwicki, K., Docent; Grobicki, W., Docent; - Masters of Engi-
TITLE: Novelties From the Field of Metallurgy. Steel Industry'! The Pro-
gress of Vacuum Metallurgy in World Iron Metallurgy on the Basis of
1959 Literature
PERIODICAL; Hutnik, 1960, No. 9, PP. 348 - 354
TEXT: This article is divided into two parts, with sub-titles: a) de-
gassing of liquid steel in vacuum, b) melting and pouring of steel in vacuum.
The author selected 34 of the most important works from the 1959 world litera-
ture dealing with problems of steel degassing and presents a short r6sumb of
each. Sokolov and Oyka (Ref. 1) produced an indicating method, allowing for a
quantitative valuation of liquid steel degassing procedure. By applying this
method, they found that 80% of gas escapes during the first 3 - 4 min from the V/-
ladle after It was placed in a vacuum chamber. Liquid steel convection move-
ments in the ladle contribute to mixing and better degassing. Samarin and Novik
(Ref. 2) compare Bessemer and openhearth steel properties. The former Is of
Card 1/5
Novelties From the Field of Metallurgy. Steel Industry. The Progress of Vacu-
um Metallurgy in World Iron Metallurgy on the Basis of 1959 Literature
inferior quality because of P, S, N and 0 content. By degassing Bessemer steel
in vacuum, 77.5% of oxygen, 52.3% of hydrogen, but only 10 - 15% of nitrogen es-
cape. The quality of steel has improved, especially Its shock resistance at
low temperatures. Antropov and Guryevich (Ref. 8) investigated the influence of
deg assing on electrical steel properties. ti EI 72 steel tends to f orm nmch less
of internal capillary cracks after degassing and, therefore, the amount of
scrap dropped by 50%. After degassing it contained 30 - 50% less hydrogen and
20 - 30% less oxygen. Degassing of steel during the crystallization period in
the mold deteriorates its structure and contributes to shrinkage cavities for-
mation. K. Radiwicki (Ref. 21)Fresented the results or InveBtIgatlons carried
out at the Instytut Metalurgii Zelaza (Iron Metallurgy Institute) In Gliwiceon
forging properties of steel with high nickel content. Ingots from degassed
steel showed better forging properties and less transcrystallization. These ex-
periments will be repeated on industrial scale. Pryandshnikov (Ref. 23) dis-
cusses the trial smelting of transformer steel in vacuum-induction furnace of
150 kg capacity. It was found that transformer-43teel quality Is better if the
Card 2,/5
Novelties From the Field of Metallurgy. Steel Industry. The Progress of Vacu-
um Metallurgy In World Iron Metallurgy on the Basis of 1959 Literature
charge melts In atmospheric conditions and only working and deoxidation of same
takes place in vacuum. Pour-Ing of this steel should be carried out rather In a
protective atmosphere and not in a vacuum; on the other hand, addition of FeS1
should be done in vacuum and after addition the melt should be kept under vacu-
um for about 10 min. Pressure forming and magnetic properties of steel prepared
in vacuum were better than In conventional steel. Shabanov (Ref. 24) explains
some problems connected with steel smelting In arc ovens with a melting elec-
trode, and he produces a formula for the calculation of the ratio between elec-
trode and crystallizer diameters. lie also found that a) current density should
be adjusted with reference to the electrode diameter, b) metal losses diminish
with increased electrode diameter, c) the content of alloy components may vary
within a wide range, d) content of oxygen in steel molten at a pressure of 1 Tr
or lessidrops 2.5 times or more. Byelanchkov and Grylgorash (Ref. 32) examined
the Influence of various technological factors on degassing of steel melted in
vacuum-arc-ovens in crucibles of 2 and 7 kg capacity. Increased melting speed
acts adversely on hydrogen and advantageously on oxygen and nitrogen escape.
Card 3/5
Novelties From the Field of Metallurgy. Steel Industry. The Progress of Vacu-
um Metallurgy in World Iron Metallurgy on the Basis of 1959 Literature
The optimum ratio of electrode-to-crucible diameter was established to be;
D + d - 0.77. An article under the title "Rolling Ways for Extension of Service
Life of Heavy Type RR Rails in USSR", written by Doctor of Engineering Danilov,
appeared in an official organ of the USSR Ministry of Transportation "Zhelezno-
dorozhnyy Transport" 1960, No. 3. The author states that heavy RR rails R50 and
R65, used on heavy traffic lines, proved not to be strong enough, especially on
the inner arcs. Rails which should withstand 500 million tons load gross have
shown faults already after being exposed to 50 - 60 million tons gross, marked
in an official faults register as No. 64 and 82, i.e., metal overflow, wear and
small cracks of fatigue type. The author thinks that a radical way to Improve
the matter is to use a better quality steel for RR rails. For the time being,
however, the author suggests a nertes of temporary measures. 1) To Increase the
cross slope of rails on the outer bend from 1 ; 20 to 1 : 10. This can be done
by inserting between the sole-plate and the tie a wedge shaped pad. This might
reduce the wearing out of rail heads by 20 - 30%; 2) to relinquish the hitherto
applied 1 : 40 cross slope of heavy rails R65 and R75; 3) to clean the rail an-
Card 4/5
Novelties From the Field of Metallurgy. Steel Industry. The PiDgress of Vacu-
um Metallurgy in World Iron Metallurgy on the Basis of 1959 Literature
nually and remove metal flows fl"ing5, etc.; 4) to regenerate rails removed
from main RR tracks; 5) to maintain RR tracks. It might be advantageous to re-
duce the track gauge from 1,524 mm to 1,518 mm; 6) to improve the defectoscopic
method of rail examination in situ; ultrasonic defectoscopes as used In metal-
lurgical plants for sheet thickness control can be applied; 7) to reduce the
dynamic action of wheels against rails. Investigations In the direction of Im-
proving steel quality are going on for several years, but without any positive
results. They are: a) hardening the whole length of rails, particularly those
for bends, b) investigations on improving steel quality by addition of some lm-
ported noble additives, e.g., manganese in relatively large proportions of 12 -
14%. This is an expensive way, but in the long run It might be justified to do
it. There are 34 references: 6 Soviet, 1 French, 11 German, 14 English and 2 A-
Card 5/5
GROBICKI, Wincentyp d0c. mU. Inz,
The seamless railroad track. Przeg1 tecim no.35.5 31 Ag '60-
Gf',.C,f3!CK! , W., -ic,,,.-.
Pro b I e.f, o I, wt.,! ~,~ *,I: -,I i f, 1:*-~- --1l ': , !"; ., I.m% 1,* 't" , , " 2~8
.. .1 -
ric.9:345-3,',7 .1,
GROBICKI, W., doc.,m9r.inz.
Behavior of steel in the rail head on the spot where it cortacts
the wheel. Ifutnik 29 no.103-34 Ja 162.
GROBICKI, Wincenty, doc.inz.
On thermal stresses and the buvkling of Beamless rails. PrzegI kolej drug
14 no.5;99-3 of cover My 162
GROBICKI, Wincenty, .doc, mgr. inz.
Adjustment of railroad tracks to the Increasing speed of trains.
Przegl techn no.31:4 5 Ag 162.
111- - 1 1- ~
GROBICKI, Wincenty, Ooc. inz.
Characteristics of insulated rail ~Jolnts in track circuits. Praeg.
kolej elektrotech 1/# no.103296-299 0 162.
GROBICKI, W., doo. mgr inz.
"- =ecen~t results of testing rails in the United States. Futnik P
29 no,V8:296-299 JI-Ag 162,
GKBICK! I W, .9. do C.
Changes Qf t! c- -;*o' ra,~' re~jul,-iag
'), L:l I"
from F 4'1 rl, 1 0
GROBICKILWI, doc. inz.
Characteristico of track atructures in the German Federal Republic,,
Francep and Great Britain. PrzegI tc-Om 84 no.3-6-7 2CNa 163*
GROBICKI, Wincenty, doe. inz.
The world railroad industry has been aiming, at the in-
crease of the speed or trains. Przegl te6fin 84 no. 37:7,9
15 S 163.
GROBICKI Wincenty, doc. ingr inz.
New trends of technical progress on the railways of the
U.S.S.R. Przegl techn 85 no. Ili 8 15 Mr 164,
TuberculoDla nontrol In Dktyabrlsliy, Bashkirian A.S.S.R.
Pro'bl. tub. .40 no. 5!9-13 '62. (MIRA 15;7)
1. rz Bashkirskogo respixblikanskogo protivotulerkuleznogo
dispansera (glavnyy vrach S. G. Safinov, nauchny3r ruko-.-oditell
H. 11. Karnaukhov) I Olktyabrls~ogo protivotuberkuleznogo
dispansera (glavnyy vrach K. K. Kadyrov)
I t
GR.17PT7 I jf7jj- ".'A 9..
pr)bl~-ns -)f thf,- r' In ic r, or: e -)f u) criz-,u:; jlnl'ct,-t' ~r,:: -)f' thr~ :3fq,,n&cj; &nj
duodenum," (From the malerial of the Therapeutic Clinic of the Institute) for the
yearr 1938-1947) - Authors: M. N. Tymxnovvkiy, S. 1. Yudasina, V. M. Gr)bIshchava,
and A. V. Bushkinova. Trudy Medinstituta (Izhev. Fos. med. " n-tT, V-),. Vill 19491
P. 1W-85
SO: U-3950, R Jun3 53, (Letipis, 'Zhurnal Inykh StLtey, No. 5, 194q).
GROBIMR,, M.P., inzh.
Device for operations in the replacement of suspension in-
sulators. Fimrgetilk 9 no.9:22 S 161. (MIRA 14:9)
(Electric lines-Overhead)
(Electric 1nsu1&tt-.-s and Insulation)
Insulated bar for grounding electric linos. Energetik 9
no.9:22-23 9 161. (MIW. 14:9)
. (Electric lines-Equipment and supplies)
GinBivy'u, ..1.P., irlzh.
Stem for superp~)sinr ;!roundinv on lim:r. bez.truda v I;r,:)m. " 11,3.1:
315 Ja '62. ( F.1 ii.A i ,.. I )
(Electric currents--Groundiy)~,)
GROBIVKER, M.P., inzh.
Master form for repairing the drive mechanisms of WP-110 oil
cutouts. Energetik 10 no.4327-28 Ap 162. (MIRA 1514)
(Electric cutouts-Repairing)
GROBIVKER, M.P., inzh.
SimplLfied cable ducts of outdoor substations. Energetik 10
n0-5:26 Vq 162. (Electric BUbstations) (KERA 150)
Selenium rectifiers for continuous charging of storage batteries,
Ihergetik 10 no.8:16-17 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10)
Storage batteries)
Zlectric current rectifiers)
GROBIVKE~~,_~.~., inzh.; KRASNOSVOBODTSEV, I.I., Inzh.
Automatic reclosing and reserve cutting-in system of a two-trans-
former substation. Elek. sta. 33 no.6:79-81 Je '62.
(MIRA 15:7)
(Electric substations)
Methods for reviving individuals paralyzed by electrical
shock. Energetik 10 no.6:28-29 ie 62. (miRA 16:3)
(Electric power diotribution-Safety measures)
(Electricity, Injuries from)
GROBIVKEER, M.P., if-.zt,.
.11 --- -, --- - --
More about defectis In linemenla Lt-Its. Eiiergetik 10 no.9:25
s 162. (MMA 17: 1)
GROBIVKSR, M.P., inzh.
Protective measures against electric burns. Enorgetik
10 no.10:&-7 0 162. (MIRA 15-.12)
(Electric engineering--Safety mea4urps)
ERDEZZ, Sandor,;" GWBLER, Andras
Determination of ralclum, marmesium and phosphate ions in the
rresence of each other. Magy kem lap 15 no.3-138-139 Mr 160.
1. Erotakarmanygyar,
L 4332-66
ACC NRo AP5028673 SOURCE CODE: GE10006163100010011003110032
AUTHOR: Gr?~~r~.__CJona)
ORG: none
TITLE: Effectiveness of a simple stabilizer circuit as a function of the replator
transistor paramators
SOURCE: Nachriclitentechnik, no, 1, 1963, 31-32
TOPIC TAGS: circuit thoory. transistor, voltage stabilizer, transistorized circuit,
ABSTRX'T: The article investigatee'the manner in which the stabi-
lization and the internal resistance of a simple transistorized
voltage supply depend on the value of the h-jarametera (emitter
connection). The necessary equations are der ved from the equivalent
:circuit diagram and the extended circuit diagram containing also a
matcbint; transisior. On the basis of ex erimentally determined h-
parameters of various available transMors at various operating
,ranges# with consideration of tolerances, a proper selection of
,!trayfaistors can then be ma5le for the deaign of stabilizer circuits
,,'and their power rating oan.*be thua determined.i"ori'. art.'hass' 9 Agdieis~*
Sus r
;!911 DATE: 17Feb64 ORIG REF.- 002
Card 1/1, uDc 1 621.382.
What the Memagement of the Kujawy Acro Club of t~~e Lea:-,.L-e of
SoldIers FrJ.end-- ForrIets. F. 16/.. (Z--.--Z1T,1.;,T1A : (i , KA, 'Vel . lf'~,
I-To. 10, Nar. 1954. '~nrszawn, Polend.)
SO: Monthly Nst of Eest European ;.c~-.Psricnr, (EYAL), LC,
Vol. 11 No. 22, rec. 10,54, Uncl.
1, 11
Technical drawing; comparison of some decisions concernin.m d1rensicning
according to Polish and foreign stanclarls. 1. ',-,7
NnRYAL17,ACJA. (Polski Komitet Noryrj&lizacyjny) Warszewa, Poland.
Vol. 273, Nc.. 2, Feb 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions Tndex (EEAI), LCI Vol. 8t No. ill
November IPA.0
UiW*th~tice Approxilation U "Aft 591)
"Characteristic Indexes of Sygtems Close to Linearpo
D. M. Orob
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXV, No 2, PP 157-160
Studies problem of reciprocally expanding subject
Indexes of foll,oving systems into dependence up-
on properties of the function fi:
dxildt = ait Xk + xn) (at-ation con-
dyi/dt = aikyk (sumed over k)
Submitted 19 Sep 50 by Acad I. G. Petrovskiy.
USSR/lAthematies Xmllnear Systems Jan/Feb 52
"Characteristics Indices of Systems Close to
Linear," D. M. Grobman, Moscow
"Watemat Sbor" Vol XXX (72), No 1, pp 121-166
Studies the problem concerning the reciprocal
expansion of the characteristic indices of the
systems dxj/dt * aikxk 4 fi (t,xl,..,X,) and
Ayi/at 06alkyk (i a 1,2,..,n) in dependence upon
the properties of the functions fi. This problem
W been proposed by V. V. Nemytskiy. Considers
almost linear systems wid systems close to linear
In the azall; considers the cases where the coeffs
are const and functions of t. Submitted 23 Jun 51.
USSR/Matbematies - Differential I Sep 52
"Systems of Differential Equations Whicb Are Sim-
ilar to a Linear System," D. M. Grobman
"Dok A Nauk SSSR" Vol 86, No 1, pp 19-22
Considers ibe eqq dx/dt = Ax. -t- f (t, x) and dy/dt a Ay,
wbere A is a const matrix, x and y are n-dimen-
sional vectors, and f(t, x) is an n-dimensional
matrix defined and continuous for any x; condi-
tions are.# f(t, 0) = 0, and Lipsebitz condition
vith respect to x. Submitted by Acad S. L. Sobo-
lev 4 Jul 52-