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or. the 2' J~i:,-2 17, :'-scoW, GRTZF,!IKOV, V.14. (firytownknv. V.M.]. egrnnnn-ekonnmint 1,'ffnetivonean nf grnwing vogntablm in grAnnhourfea heaf,eid by qlectric lampa. MAI-th. ail'. hoop. 9 no.10:10-11 0 158. (WRA 11:10) (Vogntable gnr4nning) (Groenbouse mmugemont) GRIZHAS, K. Pneumatic conveyers. Tekh. v sellkhoz. 20 no.6:78 Je l6o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Litovskiy nauchno-lealedovatellekly institut makhanizateli i elektrifikatsii sallskogo khozyaystya. (Pneumatic-tube transPortation) GRIZHENYA.- I-.F., inzh.; KUZOVIZV, A.I., inzh.,- KA:~AFU.IY, V.V., inzh.; GALKIN, A.S., inzh. Blant furnace po purificAtion in the w&M of twrmanganese. Stall 22 no.1:89-92 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Kosogorskiy metaUurgicheskiy zavod i Yuvenergoche=et. (Ferromanganese-Motallm-gy' (Gases-Purification) XAMEDOV, Shamkhal; 031POV, O.B.; DZIIALILOV, T.N.;-GRIZIIINA, Ye.N. flew contact poisonous chemicals "efiran-16811 and "efiran" 169.11 Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 18 no.9:19-23 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut neftekhimIchesk1kh protnessov AN AzerSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzSSR I.D. Mustafayevym. rzhk~:~,_V M_ 3"": 3 F., ag, A M Shra ~nkc A I -T, i vp -.arge'. bind a ua.'no, r ,r ril '5 v -,hurr.31 F' Z KJ C,.:!I ;Pq In Pc fr:rr, se-tion of I yield ~f ~hstnnf:,,*r,-ns fr.,m a ver-1 thl-A 1ead 1.arge, .3 tr t: n E -m l_, beam (RZhP-.z, 1134 7 a i',h:r~~ nr,~! -7! r'e 'I.. -j s t~'; r..: 7.-~an~ w: n~ In th4 region in ho i,egicn rf en. r-!~ They p- r.- c cho* :sns" . ;hl~ vic-z aqt.11_e-4. 1; f_r o-a u 6 16 S/058/6 1/DW/t)07/008/080 A001/A101 AUTHORSt Grizhko, V.M., Sikora, D.I., Shkoda-Ullyanov, V.A. TITLE: Precision monitor of electron beams PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 7, 1961, 43, abstract 7B84 ("Dokl. I aoobahoh. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem.n", 1960, no. 3, 5-7) TECT: The authors describe a monitor of electron beams which represents an-improved Faraday cylinder connected with an inte&rating circuit (d-o ampli- fier with 100% n3gative feedback). A detailed description of the monitor design and the block-diagram of the integrator are presented. The test of the monitor on a 307Mev linear accelerator has shown that the precision of monitoring the electron beam amounts to 0.7%, and the errors arising due to Ionization currents do not exceed 0.05%. L. Landaberg [Abstracter's notei Complete translation] Card 1/1 BRW,gR, A.Kh.; ORNOWT, HAP.; VITI1rj, R.I.; q~L1ZHKO,__Y,g.; KOZLOV, TeA.; K1111SIff, V.S.; CHAPTZRNIKOV, B.A.; CHIMI, L.T. Radloactivation method of determining oxygen in semiconducting m9tertals and metals on1he bnots of the photonuclenr reaction 016 (-Cn) 015. Trudy kom.anal.kh1m. 10:137-141 '60. (19MA 13-8) 1. Fiziko-khimichookiy Inatitut im. L.TaAnrpova, Moskva. (Oxygen,Analysis) (Oxygen-180topos) (Sem1conductors-Oxypen content) S/O:)(,/ 1, 0/ 0 5 fit" 00'~ 1~001'/OWI Boot ),/1P0-;'0 AIJITHORS: Grizhkc_ V- M., Shk,:dl. -Ti'- 7 A Abramenkov, A. D., Shr:im-~nk,,, B, I. . F i Z-1 LL :1 I T L F, Determination of the Yield of' Letid "Inder I F-- the Ae, t - cn of E le,~ trons 11tiv j rig k-i 20.1) Mov (Method of Thick Absorber) PERIODNAL: Zhurnal eka,er~ment---ti r,y Vel . 38, Ifo. , , pp. 1,570 17~ TEXT: In an earl ier publ I ral. ion (Ref. I Seme (A' , ik-~ -t-j ,~u 'ated the Photoneu tron yield for L)orne ement -1 wi *i- Belen"kiy-Tamm equilibrium spe~,trurp. lk-h the Fvlfllcr.~~ itudled the yield of phctonoutron5 'e~O b"--k irfinite thickness and abiorb:3 tl~ ry . T` .3 4'1 1 pletely, and compared the results ~Y~tr, thc~ thi- paper describ4a this worK. The errerin,,.nt~i' m~*::,:4 ~L s~iggeated by V. I. Gk.111angkly ard V. A. :331%kAi 'LT-. arrangement is qhcwrt ~n F~i,-. -3imultaneously ao a monitcr c-f th;~ t~-.3vn ind If Car-Cl 1/3 83569 Determination of the Yield of Photoneutrons S/056/60/038/005/002/050, From Lead Under the Action of Electrons B006/B070 Having Energies From 10.5 to 20-5 Mev (Methoil of Thick Absorber) photoneutrons. The linear accelerator of the Institute (E max - 30 Mev, 50 CPS, current pulse duration I psec) was uned as the source of electrono, The energy resolution of the apparatus was 0.4%. The neutron yielJ was measured by a boron counter (Ref. 7) working in the range of direct proportionality between the number of neutrons and the current strikin,: tha target. The measurements were made with a current of the order of 10'- 10 a. The counter was calibrated with a standard source of Ra+B9. Fig. 2 shows the measured dependence of the photoneutron yield from the thick lead block on the energy of the electronB between 10-5 and 20.5 Mev (Curve 2). It also shows (Curves I and 3) the photoneutron yield calculated from*the Belenlkiy-Tamm equilibrium spectrum and the photoneutron exctation fut..7- tions of Refs. 9 and 10. Every experimental point is the resultant of 5 - 7 measurements. The statistical error in the counting of pulaos -Jovs riot exceed 2%. The background intensity below the threshold of the (y,n) reaction on carbon is 0.5%, and above this it in --- 3%. In the latter Case, the neutrons are produced predominantly in the i1i'liphito rollimlitcr. Card 2/3 83562 Determination of the Yield of Photoneutrons S1015616010'1~8/005/002/050 From Lead Under the Action of Electrons B006/B070 Having Energies From 10.5 to 20.5 Mev (Method of Thick Absorber) ,7,n) rittc. The monochromator was calibrated for absolute energy frcm tne tion threshold for oxygen and carbon according to nn activation The experimental results agree better with thoac of Ref. 10 thin with tho:jf. of Ref. 9. An estimate of the integral photoneutron production cr~!ss se.- tion yielded the value 2.6 b. Mev. For this estimate, it was aosumed twit the cross section reaches its maximum value for 13.8 Mev. The authors; thank A--3,-jLLtvinenko, A. I. Charkin, V. A. Skubko, V. L. Auslender, V-.__I., S2M2na.,L, and A. M. Parlag for Uieir assistance in the vkork; A. K. 7:,"ter -and 1. A. Gris-haye2~ for T-heir interest and di.,icussions; an,l L. Ye. Laztre,-, _Ldanqki,Lfor their advice. There tire 2 ani '3 and references: 4 Soviet and 6 US. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AkadenLi rviuk Ukt,ainskoy SSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of the A!~nj,~:ny of Sciences Ukrainskaya SSR). Uzhgorodskiy go9,iJ',ir.:;t,;ennyy universitet (Uzhgorod State UnLveroitj) SUBMITTED: August 18, 1959(initially) and December Card 3/3 3x ~4~3/M)/O' 0 1/015/1-20 Ao62/A'toi h MI 'H'IC: 31nol 'nikov, K. D., Crishaycv, I. A., Grizhko, V. M., Ficun, A. M., ~',ykov. A. I., Kltayevgkiy, L. Kh. T 11 -if, MeV energy lintiar travelling-wave electron accelerator I '1o!1'(,r;)t1vnyy zhurnnI, FlzIha, no. 1, 1961, 39 - 40, nbstraat IA374 (Iti colloction: "Elektron. uskoritell." Tomsk, Tomskly un-t, 1c,161, I - ()) Thf~ authorn describo a 30 MoV linear electron accelerator designed i~:-- Viivnie--t.-chninal Tnotitute of the Academy of Sclences of the Ukralnian nonslsti of two nectlons connected with each other - the an(I the inain .3ectlon (with a constrint wave phase speed) I Une '-f!r,.'Ji fd' th,-? -aln :--#-~ctlon Js 2.8 m, the value ka = 2.48 (k - wave vector, a - - -..: -, ,J'jf~ t';W jTi!-') . The two nections are energized by one klystron power MV11- N. r. -:o I L-(I by a tragnetron generator. The power dissipated In the main section U;- -0,; tit. load Is--10 Mw (in the load 3.3 Mw); the field Intensity Is Tliv aectOernting systprn i~, composo or separate resonatorsl the -VvJW6--VLW1OU 1/0 IVI 20 A --~ri-rj-y 11near t-avelling-wave... Ao62/A io i or,rAntA between Lhein Is realized by mechanical ties In the places where 1.,i ro-rin,!ntnd to the Input and output matching transformert. The reso- If' t1le pidn section are disposed tightly in a copper tube which is also a nif, prectflon or manufacture or the accelerating uystem (diameter Or !.11- ren.,)riatorn and dInphragin apertures) is + 0.01 mm. The source of electrons I.- -it c-Jof~tvon frun oporatlni,, tinder the tension~-of 79 W.(the corresponding elec- I Axon v,- 1,)c I ty 113 0.50 ; thp cu rrnnt Is 1 amp. In a pulse. The pumping out or the Vii:!ijimi volivip or the accOcrator is erfectV bY 5 diffusion pumps; the operating I It I ~ 111 f-he k tyr-Avorl "1111T) I if I P mm fig, In the remaining space I':- rri 11jr. Meast i remen ts have shown that the maximum intensity " energy att-*tjnPd Jn the accelerator at the frequency 2796 Mcla. The mean current of ro"olot"ILed electrons is 10,itA for a pulse length of 1~~Fiec. The diameter of (,It thr, outplit) tinder the optimum focusing is 3 - 4 mm. the spectrum A. Pateyev ivite: Complete translation] L 121~2-65 Wr(m)/EPA(w)-2/hWA(m)-2 Pt-101M-211 IJP(c)/AFErb./BSD/SSD/ FSD(gs)/AEDC(a)/ESD(t)/AFWL -:ACCESSION XR: AP4046356 S/K57/64/034/010/1903/1905 A.; Yoromenko, Ye.V.;.Kuznet-i- jAUTHOH'. Griallm"I" Viahnyukov, V,A., rlsh&Zevl I gov, G.F.1-Datrovokly, Ye%K.t Khyorostgako, Ma- TITLE: A 40 MeV linear electron aacelerator SOURCEt Zhurnal takhnichookoy fixikio v.34, no*10, 1964, 1903-1905 TOPIC TAGS: linear accelerator, el6otron accelerator ABSTRACT: The authors briefly describe a linear accelerator which, operating at 2797.2 Mc/sec, produces 1.5 microsec, 80 M pulses of 40 MeV electrons at repetition rates of up to 50/sec. The electrons are produced In a two-electrode gun with a tan?-~ talum cathode and are azcelerated to 5 KeV in an 83 cm long Injector containing an ~exporimentally adjusted longitudinal magnetic field for focusing. The principal ac-- celerator in a 450 cm long constant Rhase velocity iris wavegulde. Each of the two sections is fed through a 72 x 34 nwo vacuum waveguide by a 20 megawatt klysta-WU amplifier, each excited by the same-magnetron oscillator. The working vacuum of bet-; ter than 5.x 10"S mm.Hg is maintained by a battery of.,#tanium pumps. The beam ener-~ Cy can be smoothly varied frcm 5 to 40 KeV by varying the power supplied to the 1/2 L 10752 ~CCESSI MR: AP4046356 principal accelerator. The'energy spread of the bean at halt maxiaium is 3.6%, and Ithe diameter of the bean Is'S m. The Installation requires 80 kW of p'-wer and 4 m3/hour of cooling water, "The authors express their sincere gratitude to-~~~ V*D.Mufol m0 L.R*Doybush for thsir part' Ipation In the ..khavatskiy, Yu.M.Baxar" 'adjustment of various assemblies. of the Installation." 3 figures. 'ASSOCIATION: n06 SUBXrr=: lWan64- -RNCLi 00 ~SUB CCDEi HP NR MW OCIVI 005 OMZR3000 GRIZIK, A. A., BYKCVSKAYA, Yu. I.. mid MARUNINA. N. I. "Use and methodoloff of radioactiv* indicators.0 report presented at The Use of RMioactive Isotopes in Analytical Cbeydatry, Conforenc* in Moscow, 2-4 Doc 1957 . 19.58. No. 2. (author Rodin. S. 6.) ' J(YI/81-59-10 -34412 Translai.ior. from: Referativnyy zhurnal. KhImiya, 1959, Nr 10, P 85 (USS11) ATYMORS: Plyushchev, V.Ye., Kuznetsova, T.P., Grizik. A.A. 71111E. The Study of the Ion-Exchange Capacity of the Catia ite '.B3 MSF, KU-1, 1911and Rrilin Solutions of Chlorides of Alkali Metals PIM-10DICA11 Tr. Mosk. in-ta tonkoy khim. tekhnol., 1958, Nr 7, pp 73-80 AJECTRACT: The absorption of alkali metals by H-forms of the resins US, 14SP, Ku-1 and RF at various pH of the Initial solution (in a non-buffer system) has been studied under static conditions, It Is assumed that for Industrial con- ditions these data characterize the ion1te better than the dependence of the absorption on the pH of the equilibrium solution. M, Arkhangellskiy Z!, H_~ -Eei7l, Tr= SOVI '7 ;r- -' 405! Trantilation f rom: Referativnvy zhurnal. Metalturgiva, 1161j, Nr .' P 247 iUSSR) AUTHORS: Grizik, A. A. Maruniva N T 11: L E: Melhodological Probiutn5 III 'Le Use (,! R (Loac't, u Tric( rs !(,I 0-x Control of Processes o~ the Recovt~ry ol Rare Meals !Metodicfesk-ve voprosy primeneniva radioaktivr.Vkh it!dtI,,t-,oro,- dl~., kc-,ro'%,,, teklinologii poluchemy.s redki~h) PERIODICAL: Tr. Kornis. po anali!. I-him-,'. AN SSSR, Vel 14 0'.!1, pp 45-t- ABSTRAC,r: The authors examine :~om,- methodc-~k-gical p:-cI):tfm.- 'Ila at-'Ac the use of radioactive tracer5 (RT) tor -t e , cnfro! (A vrcce~,ses ol 'ill. reco-.,ery 0 rare metak and cxzim:,,.#, in deta,,!, the adl ;t-.~ages and shorfcom;ngs connected with .he app,lLattcn ot RT. RecoinmendauGn, are rnide for the selection of methocis f(,r the matvs of spec-, mens for Ta and Nb with a ,~X%kl of decreaiing the cur-,.,i.rnptic,!, cl lhe-,o mat.crials. The design of it device for mc,isuri-,ji the at !:* .1y at (III - ferent points of the ingot exaniined iv-d the rv,ulls ci vxjwr nierv," cut!- ducted in the investigation of distribu,;on ef Sh along I Ge Sirgle k rv-0al Card 1/12 which was obtained bv drawing from it rne!t ire described. An eve,-- le SW"l i7 59- " AOiZ Methodological Problems in the Use oi lladioactie 'l-racers ior 'he Con-rol (con, I application of the autoradiographic tilethod is noted and the xchrt, logy V. .*he collf rot of the homogeneity of alloys based on rare metals such as ll~ Sb 'r, Ga and Ti is described. It is pointed out that the inet.hod (if it-.roductton oi RT 45 C-V .'111porlan' for obtaining correct control results. The tracer and the admaxnre should be in the same chemical state in the feed substance. Therefore a spe4..ifitc me,hod cf irfro- duction of RT is selected for each particular case Examples are adduced W #he introduction of RT into niobium pentoxiov, which is he raw mater,A) ."?I Preparation of iryetallic Nb. Ir. Card 212 83254 3/06,3/60/0o 5/to.3/tc 2/W3 A003/AOO1 ,.Iyushchev, V.Ye. AUTHORS: Grizik, A.A. P TITLE- On the Synthesis of Lithium Metazircona'p an! Metahafna+e PER-_OD-ICAL! Zhurnal vsesoyuznogo khimichoskogo Im.D.I. Mendeleyeva, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 349 - -350 There are literature data (Refs 2-8) on the ex,,s*en-e 3f three lithium zfr-c~onates, but the existence of only one, viz., L120'ZrO2 was proved. This zir- conate Is used in the silicate industry (Ref 9). High-teTperature zyrthes.'s was used he-ne to obtain pure zirconates, and their properties wpre s~';d!ed. ZrO2 (with a c,.)ntent of 0.0-3% HfO2) and Hf02 (with a cont-no, cf