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Coulomb Excitation of Odd A-Nuclei by Heavy Ions 76965 SOV/56-37-6-5/55 In previous investigations, in which chromium was irradiated with protons or CL-particles, are not due to coulomb excitation of the corresponding levels in chromium. It was shown that lines associaW with nuclear levels owing to the CL-excitation (Rb , Snll7, Sn'19) are actually coulomb excitation. The partial the excited levels were determined 10-7 and 10- 12 sec. A. B. Girshin in the course of this work. and 31 references, 8 Soviet, emitted as a result of lifetimes -C(E2) of to lie between made contributions There is I table; 6 graphs; 1 Dutch, 1 Swiss, 2 French, 19 U.S. The 5 most recent U.S. references are: F. K. MCGowan, P. H. Stelson. Phys. Rev., 109, 901, 1958; E. Almqvist, D. A. Bromley, H. E. Gove A. S. Litherland, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., 2, 178, ~Dfl, 1957; C. P. Swann, W. C. Porter, J. Frankl. Inst., 201, 371, 1956. M. A. Rothman, D. M. Van Patter, V. S. Dubey, W. C. Porter, C. E. Mandeville. Phys. Rev., 107, 1551, Card 4/5 1957; R. M. Sinclair. Phys. Rev., 107, 1306, 1957. Coulomb Excitation of Odd A-Nuclei by Heavy Ions 76965 SOV/56-37-6-5/55 ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Phys.-Tech. Inst. Acad. Sciences USSR (Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut, Akademii nauk SSSR) SUBMITTED: July 2, 1959 Card 5/5 A BO', 9/1 0 56 AUTHORS: Andre-yev, D. S., Grinbarg, A, P.. Quitnukly. G. M_ Yerokhtna, K.I., and L b TITLEs Coulomb Excitation of the First Nuclear Levels of Even Chromium-Selenium and Neodymium Isotopes .Z7 PERIODICALt Izvestlya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No~ 12, pp. 1474-1477 TEXT: The present paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, which was held in Moscow from January 10 to January 27, 1960. The experiments described in the present paper were carried out with 16.3-Mev and 36..O-Mev nitrogen ions and 25.2-Mev neon ions. Results are given in Table 1, Chromic oxide targets were used, which contain the isotopes Cr52 and Cr54, as well as natural, vaporized chromium. Further. natural metallic neodymium (23,87X Ndl 44 ) wan usr;d, The results are discussed In great detail and compared with earlier results. There are 3 figures, I table, and 17 referencest 5 Soviet and 14 US Card 1/4 Coulomb Excitation of the First Nuclear S/048/60/024/012/006/011 Levels of Even Chromium-Selenium and B019/BO56 fleodymium Isotopes ASSOCIATION3 Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Institu-te --of Physics and Technology of the Acad,:my of Scienc~; Text to Table Is 1) Examined nucleus; 2) Energy of the excited level; 3) Bombarding particle and its energy; 4) Reference level; 4a) Nucleus; 4b) Energy of the excited level; 4~:) Trannition probability; 4d) Referen- ces; 5) Transition probability according to the data nbtained here; 6) Transition probability according to published data; 7) Lifetime; 8) F = B(E2)/B(E2) single' where B(E2) is the single-particle tranzition probability, Card 214 4/046/60/024/012/oo6/oll B019/B,)56 1;XPO 2- nam"nij vilepnimm. I(eV Penep"Un ypove*16 F. Rev RAPO rIrso 0,78 Ne"(23.2) M0:09 0,53 0.(44 13 Cr4l 1.45 N'4(3C,,O) Nits. 1,45 0 (M 11 CrIs )D.84 N' (to 3), Ne"(23.2) : TOI O'W 0:070 141 se,: t' 5G0 Nt (.3r,:O),. Nolo(23,2) Se*- 'G15 N 14 (36 10), XP20(23,2) M11114 I ~ 0 53 0,614 131 Seto Izo N14(311.0) .1.114 0: 95 0,070 141 '42 0, 640 N 14136, 0) N11144 0.11 N"(30.0) 7rol It (1,92 0.07 9 13 N 41114 0,455 N"(36,O) zr":H 0,92 0,079 3 Nil,'$ 0. -3w N I :(36,0) 11111tv 0,10 0,21 Nil," 0, 1 , N (36,0) Talat 0,136 2, No Card-'3/4 S/048/60/024/012/006/011 B010/B056 iL B(131.1. ~fow. B(I~n"t.'. to-. T tog-, celf 0,15 0,9 27 0,062 1,2 to 0,057 1,7 9 0.42 0 4317 1.8 44 8 0:45 0,36 0 36 7 1 1 1.3 M 0,23 0:23 7 1,5 22) 0.19 1.7 18 0,23 I'l to 0,25 9 0 25 8,4 11 0,57 0:69 9 1 l 30 24 1192 2,3 q 575 80 Card, 4 A 6,5-,7 0 fiw/ 139,rl llio) B029%060 AUTHORS: Andreyev, D. 3:, Grinberg, A. P., Yerokhina, K. I., Lemberg# I* Kh TITLE: Coulomb excitation of the nuclear levels of P31, S33, Mn55, and Pr141 by means of Ne 20 ions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 1, 1961, 70-76 TEXT: The measurements were made by means of a scintillation spectrometer with a NaI-T1 crystal (40 mm in diameter, 40 mm in height) and by means of a photomultiplier of the type +)'y-11 (FEU-11). The electronics consisted of a pre-amplifier, a cathode follower, an overchargeable amplifier and an AHA-2 (AMA-2) 63-channel pulse height analyzer connected in parallel and an AW 100-1 (AI 100-1) 100-channel pulse height analyzer. Method of measurementp apparatus I and course of the calculationct the reduced transition probability B(E2) have already been 89247 S/04 61/025/001/013/031 Card 1/ 7 ,59247 S10481611025100110131031 Coulomb excitation of the nuclear levels... B029/BO60 described in three previous papers (Refs. 1-3). In the case of nitrogen ions the errore are below 159;, but they may attain from 20 to 25j"O' for neon ions. The following was observed when measuring the energy of beam particles by means of deflection in a magnetic field: After deflection, the beam is split into several components corresponding to different charges of tho accelerated ions. The change of the iona falling into the beam catcher causes the change of the ratio current strength / number of beam particles in the beam, which means that it influences the accuracy of calculation of the Coulomb excitation cross section. In the experiments concernedg the bombarding particles were quadruple-charged NeZO ions with energies of 23.2 and 27.8 Mev. The amperage of the ion beam measured on the target was %,,1#10-8a. Th7 measurement results are given in the attached Table. R0 - 1.2-10-13A1 3 cm was set. Figs. 1,2, 3,4 show the instrumental y-spectra taken with Ne20 ions. The following notes are added concerning the individual elements: p3l: The Coulomb excitation of the level with AE - 1.26 Mev of P31 was examined with the aid of ions N020 with an energy of 27.8 Mev. The target was pressed from a red phosphorus powder. The spectrum contains a gamma line with Card 2/7 F,92h 7 S104 6"1/025/001/013/07/1 .oulo,-b excitation of the nuclear levels ... B029y3o6o .63 .*,ov arising, by Coulonb excitation of the level .7i'~,h A" 12 1.63 ~020 alue of B(E2)'~ for the 1.26-14ev level or p3l amounted- The v, J-o 0.011.10-48 e2 cm4. A. The spins of the t-io states 0- ?31 are kno=n: + 33 33 Io 112 if - 3/2 S. : In ~he word under' consideration, S was 20 (?~--.-cited by quadruple-chargedlIe ion.-'nith an energy of 23.2.1"ev, The Gamma n-,)ectrum found contains a line with the energy 0 63:tO-01 IZev. I.:n55: 11~e 1:05 .-.a* P L, 26 s likewis if. xcited by quadruple-charged No ions with 23.2 Thir of 0.85 and 0.98 tain3 gamma lines with energies spec trum 14 Pr141: r o ovs the spectrum of gamma rays resulting on 'he FiGo 4-, W 4 irradiation of nrasob rium. oxide with quadruple-charged Ne20 Ions J a J-Icv). The lifV ite of the state with 61; - 0.142 liev amounts to 14 4.3-io-7 sec. "he article under -93ec, and its _ial lifetime is 0404do-a+-ion is thIJ71 ep~-oduction of a lecture delivered a" the 10th 6 r aferenc'e, on Nuclea' -;n "oacow from r Spectroscopy 7hich took place A. to 27t 1~~O. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 24 references: uary oviet-bloc and 1,7tnon-Soviet-bloc. Card 3/7 Cqp~lomb excitation of the nuclear levels ... 89247 S/048/61/025/001/013/031 B029/3060 AS;OCIATIOIT: Fiziko-tokhnicheakiy institut Akademii n-,uk SSISII of Phaics and Technology, of Sciences U t X J`IAPO 69. MOV As'. Mev l I(E2). Celt CC" I '11. cel, X Cm, . P31 1,20 0,02 1.204 (.51 0.011 4,8-10-1% 9.1 z SS3 0.83 0.01 0.844:t n,008 0, O(H P 5.2-10-11