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SOV/50-32-4-2-//47 The Preparation of L"strous CzatlngF, the Electric Deposition of Copper- Gold Alloys The best r~ubultii weza obtained unier the follcwingv ~-onlit:ons of olectrodepos.f.tiag, the concentration of metal gold -- -22 gl'-, ,, f metal copper g/l, KCFf;,, 10 c, 12 g1l thiourea OA to O*q g/!.,, temperature 60 density cf current - -.5 amP/ r m .- e z, -Ing of the ele,,trolyte by meAns cf mechan.ijal l Th -tir.. stirrers or a'~tr;-4,3cun-l was found to produce a posizi--;e effect on the qLailty '.f deDOSitg. There are 3 grap?.e, 1 table dnd !6 r-3fercvccs, iwhi~h are Soviet, 3 Engliah, 3 German and I American. SUBMITTEDi July 8, 1957 Card 212 -ACCESSION Mi A.P4043037 S/OM/64/009/004/0254/0259 Ab"MMLS: Dimitrov, R. V.; Grin', Yu. F. TITLE': The study of hyporapeed 77ov""ororZnt kinetics. 2. Determining duration of various stages in film development SOMICE: Zhurnal nnuchnoy I prikladnoy fotografii I kinorntoGrafil, v. 9, no. 4. 1964, 254-259 TOPIC TAGS: photographic film, camora, silver deponit, oriLlson,/17 T ffiLra, double nogativo typo A film, Kiev M) 2 camora, SO 11MI camorn A!;S,'T';-tAG-k : Tho mothod of I. B. Blyunbarr., nrd 4"'. V. D11 ;-,it -nv I priiz. ; LI Z. fotr),-, . i kirmrntorr., 3,963, 8, 161) waro u:;cjd 1~o dotavminij (',rnir,~-'Iy contdnuourly dur3rg film ,~-)V'1.11 Wul,tj 1-illed: tho Mov IG3-2 cn-mara, Cv, framo3loqc alld L'..10 L %44 C, frnmo,nb,r.~c In whito light. The dovelopmont procoronj avolling of fiL,.-i layor, ponoLratiort Into this layor of tho tillrill, to,7,poraturu front, inductlon period, and vi3ible reduction of ailvor. Tho filns uzod In the inveati- gation wore inopanchroratic flIrm 17-T and Doublo-nogaLivo type A =otlon picture M=. The D(t) curves of the folloving cases wore constructed: dr-y film Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP401,3037 and water-swollen films at 20C tomporattwo :L--orsod In the davolopor and heat.06 y films and wator-sn;ollon Mrs heated to 6CC an(i i:-~z-,Ovsocl = doveloper to 60C; dr t at same tonporaturo; fil=9 (awollen in alkali ani sulfide soluticn3 at 60c) Lm- r,orsod in dovolopor at the uama temporatilure; fib.-.s wwollon In dovelopor tit 6'Cx, and in alkxli anc', sulfido solu'tion3 nt the sfirv) txn-,.~jruture; and u-,~-posod lllnis, witlh prol:Lraimi-,f swollinc, In tho dovolopar a'. 60G. Tllio 11ovolop-c-r for *V*A-,g filrs was tho sano as for thosc of !,;y,-,.D 17-:." for t-I.-i OXC_u:3.-!.rjn of tho benzo'vriazolo 'n "'.o, vel's"'Is for t-;-- fiarit was 2.5, at'.;aLi,cOl a- vnrloufj fro-, 2.2 to p0 17--:L 4 11 1 U. dopin(' '. i1r, on ~ho pvocv.,,,~~ itu ~V. liz-A to b.:) pr,D:~05.3 -.o,-,iqtnrod by tho 11j'.7-al a ~A 0.- S 0 G ir r-ru, u-119 to I. B. 51y=.bor,6, Yu. Ul, :,ov % A. axpov a 7~ n:-, -L 1~1, work." Orig. ar'... hew. 5 f.Jkf..,xo-; t !~'O. k VA A C I I IT I Lv rAnjra dokiy Ins t Itut 11--no rov LLK 1 (Lo:ill --d 1LI; t i tuto of Motion Picture Zrigincoring, LBU) SUB,',~TITTZD .18j~1163 ENOL- DO S TJ B C 0, LAF, F.~ NO R 0,07; D03 XHLR., 003 c 0, d 2 /2 i 9 DIMITROV, P..V.; GRIN, Y.u.F. Analyzing tho the tima of the vuriom! L.fu I kin. 9 no.4,.,251.-259 GRIN19 MT. "Pair Correlations of Nucleons in Nwlei" report subedtted for the 2nd USSR Conference on Nuclear Reactions at Low and Intermediate Energiesv Moscow, 21-28 July 1960, GRIN', YU.T.-; DROZOV9 S.I.; ZARETSKIY, D.F. Green's function for odd nuclei. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 36 no.1:222-228 Jan 160, (MIRA 14:9) (Potential# Theor7 of) (Nuclei, Atomic) 83739 Boo6yBO56 AUTHORS: Grin', Yu. T., Drozdov, S. I., Zaretskiy, D. F. TITLE: The Moments of Inertia of Odd Atomic !Halei_6 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No- 4, PP- 1297 - 1303 TEXT: In the regions 150 /,A 225 the atomic nuclei are de- formed and, besides single-particle levels, they have also rotational ones. It was found experimentally that the moments of inertia of odd nuclei surpassed those of even nuclei considerably. Several authors have dealt with the derivation of formulas for the moments of inertia of even and odd nuclei, without, however, taking pair correlation into account. The authors of the present paper, for the purp&ze of determin- ing the moments of inertia (taking pair correlation into account), use the Green functionsfor a finite system having an odd number of particles The calculation method is analogous to that used by A. B. Migdal for even-even nuclei (Refs. 3,4). An explicit formula (18) is obtained for 6J, in which the difference of the moments of inertia Je(xe ie(Xo) Card 1/2 S/05 60/030/004/032/048 The Moments of Inertia of Odd Atomic Nuclei JoIP/160/038/004/032/048 B006/BO56 occurs as an unknown term (the subscripts e and o mean even and odd). 400/26, Aq - 41 A- 1/3 Mev. The A values are partly known from the 0 0 experiment and partly determined by interpolation according to the for- mula Ae - Ao + 'Aot where Qo denotes the density of the single-particle levels near the Fermi surface. For calculating the difference of Jet Let 6o' Pet and Po must be known. These four parameters are given in Table I for a total of 19 nuclei between 64 Gd155 and 96 Cm 245, as well as the relative change in the moments of inertia for nuclei having odd num- bers of neutrons 6J/JT (in %). (JT 'a the moment of inertia of the solidl 6J/JT -,A-1/3). Table 2 gives the same parameters for nuclei having odd numbers of protons (11 nuclei from 67H0 165 to 95 Am 243) . The authors thank S.-T. Belyayev and A. B. Migdal for discussions. There are 2 tables and 9 refilrences: 4 Soviet, 1 US, 1 Dutch, and 3 Danish. SUBMITTED: November 17, 1959 Card 2/2 8018 S/056/60/059/001/038/041/XX 14.1,540 B006/BO56 AUTHOR: Grin~~. T. IT TITLE: The Influence Exerted by Pair Correlation of Nucleons Upon the Probability of Electromagnetic Transitions in the Nuc- leus PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoraticheskoy fliziki, 1960, vol. 39, No. 1(7), pp. 138-140 TEXT: The author investigates the influence exerted by pair correlation of nucleons upon the electromagnetic transitions in a deformed nucleus, in which the Inner state of the nucleons is determined by the projection of the total momentum of the nucleon upon the symmetry axis of the nucleus. The totality of + 9 and of the remaining state characteristics is denoted by +X. By using ~ wave function of a system with odd particle number. which was given by S. T. Belyayev, and a mass-defect formula L - (1/2)12E 0(N+1).E0(N+2)-E 0(N)J, obtained In Ref. 2, where E 0(N) to the ground-state energy of an N-particle system, the transition of a system from the state +4 2 to the state +X I is investigated for the case of odd Card 1/2 64718 The Influence Exerted by Pair Correlation S/056/60/039/001/038/041/XX of Nucleons Upon the Probability of Electro- B006/BO56 magnetic Transitions in the Nucleus particle numbers in both states; the L of the states are different: A' - A - 6 . -A 2- Thus. the pair correlation con- siderably changes the shape of the transition matrix element, and likewise, accordingly, the transition probability. Investigation of an electric mul- tipole transition in the neighborhood of the Fermi surface shows that such a transition has a forbiddenness factor _A-2/3 in comparison to a single- particle transition. 14. Ye. Voykhanekiv and Yu, N. Gnedin have calculated single-particle transition probabilities, and found that the theoretical values deviate by about one order of magnitude from the experimental ones. If, however, the pair correlation is taken into acoount. the agreement betseen the theoretical and experimental values is good The author final- ly thanks R. F. Zaretakiy and V.-M. Strutinskiy for discussing the results obtained. There are 1 table and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 Danish. SUBMITTED: February 15, 1960 Card 2/2 27480 8/048/61/025/009/005/007 B104/BI02 AUTHIORSt Grin', Yu. T., and Zaretskiy, D. F. TITLEs Collective excitations of non-spherical nuclei P:M101CALt Akadomiya nauk 833R. Izvestiya. 8oriykjj"zTMftPk&ya, v. 25, no. 9, 1961, 1169 - 1175 TEM This papor %-ias road at the 9th Annual Conferenj ~' rNuclear ec~, 0811 Spectroscopy. The authorn generalize the theory of ive excitationo of non-spherical nuclei. An equation is set up for the frequoncies of collective nuclear oacillationsp and a relation betwoon the frequencies of the excited 6 (k-0) and t,(k-2) vibrational levels is derived in quasi- classical approximation. Using the Green's two-particle function K , the equation 0 2 3 4 0 2) XE (BiEl -.6162 +A - I(q2k)12 12 (9) 12 2EIE2 - (E1 + El ) 2j Card 1/5 27480 S/048/61/025/009/0')5/007 Collective excitations of non- B104/BI02 is obtainod for the fre(Luonoiee of the' bound states of two quasi -par tiel Cs. Within the framework of the Nilsson model Eq. (9) can only bo oolved numerically for a real model. U 8! ng the model of an axi3ymmotric)illy doformod o 8cillator otential,, th authors attempt to find a solution to this equation. L~q. is represonted in the form X + X Y, 2R)AW (A. +.Hh.), ns'without energy change, and The first term is the sum over all trans 0 the second term is the sum over all other transitions, Since i:,) is negligible in the latter sumf Eq. (15):oin be reduced to X1 2AI (4fil- *I) where (16). X 7j, + AX, N,%-Rr (fry, +1 Card 2/5 Collective excitations of non- 3/04 876~i'/0102 5/009/U0 5/007 13100102 In quasi-clasuical approximation, Eq. (16) leads to 4A2 1 - 1 12 4 ctan q (E. AR -0 o' W2 1 LZ2 The following explicit solutions arc obtlained from this equation: 12 w - 2 V1 - q for4j4 2A and 2 2 ZN Z -k 12 12 q 2~ 6: 2 4%. 8 for 28 An analysis of these solutions indicates that collective excitations with ener. rios much less than 26 may exist in deformed nuclei. and vibratirns are interrelated by Card 3/5 A, 27480 S/048/61/025/009/005/007 Collective oxcitations of non- B104/B102 g (I -2a I _2A (23) g !!~) 2A Gj')I From this relation, it is concluded that the frequencies of (5- andi.- vibrations agree within the framework of the model of an axisy--motric oscillator potential., The agreement of the frequencies is closely related to the degeneracy of the levels in the oscillator potential. Finally, the Nilsson model without spin-orbital coupling is briefly discussed. The following values are obtained for the ratio-1pher as a function of o6- 2Deoljo At Oe 1.8 2.25 3-0 4-5 Qt~ /&, j -0.90 0.86 0.80 0-72 S. T. Belyayev (Zh. ekeperim. i teor. fiz. lat 1367 (1960)) is mentioned. Card 4/5 27480 B/048/61/025/009/005/007 Collective excitations of non- B100102 There are 11 references, 7 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The references to English-language publications read as followst Marumori T., Progr. Theor. PhYs-, 2A, 331 (1960); Baranger M.f Phys. Rev., 120, 957 (1960); Perlman I., Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure, P. 547, Kingston, Canada, 1960. Card 5/5 GRINI, Yu*T. Probability for an E2-transition from the spherical nuclei. Zbur.ekop.i teor.fiz. (Ikclei,, Atomic) first 2+ level in 40 n0-3:784-785 Mr 161. (IOU 14:8) GRINI j YU.T. Nonadiabatic corrections to the rotational spectrum of atomic nuclei. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 43. no.1:222-225 JI t6le OURL 14:7) (Nuclei, Atomic-Spectra) AUTHOR: Grin', Yu. T. TITLE: Effect of rotation PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy no. 2t 19619 445 - S/05 61/041/002/014/028 B1 I 1YB1 12 on pair correlation in the nucleus i teox%ticheakoy fiziki, v. 41, 450 TEXTs Rotation of paired particles leads to a decrease of the energy gap A and to an increase of the moment of inertia. Since the change ofA depends on the velocity of rotation or the spin I of the system this effect requires a correction to the moment of inertia which is proportional to I(I+l) and 2 2 to the energy which is proportional to I WI) . The author gives diagonal corrections to the solution of A. Migdal Ref.1s ZhETF, 37, 249, 1959)- * 4 4 dc4 rfc F (r, r,cj )~2, p where F(?, '?,CJ) - is a Fourier component of F with respect to time,.* is the interaction constant of the particles. The con- tour C consists of the real axis and an infinite semicircle in the upper Card 1/3 S/05 61/041/002/014/028 Effect of rotation on pair... B111YB112 semiplane. The diagonal corrections of the perturbation term NXII, where Mx is the angular momentum with respect to the x axis,SX is the angular velocity are given . seoo d turbation theoretical approximation. IIL )y1 per second order All- P11 0 (fl/2EX) is obtained for A averaged over the nuclear volume. An estimation shows that the corrections to Z'7 can be neglected due to changes of the chemical potential. J I(I+I).L(x )/(2 2 12) holds for axisymmetrical oscillator 05 0 19'2 0 deformations. L(X 1'x2 ) is an expression which was calculated by using the results obtained by A. Migdal (Ref.'O. The energy correction in the rotational spectrum is found to be fE Pz - J 0 12 (1+1)2L(x llx2)/(4?OA 2j3) by using the results obtained by A. Migdal. In conclusiont the author states that rotation considerably influences pair correlation and that in the estimation of 1 0(spin in the transition point) the change of A can be neglected only in first approximation. The author thanks V. M. Galitskiy Card 2/3 S/05 61/041/002/014/028 Effect of rotation on pair*** B111YB112 and A. Be Migdal. There are 5 referencess 3 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publioations read as fbllowat Ref. 3t Be Mottelaon, J. Valenting Phys. Rev. Lett., 1, 511, 1960; Ref.41 F. Stephensq Re Diamond, Is Perlman, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1, 435, 1959, SUBMITTEDs FebruarY 4, 1961 Card 3/3 GRIN', Yu.T.; FAVLICHENKOV, I.H. Collective gyromapetic ratio for odd atomic nuclei. Zhur. skup.i teor.fiz. 41 noo3s954-958 5 162. (KERA 14 sIO) (Nuclei, Atomic) 39h8h /05'/62/043/,;C~2/(;1 Q00 B1 02/BI U4 .,',UT:!OHS. Grin', Yu. T.,_Tavlichenkovp 1. T I T LE Non-adiabatic corrections to the rotational z-,cc--rum cf I OD I C AL : --hurnal eksoorimentallnoy i tooretic~o:i.--4cj v. no. 2(8), 1962, 465-472 TEXT: The ' rotational spectrum of deformed nucloi Yit- 193 --,nt A> 226 has art excitation energy rhLch is related to the nuclear s7in .Oy E +TT41)/2J _ 312(,+1)2, where J is the momcn-. of 0 the ground-state enerey. 3 is known to increase .-rhen the nuclai spherical; it depends on the interaction bet-reen ro-."tion and particle and vibrational :.-.otions. The authors c~;lcu-'---ted 3 in approximation on the basis of the -%icroscopic model ~.nd -,~cto=incd contribu.t-ion to 3 of the interaction between rotatior, ard motion. in the case of a nuclear oscillator potential B - 1 2 /201~0,'-~ 2J4 Card 1/3 0 2) Non-adiabatic corrections to the ... B1,12,13134 2 1) 1 and in the limiting care of large B Clio/-10--j", ; if ~)2 deformation is small (f"--0), B - C I 2/(;o gap, J 0 the solid-state moment of inertiu, and J fi t'he i~-Qal-fluid of interia of the nucleus, ,,l and _~2 art; the cnari~y diffarenceli t"iU transitions: , (,~ -(+)'.; )/2; is the total levol _4 a JL a 1(2) 'Z 'Y _'Fermi surface, and is a tabulated function (0~-' 1 ). C 0:' ,-" 1:'.; 4. 3 _7:1' pair corrQlation is taken into account, the contrJ_b-"-.J.-3r -.o B Of interaction bet-::cen rotation and single-particle motior. i, than in the case of non-interacting partiole~; and rczch are experimentally observable. If B is jivon as the su~, of tn~; 31~- neutron and proton 12 .0 ('V B:= B, + Bp = i~ ; A a' It Pon P, tv, Card 2/3 Non-adiabatic corrections to the ... 0v A( IN)213 I!eV-1 1. 76 - the agreement vith experimental resulta is only stron, dofor-:;iations the experimental valuo iL; 2-5 There are 2 fiEuroz and 3 t,~blcs. SUb:AIT'A."_D: January 6, 1962 Card 3/3 Ij33?? S/056/62/043/005/041/058 B125/B104 AUTSORs Grin't Yu,t To TITUA T he moments of inertia of a heated nucleus and the angular I.nisotropy of fission fragments PERIODICALi Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheekoy fisikip Y. 43, no- 500, 1962, 1860 - 1884 TF,XTs Using results of A. B. Migdal (ZhzTF, 37, 249, 1959) the mosent of inertia with respect to the axis i was found as a function of the excitation energy of a nucleus for T of J1 I I M, N (GIG3 F-Fj Is Et E M. th + th th th 2-42) r(ulU'-UlUl?( 2r 2T (Ulu, f Ulu,), ( L + ____ I I A P11. 2 (El J. Elp 2 (Cl - Et) Omitting the part that is associated with the chrnge in the pair correla- tion owing to rotation, and passing from the summation to the integral, Card 1/5 S/056/62/043/005/041/058 The moments of inertia of a ... B125/B104 one obtains 00 (5) 4r. (1(,7+ T T 10 ZIM 126(pl) is the moment of inertia of the rigid body with respect 11 1 Z 11 to the z-axist K1is a cylindrical functiont 6 is a quantity determining the pair corfelation, w"hich depends on temperature in a known manner. For the first time, 6q. (5) was found by V. Strutinakii (Compt. Rend. Congrgs Intern. Phys. Nucl.9 Parial 1959, p. 617) in a quasiclassical way. For T