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GRIN# G*Ls Effect of the ahape of the volt%ge curve on the readingz of an infralow-f'requency uvarage-.va3us voltmeter. lzm. tekh. no.12:26-28 1) 161. (WRA 16:12) L 33547-65 Ei'k.; (J)/Ei1A(k)/FBD/EAT( I )/_QEC (k)-2/i~.-C b '~-2'/_': i~ (k),,1'ZEfiA(m)-2/ 7k-4/PG-4/Pf -A/Peb/Pi-4/F1-4._ IJr, c) Z 7 XCESSION NR: Ar)009239 5/0115/65AM/001/0050/0053 AUTHOR: Grin, 0. L.; Kvasikov, L. YA. TITLE: -An exhibition--Fifteen years of the Geman Democratic Republic SOURCE: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 1, 1965, 50-53 TOPIC TAGSt San laaer, solid stato la6er, laser/ ZGL 900 laser, ZFL 750 laser ABSTRACT: An exhibition entitled, "Fifteen Years of the German Democratic Republic, " held In Moscow from 3 October to I November 1964, fea- tured two East German lasers. The ZGL-900 gas laser consists of a cavity, a high-frequency oscillator, and a power supply. The operating wavelength -is 1. 153 IL, and the quartz-stnbilized ost.-Illator delivers from' .2 to 80 watts In steps at 40. 65 Mc. The unit Includes multilayer plane and hemispherical - mirrors - (R.-s-1 mand Roo, ~-espectively) with a reflection coefficient of abou-t 99%-.- - The mirrors-ar-e-mounted -on- and-- ajusted by 4 Invar rods, The laser head w I t h o s c I 11 a t o r I a 1090 x 130 x 500 mrn and the power supply unit is 405 x 210 x 305 mm. Total weight Is.30 kg. Card 1/2 L 33547-65 ACCESSION NR! AP5OC9239 The ZFL-750 solid-state laser was demonstrated as an integral part of a device for drilling and Inspecting small holes. The laser rod Is 45 to 60 mm long and 3-7 mm In diameter. 'Its xenon flash lamp Is driven by, a 1000-3000-v power supply. The air-cooled laser yields from 3 to 12 pulses per sec. Thelaser head Is 140 x 120 x 180 mm and the power supply unit is 350 k 430 x 640 mm. Total weight is 80 kg. Solid-state laser resonators for six different wavelengths from 7082 to_25, 560 were shown separatelY....- ASSOCIATIONt none STMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC C~> S: 3193-F NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 ATD PRES Card _7 see *go 09 7;Z 460410.) 0.0 its -6 pool z, : F -, tf P4.119 aftwass" WAV"M "Awl"Aw v I p f." ft Iowa mow wvlw~p~ oleo too oleo oleo -W - --- -- --- --- T -- -- - 0 0 0 T * All a v v 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 10 ~ 11 1 " At A If M . , If V~0 A f I AJO ft 91, 00 The sawees of imsfinjution W PAW in The MOM~ -00 00 G. .4. 0111. Ifel*wio 46-4 %-A room. 00 00 , AN 11yaps-0- NJ JI-Ok. tIl .%~I ,Yi4,-1 4 00 N-. 3 4.61 (1" ku0mall,64 A.III A 00 -06 -11h NftC0# mbd lilt umil"I's *Wt 11W Ahkakism, J.0 00 ~tlllsfltft ad NA, C* 4nd SIA. The Ne twilla thor k&.l 0 be "'I* asr 1f" 'a 1 "'"'kwl wd'"w" 117 o -00 00 -go so *0 00 .00 00 001, -of 00 .00 00 ;;0o 190 Do - 411. 11 fit,- -.1, 'tic. -100 00 1 1 3 Aoo t-Add 41fa Mil n u ,r n 41 6096900060*460000041~00?0 000000000000000000 o oooosi~-00000000000000000000000*000000000000eiAA GRIV, G.S.; XRUFSKIT$ M.N., kandidat sallskokhoslaystyennykh n&uk; KISSLI, V.D. ---"W1-OV3KIy' A.M.. redaktor: GRINCHINKO, A.M.. k"idat sellskskhotya- stvennykh avik, radaktor;SHIX&N. V.L., redaktor; SIVACHBNKD, U.K., takhalchookly rodaktor. [Sail characteristics of the Negayok Massif in th4 Ukraine from the point of view of &grigultural land improvement) Avomeliorativmla kharaktortattka pochv Negaisksgs massiva, Ukrainy. Kiev, Isd-vo Aka- demit, zauk USSR, 1955. 68 p. [Microfilm] (MLRA 9:6) l.Daystvitelinyy chlon AN USSR (for Sokolovokiyj (Ukraine-Soils) AUWV, L.S.; CRIN, G.T. - ------ 1. [Veighing mthads In Soviet tradel Teem* khosiaistvo v soyetskoi torgovIe. Isd. 2., dop, Neskya, Gestorgisdat, 1953, 73 P. (MLRA 6;,3) (Scales (Weighing instruments)) AXU1OT. L.; GRIN. GY, [weighing methods In trawde] Tesovoe khozinistvo v torgovle. Moskva, Gos- torgisd&t. 1948. 70 P. (xLRA 6:8) (Scale* (Weighing instruments)) GRIN, Geor,-Iy Tladimirov%!s6-,jLTUDSKOV, B.P., redaktor; 3ALASHOV, Y.I., tekhiT6h*skiy'r9d&kt*r. [Maintenance of weighing insturments and their use in stores; a imanual for storekeeperej Ukhod za vesolzmeritellnymi priborami I pollsovanie isi v magazine; pwiatka d1la prodaytea. Koskv&. Goa. is&-vo torg.lit-rjr, 1957~ 51 Pe (MIRA 10:5) (3cales (Weighing Instrumenta)) AXUWV, L.S.; ACHILIDI11"t, U.I.; VOLOSOV, G.D.; OORDOU, T.; GROMOV, N.A.; KIRMOV, A.Ta.; LIFSHITS, U.I.; MITROPOLISXI+O~rvo: RATSKIT, I.D.; SMI.191OV, T.B.; FATYUSOVICH, A.Kh.; 73DOROVA, I.Tu.; TSVIS, I.M.. CHMUIOVICH. D.1.; ISIKOVA. A.K., red.; SUDAK. D.M., tsklin.rud. [Handbook on equipment for commercial enterprises and public food gervicoj Spravochnik po oborudovaniiii dlia prodpriintii torgovli , obahchostvannogo pitaniin. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry. 1959. 322 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Inzhonerno-takhnichookiye rabotaiki Upravleniyu torgovogo oborudovaniya i TSentralfnogo konstruktorskogo byuro torgovogo mashinostroyaniya (for all except Ishkova. Sudak). . (Business entexises-RquiDmont and supplies) c so) (Restnurtints, limc coma, etc.~-Sqnipment and wippli V GUN, G.; LIMBARSKIY, A. Now equlpmont of self-service stores abroad. Sov. torg. 33 no.7: 45-51 JI 159. (Store fixtures) (MM 12:9) GRIN. G. Mechanical equipment of stores abroad. Sov. torg. 33 no.8:56-61 Ag 159. (14IRA 12: 11) (Stores. Retail--Equipment and supplies) AKULOV, L.S.; ACIIILIDIYEV, U.I.; VOIDSOV, G.D.~, GORDON, L.T.; GR.Pj,_,G_Y,;_ GROMOVO M.A.; KIRILLOV, A.Ya.? LIFSHITS, II.I.; MITHOPOLISKIY, A.V.0- RAISKIY, I.D.j SMIRNOV, V.B.; FATVUSOVICH, A.Kh.; FEDOROVA, 1.7u.; TWIN, I.M.; CHEKHOVICHI D.I.;ISHKOVA, A.T., red.; KISEIZVA, A.A., [Handbook on equipment for commerCial enterprises and public food service) Spravochnik po oborudoyaniiii dlIa prodpriiatii torgovli obshchost-wennogo pitaniia. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Gos. izd-To torg. lit-ry, 1960. 333 p. (MIRA 34:10) (Restaurants,, lunchrooms,, att.-Equipment, and aupplI*s) GILIDEMUT, U.N., inshon*r; Tv--- ftporlonce In stamping on crank presses. Je 157. (Power presses) (Forging) Yest.mash. 37 no.6:41-43 (MLVA 10:7) GRIN', I.H. Vood sam-oles for tensile strenpth testing. Dor.-Drom. 9 no.4:25 Ap l6o. (MIR& 11:9) (Wood--Testing) IVKI_?4i ov~i ch Hrij;#, I.M.], dote.; ALEKSANDROVSKIY, O.Ta. k~ -- (Alaksandrovaliji,, O.IA.], red.,- VISHKEVYY, V.V.(Vyshnavyi,, V.V.], red.j BABILICHANOVA, G.O.[Babillchanova,, H.O.], tekhn. red. [Wooden elements]Dereyliani konstruktoii. Kyiv, Dershbudvyday URSRO 1962. 237 p. (Buildlng, Wooden) (MIRA 16:3) CRIP, Igor' Filkhaylovich; ILIK, Mark Illich; POBEREUID, SKVORTSOV, Nikolay Aleksoyevich; SHEVCHENKO, V.P., dots., Gtv. red. (Use of plastic3 in structural onf,invaring] Stroitell- nye kon.-Aruktuli a prineneniem plasticheskikh rAsq. N'yl I.M.Cein I dr. Kharlkov, Izd-vo Kharll-.ov.,.-.koj-,o univ 1964. 181 p. (MERA 18:ii DUBLYANSYMA, N.Y., k&W.khim.nauk; GRIN', I.S. Composition of seeds and oil Prom regionally adopted castor-oil plant varieties. Masl.-zhir. prom. 27 no,ll-.20-%U 1 161. (MIRA 15o1) 1. Veasoyuznyy nauchuo-isoledovatellskiy institut maslichnykh i efiromaslichnykh kulltur. (Canter oil--Analysis) (Castor-oil plant-Varieties) GRIN', L.P. 111andbook for the operator of enhines and gus-generators of an electric power plant] T pomoshchl motoristu i gazogeneratorshchUm elektrontanteii. Kiev, Oos.uaunhno-tekhn.i%d-vo tutshinostroit.lit-ry [Ukr.otd-niel 1952. 159 P. (MI-RA 6:7) (Inginea--Handbooks, munuals, etc.) GRIN' L.P. Blectric power stations with gas Producers working on bottom peat. Torf. prom. 30 no.6:29-30 Je '53. MaA 6:5) 1. Ukrinstoplivo. (Gas generators) (Ilectric power plants) GRIN' s L. P. Machinery for cheskrow seeding and planting row crops; working principles and operation Kiev, Mashgiz. 1935. IDO p. r - 1. .11 - 1 -.1- - I I i~ GRII:I, L. P. -- "Irmus"-rrati..n of thn Bv~lc of Gv3-burninr ',,!otor Instuilat-Ions Operatlr- an,, pe-.-~ :i-%-~ :~ on for Coilec~ivn, Farm Po- ':or Plants." Min Azriculture U,~Zzl, Ij?r70,,,4:In 0-%.,er of Labor Red Banner Arricultm-al Ac-.tde,,-,, Kiev, 1-?5(-. for V Degrqo of Candidate of Technical Sciences) SO: K!Iizlnlvq jatc:2is' No 113, Octoher 195!% Moscow aRINI , L.? inshener, redalctor CTM DT - 14 tractor; operating manual] Traictor DT - 14; rukoyodetvo po okoplustatolle Kiev, Goo. nauchno-takhn. Isd-io mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 189 p. NDA 10: 1) 1. Rharlkovokly traktorosborochuyy sayod, (Tractors) If I. GRIN',_ 1VAaid_&trovich; DZHUTAGO, V.P., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, retsensent; KONDAK. U.N.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, rodaktor; S]IRDTUK, VA.. inzhener, redaktor isdatelletya; RUDENSKIT, Ta.T., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Go@ generators for power in agricultural Silovye gazogenerstornyo ustanovici dlia sel'skogo khostaistvas Kiev. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 195 p. (MA 9:12) (Glen producers) GRIV, 16P.;GAPONAM, T.39 Conference on theory and practice. Sellkhosmashina no-4:32-33 AP '57. (Kift 1000 1. Sekretarl or&.omltota konferentsli (for Grin'). 2. 5skretarl sektall OSovershenstvoyanlye tokhnologichookikh protsessov i konstraktoly sellskokhosyaystvennykh mashin (for Ouponanko). (Agricultural machinery) MODZITMTSKIT. Tenismin Iseakoy1ch; GRIV, L.P.0 kand.takhn.nouke retsenzent; RAMUSKIT, T.T., inzh., red. [Centrifugal oil purification In tractor engines] TS~ntro- beshnaia ochittka masla v traktornykh dviptaliakh. Noskva, Goo.nouchno-takhn.isd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 71 p. (Tractor~-Ingines-011 filters) YATSENKO, Viktor AVazaslyevich; GRIN',-L.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsensentl P1LIPEKK0,'Y-i.-P-4-q'inzh.t rod.; GOialOSTAYPOLISrAYA, H.S.v tekhn. red. (Operation and repair of agricultural machinery] Mcepluatatoija i remost sellskokbosialstrew7kh maahins Hookyap Mashgiz# 1961. 314 p. (Agricultural machinery) (MIRA 1534) PDOVAROV. I--- 41-Irstindrovich [Fyvovarov, L.O.), kan.;. '.ekhn. nauk; Pe-tro-vich [Ilryn', L.P.), knrid. tr~khn. 'i~ye V.1KRYUKOVA, Yr--.D.; Y11. nauk; PrininAl u~hW~ P.M,., red. [Fundamentals of safety engineering] 0.,,novy tekhrilky be-, poky. Kyiv, hadians'ka shkola,, 19615. p. !F:'-)) ARSHINSKIY, VA I BAGAUTINOV, G.A.; BESPALDV, M.V.; GASPAROVICH, P.I.; GOLOMIDOV, I.N.; GOLUBOV, ZELISKIY, S.A.; IL'INYKH, A.F.; KOZIN, V.Z.; KRYUKOV, V.P.; KULAKOV, S.N.; LUKAS, V.A.; MINEYEV, V.A.; PETROV, YU.S.; PIRUSHKO, M.G.; PROKOFIYEV, Ye.V.; REBETS, B.A.; STARTSEV, N.V.; TROP, A.Ye., prof.; KHRAMOV, V.A.; AERAMDV, V.I., otv. red.; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red.; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. (Handbook on electric equipment for mines] Spravochnik gorno- go elektrotekhnika. Pod obshchei red. A.E.Tropa. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 400 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Electricity in mining) KHARAKHASH, V.G., inzh.l YARUZFMSY,11, S.A., lnzh.; ALEFSHEV, M40 inzh.; KOLESKIK, N.A., lnzh.; FRIDMAN, O.A., i.nzh.; GFURA,A.r., inzh.; GRIN'.$ L.V.; PETRAKOV, V.I. Electric insulation coatings on the Inside surface of battery boxes of electric mine locomotivea. Ugoll Ukr. 10 no. 1z 31-33 JT& '66. (MMA 18:12) 1. Ukrainakiy mauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut plasticheakikh manse GRINI) M., Wrovoy master, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda To the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CF-U, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. Comrade Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchey. Neftianik 6 no.2:2-3 F 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Kontora bureniya NO-3 trenta AllmetlyeYburneft'. (A.11metlyevok regiorp--Oil well drilling) TROFIMOVSKAYA, Yelena Aleksandrovna, kand. geogr. nauk(deceased]; GRIN,_~.F.., kand. ekon. nauk,, nauchn. red.; KHAKIYOV, VA., red.; MAKITIN, I.T., tekhn. red. [Consolidated power system) Edinaia energeticheakaia. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Mania," 1963. 39 p. (Novoe v zhisni nauke, tekhnike. XII Serlia: Geologiia i geogrefiia, no.18~ (MIRA 16:10) (Interconnected electric utillty systeng) (Electric power distributIon) I ~' P IRIN) ... . GRIN, M.F. and A.G. KAUFMAN. Ekonomicheskaia gnegraftia po oblzntiam, kraimm i respublikam ... Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1933- cty SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part 1) 1951, Uncl. BOGCYAVLENSKIT, G.P.; DUWAYXV, T.N.; NZDOSXKIN, D.V,. Prininaliuchastiye: GALITSKIY, V.A.. GRIN. K 1, kand.ekonomonauk, nauchnyy redo; ZARALIN, I.M., W-*,Fr4.n;uk, nauchnyy red.; SAMSONWOs L*T99 unuchnyy red.; FRAIKIN, N.G.. kand.geograf.nauk, nauchnyy red.; U&ICHEVSXIY, G.W., red.kart; GLBYXH. D.A., EThe earth and its people; a geographical calendar for 1959j Zemlia L lludi; geograficheakii kalendar', 1959. Moskva. Geo- grafgis, 1958. 390 p. (MIRA 12:3) (Geography) CIRIN, M.P., doteent, kand.okonom.nauk (1conomic geography of the U.S.S.R.: introductory section, general part of the course; textbook] Zkonomicheskaia geo- grafiin SSSR; vvodnyt razdal; obshchnia chast' kursa; uchabnoo posobia. Moskva# Zaochnyi In-t sovetskoi torgovlit 1959, 160 p. (Russia--loonomic conditionm) (MIFLA 13:5) GRIN, M.F. -- .2 Mustern regions of the U.S.S.R. In 1965. Geog. v shkole 22 n0-3: 12-26 147-Ja 159. (MIRk 12t11) (Ruasia-Economic policy) - , , - , ,~ . . ~. BOGOYAVLZN5KIT, G.F.-, IMOSEKIN, D.V.-, KALICHEVSKIY. G.H., red.-sostaritell knrt; BELINIKIT, A.B.. lmnd.istor.nauki nsuchnyy red*; G=jL Verso kand,akonom.nauk. nauchnyy redo; ZABELIN. I.M., kand.geograf-i~iuA ~o nouchnyy red.; SAKSCUMO, L.V.. nauchnyy red.; YRADKIN. N.G., kand.geograf.nauk, neucbnyy red.; MMICHINKO. R.K., mladshiy red.; VIMSKATA, N.V., (The land and the people; the 1961 geographical calandar] Zemlia i liudi; geografichaskil kalender' 1961. Moskva, Izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1960, 262 p. L Now construction projects, 1939-1965; color mn Appendix to "Zemlia i liudi.0 the 1961 geographical c8lendarJ*__.Yovostroiki semiletki. 1959-1965; tavetneis karta. Priloshanis k geografichaskomu, kalendariu "Zemlis i liudiQ na 1961 g. (KIRA 14:1) (Geography) (Russia--Industries-Haps) GRIN, M.F.p kand.geograficheakikh nauk Lenin wrote about this land, flauka i zhiznl 27 no, 4:22,27 Ap 160. (MIRA 14%5) (Bashkiria-Natural resources) GRIN -j4-Qiaey-Fijjpp2yAqb; HYMSHKOVv V.A... red.; 13BLICHEIIKO, ii.K.,, mladshly red.; BURLAKA, V.P., tekhn. red.; LODAIJOVA, A.S.1 tekhn. red. [Looldag at the map of 19651 U karty shest'desiat piatogo goda. MoBkva, Goo.izd-vo geogr.lit-r7, 1961, 165 p, (MIRA 14:12) (Russia-Economic policy) GRIN, M.F., kand.okonom.nauk Protect, conserve and utilize wisely. Nauka i zhizn' 28 no.4s32-36 Ap 161* 04IRA 14S 5) (Natural resources) GRIN, M. F. Communism and the transformatlin of nature. Priroua ;l no.l:,',,'-36 Ja 162. (rIRA 15:1) (Natural re:ources) GRIN, Moisey Filimovich kand. ekon. nauk; LEONOVA, T.S., red.; iIE1 I~--i-.-1**tekhn. red. (Hidden treasures of wold" regions]Klady "starykh" ralonov. Moskva, Izd-vo *Znania," 1963. 47 p. (NOVOe V 2hizni, nauke, tekhnike. XII Seriia: Geologiia i geografiia, no.4) (MIRA 16:2) (Mines and mineral resources) (Geological surveys) ~A% MANSAKOVSKIY; V.P-j STROTEV, K.F.; GRINj M.F.j KIDALICHICH, O.A.; KAMBITS, Ya.G.; ROZIN, M.S. Nikolai Pavlovich Nikitin; on his 70th birthday. Izv.Vses.geog.ob-va 95 no.3:270 My-Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Nikitin, Nikolai Pavlovich, 1893-) BOWYAVLENSKIY, G.P.; SHSHK.U-*, T.B.; GALITSKIY, V.A.; A.B., kandsists nau!:, nauchn. red.; Uill;, M.F., kand. ekon. naukp nauchn. red.; ZA6ELIN, I.M., kand. geogr. naukp nauchn. red.; LAPPO, GJI.p kand. geogr, nauk) nauchn. red.; SM-ISONENKO, L.V., red.; iIIADKIV, N.G., kand. geogre naukq nauchn, red.; KIRIYANOVA, Z.V., m1ad. red. [The land and the people; Geographical calendar for 19651 Zemlia i liudi; Geografichaskii kalendarl 1965. Moskva, MyslI, 1964. 303 p. (MIRA 18:1) AID P 295 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Author Grin',, M. P. Title Speedy drilling of deep exploratory wells Periodical Neft. Khoz., v. 32, #4, 91-95, Ap 1954 Abstract : The author describes the efficient method of high speed drilling of exploratory wells and presents the working data in three tables. Institution : None Submitted No date 3( -DOV/21-59-9-9/25 AUTHOR: ~yn ~M. Y e ~. TITLE: Spectra of One Type of Impulses PERIODICAL; Dopovidi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayins1koyi RSR, Nr 9, 1959, pp 967-970 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the seismographic geophysical exploration and in other branches of technology, reference to the spectral analysis of signals proved necessary in a number of instances. The spectra of the sections of the exponentially extinguishing sinusoid and of the bell-like impulse have already been discussed in some works Z Ref 22. It will, however, be expedient to study such signals which in the best way would cor- respond to the impulses watched on spectograms. A type of impulseswhich is shown by the equations Al t Card 1/4 Spectra of One Type of Impulses SOY/21-59-9-9/25 and It C04 60 t I toot. T $ W le, " 0 0 W may be considered as such impulses, whereby stands for the visible circular vibration; 60(t) - single impulse; AW- cd'e--'ct' - amplitude of vibration. The graphs 2 and 3 show the functions (1) and (la) as well as their amplitude and phase spectra with 4x--/ 631 Z--#v QOZ,31,V The graphs of these two A~ctions with'a proper choice of parameters are similar to the seismograms of reflected and refracted waves and to waves modelled on the seismoscope. Complex spectra are described by the equations Card 2/4 Spectra of One Type of Impulses SOV/21-5~)-9-0j/25 5 (0) .4 ra) 0- 4#1 (I,.RL where (- 2, Ot a, C t3 -2j- X-,E tQL C and c0 Y(C -j X Card 3/4 Spectra of One Type of Impulses ASSOCIATION: PRESE14TED: SUBMITTED: Card 4/4 SCV/21-c9-9-9/25 The equations (1) and (1a) can be applied for theore- tical derivations in seismographic Geophysical ex- plorations with taking into consideration the impulse phenomena, as for instance for interference, grouping of seismographs, etc. There are ~ graphs and 3 Soviet references. Instytut heolohiyi korysnyl:h kopalyn AIT U-iSR (InstUitute of Geology Of Mineral Rescurces of the A3 of UkrSSR). By V.111. Bondarchuk, Member AS of jkxSZ'_R February 25, 1959 3(5) AUTHOR: Hryn', M.Ye. SOV/21-59-10-9/26 TITLE: On the Possibilities of Utilizing Spectral Analysis of Seismic Waves in an Interference Zone PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayins9koyi RSR, 1959, Nr 10, pp, 1086-1090 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article covers some considerations on the inter- ference of seismic waves from the point of view of frequency analysis of impulses distributed in the spectra according to the Fourier integral. From the contents of the paper and from the graphs illustra- ting the spectra, the following conclusions may be derived. As a result of summing up the spectra of simple impulse, which are similar to the oscillo- grams of reflected and refracted waves, the so called minimums are formed on the frequency characteristic of the sum. This is shown by equations (4), (5),(6) and graphs 2 and 3. It has been suggested to use Card 112 these minimums for determining At, the difference ~x SOV/21-59-10-9/26 On the Possibilities of Utilizing Spectral Analysis of Seismi,-* Waves in an Interference Zone between the entry times of two simple interferinC waves (see equations (7),(7a),(8), (8a) ). The fre- quency analysis may be used for dividing the seismic waves into simple and complicated ones and into inter- fering and non-interference waves. Examples of simple non-interference waves and their spectra are shown in graph 1, There are 3 graphs and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Instytut heolohiyi korysnykh kopalyn tute of t-,;4Ljj.', Minerals' Geology of PRESEUTED: By V.H. Bondarchuk, Member of the AS SUBMITTED: February 25, 1959 Card 2/2 AN URSR (Insti- the AS UkrSSR). UkrSSR VIOLIN, R.I.; ORIN19 Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in mental patients. Trach.delo no-10:1085-1087 0 059. (NIRA 13:2) 1. K&fedra polkhiatrii (zaveduyushchly - zasluzhen"y deyatell saukit Prof. Te.T. Maslov) Llvovskogo maditsinskogo Instituta i LIvovskaya Respublikanskaya poikhousyrologichookaya bollnitea. (TUBIRCULOSIS) (KC"ALLT ILL) ).V. i i'. 1~ St-.xiyllng aseptic methods for the preparation of d S. Farmatsev. zhur. 17 no.6XII-48 162. 7MIIIA 1";6) 1. Kafedra m1krobliologil i tekhno'Logil 1vk!trsfv Khar I kovrjk,:)g(.' farmatsevtlcheskogo Inst-ituta. SEMINIKO, V.A.; GRIN, N.P. Methodology ror quantitative det9rmination of io~Jine in organic pharmaceutical preparationa. Farmatsev. zhur. 19 no.6:16-20 ,64. (M.IRA 18%4) 1. Kharlkovskiy farmatsevtIcheskiy institnt. GRIN% U. V.: Master Med Sci (dias) -- "rhe sanitary characteristics of the waste waters frcxn production of fatty acids and the experinu--ntal principles of conditions for their release into reservoirs". Khar'kov, 1958. 15 pp (Khar'kov State tied Inst), 200 copies (KL, No t), 1959, 143) R, GRINI I N.V., aspirant. 3ffect of synthetic fatty acids on the asknitary aspects of natural wAters. Gig. I sane 23 no.12813-19 D 158. (NIU 12:1) 1. Is kafedry koamnellnoy giglyeny ftrlkovskom maditsinakogo irAsti- tuta, (WATMt-POLU"IDY sanit. assessment of synthetic fatty Poids in water s'TpI7 (Rua)) (AGIM, YATTT some) GRIN', N#Voj aspirant Sanitary characteristics of sewage in synthetic fatty acid produce tion. Gig. i san. 25 no.3slOD-102 Mr 160. WRA 14: 5) 1. Iz kafedry konrunallnoy gigiyony Kharlkow5kogo meditainskogo instituta, (FATTY ACIDS) (SEWAGE) GRIN', N.V.; POKKOVENKO, Zh.l. Two eaves of acute poisoning by carbon monoxide. Gi i san. 25 no.8s62-63 Ag 160.' ' WRA 3.3:3-1) 1. Iz Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instit-4ta i Stalinskoy gorodgkoy onnitarno-epidemiologicheakoy otAntaiiq (CARBON MONOXIDF,-TOKICOLOGY) GRIN', N.V. Experimental basia for the pormitviibln concentrations of' medlum- and high-molecular C5 - C20 fattY acids. :ian.okhr.vod.ot zagr. prom.stoch.vod no .51356-360 162. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Kafedry kommunallnoy giglyony Kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo Im tituta. L-32594-66 EwT(l) Gw ACC NR' AP5019414 SOURCE CODE: UR/0021/65/000/007/0889/0893 AUTHOR: Hryn', M. Ye.; Grin', K. Ye. ORG: Institute of Geophysics AN UkrSSR (Institut geofiziki AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Determination of the amplitude of two quasisinusoidal waves during inter- ference SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Dopovidi, no. 7, 1965, 889-893 V11 TOPIC TAGS: seismiq waye ,hodograph, signal interference ABSTRACT: Formulas are given for the determination of the amplitudes of two pulse quasisinusaidal signals in the zone of interference from the zero point of summarl osoillation. In calculations of the amplitudes from the formulas, errors are intro- duced by the inaccuracies in determining the angles Ift and To and the values of the summary amplitudes. These are essentially caused by an inaccuracy in drawing the zero line. These errors can be reduced by takin6 the average of several calcula- tions. The amplitudes are necessary for the development of phase hodographs. The formulas are valid provided the visible periods of both signals are equal. Card 1/2 L 32594-66 ACC NR: AP5019414 Presented by S. I. Subbotin, Academician AN UkrSSR. Orig, art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: OG/ SUBM DATE: 13May64/ ORIG PEr: 005/ OTH PXF: 000 Card 2/2 16 formulas, ~0614il =be JUX-e 1941 asmaraters, twen Outilizing.Vind Genorated-lleotrlo Power for Goologi- ml Work, - N. 1. Grin pp "Rezvedim Wedr" No 4 Uvelopsient and Improvement of vind-powered generatwo 'bag made It possible to usethle source of power at Soologloal vorkings. Discusses the various operating canditions and performance 6f the RD~1-5 VISEhOK and the D-3 VISMM type vind-powered generators. 77 7777 GRIN', Nikolay Tefimovich; ANISIMXIN* I.I., red. izd-va; IRTNOCHKINA9 X.To, I ................. [Regulations for the Installation and "ration of radio stations in the Ministry of Geology and Conservation of Resources of the UASAI Fraylls, ustrolstva I skeplustatell radlostantelt v Ninisterstve geologii I okhrmW nedr SSSR. Unskya. Goo. nauchoo- tekhn. isd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhrane nedr, 1956. 61 p. (KIBA 11t9) 1, %esla (1923- MSARJ Ministeretvo geologli i okhrmy nedr. (Radio stations) FAUTHOR: Zhuravlev, V. and Grin', N. TITLE: Application of Electronics in Geology (Primenenlye elektroniki v geologii) 107-5-17/54 PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956, Nr5,p. 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An invitation to radlospecialists and radiohams to develop a number of apparatus that may be useful in geological work. Fairly accurate specifications for the desired apparatus are given: A seismic station with a 1-f voltage amplifier block of 12 to 26 units. Frequency band 30-350 a with narrow band-paes filters and high discrimi- nation. Weight under 6 or 5 kg. A radio link between seismic pickups and a seismic station; 12 channels. An orebody locator for searching the interadit massives by means of the shadow method. Range 50 m or more. Frequencies 1 to 10 me. An Instrument for accurate determination of length of the cable in bore- hole logging; error *2 In a length up to 1.000 m. Also an inBtrument is needed for accurate determination of a cable wire break. An instrument for measuring the level of subterranean waters with an error of 2-3 mm in the range of a few meters. Recording of such measure- ments for 10 daye or more. 107-5-17/54 Application of Electronics in Geology A small-etze spring-wound tape recorder, weight under 10 kg,for recording nero-visual observations. Two-way portable radios for survey teams: range 30 km, batteries enough for 6 days with actual communication periods 20 minutes a day, minimum size and weight. ASSOCIATION: Ministry of Geology and Preservation of Mineral Resources, USSR. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 N.Ye. (wyn', H.131.1 Conditions of correlation and spectra of waves reflected from a formation. DDp.AN URSR no.11:1509-1513 160o (KMA 13:11) 1. Inatitut geologii polesnvkh Iskopaysufth AN USSR. Predstavlano akademikom AN USSR V.B.Forfirlyevym. (Seismic waves) 777777~~, S/169/62/000/003/017/098 0 D228/D301 AUTIiOR: Grin', N. Ye. TITLE': Nomogram for deciphering interference zones ,a P E'..IODICAL: Referativnyy -hurnal, Geofizika, no. 3, 1962, 21, ab- stract 3A178 (Nauchn. zap. LIvovsk. politekhn. in-It, no. 75, 1960, 82-87) TEXT: A method is considered for calculating the time-travel cur- ves of two waves t 1 and t2 from the amplitude and the phase hodo- :=aphs in the inter~ference zone of these waves. A nomogram, permit- 0 ting the quick determination of the magnitude and the sign of the displacement time -- t 1W and t 2 (x) -- of the ti and t 2i;ave os- cillations at each point of observation along the profile, is pro- posed for shortening laborious calculations. The technique can be applied to decipher interference waves in modelling, in the corre- lation refraction method, and in the reflection method. /-Abstrac- ter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 9 , S/169/62/000/000'/024/093 ~30 0 D22c3/D30,i %X~-inl , N. Ye. `1.2.1 j E, Determinin,r the wave shift tire in the interference L> zone by means of spectral analysis _C- Z,_UUjI L.Lj! Reforativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 6, 1962, 24, ab- s-,,ract 6A173 (Nauchn. zap. LIvovsk. poli-.ek.:-m. in-t, 19, no. 75, 60, 71-81) -,,~Ltys are considered for determining the phase shifts of vibrations; they are based on the analysis of ampl-4- i-,~de ojeci.-a . A_n example is quoted for the analy'sis of a theore- V_cal seismo trram in the superposition zone. Possibilities o.", se- pa_r&-._Jng int erfer-ni-.- flat waves in relation to their apparent ve- -ocities are investi-ated. /-Abstracter's note: Complete transla- tion._7 Card 1/1 GRINI, N.Yo. [lirynt, m.ri-.j Spectrum of the coefficient of reflection from a packet of I ers, Dop. AN UWjR no.12:1594-1597 161. (MIRA 16:111 1. Llvovskiy filial Instituta goofiziki All Ukz--'-SR. Predstavleno akademikom AN IJk-rSSR SJ. Subbotinym. GRIIII, N.Ye.; UZA"ElIKO. M.A. Errors attributable to a time limitation on the impulse in a frequency analysis, Geofize abor, no-3:13-18 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Seismic prospecting) GRIN', N.Ye. Spectra of waves reflected from a thinning layer. Geofiz. abor. no. 70-10 164. 011IRA 17: U) 1. Inotitut goofiziki AN UkrSSR. T-1 GRINIP N.Ye. [firyn'. M.IE.] Determination of the amplitude of two quaBi-sinunoldal vavea in the interference zone. Dop. AN URSR no.7:889-893 165. (MIRA 22:8) 1. Inatitut geofiziki AN UkrSSR. GRINIV Nikolay revdoki=vIch [11*n', M.2.1~~ SOUXUB, 'I.B. V.8.17 dckt-or gool.-miner. rauk, otv. red.; SvJWUK, Dell., nfl. ['Tntortemence and wave epectra in aetsmic rnterfer"ntritia t spo4ktry k~- -,11 u aeismorozvidIri. rYa-v, Naukova dunka, 1965. 126 p. (MIRA MvQ /GR IIIp L-shapod slag concrete blocks. Sell.strot.12 no.12:19 D 15? (KIU 10: 12) 1. Ispolnymyushchly obyasannosti nachal'nlkm ChelyAbinskoy oblastnoy Inspektaft gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-ritrottellnogo kontrolya. (Slag concrete) V. 1. [*.~, - A 1~ . I V.,". [Hr1r, I .1. t I.. .,, -T1 ikiv, ) ,-Lj .-,I 'Lr,k:V,. 'if. I. j ; ,I:. 1 :1 1) j j -- .'-' J. '. - - . Jtnur,turu axid i;rl-~rwri..%.t.,,ti, activit,, c-.~ axii ;;'.4' iarmattiov. zliar. 16 n,~.5-.V-13 I I~A - (:~!-U 17:16D) 1. :,:aeoara lc`dmit 1. iristituta. BLIZNYITKOV, V.I. [Blyzniukov, V.I.]; GRIN'. V.A. (11rin. V.0.); TITSKIY, G.D. (Titalkyil, H.D.) Structure and bdoteriostatln activity of hydrozy and methoxy analogE of some vulfani2siddes. Farmatsey.zhur. 20 no.1:13-16 065. (MIRA l8slO) 1. Khartkovskiy farmatsevticheskiy institut, ACC NRi AP6018325 SOURCE CODEs UR/0102/65/000/006/0037/0047 AUT) IOR: 11rin', V. F. Grin', V. F. (Kiev) ORG: none TITLE: Programmed coordination of controlling compt~tf!r and dispatcher centralization SOURCE: Avtomatyka, no. 6, 1965, 37-47 TOPIC TAGS: computer programming, cybernetics, computer control system, computer design, computer memory ABSTRACT: The system of complex automation of dispatcher control (CADC) developed in the Institute of Cybernetics.,. AN UKrSSR (Instytut kibernetyky AN URSR) correlating the work of the contolling computer and the devices of polar-frequency dispatcher cen_ tralization (PFDC). The CADC system is made up of two algorithmic parts (computing and performing) and a technical part (transition devices). This paper discusses basic' ideas about the performing part of the CADC. The analysis applies to the general- purpose computer Dnieper-I which has a unit connecting it with Its plant and may be used for the developed CADC in a railroad section. It has a 36-digit memory locations Control is realized by a proposed system of programmed correlation which is standard for all single-circuit sections with PFDC. The railway guide blocks of the main in- formation channel occupy 106 two-address locations and the program, about 300 two- .Card ACC NRS___ AP6018325 address locations. The author establishes the feasibility of such a system and des- cribes algorithms, commands, CADC work in forming commands, and transmission of control commands along the reverse information channel. There are five channels in the system: calculated, sending, main information (one sending, one receiving), and relief. Orig. art. hams 6 tables and 2 figures. SUB COM 09,06/ SUBM DATM OlFeb65/ ORIG RM 006 Card 2/2 ZAYTSEVA, G.Ym. (Zaitseva, [Hryn', V.11.1 Food of the gray mul-let (Mugil auratus Risao) in lake Molochno e. Pratsi Inst. g1drobiol. AN URSR no-35:156-158 160. (MIR& 14:41 (Molochnoyd, Lake-Gray muUets) (Fishes-Food) GRIN', Y.G. (Hrynt, V.H.] Seasonal changes in the phytoplankton of Rvach, a branch of the Daieper River. Ukr. 'bot. shur. 17 no.516l-71 160. (MIRA l3sl2) 1. Inatitut giftobiologii AN USSR. (Rvach Channel-Ph7toplankton) ZLITSEVA, G.Ya. [Zaiteeva, H.lA.1j GRIN', V.G. [Hrynt, V.H.1 Food of the gray mullet (Mugil auratus Riaso) in Eastern Sivash. Pratoi Inst. gidrobiol. AN URSR no.35 no.35:72-.84 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Sivash-Gray mullete) (Fisheo.-Food) GRB I I V. G. [ Hr~m 19 V. H. I Efroct of temporary salinization of water on the cmposition of phytoplankton in the louor reaches of the Dhieper River in 1955. no.2193-98 160 WIRA 14:11) (ICIVER RIVER-PHYTOPLANKTON) jSALIVITY) 6~,O I, V,G. Effect of the KELkhovka Dan on fl.-~ -~ oi-1kank ton of the lower course of the Dnieper River. Vop. ekol. 5 -.4 4- 2.6 102. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Instittit gilrobiologii AN UkrSSRq Kiyev. (Dnieper F-Aver-Phytoplank ton) RADZIMOVSKIY, D.A. [Radzymovil,tkyi, D.O.]; GRIN~~.[Hr7n', V.H.] Seasonal dynamics of the phytoplankton of the Dnieper River above Kiev and in the muth Df the Pripet River. 19 no.5i84-93 162. (MIRA 16:1) Dnieper River-Phytoplankton) Prlpet River-Phytoplankton) ~ V '7. BP.Pv,"~ NS 1, ~ J% ; 15R I-NV Kr~-' T F N FO n F-3 n1gicidt's uscl fl~m-n al g$, ft. Tridy Gidrcbit,-'. ob-vn (MIRA 171~) 1. InstitL1. g1drobiologli AN Ukr'~SR, Ylyev. V..G. [Hryn', V.H.) Characteristico of the phytoplankLon In Lhe lower Dnieper Rivor In 1955-A960. Pratai Inst. h1droblol. AN URSR no.39j28-40 163. (KRA M12) ACC NR, AT7007790 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/64/000/000/0034/0048 AUTHOR: Grin,,A-,-Y,. ORG: none TITLE: Seismicity of the lower Naryn Basin SOURCE: AN KirgSSR. Sovet po seysmologii. Voprosy regional'noy seysmichnosti Sredney Azii (Problems of regional seismicity of Central Asia); materialy XXII Gessii Soveta po seysmologii AN SSSR I Instituta fiziki, matematiki I mekhaniki AN Kirgiz-. skoy SSR. Frunze, Izd-vo Xlim, 1964, 34-48 TOPIC TAGS:' seismicity, earthquake, epicenter /,,iaryn River ABSTRACT: The seismicity of the Naryn river basin areas was investigated using the data from seismic observations conducted during 1962-1963 (7.5 months), 1957-1959 (2 years), and data from regional seismological stations for 1950-1962 (12.5 years) The most typical representative energy class (K - log E, where E is in joules) of earthquakes in each case was K - 7, K - 8, and K - 10, respectively. In maps de- picting the epicenters for the respective periods, the same concentrations of epi- centers are delineated, namely, the Chatkal and the Naryn-Karasuysk elongated linear zones. The locations of the stronger and weaker earthquake epicenters during the respective periods do not coincide. Strong earthquakes occur in localized sectors- narrow seismically-active fracture zones. Area of consistent recurrence of earth- quakes Include only entire tectonic structures or their complexes. Two seismic Card 1/2 UDC: none ACC NR: AT7007790 activity maps based on materials of detailed investigations conducted in 1962-1963 and on materials from 7 regional seismological stations are given. The maps are based on the activity level scale (A10 ) normalized In respect to an area of 1000 km2 and an observation period of 1 year. Two zones of higher than normal activity with A a 0.1 are seen on the first map. These zones correspond to the Chatkal, and Naryn-Karasuysk belts on one side and the deltas of the Padshaa,ta and Yassa rivers on the other. Individual sectors with A10 a 0.3 occur within their boundaries. The second map shows a satisfactory agreement between the two sets of data on the major seismic zones of the region. It is noted that the existing substantial differences between the two sets of data could affect seismic zoning maps. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 table. EWA-79-67-4] (CS] SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: none/- ORIG-REF: 007/ OTH REF: 006/ Card 2/2 ROZOVA, Te.A.; GRIN, V.P.; TURUSBXOV. X.T., otvatstyenW redaktor [Location of epicenters of earthquakes occurring in Ilirghizistan] Raspolozhent0 spitsentrov zemletriasenii, proisshodshikh na territoril Kirgizil. (Frunze] Akademita nauk Kirgizekoi SSR [19551 38 P. (KLRA 9:9) (Kirghizistan--larthquakes) 3(10) P11ASE I BOOK EXPLITA!TION SOV/1702 Grinj VoPe 0 seysmichnosti Kok-Shaa-'O (Seismicity of the Kok-Siaal Region) Frunze, AN Kirgizakoy ,S3R, 1958. 138 P. 500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Kirgizekoy SSR, Frunze. Otdel seyamologii. Ed.: Ye.A. Rozova; Tech. Ed.: M.G. Anokh-4na PURPOSE: This book Is Inte,.-.-ded for s,.,~,-ismologists and students of tectonics, particularly those interested in the Central Asia area, COVERAGE: This volwne concarns the utudy of instrumental data on the earth5uakes In Kok-Shaal (Lat.0 390, 5-410, 3; Long, = 759, 0-79 P) region provided by scisinic stations in Central Asia. This study facilitated the preparation of typical (mean and azimuthal) time-di8twice owvea and the establishmenf of a pattern of epicentral clustering. Application of the mathe- ematical statistical method brougYtont the relationship between Card 1/3 Seismicity of the Kok-3hial (Cont.) SOV/1702 the earthquake foci and tN.- U-nes of tectonic weakness (rup- tures), and showed that the usa of vavious graphic methodn in determining the epiesn-t::-al positions produce satisfactory results. Clusters of epi-,.enters do not always coincide with the area of materia.1 jelsnLlc ere:-gy. Viez-e are 93 diagrams, 31 tables, mapa, and a si;:jpl(--,nent nontaining 48 graphs. There are 22 Soviet referenneB. TABIR OF CONTMM: Introduction 3 Ch. I. Data Procesaing Methodin 5 1, Determining epicenter coordinates 5 2. Timing the starting montent- of the earthquake 23 3. Determining thedepth of the focus 25 4. Checking the correctness of the position of the epicenter and phase Interpretation 30 Card 2/3 Seismicity of the Kok-Shaal (Cont.) SOV/1702 Ch. II. Plotting the Time-Distance Curve for the Kok-Shaal Region 31 i. Analysis of instrumental data for certain Kok-Shaal earthquakes 2. Time-distance curves for Kok-Shaal region 61 3. Certain problems on the general seismicity of the Kok-Shaal region 68 General conclusions 92 Appendix 95 AVAIIABLZ: Library of Congress (0537-07) Card 3/3 MK/1sb POO I BOOK SOMITATION SM/5296 Nersesov, 1. L.0 V. P, Orin, WA K. Dthanuzakov 0 seysmicheskom Monirovanti bassayna reki Naryn (On the Seismic lbgioa&Uzf-- tion of the I%ryn River Basin) Frunze, lzd-vo AN Kirgizakoy SM, 1960. 175 P- 500 copies printed. Sponsoring Pigency: Aked W4% neuk Kirgizskoy 6SR. Mel seysmologLi. lbap. Id.: Ye. A. lbzova$ Nd. of Publishing House: Ya. A. flevinalt Tech. Ed.: M. 0. Anokhins. PURPOW: This book in Intended for seismologists, geologists, wA geopbysicista. COVEHMZ: The book presents the results of seismic observations In the Naryn River Basin. The data pr*v1ded am intended to & basis for a aM Ac- cumte map of the seismic regions in that area. Generea geogmphic inforination on the area is given. The organization of seismic observations and the re- sults obtained are described,, and the problems of seismic regionalization wre analyzed. The first, third, fiftl4and sixth chapters weze written by 1. L. Nersesov, the second chapter by V. P. Grin and K. Mhanuzakov, and the fourth by I. L. Nersesov and V. P. Grin. Farticipating in the processing of the in- card--114- an the se-imic (coat.) SOV/5296 str ntal data, as well " in the copputation and gmphic work, were: A. A. Zhi~Llltsev, staff member of the TKO (Tadzhik Comprehensive Seismological Expedition of the Institute of Physias of the Earth, imeni 0. Yu. Shatidt, AS USM); A. Atsbayev and L. M. Plotnikova, staff member of the Otdel seysmo- logii Instituts mekh&nW I matemat1ki iment V. I. hamanovskogo AN Uzbek- skoy SM (Seismology Section of the Institute of Ybehanics WA Mathematics imeni V. 1. FWasnovskly, AS Utbeksk4s SM)) and V. F. Trubenko,, staff member of the AS KirgissbWe SM. The authors thank A. T. Kbalkov, director of the Andizhan seismic station, for supplying the microseismic data on the Fergmna Valley and adjacent regions. There am three appendixes containing listings of earthquakes recorded in the area of the Naryn River B"in during the period from 1929 to 1958. There axe 107 references: 81 Soviet, 22 EM-14ih, 3 GOOM, 1 French. TAM OF ems"S.. Introduction 3 Ch. I. Brief Information on the Area of Operations and on the Ibcording Equipment 5 Capa,214 GRININ V.S. Storage battery leads are no longer oxidizin Avtom . telem. i eviazI 7 no.6:28 A 163. 1;4IRA 17:3) 1. Starehly inzbener Chimkentskoy distantsii signalizataii I ovyasi Kazakhokoy dorogi. "to,', Dissem:; tion: "Cun--truction and lnv~stiga ion of a il.;:),ut.-tr,,. !"i ear a "-:,Ate:~e co,~Plill~-.;, carld, -ici, "oscow ord-n- of -1-!bjr itel -,;,ni,er iAumari, I'/ l-:aY 54- Vecherriva./a l,',Ojkv,,i, Mo3cow, 7 ~~`,Y 54- ,;0: -XV 284, 26 ?"0v P)54 GRIN, Tu.A. .~*W- Z~ "!;"terms~1ning friction long in involute gearing allowing for variability of the friction coefficient and loading on teeth. Trudy Sea. po teor. mash. 14 no.56:35-47 155. (KIRA 8:7) (Gearing) CGRI 1, TU.A. Study of an antifriction croas coupling. Nauch.trudy Tul.gor. Inst. no.3sl31-154 161. (KIM 16W (couplings) 50) ,OV/br;-~2-4. 23/47 AUTHORS, Krasikov, B.S. and Grin, Yu.D. TITLE: The Preparaticn of L-astrous Coatings Ly the Ele^tric Deposition of Copppr-Gold Alloys (Polucheniye blestyashchikh rc,kryYiy pri P1nktroPsnzhden-_'i apln%ov mcd'-=oloto) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4, Pp 837441 (USSR) ABSTRACT: ' The presenz article describes the resulta of a cont4ruation cf gold alioys, studying the process of electr;depcsition of copper- aimed at preparation of lustrous coatings which would not call for a subsequent polishing. The authors investigated electrolytes with additions of thiourea and 11trilon B" by means of studyine polarization curves and determinine the composition and qualities of deposits obtained. Experiments with "trilon B" have shown that deposited layers up to 2 microns thick do not call for polishing, but the electrolyte is not stable and does not possess regeneration ability after aging, The results of experiments with thiourea addition are shdwn in Figures I - 3 and in a table. It is shown that this electrolyte is stable and yields specular lustrous gold- Card 1/2 copper coatings for jewel things without. neressity of polishing.