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Modern methods of long-distance pipeline construction, Paliva
44 no.5/6sl73-176 My-Je 164.
GRD4. Imre
Claim date limit for undetected defects, Muss slot 16 no.15-14
J1 161.
*L:ap~jcity of the production of formic acid.* uhimicky Prumy3l, .'~raha, Vcl. 4, !lc,. 7,
July 1954, p. 248.
SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 11, I-ov. 1954, II.G.
CZECHGSLOV,'dW,/Farm 'ailmls - Largo Hornce. Cattle.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 18,,1958, 83355
P,ithor Grim. Jaroslav
Title The Interdependence Between Feeding and Tuberculosic in
Large Horned Cattle6
Orig Pub Vas chov, 1957, Wo 20, 543-550-
Abstract The development of tuberculosis, especially in hi,-;hly pro-
ductive dairy cattle, my be explained by the gucral weak-
caing of the organisri which occurs as a result of: _" neoati-
ve Ca and vitamin A balance. It is recomended that thr--
rule be foUowLd which prescribes that sufficicAt qxianti-
ties of vitamin A should be observed in rations. Also, ra-
tions for calves should contain not less than 35-100 9 of
rAneral substances, ratio;is for young cattle, 100-200 C;,
and rations for milch cowc) 200-300 9- Cocmn salt chould
be contained in these r-,tions in quantities of 20-70, 70-
Card 1/1 150, and 150-200 ~;, respectively. -- G..*h. r2it"iv
CZEICHOSLOWdU." / Diseasos of F--ru ;XUL10.13. DiscnsuLi ~'~,us,~d by R-2
Viruses and Rickattsfac,
Jour : Rof ZI ur - Blol.
Ab. A .9 No. 17, 1958, ao. 78943
Author : Grim, JaroslaL
!not : Put divan
Title : Influence of Feeding on the Illness of Y~junt- Ki;s with
Infoctioun raralysis.
Orig Pub : Nas chov, 1957P No. 22, 6D2-605
Abstract : In 120 farria in which there were outbreaks of this disease,
the author detaiTiined an insufficient content of aniz.;.-,l
protein and r-dneral substances In the diet of the piGs.
It was shown In 20 young pigs thatag result of full-
value feedings, resistance to disease was raised so much
that the animals dif not bocone ill oven through proloneed
(123 days) close contact with 20 diseased piL;leti;. On the
brtsis of deficient nutrition, sharp changes of the reGiLen
Card 1/2
CZECHOSLOVjTIA / Discases of Faryi ;mimls. Diseases Caused R-2
by Viruses and Mckettsina.
Abs Jour : Raf Mur - Blol., No 17, 1958P 110. 78943
of foedinS contribute to the ilness, in relation both to
the General quantity of food and to the composition of
the ration, as wall as to the cold weather.
Card 2/2
JELIC, Antt*; GRIM, Miroulav, inz.
... -.- -z-- --- 1-1-,
Economic bearing of the selection of raw materials for
smelting. Ljevaretvo 10 no.1/2:20-22 163.
1. Ljevaonica *Pvromajoka", Zagreb.
A qu:W.,Uvc k~l zttj11,sr1 0,14 ,~1 1. 1
[,)r- - Eurw~,-,~ . ..........-.
31A V. Grim (K414-,..77T-n77-rr:i;:~c 1. (,1. -,,1. 1~ , - ~,
r. with Fv.-A), in t "C
pfc4ence of compkNoll (111) it) ml .qc nt I'll 3, Ccj;- (n
i-1 t'vk To at 1.11 11), 1rin~ti,m ~ jr'. 1,,r file
tl,.w:df,n of U11th ~-I- atim-i Iti 0,4: prk-i'w". ofIW11. f.
---- - - - - .1 - . - 1. 111. # Aol
V~I, DdOOM Id &UMAWkW. 11 mikt.
wft woor* &dL V. blimon and V. GrknAK*ziovy
UuIvI -11I.-IR. Uy.
19". 44 "m mad;U,50S
wkmta Mkidto atd redumf by - so bic "a 0
to red So Qc~txtively. So (t, to 30 mg) can be
detemined ifuntim at -0-63 v
vdth 0-1 N amccithic: wJd it solatium adjusted to
pH I to A by umam of dit. IICI r~r NoWe
atetabi Joarkire. C pas ama he efinJuated by
m as CAIFVJai)d and Y* MAAsd by means w
&p. The fw4P&t 1116"Id be stAbitiftd by tM
ocklitku of 0-1 x of FUTA (ditmiltm v4sit) and 4 nil
of twimle UW per litm G. GLASIFIN
Thie U-A 3 K 5 keyer.
P. 7. (5UNjiWULY UQZOii) (Ii-raha, Czechoslovakia) VA. 19. ';o. 1, Jan. 1953
30: Monthly Index of East European Accession LC Vol. 7. No. 5. 1958
-r- -
. -1-1-1 '1-~;
Reproduction of the ometlenal states of a parachutist in
hypnosis, Top. polkhol, 5 no.3:139-142 W-Je 159.
(MU l2t9)
Use of a tube locallser an the M;N-3 apparatus for cancer of the skin
during the first and second stages, rad. 34 no.5:61-62
5-0 959. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Is rentgeneteravevt1cheskago kabluets, KoloWyokogo onkologichookogo
dispansera (glava" vrach N.N. Sirots.).
(SKIN neoplasms)
(MDIOMMPT equipment & supplies)
7 7 T
USSRI Biology Insecticides
Authors Rudnev, D. F. and Grimallskiyj V. I.
Title I Toxicity of hexachlorane as a fumigating agent for may-beetle larvae
Periodical Dokl. AN SSSRs 97j Ed. 3, 551 - 554, July 21, 1954
Abstract The toxic affect of hexachlorane (insecticide) as a fumigating agent
against may-beetle larvae, is described. Five USSR references. Tables,
Submitted by: Academician, N. V. Teitain, May 17, 1954
Drilling method of applying benzene
combating phytophagaus scarab larvae
lnet.ent.i fit.60" 155-
(Benzene hexwhlerlde)
hoxachloride to the soil In
in nurseries. lauch.trudy
(KUU 9:7)
Technical Instructions for comercial, tenting of a general method
for combating plus seedling wilt and protection against soil post
destruction. Imach.trudy Inst.ent. I fit.6tll2-117 155.(KUU 9:7)
(Plne--Diseases and posts) (Fungicides) (Insecticides)
Interrelation of the black locust with somis other woody plants
in planted forests of the southern Ukraine. Bot.zhur. (Ukr.]
12 no-1:64-72 055. (KEM 8:9)
1. Institut entosologii ta fitopatologit AN URSR. lisova
(Ukraine-locust (Tree)) (Forest ecology)
USSR/Gcncrr1 rnd &pocinl 4cology. Insects
I-lbs Jcur : Ref Zhur - biol., ~Io 6, 1958, No 29Wl
Author 1 Grtr-r It ttA 4 V_ I
Inst -111ct Givcn
Titl(; : -
~ho 4.ito -~mcriern Buttorfl r l'ort of For.~bt Spucius nr.
it , 4rs
tho kidd1r, D-nubirn I in clryr rodvcditvr krk vruditall
lonnykh porod nr Sradnedvr.~-iskoi nivactanosti.)
Orig Pub Dopovidi All 'JkRSR, 1955, "o 5, 511-513.
Abstrrct I Thc; Vhito Amoricrn butterfly wrs found singly in forests nf
the oxplorad pert of the Middle Drnubirn plvin, in forest
edges - ncrr lrrgo highweys end populrtcd p1rccs, vnd in
disturbod nttonurttd ork grover dcap in thc fcrosts. Tho
fccding norrre rnd the dcrth rrto of tho 1-rv7c when fed on
lcrvus of ork, beach, white beach, 3uidinc 17Y rnd b1nekthorn.
vroro cstrblishod in the l-borrtory. A chlorothm emulsion in
r 10-55, concontrution wrs toxic f3r the white butterfly lrrvro
of the first four hrtchings -nd in r 1.4,5S concontrrtion for
the 5-7 hrtchinge.
Degeneration of shoots of black locust plantations.
no.l:loo-10 '56. OwA 9:9)
I.Inatttut entemelegii ta fttepatologii AN URSR. Limaym laboraterlys.
(Locust (Tree))
_2~1~~ kwAld&t biologicheskikh nauk; ZAGAMVIGH, I.I.,
kandidat biologichookikh asuk (Kiyov)
Trees damaged ty bears In the Carpathians, Pr1roda 46 no-3:115-116
Nr 157- (MIRA 100)
(Carpathlpa Mountains--Bears)
(Wooe-W"tade and injuries)
Country t USSR
Category x Forestry. Biology and Typology of the
Abs Jour I RZhBIolqq No 6, 19597 No 24695
Author i Grimallsk!4 V,.-.I-
Inst I ken em-y--o ,
f S~Ienees KirgSSR,
Title i Concerning the Degeneration of Black Locustfs
Snriio Stands In the Ukrainian SSR.
Orig Pub t V sbot Materialy Soveshchanlya po probl: Vos-
stanovleniye I ras-vitiye orekhoplodn, lesov
Yuzhn. Kirgizii, 1955. Frunze, AN KirgSSR9
1958l 166-167
Abstract s As an investigation r6-sult of black locust's
stands on hetwt,"'Lir arpjUaceous chernozems of
the Great Anad--Af Forestzyj it vins established
that the acacia of the secondary shrub regene-
ration frjm the 3rd-year growth lags very =eh
behind the plants of seed orie:Ln in -izep not-
withstanding the presen,:;e of an underbrush and
Card 1/3
Category : Forestry. Biology and Typology of the
Forest. K
Abs Jour ! RZhBio1,q No 6, 1959-~ No 24695
Author 2
Orig Pub
Abstract the same content of free P and K in compari-
son with sW%lar soils of seed plants,, It is
noted that the given fact repndiates Fekher's
theory about the phosphoric acid and K exhw..-,-
stion in the soil under the black locust. Dege-
ners,tion of the plants is caused by some gene-
ral biological reasons. Certain recommendations
on measures of preventing deeeneration of the
Card 2/3
Category : Forestry, Biology anLI Typology of the
Forest. K
Abs Jour : RZhBlolet No 69 19,59,, No 24695
Orig Pub
Abstract s scrub stands are presented, - L, V, Nesmelov
Card 1 3/3
1-Y Yorestry. Forest 14ftumlement.
1,40.13 1258) 104541
T~ Grimal'skiy, V. 1.
:Regeneration of Oak In Western Region@ of the Ukraine
:Leon. kh-vu. 19158, No. 5. 73
rT No a*.-~tract.
TITSM Problem 0 &it Zoology (prabl*wj poeb-offiney
11111110111CALd Tostaik Abadvall Mak an, 1"Y' IF 7. of 104-105 (Una)
The lot All.14442 Comforque as she" problems took plead is
*wd free
br 25 to 29. 1959. It -0 attead.4 by
To ro"atat goo t the wAral"kye a". ISO 10111. 604 Costral
Astalis lop"blito. sopeolatly fres voubletem,
115 pet"u. frovi SM savy letters$ *his% *or* laart the
wother triefir emattove ibe folloslass
11. a. alljorew ~pobe or basis rovedirsh problems of the sool#a
of lavartobratoo died tb. task@ of "it 8"1097.
1* 1. 1"Ohovokly nad
pre4setivily In
000ims eith the Solidity of twortolIrstes Add Shelf *sit-
relat rate.
I-I.-Iftlawl" reported so as twevelloalles of earlb "red.
lit-C.410PA427. 11-4-makir MW A&449011 sms% 1111311 (Uses-
Good 1A
t to. A..d..y of S.I.mas., uwas) reported .. to.
ums of the Tolarokays ms.
Vol (I"move) whareaterteog ISO poll rowa of
1. art raw) "Portail as tits asil-torming file
11 1. ve te~ (voodoo) rovgt#4 as tam variability of the
.11sal-8-UN-Mbi time Ike sail is somooties Olth 41froftat
A 0604101was of life.
Vt. V. opt". 1. P. 9ftwooestes, 4. F. K%rehava. 3. a. secure-,
lov. . ~oobrewwrsamlsatl
Imellists werfologil-owTotaiin is. A. 1. soverleove Aladeall
moth am (Laboratory of sell zoelogy of of Imatilute Of
hatmal vorphalow twat 6. 5. sovelteew of "a as van)
6611"red 4 reports, Oblob Gore felloveit by "Ports of youl;
smolsoete in~ 00009 swour wbe "ismaille aspervialms of
B. 11. Gillarov. ft this somforewo me satatemat of sell
uslopy " sm im"Posdav" ead late"ma% "'Aloot
wil ISO mommully of Its laucycoilles Idea Us member of
problembe 060rassatmil by me As "a me cap"ateed. no was
ustersome 66 0011 stelow fill p"Icably be bold Is x1jew
awe 1/1 Is 19011.
P #4
Role of the forest ant (Formica rufa L.) In forest biocoenonos In
the left-bank area ofihe Ukrainian Polesye. Zool.zhur. 39 no.3;
394-398 16o. (MIRA 13:6)
1. Ukrainian Research Institut* of Flant Protection, Kiyev.
(polesye--Ants) (Forest insects)
Causes of the resistance of pine stands to pests feedinp- on needles.
Zool. zhur. 40 no.11:1656-1664 N 161. (KRA 14:11)
1. Ukrainian Research Institute of Plant Protection, hiev.
(Pine--Disease and pest resistance) (Forest insects)
Interrelationship betvaen the maintendgeo of stands and the outbreaks
of post fooding on pine needles. 14. ikol. 7:41-43 162.
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledbvatellskiy inatitut sashchity rastoniy,
(Ukraine-Pine-Dioeame and posts) (Ukraine-Forest insects)
SOURCE CODE: UR/0439/66/045/004/0551/055
ACC NRIAP70001092 (W, Al
'AUTHOR: Grimallskiy, V. 1.
-ORG: Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection Kiev
;(ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatell8kly institut zaahchity rastenlyl
iTITLE: Olcoresin secretion and the resistance of pine to pests
jSOURCE: Zoologicheskly zhurnal,, v. 45, no. 4, 1966t 551-557
TOPIC TAGS: poison effect, oleoresin, plant
protection A.4x~r AFar coonfoA_ 7-0X.1A/., 4A.)1fn#qA_
ABSTRACT: The'oldoresin of pine needles is toxic for the larvae of
needle-eating pests. oleoresin release in more intense
in healthy trees than in diseased-trees and in trees grow-
ing in more humid foils, The resin by itself in not fatal
but'contributes to the death of 'e*j*
p a when It affect@ then
in combination with antouophagen and adverse climatic
factors. Orig. art. hast 2 tables (LP)
'6/ (WA-50; CBE No. 1U]
SUB com o SUM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 006/ M RW: On
Cardl/l -UDCt595,7+581,1
UOSSR Gonoral Biolo-y. G~,,ncral liydroblulo~;y.
L.~ jour Rof Zhur - Biol.p ll~c, 19, 195,'~',, 85695
j'iuthor Gri;.,Inlls iv-- V- T..
In3t K s. ncv .',~-,ricultural inatitutc;.
TItlo Pl"nktoa o~ tho Dnoatr 'Rlvcr.
OriG Pub Tr, Kishincvs'"-, a-.Ich. in-tv-, 1957, 12, 3-86
'b3tract In tho zooplankton ( ->100 spocics) rotifera,
pradaninato, conpri3irV,- in -.iDst rivc;r .3octors
^-11100%; cladocora am' copcpod-c -,ro wonkly ru-
prmmtod. Tho zooplankton is poor,;r by colipa-
ri3on with zooplankton of tho valloy rivorn,
Which is oxplainod by tho larsor c:)ntcnt of sus-
pondcd mattQr In thz: watDr, a s;:lall nu.-.:'.1cr of
bloGenic o1c.-ionts, vto woll as n. lucrcaaQ of bot-
tonland aroaa, and nu..,.,~rous rnpirls. in t,i,; phy-
t3 plankton diatoLAc and pr3toccleci alfwc pre-
do---,in,,Lto. -- F.V. Gorodinskiya
Card 1/1
prof.; CHETYRKIN, V.S., prof., rFmi.toma; RUDI, G.Ya.,
innd.oellnknkhoz.nauk, red.; SUBHOTOVICH, A.S., kand.sellskokhoz.
nauk, red.; KOLf-'.1'1111K, L.N., doktor sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; SEME-
NOV9 A.H., doktor takhn.nink, rc-d.; KOVAR~',KlYA.Ye., doktor sell-
skokhoz.nauk, red.; FROILV, N.P.p doktor ekonom.nauk, red.; MATSYTUK,
L.S,, kand.sallskumioz.naijk, rei.; C.113AK, IN., kand.*,ekbn.nauk,
red.; UN1,11L, P.T., Rand.t1loo,yinuk. rod.; LFGASI, 1,Ye., kand.
lstor.mmk, 'IE'V11111%, I." kand.ekonox.nauk, red.; KAII!Ah'O-
-1 A.G,
VA 11., red.; TIMOSHENKO, kand.3el'skokhoz.nauk, zamestitall
red.; SHPANFR, V.,
[Bodies of water of th(- Reut Baf3in, t.holr hydrobiolofical conditiona
and the outlook for theAr utilIzation An commerclal fishing,)
VodoenW basseina reki Reuta, Akh gidrobAoIggicheskil rezbim i per-
spektivy rybokhoz1aiatvennogo ispolIzovaniia. Kinbinav, Izd-vo
sellskokhoz. lit-ry, 3.962. 191 p. (Ki.sliinov.Snl'rkokhozinistvennyi
institut im. M.V.Frvn,.,-e. Tnidy, vol,29), (MIRA 17*2)
Ecologic conditions for the exIit-:nnj rX plaz~ktonic fauna in the
bodies of water of Moldavia. Vop. ekol. 5:43-"' 162. (MIRA 16s6)
1. Biologicheskaya rybokhozyayatv"nn&yFt mtnntaiya.
(Mold av I~i --'Zoopla nk ton)
"Study of Carbohudrate, Phosphorus and Mononucleotide Metabolism
in Mitochondria for Various Tissues during Vitamin A Deficiency."
Report presented at the 5th Int'l Biochemistry Congr633,
Moscow, 10-16 Aug. 1961
In the 1 v--.r m, t.~:7
Contribution to the geologic
Dalmatia, namelp the Olib,
Zverinac, Se3trunj Islands,
Jug 5 no.2:42-43 Mr 160.
knowledge of the islands of North
Silba, Promuda, Skarda, Ist, Molat,
and the neighboring islets. Bul se
(EW q: 8)
1. Institut do rechorches goologiques do la Repubfique Populaire
do Croatio, Zagreb.
GRIMAU, Ankhela [Grimau, Angola]
Angela Grimau speakst What is being plotted against Ramon Ormazabal?
Voem. prof. dvish. no.?/8t24 J1-Ag 163. (MIRA 16%10)
r -_t A
Ll 'it
t of ~!.x f:11clo7i
117twiln Tuno-s
avC Zam-5ini, !050, 1% It,
:l,'cknscv nf t",,-.
arkyl-;-, 1)51, it 3, 7Y-7'
24,clot r ,.et
-.Tlirt.-.a casei of rt mic.r-o-collii1er c"rcor of the
thy=5 in 25, 32, and mal-ts ar-.)
ilescrIbod. Dia2poses vrere nade pont murten.
toloZical i-nvestigation revoale~ rwmk~rts o^ V-w
th7mus; Flasaall's bodlo.- ware, rarcly
Mils 16 & rare liscaso; ~9 (,&Egs uave been ,-c-
porte-I in the litcrature.- A. 1. Ash!:errtzi
GRIKAYI,OVSXAYA, V.A.,kandidat moditainakikh nauk.
4,mpho-spithelions of the thymus. Vrach. delo no-3:259-261 Nr 15?.
(NLRA 10:5)
1. Yafedra patologlcheakoy &,nAtomit (sav.-zasl. dayat. nauki, prof.
Ye. I. Chaylca) Kiyevskogo Asditsinskogo instituta.
KALAKROVA. A.V.,, ~VSKATAOT.A., kand.mednauk (Kiyev,
u1. Engel' @a. d.19, kv.9)
Palmomtr7 blood supply through adhesions. Nov.khir.orkh, no,2:83.-85
Mr-Ap 158 (miRA 11:6)
1. Knfedra torskallnoy khtrurgit (zow. - prof. N.M. Amosov)
Klyevskogo Ingtituta usovershenntvovnniya vrachey i kAfedra pntologiche-
skoy anntomil (sav, - prof. Te.l. ChRykR) Klyevskogo neditainakogo
AUTHOR: Grimberg, A.M!, Geological Engineer 25-9-24/40
TITLE: An Automaton Selects Diamonds (Avtomat otbirayet almazy)
PERIODICALt Nauka i Zhizn', 1957, # 9, P 51 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Now, that the USSR have started exploiting their large
diamond deposits in Yakutiya, a new method for picking out
diamond crystals in rock fragments by means of an automstoh has
been recently introduced. The probaem was successfully solved
by Engineer V.V. Fine of the All-Union Scientific Research In-
stitute of Geology (Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy geo-
logicheakiy inatitut). He constructed an automatic diamond
separatoro known as the "AFIJI-1" which operates as follows:
crushed diamond bearing rock is transported by a conveyor belt
to a receptacle through which it falls on a vibrating shelf
that pours the rock fragments into a vertical tube. The latter
is provided with a small window through which X-rays are direct-
ed upon the falling material. Nhen encountering diamond grains,
their luminescence is recorded by a photomultiplier, whose im-
pulses are conveyed to a relay connected to a solenoid. The
latter opens the valve to a container, which closes immediately
upon receiving the diamond and a small quantity of rock (not
Card 112 over 15 ccm). Rock particles missing the first control point
An Automaton Selects Diamonds
continue through a branch tube and pass on their way a second
X-ray device where the described process is repeated. Such
a system ensures a very minute control and a minimum of missed
diamonds. The diamond separator is operated by one man who
controls the measuring devices, which are all arranged on the
panel of the automaton.
There are 2 figures,
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 212
Awards given to the designers of now geological surveying(equipment.
Rnsved. i okh. nodr 26 no*6:6344 Jo 160* MIRA 15:7)
1. VyotavU d 'oikUW*niy narodnogo khozyaystvas
(ProapeclW-Equlpmmt and supplies) (Moscov-Exhibitions)
Improve the quality of geophysical proopeoting apparatus and
equipment. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no.316O-62 Mr 161.
(MIRA 14:5)
1. Vyotavka doetishaniy narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Grimberg).
2. TSentralinyy kamitet profsoyusa rabochikh geologorazvedochnykh
rabot, (for Ivanovskaya).
(Pro"oting--Geophysical methods)
Awards for creative work. Razved. i okh. nedr 28 no.8t62-63
Ag 162, (MIRA 15:8)
1. Vystavka doetiaheniy narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR.
(Prospecting-Equipment and supplies)
Gelobration of the printed word; tho four hund-odUll anniver-
sary of book 17ublishJmg in our ry. Razved. 1 "k".. rt~dr. 30
no.3:5-7 Mr 164 1,01:1)
I. V,ptt,.rka dostizlienly narodnogo khoz)-dystva SESSR Gr!m-
I.-erg). 2. 'Isesoyuzn)7nauc~no-issledovatell,.ik-;r
nemillrop ny-riya (for Rozov).
More accurate definition of the hypotheeis of ring currents by
an introduction of the distribution function. Zhur. struk. khim.
6 no-3:458-460 My-Je 165. (MIRA 18:8)
1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.
Karpovat Moskva.
CIOBARICA, Cornelia, ing; GIUMB11G. RAsela, ing.; PASTIA, ing.
Aotivity of Harghita kaolin as compared to foreign kaolins
in rubber compounds. Industria usoara 10 no.6:23'1-240
My 163.
-(U, St., dr.; R)SKALA,E., dr.; GP-Rv!EFT1G,L., d
Glinico-radiological convIderationio in se(7-m-tal (regi.uial)
ileltis (Grohn's disease). Med. intorin. (Birur) 17 no.5:
623- 628 My 165
1. Lucrare efectuata la Clinica medicala, Spitalul clinic de
urgenta "30 DecembTlew, Bumiresti (d.1rectoi-., prof. C. Gh.
Din, J triu)
L&VIN) M.S., kand. tekhri. nauki SMETANICH, U.S., kand. fizik-matematich.
nauki.-GRIMBLIT, I.B., inzh.; YEVSTIGNFYF.VA, L.P., inzh.
Economic evaluation of the configuration of a power distribution
netwark using an electronic digital computer, Blake sta. 34 no.5:
51-54 MY 163. (MIRA 16:7)
(ELI ctria power distributio I
(Z=v4onia digital compuia`~S)
V, 269
t)V TOR. 11 And! 13. Grimelaw Onst. of Nuolear
KM&w jAjAM,-]jMMM Yug"lavia). Mum*
elmento (10), !, 336-9(19U) Aug.
plastic scintillaWs consisting of tet"pbetyl-butsdifte
dissolved to polystyrene were studle4f. no coon*--tion
between pulse holght and particle range t*r_2jggc_U.# La
Cho solotillstore to gives, 7U mlatillator characterfstics
as 4 onkM dolg& were studied with 2.5-1day neutrons,
and the resulting Irclom pulse WOi &*4 energy dlatrra-
tiom are given. Xmlto IMIcato lbst resolution Is beffor
with saftacess crystals, but Mat plastic scintillstars ars,
advantageous in that they may be cOAalaW to larger sizes.
AUTHORS: Maksimov, V. I., Grimenko, G. S. SOV/79-28-8-4o/66
TITLE: Investigation in the Field of the Synthesis of the Steroid-
Hormone Analogs (Issledovaniye v oblasti sinteza analogov
steroidnykh gormonov) VI. Experiments on the Cyclization of
the Trans-3-(p-Methoxy-Phenyl)-Cyclopentane-l-One-2-Acetic
Acid and Its Derivatives (VI. Opyty po taiklizataii trans-3-
-(p-metoksifenil)-taiklopentan-l-on-2-uksusnoy kisloty i
yoye proizvodnykh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 19581 Vel. 28p lir 6,
pp. 2182 - 2187 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In order to obtain a. trans-configuration of the rings in
the tricyclic ketone (Formula IV) at the oyclization of the
trans-keto acid (XVI), the carbonyl group of this acid
must be converted into another one which excludes the possi-
bility of anopiairization of the neighboring &symmetric
hydrocarbon atom. ftr this roaaon a cyclization of the ethylene-
katal of the trana-3-(p-methoxy phenyl)-cyclopontane-l-ons-
-2-moetic acid (X111), of the anti-trams-3-(P-metho'Y phonyl)-
-Qyolopentane-t-acatozy-2-acatic acid (XVIII) was carried
Card 1/3 out. The othylonaketal *f the trans-keto acid (XIII) was
Investigation In the Field of the 3Vnithesis of the W7179-28-8-40166
Steroid-Hormon* Analogs. vi. zxVe=tm*=tn = the r-yelLz&zIan. of the Tre-ne-3-
-(p-Mothozy-Phonyl)-Cyclopentane-T-Orie-2-Acatic Acid &n6 Its Derivatives
obtained according to the metliot by Anner, Misecher
(Viland,. Anne=, Mish*T-Y, (Set 5y(,se* saheffs 5). Summarizing,
attempts were mad-e to pwforw the ayelizati6m 6f the trans-3-
-(p-methoxy acid, of the
ethylene-ketal ofthis scid and-ofthe anti-trane-3-(P-me-
thoxy adid by means
of hydrogen fluorU*,, ;olyphaspitaria. &cI4 And, according
to the method. by ftied'ol-Vatts (0ridoll-Kraft2). It was
seen that in all three ftsos,tht oya1itation of these com-
pounds which. have, in. goe&ttoc T & fimotional oxygen atom
occurs. undex fo=a-Uow- mt -th* 1,&4*,tones and not
of the expected, trZoyioUw 1rwV=eV-.. Thovew av-* I figures and
TG references,. 1' af vhiah i's SfoVW.
ASSOCIATION.:, Toesoyu9nyy n&uahno-1401#doYWV;*V'9k1.Y khimiko-fa=&;sqvtichqskiy
i'nsti.tut imeni S.Ordshnikift4r(All-Uhidn Soientifio Chemical-
Card 2/3 Pharmaceutical Reseaxoh Inst-itutw imeni S.-Ordzhonikidso)
Investigation in the Field of the Synthesis of the SOV/79-28-e-4o/-'16
Steroid-Hormone Analogs.-VI. Experiments on the Cyclization of the Trans-3-
-(p-Methoxy-Phenyl)-Cyclopentane-l-One-2-Acetic Acid and Its Derivatives
SUBMITTED: June 28, 1957
Card 3/3
I E j ~, , y ( 1, 1.;. 1 i': ~ ~ I ~ I.; .) !" , *, ~ - ' L, , i . A.
Ttlkhric loi 'li
Ft ciifm~otqr of from -1 to ".0 r~n.
iiii-i ziizhj:rj~-ykh i I-odait;--hchikh ot
Efficient shop ventilation In precision casting with cast patterns.
Lit.proisv. no.10:18 0155. (NLRA 8:12)
(Precision casting) (Foiindries-Ventilation)
GRr;-IITLII.-,, ".. i.
Dust collectors used in surface grinding. Stan.i instr. 28 no.4:
38-19 Ap '57- (KLRA 10:5)
(Aast collectors) (Grinding and polishing)
j&j&.mAwhener; EL'TIRKAN, Te.H.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk.
Ventilation of distribution chambers of electric filtem Blek.
sta. 28 no.6s24-26 is '57. (MI&AII018)
(Air filter@)
AVERIYANOV, Aleksey Grigorlyevich; GRIMITLIN, Mikhail Iosifovich; IOFINOT,
German Abramovich; KOUZOV, Petr Arkad 'yevich. 11VTJOW, Tevgeniy
Keprovich;.XLUCHKO, L.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, spets. red., RAKOT,
S. I.. tekhn. red.
Clingineering practice@ in studying ventilation installations in
industry] lauchno-tekhnieheskii opyt iseledovaniia ventiliatnionnykh
ustanovok v promWahlonnosti. [MoskTal 1zd-vo VTsSN Profizdat. 1958,*
165 P. (MIRA 11W
(Factories-Heating and ventilation)
PERLOVA, S.Z., vrach., GRNITLIN. M.I., inzh.
1wrovement of one f or the moist metbod of f lat
grinding. Gig. i ean. 23 no.9:66-69 S158 (MIRA 11:11)
1. 1z Veeooyuznogo nauchno-imaledoratellskogo institute oihrqny
truda vaesoyuzhnogo teentrallnogo Soveta prof. Sayuzov v Loningrade.
in wet grinding (Rug))
GRIMITLIN, M. I., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Distribution of air
through perforated air lines. 11 Leningrad, 1960. 26 pp with dia-
grams; (Ministry of Higher Education USSR, Leningrad Order of
Labor Red Banner Engineering Construction Inst, Chair of Heat
Supply and Ventilation); 200 copies; free; (KL, 25-60, 131)
GRINITLIN, M. I. (Leningrad)
Hydraulic calculations for perforated air-supply ducts. Tod.i
Ban.tekh. no.2:19-25 7 060. (14IRA 13:5)
FILIPPOV, V.I., kand. te4hn. nauk,
kand. tekhn. nauk, Bpets.
otv. red.;_GFL~YMP.) M.I.,
w r
red.; BOBYL.-VA, M.1
[Theory and calculation of ventilation air jets; collec-
tion of transactions] Teoriia i raschet ventiliatsior.Mkh
strul; sbornik trudov. Leningrad# Vses. nauchno-issl. In-t
okhrany truda, 1965. 291 p. (MIRA 19:1)
1. Soveshchaniyet poovyashchermoye w--im teorii i rascheta
ventilyatsionrqkh struy. Leningrad, 1963, 2. Vsesoyuznyy
nauchno-isaledovateltaki-y institut okhrany truda v gorode
Leningrade (for Grimitlin).
Using the N-1 preparation for processing potatoes in order to retard
sprouting during storage. None. I ov. prom. 12 A00:39-41 Mr 157,
(KLU 10: 5 )
1. laningradskly Institut sovetakoy torgoyll (for Grim). 2. NalinineWa
kontora Leagorplodoovoshch (for Nikolaev)
G-111M14, Alokenntir Ivanovich; BORISOV, Sergen Boriiovich: AIJYS--,'YKVA,
3J., red.; BABI(riNVA, V.V.. toWu;.rad.
(Diseases of otorod fruits nnd vomtnbleal Bolezni plodav
i ovoshchoi pri khrananil. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo tori,.lit-ryp
1958. 71 p. (MIRA 13:1)
GRIMM, A. (Leningrad)
What hampers the delivery and storage of potatoes In containers.
Sov. torg. 35 no.8134-36 Ag 162. (KRA 15:8)
DANILOV, M., prof. (Leningrad); GRM, A., dotsent (Leningrad)
Use of ultraviolet rays in the preservation of cabbage.
Sov torg. 36 no.1005 0 162. (MIRA 16:2)
iUltraviolat rays) (Cabbage-Preservation)
Study of oligosaccharldes In some plants. Ukr. blokhim. zhur.
36 no.5:735-738 164- (MIRA 18s6)
1. Kafedra tovarovedeniya prodovolletvennykh tovarav Leningrad-
skogo instituta savetakoy torgovli im. F. Engellsit.
Role of the conservation of nature in recreation for workers. Okhr.
prir.1. zapov.delO T SSSR no.4:104-109 160. (MIA 13:6)
1. Institut sotsiallnoy gigiyeny pri Akademil sotisial'noy gigiyemy,
gigiyeny truda i povyshenlya vrachobnoy kyalifikatsii, Germanskaya
Demokraticheskaya Respubliks.
(Germny, last-Aildlife, Conservation of)
Regulations for building site arrangement. Pod org 17 no*5:
216-218 My 163.
1. Potrubi, n.p. Praha,
U M /Electricity Semiconductors, 0-3
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika., No 12, 1956o 35059
Authors Grim, V. R.,, Nasledov,, D. W.
- ---------
Institution: Leningrad Physicatechnical Institute,, Academy of Sciences USSRO
Title: Investigation of Rectifying Properties of Electron-Hole Junctions:
Selenium Sulfides or Tin Selenides
Periodicals Zh. tekhn. Miki, 1956., 26, No 4., 707-715
Abstract: An investigation van made of n-p Junctions on the boundary of selenium-
ulfide or tin selenide, for the purpose of obtaining rectifiers with
mall direct voltage drop. Selenium rectifiers of a new type were
obtained and their properties were investigated.
Card 1/1
o, rvi
p4l ttgrftU dff"E ~~WGf Wbt-laalr
pre ult-, A
'T r3.
adeing thl~ F~Wt v-.1-of I:
Clis 7 CUC!I,' fin't CH. Clio tr. C6~iN k-.11. -
W14), I Wft'LditT, L VIISJ-I~r f-
Iflo; ond A frmljll~ !~a- klln~
-4 it , - I
acthr 'i att
Th~ra wai Uttle &Simr ~z be -of
pmpd, br bott =W-45. lAffe difrfSr--XCS tAtwfer= Idal.
pcr;wt. by batb methc4s ~v-e ctscrverl &Lo f- ~'dmk-t
e4WAte (11) LA CG!kff4 + CW. Whi'X I!lt
effect "r the grams. C( 1~ q, C4110 + Menlt 1--l ol ~,-!v -
Styr", ilE &clst Ve, jr COMe, + C.14, ,I
14 In COMO, + UO Prepd- by -thoe A 1--l hizL-
bt I.Stti. t~.. d0 ,he vri~ - by rrel hrd B.
M -
~ 4 -~
Determining the concentration of gas black from its specific
gravity. Xhin.volok. no.3:65 159. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Berpukhoukly sarod.
(Dyes and dyeing--Textile fibers, Synthetic)
(Carbon black-Density)
-==- -'-j , .0'
Method for &took dyeing of acetate rayon. Khim. volok. no.3:
46-50 163. WFLA l6t7)
1. Vnesoyusnyy nauchno-issiodovatel'Wy inatitut iskuset-
vennogo volokna (for lantert layni). ?. Serpukhovskiy zavod
(for Grim, Kraynovs.).
(Dyes and dyeing-Ray*n)
Ys t-T
Methods for determining adipic acid in alkyds modified with drying fatty oils. P-444.
CH94I(XY PRUMY~L Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 9, no. 8, Aug. 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (F"I) LC, Val. 9, no. 1, Feb. 1960.
I ~ 1.7-7-11 -.-1
GR--,.'Fa,., M. S.,-DYAC--&NKO, N. J., BALTAGA, S. V.v VIUNII , A. V.,
and FATK-,'j. YA. (US3R)
"Pectin from the Watermelon and the Possibility of Its Com:T.erclal
Report Fresented at 1he 5th International Biochemistry Congress,
Moscow, 10-16 Auf 1961
cWtivionshic W Ike Val** of 01604 14"Oli,
I C.-oul
;XUp*t,jp.I I'h..rm. T-hnW , Z.tgtvhl. r4-mi wdsmok. S.
13 -t.'fI149).-A mcphlimlion o( WA.
4.411m: 21I.Wlifedewiihed. MoAorr
I he I oulalknWq alf errA skaiM torrijw"~l initivino it irs
,I "Im-44mitor. in-leml of ergmenim TIw 4A.w 4 tho f"e-
INM A114,111*1 Iw 44"tsjw"I Oftb a 4ts"414111. low int"141for 4
~wh'orh *.at ~f sip on trinroent the mon oANr of the IMAI
alkslindtfoor Its thilil r%l Thu nPin
vothoot was estighbOont in sucb a manner thit mly druss
evoill. twq le" lk2ft a 1% ind elf%. cmfc not If's th.111
0 Me" I, ohmilcl tor cm-Wer"I MSciA Amol"m of qrrrrdt
%ornpirs A hmose drugs *,-re r4m~j #"it 1 he j ml. 0 Im At
11111,114M14 vafkI briur"s is 1*11" ond it vowl thm~ w4
III Water from 0 Me" 111 0 Mier
S~gblttxatlon of ligutd attract from UggL
-mmirklif A04 rM4PXL JUCOU47. Z;
O-WOU82AUtfMan sum -The liquid ext. from
r t Complefely stabil
b, add.. .1 !a bk
.mt wtks no
~ Adda. of VA% of ascorbic and stabili all alka;
141% for out year It liquidwas kvpt In a stoppered air-free
hnitle. An em. ronix. 1179 of avembic sicid and In contact
wilts air lost 40 60% of alkalukls In 0 suonthq, the blank
%ithout Atabilizer lost 77% In the sarne periatt of time.
Quinhic-110 was foun(I to be the best stabills". The
chingeq In temp. from 5 to 20' as well as chance in pit from
1.82 to 0.05 had "41 effect urmn stabilixing. action. V.W1.
.b T~ , " * ".
.." . ".
?,'~:t - ,, c n 0.0' 11 ~~ I st oveve I I t Ir~ 1 4
Ir, - ., . ) A . ~ v , );;.q ; n - r - '~ " , " - '", - - "; !-i , - 1 ,
.x, "; I "-,f 1,
f*'C ; 'c'c n t ! i I -; I i ~, t c t- r, # 7,,, ircleari Acve~-Icy.,S.
IC. '*Cl 4. Yo. (,, Juna ~Iel.
In Daenjoka. SoutE
CeO.-- !Asf;a AA
0=,,=da 2. 233
occurs fiHing,
Ithermal d 5 chew. w The 1
day WAS f.-Y.-d-16antbe wvathaing of andtzite tuft.
4, r
r T'
Geologic corditirrs of the terrain along the new hlg~way from
Skof1jIca to Dregana. Geolog1ja Slov 6:338-352 160 (publ.161).
JR1.451CAR, A.
Quarries and tho stone quality In Slovenia. Geolovija Slov
6:331 160 (Publ. 161).
PAMUS, Anton; VDMICAR A - FAIILC.,13;, R.; DROBNE, F.; FLEMICAR, 11-liarlo,
d r. ; X MR.' , ", ~-.* "., ~U~ , , if.
Reports on the activity of the Slovorian Geolopic Society during
1957-58. rjeologija 31ov 6:316-322 160 (Tubl.061).
1. Predsednik Slovenskega geoloakega drustva (for lianovs). 2. Tajnik
Slovenskega, geolookega drustva (for Grlmsicar)-X3. Refernt, a& pred-
avanja Slovenskega geoloakega drustva (for Pavlo4ec). 4. Blagajnik
Slovenskeg geoloskega drustva (for Drobne). 5. Komisija za standard
geoloske karte Slovenskaga geoloskega drustva (for Menicar).
6. Komisja za geolooko romenklatur"lovenakega -eoloskega drustva
(for Kuscer). 7. Sekcija za srednjesolski pL,ik peologije Slovenskega.
geoloskega drustva (for Us).
KOVACH, Andrey Ivanovich (Kovach, Andrlyl, Geroy Sotsialistichnoi Pratoi;
CRIWM, V. (Hrymt, 1.1, spatered.; PAUCHENK0, T., red.; LUCHKIT,
M., takhred.
(Obtaining 124 centners of grapes per hectare] 124 teentnery
vynohradu 3 hektara. Ushhorod, Znknrpotmike obl.vyd-vo, 1938* 21 p.
(MIRA 13:3)
1. Lankoviy *ukaohivelkogo vinradgoepu ZakarpatmOkogo vintrestu (for
-.77"T, v-
KRITUAPOT. Viktor Tomellyanovichl GRIMM. V. (Hrymt, T.1, spetared.:
PANCHXMO, T., red.; LUCHKIT, M.. takhred.
(Yield testing and men selection of grapes] Aprobatelia i
manova selaktaiia vynohradn. Uzhhorod, Zaknrpntelke obl.vyd-wo,
1958. 23 P. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Starshiy naukoyly pratsivnik Zakarpatalkoi oblasnoi all'olko-
goopodaralkoi doelidnot stantaii.
(Grape breading)
GRIMUT, Tasiliy Tosifovich [Hrymat, T.1; PAKCHNBKO, T., red.: WCHKIT,
N.-, tekhrsd~."
(Planting vineyards with stratified cuttings. bypassing the
nursery] Posafts vynohradnykiv stratyfikovanymV shchapasW
bas shkilky. Ushhorod# Zakarpatolke obl.vyd-vo. 1958. 31 P.
(MIRA 13:3)
1. Golovnuy inspektor vinogradarstva i sadivnitstva Zakerpotalkogo
oblasnogo upravlinnya 911'alkogo gospoderstva (for Grimut).
ORIKLIT, Tasiliy Tosifovich (Hrymt, T.h, PAMEMIKO, T., red.; LUCHKIT, K.,
[Raising nursery stock] Tyroshchuyannia andyvnoho m9terialu.
Uzhhorod. Zakarpatalke obl.vyd-vo, 1958. 42 p. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Goloyniy inspektor vinograderstva i sadivnit tva Zakorpatalkogo
oblasnogo upravllnnya sillalkogo gospodaretva (;or Grimt).
77777-17- 7-7 74 TF
Some results of experimental investigations
propagation velocity of longitudinal waves
Trudy NIIOSP no.44:103-106 161,
(Elastic waves) (Soil mechanics)
in determining the
in soil specimme.
(MIRA 14:8)
I., . ".t-,
Direct experimental method of constructing impact diagrams
of soil compression. [Trudy] NII oBn. no.5li4&57 162.
(Soil pech'pice) (MIRA 16:2)
1. GRE. 77- 0. B.
2.- USSR (600)
4. Spinning Machinery
7. Adoption of new Soviet slubt,ing frames T-150. 'reknt.1'rom. 12 rm. IC't 1952.
9. Monthli List of Russian Accessions# Library of Congress, Jimmr-j .1953. Unclassified.
-GRIEZE1 V.1, ;ROZIII,L.A, (LoninCrad)
"The principles of factoric..,tion and calculation of arbitrar7 shells
of revolution on electronic computers".
report presented at the 2nd All-Union ConFress on Theoretical Md Applied
Yechanics, Foscowp 29 Jan - 5 Fab 64.
GRM.*i;, T-B,
Determining the eztrene streFses In thrve-hinrc-d archer. Trudy
Lengldroproekta no.1:135-140 164. (~UFLA 18:10)
.- . a -.
I ~ :,, -, 4 -1 1 ~
ACC NRa AT6024066 SOURCE CODE: UR/2944/66/000/003/0034/0050
AUTHOR: Rozin, L. A.; Grimze, L. B.
vKu: none
ITI TLE: Algorithm for the calculation of rotating shells by the partition method
SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Kafedra vychislitellnoy matematiki i Vychislitelluyy
tsentr. Metody vy sleniy. no. 3, 1966, 34-50
TOPIC TAGS: shell theory, algorithm, boundary value problem
ABSTRACT& A general algorithm adapted for computer use is given for the calculation of
forces for the case of axis-symmetric deformation of a rotating shell of variable thicN
~ness and having an arbitrary meridian, arbitrary limiting conditions, and an arbitrary
!load. The case in which the shell may be in a linearly elastic medium with a pliabili-
ity matrix of nine components is also considered. The method used is that of partition-
I;ing the operators of the equilibrium equations of shell theory along their main curva-
?tures. Numerical examples are presented in graphical form to illustrate the use of
Ithe algorithm for different numbers of partitions, Orig. art, bast 48 famulas, I
Ifigure, 5 tables*
CODE: 12,20
SUBM DATEt 10M*v63/ OjtkG RErs 004
GRIME, O.M., insh.
14ndarnization of thm T-150 glubbers. Taket.prom. 19
no.12:64-67 D 159. (HIRA 13:3)
1, Kombinat "Kraerays nit'."
(Spinning, mchinery)
GRIMZX, O.B. inxb.
PUstic cone. Takst.prom. 20 no.8-82 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Takhnichoskiy otdel kombinata OKrasuaya nit'.$
(Textile mchiner7)
,GRIIII A.L. (Hryn', A.L.], aspirant
Using the OP-~B equipment for cleaning corn ears. Mekb. oil'.
nosp. 12 no.9:18 S 161. OMRA 14.-I1)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy inatitut Makhanizataii
i elektrifikataii seltakogo khozyaystva.
DANILEVICH, Stefan Yuzefovich [Danylevyoh, S.M.); DIDENKO, Nikolay
Kirillovich; KOVALICHUK, Vaailiy Illich; KUDLAY, Fedor
Andr9y9vich;.GRIN,',..An&toliy Lavrentiyevieh (Hrin', A.L.];
BABUKO V.B., red.j KOSOBSKIY, V.A.[Kosovalkyi, V.A.], red.;
POTOTSKAYA, L.A.[Pototalka, L.A.), tekhn. red.
[Over-all mechanization of corn production) Komplekana mekba-
nisataiia vyrobnytstva kukurudzy. Kyiv, Isd-vo Ukr. Akad.
aillukohosp. nauk, 1962. 194 p. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Vaesoyusnoy akademii sellskokho-
yaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lanina (for Babuk).
(Ukraine-Corn (Maize))
(Ukraine--Agricultural machinery)
glong-rangs forecast of the spring runoff of rt"re In the Chernotem
zone of Alropean Russia on the basis of co=on relationships In the
territory" by r.D. Komarov. Reviewed by A.M. Grin. lzv. AN SSSR. Ser.
geog. no.6:155-156 W-D 157. (MMA 11 61)
(Runoff (Rivers) (Komroy, T.D.)