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AGA3110, Yu.A.;. GRIGORIEV, Z.;-KOVIIATSKIY, M.A.; LEVIN, V.1-1.; OSIPOV, Yu.A.; 1L%ZU1,UVSX1Y-,14.D.; RETIUp V.I,',.j YUV..!,YICII, A.Ya. 14w3ting devotod to the results of the work or the Leningrad Roscarch Institute cn Industrial Hygion* and Occupational Diseases :Cor 1959- 1960. Gig. I san. 26 no.8:3-10-124 Ag 161. (~U ia 15: 10) 1. Iz Loningradokogo nauchno-isslodovatal'skogo inititutwi gigiyony truda i profootdonal(Inykh sabolnvaniy. INDUSTRIAL HYGUlf") G-R-14-ORIYEV, Z. B. Verification of the blastomogenic properties of hard hydrocarbons formed during the process of hydrogenation of mazut. Vop. onk. 8 no.2:29-30 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Is toksikologichookoy laboratorli (rukov. - prof. I. D. Gadaskina) laningradakogo Nauchno-insladovatellskogo instituta, gigiyany truds I profsabolevanly. (MAZUT-TOXICOLOGr) (CARCINOGENS) GRIGORtYEV, Z.H0, prof. Irritating effect of spodumene concentrate dust on the skin of experimental rabbits. Vest. derm. i ven. 37 no.8tl3-15 Ag'63 (MIRA 17 14) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-issledovatelinkiy institut gigiyany truda i profeosionalinfth zabolevaniy (dlr. - prof. Z.E. Grigorlyev), GRIGORIYEV, Z.E., prof. (Scientific papers of the Institute published in the period from 1959 to 1963; a bibliograpbical index) Nauchnys raboty Instituta, opublikovannye v perlod 1959-1963 godov; bibliografictleakii ukazatell. Lenin- grad, Goo. nauchno-issl. in-t gigieny truda i profzabo- levanil, 1964. 105 p. WIRIA 38t7) GRIGORIYEV,, Carcinogenic properties of Fachers, coal tar. Vop. onk. 6 no.6t 83-86 Je 160. (HIPA 1413) (CUL TARPHYSIOLOGICAL EMCT) (CAFCINOGFM) The [Autrarm--tl,~n cr jrrj,~j)tj-j ~;M8 t, J 7-ftt J IfO i Zcs i X. ad i t..51 na -GRIGORIYEVA, A. Synchronization channel of the "Znamia" television receiver. Radio no.5s38-39 It 163. WRA 16: 5) (Teloviaion-Receivers and reception) -GiaGORY]AVA, A,.- 3519 Blochem. lust. and Lab. of path. Anat., Kiev Norphological ch&W~ of the IMU"loo of rab- bits In experimental muscular dystrophy Arkh. Patol. 1951, 1311 (56-61) Illus. 4 Uperiments with rabbits on a diet free from vit. I led to the devel j - t of an izoldIOU4- ly increasing musimlar dystrophy with necrosis and atrophy of muscle fibres with foreati*a of connective tissue, paralysis and death about one month after the bogiming of the ez- poriment. Another group of rabbits was at the same time treated with sodium or calcium salts of ademosine triphosphorto aold introsiuscularly (no dosage Is given). Thus the development of muscular dystrophy was retarded by 2-3 weeks, but was not stopped. If, however, the rabbits treated with ademo alse-triphosphoric &old were give& normal food after 3 weeks of food without vit. 2, the muscular dystrophy proved to be reversible. The editors of Arkh. Patol. stress the fact that the nourareceptory apparatus has not been studied In these "riments. Brand%, - Berlin (T, 8) So: Ikeerpta VAdlea, Notion VIII, Vol. 3, No. 9, September 1952 GRIGORITIVA, A. One from urea equals 2.6 grace protein. Nmulca i pared op.v sellkhos. 9 w.11:49-51 N 159. (MMA 13:3) 1. Zaveduyushchays, otdolom shivotnovodstva luganskoy sell- skokhnsyay" tvannoy opytwy stantells (Ursa) (Cattle--Feeding and foods) GRIGMIYEVA, A. A. YA 11T]" =affiolsr Pbeameft mar 1946 lonospberto measurements "Vesults Obtaine& In Observing the Propagation of lkdio Waves rhwing the SolAr Eclipse of 9 ju-1 1945.,u A. A. Grigor'yeva, 8 pp *1zY Ak Nauk Ser Fiz" Vol X, No 3 Seven graphs showing the relation between time of day and the critical frequency of light before, during and after the eclipse. Sketch of the observa- tion stations around Moscow. UT39 A. A. On 22 March 1946, at the Power Engineering Institute inoni Molotovp defended lzr dissertation on "The Maintenance of Radio Communications on Frequencies Ver:,, Clone to the Maximum Calculated Frequency". Official onponents - Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor A. N. 5helinkin, and Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor V. 11. Kessenikh. So: IlUcktrichontvo, No 4, April 191.7, pp 90-W. ( U-5577, 18 Fohniary 1954 An analysis wan made of the maintenance of radio comrunicaticns on frequencies exceeding the mxir= calculated frequency, on short lines located in the vicinity of the Ionosphere staticns. The calculation of the effect of the earth's magnetic field caused a relativo increase In t1-e maximum calculated frequency, paitcularly at night. Experimental investigations showed the possil1ity of increased comnuni- cations on frequencies exceeding the maximum calculated frequencies ty 15 to 20 percent, and permit drawing the conclusion that the maximum calculated frequencies are not the maximm possible frequencies. SO: IBID AUTHOR: Grigorlyeva, A.A. "Results of Vertical Radiation Measurement of the Coefficient of Absorbtion of Short Bddio Waves in Ionosphere," A-U Sci Conf dedicated to "Radio Day," Moscow, 20-25 14MY 1957. PERIDICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 2, 11o. 9, pp. 1221-1224, 1957) (USSR) B.K~ZNITSK.mY,i. S.A.; KLIMOVii. M.S.; GRIWRIYLVit, tYZIKOVICH, R.S.; BUTOVSKIY. V.,t.: SLOVLCILEK, STARTSi;V. I.A.: PROTSKO, G.N. ,4;ffect of schedule and feeding on the development of children from one to three years of age. Pediatriin no.6:18-25 N-D '53. (KLRA 7:1) 1. Iz Ulcrainakogo nauchno-looledovatellakogo inetituLa okhrany materinetva i detstva im. Geroys Sovetzkogo Soyuza professora P.H.Buyko (direktor - zasluzhennyy vrach USSR H.D.Burovn) I Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta pitaniya (direk- tor - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk A.T.Stovdun). (Infants--Care and hygiene) (Children--Care and hygiene) W3ZNITSKATAt S.A.; KLIMOVA, M.S.; =IWIUUTA..A-A~S ATZLWVICH, R-S-; BMOVSKIT, V.A.; SWVACHU, C.A.; STARTSIT, I.A.; PROTSKO, O.N. Bffect of regision and nutrition on the development of 3 to 7- year old children. FOlatrita no.3:91 HI-Je 154. (KLRA 8i1) lo Is ukrainskogo Institute, okhrwW materinetya I detstva I Instituta Pitanlya. (ammms-cAu An ErrGmw) (CHUNW-NUINTION) FODGORNATA, N.I.; ~H~ master Bleaching of dark naturally-colored wool. Tekst.prom. 20 no.8- 6o-6i Ag 96o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Zaveduyushchaya khinicheskoy laboratoriyey Arzhenskoy sukonnoy fabriki (for Podgornaya). (Dyes and djeiqg--Wool) (Bleaching) BASKINv N.L.# inzh.; PODGORNAYAp N.I.9 inzh.,o GRIGORIYEVA, A.A., master GERASIMOVA, N.S.v takhnik-1-hi-11, Simplified method of dyeing voole Tekst.prom. 21 no.2:70 ja 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Dyee and dyeing-Wool) KOZKO, A.I., Inzli.; PIGORIYFVA, A.A., inzh. Rapid method of determining the moisture content In brown conla. Obog.i brik.ugl. no.30ilOl-107 163. WRA 17:4) ANUCHIN, D X.; GRIGORIYIVA, A.A.. akademik, rodaktor; VORONTSOVA, A.U., r;dakto;; 'ITTT14r,"' M, tekhnicheakiv redaktor. [Geographical works] Geograficheakis raboty. Moskva, Gon. izd-vo geogre lit-ry. 1954. 470 pe (HLRA 8.-4) (Geagraplv) ~ - ..! . - i,3 L i r ri rt~!j -Irl.,; -)f r,~ 1, n GRIGORIUVA, Anna Ageyevna; KROTOT, V.A., prof., red.; STRILEYA, G.F., [Western regions of the Bratsk-Tayehat Industrial Center; economic- geographical features] Zopednys raiony Bratako-Taiahetzkogo pro- uWahlennogo kompleksa-. okonomiko-geogrefichaskola kharaktariatika. Irkutsk, Irkutakoe knizhnoe isd-yo. 1959. 70 p. (MIR 13:3) (Chmna Valley-2conomic conditions) (Biryusa Valley--loonomic conditions) GRIGOROYBYA, A.A. Possibilition for exymAIng agricultural production In the wes- tern districts of Irkutsk Province. Trudy Vost.- Sib. fil. AN SSSR no.29:21-28 159o (NIRA 13:9) (Irkutsk lhvvince-Agriculture) GRIGORITXVA, A.A. Ch&Ws In the distribution of industry of the Irkutsk Sconomic Administrative Region. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geog. no.4:56-62 Jl-Ag 060. (XIBA 1337) 1. Toetochno-Sibirokly filial Sibirskogo otdoleniya, AN SUR. (Irkutsk Province-Industries. location of) KROTOV, V.A.j GRIGO~IYEVA - The Irkutsk Economic Administrative Region. Trudy Vost.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR no.32:20-35 160. (MIRA 1/.:4) Urkt..tok Province-Econamle geography) GRIGORIYETA, A.A# Special features In the formation of the Tayshet Industrial center. Trudy Vost.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR no.32:80-86 160. (HIRA 1484) (Taymbet region-Industrieo) BANDFOAN, V.,K.; BUTANTUTEV, B.F-; PCMUS, V.I.; RADUAYEV, G.Sh.; GOLOVKIN, D.A.; GRIGORITEVA, A.A.; KICTOV, V.A.; DONCHENKUP Lys.; X=HMV;-8.S,; SHATSILO, Te.S.; KOSMACHEV, K.P.; NAUMOV, G.V.; LIKHANOV, B.N.; PETUKHOV, V.G.; TIKHONCV, A.V.; NEDESHEV, A.A.; SIP-ANOVSKIT, G.P.; SHAKHUNOVA, P.A.- SHOTSKIY, V.P.; YEROFEYEV, I.A., red.; POLOZHENTSEVA, T.S., aladshly red.; GOLITSYN, A.B., red. kart; VILENSKAYA, E-N., tekhn. red. [Eastern Siberia; economic geography) Vontochn" Sibirl; ekonomiko-geograficheakaia kharakteriatika. Moskvn, Geog- rafizdat, 1963. 885 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Siberia, Enstern--Economic geography) SHOTSKIY, V*P,; GRIGORIYEVAj A.A. Characteristics of the economic development of the southern taiga regions of Eastern Siberia. Sib, geog, sboro no.2:156- 169 1639 (MIRA 16:11) L 3592-66 EWT (m)/EPF (r.)AYIA (d)1EYjP WAVP (z WEVIP (b) hUW/;D2 :ACCESSION NR: AP5022655 UR/0365/6/001/005/0490/093 669.ih.oi8.h5 620.193.5 _t~~A. A.; Zhuk, N. P.; Sergeyeva, G. G. iAUTHOR: Grig,~Ley iTITLE: Gas corrosion pf austenitic-ferritic steels. ,SOURCE. Zashchita metallov, v. 1, no. 5, 1965, 49o-493 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion, gas corrosion, steel, steel corrosion, austenitic steel, austenitin ferritic steel, oxidation, steel oxidation~ steel oxidation resistance/ OKh2lN5bD2T steel, OKh21116M2T steelj lKh2lN5T steel, OKh2lN5T steel, Khl8N9T steel, KhAN12WT steel ~ N ABSTRACT: The oxidationpresistance of OKh21N5 OKh2lN6M2T' ,. 1!~h ~IN T, and OKh2lN3T Istandard auatenitie-ferritic steels with low nickel content has been tested. _T_h_e__?~7__ tests were done in air at 800-1050C. All four steels we e found to ha T a somewhat lower oxidation resistance tbpn fully austenitic Khl8N9TIi:d KhILN12 steels, in : spite of the lover chromiumdontent of the latter. Steels with higher ferrite con-: tent have lower oxidation resistan ce. This may be'explained by the nonuniformity in. 6omposition and internal stresses of the formed oxide films. Molybdenum has An ad- Lcard-1/2 7~1 ------ ----- [L 3592-66. ACCESSION NR: AP5022655 verse effeet'on'austenitic,atiel rosi itance, esiecially'at high temperature (10500! it undermines the protective properties of oxide films. No qualitative difference in oxidaticti-behavior between,fully austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steel.vas liobserved. Orig. art. hds:' 2:figures and 3 tables. [NDI LASSOC'IATION: Moskovakiy Instit'ut stall I splavov (Moscov Institute of Steel and lays) 77 SUBMITTED: 12may65* ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M14 NO REP SOV: 010 OTMM: 000 ATD PFMS:7 It I ,o1-66 P0(k) NR. A116017~99 (m)/T/S,fl'(t)/FTJ IJ.',(c) J11/JD SOUXE GODZ: 3-6166100016551006310385 1 AUTHORS: Danilkin, V. A.; Grigorlyeva, A. A.; Pimenov, Yu. P.; Chikin, V. 1w.; Pavlon Yii_.S. ORG: none 57 TITLE: Influence of evacuation on the hydroGe and aluminum oxide content in aluminum and its alloys SOURCE: Tsvetnyye metally, no. 5, 1966, 83-85 TOPIC TAGS: q aluminum, vacuum. degassing, hydrogen, aluminum oxide AK6 aluminum alloy, Dl aluminum alloy on th~ ABSTRACT: The effect of dogassi4 ~ hydrogen and aluminum oxide content in aluminum and aluminum alloys AK6%and Dl1was determined. The investigation supple- ments the results of 1-1. B. Alltman i_Z7. (Liteynyya alyuminevyye splavy, Oborongiz, 1961, s. 150). The hydrogon content was determ-ned after V. A. Danilkin i dr. (Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1961, No. 3) and tho aluminum oxide content after the method of 0. Z. Warner (Anal* Ghem., 1941, 121, S. 259). The experimental results are presented graphically (see Fig. 1). A brief discussion of the necessary and sufficient conditions of the formation of hydroj;on bubbles in tho melt is prosented. The discussion is based on the work of N. M. Chuyko (Gazy v liton, metallo. Izd. Nauka, 1964, s. 1h). It is concluded that vacuum dogassing of aluminum arA its ," ard 1/2 uDG-. 669.71q.ol7 L 37701-66 ACC NR, Fig. 1. Dopendence of the hydrcgen content on the duration of argon purging under vacuum. (Presidual 4 mmHu) - I - A*%.l, upper layer; 2 - Al. lower layer; 3 - AK6, er layer; 4 - AX6, lower layer. alloys, particularly when combined with argon purging, results in a considerable decrease of the hydrogen content of the melt. The vacuum chamber was designed by I. L. Teytel, Orig, art. hast 3 graphs and 2 equations. SUB CODE: 1l/ Ae6017299 A zk 41 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 0051 OTH REF: oo5 ALEKSBYEVA, Raisa Yevgrafovna; QRIGOR'X~VA,__A.D.' , kand. biol. ncjk, ntv. red.j MESSNER, O.M., red. izd-va,- RYLINA, Yu.V.,, tekhn. red. (Devonian Atrypa of the Kuznetsk and Minusinsk Basins and thm eastern slope of the Northern Umls)Devonskie atripidy Numets- kogo i Minusinskogo basseinov I vostochnogo sklona Severnogo Urals. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 195 P. tables. (MIRA 16:2) (Kuznetsk Basin-Brachiopoda, Fossil) (Minusinsk Basin-Brachiopoda, Fossil) (Ural Yountains-Brachiopoda, Fossil) GRIGORIYEVA, A tkoandra Adtriyeyna: GEEIM, R.F.,; BEZNOSOVA, G.A.0 rW.i7+ira; DOROXHINA, I.N., [Productidae of the Kazan sta e in the Russian Platform and conditlons of their exiottencel Produktidy kazanskogo James. Russkoi platformy i uslo#ia ikh sushchestvovaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. 1962. 91 p. 16 plates. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Paleontologicheskii institut. Trudy, vol 92). iMIRA 16:2) (Russian Platform-Brachiopoda, Fossil) GRIGORIYEVA, A.D.; IVANOVA, Ye.A. Methods for the study and deEcription of fossil invertebrates. Paleont. zhur. no.2:122-125 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Paleontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. AUTHORS:Vertoprakhov, V. N., Grigorlyeva. A. G. TITLE: Preparation and Study o-rT-ert-ain Properties of the Inter- metallic Aluminium. Arsenide Compound (Polucheniye i issledo- vaniye nekotorykh svoystv intermetallicheskogo soyedineniya arsenida alyuminiya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uctlebnykh zavedeniy, fizika, 1958, Nr 5, PP 133-134 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper was presented at the Conference of Higher Education Establishments on Dielectrics and Semiconductors at Tomsk, February, 1958. The original materials were of the highest possible purity. Arsenic was purified by vacuum distillation in evacuated and sealed tubes. After purificat- ion only traces of Al and Sb were found in the arsenic. Spectral analysis of aluminium showed traces of Fe, Si and Mg. The components, with aluminium, in the form of a powder, were placed into a graphite crucible preheated to 20000C in 10-4 mm Hg vacuum. The er~cible was placed in a quartz ampoule,, evacuated to 10- mm Hg and the ampoule was sealed. The components were synthesised by slow heating in an electric furnace to 1100--11500C for 10 to 12 hours. The melting point Card 1/3 of the coitpound so produced was found to be near 1700OC; 307/1~;;-58-5-28/35 Preparation and Study of Certain Properties of the Intermetallic Aluminium Arsenide Compound AlAs decomposes partly at the melting point. Monocrystals werc grown from gaseous phase on a base of twij~sten mono- crystals heated to 10000C. The tungsten -tionocrystals were washed with dilute caustic scda and placed above the graphite crucible (see Fig.1). The Geraphite cruciblo was then heated to 200000 by means of high-frequency currents. it was held at this temperature for 3-4 minutes axid cooled. A layer of AlAs of 2-3 mm, thickness was found to condense on the tungsten monocrystal. This layer, as well as the melt inside the crystal, was found to be monocrystalline. The properties of monocrystals did not differ from those of Dolycrystals. The electrical resistivity was of t e order of 10~,4 ohm cm. in- creasing with time to about 10- ohm cm (after 48 hours). The conduction was always of the p-type. The thermoelectric power varied from point to point and was of the order of 60-70 IN i:er deg.C,. Thermal conductivity measured by the,method d s- cribed by Ioffe (Ref-3), was of the order of 10-3 cal cm-T sec-1 deg-1. Rectification of alternating curreLts was observed Card 2/3 W&MOMFOOMMM 6/35 Preparation and Study of Certain IToperties of ti~,e Inti~rmetallic Aluminium Arsenide Compound only at certain points of the crystals. Microhardness Yaried from point to point within the litaits of 300-700 kg/mm . All the properties suggest that the AlAs crystals are non- homogeneous. The compound reacts with the atmospheric moist- tire and decomposes into a powder. S. S. Nogina iook part in this work. Acicnowledgements are made to A. P. Izergin and M. P. Yakuben' for their advice. There are 1 figure and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet,, 1 English and 1 translation of English into Russian. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosuniversitete imeni V. V. Kuybysheva (Siberian Physico- Technical Institute at Tomsk State University imeni V. V. Kuybyshev) SUBMITTED- April 7, 1958. Card 3/3 DZYCHHO, G.I.; GRIGOIYEVA* A.G,; VMMTOV, N.V* Yffect of live virus concentrations in anti-influema. vaccine on its Immunological activity [with summax7 in English virus 3 no.6:357-362 N-D 058. I;MVOAP12..,) 1. Laningradskiy amuchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut vaktain i sy"rotok. (LEFWU A, Immnol. vaccine, aff. of live virus concentration on lummoL qualities (Rus)) GRTIORIvEVA, M.. r,,. 20589 GRIGORITEVA, A. G. Ar~mdly vil-tomvich vf)znestnskiy, ep,,.o zh-znl i nauchnnya deyatelinost'. (Klimatolog. 1864-1936). Tzvestiya vsesayuz. Geogr. o-va, 1949, vyF-3, s. 303-20, s portr. --Z.CBibliografiya pechatny:,h truchor arkadiya viktorovich vosnesenskogo?'7, a- 317-20 SO: MOPIS ZHUMAL STATEY - Vol. 28- lbskva- 1949 2 61TO'c" USSR/Meteorology - Climatology Jun 53 "Review of Selected Works' of the Founder of Contemporary Cl~wtology," (S.A. Sapozhnikcva, Dr Geog Sci and'-A.G. Grigorlyeva, Cand Geog Sci,, reviewers) Priroda, No 6, pp 117-120 Review of A.I. Voyeykov's "lzbrannyye Sochineniyal edited by Acad'A.A. Gregorlyev, Inst of Geog of Acad Sci USSR, published by Acad Sci USSR Press (Vol 1, 1948 750 PP; Vol 2, 1949, 225 PP; Vol 3 1952, 502 ppj. 261T96 GR IGOR I UVA,-APA SAPOZHNIKOVA. S.A., doktor geograf Ichaskikh nauk, ~i~etstvannyy redaktor; TASNOGORODSKATA. M.M., redaktor: BOWNYCHIN. A.A., takhnicheskiy redaktor CA.V.Vosnesenskii, climatologist and geographer] A.V.Voraeeenalcii klimatolog, gWraf. leningrad, Gidromateor,izd-vo, 1954 43 P. (KIMA 10:9) (yoznesenakii. ArIcadit Viktorovich, 1964~ ) v rip :4 8 ij~ - I f . an g r- all -4 -41. Ar 21 C, 4 ? KiM if r- 9P fil SC j~; T,;gL 52 70 0 T50 S/576/~1/000/000/008/020 I'll !;036/E162 AUT110RSs Pre3nov, V.A. , lzergin. A.P. , Kr Lvol, WA. Vyatkin, A.P., Stroitelav, S.A., M211thenkc, E.N., Malinoval Ye.V.j Selt7ancva. V.A., ard ,Grigorlyeva, A.G. lViI.Ei An investigation of gallium arstiiil- SoUlICE I Soveshchanlys po p9luprova1n,-kcv*ivn watet *.&lam, tith. Voprosy metallurgti I f-Itiki po '.,,:pro-. oln., kov. po.'u- provodnikoyyys soyedtnentya I tverdyyt 3pla-.1. -,rudy soveshchaniYA. MOSCOW, lzd-vo AN SSSP_ 116i. - Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inntitut m-)tall-argil iment A.A. Bsykova. Fiziko-takhnitheakxy institut. 70-75 TEXT3 The large energy gap and high elen%ran mobility in gallium arsenide indicate its possible uses in the construction of aemiconductor dt-ficea for high temperature operation or as a useful photo element. The present paper gives the results of investigations Into the electzopaysical and rac:ifying preptrties of gallium arxenide. The samplos, obtained by fusing in 4opoul tonsts"'; and zone refining, were Subjected to weaeurom*nt of Hall Card I/j- An invtatigation of gallium mrsen-dr -r036/E'.62 thermo.e.m.f. and electrical conductivity as a funtt:on of temperature, as well as measurements of :,.' r-~ssttv%ty with magnetic fit1d. The bare uted in thn moa.%Aromrrt3 wwr~ tthar stngle-trystal or had a coarse tryntaIlLn- strattu-- OMI.. tonta4ts were made by alloying in !in Its -'D-I-I~M. zvn- refining, reatitivities twenty or at~re timts !ess tPitn tvn~ ct !he meterial after zone refining can be Pbtaint4, in! It-in ref:nln; given crystals of Increastl purity. 'An we- c~J-se:-d ;--n the curve of magneto-rtytitAnse 4_01tr %I a fun-.~n or magnetic field fcr p-typc -materiel at 195 '~K. Tt-i fra!t;~cral a atin-, chanigs in restativity deo:rra4tel to -n;m br-fcrt Again-. -Imliar rv-4-jl%s wars repcrto-d bv And 1,4-ic- I(orovitz (Pef.-14 Phys. Raw., 1951. 4)9, 40W, :~n !2 Ox. compensation is stated to be involved In :1-.i, Fr~m ttf ,variation of therso-e.a.f., as w:th tPmveratlire, the -f!V~t:,Vt, MASS is evaluated using the Pisarenko formalt, jssim,,ng that *lactronx ore scattered by lattice vib-ations to i T-3/:! law, where T is the temperaturi In OK. The of 0.077 agftfs with that obt&ined by Harris (Ref.1i Vr.Txlz*. V01-10, Ili). Card 21 7 309c1 An investigation of gallium arsenide S/576/61/000/000/008/020 E036/E162 The curves or log o against I/To where o in the electrical conductivity, varied markedly with the degree of purity (that in. the number of passages or the zone during zone refirsirig). Do Fig.4a, curve I in for an unrefined sample showing little change in a at low temperatures; curve 2 is for the sample after the passage of one zone; and in Fig.IiC curve 3 in after the passage of nix zones. The decreasing conductivity of the latt-.r over the ratigo 30-2000 with increasing tomperattire in due to redticed electron mobility. Similar effects of zone refining on carricr concentration are also obatrved. From these curves the acceptur Impurity activation energy was found to be 0.25 eV. and for the donor. 0.12 eV. Preliminary data showed that electro-purigicAtion in high electric fields and measurement by pulses was necessary. In addition to theme measurements. current - voltage curves of point-contact diodes of GaAs are reported as a function of temperature. The surfaces wore polished, etched and washed before a tungsten or phosphor-bronz* point contact was applied. The ohmic contact was made by alloying tin, lead or silver. The rectifying characteristics of n-type material were significantly better than Card 3/ 7 30951 An investigation of gallium arsenide S/576/61/000/00WO8/o20 E036/EI62 for p-type, the rectifying coefficients being 104 _ 105 and 102 respectively. The reverse voltages and breAkdown stability were aloo better in n-type samples. Reverse voltages of 10-15 V were obtained after the passage of six zones during purification Temperature stability over tile range 20-3000 was very good i01, diodes with the silver ohmic contacts. as shown in the current- voltage curves of Fig-7. The usual metal-semicunductor tiarary 13 applied to the results in the range below I V; that is tile squationt 14" 1 x 10 (aQV in assumedp where V is the voltage drop Acroas the barrier and 10. the saturation current, Is given by 10 . CO*xP (-qVk/kt). Vk being the barrier height. Both the constant a and Vk are calculated from the results. Although at room temperature a - 19 V-1 and thus deviates significantly from the theoretiral value of 4; V-1. this con have many causes, in particular Card 4/7 An investigation of gallium arsenide 5/576/6 I/ooo/o(jo/o(j8/0LO E036/F.102 failure to take account of surface candttctivity. From the variation of the reverse saturation current with temperature the ba'rrier hoight Vk In found to be o.8 ev. For p-n Junction rrctificntion the barrier height would approximate to the energy gal) of 1.4 eVq in considerable disagreement with the experimental va'lue. A better agreement in possible if a meta I-nemicon4uctor contact in assumed, although the analysis cannot be considered CIIIIII. There are 9 figures and 5 reforencess 2 Soviet-bloc. I Russian tranalatJon from non-Soviet-bloc publication. and 2 non-Sovict-bloc. The English language references rend an followai. Ref.l: Fritzsche, Lark-Horovitz. Phys. Rev., 1955. Vol-99. 400. Ref.2; Barrie. Physics, 1954, Vol.20, 11. CAPTION TO FIG-73 Temperature dependence or current-voltage curves. '1 2001 2 - 1000; 3 - 111001, 2340. Card 5/7 BABKOV, I.I.; GRIGORITEVA, A.G. From the history of the Geographical Deparlm=L. Vest.LGU 16 no.24: 112-115 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Geography--Study and teaching) 717777 Investigation of the kinetic characteris tics of highly doped antimonide. V. A. Kokoshkin (10 minutes). Synthesis, doping, and preparation of single crystals of Salliun arsen.-ce. A. P. Izargin, A. G. GrIzorlyeva V. N. Chernigovskaya, G. h. Ikonnikova. Crystallization of gallium arsenide under different pressures of ars"Ic vapor. S. S. Khlubkov, V. A. Celivanova, G. M. Ikonnikova. Influence of impuriiies on the electrical properties of gallium arstaide. M. A. Krivov, Ye. V. 111alisova, C. V. Malyanov. (Presented by M. A. Krivov--15 minutes). Pepor'. prosent-ed at the )rd National Confemneo on Son-'cc-nductor Comnounds, Xis!Linev, 16-21 Sept 1963 GRIGORIYEVA, A.G.; CHERNIGOVSKAYA, V.N.-.IMGIN, A.P. - "o-UMNAMM Gallium arsenide synthesis from the malt. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; 180 163. (MM 16:5) 1. Sibirskiy fisiko-tekhnicheakiy inatitut pri Touskom goswarstv*ftnom universitete Ireni Kuytysheva. (Ganium arsenide crystals-Growth) ACCESSION NA; AR4015648 S/0081/63/000/021/0020/0020 SOURGEt Me Khlmlye, Abe. 211104 AUTHOR: Katayev, G. A.; Grigorlyeva, A. G.; Rozanova, L. N. TITLE: The problem of growing monocrystaillne flakes ofgallium arsenide CITED SOURCE: Tr. Tomskogo un-ta, v. 154, 1962, 193-194 TOM TAGS: gallium arsenide, monocrystalline gallium arsenide, single crystal growth, crystal growth temperature dependence, crystal growth technique ABSTRACT: The study considers the effects of temperature conditions and of the introduction of gallium arsenide into the system Go-As on the size of crystals obtained under such conditions. Near the melting point, this systen. was examined by analogy with emulsions, which become increasingly dispersedthe higher the tem- perature. The degree of dispersion drops when the temperature is lowered. The I following conditions must be observed in order to grow large monocrystals: 1) the aggregates in the system must already be sufficiently large during the pre-crystal- lization stage, since during this period the viscosity of the system increases sharply and the aggregation rate drops sharply; 2) crystallization must proceed a 11 w rate, since otherwise,impurities will not be repelled and will be cap- Lactrd -g_ ACCESSION NR: AR4015648 tured by the crystal lattice. The authors describe the temperature conditions necessary to obtain single crystal flakes about 2 cm long and I cm wide. The sur- face of a flake represents a plans (111). Excess gallium was initially remved mechanically, and then the flakes were processed in hydrochloric acid until the Ga was fully eliminated. The possibility of growing larger flakes by the simul- taneous introduction of arsenide rods into the Ga-As system was studied. Tests were carried out in open quartz tubes, a quartz bucket holding the test specimen being placed at the bottom of the test tube. Ye.-Kory*tny*y % DATE ACQ: 09Dec63 SUB CODE: CH ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 GRIG011"YLVA, A.G.; CHEMIGOVSKAYA, V.N.; IZERG1,71, A.P. Refinemont of galliwil arsorLide by the zone diB.,;olution method. izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no-4:16-18 163. (-''.IRA 16:9) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekIlinicheakiy institut pri Tomskom ec,sudarstven- not,i univaroitute imeni V.V. Kuybyslieva. (Gallium ar3anide) ACCESSIONICIt AP4025100 S/0139/63/000/006/0177/0178 1AWHORS: Chernigovskayat V. N.1 Grirorlyevap A. G.; Izergin, A. P. ;'TITLE: Synthesis of gallium arsenide in graphite boats ISOMCE: IVUZ. Fizikat no* 6# 1963t 177-178 !TOPIC TAGSt gallium arsenide, gallium arsenide synthesisp graphite boat, imvuritrq 11;G' Cup Fet Al# Big semiconduotort silicon caatamination :ABS'MACT: A now apparatus to be uced in gallium arsenide synthosis is described. ,-;It involve 6 an elongated square-section graphite boat so suopended'vithin a quartz jelass ampule as to otimin to the graphite-quartz contact (see Fig. I of the !-Enclosure). The apparatus was developed to prevent the silicon contamination IreaultinS from the reaction of graphiia and quartz at the temperature of 1240C ,necessary for the reaction and for zonal purification of galliuA arsenide. 11aterial- produced in this apparatus was free of Si. 'Arts content of Mg, Cut"Fe, and Al ' raniced from zero to acooptably snall amounts throu&aut the body of each ample. .0rij. art. has# I f1g6e and 2 tables. - "n C are. ACCESSIM Us AP4MIOD ASSMIATIONt Sibirskly'fisiko-tokknichookly lostitut pri Tommkou goomiversitsto limeni V. V. LWby*sheva (SlbulUm PlWaical and Toobaical Institutop Towk State University) SUMWITOt lOD~o62 IME ACQs 10064 =m$ 01 :SUB CODEt NL9 Pg." 110 REP SOVt 001 O*Mg 002 .00.2/3 I CONCHARENKO, Mikhnil NikolayeAnh !'AYt0a,,V, S.I., spets. red, GRIGORIYZVA, A.I., M.Z., tekhn, red. t' -__"4'-_-_.-----.-~- (Automatic controi In science] Kibernetika v voen- nom dole. Mookwi, D05iAF, A-A),3- 34) p. (MIRA 16:101 (United States--Fire control (Gunnery)) (United States--Guided missiles) (United States--Electronics in military engineering) BUMZYIrYT, F.I. (UA3-1),- XAZAMIT, N.V. (UA3AY); GRlGORIYEVA, A.I., red.; BLAZHMMOVA, G.I., [Concise handbook for shortwave radio amateurs] Karmannyi spra- vochulk radiollubitelimbkorotkovolnoviim. Moskva. Isd-vo DOSW. 1959. 63 P- (MIRA 13:6) (Radio, Shortwave-Anat ours I manuals) KRUZE, Ilariy Leonidovich; GRIGORIYBVA. A.1., red.; FAYNSHMIDT, F.Ts., (Operating automobiles in winter; handbook for amateur sutomobilists] Avtomobill simoi; prakticheakoe posobie dlis avtoliubitelai. Moskva. lid-vo DOSAAIF. 1960. 70 P. (KIRA 13:9) (Automobiles--Cold weather operation) YESbUVSKIY, A.I.; GLUKIiOVTSU, S.A.; ZAKHAROV, S.N.; KRIVOHOSOV. L.K.; G7tjI,GCR-'.71VAq_.A.I., red.; KARTAKINA, M.S., (Ship models) Morskol modelism. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAH, 1960. 316 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Ship models) SAPOZHNIKOV, Yevgeniv Vasillyevich; (RIGORIYEVA, A.I., red.; KOROLLV, A~V&j tekhn, red, [Iamm to fly a glider] Uchis' letat' na planers. lzd,3,, dope i perer. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1961. 197 p. WIRA 15W (Gliding and soaring) J'f, SlfVAYKCVSKIY, Vitaliy Vladimirovich; ral IGOR 'YEVA,._A. I.,. red.; KWAK331A. M.S., tekhn. reid~-.- [Modern motorcycles; construction of motrcycles and motor scooters] Sovremennye mototsikly; ustroistvo mototaiklov I motorollerov. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1961. 287 Dotorcycles) (Motor scooters) (MIU 15 -.2) BURIMID, V.A.,- YEITYUTIN$ Ye.A.; ZHEREEEBTSOV, I.P.,- LEVITINp Ys.A.; LOMMIOVICH, V.A.; NEFEDOV, A.M.; SOBOLEVSM, A.G.; SONINp Ye.K.,- GHIGCR'Y,-EV,A) A-L., red.; KARYAH121A, H.S., tekhn. red. [A book for rural radio amateurs] Kniga sollskogo radioliubi- telia. Pod obshchei red. V.A.Berlianda. )4oskva Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1961. 511 P. (Radio) 1141RA 15:3) DOLIFUK, A.G.; GFIGOWYEVA, A.I., red.; flABINA, Ye.S,, teklin. red. (The -~azt- des-igns]Luch .shie konstruktaii. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1962. 158 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Moscow. Vsosoyuznaya vystavka tvorchestva r,-.dioliubiteley- konstruktorov, 16th, Moscow. (Moscow-Exhibitions) (Radio-Exhibitions) BUZANOV, Aleksey AlekBeyevich; PECHATIN, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; PALEYEV, N.M., red.; Gt-aGORIYEVA, A.I., red.; KOff)L:-;V, A.V., tekhn. red. Engine operator's textbook]Uchebnoe posobie motorists. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1962. 291 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Marine engines) ,_-PRIGWI I ~VA _�. I. Diesterm of xanthic ae4ft an antivear additives to lubricating oils. Shia.-i-takh. tOP1. I masel. B-no.3t29-32 Mr 163, 1. Laningmdoldy neftemaslosa4ed. (NMA 1614) (zanthic &old) (Lubrication and lubricants--Additives) GCRBACHEV, N.M.; KOMISSAROV, N.S.1 SOLOVIYEV, G.M., red.j GRIGORIYEVA, A.I., red.; KOROLEV, A.V., takhn. red. [Training in car driving] Obuchenis voshdoniiu aytomobilia. MoBkva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1962. 155 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Automobile drivers-Education and training) SELICHKIN, G.V.; M:ICHYJII, %.G.; FIIALIFAI;, Yu.A., red.; C4~GOWYEV-A, A.I. 09' ZILIFT-:h teklm. red. [Engine in operation) Dvigatell v puti. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1963. 95 P. (MIRA, 16:12) (Motor vehicles-Enginoo) EU, IVKOV, Igor' Mikhaylovich, master t3porta SSSR; GRIGOR'YEVA, A.I., red.; BLAZWKOVA., G.I., tekhn, red. (Methods for training motorcycle drivers] Metodika obuche- nlia vozhdeniiu mototaikla. Moskvap Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1963. 126 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Motorcycles) KHAL'FAN, Yuriy Arkadlyevich; ARONOV, D.M.0 red.;-GRIGORIYEVA, ,A.I., red.; SOROKIN, M.Z.g tekhn. red. [For amateur autompbile sportsman about the "Moskvich" automobile] Avtoopertsmanu-liubiteliu ob avtomobile 1114oskvich." Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1963 156 p. iMIRA 17:2) GLAZUI;C)V, ,.V.; YEALIFAl', Yu.A.y i A. [jjjgh-f;p,eW autoirobile.3; tyl)es and cOr,5t--ucticn] rostnye avtGmubili; tipy i konotruktsil. Moskval Dof,,AIY, 1964. 1F,,2 p. W.IRA 1811) EWT(M)/EPF,~0-)/4r ----Prm4 - -DJ 1~ NR: AP500853 S/0286/65/000/006/0036/0037 AUTHOR: Grigorlyeva, A. I.-t1fanast TITLE- A method for producing dixanthate antiwear additives for icating oils. lass*23, No. 169165 I!Z-r - OURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 6, 1965, 36-37 ~O PIC TAGS: antiwear additive, aliphatic sulfur compound, xanthate, lubricating oill ABSTRACT.- This Author's Certificate Introduces a method for producing dixanthate a tiwear additives for lubricating oils by treating an alkylxanthate ofpotassium kith dichloroathane. Isobutylxanthate or isopropylxanthate in alcohol is treated J I kith dichloroethane while being heated. The potassium chloride percipitate is then 6eparated and the alcohol solution of dixanthate is frozen until crystals am form- bd. The crystals are then separated from the mother liquor. Odorless light yellow t:rystalline dixanthates are produced by this method. ASSOCIATION! none 1-card 1/t ZHEREBTSOV, Ivan Petrovich; GRIGOAIYEVA, A.I., red.; TROITS.Kr L.V. X red. (Electrical engineering for radio operators] Elektro- tekhnika dlia radistov . Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo DO-WF, 19W.. 288 p. (~~IRA 18:1) f or ti on f* t1jo di~- cv--is rnd , ~, ~ I t T 7 L: tild- 1w%ri jq- , o !,Ilf~ (W r o1 w pr ii 11 GRIGORIYEVA, A. 1. Children's Infections 3ecticn, Uzbekistan Inst. of, and Micrcbiol. (-1944-) "The Natural Immunity Against Diptheria in Remote Localities of Uzbekistan." Zhur. Mikrobiol., Epidemiol., i Immunobiol., No. 6, 1944 BUROV, K.D.; GRIGOROYEVA, A.I.; ZAKHIDOVA, Kh.R. Study of the quality of clinical and laboratory diagnosiB of diphteria by the use of a tellurite medium and determina- tion of antitoxin in the blood of patients who have had an atypical clinical course. Trudy Tash. IUIVS 5:118-123162. (MIRA 16tlO) (DIPHTHERIA) (DIPHTHERIA ZTITOXIN) "rvi 1 0'- t ZALETOV, Lev Nikhayluvlch;_GIIIGOH'YEVA, A.I., rod.; FAY14SIOJIDT, F.Ya., tekhn. red. [LifesavIng deviece and their use] Spasatellrqe Bredstva i ikb prime- nenie. Moskva) lzd-vo DOSAAF, 1960. 53 p. (KIRA 14:10) (LIFF.SAVIRG, APPARATUS) I t I', * '.'- -, f~. , ~ =" * -J-" i .S - I I U3SR/General Problems. Methodolo,1-y. Hi3tory, "Jcientific A Institutions and Conferences. Teachinf;. Froblemn of Bibliography and Scientific Documentation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No S, 19589 16710 Author : Gr I . Inst : ot ,-,iven Title : Three Tenth Class Chemistry Lessons on the Theme "Aluminium." Orig Tlub : Ylugalimderge zhardam, 195?, No 10, 19-2L~ (Kir,,-,.) Abstract : No abstract Card 1/1 WININ, Andrey Aleksandrovich; qj_WRlYEVAJ--A.I!, red.; MUKRINA, Yeasof tekhm. red. ISPorts and racing caro]sportivnye i gonochrwe avtorobili. Moskvas lzd-Vo DOSAAIP, 1962. 100 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Autorobileat Racing) WIN, Nikolay Grigorlyevich; RYABKOV, Valentin Fe&rovich; GRIGORIYEVA, A.I., red.; MIKHLINA, L.T.,, takhn. red. [Radar in antiaircraft defense] Radiolokatsionnyo ared- stva protivovozdushnoi obDrony. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAkF 1962. 146 P. (MIRA 16:4~ (Radar) / % /9 C7-R16-opl /C-V ARTU IYEV, Vaviliv Fodorovich; -GWGOli IMA) A. 1. , rod.; GLULEVICH, M.M... tekhn. red.; TRUVDW,--UX.-,'-t-ekhn.- red. [Practices in basic improvement of mendows rnd the growirg of mot1dow and ppBture gra:;s seedulOpyt korennogo uluchshenija lu- gov i vyrashchivaniia ser-ian lugopastbishchnfth trav. Voskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1961. IS p. (MIRA 15:10) (Pastures and r-endows) (Seed production) -71 ORWV, Vasiliy Pavlovichj GRIGORIYEVA, A.I., red.; GUREVICH, M.M., tekhn. red. (Irrigated fam fieldslZemledellcheskie polia oroshenlia. 3., perer. i dop. izd. Moskva, Sellkhozizdnt, 1961. 141 p (HPU 15:10) (Sewage irrigation) NIKONOV) M.N., prof@; FATCHIKHBA, O.Ye.,, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; GORSHKOVp L.A. KOCHERp S.G.j KATSO P.S., kand. sell- khoz. nauk; CRIGORIYEVA, A.I.,, red.; SOKOWVA, U.N.) tekbn. red. (Peat in agriculturelTorf v sellskom lhoziaistva. [By] H.N. 14ikonov i dr. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 166 pi5:11) (MIR& (Fertilisers and manuree) (Peat) KOZIMINA, Nataliya Petrovna; LYUBARSKIY, Lev Nikolayevich; GRIGORIYEVA, _A,I.,_red.; GURUICH, X.M., tekhn. red. (Grain and its quality evalustion]Zorno i otsenka e kachentye.. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 149 p. rMIHA 16s2) (Grain-Analysis and chemistry) GRIGa&'MVA. A I red - PFKUFITKVA, L.N., takhm. red.; TRUXHINA, ~~~~~ekhn: 'r ad. - (Cultivation practices In growing sugar beets for seed] Agrotekhnika vyrashchivanlia sakharnoi evekly na sea"&. 14oakva, Sellkhosisdat, 1962. 206 p. (MIRA 1618) (Sugar beets) (Seed production) ,I VITKEVICH, V.1.1 SAMBIKIN, M.M., pTof., retsensentj CHUBUKOV, L.A.,prof., rstseiumt GRIGORIYEVA, A.I., red.; SOKOIDVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Practical work in agricultuVal meteorology] Prakticheiskis saniatiia po selfskokhosiais~vennoi meteorologii. 2., perer. i dop. isd. Moskva, Seilkhokisdat, 1962. 319 p. (MIRA 1616) (Neteorologyp Agricui~t~) IV .1.. 1 OVSYANNIKOV, T.N.; GRIGORIYEVA,_A.I,, red.1 TRUENINA, O.N., tekhn. red. - --- 77. P (Controlling wild-offts and other woods; from practices used on the ORharitonowilkiP State Farm in Zavlyalovo District, Altai Territory] Bor'ba a ovaiugom i drugimi sorniakami is opyta sovkhosa "Kheritonovskii "Zaviialovskogo raiona, Al- taiskogo kraia. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 22 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Glavnyy agronom sovkhoza "Kharitnoyakly" Zaylyalovskogo rayona Altayokogo kraya (for Ovayannikov). (Weed control) (Wild oats) BUZANOV, I.F.; SAYBUROV, V.I.; YEMETS, GJ'.j ORWVSKIY, N.I.; HEGOVSKIY, N.A.; FEDOROV, A.I.; GREKOV, M.A.; KURBATOV, S.T.; MELINICHUK, A.N.; TONKAL, Te.A.; GORNAYA, V.Ya.; ROZHDESTVENSKIY, I.G.; SIDOROV, A.A.; KUDARERKO, F.F.; BROVKINA, Ye.A.; GELLERt I.A.; DOBROTVOIdSEVA, A.V.; VARSHAVSKIY, B.Ya.; KUTSU[UJBA, N.V.; KUZIMICH, S.I.; PRESNYAKOV, P.V.; USHAKOVt A.F.-, SHEVCHENKO, V.N.; KHUCHUA, K.N.; PETRUKHA, Ye.I.; POZHAR, Z.A.; SHAPOVALOV, P.T.; AREFIYEV, T.I.; GRIGORIYEVA,_A,..~~, red., BALLOD, A.I., tekhn. red. (Ougar beets) Sakharnaia avekla. Moskva, Sallkhozizdat, 1963. 487 P. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-lasledovateliskiy institut sa- kharnoy svekly. 2. Nauchnyye sotrudniki Vaesoyuznopo nauchno-issledovatellskogo Institutn sakhamoy avekly (for all except Grigorlyeva, Ballod). (Sugar beets) 6.6.) kand. sollkhoz. nauk; GUIGUOYEVA, A.I., red. (Agricultural problems in the Virgin Terrltox-yj Voprosy zemledellia v Toclinnom krae. lklorkva, Izd-vo "rolos," 19~4. 254 (MIRA 17:6) 77 NOSATOVSKIY, Anton Ivanovich; GUBANOV, Ya.V p njuchn, sotr., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; TARASOKO, B.I., nauchn. sr.,tr., knd. zel'- khoz.nauk; GRIGORIYEVA, A.I.,, red. [Wheat; its biology) Pshenitsa; biologiia. lzd.2., dop. Moskva, Kolos, 1965. 567 p. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Kubanskiy sellskokhozynystvennyy imtl ut 'for Gubrnov, Tarasenko). K(_9R-_Xk60l7547 SOURCE CUDE: UR/0169/66/000/00MO14/DO14 AU711OR: Parkhomovskiy, O.A.; Andreyeve, R.I.; Burakavskiy, L;Ye. Goncharova, T.A,; Grigorlyeva,_-A.r. Ivan.ets, N1.1.Ivanyu t-a, M.M-.;'ko-zar"' L.-T.; Aaykher, L.D.; Sen-i-fia, A.S.; Tkachenko. Zh. Ya.; Tkhir, D.G. TITLE: Determination of the development level of the technique and technology of logical prospecting for oil and gas in the Ukraine SCURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 1D97 REP SOURCE: Tr. Ukr. n.-i. geologorazved. in-t, vyp. 10, 1965, 10-17 TOPIC TAGS: prospecting, seismic prospecting, gat; -arnspeidting, AETRaLF_j)tn ) magnetometer gra imetry Apg'for oil in ABSTRACT: Geological-g~2p~ _yRical pEo~pfq_t ij in gas, completed on the Ukrai- ne during 1960-1962 was analyzed. At present all the oil-bearing territory of the Uk- raine is covered by prospecting survey with the M-2 mapnetometer.,,,7he cost of study ea/km2 _F_ was 46.4 roubl The output and precision 0 t~_e-a~_r_o_m_a_gn_etii survey is much bet- ter. The gravimetri survey is basically complete. The cost of the total survey was 92.2 roubles per km in 1960 and 47.2 roubles in 1962. Highly precise gravimeters (.01 - .03 mgal) can elucidate various anomalies. Inspite of the relative cheapne3S of the electro-recon method, and Its nobility, it has not been afforded the deserved development in the Ukraine. Volume of seismic work reaches 87% of the total geophysio~~ Card 1/2 UDC: 550.830(477) -L 06143-67 ACC NRt AR6017141 cal work volume. Cost of I km of seismic profile work was 560-850 roubles. in 1962, seinmic reconstructing instrumentation for the automatic processing of seismograms and'design of boring sections~ has been developed. Techno-economical indices of 3truc- tural mapping boring are very high; those of structural-recon boring are at relative. ly low levels. On the basis of consideration of the possibilities of each method, a methodology for the recon of oil and gas is proposed. Translation of abstract SUB CODE: 08 C.,d 2/2 It, GlUGOPYEVA, A.I., red. (Sugar beets as feed] Sakhamaia svokln na koin,; sibcrnik statol. Moskva, Selikhozizdat, 1963. 278 P. (MIRA 16:2) VMSIJR. A.A.; GRIGGRITIVA. A.K?; IEULICHITSKATA. V.S.: LUTSINKO, A.I.; MIMM, W.N.; YffffSMVA, K.Y.; SIMZIN, A.A.. redaktar; FOKICHNV, F.K., tekhnIcheekiy redaktor [Soviet live stock in numbers; a statistical manual] Chidlennost' skota v SSSR; statistichaskil abornik. Koskva, Goo.stat.izd-vo, 1957. 618 p. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Russim (1923- U.S.S.R.) TSentrallnoye statisticheekoye uproyleniye. (Stock and stockbreeding-Statiatice) PAVLOTp A*Nop otv, za vypusk; VOLODICHEVA, Y.N.; ITANOVA, A.I,; KULAXOTo I.N.; LYAKINA. T.N.; MITIKINA. L.1.; POZINYAKOVA. M.P.; RODICKOTA, L.I.; RONANOVA, N.M.; SWINT, B.S.; CHICIMINA, A.A.; TRBSORUKOVA, Z.G.; BOGATYRZT. P.P.; BHOVKINA. A.I.; IVANOVA. L.D.; IVISHKIN, G.A.; KAKKXT, V.I.; LYSANTA, L.A.; OUMMOYNTA, Z.I.; PATLOVA. T.1.; TYUTYUNOVA. N.I.; UNNITS7NA, A.P.; ZHIVILIN, N.M.: AIMSHICHIT. M.P.; VINOGRADOT. V.I.; YUMIN, F.S.; KRAVCIUWKO, Ye.P.; LOTACOTA. N.V.; NIKOLISLAYA. V.S.-, KAKHOT. G.1.: SKEGINA. A.T.; TARNM. A.T.; Ir INA, A.T.; BRYANSKIY, A.M.; BURNISTROVA, V.D.; LUTSMO, A.I.; ORZKHOVA, X.Y.; INGEATA. N.V.; FMXTISTOVA. V.I.; BUTORIN, I.M.; BOCHUMA, L.D.; BURENINA, V.A.; THTUSHKO. A.M.; VIMYAYBY, A.A.; SORCKIN, B.S.; TMENKO, L.T.; NIKOT. V.N.; DUNNOT, D.I.; &MANOTA, V.A.; KANTAKIN, V.I., red.; VAKHATOV, A.M.; MAKAROVA, O.K., red.izd-va; PTATAKOVA. N.D., (Soviet agrimilture; a statistical annual] Sel'skoo khoxiaietvo SSSR; statisticheskii abornik. Moskva, 1960. 665 p. (MIRA 13:3) I. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) ?Sentrallnoye statintichaskoys uprnv- lenlys. 2. Upraylenlye statistiki aellskogo khozynystya TSentrall- nogo statisticheskogo upravleniya SM (for all except Kgknrova. Pystakove). (Agriculture--Statistics) d_7 GRIGORIY t A.M.~ (EVA ___ _j ZMKOVA, A.Te.; FEOKTISTOVA, V.I.; MMAKIN~ V.I.; red.j MAKAROVA, O.N., red.; KAPRALOVA, A.14, tekhn. red. [Vufber-ef livesteek-in collective and state farms as of January 19 1960j statiutical mianital) Chislennost' porodnogo skota v kolkbosakh i sovkhozakb SSSR na I ianvaria 1960 g.; statiaticheekii abornik, Moskva, Gosotatizdat TsSU SM , 1960. 514 P. '(MIRA 14:10) I* Runnia (1923- U.S.S.R.) TSentrallnoye otatisticheakoys upravleniye. 2. Chlen xonegii toen%rallnogo statisticheskoge upravloniya SSSR (for Manyakin). (Stock and otockbreeding) IVANOV, V.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. [decesised]; 01-UFRIYEV, N.M., doktor tekhn. nauk., prof.; RCrT, A.V., kand. arkh. dote.; GRIGORIYEVA,, A.M.,, arkh.; ZAKHARIYEV5KAYA, M.A.) kand. tekhn. ~ "u; ZEW T-P74 ' L.V.; kand. arkh.; KRA?.;SKOY , V.A., arkh.; KUNTSMAN, M.S., kand. arkh. dots.; LOKHANOV, G.I., arkh.; NIKOLAYEV, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; OSIFOV, Ye.k., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; SkK1-1NOVSK1Y, K.V., doktor tekhn. nauk prof.; TRULL', V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KAHRQ V.M.# lnzh.p nauchn. red.j MARGOLIN, A.G., lnzh., nauchn. red. (Elements of baildings and structuresj Konstruktsli zdanii i sooruzhenii. Lenirierad, Stroilzdat, 1965. 487 p. (MIRA 18:12) ---------------- USSR/General Problems Methodology. Scientific Institutions ahd Conferences. Instruction. Questions Concerning Bibliography and Scientific Documentation. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8, 1957, 25665 A-1 Author : A.N. Grtgorlyeva. Inst Title From Experiences of Carrying Out Instruction in the X Grade Concerning "Alkaline Metals" (Sodium and Potassium). Orig Pub Mugalimderge zhardam, 1956, No 10, 16-22. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 24 - 1. GRIGORIYEVA, A. P. 2. USSR (600) 7. "The Influence of hotobacterin on the Size and Fruitfulness of the Apple Tree", Doklady Akad. Nauk UzSSR (Papers of the Aced Sci Uzbek SSR), No 3. 1951P pp 41-43. 9. Mikrobiolog4a, Vol XXI, Issue 1. Moscow, Jan-Feb 1952, pp 121-132j, Unclassified -y HALIE,K.M., kandidst tekhulcheskikh nauk; KILI14AN,F.N., mladshiy nap- uchW sotrudnik; GRIGaRIYEVA.A.S. 111minating asking in pyrites. Xhim.prom. n0-3:78-79 Mr 47 (MIRA 8--12) 1. NFmchno-inaledovatellskiy institut Do udobreniyam i insekto- fungisidam (Pyrites)