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KOMAIXT, V.L.0 akadealk, glayMy rad.;SHISHKIN. B.K., red. Izdamiya; BOHROV, Ts.G., doirctor bi ol.nauk,; VASILICFMNKO, I.T., red.; GORSHKOVA. S.G., red.; GRIGORITIV, Tu.S., red.; GRUBOV, V.I., red.! DOHOMEV. P.L. red.; IYTHST-Afi, I-As. red.; KIOKOV9 HaVs. red.; KUPRITANOVA, L.A.. red.; LINCREVSKIT, I.A., red.; NDVOPOXBOV- SKIT, I.Y., rod.; POBXDIWVA. Te.G.. red.; POPOV, M.G., red.; POTARKOVA, A.Im'. red.; SHMMMIRD, Te.I., red.; TSVILIT. H.N., red.; SHIRNDVA, A.V., (Flor'a of the U.S.S.R.] Flora SSSR. Mookwa. Izd-vo Akad. nauk, sSsR. 1958. 775 P. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Cblen-korrespondent AN SsSR (for Shiahkin). (Botany) BOBROV. Te.G.. doktor biol.nauk, prof.; VASIL'CHEM, I.T.; GORSHKOU. S.G.; GRIGORITZV. U.S.; GRUBOV, V.I.; DMYZM, P.I.: IL'INSXATA, I.A.;- Y, N.V.-,-1MPMAWU, L.A.: LINCHEVSKIT, I.A.; 11DWOFOKWTSKIT, I.V.; FOB INDTA, Te.G.; FMV, M.G.; POTARKOVA, A.I.; SHT2nM=, Ye.I.; TSVXLV. N.N.; SHISHKIN, B.K.. red. isdanlya; SNIRNOTA,, Aj., [Dicotyledons] NeAyledons. Moskva. 1211-T0 775 P. (Akadealia nauk SSSR.Botanicheakii vol-23) (Dicotyledons) Akad.nauk SSSR. 1959- institut. Flora SSSR, (MIRA 13:4) GRIGORITIV. Tu.S. Methods of ecoloffical research and the problem of orgunic nx- pediency. Bot.shur. 44 n0-11:1538-1545 N '59. (MIRL 13:4) 1. Laboratortya ekologil Institute, botaniki Akudsmii rauk UzSSR. g.fashkent; (Botour-jeology) ZAKIROV) Kadyr Zakirovich; GHIGORIYEI, Yu.S doktor biol. nauk, otv. red.; EYDELIMM I r.R. ra-,;~ YA) Z.P., tekhn. red. (Flora and vegetation of the Zeravshan Basin)Flora i rasti- tellnost' bauseina roki Zeravshan. Tashkent,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk U-7-OM. Pt.2.[Sympois of flora]Konspekt flory. 1961. 445 P. (Zaravshan Valley-Botany) (MIRA 15:12) GRIGORIYEV, YU'S. Idutorical approach to biology; some notes concerning the collection of articles "Philosophical problem in modern natural science," Bet. zhur. 46 no.12:1835-1837 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut botaniki AN Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. (Biology.-Philmophy) GRIG010YEV, %U.S. ' New data on the ecology of orchard grass; historical approach too biology as related to the problem of polyploidy. Bot.zhur. 47 no.l: 3-16 Ja 162. (KM 15:2) 1. Institut botaniki AN Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. (Orchard grass) (Folyploidy) GRIGORIYEV, Yu.Sa; PAUMERY L.Yee ~ - Wterials on the ecology of the species of AegilWe L. Bot. shur. 48 no.5:640-660 Yq 163. (MMA 1721) 1. Institut botaniki AN Usvskskoy SSR, Tashkent. go raiilb,. rom,oi~t and .-,.j-.r!tln9 of tabor. 4"' iio.4:8,1-18 Ar. t^jF'GOHIYLV, Yu.S., kapitan 2-go ranga 4 Rebirth of the submarine 'leet of the Feleral Repb!!,. cf Germany. Mot. abor. 9'1,7 no.8:e2-85 Ag 16~1.. (MINI 18:'1 j OMOORIYEV, YURIY VLADTMTROVICH Sistems. Knigoonabzhmiya Sovetsk1kh BiblIotek. Moskva, Gookul ITprosvetisdat, 1956. 46 P. 22 ca. At head titlei Moscow. of Gosudaretvannyy Bibliotechnyy Institut. Bibliographical footnotes. Also available on hard copy,, Z 819.08. GUMBURG, D.M., inshener (Yaroslavl')- GIUGORITIV. Tu.V. inzhener (Yaroslavl 9 Modernizing the devices for protecting cables from stray currents. Zhol.dor.tranmp. 37 no.12:82-83 D 155. (KLVA 9:5) (Blectric cables) (Ilectric currents, Vagrant) T- r- GUNBURG, D.M. (Taroslavil); GRIGORITV, Tu.T. (YaroAlavl'). Device for testing polarized drainage, relays. Zhol.dor.tranap.38 no.12:63,-65 P 156. (NM 10:2) 1. lachallulk otd*la sigmlizatsit, teentralizateli, blokirovki slush)iy signalizatsil i owyami Bevernoy darogi (for Otaburg). 2# Starshly tushener doroshnoy laboratorli signalizatell I s"asi Severnoy dorogi (for Ortgorlyev). (Blectric cables) (Blectrolytic corrosion) GRIJORinw, Tu.r.. Determining phase correlations In track circuits, Artom,,, teleme I svIax' no,'431 Ap 157. (MINA 11s4) 1. Starshly lashener laboratorit signalizatsil i uryazi Jbvernoy darod, (Railroads-Bleatrie equipment) Our oxv*r1pace asim.7 oulue, tra-sr circuits. Aytom..telem.1 $vial, no.5:73-24 My 157. (MM.A lo:?) 1. bAchitlInik otdole oluzhby eirnnIttAtelt i oyyokzt Severnoy dorozl (for %,mburg) :-,tnrshiy insh,ner Inborntorii signalizateit I f ~i~ GRlGOR' YIV, Yu.V. Volarized drainage relay Syltem of the Borthern railway. Avtom.. telem. i svias' 2 no.3:12-15 Mr '58. kMIRA 13:1) l.Nachallnik laboratoril signalizatali i ov7azi Severnoy dorogi. (Railroads-Commnication systems) tllectrolytic oarrovion) rAJMBURG. D.M.; GRIGOROYBY, Yu.V. Use of single rail networks. Aytom.telem.i evias' 3 no.10: 24-25 0 159. (HM 13:2) 1. likchallnik otd"1& signalizatail teentralizatsii i blokirovki aluahby signalizatsil avyasi Severnoy dorogi (for Gijmberg). (Railroads-Communication Rystems) 1.0 GELIGGROM, Yuj, ....................... ',i. t. - Combination device for sece measurements In rails, Avtox., toles. I evias' 4 no,U34-35 J& 160. (KIRA 13:4) 1. Bachallnik laboratorit elpislizatall I svyasi 3evernor dorogle I (Rallromd"141otronic equipment) Ollectric'soters) GRIGORIYBVI YU.V. Device for testing hooks, straps, and safety belts. Avtom., telem. I sviaz' 4 n0-2:37 7 '60. MU 13:6) 1. lachallnik laboratoril eignalizatell I svyazl Severnoy dorogi. (Aleotric lines--Poles) GRIGORITIV. Yu.T.; BIRDIGHMKIT, TS.O. 06-1.2 -por-ta-51a dry trmnsform~r. Avtox., telem.i sylas' 4 no.4; 28-29 ~p 160. (KM 13.6) 1. Nachallaik faborstorli sigmlizatsii i svyazi Severnoy dorogi (for Grigorlyov). 2. Starshiy inshener laboratorli signalizataii i svyasi Severnoy dorogi (for Berdichevskly). (Miectric transformers) 77777- GRIGOH'INY, Yu.V. Autowtic lisiting of the charging current for storage batteries in automtlc block systems. Avtom., toles. I sylasl. 4 no-500-31 my 16o. (MIRA 1318) 1. lachallnik 1&boratoril signalizateii i svyaxi Severnoy dorogi. (Storage batteries) (Railroads-Sigmaling-Block system) GRIGORIYXV, Yu.V.; SIRDICHUSKIT, TS.O., Lnth. Portable device for testing high-voltage equipment. Avtom., telem. i sylas' 4 no. 12123-24 D -6o. (KIn 14:1) 1. Nacballnilc laboratorii signalizataii i evyazi Severnoy dorogi (for Grigorlyev). 2. laborstoriya signalizataii I evyazi Severnoy dorogi (for Berdichovskiy). (Railroads--Xlectric equipment-Testing) (Railroads--Signaling--Block Rystem) GMIBUR.Gt D.M.1 GRIGOR,IYEV9 Yu. T. Outstanding maintenance of relay interlocking devices. Avt.p teleme i SViaz' 5 no.lt22-23 Ja 161. (MIRA U :3) LINachallnik otdola Spetsiallnogo tsentrallnogo byuro aluzhby eignalizatail i"zi Severnoy dorogi (for Gumburg). 2. Nachall- nik dorozhnoy laboratorii signalizaraii i evayzi Pevernoy dorogi (for Grigor.lywv). (Railroade-4ignaling-Interlooking systems) GUMBURGo D.M.; GRIGOII'yk;V, YU-V- Brigades of construction and installation workers should be organized in railroad districts. Avtom., telem. i sviazi 5 no.3:35-36 Mr 161. (11IRA 14:9) 1. Nachallnik otdela signaUzatsiiv tsentralizatsii i blokirovki sluzhby sigmlizataii i avyazi Severnoy dorogi (for Gambt=g). 2. Nachalinik dorozhnoy laboratorii Sevornoy dorogi (for Grigorlyev). (Railroads-Signaling-rBlock mystem) GRIGORIYEVO YU* VS; BERDICHEVSKIY, TS.O., starshiy inzh. Portable PKI-59 kenotron device. Avtom., telem. i sviazI 5 no.5:29-31 My 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii signalizataii i avyazi Severnoy dorogi, vneshtatnyy korreapondent zhurnala 'Avtomatikap tel-emekbanika i svyaz'" (for Grlorlyev). 2 ' Laboratoriya signalizataii i ovyazi Severnoy dorogi for Berdichevskiy). (Electric cables-Testing) GRIGOR',YEV, Yu.V. Regulation of a.ce and checking of the lamp filaments In automatic block systemB. Avtom., telem,i sviaz: 5 no.7:3G-32 J1 161. OMA 14:10) I* Nachallnik laboratorii eignalizataii I avyazi Severnoy dorogi. vneahtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Avtomatika, telemekhanika. I svyazlll. (Railroads--Signaling.--Block system) 29.3U7 S/10 61/OO6/0fP/0C$/027 01 s- 7" //4~ 31 D201YI)302 AUTHORS: and Khokho),79 R*Vc TITLE: An oscillator parametrically coupled to a linear network PERIODICA'L: Radiotekhnika i e_4aktronika, v, 6, no. 10, 1961, 1617 - 1624 TEXT: A.N. Charakhchlyan (Ref. 6: ZhTF, 1936, 6, 7, 1230) investi- gated the parametric excitation of oscillations, a~ which the emf's cf an external given ampiltude ari phase were applied to a resonan- ~7e amplifier, parametrically coupled to a linear network. In the prp9ent article the regeneration introduced by the parametrically exc_~*-_d n~,twork into the generator is considered, the changes of 'r.he pr!--oter being made directly not by intermediary of an ampli- fler" by the oscillator itself. The analysis is carried out behavior of a Belf oscillating system with two parametri- ca. I ~'oupled, degrees of freedom as shown in Fig. 1, in which the param,,~ric coupling is achieved by the use of ferrite toroids. For Card 29307 S/109/61/006/0!0/CO41/027 A,n os-illator parametrically D201/D302 e cct in Fig. 1 the harmonic approximation ~ h'e 8yatem equations is obtained, the frequency of oscillations for 26 &2 12 2 2 ('92, 2 -, 2) -6- -- 2 0 q from whizli loose coupling 2 - 2 2 q of the solution of the expression for is obtained as 2E C. 0 together with the equation for 'resonance' curves 2 qI where q [(A /4)MV 0 2 26 2 2 0 Card 21-# S2 26 2 _ Y)( 2 2 2 17- Y) q 0 21, 1 262 B2 A2 y 211~ - 1 1. 2 0 2 q 0 A T20 S/109/61/006/010/004/027 An oscillator parametrically D201/D302 m a ~: = , ~, 2 = I ; Lo = b + 20; Ao - amplitude of oscil- L 0; z 1 '2; "1 L0Ci lations of loaded oscillator; t^, = %~ 2 0 112; all other symbols are the ones usually used. The stability of the system is evaluated from the Lyapunov method. For weak regenerative coupling they take the shape of 62) y + 2 00 +3 +8AL', _i 2+ Y' - (1,5 - 2 2 y3 +'(0,5.- 3 W q2 9'i 62, )y + 8 a. I + y + 2 (1 + ~!) > 0, -f&) do q2 6U 12 12 qI 62 68 1 60 0 -~J~ ,e Y 2 (1 + 62), the -7 4 0 q 0 poin, vertical toigents can be reached only for 82 /q2j some- 2 262 62 2, 4W slOgller than 1 - g- and for 2 /q only slightly larger than Card 5/6 0 0 293U7 S/109/61/006/0110/004/027 An oo,:illator parametrically D201/D302 .~. ( I when the loading is deavy only those of single valued 4 0 b2 2 amplitude and frequency curves can be stable for which 2/q > 1/3., Ir Experiments carried out have proved that in this case the oscilla- ilons have a self-modulating chttracter and become intcrmittent fc- zero detuning. The experiments also proved that the theory as givin above is qualitatively correct in describing the behavior of self-- oecillating systems with two parafietrically related degrees 3f free- dom. The authors acknowl*ge the fielpfull assessment of the 3btal- ned results by K.P. Teodorchik. There are 10 figures and 7 Soviet.- bloc references. SUBMITTED: January 31, 1961 Card 6/# &.' S/803,/62/000/003/002/012 D201/0308 ANHORS: and 1(uvshinnikov, B.A. TITIB: Pulsed control of the reactor power SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Avtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 3, 1962. Sistemy upravleniya, yadevnymi energeticheskimi ustanovIcami, 16-21 Tl-',XT: The authors give a short comparative analysis of the operation and of results obtained in reacior po-wer control using sampled-data controllers with pulse-vidth modulation of the error signal E(t) and of a proportional integrating system of continuous control. The controlled object was a graphite moderated uranium reactor with an average life-time of thermal neutrons of 4.25 X 10-4 see and zero reactivity temperature coefficient. Transients were analyzed using the Laplace transform method. The results have shown that 1) the transients calculated from the sampled-data system cor- respond exactly to those of the continuous system calculated by the log amplitude method. 2) With proper choice of the modulating fre- Card 1/2 S/803/62/000/003/002/012 Pulsed control of the reactor nower D201/D308 quency (f - 2 c/s) the dynamic characteristics obtained from the sampled dRta system are better than those obtained %rith a continuous system. 3) The modulation frequency substantially affects the dyn- amic characteristics of the sampled-data system. The main design difficulty is in the construction of contactless pulse-width modu- lators having a low pulse repetition rate (a few per second) and a high input resistance (of the order of a few megohms). The design of such modulators is now in its final stages at the IIIFI. There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 GUMBURGP D.M.; GRIGORIM,_X.MV. Remarkm oa semiautomatic block system layouts. Avtom., telen, I Eviag, 6 no.7t3&37 J1 162, (MIRA 16s2) I* Nachallnik otdola mingalizataiis toontralizataii i blokirovki Severnoy doregi (for Gumburg). 2~ Nachallnik doroshnoy Isbaratorii mignalizatsii i svyasi, vneshtatrqy korrosAndent shurnala 0AYUsatiks, telmakhanil-A i svAsId (for'Raul Grigorlyev). (RaUroade-Signaling-Block system) GRIGORIYEV, Yu.y,; MILYUKOV, Yu.A. Transistorized PM-62 Soy converter. Avtom., telem.i ovias, 6 no.M40-41 N 162. (MIRA 15ill) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii signalisataii i syyazi Severnoy dorogi (for Grigorlyev). 2. Starohiy elektromekhanik laboratorii signalizatsli i avyani Severnoy dorogi (for Milyukov). (Railroads.-Blectronic equipment) (Blectric current converters) GRIGORI Reaction of parametrically excited systems on a parameter changing nelf-oncillator. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.10:1838-1841 0 162. (MM 15:10) (Oscillators, Electron-tube) 8/109/63/008/003/020/027 D271/D308 AUTHOR: Grigorlyev Yu. V. TITLE: Theory of-an oscillator with two parametrically connected degrees of freedom PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i.elektronika, V. 8, no. 3, 19639 5o6-510 TEXT: An oscillator wit'fi-two degrees of freedom is analyzed in which the basic circuit resonates at half-frequency. Feed- back'oscillations excited~in the loading circuit modulate the, ::--reactive parameter of the:oscillator. The principle of operaL tion of the system is shown in two variants with inductive or capacitative parametric coupling. The system with inductive coupling is described by x A 008(v t + x B cos(29 t + 1 2 1 S/109/63/008/003/020/027 Theory of an oscillator... D271/D308 where A,.B, (P, and Y are slowly varying time functions, and X11 X2 are voltages on capacitors in the oscillator and loading ci-cuits.. By analogy with the author's previous viork (Radio- tekhnika i elektronika, v. 6, no. 10, 1961., 1617), a system of simplified equations is obtained for and and 6 an expression for ~ where 2 -J. In stationary conditions, A, Bp ~ are constant an I y represent the frequency shift due to the reaction of the loading circuit on the oscillator. For class A operation, equations are derived for the oscillation frequency and for the resonance curves. A set of amplitude and frequency curves is drawn, and stability factors are shown for various coupling factors. Using Lyapunov's method, stability limits are graphically analyzed, and conditions are discussed in which various modes of operation are possible. An expression and a graph are given for the frequency stabiliza- tion factor, and it is pointed out that the systems considered provide additional possibilities of frequency stabilization$ .Card 2/3 T- I S/109/63/008/003/020/027 Theory of an oscillator... besides the widened tuning range, The author acknowledges the assistance of,R. V.'Khokhlov. There are 3 figures. SUBMITTED: July 26, 1962 Card 3/3 GRIGORIYEV, YU.V. Nonsteady Modes In parametric excitation of oscillations. Radiotekh. I elektron. 9 no.10:1886-1889 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) GRIGORIYEVI YU.V. _PPV-3a tia-n-iia-torized converter-rectifier. Avtom., telem. I sviazl 8 no.10:24-27 0 164. ('"IPA 17: 11) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii signalizatsii i svyazi Sevemoy dorogi. GRIGORIYEV, YU.V. ----------- Semiconductor converter-rectifiers for supplyinq power to rectifier track circuits. Avtom.p telem. i sviaz' 8 no.12:28-29 D 164. (MIRA .18:1) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii signalizatsil i avyezi Severnoy dorogi. L 04517-57 L-ffr~~ ACC NR: AP6033287 9 SOURCE CODE: UR/0141/66/009/005/0932/0941 AUTHOR: Grigor'yev, Yu. V.; Rudenko, V. K.; Khokhlov. R. V. ORG: Hoscow State University (Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny universitet) TITLE: Theory of an optical parametric oscillator 'k SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 9, no. 5, 1966, 932-941 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, parametric amplifier, harmonic generation, frequency conversion , resonator ABSTRACT: Parametric excitation of oscillations in a Fabry-Perot-type resonator which is filled with an optically transparent nonlinear medium with quadratic polarizability was analyzed as a single-mode approximation. Primary attention is given to the behavior of a system when the phase matching of modes interacting in the cavity is disturbed'and the resonant and parametric frequencies are dissisilar. A condition for excitation of oscillations is derived and the stationary states and their stability are analyzed. A comparison of parametric oscillations Is made for systems with distributed and lumped parameters. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 26 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEt 17Jan66/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5100 Card 1/1 UDC: 621.373.93:621.378.001:621. OVOR IYEV , Yu. Y a , Hng. ; V'! I], OV, F-1. I., "M"". Lightning Arresters Installing a lightning protective cable on an operating, 35 KV two circuits transmission line. Rab. energ. 2 No. 6, 1952. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, L2cember.XM. Unclassified. GRIGOROYNV, Tu.Te., Inshener. Xectric transmission lines in the United States. Ilsk.9ta. 25 no-": 60-61 Jl 154. (MLRA 7:8) (United States-Blectric networks) (Blectric networks-United States) v) Y V. f AID P - 1621 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/2 Pub. 29 - 3/23 Author Grigorlyev, Yu. E., Eng. Title Machinery used in constructu'Lon of electrij power transmission lines Periodical Energetik, 1, 6-9, ja 1955 Abstract In building an electric power turansmisslon _-~%-,..,93 . experience has taught that for siiccessfui acz,impljsnme-~t I !r 7 of the task a very careful choice In using pnop machinery should be exevcI ed. The efficielit ccnstru~ction of bases for towers, the erection of towers, t,'-,e stringing of wires, the handling of auxiliary equipment and moving the machinery from place to place require proper selection of correct excavating machines, and ditch-digging or boring machines, depending on location- topography, climate and other circumstances. The right- size cranes, pumps, dump-tracks, and similar equipment Energetik, 1, 6-9, ja 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 29 - 3/23 should be according to requirements. Institution: None AID P - 1621 Submitted : No date juriw Impsent owlabi GULIMMULIK, Todis TUdialrovicbs &If 110902TAN, Sogs. re- daktorl OORTINSEIT, Me, rod&kUrl TOROXII, K.P., tokhalebookly rodaktors' (Coustrw0lon of the b9vie* UslossOo first lopg dlo%woo 1#00 kilovioXt electric transmission Ilse) Streltelletwe pervol v Sevetakow Oetwo dallsel *1ektropersdachl 400 kv.Pod reds i a prodial. -N.g.Roketiame aoskva, Oaseenergelsd-vo, 1956* (Kim lot6) Yl, Y'. Of tho 2f P7 na rull. nal) SOV/1 12-58-2-2101 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 2, pp 50-51 (USSR) AUTHOR: Grigor'vev TITLE: Glass Insulators fcr Electric Transmigsion Lines %'Steklyannyye izolyatory dlya 1-;n-;y PERIODICAL: Emergokh-vo za rubezhorn, 1957, Nr 1, p 51 ABSTRACT: Many grades of glass that have good electric strength do not meet the req7c.irements of mechanical and ther-nal durability. However, these charac- teristics can be much improved by harder.,.Lng the glass, which does not change its _i_-,9-_,1ating prnperties. The strength of glass insulators under surface flash- over conditions i9 twice that of procelain insAators. A pec Offlar feature of a glass insrJator .;a that damage to the hardened layer cemplete'lly destroys the insulator. 1r, this case, the insulator head re.-nains between metal parts while the ins-,.dato_r string keeps carrying a mechanical load, this fact permitting the abolit-icn of Vie Youtine buzz stick insulator check ard the restriction of check- .-.g t,.-j eirmle inspection ftorn the ground. A. L. V. Card 1 / 1 GRIGO'R YE Yu.Te., lnzh. tom"r.1111k;= nrolling device for use in putting up electric transmission 01 lines. Inergetik 5 no.9:34-38 S 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Electric lines) GHIGORIYNY, Yu*Tes, insh, Stand for testing the uprights of power lines (from nThe Xnginear,O 202, no-5263, 1956). Baergokhos. 2a rub. no-5:40-41 S-0 '57- (MIRA 13:6) (Great Britain-19lectric lines-Poles) GRIGWYI~. ixt'.Ye.!, inzh.' Cnnstruction of the 400 ky long-distance power distribution line from the Kuybyehav Wdroelectrio Pownr Station to Moscow. Inergetik 5 no.11:27-34 N 157. (Nm 10:12) (IlectrIc lines) GRIGORIYZV, Yu.Ye., insh, Prestressed reinforced concrete poles for 110kv lines (from "Electrical World." 147 no.2 1957). Ilek.sta. supplement no.606-38 N-D '57. (MIFA 11:2) United States--Blectric lines--Poles) SOV/112-59-2-2794 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 73-74 (USSR) AUTHOR: Achkasov, D. 1. , and Grigor'yev, Yu. Ye. TITLE: Constructing the Kuybyshev -Moscow 400-kv Electric Transmission Line (Stroitel'stvo elektroperedachi 400 kv Kuybyshevskaya GES-Moskva) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Energ. str-vo SSSR za 40 let. M.-L., Gosenergoizdat, 1958, pp 373-380 ABSTRACT: The Kuybyshev -Moscow transmission line is the first member of the united high-voltage network of the USSR. Among transmission lines of this class, the first 380-kv 954-krn single-circuit line was put in operation in Sweden In 1952; the second line is the Kuybyshev- Moscow (1956) 400-kv 900-km line. The latter consists of two circuits with three switching stiltions and a 480-Mva capacitive compensation. The transmission -line circuits terminate at receiving substations. Each substation has four banks of 400/110/11 and 220/110/11-kv transformers; provision is made for eventual installation of Card 1/2 SOV/1 12-59-2-2794 Constructing the Kuybyshev -Moscow 400-kv Electric Transmission Line synchronous condensers. A 400-kv interconnection is built between the substations; this is part of the future Moscow 78 -km ring. The total length of 400 -kv lines is 1, 78 3 km. The substations are connected at 110 and 220 kv with the Moscow system. In building the transmission lines, the following work was done: 3,400, 000 m3 of earth excavated, 320, 000 m3 of concrete laid, 4,365 towers erected, 62, 700 tons of metal structures installed, and 32, 500 tons of conductors and grounding wires spanned. In the course of construction, the following items were built: an 883-krn communication line, workers' settlements around the substations and switching stations, including clubs, schools, etc. , totaling 32,000 m2 of floor area; about 100 krn of temporary railroad track and side lines, etc. The construction was peculiar in its new tower designs, their foundations, new types of line hardware, new types of insulators, use of the split phase, etc. Crossing of the Usa-River reservoir by the transmission line was particularly difficult (70-m, 320-ton towers, 1, 140-m span, etc.). F.F.V. Card 2/2 GRIGOR'YHV. Tu.Te..inzh. Testing of tee connectors (from 'Power Apparatus and Systems,' no. 26. 1956). rub. no.6:34-36 IL.D '58. (HIRA 12:4) (United States-Electric contactore-Testing) GRIGORIYEV, Yu.Te., insh. Problemo of design and construction lines In Canada. rub. (Canada-11actric'lines) of electric tranonlavion no.4:20-24 Jl-Ag 159. 0 f (Un t,~ d S "Og"'YEV, YU.Te., insh. fittings and insulators for 400-500 kv electric transmission lines. Anerg.stroi. no.4:a4-87 159, (MIRA 1):8) 1. Trost *Armost's. (Blectric lines--Overhead) GRIGORITV, Tu.Te.. inzh. Silicon coatings are used In U.S.A. to protect insulators from becoming dirty. lhwrgokhos, v& rub, no*5:32-35 S-0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (United States--Xectric Insulators and insulation) (Protective coatings) (Protective coatings) 8(3) SGV/91-59-C-25/77 AUVIOR: Grigorlyev, Yu.Ye., Engineer -------------- TITLE: A Miniature Line Insulator PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 6, PP 33-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a short description of a no-,,; FY-4.5 insulator, mass-produced by the trust "Armset'". The new small- size insulator is a modification of the P-4.5 Inoula- tor but has reduced hei-lit (140 nua inotead of 170 =0 and weight (5-6 kg instead of 6.5 kg). The PM-4.5 insulator is made of electrotechnical rorcelain and has a forgeable cast iron cap. xcordin'-1 to the Tep- loelektroproyekt, the -insulator P1,1-4-5 can be used in chains, h-,iving a number of elements equal to those of the P-4.5 insulator, provided thr.t the reduction of impulse strength of 110-21210 kv lines is ,,.ithin ad- missible limits. The nev, inoulator matches 11he Card 112 requirements of GG.~T 6493-53 for P-4.5 insulators. A Miniature Line In--ulator Chains of 7 and 14 PM-4-5 insulators have a v.-ct-d's- charge voltage satisfying the requirements of GO3T 6L~90-53- However, until the completion of testInC of '~ove- volta-e distribution on chains made up of bc;th a named insulators, no such simultaneous use of 'hem in u the same chains should be made. Thus, should a chain using P-4-5 insulators have so--c defective insulutors, it is recommended to have the .-;hole chain -;.i4u-h -those insulators re -- laced by a chain %%dth FII.-4.5 insulators. There is 1 diagram. Card 212 jr DUTKI11, G.S.; CHUKHOV, S.P.; GRIGORIYA'V, Yu.Ye., red.; IGLITSW. I.L., red.; BORUNOV. R.I.. EXquipment and regulations for the erection of )5 to 500 kv. electric power transmission lines] Kontazhnye prisposobleniia i uknzaniia po montazhu provodov linii slektroperedachi 35 - 500 kv. Koskva. Goe.onarg.izd-vo, 1960. 46 p. (xiRA 14:1) 1. Armseti. trust. Moscow. (Electric lines) GRIGORIYIIV, Tu. Yo., inzh. Suppo;ts of electric power transmission lines with a single foundation. Inergokhoz. za rub. no.2:44-45 Yr-Ap 16o. (KI-RA 13:6) (Ilectric lines--Pbles) GRIGORIYEV, Yu.Tft.,Inzh. ConAtruction of 345 lev. lines in Canada. Inerrokhoz. za rub. no.4:10-12 J'I-Ap, 160. (MM 13: 10) (Canada--Electric lines--Overhead) GRIG(RITIT, Tu.Ts., insh. Suspension Insulators made fron hard glass. no. 12:4-6 D 160. (Blectric Insulators and insulation) (Blectric linom-Overhead) Anergetik 8 (NLU 13:12) DUTKIN, G.S.1 ROSHCHIP, P.I.; CEMOVj S.P.; ~~LC~RIYEV, YU,YO,, red.; PRILEPSKAYAp V.D.p tekhn. red. [Equipment of 35 to 500 kv. outdoor electric power distribution installations) Armature. otkrytykh raspredelitellnykh ustroistv 35-500 kv. Moskva, 39 p. (MIRA 3-4:9) 1. Moscow. Nauebno-isoledovatel'skiy institut alaktroproryahlonnosti. TSentrallnoys byurc, takhnicbeakoy infomatoii. (Electric power distribution-Equipment and supplies) ASTAKHOV, N.P., inth.;.GRIGORIYEV, Yu.Ye., inzh.; SKON&LEV, S.A., inzh. Concerning a certain method for repairing operating electric powor transmission lines. Elektricheetvo no.7:86 JI 162. (HERA 15:7) (Electric lines-Overhead) ASTAKHOV, N.P., inzh.; GRIGORIYEV, Yu.Ye., inzh.; SKOBELEII, S.A., inzh. Letter to the editor. Elek, sta. 33 no.4%89 Ap 162 iMRA 15:7) (Electric linee-Overhead) m C41GO.RI.YWj.Yurjy Yevgen'yevich;ZII.'ijEj4-*.AN, Rafnil loaakovich; KOSHKAROV, Boris Vladimirovich; NIEWAN, loaak Abramovich; REUT, Mikhail Antonovich; FAYEtIWI, A.L., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. [Handbook on the construction of electric power tranumis- sion lines) Spravochnik po atroitollstvu linil elektro- peredachi. Pod obalichey rod. A.D.Romanova. Moskva, Gos- energoizdat, 1963. /+88 p. (MIRA 17:1) (Electric lines-Overhead) GRIGOR"FEV) Yu.Ye.,, .nzh. Conversion of long-dis*ance power transmission line3 in Great Britain to operation on 400 kv. Energ. atrol no.39:94-96 164. (MIPA. 17:11) MTHONOV, Vadim Vitallyevich; 7'O"LTSM, K.G.[.Ifuslistyi, K.H.1, d-vktor ist. nauk prof., ot'V. red.; T~~G.ORIYZV, Yu.Ye. (1fryhorliev,, 111.1E.1. red. [Culture and mode of life of miners In the Soviet 11krainel Kulltura I pobut hirnykiv Radianslkoi Ukrainy Kyiv, Nau- kova dumka, 1965. 124 p. WRA 18:10) C'OR. YEV of sak"S. Z~ X. ,,I's 1 1; -**a"- at cam lyl X= a Ih. .1odi!*10, 21ho -ld luf Cle 1, %,. With 461n. fatip far feflarmitation but t IIA-116. and for t :I 'k;G ,. betic 112-2)0. likkv (OW .1'. bow friat low losk% thgir um In Umfustry lesatead of texat togic volmis W mino- mmdr4. TeakekSlaml ddto om teots 41 varmum brands on Itakv are lismissed. ClirmormOr. the aks. act " fterewic-S. Obevallf)MC.'n. skin Ims with rabbits 60111 10 OW CO'llelf "Illbelk POdIKI than = to freompa"Um has It. to I* 1.4nord out that bus yl ak-. ul auviet - I v not stoadlodUM and nos, rovitalm up 0 10%cf*W mml belly! Wn. andup 4o- FrCIIIO mW mos. aftalclabyal. 0. M. OWASPOO Co gal offilem 9. ilyr, 4 -is C"), Now. r a tr. In ChGF4 Atatr., 19%. voli 400 ;b )o Pact two booted to air at 960 ovolval youtild st"Unoom I* cb Ocatalow t -w * vm w and w 14 but were Ir" Of b 0- onSonS, carbon diedlPido, cr IW*vgsn &jUbIdj,._ l 4 1 1 C . t= pa . 01 6 Gavomau an the phomals aw not the Iwauarjamo Ifarticularly Ind In this respect are Ow 1104m outions of the tw. IWO 411 C*OVjOog srlla Oomentration "a dIgMtIm Ot V" OTAItIQW, ':rQIlU APWWAtUf in OCAU M019 UN VMQ 15 Whinod t5i direct skin cootadt Of W W IM414110n Of the VaNmr for "Yontoon dWs at varlow IntarynIs led to ml ht loss I U n c m Merjucntal mIrAla and rAvwcw Pntb0lOC1cnI dmadOG In the IfttWAOI CrrAM. 1MO vopcurs aro IrrIfvvU4 '. CA. T GR IGOR I TIT, Z. To. -", - Toxicity of volatile tar In sealooke production from Cherakhovsk coal and Its fractions. 0119- GaUIt-. NodCva no- 1:34-37 Jan 1953. (CIML 24:2) 1. Of Ion Ingrad Scientifle-lesearch Institute of labor Hygiene and Ocowational Diseases. GRINBICRG. A.V.; GRIG2&1.MV._ kandidat meditainakikh muk, direktor; KOVXATSKIT71F.A., profFff-or, samsetitell direktora po nauchnoy chasti. Penetrability by X-rays of inhaled dust and Its significance for radio- scopic diagnosis of pnousoconlosim. i rad. no-3:26-31 Vq-Je 153. (KLU 6: 8 ) 1. Loningradskiy nauchno-tooledovatellskiv institut gigiyeny truda i prof- sabolevaniy. (Diagnosis, Hadioscoplo) (lungs-Dust diseases) GRIGORIYEV, Z.Te. I - .'I, ~.~ - 1 ~ I I r: : "','k ,, : -i 7r- Toxicity of volatile substances in tar In cemicoking peat. Gig. aunit., Nook-va no.11:26-)O Nov 1953. (CLNL 25:5) 1. Of leningrad Institute of labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. 0 LZVIN. V.M., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; FRIBLYAND, I.G.. professor, konoul'tant; GRIGMIYXV, ZP.. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk, direktor; KOV"TSKIT, M.A., -~I~ ~.- Mtitell direlctora po nauchnoy chasti. Certain clinical characteristics of peptic ulcer In adolescents. Vop.pediat. 21 no.4:40-44 A-AS f53- (MLRA 6:10) 1. Mel rabochego podroetka Loningradskogo gosudaretvennogo usuchno-iseledo- vatellskogo Instituta g1glysmy truda I profsabolovaniy (for Pridlyand). 2. leningradakiy gosudaretvennyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy, institut gigiveny truda I profsabolevanly (for Grigorlyev and Kovnatakiy). (Ulcers) Gr?)G1iR'YCV Canearogenk pr~partles of semicaking eve from Chmem- IkUtool. Z. E. GfIj3tty_(Leninrrad Inst. Ind. Hyg. and Occupation-aTM-tasis . GilieRa i &Rij. 19S4, No. 7,2"; cf. CA. 47, IMi.-- Rtpeated application of the tars to the 11ths of mice leads to reproducible ItIffing of hair. 101- lowed by skin struphy, ujipearance of kelaids, and In a few cans cancerous state of the skin. Degeneration of mont of - ------- the Internal organn follows prolonged ipplication of the tar. jbe.jtar eoes not appear to contain -3.4.1itnxopyrene, e2amineA by fluorestence methods: although analogi of this hydrowbon are Also absent, in same came skin cancer has been produced by the tar in the expil, animals. Sptclmens g. more PhO-K guye the most severe reactions. G. M. Kvsolapoff tI'g the effects of OctIvit w for ing tVU'bto4pjqa 001" -Lt- ue- . I (SLAtc . ads sod K's" z H. GI DWIVS, LCAW =dog tw wbats"s- - tlrwt and Owa !*A 4 4WUI9%)'-A rch IML tod. Ig, a. . ow Wed. is -hIch l Jr,;,jW- mid UUMIL to toted Uadtf 1 gro do, chamber rats are e1=1ed ace g" rooes (in rats the InAut is adaptable then The S. ,d whift light' (CO)- u tolk 9pj P& "Vg (penIUM)or in 3u ad vapo" to tome of $oex& GRICro R `1*~j ye. C 2 -*g'o n ccal len: is U. Cfixor'ev. Forntakul. i Tobikol. 18, No. 6, VI-Aj ,Y7 9511j).-The accepted carboxyheinaglill,in (COIM)cuatetit f ill lauman hkiod after 8 hrA. of ext"llre is upprox, foulid ill ,r,, tIshod ill W miss. of exlxjsurr, indicating um. 11 (4"cr isistil. with CO. T"ts oil colutit6,1104 reflews in rats. after "or to 1dr with CO &it OU1 "1K./I. lintil COMB re;%divil 6-76 Ilse bkKxI, gave evideeiex, that CO a4.t* Jii,, 11), ill, - life rentrill urryous SyAteln, Air with CO m (j.;1 mg.11. or pr:MILwIflx lip to lh%v COJII) (miltrilt, alittt(A tile reticles of ly transitmily. At 0.3 41.7 mg./I. and tip to 31% Collis tile effects oil reflexes wcre 1011KC-r-6,611g, up t4i 8-10 days. J. V 'S'llifla n, 1 7 'he Name; GRIGORIM), Z. E. DiseerLation: Industrial hygiene in the production of synthetic liquid fuel Degree: DeMobse Date., Place: Source: Doc Med Scl State CTder of Len1n Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov 1956, Leningrad Knizhnaya Letopis tic 51, 1956 GRIGORIYEVO Z.Ts., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Prevention of chronic Intoxications by carbon monoxide in factories manufacturing synthetic liquid fuel. Trach.dolo no.2:175-178 F 056. (MLIA 9:7) 1. ~oningradskiy nauchno-imeledovatelsokly institut gigiyony truda I-profoosional'afth sabolovanly (CARBON MOKKOII--TOXIWLOGY) MERPTA I ICA Sec.17 V61.4/2 Public Health,etc.r.--b58 530. METHODS OF LA)WERING THE INCIDENCE OF ILLNESS IN SYNTHETIC LIQUID FUE L PLANTS. (Russian text) G r i g o r I a v Z. E. GIGIENA 1956, 10(44-46) During a period of 2 yr. the manitary-hygienic aspects of working and living con- ditions and sanitary and medical services as well an the incidence of illness of workers were studied In plants engaged in seralcoking of peat and coal. Heavy work in the plants under survey was insufficiently mechanized. the equipment used was out of date, sanitary and technical procedures were not always adhered to, resulting in inadequacy of the sanitary-hygienic working conditions in some of the workshops and consapently higher Incidence of illness. The highest incidence of disease existed in auxiliary workabops whers, Ow working conditions were partic- ularly unsatisfaclAry. The author rooommends & series of measures to ameliorate the state of affairs. GRI0OR'YNV. Z.B.. red. (Transactions of the jubilee session devoted to the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseasoe) Trudy iubilainol nauchmol sesell. ponviashchennot 30-letnei delatellnosti instituta, 1924- 1954. Leninved. 1957. .508 p. 1Km 12:6) 1. Leningrad. Institut g1giyany truda i professionallnykk sabolavanly. (INDUSTRIAL HrGIM) (INDUSTRIAL WDICINS.-MUSSIA) GRIGCRITIV, ZA. (Inningrad) Hygienic rating of benzine produced by hydrogenation of coal. Gig.truds I prof.sab. I no.2:34-37 Kr-Ap 157. (KIRA 10:6) 1. Is toketkologichookoy laboratorit Ieningradskogo institute gigtyeny truda I profsaboloyanty. (BUZIM-GASOLINA) GRIGMI YXV, Z.B. Possibility of 20 no.4:78-83 using synthetic 'Geloshm" an gasoline. Farm. I toks. JI-Ag 157- (MIRA 10:11) 1, Toks1kologicheelmys, laborstorlys, (rukovoditell - doktor biologi- cheakikh nauk I.D.Gadaskins, konsulltent - zaaluzhennyy deystell nauki prof. N.Y.1mverev) Gosudarstyennogo nauchno-iseledoystellskogo Institute Siglyeny truda I profsabolevedy. (SOLVIvrS, synthetic gasoline (Rug)) (FMOLNUN FRMCTS. synthetic gasoline. use as solvant (Bus)) GRIGGROYAT, Z.B.,1mudidat meditsinskikh nauk Cosq)axative toxicity of synthetic and petroleum solvents of the white-spirit type. Gig. I san. 22 no.2:66-69 7 '57 NLRA lo:4) 1. Is toketkologichookoy laboratorli teningraAskogo nauchno- isoledovatollskogo instituts gigiyany truda I professionallufth zabolovanty. (SOLYMS, to,. petroleum & synthetic solvents of white-spirit type, comparison) "Toxicologteal Characteristics of Ligrolne IB-213 and U-20" Z' E. Orlgiorlyev, a Candidate of Med1cel sclencon, Toxicolo- glua-1 LaboraE-ory, Leningrad Scientific-Research Institute of TAbor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Giglyena t _Sanita- riya, Vol 22, No 5, May 57, PP 86-88 Experiments were conducted on rabbits to determinc the toxicity Ce US- -Tain LS-213 obtained from petroleum ligroin by thorough hypochlorite pwi- rication, and Ligroin LV-2, obtained from heavy alkylates at tempera- tures of 158-180 degrees, The vapors of both ligroins were found to be zMdly irritating to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory organs. Continuous exposure to the vapors of ligroins caused loss of appetite and emaciation in vhite mice. Experiments on white rats established the threshold of allowable concentration of the vapors of ligroins in the air at 2 milligrams per liter. In these concentrations the vapors of the ligroina produced disturbances in the functions of the higher nervous system. Ligroin IS-213 was found to be more toxic than Ligroin LV-2. Silo effectlose wore causod by botb. (U) lh Wig 0,001 4 r m;4 --,e 0 j~ ~o %.--J .6.3 . 111V 93 :1 1 : - ~ -.3 :1 11 -* ! 4 43 T:7777- s L 4' lod k!A 10 - -------------- GRIGORITW, Z.A.; WIN. I.M.: MABKI?I, A.Te. Investigating the toxicity of ligbt fractions of natural lignite gasoltno (the Shchakino plant) used for the ordori- vation of fuel gases. Trudy VNIIT no.n:91-105 139. (HIIIA 13,04) (%Roling-Toxicoloff) 1 11 GRIGORSYMV, Z.X., Toxic effect of the so-called Pheavy taro from Cherenkhov coal. Gig. I san. 24 no-303-37 Nr '59- (HIPA 12:5) 1. Is Loningradekogo nsuchno-jeoledovatellskogo institute, g1glyevy truda I professionsl'nykh zabolevanly. (COLL UR, toxicity (Rua)) -iN PRIGORIYEV, Z.E. (Leningrad) Cancerogonle action of the so-called "modi= oil" derived from Cheremkhov coal tar. Gig, truda i prof. zab. 4 no.1:32-35 J'a 16o. (MIM 15: 3) 1. Institut gigiyeny truda i professionalnykn sabolevaniy, Leningrad. (CARClNOCEIZ) (COAL TAR-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) ,GRIGORIYEV, Z.E. Use of the conditioned reflex method for toxicological ptrposes. Farm.i toks. 23 no.1:84,-87 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Tokeikologioheakaya labomtorlya (rukcrvoditell - prof. LD. Gadaskinap konoulltant - zasluzhennyy daystell nauki prof. N.V. Lazarev) Gosudaratvennogo'nauchno-isolodavatollskogo instituta gigiyony truda i profsabolevaniy (Leningrad). (TCLXICOLOGY) (CONDITIONM RPSPONSE) GRIGM'YZWk_Ajt&,-Ooktor meditsinskikh nauk Toxicological characteristics of liquid wastes of tar paper production. Gig.i. san. 25 no-7931-36 J1 160. (MM 140) 1. Iz tokmikologichemkoy laboratorii, laningradakogo nauchno- inaledovatellskogo instituta gigiyerq truda i professionall- rqkh zabolevaW. (AIP,-POIUTION) (C.ARCIMOGM) GRIGORIYXV, Z.-E. (Leningrad) Toxicological characteristics of IV*ogenate of kerosene-gas oil fractions. Gig. truda i prof. zab. no.12:/,7-48 161. (MIPA 1/,:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellakiy inatitut gigiyeny truda i profzabo- levani3r. (PETROLVM PRODUCTS-TOnCOLOGY) ' Planning tho research activities in the institutes of the Ministry of Public Health of the R.S.F.S.R. Biul. Uch. med. sov. 2 no.l: 12-35 Ja-F 161. (KIIA W10) (PUBLIG HEALTH RESWiCH) Ways of broadeniyig sanitary and hnienia research; orCanizirg business accounting evaluations of laboratories in preventive medicine institutes of the Mnistry of Public Health of the U.S.F.S.K. Biul. Uch. mad. sov. 2 no.6-.27-29 1-1-D 161. (PUBLIC RUVr1i RM6~ARCH) ABEMOVAO Zh.I.; BRUSILOVSKAYA, A.I.; GADASKINA, I.D.; GOLUBEV, A.A.; . DANISHEVSKIY, S.L.; KOVIIATSKIY, M.A.; KOYRAIZKIY, B.B.; _qk LAZAREVp N.V.; IXVIHAj E.N.; LYUBLINA, Ye.I.; MOM, Ye.T.; OSIPOV, B.S.; RYLOVA, M.L.; RUSIN, V.Ya.; SLONDI, A.D.; FMIMM, I.G. Illia Stepanovich Aleksandrov. Fam.i toks. 24 no.1:127 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 34: 5) (ALEKSANDROV, ILIIA STEPANOVIC11, 1902-1960)