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~SSR/Huv.un ar.d Allir-21 rhyniology. Action of Physiml T
fit3 Jour. Rt:f Z%ur-Biol.) 110 8) 1955, 37009-
Author : Damshlnk, M.P., Avrunina, G.A., Grigoriev, Y.G.,
Inst : Dnrenskaya, N.G.
Title : Materials to Investigation on the Specificity of
Reaction of the Organism to Irradiation.
Orig Pub: Pub. Vestn. mntgenol i radiol., 1957, No 2, 3-10.
Abstract: Attention is attracted to the irTportance Pf estination
of the distributicn of a dcse of interm-1 irradiation
in ti:.,e. In expericents cn 400 nice and 115 rats the
difference in the value of the absolutely vdniral lethrLl
dose of external irradiation and internal irradiation
with P32 and the tire of the animal's death become
ninimal, when external irradiation was equal to internal
Card 1/3
USSR/Ifurmn and Animl Physiology. Action of Physical Agents. T
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.) No 8. 1958, 37009.
by its distribution in time. However', in applications
of "equivalent" external irradiation, the weight less
of the animals began on the first day, in internal
irradiation on the third to fifth day. The authorn
believe that this is caused by uneven spatial distri-
bution of the internal irradiation. Local single
irradiation of the head (150-299 r) produced a de-
tectable decrease of the electrical activity of the
brain regardless of its oriGinal status. The reactivity
of the cortex decreased only in the submitted
to the direct action of -the irradiation. in irradiation
of various peripheral seEpents of the body the changes
in the electrical activity of the brain depended upon
its original condition when the original level was high,
a depression of the biological currents of the brain
Card 2/3
UOSR/ffur.nn and Anirr.1 Physiolr)gy. AcLion of Rysirril A6o-,A:;. T
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-13iol., 11o 8, 1958, 37009.
was noted, and vice-veroa. Tn order to bring about a
)301; destruction of the anirml by irradinticn. of various
segrzents of the body, equal in mss, various drses of
ra-iiation were needed (for the hend, 2CCOr, chestcage,
10,000 r, the upper abdomen 5000 r.) Along with the
common manifestations of radiation illness, ieentical
for irradiations of varinus segrents of the body, speci-
fic changes were noted, characteristic for irradiatinn
of definite segments of the body.
Card 3/3
AUTHOP,: I.,omifilak, ~,!.i ;')-7-6,32
TITLE: On the 1%qUiwition .if V!n-)r 'Ti'!urri.- i x, by ",adlation
Upon th~:, Human Organism rkil 1.a I's iennykh
vliyaniy rLi orgnnizin ch,:Inv,~ka)
PMODICAL: Atomnaya ."Mergiva, 1~)7, 3, 71, rin. 36-10
y ni -1'intion upon the
ABSTRkCT: An evaluation of the influrnie cxt ti
human organism is rcliahlc only if thc totality of Wa obtained
from several clinical nnd inb7,rat-ii: inv,_:lti
'y '. Agati=3 art taken
into ancount. Thc pri--vent pai-Ir .-nly with prrimi..3ing inaica-
tions for Intent chnng-!! in -It a Later date, and
give. a survey )f' 28 p!-cvi,)uiq w-i-k3 'caling eith the ,I-Ime problCM.
The deteimination of 1,1,r mit,)t.1c ac~ivi'..,,, ~:' the eT-idcrmis, as
well as the invtstigatlnn of VI, rin thf- lculcocytes circu-
latin3 in the blood tnd th(. c~oang(~3 tniking place in the chromo-
somes in the cells of bi,~ne marrvw aic t~chnirally complicated and
imu"icienthr vmrkcd ~ut methec3s if invo~qligatlon. C-unting the
thrombocytes in perlph~rnl lul-od L3 a =r,~ 'meth-A than
counting th!! lcuin(vt,i b~' -cfiucc the nwrb~,- ~hnz=bccytes dWn-
ishcs even an ri rf,:3ull -!' min-)!- 'n the --Ise
Card 1/2 of larger radiation tht. follo-wing ini, lakt. piacl_-: a) ,% change
On the '-stimation of `.'inor influenc-q `.xofci.4,_f] by ~5- 7-6/32
Radiation Opon thc Puman ("rpnium
of the throinboqyten 1',-mulft with n pri."Inder-inc( rr r1p,-r
b) A change of' the dimunsi.~,nz-i r-n the in w)JAi (.R!;c
gigantic thrombovyt-t! cventually occuv. t1w 1%1Mph . ,", _9 with
two-leftvrd nuelvi c_tli~ !-urvc as nn Indication t',1:- vfr~ngt!! t."kint:,
plncc In the OT-vaninm und,~r thi.~ ii!f1ucnc,: of '.I:i:; the
mcthr)ds for thc f.,valutolnn o;' thc b1(y,)d-
fol-Ming f1r12' T)0111~((l ''ut- ;11 (it .1i!!tU!-b-
ance of tht "A, Ult~ b''n. it!_.-ruw i*, i~,
usc a samplc with the vi4,LTiri nr d n1 ,~7 'lur)r-sr~nre rAf-(.(;s(!;:py
.. , L- rl I I
can be used W101 3ucC#!-_. I i r,.inrvi~:-r. rX anti-
-Dartic3es in i-a3iat,,~d or-vnnj_,;T%- 1,7 in Al tn +h(
111nCOVI-ly (11' dflrrft~!O' rAfWid t"i !71 '410 i r~ till
being fmployed in prne'.1c-c. hf. m-!it jr-r)ortnr~ ~.rl.,Tig tli,,;- thc
investigations ol' thc various ;unct1omi cf th,. ncrvaus 'he
authors then dismqs in detail the Invtntigation 041 1hc ~Imc'ioms
of smell-, tantc-. fnrt.-. skin-, arAi vc.,;1,_ibularnnaly::(rs. There
are 6 references, I of which is ' lavic.
SUBMITTED: January 4, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 212 1. *''AintIct! -
k -- f -, t --, r , i~,, ~ IIV,
Noterials on the study on the specificity of the body's reactions
[with summary in ikiglishl. i rad. 32 no.2:3-11 Mr-Ap '57.
(RADIATION. effects. (MLOA 10: 8)
specificity,of reactions of organism (Rue))
~ T -X-A-WIM& . . . . . .&W4 -ch; LAIMAU-TYLKINA, S.P., red.; KNAKNIK.
- I
M.T.. Ir
[Materials for a study of the reactions of the hwon central
nervous system to Ionizing radiation] Kat6Tisly k izucheniin
reaktaii tsentrallnoi nervnoi sistemy chelovska nn ioniziru-
inshchee izluchenie. Koskva, GOB.i2d-vo med~.lit-ry Kedgiz,
1958. 135 P. (MIRA 12:11)
Y-. Te. ;- OR IGOR I YEV. Yu.G.
Method for otudying parlDheral blood componitton during irrAdiAtion.
Mnd.rnd. 3 no.1:22-26 JA-r 159. (mIRA 11:4)
(RADIATIONS, effects,
on blood, technic of investIgntion of perlDherAl changes
(BLOOD, effect of redintions.
technic of investigntion of DerlDheral chAnges (Rug)
1 i5
AUTHORS: Lebedinskiy, it. V., Grigcr'jev, Yu, fl., Lemirchoelyqn, G.
TITLE: Ort the Biological Effect of lonizine, &iridi!--tioit in ;*:'---Q..3.I
1) biologichezkom dt~yatv;j icnJziruyu:;hcnF--;.,f) v
malykh dozakh)
PERIODICALt Atomnsya envrgiya, 1~58, Vol. 5, Nr i, rp.
ABSTRACT: This is a summarizing account concerning the fcllowing Soviet
paperst N. 1. Nuzhdin, N. I. Shapiro et al.: Pistcrbance of the
sexual cycle in female mice after a daily iradation of 0,1 r
for a period of 15 months. G. S. Strelin: With a dose of 2 r
a retardation of the mitosis of the epithelium of the cornea
of rate at tintes occurs. N. P. Smirno%s(Laboratory A. V.
Lebedinskiy)t Irradiation of 50 r causes a phase-modification
of irritability in the various centers of hypothalumic areas
during atimul.-Ittion by an electric current. Yu. G. Grigur'ye,~i
T1, . functional state of the human curebral cort4x during a tht-rR-
peutleal irrLdiation of the heFid and of the abdomen (electro-
encephalographical method). A. B. Tsypin:Recording of the oio-
logical activity of the brain of hares durine irradiation with
Card 1/2 a dosage of 0,13 to 0,03 r,'.,tec (Method developr-d k,:: ;"J. ?!.
On the Biological i!.ffect of Ionizing Radiation in 2mall
Livanov). A. 1. Danilenko, N. D. '~tvetsc~nko: Chnnga trt
frequency and amplitude of an ~-Iectru,:!n cephalogr~,m ~'f a 0.)03 to
which 0,1 to 1 mC/ .kg p 32 is tidm in i nt ert---d . I. K . 4~ uz i:i th ~~
case of serious psychic disensce %he cer-Arcil rur,,ox i'Oulia
to become more zensitive already with rcapect t,:,
doses of radioactive subs ta-i,.:,::s . Ye. '. Lcnd,~~n: Tr,- Rri L
feeling" of the eyes as a result of triot t.:. radio-
active substances. T.9. N-11. tkvrx~yan: Th,, elrctror'~*,~-cjzram ob-
tained after irradiation of thv i.3ulat,id eye o;* a wi-.ii
aoses of 10 to 100 r. G. G. Ds~mirchoglyan, G. T. Te. M.
Avakyans The influence of P5") on the functional of
the retina of the eye of a frog). A. V. Lebedin~ikijr. r,. G.
Demirchoglyan: The influence exercised by small racio-
active strontium preparations apon the functioro., the
retina. There are 3 iigures and 35 referpnces,
(Continued on abstract 12/15)
Carti 2,/2
- i - 121,15
AUTHOR6: Lobodinskly, ~.. V., Yu. G., Demirchoglyan, G. G.
TITLEi Cn t~jt! Bjojc~gicpl Effect of Ionizing Radiation in Small Doses.II
k0, luir,iopich t~ikrlm deystvii ioniziruyushchego izIuckeniya v
malyk-h dozaki, )
(Continued from abstract 11/15)
PFRIODICAL: ~*tomnt,ya tw-.rglyn, 19:,F3, Vol. 5, Nr 3, PP. Oj-;H)
A.B'-;TRA(;T: A. V. Lpbedliiskiy, A. 1. PeymertThe dependence of the r-orinera-
tion Pni of ti,,P retina on metabriliz! prcct,.;s,:.,it
an the ~*rLon-iuter metaoolism. A. V. Lebedinskiy,
V. V. Y%kr~v~.ev: DisttrbLd d,~-velopm-mt of re-
i n .brywj of rabbi's
--ctjon.7 11 , veotigatpd in 300 Er
Lebr-d4r,ski.y, Den Chzhi-(.-h---,): ln-,.,-,~nive chanpi, cf ~h,~
sys,.em (if living beings that have been cont;r,;c,;:,'y fed with Sr
d i, i ng --~mbryagenesis- V. A. Muzheyev: The infll.,ence of radon
vadiat ioii upon the functional i,~Eire (--f nerves an! it. I.
Danilenko, N. D. Stetsenko: The rerve-cords underg..) a madifics-
tion of Nrictional properties undo 'r 'he effect 7.,f, i:-radiation if
t~f- -alizition dose exceeds I!,' -~rptrrm2. N. Y-. Th-~!
shorten-trig. of the duration of aerve ref,,xes -*..--. a. re3u~t ,)-'
Card 11 Sin'rilt do,~es. V. N. Strelltsovat ? f1i"'rj L: ef: cl*
Orl th-I B i ol(;gi CrAl itl'ffoct (;t' jorlizI fig Fad irt.' I e:n in, ;;M,-Ii
R Ulo6 is adminintered to rL.Iz orily .)nce, caliaing
ia tfir same a.3 i-,' *-~O - li)(,FC g wert~ ;-Airini.:tered
for a perlc,t of its*v-s. M. A. lcvay,,v.-k.,y N. N.
obttiiijed a '.J~~Milal' Ytl.Dilt. Th4:-rt- ure I 1%,oire und ". roferercr;!*.
a r d
red.; GRIGORIYEV, Yu.G., red.; MARGULIS, U.Ya., red.;
PETROV, R.V., red.
(Collection of abstracts on radiation medicine for 19571
Sbornik referatov po radiatsionnoi meditsine za 1957 god.
Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.l. 1959. 202 p. (MIRA 17:5)
Interriational Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. 2d, Geneva, 1958
Doklady sovetskikh uchenykh; radiobiologiya I rmilatsionnnya meditsina
(Reports of Soviet Scientists; Radlobiology and Ha&intion Medicine)
Moscow, Izd-vo Glav. upr. po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii pri
Sovete Ministrov SSSR, 1959. 429 p. 8,000 copies printed. (series:
Vtoraya Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po mirnomu ispollzovanlyu atomnoy energii.
Trudy, tom 5)
General Ed.: A.V. Lebedinskiy, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Medical
Sciences; Ed,: Z,S, Shirokova; Tech, Ed,: Ye,L Mazell.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for physicians, scientists, and engineers
as well as for professors and students at vtuzes where radid1biology arA
radiation medicinews taught.
COVERAGE: This is Volume 5 of a 6-volume set of reports delivered by Soviet
scientists it the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of
Atomic Energy, held on September 1-13, 1958)in Geneva. Volume 5 contains
Reports of Soviet Scientists (Cont.) SOV/2808
32 reports edited by Candidates of Medical Science# S.V. lAyinakiy and V.V.
Sedov. The reports cover problems of the biological effects of ionizing
radiation, future consequences of radiation in small doees, genetic effects
of radiation, treatment of radiation sickness, uses of radioactive isotopes
in medical and biological research, uses of atomic energy for diagnostic
and therapeutic purposes, soil absorption of uranium fission products,
their intake by plants, and their storage in plants and foodstuffs.
References accompany each report.
Lebedinskiy, A.V., Yu&,-AElpr~ yev and G.G. Demirchoglyan. Biological Effect
of Ionizing Radiation in Small Doses (Report No. 2o68) 5
Burykina, L.N., D.I. Zakutinskiy, N.A. Krayevskiy, E.B. Kurlyandskays., N.N. Lit-
vinov, Yu.I. Moskalev, A.P. Novikova, YU.N. Solovlyev, and V.N. Strelltsova.
Remote Aftereffects of Injury by Small Doses of Radioactive Substances In
Chronic Exposure (Report No. 2077) 17
Gorizontov, P.D. Problem of Pathogenesis of Acute Radiation Sickness In the
Pathophysiological Phase (Report No. 2316) 43
ClWilum, Z.K.
Affective use of roentgenography. Hed.rad. 4 no.6:3-15
is 159. (HUNTGICHOWUPHT, (KIM 12:8)
review (Rua))
Quantitative chameteristiao of the sensitivity of the central nervous
system to ionizing radiations. Biu2. eksp. biol. i med. 49 no.1:26-
30 ja '60. (HIRk 1317)
1. Nauobnyy rukavoditel' - prof. M.N. Livanov. Predstaylena daystv.
chlenam AMN MR V.N. Chernigovokim,
Method for the exclusion of hearing and destruction of the vebt1bilar
apparatus in rabbits. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. no.2:114 F 161.
(MIRA 14:5)
1. Predstavlena doystvitellnym chlenom AM SSSR A.V.Lebedinskim.
Character of the development, of vegetative reactions in subjects
during use of angular accelerations of various magnitudes. Vast.
otorin. no.6876-81 161. (MM 15:1)
1e Is kliniki "a ey ukhes, moss. i gorla (save - prof, A*Kb. -
Min1koveldy) dholyabinskogo seditainakogo inatituta (rukovo- ~>A
diteli roboty - daystwitelInyy chlen AMW SSSR prof. A.V. Lebe-
dinskiy i prof, A.11h, Ydn1kovskiy).
GRIGOR!MV,-.Yu.G ; BOKHOV, B.B. (MosYva)
Now apparatus for adequate stimulation of the vestibular anal;-.1a-,
vith utilimtion of angular acOsl,3rat1on3 an,1 strength of the
coriolis. Vest.otorin. no.6&85-M 161. (IMU 152-1)
S/20 61/001/006/022/022
AUTHOR: Gri 9qri4_ex_#_ _YU
TITLE: Problems of the effect of small doses of ionizing
radiation on physiological functions
PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 1p no. 6, 1961, 966 - 968
TEXT: A conference was held in Moscowq from May 22-24, 1961, at
the AS USSR, Moscow, at which the problems of the effect of small
doses of ionizing radiation on physiological functions were discus-
sed. Data were presented and systematized concerning the somatic
effects of low radiation doses on various biological systems and
mechanisms for disturbed function. Farticular attention was paid
to the nervous system. The following Soviet-bloc workers are men-
tioned as taking part in the conference: A.M. Kuzin, A.V. Lebedins-
kiy and Yu.I. Moskalev, who read a paper on "State and perspecti-
ves of the biological effect of small doses of ionizing radiation";
N.A. Aladzhalova, D.A. Ginsburg, V.P. Godinym, O.N. Voyevodina, L.
S. Gorsheleva and G.L. Vanctsianoy; M.S. Alekseyevap V.K. Fedorov,
Card 1/2
Problems of the effect of small D243/D305
V.M. Zakharov, L.Ye. Khozak, O.N# Chulkova, N.N. Livshits, A.B.
Tsypin, V.G. Khrushchev, N.G. Darenskaya, G.M. Pravdina, RA. Pogo-
eyan, N.M. Trunova, and N.A. Zapollskaya; V,I~ Kandror, N.D. Bukh-
man, Ye.V. Darietskaya, M.A. Lebedevaq Ya.I,, Azhipa and G.A. Filya-
shina; B.M. Mirzoyev~ S.R. Perepelkin and L.S. Potemkina; M.I. Pe-
dotova, A.V. Lazovskaya, Yu.K. Kudritskiy, L.Ya. Zhorno, L.A. Va-
sillyeva and A.V. Loseva, M.D. Tikhomirova and T~A. Bashmakova~
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Domshlak, M. PfLrilgl:Lcv-YALJG-,Darenskaya, N. G., Koznova, L. B., Nevskaya, G.F.
Nestcrova, V. 1. and Tereshchenko. N. Ya.
TITLE: Remote observations on persons subjected to radiotherapy
PERIODICAL- Mcditsinskaya radiologiya, v. 7, no. 1, 1962, 10-16
TEXT: A previous report (Domshlak et. al., 1957) dealt with observations on 160 persons who had bocn subjec-
tcd to X-ray and gamma-ray therapy 2 to 7 years prior to the study period. The present article is based on
observations on 218 persons, aged thirty to sixty, at various intervals (up to 10 years) after having been
subjected to radiation. In 41.9% of the cam, the general condition of persons irradiated in the past
became Aorse. On the other hand, no abnormal pressure was noticed, despite the fact that hypertension
was a common finding during the irradiation period. Ophthalmological examination did not reveal any
changes except those due to aging. Various functional disorders were noticed in the nervous system. inclu-
ding both cortical and sub-cortical disturbances. In some cases, microsymptoms of organic damage of
the CNS were present. There is I table.
SUBMITTED: July 3, 1961
Card I / I
7-777 -~--
Reaction of the organism to massive TI-irradiation. Pat.
flzlol. i eksp. terap. 6 no-4:57-62 JI-Ag '62. (MlIRA 17:8)
Method for the objective registration of response reactions of the
body following adequate stimulation of the vestibular analysor
(in an experiment. Blul.eksp.biol.i med. 54 no.7:102-104 JI 062.
(MIRA 15sll)
1. Nauchnyy rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AM?I SSSR A.V.
Lobedinskiy. Pradstavlena deystvitelinym chlenom ANI SSSR A.V.
GRIGOR'YEV, Yuriy Grigorlye*ch; ZAVODCHIKOVA, A. I., red.; VLASOVA,
N.A. , tekhn. red. -
(Radiation lesions and compensation for disturbed functions;
data from a study of the primary reactions of the organism
under the influence of ionising radiation in small and large
donee] Luchevyei porasheniia i kompensateiia narushennykh
funktsii; materialy izucheniia pervonachalInykh reaktaii or-
ganizma pri vozdeistvii ioniziraiushchogo islucheniia v ma-
lykh i bol'shikh dozakh. Moskva, Gosatomizdat, 1963. 201 p.
(MIRA 16:5)
(Radiation--Physiological effect)
ACCESSION NR: AT4042699 1;/0000/63/000/000/0333/0339
AUTHOR: Lebodinnkiy, A. V.; Arlashchenko, N. I.; Bokboy, B. B.; Grigorlyty, Tu.G.;
Kvaonikovn, L. N.; Farber, Yu. V.
TITIX: The importance of the vestibular anlayzer in the caloction and training
of cocmonAuto
SOURCE: Konforentaiya po avialusionnoy i koamichookoy moditeine, 1963.
Aviataionnaya i koriic:ionkaya meditaina (Aviation and apace medicine); materialyo
konferentoii. Moncow, 1963, 333-339
TOPIG TAGS: rotating chamber, tilt table, rotation effect, man, G3ri-31ii accolera-
ABSTRACT: One of the main criteria upon which the OyDtOM Of COOMOnfit 3eleCtiOn
ahould be baoad io the evaluation of the ventAbular analyzer. The -.-va3uation of
other oyatema (i.e., the visual wialyzer, the retina and musclea oC tae eye, and
~intoroceptors) which enable a cosmonaut to orient himself in space should be of
almoot equal importance in the selection program* Experience ban shown that a
disruption of information concerning the position or the movement of the body can
lead to vegetative disorders. This consideration led to studies of the analyzer
systems of each of the cosmonauts, the interaction between analyzer systems, and
,the condition of vegetative functions during unusual interaction between analyzers
.(such an the conditions which axise during space flight). The special conditions
'arising during space flight arc limitation of afferentation in a weightless state
and the presence of unusual atimulation (vibration, noise, etc.). The differen-
.tiated study of the vestibular analyzer should include determination of the thresh-',
,hold sensitivity of the semicircular canals, to an adequate stimulus, determination 1,
of a reactivity curve during application of angular accelerations of various magni-
tudea, determination of adaptive abilities to the action of angular acceleration
and tests with Coriolis acceleration. The research on threshold sensitivity of
the semicircular canals to adequate stimuli was performed for both positive and
negative acceleration. Research performed on fifty healthy persons indicated that
,the scope of vasiation of threshold sensitivity is not great. It variea from 0.1
,to 0.50 per sec (20 second action of acceleration) for positive accelerations,
land 1.5 to 50 per second (for a atop atimulun of 0.15 seconds) for negative &c-
:colorations. However, various outside-atimuli and physical conditions of the en-
ivironment can greatly affect the thresholds of vestibular sensitivity,, The data
obtained indicate that the study of vestibular thresholds will bf! Y~r-f helpful in
the early detection of hidden disturbances in the activity of tile 11ll,ljy1.r1* *101~11
cannot be detected eanily by other menna. The moot common forms of investigating
the functionn of the semicircular canals are various rotationil tests. Current
trenda indicate that testing in the near future will be baned on methoda of mini-
mal ntimulntion an,l succensive rotations of Increniiing IlAellnity. Evaluntion
will have to be bnnod on methods which lend themselve-n to qunn,ital lye- an-ilynin.
Numaroun exnerimentr hrv,) shown that training conninting of u4e r,y~;, ~tlc atimu-
lation of tile vantibular mechAniam with the aid of vni-ioun rxm, i.,
n1 tents increacon the vestibular stability of tile nubjectil. "r4'. wLth which
adaptation taken place varies with each individual. Thin rvitult!3 in tie problem
of developing a tent for the objective evaluation of the degree of ndipt tion.
Testa bnGed on registration of nyotagmus are inndequato becniisr they il~L to take
into account the vogetative complex. Apparently, the real pict,irv o r, Iptive
qualitien of tile ventibular analyzer can only ba obtained from a aur .1 evalua-
tion involving vootibular-vegotative, veatibulr-r-uonatic, md ceiinor. rt~,ctiona
arising in response to repeated stimulations. Laboratory studies are currently
being conducted in this area. The use of Coriolis accelerations as a test has
as its purpose the study of the summM reaction which.ariaes in labyrinth recept-.i
" Ti., 3/5
oro in renponae to stimulation obtained during the combinno oiction of angular and
linear accelerations. Laboratory tents with the periodic application of Coriolis
accelerations accompanied by slow rotation have indicated that oven a rhort rota-
tion leads to a disruption of walking, to a change in akin temperature, nnd to a
change in the pulse frequency. At the same time, a lowering of the threchold of
sensitivity to Coriolis accelerations wan noted without tho threshold ?.- ;.tj~'Ulnr
acceleration being affected. A very interesting interreIntionnhip exists between
the vestibular and optical analyzers. Laboratory experimento havc confirmed that
stimulation of the retina has an inhibiting effect on the vestibular analyzer.
Tests have Indicated that the result of interaction between the optical and the
vestibular stimuli is determined by the functional condition of the vestibular
analyzer. It became apparent that if the excitability of the vestibular analyzer
was increased by radioactivity, inhibition of spontaneously arising n'Yotagwue by
optical atimulation of the retina became more distinct, The level of excitability
of the vastibular analyzer was achieved by means of radioactive tarn.
SUBMITrED: 27Sep63
NO RU GOV: 000
card 5/5
ENCL: 00
orm t 000
,,:i: 777777-,
Y r
ACCESSION NR. AT4042700 9/0000/63/000/000/0339/0343
AUTHORs Lebodiankiy, A. V.1 Arleshchanko, 0. 1.1 Buoy9gino V. To.1 Vartbaromov,
R.A.; Veoelov, A. S.1 Volokhovs, H. A;j 4K!jL0 I, Yu. 0.1 Tomellyanov, M. P.1
Kalyayeva, T. V.1 Kr7*lov# Tu. V.1 Pol akov, B. V.-Irarierg Tu. Ve
TITLEt Xffocts of Coriolis accel*ratiose on the humas organism
SOURCE: Konferentoiya po aviatsionnoy L koomichookoy seditaino, 1963-
Aviatsionmya i koomicherkaye meditsins (Aviation end apace medicine); materialye
konferentait. Moscow, 19639 339-343
TOPIC TAGSt vestibular analyzer, cosmonaut selection, "amonaut training, sesi-
circular canal, acceleration, rotation, mystagaus, optical analyzer,
Coriolis acceleration
ABS7RACTi Studies of the effect of prolonged Coriolis accelerations on the human
6rganiom must be made as a prolialmor7 stop toward the creation of artificial
gravity in spaceships. Studies Were performed Is 0 slowly rotating KU-1 chamber
(a cylindrically shaped raw 2.1 a in diameter and 2-3 0 ki&, equipped With too
arachairs). Is ow first series of experimsts, 13 b"Ifty persons were subjested
Card 1/2
to prolonged rotation of I to ~ hours at an angular v*locitl of 5.30/sec. In the
second series of experiments, Is subjects were rotated for 24 hours at angular
velocities of 5-3, 10.6, and 21.20/see. Coriolis accelerations were created peri-1-
odically by tilting the body and head In a plane perpendicular to the plane of
rotation of the chamber at the rate of I movement/ase. Prolonged stay of subjects
with normal vestibular sea4itivity under conditions of rotation at 5.3. 10.6. and
21.22soc resulted In functional ihangea In the conditioa of the central nervous
system and the cardiovascular system, and In disruption of the body temperature
control and the balancing function. The degree of vegetative disorder* was found
to be directly proportional to the speed of rotation &M the degree of vestibular
sensitivity of the subjects. Wring cumulative action of Coriolis accelerations,
the majority of the subjects developed an adaptation wMeh woo noted from I to 5
hours after bogianing of the retation. On the basis of the results obtaimed. %ho
method of poolongod slow retaties Is- r9commoaded for traialag parposes.
?I6 PJW S041 000 ~8 000
Card 212
Feviptlcn of 1:)riz!rg ra-Iii-al-A.-m by ttji tKAY. !-LA. no.6.
85-91 Je t63. Pk 1 -1 4)
,W-'. I iNIIKOV , !*I. .; -G%V;Oj~ I Y",' Y%,.G., ['.'j f q I ~,, ho I I ~ , 1 1
- s
EIM. ot cf tLr. : i;,Lrn,-t ra,!I&Lt,-n cn t1.,, cral sUite :~*t
thn vestibular ia.alvzor. rad. 8 n'63.
Body reactions during the prolonged effect of coriolis accelera-
tions. Blue. eksp. biol. i med. 56 no.8:28-33 Ag 163.
(MIRA 170)
1. Naunluiyy rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR
prof. A.V. Lebedinskly. Pred-9tavleno deystvitellnym chlenom
AMN SSSR A.V. LebadinskLm.
AUTHOR: Lebedinakiy, A.V.; Grigorlyev, Tu. G.; Lyubisova-ftranimov, R. N.&
Polyakov, B. I.
TITLE: Vegetative reactions during stimulation of the vestibular analyser am
their possible role in complicating space flight conditions
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otd*leniye biologicheakikh nauk. ProblemyO komicheskay
biologii. To 39 19641 278-288
TOPIC TAGS: acceleration, vestibular analyzer. space flight, Coriolis aceeleratiesig
~'rabbit# vegetative reflex
IABSTRACT., The role of angular' accelerations and Coriolis accelerations on the
vestibular function was studied by means of a BY-2 type accelerator, on which
was possible to produo* angular accelerations ranging from 0.05 up to 1200 /see
and any magnitude of angular velocity up to 1860/see. Vegetative reactions are,of
special interest since by stimulating the vestibular apparatuss It is possible to
observe practically all known vegetative reactions. It has been established that
the magnitude of the reaction depends on the duration of the stia-lus (accolora-
tion). Data obtained indicate that after whole-body irradiation of the animal,
tord .1 - ..-. .. --'
NR: AT4o37698
;11 more time is required for acceleration to produce an equal reaction. There is ..I
reason to believe, in this case, that radiation affects the central nervous
empts sad*
system and not the receptor. go far there have been practically no att
to evaluate the biological significance of vegetative reflexes which arise during
i! stimulation of the vestibular analyzer. When rabbits wore gubjected to rocking in
the horizontal (duration of accel ration, 0.15 see), at 66sec 2, a diminution of
I respiration amplitudt wannoted; :t 400o/see the diminished amplitude increased
J in frequency; at 606'/se'er- the ampl~tuds dropped off sharply with no marked
frequency increase; and at 120OP/soc there was a distinct break in respiration.
Reactions of the car4fiovascular system to accelegation are complex. Thus, when
rabbits are subjected to an acceleration of 0.05 /see for 30 see, skin temper-
ature rise a. But, if accelerations are increased to 1-5 or to 3-20/sec2 for the
same duration of time,, skin temperature dropa. The depressive reaction appears,
apparently, only in response to large accel:r2tiona because when rabbits were
accelerated in the range from 60 to 8000/a c (duration, 0.15 see), no depressive
rgactign was observed. When rabbits were exposed to short-term aceeleration of
5 /see", a diminution of~blood circulation in the brain was observed. This effect
was distinct If the a000leration lasted 12 or 24 seconds, but indistinct if the
duration was only 6 secondso The authors have stressed the importanoe of.
Acassim NR. ATW37698
duration of effect of acceleration on appearance of vestibular reactions. Very
possibly this indicates the significant role of inclusion of the endocrine mechan-
ism, particularly of the adrenal system, into the complex of vegetative reactions,
and the consequent stimulation of the reticular formation. If the appearance
of vegetative reflexes observed during stimulation of the vestibular mechanism I
is tied to the stimulation of the reticular formation, then, in the final analysts,'
their involvement must be controlled by the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres,
It was also noted that stimulation of the vestibular apparatus limits the activity's
of the cortical co"nent of.veptative reactions. i
SUBMITMD: .00 MICL: 00 BUD 0=: pHj Ij
NO REF SOV: 010 or=: 004
L.32453-65 =W/vT(M)
ICCESSION MR: AP4046762 5/0219/64-/058/011/0122/0124
AUTHOR: Arlashchonkog N, I.; Grigor'yev0_Yu._G.; Malinin, Aj B,
TITLEt A method for Isolated destruction'of the otolithio.
apparatus with ionizing irrad4-4,4--_ Placement of applicators In thel
inner ear veatibulo, /I I
SOURCE: B7ulletont eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny*v v. 58,
no, 11, 19649 122-124 and insert facing p. 117
TOPIC TAGS: rabbitp ear vestibular apparatus, otolith destruction#
promethium 147p beta radiation, ion exchange resin, labyrinth
ABkRACT: Radioactive applicators with a sof"4* beta-emitter for
isolated destruction of otoliths in animals are described.
Promethium-147 is recommended as a radiation source because of its
low energy beta-partioles (0.22 kov). A promethium-147 radiation
dose decreases by about 250 times at a distance of 250 microns from
the radiation source surface, 7his distance is equivalent to the
thickness of the macula utrioull sensory epithelium containing the
Card 1/p-
:1, 32453-65
cellewhich respond to otolith movement changes. Applicators are
made of sulfonated polyethylene in the form of a plate (1 z 2 mm) or
of ton exchange KU-2 resin in the form of a ball (1 mm in diameter)
The radioactive applioa~ors are placed In the inner ear vdstibule Of 1
operated animals and morphological tissue changes are determined
later by histological examination of temporal bone pyramid prepara-
tions. Tho method has been employed successfully in rabbits to
destroy the otoliths without affecting the samlotroular canals of them'
ears except for slight dilation of blood vessels, Orig, art, hast
2 figures,
. - - - I ii~ -All '"1 1, &1, 1 YLVp
H,140~1 *.,.Ii Yl;.17-., -1-~~torned. muk,
n'tiv.."~Yy r-jkovcdiIA 1-1 riboty
~T repentwi sprImi. st!P-Wations of the vestibuli.-
4n rablitts on the quatUVAIv,3 relstion of t~o
wt L
cf n7j!~;,gmn tw) tho v-Al.,,;e of negatlvq. angular
Biul. tiVir. bilol. i ried. 6n no.9;59-&'
~-66 EWr (1)
NRs AP5028883
SOURCE CODE: UP/0219/65/o6o/011/0003/0006
AUTHOR: Grigorlyev, Yu. G. (Moscow); Farber, Yu._ V. (Moscow)
ORG: none
TITLE: The functional condition of the v
,pstibular an!!ly~~r n man during a 120-day
stay in a hermetically sealed chamber
SOURCE: Byulleten' eksperimentaltnoy biologii I meditsiny, v. 60, no. 11, 1965,
TOPIC TAGS: vestibular analyzer, stimulus, cerebral cotex, counterrotation illusion,
vestibular function, nystagmus
ABSTRACT: The demonstrated ability of Inadequate vestibular stimuli to affect ves-
tibular function was studied in conditions simulating life inside a spaceship. Five
healthy men aged 19-32 stayed In a hermetically sealed chamber for 120 days during
which time they were examined at monthly intervals. Examination was also conducted
3, 8, 18, and 33 days after they had left. the chambero The threshold of vestibular
sensitivity (to an adequate stimulus) was determined on a rotating chair with the
subject's head fixed at a 30* angle to the axis of rotation. The adequate stimulus
consisted of the negative angular acceleration which developed when the chair stoppa
Vestibular sensitivity was judged by the appearance of nystagmus and the illusion of
counterrotation. There was a direct correlation between the magnitude of the stimu-
L 10272-66
ACC NRs AP5028883
lus and the length of nystagmus in all subjects. Experimental results showed changes
in nystagmus during the subject's stay in the sealed compartment: both the duration
of nystagmus and the slope of plotted nystagmus curves decreased. Individual dif-
ferences were noted in the pattern of decrease of these factors. No reliable changes
were observed in vestibular autonomic reactions.during the observation period (ar-
terial pressure, pulse rate, etc.). The threshold of sensitivity to nystagmus
changed very little. By the end of the experiment, changes in cupulograms were 9W-
lar for all subjects; hence, the medium which the subjects inhabited definitely in-
fluenced the condition of the vestibular analyzer. The fact that adequate vestibular
stimuli are absent in these experimental conditions (with the exception of some
limited motor activity) is a strong indication that the changes observed in nystagmus
probably reflect functional changes In the cerebral cortex rather than changes in
the receptor apparatus of the vestibular analyzer. Furthermore, increases In-thresh-
olds of the sensory component of the vestibular reaction (illusion of counterrota-
tion) observed after subjects left the chamber were probably due to readaptation
to a new routine and different physical conditions. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. [J51
SUB CODE: 061 SU13M DATE: I&Tan65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 003/ ATD PRESS:
ACC NRI AT6036541 SO(MCS CODE1 UH/0000/66/000/000/0136/0136
AUTHOR: Domilak, N. P.; Darenekaya, N. G.; Rayevskaya, S. A.
ORG: none
TITIE: Evaluation of radiation hazard and basis for establishing permissible doses oi
ioniz adiation for cosmonauts flin to the moon (Paper presented at the
Con e ce on Problems of space Me c e held In Moscow from 24 to 27 May 19661
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po, problems= koemicheakoy meditainy, 1966. Problenq
koomicheskoy medAtslny. (Problms of Mace medicine); materWy konferentaii,
Moscow$ 19660 136
TOPIC TAGS: cosmic radiation biologic effect, radiation protectionradiation
dosimetry, lunar space night, radiation permissible dose, radiation protection
ABSTRACT: In estimating the potential radiation hazard of a lunar flight, ~Lhe
'following factors were considered: 1) the space radiation environment
on the lunar trajectory, 2) the combined effect of ionizing radiation and
other spaceflight factors on the cosmonaut, 3) the possibility of physical
shielding, and 4) the effectiveness of various recommended prophylactic
substances. Radiobiological tests showed that the RBE of protons, which
constitute the chief radiation hazard, is close to one. Thus *it was possi-,
.;ble to use experimental and clinical observations of gamma- and x-ray
ACC NR, AT6065-41
irradiation to evaluate the space radiation hazard on brief flights. Exper-
.mental studies on large laboratory animals were used to establish a basis
for permissible doses during lunar flight. This method permitted evalua-
tion of the character and degree of radiation injuries from gamma and proton
irradiation in the dose range to be encountered durin'g lunar flight. In
addition, clinical observations of people subjected to local. irradiation for
cancer treatment werg analyzed. A classification of regulated doses for
brief spac eflight a was made on the basis of this mate ria1. (W.-A. No. 22; ATD
Report 66-1161
SUB CODE: 06, 19, 22 / SUBM DOE: 00(&y66
ACC NRi-AT6036542 SOURCE CCDE: tM/0000/66/000/000/0137/0138
AUTHOR: Grigorlyevp Yuo Go; Kovalsvp Too Yes
CRG: none ---------
TITLE: Srcerlight radiation hazards (Paper presented at the Conference on Problems
of space ledic1lie held In Moscow from 24 to 27 may 19663
SCURCE: Konferentalya po,prcble~ kondchesk2l medItsiny, 1966. Problemy
koamicheakoy meditainy. (Pratf of space M mtbrialy konferentsii,,
moscowp i966P 137-138
TOPIC TAGS: radiation protection,, radiation dosimetry, solar flare, cosmic radiation.
biologic effect,, proton radiation biologic effect,, radiation ihielding,, space
A13STRACT: Cosmic radiation is made up or galactic cosmic radiation, radiation
1rom the Earth's radiation belts and from other planets, 'and corpuscular
radiation from solar flares. - Doses from galactic cosmic radiation in inter-,
planetary space can reach 190-250 rem/day, an obviously serious hazard
.both for cas-manauts *and for the Me-support system on a spacecraft. Mean
tissue doses from protons in the inner radiation belt can a m o u n t t o
0. 16 rem/day with an orbit of 500 km (orbital inclination 6511). However,
electrons in the outer radiation belt have a low penetrating capacity ajid
act chiefly on the skin. .. Corpudcular radiation from solar flares consists
mostly of alpha particles and protons, th~ latter with energies ranging from
several Mev to dozens of bev.. This wide ri~pV of prqton energy produces
consiaerable dec'r-e'ascs in the dose absorbed at different tissue depths.when'
relatively fain shielding is used. However, as shielding thickness is in-
creased, high-energy protons are filtered out and dose decrea'ses with
tissue depth no longer occur. Of course the total radiobiological effect on
the cosmon ' t can be substantially altered by many spaceflight factors, in~
eluding weightlessness, altered gas composition. and others.
A system of radiation safeguards for spacqnight must include general
shielding of inhabited compartments, a radiation shelter, local shielding
0& cosmonauts, and pharmacochemical means of protection. Radiation
dosimetry in spaceflight will be accomplished by on-board dosimeters, in-
dose monitors, and signal and warning systems. Drugs carried i
,on the 'spacecraft will be used f6r prevention and treatment of radiation
injuries. In addition to complex equipment carried on board,, the space
radiation environment of the specific ks~!c"fuuy.._..
monitored from Eu-th. [W.A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-1161
rM IGO F( Y!,.V , yu . II YOSTIT K , V.,,. , i n z h KA !;;', 14 b. 1. , 11. 7h.
Oj-uraLion of auto.-,~,ated remote control for rutin ".)"RT engireo.
ludc,streonle 30 no.9:44 3 164. 17:11)
MAL'o-, _. .!. ' . p !. : 0 "" IL Ink ; Al~ I I YEV , Yu. 1. , irzh.
Ll " '- 4 1~," ti fit,' d7itiv-0 ~~ i*,tt I t"- , tv~fvo o f' a i ')I t, Muc*,J. soob. Jo-JD
~ Io: 7f'j -8.2' 165. (AURA 18-.9)
Steel shot-boring
nedr 20 no.1:28-32
in rocks of varying hardness. Rasved.i okh.
J*-F 154. (W.RA 9:12)
(Boring mehinery)
VOLOV, Aleksandr Spiridonovich; KALININ) Anatoliy Goorgiy-~vich;
BRONZOV, Anato:Liy Samsonovich. Prinizal uchasti;ye GUGORIYEV,
Yu L inzh.; ISAYKVA, V.V., ved. red.; POLOSINA, tekhn.
(Drilling pipes and their joints; a mnual] Burillrye truby i ikh
soedineniia; spravochnoe rukoyodstvo. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdatp
1962. 125 P. (Boring machiner7) (MIRA 15:7)
GRIGORIYEV. Yu-.M., uchitell
Equipping a chemical laboratory. Xhim. v shkole 15 no-3:41-45
My-je 160. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Srednyaya shkola No.19 pos. Shikharq Saratovskoy oblasti.
(Chemical laboratories-Equipment and supplies)
POPKO, V.N., insh.; EENIYAMINOVICH, I.M., inzk-; BEREZIN, N.N., inzh.;
GRIGORIYEV, Yu.M., inzh.
Manufacture of large reinforced concrete elements made with a
line-slag binder. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 9 no.2360-63 F 163.
(KUtA 16: 5)
(Precast concrete--Testing) (Binding materials)
POPFO, V.11., Jnzh.; V.V., Jnzh.; inzh.
Lif;htweight concrete on a baae of mind alropcrltes. -Sbor. trud.
Sverd. nauch.-issl. inst. po stroi. no.10:93-108 163.
(!,aRA 17:10)
INKS AP6012679 SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/66/010/004/0491/0494
AUTHOR: Prigor'Levo Yu -M
ORG: Branch of the Institute of Chemical-Pbysics i5f the ii RA~Rp 10scow
Region'(Filial Institute. kh1mT koy fiziki AN SSSRO MoskOV3kaya
TITLE:. Unsteady state conductive beat transfer of a body In an Infinite
SOURCE: Inzbensrno-~fizicheskiy zhurnalp Y, 1OP no* 4, 1966, 491-494
TOPIC TAGS: conductive beat transfer# thermodynamic analysis# Nu3selt
ABSTRACT: The article gives the results of calculations of the Nusselt
number for bodies of different geometrical shapes in an infinite medium#
the temperature of the surface of the bodies being a function of time&
The problem under consideration reduces to the solution of the following
differential equation,.
00 6V 0 n 0 0
TW t V + T wt
Card lZ2 UDCt 536o2l
L 29819-66
ACC "'3 AP6012679
The initial Conditions Aral
=0. 0 =0. (2)
The boundary conditions are:
- ff(,r), (3)
0 0. (4)
Here G =(T-Tc,*)/(T -T a* In the tempersture;r = st/r2 is the time,*
~ = x/r is a coorginate. Overall conclusion of the matbematioal
evelopment is that the method of calculating the Nusselt number for the
case of spherical symmetry can be used only for a limited class of s
functions which describe the temperature variation of the surface of the
body. Orig art* has: 15 formulas*
SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 020*t65/ ORIG REN .002.
L E IAP A ?/
=_=41 A_ -
WD"b" LES, 1~,` ti
ACCESSION NR; AP4044M S/00d"0/64/114'/006/1427/1430
AUTHOR: Grigor'yev, Y1. H,; H a-k!im E , I 11e..r_z_ha t_:iv A-. -G).
TITLE i IgAjtj.~n of a2rrlosive particles in a hot gas
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*# ve 157j no, 6, 1964, 1427-1430
TOPIC TAGSi explosive, Ignition, combustion~ propellant, solid
- 1 1 -7
ABSTRAM The ignition of spherical barium azide /particles produced
by abrasion of crystals on emery paper was studied at 260-650C in an
ssembly containing an electrically heated vertical glass tube into
ch a particle was introduced from the top and preheated air or
nitrogen from the bottom. The falling speed of the particle could be
controlled by regulating the countercurrent air flow. For sho.,.ter
ignition delays a horixontal quartz tube was used. The ignition pro-
cess was photegraphically scanned and a plot of ignition delay vs.'
temperature was obtained for different particle diameters (see Fig. 1
of the Enclosure), Each point re-presentsthe average of 15-20 measure-
ments, Tht- f1gy4re shows that the curves for different particle diam-
Card 1 / 5
etere intersects' The ignition delay increased with increasing particle
diameter at higher temperatures. The particle radlu a (rd was corre-
lated with the critical temperatur 0 T0 cr (the mean between the explo-
sive and nonexplosive decomposition teAperatures) by the following
"tITS Qk4E# E I
In llsi(l + In SRA, av g T,-c r
where E 35,000 cal/mol '-~'4.1015-c&l/cm3 sect A 10-4cal/cm,
sec deg, and 0 - 4 (E act"'lat 1 av
20U energy; Q# heat re ease rate; kol
preexponential factor; A, thermal conductivity; Ro gas constant).
With this formula, the critical temperature was plotted versus the
radius in Fig. 2. Orig. art* has: 4 figuras and 3 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR KLnstitute of
ChApical Physics, AN SSSR)
Card 2 / 5
4, 1~~
ACOS-s I 0~5`i -NR-i -A P-4-04
Card 3/5
ACCESSION.fiRt AP4044885
ire -
Fig. 1. Dependence of the ignition delay
time of barium axide particles of different
size on temperature in the range of 280-650C,
Card 4/5
--1-,M:,, --A
L 15634-651
jr 45
l?j 173 /a fw
Pig. 2s Dependence T (r-)
o,cr b
-,I; b el o.
lip -
Card 5/t
A& I I W_j_WW NjL*zjbn4&t j 11 DNA I MJZMMLAAJ4AW WIM61 DNA %MJ4&AUj.M_1 NIKI.InLi -_ .1
WC-RE-AP5026031 SOME CODE: tM/0405/65/000/001/0093/0102'.
AUTHOR: GrigorlyeyA Yu. M. (Moscow); Makst-MI, E , (Moscow); 14erzhanov, A. (moo
ORG: none
TITLE: Relationships of ignition Of homogenous explosive particles in hot gas
SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheakiye problemy Soreniya i vzryva, no. 1,-1965, 93-102
TOPIC TAGS: combustion, explosion, sn_looiv~p propellant, solid propellantj ignitiot.
ABSTRACT: A theory of the kinetics of decomposition of nonvolatile explosive
particles in a hot gas has been developed on the basis of a simple model vhich assumet
that the exothermal reaction takes place on the surface of the condensed particle
which does not undergo phase transformation or change of size in the pre-explosion
period, that the spherical explosive particle enters a cavity filled with hot gas,
that heat transfer inside the particle takes place by conduction and external beat
transfer by conduction and radiation, and that convective transfer is absent. The
analysis yielded expressions for the temperature profile in the gas and Inside the
particle, for the time required to heat the particle, and for the induction period.
To verify the theRretical relationships, experiments were made with nitrocellulose-
pyroxyline powdeA~ticles (50-150 u particle size) in horizontal and vertical
glass tubes.-- The- Ignition temperatures of 50 p particles were 255C in air and 246C
ACC NRs AP5026031 .0
in argon. This difference Is attributed to the higher thermal conductivity of argon.
Ignition delay times determined ae a function of temperature were in good agreement
with the theory. Orig. art. has: 9 figures. (PV]
SUB CODE: FP/ SUBM DATE: i8Dec64/ ono Rv: 005/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS:
_jjFPF(n)-2jTjHT?[t) LIP I E W/
-Ac7-NR:- AP6012523 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/003/0422/0429
AUTHOR: Maksimov, E. I.; Crigor'yev,_Yu. M.; Merzhanov, A. G.
6 o
ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics Academy-of Sciences SSSR (Inatitt ~koy
fiziki Akade ii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: The rules and mechanism of ammonium_perchlorate\~combustion
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seri aya, no. 3, 966, 422-429
TOPIC TAGS: ammonium perchlorate, combustion, solid pyopellant
ABSTRACT: The thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate (AP) is discussed exten-
sively in the literature. PA sublimes on heating under high vacuum. Sublimation is.-
suppressed with rising pressure and decomposition with evolution of heat takes place.
Burning of PA occurs only at higher pressures. The purpose of this work was to in-
vestigate the nature of combustion of PA depending on temperature, pressure, particle
size, density, and addition of ammonium chloride. Experiments were conducted in a
cons tan t-pressure bomb under nitrogen. The temperature was maintained by circulation
of a thermosta*ted liquid. The rate of combustion was determined photographically on
a moving film. Technical grade PA was used; results obtained from PA purified by
recrystallization differed by no more than experimental error (t4%). Samples were
obtained by pressing PA which had been ground and graded according to size. Formation
Card 1/4. UDC: 541.126+541.124
ACC NR, AP6012523
lig. 1. Dependence of burning rate
on pressure at 20C for particle sizes:
1 - 315-400; 2 - 250-315; 3 - 160-250;
4 - 100-160; 5 - 63-100; 6 - 50-63;
7- less than 50 u
and scattering of dispersed particles of PA were observed together with sublimation.
The temperature factor of the'rate of combustion
decreases with rising pressure and particle size, tending toward a saturatIon value.
L 23275-66
ACC NR, AP6012523
U, cm/sec
U, Cm/sec.,
H /,V 110
I - Aof/Cis
Fig. 2. Dependence of burning rate Fig. 3. Dependence of burning
and pressure at 20C for particle rate and pressure at 120C for
sizes: 1 - 315-400; 2 - 250-315; particle sizes: 1- 1.90;
3- 100-160; 4- less than 50 V 2 - 1. 5 g /cm3
The data obtained led to the formulation of a mechanism which in a number of cases
does not agree with the combustion theory of volatile substances developed by
Belyayev and Zeldovich. The authors wish to thank G. B. Hanelis and V. A. Strunin for r
L 23275-66
ACC NRi AP6012523
pointing out the part played by the reaction in the condensed phase inthe course of
PA combustion, and V. A. Linde, and Ye. I. Dmitriveya for the chemical amayses;
Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 2 tables. IVS)
Card 4/40
ACC NR.- -A P70000k6_- ____S4W4_ -CODE: UR/0207/66/bbb/665/6_6_1~
WTHOR: -Grip-orlyev Yu M (Moscow); Merzhanov, A. G. (Moscow);
Pribytkova, K. V. (Mo-scoW)"
DRG: none
TITLE: Critical conditions of thermal explosion with conductive heat
transfer in the reaction zone and surrounding medium (conjugate
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mckhaniki i tekhnichesicoy fiziki, no. 5,
1966, 17-24
TOPIC TAGS: thermal explosion, critical explosion condition, conductive
heat transfer, physical chemistry theory
ABSTRACT: A study was made of the critical conditions of the thermal
explosion of bodies having different geometrical shapes (indefinite
plate of finite thickness, cylinder of infinite length and finite
radius, and sphere), located in an indefinite medium in the presence of
conductive heat transfer both in the internal and external regions
(conjugate problem). An analysis was made of the external problem of
the theory of thermal conductivity for the case involving constant tem-
perature of the interface between the media. It was shown that, in the
Lq9rd - 10
ACC NRI ---AP7000046
cases of plane and cylindrical symmetry, the existence of critical con-
ditions for the thermal explosion is associated with the "burning out"
of the substance in the preexplosion period, which takes place in the
case of a nonzeroth order reaction. There exist no critical conditions
for those shapes in the case of a zeroth order reaction. In the case
when the temperature of the interface undergoes random variations, the
conjugate problem is reduced to a boundary value problem; in this case,
the criterial analysis method makes it possible to establish integro-
differential equations for heat fluxes across the surface of the body.
Integro-differential equations were used for the criterial analysis of
the syntem, and for the analysis of limiting cases of ideal heat trans-
fer (boundary conditions of the first gender) and of the absence of
temperature distribution in the reaction zone. Calculations of the
critical conditions of the thermal explosion were carried out on an
electronic computer, and the results were processed in the criterial
form. The critical conditions of the thermal explosion of the system,
initial substance - surrounding medium, were calculated under different
specific conditions. The special features of the thermal explosion were
analyzed for the cane of conductive external heat removal. It was sholm
that in the vicinity of critical conditions a quasi-stationary thermal
regime holds for the reaction because of a decrease in time of the ef.F-
fective external heat transfer coefficient. The authors thank B. I.
-Card -2/3.
ACC NRs Anooob46--
Khaykin and V, V. Barzykin for valuable advice.
SUB CODE.-20,21/ SUBM DATE: 25jul65/ ORIG REP:
Orig, art. has; 7
(W. A. 68]
010/ OTH REP: 003
-------- --- -
1, 4731?-1,,'~: EPA V .21E-'Wr (I
ACUSSION NR., AT5007922 S/0000/64/000/000/0295/0299
AUTFOR: Vallter. A. K.; Grigorlyev, Yu. N.; Dudkiaa, 1. N.; Ivanov, V. r.-_
-4*Wo--.V'- V Yi~gL-~nko A.
Koba~ Off i% fi o n~kov . r-,
,~tLqy P.. _A. Tols Y st~ arsv Grish~" A.
TITLE: The apparatus of the_fh-isicotechnical_I stitute, q M, jerLr
ding ZdZ~"t-12.n 1).!Ia, ex-
Ukrain I*an- SS'R-, for colli ~p. yith energies of 200 Y 100 Hev for
iperiments on the scattering of electrons on61actron
;SOUPCE: International Confererice onjiigh Energy Accelerators. Dubna, 19C.3.
Trudy. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1964, i95-i~q
.TOPIC TAGS: high energy accelerator, high energy plasma, particle beam, particle
:physics, charged particle beam
:ABSTPACT: Work. on colliding electron beaw. in the Physicotechnical Institute,
',Acadeqj of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR, was begun in 1960. The existence of linear
,electron accelerators was basic for the initiation of such work. At the first
stage, it was decided to stop at electron storage devices of 100 H-ev enerff, since
~it was found that even at such comparatively small energies of the colli ding beams
Card 1/5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L h7312-65
:many problems can be solved. The most convenient storage design is a system of I
.race-track3 with a common linear section in which the colli3ion of the two beam is
,effected. A distinctive property of the Institute's storage device is the great
~1~engtI13 of the linear sections, equal to 50 and 80 cm for a radius of revolution
of 50 cm. The groat langth of- ane pair of linear sections in each cf the was
T le of scitterinp.
selected in order to provi0e fur meauumment of the minimu, ang
'Selection of d small radius of revoil-ition was due to thp r-_quirement of mini,mliri
;equilibrium dimenslon2 cf -the bca;i and to the tend(,,ncy to hav-~, a not too 1~,,ng tiirrr-.
jor Uimping of the hcarit occillations, ' To localize thc r~~Zlori of Interaction, the
orbikr an~? distorted in thn vortical planc by r,-: two "intersecting,"
!!,~~Igncts that create a hcjw,,~;,rene~)= field In tIv-, revi,-il The i~agnets art.
th oF each of tfie "i
M-;r-j-L-~-T,H-,.-,_l -in-Oie-cor rp~_Virwar secticri . Th:? lf~ov Intersecting"
1!:!agnets i2qu.a17, 1.0 cm, ari& -thc A--g- 640 oerateds. The
A- equMbriur4l orbit Ivi I cm fvom flle nedien plane. TGe q_u_adra-nr9-`
Ila a co -rf
n 0. 44 2 5. The co(ipied m3gmeta -in the
-tba tim izide~, 4xv- :heLrp in-
-4 mina
wing sections Is nj = 0.450.__ 7-he stability of--the
sed by a diagram showing field index n in the quadrants versus the field-index nj
!in the coupled magnets. The regions of stability and resonance lines of variaiis
i Card 2/5
~ L 47312-65
;orders am Indicated in the diagram and discussed. The selected operatinj point 3,i
at a maximum distance from the resonances; in this case the frequencies of beta-
,tron re!dial and vertical (axial) oscillations are respectively equal to V = 1.145;
,~v, = 0. 6956. The internal dimensions of the vacuum chamber were 100 x 40 mm . The
'determining problem here was the conditions governing the beam input into the
, -1. The
torage device. The beam is fed to an inflector through a magnetic channe
!initial conditions are so chosen that the beam can by-pass in the first six revo-
lutions the inflector set a distance of 2.25 cm from the equilibrium orbit, The
jbehavior of the storage device in the first six revolutions is described. In case
''the trailing edge of the magnetic field pulse lasts for thme revolutiens of the
in the storage device, the introduction of- particles into the chanber can
.also be prolonged in the course of three revolutim:.-nc- In order to capture parti-
clcs in the storage device it is necessary to create with the help of inflector
magnets a magnetic field strength of RI= 1900 oersteds, 11 2630 oer;teds. The
-is ev ated on the-ass
isystem of-tolerances alu
the input beam! width a= 0.5 cm, height b= 0.3 cm, angular divergence: radial
-3 -4
&Y = 2. 10 and vertical Ay,, = 5610 . Pr--liminary measurements indicate that this
idaFa can be realized in the case of the Institute's apparatus. The re-quirements on:
Card 3/5
L 47312-65
the stability of the magnetic field of the inflector are: -AH1 1H1 10%, AH 1H
3%. Taking Into consideration the indicated quantities, the maximum valuer, of
Ithe cur-vature of the radial betatron oscillations will be equal respectively to
IF 2.P cm, F 4.1 cm. According to computations, the equilibrium dime'ns-lons of
the 1)(~am mus t3C a 0.01; cm; a n 0.2 cm. Due to t h u an t tim fluctuations in
!;'Jn~711rotroll radiatfon, tile., longltudlual dimennion of tht!,ticle tunch equalq 140
1cm, for a gap voltage of about 1.5 kilovolts. Tile mean Cnergy expended on an
~eiectron per revolution, taking into account the cohercrit radiation, is equal to
i220 olectron-volts. Tile time of oscillation damping amounts to 100 =ec, Alter-
tnate injection of the beam of electrons in the ring If-, effectQd by thr-ce sector
;magnets with double focusing. Tile Introduction of a beam turned away from the ac-
Iceleratcr and with zero initial conditions is ensurpe, by the application of a cy-
Jindrical magnetic sbield with a abielding coefficient varied along the length.
iAll the magnets are supplied with pow0, from sources that have a curmnt stability
iof at least 0.02%. Ilie report also discusses the vacuum chamber, voltage generatori
,and a few other aspects of the apparatus. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 2 tables
L 471312-65
!ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnichookly institut AN UkrSSR (Physicotechnical Institute,
1SU13MITTED- 26Mav64 ENCL! 00
.'~CMSNH NR: AP3001770 %/0188/63/000/003,/003Z/0043
AUMORs Kolesnikov, N. N.; Grigorlyov,.Yu. P.
- - -111-1 111-----, "1
TITIZ: On the theory of isotope shifts,
SOURCE: Moscow. Universitat. Vestnik. Seriya 3. Mika, antronomiya, no. 3, 1963*
TOPIC TAGS: isotope shifto nuclear volume offecto band spectrum
ABSTRACT: A now relativistic formula for the nuclear volume effect to be used for
investiGations basod on the isotope shift in line spectra ha3 boon derived on the
ba'Riz cf a rewritten solution of the Dirac X1 and X2 radial function equation. The
tziatment mdc possible the replacement of the Wilets formula with a more accurate
orM which takes into account the alterations of the electron wave function. The re-
sulta obtained may be generalized to cases of nuclear densities which are neither
restricted to finite distances nor spherically symmetrical. Orig. art. ha3t 1 table
and 4 figures,
corj 1/2
ASSOCIATION: Kafelra slaktrodinamiki i kvantavoy toorii (Department of Electrodyna-
2ics and Quantum Theory)
SUBMTEDs o4jun62 DATE ACQs OWul63 ENCL: 00
Card 212
A C C'--S SION \R':"'_AP40.13378
AWIM Gri(.;orl evy YOO P. (Leningrad)
;,TITM-: A-class of linear optimal problems
SOURCE: Frilkladnaya matematiks i mekhanikap v. 28p no. 19 1964v 25-38
iTOPIC TAGS: linear optimal problem, minimization of functionalst linear differen-
Itial equation, variable coefficient, linear boundary condition, optimal control,
:variational problem
;ABSTII.CI.: The author studies the problem of ninimization of functionals of special!
ifo-.,. vith relations given by linear differential equations with variable cooffi-
Icients and linear boundary conditions of General form. The functionals are given
iin the form of integrals of functions of the length of the vector of controls. The
;controls occur linearly in the right parts of the differential equations and are
ibounded in modulus. For such cases the author solves the problem of uniqueness and:
,existence of optimal controls and establishes the relation between these problems
iand probloms on high speed. He proposes methods for finding the gradients of
ininimizable functions with the help of solving certain systems of differential
;equations. Orig. art. hass 63 formulas.
Card JAN I
redaktor; AMMMOV. S.N., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
(Collection of problems on the strength of materials] Sbornik
sadach po soprotivleniiu naterialov. Koskya. Goo. izd-vo tekhn.-
teoret. lit-ry, 1954. 480 p. (MLRA 7:12)
(Strength of materials)
FROI 'OV, VLdimir Moiseyevich; GRIGORIYEV, Tu.p., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;
SIMYNrAYN, L.J., izdatellskly red.; PUMIXOTA, N.A., tekhn. red.
[Unine the wathod of correcting functions in calculAting defor-
mtjonm of altntilever plate@] Primenenie metoda korrektirmiu-
shchel funktolt Y rasohetakh deformateli konoollnykh plastin.
Moskva, Gom. Ird-vo obor. pronmhl. 1957. 34 p. (Moscow. T39n-
trallnyl sere-gidrodinamichaskil Institut. Tmdy, no.705).
(Ilastic plates and shells) (NIIA IIS3)
KISBLNV, riadimir Filippovich; GR' kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;
XUZWTSOVA, A.G., lsdat*l so
kly red,; LIBEMA, L.A.. tokhn. red.
[Stress analysis of a delta viv4g tAkIng the elastic sealing Into
cnnsideration) Metod rascheta trougalinogo kryla na prochnost' m
itchetom upr ot sadalki. Moskyst Goo, Isd-vo oboronnot provWsbl..
1957. 41 p-lNoscow. TSentrallayi "ro-gi drodinamiche ski I Institut.
?rt*. no-703). (KIRA 11:1)
LIMSKIY, Aleksandr Azarlyevich; -!;~IG I E Ju.P.,--kand. tekhn. nauk.
dotsent; ROSTOWSEV, G.G., doktor tekhn. nauk., prof., retsenzent;
ZASLAVSKIY, B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; BELLUSEVA, A.G., red.
izd-va; ROMIN, V.P., tekhn. red.
(Structural mechanics of airplanes] Stroitellnaia mekhanika samoleta.
Yoskvat Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo Oboroneiz., 1961. 528 p
(MIR.A 12)
(Airplanes) (Strength of matorials)
,0511/A 1217
AU"111ORS: Murdaz;ov, A. V., GrI
'_gorlyev, YU.
TITLE: The optimum pressure applied to the grindirg wheel. in polishing
PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 06, 1962, 541
TM.T; Tests were carried out at the Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavori
(Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant) to determine the optimum pressure for 6rinding
wheels. In these tests, I X 18H 9T (lKhl8N9T) grade steel was polished with
3 125CT 36 (E125ST3B) type, 300 x 110 x 75 mm size wheels, having the zame hard-
ness and volumetric weight, while radial forces of 40, 65 and 95 kg were applied.
It was found that when the radial forces increased, th6 consumption of the grind-
ing wheels rises beyond their productivity. When the radial force is increased
from 40 to 95 kg, the quantity of metal removed will be raised from 61 to 196
gr/min, while the consumption of wheels rises from 35 to 1060. gr/min. 71,us, the
specific output of the wheels (i.e. the quantity of metal polished off per unit
weight of the wheel) is reduced by a factor of more than 1.5. The tests and cal-
Card 1/2
The optimum pressure ...
V I ') 316210-00A, C65/0-08/015
culations showed that applying radial forces between 40 and 80 kg reduces the
Initial costs of tile process. Although the specific output of the -wheels de-
creases in this case and consequently the consumption of wheels will. be higher,
the increased output saves money owing to less labor being required for the
process for polishing per unit weight of the metal. At tile Chelyabinsk Metal-
lur-ical Plant, the E125ST3B grinding wheels are operated at a pressure of 60
65 kg, which increases the productivity of the process by 35 - 50%. There are
2 figures.
Card 2./2
ACCESSION NR: AT4014049 5/3073/63/000/000/0170/0177
AUTHOR: Grigorlyei, Yu. P.
TITLE: Analysis of the reasons for the scatter of fatigue test results
SOURCE: Prochnost' metallov pri perem-nny*kh nagruzkakh; materi&ly* tretlyego
soveshchaniya po ustalosti metallov, 1962 g. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 170-177
TOPIC TAGS: fatigue, fatigue test, metal fatigue
ABSTRACT: The exact determination of the mechanical characteristics of a metal
requires a large number of specimens to make statistical treatment of the
experimental results applicable. The analysis of the distribution of experimental
points shows that the scattering of the stresses in the specimens obeys the normal
distribution law, but that the normal logarithmic distribution law has to be
applied to the number of fatigue cycles. The distribution of the number of cycles
can be expressed by the formula;
2 4 d'
A lg N - BC tg CA
where BC is the interval of scattering, A log N is the increase in the logarithm
-CcXd-r.he number of cycles, Adr the ammimum deviation of the true stress from any
. 1/2
mean value, andcA the angle of inclination of the fatigue curve. Analysis of the
expeiimental data on the fatigue strength of construction materials sh ed that,
in the interval of limited durability of the material, the scatter of the number of
cycles is 10 - 20 times larger than the scatter of the stresses. Orig. art. has:
15 formulas, 3 tables and 4 graphs.
Caro 2 /2
ACC NRt AF10026314 ( /)114 ) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/023/0.1--,/010
INVEN`fOR: Grigor'yev, Yu. P.; Morozov, A. A.
ORG: None
TITLE: A device for determining the most significant digit in the difference between
two binary numbers. Class 42, No. 134071
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 185
TOPIC TAGS: binary number, digital system, computer component
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for detenrinin(; ti.,., most
significant digit in the difference between two binary nu;nbers being ccrp.-i:-1 Irl
digits. The device is simplified and its speed is increased by connecting ~rx inputs
to an exclusive OR circuit which is connected through a blocking circuit to the gene-
rators of the "ones" connected to the second inputs of the corresponding ccllls in the
blocking circuit. The inputs of the device are also connected to switches W'Lth their
second inputs tied to the output of the exclusive OR circuit and their outputs con-
nected through shift circuits to the memory circuit which serves as the output for
the device.
SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 07Mar6o
- ------------------
Ye.N., retsenzent; S1,11M, I.K.,, red.
[Collection of problems on the Btroneth of materials]
Sburnik zaduch po noprotivleniiu materIalov. Tzd.2.,
perer. i dop. Mo.-kva; Nauka, 1964. 550 P. OeTRA 18:1)
Ivan Tikhonovich Waillchenk- ;1903~ -Im Vw'comalad of hU- 60th
birthday and the 35th anniversary of his researoh activitieve
Bot. zhur. 49 no.7&1085-1087 J1 164 (141U 17:8)
1. Institut botaniki AN UxWRp TaBhkent,
PRILEPSKAYAp V.D., tekhn. red. - - -...
[Electric insulators and accessories of 35 to 500 kv. electric
power tranmission lime) Isoliat"y i armatura linii alektropero-
dachi 35-500 kv. Mookwap 1959. 92 po (KERA 14:9)
1. Moscow. Nauchno-looledovatellskiy inatitut elektropronyahlennosti.
TSentrallnayebyuro tokbmicheekoy informataii.
(Slectrio lines--Overhead)
7JXrELIP M.Ye.f tekhn. red. . I
[Flom of the TajIk S.S.R.]Flora Tadzhikskoi SSR. Glay. red.
P.If.-Oichinnikov. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR. Vol.2.[Cyperaceae
Orchidaceae]Oaokovye-Orkbidnye. 1963. 454 p. (MIRA 16:8)
B,WNNIKOI,lp A..A.t inzh6)--,G7iIIiG,0R',I0, Yu.-.',
Star'.tngp ad'u3tIng, ayA rc-g,.,jarjrjg
j =Cle!
coal preparation plant. Nauc ti. trudy KIILII: fkfg-iR- b-.jg. n,~..'., 7X-.?.6
,_ -._4M.Or.,...W,*,-.--I
Data on the history of
18:129-139 151.
tragacanth flora of Pamir-Alai. Trudy ?FAN SSSR
(KLR& 8:8)
~ - ."_ n
red.; MATTMIEV, X.I.,red.; XOTSMNIO, Te.G.Ored.izd-va; OLOV.
[Principal results of introducing plants in the ftmir Botanical
Garden] Osnoynys itogi introduktall rastenil v Pamlrekom botantchs-
okm madue Stalinabad. Isd-vo Akad nauk Tadsh SO. 1953o 97 p.
(Akademlia nauk TadzMkmkot MS Stalinabad. Truily vol.16)
WRA 12:6)
(Gorno-Badakhohnn Autonomous Province--Botanical jardens)
KOR9011SKATA, Ta.l.; GRIOORIYKV, Yu.S., redaktor; KOROLVA. A.S. . redaktar;
MIDV. P.M. -.-t ME ffci redaktor.
(Rust fungi of Tajtktstanl Rshavchinnye griby Tafthikistam.
Stalinabad, Izd-vo Akadomil nauk Tadshikokot SSR, 1954. 94 pe
(Akademile nauk Tadshikokot SSR, Stalinabad. Truo vol.30).
(MLRA 9:11)
VIRIGORITW, TU.S.; KUPMICH, V.P.; redaktor; VIEMM, S.D.. redaktor;
- AKMr,-,-jLA.. tekhnicheeklyredaktor.
(Comparntive-ecological study of the zerophilization of higher
plants) Srarnitellno-ekologicheskoe iseledovanin keerofill-
satell vysshIkh ranteall. Moskva. Ind-vo Akadeall nauk SSSR.
1955. 157 P. (NLRA 8:11)
On* of the 1"edlato taskv of present-day biology. Isv.Otd.ost.
nauk AN Tadsh.SSR no.12:99-110 155. (Km 9110)
1. Sovet prolsvoditellafth oil Sevem Akademit nauk Tadshikokor
GRIGM TV , Tu. ff.
Comparative ecologle-al investigation of Aflatunia ulmofolia and
two species of. AmygAalus; on the question of the raltionship
between experliontal and IdescriptiveO botany, Izv, Otd, eat, nauk
AN Tadsh.SSI no.20:71-92 157. (KIRA 11S8)
1. So"t pe trucheniyu proizvoditellrqkh oil AN %ahiksko7 SSL