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(i )i~. % 9 L V__' %I C " i t'_'. 86-58-3-9/37
AUTHOR: Grigorlyev, N.D. Engr Col, Docent, Candidate of
TITLE: Firing Unguided Aircraft Rockets Against Aerial Targets
(Strellba neupravi a i eaktivnymi snaryadami po
yemym r
vozdushnym tselyam~
PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 3, pp 22-28 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The art:.cle deals with the use of aircraft rockets in
air battles. According to the author, unguldea aircraft
rockets are divided into two groups: impact-fuze rockets
The superiority of unguided rockets over cannon projec-
tiles is found, first of all, in their greater destruc-
tive power. The radius of destruction by the time-fuze
rocket may sometimes reach 100 - 15P m- Impact-fuze
rockets are fired from distances not greater than 2000 m
from the target. When semi-automatic sights are used
for aiming, the procedure of firing impact-fuze rockets
is similar to that of firing from aircraft cannons. The
firing of time-fuze rockets differs greatly from the
Card 1/3
Firing Unguided Aircraft Rockets Against Aerial (Cont.)
firing of cannons or of impact-fuze rockets. In order to
avoid damage to his own i1rcraft by rocket fragments, the
pilot of a single aircraft should fire the rockets from a
distance not less than 400 - 500 m from the target. For a
formation this distance should be not less than 600 - 800 m.
In formation flying, three methods of firing can be used:
each pilot in the formation alms and determines the instant
of firing Individually; each pilot aims individually but the
rockets are fired on a command given by the lead pilot; the
rockets are fired on a command given by the lead pilot and
no individual aiming is done by the wing pilots. In addition
to the rockets, a fighter plane is also equipped with cannons
which can be used simultaneously with the rockets. There are
three methods of firing the rockets and cannons during an
attaak: rockets and cannons are fired simultaneously; the
rockets are fired first and then the sight is switched over
to "Cannons"; the cannons are fired first and then the sight
is switched over to "Rockets". The advantages and disadvantages
of these methods are discussed by the author in detail.
Card 2/3
Firing Unguided Aircraft Rockets Against Aerial (Cont.)
Fighter combat formations remain the same regardless of
whether cannons or rockets are used. A simultaneous attack
on bombers by a pair of fighters at close ranges should be
carried out in an echelon formation with 60 - 100 m distances
between the fighters. If the same attack is carried out by
a flight of fighters in Vee formation, the overall depth of
the formation should not be greater than 150 - 200 m. When
the radio range finders are used, the distance between the
pairs of fighters, which attack one after another, should
be increased so that at the instant the second pair begins
to aim the first pair is out of the field of the radio range
finder. The greatest errors in firing time-fuze rockets are
due to Inaccurate determination of range and of fuze setting.
Therefore,, whenever possible, radio range finders should be
used. Two diagrams.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
Aselimativation of the knerican mink (&stela vioon Wim) In
the yblga-Kma regice. 120 no.6t322-334 160-
(MIRA 1612)
(Volga Tkl1er-4ftAs) (Lua Thll*y6-?ftnmk)
Some characteristics of geological conditions asnociated with
permafrost in the UstI-Yana region in Yakut A.S.S.R. Trudy Sev..
Vost.otd.Inst.merzl.AN SSSR no.ltl39-152 '58. (MIRA 1602)
, ".-11 W. , I " ". .
':%-I, )- 1.7!1,7rl ~)Otto,j, 'I'll ...... lf'~ ~-7- ILr--. -
:% ~71-rip. rr".():!~-F (":1-i , ! : 1)
1- Otdol.-miye ,f,- .7 ~ 1~
ep, -,--i A- SSS:i.
(Antprctin ro~inns--Yriz-n . i. . ,
GR1GOR'YXV, N.Y., kand. geogr. nAuk
Some results of permafrost research In eastern Antarctica. Inform.
biul. Soy. antark. ekep. no-7:10-12 '59 (MIRA 13:3)
1. Sovero-vostochnoye otdolonlys institute. merzlotovedeniva
im. V. A. Obruchave. AN SSSR.
(Bar, or Hill region--Frozen ground)
41riWy region-Frozen ground)
GRIGOR'YU, N.Y., kand.geograf.nau
Icings In eastern Antarctica. Inform.biul.Sov.antark.ekop.
no.14:5-8 060. (HIM 13:6)
1. Severo-vostochnoye otdolenlye Instituta merzlotovodenlya 1m.
TA.Obrucbeva Akadenii nauk SSSR.
(Sunger Hills region-Ice)
GRIGORIYEvp N.Fty kandegoografonauk
Thermokarst phenomena in eastern Antarctica. Inform. blul. Sob.
antark. ekep. no*25814-18 161, (MIRA 14SO
I. Institut merzlotovedeniya AN SSSR.
(Bunger Hine-Frozen ground)
GRIGORIYEV. Nikolpyjij~ppo h; SHM-ISM , P.A., dok-tor geogr. nauk,
17M.r. , otv. red.; ZOLOTOV, P.F., red. izd-va; VOLWVA, V.V.,
tekhn. red.
(Formation of the relief and frozen rocks in the coastal area
of eastern Antarctica] Formirovanie rellefa. i merzlykh gormykh
porod poberezhlia Vostochnoi Antarktidy. Yoskva, Izd-vo Akad.
nauk SWR j 1962. 147 p. (KV(A 15:2)
1. Direktor Inatituta rerzloto-vedeniya im. V.A.ObrucheT& AN
SSSR (for Shumakly).
(Ainger Hine region, Antarctica-Geology)
Role of cryogenic factors in the dynamics of the coast of T&Wtla.
Okeanologiia 3 no.3:477-481 163. (MIRA l6t8)
1. Institut marzlotovedeniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR.
(Yakutia-Coast changes)
USSR/Farm Animals. Horses. r.-2
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958s 30903
Author : Rozhdostvenskaya G.., Grigor'yev N.
Inst : -
Title : The Problem of the Periods of Growth and Development of
Young Horses.
(K voproau o periodaMi rosta i razvitiya konskogo nolod-
Orig Pub : Kbnevadstvo, 1957, No 9,, 32-36.
Abstract : As a result of the studies carried out at an experimental
stud on the foals of the Orel Trotter breed, of the
Russian Heavy-Draft breed, and of the Budennyj breed,
three periods during one year of postembryanic develop-
ment were distinguished. The first period (fron, birth to
3 months of age) is characterized by an intensive increa-
se in measurements of the body) and a high. protein con.
tent in the blood serum. In the Orel Trotter and in the
Card 1/2
USSR/Farm Anirals - Horses. Q.2
Abs Jour Ref 71iur - Biol., No 7, 19581 30903
Russian Ifeavy-Draft breeday the sewnd pericyl lasts
from 4 to 7-8 months, and in the Budennyy breed from
3 to 7 months. During this period, the intensivenes3
of the increase of the measurements and the body weidit
drops_by lA-2 tima, the albunin-globulin ratio ilecreaces
by 45 60%, and the nitrogen of free amino groups dccrca-
ses by 31-38%, as compare,! with the first period. The
third period in the Orel Trotter and Russian 11caVy-Draft
breeds lasts from 8-9 to 12 months, and in the Budennyy
breed from 7 to 12 rx)nths. The sexual reflexes appear
in colts) and the first rut occurs in the colts and in
the fillies. Likewise, the uniformity of the increase
of measurements in all directions, as well as the rise
of the biochemical protein activity, are observol.
The recor=ndations as to the organization of the feeding
of foals during all three periods are appended.
Card 2/2
Country : USSR
Category : P arm AaLmals.
Abe. Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol.q No 21, lo532
Author : Grigoryev 11. Go
Inatituto i-
Titlo Some In(licators o-T P-"oteia 70.1tabolism. ta Hei-
OrIg -Pub. MAvotnoliodstvol 10.5, , No 9, 44-4(
Abstract 'Ohe coh',onts of Zonaral protein wid or Zlobu-
line increase in thc blood of a-9-1ves of the
uAring the are pe7iod of
~)rown Latvian breed d L, ~ 0
1 to 12 months, while the content of albumins
decreases. The groatist changes of these indi-
cators are noted until the calves reach the
ago of 5-6 months, The smallest conte.,its of
general- nitrogen of filtrates, of urea wid of
sertun prote-in wAnogroups =3 observed at the
Zges of 11 6 and 11-12 mont4.,i, 1=-esw _on
Card: 1/2
Country :USSR
Cat",ory :Farm Axinals.
Abs. Jour
Yo 2-7, i95.0119
Orig Pub,
Abstract tants R"t, the agas of- 4 ani~ e3
Card: 12/2
GRIGORIYE'V, N. G. Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Nitrous substnnces of the
blood sarm of growing horses." Mos, 1958. 18 pp (Mos Vat Acad of the
Min of Agriculture USSR). 140 copies (KL, 11-58, 115)
Orljor'Xev, N. and Basistoy, A. *Use of the sound-range altimeter at low
aititudes,w Vestnik vozdush. flota, 1948, No. 12, p. 40-46
SO: U-2888, letopis ZhurnalInykh Statey, No. 1, 1949
, T -- . 4
AID P - 414
Subject USSR/Aeronautics
Card 1/1 Pub. 135, 10/17
Authors : OrlAorlyev, N., Lt. Col. of the Eng1neers, and
-ffin-yd!frW, A.-; Major of the Engineers
Title : Resolving capacity of a radiolocation station
Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 9, 52-6o, 3 1954
Abstract The authors consider 1) the resolving capacity of a radio-
location station In relation to the distance, and 2) the
resolving capacity in relation to the angle of two points
of location. He gives examples of the procedure for two
airplanes. Some numerical data are given. Diagrams and
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
&/T/&,9/r- /Y-r-y-/ fT
Subject : USSR/Aeronautics AID P - 763
.Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 9/15
Authors _20gorlyev A,_,__Eng., Lt. Col. and Filippovskly, L.,
En e Flajor-
Title Infrared technology and its application to aviation
Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 11, 57-70, N 1954
Abstract Infrared radiation is currently utilized in modern war-
fare, especially in aviation. The author explains the
nature of this radiation and describes how it is used.
He describes the principles of instruments based on in-
frared radiation, such as: photoelements, bolometers,
receivers with thermoelements, optical-acoustic infra-
red receivers, electrical sights, electro-optical tele-
phones, thermo-range finders, etc. Diagrams.
Institution None
Submitted No date
"Practical Methods for Calulatinp a Vagnetron'sResnnntor System"
from Annotations of Workd Completed in 1955 at the Itate Union ~:ci. Res, luat;
Min. ;f Radio En-gineerIng Ind,
So: B-3,080,964
~% Lt. ~!!d ;TjV'OL;Tl';?.l :.. :11"'j.
"Aircrnft Interception lRodar Stutions," from the Look, 'Alodern !U11tary TccLroio~~,
1956, PLge 176.
Translotion 111.41;C5
I I :
- . 1: -. .I -. I Y"F',
I - 'Fl.,
777777777777777 -
AID P - 5232
Subject USSR/Aeronautics - education
Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 18/26
Author Grigorlyev, N. 0., Eng.-Lt. Col.
Title Collection of descriptions of best rational suggestions
Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 11, 72-T3, N 1956
Abstract The author gives a short revue of the "Collection of
Descriptions of Best Suggestions", which was published
by innovators on N... unit for popularization of the
work of innovators and inventors in that unit.
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
(.11 V- C) (- %-?,, ' I - IVj C-~ 86-58-3-31/37
AUTHOR: Grigorlyev, N.G., Engr Lt Col
TITLE: Instructive Analysis (Pouchitellnyy analiz)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 3, pp 80-81 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author describes briefly what measures should be taken
during the inspection of an aircraft prior to flights in
order to eliminate carelessness in maintenance of aircraft.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
FZDTATIV, S.M., polkovnik.; GRIGORIYICV, H.G., inzh.-podpolkovnik
'Hosmistallic materials and their use in aeronautical construction.*
Reviewed bjr S. M. Pediaev, N.G. GrIgorlev. Vent. Yozd. Yl. 41 no.8:
89-91 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9)
GRIGORIYEV, N.G.,, inzhener-podpolkovnik
On an air target. Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.6:86-89 Je 161. (MMA 14:8)
(Guided missiles)
GRIG(')RtYEV , N.G.J1 inzn. ; UIMNYAG III, M.G., itak., ; F.H*-,*.F-,-:-,,
Development of technology In tLe metallurg-i,~al m&rA.!r.'L.-y -Indu.,itry.
Vest. mashizicjsLr. 44 no.9:79-83 S 164.
BALASHEV, L.L., prof.; -CaIGORIIEV, -~.G.,, kand. biol. nauk,
POPOV, P.V.J9 kand. sellkhoz. nauk,- RADKEV1CH, P.Ye., prof.;
SOKOLOV, A.V.; TURCHIN, F.V., prof.; SHKONDE, E.L., kand,
sellkhoz. nauk,- SHTEXIBERG, M.B.j, kjand. biol. nauk;
VOLIFKOVICH, S.I.V akademiks red.j KORNEYEV, N.Ye., kand.
voter. naukp red.; NAYDIN, P.G.# prof., red.; PLESHKOV, H.P.p
kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; POPOV, I.S., akademikt red.;
ROMASHKEVIC110 LF., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; HODE, A.A.,
prof., red.; ROZOV, N.N., prof., red FA7UIWVW&Ri-jf4mzh&,
[Chemicalization of agriculture; scientific and technical
dictionary handbook] Khimizatsila sellskogo khoziaistva;
nauchno-tekbnicheakii slovar'-spravochnik. Moskva, Nauka,,
1964. 398 P. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sokolov). 2. Vsesoyuznaya
akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for
GRIGORIYEV., N.I. (Leningrad, V.0. 8-ya. liniya, 29, kv.20)
"The liver In fasting and nutritional deficiency" by Heinz David.
Reviewed by N,I,Grigorlev. Arkh.anat., gist i embr. 43 no.7:115-
118 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:9)
12 1 J-~ '.'t-
GRIGORIYEV-0 N.I., kand. taldrs. nauk
Probable asymmetry or loadings and fatique strength. Vent.
mashisostr. 43 no.7tl6-20 J1 063. (MM 16t8)
(Strains and stresses)
. ~,~o ~,,~ V-~ ~ I
- --1 7 ~,~ ,%_ I . - -.. . I
36421, Operatli-noyc udalenlye inoro-Inyk!) tol s-.,-Itsa I oanf s-
troInvkh ran-mly. Kldrnrj:lyt., 1111.9, '1(,. li.
b-topis' ZhurnalInylkh. No. 1 9
GRIGORITRY, N.1o; ZAKRAPITAN, B.T., redaktor; ROTEWLI, R.P.. tekWchs-
*--- -:*Wredaktor
(Surgical therapy of nomponetrating wounds of the heart, the
porleardim and the mediastinam] Operatlynoo Ischenle slopykh
ranenti serdtoa, perikard& I aredoetentia. Moskva, Go@. Izd-vo
sod. lit-ry, 1953. 135 P. (Microfilm] (NLU 7:10)
GRIGORITEV. mod. nauk (Molotov)
Unusual endurance of the heart after closed injury of the left
ventricle. thirurgtia no.10:59-61 0 154. (MLRA 8:1)
(HEART. wounds &zA injuries
left ventricle, blind shell splinter InJ., surg.)
heart, left ventricle. blind shell splinter InJ.. surg.)
GRIGCRIYZV. N.I..doteent(Kolotay)
A case of transpleural removal of a neurofibroma on the thoracic
section of the sympathetic trtmk. XhirargU& no.8:64-65 Ag. 155.
(NLRA 9:2)
newofibroma. thoracic, surg. transpleural approach)
sympathetic chain. thoracic, surg. transpleural apl)roach)
GRIGCRIYJdV, N.I.,doteent
Bronchoganic cyat of the nedLantinum. Khtrurgila no.8:75-76 155.
(NLRA 9:2)
1. Is Holotovskogo maditainskogo Instituta.
GRIGORITW, N.I.. dotsent (Molotov)
Congenital diverticulum on the pericardial sac. Klin.sed.33
no.6:80-82 Je '55. NLRA 8:12)
1. Is kafedry 2-y fakulftetakey khtrurgit (say.-prof. N.M.
Stepanov) Molotovskogo meditsinskogo Institutao
WMICANDIUM, diverticula)
GRIOORITXV, H.I., dotsent
Combined wound of the beart and lungs. Vest.khlr.75 no.6:113-114
J1 '55. (KIRA 8:10)
1. Is fakulltatakoy khtrurgichookoy kliniki (say.-prof. N.M.
Stepanov) Molotovskogn rwditainskogo Instituts. Molotov (oblaotnoy)
u1. kulltury, d.26, kv.16.
GRIGORIM-N.I., doktor moditsinskikh nauk (Molotov)
5urgery for late pulmonary hemorrhages In wounds aod suppurations
of the lungs [with ouwmry in Anglish, p.1561. Yest.khir. 77 no-3:
3o-34 Nr 156. (HLPA 9:7)
lunp, causing hemorrh., eurg.)
(IMIGS, wounds and injuries
In wds, & suppurations, surg. causing hemorrhage. surg.)
lungs, in wds. & suppurations, surg.)
(IMM, &bscesm
causing hesorrh.. surg.)
lungs. onuming hmorrh.. surg.)
BARTNOVSKIYp Aleksandr lAontlyevichj XDZINg Vasilty Onisimovichl XUCHEFMN-
KO, Sergey Aleksandrovich; BUZ331ISR9 D.M.9, insh.1, retmensent;.CRI.-
in*., retsenzentj CHISTOVp G.I.,, inzh,p reteensent;
SHTIIJARp Ya.V.t insh.t retsensent; NOVIKU, M.N.v insh., red.;
BCW&VA, Ye.N.v tekbe. red.
[Specialis~4 maeur swints in conmnication systme, automatic
control, and remote 'control] SpetsialInye i=ereniia v ustroiatyakh
oviazip artmatild i telemirbiniki. Moskvap Voss. isdatelloko-
poligr. obledinenlo N-va putel soobahcheniiap 1961, 251 pe
(Electronic meavArements) (Railroads-Electronic equipwnt)
BURIN, Dudtriy Anatollyevicb; NOLOKOLININOV, AlekBandr Wikolayevicb;
LISENKOVp Viktor Mikhaylovich; SERGEYE'Vp Ivan Sergeyevich;
SOKOWV, Viktor Yedorovich; USTINSKIYp Aleksandr Andreyevich;
GRIGOR IYEY& I., inzbtt retsenzent; NOVIKAS, MeNe p inzhe p red,
(Radio-reIV communication in railroad transportation) Ro&o-
releinaia BviazO na shelesnodorozhncm transports. Moskva, V;es*
izdatellsko-poligr.Wedinenie H-va patei eoobshcheviiap 1961. Z70 p.
(MIRA 14:6)
(Railroade-Comunication systems)
Unjustified sluggishness. Ilsk.i tepl.tiaga 4 no.1:8
Ja 16o. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Starshiy sayodskor inspektor Glaynogo upravlaniya Ministerstya
putey soobahchonlys nn Rtzhskon vagonostroitellnom zavode (for
Grigor_!yev). 2. Zavodskoy inspektor Glavnogo uprnvleniya
Ministeretya putay soobshchonlys. Riga (for Samoldin).
(Blectric railroads--Trains)
ERIIRTIPFP A.M., doktor tak"nauko prof.; SHISHLYAKOV, A.V., kand.tekhn.
nauk; FUGIN, D.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; YEFIMOV, G.K., inzh.;
MCZJIAY9V, S.S., inzb.; GRIGORIYEV, NJ., inzh., retsenzent;
KAZAKOVI, A.A... kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; PETUSIIKOVA, I.K.,,
inzh.,, ked.; USFJIKO, L.A.,
[New systems of coded automatic block signaling] Novyc slatemy
kodovoi avtoblokirovki. Moskva, Vaos. izdutellsko-poligr.
obl'adinenie M-va putei soob.,, 1961. 135 p. (Moscow. Voesoiuznyi
nauclmo-issledovatellskii institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta,
Trudy., no.219). (MIRA 15:1)
'(Rai1roads--Signaling-Block system)
GRIGORIYJIV, Nikolay Ivanovicb; BARKOVSKIT, I.V., rodak-tor; MAKRUSHIN, V.A.,
takhnichaskly redaktor
[Inequalities in the algebra course for class 10; a practical manual]
Nerevenstya v inwee algebry 10 klassa; metodicheskats razrabotka.
Leningrad, Goo., uchobno-podagog. Isd-vo Ministerstys proeveshchentia
RSFSR, laningradek" otd-nie, 1956. 82 p. (MIRA 9-11)
(Inequalities (Nothematics))
Authors$ abstracts of dismortationo. Veet.mashinostr. 42
no.5&89 It 162. (KIPA 15:5)
1. Leningradoldy politekhniche3kiy inatitut imni M.I.Kalinim
(for Marlyanovskiy, Gorbachev). 2. MDakcyvokiy stankoinstrumentall-
ray institut (for Ryvkin . 3 Kmonoyarskiy inatitut tovetnykh
wta3-lov J-nJ M.I w--14--4-a .(for Pqaboy). 4. Kharikovskiy
po3itekhnichookiy irAtitut imni A.A.Zhdanova for Konakov).
5. LoningradBkiy korablestroiteltnyy inotitut ~for Grigorlyev).
(Bibliography---Mechanical engineering)
SIROTSKIT, V.F., doktor tekhn.nauk; GRIGOR'YXV, N.I., inzh.; ARTICM'YXV, P.F.,
Angles of declination of cargo cables of portal cranes during operation.
Rech.transp. 18 no.7:19-21 J1 '59. (MIRA 12:11)
(Cranes, derricks. etc.)
Vibration damping of
no.4t27-34 160.
gantry crane boom systema. Trudy UIT
KRA 15:3)
derricks, etc.--Vibrations)
GRIGORIM., N.I., inzh.
Probability characteristics of operating crane loads, Vest.mash,
41 no.10:21-24 0 161. (1-THA 14:10)
(Cranes, derricks., etc,)
G (di8s) "Damping of Vibrations
,RIGORIYEV, !,I. I., Cand. Techi Sci.
in Portal Cranes," Leningrad, 1961, 21 pp. (Leningrad Shipbuild-
Ing Inst.) 200 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 265).
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T-T r b 1--r i T-i &--I '1 4 --T+-uaw w - I-T-V -5 -.1--W-v I I r w .1 0o
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0000*0000*0 WO
R-1 52T48
~/*Atefso webbowtation Oct 1947
Medicine Liver
"fhe Obange of the Liver of Grass Frogs In Auto-
transplantation," N. GrIgor'Yev, 31 pp
Owk Akad Nauk ssm" vol anx, Yo 1
Presents results of an experiment In vhIch a sec-
tion of liver was excised and transplanted In the
abdominal lymphatic sack. At Intervals of from
sieveral hours up to 132.days after the transplanta-
tion, It was subjected to microscopic study. Sub-
mitted by Academician 1. 1. Shmallgausenp 20 VAx
4w 52T48
GRIGORITXV, N.I., (Ioningrad).
Mikhail Dorimedontovich lovdovskii; 50th auniversw7 of his death. Usp,
sovr.biol. 35 no.5.* 444-456 IV-je 153. (NLU 6:6
(Zavdovskii, Mikhail Dorimedontovich, 1847-1903)
GRIGCROTEV. N. 1. - *The Reactivity of Ethylene in the Small Intestine,
Gall Bladder, and Liver of Vertebrate Animals and Man." Min Health RSFSR.
Leningrad Sanitary-Hygiene Medical Inst. Leningrad. 1955- (Dissertation
for the Degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences.)
SO: Knizhnaya jetopial, No. 4. Moscow, 1956
GRI(;ORIYI,'V, N.I. tLeningrAd, B.O.. 8-yA liniyn. d-39. kv.20)
flenctive changes of the humnn embryonic liver In tissue cultures
Lwith summary in Nnglishj. Arkh.anat.giot. I embr. 14 no.6:64-74
N-D 157. tKIRA 11:1)
1. Infedrm gistologii a embriologlyey (zAv.-chlen-korreepondent
AMIJ SSSR prof. S.I.Shchelkunov) Leningrndskogo sanitarno-
gig-iyenicheskogo meditsinskogo Institute.
(LIUR, embryol.
renctivity In various stnge of develon. in tissue culture,
Rmport on netivities of tho aditorinl board of
gistologil I embriologii* in 1957 nnd Its job
anat.glat.. I embr. 35 no.3-1125-126 Kv-je 158
nArY-hiv anatomij,
in 1958. Arkh.
(91RA 11:7)
-i--~~,~,~-.-~,-,~ .
i~- -
GRIr,Ofi'YF,V. II.I. (LeningrFid, Vns. Ostrov. 8 linlyn (1.19. kv.20)
.. .1 "1.-
Works of Hans Elime on liver structure (with summAry in Ignelishle
Arldisanat. glat. i embre 35 noo4gglgg JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:10)
(LNM~ anat, & histol.
contrIbution of Hans 311as (Rus))
Cambial nature of tissues in vertebrate animals [with summary in
Inglish). Trudy 16MI 42:433-447 158 (MIRA 11.812)
1. Eafedra, gistologli i ambriologii Leningradskogo sanitarno-
gigiyonichaskogo maditainakogo inatituts. (xav. kafedroy - chlerb-
korrespondent ANN SSSR, prof* S.I. Shchelkunov).
cambial properties of vertebrnte tiespe (RUB))
Regeneration of epithelium in the all bladder of different vertabrlttes.
[with au-snary In Inglish]G' Trudy CGKI-42:448-465 '58 (KIRA 11s12)
1. Kafedra gistologii t embriologii LeningrAdskogo sanitarno-
gigiyenicheakogo zeditsinskogo instituts, (sav, kRfedroy - chlob-
korrexpondent.Aff SSSR, prof. S.I. Shchelkunov).
recan (Rus))
gall bladder (Rus))
Work of the editorial board of OArkhiv anatomii, gistologii I
embriologiil in 1958 and plans for,,1959. Arkh. anat. gist. I embr.
16 no-3:108-110 Mr 159. (N1PA 12:7)
GRIGORIYEV, N.I. (IAningrad, V.O., 8 liniya, 39, kv.20)
"Liver; structure and function" b.V H.Poppers F.Schaffner. Revieved
by II.I.Grigorley. Arkh.anat. giat.i embr. 38 no.,4:110-114 Ap 160.
(MIRA 14:5)
GRIGORInVy N.I. (Leningrad, V.0. E~-ya liniyu, 39, kv.20)
'Physiology and experimental pathology of the livor" by A.Fischer.
Reviewed by N.I.Grigorlev. Arkh.anat.gist.i embr. 39 no.11:119-120
N 160. (LIVER) (FISCHER, A.) (MIRA 14:5)
-GRIGOA-ILV, h.1. (Leningrad, V.O., 8-yu liniyu, 39, kv.20)
"Histology and microscopic anatomy of man" by W.Jjargnaw. hovirjwid
by II.I.Grigorsev. Arkh. anat, gist, i ambr. 41 no.10:119--121 0 161.
~~URA 14:12)
MUGUR115N, N.I. (Leningrad, V.O., P-Ya liniYa, 39,- kv.20)
Phylogenetic changes in the distribution of cambial parts of
entorodermal tissues in vertebrates. Arkh. anat.; gist. i embr.
41 no.3-Is86-95 N 161. (MIi-A 14:12)
1. Kafedra gistologii i embriologii (zav. - prof. N.I.Grigorlyev)
Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigi nicheakogo meditsinskogo instituta.
ELIBERG, G.A., doktor med.nauk;GRIGOR'YEV, N.I Iprofessor
Use of bone homograftS in surgical practice. Vest.khir. no.P-:
71-75 1619 (MIM 150)
1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.V. Smirnov),
kafedry gistologii (zav. - prof. N.I. Grigorlyev) Leningradskogo
sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo meditainskogo inatituta.
(Leningrad, V.O., 40 8-7a ainiya, 1,9,),V.;.;0)
,,jr regoneration in lower vertebrates. Arkh. anat.0 gis+,.
OmUr. 1,3 no.8:77-87 16: )62. (MIRA 17:
L L-ifedra. gistologii 8 embriologiyey (zav. -- prof. X.I.
GrIvorlyev) Leningradskogo sanitamc-eigiyenicheskogo med:~-
-~Inukogo instItuta,
w -
7 f
Tissue and organ regeneration. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 48 no.6:
117-115 A 165. (VIIRA 1837)
1. Kafedra gistologil i embriologil (zav. - prof. N.I.Grigorlyev)
Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenichaskogo maditainskogo instituta.
GRIGORIYEV, 11. Khx., Cand of Vet Sci -- (diss) "Fathomorphological
Changes in the Intestines and Livens of Chickens During Gallium Hetera-
cidosls and the 'Vesting of Antihelminthic Efficacy of BartainPeperasine
Salts," Moscow, 1959, 19 PP (Moscow VeterinRry Academy )
ME,, 5-60, 129)
i~ - I -
GRI GO.R'Mv - N.Klt., aspirant
Use of piparazine sulfate in ascarid and heterakid Infesta-
tions of hens, Ptitsovodstvo 9 no.9:41-42 5 159.
1. Moskovskaya vatertnarnaya akademlya.
(Parasites--Poultry) (Namtoda) (Piparazins)
GRIGOR'YEV, N. Ma. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Checheno-Ingush NIVS)
"Prophylaxis of duck diseases"
Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 4, April 1962 p. 64
GRIGORIIM, 11.Kh., kapitan, voyennyy letchik vtorogo klassa
Inspection day. Veat.fozd.71. no.8:56-59 Ag f6o.
(MIRA 13:9)
(Airplanes-Maintenance and repair)
Use of BF-2 glue In muae= practice. Lab. delo 8 no.2:6i F 162.
(F-1A 15:2)
1. Checheno-ingushakaya nauchno-isoledovatellskaya veterinarnaya
stantslya. Groznyy.
GRIGOR'-f&"iP N.Kh.3 kand. voter. nauk
Feeding vitamin-enriched distillers' grains to Weaned pigs,
Veterinariia, 4.1 no.b1O.1 Ja 164. (141RL 1723)
1. Chechenc-Ingualuskaya nauchno-iosledcrvateltskaya veterinarnaya
GRIGORIYEV, N.Kh., kand. veter. nauk
Piperazine dibydrochloride as an effective anthelmintic,
Vaterinariia 41 no.11:54-55 N 164. (MIRA l8sll)
1. Checheno-Ingushakaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya
veterinarnaya stantaiya.
GRIGORIYEV, N.Kh.p kand. voter. nauk
Shari) metallic objects in foods as a cause of diseases
and loss of ducks. Veterinariia 42 no.8:79-VOO Ag 165.
(MIRA 18111)
1. Checheno-Ingushakaya nauchno-is:;ledovatellskaya
veterinarnaya stantalya.
DERIPASKO, P.G.; KOVALEV, G.V., voterinarnyy vrach; GRIGORIYEV, N.Kh.
Reducing schinococcus in sheep, Veterinarila 42 nc.9:45-46
S 165. (MIR.A 18:12)
1. Nachallnik voterinarnogo otdolm. Nauchno-insiodovatell-
skoy voterinarnoy stantaii Checheno-Ingushokoy ASSR (for
Deripasko). 2. Voterinarnyy otdol Mauchno-ionledovatell-
ekoy voterinarnoy stantaii Checheno-Ingushakoy ASSR (for
Kovalev), 3, Zaveduyushchiy otdolom parazitologii Nauchno-
ianisdovatellakoy voterinamoy stantsii Checheno-Inguohskoy
ASSR (for Grigorlyev).
Grilprlyev, Nikolay Ison1davich
~71~vlik& (ftdraulles) Moscow, lzd-vo %rskoy transportle, 1958. 319 P-
Z12sta 831p inserted- 3,,000 copies printed.
Zd-: X-1. Pbtinj Wch. Bd.: D.A. Tikhonova.
J 110 0 - : This textbook Is approved by the Departnent of Zdw*tIonal Insti-
tutions of the USOR Ministry of the Marchant Marine, and is intended for
students of nautical schools. It may also be of use to students in build-
ing,, road building,, hydrological vtuzea, etc.
COVEPAGE: Wo textbook, thir4 revised edition, deals with specific problem
of sea-bottom dredging. ftw now developwnts in ceatriftaLl pumps and deep-
auction pipe@ and apparatus are discussed in detail in the section on hydro-
dynamics. The sections on hydrsulics sad sanitary techniques vere shortened.
A histarjeal outlim of the developmnt of hydraulics in the USSR in given in
the Introduction. Personalities wntioned include: Professors 1K.A. VellkanoT,
G.A, Gurshlyeako, K.K, Fedy"vskly,, Acadenicim Aeffs Wsegorov, vbO invIsti-
sated turbulent flawl Aca&mIcian S.A. Khristianovich, unsteady flow in open chAn-
bels , Professors V.r. Anving B.G. Nelson-fikornyakovs A.A. Uginchus. I.D.
Chertousov,, and Engineer P.A. Shankin, analysis of filtration through earth
dam. There are no references.
1, 71dramlics imA Its industrial sipillcance
2. Divisions of the subjectp"ftdraulics"
3- Heal fluid and its properties
4. ftsic7pkasical concepts
5. PkWaical pippertles of fluids
6. Actual fluids and their division. MeembliAnce to and dif-
ference from ideal fluids* Water
Ch. I. Etrdrostatic Pressum and rnternal Forces in Fluids
7. Action of internal forces on an elesentary surface
kard. wits1r. ruiuk
Prophyinxia (,f' duck clisolisel. VoteHlarlia
1. Che cl.e n(7,-: nr 1!, 1 9 ki, ya nal f, p., ve narnava
Gr4p[giLl. N. IlIvrolmors. ad IL P. Smk*w. Duldady
A~Msvb aaalL St. 379-61K1161). (in aw"i
per cc of air per we by
kmAskv ad relladivialic puticl" from I to 211 ka altitude
A" , ' TM ka"Im eMwA*r vwd Is descrWool
IjSt~/Nuc ear/Physics - Cosmic Rays
Abs jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 582
Author Alekseyeva, K.I., Grigor'ev, N.L.
Inst Moscow State University
Title Inelastic Interaction of Protons with Energies Above 7
Bev with Nuclei of Carbon and Hydrogen.
Orig Pub Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1957, 32, No 2, 404-405
Abstract The authors have measured the cross section for inelastic
interaction of protons from cosmic ryas, having energies
7 -- 20 Bev (geomagnetic latitude 31" N, altitude 20 --
25 km) with carbon and hydrogen nuclei. To record the
interactions of the protons, a system consisting of a
large nwrber of Geiger-Muller counters was used with gra-
phite and paraffin absorbers. The results obtained (L.,
-- range of protons before interaction, corres-
Card 1/2
JSSR/11-a~:11-ar Physics - Cosmic Rays C-7
Abs JoiL- Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 582
. L'O - 61, -4 13, A
cross section) ' 91CMA) V_', = 300 1- 50
millibarns (dete ned from the reduction in the flux of
showere-forming particles)- L' =73 17 9/cmi
1 4 J_~
270 1 30 millibarns (from direct observatjon of the num-
ber of Interactions in the graphite); L4, 9/cm-,
=~ 35 .~_L 16 miilibarns (from the dilfference in the
nu~er of electron-nuclear shavers recorded in the paraf-
fin and in the graphite).
Card 2/2
N. L. : SHES V.Ya.
Po5sible wtq in which broad air showers develop (with summar7
In Bnglishl. Zhur.eksp. I tear.fiz. 34 no.6:1539-1547 Je 158.
(MIR& 11:9)
1. Moskovskiy gonudarstvannyy universitet.
(cosmic rays)
3, UX ~N, N. L.
A STUN CF ~;12 IVURACTICI: Oi 'XCL_`CU3 10 11 v
L. The inV.-racti-~~n of cosmic-ray nucleons with atormic ruclel has becn in-
vo-Algated at 3860 m above sea level (Famire Station of the Physics Institute,
Acadav of 3ciences, U.S.S.R.) wit'- th- aiJ of an arrangement that per.'Ats
op a comprihensive study of an individual act of nucear Intt!r-lction.
2. T1Y_- arrangement consiTted of two cloud cham..bers with a tarEet of a liEht
substance (UH in the main series of exFerimients) inter~csed betwu~n then. In
thistarGet the Interactions under study were generated. TK, botto . cloud
cha-.-,ber was rlacal in a 6500-oarsted maj.,metic field, which enablc-d Us to
,i3asura djreCtl% the pulses of secondar7 particles. Un-13r the chambers was a
SD3cial device ("ionization calorimAer") malt.- up of 120 ionization chambers
a!-ranecd in 8 trays with filters between tl,,3:-,. This device made it -cossible
(from the total amount oi' enz!rEy Ceii-.3rated) to detei-mine ti-a energy 'of the
particle that produced the interaction being studi,~-J.
?ej.,ort presented at the Internat'~onal Cos-dc Ray Conference, ~Ioscow. 6-:Li
July 1959
Possible formation mechanism of "terrestial corpuscular radiation'
Induced by cosmic rays. Dokl. AN SSSR 124 no.5:1022-1025 F 159.
(MIRA 12:3)
l.Chlen-korrespondent AN S.S.S.R. (for Vernov). 2. Moskovskiy
gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.V. Lemonosova.
(cosmic rays) (Particles, Alementary)
-v Oli
Council of Construction and Architecture (Section of Con-
struction and Building Materials). Izv.ASiA no-3:154 159.
(KIRA 13:6)
(Building materials)
We are for the cage syntax. Nauim i pored. op. v sellkhoz. 7 no.5:
72-73 IV '57. (NIMA IOW
1. Direktor Goorglyevskogo gooplemraseadnika ptits.
Y 5
Building up a brooding stock of turkeys in Stavropol
Territory. Ptitsevodstvo 9 no-10:30-32 0 159.
(MIRA 13:2)
1. Direktor GoorgiyovskoCo gosplearassadnika. Stavropollakly
kray (for Grigorlyev). 2. Starshly sootakhnik Goorgiyovskogo
gosplomrassadnilm, Stavropol'skly kray (for Pugachava).
(Goorglovsk District-Turkeys)
AUTHORS: Vigutskiyq L.R. and Grigorlyevt N.N.
TITLE: Use of Hammer Mills -fot -Ciu-sh_i_ng_L_im_e_st one. (Primeneniye
molotkovykh drobilok dlya lzmelleheniya izvestnyaka)
PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 19579 Nr 7, pp.5 - 6 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Dissatisfied with the performance of the Gipromer.-designed
rod mills installed at the Cherepovets works for grinding
limestone for use in self-fluxing sinter productiont the
authors proposed that hammer mills should be used instead.
For this the type CM-19A hammer mill previously used for
preliminary crushing of limestone was reconstructed by the
works into type CM-19A-Pt giving a finer product. The
article gives a general outline of the modifications and
tabulations of operating and cost data for the reconstructed
millp a larger hammer.mill and the rod mill. The respective
productivities are ?5.40 and 19 tons/hr) the energy consum-p-
tions 4.69 9.2 and 12.9 Wton, costs 37'.2, 156.3 and 165^.3
thousand roubles, weights 6.5, 15.5 and 55 .0 tons. From the
same size-graded feed the reconstructed hammer mill gave 4.48
and 95.5?% of 5-3 and -3 mm fractions, respectively, the
Car d 1/?
Use of Hammer Mills for Crushing Limestone.
corresponding values for the rod mill being 6,43 and 93-57%.
There are 2 tables and 1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Cherepovets Metallurgical Works (Cherepovetskiy
Metallurgicheskiy Zavod
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card ?/?
T (m)/9WP(t)/WP(b) IJPW JD1J0
L 25361-65 EM
ACCESSION NR: AP4046736 S/0054/64/000/033/0134/0139
AUTHOR: Solov'yeva, L. OA.; Stolyarov', K. P.; Grigorly2v, N. N. 15
TITLE: Determination of smalIRai_UM concentrations by the method of micro-
luminescent titration X7
SOURCE- Leningrad.-- Universitet, Vestnik. Seriya fiziki I khimii, no. 3, 1964,
TOPIC TAGS: analytical chemistry, mic rolumines cent titration, galllumanaly-~
ais, microanalysis
ABSTRACT: The method of mic rolumines cent titration described by the authors
previously (see Zh. A Kh 17, 565 (1962)) is applied for the determination of srMll
concentrations of gallium in relatively small samples (10 to 50 milligrams). The
sensitivity of this simple method is between that of the titrimetric and the photo-
metric methods. (1. 0 - 10. 0,.sAg In 2 ml samples) The microluminescent titra-
tion method was tested on artificial mixtures and on samples of ferrite, silicate,
CarJ 1/2
L 253&-65
and repheline. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 6 tables
NR REV SOV,. 007 OTHER: 009
C.,d 2 2
L 5038-66 E,4T(l)/E4T1'n)/T/E )/EiJA(h) I~F(c -
b J D/AT
NCC NR: AP5027419 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/65/007/011/3378/3385
Tomchuk,_P. M.
AUTHOR: Grigor'Xj N N k
ORG: Institute of Semiconductors,_M__UkrSSR-_.Ele,,r (Inatitut poluprovodnikov AN Ukr9S1
TITLE: Temperature and mobility of hot elections in pqjai~_semIconduct9S_Q_
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 11, 1965, 3378-3385
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor alloy, LmUMM_jUoXj electron gas, electron mobility,
Coulomb scattering, impurity scattering
ABSTRACT: The function of electron distribution in alloyed polar semiconductors in
electric fields of arbitrary strength has been determined with the aid of a kinetic
equation. The interaction between the electrons, between the electron and-the opti-
cal lattice oscillations, and between the electron and impurity ions were taken into
account. The dependence of the mobility v and the electron temperature T in n-InSb on
the applied-field shows that T and p change slightly with the field only in the region
of very weak fields. With the growth of the applied field, the electron temperature
T increases, and dl`/~F increases up to some lim 'iting field F* at which dT/dF 4 -. Be-
ginning with some electron concentrations n the value of F* rapidly increases with the
rise of n. The competing Coulomb and lattice scattering mechanisms determine the de-
pendence of p on F. At small n, the mobility noticeably decreases with the field. At
sufficiently large n in weak fields, it may even Increase. The dependence of mobility
Card 1/2
L 5038-66
ACC NRt AP5027419
j on the field F, lattice temperature To, and the concentration n shows that the
iharpest dependence of V on n takes place in weak fields at low To. In this region,
:he Coulomb scattering mechanism plays a very important role, and the increase of n
Ls followed by a rapid decrease of mobility. With the increase of the field and To,
:he electron temperature also increases, as does the influence of the lattice scatter-
Lng mechanism, which is not linked to the concentration dependence. Orig. art. has:
I figures and 23 formulas. (JAI
,$#SUBM DAM 19Apr65/ ORIG REVt 005/ OTH REF: 009/ ATD PRESS
datt-ttizn In orm Lmdt;vrfal wastes. A-r d ccm.
t;t -MUza tZitthod cuts;11-1 In the furrixtion ~,l i, i
lphosphove whkUJv=inmc)Wth a crten light it 11' u
pMWMt, aftet 06CITMin 1~M ultravicilet light X - 2;' 54 -J 13
tAp. KcI'xA4 Kilt lumintsLt rimiut IMt their 111KIM-5-
.1cWxCIiwt&kcc Theculocolthaturn es-!*c..:vicir%*'Ktt
the T1 c6acn., k ytl&jw at t'ril - IOW yNil- Fm,34 At
too -V/Ml-. twight W" at to liet b".- At I "/ml.,
And vhket-bkie at 0.1-0M -timl. Speci;Ai tts4a ojn%v ilia
po%siWlity of TI &.tection in the prizence of oihtricb!~tanct~i
pment in sutfide ores, when So, Zn, and Ni concus. excred
the'n cone , 200,000 times and W 4W,(W ticucs. Fe I * *.
Hg* and Ca + 1, and Ph+* Inkifere because of the I dep-isi-
tiod whem these I=* intersct with KI azA the iodidt
forma a d1w whidi absogbe ultraviolet rays. Tfitf(vimati-on
of Omplex Cyattides with PC Rad Pb ellmituites their Inter-
tcrtr4e with T1 detecticn. The tests me vfform~-1 by
Ilacing Some powd. g= It )an a slide, L-,~Hing
&op of HCA, I drop moTO J KI,dryink at .'11j
txxzmg. the lurakneictm-e ualitt itm
A',;1' C R IS Stolyarov, K. P., Grit:orlyev,- 1'.. N. 3Vi/b-14-1-14/
A flew Lumine3cence 'Method of Microchemical finalysis
(Crystallophosphoric) (:Iovyy lyuminest.,;ontiiyy :i,.,2tod
mikrokhimichoskogo analiza (Icristailofo3forx~.yy))
Communication 1. Detection of Antimony (Soob-chcheniye 1.
Otkrytiye aurlmy)
I-,! APICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 14,
Nr 1, PP 71-14
A- .;~,'._AC`: A mercury-quartz laiip of the PRY-4 type was used as a source ol'
ultraviolet rays in the authors' investigation of the micro-
crystalloccopic luminescence analysiq. A capillary served to
record the samples (some thousandths o" ml). The precipitates
vrere separated by filtering or centrifu,,.,inE7. L scheme of the
device employed is shown in an illustration. Also a method for
tho detection of antimony in workoid oiit in the present piper.
It 1.,3 hanod on tho forwation o" Wo, (.;-ystal phoryllor CaO.Sb.
which has a yellor-f;reen luxiincoceneo under ultraviolet
irradiation. An accurate de3cription i.,3 Liv~:n oi' the
preparation of annerIed calcium oxide, on -.,.,1.icii the reacti-
Car,! 113 takes place. The color of lumiiio.:cPn(,e in dopendexr. on
A Dow Luminescence Method of .,icrochemical An:~'.yoi-3 f- " ' ". -711 _
.JJ- 1, 14/32
(crystal lophosphoric). Communicalion '. D,et-ction )f Lntimcny
the antimony ccricotil-tion. 11, frc.,- to yellow
in hi,-1h and i, ,Z, ill th,~- Case of
Cl ~u,.timony
lo-,,, oncz. Tlar
ions and a .1,
'i I , :,:a , So . Te, and o forn substanceb with
CaG. "i1c iii t1i of the above
clement,- io only iic,!c- r j ~~jUr; Ll,:. t the absolute
content of thcoe in do not exceed a fixed
maxdmum valu(-.-. ax.*,.!r,,,im value:; arc 1~pucificd for each of
the mentioned ulpmcntc. ;.:n, Co, ',.i, Cu, Cr(III) and Fe do not
form crystal phosphor substances with GaO, but they are a
source of disturbance in the detection of' antimony, as they
extinguish or at lea~;t cause the at~,.-earinj lumineocence to dim
strongly. Another specification in the paper shows the maximum
admissible amounts of these olements- in tile determination of
Sb(III). Tho detection of antimony ir L19o possible by the aid
of potaosium ferrocyanide. 'Av? aoqvenc- chosen for the process
exerts an important influence upon the sensibility of the
reaction. The forming crystal phoophoi- K 411,c(C,1)61.Sb has
Card 2/3 strong yellow luminenconce under u1 travi ole t >31 3m,4
A .Ie%7 Luminescence Method of .111crochemical Analysir, J U 7 /75-14-1-14/32
(Crystallophosphoric). Communication 1. Detection of ,I.-Aimony
irradiation. The procedure followed for the determination is
accurately described. The limit of detcr.-.iinability is at
0'001,w antimony ions and a maximum dilution of 1 : 10
As many elements yield precipitations with 1-,otascium ferro-
cyanide, the separation of antimorky b.-.- t-::traction with diethyl
ether from hydrochloric oolution io recormended. Aie maximum
amounts of Sn, Ge and Cu, vlAch allow the detection of anti:-ony
without separation, are specified. "he detection r.-,!thods
described are applicable for the quant:i ta Live %nal:,,sis of
mineral ray., substances and alloys. Lreatment o.-' these
substances and the detection of antimony are very accurately
described. There are 1 figure and 4 tablez.
AS'SOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudar3tvenriyy universi-~,. im. A.
(Leningrad State University imeni A. A. ',hdanov)
SUB14ITTED: November 14, 1957
'lard 3/3
AUTBORS: Stolyarovt K. Pe, Grigorlyev In. N. SOV/75-14-4-22/30
TITLEs New Luminescence Method of blicrochomical Analysis
(crystallophosphoric) Communication 2. Detection of Tin
PERIODICALs Zhurnal analiticheakoy khimiiq 1959, Vol 14, Nr 4, PP 491-492
ABSTRACTs It is easy to determine tin ions with potassium iodide on paper
as a crystallized phosphorescing substance is formed (Ref 1).
The solutions of the chlorides, bromides, and iodides of sodium
and potassium were tested as reagents to tin. rotassium iodide
which gives n bright yellow luminescence with stlutions of tin
salts proved to be the best reagent. This luminescence appears
after drying of the reaction products and irradiation with ultra
violet light. There is a difference between the luminescence of
potasnium iodide activated by tin and tLe lumineBcence of a
potassium iodide crystal activated by thallium in the color and
by the fact that the color is indepen4ent of the concentration of
tin. The variations of the tin concentration only cause a
variation in t',-.e intonzity of the color. The authors investigated
Card 1/4 the sonsitivity of this reaction. The limit of detection is
New Luminescence Method of Microchemical Analysis SOV/75-14-4-22/30
(Crystallophosphoric) Communication 2. Detection of Tin
0.02Ag of tin at a maximum dilution of 1 : 5.10 5. Th3
sensitivity increases when the paper undorlayer is replaced by an
unglazed porcelain plate. In this case tte smallest detectable
quantity in a maximum dilution of 1 1 5,10 6 is 0.0002,".
The order in which the analysis is conducted is of great
influence on the sensitivity of the reaction. There is a detailed
description of the developed determination method. The elements
disturbing the analysis are divided into two groups (Ref 1).
Elements forming similar crystallized, phosphorescing substances,
and causing therefore disturbance, are lig +, TI + and partly also
Ag and Cu The elements of the second group quench the lumi-
nesconce of crystallo phosphorus. They are Bg2+ , Sb3+, B13+9 Ao+,p
+ 2+ 3+ 2+
Ag 0 Pb 0 Fe and Cu . Zinc, cobalto nickel, germaniumv zir-
conium, thallium, indium, titanium, cadmium, manganese# tungsten,
molybdenum and bivalent iron do not disturb the determination of
tin. The determination of tin in the presence of mercury ions is
possible if more potassium iodide is added. The disturbing
Card 2/4 effect of small quantities of thallium can also be eliminated
New Luminescence Mothod of Miorochemical Analysis SOV/75-1e,-11-22/2~0
(Crystallophosphorio) Communication 2. Detection of Tin
by making the determination with ultraviolet rays of
A - 365 MA& . Large quantities of thallium are better to
separate by extraotion of tin. The ions of Sb 3+ 0 Bi 3+0 Is 3+ PAg+
and Pb 2+ form strongly adsorbing iodide precipitates. zilver
Iodide itself can also be luminescent but this luminescence
does not occur under the conditions needed for determining tin.
The maximum permissible concentration ratios for these
disturbing elements in the determination of one drop of 0.001 ml
volume tin (at 0.002,*g Sn 2+ ions) are the following:
Sn 2+ t Sb 3+ _ 1 : 100,000 ; Sn 2+ t B13+ I S 100,000 ;
2+ 3+ 2+ +
Sn : As . 1 s 10tOOO j Sn i Ag 1 : 30,000 ;
2+ 2+ 2+ 2+
Sn : Pb . I : 10 " 000 S n Cu 1 : ItOOO
Card 3/4