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HILOISHINAt M.G.; SHIlGiOVAp N.M.; GlUGO10YEV, I.I.; KONOKOVA, Ye.I.; BABKIllAj VeLe Immun,ological indexes and the biological activity of streptococci in the combined treatment of rheumatic fever. Vrach. delo no.9:20- 24 S 160a (MIRA 13:9) 1. Sochinskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kurortologii. (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (STREPTOCOCCUS) (PIIEUMATIC FLVER) I I' SIIIKIICVA, N.M.; VIADIMIROVA, Z.Ya.; KRESIKOVA, I.A.; - - . FATI~17,4A, A.V. Prevention of rheumatic fever under operating conditions of rhoumatological clinics. Vrach. delo noi9:31-33 S '60. (HIRA 13:9) 1. Soohinskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kurortologii. (MIEMIATIC FMR) SHIRYATIT, A.?.; GRIGORINT.J.1., Inshoner, roteenzens; UKEUMV, D.P.. inshonor, r or; mmam, VAL., tAhnicheakiy r*daktor. (Vark praottoo of a forge shop; from the experience of the Vral Plailroad Oar Factory] Opyt raboty kusuachnogo tsekha; Is praktikl Uralvagonsavoda. Sverdlovsk, Go*. nauchno-tokhn. Isd- vo u"hinostrolt. I sudostrolt. lit-ry [Uralo-41birskas otd- nial 1953. 186 p. (MU 7:8) (Torgftg) .307-12 0-5~';' -3- 14/33 AUTHORS:Vasi1'j,:!V, A. A. and,,Gri6o jev, 1. 1. TITLE A Multi-Charuiel Time SLandard vremeni) PE,-JODICAL: Pribory i Tokli-nika El-.speri-enta-, 1~11.5,~,, ANr 3 (USSR) kii.3TRACT: The deVico viag do.,;-.i.!,AOd for --oRtrollirl', the of a svnchro;?Ii~o T c, - ia 'ra-matically in t1m b1ock of 5. It co-isiots of a quartz o-~r~~tin:-, -t bu 71 P, cl,2ctronic saitch, two frequenej divid,~-i-.-" (.~Jving a t o s"a 1 (livif;ion vatio of 1:160), five decade conn,2ctueul ZI OC'19(tOr CirCU'it ).30 lu.D the ~Dutrjubs of Wic. decades) and a )f ca~-,~,I,:)C-C Waen a i~; a lin! t-) th,,~ , .&.. cimal frim Uhe ou,-u-t.-. o3cilial-or 1- :Az!ctronic switch w lie U a-z-.-Ii,~d to "lie frequency divirl-ro. A frojuencj of 10 U :A70rinc(! at the Out-.-ut of 'V-1110 CUv-HLcr:-,. T:iis is Lt to the five c:mnt5.n-- C !ird 1/3 v 100 Zu -)f V kc of V C I -C 0 A c Dul.!, 10 -oc ~u(~ , , 4 r -. t )i-. -,..3 corl-,! Ict,~:!, - - " _ i c i. c 1 -(3 1 T j U~t j. T', t 4 0 -0 0 "1 0 1 f 10 0 M, )j:., 13. M, . R,,bci iy a Lad F A V ~I I: . IH,J,~u al.- anCL V. M-'ich 4- are, 7, 1,)57. 1. Synchrotrons--Control systems 2. Control -rjsLem.,;-- Equipment 3. Title: Synchrophosetrons 3/3 GRIGOR 'YEV, 1. 1. Develop technological procameas. mecbunization, und uutomation in forge shops. Mushinnutrottell no.13:10-32 Ag Irig. 12:11) 1. Zam"etitel, glavnngo metallurga Uralmutilmayoda. (Forging nuchinery) (Automatinn) GRIGCRITIT. Ivan Ivanovichl DIATROPTOV, Boris Grigorlyevich; FLTSFWSEATA, Nadeshda rvaA6"S! RETA)MT, F.M., nauchnyy red.: KOBRINSEATA, N.V., red.; SLISHKIVICH. V.I.. [Teaching theoretical mchanice In a technical school] P~rspodsvanle teoreticheskoi imakhaniki Y tekhnikumm. Moskva. Taca.uchobno-podagog. isd-vo ProftakhIsdat, 1960, 241 p. (NIRA 1313) (Mechanics. Analytic--Study and teaching) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6162 Trubin, V. N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and I. Ya. Tarnovaklyp Dpotor of Teohnical Sciences, eds. Kovka krupnykh pokovok; rezulltaty 19sledovanlya tekhnologicheskikh rezhimov (Production of Heavy Forgings; Results of a Study of Technological Methods). Moscow, Nashgiz, 1962. 223 P. 38oo copies printed. Reviewer: 0. A. Ganago, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Rd.t N. A. Dugina; Uecutive Ed. of Ural-Siberian Department (Nashgiz): E. L. Kolosova, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering personnel of forging shops and engineering and design offices at heavy-machinery plants, as well as for those working in scientlfic-research and planning organizations. It may also be useful to students at higher eduea- t1onal establishments. Card 1/6 -7 Production of Heavy Forgings; (Cont.) SOV/6162 COVE_RA11E: The book reviews tef,,hnological problems of forging large steel ingots. The effect of reduction and conditions of deforma- tion on the quality of forgings is discussed on the basis of re- searih work done at heavy-machinery plants of the USSR. The book offers praotical suggestions on improving the quality of large forgings and reducing the amount of labor required to produce them. I. Ya. Chern1khova, V. I. Tarnovskly, and V. P. Bakharev `,-vok part In preparing the copy for publication. There are-193 ref- erences, mostly Soviet. TABLE OF COWMNT3., Foreword Ch. I. Effeet of Technological Parameters of Forging 3 on the Quality of Forgings, 5 Deformations and stresses during drawing and up- setting operations (Tarnovaklyj 1. Ya,., and Vo N. Trubin) 5 Card 2/b Produestion of Heavy Porgings; (cont.) SOV/6162 Mechanism of Owelding" of Internal defects in metal (Trubin, V, N.., and I. Ya. Tarnovekly) 26 Welding of int-ernal defects during forging (Sokolov, 1. 0.) 45 Effect of forging on the density of metal (Sokolov, I. G.) 49 Effect of forging on the shape of nonmetallic in- clusions and anisotro y of mechanical properties in large steel parts 13okolovo I. G.) 54 Effect of heat-treatment.oonditions on the anisotropy of mechanical properties of forged steel (Trubin, V. N., and I. Ya. Chernikhova) 64 Ch. II. Changes in Metal Quality Caused by Drawing of Carbon-Steel Ingots 72 Basic principles Ingots (Trubin, V. N., and 1, 72 Forging of 5--ton -ArIgorlp") 75 Forging on-ton and 10-ton ingots (Nedosekin, L. I., and V. M. Korovina) 81 Card 3/6 7777= Production of Heavy Forgings; (cont.) SOV/6162 Forging of 5-ton carbon-steel ingots with,inter- mediate upsetting (Trubin, V. N., and 1. _ - or I i l lllr UFik 90 Yel e~) 147 9-1 g - n -to 34KhNIN-steel ingots with Inter- F r ~ medlatts-.upsetting (Trubin, V. N., and I. I. _ \It - -, go r I y ev )) qi~~ 154 Effect--of-1-ntermediate upsetting on the quality of forgings from 35-ton type-40 carbon-steel ingots (Naumenko, V. G., and D. 1. Filimonov) 162 Effect of reduction and forging procedure on the quality of M18N9T-steel forgings (Bainova, R. R.) 167 Effect of intermediate upsetting on the quality of forged disks (Tarasov, N. N., and P. 3* Rogozin) 176 Optimum reductions in forging Ingots with inter- mediate upsetting 186 Card 5/6 ACCESSION NRs AP4019024 8/0182/64/000/002/0013/0019 AUTHORSs Grigorlyovp 1. lei V&ysbwd# Re A. TITLEs aol~ isc~ of methods of calculating the stamping force SOURCEs Kuzn*ohno,-sht&mpoYoohnqy9 proisvodstvol no. 2, 1964t 13-19 TOPIC TAGSt metal forming, metal staisping, stamping stresep stamping force, plastic defornationp stamping blank ABSTRACTs Nine different analytical formulas for calculating the stamping force in metal stamping were compared with experimental results for the configuration shown in Fig. 1 on the Enolosure. Equations for the nine formulas are presented and their derivations and major assumptions are briefly discussed. Three of the formulas are soni-empirical,, three use integration of approximate equations of equilibrium and plastioityp two use variational principles of mechanics, and one uses the method of characteristics@ The results obtained with these formal" were compared with experimental results for Dn/11 - 3 7 - 69-0. It was found that two of the formlas &v* significantlX better r1sult; than the rest; one derived by variational methodep the other by the method of characteristics. The letter was derived by Le A. Shofman (Ommove resehete, protsessaw shtsupovki i pressovaniye.. card A ACCMION Us AP4019024 MoslWing 196I)1 the formw mw derived IW I. Ya. T&rnovskiy, R. A. V&yebwdg 4. A. Tormasyt mA 0. As Genso (no rofwmoe)t ond vas presented for the first tUw In this Paper am P Fuma + F3P3. For stompingol D 6. 14 + + D DL 'IDI -S for elaqpted stmVinges I 21114L P" I lawsI Card 2/4 ---- - ------ -------- ------- ACCESSION NRs AP4019024 :(whores F a projected area of part# F - PrOJOcted Area Of b di~ioms D diamistertnD - width). AlthOU& theme lormlas compared best kth szparimmmistal resultgo it was; found that their application is influienced coniiderably b7 *a choice of 6 which is not further discussed in this paper. Orig, arte bass I ,+ -", 2 tables, and 2 forodes. Able of for ASSOCIATIM ame SMOMMs 00 DM ACQs 27Var64 UCLI 01 MM OMBI HL MOIN My, 0% 10001, Cord 3/4 ACCMION Ul AP4019024 df Flee I Geometry Of lamul stomping. Card 4/4 55?hP--.)5 LWr(O )/9',,)T Pf -h/Peb Wjj/rM -Mda- S I ON N R : AP5015553 UR/0286/65/000/008/0097/0098 629.135/138 AUTHOR: Grigorlyev, 1. 1.; Sokovikov, Yu. G. TITLE: Device for altering the. flapping coraxolhx anil" Clam 62, N a 170304 iSOURCE: Byulleten'izobreteniy I tovarnykh znakov, no. 89 1965, 97-98: TOPIC TAGS: flapping angle controller, swash plate ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been Issued for a device for altering the flapping angle of the controller, which consists of a blade guide. connecting rod, and rotating swash plate. To decrease: the clearance in flight betweeh the main rotor blades in coaxial ~_Ihelicopters, the blade guide has a slot in which a thrust bearing and one end of the connecting rod are displaced by a drive mechanism,0; This connecting-rod end changes the flapping-controller angle; its other end is also displaced by a drive mechanism along a slot in a bracket on the rotating awash plate, (See Fig.1 of Enclosure.) or' go art, hast 1 figure. (WH LASSOCIATIONt none _C _rd L ~,5?L2-6-~ ACCESSION NRI AP5015553 !SUBMITTED: 240ct64 FINCLt 01 iNO REF SOVs 000 OTHER: 000 SUB CODE: AC ATD PRESS: 4M 2/3 ACCESSION M APS015553 11 ullv ZNCLOSUREj 01 Fig. 1, Device for altering the flapping-controller angle 1 - Blade guide; 2 lot-, 3 - thrust bearing; 4 con- necting rod; 5 - slot; 6 bracket; 7 - rotation of owdell plates ~~00 [Card--: 3 'I. Eng. Classifical-iorl - Tecl,mjlo.~y Bassic pr]ncii-ie-t: for sjstems of Ve~A- 3'.~,, INIu. 2, 11,153. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, Jun(' 1953. Unclassified. GRIGOROYEV,I.K., inzhener Recording the interchangeability of the component parts of products. Standartizatelia no.1:70-72 Ja-F '55. (Standardization) (MLU 8:6) Gsk1(-,-OR'YC-V, I. K. UM/ Engineering - Documentation Card 1/1 1 Puba 128 - IV25 Autbors Is K. Title I The standardized control of technical documentation Periodical I Vent. mash. it 82-84t Ian 1955 Abstrut I questions and problem regarding the standardized control of technical documentation are discussed, and a review is presented of several reference papers and handbooks on standards dealing with the above mentioned subject. Institution 3 ..... Submitted I GRIGORITEV,I.K., inshener How to use the State All-Union Standards in various enterprises. StRndartizatsila no.4:70-73 Jl-Ag'55. (KI&A 8:10) (Standards. Engineering) starahly lazhowr (Leningrad). Towhing the principles of standardization In factories. S&am&w- t1satmils, no.4t35 JI-Ag 056. 93~1) (standards. DWasering) R, ~tJ GRIGO-111,YLVir Literature on standardization. Standartizatuila 26 no.7:5&-58 Jl 162. O-MIA 15-7) (Bibl!Lography6--Standardization) GRIGORIYEV, I.K. Standardization at the "Krasnala Zaria* Plant. Standartizataiia 27 no.,2:38-39 F '63, (MIRA 16:4) (Machinery industry-Standards) GICGORIMF 1.K. Useful book on standardization. Standartizatsila 28 no.6t64 Je 164. GaIGOaDYNV. I.M. , m-m M I Ill the vve-i, ear plan for stockbreeding ahead of time. Nauka I pered.op.v sellkhas.7 no,1:51-54 J& 157. (K6VA 10:2) (Stock and stockbreeding) SHILOV, G.Te.; GRIGCRIYZV, I.N., redaktor; AJIHWOV, S.N., takhnichaskir redaktor. -- 7-- -- " --- ---t [Lectures on vector ansaystel Lektaii po vektornowu analisu. Nook- va, Goo. izd-vo tokhniko-tooret. lit-ry, 1954. 138 p. (KLU 7:9) (Vector analysis) BAUER. Gans [H.Bauer]; QRTQfM-1YZZ--1-X- [translator]; TURGXNSON, P.B., doktor biologichookikh nauk, redaktor; REM 'KIT. A.B., redaktor; XOSIMISTA, S.M., telthnichaskiy redaktor. * [Book dbout elephants. Translated from the German] Kniga of slonakh. [Perev'od 9 neuetskogo I.N.Grigorieva.] Hooky&, Goo.tid-vo geogr. lit-ry. 1957. 151 p. (MIRA 10:10) (Ilephants) A _4W dr riev, L ff. An asymptotic transformation of p-or-, thogonal-conjugate systems in it-dimensional space U S S R Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 97, 765-767 (1954)" (Ru-sian) Thi-i investigation generalizes Bianchi's study of triply orthogonal systems with one family of surfaces of constant negative curvature and which admit a two-parametric (amily of transformations. In euclidean n-space E. a p-orthogonal system (p;S") is defined as a p-dimcitsional surface consisting of p one-parametric families of (p-1)- dimensional surfaces intersecting iii mistually orthogonal lines. For p10), is reSarded as bein similar Jn character to deformation texture; 1 - 01 10), texture of the seewid type predominates, -which is characterised mainly by the orientatioll (1001); (100, inclified at 15 to 18* to the direction of' rolling. In the intermediate ratige of deformation (5