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i, 4 89;-6 94G(J) IEW W/MPF(o) /EPR/FdP (t)/ EWP(b) Pr-4/Ps_4 Vp a JD/JG ACC ION NR- AP5007755 S/0192/65/006/001/0058/0065 AUTHOM, Bateanov, S. S. ; Kustova, G. N. ; Ruchidn, Ye. D. ; Gri gorlyeva, V S. TITLE: Optical properties of rare earth metal oxides. 2. A polythermic study of peodymium, oxide SOURCE:'I'lurnal strukturnoy khtmil, v. 6, no. 1, 1965, 58-65 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth oxide, oxide optical property, neodymium oxide, polymorphic transformation, neodymium. nitrate, neodymitun oxalate, neodymium sulfate, neodymium coordination number, neodymium oxide structure ABSTRACT: The authors report the results of X-ray, refractometric and spectroscopic studies of Nd203 obtaiaed by roasting neodymium, nitrate, oxalate and sulfate at 600-1300C in air. The n1trate proved least and the sulfate most resistant to heat. It was shown that a sufficicntly pure oxide Is only obtained at 1100C. Upon dissociation of the Nd sulfate, the oxysulfate was obtained (Ndp,0?90 This was also studied. 4) between 800 and 1000C. Polymorphic C4 A transformation was detected for the oxalate at 700-800C, for the nitrate at 800-900C. No such transformation was seen for the sulfate where the A-form Card 1/3 appeared at 1100C. Under the experimental conditions, no B-form was detected. Re- fractometric studies showed irregular changes In density Nvith increasing temperature; however, a decrease in density was noted for all specimens at 1200C. The maximal density between 1000 and 1100C may be related to the existence of the B-modification. The structures of the A and C form were shown to diff(,r by the coordination numbers of the metal atom, 7 for A and 6 for C-Nd203. In spectroscopic determinations on the nitrate, the Nd-O band started at 400, corresponding to the formation of the o-cynitrate, and persisted to 900C. Similar results were obtained for the oxalate. For the sulfate, the Nd-O bond appeared only around 900C. together with that of SO-e corresponding to the existence of the oxysulfate rather than a mixture of the sulfate and oxide. The oxy- sulfate disappeared completely at 1100C, The 2 maxima obtained for the Nd-O bond in the sulfate suggest that isolation of SO,3 at this temperature might also yield the C-forin for the sulfate. In the process of thermal dissociation of the salts, the absorption intens- ity v(Nd-0) %;-as observed to Increase at the beginning, due to Increase In Nd20 concen- tration In the specimen, and then drop due to a decrease in the number of defects In the structure. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 tables. Card 2/3 L 6 s 6 AC8vmbuXW--`- AP5007755 ASSOCIATION: Institut neorpnicheokay khimii SO AN SSSR, Novoaibirsk (Inatitute of Inorganic Chemistry, SO AN. SSSr4 SUBMITTED! 03Jan64 ENCL! 00 SUB CODE: IC ---N0-REF-50V:---005----- --------------OTHER-- 008------ L 40108-60 EVil(.- ",~EWTW/T/EWP(t WETI IJP(c) 4 H 1~ -NN, / J D" J G .FA~CC NR, AR6020536 S1YjRCZ COD2': U2/00"l,/~""/CCCI'CO3/BC44/POI,'4 AMHOR: Baranov, B. V.; Grigorlyeva, V. S.; Kradinova, L. V.; P-,ochukhan, V. D. ---- 4 11 TITLE: Ternary qhalcogonidesiof type A 32IIICI,Ill SOURCS: ReL' zh, Khim, Part I, Abs. 3B321 MF SOURCE: Sb. Fizika. Dokl. k KXIII Nauchn. konferart5ii Lonirrr. i-n,,z-h,,-stroit, in-ta. L., 1965, 48-49 TOPIC TAGS: zinc con-aound, gallium cormound, cadnilwi comnound, indiu:-a conDound, Sul- fide ;~ crystallization APSTRACT: The v3ossibility of obtaininc, s of ternary chalcovenides of ty'.00 stal U i AIIB~IIIQ4VI (I) having a definite size cqrhabit was investigated. Methods of gas t n .1 solutions were employed. Coarse crys ransp~ rck3ctions,fnd recrystallizatio 0, tals oAVnGa2S4 and"CdYn-2S4 w -9 bt i~-ad. The infliaonce of grou-) VI elements on the 4 cgtj a ~ranspo3~Fln-d shaDe of was dotorni-nod; it was found that the addition of t IT 6 iTe innurities leads to a more perfect faceting and to coarser crystals. It Is shown ithAt 1 c~&n be recrye%lallized from salt molts,/containing the same co,-monent S. -Rykova. [Translation of abstract]- I SUB COD:-;: 07 'Fq-T(m)/T/rF1W'P(0 /Fr! I XP ACC NRI APG030061 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/000/2623/2627 AUTHOR: Belle, M. L..; A-1-fe-rov, Zh. 1. ; Grigorlyeva, V. S. ; Kradinova, L. V. Prochukhan, V. D. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leninar~d (Fiziko- tekhnicheskoy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Optical reflection of galliut phosphide and gallium arsenide and their solid solutions ;7 7-7 11-7 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9, 1966, 2623-2627 TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide, gallium, optical reflection, gallium phosphide, doublet structure, ultraviolet region structure, spin orbital, splitting -21 t ADSTRACT: An analysis is made of the optical reflection of GaP, GaAs, and their solid solutions in the 2. 0-5. 0 ev region at 100 and 290K. A.doublet structure was detected in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, which shifts linearly with changes in composition. Satisfactory agreement in the distance between double components and corresponding values, determined from infrared absorption, make it possible to ascribe this doublet to the spin-orbital splitting of the 4 valency band at the Card 112 .L 01V,)-67 iACC N'R: AP6030961 point, the corresponding transition in this case being ris ris (-'d) -- the itransition from the tipper valency band to the second conductivity band. For GaAs we then have E; -- 4.46- CV, 4 - 0.32 ev, and for GaP, E;'-; 4.68 cv, 19~0.125 ev (T = 290K). The shift in the doublet occurs linearly with a break. The doublet structure, which becomes less distinct as the content of GaP increases, is Apparently, corresponding observed as far as the composition GaPo 7ABO 3 transitions occur at various points of the AbrYnch for GaP and GaAs (direction [1111 in the Brillouin zone), The author thanks Ye. F. Gross for his interest inthis work. Orig. art. has: I table, and 3 figures. [Authors' abstract] [SP) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 17Jan661 ORIG REF: 00l/ OTH REF: 009/ awn Cord 212 L 08354-67 EWT (m)/LW (w)/EWP(t)/ETI 1jr(c) jj) ACC NRi M6028126 SOURCE CODE: UR100581661OOO1OO51Ao6T1XU_9 ~B. V.; Grigor'yeva, V. G.; Kradinova, L. V@; AM iOR: Gorr~lova If. A.; Bart!!jqv LKrZL1L0_V_a1_i- V. ; Procfi k Ian. V. TITLE: Production and investigation of CaP-GaAa and GaAn-InAs solid solutions SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abo. 5A557 REF. SOURCE: Sb. Simpozium. Protsesoy ointeza i rosta kristallov i plenok poluprovodnik. rpterialov, 1965. Tezisy dokl. Novosibirsk, 1965-,7=8 TOPIC TAGS: solid solution, gallium compound, indim compound, single crystal grovinp crystal impurity ABSTRACT: The ponnibility is investigated of obtaining ningle crystals of homorencour, solid solutions in a wide range of concentrations. The crystals were grown by the gas-transport m thod in a closed volume. The authors clucidate the influence of such factors as the .one temperature, the temperature difference between zones, and the chemical nature if the carrier, and its concentration on the evolution of the gan- transport react ono and on the habit and dimension of the crystals are clarified. Optimal conditi -no are established for obtaining single crystals of the required habit Questions invol ad in the doping of crystals during gas-tranoport reactions are studied. A. Po-otikov. [Translation of Abstract] ACC NR% ;,R6330,;94 SOUAGE CODE: UR/0275/66/Coo/006/5014/BO14 Goryunolfa, BXanov, B. V.; Grigorlyova, V. S.; Kradinova, L. V.j Kry~.kova, V.; Prochukhan, V. D. Production and investigation of GaP--GaA,3 wid G-d~!;-INts solid solutions SOURCE': lef. zh. Elolktronika i yoye primenaniye, Abs. 6B93 R,EF 50j-.1,07-7: So. Si;mpozium. Protsessy sinteza I rosta kristallov i plonok poluprovodnik. materialov, 1965. Tczjzy dokl. Novosibirsk, 1965, 7-8 -O?Tl -AaS: single crystal grcrwing, semiconductor crystal, solid solution ABSTRACT: Single crystals from solid solutions of GaP--GaAs and systems were :-rown by the nothod of gas-transport reacLions in a closed zpace. Effects of vaporlzation-zone temperature, crystallizer tonperature, temperature difference be-.waer, the coLd and hot zones, geometric factors, and cho.--Ical nature were est*7atad. '%."so the problems of crystal dopirCL-1 gas-t-ranspGrtreact-ons were clarified. Ga?--GaAs and GaAs--InAs single crystals wora produced 4-n a wide concontration ran.-e. Optimal conditions for producing singlo crystals of desirable .habi= were found. A possibility of doping single crystals in the gas-transport reaction was found. Soma electric properties of single crystals were measured. N*. G. and others. CTranslation of abstract] SUB CO=- . Card 111 UDC: 621-315- 2.4: 41-412 E U k U J.11/V 53 co!,E: Alferov, Zh. I.; Garbuzov, D. Z.; Zhiljayev, Yu. V.; L. V.; Korol'kov, V. I.; Morozov., Ye. P.; liirvua, 0. A.; Portncoy, Ye. L.; Pro c lnukhfLn, V. D.; Trukan, M. K. .-',~~;jicotcchnical Institute im. A. F. loffe, AN SSSR, Lenin,7rad (Fiziko- ~.n1cho-"..iy institut AN SSSR) 'il'.':Z: injection luminescence of epitaxial heteroJunctionz in the GaP-GaAs system SO"-.'~C-E: Fizika -lk"vcrdogo tela, v. 9, no. 1, 1967, 279-282 p 0 3-p 4 - r cride, gallium 13-21" epitaxial growing, Junction diode, gallium a z h de, luminescence spectrum , 15W %74,A.1CT,*O,.) AESTPACT: T"he authors use the results of an earlier inveatigation (.-rT-1 v. 6, -321'J6$ 1,c-66) of t.ha effect, of beat treatment on the phot-oliLminescence of ealliuz arzenide to sttudy t1he lumineZcence and photoluminescence spect-ra of .--GaAso.8rPO.,,!; - P-G-Vi5 'Zld -,-GaP - p-Go.As epitaxial heterojunctions Crown on sub--trate-, of Cal-lium, a,.,zcnide Qopcd cad;,uum. The measurements were made at 771K. The ab~,olute In- ucnsity In zhe epitaxial junctions was not less than that fro;r diodes &ttainccl by dif-'%U.-ion of Zn in GaAs. The absolute intensity of the ce4ge c=-'zsior, in t1-.;-, n-Ga? r,-G~L,'~s junctions was approximtely one order of ma-nitude lower than in GaA:; diff~~zio.-. 'Uodes at the Game currents, but there was no decrease in the cazc of the p U, 4' - p-GaAs junctions. This indicates that e itaxial J nctionc o. the Car_d___1_12- ACC NR. :. .--' , C 3 5 3 5-3 GaP - G.I.Az :;ystcm can be so constructed as to afford highly effective unilateral -cc- -1 v ~U lion and can thus be used for effect-ive emitters. Trple z'xvcl res p-GaAs - p4-Wso.85P0.I5 exhibited radiation at. r,.Lch hi3her C 5 4, current du--nsitles than for diffusion GaAs diodes, and a sharp in rea e in Lhe in- tensity azd a narrowing down of the spectral band of the edge emission was observed with further increase of the current through the structure, probably as a rezu1t. of porpulation, inversion resulting from the injection of electrons anG holes -.rom the broad-band emitters and a transition to the stimulated emisslon code. No such phenomena were observed in double structures. The authors think V. M. Tucl.,Lkevich for continuous interest, Ye. A. Gamilko, A. N. Yermakova, T. A. Potiforova, T. N. 14vitsleaya, T. Kkheidze, and G. 1. Mirianashvili for help wit.*; t.lh~. preparation of the namples and with the =easuremezU. orig. art. has: 3 fi~,eurez. [02i SUB CODE': 20/ SUBM DATE: 15JU166/ ORIG RU: 004/ 07H PXF: 001 AM PRESS: 5116 Card 212 GRIGORIYFVA, V.V.; ZHOLDAKOV, A.A. Determination of the composition cf complexes by the data of the metal indicator methc3, Ukr. khim. zhur. 30 no.105-10-1 164. (MIRA 17W 1. Klyevskiy gosudarstvennr/ unlvers~tet Imeni Shevchenko. GRIGMITWA, YX I - I ". I I ',-~ Kanufacture of parts no.56:106-114 053. (cast iron) usde of cast-iron chips. (Trudy] TSNIITKAAH (NM 7:6) GRIGORIYIVA, V.V. W~4-s Oxidation prevention in sintering. Top.por.met. I prochn.mat. no.1:48-56 154. KRA 7:12) (Powder wtallurg7) GRIGORIYIVA, V.V. Heat-resistant alloys with titanium carbide bass (from forailp jwirnals). Notalloved. I Ag '55. N12A 10:1) (United Statqg__As& alloys) lrri-,orl,.,-~-va, V. V. "The conpounds of triwrf glutaric acic! -~.-ith cerinin ' HiF~her Education Ulwainian SSR. Ylev State U ireyd.".'. 7j. Shevchenko. Kiev, 1956 (Disrertation for the de~,ree of C=nei- date in Chemical Sciences) Xninbnava letoniSt No. 25, 1956. L'Loscow UlUGOWYE-VA~ V.V. "Heat Resistant Alloys Booed on Titanium Carbide". The five bibliographical entries listed for this article ore all US., from the monograph Questions on Power Metallurgy and the Strength of Materials, No III, Institute of Metolloceramics and Special Alloys, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Kiev, 1956, 145 pages Sum. 1287 ox -Y F- VA, - 'v trl i-j~ I 4h r"Ma ~63 vy V~ x.. ~; Wes 2, mad JT~f'l tq,:i 't 'o-r't Ri!L O;t ~114rlli'vn "Eil f I i ;J1 ' dMia -Tc !j'al' -Z(A ct'.t Pq At km p-H vaiuo Cir. pmlr~lj wkclo is Ai pll -6 beanIcu freCif whcre", , 20, the arjl'~o Tbt * l f th () l ~1 or p reul ot l + Oi 4 2H;kh-- 4: Fc*#+ it C-12. Ai aht~it p)~ - 1), the tri. hydracyclucuste cfmptew of IN- It prc,Lably rmce itahle (lian is'tlie czrr"prndlix tvtram -RV VRI- BULtILpt aLoys based on tlwif~rn r ArUb de. V. reroiblovo, AN. rv,;ucKn-o,,Yi~r.4 4e 10 kad. Napik Ul.-r, S.S.R. 1956, Nd~ 3, 137-44.- Tweuty4our alloy's Wseti on 11C, or oil it inixt. of TIC + TaC + NbC (00-95% total carbides), %," Cu, 0-60% NI and 0-13% Cr wert stiuiltd with rrFArd to Wealth, toujUm. anti resistance to oxidation tit 20-- 1100 , CtrrLetg getirmlly retidu u higher provortion of their room-tellip. Strength W11cli heate'l to high tt-lup., than do metal alloys. Supezix)r pr9pertics were found for TiC- M-Cr alloys contg, aLKut fVZ TiC, MVu N1, atid 8%. Cr. -4 Ice- AUT-ROR: Fialkov, Ya. A. and Grigor,eva, Y.V. 562 TITLE: Complex Compounds of Trihydroxyglutaric Acid with Some Metals. H. Complex Compounds of Trihydroxyglutaric Acid with Divalent Copper. (Kompleksnye Soedineniya Trioksiglutarovoy Kisloty s Nekotorymi Metallami. II. Kompleksnye Soedineniya Trioksiglut- arovoy Kisloty s Dvukhvalentnoy Medlyu.) PERIODICAL: "Zharnal Neorganicheskoz Khimii"(Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, V70.11' No 1? 9 pp.zt5_(-zY1 . ku.b.-S.R. ) - ABSTRACT: Indications are available that complex foxmation takes place between ions of divalent copppr and trihydroxyglutaric acid in solution. This systemy Cue* - C 079 has been studied in detail by the physico-chemical anal;Ihs method, by-preparative and by physical-chemical methods. It has been established that the composition of compounds formed by the reaction of copper sulphate and trihydroxyglutaric acid in solution depends on the pH. On the basis of physico-chemical analysis datap the study of ion-transfer in electrolysis and the determination. of the quantity of gram-ions of hydrogen evolved in the reaction of the components, theformula of the compound formed at pH=5 is considered to be NaL042C5H3071. Two complex salts of tribydroxy glutaric acid: Na2 ~uC5H4071 and Na H I have bee;j isolated '507 C_ N'_ . +Cu,2+ and studied. For the reaction CuC5H407 + 2 C5 A607 Card 1/2 .plex Compounds of Trlh dro glutaric 'old with So e Metals. COm I XY II. Complex Compounds of rihydroxyglutaric Acid with Divalent copper (Cont.) the equilibrium constant was found to be 5'.5x 108. In acid solution complex formation takes place mainly on account of the replacement by the metal of carboxylic-group hydrogens; in weakly acid and neutral solutions the metal ions replace both carboxylic and hydroxyl group hydrogens; in alkali solu- tions only hydroxylic hydrogens can be replaced by the metal. From values of the equilibrium constants it appears that tile complex compounds of copper with trihydroxyglutaric acid are more stable than those with tartaric acid. Card 2/2 There are six references of which five are Russian. There are 6 tables and 6 f Igures. Kiev State University. Inorganic Chemistry Section, Received 24 Oct., 195 6'. GRIGORInWA, V.V. Complex compounds of trioxyglutaric said with certain metals. Part 3: Complex compounds of trioxyglutaric acid with cobalt and nickel. thur.neorg.khts. 2 no.7:1505-1510 JI 157. (MIRA 1001) 1. Kiyevokly gosudarotvewWy universitet im. T.G.Shevchenko. (Cobalt compound) (Glutaric acid) (Nickel compound) 1 2-W CX -J - 01D. 2:510 ,A0.91 . ~.TJ~ To -\, f Y.. -I V~ TO-401 .11 0,~ Tvje O.'s C~e 0 AIX Ojjg~ ; -s :1~66 0,01 .0 GT -TIP tvl- vXC;,c,,3 rooq r, ,.v, & c- r0 'r 106 je 0. j 6 O"t 061 -0 O;v eT 0. "e Oe. Te~~ -GO Ve 6.e Ado, 0'0 CX~ S. e VLO - OXIV -,Te'? ~Tv Y 0 ~V _01 0.0 C, 0 O~A V te& SeV Ta,~ -re Cf 0 T~,G ~OT 5e& 0 lie e .,ge~~ - VTe 0 e& e )0 ip. 0 .0 lie, ge ,,,,teO , &* 5 -\ fi 0 kJ O~ .99 1, S 0, .PV e 0, "5.0 6-e 4~.qe 0 A,,O -A Ic , CT1 C.O.. jr je 071). 1~e '0 N!te 0,~ To, 0,0,e r,70 C)6P 11> --\.g _ -.0 10 VS~G N SO, -~3- & 0 2XO JIG 'teQ66) T* 0 &el) "Oe 0 0 lie &e 5 r e& ~,O 0 ,3,~e e& -qO T5 L'Ir -r-~c O~ ,,:Ie Ja~$r ~r 06V a. O~ r0 t,,~e to 1e ~.01~ OCI Of VaAA6 5~ 5900 ~A-vj ti Ilk Ot lae s t~.O:tyjp 9 je. IGT 160co O-~ t vvv 't 8310 )V, 0,4C5 VN JCP6 O.,Sde 0 taut t~x5t -t)oLe -rocou -~Tl 0. t 113. & leo 01red, a 5 ONI r"t -~ 0 IOU5 8. tae ;S:06~ ,e 0ee, Tje Ote N., -re .betel: %~ -,e, ov~s COS V 6003~t -1),S, .6.e T 0 tra Te OU r ,0 4p, Ted. ete oV611 t~Ue t06 rl t~: Vt~.Oz toxe i:va C'OT, tl:l. 0.0 ~.O. e965~1 I.T0,16 ecoll& OtToug -),G '. lu ote 1e C, sle 3,,pS-'9 -ael P- TSDIP3 s-tst 1 .9,10 0 011,11t96 t.V4,01 61~ S~te& ~AerOTL& SID. ode ~,e& 0 06 a OtT 'aa, S . & I 1e Ta -,ml So 0 oC-'Va to- 06 o jj.-r5 'r t -)~.Ou se soa 6e t6 tae Zola .10 , OT s .0,Ae 06 I-JS ZOV6 r.), eteT T 0, ,09 e tIDe ~ov 0t 0-0 as 0l j .are ..OU .OU .t~tve, %0115, of - sul 00 'tile 64 0 t06.0,A,,jGtl 0 -1 '650c, 86 tit 'l.o . ts 0ou lca~ VoI ", Ou I 0a9 of DU tae 0i r 0 :txe , . 'Ou G.J.0tA . 0l el' i.OU 0 Oft r, p . .0, 0 d6 10.00 11, GOD ep Ve ,tj:at1O Vae tVe ~X). ~.Jes 10 ~~e 'OUG ~L3 troa - -trucl chezzko 0; > elco 73-3-4/24 Electric Conductivity and Dissociation Constant of Trioxyglutaric Acid. at 250C are given in Table 3. K 2 was found to equal 3.Ox 10-5. There are 3 tables, 2 fiEures and 8 references, 3 of which are Slavic. SUB~112M-'D: October, 5, 1956. ASSOCIAT1014: Kiev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko, Chair of Inorganic Chemistry. ( Kievskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko, Kafedra Neorganicheskoy Khimii) AVAIIAB1~6: Library of Congress. Card3/3 SOV/ 137- 58-10-20814 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p 66 (USSR) AUTHORS: Gri or'yv_va,-V_V_,, Klinienko, V.N., Kosolapova, T.Ya. TITLE: Chromium Carbide as the Basis for Special-purpose Metal Ceramics (Karbid khroma kak osnova dlya metallokerami- cheskikh materialov s osobymi svoystvarni~ PERIODICAL: V ab.: Vopr. poroslik. metallurgii i prochnosti materialov. Nr 5. Kiyev, AN UkrSSR, 1958, pp 80-89 ABSTRACT. A presentation is made of the results of an investigation of the optimum conditions for the preparation of Cr3CZ- It is established that use of a 156 excess of carbon black (stoichio- metric composition 13.33% C) in the charge, and holding in an 1-12 atmosphere at 16000C for 2 hours in a resistance furnace with a carbon tube makes it possible to produce Cr3CZ contain- ing < 3% of the lower carbides jCr7C3 and Cr213C6). Boiling for 3 hours in dilute FICI ( 1: 1) was tised to separate the Cr3C?. from the lower carbides, in %%,liich case the Cr3Cz remained in the precipitate. The rnicrohardness of the resultant Cr3CZ was Card 1/2 2660-Z680 kg/mm2, which is in good agreement with literature SOV/ 137-58-10-20814 Chromium Carbide as the Basis for Special-purpose Metal Ceramics data. The compound Cr 3CZ ~(5-207o) Ni, sintered at > 11000, revealed high mechanical properties- ffbi to 55 kg/mmz at room temperature, c' Iii lip to 70 kg/mmz at 9500, RA 84-89.5. Resistance to oxiclation at 9500 on Cie part of materials based on Cr3CZ is higher than that of stainless steel. Alloys based on Cr3CZ may be utilized wherever hard, corrosion- resistant mater- ials are required. 1. Chromium carbide--Preparation 2. Chromium carbide--Separation R.A. 3. Chromium carbide--Properties 4. Ceramics--Materials Card Z12 SOV/ 137- 58-10-20807 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 11158, IN'r 10, 1)05(USSRi AUTHORS: Grigor'yeva, V.V., Tuchak, S.S. TITLE: Ground Titanium Carbide (Razinol karbida titana) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vopr. poroshk. metallurgii i prochnosti materialov. Nr 5, Kiyev, AN UkrSSR, 1958, pp 117-119 ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the grinding of TiC powder of the following granulometric composition, in weight 0,16: > 10 ~L 14.0; 10-5 ~L 34.3; 5-34 Z9.7; < 3 ~L ZZ.O. The experi- ments were run in a ball mill lined with VK-8 alloy, the balls (331o of 25-mm diam and 67% of 20-mm diam) being of the same alloy. The ball loading was 2: 1. After grinding for 25, 50, 75, and 100 hours in an alcohol or gasoline medium. particle size is determined by the sedimentation method due to Figurovskiy. The number of