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/-An scicntific Mid UO And L-L GRIGORIM, D-.-P. I ~, m On the nceasion of the IflDth birthday of professor Trantleek Slavik. Zap.Tses.min.ob-va 85 no.2:135-136. 156. (MMA 9; 9) (Slavik, Frantleek. 1876-) - - - - 4-4-c:~~Otmiaa P. Grifer'ev. r4 pig G CT~Lma 1~ r ' I '~U 2o .L,7--Ciy CT~! elAMPIt, ~b~ X MI t~tlrll- MCrAtioTte-d, fcl!o-~d t-) & --~ charutcrijek are uAre7-Jj rr'-t 'T r 7, series rite, rand m the itrici u( ti-r 2~-~Tt C]!~CJ,4t - ~t '~mlce -Vy!,;xcc% - C~rrte ~~'c F, tn. 0 N-rite 3 dyrmmiri~c-aLou. , ti, r ;-irt T . he Nfi&!lc Ural ww" a chaugm in t-.C ~V ta) JILt;j. t *A ~ by the cwk.-Wulff thz'~~rm 4 thr i~rf- Individual Cryital fACCS *T'Iji ;,rj.,wj,Ae the alums; the mcrymn -4 ~~-i tg~raite latt-,sruwths beiiings to this tT-p Ai 4, ------- ---- 0(*t atimr. 4~n tile cflavg!~I 'A itquLd ative aystakil ir. N:&~KO# crvsizl~ recrvl*a. cl acc"fat" tilt M-StAIJ G.J t',: M tC h -1 r. r-~ 7 1 r Ij;I PF ~Z!~ GRIGORIYJCV, D.P. oil W_ 110*14 Professor N.A.Raolllaninow's book *A practical handbook on mineralogy. Reviewed by D.P.Ortgoriev. Z&u.T6G8.uiA.ob-v& 85 no.):440-"3 156. (Mineralogy) (Soollianinov. N.A.-) (XIM 9:11) ,OMMM., pksp-l~-- Development of ideas on the objects of study in mineralogy and A.Z. BoId7rev's concept of minerals. Zap.Tses.min.ob-va 85 no. 4:463-471 156. (NLRA 10:2) 1. Kafedra mineralogit, Lenivgradskogo ordenov Lenins, I Trudo,rogo Ir"nogo Znwwni Garnogo Instituta. (mineralogy) (Bolayrov. A.T.) 1- -1 k 1--, --! [~, ~ L) '1- .1 SHAn"OVSKff, Ilarion Ilarionovich; TATARIKOY. P.M., red.; GCRSKff, I.L. red.; AIMOV. B.A., prof., redo; ILORSYNT.B.A., Drof.. red.; prof.. red.; TSTYAYRY. M.N., prof.. red.; TOLSTI- XHIN, II.I., p;ro"t red.; ISVIMIIG, N.V., red.; VODOLAGINA. S.D.. [Mineral crystals] Kristally mineraloy Claniograd] Izd-vo lentagr. univ. Pt.l. [Plane-face formal Ploskogrannye formy. 1957 220 ("; 11:23' 1. Ch len-kor romp onden t AN S$SIk (for Tatarinov. Gorskiy) (Crystallography) V L'i, JR; G--igor'yw, D.P. Illarioiiovich Shafranovskiy (On The Fiftieth An.,dversary of His Birth) (Illarion Illarionovich Shafy-a-i- I'vokly (K pyatidesyatiletiyu so dnya rozhdeitiya) a~11-"IODICAL: Kristaliografia, 195?, Vol.2, 110.5, pp. 6?6-67? (USSR) '-kSTRACT- BiblioF .5raphical and congratulatory not.-,ice. Sl,afranovskiy 4 ;.:3 t h e author of 200 papers, mainly on crystal 1~111rpholuEy, the 1,1-,-tory of crystal lography and mineieloU and of the books 'Tineral Crystals", 195? and "Diamonds", 1953. "JAILABIZ: Library of Uongress GRIGORIYIT, D.P., kandidat geografichookikh nauk. ~ I -'. '-- Snowfalls ig Amur Provinceo Pr1roda 46 no~3:125-126 Mr 157, (MLRA 10:3) l.Anmrskaya ekspeditstys Soveta prolivoditol'nykh mil Sevem Akademil asuk SSSRo (Amr 1rovince-snow) GRIGORIYMV, D.P., kand. geogr. nauk. - Thunderstorms In Amur Province. PrIroda 46 no.8:124-125 Ag '57. (MIRA 10t9) 1. Amirskayn ak-speditelya Soveta proizvoditallnvkh oil Severs Akadenit nauk SSSR. (Amur Province--Thunderstorms) a GRIGORIYXV, D,P. - - - WINOMINIMM The activity of the editorial board of "Zaniskiw of the All- UNIon Mineralogical Society from 1947-1956 and its present taskm. Znp. VGos. ain. ob-va. 06 no.2:185-190 '57. (HLR& 10:6) (Kineralory-Feriodicals) GRIGORIYIIVC D.P.; BONSIITFM-KUPLBTSUYA, X.H.; GRITSAYSM, G.B.; HIIHIM, [deceaned]; TATARSKIY, Y.B. From the Comission of Now Minerals of the All-Union Kineralogi- cal Society. Zap. Vasa* min, ob-va 86 no.2:315-316 157. (HLHA 10: 6) 1. Predeedatell Leningradakogo gornogo institute, (for Grigorlyev and Mikheyev). 2. Institut geologil rudr4ykh mestorozhdonly, petro- grafit, mineralogii i geokhimii Akademii nauk SSSR. Moskva (for Bonshtedt-Kupletskaya and Oritemyenko). 3. Leningradekly gosudar- stvennyy universitet (for Tatarskly). (Mineralogical societies) STULOV, X.N.; SH"WOVZIY. I.I.; MOKIYXVKIY. V.A.; POPOV. G.M.; 'Dr.4m TIN, A.G.; NIKOIAYIW. V.A.; ANSWRI-CS. 0.M.1 GRIGGROYNT, D.Fj; YXWBYBT, B's.; WAR IT, V.B'; S0141,12y, B.P.-f-1111KIthf-I'D RLMWO. S.A.; DUBINIMA. T.R.; ALYAVDIN. T.F.; VIADIMINOT, B.N.; KAZITSYN, Yu.T.1 FMAX-KAXAMTSKIY. V.A.; KALININ. A.I.; BALL- SHOVA, N.M.; SALIDAU. X.P.; DOLITO-DOBROVOLISKLYA. G.M.; LAT- Miff I TIT, M. 7. Tilctor Ivanoviah Klkhoev. Zap. Toes. ala. ob-va 86 no.2:317-320 '57, (K= 10: 6) (Nlkhasy. Vlktor Ivanovich, 1912-1956) GRIGORIYEV. D.r'. In memory of N.L.B)wtin. '-po.Vi,.,:i:-i,ob-vA 86 no.1:182-387 '57. ZXLRA 10:9) 1. Deystvitelln~,.v c',lcn Vsesoyu;inceo miners logicfteakogo obshchestvr. (3owen. UcrvAn Levi, 1857-1q56) Book of F. H. Smith on mineralogical thermometry. Zap. Toes. min. ob-va 86 no.4:515-516 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Thernovietry) (Zarth temperature) "-.& GIIGMIMO D.P. . I Development of mineralogy In the U.S.S.R. during the past 40 years. Zap.180s.min.ob-va 86 no.5:539-557 157. (MIRA 10: 10) (Nineralogy) 'o-1-5o/64 AUTHOR GRIGORI YFM D J, r- TITLE ---an--fh--e Grooves in Quartz of the heresovokcr/e Gold Deposits in the Ural. (Shramy ne kvnrtssJkh v Berezovskas zolotorudnom mestorozhdonii na Urals -Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akadomii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 114, Nr 1, pp 182 - 184 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT In the quartz ores (which are already classical) in the area of the above gold deposits there can be found crystalline formations of a particular kind: minerals which are grown on the quartz, but also minerals which fill out eventual fissures in the ore vein or which diesplace the quartz crystal itself. Tectonic phenomena can also be noticed on all minerals of the Beri- ozovk ore veins (as deformations of different kinds), and it should be no- ted that those deformations took place several tin". To be brief, the fol- lowing can be said on the grooves and fissur*st galenite which, in some pla- ces, filled out the fissures, occurred in the form of large crystalline grains, with a diameter up to lo cm. The character of the surface of the minerals proves that quartz was dissolved there, and that galenite came into touch with quartz. The qu&rtz crystals also have strongly rounded grooves. The grooves and scratches are not caused by purely mechanical influences but rather by totrahodrits and galenits. This formation of grooves and scrat- Ch65 is an interesting phenomenon in the genetic history of this mineral, Card 1/2 as recorded by the tectonic changes in quartz (and In Its companion minerals), on the Grooves in quartz at ft3erezovskrVe Gold Deposits in 0 - !- ~0/64 the Ural. ASSOCIATION Not Given. PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 Ic NIKOLISKAYA, Tom Tamillymna; GRIG(MIYBT, Rj" RA, H, Ildlya Fedormna-, IMMM. G.D.. -doictor geograflehaskikh nauk, otvitat"oW red.; POCREMOV, K.I., red. izd-va; ZNI # Ye.Vot takhn. red, czera-Burey& PW ; papers on Its physioal geography in relation to agricultural explIation] Zelske-bursinsksia ravulua; materIaly po fisicheakol geografti v xviazi a sellskokhosialstvennym ispollsov's- Men. Kooky&, Isd-vo Akad. muk SSSR. 1958- 133 P. (XIM 111) (Zera-ftreys Pl4in-Physical geography) A UTHOR t Grigorlyev, 1). P., Yrofessor soll", 50-)b-10- I'll -~5 TITLE: Brief Communications (Kratkiye sonbshcneniya) Founding Congrpss of the Internatioual Mineralogical Asnocintion Ochreditollnyy s"yezd Mezhdunarodnoy mineralogicheakoy asaoLslatsit) PERIOD1CALt Vestnik Akademii nauk SS6R, 1958, Nr 10, pp 84-85 (ULSR) ABSTRACTt The Congress took place in Madrid from kpril 8 to 10, 1958. The decision concerning the creation of' this new scientific association was taken in the assembly of mineralogists at the 4th Congress of' the International Crystallographic Association In 1957. As official delegates the representatives of scientific societies of the following countries were present: Austria, United Kingdom, Germany (united delegation), Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Canada, USSR, USA, Finland, France, tiwiLzerland, Sweden, and Japan. Belgium was represented inofficiaily. Scientific societies of the following countries promised to join the asso- ciations Australia. Bulgaria, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistrin, Czecho-Slovakia, and the Union of South Africa. The delegation of the US!2R included K. A. Vlasov, Corresponding Member, ,~S, UISSR, and Professor D. P. Grigorlyev. in the first meeting it Card 1/2 was resolved to create the International Mineralogical Ausocia- SOV/ 30-58-10-17/5 5 Brief Communications. Founding Congress of the International Mineralogical Association tion ana its constitution was adopted. '11'he congres3 elected the Executive Committee, to which D. P. Grigorlyev (USSH) belonR:i as one of the vice-presidents. Afterwards a symposium took place which was devoted to modern achievements and future re- search its tne field of mineralogy. D. P. Grigorlyev pointed out the necessity of studying minerals as natural-hintorical forms. The next Congress of the International Mineralogical Association was scheduled for Zurich in the fall of 19-9. Card 2/2 A UTHOR. a a a or TITLE: The International Mineralogical Association naya mineralogicheskaya assotsiatsiya). pant in the Constituent Session (Zlametki ditellnogo altyezda) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 11, PP 50 - 53 (US3R) SOV-26-58-11-8/49 (!Zezhdunarod- Notes of a Partici- uchastnika uchre- ABSTRACTt The article reports an the Foundation Sestiion of the Inter- national Mineralogical Association in Madrid from 8 to 10 Apr 1958, in which author participated as a member of the Vsesoyuznoye mineralogicheskoye obshchestvo (All-Union Mi- neralogical Society) and a member of the organization com- mittee of the International Mineralogical Association. As- sociate of the AS USSR, K.A. Vlasov, attended as the dele- gate of the AS USSR. The author was elected vice president of the executive committee, and read a paper on the general development of mineralogy. Tsere are 3 photographs, ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gornyy institut (The Leningrad Hining Institute) 1. Minerals--USSR Card 1/1 GRIGOH'TF,V. D.P. Three types of plastic deformation of galmnite. Min.sbor. no.12:129-143 158. Oaft 1392) 1. GorWy Institut Imeni O.Y.Plekhanova. Leningrad. (Galmm) ORIOGRITAI, D.P.. prof. Ornatlowl Mineralogical Association. Priroda 47 no.11:50-53 1 1 (MIRA 11: 12) 9 36. 1, Leningradekly rary institut. Mrid-Nineralogy-Congres see) ORIGMIM, D.P.; EUZUMMA, T.a. VsW elbibition oi a Inerals i a the Ydneralogical *asoum. Zap. Toes. uln. ob-va 87 no*1869,-75 150. (KIRA lls6) 1, Gor"y *ls*y I kafedra alueralogil loeuivgradakago gornago Instituta, (lonlograd-MIneralogleal manouns) ORIGORSY]KY, D.P. Natural cleavage of quartz. Zap. Vnes. min. obwva 87 no.4:418-422 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1.11afedra mineralogil leningradskogo gornogo instituls. (Qwrts) GRIGORITICV, D-P- Report on the inaugural meeting of the International mineralogical Aesociation in Spain. Zap. Veas. min. ob-va 87 no.4t5l8-525 '58. (MIRA 12:1) kMadrid tGity)-Mineralogy-Congresses) s KXSE I BO(;t,' D WITATIO"i SOV/5236 Grigorlyev, Daniil Petrovich Kbinicheskaya pranyahlonnost' v Onskom ekonamicheekam rayone (Chemical Industry in the Omk Economic Region) (Omsk) Omwkoye knizbnoye izd-vo, 1959- 27 P- 2,000 copies printed. (Series: Onskaya oblast' v semiletke) Ed.: P.P. K11mina; Tech. Rd.: V.I. Mellnikov. PLqU%Z: This booklet to intended for the generpl reader. COVERAM: The booklet briefly discusses the development of the chemical industry, particill 1y that of 4rnthetic materials, in the Owk econamic-administrative region. Specifically discussed are the operations of the Oaskiy neftepererebaty- vayushchly zavod (Ojuk Petroleum Processing Plant)., the Ompkiy shimiyy zavod (Owk Tire Plant), the Onskly sazhevyy zavod (Oask Carbon Black Plant), and the pro- jected Zavod sinteticheakikh material,-N (Synthetic Materials Plant). There are no references. Uo peracnalities are mentioned. 9(6) A*UTHORSs Gernet, le,V., Grigorlyev, D.P. SOV/32-25-4-57/71 TITLEs Production of Screens for the Electron Microscope (rolucheniye aetok dlya elektronnogo mikroskopa) PERIODICALs Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 4, pp 497-498 (USSR) LBSTRAM To produce high-quality preparations plane metal screens to be. used with the electron microscope EM-3 must be available. In the case of a method already described (Ref 1) somedifficulties arise, and the article therefore gives a description of a new method for the production of these metal screens. In order to produce a negative, a thin copper screen (50-55 openings per MM2) was contact--photographed on a diapositive film (light sensitivity 0.7 according ~o GOST). The source of light was a point lamp of the lighting fixture 01-7. After carefully cleaning a g3ass plate (6 x 9 cm), a silver film of 0.2 - 0.5g thickness is applied. Then the plate is dipped into a chrome tanned albumin solution and dried. The process ., which is to be carried out in darkness, is repeated twice. The negative ment'-nned above is then printed on the glass plate preparedin theabove vay, and the screen structure developed (with 10,:, K Card 1/12 and 121-' Na S 0 1 JA FeCY6 2 2 Production of Screens for the Liectron Microscope SOV/32.-25-4--57/71 ASSOCIATIONs Card 2/2 The allumin is removed by hot water. Copper is then applied electrolycally on this screon structure, the copper screen which forms in this way is removed. and nickel is applied electrolytioally. A punch (Fig 1) is used to cut screens with a diameter of 2 mm from this screen (6 x 9 cm, thickness 25-35~)- Since the screens might be soiled or damaged during storage and handling. a special case has been designed (Vi92). It is of cylindrical shape and contains 12 rod magnets which hold the metal screens in the sheaths in which they are kept. There are 2 figures and J references. 2 of which are Soviet. Gor,kovskJ-y irstitut giglyeny truda i profzabolevaniy (Gor, k I Y Tnstitut,? of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Dis-ases) I.,,GRIGOR'nW, D.P. . ~ Committee on Now Minerals of the International KineralogAcal Association. Zap.Vess.min.ob-va 88 no.3t368 '59. (MIRA 12t11) Okdrid-PIneralogy-Congresses) GRIGORITIV, D.P. ------- Rate of crystallization of minerals. Zap. vaes. min. ob-va 88 no-5: 497-511 '59. (MIRA 13:2) .I.Xafedra mineralogli LeninVadskogo gornago instituta. (Crystallization) ABDULLATIV, Ih.M.; BARSASOV, G.P.; GRIGOROTSJ~,,,,D.P.; KARTICIN, A.Te.; KASHLAT, M-Ao; SOLGT'71V9-VY--7-ffa-MSKIT. A.S.; SHADILM, T-11. Congress of the Internatlonal Mineralogical Asoociation In Switzerland. Zap. Veer. min. ot-va 89 no.1:133-137 060. (NIU 13: 10) (NIneralogy-Convea son) GRIGORIYEV, D.P.; 1&%TMNVJ%o I-V- parallel collim- calcite from gro*n rocks of the Berezovskiy gold deposits in the Urals. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. I ruzv. 3 no-7:53-58 J1 160. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Leningradekly gorzWy Institut. (Ural Nountaine-Calcite) GRIGOROYEV, D.P. leonard James Opencer; obituary* Zap.Vsos.min.ob-va 89 no.2: 251-252 l6o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Daystvit9iIp" chlen Veasoyuznogo mineralogichookogo Obshchestva. opencer. Ieonard James. 1870-1959) MIKMEV, Viktor Ivanovicho prof. 11932-19561; LEVENBERG, N.V.) otv. red.; TATARINOVp'P.M.j rod.1 AIMOV, B.A., prof.) red,j ANDRErEV, B.I,) prof., red.j GRIGORITEV, D.P. prof.,, red.; POGREBITSKIY, Ye.O., prof.,, red.' TOLSTWiE, "prot red.; SHAFWOVSKIY I.I., prof.,, a&- ucbzWy rod.;'MIKH3YEVA, I.V., dots.., iiauchiVy red.; DAYEV, G.A.,, ve- dushobiy red,; ZABWDINA, A.A., tekhn. red.; GENNADIYKVA, I.M.1, tokbn. red. [Homology of crystals! Gomologiia kriatallov. Leningrad, Goo'.' naucbno-tokhn. iad-vo neft. i gorno-top.Uvnoi lit-ry, 1961. 206 pe (MIRA 14:10) 1. Chlon-korrompondent AN SM (for Tatarinov). (Crystallograpby) GRIGORIYEV, D.P.,, prof.; LAZAIWKO, Ye.K6. prof,,, otv, red.; rUMWTK.P.,, red.; SARANYUK, T.V., tekhn. red. [Ontogemy of minerals] Ontogenila mineralov. L'yovs Izd-vo Llvovskogo univ., 1961. 283 p. (MIRA 150) 1. IAningradskiy gort" Institut,, Kafedra miteralogli (for Grigorlyev). 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR (for Lazarenko). (Minerals) GRIGORYFV, D.P., row"MYTY, FUZN%7r'3OVA, V.r% Conc,3rninp comp'Intion of the minerology of meteorites. - - - - -.-- 7- - --- ~- ~ - - - I - // C) "MEMRMA" (!etaorltee-Studleg) !Oaus no. 20 - 1961, sponsored t,- the 0 tjg2 on- tggritfl-s" of the Soviet AcadwT of Soleness - Morcci- 1961, 208 P&ROOp ane contaInIng CollsetW Worka("Trudy") of the ".Cd& V Orga'AIW by the ggUdtj" ngk_patgorjta r_thj_&Vljt AV. ~ j!S=qqArRI= Hold In KIFV oil 2-/. June 1960. AL" long-an MW GRIGOIRIYEV, D.P. ft, - ',Oiat is a mineral? Zap.Vses.min.ob-vn 90 no.4:431-437 '61. .. (YIP.~ 14: 9) (minerals) GRIGORIYEV, D.P.; BONS11TEDT-KUPLETSKAYA, Ejj.; BORNrZWI-STARY?WVICJI, ".-.-;-MTSAYZWO, G.S.; TATARSKIY, V.B.; FRAIM-KAMEhITSKIY, V.A. To all mineralogiats of the Soviet Union. Zap.Vaes.min.ob-va 90 no-5:607-608 161. (MiRA 14:10) 1. Predsedatell Komiasil po novym mineralam Visesoyuznogo mineral- ogicheskogo obahchostva (for Grigorlyev). 2. Komiasiya po novym mineralam Vsasoyuznogo minaralogicheskogo obshchestva (for all). (Mineralogical mocisties) GRIGORqEV, Dmitriy Favlovich; SM-HYAYEV, Yu.T., red. Izd-vI; BYKOVA, V-.V-. 9- -taktm*. rod. (Fundamentals of the constitution of mineralslOunovy konati- tutaii mineralov. Noskv;,, Gosgeoltekhizdut.. 1962. 59 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Mineralogy,) S/030/62/000/004/001/010 B101IB110 AUTHORt Grigor'y".,,__D_., P.,--Professor TITLE: Cosmic mineralogy - a new branch of science P6RILODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vestnik, no, 4, 19629 21 - 24 TEXTs The resolution of the 9-ya meteoritnaya. konferentsiya (9th Confer- ence on Meteorites) (1960) concerning the further development of cosmic mineralogy as a special branch of science is explained by well-known data on characteristics of meteoritic minerals diverging from terrestrial minerals. The conference suggested that, first of all, the data on meteoritic minerals known so far should be compiled. It is emphasized that this new development is of immediate interest to the conquest of the universe andin particular, to the poesibility cf investigating cosmic minerals by sampling in situ. Card 1/1 GRIGORIXEV, D.P., prof. -------- Space aimmlogyp atev branch of science. Vest.AN SMR 32 no.4,&21-24 AP 162. (KM 1515) (Pbtoorites) GRIGORIYEV D P.- KARYAKIIIA., T*A. Crystallization of quartz in chalcedony geodes. Min, sbor, no.16s 106-132 162. (MM 16&10) 1. GornJ17 inatitut imenj G.V. Plekhanova, lAningrad) (CrystallIzation) (Quartz) (Geodes) �~IGORIYE 0,-D.F. -.- - - -v On the name of the mineral which in a modification of maxizua-- density silica, Zap*Vses.min.ob-va 91 no*5:635-636 062. (MIRA 15S11) (Minerala) GRIGOWYEN, D.P., prof. Crystal chemistry of minerals In the book "Flotation of sillcates and oxides." Obog. rud. 8 no.2t4O-41 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kafedra mineralogil Leningradskogo gornogo Instituta. otp,.m SIIAFRANOVSKIY, Ij.; BELOV, N.V.; BOKIY, G.B.;_CJLIGCR-!UV,, D.P.; STULOV, N.N.; MOKIYEVSKIT, V.A.; TATARSKIY., V.B.; MIKMEVA, I.V.; DOLIVO-DO13ROVOLISKAYA, G.M. Georgii Mikhallovich Popov; obituary. Zap. Vaes. min. ob-va 92 no.5t613-615 163. (MIRA 17-1) rlf~rll logle'll n1h,jrA of iiollyrtv' 4a V z~,i n 'a in va ')'3 no, 2 - 163-167 # 04 RA L 6655-65 AI'ETR/ASD(f)/AFWL AP4041401 S/0020/64/l36/W/1335/;35T AMHOR: 0 TITIE: Primary crystallization of sineralas and the structure of abondrulas ~SOUHM: AN 858R. Doklady*# To 156v no- 6,, 19&,, 1355-1357 TOPIC TAGS: primary mineral crystallizationo meteoric chondrule meteorite,, ~cbrystollte, bronzitep minerology AWMCT: Meteoric chondrules am =all spherical bodies usually consisting of chrysolite or bronzite,, and &Use. Very -numerous structures were described in which the minerals appear In the cbond a. The structure in the result of tbe primary crystaUization and of the subsequent deformation end recrystallizatiou, Although the structures of primary crystallization appear In the microsections in a great variety of formsp tbay belong to one of the groups: excentrIca.14 radlealp spike-like# and porphrdtice An idealized lamellar and needle-like,, excentricaw rexUal spheroUtes in shown in figs I of the enclosure. The great variety of structures a6ppeas-Ing In the croes sections Is obtained frem the asne spherolite by Card 2/3 L 6655-65 ACCESSION NRI M*OlhM RNC LOS M t 0,1 rig. I - sch~ of the lowl- IA it a*#zvmtv" - 'Outeso .C;f olmr Card 3/3 11..iIIi I I , * it! I ., I A.n f-xrl,'naf.-fon o" Ll.r :!ony~it,,Itton 1.4, .'~ s ~ ~.-' -!,# 161 no.i- 1400-1403 Ap 165. 1 ~~',IRA H35) 1~ leningrndiPly vornvy tn3tftu*, im~ :u~,r,!ttej .-o- ,~ -1 '? 1164. SOURCE C-0-66: ---W10,W16Vb61 AUTHOR: Gaponov. A, V.; Golldenbergl A.- L. e, Grigorlev, D. P. ; Orlovap I. M, Pan. kratova, T. ~.; Petelin, Mgl. ORG: Oor'kiy Scientific Research BAIU91$vAicit-InatitutrjGorlkovakiy nauchno- iseledovatellskiy radiofizicheakiy inatitut) TITIZ: Induced synchrotron radiation of electrons in cavity resonatgrm,-.710 SOURCE: Zhurnal ekaperlmentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki. Pialm v redaktalyu, Prilozheniyej v. 2, no. 9s 1965, 430-435 TOPIC TAGS: microwave technology, cavity resonators microwave plasm, maser radar ABSTRACT: The authors describe the elements of apparatus (Fig. 1) aimed at In- creasing the total induced synchrotron radiation power by increasing the volume of the "active medium" (cross section of the electron beam or the volume of the nonequilibri- um magnetoactive plasm)s through the use of quasloptical electrodynamic systems of the "open" type. some results are prenented of observation of coherent synchrotron radiation of helical electron beams In "open" cavity resonators of sufficiently large volume. Self-excitation (generation) of electromagnetic oscillations at the electron gyrofrequence (magnetic field 110 - 3200 oet % w 3.4 cm) was observed In a resonator constituting a 20 cm section of rectoLngular vayeguide (TEO,,, mode). The electron beam was introduced at the maximum of the electric field from the end) through a waveguide biased beyond cutoff, The seconds open and of the cavity vas connected with a large- section waveguide used to extract the energy and to serve sivultaneously as a collect- L 13136-66 ACC NRi Ap6whi or. The power of the generated radiation in- creased monotonically with Increasing electron rotation velocity and with decreasing longi- tudirAl velocityp and also with increasing electron current. At w - N (w - radiation frequencyp mH - electron gyrofrequency) the power obtained was 6 v at current 80 as am Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of on- beam voltage 8 kvp while at w - 2mH the icillator using induced electron power was 190 w at 320 ma and 19 kv. Further synchrotron radiation. I - catl~- increase in paver was hindered by difficul- ode., 2 - emitting surface: 3 - ties in cooling the generators. Furthermores anode,, 4 - resonator., 5 - high- a gyroresonance di3charge van produced in the frequency power outputi, 6 - col- residual gas In the apparatus with w ow wK. lOCtOrj B - static magnetic field. The saw causes kept the electron efficiency from reaching the theoretically predicted value of 19%. In experimental suer models with trochoidal electron beems and traveling wevesp the efficiency reaches 3JD--15%. Origo art* bas: 3 figures and 1 forimLU. SUB CMIs 20/ SAM US: 099005/ ORM MW: 007/ OTH OF: 004 Card 2/'2 B~ GA1,014N, A.V.; GOLIDENMERG, A.L.; GlUGORITEV, D.P.; ORLOVA, I.M.'; PAIMMOVA, T.B.; PETELIN, M.I. TxAuced synchrotron radiation of electrons In hollow resonators. Pisl. v red, Zhur. eksper. i teoret. fiz. 2 no.9:430-435 N 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Gortkovskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy radiofIzicheskiy inntitut. Subodtted September 1965. GRIGORIYEV, D.V.; KISELEV, V.V. WeldIng of narrow-gauge raila. Put' I put. khoz. 8 no.1:13 164. (MIRA 37;2) 1. Nachallnik Shaturskogo transportnogo upravleniya (for Grigorlyev). L 41025-65 ACC,"r;SSION NRs 05ooe5e6 S10286165100010061013210132f AWHORSs Bulavenko N. P.; Grigorlyev, D. Ye.; Kraoutskly, V. P. -6 It TITIX: A pulsed electric mechanism, Class 62, No. 158804 SOURM Byulloton' isobreterdy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 6p 1965P 132 TOPIC TAGS: pulsed electric mechanism, aircraft equipment, stop function ABST--UCT: This Author Certificate presents a pulsed electric mechanism for the drive of aircraft apparatus and equipment. The mechanism includes an eleotrio zotox with a reducing gear, position terminal releases, and a rotation converter. To accomplish a stopped (intermittent) motion, the unit is provided wit'4 a self- breaking mechanism consisting of an electromagnetic clutch, a drum with a spring return conneoted to the drum cam of the intermediate position release# and ab dxive for the assembly of.the slootrio motor shaft motion. ASSOCIATIONs none SUBMr2M: 13Jul62 IMCL: 00 SUB CODES ACI EZ_ ITO REP SM 'Q00 On= 1 000 Card 1/1 -jea(L". 3/0206/64/000/01V0005/0085 ACCMION NOt Ap4o4o662 AUTHOIts Kranutokly, V. Idol buZavenkos No Fol GrlCorlyovs Do Too; Gayways, Fe lo; Koslovp V* Noi Degurkog le Ao TMZ s A programming wrochanism for dropping loads from aircrafto Mass 620 Moo 16302 ~ SOURCE% By"* Isobra, 1 tovars. snWwv# no.*U,, 1966 85 TOPIC TAGSs. . alrermft. airplmies programmied airdrop# automatic cargo releasep progeanwd load release# preset load releases airdrops bomb bay ABSTRACr: This author's certificate introduces a programming mechanism for dropping loads from aircrafto The device cont4ins a countershaft located in the housing of the mechanism with cams and a position adjuster,, and a terminal circuit breaker uhit. In order to food electrical signals according to preset programs to the terminal circuit breakers for dropping the containers in various patterns are connected through the countershaft cams with the terminal circuit breakers for dropping and blocking the load containers* The counkershaft Is connected with & by-pass clutch and a cdntml V3 Acamiw mot AMW662 pedal for engagamt and rotation of the shaft and through a tvo-step wom transmission speed reducer with an ~Lwtric motor for rotation of the shaft at a previous2y set speed wbl6h assurea a time delay for dropping of Vw lasidas ASSOCUTIM s none SUN MONO DAIM AM tPjdA IMM 01 SUB CaDSo II.- AC Now Mt 000 01=6 OW -AccusioN Not AP4o4o662 ENCU)SUFMZ 01 1--mechanim housingi 2--canshaft; 3--position adjuster; 4-13--teminal .circuit breakers; 14-control pedal; 15--control pedal ratum spring;16-- by-pass clutchi 17--first worm transmission of the spe-A reducer; 15-- second worm transinission of the speed reducerj 19- electric motor; 20-- unit for setting the drop pattern; 21-- signaler for the presence of the load '22 --terminal parachute holder units; 24- --power supply circult breakorl 23 emergency load r*2"" button 3/3, GRIMOYLV, E.E.; REWLY, V.M.; YMEVICH, A.Ya. Session devoted to the results Institute of Industrial Hygiene 1955~-1960. Biul. uch. med. sov. (INDUST.UAL HYGIEN&-CONGiLSSF.133) of the work of the Leningrad Research and Occupational Diseases during 2 no-5:36-37 S-0 161. (1-11MA 14:11) GRIG-11-2YEVI E.,P., lnzh.; KUzNETSOV t inzb.; MAXsMEV 3 vae. p ln~h.; PE-TROVSKrY, A.S.p inzh.; VEDESHrill, V.I.;, takhnik; KORAEELINIKOV) V.V., kapitan-nastavnik; MIKIIAYLOVSKIY, Ye.V., red. (Fisheries] Prowslovoe delo. Murmamsk, Murmanskoo knizhnoe izd--vo,l 1964. 463 P. (MJRA 18.5) GRTGORIYEV, G. 1.960-1964% eight Intervieve and cprti commenViry. Gra-.hd. av. 21 no.ll;'-O-ll N 164. OCRA S/O 622/000/006/027/117 B171 B101 AUTHOR: G TITLE: Geochemical characterization of tin and tin-tungsten deposits of Eastern Siberia PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 109-110, abstract 5G96 (Tr. Moak. geclcgorazved. in-ta, v. 37, 1961, 90-101) TEXT: From chemical and spectral determinations of compositions of minerals contained in rooks, carried out in connection with the investiga- tions of alterations occurring in and about ore veins, the following /0 groups of typomorphous elements, characterizing deposits of any formation, have been selected: Cassiterite granitic pegmatite group: Nb, Ta, So, Zr, Rb, Cal Cassiterite-feldspar-quartz group: Nb, Ta, So, Zr, F, Rb, Cal Cassiterite-quartz group: W, Nb, Ta, Zr, F, Sol Cassiterite-quartz- sulfide group: As, W,.F, Rb, Zn, S, and traces of Nb, Sc, In, Sb, Fe; Cassiterite sulfide group: Fe, In, Sb, Ag, Fb, Zn, Gu, st seldom W. Average and limit contento of the elements in the minerals of selected formations have been given. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation-] Card 1/1 Q&UUA9UVj,.Y.B., inshoner; KRUGLOVA. G.L. rodaktor; WNIN. G.V.# tokhnIchookly rodaktor. [Pastry and candy sawfacturing equipment] Oborudovanie dlia protsvodetys pechou'la I konfet. Noskva. Gislogpishchoprow. 1953. 134 P. (MM 8:2) (Confectionery-Appliamoiss. utensils, etc.) GRIGMIYBTI P.B. 200%*Iral 4OV91OPMat Of the coafectlemory Industry of the 14S.F.S.A. in the sixth five-year plan. Web. I kond. prom. 1 no.2:1-7 IF '57. (mm io-.'#) lo 10841aftwediter. (coafectionery) 25(5) SOV/118-59-2-12/26 AUTHOR: _qrigo.~~Ly Engineer TITLE: Mechanization and Automation in the Confectionary Industry (Mekhanizatsip i avtomatizatsiya v kon- diterskom proizvodstve) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 1959, Nr 21 PP 35-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals in detail with continuous mechanized mass production lines in caramel, candy biscuit, waff- le, khalva and chocolate plants. The following most important confectionery enterprises are mentioned: in Moscow - the "Krasnyy Oktyabr'" im. Babayeva ("Kras- nyy Oktyabr"' Plant imeni Babayev), "Rot-front" (both plants are manufacturing 85% of the total caramel production),, "Bollsehevik", the Vitaminno-konditers- kaya fabrika im. Marata (Vitamin Confectionery Plant imeni Marat); in Leningrad - Fabrika im. Krupskoy (Plant imeni Krupskaya), Konditerskaya fabrika im. Card 112 Samoylovoy (Confectionery Plant imeni Samoylova); SOV/118-59-2-12/26 Mechanization and Automation in the Confectionary Industry in Riga - Konditerskaya fabrika im. 1? iyun-ja (Con- fectionery Plant imeni the 17th June); in Kiyev - Konditerskaya fabrika im. K. Marksa (Confectionery Plant imeni K. Marx), Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledo- vatellskiy institut konditerskoy promyshlennosti (All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of the Confprtirinpry Industry). %mong otners a caramel packing automat viiun d proauctivity of 45A pieces per minute (desioned by Professor G.A. Shaumyan and now bein.- tested at the "Krasnj-y Oktyabr" in Moscow) is m----ntioned. There are 9 diaCrams. Card 212 GRIGOR1.1-EV, Y.B. inzh. I----- ---- - Transportation and storage of food products without packing. Mekh."'i avtom.prolsy. 14 no.2:41-44 F 160. (KIRA 13:5) (Food handling) ATISTRYA, A.T.. doktor tekhn.nauk; AT-WHIN, S.F., inzh.; ALTUNMI, I.S., inzh.; BRONSWXYN, I.I., kand.khim.nauk; WMITM, K.S,; GRIGOROUTA-Z.JL. inzh.; ZHKUZYtOTA. T.T., inzh.; IST(WIRA. K.K.. Imna7elm.nauk; KCWWT, S.A.. inzh.; KCMXSNIXOTA, T.K., inzh.; KOCHNTKOW, I.A., Insh..- LUNDI, O.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; HUMNA. T.A.. inzh.; WMMYAKOV. K.N.. inzh.; SKCLTANITSKIT, M.Te., inzh.; TMIN. A.I., kmnd.tekhn.n&uk; TSYBMISKIT. A.A., Inzh.: CHMNOITAMUE. A.Ta., inzhi; SHIMOVSKATA, A.Te.. inzh.: MI, G.M., inzh.. reteenzent; KARSHALKIN. G.A.. kend.tekhn.nauk, retstenzAnt- WWOV, A.I., red.-. KARTYNOT, K.I., kanditekhn,nauk, red,; X31UGLOYAg G.I., red.: AUSIVA, Te.I*,, EConfectionerse smawl) Spravochnik konditem Pod obshchel red. N.1. Kartynova. Noskys, ?L heh2promizdat. Pt.Z.[Tochnological equipcent of the confectionery Indm:tryj Tekhnologichookoe oborudovanie konditersko- go prol svodstys. 1960. 630 p. (MIRA 14:3) (Confectionery-Squipment and supplies) -- GRIGORIYEVp F.B. (Improv:Gg the quality and modernizing the asaortment of confectionery goodB] Uluchshenie kachestva i obnovlenie assortimenta konditerskikh lzdelli. Moukvap TSentr. in-t nauchno-tekhn. informatBii pishchevoi pronWshl . 1963. 26 p. iMIRA .17:9) U, Esed Gi tho Datum of thn metea on &tds Cd aLk LF AU thetized by the Wmm reaction. A. D. 11cuoy ( - T-It "-v Nek-dov, m-Al f T. ! T,, hm,l 1-t"-- Z41; 1 'k 41z A' l".f aft-ACI All (fim Wt~-' It iiw~'. lialidr-j strid (jukic tuLmtfnz:t;bz for pmra~r~ fl.flides, I r~a' - meat a( .%0i Mir at 1'2,'V-Z0' j:4~t I- fill Ni- I', nl.,' 1 4!J9, d, 1. 102 I'Li (O.~~5 moicl w4drd in I Ir. to 0.3 c. efi-mv inrtal in Ew,), htptanm' (;; Napenia,,e ruM -j~. ecd 10 t:rs. ove j,s-dj- r 4 2 Jhy"ecase. b. i4i", tv, -if- 1.4373, du 0.7&~., the y1cf(I being toest with Nz (n M.-O rr (Q__1 or with K in ,,iih 'C VIC110 gave "~"p 4-d-CA:"A' 13t, in-'* , I 43'A ~ntvtl rave 1.45GS, I .070Z. -1 ~l w,E4 K in 181' fulllmed by AcII C-Ave 72"' 3-f13%"hY1-2~KA1a.-UO1, N ' 2-hrd-n,,_J- 1.43W). 0,912, whkfl gave N 74.5-6', 1-41 W-,, Ltri=, which with V. in FtO ita~c 7.4- tmjmr_2-ethVIhexav4 and Ov-FrCHO gave 6011'a 81-2", 1.4412, o.9471 wf'ich CaLve. I. _T(A;0.%jxf N" Ino*' 4,578, which with K ra IsrrpentAne f~- U 1634j', Up. -67% IAF'3'~', 6.817,3 l f (with Ns the yi-,+k wazi ov.-tt); the of dispmj,,4- Oination rea"icia were byexopi;rAted rv;:r Pancy NA A blus Z 0.751A Oe Wuttz miictici,)i wtrr run tm.17i N at;.-,. I BEZUGLOV, I.Ye.; KLMDYUMOV. V.N.. inzh.; V rabote prinimali uchastiye: GABRILENKO, I.V.; GRABOVSKIY, I.I.; NESHCHADIM, A.G.; BEWBOROWV, V.V.-. VISHNEPOLISKATA, F.A.; KATSUK, Yu.P.; GAYTSKHOKI, R.I.; USACHV, A.S.: ABKINA, N.N.; RUWANTSIVA, A.G.; KOSHZLL'7, A.P.; ~GRIGORIYFVI Y.L.; LUKASHFVICH, A.M.; STYAZHKINA, A.G.; HINRAYLOVICH, A.iff_'; YIDiVSKIT, P.M.; HASLOV, P.V.; KUDRYASHIVA, Z.P.; PROSMUSHKIN, R.M.; SHTALIBERG, V.A.; BOTTSOV, R.I. Operational experience vith a nevly introduced oil-extraction line equiFped with the DS-70 belt-conveyer extractor. Yesl.-zhiroprom. 26 no.3:29-31 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatellakiy institut zhirov (for Bezuglov, Gabrilanko, Grabovskiy, Neshchadim, Beloborodov, Viahnepollakaya, Matsuk and Gaytakhoki). 2. Leninryadskiy shirovoy kombinat (for Kurdyumov, Usachev,.Abkina, Rumyantseva, Koshelev, Grigorlyev, Iukashevich. Styashkina, MikhaVlovich, Yedemakiy, Manlov, Kudryasheva, Prosmushkin). 3. Leningradskoye otdeleni7e treats, "Prodmontazh" (for Shtallberg and Boytsov). (Leningrad-ollm arA fate) ( &traction apparatus) 03 1 A I L I 00 0 0. *a 00 00 00 00 OR 00 #-f 14 n I, v0 0 a so 00 0 0 0 0 6, 0 0 0 0 0 - AV 0 0 * 09094 too as 1116 I'M "All'OD AMPI J-!'M 0 A A M Of LL W U. I s 00 .00 eaur Omni prod"" a" Plismin Aud V. Q1606'ev. Uff-dieff 0. No. t. N " - 1'44-1 14), A almh -4 2 Io4is 44 st-I 6:Pt &P-1 4- rd "..ILI aud 13 441 60 ~. 1q,r.. -J." IV l1w I"th ' tbC fAl., CAo So' h in ow "d we. I IIW IJAA. I - - 1.1 Itw s in Ilse med 'A5 aw UA Is VIIII. It 00 00 i; 00 -00 .00 .00 too 1 ILI a Al a I a 0 a : : 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AT 00 00 000 00 411111-31,4, 114TA&L1416K&L LSTIS<*f CLASWICAIMN arer U Is AV -0 LS to OR a, will is' ~.Olpt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, ""a UW UmW put of an logoc 00 49-41). (its Ituattiall). fortal with About 0'1"~ lower mrimirt (111114-rit an'l cotill"tratilrit, 00 irivis lot 112bl" 1"Ousione Irm detecowl in the I'mer forta of liottorn. F'Ourml 'rig"fti, It Is *U#fX"d&i that they are fornivil 11V lite firat -Alons of metal which rush into the mould in % fountain "llil then 00 in the wallil atul bottoin of the mould, fonuilliz till tilt. latter it " _06 which is ImAirti tilt by the inetal A hich follo-A", [tits of pmraki, it giving riw to " cirusts." Invekigations showed flint " 4'rustir .00 mrahl ntA ba satiAlketorilV eliminated by cropping Ihe Imck rml* ea arm) thickni-m- Neither did various slim of b1ornns am] hillelm . p of mould bultom fitive much effect on flip formation tof rrujito, %6 h, however, could be Practically completrly eliminat"I by raWng the pouring terupwifiturv, liartictilmly in thri beginning. 00 _1~ goo :i goo roe 00 see wee Ila tA -ftv 'i-i- *see 00*00606ge'SOA a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 e * ej W VS-171 7 ~~* W ~*; IV 1 fill$ to ovifullionoo a' A or to .. . . . st r. 0 11 4 1 ~' '.1 " " 0, '.' '.' 's , . * a t 1 '900 IIt it T ~ 2 .11, . 0 Itd~ -rf#. 'It It, to 44 IiIn of"I jort ormoullit dsw J., onclu'u-44.. "111411 high *0 8 stM is prodwvd mv., 41) "Ittrut shcAild 1. rapid; 12) The Nuothry 4by tbe fletty vist-ticter, Alit, eez surhincat the brotintift c4truding and Wore -k-%Ktatm-n. v -Imculdl be. trop.: rAj--M) and Or Al runs.; olm- Wits CaO Wit twftwv onelting and twfcwr mur-1 he not le"Ibsto 1.1land2,11-2.1i. onto , iM the bath '71 Inust toolil vinletotly and the vAk-Ify U( o most fm be below 0.1114% of C Pro toun~: (1) the turnmr., .Of must be dmWiwd with The optimunt lemp. of thor bronsing of pourino "s 1440 &Y, a limef C-P. Pvtobscors Parcoms mW contaminated OM. I hive rvfrtrncfs. W. R. 11"n or 0 0 low Too woo see 0 lot CLASSOKAIVON be "go wee U lug 0 so is' a it a a I to or "0 0 0 0 0 0 at ;l 66466 GRIG(MIYZV, Y.N., inshener. Extending the life of open-hearth furnaces with dinas brick arches. Stall 15 no.11:1038-10kl 1 '55. (KLRA 9:1) l.Stalinskiy metollurgichookly savod. (Open hearth furnaces) GRIGCRIMIV, F.N. Stalino metallurgical plant. Metallurg 2 1. Machallnik skogo sayoda, no-11:35-40 3 '57. (NIRA 12:2) takhnichookogo otdola Stalingradekogo metallurgicho- Donbass. (Stalino-Aetallurgical plants) TEKTOV, I.M.; ZARUYKV, V.H.; GUROV, S.A.; REVINKO, I.F.; V rabote prinimali uchastlye : XALKANOVICH, Tu.R.; qRIGORITIV, F.M., IOSHILIffO. A.M.; LITYINMO. Tu.P.-. DMITRITIff, V.D.; POLTAXOT, V.V.; PATUSHKOT, Te.S.; FIRSOV, P.V. Rolling double bulb-bar shape@ with longitudinal cutting in the finishing mill. Stall 20 no. 12:1113-1115 D 160..f.-- (MiU 13-12) 1. Stalinskiy metallurgtahookiy zavod i Donetakly politekhoichs- skly institut, (Rolling (Metalwork)) GRIGORIYEV, F.N.; Prlnimli uchnatiye: MALAM, A.V.; 140ISIYEVICHO G.I.; 311MOVA) L.Ye. Increasing the durabilit7 of open-hearth checker bricks. Ogneupory, 26 no.8:367-370 161. (MM 14:9) 1. Slalinskiv matallurgicheskiV zavod. (71"brick) (Opon-hearth furnaces) S/130/62/000/007/001/001 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Druzhinin, I. I., Osipov, V. 0. TITLE; Teeming 250 tons of steel on a continuous casting unit Y HPC (UNRS) without interrupting the steel stream PERIODICAL: Metallurg, no. 7, 1962, 22 TEXT: At the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant a system became operative in March 1961 for the continuous teeming of steel on a four-runner unit. In the past year teats were successfully performed with continuous-casting two heats without Interrupting the metal stream. A total amount of 257-17 tons of steel was cast under conditions given in a table, which shows that over 70 tons of metal were passed through each of the three nozzles of the intermediate ladles. Teeming was performed through zirconium nozzles 22 mm in diameter, 18.8 - 19.2% porosity, 2.97 - 3.01 g/cm3 volumetric weight, 1,9000C heat resistance, and 53% ZZ'02 and 0.54% Fe 203 content. Considering the successful casting of 140-ton heats with two runners (70 tons through each nozzle) the possibility of casting 250-ton heats with the aid of 4 runners is practically proved. There are I figure and I table. ASSOCIATION: Donetskiy metallurgioheakiy zavod (Donetsk Metallurgical Plant) Card 1/1 I il kll~ If, IYi-I.v, 1 .1" . ; L,;-' .1 '-'C)V $ V.(" . I ) . Production and continuous Casting of boiler steel. Met. I gorno- rud. prom. no.6:69-70 11-D 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Donetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. GLAZKOV, P.G., inzh.; GRIGORIYEV, F.N., inzh.; HIRZOV, K.~., inzh.; ST,AT)!/,0!311TFYF,'V, Prinimali uchastiye: MALAYHA, A.V.; POKRASS,L.M.; DRUZHININ, I.I.; OSIPOV, V.G.; KONrRATYUK, A.M.; POLYAhoV, I.V.; GOADIYENKO, M.S.; FAVLOV, M.T.; KOPYTIN, A.V.; PARASHCHENKO, R.A.; POTANIN, R.V.; AKHTYRSKIY, V.I.; BRUK, S.M.; YEVTUSHENKO, V.V.; LFYTFS, A.V.; STRFLETS, V.M. Continuous casting of 140-ton steel heatr with four-channel equipment. Stall 22 no. 6:501-504' Je 162. (MIRA 16-7) SLADHOSHTEYE7, Y.T., kiwd. t,~iAr. Ti%~;:c.- 6FAWL '11"I"." PMAININ, R.V.) AMIRMS111Y, V.I.; DITjZ~-TIP,*, 1.1. Continuous casting or lclu--.arbon ate"! irlt:% wi:ie slitb ingoto, Sbor. trud. WHIM no.9t!35-145 'Aj~ (N I YA I-P, 4 1) GRIGORIYEV, F.N.; DRUZHIN, 1.1*-- .. -_- . . Comparing material balances of heats poured In continuous steel casting equipment and in the casting pit. Metallurg 9 no.3:23- 27 Mr '64* (MIRA 170) 1. Donetskiy metallurgicheskly zavod. SLADKOSHTFYEV, V.T.; AUTYPSKIT, V.1.1- T,~~AW ,N, R.V.; FMCM-11NEUY, Tu.M.; SLINIKO, A.N.; Prinimali F.N.; DRUZHININP I.I.; OSIPOV. V.G.; PARA3fKHFN1K-'J, R-A.; KOFITIN, A.V.; KOLESNTIK, A.Ye.; KIIAVALA.DZHI, V.1.j NO,':OG.'iENKG. C.V. Material balance of smeltirg vita 7-mtinuou.3 casting. Sbor.trud. UNUM no.11:124-130 065, (MIRA 18sll) DV( 'f-,(-,LAZ(jV, G.G. ; GR M% IR I YFV, F. Yei. '-lex technology of' thn r.-inufact.1irp olf ~-qtiipiwnt. Biul tpkh.t),lcti.i teieh.inform. IOPA6aIIOI5SkM 0 '64. (PIHA 1~W) GRIGOROV, G.. jt. au. Kuiumdzhie7. M. HYdRaulics; textbook for building trade scilools 175 P. (55-23271) TC160A84 Sofiia, Nurodna prosveta, 1951. USSR/F-rm Aninrls. Su!ll Homed Stock Abs Jour s Rof Zhur Biol., No 6, 1W, No 26167 Q-3 Author Gri f I P-pr, voy.-G.- Inst : --,ro--t-G-iv-an Titlo g Tho Kcr-kul Brooding in the Gurlyov Gblrstt. (Kerrkulovodstvo v Gurlyovskoy oblrsti) Orig Pub : S. kh. Krzvkhstnnc, 1957, No 7, 27-30 Abstrrct s No c-bstrnct Crrd "Zr GRIGORIYEV, G. Pryhor'jav. H.) Manual for collective-farm builders ("Simplest methods of build- Ing-on collective farms' by A.F.Glagolev. Reviewed bT H H horlev). Sill.bud. 9 no.6:24 Je 159- (141RA INT93 (Farm buildinp) (Glagolev, A.F.) WT GRICTORIYEV.-Cr, - Man bas rrown in stature. Sov. profSOIU7y 17 no.2r:i6_37 0 14~1. (MIRA 14:9) (Kostroma Province--Forests and forestry) (Socialist competition) GRICORIYEV. G.. polkovnik In the depth of the enemy's defenses. Voen.vest. 40 no.4:7145 Ap '61. (HIM 14:7) (Artillery, Reld and mountain) GRIGORIYEV, 0. ------- ~7 Concern for mn is the win objective. Grazhd. av. I? no.11:5 N '62. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Spetsialinyy korrespandent zhurnala NGrazhdanskaya aviatmiya*. (Rusmia, Northern-Airports) GRIGORIYEV, G., inzh. large-panel apartmnnt houses in coal-bearin as. Zhil. stroi. no.lill-13 162. WRA 16:1) (Foundations) FRI34AN) B.; PAKHOLKOV, V., insh.-tokhnolog; GRIGORIYEV, G. Frm mir mail. Obahchenty. pit. no.22:33 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Instruktor Orlovskogo oblastnoRo soyusa potrebitellskikh kooperativov (for Fridman). 2. Treat zhelexnodorozl*kh restoranov i bufator Mininteratva torgovli Belorusakoy SSR (for Pakholkov). (Restaurant4g, lunchrooms, etc.) GRIGORIYEV, G., inzh. Mass production of reinforced concrete bathroom units. Zhil. stroi. no.lOS5-8 165. (MIPA 18ill) Sz-FLENKEVICE, N.; SE24ENOV9 M.,- GRIGOMM, G. Factsj, eyents, people. Kryl, rod, 21 no.12:14-15 D t60. (MIRA 140) 2, Metodist krayevoy stantaii yunykh takhnikovp g. Stavropol' (for Grigor,*). (Aaronautieg) PUTILOV, A.Z.; PIGORIYEV, G. (TSelinograd) Virgin land workers thank air pilots. Grazhd. av. 18 no.6:22-23 je 1619 (MIRA 24:7) 1. Zaveduhushcbiy otdelom sel'skogo khozynyetva TSelinnogo krayevogo komiteta Kommnisticheskoy partii Kazakhatana (for Putilov). 2. Spetsiallnyy korrespondent zhurnals. NGrazhdanokaya aviatsiyaw, (Virgin Land Territory--Aeronautics in agriculture) (Krasnoyarsk) Olympus turned out to be slippery. Grazhd.av. 19 no.9w2l S 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Spetsiallnyy korrespondent zhurnala OGrazhdanakaya aviatsiya". (Krasnoyarsk-Air pilots) 177 zw. , -~ -!~ %z4