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An apparc4tus for producing films... S/120/62/000/003/032/048
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR
(Physicotechnical Institute AS L:SSIZ)
iUBr;I'1-fED: N.ovember 14, 1961
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Grigor~yev, A.D., Petrov, L.A.
TITLE: 01-n-Increasing the production rate and improving the
quality of the insulating varnish "Eakapon"
PERIODICAL: Chemie a chemicka' technologie. Pr'ehled technickeon,
hospo(la'rwske'literatury, v.19, no.10, 1962, 465,
abstract Ch 62 6283; (Lakokras. Materialy, no-.3, 1962,
TEXT: "Eakapon" is the trade name of an insulating varnish based
on synthetic rubber. Thermal stability of rubber insulating
varnishes was improved by modifying them through epoxidation,
chlorination or oxidation. For instance, excellont ageing
properties up to 150 OC were achieved'with a f i6re impregnated with an
oxidized varnish, without affecting adversely its electrical
insulation properties. "Eakapon" is used mainly in the
i~anufacture of mica insulation and for impregnating insulation
fabrics. I table, 11 literature references.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation.]
C;rd 1/1
GrIgorlyevp A* D-# Pstrove L. A*
On the problem of Intensifying preftetiom sad Impswing
quality of Secapon varstab for electric Issulatioa
Referativa" sburnal. Xhimiya, moo 2# 19639 574v abeft"t
2T325 (Lakokwasoohn. saterialy I 1kh primemenly*# we
1962# 39-41)
TEXT: It was found *xperlmentally that la-obuladiss* rubber tieselves to
&Iroleum three times as fast If premasticated for 1/2 hr In a gementer-
with a frequency .of 25 go/s and a power of I kwo wherein the rubber Is
heated to 90-1000. It can easily be cut with the knife so my be PROM&
over directly Into the screw eztruder of the reaction vessel. goo Wo
heat balance of the reaction vessel In Improved and a oestimmous poWnefts"Ll;,115
of Eacayon varnish Is rendered possible. IV determialng the total
unnaturationo the,mol*oulsr weights and the in spectra of the rubber " "11
an of the compounded rubber and -of the volatile fraction (soots in us
production of the eompoundod rubber) the struetur* of the rubber was
Card 1/2
On the problem, of Intensifying Bit I"
found to change during Its thermal decomposition. "W volatile trestles to
a complex product of thermal degradatioup Isomerisation and eyelluatim
of the rubber. There are practically no double bonds Is the ouppownis
rubber and its structure resemblos that of cyclisod rubbersy vblqb
increase@ their resistance to best. -the beat resistsaos ipf the, Beespes
insulation to Increased by modifying the rubber so yo ant of 16be vamisbe
By oxidation of this component or of the varnish# for Isetmoo# It mw
possible to prolong tho durability or The glass-febrIo roinforced ftespon
by 2-3 times at 15OPCI sat)sfactory Insulating proportion and elantlelow
were conserved. [kbetractor's notet Complete translation
Card Z/2
AUTHORS: Zubcv, V. Ya.,, Graohev, S. V.; Grig~-lys-t. A. F.
TITLE: The Influence of the Normal and thp Isothermal Treatment on the
Relaxation Stabillty cf Spring Steel (Vliyaniye obychnoy i
Izotermicheskoy ob7abitki na relaksatsionnuyu st,.)ykost1pruzhinnoy
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2,
pp. 249-255 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The relaxation stability of metals and alloys is to a great
exter.4W detexmined by their structurp. In the present paper
comparati-7p investigations of the relaxation stability of
spring steel of the types .,91142 and U9A under normal and iso-
thermal trpatment are describod. Tho -ffo,~' of the residual
austenite on the relaxation pr-~cess was discussed. Tho relaxation
stability of spring steel treated the normal and the isothermal
way depends on the conditions ~f relaiatior& At 4w relaxation
temperatures of the steel with martensite structure the re-
iaxatio.n stability is greater than in the Gase of a steel having
a str%,turp as in the c.-omplete decomposition of austenite. The
Card 1/3 chango of the zelaxation stability of the tssthermally treated
The Influence of the Normal and the Isothermal Treatment on the Relaxation
Stability of Spring Steel
steel does not take a monotonous course at low temperatures.
When the tomperat,Are of treatment Is increused the relaxation
stability f!rst Increases but then decreases again. Steel iso-
thermally treated at high temperatures hats the greatest re-
laxat4on stability at an Increase in temperature. The residual
austanite decreases the relazatlon stability of the steek at
Irw %s well as at. h4igh relazation temperaturea, since at low
temperaturp;~ a Alow resistance to plastic deformation exists,.
and at high temperatures a decomppsition of the austenize
takes place during the relaxation process. From this may be
concluded that 'In the isothermal decomposition the presence
of the residual austenite leads to a considerable decrease of
the relaxation stability of the steel. There are 4 figures,
4 tables;. and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskly politekhr.5-cheskly institut (Ural Polytechnical
Instj ~;tp)
Card 2/3
Gaic-ci,-OYZI, A. F.
Gj-iL;or'iev, A. F. "Cn the internal of tlc enten,rises of loc.-J- In-
durtan in J* au,,V", issnuc -, !-~I;Pj, .
ar I -, I
U-')2!':)l, 1,,, April 53, (Lotopis IZI-rnai l,iyl:li itatcy , :*,,-, !1,
G`lrl :"(LV, A. F.
G.-? I Gr.P I YCV, A. F. -- "Err I r: I ENT UT I L I Z AT I OU ~P' t CWF,'7 I it f?~ rAf"( U' 1 1 1 " - " ",ki 3 JuN
MG-,Cn$I F-F IAIJ~,`? PEly 1JArilif'! FTIrlrl;14 lt;'.T ws:rji ArArrtai~iAr, 1. ".
- I _jjtj I !
(: ; I -, tErITAT I .It rc~t Tijc j)ru;!r. C or CArjri I n,~ (F~ III Tt f CA , , I V W F It
I - .? -L
,~0: VECHERMAYA f'0',l.VA, jAwlAffy-,xxtw3c: I,,""
A ID P - 582
Subject USSR/Mining
Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 19/22
Authors Polan3kiy, A. P., Rakina, V. N., and Grigorlyev, A. F.
Title Experience with a multi-purpose and combined exploita-
tion of wells in the Saratovgaz Trust
Periodical Neft. Khoz., v. 32, #8, 85-89, Ag 1954
Abstract A description of coordinated management In training of
the gas well operating and repair personnel; _)utline of
the organization of the professional schools, special
workers study groups and brigades for various coordinated
emergency and safety works; description of two apparatuses
specially designed for simple control of �as flow with
definite rate and for automatic "blow-out of liquid from
the gas separator. Two drawings.
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
GRIGCRIYF.V, A. G., Engr. Cand. Tech. Sci.
Dissertation: "Ontimum Conditions for Using FmCe D-*Pr. in Automobile Producticn."
Moscow Autom6tive Mechnales Inst, 8 May 47.
SO: Vechernypya Moskva, May, 1947 (Project #1?836)
BALAKSHIN, O.B., kand. tekhn. nauk; BYKHOVSKIY, M.L., prof., doktor
tekhn. nauk; VOLODIN, Ya.l., kand. tekhn. nauk,----O- IYEV.
I.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; DRAUDIN-KRYLENKO, A.T.,FTFZ .; OV,
mobOW kand. takhn.nauk% KOZLOV, M.P., kand. tekhn. nauk;
KORCTKOV9 V.P., prof.; KOCRENOV, M.I., kand. tekhn.nauk; KUTAY,
A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; MA1?XOV N.N.,kand. tekhn. nauk; PALEY,
M.A., Inzh.; MYBMAW, N.S., kand. tekhn.nauk; ROSTOVYKH, A.Ya.,
kand. tekn. nauk; RUNYANTSEV, A.V., kand. tekhn.nauk; SARKIN,
I.G., prof.,, SMIRNOV, A.S., inzh.; TATTS, B.A., prof., doktor
tekhn. nauk; YAKUSHEV, A.r., prof., doktor tekhn. nnuk~
NESTEROV., V.D., lnzh.. nnucbnyy red.; CHUDOV, V.A., inzh.,
nauchnyy red.; GAVPIT,)',*, tekhn.nauk, prcf., red.'
BLAGOSKLONOVA, N.Yu., insh., rea. izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F.,
tekhn. red.
[Manufacture of instruments and means of automatic control: a
manual in five volumes) Priborostroenie I sredstya aytomatiki;
spravochnik v piati tomakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo
mashinostrott. lit-ry. Vol.l.[Interchangeability and engineer-
Ing measurements] Vzaimozameniaemost' I tekhnicheskie izmere-
niia. 1963. 568 p. (HaRA 16:8)
(Electronic measurements) (Automatic control)
N.S.. red.; DOLINSKIY. U.N., red.; GRIGORITIV,_
[Heroes of virgin lands: practices of subjugators of virgin lands
in Kesakhoten, Siberia, Urals. and Volga Valley] Geroi tseliny; Is
opyto pokoritelei teeliny Kezakhstene$ Sibirt, Urala I Porolthlis.
Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sallkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 566 p. (KRA 11:4)
(Reclamation of land)
or ev A. Oic skocoad vetm-flad Tod*=
wl vel'! Cal i Lanirvad. No. 3
Js~-Jd, Aurch
DWB,DLC--Nfemurcwcnt%(4 houvly wir-A ivbdty were rr..ufe simullgryw- v
8! 3.0 a-A 7 8 rb~Ve the Urface cd an ar-L,,l 1~wl ~T, !-.k, -v! 'I'ta ua Lbe
-4 0 h-irl.., -mdl -.~+v I, N fw ow~ 11 1!,4rn.3j
4 1 od " 1, ~ s , , 0'r."r. , 1;.. ~~, I ~ , , 1,.= ;
L, -,,, h~f ~4 !h, diur -4-1 .,A~ 1., - -, C. ~, ! v
The the nuam,~~,~ u; tki,
vtlocity vanaticas 2. Peservoin L La-'-c Ldog&,
-- qj
Some characteristics In forecasting winds over confined water basins.
Trudy TSIP no.42:219 33 156. (KLRA 9:11)
1. Gidrometbyuro pri Severo-Zapadnom upraylenil rechnogo parokhod-
stva Severo-Zapadnogo upraylenlys gidrometaluzhby.
1;7 1~ / C. (^ R >1,4 1, '41 _I-
USSR/Inorganic Chemistry. Complex Compounds. C
Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Khimlya, No 1, 1958, 674.
Author grigoryev, A.I., Novoselova, A.V., Semenenko, K.N.
Title On the Interaction of Berillium, Oxyacetate with Amawnia,
Methyl Amine, Z%hyl Amine, and Sulfur Dioxide -
Orig Pub: Zh. Neorgen. KhJuJi, 1957, 2, No 6, 1374-1376.
Abstract: By dissolving Be4O(CH3COO)6 in liquid NK CH NE2, C2H5NH2
and in S02 there were obtained Be4O(CH 3C )6 4 NE (1), Be40
CH3COO)6-4 CE31M W), Be4O(CH3COO)6 3CO5 ;;~ (hi), and 3Be4O
CK3COO)6.4so? (N), respectively. Decomposition of I and III
itairts at 50-600 and 60-700 respectively and ends at 180 and 170-
1800; 11 starts to decompose at room temperature; a cozWlete de-
composition takes place at 1600; IV is unstable at room tempera-
ture. The authors refer the compounds obtained to inclusion
Card 1/1
C,7 r,
interaction between beryllium oxyacetates and alcoholm. Zhur.
neorgekhIms 2 noo9:2067-2072 3 '57. (MIRA 10:12)
(Beryllium socetates) (Alcohol)
AUTHORSi Grigoryov, A.I., Novoislova. A.V., SomenaikoX.N.;LV/78--3-,7,--22/44
TITLE: on tha ocmpcywja of Bqx72liumo.V&o,*tat4 With Ethylamine amd
Butylamins (0 eoyedizanlyakh okAiatsotata berilliya 9 stilminom
i butilaminom)
PMODICALt Zhuxual u*orpnicheAoy khJmJ1, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 7, pp 1599-1604
A'B3TR=s Compou-naa of boryniumovaoouvt with otbylamine and butylamine
werv synthetized, Analyuss resultod in the following 0cm1positiona:
B*40(CH3000)6-8 02H5,NH2, D%C~'GH3COO)6-4 005-NH2,
Be4O(CH3Co0)6-3 r12H5.NH2, BaO(GHfOO)6-8 04H9NH29
B-14O(cH30006).4C4Hq.NH2, B'040(CH3000)6 3 C4HqNH2 &M
The oomplax compoumd3 with butylamine are easily deomposed. The
arystal lattices of the oompounds B*40(CH3POO)6'4 C05PH2 ava
Bo4O(CH3WO)6-4 C4H9NH2. ar-, -r,9y7 similar. The thermograme of the
Gard 1/2 comWxWs of barylli=oxyacetate with athylamine ana butylamine
On the Compounds of B&-ylli-wuo7,yu*qt&i-3 With JOV/78-3-1-2ZI44
Ethylaaine and Butylaz~lm
weri I.xv-iatiga*ad, It t-urnai cut that the oo=pjB*-s vAth butylazine
art less ojUkle than thost with ethylanine. Tht tnervAl decemposi-
tion of ihe oampou=ia of b-erylliumoxyaa~tate with ethylamine
oocur% &*~ a comp&r&UrqIv low tamperature and is awompanied by
an ^ndothemkl affect, wMsh Is inaioati,ye of strong interaction
be-4ween ih" components of the oomplex. The themogrwm show that
oomplat-4 dumpoaition of the oompourAn o0mrs at 110-1200 0, and
that th,) oomple-A.-ma with buty.Umine art dooomposed at t=pereture3
thal ".-" 150 C lower t1an in the mss of ethylanine. Separation
of 2 moleoul-is buty1wdmi from bu~ylamine complexes occours more
eaaily than that of thi tUxd molecule of bu~ylamine. Them are
4 figlirval I table and 4 references, 3 of whioh an Soviet.
SUBMITTED: J-uti 26, 1957
1. Complex avmp;),ands--Synthr-sis 2. Conplex compour.,;1--Anulysis
3. Berylliunv--Properties 4. Acetates--Properties 5. Ethylamines
--Properties 5.Butyla.-nines--l-,.-operti(,s 6, Crystals--Lattlces
Card 212
AUTHORS: GrJzorlyev, A Semenenko, K. N. SOV/76-3-12-34/36
- 2z2L~~
TITLE: Concerning the Compound Beryllium Oxyacetate With Methyl Amine
(0 soyedinenii oksiatsetata berilliya s metilaminom)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimil, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 12,
pp 2806-2807 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The compound Be 4O(CH3 COO)6 -4CH3Nil2was prepared in the form of
large rhombic prisms by slow vaporization of a saturated
solution in liquid methyl amine at room temperature. X-ray
studies showed that this compound crystallizes with a triclinic
lattice with the following parameters: a-8-34 1, b-10.20 X,
c-9-44 1, a-580, P-550,,r-600. The polythermal decomposition
curve of Be4 O(CH 3COO)6-4CH3NH2 was constructed using the thermo-
gravimetric determination method. The compounds formed by
beryllium with ethyl and butyl amines have similar properties
to those which form from methyl amine.
There are I figure and 2 Soviet reforEtices.
Card 1/2
A I! T S 5 ',b 0
TITLE:: eter'An ti )a
c c r)7-.l j r. tl~c 2-croun ~lLus
ra:A vore
1 ~,2
P Ell! I OD I C,'.. L
:3 57 Ft;*. C T ca :~iort x-:-, (ref, rence -o 1 i e t o
~~,.Acr A.,o Olecula", (of t"X 11 m-ni tude of
" L _ .,., (3., j oove l--.--fD-_.-l. -lie
100 to 11C S.
;.olecul_r -..,eiu-hts fro.-.: or" ei:tally found
c,)effic; Of til'i e r i~.~vi . ti,;.itimn
c. i .:"t V. i th t Ix
0. :1:"tanc wiVl~ Z. !.;.-)Vln rle
f 0r..1111
Ca n! 1 2 Tir; o;,.4-%cr,t~Ae and pion, t.:~ cf 1:crylli ::-, -acre in-
Detcr.mir-ti of ;x '.;o1ccular Wei -ht of Di,,oolve! 32-2-25/6o
.Ccordin to ti- *:et n! DiMici-n T'roi,,,-,h a iloroi%- I t t
?- - P a Ole
ASSOC 1 0":
Card 2, 2
vc:iti,~:_tc~! L..;d of oi.1i 0,,,,-' to the com1puted
c! cular rci-ht of
fo"'. . . (.1
".,)vcvcr, .~ !ifference of 191'f
L p viar,
found, wlnlic" to (tile to thf., 1jf], verice." 1'etwecn the
sti-iicturr~_,, of the Bc-oxyz~cctatc -.nd t~'...t of
(corrcuj,,o;;din,, to the oborrvzitioi;_- 1,,y rrint-.iri. or,
rcf r- nc~, Tho ap, liea' -ot~ -_Az~:idoxd -x, --x. acco-,,.pctny-
ic t:-,crorcrl, :)se~ f~)r t*",e i~rl,oue of
i':1provin., 'ho aietho,'l. The r,,.divcctiv(_- Cli, isoto.-c wzu, cL:-;or,,-
others, iu;cd in order to r(:.-.:ove difficultiaLl of Lmalytical
kind. For tho deter;~li: "L.40i. of t.*.w, apec"fic zictiviticu, the
solution.,; wit',in tile coll g.n. -.,.,ithout .-ore va1:c,:-izcd after
diffucion, the rezi-lue ~_'esciccated, ca:-.burtea and the
C702 "a, 'r---iisfor:ied into Tixr,: 1 fi~,lirc, 4 tablet),
reforctices, 1 of VI'A c . i.-
Moscow State UUversi;ty lmpz2. 1.1. 11. TAWM1.091-W
1:.eni Lo.-x)nosova)
LiLrury of Co.-. --rcsr,
1. Molecular -vjs'.Fhl.-DeLer-,iiirct-'Lon 2. Chlorofonz--Applications
S07'/2C-1 22- 7-20/r -7
AUTHORS: GrigsL!-Y~~~respondinC Member, Academy cf
U:~SR, Novoselova, A. V., Sencnenko, K. if.
TITLE: Compounds of Beryllium Hydroxy Acetate With Sulkftir Dioxide
(Soyedineniya oksiatsetata berilliya s 3ernistyr, aneidridom)
PERIODICAL: Doklndy Akademli nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 3, PP 397-390,
ABSTRACT: Affiliation products containing mainly amino nitro&en are de-
scribed for beryllium hydroxy acetate (Refs 1-3). These com-
pounds are stable erouj;h and are probably formed at the ex-
pense of the free electron pair of nitrogen. However, for the
substance mentioned first in the title compounds of a weaker
binding may be expected, namely of the type of the so-called
"inclusion compounds" (soyed.lnoniya vklyucheniya Pl.' (Refs
4,5). The compound mentioned in the title probably is such an
"inclusion compound" (Ref 2). This problem --s discu:~sed in
detail in the present paper. In the ccncentraticr. by the
evaporation of a solution of beryllium hydroxy acetato in
liquid sulfur dioxide the latter oompcund is precipitated in
Card 1,14 form of well developed octahedrons. The thus formine; ~;~i_-Found
SOV /20-1122-7 - 20/r, 7
Compounds of Berjllium Hydroxy Acetate With Sulfur Dioxide
is extremely instable at room temperature and da~:ompon-zti irt,~
its two initial products. This makes diffictilt the d1otk1r,;i1--
nation of its composition and the preparative -J3C1qticn by
means of the usual methods of chemical analysis. 1% t~
investigate the interaction of both substances m4~,.t!~M-td in tho
title the authors studied the rethod of the construction of a constant temperature: composition - vav-.r pres-cark,
in the system formed by them. For this purpose they used tho
Huettig tensiometer (-tenzievdiometr) (Ref 6). The wcrking procr,~E~s
Is described. The equIlTbrium could be observed after !C-20
hours. Figure I shows the ijothermal lines of the composition
versus pressure function for -9,5, -15, -20 and -300. From the
general view of the isothermal 'Lines it cnn be seen that in th-.1
case of a concentration by evaporation of one of th,~ mentioned
saturated solutions a compoand Be 4O(CH 3COO)6 .2S02 is precipit-at
Thus, it was observed that the compound 3Be 4O(CH 3coo )6-4SO2
(described by the authors in reference 2) represents a product
of a partial decomposition of the compound of beryllium hydroxy
acetate with molecules of sulfur dioxide. Bftsides a compound
Card 2/4 2 : 1 another one 1 : 1 Be 4O.(CH 3C00) 6* so2which forris on ~hn
Compounds of Bexyllium Hydroxy Acetate With Sulfur Dioxide
decompo3ition of the first was oboerved in the sy3tem. The
stability of the compounds decreasea with the increase in
temperature. It is remarkable that in this rase the value-9 7-f
the heats of formation (on the average 9,22 kcal per I j; mol S02)
are lower than in the normal case of coordination compounds.
Furthermore, it is of interest that at -100 (boiling point of
S02) the discussed compounds ha a the characteristic features
of solid solutions and can exist only at increased press-are.
According to radiographic analyses Be 4O(CH3COO),.2SO,, crystal-
lizes in a cubic diamond-like lattice with u nericd of the
elementary cell of a - 17,1 A. The density at'-120 - 1,1-1+3,
roentgen density = 1,42. In conclusion a rough outline of the
structure of this substance is given. There are 2 figures and
7 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i4=. Y.. V. Lomonosova
Card 3/4 (Moscow State University imeni MI. V. Lo=onosov)
11 -.-
GRlGOR'Yk,V, A. I. Cand Chem Sai -- (diss) "Studies In the field of,chomistry
-- ---- --- I
of oxy acetate#~-19~_beryllitml.-' Mos, 1959. 12 pp (Ibs State Univ im M. V. Loomonosov.
F ~ . --- - A
Chem Faculty. Chair of Inorganic Chemistry), 150 copies (M., 41-59, 103)
5(2)95(3) 05892
AUTHORSs Grigorlyev, A. I., Novoseloval, A. V. SOV/70-4-11-45/50
TITLE% On the Interaction of Beryllium Oxyformiste and -oxyproplonsto
With Ammonia
PERIODICALs Zhurnal neorganIcheskoy khiall, 19599 Vol 4. Nr 11,
pp 2640-2641 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Previous papers (Refff 1-3) dealt with the reaction of 'jeryllium
ozyacetats, a compound of the type Be 4OR 6' in which R denotes the
radical of a monabasic organic acidl, with ammonia and anines. With
respect to the kind of production and chemical behaviour, the
oxyproplonate now Investigated differs little from the oxyacetate
compound. The oxyformiate, however, cannot be produced - like
these compounds - directly from the organic acid and the
beryllium hydroxide or -carbonate, but is only obtained after a
vacuum distillation of the normal beryllium forniate. The reaction
of the Be-oxyproplonate andoxyformisto with ammonia was investi-
gated under e ual conditions as they are applied in preparing the
compound Be 4Ozeff3COO) 664KH 3 &The oxypropionate yielded the
Card 1/2
On the Interaction of Beryllium Oxyformiat* and SOV/78-4-11-45/50
-oxypropionate With Ammonia
compound Be 40(C 295C00)6-5NR3 0 The Be 40(BCOO)6 , however, reacts
Ith NE3 to form a finely crystalline precipitate the analysis of
h1ch Is given, but for the composition of which no formula is
set up. The filtrate was evaporated in the vacuum for several
days, and formed a viscous nonerystallizing mass. There are 4
SoTlet references,
July 99 1959
Card 2/2
5(2) SOV/20-125-3-25/63
AUTHORS: GriALc~r~yev, A. I., Novoselova, A. V., Corresponding Member
-aTDSSW'-T~-Z-enWff0' K. X.
TITLEi On the Compound Formed by Beryllium Oxy-acetate and Nitrogen
!oxide (0 soyedinenii oksiateetata berilliya a dvuokislyu
PERIODICALt Doklady Akadexii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 5, PP 557-559
ABSTRACT: forms adducts with NO
1 similar
It was found that Be
to those formed with SO 2 (Be 4O(CH 3COO)6' 2SO2and
Be4O(CH 3COO)6'SO2)' The mentioned oxy-acetate is well soluble
in liquid nitrogen dioxide at room temperature. If this solu-
tion is vaporized achromatic needlelike anisotropic crystals are
separated. They decompose quickly in air under formation of
brown NO 2- vapors. After this decomposition beryllium oxy-
acetate is left back in its cubical basic modification, The
composition of the crystals may be approximately described by
Card 1/3 the following formulas: Be
-3N 0
On the Compound Formed by Beryllium Oxy-acetate and Nitrogen Dioxide
Be 4O(CH3COO) 6'1,5N20 4' By means of the measurement of the mag-
netic susceptibility was found that N 204 probably takes part iv
the mentioned compounds. In order to define their composition
precisely as well as in order to determine the possibility of
formation of other compounds in the system beryllium oxy-
acetate - nitrogen dioxide the diagrams: composition - vapor
pressure at constant temperature were plotted. The tensi-
audiometer of HUttig (Khyuttig) served for this purpose. Its
main parameters and the method were the same, as in reference I
with the exception of a small modification which takes the ag-
gressiveness of the gas into account because it reacts with
mercury. After 2-3 lioure the equilibrium in the system was re-
established. Figure 1 shows isothermal lines at 10.0 and 19.0 0C.
Their general shape shows that the compound Be 4 O(CH3COO)6'1,5N204
is separated by the evaporation of the saturated Be 4O(CH 3COO)6
solution in the liquid NO 2' No other compounds were
Card 2/3 found to exist in the system. Tho last mentioned compound die-
3 Z'4N~~- -1 19
On the Compound Formed by Beryllium Oxy-scetate and Nitrogen Dioxide
sociates as a true chemical compound in contrast to the two
compounds formed with SO 2 (mentioned above). The decomposition
of the two last mentioned compounds proceeds by the formation
of phases of variable composition. This contrast is assumed to
explain the quicker establishment of the discociation equilibrium
of the compound with NO 2' The dependence of the dissociation
pressure was explained by the isothermal lines (Table 1, Fig 2).
Furthermore the compound obtained was investigated radiographi-
cally, its density and crystalline structure determined. There
are 2 figures, 1 table, and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED; January 2, 1959
Card 3/3
AUTHORSt Grigorlyev, A. 1. and Novoselova, A. V.
complex Co Aof Beryllium IOxyace"at.,
TITLEs mpounda With Ammonia and
Aliphatic AmInes
PERIODICAL3 Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, V11. 5, No. 10,
pp. 2280-2283
TEXT: The authors studied the dissociation ?f the compo'unds forming in
the system Be 4O(CH 3COO)6 - NH3 by measuring the vapor pregaure at -33,
+25j and +500C; the Isotherms of vapor pressure sit the above temperatures
are repro+.iced In Pigs. 1 and 2. It was found that a compound with the
composition Be 4O(CH 3COO)6012NE3is formed on the dise,:Iutlon of beryllium
oxyacet.ate in ammonia at -330C- Vapor pressure measurements at 25 and
500C showed that this compound decomposes under formation of phases of
different compositions. The compounds with the compagition
Be4O(CH 3COO)6-3R.-NH2 (R - CH3' C211 50C4H9) are unstable, and decompose on
Card 1/3
Complex Compounds of Beryllium Oxyacetate S/078/60/005/010/028/030/XX
With Ammonia and Aliphatic Aminee MOW
heating to 1000C. For determining the structure of complex --=pounds of'
beryllium oxyacetate with ammonia, the infrared absorption spectTa Were
taken by means of an ~IYC-11 (IKS-11) spectrograph wIth KBr, NaCl, and
LIF prisms. The formation of complex compounds of beryllium oxyacetate
with ammonia and with amines Is caused by a regrouping of the inner %d-
denda of the complex Be 4O(CH3COO) 6' Part of the acetate groups of the
inner sphere of the complex are displaced by ammonia and amine, and the
acetate groups ionized in this connection cause the electrical c~~n-
ducti.vLty of the solutions or complex compounds -)f beryllium oxyacetatp
with ammonia and with amines. Beryl-ium oxyacetate itself is a non-
electrolyte, The molar electrical conductivity of solutions of beryllium
oxyacetate in liquid ammonia was measured at i10 and -530C. The tempeinture!
dependence of the electrical conductivity of 0.11) mol!ir solutions of
beryllium oxyacetate in liquid ammonia showed that the electrical cc~n-
ductivity increases with decreasing temperatur-, and attains a maximum at
-30OC; at lower temperatures, it decreases qgain. F,.jrther S*udiezz are
necessary to determine the structure of complex compounds cf beryllium
oxyacetate with ammon!a and aminee. There are 5 figljr--s, I table, and
Card 2/3
Complex Compounds of Beryllium Oxypcetate S/078/60/005/0101/028/030/X-"t
With Ammonia and Aliphatic Aminen B017/BO67
13 references, 7 Soviet, 4 US, i BritiBh# and I German.
ASSOClATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstyennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosu7),
SUBMITTED: July 9, 1959
Card 3/3
Results of testing the now technological of manufacturing black
tea in the Dagomys Tea Factory in 1958-1959. Biokhim. chain.
proisv. no.8:176-185 160. WRA 14:1)
1. .2romt PAzerchay", BRka-
Interaction of the complex compounds of Beryllium oxyacetate
of the type Be,40(CHjCOO)6 JR with alcoholB. Zhur.neorg.-
khim. 7 no.6ol28541290 Je 76K2H.2 (MIRA 15t6)
41bryllium acetate) (Alcohols)
Inteopwtion of normal beryllium acetate with annomia and e1bylanine.
Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.1:251-253 JT& 063. ~MIRA 16'5)
1. Maskovskly gosudarstvannyy universitat imeni Lomonooovag
kafedra neorganicheskoy khiaii.
(Beryllium acetate) (A=onia) (Ethylami )
Infrared absorption spectra of acetates of the elements of the
lot and 2nd groups of the periodic system. Zhur.noorg.khis. 8
no.4002-810 AP t63. (MIRA 16:3)
1. Momkovskiy gosuderstvennyy universitst imeni Lamonogova, kafedra
noorganichaskoy khinii.
(Acetates--Absorption spectra)
Vibration opectra of alkalt metal fluoberyllates of the type
M2BeF4. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.1t134-136 S 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.Lomonosova.
2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Novoselova).
L'15199_65 E~IT4m)/Ewc(w,APF(n)-2/EWA(d)/EVIP(t)/RWP(b) PU-4 IJP(c/1/ASD(m)_3
ACCESSION NR: AT4046854 JD/JG/MLK S/0000/64/000/000/0267/0276
AUTHOR: GrIZ2r1Xev, A. 1.
TITLE: Effect of alloying elements on the ppperties of an Iron-based austenitic allo'l-
SOURCE: ANSSSR. Nauclipy!XsovetpoMblemozliaroprochny*l~hsplavov. Iseledovantya
staley I 3PIOLVOV (Studies on steels and ~Tloys).-~*I-o-'s-e-ow-',-Izi-(['--v-o"9.;Tu-va;--r9f4-,--!~(;7-275
TOPIC TAGS: austenitic steel, alloy steel, LuIgsten"Idmixture, niobium admixture,
titanium admixture, alumlijuin admixture, steel mechanical property.
ABSTIUkCT: The author pt esents the results of a study of the effects of tungsten (1. 44-
5.75c;o'), niobium (32.70-36. 60%), titanium (0. 60-2.90%)), and alumintun (0. 5-3.45%) on the
stress-tupturc streng0i and creep of an iron-based alloy with 1.2 ivt. % Cr, 35 At.% Ni, and
0. 20t/Z (.':, conducted in 194f !- 1956 at the Metallurgical Institute. Creep curves obtained by
testing the, creep rcsistanc,~, of cylindrical Bpealmens, 100 wid 200 inni long and 10 mm In
diametf:-r, at 650C and 20 kg/mm2 , at creep rates of up to 10-5 91/hr, were plotted in a
system of semilogarithmic deformation vs time. These tests and tests of cylindrical
specinvnis 25 and 80 nim long and 5 anti 8 mm in diameter for stress-rupturc strength at
750C were carried out on IP-2, IP-5, and VP-8 machines. Tungsten additions in excess
Card 1/2
L -.619')-65
of 4% and niobium, additions of up to 2% were found to increase both the creel) resistance
and stress-rupture strenjth of this all8tenitic alloy, and titanium additions of up to 2.2%
and aluminum additions Ut 2.5% were found to produce an optimum effect on these charac-
teristics, titanium being rated as We most effective alloying element. The conclusion ie
drawn that the strengthening of this alloy is a result of the alloying of a solid solution and
formifflon of carbide and intermetallide phases of optimum dispersion, exerting a strong
decelerating effect on plastic deformation. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 4 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgil im. A. A. Baykova (Met lurgical Imt tute)
SUDN111TI ED: 1GJun64
NO REP SOV: 006 OTHER- 004
Card 2/2
ACC,~SSION NR: AP4012437
AUTHORS: Mitrofanova, N.D.;,Marty*nenkoo L.I.; q!~~g?ryevs A.Z.
TITLE: Hydrates of the rare earth element nitrilatriacetaten
SOURCE: Zhurnal neorg. kh1m., v. 9. no. 2. 1964v 320-329
TOPIC TAGS: rare earth nitrilotriacetate hydrate, compositlong
structure, rare earth nitrilotriacetate complex,, high temperature
hydrate, coordinate bond, Ionic bond, gravimetric analysis, IR
spectrum, x ray spectrum, thermogravimetric analysis, rare earth
complex trihydrate, rare earth comp:ex tetrahydrate, rare earth
complex pentahydrate,, hydrate bond strength,, rare earth element
ABSTRACT: The rare earth element n1tr1lotr1acetate3 form crystal-
line hydrates of different composition and structure depending on
the nature of the central atom and the synthesis conditions. Com-
plexes of the elements of the cerium subgroup and gadolinium form
hydrates with 5, 4 and 3 molecules of water while the yttrium sub-
group forms on'the tetrahydrate. The probability of forming the
pentahydrate in the cerium subgroup decreases with the element at
the end of the subgroup: samarium and gadolinium complexes form
the pentahydrate only on salting out with ethanol. The water mole-
cule bond'strength is different with different types of hydrates.
The aceto groupsof the nitrilotriacetic acid are bonded ionically
In nearly all the rare earth nitrilotriacetates. In the "high tem-
perature' trihydrates (in which one molecule of water is especially
strongly bonded), formed with the complexes of the most basic rare
earth elements, La, Pr and Nd, the aceto groups form both coordinate
and ionic bonds. The'compounds were prepared by ion exchange, by
reaction of suspensions of equivalent amounts of Ln201 and nitrilo-
triacetic acid, by decantation, and by salting out with organic sol-
vents. The products were analyzed gravimetrically and thermogravi-
metrically; x-ray and IR spectra were obtained. Orig. art. has: 10
figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATIONt Mo3kovskly gosudarstvenny un versitat In. N.V.
Lomonosova Kafedra neorganichesko 46mii (Moscow State University,
Department of Inorganic ChemisM
Infrared spectra of basic aluminum acetates. Zhur.neorg.khim. 9
no.4:1023-1024 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4)
kr4 '.0
CHIG010YEV, A.l.; YAK."'!WV, V.N.
InfrarfA absorption spectra of the r,,!' mf-ft~,a Of
the 3d eroup of a periodical Wile, )md Lho.,r hydr!tteF3.
Zhur. neorg. kh1m. 9 no.5:1060-1065 My 164.
(MIRA 17:9)
1. Kafedra neorgunicheskoy kh'-m-ii. Poskcvskogo gosu-4arstvennogo
universiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova.
Beryllium alkoxyacetates. Zhur. nPorg. khir-. 9 no.5sl]41-
1143 My '64. (MIRA 17:9)
Infrared spectra of complex compounds of tri- and pentavalent
molybdenum with urea and thiourea. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.,11:
2585-2589 N 164 (MIRA 18il)
L 58710-65 EWT(x)/EPF(c)/EPR/W(j)/T/WA(c) Pc_h/Pr_h/Pa_h RPL WWM
ACCESSION NR:' "5016576 UR/0363/65/001/005/0633/0037
AUTHOR: Orlova, T. Yu.; G Wyev, Aj V.
TITLE: Alkoxyalumintun acetates
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Noorganichesidys materialy, v. 1, no. 5, 1965,633-637
TOPIC TAGS: aluminum organic I22!npoumiod~alkoxyaluminum compound
i t)olvmer
ABSTRACT: By reacting normal alundmun acetate with C1130H C H OH, C H OH, and
3 7
CAM, the authors obtained compounds having the couitpo4ttion' V 5C6R) 1. 6
(OCOCH3)1.5. As in the case of alkwWberyllium acetates, the ratio of acetate to alkoxy
groups Is 1- 1. The reaction by which alkoxyaluminum acetates are formed is
Al(OCOCH 3)3+ 1. 5ROH -> A1(0F4 1. 5(OCOCH3)1.5 + 1.5CH3COOH.
All the products obtained wer~'sh'own- -to be amorphous by x-ray analysis. They are un-
-stable in-air-and gradual1y- lose their alcohol groups during atorage---lbeir
stability to also low. Infrared spectra show that their structures aie similar. An impor-
tant feature is'the'pieservaltion of the general paftern of the opectrum and positions of the
Card - j/2
L 58710-65
----At CESMO--N---N-R-.-----A--P6-Ol-6-6-76-----
bands in passing from the solids to their solution in chloroform. Molecular weights of the i
alkoxyalumininn acetates, measured ebuWascopically, showed that the compounds were
high polymers QdW 2600, 3300, and 4500 for the ethoxy, propoxy, and butoxy compounds$,
respectively). - _Ethoxyalumlnum acetate.-_ was also prepared hvm aluminum, etboxido and
glacial acetic acid, and had a molecular weight of 3600. 4figuresand
I table.
ASSOCIATION: KkimichesMy fitkulltet, Moskovskly paudaretvainyy universitet fin. U. V;
Lomonosova L4:~ 1s!MDe2!E!Memt, Moscow State University)
NO REF BOV: 003 OTHEM 00 1
knrnnistps of Be. 14g, Cat All Srip Y acetates. Zhur.neorg.khimo
10 no.4:772-7,79 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6)
1. Foskovs)dv gosudarstwennyy univorsitet imeni Lomonosove, kAfedra
neorganicheskoy khimil,
GR,T(".nJ0)fi-I'V, ... L. ; i".7 , , ',.: .; :.-;~, . " .
' tud A
j o' cortaln nitrylotrIace-tates by infritregi sj~tctront opy.
Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.6:1,.09-1418 *,e
(:Ilfl:t IE-.6)
1. Moskovakly go3udarstvennyy universitet lzrieni ',A:)r-.onosnvfl,
kafedra neorganicheskoy kbimii.
Vibration spoctra of B`("1134 + and lle(ll,~0)4+ ions. bok-1.
160 no.2:383-386 Ja 165.
1. Moskmkiy gosudarstvennyy univoroltet.
All SSSR (for Novoselova).
VlktL r.
n-li t, rq I mi no A n
G'(!GCF'YFV' A~T.'- Ullfc-]A~ N.14.
Infrared abs:,rption oFe,:t-.a of the alecholates r.-f beryllitm,
magnesiun ani alkaline siarth metils. !-`oki. AN S-;IH 162 no.1-,
98-IM. My 165. (MIPA 18:5)
1. Moskovvkiy gosuda-stvannyy unI-.Prs!*.ct. Submitted November 3,
TUROVA, N.Yu.; GUIGOR'Yi-V, A.I.; NOV05FLOVA, A.V.; -6.;
GUR-YAN67A, Yf--.N.
Structure and properties of the complex compour.~i
BeCl2.AlC1 3.3(C2H5)20. Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no. 3:'~7i(~- rr,-i S 165.
','MIRA 18:9*)
1. ?4oskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet i
skly fiziko-khlmicheskly institut Im. L.Y~.,. Kar,rnvi. 2.
korrespondpnt AN SSSR (for Novo3elova).
Infrared absorption v~ectra of copp-,r un(i zinc acetateo,
their hydrates, and amonlatev. Zhur.neorj:.lhim,. 10
no.lls2499-2503 11 165. (MI-RA 18:12)
1. Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii Moskovskogro gosudarotvennogo
universiteta imeni M.Umonovova. Submitted Yay 12, 1964.
Stru~tum Or Put"Glim Od saftum ahlorobaryllates.
Sbur-morgAMN, 10 moM2991.29" 9 965.
(mm 1911)
L 34391-66 EV4T(M)/T/EWP(t)/ET1 IJP(c) Jp/!2,ZqG
AdE NR. ]Mi)74.f (A) UVV019;V6_5_10W10(W10919109a__
AUTHORs lovba, L. Hol Irmovo Ve 161 Orlipr1yews A* I*
ORGt lbecow State University In* & To IMMUDBUT, ()bW=vsldy peadarstvam" adva-
TITL9% Investigation of anhydrous mats of uranyl.
SDURCZ: Zhurnal. strukturnoy Widip ve 69 noo 69 19659 919-921
TOPIC TAGS: uranium compowAg x ray diffraction analysis# Ir spectroscopy 9
Ox~,.Sroqk AArntle #0#94e0)1nFjF0e
A&SWACTs Arftdroua salts of an I of the composition Uo~,BAD_J& = So Cr,, IMbp W) ware
Investigatede Anhydrous ur ulfatev containing -5% oe 4, p was obtained during
alltiple evaporation of nitrate with concentrated H23D and roasting at 600C.
Anhydrous uranyl. chromate was produced by roasting U02GrO4953HP to constant wait t
at 520-55OCe The anhydrous uranyl. nolybdate and tungstate were o ad by bakin
stoichionetric amounts of V Oat 1b039 and WD 0 respectively* The single crysta1s~f
these uranyl salts ware 901=sd L X-ray 2ff~ractlon studies and-lEfiiF0 spectrosco-
py* Their lattice parameters *noolinle babity space group P21/a) were determined as
1/2 M A 50.7A
ACC W AP6013741
a b
U0290 6 .750 5.700 12.SM 103.00'D 4
U02Q4 7,010 5.558 13,43A 104*500 4
U021h04 7*195 5o484 13-58A 104-5r 4
W004 7e2O7 5*481 13.58A 104eSDO 4
ThIs Indicated that all these uranyl salts vere laostructural. The presence of urmyl
sulfate In 002904 was ascertained by the stron- absorption lines at 11W and 930 ci-1
and by the Veakef ones at 656j, 832p mA 797 afth. Uranyl Ions had a stmog band in the
860-960 am--L region of the Ir spectrume Orige arte bass 3 tables.
MM 0018s 071 SM DATSt 06J&uO/ OTE Mrs OU / ORIG MF: 0031
ACC NR. OURCE* (;Oi)i-": Uii/()020/66/"67/C,,I~/031,.-'/031.5
AUTHOP: Qrjgor lygy, A I Novoselov A. V. (Corresponding meniber AN J""!
ORG: Moscour State University im. M. V. Lomonosov- (Moskovakiy gosudaratvennyj
universitet) I
TITLE: Structure of complex compounds'lof berylli oxyacetatelwith arrmonia and
prinary fatty imines
SOURCE: AN SSSR. D10clady, v. 167, no. 2, 1966, 31,2-345
TOPIC TAGS: beryllium compound, ammonia, ,.).mino, vibration spectrum, hy(Irogen bonding
molecular structure, Ili spectrum, chemical stability, chemical composition) acetate
ABSTRACT: Investigations of the vibration spectra of Bo(OCOCH 3)' 2NI13
indicated that the acetate groups in this complex compound are monodofi(Lrito.
Ryidontly they participate in the formation of a six-momborod ring because of
'e,ho intramolocular hydrop.,en bondil The authors arrived at this conclusion
having studied the Infrared absorption spectra of the following compounds
-Bb(OCOCHj)?-2CH Nq and Bo(OCOCH ) -2C H NH Six-momborod rings constructed
-bond sho impaP
on tho basis of-tbo 11 ula r Mtional stability to the compound
as a result of the action of the entropy factor. From these positions it is
pdssiblo to oxplain the structure and also the special stability of the com-
pounds of beryllium oxyacetate with ammonia and aminos with the composition
of J~ : 1 and 3 : I. The intramolecular hyTirogon bonds play i great role in the
f0 Mation of the compounds investigated. The vibration spectra of the above
b,gyllium oxyacetate compounds were studied. The spectra of the corresponding
cKmpounds of normal beryllium acetate were also studied. The revults which
donfirm the structures proposed will be published later. Orig. art. has: 4 figureS.
DPRS: 36,4551
suB c?r..:/ 07, 20 / SUBM DAIE: 09SeP65 / ORIG RD: 007
UDC., 54
Card Itl: 141 -,41---]
SMIRNOV, V.S. (Leningrad); GRIGORIYEV, A.K. (Leningrad)
-- I I--
Using dimensional analysis for the deterndnation of transverse
deformation in rolling. Izv. AN SSSR. Met. i gor. delo no.5:
92-97 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:11)
SKUWOVt V.S. (Leningrad); GRIGORIYEV, A.K. (Leningrad)
Pressure distribution on rolls In thin sheet rolling with large re-
ductions. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. takh. nauk Mot. I gor. dolo no.1:18-21
J&-F 163, (Rol11jV (Metalwork)) (MIRA 160)
Compression of thin plastic wedges and some of its applicatiofts.
Trudy LPI no.222tI02-112 063. (MRA 16t7)
(Deformations (Mechanics)) (Wedges)
Stk,essos during plastic binding vith hardening. Trudy LPI
no.222tn3-123 163. (MRA 160)
(Shoet-motal work) (Deformations (lbohanies))
Investigating metal deformation on a shape bending machine. Trudy
LPI no.222sl24-131 063. (MM 160)
(Shoot-metal work) (Deformations (Vachwdes))
Initial prerequisites for an efficient grooving of ahape-bending
machine rollers. Trudy LPI no.222s140-147 163. (MIRA 16:7)
(Sheet metal working machinery)
Reducing strip thickness during plastic bending on a shape bending
machine. Trud LPI no.222sl32-134 163. (KRA 16S7)
~Sheet-netal work) (Deformations (Mechanics))
Determining the mechanical properties of sheet materials for the
calculation of cold deformation processes. Trudy LPI no.222:
135-139 163. (MIRA 160)
(Metals-Testing) (Sheet-metal work)
Manufacture of thin-walled shapes from titanium and its alloys on
a shape,-bending machine. Trudy LPI no.222tl4&150 163.
(MIRA 160)
(Titanium) (Sheet-metal work)
- 11 - -.1- -
Coiling rolled strips on reels. Trudy LPI
(Rolling mil-la-Squipment
no.2221l96-200 163.
(MIRA 160)
and supplies)
Investigating corresponding conditions of metal rolling in grooves
and vitY, smooth rolle. Trudy LPI no.238:56-63 164. (14IRA 17:11)
Calculating the pressure limit on the rolls of a shapf bending r4ichine.
Trudy LPI no.2)8t68-69 164. (141RA 17:11)
Gross stretching of strip in the manufacture of large coli-bent
shapes. Trudy LPI no.238s6/e-67 164, (WRA 17:11)
DetermInIng metal preagure on the rolls during rollirg in diamond
passes. Izv. vVs. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.7:116-119 165.
(WRA 180)
1. Leningradakiy polit"khnicheskiy Institut.
IF NOV , Vas i I I y Se rge.,,, f,v I c L r. pr d'. -, Gh.- 1; Y ix ,
fU=-IA:'.V O-f'
(Theory of met&I working by
for otudantn !3pecializing in the "Vla:3tic ilk
motals" of the phynical mutai)urgy deptirtmentj 111 0,1--
tabotki matallav davlemlem, ickt. i I dl.'-'L
tov apetsiallnostl 'Ijasticheokaiii abrnbutka
zJkc.-motallurgicherkogo fLku2Iteta. I e r. I r. g r -.0i
politaklin. ir,-I. , 1965. 227 p.
1. Chlen-korroupondent, Ali SSSR (for Sidm~,vv,
Basic equation in the theory of elastic-plastic bending with an
increase in hardness. Trudy LPI no.243:24-37 165.
Coefficients of metal deformaVon during rolling in a cogging-
down pass. Trudy LPI no.243:54-65 165.
(KERA 18:6)
Analyzing increase in width formulas and methods of the experi-
mental investigation of transverse deformation In rolling. Trudy
LPI no.243:69-78 165. (MIRA 18:6)
Experimental Investigation of surface deformations during plastic
bending. Trudy LPI no.243:112-117 165. 041RA 18;6)
Determining the course of shape forming starting from the
plastic properties of the blank and the permissible defor-
mation of the section's side edges. Trudy UII no.243:118-
125 165. (MIRA 18:6)
Investigating power parameters of rolling on mills with swivel
bearings. Trudy LP1 no.243:126-131 165.
(MIP-A 18:6)
L 00867-66 DIT(d)/OdT(m)/LWA(d)/5.4P(v)/gir?(t)/Fdl(k)/VP(h)/gjP(b)/E~IP(I)/r-; A(c)
VFESSI"rw AT5013065 UR/2563/65/000/243/0132/0
AUTHOR: Bogoyavlenskiy, Ks N Met'nichuk, 0. Yas
!~O' Grigor*yev, A. K.
TITLE: Force patterns in the rollingof foil on a continuous two-atand roiling
Mill 6114A,
SOURCE: Leninorad, Politakhnichaskty institut. Trudy, no. 243, 1965. Obrabotka'
metallov davleniyem (fletntworking by pressure), 132-137
TOPIC TAGS, aluminum foil, rolling mill, aluminum rolling, foil production
ABSTRACT: At the LeningradekLy zavod po obrabot teptetnykh metallov (Leningrad
Nonferrous Metal Works), the rolling of aluminumilotAs being carried out for the:
first time in tFe -Soviet Union in a continuous manner by means of a two-stand
rolling mill. A suitable operation of the mill and the correct control and
aa-justment of its entire system require the knowledge of the various pressures on
the rolls. The determination of these pressures was the object of this work. It
was found that when the foil is rolled from 0.09 mm to 0.048 mm (width 480 mm),
the pressure on the rolls in 47 - 48 t, the specific back tension being 3 - 4 kg/
mm2, and the specific front tension, 2.5 - 3 kg/mm2. 'When the foil is rolled from
0.048 to 0.025 tam (width 480 mm), the pressure on the rolls is 46 - 47 ts the
Card 1/2
L 00867-66
specific back tension being 2.5 - 3 kg/mm2, and the front tension, 3.5 4*5 kg/
m62. The data obtained can be used for the plant operation of the tvo-stand
rolling mill, and also by designers of the mechanical and electrical equipment of
continuous foil rolling mills. "Eng. A. N. Trishchevskiy participated in the
work." Orig. art. has: 5 figures andl tabIG4 I
ASSOCIAXION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Polytechnic
NO REP SOVt 003 OTHER: 000
SMIRNOVI, V.S., prof.; GRIGORIYFV, A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk
Theory of plastic working of metals. Book by I.Ya. Tarnovskl),
A.A. Pozdeyev, O.A. Ganago, V.L. Kolmogorov, V.N. Trubin, R.A.
Vaysburd, and V.I. Tarnovskly; Review. Stall 25 no.4:348
AP 165. (AURA 18:11)
1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskly institut. 2. Chlen-
korrespondent AN SSSR, (for Smirnov).
K. N. I i;; V. V. G v i'o 4-1 yv A X.
T!V_.`.': cha;i ill lnt~chanical propertio.,; of ic;heot molybdenkinn and niobium in
ve:"Lion to detr.-ce ol-' preiminary 6eformittion
S 0 1, iZ C 1':': "it-;'. 17cuilluegriyi. Al)z;. 7!-,or)
Tv. Leniw,v. t oliteMin. in-ta, o. 260, 19G5, 28-31
'I'OPIC 211'%CS: nnet.-11 nio;)iuai, niechanical property,
co:~: vollill", Yield SLi-ell,rul, Yield point, lial-611ess, C1011-ation
~`ZIACIT: An attexn:)t has been made to plot tile curves
.1 CS onsh:- beiwevil ;;V,
.0 Coe, I ~ablibhincf tile velall AP and 00.2
as t function oi degree- cold roll i n-' c! efo v inat ion of ( up to 511/6). Cast and
No were tested. It was siiown that the.-c
Mo and , wCvC no clian-;cs in
n C! of cast Nlo with an increase in cie;'orrnation, %viiilc -~ decreased from
7 zo For sintercd Nlo, decreased practically up to 0016, whilq Ub and
)vc%~I.Liy increased alrno.~t Alinearly, reaching ;About IGO kj/mm2 at
C..d 112 UDC: 669. 28:620. 17+669. 293:620. 17
was observed for cast
5 M. 11, the cAsc of NTh, a sharper decrease of 2
material. It was shown that at,. -and lo-2 of sintered N-b reach about 75 kg/mm
at 'r. 351/4 and then remain unchanged. P. Novik. (Translation of abstract]
AlAMPITIV. P.M.. kandidat geograficheskikh nauk. dotsent; GRIGORITIV. A.L.,
kandidat ekonomicheakikh nauk; ZHKUTIK, V.B.. kandiaitle'MfflMe-
skikh nwak, doteent; LOTTZR, X.N.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh -'r;
LTALIKOV, N.I.. kandidat geograftehookikh r-1 . dotsent. NIXITIN,
N.P., professor; TUTTIHIN, B.A., kandidat geografichookikh nauk,
dotsent; CHXRDiSTSIV, Glob Nikanorovich, doktor ekonomicheskikh
nauk, professor; DZRAVAIHINVILI, A.A., professor. GVXMIYANI. 0.G.,
dotsent; GALKIN, P.D., redaktor; RODIONOVA. F.A., redaktor; SAIMA-
BOVA, N.V., takhnichemkiy redaktor.
Cloonomic geography of the U.S.S.R.; Soviet Socialist republics-,
Ukrainian. Moldavian, White Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Istonian,
Karelo-Finnish, Goorgiat, Azerbaijan, Armenian, Kazakh, Uzbek,
Kirghiz, Tajik, turkmen] Zkonomicheskaia geograflia SSSR; Sovetskie
sots ialistichook is Respubliki: Ukrainskaia, Holdavokaia, Belorusekaia,
Litovskaia, Zatviiskmia. Istonokaia, Karelo-Finakaia, Gruzinskaia,
AserbaldshanskAia, Armianskai&, Nazakhakala, Uzbekskaia. Kirgizekals.
Tadshikeksia, Turkmenskaia. Moskva, Go*. uchobno-podagog. isd-vo
Ministerstva prooveshchenila HSISR, 1954. 426 p. (Nicrofila]
(Geog=07, Economic) (NLR& 8:1)
--GRLQmmw.I~ 1-"--.,IAomLdoyIoh; TZRXHINA. 0.1., red.; TSYNNOTA. S.T..
~-- t f.-rW."11"SkWdU. K.I., tokhn. red.
[Globes and their use in teaching] Globus I rabota a nim. Moskva,
Goo. uchobno-podaeog. izd-yo N-va prosy. RSFSR, 1957. 78 p.
(Globe@) (Km lit8)
extrai:olat!~)n in d-a~lphpr!rg signs of
Q,uevirrairy clollcrito frzm ~,one to zone; as examplifled by t4.
wet,L,~rn part of Lhe :3,5.S.R, ~Zva voes. Cerg. cb-va 97
na.4.024-333 01-Ag '65o (MIRA 18#8)
Ntermining Ahe - axlkl: speed of,a maLas-foint irLa viitical
Opiral. conveyor. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.. gor. zhur..6 no.8t
69-73 063, (MIRA 16:10)
1. Klyevskly ordena Lenina poll tvkhnIchvqkiy institut. Rekoraendo-
vana kafedroy detaley mashin.
Conference dedicated to tho 50th anniversary of the Tainghai
Revolution.' Vent. All SSSR 31 no.12-.110-111 D 161. (XIIbI 14:12)
(China-RevolutionY 1911-1912)
GRIGORITEV, A.M. [11riborliev, A.M.); XMCMKO, G.D. [Xn-vchanko, H.0.1, prof.
Ldeceasedj; STAROVUXTENKO, I.P.; USTINOVA, L.A. [Ustynava, L.A.11
SKAYA, T.I. [Khokhanovalka, T.Iol, tokhn, red,
[Economic and geographical features of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Ukrainslka
RSR; skonomiko-geogr&fichna kharsktarystyka. Kjivo Vyd-vo Kyivstkoho
univ.v 1961. 208 p. (MIRA 14:10)
(Ukraine-Economic geography)
e-- - ' -,-- -- ---- --
Container for hoisting cylinders of oxygen. Mont. i apets.
rab. v stroi. 24 no.5126 My 162. (MIRA 15:5)
., I.." -r. Cand. Tech. Scl.
GRIG OR "I T " M., r'n
Dlssertation: nProblema of Inventigntint: the Oporatlona) Pprt of Dri, I rp-rr,-%'D crew
Machine." K,acow Pent Inst, 11 Feb 47.
SO: Vec~ernyaya Mosk_ya., Feb, 1947 (Project #17936)
ism "
-1 A 1. A i. d a
A 1 0 u
A. W. (Tortyamys Pmyshlemost, 1947, No. 10 , 17-20).
00 a,
4. ms, .4' 4- aft
u Is At; so I a p 0 a 4
it it to ~941 *ego* Rall 'famwa 1 14,
0 0 goo 0000*0*400004
"Determination of the Efficiency of Raising a t%ss by Calculating the
Change of Position for a Vertical Auger," Torf. Prom., No. 2, 1948. Cand Tech
Certain properties of ice and frozen peat. TruAy K M I no.16:99-107
"51 rftbl. '521. (MIRA 12:12)
(Pout) (Ice)
Study of characteristics of a past deposit and their ap lication
operation of machines. Trudy KMI no.16:109-116 151 DOI. 1521.
(MIRA 12:12)
, ;V, A. Y -
NTKIFOROV, 111. Ye- ; MIG0,11f
Gearing, Wom
On the theory of vortical worm gear, Torf. prom. 30, No. 1, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I-lay -1953. Unclassified.
A. awl QW~gle- V. Yu. Ott he
of pw"holelty to AdetalrAlav As 6froas C0641110"% of &alas
mW %[mpso (In Ruaml&a), Trudl Kazansk, kkim-tekkol. im-ta no.
19, 66-71, 1954; R-1. Zb. Mtkh, 1956. Re v. no, 166 1.
k the attength "A "ability of slope., Corals. and drains f" the
case of mechanical eictivatioa of the soil. Owing theic geseatches,
authors assume the *alll to be a elastic meliazit, aaJ
(WWjjCj $bell CACIUI%tinn$ 04 111V bdaIN Of jhO-th4CVy Of MOZiNIUM
to the equation for reechanical simil4rity presented by the mu-
thus, Tj w PT. whtte T, Is the settsm 14 the mWl, T the coat-
Spo"ItS stfello In the W.0401, oild /I the tatlo of the t1tOMAI PKN11-
suits Wiled to the auil and tht vwoJel. r4PmW0vtJY, 71vto Is.
how#vot. no f4ctot repreteating It.# Stom.8trical almilatity bt1ween
04 mail and the model. By itanslorm.flom. aut"m astirt at the
followins final form of this equAtion
Shelt a. - breakdown ptemmure on the sail, a coirewpondins pre*-
sort- on the malel, r. livaiting attenAth of the soil in %hcmr, r,.,
maxi,awav tangent wessev in the epodel cortespoitaing to the ise-
Chromatic Ofteful of 11.e lecon't of th;rd otjct.
Thus, acror4linA go flit nuthnii, the t4vak,loaft ret-w- cn the
114,11 JV1411'k C.11 11w 7.114v of Ow Jelwwkl'~tof r"'.
C~1'17 .1 Rel"'Is. "Y' /h--d N. 1'. US-Nit
, 1 -'t . : P 7 , . . 11 . ; fil , I i '(; i (I 'Y'~ ", f , . . .
0 1 .
.in ,, f)f tj)-! , !, ~-, : 1~ ~ I
'e3 ~- - 1 " 1 ~,.- I.L-
M~nv( Yll-