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PERIODICAL: "Bet)n i Zhelezobeton" (Concrete and Reinforce(I Concrete),
1757, -170-3, Pp.10i3-1(jq (u.s.s.R.)
cinder dust for concrete.
Ispoltzovani3re zol'noi pyli dlya prigotovleniya betona).
~Abstracted from "Concrete Building and Concrete
Products", 1956, No.6.)
~qmj~afi as bind-
GINZBURD, T-S.G.,. ~caqdidat.tek-hnicheskikh nauk.
i6' q-u'i'L1'1ty*,.. Af'.r'.p'pc' r-st'e'.' and. Ats control In building hydraulic
structures. Gidr. stroi. 26 no.4:11-13 AP 157. (KML 10:6)
(Hydraulic engineering) (Concrete construction)
STOLINIKOV, V.V., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; GIMBURG, TS.G,, kand.
Using air entraining additives and small doses of calcium
chloride in winter concrete work. Gidr.stroi. 26 no.10:33-37
0 157. (MIU 10* 10)
(Concrete construction--Cold weather conditions)
STOLINIKOV, T.T., prof., doictor tekhn.nauk; GINZBURG, TS. G, starobly
nauchny7 sotrudnik, kand.tekhn.nauk
Winter concreting with the use of air-entraining agents and
small doses of calcium chloride. Izv. TNIIG 60:28-38 158-
(KIRA 13:6)
(Frost resistant concrete)
- ---- G.I.NZBURG, - -TS.G.; LITYINDTA, R.Ye.
Strength of cement and concrete solutions during axial ex-
tension and compression. Izv. VNIIG 60:165-171 158.
(14IRA 13:6)
;A j.*
-4.... 1
GINZBURG, TSezarl Grigorlyevich; CHIS7YAKOV, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich;
Designing weer resisting anti-cavitation concretes] Proektiro-
vanie iznosouetochivogo protivokevitat6ionnogo betona. Moskva.
Goe.onerg.lzd-yo, 1959. 34 p. (KIRA 13:4)
(concrete) (Hydraulic structures)
AUTHORS: 'and Litvinova, R.Ye.,
Candidates of Teciinical Sciences
TITLE- The Variation of kcial Tensile and Com-
pressive Strength of Hydrotechnical Con-
crete Over a Period of Time (Izmeneniye
prochnosti gidrotekhnicheskogo botona na
osevoye rastyazheniye i szhatiye vo
PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhicheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1959,
Nr 2, P 30-33 (US-OR)
ABSTRACT: This article describes the results, ob-
tained in the laboratoriya betona (the
Beton Laboratory) of VTTIIG, of a study of
the dependence of tensile and compressive
strength of concrete and concrete solution
on the water-cement ratio and on hardening
Card 1/3 periods. It was found that the relation
JL~(10) "D30i/ 98 - 59-2 - 7/22
The Variation of Axial Tensile and Com-
pressive Strength of Hydrotochnical Con-
crete Over a Period of Time
between axial tensile strenCth and compres-
sive strength is not always the same for a
given concrete, but decreases with the gra-
dual hardening of concrete. The axial
strength of new concrete is less -than the
strength of its solution. The axial tensile
strength of one year old concrete is greater
than that of its solution, because at that
time the cohesion of the coarse filler with
the liquid component in a humid surrounding
attains a considerable magnitude at the ex-
pense of swelling and hydration of cement
Cnrd 213 stone. The authors recommend the elaboration
14(10) SOV/98-59-2-7/22
The Variation of Axial Tensile and Com-
pressive Strength of Hydrotechnical Con-
crete Over a Period of Time
of a unique method of testing, axial ten-
sile strength of concrete. There are 3
tables and 4 graphs.
Card 3/3
STOLINIKOV, V.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk;.GINZBUM TS,G., starshiy
naucbnyy sotynidni , kand.tekhn.~wilk; LITVINOVA, R.Ye., starshiy
nauchnyy sotrudnik,,*nauk
Stiff concrete mix for the interior areas of hydraulic structures.
Izv.VNIIG 63:73-83 160. (MIRA 14':5)
(Concrete) (Hydraulic structures)
Some problems connebted with heat emission during hardening cements.
TS= at 26 no.4:11-15 JI-Ag 160. (MIU 13:11)
(Heat-Radiatioa,and adsorption)
Heat release during h&rdenj-ng of cement mortars and concretes.
Sbor. trud. LIIM ne.192.,117-136 162. (MIRA 16:9)
GINZHURG _~,- ka,nd.tekhn.naukj GEIISHANOVICII, G.L.,, inzh.
j IS G.
Selecting the composition of the concrete for the dam of the
Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station. Gidr.atroi. 32 no-4:8-11
Ap 162. (MMA 15:4)
(Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station-Dams) (Concrete)
TS G.,, kand.tekhnnauk; LITVINOVA, R.Ye, kand.khimicheskikh najjk
The possibility of extending the dewllineB
layers of concrete mix~ Gidr.utroi. 32
(Concrete construo.11on)
for placiz% separate
no.?z25-27 JI 162.
GI-MURG, T. 1.
"flight-time Drops in Temperature and Forecast of Radiational Fog Under Various Climatic
Conditions in the 333R11, Works of the Sci-fleo Institution of the Main Admini.3tration of
the Hydrowteorological Service SSSR, Series 1, No 28, 1946 (87-92).
(y,eteorologiya i Gidrologiva, No 6 Nov/Dee 1947)
SO: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953
f 'I
USSR/1-ledicine - Tuberculosis Sep/Oct L~9
Animal,-, Experlm(-n-
"Is It Practical to Utilize White I-lice for DeteiTdni.nF the Virulence of Tubercle
Bacilli Strains?" R. 0. Drabkina., T. S. Ginzburrl., Immunol Lab., Kiev InEt of
Tuberculosis, 2 pp
'Trob Tuber" No 5
Virulence of a strains of tubercle bacilli isolated from persons with vari~,us t,, pes
of tuberculosis of the lungs, bones, a-rid joints was tested on wl-iite mice and results
compared with results obtained from guinea pigs to ascertain whether Virulence in one
sensitive animal corresuonded to the degree of Virulence in mother. Found Piat
fresh ctrains from human bein.-s were virulent in white mine, but the degrce of
virulence in white mice did not always correspond to that in guinea pigs. Cbserved
no relationship between nature and course of human procesues and degree of virulence
in white md.ce. Dir, Kiev Inst of Tuberculosis: A. S. 1-1pinolat. Sci Dir, immunol
Lab: Prof N. S. Morozovskiy.
am PA 152T70
USSR/kedicine - Bacteriology Jul/Aug 52
'Accelerated Method for Testing the Resistance
of Kock Bacilli to StreptomZ? in," T. S. Ginz-
burg, Immin iol Lab, Ukrainian Sci Res,Tuberculosis
Inst, Klev
"Prob Tuber" No 4, pp 64-66
Describes laboratory procedure of a modified
version of the Price test for detn of the effects
of streptomycIn on certain bacterial foms of
tuberculosis. Advocated advantages of this test,
clod.mecL by Soviet scientists are: time reqxOxed
for the test reduced ftcm 6 vks to 10 or 14 days,
test mad in one stage, simplified prepa of a
culture medium.
22M 13
Significance of streptomycin resistance of Mycobaoterium tuberculosis
for the efficacy of therapy. Probl.tub. no-4:77 Jl-Ag 153.
(MMA 6:11)
1. Is immmobiologichaskoy laboratorii (saveduyushchiy - professor R.O.
Drabkina) Ukrainakago nanohno-Issledovatel'skogo tuberkulesnogo Inati-
tuta (direktor A.S.Vlmmolat). (Tuberculosis) (Streptomycin)
111,11aterials of a Study of Streptomycin-ReBistant, Strairw of Mycobacterium Tuberculocis.1,
Kazan' State Modical. Inst., Kiev., 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate
in Medical Sciences)
SO: Knizlmaya Letopial~ No. 22, 1955, pp 93-105
&t'AJ? OUP-C--r -T-, S ,
USSR / Microbiology. If Microbes PathoTenic to Humans F-3
and Animals.
Abs Jour x Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2. 1958, No 5268
Author Ginzb
Inst z Not given
Title a Phthivazide-Resistant Strains of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
and Their Biological Properties.
Orig Pub : Probl. tuberkuleza, 1957, No 1, 81-86
Abstract : 17 isolated strains of tuberculosis bacilli (TB) were sen-
sitive to 0.1 - 0.2 y/ml of phtivazide (P). After 3 pas-
sages on media with antibiotics, resistance of TB to P Was
increased 20 times, to streptomycin 4 times. P-resistant
strains demonstrated resistpnce also to other derivatives
of isoniazide. Development of TB resistance in patients
treated with preparation P depended on the length of treat-
ment. In treatment for 1-2 months, P resistance was
Card 1/2
USSR /Microbiology. Microbes Patho,enic to Humans F-3
and Animals.
Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - Biol.. No 2, 1958, No 5268
Author t Ginsburg, T,S,
found in 4 of 22 strains; in treatment for 22-3 months, in
20 out of 25 strains. Resistance increased no more than
200-500 times. Upon storing 6 resistant strains under la-
boratory conditions, the resistance diminished in 2 strains,
was lost in 2, and was preserved in 2. In 5-12 months af-
ter the and of the treatment F-resistant strains were iso-
lated from the patients. Of 7 highly resistant strains only
one possessed average virulence for guinea pigs; one was
slightly virulent; in the rest the virulence was dimini-
shed to various degrees. Virulence to mice was diminished
to a lesser degree than to guinea pigs. Treatment by P did
not prevent the development of infection in mice infected
by P-resistant tuberculosis. The appearance of P-resistan-
ce in patients lowered the effectiveness of further use of P.
Card 201/2
TITLE On the Antituberculou3 Activity of Thionulfonic Acid Ethers.
(0 protivotuberkaleznoy aktivnosti efirov tiosallfokfslot-Russian)
P1210DICI-L Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,1957,'Iol 114,Nr 5,PP 10141106(U.S.S.111.)
ABSTMCT This activity of I thiosalfonic acid ethers has hitherto not 1.1een
investigated at all.Only in one instance did the bacteriostatic
action of II ethanethiosulfonic acid on Mycobacterium tuberculosis
became known. In view of the fact that the structure of the IV-oom-
pounds is expressed by their anti-tuberculous properties,the nuthora
hoped to detect oubHtances with such properties among the ethers of
I thio3alfoilic acids.Alkyl ethers of alkane thionulfonic acids.Clo-
sed to the allieiii-analogues according to their structure are the
alkyl-ethers of V alkane thioualfonic acids,which were already ear-
lier 3ynthetized by an author.These substances have a broad anti-
bacterial action spectrum and exhibit in vitro a bacterioatatic in-
fluence on eram-positive,gram-negative and acid-renistent baoteria,
on various fungi,protozoa,etc.Tests in vitro. All of the others to-
kited showed a tubercolostatic effect. All ethers of nethane thio-
oulfonic acid and propane thiogalfonic acid-2 fully retain their ac-
tivity even in the presence of oerun,in contrast to the alkyleth-
era V of the other alkane thiosalfonic acids.Tests in vivo.The pre-
par6tions found to be moot aotive in vitro were tested on white mioe
I for their toxicity and their deadly action determined in various
Card 1/3 ooos.The leant- toxic subBtances amunC theia wers~ tested f or clari-
On the Antitub(~rculoaB Activity of Thiocalfonic Acid
:ethers .
fication of their therapeutical effect on exrcrijaental tuberculosis.
iLI1 ethers examined,also those with a maximumactivity in vitrovwew
re ineffective on that ocoanioji,In some ir.".tanne.5 this may be ax-
pla, ncd by their ability to inactivate themselvea abruptly in ani-
mal organisms,in other iniftances it may be explained by their ele-
vatod toxicity which prohibits ito application in large doses.
Alkyl e1hora of benzene thionulfonic acid and their derivatives Tho
VI others have the same effect ori the same types of bacteria tie tho-
weaker than that of
-nentioned above.Their activity,however,is
-the V-compounds.Tents in vitro.The introduction of substituents in
a p-position.also little changes the activity; chlorine,and the me-
thoxy.-roup slightly raise it.The nitro -FrOLIP iias no noticeable ef-
,fc-ct,the acetylamine Lroup slightly reduces it;the deazylation of
the alkyl ethers of acetylthionulforic add increases the activity
of these compounds.The mutual position of the aubstituents in the
benzene nucleus apparently is insignificant for the tuberole-kil-
ling properties-Here,too,an inactivation by serum takes place.11ow-
ever,no established connection between structure and inactivation
could be found.Tests in vivo.Three VI alkyl ethers with an activi-
ty of ca.1 mg,which caunot be inactivated by aerA6,were tested.lTo
Therapeutical effect was noticed.Thus the tented substances have a
^ard 2/3 tubercle -static activity in vivo,but are ineffective in the curing
On the Antituberculoui Lctivitj of Thiosulfonic kcid
of tuberef4loois on living animals.
(4 Slavio references)
4ISSOCIATION Llvov -?olytechnical Institute and Ukrainian 9cientific Research
Instizate for Tuberculosis.
PILL31~YrF,D BY NAZATIJOV 1.1'..l.ember of the Academy.
5W1-:1TTU 25-2-1957
*VAILME Libraky of Congeess.
Card 3/3
DWKINA, R.O., prof.; GINZBURG, T.S.,
Biological peculiarities of BCG resistant to phthivazid. Pat.,
klin.i torap.tub. no.8:12-15 t58. (MIM 13t7)
1. Iz mikrobiologichookoy laboratorit (rukovoditell - prof.
R.0. Drabkiua~ Ukrainskago nauchno-inaledovateliskogo insti-
tuta timberkuleza im. akad. 7.G. Tanovskogo.
jQrMURG, T.S.,
Preservation of a weakened Ytrulence by Nycobacterium tuberculosis
resistant to phthivazid and its fate in the body. Pat., klin. i
terap.tub. no.8t75-78 158. (NEU 13 t7)
1, Ix m1krobiologlobaskoy laboratorii (rukovoditall - prof. R.O.
Drabkin&) Ukrainakogo nauchno-ionledovateltakogo inatituta tuber-
kuleza im. akad. 7.0, Tanovskogo.
(mraoBAcTiRruN Tusnowsis) (rsofficoTINIG ACID)
Antituberculous aetion of derivatives of benzthlazole. F&t.,
klin.1 terap.tub. no.8:88-91 158. (NM 13:7)
1. Iz Ulcraluskogo nauchno-imeledovatellskogo Institute. tuberkm-
laza In. akad. 79G* Tanovskogo.
Catalase activity and virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
resistant to phthivazid. Pat.klin.i terap.tub. no.8t92-95
158. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Iz mikrobiologicheekoy laboratorii (rukovoditell - prof.
R.0. Drabkina) Ukrainskogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo insti-
tuta tuborkulaza Im. akad. ?.G. Tanovokogo.
17(2) sov/16-59-9-2/47
AtrMORS:_ Drabkina, R.O., and Ginzburg, T.S.
TITLE: The Biological Features of Phthivazid-Resistant BOG Bacteria
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii.,~2'1959, Nr 9,
pp 8-13'(USSR)
ABSTRACT: Much hag recently been written on the change in the biological proper-
ties of phthivazid-resistant BCD bacteria. (A.A. Klebanova, A.I. To-
gunova, Smolyanskaya, etc). The authors undertook a study or the prop-
erties of the phthivazid-resistant variant of BCG bacteria, compared with
those of the original sensitive strain. They studied the ability of
BCG phthivazid-resistant bacteria to spread in the body of, the animals
and their ability to provoke allergy and immunity, also the activity
of the tuberculins which they liberate. The tests showed that the im-
munity induced in mice by phthivazid-resistant strains was very weak
and less marked than the immunity produced by normal BCG bacteria. The
phthivazid-resistant strains lost their catalase activity, i.e. their
Ability to decompose hydrogen peroxide, the toxic product of aerobic
dehydration. Their ability to adapt and spread in the body was reduced
Card 1/ 2 and consequently their immunizing and allergizing power also decreased.
The Biological Features of Phthivazid-Resistant BGG Bacteria
At the same time the phthivazid-resistant strains retained their power
to liberate tuberoulins when cultivated in vitro. These tuberoulins
were no less active than those liberated by the normal bacteria. The
investigations showed that the phthivazid-resistant strain loses its
immunogenic properties and therefore cannot be used for immunization
purposes. Chernushenko has demonstrated that combined use of pro-
phylactic chemotherapy and vaccination with normal BCG bacteria is
possible and effective, provided that phthivazid is used not immediate-
ly but some time (no less than 30 days) after vaccination, i.e. the
period needed for the vaocinal bacteria to multiply in the body.
There are 4 tables and 11 references, 5 of which are Soviet and 6 English.
ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy institut tuberkuleza (Ukrainian Institute of Tuberculosis)
SUMMED: November 11, 1958
Card 2/2
---- .--~ I
Clinical significance of phthivazid-resistance in attenuated tubercle
bacilli. Probl.tub. 37 no.6:22-27 159. (KIRA 13--2)
1. Iz Ukrainskogo usuchno-issledovatel'okogo institute. tuberkuleza
(dir. A.S. Hasolat) (11yev).
(ISONWID, rel. cpds.)
Drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and accompanying
microl'iora in patients with osteoarticular tuberculosis. Lab. delo
7 no.3:34-37 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) "
1. Mikrobiologicheakaya laboratoriya (zav. - prof. R.O.Drabkina)
Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta tubarkuleza#
Factors involved In the classific&tlou of work time expended
in irAuatrial trunmOprtation. SniR.trud no-3:88-94 Mr 158.
(MIRA 13:3)
(Transportition.-Production standards)
(Job PLnalymls)
AUTHORS: Ginzburg, V., Kurnosova, L., R,=r,~nov, L., i-radlun, m.
TITLE: An orbital laboratory. Some outer space r-tudies by means of !-,atel-
lites and rockets
M1IODICA-`-'A4ferativnyY zhurnal, Astronomiya, no. 3, 1963, 25, ab-5tract
3.51.'204 ("Aviatsiya I kosmonwitika", 1962, no. 6, 13 - 22)
TEXT: 'The authors present pr1noipal results of studying primary cosmic
rays, obtained by means of satellites and rockets, and the tasks of further in-
vestigations. It has been established, by ;.ieans of Ciicrenkov cowiters, tbat
abundmice of lithium, beryllium and boron in cosmic rays exceeds hundred-fold.
that expected; it follows thereof, that co5mic rays passed a layer of interstel-
lar gas during their path In the solar syst-ara. The spectrum of all nuclei is In-'
dependent of the ordinal number,in MendeleYov's table; the flux of nuclei with
numbers greater than 30 is less than the fliuc of nuclei with numbers greater thane
15 by a factor of at least 10,000. The second space rocket launched towards the
Mloon and the third space ship recorded a sharp increase of the number of nuclei
Card 1/2
An orbital laboratory. Some outer... AQOI/A!01
with atomic numbers 15 and hJgher. It 1--i a3sumed 'that the nuclei recorded are
o~l solar origin, which is confirmed by the jnralysis of data on other manifesta-
tions of solar activity during the same tim,3. Earth's radiation belts were dis-
covered. The lower part of the radiation belts attains an altitude of 200 km,
although thebelts are alearly pronounced only at Mghcr altitudes (0-00
1,000 Rm and hloieri). It was discovered that radiation belts have "Spurs", the
lower of which are related to magqictic anomalies. '11-1c tasks of further investi-
gations are studying Earth's radiation beltz, tle proton component of galactic
arid colar cosmic rayz, "high-latitude cut-o'[T" In the spectrum of cosmic rays,
and electronic component of galactic and solar cosmic rays.
T. Kasimenko
[Abstractor's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
The radio sky. Tekh.6ol, 30 no.10:12-14 162. (MIRA 15:12)
1. Chlext-4orrespondent AN SSSR.
(Radio waves)
GINZBURGj~_ V.; KMOSOVA, L,0 )mnd. fiziko-matematichaskikh nauk;
RAZOPMOV,, L., kand. fisiko-wtematicheakikh nauk; FRADKIN, M.,
kand. fisiko-mtemticheakikh nauk
lAboratories In orbits. Av. I kosm. 45 no.6:13-22 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Ginsburg).
(Outer spaoe-lxploration)
LIONTOVICH, M.A., akademik, redakbor; GREKKOVA, M.T., profeasor, redAktor;
ATZERMAN, N.A., dokLar teldinichoskikh nauk, redaktarr; GINUM, V.A.,
professor, redaktor; GCRELIK, G.S.. profea3or, redaktor;- IXMff8I4WAm
ANIRONOVA, Te.A*, detsent, redaktor; ZENUTSOV, N.A., dotsent, redak-
tor: PETROV, V.V.. kandidat tekhniaheekikh nauk, redaktor; NIEOLAYZV.
U.N., dotsent, redaktor; AGITOVA, N.A., redakt3r; RRYIEM, A.M.,
redaktor; ALFJML7=, T.V., tekhnichesIdy redaktor.
[Dedicated to the memory* of Aleksaudz- Alakenadrovich Andronov-1 Famlati
Aleksandra Aleksanclrovicha Andronova. MoskvIi, 1955. 718 P.
(MIRA 8:4)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR.
(Mathematical physics)(Automatic control)(Astraphysics)
Effec 0 mgnatic fields on manganin resistors. ThiAy TNIIX no.28:
102-106 156. (MBA lotl2)
(ftnetic fields) (11cotric resiatanae)
0 BO01/BO64
AUTHORS: Ginsburg, V. A. and Yakubovich. A. Ya,
TITLE: On the Problem of the Reaction Between Aldchydeo and
Trialkyl Phosphites
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 12,
pp. 3979-3987
TEXT: It was published in Soviet papers (Refs. 1-4) that in the reaction
between aldehydes and trialkyl phosphites the aliphatic and aromatic
aldehydes form esters of a-alkoxyalkylphosphinic acids (Ref. 1).. whereas
a, P-unsaturated aldehydes form addition products in the 1,4-Position N~
(Refs-2, 3). The esters of phenylphosphinic acid react analogously
(Ref, 4): RCH=O + (C 2H50)3P ~' (C2H5O)2P(O) CH(R) OC2H5(1)
CH 2= CH-CH=O + (C2H5 0)3P ~(C 2H50)2P(O)CH2 -CH=CHOC2H5 (2). The struc-
ture of the compounds obtained was mainly determined by phosphorus
analysis and from the values of molar refraction except for the product
which is obtained by reacting trialkyl phosphite with acrolein and from
Card 1/3
On the Problem of the Reaction Between S/079/60/030/012/013/027
Aldehydes and Trialkyl Phosphites B001/Bo64
which phosphone propionaldehyde is obtained by hydrolysis. The authors
regard these data as insufficient. Proceeding from trietbyl-, tripropyl.,
tributylphosphite, and some saturated and unsaturated aliphatic and
aromatic aldehydes the authors obtained a Pumber of phcsphorus compounds
(Table). The elementary analysis and the molecular weights of the productq
obtained show that only the reaction products with aromatic aldehydes
(except for Balicylic aldehyde) correspond to the structure shown in
scheme (1). The composition of the reaction product obtained from phos-
phite and acrolein corresponds to scheme (2). The composition of the reac-
tion products of trialkyl phosphites with aliphatic aldehydes essentially
differs from those calculated according to scheme (1). The chemical,
hydrolytical, and spectroscopic studies of the products No. 2, 3, 4
showed that their hydrolysis products have the structure of scheme (3).
onc. HU
Card 2/3
AUTHORS: Ginsburg, V. A. and Yakubovich, A. Ya.
TITLE: Addition of Trialkyl Phosphites to Acrylic Systems
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 12, PP-3987-3902
TEXT: In continuation of earlier papers (Refs.1-4) the authors found that
the most simple ketones, such as acetone, do not react with triethyl
phosphite under the conditions studied. A violent reaction, however, takes
place between triethyl phosphite and diphenyl ketone already in the cold.
This is not the case between triethyl phosphite and diethyl oxalate con-
taining two conjugate C-0 bonds even at temperatures up to 170 0C. The
acrylates and methacrylates served as initial substances when studying the
reaction of the trialkyl phosphites with compounds containing the carbonyl
group in a carboxyl group conjugated with the C=C bond. In these cases a
reaction was also possible in the conjugate C=C-C=O system or in the
C=C double bond according to Refs.4 and 5. The reaction of trialkyl
phosphites with esters of acrylic and metacrylic acid was inhibited al-
ready at temperatures between 1400 and 160 0C in the presence of hydro-
Card 1/3
Addition of Trialkyl Phosphites to Acrylic S/079/60/03c//012/014/027
Systems BOO1/BO64
quinone which prevents the polymerization of the acrylates. On hydrolysis,
the main reaction products of triethyl and tributyl phosphite with methyl.-
acrylate (colorless, transparent oils) form the same tribasic organo-
phosphoric acid which is identical with the acid described in publica-
tions (Refs.6-8). The infrared spectra of the esters synthesized indicate
the presence of a carbonyl group. The spectroscopic data, the elementary
analysis for C,H,P,OR (three alkoxy groups), the molecular weight, and
the comparison of the constants of the products obtained with published
data, clearly show that the compounds obtained are triethyl and tributyl
esters of phosphone propionic acids (RO )2p(O)CH2CH2 COOR (Refs.9,7,12).
Triethyl ester of phosphone isobutyric acid (RO) 2P(O)CH2CH(CH 3)COOR is
formejd in similar way by reacting triethyl phosphite with methyl-
methacrylate. In the reaction with acrylonitrile, the ester of the
nitrile of phosphone propionic acid (RO) P(O)CH,CH,CN whose properties
correspond to those described in publicat iolls 'g. , 1 ) are f ormed, Thus
it was proved that the phosphiteo containing systems mainly react
with the C-C bond. It is assumed that the abov- r~,actiori mechanism is a
Card 2/3
Addition of Trialkyl Phosphites to Acrylic S/07 60/030/012/014/()27
Systems B001YN64
free radical mechanism. In the reaction between triethyl phosphite, and
methyl acrylate also higher-boiling products are formed. They consist of
two even three acrylate molecules which are. added to one phosphite
molecule, p-diethoxybenzene is formed at the same time. V. S. Abramov,
G. Kamay, and V. A. Kukhtin are mentioned. Furthermore, the authors thank
S. S. Dubov for the study of the inrrared spectra. Thore are 26 roferoncos.z
15 Soviet, 7 US, 3 British, and 1 German.
SUBMITTED: JulY 31, 1959
Card 3/3
GINZBURG,Valentin Abramovich; BBRGAUZ,L.A., redaktor; PARTSKVSKIY,V.N.,
redik-Goi; O.G., tekhnicheskly redaktor
[Photographing working time In the mining industry; manual for
standardizere and timekespers] Potografila. rabochego vremeni v
gornorudnoi promyshlonnosti; posobie dlia normirovshchiko-v i
khronometrathistov. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo lit-ry po
chernol I tevetnoi metallurgil, 1955. 174 p. (MLRA 9:1)
(Time study)
A.S-; BUM, dgv!W~
IVLEV, I J., red.;
L.Tu~y tokbn. red@
Pumm~ onary] Yratki, italliansko-
017tect"Ic dicti, str nauchn-
[concise Italian-11ulssian 1' 1. Mosknp (hu 31:12)
rusl3ki politekbnichesk!L' slovar
tekbn. lovarei yjzmatgiza, 1961. 378 P-
5 _DictionarieRussian)
(Italian lanpage
v ik
V I" 'j-
AOYa.; I
-Lioronitrosoalkanesp a
'is of, ljolyfl
"llotoly. -en o,
~rlysls und . I -T-,% ]J;,-
COT"&00" _I,ir .Iith nitror xide
regetion of nitroso 161.
0 f.1, SC:SR Vl no.102
Dokl . - !,
,.tsem i
(Ilitroso cor-pounds)
(,,itrogon oxide)
A vertiCR1 PumP'
mast.,ugi. 4 no.10:19
(mine PuNP9)
(KM q: 1)
0 '55-
GINZBURG, V.B., inzh.; PIKOVSKIY, S.A., insh.
Protection, interlocking, and signaling used In automatically con-
trolled hoisting units in Moscow Basin mines. Bezop. truda v prom. 2
no.11:20-22 N 158. (MIRA 11:11)
1. Institut Giprour
(Hoscow Basin-Mine-hoisting--Bafety appliances)
Improving automatic hoisting systems having dumping cages. Bezop.
truda v Prom. 3 no.7:19-21 JI 159. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Glprougleavtomatizatelya.
(Mine hoisting-Safety appliances)
Automatic hoisting, imit with tielf-dumping caMn. Biul.takh.-
olcon.lnform. no.5:7-8 159. WIM 12:8)
(Coal mining machinery)
T-03OV, N.A., inzh.; PrKOVSKIY, S.A. . Inzh.: GINZBURG, V.B.. insh.
Automatizing skip-bointi,ng equipment at the No.11 "Lipkovakaya"
Mine_.--_tJ&l'-134 no.3:42-47 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:5)
~(Moacow Basin--Mine hoisting)
(Automtic control)
Over-all automation of hydraulic coal mining. Biul.tekh.-ekon.
inform. no.6:8-jJ, 161. (MIRA 14:6)
Over-all automation in hydraulic mines. Mekh. i avtom.proizv. 15
no.12:11-1.15 D 161. (MIRA 14:12)
(Hydraulic mining) (Automation)
S/11 62/000/003/005/005
AUTHOR: Qij3!7 )llrr-. V.B., Engineer
TITLE: The problems of reliability of automation equipment
PTERIODICAL: 14ekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 3,
1962, 44 - 45
TIEAT: The majority of control instruments for automating the coal
and mining industry are manufactured by 'Krasnyy metallist' at Kono-
top, and the Dnepropetrovskiy zavod shakhtnoy avtomatiki (Dnepro-
petrovsk Plant of Pit Automation)t the trust of Luganskugleavtoma-
tika and the Donetskiy elektromekhanicheskiy zavod (Donetsk Elec-
tromechanical Plant). They test the instruments in their shops, and
their workers take part in industrial tests. However, there is no
examination of reliability of the equipment. Purthermore, no method
of testing these instruments is available, and therefore, the cata-
iogues do not indicate the guaranteed period of service. '~~he author
suggests attacking this problem, by basing it on statistical data;
alsop guaranteed service should be revealed in the specifications
Card 1/3
The problem of reliability of ... 1)221/D302
of.the equipment. The testing of reliability takes precedance in
the radio industry, where at least 10 specimens for each group of
an instruments batch is examined. The mean period of trouble-free
work is calculated from Tm = tt/n, where t t is the duration of in-
strument test in hours, n is the number of rejects which occurred
in this interval. This test time should be about 10 times greater
than the number of hours for one reject; The probability of relia-
ble operation during a period P 0 is computed from
PO = e -(tf/tm)P
where tf is the time during which the instruments must operate cor-
rectly. It is connected with reliability of its components, where
the probability of safe service is determined by P e = e- (t 9/T M)I
where t9 is the guaranteed service period of the element. The life
of the instrument depends on the correct operation, timely preven-.
Card 2/3
The problem of reliability of ... D221/1)302
Tive measures and on she planned replacement of its components. The
instrument manufacturers should aetermine she iife of their pro-
ducts by extensive teats which should be carried out in conditions
close to the operational. The organizations dealing with automation
should plot curves based on statistical data and thus obtain the
index of reliability of the equipment involved.
Card 3/3
Reliability of automatic control devices. ~Iskh.i avtom.proizv.
16 no,3s/+4-45 Mr 162. (KEU 1514)
(Automatic control)
MELIKU1,10vi , (!.'NZHURG, V.13.
Standii and devices for conducting reliabilJty tegUi of
automatic control equipment tined tn coal. inining. Pi ul .
tekh.-ekon. inform. Goo. nauch.-Isn.l. inot, nauch. i teklh.
Inform. .111 no.3t15-18 164. (MTRA 17;9'
GINZBURG, V.B., inzh.; P%LIKUMOV, L.G., inzh.; RABINOVICII, M.S., kwid.
tokhn. nauk
Reliability of the speed control relay. Mekh. i avtm. proizv.
-40 _MIRA 17:8)
18 no.1:39 Ja 164. 0
1CLIKUMOVP L.(,,, inz.i.; GINZBUP,(j'., V.D.P lnzh.; AROINOVA, M.I., -1nzh.
Increasing the reliability of instruments for the automatic
control of mine drainage. Gor. zhur. no.6:59-60 Je 164.
(M-11RA 17;1.1)
1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po mekbanizatsii i av-1toniatizatsii.
shakht, ugloobogatitellnykh fabrik i otkxytyk-h razrabotok ugol.Inoy
promyshlennosti, Moskva.
"X-Ray Diagnosis of Injuries to the "asal Bone." Vest. Oto-orino-laringol.,
No 3, 19h8-
Mbr. Otorhinolaryngological Clinic imeni Sverzhevskiy, 2nd Moscow
Med. Inst. imeni I. V. Stalin, -c1948-.
USWWdicine - Tuberculosis sep/Oct 49
"Nothod of Roentgenography of the Lungs With a
Greater Number of Hard Bays," V. G. Ginzburg, Dr
Mod Sci, Cen Sci Inst of Roentgenol and Radiol imui
Molotov, 1 2/3 PP
'Trob Tuber" No 5
'gSoft rays (5o-6o kv) have genertAlly been used, in
1'r4\USSR for roentgenography of the. lungs. Ginzburg
r-4, recommends the increase of voltage for hard rays
i~tO 105 kv regardless of subjeitt's age, sex, and
thickness of thorax. Use of Bucky's diaphragm id
USSR/bledicine - Tuberculosis (Contd) Sep/Oct ~9
6bligatory. Little current passes through the
X-ray tube. 14ormal exposures at focal distance
of one meter are 0.2-0.3*sec. Longer-exposures
are required for better detail of extens0e process
in the lungs. Dir, Cen Sci Inst of Ro'entgenol and
Radiol: Prof S. A. Reynberg, Ron Worker in Sci.
48F 152T65
Optic centrator for roentgen tubes. Vest.otorinolar. 13 n0-1:
75-76 Jan-Feb 51. (CLML 20:5)
1. Doctor Medical Sciences VA. Qinzburg and Inginser K.D. Khar-
1shov. 2. Of the Clinic for Diseases of the Bar, Throat. and Nose
(Director-Prof.A.G.Likhachev), First Moscow Order of Lenin Kedi-
Cal Institute.
Roentgenologic diagnosis and clinical aspects of cysts
originating in the maxillar7 mucous membrane. Vest.
otorinolar., Moskva 13 no.5:54-59 Sept-Oct 1951. (CIXL 21:1)
1. Doctor Medical Sciences V. G. Ginzburg and Prof. It. I.
Vollfkovich. 2. Of the Clinic for the Diseases of the Bar,
Throat, and Nose (Director - Prof. A. G. Likhachev),
First Moscow Order of Unin Medical Institute and of the
Roentgenodiagnostic Department (Head - Prof. I. A.
Shekhter), Central Scientific-ReBearch Institute of
Roentgenology and Radiology of the Ministry of Public
Health RSFSR.
USSR/Medicine - Roentgenology
Card 1/1
Author : Ginzburg, V. G. (reviewer)
Title : Review of "Rentgenodiagnostika zabolevaniy slyunnykh zhelez (sialografiyaY'
(X-ray diagnosis of disease conditions of the salivary glands), by G. A.
Periodical : Vest R6ntgen i Radiol 1, 86-87, 1954
Abstract The book deals with the X-ray diagnosis of the various disease conditions
of the salivary glands and their ducts by means of introducing various
contrasting substances to the salivary glands (sialography). The book,
published in Leningrad, 1953, received a favorable review.
GINZBURG, V.G.-doktor moditainskikh nauk; KOLYCMW, N.A.,inzhener.
Various tYPeB Of negatoncopeo with fluorescent lights. Vast. rent I rad.
no.6:80-82 H-D '55 (KUU 9-.4)
1. Iz gosudarstvennogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo instituta rent-
genologii ! radiologit imeni Y.M. Holotova(dir.-dotment I.G.
(RCOTMOGRUIRT, apparl and instrument@
negatoscope. various constructiona with lumineecent lamps)
GIMSBURG 2,...Aoktor meditsinskikh nauk,* DHOJIIIOVSKIY. V.V.. kondidat
ternnicheekikh asuk
Tomograpby in oblique projection Cwith summary in Inglishl. vast.
rent. i red. 32 no.1:50-52 Ja-J 157. (MLRA 10:6)
1. Is rentganodi?gnosticheekogo otdelentys (sav. - prof. I.A.
Shekhter) I I - imndidat
,.fboratorii apparatov i. trubok (zav.
takhaicheskik.hl n"k Y.V.Pnokhovskiy) Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-
isaledovatellskogo invtltuta rentgenologii 'A. radiologii iment
V.M.Molotova -(dir. I.G.legunova)
toudgraphy in obIJ43w projection)
GIVZ13LJRG. V.G., Prof.
Radiographic diagnosis of foreign bodies in the skull following
wounds of the maxillofacial region. Trudy TSentr. nauch.-issl.
inst. rentg. i rad. 10;118-130 '59- (MIRA 12:9)
Method of tomograpby of the tmporal bone. Ven.t.otorin. 22
ro.509-43 S4 160. (=A 13111)
~. Iz rentgenodiagnosticbo&ogo otdela (sav. - prof. 1.A. Shekhter)
Gboudarstremogo nauabno-iseledovatelts*go rentgonoradiologiche-
pkogo instituta Hinisterstva zdravookhrane~iya RWSN Moskva,
GTNZBURG, V.G., prof.
"Das R8ntgenBchicktbild des Ofires" by K. M~ndnioh, K.W. Frey.
Reviewed by V.G. Ginzburg. Vest. rent. i rad. 36 no. 2:7F-79
-AP 161. (14IRA 14:4)
_G2[ZBURG,--Vladimir-Lirtne3dmbL, prof.; BENTSIANOVA, V.M., red.; KUZIMINA,
. N..S., tekhn. red.
(Fundamentals of a roentgenological examination of the skull)
Osnovy rentgenologicheskogo issledovaniia cherepa; rukovodstvo
dlia vrachei. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 178 p. (MIRA 16:4)
_W -w-jvw-ww-w-w-W-W-W-w-
i;444004966966041 oT
0 is As 4 Ito
11, A 11 32 J3 34 a
er jp_f3p
fX01106 Ot,
PROC96sas AMD I'llort
orq$ '"Orl ww
a" if 0 c Q 1-
of PWN&uk
ble, that d"
W. ff. N.
Im ovivaiva
U 9 AT 00 AS j j, j
0 ele 0 0 0 0 Wo
AA 3. 1 a N 0 .4 a I w IN 9 a I
0 0 0 0
A limt,int-l"ll III%., %fib
circwt j.tr4IIwt,r,% 1,
fill, tally itlsoiWn-CiFtUiti-din4icti.irgiiI Ag,ittrill
volu,t1hon N 41MY"I hif tim W-11 1-111AII-Ill In 0'..
line "hen almal-kiTLU11~1 dirtbugh .4 h-ling lit'llik
1411'r. Anl WJUJ lona at~ ftyUlkil J,lr t-, J~lftkllhl
Atu" III I ing JVAjUttAlMk-.
~~intsburj~, 7. 1.
:1 ,
~,~iuci C;'wm
of LIE'- Photoe-ljn(Aro(,ha-.aLr;il Croc(:!,9:-, on
olariz ~r! 11 1;- tinum ;,,nd L~:.;;-i
24 ~ctobf,,r 49
jn~i lle~s `rdlir of th.- Labor i0d ~);rM-r
11 t, 7~. Y-. ll.~,r ov.
Q0 A.,Fnr," cryaya TvloslKva
Sum 71
PhOWUKtritchealkal woom and mochanksto of libera.
doo al O"r t a uessiectrode,
ai,d V. 1. 'bait.. Mm
pig. K~fi(Xarpov Inst. Phys. L -
24, WAS-71OW; cf. C.A. 44.
=--ft-Putential OV. of a Pt electrode In N lft.%O.
after several anorfic and cathodic polarizatlorts wus ().9u v.
referred to JV HI electrode. It this fit tied to& was snodi-
vally Poladord (o V, Y., It brantit pholoornalfivv, and the
fight graduallylowrtred Vitacktoo.9w. Therstroldr.
ctean of V wn greater the greater V1 (I. W 1.35 Y.) andA,
the greater the light i!itensfty 1. The photoelectmebem.
c.d. i was proporttional to 1. and the shift of V was a lin"r
functim of log 1. The Hot longer than 400 mp was in-
active, &W On act"y WAinwil with frequency up fit
251 mo (the shortest wave used); at 2M mo the quantum
-yieki of the photoalwrow was 0.3%, for the incident
light. At a const. 1. i increased with P, almost linearly as
long as V, was ansall. The electrode cupacity was approx.
'Nil mictrolarads/sq. cra. for both dark and light processes.
When a Pt iflamode was anodic-Aly poLairised to V,
1310IFT than 1.6 v. and Its surface was then reduced cathodi-
4-Ally, the V wivi fur a tinsr const. at IA v. and about
U.txll:.' coulamba/sq. cm. were required to tower the V.
'hosti that the I't surfaiv was covered "Ith a mono-
.146yefillahigiscroside. Irradiation and cathodic poLuim-
tion caused decompa- of this oxide mnre rapidly than
either of thein alone. The increase of 0 overvoltaire on
fit with increasins c.d. ithowed a kink at 1.4 v. The
mechanism of the pbotoelecumhem. effect inclu,les
liberation of an electron in Pt oxide by light, migration of
th6 electrou into the metal. and of the "clectron de-
ficiency" toward the solo., awl thwharge of rm-g. 0 farm.
itig a part of the higher nxide. 1. J. flikerman
V. T.,
.-'~ 1-1 --Ff, ~.T.
Mechanism of action of ontical ridiation nn an anodlcall.v exidized lr~ad electrode.
Zhur. fiz. khim. 26P ITO. 1, 1952.
IlontInly 4st of "usrian Acoessions, Library of (~oncress, Sent, 1952. TYNCIAISSIFIM
Blectrochemic investigation of the behavior of aluminium bronze
towards corrosion in sulfuric acid [with Inglish summary in insert]
Zhur.fiz.khim. 30 no.9:1932-1940 S 156. ' (ML11A 9:12)
1. Institut sintoticheskikh spirtov i organicheskikh prodiicktov.
(Aluminup bronze-Corrosion)
AIUTHCF: Ginzburg, V. I. U-1-8119
TITLE; The Corrosion Behavior of Chrome-Nickel Steel in Concentrated
Sulfuric Acid Solutions
(Korrozionnoye povedeniye khromonikelevykh staley v kontsen~ri-
rovannykh rastvorakh sernoy kisloty)
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya Promyshlennost', 1958, N'r 1, pp. 37-42 (USSR).
ABSTRACT' . It was necessary to carry out the investigations mentioned in
the title a short time after the opening of the below mentioned
plant since considerable point corrosion phenomena have been ob=
served on various steel types and as the explanations in publi=
cations are inadequate. 6 different kinds of investigations Yfere
carried out expediently, i. e. at so-called: 1) "weakly oxidi=
zing, 2) rat oxidizing with a,,itation", 3) ,weakly oxidizing
with P-itation", 11) t1to a great extent reducincl, conditions 5)
with a specially developed device, and 6) investigations as to
the point corrosion of the differently treated samples with a
metallurgical microscope, artificial corrosion formation by drop=
ping a drop of iron perchloride on the steel samples reup. The
card ia~ device of the 6th method of investigation is based or. a proposal
Tlie Gorrosi~;n Behavior
Concenttated Sulfuric
of Cl-irome-11lickel Steel in
Acid Solutions
by A. P. Akollzin (reference 9) and makes possible investigations
ihere a ga.% current keeps the sulfuric acid in motion and scaven=
f6ges the entire plant, resp. The experiments mentioned viere carried
out with SUgLl4c. acid of 85-98,,30/o and at 85-1-oooC. Among other
facts the following was observed! In a "weakly oxidizing" mediUM3
at a concen'tration of 85?b9,00/o of sulfuric acid a carbonaceous
steel is t* a greater exCEnt subjected to the corrosion than a
chrome-nickel steel, wherdas an increase of concentration reduces
the corrosion and a temperature rise increases the corrosion.
Similar results were obkai*ned in the "oxidizing inedium with agita-
tion", whereby a somewhat lower mean corrosion velocity for chrome-
nickel steels was observed. At "to a great extent reducing" condi=
tions an extremely high corrosion of chrome-nickel steels in sulfu=
ric acid of 85'/o*at 850C was observed, whereas it was comparatively sulfuric acid of 970/o. The experiments with two steel samples
in the specially developed equipment showed that the point corrosion
is increased by an increased agitation of sulfuric acid, and that In
the case of blowing gaseous ethylene through tile plant and through
the solution of sulfuric acid of 850/6 the corrosion of the sample
within the solution increases to a Lreat extent. The experimental
Card 2/_~ results of the dropping of a solution of iron percHloride of 3oo/o
The Corrosion Behavior of Chrome-Nickel Steel in 64-1-8/19
Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Solutions
on the steel samples showed the increased tendency towards point
corrosion of one of the chrome-nickel steels. Summarizing, it can
be said that a concentration increase of sulfuric acid causes in
all steel types(in particular in the case of an ine_rease of con-
centration from 95 to 970/o) a reduction of corrosion; the influence
of the temperature rise depends on the composition of the steel; on
certain conditions, an addition of molybdenum to the steel can sup-
port the corrosion, that is to say, that the assumption is wrong;
that molybdenum-alloyed steels are always more corrosion-proof,
previous to the occurrence of the point corrosion a so-called "hill
corrosion" takes place, as was detected microscopically. This could
be observed especially well in the case of a preliminary treatment
of the investigation sample in a chlorine containing atmosphere.
There are 9 figures, 2 tables, and 14 references, 4 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Scientific Research Institute for Synthetic Alcohol and organic
Products (Nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut sinteticheskogo
spirta i organicheskikh produktov)
Card 3/4
The Corrosion Behavior of Chrome-Nickel Steel 64-1119
In Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Solutions
AVAILABLE; Library of Congress
1. Chromiumr-nickel steel-Corrosion-Test methods 2. Sulfuric
acids-Corrosive effects
Card 4/4
50) SOV/75-14-3-14/29
AUTHORS: Ginzburg, V. I., Frishman, T. A.
TITLE: Polarographic Determination of Small Amounts of Phenol on a
Rotating Platinum Anode (Polyarografichookoye opredeleniye
nebol'shikh kolichosty fenola na vrashchayushchemsya platinovom
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 14, Nr 3, PP 336-342
ABSTRACT: As platinum electrode a platinum wire with a diameter of 0-5
to 1.5 mm. and a length of 10 to 12 mm was used.The platinum wize was
fastened on the shaft of an electramotor and supplied with
current by means of a line conducted through the shaft. The
t1poisoning"of the electrode (Fig 1) described in a previous
paper (Ref 11) could be eliminated by two ways: a) Preliminary
treatment with concentrated nitric acid and - after washing
off - three-stage anodic polarization in the background solu-
tion, b) (simpler) after treatment with nitric acid 5-6 see
annealing in the oxidation flame of a gas burner (up to red
heat). Figures 2 and 3 show the polarograms taken by means
of a galvanometer, figure 4 a diagram recorded by the electron
polarograph. Table 1 and figure 6 present the results of
Card 1/2 a series of tests, which indicate the reproducibility and tle
Polarographic Determination of Small Amounts of Phenol on a Rotating Platinum
precision of the method suggested. On the basis of the calibra-
tion curve figure 6 the root mean square deviation was found
to be 2.5 - 4.7%. The method is applicable to the direct de-
termination of phenol (up to 1.0.10-5 mole) in colored t-orbid
medium which is contaminated by other organic compounds ouch
as a-methyl styrene, acetophenone, acetone etc. There are
6 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov
i organicheskikh produktov Moskva (Scientific Research Inatitite
of Synthetic Alcohols and /Organic Products.140scow)
SUBMITTED: January 8, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Ginzburg, V. I., Frishman, T. A. SOV/32-24-8-12/43
TITLE: The Volt-Amperometric Determination of Phenol in Isopropyl
Benzene at a Rotating Platinum Electrode (Vol't-amperometriches-
koye opredeleniye fenola v izopropil_benzole na platinov4m
vrashchayushchemsya anode)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 8,
PP. 949 - 951 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Since a slight amount the phenol in isopropyl benzene
inhibits the production of acetone and phenol a systematic
control is needed for the phenol concentration. It has already
been shown that a colorimetric method of analysis is not
applicable. In the method mentioned in the title phenol is
extracted from the anhydrous isopropyl benzene fraction with
an alkali solution and then determined volt-amperometrically.
It was shown that the degree of extraction of the phenol
depends to a great extent upon the basicity of the extractant,
as well as upon the time of extraction, size of interface,
and the initial phenol concentration. The optimal conditions
for extraction are given, as is the procedure for the volt-
Card 1/2 amperometric procedure. A table of results of determinations
The Volt-Amperometric Determination of Phenol in SOV/32-24-8-12/43
Isopropyl Benzene at a Rotating Platinum Electrode
of phenol in isopropyl benzene for the concentration range
10-5 to 10-4 mole are also given. A maximum deviation of
7,4% and a standard deviation of 4,17% were observed. Less
phenol was found than was actually present, and this was
probably caused by incomplete extraction. The relatively
low standard deviation indicates that the method meets the
requirements for an analytical determination of such @mall
amounts of phenol in isopropyl benzene. This method was
successfully used in the Dzerzhinak Works (Dzerzhinskiy zavod).
There are 1 table and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheakikh spirtov
i oreanicheskikh produktov (The Scientific Research Institute
for Synthetic Alcohols and Organic Products)
Card 2/'2
18(7) SOV/32-25-2-46/78
AU'PHOR: Ginzburg, V. I.
TITLE: A Unit for the Study of the Corrosion Properties of r4aterials
in Highly "Aggressive" Media at Higher Temperatures (Ustanovka
dlya izucheniya korrozionnoro povedeniya materialov v sillno
agre.nsivnykh sredakh pri povyshennykh tempcraturakhl/l
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, 11r 2, pp 22o - 222 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Studies under technological conditions have I;een made possible
by. thoconstruction of a laboratory unit of molybdenum glass.
In this unit metallic and non-metallic materials are kept
in contact with highly "ag.-ressive" gases or l.iquids at a
high temperature. The testing of chrome-nickel steels in
concentrated (85-98i"o) H2so4saturated with different j7ases
(0 2'1[2'C2H2 ) up to a temperature of 1000 was successful. Of
special interest were the studies of the pittin,-, corrosion
of chrome-nickel steels under conditions correrponding to
actual operating conditions, dependent on the amount and
Card 1/2 velociEy of the gas flowing through the unit, the intensity of
A Unit for the Study of the Corrosion Properties of SOV/32-25-2-46/718
Materials in Highly "Aggressive" Media at Higher Temperatures
the mixture of the aggressive liquid, the temperature of the
solution, etc. The unit (Fig 1) contains a vessel for the
examination of the corrosion (Fig 2) which was designed on
the basis of the work done by P. A. Akollzin and V. V. Glu-
shchenko (Ref 1). The circulation of the gas through the
corrosion liquid is effected by a glass circulation pump,
while the liquid itself is kept flowing by a compressed-rair
lift pump. In addition, the gas bubbles result in a violent
agitation of the corrosion liquid. There are 2 fi.-ures and
1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Institut sinteticheskikh spirtov i organicheskikh produktov
(Institute of Synthetic Alcohols and Organic Products)
Card 2/2
5 (4)
AUTHOR: Ginzburg, V. I. SOV/76-33-7--10/40
TITLE: Phenol Oxidation on a Rotating Platinum Anode
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khim-ii, 1959, VOL 33~ Nr 7, PP 1504 - 1515
ABSTRACT; T. A. Frishman and A. I. Yermakov assisted in the experimental
part of the present paper. The investJgation dealt with phenol
oxidation on a rotating Pt anode since this problem is inpor-,
tant not only for this case but also for the development of
r,onvenient methods of polarographio analysis for other oxganir,
substances oxidizing on solid a-nodes. The current-potential
.,,urves were plotted by a method described already arlier
(Ref 7). Measurements were carried o0: by means of automatic
polarographe of the system HeyrovsY.,,f of the typea V-301 and
M-1026 as well as by means cf an ale.ztron pclaroCraph with a
disk diagram. The latter was specially designed by V. 1, Ginz-
burg and L. S. Klyaynshteyn. Preliminary experiments lndicat~5d
that for a quantitative analysis the electrode (E) is to be
pretreated and prevented from being "poisoned" during measu--re-
Card 1/~ ment. This problem was experimentally solved in two variationa-
Ph_:~ncj oxidation on a Rotating Platinum Anode SCV/76--33_7..'O/4G
141) by preliminary anodic treatment and (2) by an annealing
of the (E). Speeds of rotation of the (E) of more than
1;200 rpm were found to be an optimuni. Among other things,
it was found that the method of determination is more sensi-
tive by it - 8 times On a r0tatiUc_ (E) than on a resting cine
(Table). Observations concQrning the "poisonirg" of the (E)
indioate that the complex anodic reac:tion of phenol oxidation
includes also secondary delap and irreveruible FitaEes due to
polymerization and adsorption of the oxidation products on the
(E). Thus, it is possible that the limitations of diffusion
vanishpartly or completely. Experimental data shows that the
quantity of the limiting current depends not only on thF! phe-
nol concentration and the diffusion oonditions (speed of rota-
tior. of tha (E), temperature, etc.) but also on the polariza-
tion rate and the state of the electrode surface. The author
suggests a reaction mechanism for the conditions unde:r invest-,
igation as well as a new method permitting quantitative polazo-
graphio determination of small phenol quantities in aqueous
Bp,lutions (more than i o-io,-5 mols of phenol). There are 10 fig-
Card 2/3 ures: 1 "able, and 15 references, 8 --,f which are Soviet
Phan,:1 Oxidation on a Rotating Platinum Anode sov/,76-33-7-1 0/40
ASSOCIATION: Nauohno-issledovatellakiy institut sintetl:theskikh siflol Mosk-tra
(Scientifin Resear,.h Institute fo-,, Syrthetllc Resins, Mcacrvl)
SUBMITTED; December 14, 1957
Card 3/3
GINZBUW,-Y.I.-- - -
Determination of siall &mounts of tbioura& In copper electrolytes
on & rotating plAtinum anode. Zhmr.&n&1.khIm. 15 no-3:
355-358 myTs 16o. (MIRA 1317)
(Urea) (Blectrodes, Platinum)
Amperometric determination of the total contei,t of phenol groups
in epoxide resins. Zav. lab. 27 no. 4:392-394 161. (MIRA 14:4)
(Phenols) (Epoxy resins)
Amperometric determination of organic substances.and of hexavelent
chromium in alwomate solutions. Zav.lab. 27 no.11:1337-1339 1Q.
(MIRA 14:10)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut poligraficheskoy
(Conductometric analysis) (Chromium-Analysis)
Apperometric determination of amll quantities of thiourea and
its use for-the amperometric Aetermination of silver. Zhur.anal.
khim. 17 no.5s631-635 Ag 162. (MIRA 16:3)
1. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Printing Industry,
(Urea) (Silver-Analysis) (Conductometric analysis)
- Z-
Photogalvanographic method for the reproduction of images on
copper sarfaces coated with oxide films, Zhur.nauch. i prikl.fot.
i kin. 9 no.6t451-457 N-D 164, (MIRA .180)
1. Vaesoy-uznyy nauclino-issledovatellskly institut pollgraficheskoy
1 - - -
I . L - ~' ~"-' ).,I ~--
Surface supoe..-~Ondw 1-1 v ~ 1,y .~' ~-zl j.- 1.~' 1 -,;,- I wr' ~ f . z , , ", ~ ~ -
2320 1) 164-
1. FizichpskLy instltuL -irrierill tebz!rievil AIN'
I ~ - I ~ .
Photoelectric method for producing bimetallic images and
offset printing plates. Zhur.nauch.i prikl.fot. i kin. 10
no.3:174-178 MY-Je 165- (MIRA 18:11)
1. Veenoyuzn3ry nauchno-irjledovatellskiy institut
poligraficheskoy promynblennosti.
Captivo air tiress Kauch, I rest 16 m*2'-37 7 '57. (MIRA 12:3)
(United States-Automobiles-Tires)