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GINZBURG,,,.L.1,; TUZIKO, M.I.; SALISKAYA, L.G. Complex iridium trisulfatea. Zhur.noorg.khim. 8 no.4:839-846 Ap 163. ~ OURA 16:3) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheakoy khimli imeni Xurnakova AN SSSR. (I4dium compounds) (I JIT "B*Li;;(' . ' , IT . ; 'I'U'- 1 EC , ~,% 1. ; I SCV,~,. , IT . F. Uoe of cupruas chloride Jin the of p~~It mt!tals. 7hur. anal. khim. 1.8 no.2:222-228 F 163. (IMIR-k i7: 10) 1. Kurnakov Inotitute oC General and Inor-,c,?.anIc C'I:E,,rr!!,qtry, Acild,mly of 'ScIfAices, Moveow. T 1. ZDAJRG, Susarma Jilinichnfij GLADYSIOJISK.AYA, KJq,,,diya Antnnc-~Tj, I YEZE2SKJ'.YA, NaWlya tmatollywma; TVQINYiA, 01tva Mikhaylovna; PROKOPYEVA, TrIna Va5illyewh; FEDORFUKO, Nina Vladimirovnaj FEDOROVA, Alek3andra Nikolayevne; ZVYAGINTSEV, O.Ye., doktor khtm. nauk, otv. red.; VOLYNEETS, M.P., red. [Manual on the chemical, andlysl:3 of platinum metals wid gold] Rukovodstvo po khImichrskovi anolizu platinovykh Pie- tallov I zolo-La. Moskva. Nuuka, 1965. 312 P. (E.IRA 18:2) . GINZBURG, S.I.; CHALISOVAO N.N. Naturo~ of water in rhodium sulfntps. Zhur.neorg,khim. 10 no,4:815-822 Ap 165. (MJRA 18:6) GIEDURGY S.I.; YUZIKO, MJ. CatalytIc propertles of li-~um compounds in aqueous solutions. Zhur.neorg.khim. 20 no.4t-823-8218 Ap 1065. (IMIRA 18-6) GINZBURG, S.I.; CHALISOVA, N.N. Complex rhodium sulfates. Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no.11:2411-2417 N 165, (MIRA 19:22) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganichaskoy khImli N.S.Kurnakova AN SSSR. Submitted February 17p 1965. Glf,,'ZBIJRG, SJ,~ YUZIKO, 11.1. ------- r. Determination of microgram quant.itles of iridium. L-j thc- 1-ineLlc method. Zhur. anal. khi-m. 21 no. 1,.,'19-82 166 NIRA 19-.1) 1. Thstitut ohqhobey t neor-gnnicheslr-loy ~Jl~Lmlli Jmwl Kurnakova AN 988R, Moskva. Di'd ~-cc-t~iT.-AT-6-0 2-8 -5 -5 5 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0044/0097 AUTHOR: Ginzburg, S. I. ORG: none TITLE: Equalizing a nonuniform peripheral flow by the first stage of a turbot" machine SOURCE: Lopatochnyye mashiny i struynyye apparaty (Vane machinery and jet apparatun) sbornik statey, no. 1. Moscow, lzd-vo Mashinostroyentye, 1966, 44-97 TOPIC TAGS: peripheral flow, nonuniform flow, tUrbo machine, turbine stage ABSTIL~CT: The possibility of equalizing a nonuniform peripheral flow In the first stage of a rurbo machine of a multi-stage turbine is analyzed. Special emphasis is given to equalizing the flow by a zero power s 'tage, i.e., a stage with a free rotatirg, rotor. In this case, in practice, the equalizing is accomplished by supplying and removing energy from the peripheral flow so that the total energy value in the flow remains unchanged. This investigation was made only for a particular case of peri- i pheral nonuniformity of flow velocities for which exact solutions were obtained. i These solutions can be used also for checking various approximate methods of de- termining the operation of the first stage of a turbo machine with a nonuniform. i peripheral flow. It Was experimentally conf'irmed chat the prelininary swirling of the flow before the free rotating rotor in the direction of its rotation equalizes 1/2 Lcard U.T)C-:- 629.13.03,,-6ZI,4.54,;533,6,.-QOII,5--.--~,-i mg Card YMNY, 0 ' S K ':~_[ ri Z C" I k AUTHORS: El'gakYA.151., Ginzburg, S.K. 32-1-39155 TITLE: Control of Quality in the Thernal Treatment of Steel fti-tr~ According to Their Magnetic Permeability in YAdius Fields (Kontrol'kachestva termicheskoy obrabotki stallnykh detaley po magnitnoy pronitsayemosti v oblasti srednikh poley). PERIODICAL: Zavodskava Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 1 , pp. 96-101 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper a certain type of transformer is described as a highly sensitive indicator of structural deviations in steel. This transformer consists of a-n open magnetic chain, where the steel object to be investigated is connected within the magnetic circuit. In the case of a source of a constant magnetic voltage, the current in the first transformer Yrinding corresponds to the magnetic permeability of the steel object to be investigated. Therefore, the voltage which is formed by the induction in the second winding of the tranzformer, represents a function, which corresponds to the magnetic permeability of the steel object in the respective ranged of the ragnetic field. Measurements in this case are carried out according to the differential scheme after attain- Card 1/2 ing magnetic equilibrium in the compensation winding, which '.s Control of Quality ia the Thermal Treatment of Steel Parts 32-1--39/5,5 Anoording to Their Ynometic Permeabilityin Medium Fie2Aq- brought about by means of an additional control minding and a re.- sistance. In the chapter: Experimental part numerous exsmp~es of the application of this method with respect to the most usual steels -in the USSR (2Q,45,YIO,38XA,18XBBA and P18) are given for various kinds of thermal treatment. This method is well. suited for the purpose of determining the degree of hardnesu of the steel. An exception is formed by sharp cutting steels, which, because of their 3pecial thermal treatment, are subjected to complicated structural changes, which renders application of this method aiffi- cult. For this purpose it is necessary, in addition, to carry out a control of microstructural changes and to take them into account. At present this method is used for the purpose of controlling the production of needles made from "P18" steel (in the USSR). There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 4 Slavic references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Quality control-Methods 2. Transformer-Nomenclature S/ 1 "35/61/000/00 3/005/0 14 A006./AOOI ATTIVOR,- Ginzburg, S. K,, Engineer 'T 1:1' E, inves tiga tion of Electrodos for Spot Weld!ng PF-RIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, !96!, No, 3, pp, !4-17 T =-,:,: The durability of electrodes afffe;-;ts considerably the efficiency of spot welding and the quality of weld-s. Results are prez,~!_ntea oo~ained from investigations of the behavior of elestrodes made of d.fffezen-, alloys (Table 1) during spot welding of carbor, and sLainlsss 5tseLs, Sheets, 1.5 + 1.6 Mm thick, were welded or. 'the NTR-75 (NITP-715) mach-Ine 1,nder -t-y-A4-tioas given in Table 2, A 2C~% 1-q:-rease in dlawe-.rer of th~- Of i-le~.',rcdes was taken as a crit, 3rim, of xlE-.trode durab'alitty in weld!-rig c!arto.-. s7;&e_I; for s-.a-'rless steels the durability was es-limated by tne of ZpllashirA, which impairs the qzialllty of Joints. Af*.e:, weid-ing the oi^ hurdness over the axial section of the electrodes was measured. Pcund h was at due to the low heat Conduct-tVIL-ty of steel and h.11gh heat zonducti-vi-ty tha e_Iez_~rGdr_- alloys, the middle portion of '~he contact, zurfaca cf the eeiecir,~::es was heated durIng welding process tb a higher -.em.pera-zure and 'underwent The edges of the conlact surt'aces remained cooler aad wc-..- _~old-tardenei. _~'nsuffftclent presst-re /5 /i35/6i/000/00,4/005/Oi4 nvtstigation of Ei,~ztr-odes for Spot Welding AOOff,/AOO 1 on the electrodes caused the formation z,11 pro-,,Jcr~raf-ceE cn the electrcde tips and ulashing of ~.he meta!. Acccrding to G. A. MaSlov a:-,-4 -;:-. B. Zolo-tarev (Svaroch- noye prolviodstvo 191-9, No. 112~ -,he appearaxce of prot-,he-ran~:-es is considered as a poeitive phenomenon, The author of Ithis artic;le nf;-Ids -ha,, ar. in~r-ease of p:,e5zure prevents the for-ma-.1on of prot,.zberancA-s ara ralje!~ 1116 durability of alectrodes, The results obtalzied by the tests show Thai wher, welding stainless and carbon steels, -,he same changes in the ele,11-10CEQ "aye place although they are more pronounced in the former case. "he -,ld-hardness zcrv~- and recr-fatallIzed zone on tLe tip of all 'he electrodes 14 0 4 , mm deep and :an ze compared with the height of proiubararLces eqjal to 0.3 - 0,5 mm, ~o the latter are fully rec-,7stallized. The irlens-,y of oold hardnass on "ns .IP 'S gr in stainless ihan Ir I-arbon s-~eels; Is conn-=~tetd with th~ lowzr hsat conductivity and the hig'--- heat resistarce of stain-I&ss a-.eel. Wh~- ~,,~mparlng the hardness of el6c- ,rodes, after welding carbor. and stainless s-~eel I': aDpears t a' in s-bite th k of the diffenence of welding conditions and the r~-imbe-- of spats, I~he depth. of ',.he weak-jned zone is pr~%c-.isaliy the same fcr 'l-ott -At, -an -increase of welded sp,- , - - 4 . - - however, -h= intenz,,-ty of' weakening of the e'e:*rodes ir2reases, -,he depth of ~-he weakered layer remainirg -an~hanged. !"he inves-,Iga~,Ior. has shown that independent of a series of factors, (such as Ih;-- ele.-:~trcde material, the steel grads, them welding condi'Unons, the irumber of weld4-d apct!~, the position of the Card 2/5 S/135/61/000/003/005/0!4 investigation of Electrodes for Spot Weiding A0061AOOI electrode) the nature of changes In the stnucture and distribution of hardness over the surface and In the depth of 't-he electrode are equal. The aforementioned fact-ors determine the ind.'Vid~aal hardness vaAues srd the~type of microstructure, Table 1., ~llov Chemical oomposition 14 Pro~esslng conditions jzrade (the rest copper) Br,Kh ChromIum 0,72 Water quenching from 1,000 0C, cold-harden:Lng (6p~ X Iron 0.06 0, by 40%; t"Impering at 4,50 " for 5 hours Zinc 'Lraces MI-s -4 Chromium 0.67 Water ciaenching 9r-M 1,010 0C, , cold heading, (M 4 -4) Alumiream 0.14 tempe rtng a-~ 4150 C f~r 5 hours Magnesium 0.22 MTS-5-B Chrc.-n:,,,Ln 0~30 Water quenching frcm 9-1~0-'t, tempering at Cadmium 0 . JO 0.1 45' 1 h,,,, ----old-i-,ardening by 220-30~ Iron 0,02 Z ino 0.03 M s-2 L N 1-1 k el ,6 Wa tar ue:-:n1--3 frC,M 900~' !,~-Mperlng at S '1~ ~ -0'-' U.5 530 - 1 5,D'- f-- f: ~, . - ~a. :: Magnesium 0.25 Ips NiAe, 1 92 Wa-,8r . 4~-, quen~hlng ..,cm 86)'"t. tersper'.ng a,. _S:1 -~Cacn 0 64 460 C for 5 ho.,4rs Card 3/5 Investigation of Electrodes for Spot Welding Table 2-, 5/ 135/6 1/000/003/00.5/6 14 A C- 0, tS/A' 0 0 Steel to be welded Welding cond-ItIons Welding current in amp. Forze compres--ang the --Ic-.c-,.-.ode5,kg Welding ti-me, seo, CT~3 (9t.-3) 2: 10,500 400 0.25 1XIM9T (1YhI8N Ii 8,680 r,00 0.18 1XISP9T 111 8,680 820 o.18 (lKhl8N9m-) Card 4/5 Investigation of Electrodes for Spot Welding, Figure 6: 6 Hardness over the section of electrodes made ,Or of different alloys, after welding 1 - carbon steel welded under condi-dons I; Ile 2 - stainless steel welded under conditions 3 - stainless stool welded under conditions so Card ~/5 S/135/61/000/Oo3/bo5/6!4 A0061AGOI -. 4 S X A '0g, 2,joc, ir13 1909,22 S I l 2 5N'010 00/0 0910 04/014 D04O/D113 AUTHORS& Sliozberg, S.K.; Ginzburg, S.K.; Sokolov, M.P. TITLEs The effect of heat on the properties of copper-aluminum welded joints PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya avarkav no. 9, 1961p 20-23 TEXT: Results are presented of an experimental investigation carried out with cold-welded copper and aluminum wire joints prepared at the cold-weld- ing laboratory of VNIIESO. It was noticed that a thin light strip, about 1;5 mioron deep, formed in unetched specimens, after a brief heating ;,-o 3 OOC, and that it grew upon increasing the temperav.,re and heading time. Finally, the light strip reached a depth of 40-45 micronsat 500 0 and a dark strip appeared adjacent to it on the copper side. This dark portion of the transition layer was heterogeneous in struoture and very brittlo. Ruptures of the joints in tests always occurred in this dark strip, cr on the bound- ary between it and the light strip. Failures acroas the light strip were only observed when the dark strip was absent. M.A.Basalayeva revealed by Card 1/2 26480 S112Y 61/000-/009/004/014 The effect of heat D040,D113 spectral analysis that about 2;5~6 Cu was present in the light layer after heating for 20 minut8a at 300 , and over 1% Ou in the dark z~,na after 1 hours heating at 500 C. The article includes photo-micrographs and a dia- gram illustrating the observed effect of heating time and temperature. The formation of the brittle transition layer lo explained by mutual diffuslon of copper and aluminum and the formation of highly brittle compxLndz. I t is concluded that oopper-aluminum joints must not be subjected to temperature higher than 250-275 0C, and this applies to cold as well a8 resistance flash- welded joints. In the case of resistance flash welding, the joint may be more brittle on account of the preservation of brittle phases formed in the welding process. There are 5 figures, ASSOCIATIONs VNIIESO SUBMITTED: February 16, 1961 Card 2/2 SLIOZEERG, Samuil Karlavich;,GD%IZBURG,. Solomon -Koppelevich; RYZHIK, Z.111., rod.; Gill Con I YfVA-,,- S-, , red. Izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn. red. (Electrodes for rouistance welding machines] Elektrody dlia mashin kontaktnoi avarki. Leningrad, 1962. 26 p. (Leningrad- Bkii dom nauchno-tekhnicheBkoi propagandy. Obmen peredovyin opytom. Soriia: Svarka i paika retallov, no.6) (14IRA 15: 5) (Electric welding) GUMURGY S.K.) InZh. Centralized manufacture machines* Svar. proizv. cf electrodes for resistance weldirv, no.6:40 Je 162. (14ITV, 15:6) (Electrodes) GIH BURG, S.K. in2h.;, PROKOFIYEV, S.N., inzh.; SHTEANrN, L.A., inzh. Conditions for the formation of a resistant joint in the friction welding of aluminum with steel. Svar. proizv. no.12-.12-14 D 162. (MIM 15:12) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isqladovatel'skiy institut elektroevarochnogo oborudovani7a. (Aluminum-Welding) (Steel-Welding) .1 SLI017BIERG) S.K., CINZBUI?(t. S.K.~ MiRKJNA~ L.,M.; BUTOMO, ZEDIN, N.I. Chromium bronzo, for electrc/Jes of reeigtance v-!-Iding rzchincs. Avtom. sva7l. 18 no.5~,,32-34. My 165. (M;RA 18:6) I I. Vsegoy-u,:-.nyy rauchrio-issledovatellskiy institut elektrosvarochnogo oborud-,van~.Ya (for 3in-lburg, Mirkina% Zavc..i !'Kra,,%nyy lryburzher,O (frr But,=.a, Zedin). --mummomm. 0Mi 09 0 & 0 0 411 * * & 0 - - I I - 01. 0 41 0 0 Si 0 0 0 0 4- 0 -0 -0 -W w- 0 a a a a a a a a a wax* low nama was 1, 1, ~-Xmm- ALI: 10 11A -A-A-Z A I Of 1tv. I.T. MAP ~A* 1 !"0. -00 00 W -00 -00 -00 00 -00 00 -00 0 & d1thloroothour vilpers In all S 1. -00 lar~41kav.1 I'd, 7, 11' -00 duhliprotifutile of ?h.- 00 1 himsh 3 rimuml ilia 8Wri'l 11ri 164, 1.. 11 A wI$ X 1"'114 AV. I", sho, '111it'd -i1", vd'j I", J'J' "f "I.S~ tOltit 2 bri., sirultislite will, to~~ mid .6 1 ( I I-V 1hr St"'Anov Itouth'.1 fhrm~ "k." ago I ago ago ago veo a use Ww W a10-SLA INULLOSIM L9111MAININ CLAIMPKAT11011 : ---- - _ --- - "-. -- I .- 1111111110 411"41141. 4~ 1114- 4~'.. ago W" 0.9 got 4l Ail too a.- lot 9 du 31 41 9 ;o -g* oo 0 411 0 00 0 Of A 0* a 0: 00 % 0 0 I ft Ah ac. W W W W W W W W W bo**OOOOOOOOOOOO n a 41 a 4 *-j -a- ~64 00~ (Vhuc Ors. CWN.. 190, 6. 175-177), V*dWMAiDiW Of vm 7411mbWa's moUmd (A., 1918, U, 177) we dnWbod - Um mcA imporUnt ohmW im the nbdoollm d RGIRmcro lbr "j%Q4, to re ova aw 08~ of KAIWO4. it. T. NRIAL&W"" WMIMM CLASWCAINO saw 11~ai-Lv. Vo 40 see moo ZOO lee lee 00 1 Jose W"Anv 414411 019 0mv M 0 v 1A AV .0 U 1A I I a ad a " 6 1 W m I do a3 a v jq::OOO 00000000000 0000~000000000000000000 0 o 0 o 0 * 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ito 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 fo 04 00 it u it W 11 4 it 1 11 AtaJdalsirmif Wit LIU Us IS u a It 4tl it At At a a E A 0 , A r ItA -AL..I" 1 1. M M U t. I & k - j . LAO o 0. . _ I VIIPIIS -, ~ - . - -09 dartervoil"fitta ot M. I, , S .1. 11 lba tott Nat till FrIlvillivAI2t 'W -~Tll n M"ll by oxidetka with Kwo, its I[,-SO, ~418. illill C,W) with thc flichsill Ivalck-ni h t e .WtWfic Mo. 0l t 1.1tel vmulto are cAmsinvil bV 'JIM1111K "~M" K'%Itll)l o 00 u III% as 49 * 00 -00 .00 too _06 00 *4 &III-ILA IORTAMORGICAL LITINATWE CLAIWOCAfOON c t - ' v I, ml k %fma olm -j "a 0 fl 0 4 1. v it It a to v At P Q I & 'i , #'~ so pql~ltllt .4 WOPM of organic compounds In th, 7 Mrby Obsombsefioll mewd. ,j.I,.Gjlllbtllx. Lit. so .41 1 1 .00 I ~- (_ 0/ Y) R-1 K NO, 3, P-7001t -,"The im 1, 00 Of f y be lr%leil to (mW (rivii it laii pilwl Intil a quarto iw 1witiv Wit combustiltil fulle. 2.5-9.0 111111. Its iflaill.. by 111rull'.4 A 0 a stream of hot air rattwir that% by the hydn~iat4- prv-urv al NKCI "o. The b4be "twitAilt. . fit .1,1iAl 1. estalyst. Tbo e%vatent 4 virg. in ibe alt a, go Ittim ON CO# (onvivill by cittishustiiti. which it ah~wl-f it% 00 a measured voll. of standard HO(Oll), -ht. and the dirld. by titristioct with scid tc) it phensOplithak-in end 0 Z44 Point. 8 MfeMfK'l W. k. Witit i30 0 S; too 00 j 00 go. see 004 00 see see ij I A 1.111116701 Et""W"'C" A L woo Sit. age to'.t j, jai ani I ,09 jM' 4# 4- w U AT top tgo *see go 00 0 4 1 0 0 0 a 0 q 0 0 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 fie 0 0 0 0 0 GIs 0 C ~s f # 0 0 fie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! ZM/Chemistry - Smzyl, Chloro- Fob 194T Air - pma%ysis Who Determination of Chlorobanzyl Vapors In the Air i~ad t-he Separate Determination of Benzyl and Chloro- S. L. Ginsburg, Candidate in Techalcal.S4. .a,Does, Chemical Iaboratory, Institute of Hygienic *rk mad Dleease Prophylaxis, AcadwW of Medical Sc1enq*9) r PP ~_"'*Xhimlcheskaya, Pronyablennost'" No 2 Pl~_Ilorobenzyl Is- a good solvent for varnishes, paln~sl .and ma;ay. other coloring materials,. As a result th,ere has 'been an ever Increasing demand for chlarobanzyl. VM this wide use of ohlorobenz7l, there has appe6red~ 29M .Ch-emistry - Benzyl, Chloro- (Contd) Feb 3~47 :the problem of maintaining pure air In vorkshops vhwe ils substance is need. The author d1scussos a m9i&6& .6f determiaing the amount of ohlordbenzyl in the a~li~ 1~ caloulations on the chlorine ion. 29T12 .~Yflnmvv ft 6, a 'I 1 Y A. -I A A- .10 (S. VP it i p 1j 4 1 t 1, 1 1 Ditletarslaistion of marcol In wiitis, S. L. Clinditsig. (;sci~eiij o.i4mil, 13, Na. M. 21 Of lofi). -Artulgins form.s. tkin with Cis J, wil ulldictitry. A 44) as). Athifunt tit a a '14 1 - -hr. %amplit is;"fified by 10', AcOlf, ItilloweJ by the A ,- 00 H. All') A114111. 0( 41.5 9. N40 Anti A usil. 1:3 C99 White W pl.wril on oteAns Imtb. After t-gulAtiors the "Pt' il fillered Aml tirmf with N 15 1 ud. 1 15 10 in h trml, arul III its omupletety plitt. [it. And I o)ml-lettly Yemove,a fig frtxn the PPE. C.. M. K,,fl 6 go X: '00 Coo 00 Vo zoo 0 14 to 0 too -1 Ulf*41,10( CLASWICATIC. tlo 0 S i _ ,- U It AT s;t 71 0 0 0 a 0 0 , T IT 14 a it It a pf It 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '01 C 0 0 0 0 T m ; w W is 0 0 4 00000000 IOOO0000000 oooooooooooooo*O 000006 Deftrukkim6m of ernall 4"atitles of M41110 A"Isto and a meow (4K do Sepmto dqwmwdw of memyl Olcubiti. mad QN.Usaftyl uatalm. $,-L. GInamiAcad, Mp,dW'SA., US.S.R.). Zhu,. . 174--, ,jIlG0),-Tbv meth(A is based an upon. of the eiter in 0.1 S N&OH arsd (left. WrOll, 1,10011 Vapors mt* &I,- SWAOt stit Is pasaml thnmgb a train emsisting %J 4 sh- sabu , %be ko two of wbk-b are cbug*4 with 10 mi. of MOO awb v4 the other two whis 10 ad, ail 1), 1 N NOOH ~Ijch. The mir 6 s%&%~l at a rate c4 29 int. per hr. The tmlem. of file ubmwilers off enalAntA and In c4chMeOll Adetti. To cirtaln the aml. of NcClAc, the 2%1#011 It# th NA011 IN tflUltiplit(l 1W Ia. flodch N Z- 13 0 RGI BTKHOVSKLYA, Mariya Solamonoym; Dmitriyevna; ROZANOT, daktor. GINZBURG, Slava Vvoyna; KHALIZOVA, Ollga tekhnicheskiy re- [Practical guide to industrial sanitation chemistry] Praktichaskoe ru- kovo4stvo po pronyahlonno-sanitarnoi khimii. 1. [Organic compounds] Organichaskis soedinaniia. Pod red. O.D.Khalizovoi. Moskva, Goa. isd- Yo mod. lit-ry, 1954. 356 p. (KLRA 8:1) (Industrial hygiene) (Chemistry, Organic) 27, L PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5332 Bykhovskaya, Mariya Solomonovna, Slava Llvovna ainburg, and 011ga DmItriyevna Khalizova Metody opredeleniya. vrednykh veshcheetv v vozdukhe I drugikh.sredakh; prakticheskoye rukovodstvo (Methods of Identifying Harmful Sub- stances in the Air and Other Media; Practical Handbook) pt. 1. Moscow, Medglzj 1960. 311 p. 6,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): O.D.Khalizova; Ed.: M.D.Babina; Tech.Ed.: A.I. Zakharova. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for industrial hygiene and sani- tation Inspection personnel, specialists working in the field of industrial hygiene chemistry at research Institutes, factory laboratoriess epidemic control station laboratories, etc. COVERAGE: The book, which was recommended for publication by the Redaktsionno-izdatellskiy Sovet Akademii meditain8kikh hauk SSSR Card-4728- ISAMRAYEV, Kamet; STZGANOV, A.N., akademik, rod.; BALMMINOV, S.B., red.; URAZAKOV, Ye.U., red,,_9j1=UaG.__�.L., red.; ZWfPEISOV, Ye., red.; ASAINOV, M., red.; IZKAYLOV, A.O., red.; PROKHOROV, V.P., [Russian-Latin-Kazakh terminological dictionary] Rusako-latino- kazakhakii terminologichaskii slovar'. Sost.M.Isambaev. Pod obahchei red. A.N.Syzganova. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhskoi SSR. Pt.5. [Medicine] Meditsina. 1960. 506 p. (MIRA 13:12) 1. AN KazSSR (for Syzgnnov). (DICTIONARIES, POLYGLOT) (MEDICIIIE--DIGTIOIIARIES) L 1NN-63- -.:EWT-(1)/EWTW/BD$--. AFFTQ/AsV1r5sD-3,--- ACCESSION M: AF3=08 S/0181/63/005/005/1386/1393 AUMOR: Maur& S. L TIM: Resonance scatter.Ing of_Q=Ma-quanta in Crystals SOURCE% Fizike. tverdogo telap v, no. 5j, 1963, 1386-1393 TOPIC TAGS: resonance scatteringj, Gamna-quantal Yposbener emitter., angular scattering, electron shell,, electron shell scattering, scattering cross section AWZRACT* The author investigated resonance scattering at the nucleus and the interference between resonance scattering and scattering at electron sbells. He averages the scattering cross section from the spectrum of incident particles on the assurkotion, that the source of Gama-Vanta is a Msslbauer emitter, movihg with a known velocity (v). The angultw distribixtion and the form of the spectrum of scattered quanta are determined. This developoent Is theoretical, based on numerous equations from previoua works. Orig. art. has: 34 formulas. ASSOCIATIOIT: Fiziko-tekbnicheskiy institut im.. A. F. Ioffe PH SSSR., Leningrad (Physical and Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences., SSSR) "Card -,- GIMMURG) S. L. Analytic properties of Green's function and the mass operator. Zhur.ekap.i teorfiz.46 no. 3:905-912 Mr 164, (MIRA 17:5) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni A. F. loffe AN MISR. L 25084-65 EWT(I)/EPA(s)-2/EWT(ra)/EWP(t)/EWP(b) Pt-10 IJP(C) JQ/GG ACCESSION NR: AP5003427 S/0181/65/007/001/0148/0152 AUTHOR: Ginzburg, S. L. TITLE: Damped spin complexes SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7. no. 1, 1965, 148-152 TOPIC TAGS: spin wave, Green function, cubic crystal symmetry ABSTRACT: In view of recent observation of bound states of two sj2in waves, with energy lower than the threshold of decay into two free spin waves, the author shows that above the decay threshold there also exist bound states, having a finite lifetime. A simple cubic lattice is considered and It is shown that the two-particle Green's function has besides the poles corresponding to the stable bound states also poles on the nonphysical sheet, corresponding to quasi- particles with damping. The residues at the poles of the two- particle Green's function vanish when the momentum approaches the Card 1/2 ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im4 A4 F. loffe AN SSSR (Physicotecbnical Institute AAN SSSR) SUBMITTEDe 07Jul64 NR REF SOVt 000 ENCL,. 00 OTHERt 003 SUB CODE: SSJ IVP Card 2/2 _L_ 1084-66 X4T(Pi)1MZLaL-W_EWAW .... . ... ACC NRt AP5025387 SOUP CODE: UR/0181/65/007/010/3i)63/3069 AUTHOR: G1nzburg, S. L..; MqVev, S. V, ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe All SSSR Leningrad (riziko-tekhni- i cheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Some polarization effects during neutron-gic-atterin in solids SOURCE: rizika. tvardago tela, v. 7, no. 10, 1965, 3063-3069 TOPIC TAGS: theoretic physics, neutron cross spcti.on, neutron scattering, neutron polarization, solid state physics ABSTRACT: The authors discuss polarization effects which occur when neutrons are scattered by impurities and by conduction electrons in metals. It is shown that po larization of neutrons scattered ina given direction may be determined as a func- tion of the energy of the scattered neutrons to isolate from the experimental data the contribution due to scattering by impurities in the case where the impurity is an atom with nuclear spin or a paramagnetic atom. Approximate formulas which are true at small scattering angles are derived for the cross section and polarization of scattered neutrons in the case of scattering by conduction electrons. It i's shown that the polarization of the scattered neutrons is strongly dependent on the mutual orientation of the incident beam, the polarization vector of the incident 1/2 ACCNRs AP5025387 neutrons and the scattering plane. In conclusion, the authors thank G. M. Drabkin for calling their attention to the problem of polarization effects during seattering of neutrons by electrons and for his frequent discussions with them of problems en- countered in the work. Orig. art. has: 1 fture, 23 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 13May65/ REF: 007/ OTH REF: 004 'V/ ip'j f 1 o 1 V) ACC NRs AUTHOR,. Ginzburg, G L. ORG: Physicatechnical, Institute im. A. F. Jaffe, AN SSSR, rAningrad (Fiziko- tekhnicheekly Institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Oscillations of conductivity in blsmvth~,~due to interaction of electrons with optical phonons SOURCE: MIM tyerdogo telap Y. 8, no. 6, 1966p 1713-1716 TOPIC TAGB9. blemuthp magnetoresistance, galvanomagnetic effect, electron scatteringg phonon scattering, quantum oscillation, crystal symmetry ABSTRACT: The oaciLlationa considered by the author are similar to those which were theoretically predicted by V. L. Gurevich and Yu. A. Firsov (ZhETF Y. 40j, 1W, 1010 and subsequently observed experimentally. These gagiUationg of electric con&--t11y1-;- It in a strong magnetic field are considered In bismuth, and'it in shown that in- --Rastic scattering of the. electrons by opticaf/phonons can y1eld information an the electron spectrum in the bismuth. In particular,, it is shown that measuring the period of the oscillations at different orientations of the magnetic field relative ~;to the *principal axes of the effective-moo tensor it is possible to determine the dependence of the effective mass on the direction of the magnetic field, from which. it is possible to determine the principal values of the effective-man tensore The holes present in the bismuth cannot be observed by this effect since their observatioi Card ACC NRt m6o253, requires a very strong magnetic field, on the order of hundreds of k0e. However, if the magnetic field is oriented along the vector in one of the symmetry planesp per- pendicular to the three-fold symmetry axisp the twG periods of oscillations 'corres- ponding to electrons differ strongly in magnitude and can be discriminated. The author thanks As Le Efros for suggesting the topic and numerous discussions. Orig. a.rt. has: 12 formulas. SUB CODNI 2D/ susm DATst onav65/ ma Rip i - 004/ o7H Rzy; oo4 L 42300-66 EWT(1)/EWT(m) IJP(c) AT SOYWC9 COffk-'--Ulkr6f~17()-6TO08-/~F08-/2j2-6 2 _~5 ACC NO, AP.W6476_ AUTHOR-. Ginzburg. S. L.; Maleyev, S. V. ORG- Ph sicotechnical Institute Im. A. F. loffeAN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko-tekhnicheskly Institut AN SSSR) 16 TrrLE: Scattering of slow neutrons superconductors SOURCE: Mika tverdogo tela, V. 8, no. 8, 1966, 2320-2325 TOPIC TAGS: electron scattering, conduction electron, neutron scattering, slow neutron, superconducting material ABSTRACT- The problem of the conduction-electron scattering of slow neutrons in supercon- ductors Is examined. It is shown that In a number of cases the scattering cross section can be several times greater than the electron scattering section in normal metal at the same temper- ature. Expressions are also derived for polarization of scattered neutrons. Unlike the cross section, polarization with scattering In superconductors differs little from polarization with scattering in normal metals. Using standard methods, the neutroa-electron scattering cross section Is presented in the following form: Card 1/2 0 L 42300-66 da 2y% P, I Kp (q, (9.0 V M K.p (q. I dldrelal-lw~j.(r, I)jp(O)>. _CD However, the authors emphasize that the detection of the effects in question are at the limit of present-day experimental posslJ3111ties, therefore It Is reasonable to speak onlyybout investi- gating the angular distribution of scattered neutrons but not about the quantity 4 . especially JUN, In the latter case a presently unschieveable energy resolution (less than 10) would be required. Therefore there Is no sense in considering the possibilities of a detailed study of the electron spectrum in superconductors by means of neutrons. The authors thank Q, M. Drabkin who called their attention to the problems exurnined In the article. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas. SUB CODIOJ 20/ SUBM DATE: 04Deo65/ ORIG REF: 003 Card ACCESSION NR: AP4036509 S/0103/641025100510668/0672 AUTHOR: Ginzburg, S. L. (Moscow); Kry*lov, V. Yu. (Moscow); Tsetlin, M. L. (Moscow) TITLE: Example of a game of many identical automata SOURCE: - Avtomatika i telemekhanika, Y. 25, no. 5, 1964, 668 -672 TOPIC TAGS: game, automata game, game of permutation ABSTRACT: A simple example of a symmetrical game of many automata; which permits a natural interpretation is discussed. The payoff of each player is equal to the power of his strategy divided by the number of players who have chosen the ;.same strategy; this game is termed the "game of permutation. 11 A modificatiop of this game includes an agreement between the players to deceive a maximum total i payoff and to divide it equally; only the first strategies acre used, and each of them ~s selected by only one player; this modification is called the "garne of Card ,ACCESSION NR: AP4036509 permutation with a common bank. The above game played by automata was simulated on a computer. The automata had no information as to the rules of the game. It was found that the a.utomata. capable of expedient behavior (strategy) in a stationary random medium proved to be "reasonable" in the above games provided I, they had sufficient memory. Orig. art. has: 4 forrnulas and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none 033un64 EN*CL:,. 00 i.,SUBMITTED: ZlJun63 DA TE KCQ i!SUB CODE:, NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 001 A CLd 2/Z 0 P! "~rlfjrrl , '! . '.'. ~ " , 7T " 1 N .9 ) i . , j . ,"one ax6mplea of Mocaling tbn 1wi-invir,:- 0C ltobl. pnrad. Inform. I no.2s%-62 16 -% %'nn~ 183-,) F- L ,)hq05)-6'? &-ri 'd) V-1P 1) IJF- (C) o L) SOUIICE~ COW""!- -UR/00 0166 0001MAImm" V. Yu. AUTHOR: Tactlin M. Ginzburgi 8, L.; Erylov ORG: none Trf LE: Example of the collective behavior of finite automatons '91. SOURCE: Moscow. Institut avtoma'tiki I telemckhaniki. Samoobuchayushchlyesyn avtomaticheskiye elstei r aufo-n-71rc-gistems). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1966, IG5-169 TOPIC TAGS: finite automaton, gone t eory, computer simulation ABSTRACT: The article contains a description of an example of computer simulation of an 11assignment game'' by many automatons. A simple example of a symmetrtcal game permitting a natural interpretation Is selected. Resultant conditions and equilibrium pobits are studied, and the behavior In tills game of automatons interrelated by the "common pool" procedure Is studied. The authors sfiow that automatons Invested with purposeful behavior under stationary random conditions will Ificewlso behave "reasonably" in this case as well (provided that their memory capacity Is sufficient). Three stratogy examples are analyzed and win fnetors aro do- rived for different memories and for rituations with and ;Nrlthout the "common pool" concept. SUB CODE: 09,12/ SUBM DATE.- 02Mar66/ ORIG REF- 002/ OTII 11EF: 002 Card P-66 (1) IJP(c) J YT (BF) ACC NR, AP6007532 SOURCE CODE: uR/0406/65/oo,/oo/oo54/0062 AUTHOR: -Ginzburg, S. L,; Tsetlin, M. L. 1/2 ORG: none TITLE: Some examples of the simulation of the group behavior of automatons SOURCE: Problemy peredachi informatsli, v. 1, no. 2, 1965, 54-62 TOPIC TAGS: game theory, automaton, computer theory ABSTRACT: Earlier, the authors and V. Yu. Krylov (0b odnom *primere (gry mnogLkh odinakovykh avtomatov. Avtomatika I telemekhanika, 1964, XXV, 5, 668-672) described a symmetrical game by a large number of -,dentical automatons ("assignment game") and showed that a group of automatons, unified in the participation of such a game, will behave In a suit- able fashion in the sense that the behavior of automatons lacking a priori information on the conditions of the game Is analogous to that of players who have a prior knowledge of the con- ditions of the game and that they are able to select the most effective line of conduct. In the present article, the authors study the reliability of this collective behavior and describe an example of the use of assign ent pm imulation methods to solve the so-called computer equipment distribution problem in one of several possible simple formulations. The pme 1/2 UDC: 62-607 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L 40828-66 ACC NRt AP6007532 ;considered is assignment with common class, in which the automatons are distributed in tern .of strategies so as to achieve maximum overall gain. Automaton failure Is considered a possibility. The effect of memory changes In an automaton and the number of automatons taking part In the game on the mean pin per automaton Is analyzed in two examples. The method proposed involves the consideration of the computer equipment distribution problem as one of the organization of the collective behavior of the solving devices, with an attempt to organize their Interaction in order that the suitable behavior of Individual devices lead to optimal behavior of the entire problem-solving system. Orig. art. has: 7 tables and formulas. SUB CODE: 09,12/ SUBM DATE: 04&v64 ORIG REF: 0()2 Card 2/2 lnl,~ HIKHAYLOV, V.A.; SUCHKOV, I.A.; YAVORSKIY, G.A.; GIIIZBURG, S.M.: PALEVSKIY. S.A.. inzh.. nauchnyy red.; SKVCRTSOVA, I.P., red.izd-va; TOKER. A.M., [Building apartment houses with large brick blocks; practices of the Main Kiev Building Administration] Stroitel'stvo zhilykh domov Iz krupnykh kirpichnykh blokov; opyt Glavkievetrola. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. I arkhit., 1958. 69 p. (miu 11:5) (Building, Brick) BOYCBENIO. A.; TAVORSKIT, Q.; GIIIZBURG, Sit. Using large brick building blocks in Kiev. Zhil. stroi. no.8:10-14 159. (MIRA 12:12) lAamestitell nachaltiliks, Glavkiyovetroya (for Boychanko). 2.Nachaltnik Kiy'evorgtakhatroya (for Yavorskiy). 3.Nachallnik ametno-dogovornogo otdola Glavkiyevstroya (for Ginzburg). (Kiev--Building blocks) KASPIN. L.A., kand.ekonom.nauk; PAL'M, I.S., atornhiy- nauchnyy sotrudnik; KHORIKOT, A.N., stershiy nauchnyy sotr-adnik; SOTCHUX, YU.I.6 starshiy nsuchnyv sotrudnik; AKS91101, D.G., Inzh.; ELIGOW, YO.G. Prinimali ucheatiye: KARAKURCHI, M.I., k9nd.tekhn.nauk; KIJCHERMO. K.R., kand.tnkhn.nM7k; rWAN, M.P., npuch.eotr.; POPOY; Y.Ye.. nauchn.sotr,;.qIYZBURa, 3.14j,jpzh,; SLINIKO, B., red.; MENKOVA. To., tekhn.rod. Eloonomic aspects of the constriction of L,'.,)ur- and five-storv apartment buildings of large blocks of br~okl Mconomika vosvede- ulis 4-5 etazhnvkh zhilykh zdanil iz k:r-.1pzLykh k,.rp*ichnykh blokov. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po otroit. I arkhit. USSR, 1960. 112 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Akademiya stroitalletva i arkhItektur7 USSR. Institut organi- zateii i makhanizataii stroitol'nogo proizvodstva. 2. Sektor ekonomiki stroitellnogo proi2vodstya Nauchno-iaaledovatellskogo Institute orgenixotaii i mekhanizatail atroitellnogo proizvodstva Akademii stroitellatva i arkhitektixry U= (for Kaspin, Pal'm. Khorikov. Shevchuk, Aksenov, NI'gort5. 3. Hauchno-iBaledovatellskiy institut konstruktsiy (for Karakurchi, Kuaherenko). 4. Glavkiyevstroy (for Ginzburg), 5. Nauchno-isnledovatollskiy inntitut stroitellufth mterialov (for Peden. Popov). (Building, 'BrIcAc) GINZLURG, Shmilik Moiseyevich; NAUNOV, I.I., red. LI-1conomics of large-panel house construction; pr-acti-,e of the housing construction combines of the I-lain ConstruclJor., Adairiistration of the City of Kiev and the Main Construc- Zion Administration of the City of Laningrad] Ekonomika kr~ipnopanellnogo domostrooniia; opyt domosLroitellrvkh kombi- ri~,tov Glavkievgorstrol.a A. Glavleningradstroi.a. Voskva, ;'.ru'1izditt, 1965. 69 P. -L (NIHA M,) 0 0 99090009000aeoeogoo 00000006000000000000:0 :O'D 0 0 0 0000000000000000000*o~:0*000000000000000000 ! 41 42 a 64 OW A v p 0 6 tr 6 W a t 8 W 0 N a I I M AT 0 Ts W "I I I a ! , ,, ". I I r ', ), I . 1. 1 -1 ii-A 11 AWW"m Moil .-Iroks .O6% 0 it 7,000.01.00-f-44, of *ON 0 W; oolt ess oew - so* 09 noo 0 so oom C, 00 0 env 00 R Val few a to U, pot lann I so aw aftRam "lujIg r 00. 1 al as"" dRA "jq I Jai Opp P -IN ax Vila -.9" 1& IM11 q_mWu 300, 00 too 0-: woo uim 54T F.T Lft- roo lot At a, 11 it t 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00060000 00 mv,- USSR/Chemistry Zinc oxide FD-3011 Card 1/1 Pub. 50 - 12/17 Authors Ginzburg, S. S., Korelitskaya, 0, M., Skvortsova, G. V. Title Production of zinc oxide from the ash pit wastes cf zinc white production Periodical : Khim. prom. No 6, 363-364, Sep 1955 Abstract : Describe experience in the production of zinc oxide from the ash pit wastes formed in the production of zinc white by the muffle furnace method Institution : Plant of the October Revolution (imeni Oktyabr'skoy revolyutsii) -hit. zinc lcA=l P - fiber i)(Ir Ill --L., gicatet th "a f';r '!U~ cwtuditij th= It ipl), f1w wbl-k;Lg '~i iE.~- :W" tu"fz rarely zif~ ut!r- i" ur-dcr tilt lot- "" fra"tly 4 r-O-It. OIC Cl~, Gf 91-" e; 14.-fm firc ot Ulm xtm ~14 Y" 'v~ GINZBURG, S., Inzhener; KORCHIRSKIT, Ye., inzhener. Pulverizing barite through vibration, Prom.koop. no.4:25-26 Ap 156. (KM 9:8) 1. Zavod imeni Oktyabr'skoy revolyuteit. (Barite) (Faint materials) 1" " Z_ ~_"' K 1~ --I--~ 7-- - - AUTHOR: Ginzburg, S. Sh. 136-6-17/26 TITLE: Tra~~pi ~ Zinc Oxide in Sleeve Filters with the Use of Glass Cloth. (Ulavlivaniye okisi tsinka v rukavnykh f i2traidi o primenenlyem eteklotkard) PERIODICAL: Tsvetr*-W Metally, 1957, P. 75, (USSR) ABSTRACT: A brief account is given of operating experience at the imeni Oktyabrlskoy Revolutii Works using glass-cloth instead of cotton bags to trap zinc-oxide dust. Each installation has a productivity of 18-19 tons of z~'nc oxide per day, the filter- ing surface being 1 600 - 1 800 m . The glass-cloth bags, although more expensive, have a life of at least 2-5 years com- pared with 7-8 months. A glue, developed by the author, is recommended for fabricating the bags. An editorial note indi- cates that since the article gives no data on the comparative efficiencies of bags made from the different cloths no conclu- sions on the claimed superiority of the glass-cloth ones can be drawn. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORS.: Berezin, V.A. and Ginzburfe, ~;.S-'., 1~,mgin-2ors TITLE: 'nic iMcchutnized of !'-,~Mmento from Contrii'UGco (Mc- khaniL I atslya vygruzki osadl-,a iz tsentrifug) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya trudoy8mkikh i tyazhelykh rebot, 1958, Nr 10, pp 42 - 45 (USSR) PaSTRACT; A special device for thQ n-2chanized removal of sadimcnt5 from suspended filtering centrifuges of the type at-1200, was constructed at the Rostovskiy-na-Donu Ehimicheskiy Za- vod imeni Oktyabrsifoy Revolyutsii (Rostov-on-Don Chemical Plant :uneni October Revolution). A scraper is automatical- ly lowered into the centrifu3c. It cuts the sediment from the valls of the centrifuge and removej it gradually from the bottom upwards, while the centrifuge turns at a reduced speed. The whole operation takes 2.5 min. The device is described in detail. There is 1 diagram. 1. Centrifuges--Deposits - 2. Centrifuges--Cleaning Card 1/1 -I . i. , - -, ; ~ : -: , - t.*1 , : : -. , I ~ :, " 1 n.. ~ 1. , ': . , , . .1. ~ : ~ I,, . I -: l. ~! ". . - - .:,. (:r~ . ~' . ~ Z ~ Ci~, . C,;~ . .1,; ~ :-, - - 's. . li , -.1. . ; ., - 1 1 . t r, I -, , .1 1 :11, 0. ~ . 1 . ; ! , . , " . GINZBUR(-',, S.Sh. Making use of the tailings from the treatment of zinc-bearing r-Laterials for zinc oxide. TSvet. met. 37 no.6;78-80 Je 164. (11-URA L',': 9) 11INUMIG, ',Yo., itizhoner (st.Belrivo Triroa~.myn doropR) , A useful i)ronofial . Biek.f tepl.ringn no.7.30 oil 457. OiljiA (Ita I tro-,idw -Brakas) GMBUhGj, ~. Ye. OccupaLional Diseases DisBertation: "ievere Pol-iomeylitis (Clinical Observations and C.Linibcophysiological Investigations)." Cand 4d Sci, AlAsk State Medical Inst, 8 Apr 54. (jovetshaya Belorusiya, 14in3k, 26 kar 54). i0: SUM 213, 20 JeP 5L, G~ AIZ8 QR G / S' ~e US&II/Human and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. V_.~e Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1,, 1958: 4379 Author : S. Ginsburg Inst : Institute of Physiology, Acadlerrj of Sciences BSSR Title : Different Kinds of Influence of Interoceptors on Skeletal Musculature. Orig Pub : Tro in-ta fiziol. AN DSSRj 1956, 1, 75-87 Abstract : A mechanical stimulation of the receptors of the dog's stomach by stretching of various degrees had a double in- fluence on the skeletal musculature: movements took pla- ce, and there were changes in the motor chronaxia. (C). Weak stretching decreased C; stronger stretching led to a contraction of the muscles and to an increase of the C of antaG)nistic muscles, Moderate stretching was follo- wed by an increase or by a decrease of the C. Card 1/2 A (W(~ ) '5'/e USSF/Humand and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biolosiya~ No 16, 1957, 71102 Author GiJaQ~~14rg, S -E - Title Some Data as to the Regularity of Stomach Receptor Influence on the Chronaxy of the Skeletal Muscles. Orik; Pub Fiziol. zh. SSSR, 1956, 42, No 8, 7o4-712 Abstract A slight distension of the stomach in dogs with a baloon (75 ml of air introduced) produced in majority of cases shortening of Chronaxy (Ch) of the antagonistic muscles of the hind extremities; a moderate degree of distension (300 ml) lengthened Ch. Sometimes the Ch. of the exten- sions lengthened or shortened, and that of flexors re- mained unchanged or vice versa. If, by putting a strap on an extremity, Ch of the investigated muscles lengthe- ned, then the effects of weak and moderate excitation of stomach interceptors vere stronger on the motor Ch, where- as the strong excitations producing inhibitory effect Card 1/2 - '2 USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71102 became less effective. Pretended milk feeding, as well as conditioned signals worked out for this feeding exci- tation, produced weakened interceptor influence from the stomach on the Ch of skeletal muscles of the hind extre- mities. Card 2/2 - 73 - ZASYADIKO, A.F.; KUCHWIIKO, V.A.; PAVLLWKO, A.S.; GRISHMANOV, I.A.; MWV. V.0.; WASHEDY, Z.A.; YEYRMY. M.T.; SHIWIOV, M.S.; CHIZHOV, D.G.; NOVIEDV, I.T.; NOSOV. R.P.; ASKOCHENSKff, A.N.; NZKRASOV. A,K.; LAVFJMKD, K.D.; TARASOV, N.Ya.; GABDANK. K.A.; LaviuO I.A,441MW S.Z.; ALMANMOV, A.P.; KDMZIN. I.T.; OZEROV, I.N; . R0 AR)V, A.A.; NAYMUSHM, I.I.; rMSHDi. N.V.; ACHUSOV, D.I.; ZJSSO. G.A.; DROBYSHEV. A.I.; PLATONOV, N.A.; ZHDWIN, D.G.; FROWSLOV. V.F.; BRISTOV, V.S.; SAPOZHNINDV, F V.; XASATKIN. N.V.; ALEKSANDROV, M.Ya.; KDTrUVSKIT, D,G. Fedor Georgievich Loginov; obituaryo Ilek.sta. 29 no*8:1-2 Ag '58. (MIERA 11: 3-1) (Loginov, Fedor Georgievich, 1900-1958) MARKOV, D.A.; GINZ3U-G, S.Te. Panctional state of the cerebral cortex in hypertonsion as revealed by electroencephalograms. Trudy Inst.fiziol. AN BSSR 303-102 159. (MIRA 13:7) 1. taboratoriya klinicheelcoy neyrofisiologii Institute. fiziologii AT BSSR. (CERBRAL CORTEX) (HTPMIISION) qIvZbURG, S.Ye.; ZLOTVIK, Ye.I.; LERMO, V.I. -------~;Cdtroencephalographte and electrocardiographic studies during controlled arterial Irypotension inducod by administration Q97. ganglionic-blocking agents. Eksp.khir,i anest. 6 no.3:26-30 161. (MIRA 14:10) (ELECTROENCEPHAIA)GRAPHY) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) (HMMSION) (AUTONWIC DRUGS) GINZBURG, S.Ye.; KRASNIKOVA, YeJa.; SPIRIDONM, Ye.N. Pathogenesis of myoclonus epilepsy. Zhur. nevr. i psiYh. 62 no.5:666-671 162. (MIRE 15:6) 1. Institut nevrologii, neyrokhirurgii i fizioterapli (dir. - Ye.F. Kalitovskiy, nauchnyy rukovoditell .. prof. D.A. Markov) MiniBtorstva zdravook- hranoniya B35R i Inatitut fiziologii (dir. - prof. I.A. Bulygin) AN BSSR, Minsk. (EPILEPSY) GINZ13URG S.-fe., kand. mod. nauk (14insk) z J- -, ". Bioelectric activity of the brain in thrombosio of the internal carotid artery -in the cervical region. Vop, nelrokhir. 27 no,5: 22-29 8-0 163s (MIRA 17:5) 1. Neyrokhirurgicheakoys Belorusskogo nauchno.-issledovatell- skogo instituta nevrologii, neyrokhirurgli i fizioterapli 1. Institut fiziologii AN MR. GINZDURG, S.Ye. Bioelectrical activity of the brain in chronic subdural hematomas. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 no.8:1151-1158 164. (MIRA 171l2) 1. Institut fiziologii All IiSR i neyrokhlrurgicheskoye otdeleniye Belorusakogo instituta neviologil, ney-rokhirurgii i fizioterapil, Minsk. SKLYITT, I.A.; GINZBURG, S.Ye. Correlation between asymmetr7 of vestibular nystagmus and bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 65 no.5:652-656 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Otonevrologicheskiy kabimet Belorusskogo nauchno.-iseledovatellskogo institute. nevrologii, neyrokhirurgii i fizioterapii (direktor - dqtsent I.P.Antonov) i laboratoriva klinicheskoy neyrofiziologii (rukovoditel, prof. D.A.Markov) Instituta fiziologii AN BSSR, Minsk. L 27912-66 EWT(l) SCTB DD NRt AFbO17766 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Sklyut,_I. Aq Ginzburgj_ S. Ye. ORG: Otoneurological Department, Belorussian 8 and_Rm-9iothgrjj~_directed UR/0246/65/065/005/065 .Neurology, NeurosurgerZ by, Docent I. P. Antonoyl (Otonevrologiche6kiy kabinet Belorusskogo nauchno-issledovateltskogo instituta nevrologiit neyrokhirurgii i fizioterapii); Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology/ headed by Professor D. A# Markov/. Instit AN BSSR, Minsk (Laborator: j. ute of Physiolo". klinicheskoy neyrofiziologii Instituta fiziologii AN BSSR) TITLE: Correlation between vestibular ny2ta&Mus.and electroencephalographic activity SOURCE: Zhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii, v. 65, no. 5. 19659 652-656 TOPIC TAGS: EEG, brain, tumort mano bioelectric phenomenon ABSTRACT: - Cne 4unaie-d. twieniy-n-ine patie.nts.with tum.ors-and tumor-like injuries of the brain were examined. The role of the functional st 'the central nervous system in the origin of asymmetries of vestibular .nystagmus was studied by comparing these asymmetries to the bioelectric .activity of the brain* The asymmetries of vestibular nystagmus were based. ~on evaluation of calorimetric and rotation tests. In 92.8% of the patients I .asymmetry of vestibular nystagmus was weighted to ~he side of the Injured which also.showed a predominance of slow pathological bioelectric, Mactivity* This predominance of vestibular nystagmus on the side of the site of ifij~ryya~.q~served not only with Injury of the temporal portion of -bbd: 61- 1!~ -_0 ~2: ll~A -16 .8~jj Card 1/2 07~: 61 .24 ,6. 3116 L 2?912!-66 ACC NRs the large hemispheres of the braino but also 'with Injuries In other locationsoi The correlattan with bloelectric activity Indicates the Importance of the functional state of the supravestibular formations in the occurrence of asymmetry of vestibular reflectornystagmus. The authors conclude that relations between neuro-dynamic processes in the "normal" and Injured hemispheres of the brain play In Important rol.e- In the p4t~enogpnesis of .the phenomenon of asymmetry of,vestibular.nystagmus. *brig. art. has:' 2'- -- and 2 tables. [JPRSJ SUB CODES 06 SUBM DATE: 12seP64 ORIG REFS 004 OTH PEF: 005 Card (v Z~ B ,, r, d, -5, Z_ 25(5);300) C 3 RWE I BOOK ExiwTTATION BOV/2935 Moscow. . Inzhenerno-ekonorde-heskiy imtim-it Ijit;n.7_ Sargo Ordzhonikidze Voprosy povpheniya ekonomiaheskoy effektivnosti Iav.Vit&Ivnykh vlozheniy za schet uluchsheniya ekonomild i organizatsii stroiteltnogo proizvodstva,, a takzhe stroitellnogo proyektirovaniya (Problem of Inamasing Economic Bene- fits of Capital Inveatzents by Lq)ravLng the Eaonm7 tuid Organization of Con- struction Work and Planning) Moscow# Goss troyl zdat.. 1959. 673 'P. (Series: Its; Tmdy,, vyp. 14) Errata slip inserted. 2j,000 copier. printed. Additional Sponsoring Agencies: WSR. Goaudarstrenn3rj Icomitet po delam stroitellstva. Otdal ekonomiki stroitel'stva, Alu~iya stroitellstva i amPitektury SOM. Nauehno-issledovatellskiy inntit-at el-onomiki stroitellstvap and Nauchno-tekhnichenkoye obshchestvo stroitellnoy pr-mnblennosti SM, Sektsiya ekonomiki i organizataii, Eds.: D. 1. Bukahteyn, G. A. Damhik.. A. S. GinzInirg., S. A. Yefrewvp I. A. Kam- torovich, A0 G. Rotshteyn., V, V, Uspenskiy., N,'A. Maslov, V. N. Shafranskiy'. and A. N. Shkinev; Tech. Ed.: P. G. Gilenson; Editorial Board of the L3.sti- tute: 0, V, Kozlova (Resy, Ed.) Docent; Ye. 1. Varenik,, Professor,, V. I. Veyts., Professorj, S. P, Vostroknutov., Professor.. V. G. Davidovich,, Professor., Card 1/11 Problemairf Increasing Economic Benefits (Cont.) BOV/2?35 N, 1, Dtxnayevskiys Professors B. P. Zhebrovskiys Professors S. Ya. Karmazzins Professor, P. V. Kaniovskiys Professor,, N. N. NekAwav, Professors L,, I, Onishchik., Professors 1q. Yo. Pestovs Professor., L,'h, Roytburds Professors E. A. Batel's Prnfessors G. V. Toplov., Professor, B. A Telashevs Profcaaor~ Editorial Commission of this volium: V. F, Gitvrald.y ~Ctwlrm.*) Doc,,nt,, Ye. 1. Vareniks Professor., M. S. Gmv-vichs 1. Ya. lrk~xdn, Docent, 8. N. Reynin.. Candidate of Technical Sciences. FURPOSE: This collection of articlea is inten&A for otaff membara of conatruc- tion organizations, design burewis, and scientifIc reacarch establishminto as vell as for faculty members and atudents of Institutions of higher education. COVERAGE: This collection of reports on construction prVibleals vas originally presented and discussed at a scientific-technica.1 ~,.onferenca held in Moseou in February 1958 under the auspices of the Moscow Ergineering and Economic Institute and other governmient and scientific organizations. Possibilities of increasing economic benefits from capital investments by improving rethods of organizing and planning construction projects are rewlewed. Results of efforts by construction and design organizations to rr.-duce the coats of con- struction and building operations., to introdw~e ecorondc accountability and Card 2/11 Problems of Increasing Economic Beneflts (cont.) BOV/2935 planning In lower level construction t:,7 lncreare -the productivity of labor, and to boost work and planuLng efficiency ixe 'malyzed. Problerass in preparing estimates,, making financial forecasti3., tuid fl.nancing construction projects are discussed. Wo references are given. TABIZ OF CONTENTS: Forevord 3 Ginzburg,, S. Z. Tasks of Science in the Economics of Construction 7 Rtmekdzhiyan, A. A. Technical and Economic Advantages of Large Territorial Construction Organizations 12 Mamleyev, D. 1q. Results of Efforts by the Cherepovetsmetallurgstroy Trust to Reduce Costs of Construction and Erection Works 29 Oniahchik, L. I.p A. V. Yelkin, B. A. Smirnov, A. P. Manclrikov, L. A. Shleina., and A. A. Sudarikov. Ways of Improving Technical and Economic Efficiency of the Most Lnportant Decisiona on Standard Housing Projecta 41 Card 3/11 GIABURGIT lq~ Z. letla increase our speed and shortei in every way posvible th~ time reqiured to complete construction pro eat!). Trudy MIEI no-15:8-,13 161. iMIRA 14:12) 1. Daystvitelinyy chlon Akadnmii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR, zamestitell prod ito lya Gonstror SSSR. (Construction industry YIE-F I MOV, A.11., glav. red.; BACIIUIII?:, A.V.,, red.; VOLOWZY1Y, L.E., red.; GNIST'MG, S.R., red.i_JMZM',Q,_ 3.Z., red.; DIINDUrov, G.F.P red.; KLOUIL&I., D.I.I., red.; KLIMI~qW, K.I., red.; K01MAh(OV) F.V., red.; K011-LOLIKOV, A.P.., red.; KMOV, P.N.) red.; LIAAIISKAYA, F.V.., red.; LOKSIIIII, E.Yu., red.; O.SILMI11TOOV, K.V., rod.; POSVYAI'SKIY, S.S., red.; PidJDF3;SKIYp G.A., red.; TLAZUVIOV, N.A., rod.; tWMYANTM-*V,A.F., red.; TATIJR, S.K., red.; ShUMIGAL117ER, L.Ya., red.; IMM',OVA, G.V., starshiy nauchnyy red., kand. okon. nauk; KISELIM, S.M., starshiy naucluW red.; GLAGOIZV, V.S., nauchrVy red.; y red.; BLAGODARSKAYA, Yo.V., mlad. TIJI.IAIIGVA, N.L.~ nauchn~r red.; SHUSTROVA, VX., mladshiyy red.; GAYDUKOV, Yu.A., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; ZMiSKIY, M.I., red.; LOZOVOY, Ya.D., red.; SMG-EYEV, A.V., dots., red.; KIXYMS, L.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LYUBGVICH, Yu.O., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; ~>YSOYEV, P.V., red.; KOSTII, S.D.v tekhn. red. [Econonic encyclopedia; industry and construction]Ekonoviiche- skai.a entsilclopediia; Froul--shlonnost' i stroitellstvo. Chlony red. kollegii: A.V.Bachurin i dr. Mosk-va, Gos.niuchn. izd-vo "Sovetskaia entsiklopediia.11 Vol.l. A - 1.1. 1962. 951 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Russia--Industrics-Dictionarios) (Construction industry--Dictionaries) 14OVIKOV, I.T.; NEPORCHIRY, P.S.; G Z.; M--LYAKOV, A.A.; BRISTOV, V.S.; VOZIESERSKIY, A.N.; IVANTISOV, P.M.; BOROVOY, A.A.; TOWN, I.A.; ALEKSANDROV, B.K.; YURINOV, D.M.; NOSOV, R.P.; MIKIIAYLOV, A.V.; NICHIPCROVICH, A.A.; ABELEEV, A.S.; PROSKURYAKOV, B.V.; MEIUMI, M.F.; KRITSKIY, S.K.; BELYY, L.D. Mikhail Evgontovich Knorre. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.5,. My 162. (MIRA 15t 5) (Knorre, 14ikhail Evgontevich, 1876-10,62) GINUM4 , T. S. 33534 Mozhno Li PolIzovatlaya Belymi Myshami Dlya Opredeleniya Virulentnosti Tuberkuleznykh Shtemmov. Problemy Tuberkuleza, 1949,, No. 5, c. 55-56 - Bibliogr: 6 Kazv. SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 45., Maskva,, 1949 alut%. 44 bull'ut-Active Ufmawr. of tho 1y1. of lh~ Ca "it u# Hposisil-viie ariol, Th6 divesAng effvvt i# rhAffling of the ivnient arAins as a resisit of a,twrptIoj of the surfam-wittv substance tictitionstmted fly orkttropbor"is emptil. %'fill a Cement Of sp. suda" AM (in Istroorne) III WO) mi. eln-4., dills. 0.2 slid 0,4% of Cs lifinnuaillonate pmlucrd an It," of if .UffAce am by 31 Iiawl 47%, resp. Addli. :;"MIA t4 the li[4al&r m1un-s the fequlml WAI er: cement *M4") hy SINgit 14%, *mi, r1witipciiwiffly. Inctra*# flit frowl rr, ,j%j&jkv at,41 11n, j"Ijj"rvdvr nippoilith. Thr Irngth of III,- filial ONNO III withle 11 orArly douldr.t. N'. '111ml M~- GINZBM, TS.G., starshi7 nauchnI7 sotrudnik, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. 10 -A Laborlaitory investigations of the ph7sico-machanical properties of brick as a material for building Wriaulic structures. Izv. VNIIG no. 39:110-120 '49. (iaJIA 10: 3) (Brick-Teeting) (Hydraulic engineering) GINZBURG,l To. G. 26317 laboratornyye issledobaniya fiziko-mekhanichskikh svoystv kirpicha kak materiala dlya vozvedeniya gidrotekhnicheakikh sooruzheniy. Izvestlya vsesoyuz. Nauch.-issled. In-ta gidrotekhniki im. Vedeneeva, T. XXXIX 194~'l s. 138-41 SO: TETOPISI NO. 35, 1949 GINZBURG. TS.G., starshly nauchW sotrudnik, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. 4. laboratory investigations of arch joints of the Shirin-Sai acqueduct. Izv.VNIIG 41:129-134 149. (KLRA 10:2) (Concrete--Testing) GINZBURG, T. S. Significance of streptomycin resistant strains-of Myco- bacterium tuberculosis in streptomycin therapy. Prob. tuberk., Moskva no-303-56 May-June 1951. (CIML 20:11) 1. Of the Immunobiological Laboratory (Head -- Prof. R. 0. Drabkin), Ukrainian Scientific-Research Tuberculosis Institute (Director -- A. S. Mamolat). (',TTJ7'1TTIFf') TF. 0. USSR/Engineering - Hydraulics, Materials Jul 51 "Application of Plasticizing Admixtures in Concrete for Hydraulic Structures," Ts. G. Ginzburg, Cand Tech Sci "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 7, PP 15-18 Discusses the affect of plasticizers in improving properties: retarded setting processes, increased heat conduction, decreased coeff of thermal de- formation, better corrosion resistance and cohe- sion with reinforcing rods, higher frost resist- ance, lower cons=ption of cement, lover possibil- ity for formation of cracks, etc. Emphasizes economical effect as result of cement conservation. --- ___ _199T59 TS.G., starshiy nauchny7 sotrudnik, kand. tokhn.nauk. GINZWRG, thermal streB809 in concrete modalB. Investigating the State Of (MIRA 1z:6) Iz-7. VjJIIG 47:129-148 '52- rtles) (Concrete--Thermal proPe GINZBURG, TB*G. _,,- Determining the thermal-conductivit.7 coefficient of concrete. Izv. ONG 47:149-156 '52. (MIRA 12:6) (Concrete--Thermal properties) GINZBURG, TS.G.,nturshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, kand.tekhn.nauk Some data on the effect of distiller's oulfite-alcohol solubles on concrete. Izv.VIIIIG 49:157-170 '53. (MIRk 12:5) (Concrete) NMROZHNIT, Petr Stepanevich; STOLINIXOT, V.V., redaktor; GIBZBURG, Ts6G.f rodaktor; ZABRDDINA, A.A., takhnlchookijr redaktor. I (Construction experience In building hydroelectric power Installatiosm; concrete work] Is spyta stroitalletva pripletinnoi gidreelelctrestastaii betowWo raboty. Moskw&, Goa. anerg. izd-vo, 1954. 96 p. (Hydroelectric power stations) (KM 8:5) (Concrete construction) ss s j,i 2-1 Wj IM'j,ini: rrQ111, fi r I C. rv tCoat inu all ti ii ki e rr Km a- M-M W- WO .41t P~ 3 ME , ~w SOME ------------ N Z 13 u 8 S R, j; -2 1, Addn. of ~;ulfitc .1, watc.9 ac!i "I III ~17 C~:V, pt.,J, cizt:r for mortars and c-vp-:%,tc5 prepd. fror." ii P,)r~ land "ruent. Tbeefrect is po-Am-ed hatil I)v dLIWV~i9--k air entrapirint. Greatest dlr craraptacut C~cu,, vd, ct~ "td ofO.15-0,fi jrm. predumWAm. 13. z _,-i [IF I I Imam. Ila ~ W~- Iq Aft, -- I . . . -- r MA ,Ifiorlyevich; OKOROKOV. S.D., redaktor; ZABRODI A.A.. Y V~ re ite nacheskiy re ftor [Plastification additives in concrete used In hydraulic engineering] Plastifitstrulushchle dobavki v gidrotakhnichookom betone. Ko'skya, Gossenerg. izd-vo. 1956. 143 P. (MMA 9:11) (Concrete) SOV/1 12-58-1-289 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 1, pp 42-43 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ginzburg, Ts. G. Lab orato y- TITLE: r es~s of Watertightness and Strength of Block Joints in Concrete Structures (Laboratornyye ispytaniya vodonepronitsayernosti i prochnosti blochnykh shvov betonnykh Booruzheniy) PERIODICAL: Izv. Vaes. n. -i. in-ta gidrotekhn. , 1956, Nr 56, pp 144-155 A-BSTRACT: In a laboratory at one of the Soviet Hydroelectric developments, watertightness of various block-joint types was investigated. Averaged test results of a simple joint, a hacked joint, and a hacked joint with scrubbed mortar revealed that the latter had the minimum seepage; the hacked joint had the maximum seepage. Apparently, water accumulating in the hacked-joint notches dilutes the mortar of the adjoining surfaces and lowers seepage resist- ance of the joint. Rubbing the mortar in with steel brushes eliminates this difficulty. Tests also revealed an abrupt reduction of seepage in the joi-nts after 120 days - explained by self -sealing of the concrete joint under the Card 1/3 SOVI 112-58-1-289 Laboratory Tests of Watertightness and Strength of Block Joints in Concrete . . . . influence of an intensive hydration of the cement. Vibrating the concrete in- sures a higher watertightness than bayonet-type compacting. Averaged test results of joints with oil-tar and cement keys, with roughened surface, and with corrosion-protected steel sheets revealed that the oil-tar key joints had no seepage after 28 days. The cement key showed a seepage of 62. 3% com- pared to that through the simple joint. Rough-surface joints and steel-sheet joints showed no filgration after 200 days, Vibrated concrete showed a filtra- tion considerably lower than the bayonet -compacted joint. Strength tests of concrete joints were made on the 28th day and revealed the most inferior re- sults with the hacked joint with vibration (39. 6% with respect to solid control samples) and the best results with the hacked joint with broomed mortar (84. 57o with respect to the control samples). Laboratory analysis of joints should be supplemented by studying watertightness under actual operatibg conditions. A Trtensive hydration of cement is very important for reducing joint seepage; high humidity and uniform temperature are conducive to curing. When con- structions are being flooded, better joint seals will result if the temperatures Card 2/3 SOVI 112-58 -1-289 Laboratory Tests of Wateriightness and Strength of Blo'ck Joints in Concrete of both the concrete and water are nearly the same. Tests have shown that joints with greater mechanical #1rength have better watertightness. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Structures--Properties --Performance Joints--Test methods V.G.P. 3. Concrete Card 3/3 AUTHOR: GLnjzqrE. Ts G..., Cand. Tech. Sciences. 179 TITLE: The permissible mica content in sand used for concrete. (0 dopustinom soderzhanii slyudy v peske, primenyayemom v betone). PERIODICAL:"Beton i Zhelezobeton" (Concrete and Reinforced Concrete), 1957, No-3, PP-107-108 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: In the Laboratory of the All-Soviet Scientific and Research Institute for Hydrotechnik imeni B.E.Vedeneyev (Veesoyuznii Nauchno-issledovatellskii Institut Gidrotekhniki imeni B.E. Vedeneyeva (VNIIG)) the author investigated the influence of mica in sand and the hard- ness and frost-resistance of cement mortar and concrete and also on concrete which contains a small quantity of sulphite waste liquor (SSB). The tested cement was of Mark 400, manufactured by the Leningrad factory imeni Vorovskogo and had the following composition: C3S = 50.0%, C2S = 20.7%, C4AF = 14PIo and C3A = 9.4%. The relevant standards are: GOST 4797 - 49 (Hydro- bechnical Concrete). Both standard allow for 0.05% of mica in sand used for concrete. GOST 4797 - 49 was revised by GOSSTROI SSSR and the new permissible mica content is increased up to 2-3%. Results of the investigations show that up to 4% mica content does not affect -the strength of the cement mortar appreciably. Tests were also carried out by substituting sand by mica The permissible mice content in sand used for concrete. 179 (Cont.) which showed that the strerib-th of the mortar was only 15% of the strenCth of pure sand mortar. The influence of the mica content in sand on cement mortar with regard to the frost-resistance of the latter was tested by submerging the test cubes 3 - 5 times in a saturated solution of sodium sulphate, with subsequent drying at 105 0. Results proved -that up to 3% mica does not impair the frost resistance. For concrete situated under water sands containing up to 5% of biotite or up to 3% muscovite can be used. Concretes drying on air can contain sand with 3% biotite or 2% muscovite.