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BUSALOV, A.A.; 7 S.A.; I'MMYp T.F. ; SHCHET1EN-A , I. f I.; YLIDIVi , I. Yu.,tgc~nol.o(41r.:a1 and roontgenciraw-phrijop, cal rom, rison in ra s .3 nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Vest. rent. i rad. 319 no.1:3-7 Ja-F '64. 18:2) 1. Kafedry ftikailltetskoy khllrurgill (zav. - pro'. Busalov), infektsionnykh t1eyoLvIt,~'InIn, chleii AMN SSSL Prof. MI-Ibin), patolc,,~Jcherkoy anatm-1111 (zav. - deyst- y chle "M SSSR pro,". f.V. 1)rtvydr.)v,,,h-.,,-) I N'),91-ovskogo vi Le I I ny, n A modiL.9-Inakorto in.,;Utut.a Imen.' Pirogova. 11 u 11 IS is awl it ~48 it -M 4 Is L 0 1 a -1 2 AA 0 ...... k I AN L a claulas 00 1 W a Plow lu"bw Mquirs 1.10 00 a bad., 1) *A Aw" ON = 040 Dbw hmpmbk* twulion Ot 6m brdff.~ 42) hmmmmism dww do ZW a( idniad-pohm am * 0 :, (1) dW AMY Oft is dmWwjnpd by a 00 wadw& 00 162131$.$n + OI[JW.M + Q1.363A + 631.X&=1: 621.M.2(4)) A&W. 354 621MIJ: G21.M.52 - 12 if a 43 a WA; Al.-ikA iftta LL OUCAl. WIN .1" 1--rTul tv (I it of Of 19 ITWO Min ifal, ft I 'I, a 040 .90 so see its* GINZBERG, S. A.) All-Union Inst. Aviation Materials, c 190. I'Modern bridge Circuit with Automatic Balancing." Electrichestvo, No 8, 1948. GINZBERG, S. A. ItReview of.F~ Ye,- Temikov's and R. R. Xhza-chenkols Book, 'Electrical kleaBurements of Non-Elecirical Quantities.*" Electrichestvo, No 8, l9h9- Thyrefriiiitle autwook tempasitun njublor for laboratory electric 30. 1949). constructed for maintaining a constant femi-ratUM III CleCtFiC lWat"S. The.,. ebaractefistics were continuity ofoper;j. tion and ths 0111millstiLM Of A INAIvisnoweirr, tvlAy or any Other 'noving 1"irts ur cmutacts, In this apparatus the vreistance therwitucter, cunnectmt iutAi the %C twid cistuit. is t1w w"tive ckment. The Agnal from the bridge b, electronically Itm ed. Mw thyrutroo is the functioning element. into the anolic circuit of wIIFhf the beater is cnnowted. The regulator is Mated to bo reliable and raMly operated. AAletAilodde"ptiontifthaititi~aratusiijti%rn. (2figs.) l::::::oooeoooo*oooo 0000000000000000 t1up 10, u a A -LA L-J.-A ..Do, opt 13 Sit: 0 004 1 Oft 0., 000004 36 31 a u 34 a 16 3738 104,114243 m al o" At U n A-A.. ~A . ii # f .1 & I & , 3*0 .M. 110114VIIJ111 UNW111VITO v I 1 4 1 v ijT1 00C 00 005 -M-9--lisegimpomaq GINA %V 00' TIT%Uo%Od UOjdOJUOO jo 401's oq% UT 10900 leam"STess COTR jo 00 elpmap uT toj%U2610d j0 JUMOIAMOSS 0140MOSO *qV AOJ J*%4MOXk -20'Eo OTOOStOOTO Us j0 UDA12 Ow MOT%dTJOSOP I ej[UVTGIMI 1q] iv 00 'dd "AOR %J *TOA '6?6'1 'VA.1C1jWAOqT.1 Oft# :7 9 00 -pa m2) mqMS *V *S *UMDWa= NU UrgWy a go 040-. of -q Ne Q 'CatittlIT64 Vill #144.1t.110 .1 a I I fee 0 0 0 SO 0 0 o 0 0 o a 0 o f ULSR/Zlectricity - rour-Terainal Sep 50 Networks Nonlinear Networks 167T47 USO/Blectricity - Your-Terniial Sep ~O Networks (Contd) "Theorem of Nonlinear Four-Terminal Networks, S. A. Ginzburg, Cand Tech Sci, Moscow '%Iektrichestvoll No 9, pp 68-74 Proves subject theorem useful in calculating nonlinear circuits. Gives relationship of dy- namic conductance of this network to dynamic conductances of its nonlinear elements. Pre- sents general method, based on theorem, of plotting volt-ampere curve of four-terminal network with any number oi nonlinear elements vith assigned characteristics, and special methods for nonlinear four-terminal networks vith one or two nonlinear elements. 4W 167T47 GjWURGq S.A.; LlOaMW, I-yu-; X&WVI V'S' control] OfnOTY Avtsm&tlki i tGl~askbo- flandazent4,19 of automatic and remote (MIM 6:12) niki. Moskva# -Goes OnOT'lls Ild"vo. 1933- 432 p. (Remote control) (Automatic control) USSR/Electronics - Circuit Theory Feb 53 "Synthesis of Some Ron-Linear Circuits," Cand Tech Sci S. A. Ginzburg, Moscow Power Eng Inst imeni Molotbv Elek-vo, No 2, mp 48-55 Exam-4-es method-,; for aetrz parameters of linear cir- cuit e.Lements and possible currents and voltages satisfying giver, operating conditions an4 non- linear element characteristics. Introduces con- cWts of. f1mnctionall and energy ccnditions of cir- cuit operations. Examines'in general form 24BT56 functional conditions of voltage indicator and re- gulator, also of relay circuit (trigger). Demon- strates feasibility of expressing characteristics of syn#.esized Lon-linear circuit in relative units. Cites numerical example of calcn of bridge regula- tor with ballast resistors using dimensionless formulas.- Tbi:. research was reported by author- in 1949 to Sci and Tech Soc of Moscow Power Eng Inut ' and at sci session devoted to Radio Day. Subritttnl 17 Oct 51. r-~ rjo. 6 ~ -A- E 4- 248T56 GORYAINOV, O.A.; RATI]ES, R.L.; GINEBURG, S.A., redaktor; FRIDKIN. A.M., tokhnichenkiy redaktor. - ~-, , [Remote control] Teleupravlenis. Moskva, Goa. energ. Izd-vo, 1954. 511 P. NLRA 7:12) (Remote control) GINSBURG, S. A. "A Magnetic-Static Paver Transformer" from the book Remote Control of Power Systems published by the AS USSR, 1954. IMAWV, Vladimir Sergeyevich; GIMM F S.A., redaktor; IRIDKIN, A.M. tekhnicheskly rodaktor. (Telemachanice in power systemaj Telemekhanika v energeti- cheakikh sistemakh. Izd.2-e, perer. Moskva, Gos.energet. izd-vo 1955. 328 p. (MLRA 8:12) (Remote control) j 112-2-3998 Translatiori from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotbkhnika, 1957, Nr 2, P-210 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ginzburg, S.A. TITLE: Electromechanical Systems Reproducing Functions of a Complex'Variable(Applicable to the Computation of Auto- matic Cdntrol Systems) (Elektromekhanicheskiye ustroystva, vosproizvodyashchiye funktsii kompleksnogo peremennogo (primenitellno k raschetu sistem avtomaticheakogo, regullrovaniya) i PERIODICAL: Tr. 2-go Vses.!~soveshchaniya po teorii avtomat. regali- rovaniya.Moscow-Leningrad, 1955, Nr 3, 130-139, addresses 140-143 ABSTRACT: The design prineSples of f ive devices proposed by the author and intended on the whole for the analysis of automatic control systems (ACS) are explained. The operating principle of these devices is a method of Card 1/5 representing complex numbers by sinusoidal voltages. 112-2-3998 Electromechanical Systems Reproducing Functions of a Complex (Cont.) The solutions are automatically registed on a complex plane (on paper or on a tube screen). The roots of the equation fn(z) + fn;;l(z) + "' + fo(z) = 0 JO are'.found with the first device. Here z = P e The: variable z Is represented as mechanical di5splacements proportional to P and I . The variables 0 and 0 are introduced in such a way that the point z traces the com- plex plane. The moment of root passage is set by the zero-adjuster by the equality to zero of the sum of the sets output sinueoldal voltages generating the terms of the equation fk(Z) is equal to zero. The design is given of a device for solving a special case of this problem, finding the roots of-the characteristic ACS equation: anzn + an_lzn-1 + ...+ a0 = 0. The basic elements of this device are phase inverters and taper-wound rheostats. The experimental model has shown that the approximate accuracy in finding roots is to � 5 per cent. Diagrams Card 2/5 112-2-3998 Electromechanical Systems Reproducing Functions of a Complex (Cont.) obtained on this model for the solution of two equations with real and complex coefficients are given. The second device is designed for finding the roots of a characteristic ACS equation when the equation itself is not given, but only the characteris- tic polynomialB of.the ACS component unitB and when the ACS scheme is known. In-the case of ACSP the device generates t4e sinusoidal voltages representing the complex numbers D eJ C' 2; Z) Da(z) = q2 Here D(z) are the charae*eristic polyNomials, and k is the amplification factor of the component units. Then tlle'follow-up systems transform the electrical quantities ql, q2 """"Al 6C2 into mechanical ones, which are f~d into the resdIver which generates the voltage W. q1 q2 eJ 1 + ci 2 1. k, k2 In course of the solution, the complex plane z is traced. Card 3/5 112-2-3998 Electromechanical Systems Reproducing Functions of a Complex (Cont.) The values of z which correspond to W = 0 are the desired roots. The roots for a multicircuit ACS are determined in practically the same way. The third device makes it possible to find the roots of the characteristic equation D(z) - M(z) e'rz = 0 for a time-lag ACS. The device generates the voltages qeand mej(3 which represent the polynomials D(z) and M(z). By way of logarythmic operations the terms of the original equation can be reduced to the form: ln q + J6% = In m + JP - Tz. The real and imaginary terms in this equation are represented by voltages at a 909 phase angle to each other. The plane z is traced as above. The values of the independent variable z which satisfy this equation are its roots. The conformal mapping of the secondwy. axis of the plane z oq the plane W for the function W=D(z)/M(z), where D(z) = q.eJ41 and M(Z) - m-ej(3 are polynomials, is done in the fourth device on paper or on the screen of a tube. This device can be used for ~lottlng Mikhaylov's curve, for grouping parameter regions ( D-raz- biyeniye"), etc. The quantities q, o~ , m. and(3 obtained after the polynomials have been worked out, are fed to the computing machine giving the voltage W- q/mej (d, - r6) Card 112-2-3998 Electromechanical Systems Reproducing Functions of a Complex (Cont.) at the output. This quantity is plotted on the complex plane W. Should plotting the Mikhaylov curve be required only, the design of the device can be considerably simplified. The fifth device is the most urd*ersal. Direct and reverse con- formal mapping (from plane z to plane W and vice versa) of any curves for a given function can be done with this device. In direct conformal mapping the point z d1drts the given curve, the voltage W is generated and the follow-up systems generate the modulus and the argment W. In reverse transformations the plane z is repeatedly tracked and the values of z which correspond to given values of the quantity W are registered. The point designating these successive values slowly skirts the given curve on the plane W. V.A.B. 5/5 USSR/v-n.,ineering - Regulation FD-1746 Card 1/1 Pub. 10-5/1- Author Ginzburg, S. A. (14013cow) Title Static power converters Periodical Avtom. i telem., Vol. 16, 1'72-183, Mar-Apr 1955 Abstract The author analyzes the general theory and classification of static power converters that are employed as primary meters for telemetering and automatic regulation of power in electric power systems. He sur- veys static converters of.'various types, and describes the principles governing the theory and technical characteristics of magnetic power converters. 19 references; eg. V. S. Malov, "Remote-Control Telemeter- ing," Elektrichestva, No 1, 1953; G. M- Zhdanov, Teleizmereniye [Tele- metering], State Power Press, 19_52; G. 11. Balasanov, '~Semiconductor thermo-resistors," Sbornik rabot po avtomatike i telemekhanike (Sym- posium on automatics and telemechanics], Acad. Sci. U9SR Press, 1953; A. M. Pshenichnikov, 'Iniermoelectric power transducer:" Sborriik 'Tele- mkhanizatsiya energosistem', Acad. Sci. USSR Press, 1954; K. B. Karan- deyev, Poluprovodnikovyye vypryamiteli v izmeritellnoy tekhnike (Semi- conductor rectifiers in metering], Acad. Sci, Ukr. SSR Press, 19514. Inatitution Submitted t YAy 25p 1994 A G[V;~- mft~tng the ndriclentl bgt -jfjt',',jA I ?hl I if VAIINK f F G11:ZIBURG I S. A. "Methods of the Contruction of Static Power Transformers" (Metody postroyeniya staticheskUh preobrazavateley moshchnoati) from the book Telemechanization in the National Econo, , pp. 264-276, Iz. AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956 (Given at meeting hold In Moscow 29 Nov to 4 Doe 54 by Inst. of Automatics and Tolemechanics) GIVZBURG, S.A. ~Moskva) General theory of circuits with nonlinear magnetic members (with Inglish sunwwy in Insert]. Avtom.1 toles. 17 no.9:799-810 5 '56. (ML" 9: 11) (Ilectric circuits) 9(6) SOV/1 12-59-3-5574 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, p 186 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ginzburg, S, A., and Brik, V. A. TITLE.- JG-ompur-6F-r6FTii'v-e s-111 gating the indicial Equations of Automatic -Control Systems (Vychislitel'naya mashina dlya issledovaniya kharakteristicheskikh uravneniy sistern avtomat;.ch(,-skogo regulirovaniya) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Mezhvuz. konferentsiya po primeneniyu modelirovaniya v elektrotekhn. zadachakh i matern. modelirovaniya. M. , 1957, p 184 ABSTRACT: An analog elt-ctromechanical computer permits analyzing polynomials of 10th power of the form j . 10 ~;- anzn ) where an are real or complex 0 coefficients; the computer can automatically construct the Mikhaylov's hodograph for a closed automatic -control system, can determine a polynomial root locus on the complex plane z, multiple roots, and can also solve other Card 1 /Z SOV/ 112-59-3-5574 Computer for Investigating the Indicial Equations of Automatic -Control Systems problems associated with investigations of an automatic -control system. By changing z arbitrarily, a corresponding curve on the plane w can be obtained, or vice versa. An electron-beam afterglow.-type tube screen can be used as a plane z or w. in determining the roots of equations of an automatic -control system, modules and arguments can be approximately figured out from the tube screen and then can be accurately read from special scales. The computer error is 2*/o or less for the module and 20 for the argument. Most problems can be solved in a few minutes. The computer has been developed and tested by TsLEM, Mosenergo. 1. L. M. Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 793 Ginzburg, Samuil Aleksandrovich Nelineynyye tsepi i ikh funktsionallnyye kharakteristlki (Nonlinear Circuits and Their Functional Characteristics) Moscowl Gosenergoiz.dat, 1958. 151 P. 15,000 copies printed. Ed.: Negnevitskiy, I.B.; Tech. Ed.: Larionov, G. Ye. PURPOSE: The monograph is intended for scientists, engineers, and senior students specializing in automation and telemechanics. COVERAGE; General characteristics of nonlinear a-c and d-c electric circuits are given and a graph-analytical determination of voltage and current distribution in nonlinear circuits is presented. Utilization of nonlinear Card 1/5 Nonlinear Circuits (Cont.) 793 circuit characteristics in constructing mathematical functions and calculating parameters of circuits performing multiplication and division is discussed. Determination of conditions for stabilization and relay effects is covered and a method of constructing logarithmic and quadratic circuits is given. Two- terminal nonlinear elements such as semiconducting resistances, ferromagnetic elements, and nonlinear capacitors are discussed. Treatment of electronlc-lonic two-terminal elements and multiterminal networks as well as transients in nonlinear a-c and d-c circuits is not included. Discussion of the behavior of a-c nonlinear circuits is limited to cases of a fixed frequency and sinusoidal voltages and currents. Examples of using nonlinear circuits in such devices as stabilizers, voltage indicators, contactless relays, and functional converters are given. The author thanks Professor A-V. Netushil, Doctor of Technical Sciences, for his valuable Card 2/5 Nonlinear Circuits (Cont.) 793 comments while reviewing the manuscript, and Docent I. B. Negnevitskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, who edited the monograph. There are 124 references, of which 113 are Soviet (including 4 translations), 10 English, and I German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Characteristics of Nonlinear Circuits 7 1. Nonlinear elements 7 a. General characteristics 7 b. Types of nonlinear elements 12 2. General aspects of nonlinear circuit character- istics 20 3. Currents and voltages in a nonlinear circuit 22 Card 3/5 Nonlinear Circuits (Cont.) 793 4. Static parameters of a nonlinear circuit 28 5. Dynamic parameters of a nonlinear circuit 31 6. Relative parameters of a nonlinear circuit 40 7. Special points on the characteristic of a nonlinear circuit 42 Ch. 2. Calculation of Nonlinear Circuit Parameters 44 1. Methods of calculation 44 2. Graph-analytical calculation of nonlinear circuit parameters 47 a. Construction of characteristics of nonlinear circuits 47 b. Calculation of relay and stabilization effects in a nonlinear circuit 54 c. Synthesis of simple direct-current circuits 59 Ch. 3. Nonlinear Functional Circuits 73 1. General aspects 73 Card 4/5 Nonlinear Circuits (Cont.) 793 1. General aspects 2. Use of "natural" nonlinearities 3. Method of power series combination 4. Broken-line approximation of a curve 5. Nonlinear feedback Ch. 4. Nonlinear Circuits for Multiplication and Division 1. General aspects 2. Logarithmic circuits for multiplication and division 3. Quadratic circuits for multiplication and division a. Circuits for multiplication b. Circuits for division Bibliography AVAUABLE: Library of Congress (QC607.G5) JP/ksv Card 5/5 10-30-58 73 76 91 99 .120 123 123 124 126 126 145 147 A~TIIORS: Brik, V. A., Ginzburg, S. A. (moscoyf) 103-19-7-5/9 TITLE: A Computer Whicli Con,~1.rvcLc the Confor-ital for N-Order Polynomials I (Vychiulitol'naya i.,iarihina, vypo1nyayuEjhc11,.,Ya pontroyaniye konformnykh otobratheniy dlya stopennogo polinona) PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1958, Vol 19, Nr 7, pp 674 - 683 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The construction of the conformal mappinfrs of a complex plane Z upon the plane W and vice versa for the equation 2 n a0 + a1Z + a2z + ... + a nZ = W (1) is of great practical importance in the investigation of automatic control systems. Here a machine which was worked out in the TsLEY. Mosenergo (Central Laboratory and Experimental Workshops of the Power Supply System Moscow) is described. It permits to perform operations of the conformal transformation for polynomials in- cluding the loth deCree. This machine maken possible the con- struction of the mappings of any points and curves from the plane Z to the plane W (direct maps) and of some points (and sections) Card 1/3 from W to Z (reversal maps). The complex numbers are represented A Computer Which Constructs the Conformal Mappings 103-19-7-5/9 for N-Order P0341rkMials ' ' by sinusoidal voltages of constant frequency (50 c), Before the polynomial is introduced into the machine it must be transformed mathematically. The form (4) is derived and in this form the polynomial is introduced into the machine. The block scheme of the machine is given. The most fundamental part of it is the functional transformer which produces 2 voltai,es W and z. The phase sensitive scheme 2 decomposes the sinusoidal voltage (which represents a complex number) applied to it into 2 voltages which are proportional to the real and imaginary component. These vol- tages are applied to the deflecting plates of the cathode ray tube the screen of which represents a complex plane. The electron zero device 3 responds when its input voltage approaches zero. Subsequently the electric diagram of the machine is described. It is shown that the construction of the direct transformation in the machine is performed by means of introduction of those z-values the transformation of which is to take place, The construction of the reversal transformations, however, is performed after the method of scanning the plane. I.e.the variable z varies on the one or the other way until the required quantity W appears at the Card 2/3 output. The fundamental practical problems for the machine are the A Computer Which Constructs the Conformal Mappings 103-19-7-5/9 For N-Order Polynomials determination of the polynomial roots and the construction of the hadograph by Mikhaylov. In the last case a direct map is construc- ted. The solution of the problem for the determination of the roots (under application of the automatic introduction of z)is described in detail. For the illustration of the accuracy of the solution by means of the machineexamples are given. The machine described here was produced in the TsLEM Moeenergo in two speci- mena and they are used in the Laboratory for Dynamic Models at the MEI (Moscow Institute of Power Engineering) and in the VIIIIE MES for the solution of problems which are connected with the stabili- ty of the operation in the energy systems. There are 6 figures, 1 table)and lo references, 7 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: July 4, 1957 1. Control systems-Analysis 2. Conformal mapping 3. Mathematical computers-Performance 4. Mathematical computers-Equipment Card 3/3 28(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3244 'Ginzburg, Samuil Aleksandrovich, Izraill Yakovlevich Lekhtman, and "-~a~m F~erg`eyev Ich ~ov ~ Osnovy avtomatiki i teleimekhaniki (FuJidamentals of Automation and Telemechanics) 2d ed.,, rev.' Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1959. 478 p. 35,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): S. A.' Gin*zburg'; 9d. (Inside book): Yu. P. Ustinova; Teoh. Ed.: G. Ye. Larionov. PURPOSE; The book Is Intended for engineers and technicians working in automation:and remote control or interested in familiarizing themselves with this field. 'It may also be used as a textbook by students. COVERAGE: The book contains basic information on automation and remote control facilities. It describes'electronic, semiconductor and other coinponents, such as data units, relays, amplifiers, distributorst voltage regulators, servomotors and others. The authors examine automatic regulation and control, servos, and measuring and computing systems. They describe the operation of Card 1/9 Fundamentals of Automation (Cont.) SOV/3244 telemetering and remote qontrol systems and the function of communication channei.s. The' Introduction and Chapters 1, 2, 5 and 11 were written by S. A. Ginzbi~r Chapters 3, 7, 8 and 9 by 15 and 1 I. Ya. Lekhtman Chapters..121 13, 19 6 by V. S. Malov. Chapter 4 was written S. A. Ginzburg and I. Ya. Lekhtman, and Chapters 6 and 10 by 8. A. Ginzburg and V. S. Malov. There are 38 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword to the Second Edition 3 From the Foreword to the First Edition 5 Introduction 11 PART I. COMPONENTS OF AUTOMATION AND REMOTE CONTROL Ch. I. Functions and General Characteristics of Automation and Remote Control Components 18 1. General information * 18 .2. Functions of automation and remote control components. Card 2/9 Fundamentals of Automation (Cont.) SOV/3244 Definitions 19 3. General 8haracieristics of components of automation and remote control. Definitions 25 Ch. II. Electromechanical Components 37 1. General information 37 2. Electric transmitters of mechanical quantities 38 3. Electromechanical relay 48 4. Electromechanical control devices 66 5. Electromechaniyal distributors 70 6. Electromechanical voltage regulators, amplifiers and pulse generators 72 Ch. III. Electric Mactdrie Components 74 1. General information 74 2. D-c electric motors 75 3. A-C electric motors 84 4. Rotating amplifiers go 5. D-c rate generators 97 Card 3/9 Fundamentals of Autonia~ion (Cont.) SOV/3244 6. A-c rate generatbr's. 98 Ch. IV. Ferromagnetic Components 100 1. General information 100 2. Characteristics of iron-core ro*tors 101 3. Magnetic amplifiers 113 4. Magnetic contactless relay 128 5. Ferromagnetic, voitage regulators 130 Ch. V. Electrothermal Components 133 1. General Information 133 2. Th.ermocouples 133 3. Thermistors 137 Ch. V I. Electronic and Radioactive Components 149 1. Gelieral information 149 2. Electronic and Ionic devices 150 3. Semiconductor devices 195 4. Phase-sensitive rectifiers and amplifiers 1 3 Card 4/9 Fundamentals of Automation (Cont.) SOV/3244 Voltage regulators 173 Electronic, Ionic And semiconductor relay-action circuits 178 7. Electronic and ionic-distributors 185 8. Photoelectronic amplifiers and relays 189 9. Application of radioactive isotopes 195 PART II. SYSTEMS OF AUTOMATION Ch. VII. Systems of Remote Angle Transmission 198 1. General'' inf ormati on, 198 2. Step-by-step system.of.remote argle-transmission 199 3. D-c stepless actlon systems of remote angle transmission ' 200 4. angle transmission Selsyn system of remote 204 5. Magnesyn system of remote argle transmission 212 Ch. VIII. Automatic Regulation 214 1. General information 214 2. Structure of automatic regulation systems 215 Card 5/9 Fundamentals of Automation-(Cont.) SOV/3244 6f lin- tyg!~eMp of' autoihatic_;! latton 227 5tability' pgik Typical secti"Uhs crf aut.6mat_Ic regulating systems 234 Reldtion between the characterIstics of the regulating - system in the closed and opera states 248 6'. Stability analysis of the automatic speed regulator 252 7. Speed regulators with relay control 259 Ch. IX. Servo Systems 263 1. General information 2. Static and dynamic errors 3. Stability analysis of servo 4. Effect of nonlinearities on systems 5. Servo systems with relay caitrol 263 269 systems 271 the stability of servo 279 282 Ch. X. Automatic Measuring Systems 283 1. General information 283 2. Unbalanced systemg: 288 3. Balanced systems 292 Card 6/9 Fundamentals of Automation (Cont.) SOV/3244 1. Special features 'of remote control systems and purpose of communication channels 379 2. - Wire comunication.lines 381 3. High-frequency communication channels along high-voltage electric power transmission lines 387 4. Microwave radio communication channels 388 Ch. XIV. Telemetering. Short-range Systems 392 1. General information 392 2. Intensity systems 396 Ch. XV. Long-dAstance Telemetering Systems' 404 1. General properties. Classification of methods 404 2. Number-pulse and code-pulse systems 407 3. Frequency systems 417 4 Time-pulse and phase-pulse systems 433 5: Multichannel telemetering systems 440 Ch.. XVI. Remote Control and Remote Signal Systems 443 Card 8/9 Fundamentals of Automation (Cont.) SOV/3244 1. Basic considerations. General principles of remote control 'and remote signal-systems 443 2e Multiwire remote control systems 447 3. Remote control systems with frequency separation of 'signals 449 40 Remote control systems with time separation of signals 453 5- Prevention of remote control systems from producing distorted signals 469 Bibliography Alphabetical'Index. AVAILABT,E: Library of Congress Card 9/9 472 478 JP/ec 3-16-60 fly. - "i - I v ;I ta jail j ail A 3 .001141 a 03 VITIMERG, I.M.. kand. tekhn.aauk;,_RL~;A_~~,_ S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; Gornshteyn, Y.M., Wxnd~.tekhn.nauk Use of an electronic simulating device in calculatim.- the efficiency of operation of powsr systems with hydroelectric power stations. Trudy VNIII no.8:233-242 159. (MIRA 13:9) (Hydroelectric power stations) (Ilectrie power) tekhn. nauk Power converter with thyrite maintances. Trudy VNIIZ no.8: 251-263 '59. (MIRA 13:9) (Blectria current converters) 5/196/62/000/012/013/oi6 E194/El.55 TITLE A computer.for calculating economic conditions of a pou-cr system PLIZIODICAL; Referativnyy zliurnal, Elektrotelchnika i energetilra, no.12, 1962, 14, abstract 12 E84. (V Sb. 11'rinieneniye vychisl. taklin. dlya avtomatiz. proiz-val (In the Symposium 'Application of Computer Techniques to Automation of Production'). Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 358-368). 1EXT.- 11, 1959 development commenced of arl analogue computer for ODU TeES which is based on the equivalent circuit of the _Zuropean part of the unifiad power system of the USSR. The computer is intended to calculate distribution of the active load between power systems and large hydroelectric stations, allowing for losses in the system and assuming constant heads at the, hydro stations. It can also determine the total relative increments of fuel consumption of a group of stations and the Card 1/2 S/196/62/000/012/013/ol6 A computer for calculating ... E19VE155 relative increments of power losses at various points in the system. The relative increment characteristics are reproduced by the 'triangle' method, which consists in the for-mat3-on of linear-segment relationshirls as the sum of triangular functions. The computer is designed for sixteen objects (systems or stations) and fifteen sections of transmission syste*m. With non-linear elements the power transmitted over the lines can be limited. The relative increments of power loss in the system are determined by the voltage drop in sections of the analogue. The computer uses 130 d.c. amplifiers type J,'i-C-4 (UPT-4) with semi-automatic zero control system. 3 references. Abstractor's note: Complete translation. Card 2/2 G .. kand.tekhn.nauki GORNSHTEYN, V.M.y kand.takhn.nauki SOVAWV, S.A.p kand,teklmarzuk Fundamental principles of designing a computer for operational calculation of the load distribution efficiency of a consolidated electric-utility system. Kok. sta.32 no. 5:35-41 My 161. 1 (MIM 14: 5) systems) (interconnected electric utility KCRCHAGINA) V.I.; GINZBURGj S.A.; FINIKO, A.A.; RUTMAN, L.1e; DAVYDOV, i-.V-.; LORIN H, D.A. Electric method for measuring the water content in crude oil. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.2:51-56 Ap-Je 162. (MIRA 15-6) 1. Odooskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod. (Petroleum--Refining) AUTHOR: Ginzburg, S.A. 3/044/62/000/012/041/049 Ao6o/Aooo TITLE: A logical method of synthesizing function generators Tteferativny3r-zhurnal, Matematika, no. 12, 1962, 46, abstract 12V252 (Tr. I Mezhdunar. kongressa Mozhdunar.11odoratail po avtomat. upr. 1960. /T. V. Tekhn. sredstva avtomatiXi. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1961,, 267 - 281. Discussion 281 - 284) TEXT: The author sets forth the elements of the algebra of the logic of continuous quantities (taking all finite values), based on the operations of dis- junction (x V y = max (x, y)), conjunction (xAy =' mi~ (x, y)), and inversion (i - -x). The author shows networks realizing-these operations. These circuits contain diodes, active resistances and voltage sources. He gives a method of us- ing these circuits to synthesize networks realizing functions of one variable by means of piecewise-linear approximation. A method is also proposed for realizing functions of two variables specified by a finite number of points on the Z-axis (the X and Y axes being taken by the input variables), where the interpolation Card 1/2 .. f s/o44/62/ooo/m/041/049 A logical method of synthesizing function generators A060/AOOO between these polnt~s is carried-*out by surfaces of the second order. A.D. Zakrevskiy AI- fAbstracterts note: Complete trian*slationl Card 2//,' 2 BOROZINETS, B.V., inzh.; GINZBLRG',',.~--"-,' doktor teklin. nauk; ff- - vej[)~. - -.- SHLIMOVICH, 21. Network, construction, and operational indices of the RER computer of the Administration of Power Production, Distri- bution., and Control of the Consolidated Power System of the European part of the U.S.S.R. Trudy VNIIE no.18:4-13 164. (MJRA 18:6) ACCESSION NR: AP4019325 S/0105/64/0001003/0008/0012 AUTHOR: Borozinets, B. V.; A.; Gornshteyn, V. M.; Shlimovich, V. D.; Sovalov, S. A.; Lvov, Yu. N. TITLE: Computer for calculating power-system economy operation and the operating experience gained at ODU YeES SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 3, 1964, 8-1Z TOPIC TAGS: power system, Soviet united power system, power system economics, power system economics computer, computer, interconnected power systems, high economy power system operation ABSTRACT: An analog computer intended for calculating the high-economy operation of the Soviet United Power System (UPS) is described. The following features were taken into account in designing the computer: (1) The UPS is represented by an equivalent network in which all generating stations of a local power system are replaced by an equivalent station having an equivalent incre- mental economy rate characteristic; (2) Easy setting of any incremental characteristic; (3) System loads are represented by equivalent loads that have Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019325 individual load curves; (4) Interconnection -line losses are evaluated by special methods. The computer comprises the following essential parts: 16 generating station equivalents, 16 loads, 15 tie lines, 8 nonlinear units representing incre- mental losses due to power exchanges and tie-line load restrictions, 14 elements. for setting the resistances of transmission lines. The computer includes 128 UPT-4 amplifiers, 1,000 6D6A diodes, 800 SP-2-A potentiometers, 2,000 resistors, 7 power-supply packs, etc.; power consumption is 7 kw. Computation, of a set of operating UPS conditions takes about 2 hra. The computer has been in' continuous use since Nov. '62. 11L. B. Denisevich (ODU YeES) and N. S. Malishevskaya (VNIIE) took part in aligning and operating the computer. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION- VNIIE (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electrical Power Engineering); ODU YeES (Joint Load -Dispatcher a Office, United Power System) SUBMITTED: lOJun63 DATE ACQ: 27Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PR. EE NO REF SOY: 00 1 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 GINZBURG; S,A,, doktor tekhn. nauk . e, Logical method for the synthesis and analysis of electrical . .., networke In the representation of mathematical fU--t.4-ns. Trudy V14IIE no.18:14-34 164. Basic construction principles of the RF.R-2 analog-diqttal computer.Ibid.:88--98 (14IRA l8t6) GINZEURGO S A., doktor tekhn. nauk; LYUBARSKIY, Yu.Ya., inzh.; V.D., inzh. Functional conveiter of the RER computer and its design. Trudy VNIIE no.18:35-52 164. (MIRA 18:6) - - - - - -- - - - - z 4 46 Pk- Pl--4/Pn-4/Po-4/Pq-4/Pac-4/Pao-2 lip(c) Bc AGOESSIOU NR AM5012951 BOOK EXPLOITATION Ginz 1 Aleknndri> i h-. Le 11 Yakovlemich;' bmFaAMM! khtman,- Itrai Kalov. Vlai avich Principles of automatic control and remote control (Oanovy avtomatiki i teleme- i khaniki) 34 -ed.., r-e-v-. -iE-a-cowt liza--vo 5-7 fi Dn-e r-g-ty' a6 50511 p. illus-p biblio.0 indm 43#000 copies printed TOPIC TAG3: automation, electronic signal, electronic equip- ment, telemetry transmitter, automatic control, remote control, eervosystem PURPOSE MD COVERACE: The book contains fundamental data an automation and re- mote control facilities. Electromic, semiconductor and other units such as trans- mit~era, relays, amplifiers, distributors, regulators, slave motors etc. are des- cribed. Automatic control, servo, measuring and computing systems are discussed. Telemetry and remote control systems are described. I-lie book is intended for broad sections of engineers and tachniciaris vorLing in the field of automatic control &nd talemechanics or desirouz of becoming acquainted with thia field and may likewise serve as a student textbook. TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged)t card BEEN MM M - - - ------ --- ----------- tL 44568-65 ACCESSION NR AM5012951 BOOK EXPWITATION Extract of first edition preface - 3 Preface to third edition - 5 Introduction - 11 Part I Automatic aW remote control unita: Ch. 1 Functions and general characterlstica of automatic and remote control units -- 20 Ch. 2 Electromechanical units - 40 Ch. 3 Ferromagnetic units 107 Ch. 4 Electrothermal units 149 Ch. 5 Electronic and radioactive units 166 Part II Automattic control-systems; Ch. 6 Automatic control systems 209 Ch. 7 Angle teletransmission systems and servosystems 266 Ch. 8 Automatic metering systems 302 Ch. 9 Automatic computing systems 342 Part III Remote control systems Ch. 10 General information on remote control systems - 428 Ch. 11 Tole=try - 434 Ch. 12 Remote control and remote signaling systems - 479 carca .21.9 L 44568-65 ACCESSION NR AM5012951 Bibliography - 504 Subject.index - 506 SUBMITMi 21.Jan65 No REF SOV: 034 BOOK EXPLOITATION 'STUB CODF.: EG DO OTHER: 000 P. I GINZ A#, doktor tekhn. nauk-; LYU13A!?LFIY, Yu.Yn-, in,,,,h- 19~~ Composite (analog-digital) functiona I converters of one and two variables. Trudy VNIIE no.18:53-62 164. WIRA 18:6) GINZBURG, S.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; LnBARSKIY, Yu.Ya., inzh.; ".- MALISHEVSKAYA, N.So, J.nzh. Functional analog memory device for a digital computer. Trudy VNIIE no.18:63-68 164. (-RW 18:6) KRAVQIUK, V.F., inzh.; KORCHAGINA, V.I., inzh.; GIN.~,BUO 6.A., in,;h.; IONGRE, G.A., inzh.; RUIMAN, L.I., inzh.; FINIKO, A.A., inz~-!.; D,',IIYDOV, I.V.jl inzh.; LAVRINOVICH, D.A., inzh. Express method for determining water content in highly viscous mazuts using their dielectric constant. Elek. 3ta. 35 tio.9:22-26 -Q 164. (MIRA 18:1) I ---Ks--ndrov I ch; LEK H'I N AD , I zrai I I Yak ovlevich; -I'ladii-nir Sergeyevich; 3.'IRIIOV, A.D., red. [Principles of automatic and remote control] Osnovy av- tomatiki i telemekhaniki. Izd.3., perer. Moskva,. Ener- glia, 1965. 511 P. (MIRA 18:6) 1010316~10r.0103 ACC NRI AP6029550 SOMICE GODE: UR Q 3101311013 6 AUTHORS: Ginzburg, S.;A. (14oscow); Lyubarskiy, Yu. Ya. (Moocow) ORG: none TITLE: A hybrid function generator SOURCE: Avtomatika i talon. o1chanika, no. 8, 1966, 131-138 TOPIC TAGS; analog digital convertor, digital analog convort'or, gnnorator, hy"brid computor, analog digital computer, interpolation, polynonial / RM-2 analo" dic:Ltal computer, RER-1 analog digital computer ABSTRACT: An analog-digital singlo-variablo function generator is described. The device has fast response, accuracy, and simplicity, An extended interpolation poly- 1 nomial is used to obtain fairly simplo tuning of the circuit (zoo Fig. 1). An inPU. I converter (see Fig. 2) is used to separate the input value into digital and analog parts. The analog value required for interpolation x is formed in accordance with a 2X E x m a m where E(xm/2X) is the integral part of xm/2X. Be th, digital and analog function UDG: 681.341335.8 "IIIAP6029550 oe '54 ZU .d ZI zj d Fig. 1. Structure of hybri function generator U011 Cm ADC I'd r DAC Fig. 2. Input converter of hybrid function generator: a--analog forn"Lof input value; b digital form of input value ACC NR: P6020550 solu'Ung are provided. Such a hyibrid function Conerator wan conztruc~e";A! for RM-2 analog-digital computer, in which the rj,,is insLruxiont orror in raproducl.-I" monotono fwictions is 0 -5-0-6,'41. Tho gonoration tjjno is not ovor 1 mooc. Oric art. hao: 15 formulas, 2 graphs, and 5 diagrams. SUB COME 09/ SUBM DATE: 2Wan66/ oam RE, r. : 008/ UPI-I IUF; 002 Card 313 v R A jr Ij 2 2 ell 19, SPASSKIYP S'.S.; OBOIDNSKAUV N.A.1 YUGTNq V.I.; GINZBURG, S.B.; TAGILITSEVAp U.S. Plasticizers for nitrile rubbers based on polymester resins. Trudy Inst. khim. UFAN SSSR no.3:33-1+2 159.' 1 (MIRA 14:3) . (Plasticizers) (Bubbers Synthetic) . 10 GINZBURG, B.G.; TEUMIN, I.I., redaktor; GROZNOU, V.I., redaktor; KCRUZEV, -----N--W-.,-751thn1cheekiy redaktor. [Methods of solving problems on transition transients in electric circuits] Metody resheniia zadach po perakhodnym proteassam v electri- chaskikh tsepiakh. Pod rad. I.I.Teumina. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetakoo radio," 1954. 251 PO' (MLRA 8:4) (Transients (Blectricity)) (Electric circuits) GINZBURG, S.G.. Prinimal uchastiye RIMIN, A.A., dotsent; ITANUSHKO, N.D., red.; MSHNIKOV, A.A., [Kethods of solving problems of transients in electric '- networks) Metody r6ohenila zadach po perekhodnym prots6an-am v elektricheskikh tsepiakh. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Koskval Sovetakoe radio. 1959. 403 P. (KIfLA 13:2) (Electronic circuits) a (0) SOV/105-59-5-26/29 AUTHORS: Ginzburgp S. G.t Greyner, L. K., Zakharov, S. N., Kaply-anskiyp A. Ye., Neyman, L. R., Netushill A. V., Petrov, L. S., Pines, G. Ya., Polivanov, K. M., Savenko, V. G.# at al TITLE: Vladimir Borisovich Romanovskiy PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, 11r 5, P 93 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On January 13, 1959, Vladimir Borisovich Romanovskiy, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, died at the age of 63. He start- ed his activity as an engineer in the design office of the "Elektroapparat" Works in 1926. Soon he became head of the works laboratory. Since 1937, he was head of the Chair of Theoretical Electrotechnics at the Leningradskiy ulektro- tokhnichaskiy institut avyazi im. M. A. Bonch-Bruyevicha (Leningrad Communications Electrical.Engineering Institute imeni M. A. Bonch-Bruyevich). At the same time, he maintained his relations to the works where he was a counsel, chief electrical engineer and a permanent member of the technical council. lie is one of the founders of the theoretical principles for the building of high-voltage apparatus. At the chair he was occupied with calculations of transition processes in electric current ciruits which were also the subject of his Card 1/2 doctoral thesis. He published more than 40 scientific papers. Vladimir Borisovich Romanovskiy SOV/105-59-5-26/29 He bore the Badge of Honor and various medals. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 KAPIZANSKIY, A.Ye., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. (Leningrad); GINZMG, S.G.P kand.tekhn.nauk (Leningrad) Concerning the order of the differential equation of a transient process in a complex electrical network. Elektrichestvo no.10: 571-59 0 162. (MIRA 15312) (Electric networks) (Differential equations) GINZBURG, Sh. G. 23632. OPYT LEChENNY& BATsILLYaRNOY DIZENTERII MALYMI DOZAMI SULIFIDINA. TRUDY SARAT. GOS. MED. IN-TA, T. VIII, 1949, c. 251-55. SO: LETOPIS' NO. 31, 1949 GINZBIIRGp S. I. Can6. Chem. SCI. Dissertation: "The Hydrolysis of the Complex Ghloridea of Metals and its Utilization in Analyeis." 1not of ueneral Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov, Acad bcl USSR, 19 Nov 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Nov, 1947 (Project #17836) Platinum and Inorganic C-A use M SCOWS* for detetmination of -IlIdium -d lat'"u- in go Igo slim'. \ k hh- V 22. ij 75 V-" . r it$., L " it U.1 '.1111 IJILIth N"O J.'I J~tr pt I,, it" I.J. I 1.11, , ,,,1 110' N., mW t ."d 1"I. Iiw "gam 1-- 1-1 '1w It Pill is, Oll, 111*1 of. l" k. -N*i Amu, .1 "'i"UH41j"i'lill"ll Itill It. it'. I I NI 11, CA 7 of [at u metals. lid Iiii, ()bsh,h,i .j 21. p644 Aid' Hydrolysis of complex chlorid" of platinum nittals and the pH at which their hydritaides be& to separate. N. K - Nhellitiyu Alld-S. 1. (Untlittril. firfit. SolliorLs Platiall i thowk)i Blij,mrld. VjriMv-.-j-is1,-Zlbshikef i Kh.. . Vaill, J4, list litilitill. ll~ -It- Wele N .Mill" . '41 HISCI.1 N.1,1 i,tfLl.l NA I 1110.1. Na.fliClil. And NAOR11C1,11,01. Fhr 1,11 t4 M4114, 'd 11wt sails at AI'la-lis. ill I mill. Ill 1 1. WO, lat.-Aulled at defifille little ifilfrV410. I'lle 1,11 W l1a, 411~lr"%Cll With tibit. VUVIR that Ili IhV till Ndl. " Ilk It ,lid still t7hAtiar during lite 72 his. of the ri,jot.. alld 01.4t of NAdIrC41, w,hich time sligbily. Pouibly. the Lttt,-r i- wit 4-11W. rrrtw unit nevils further studv, 'rhe rate ill ri-.4ellint with hydrotide was Studied by ntrainring lite till lot file 01 'q."I C4 Ointil'ar V.4. M NuOll, I'd ..11.1 His witAiii"I eflual. offer 30 441 istin. Me His ,It alli,t I ", Ili.. had lifiletit-ally Ifulle'l rillill, 01411g4" Ill Illi, till Ili Ilir It ' ' Ldl CMIII 1. 011WIMI tVi'll 141111 IS Ill.. I'IW pit .( the Ill -it .1"llited lady LUIS olllt~ -1,111.14 lus. ToM tell. of pall liAm. various quatitilie- ,I NAOII Well- dddril 411.1 the pll of till atillm. WAS "moulrd tX1.4" rimirildr) over it ;vtkxi W sinic, At roorix timp thr hy. balling At tile foll(mills pil valu,", 1411 * , '. );.1, 6.7; It - I -.; J11 ' '. .5.9-7,4: 11.1 ' '. :; :1. Ajid Hit .1.2 3.5. Analogous tirtos. tuade at I"aling tvinji. Out hydrolysis residis Ili greater disqi of l1kc gill and tile hydroxides appeAr at: Rh ' '. :1 A 3-4; 11 L * *. ~.J) .1.1); I'll * '. :1.0; Ill ' ', 3.8; wul It , , * " - a it 4. Eiivcm Cl inhiltit"I Ifir fort"tion 'if I "I' I )11)l. ishit-11 littki-T414 alvorilillit to: 11,110.1 , I'd , * + If-h R 2, th* 4dral'tic -slibW I.' "'i""Ition of p1stin"Ill Itlet"'Is with d ad sinC oxide - N. K P-Im %fit ~vi, aml S I C-milmy ic lay)j NW-V I Irt-ttr-Mr- ill"IfIlIA I A1.111 111,1d \Ilkk K No .4, I la 211(hilm I*ti -p. 14h Imm Ill mWilv ill,- -b.. .0, 1 .1 411"1. -1 IICI. 1.1.11 f" a Wit. add Ow t'--tv 11.0. I.Vil 2 .1111111 , filtirl,aml It"- ppi fmi'l b- A , Ish-A. The 6111,41" 1, hi, .4 1411; lilt- 1-1.1 i~ lik. IV t.. 1. -W.~ ...I lilt .1 %%Oll 14, m I It I m 111".1u., I- ".kly wO i-, thm -ill NaA in 1-i-v , 11~v-jsy. PI tb 'illjoirtilly on /fit I mul th.1- y 11.11, 111m~ ZnO %hould Ill: avoidril. It %a, IVIHI. Inm$ Ill .illlikirly cunt (hit Cl, wa, IM-C-11 through the 11"t .1111, t" frofikfise If , , to If , , , , W 1kh %a, tvillif~d hy ill, .0.1"I 8111111"lly, I'll n'l' 41)01. frisfif Ill. 111 ill). li'l pil :'11tv.111UM 1k. I'Arli ti'.4void vuv- vhlovW. T.. 1111~ vild fit.- .4 11cl 11-1 .11,44M 1. Is ftoutfornetria diol thl, PUWgM Iggid, 1SW.I. AM .of* lloy , ir,,t,,ua be dotd. by potentiametrk titra. M.A.h."t tion with KI tither in pure soins. or In the presente ~1?91V), Rh(III), and I~IV),whts: thtlatttf tax Ist lollacivi with hydroquinuat. Th 6 met Ed can atso be -4-~ed to Att. tmlafl quantitiev of ft(IV) ( C., I I ITre I" and fit Ule arcs,"Ire of R11. Ito-,vq!vtf, I'd intcriero wilt /V, -Z- k-) U__ PSEIENITSYN, N.K.; GINZBURG, S.I. Study of the effect of composition of certain platinum-group complex compounds upon their resistance to hydrolysis. Izv.Sakt.plat.i blag. met. no.28:213-228 '54. (MLRA 7:9) (Platinum group) (Compounds, Complex) (Erydrolysis) 3278 Tha 1:16t'lc Iffrili,;j, Ly ?70 a n U e, - met, w, Utrabon with - --------- - IIA- 064 "!-tr 4, ,n 'he tluat,,~a of ;oln. of RuCl., L-. -)r Kj: Rut r i~ (ID in () 3 to I N' HCJ by a 0-0i to 0-02 N 5'-"in ~Tf M Hal thz o'. Rult thrc~'gh eii~tafcrni--diat* w plex, tht formation of which requires 0-6 equiT of 111. With the formation of the complex (which, it is suggested, conWas Rut" and Rullf), tFier;e~-fs -a---- considerable change of potcntial an the t ntia- 1 metric titration curve. If the reductlirn IT91-ried out not at IV to 20' but- at 7W to SO, after the first sudden change of potential therot Is a further reduction, azd when the.redu'-tion of Ruly to RuM is complete there is a wond sharp cbnrA- of poterthd. From opc-att-cphrtometriz- data at 380 mit, equIlitrium at rootti. temp. befrire the first 'Ohin, a fe change ot Imtential-is estab!'--htd w W ID:.) and after the - first: ebuge of.pateritial within 2 to't 3 hr. Thmfore In the,pcopud, method of deters f rn!aing Ru, the titrztion is carried out at rw-a temp, to th* first change of tcntfal. Before Misting, the Ru fit 1-6 to 2 P VC b oxid. 5cd to the stable I br boilirg with ZL 5rm-jl exct~q of chlorine watrr for 10 ruirt. In determiniu,,, Itu in ox-At7,d bv t~,,ihng t,2 r Alt,2r reanoval of cA C". !Ie CNI)cd soln. Lz dilut--d tr, 0 ' to O'S '; III ! t 1, ~iad tarated in CO, by a :olj of III, witt, an indicating, platinum cllc~tmde. To nYam slm~-p ch,,Lng,~i n! pitentizl, the "4n. Ing of Ru in Wilml. The e-uor iq ahv!, By titrating at 0' to F.0' it J- pa--.~hlc to iltr'Fillille 'IN by the sccond changac of p)tentlal, altholigh tho ucuracy vi thin Im-4. C. D, Roni'm USSV/Analytical Chemistry Analysis of Inorganic Substances, G-2 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 19, 1956, 61847 Author: Pshenitsyn, N. K.', Ginzburg, S. I. Institution: None Title: Determination of Palladium by the Method of Potentiometric Titra- tion in the Presence of Platinum Original Periodical: Izv. Sektora platiny IOVKh AN SSSR, 1955, No 32, 31-37 Abstract: Potentiometric titration (PT) of a solution of complex palladium chloride (I) in 0.15-0.3 N kSO4 with a solution of KJ is conducted at room temperature in C02 atmosphere, using a palladium electrode as indicator plec]tigode. Beginning vith a certain definite coDcen- tration of Z7PtCl6/- admixture in I there appears on the PT curves a minimum frcm tHe position of which is determined the end point of titration of 1. Fevever as the content of Pt in the solution in- creases the mAn'inwr ber-omes less pronounced and error in titration of 1 :9 the Pt, cnntent exceeds by several times that Card V2 1.n7 X'i R -7L x1'71' N "r~ I V USSV./Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances, G-2 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Kh:Lmiya, No 19, 1956, 61847 Abstract: of Pd a determination of the latter is no longer possible. In such cases the influence of any amount of Pt is eliminated by precipi- tating it as K2CPtClg by addition of K2SO4. The precipitate that separates does not th-terfere with the titration. Error of deter- mination of 20-'12 mg Pd by this method as a rule does not exceed With the same degree of accuracy Pd In determined in the presence of Pt by the method of "rapid" titration which is based on the difference in rale of teraction of complex chlorides of Pd and Pt with KJ. With Ep-tcl~6e- KJ reacts much more slowly than with 1. ion In this method titra ion is carried out as rapidly as possible without waiting for a constant value of the potential. Card 2/2 - - - - - - - -- PSHENIT~N, M.K.; GINZBURG, S.I. Stud.v of the reduction reactions of the hydrozopentachloride of tatravalent ruthenium -- 1~[RuOHCl51. Zhur. neorg. khim. 2 no.l: 112-1?0 Ja '57. (KM 10-4) 1. Institut obahchey I neorgsnichookoy kh1mtI In. X.S. Xurnskova, AN SSSR. (Ruthenium compounds) (complex compounds) 18(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV13199 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii Im. N. S. Kurnakova Analiz blagorodnyA setallov (Analysis of Noble Metals) Moscow, 1959- 193 p. Errata slip inserted. 2,700 copies printed. Reap. Ed.: N. K. Pshenitsyn, USSR Academy of Sciences, Corre- sponding Member; and 0. Ye. Zvyagint8ev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences; Eds. of Publishing Houses: T. G . Levi, and D. N. Trifonov; Tech. Ed.: I. N. Guseva. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is for scientists engaged in the study and analysis of the noble metals. COVERAGE: This is a collection of articles on the analysis of the noble metals. It includes studies carried out by the Institute of GenerhL1 and Inorganic Chemistry im. N. S. Kurnakov (AN SSSR), as well as reports presented by scientific research organizations and by industrial enterprises at the Third and Fourth Conference on'Noble Metals held in 1954 and 1957, respectively. The Card 1/7 Analysis of Noble Metals (Cont.) SOV/3199 studies and reports describe new organic reagents for gravi- metric determination of blatinum metals, and physicochemical methods of analysis (spectrophotometric, polarographic and potentiometric). Special attention is given to spectral analysis for the determination of admixtures In alloys of platinum metals, silver, and gold, aa well as in refined noble metals. The collection also includes analytical methods, tables and charts for materials containing metals of the platinum group, as well as a review of the literature on the analysis of platinum metals published In the last five years. No personalities are mentioned. References follow each chapter. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 3 Pshenitsyn, N. K., S. I. Ginzhurg and K. A. Gladyshevskaya. New Methods for the .Analysis of Platinum Metals 5 Pshenitsyn, N. K., I. V. Prokoflyev and A. Ye. Kalinina. Card 2/7 Analysis of Noble Metals (Cont.) SOV/3199 Use of Thiourea for the Concentration of Platinum Metals 15 Pshenitsyn, N. K. and N. V. Fedorenko. Use of Nitrogen Substituted Salts of Dithiocarbamic Acids for the Determi- nation of Platinum Metals 1 23 Pshenitsyn, N. K., M. I. Yuzlko ' and L. G. Sal'skaya. Determination of Platinum, Palladium and Gold in Refined Silver 29 Pshenitsyn, N. K. and M. I. Yuzlko. Spectrophotometric Determination of Rhodium, With the Aid of Potassium Iodide 37 Pshenitsyn, N. K., S.I. Ginzburg. and L. G. Sallskaya. Determination of Iridium in Sulfuric Acid Solutions by Spectrophotometric and Potentiometric Methods 48 Aleksandrov, V. A. Photocolorimetric Method for the Determination of Rhodium in the Presence of Platinum 59 Card 3/7 Analys18 of' Noble Metals (Cont.) SOV/3199 Levlan, 13. G. and T. P. Yufa. Photocolorimetric Methods Used in the Analysis of Platinum Metals 65 Pshenitsyn, N. K., N. A. Yezerskaya arid V. D. Rathikova. Polarographic Determination of Base Metal Admixtures In Refined Irldium 70 Muromtsev, B. A. (Do'Ceased) arid V. D. Ratnikova. Determl- nation of Base Metals in Refined Silver Bardin, M. B., Yu. S. Ly6likov and V. S. TemyanAco. Polarographic Dptermination of Certain Noble Metals by Using Platinum Electrodes 80 Anisimov, S. M., P. G. Shulakov, V. N. Alyanchikova, V. M. Klypen-kov and P. A. Gurin. Chemical and Polarographic Methods for the Determinatinn of Copper, Nickel, Iron, Zinc and Lead by Using a Cationite In Products Containing Platinum Metals 88 Pshenitsyn, N. K., K. A. Gladyshevskaya and L. M. Ryakhova. Card 4/7 Analysis of Noble Metals (Cont.) SOV/3199 Use of the Ion Exchange Method in tile Analysis of Platinum Metals. Report 2. Separation of Rhodium from Irldium 103 Anisimov, S. M., Ye. I. Nikitina i and V. N. Alyanchikova. Methods of Preparing Poor Industrial Solutions and Obtaining From Them Cemented Substances for the Determination of Platinum Metals by Spectral Analysis 115 Khrapay, V. P. Spectral Method for the Determination of Plati,pum, Palladium, and Tellurium in Silver-gold Alloys 128 Pankratova, N. I. and A. D. Gut1ko. Spectral Method of Analysis for Refined Iridium and Ruthenium 133 Kuranov, A. A., N. P. Ruksha and M. M. Svirld0va. Spectral Determination of Admixtures in Gold, Silver and Alloys 139 Kuranov, A. A. Spectral Analysis of Platinum A!'-',-Dys Con- taining Three Components 143 Card 5/7 Analysis of Noble Metals (Cont.) SPV/3199 Adakhovskiy, A. P. Lnd V. M. Karbolin. Determining the Chemical Composition of Binary Alloys by the Thermoeleotro- motive Force 145 Avilovq V. B. Effect of ComplexatIon and of the Acid- alkali Balance in the Medium on the Potential or the Au III/Auo, AuI/Au0, Au,,,//Au,, and AgI/Ago Systems 150 Avilov, V. B. and V. V. Kosova. ChromatometrIc Determination of Gold 156 Anisimov, S. M.,.V. M. Klypenkov ' and V. P. Tsymbal. Electrom 'etric Method for the Determination of Silver in Silver and Lead Alloys Containing Platinum Metals 163 Yufa, T. P. and M. A. Chentsava. Dissolving Platinum Metals and Their Alloys With the Aid of an Alternating Current 176 Card 6/7 Analysis of Noble Metals (Cont.) SOV/3199 Chentsova, M. A., T. P. Yufa and V. G. Levian. New Method for the Analysis of Palladium-silver Alloys 181 Ruzhnik.ov, M. S. and K. S. Sheina. Methods of Testing Palladium Alloys and Their Products on a Touchstone and by Chemical Means 184 AVAILABL~: Library of Congress TM/mmh Card 7/7 3-4-60 5(4) SOV/78-4-2-10/40 AUTHORS: Pshenitsyn, N. K., Ginzburg, S. I., Sal'skaya, L. G. TITLE: Investigation of the Oxidation Reaction of Iridium (III) in Solutions of Sulfuric, Phosphoric, and Perchloric Acid (Izueheniye reaktsii okisleniya iridiya (M) v rastvorakh sernoy, fosfornoy i khlornoy kislot) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganichoskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, PP 301-313 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The oxidation of iridium (III) with cerium (IV) sulfate, sodium bismuthate, perchloric acid, and potassium bichromate in concentrated solutions of sulfuric acid, diluted sulfuric acid, and concentrated phosphoric acid was investigated. The following compounds were used as initial reagents: standard solutions H 2 [IrC16] of various concentrations; standard solutions Ce(SO 4)2 (0-1-0-04 N), K 2Cr 207 (0,1-0-04 N); NaBio 3~ chemically pure; HClO 52 50%; H3PO 4' 60%; H2so4 (specific gravity 1.84). The investigation of the oxidation reaction Card 1/ 4 was carried out by means of the absorption spectra and the SOV/78-4-2-110/40 Investigation of the Oxidation Reaction of Iridium (III) in Solutions of Sulfuric, Phosphoric, and Perchloric Acid potentiometric titration of the solutions by Mohrts salt. It was found that the oxidation reaction of iridium (III) mainly depends on the concentrations of sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid, respectively. In concentrated solutions of these acids blue solutions are formed, independent of the oxidizer, with characteristic absorption spectra with an absorption maximum at 570 m1t. These solutions contain iridium (IV) In the form of a complex anion with the addenda SO 42- or PO43". The same characteristics of phcsphoric acid and sulfuric acid show that these complex compounds contain the same chromophoric group. On the oxidation of iridium (III) red solutions are formed in weak solutions of sulfuric and phosphoric aoid and in perchloric acid, which have characteristic spectra w4. th an absorption maximum at 500 m/t. The separation of the products formed did not. prove successful. It may be presumed that these compounds contain iridium. (IV) as a hydrated cation. The hydrated complex is stable in acid media only and with an increase of pH in the solution it becomes a Card 2/4 hydroxo compound which is separated as iridium hydroxide, SOV/78-4-2-10/40 Investigation of the Oxidation Reaction of Iridium (III) in Solutions of Sulfuric, Phosphoric, and Perchloric Acid It was found by the potentiometric titration of the red and the blue iridium complex solutions that iridium is tetra- valent in these solutions. In ox 'idation processes of indium (III) a catalytic decomposition of the excess oxidizer takes place. The decomposition in probably caused by the formation of intermediate products of iridium ~IV) with the oxidizer. The synthesis of the compounds of Ir(IV) with sulfuric and phosphoric acid was carried out with alkaline earths and alkali salts. The following salts were produced, Ba HFIr(PO ) H 0] or Ba )H 0], 2 L 4 3 2 21'r(PO4)2(HP04 2 K2 [Ir (SO 4) 2 (0") j K2SO4 , Ba fIr (S04YOH)d BaSO 41 K2 [Ir(H 20) (OH)(SO 4)2]'H20 , Ba [Ir (H20) (OH)(SO 4)2]' The com-- position of the last four compounds is not certain because they may contain Ir(III). An analytic method of determining iridium in H 2s0 4 and H 3 PO4 solutions has been worked out by means of perchloric acid as oxidizer. The method is based on Card 3/4 the potentiometric titration of the blue complex of iridium (IV) SOV/78-4-2-10/40 Investigation of the Oxidation Reaction of Iridium (III) in Solutions of Sulfuric, Phosphoricq and Perchloric Aeid which is formed in a mixture with sulfuric or phosphoric acid. It J.9 possible to determine amounts of iridium from 0.1-5 mg by potentiometric titration.There are 13 figure,;,,. 2 tables, and 7 reftrences, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut obahchey i noorganicheakoy khimii im. S. N. Kurna- kova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni-I S. N. Kurnako-v of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: November 29, 1957 Card 4/4 6- 6 -~ 0 69016 AUTHORS: Pshenitsyn. N. K., Ginzburgq S. I.p 8/078/60/005/04/011/040 Sal'skayap L. G. B004/BOO7 TITLE: Complex Compounds of Iridium(IV) With Phosphoric Acid PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganioheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 4, pp 832 - 841 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors already previously (Ref 1) investigated the oxidation of Ir(III) and gave vent to some suppositions concerning the red- violet intermediates and blue complex compounds formed on this occasion. The present paper deals with the explanation of the composition of these compounds. By evaporation of H2[IrCl6]9 at first in HC10 49 and then in H2SO4' a highly hygroscopic sub- stance was obtained, the light absorption curves of which at dif- ferent water contents are shown in figure 1. The analysis of this compound is given. The potentiometrio titration with Nohr's salt (Fig 2) confirms the quadrivalence of iridium. The determin&tion of magnetic susceptibility carried out by V. 1. Belova indicates a complex structure. From the solutions of this compound in Card 1/3 HC10 4' H3PO4 , and HC1, BaSO4 is immediately precipitated with BaC12' 69016 Complex Compounds of Iridium(IV) With Phosphorio Acid 8/078/60/005/04/011/040 B004/BO07 Herefrom the conclusion is drawn that the So 2-._ions are located 4 in the outer region. In water, hydrolysis with the separation of insoluble products occurs. In concentrated M-solution, on the other hand, the color changes from red to blue accompanied by an inorease in pH (Fig 3). For the red complex cation of the bi- or multioomponent aquo-hydroxo-compound of Ir(IV) the formula OH H20)2ir'~'OH~~Ir(H 204] (804)3 'a suggested, which appears to OH'-OH,-OH 2 be confirmed by the thermogram. (Fig 4) plotted by L.N. Zaytsev and by the analyses of the intermediates of thermal decomposition (Table 1). The blue complex phosphate of Ir(IV) was produced as I/ 0\ 4- ammonium- and as potassium salt. [(H2PO 4)3 Ir 0- Ir(H2PO 4)31 in "'0'- suggested as structural formula of the complex anion. The ana- lysis for H 20 carried out according to A. B. Yelitsur (Ref 4) Card 2/3 confirmed that the complex anion oontains no R 20-molecules. Complex Compounds of Iridium(IV) With Phosphoric Acid SUBMITTED: 69016 5/078_/60/005/04/011/040 B000007 Figure,5 shows the thermogram of potassium salt, figure 6 the de- pendence of the pH on the concentration of the solution, and figure 7 the curve of potentiometric titration. The experimental results and the analyses permit the conclusion to be drawn that the composition of the complex ion depends on the pH of the medium, and that rearrangements easily occur in its inner sphere, which contains acid and basic groups. The compounds obtained are acid salts of polybaaic &aide. From the aqueous solution of the K- and NE 4-salt of the phosphate complex the insoluble Ba-, Ig-, and quinolonium salts were produced and analyzed. In all compounds obtained and investigated, the quadrivalence of ~~dium- Acould re- peatedly be proved by potentiometric titration (Table 2). There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. August 11, 1959 Card 3/3 C_~~Z~~Gl' S. I. "New Methods of Determining Nobel Metals in Copper and in Nickel Tailings and in Platinum Concentrates." paper submitted to the Fifth Conference on the Analysis of Nobel Metalsi, Novosibirsk, 20-23 September 1960 So: Zhurnal analitichesk2y khimi , Vol XVI, No. 1, 1961, page 119 -GINZBURG, S.I.; SALISKAYA, L.G. Photometric determination of platinum as bromide complexes. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.4:492-494 J1 '62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. N.S.Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Platinum-Analysis) (Bromoplatinates) GINZBURG, S.L. Resonance scattering of gamma quanta in crystals. Fiz.tver.tela 5 no.5:1386-1393 Mq 163. (MIFA 16:6) 1. F$ziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni A.F.1offe AN SSSR# Leningrad. (Gamma* rayo--Scattering) (Quantum electrodyr~~-,qics)