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G 112 EM-' ,t'G , I _3L-!--~U,ningrad, , . T, (Donbaos,, Bul'var V,P. Gundobin founcler of -in&-tomji ,:.n thr,, 100th aTml,.,crsar,.r cilL h.L:3 birti. f.rIJI. ~Lrjlt. -1--t. J 41 no.8:101.10'i Min:l 1 IAmirl:yadskoye otdeler,.iye InstLtiita otrj:~,raM All SSSR i kafedra normallnoy anotomii (mv. - prof. i,,Dl Dovgyallo) StalinL;ko"o maditsinskogo institutn. 0 (GUNDOBIN, NIKOLAI 1"tMICNICII, 1860-1908) (ANATOMY, IIUIAN) GINUU1Q, V.V. - LEVIN, M.G.; YAKIMV, V.P. - I J. Preparing for the Seventh International Congress on Anthropology and Ethnography. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 42 no.2:127 162, :2) (ANTHROPOLOGY-GONOL-66ES) (ET11NOLOGY--GONGR1ZSkS ~ GINZMM See also: GINSBURG GINSBURG GINZBURG, A.; MENDELISON, V. - ~ Distribution of a magnetic field produced by a current- carrying turn in the cavity between two coaxial cylinders. Izv. AN Latv. SSR no.10:57-60 163. (AURA 17:1) 1. Institut fiziki AN latviyskoy SSR. AUTHOR: Gin-zbur-g-,.-,L..,.,, sov/68-58-12-lV25 TITLE: JU the Zaporozhlye Coking Works (Na Zaporozhskom koksokhimichaskom zavode) PERIODICAL% Koks, i Khimiya, 1958, Nr 12, p 1+9 (USSR) ABSTRACTS Rer~ent developments on the works are enumerated. 1) Automatic centrifuge ATS-1200 for anthracene was fittedi this permitted the production of a better quality anthracene. 2) Introduction of an automatic control of alkalinity in the neutraliser of the pyridine plant. 3) Fitting of Nr 3 batter with automatic con- tiol was finished (no details). ~) The construction of a tippler for 100 ton boats on the coal preparation plant was finished. 5) Radio communication between coke ovens and the coal preparation plant was introduced. 6) On the coal washery an automatic controller for the Card 1/2 At the Zaporozh lye Coking Works SOV/68-58-12-14/25 pulp density and throughput is being tested. 7) An automatic control of the conveyor M8 (over the coke bunkers) operating on the basis of the degree of filling of the bunkers was int*roduced. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Ginzburg, A. sov/68-59-8-27/32 TITLE: On the Zaporozh!ye Coking Works (Na Zaporozhskom koksokhimicheskom zavode) PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 8, P 56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A number of improvements introduced on the above works are mentioned: electric winch for transferring wagons to and from the tippler and to the ramps where the charging of ammonia sulphate and naphthalene takes place; mechanisation of charging scrap into the wagons; self-sealing valves on ascension pipes of batteries. Card 1/1 GINZBURG, A. At the Zaporozhlye Itr-Product Coking Plant. Koks i khim. no.5:58 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Zaporoshlye-Coks, industry-By-products) INOUR.G., A. At the Zaporozhlye Coal Chemical Plant. Kokis i khim. nd" :60 163. MIRA 16:2) (Zmporozhlye~ -Coke industry) GIRZXMG, A.; YEVROPIN, V. -.1-4-001ft The now journal "Zkonomika stroitel'stva. Vop. ekon. no.4:129-130 AP '59. (KIRA 12:7) (Construction industry-Periodicals) GInBUR9 "o-O"a Increasing signal-to-noise ratio by the gradual multiplication of signal voltage shifted in time. In Russian. Vestis Latv ak no.3:65-70 160. (IM 10:7) (voltage) GINZBURG,A.(Riga); ZHZTGURS,B.(Z*igurm,B.I(Riga) Nuclear mWetometer. In Rusaian. VeBtis Latv ak no.5:71-76 160. (EM 10:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyokoy SSR, Institut fiziki. (Magnetometer) GINZBURC-, A. Changes should be made in the all-Union boaconage standard. Recb. transp. 21 no.2:56 F '62. (MIRA, 15:3) 1 1. Zamestitel' nachal'nika gidrotekhotdela Verkhne-DneprovskoIEo basseynovogo upravleniya puti. (Beacons--Standards) USSR/Physical Chemistry Colloid Chemistry- B-14 Disperse Systems Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 4057 Author : Fridrikhsberg D.A., Ginzburg A.A. Title : Investigation of Collc~i~d-Cneilcal Processes in Clayey Solutions and Their Use in Strengthening Borehole Walls Orig Pub : Zh. prikl. khimii, 1956, 29, No 7, 996-loc6 Abstract : By means of model experiments on filtration of clayey solutions (CS), hydrophilized by an addition of alkaline coal extract, through a layer of quartz sand of diffe- rent degree of dispersion, a study has been made of the causes of CS losses during sinding of borcholcs~ On fil- tration of CS through sail having very small interstices a clayey crust is formed which has very low permeability to water as a result of which the CS is retained in the borehole whereas in soils with large interstices no such crust is formed and loss of water is associated, Card 1/3 - 253 - USSR/Physical Chemistry - Colloid Chemistry. Disperse syotems B-14 Abs Jour Referat Zhur . 1(himir,) No 2, 1957, 4057 essentially, with a "removal of CS into the stratum". This removal of CS is shown to increase uith increasing degree of dispersion and to decrease sharply with Increa- se of static shear stress (3 - Miniminn pressure % at which begins a flow of CS through a layer of sand of thickness F , with an effective radius of particle., R, is determined by the following equation derived by the alithors: Po =. (2 PIO - 414) /R) dn/cm2) which has been confirmed by results of the experiments with models. To decrease the removal of CS the authors propose to coagulate them directly within the sand layer by pumping a solution of a fixing agent into the borehole after loss of CS is de- tected. Effective fixing agents ate 1% Soluticna Of CaCl 2 and FeS04, which increase the viscosity of CS Card 2/3 - 254 - USSR/Physical Chemistry - Colloid Cheinistry. B-14 Disperse Systems Abs Jour Referat Zhur -, Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 4057 within the soil by 30-40 times; following fixation a layer of sand 8 cm. thich retains CS up to a pressure of 0.25 atmosphere. In seacoast areas it is recommended to utilize as fixing agent sea water saturated with lime Cara 3/3 255 -YWWM~ ,,/oao/61/034/011/017/020 S D204/D301 AUTHOR: Ginzburgj A.A. TITLE: Certain physico-chemical properties of rhenium carbonyl PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimiit v. 34, no. 11, 19619 2569 TEXT: Thermal properties of [Re(CO)5J2 were investigated as litt- le work has so far been published in this field. The carbonyl was prepared by the action of CO on potassium or ammonium perrhenates at 260-27000, under a pressure of 300-550 atm. The carbonyl was purified by shaking with a 5 % solution of NaOH and steam distil- lation. Spectral analysis showed the following percentages of im- purities in the finished product: Zn 0.005, Al 0.0015, Cu 0.0012, Mg 0.0003, Mn 0.00006, Si 0.01 and Fe 0.0025. Specific gravity of the carbonyl was determined pyknometrically as 2.78 � 0,005 g/cm3 Vapor pressures in the range 78.0 - 135.500 were found to obey the relationship: P = 10.68 - 4152 (where T is in OK). The latent Card 1/2 (mm Hg) T S/080/61/034/011/017/020 Certain physico-chemical properties ... D204/D301 heat of sublimation Yjas calculated as 19.0 kcal/mole o.- 29.1 cal/g. On heating -the carbonylv thermograms exhibit a sharp break in the curve at 90~2 _ 91.80C (an unidentified phase-transformation), and a gentle discontinuity between 155.0 and 161~100 which was ascri- bed to melting,, Preliminary kinetic Btudies between 2500 and 4200 C showed that the thermal decomposition of [Re(CO)5J2 is Of first order below ')150C., The mean energy of activation in the range 250- 4200C and the constant A in the Arrhenius equation were calculated as 18.6 kcal/moie and 2.1 x 106 respectivelyo The authors express their gratitude to N~A. Belozerskiy for suggesting the subject and for helpful advice~ The thermograms were made using N.S, KurnakovIE3 pyrometer, in the -baboratoriya khimii termoelementov instituta po- luporovodnikov AN SSSR (Chemistry of the Thermoelements Laborato- ry~ Semi-conductors Institute~ AS USSR)j and thanks are expressed to the laboratory director G.I. Shmelev and group leader S.S. Si- nan, There are I figure and 2 non-Soviet-bioc references. The re- ference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Brito Pat, 679, 906, 24th Sept. 1950, SUBMITTED: April 10, 1961 rf Uard 212 P/ LC (~j P - /11/ The Second All-Union Conference on Rhenium. sponsored by the Institute Of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Daykov, Academy of Sciences USSR, and the State Institute of Rare MetaI4 vfas held in Moscow 19-21 November 1062. A total of 335 representatives from 83 scientific institutions and Industrial estab- I lishments participated. Among the reports presented were the following: autoclave extraction of Re from Cu concentrates (A. P. Zelikman and A. A. Peredereyev); Re extraction from the gaseous phaa 6 .(V. P. Savrayev and N. L. Peysakhov); recovery of Re by sorption and ion in- terchange W. I. Bibikova, V. V. IFIchenko, K. B. Lebedev, P,-Sh T ro'khodzhaye , V. V. Yermilov, Ye. S. Raimbekov, and M. 1. YU Filimonov); production of carbonyl Re (& A Gingburg); electrolytic produqtion of high-purity Re and electroplating with Re (Z. M. Sominslmya Re coatings on refractory metals produced 157yt erm T and 6, dissociation of Re chlorides *(A. N. Zolikrnan and_N a V. 1~au it pla tic deformation and thermomecWa_nI_caT -treatment of Re (Y. I. Icaravaytsev and Yu. A. Sokolov): growth of Re single crystals and effect Of 02 on their propiirt~ies(Ye. M. Savitskiy and G. Ye. Chupri '___ ~ov); Re-146, ~Re-W, and Re-precious-metal alloys~Ye. M. Savitskiy, N. A._Tylldna, and K. B. Povarova~o synthesis of Re des,'pilicides, phosphides, apd selenides V Sa TG - - 0 n v. V. A. Obolonchik, and V. S, NeAbpor); woldability of i~e~-M;oand RN alloys -(V. V. D'Yachenko, B. P,.. Mouzqv, and G, Nk Xl~ab~~); naW fields Of a~plioatlon iEr-Aq and Ra alloys (M. A, I q~ja:. and Y_eJW_S&Yit6kiy); and Re-Mo alloy for t h c rm o cou pj e a CS__x, Danishevskiy, Yj!- ~A-Koc~zAtruaAiy, 4nd G. B. Lapp). IWVVJ Tb-tnm -tmuy, no. 4, Apr 1963, yp'!~i-93 /P PF -2/EPR ZWP( t)/EWP (k)/EWP (b) P 4 4 IJP( jD/N/MLI~- /Pu-~ ACCE89ION NR: ATS002760 8/0000/(14/000/000/0087/0089 -!7 AUTHOR: ft6mm A. A. TITLE: Rhenitun carbonyl aud the preparativa of rhonlum metal from the gas phase Vapso no a 12V SOURCE: is ashchanlya no problemQ~n -ad.. Moscow, 1962. Renty o1r-1-0-Y-e (Rheindium); trud- oveshelfaniya. Moscow. WI-vo Nauka, 1964, 87-89 TOPIC TAGS: rhenium, rhenium carbony rhenium refining! s phase refining ga potassium perrhenate, rhenium deposition, tungsten wire, vacuum tube manufacture, rhenium coated t~nlten,'q T7 ABSTRACT: Rheniumearbonyl-Re2(CO) was synthesized by r6acting COvith potassiwn perrhenate and ammonia at 250-270C i;M00-350 atm. for an average of 17 hra.; the maximum yield was 60%. The decomposition of Re (C0).0 on a hot tungsten wire 1001A in diameter was then studied under laboratory coaMons. The wire was heated by an electric current, and the experiments were carried out In a vacuum and in a stream of hydrogen and argon at various concentrations of rhenium carbonyl and various pressures in the system. The deposition rate of rhenium increased with decreasing pressure and was appreciable only in a vacuum. The adhesion of rhealum to htngsten increased after annealing at 1600C in hydrogen at atmospheric pressure. The tMekness of the rhenlum Card 1/2 GINZBURG.A. Do 25717. Generator Standar nyJ& Sigualove (Is *ksponatov 6-jy Tmesoyuzo Zaoch. Radtovystayki). Radio. 1949, Wo. 8, so 40-43. SO: Letopial Zhurwllahkh Statey, Vol. 34. Moskva. 1949 (-- / Al /f a /1, 0, AUTHORz None Given 117-58-5-24/24 TITLE: Conference on Construction and Utilization of Casting Equipment (Konferentsiya po konstruirovaniyu i ekspluatatsii liteynogo oborudovaniya) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 5, p 48 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In December 1957 a scientific-research conference took place in Gorlkiy dealkng with the construction and utilization of casting equipment. It was organized by the department of casting of the NTO MAS11PROM. At the conference were 900 representatives from machine building plants, casting equip- ment plants, scientificresearch institutes, universities, etc. A total of 28 reports were given. I.P. Yegorenko, Candidate of Technical Science3 (NIILITMASH) reported on the actual state and development of the casting technique. P.N. Aksenov, Doctor of Technical Sciences (MAMI) reported on automated lines of sand-blowing moulding. L.M. h1ariyenbakh, Doctor of Technical Sciences (MVMI) reported on the subject "Mechanized Drying Kilns". G.3. Zelichenko, Engineer (Leningrad Branch of Soyuzprommekhanizatsii) reported on "Automatic Lines of Molding in Casting Shops". A.D. Ginzburg (LF VPTI tyazhmash) Card 1/2 reported on a self-construc-t-e-d-f-t-uTo-m--aTIc-machine for the pro- 117-58-5-24/24 Conference on Construction and Utilization of Casting Equipment duction of shell moulds. V.N. Bobrov (NIlLITMASH) talked about automatic machines for moulding. A.V. Odinokov,Engineer, reported on modern sand blasting devices. G.S. Taburinskiy, Engineer ~NIITLITHASH) reported on "Automatic Machines for the Production of Shell Molds and Cores". Z.D. Levin (Plant KATEK) spoke on "Projects and Utilization of Equipment for Mechanized Casting". 1.V. Yefimov, Engineer, spoke on "Mechanization and Automation of the Technological Process of Casting With Meltable Models". G.R. Nikollskiy, Engineer (NIILITMASII) spoke on hydraulic and sand-hydraulic cleaning of castings. B.G. ShpitalInyy (NIILITMASH) talked about the automatic moulding machine Nr 962b4. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Casting equipment-Development 2. Casting equipment-Application L4 9, as 11'a .9, s L N 11 2 I'S 103 IJ a;; .8614 m 4 oil I U.1 VIA 410WHI, L ' i l- MKIN, O.H.; GINZBURG, A.G.; FLID, R.M. Soluble complexes of unsaturated hydrocarbons with metal salts And their role in catalytic ieactionB. Part 4sThermo- dynamics of the formation of soluble '/r-complaxes of ethylene with Ag-~-and Cu4-ions. Kin. i kat. 5 no.21221-227 Mr-Ap 164, (KIRA 17:8) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkay khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosova. 1 Ills til e Pon(! o rit; At! SSSP A. ( . GIPIZBI!.~G, A. I..- "ActivaLion of Pressed Yeast in Bread Ba~in;,." .1-11in of 3irhor Education USSR, Moscow Tecluiolorical Inst of Food In(iu-,;tr-;, ";0scow, 195h (Dissertations For Del-,ree of Candidate of Techni--al Scien.,es) SO: Knizhnaya Letopist 'No. 26, June 195, , I'loscow AUMMAN, L. Ya. ;ft GI RKMG,_ A. G. Preliminary activation of compressed yeast in bread baking. Trudy MTIPP 4:54-57 156. Offm 9: 10) (Yeast) GINOURG, A.G.; FROKHOROV, .9. 1. Aquipment for activating compressed yeast in Hoscov bakeries. rhlob. i kond, prom. 1 no.3.-34-37 Mr 157. (KLRL 10:4) 1. Kookovskly takhnologlcbeekiy institut PlOhchavoy proaqshlonnosti (for Ginsburg). 2. Moskovskly gorodakoy treat Roaglavkhleb& (for Prokhorov). (Yeast) (Moscow--Baker~ and bakeries--lquipment and supplies) GINZOURG, Arlexdiy Griporlyevich, doteent; ZAGLODINA, F.I., apetered.; .MWINA, vediishchiy red. (Controlling alcohol fermentation in the baking industry by means of the AG-1 apparatus] Konroll spirtovogo brozhaniin priborom AG-1 v khlebopekarnoi promyshlonnosti. Moskva. Goo.nnuchno-ioal. in-t nauchn. i takhn.informataii. 1959. 30 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Fermentation) Onkers and bakeries) GINZ,JjA6, A. ai-i '. "'~'rom . ,.P , th-a !3- 3rienci of th,3 clinic of th,3 Yarevan Zoo,!A,~1--.t.-,-i,,-, I-nstitlutall SCjUR'I'2: Vat-~rinariya, Vol 26, No 7, 1'V49, p 23 GINZIRJRG, A. G. "On the measures of prevention and the fight against strangles of horses, Veterinariya 26(g), 1949p p. 25- USSR, Ministry of Agricultrue, Main Adminstration of animal Husbandry, Veterinary Adminstration. GIN-1,8URG, A. "Rostov Oblast Veterinary Becteriological Laboratory." Veterinariia 27(8), 195OP P. 55. GINZBURG, A. G. From an article "Veterinary Servicing of Consolidatid Kolkhozes" by A. G. Ginzburg. One can find in every oblut many exapples of theftne organization of zooveterinary institutions and thetr exemplary servicing of kolkhozes. In this respect the experience of the Central Zooveterinary Section in Leninskiy Rayon, Moscow Oblast, is representative. It aimed for serious achievements in veterinary and zootechnical servicing of kolkhozes. On the basis of the work of specialists in this progressive section, directed by Veterins Jan D/G. KOBILYAKOV, development according to plan of all adopted measures was assi d, close association with active kolkhoz stock raisers and responsibility for opportunely equipping thr rayon hospital, the animal room and other nec- ssary apparatus of the zooveterinary section. Specialists in the section conducted monthly production meetings at which were discussed the nezt plans of preventices veterinary-sanitaty and zootechnical work. Eventually these plans are brought to every kolkhoz. In addition, the specialists of the section organizeF on every kolkhoz, monthly production meetings of workers of husbandry brigades with the pat-ticipation of the kolkhoz leaders. Veterinariya No 2, Moscow, 1951, PP. 7-10. /V Z- U 64 Al, GOU)SHCHAPOV, Tu.N., redaktor; POLTAKOV, A.A., redaktor; IVANOY, A.D., ostavitell. GINZMMO,.A.G., sontavitell; SKNLINITSKIT, V.P., 08tavitell; MUMfil"K.F., takhnichookiy redaktor. : (Collection of regulations governing veterinary affairs. Veterinary code of the U.S.S.R., statutes, directives, regulations, rules and Instructions) Sbornik rokovodiashchikh materialov po Yeterinarit. Vaterinarayi ustav SSSR, polosheniia, Instruktait, nastavlentia, -pravila, ukazantia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo salkhoz. lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1954. 400 p. (MLRA 7:10) (Veterinary laws and legislation) USSR/Medicine Veterinary, Textbook Card 1/1 Author Shishkov, V. and Ginzburg, A., Veterinary Physicians (reviewers) Title "Review of 'Laboratornyye issledovaniya v veterinarnoy klinicheskoy diagnostikel (Laboratory examinations in veterinary clinical diagnosis)" by P. S. Ionov et al Periodical : Veterinariya, 31, 58-6o, Apr 1954 Abstract : P. S. Ionov, V. G. Mukhin, A. I. Fedotov, and I. G. Sharabrin have intended this book primarily for students in veterinary colleges and to provide reference material for laboratory workers and practic- ing veterinary physicians. importance of this book is enhanced by the fact that all previously published textbooks and manuals on the methods of clinical and laboratory diagnosis in veterinary medicine have been sold out and have become somewhat obsolete. Notable ad- vances have been made in the past few years in tile Soviet Union in the field of veterinary medicine; veterinary clinicists have con- tributed much new to the veterinary laboratory-clinical diagnostic methods. All these advances have been incorporated in this book. The book was published in 1952 by the State Publishing House of Sovhoz and Kolkhoz Literature Moscow, 252 pp, Fifteen thousand , copies. Institution Submitted GINZBURG, A.G. Skilfully present leading veterinary service in the press. Voterinariia 33 no.8.,16-22 Ag 156. ()MRA 9-9) l.Glavny7 veterinarnyy vrach Glavnogo upravleniya veterinarit Minister- stva. sel'skoge khozyaystva SSSR. (Veterinary medicine) GINZBURG, Aminsdar Gessolevich [Course in the orcenization of veterinary work] Kure organizatett veterinsmogo del&. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo melkhos. lit-ry. 1957. 293 p - (Yetertnew modinins) (MIRA 11M rinar;f local anti-aircraft defeane measures. Voterinariin 34 110. 5 '57. (MIRA 10:9) 1. Glavftyl voterinarilyy vrAch GknvuoKo uDrarleniyA vaterinnrii Iliniaterstva aellskogo khozyp7stvR FSSR. (Veterinary medicine) (Air defenses) GINZBURG, Amipadav Gesselevich; IVAIIOV, Anstoliy Dmitriyevich; GOLOSHAPOV. Tu.N., red.; SUPIRO, A.Ya., red.; VISKOVA, Ye.l.,; BALLOD. A.I., [Organization of veterinary medicine in the U.S.S.R.] Organizataiia veterinarnogo dela v SSSR. Pod red. IU.N.Goloshapove. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sellkhoE. lit-ry, 1958. 527 P. (MIRA 11:5) (Veterinary medicine) GIN2BURG, A.G.; IVJIAIOV, A.D.; BOYKO, A.A., red.; KALOVA, L.I., red.; PECEERNKIN, I.V., EVeterinary legislation; veterinary statutes, regulations, decrees, instructions, directives, and rules on veterinary madicinel Veterin'arnoe zekonodatellstv; voterinarnyi ustav SSSR, polozheniia, ukazanlia, instruktaii, naetavleniin i pravila po veterinamomu delu. Pod red. A.A.Boiko. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va sell.khoz.SSSR, 1959. 1230 P. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Laws, statutes, etc. (Veterinary medicine-Laws and legislation) GINZBURG, A.G. Antibiotics in the service of atockbreeding. Veterinariia 36 no.11: 51-55 11 '59 (KIRA 13:3) 1. Glavnyy vetvrach-terapevt Gosudarstvennoy inspektaii po veterin- arii Ministerstva mellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. (Antibiotics) (Stock and stockbreading) GIYZBURG - In the Minintry of Agriculture of the U.S.S.R. Vaterinariia 36 no.6:87-90 Ja 159. (14IRA 12:10) (Veterinary hygiene) GINZBURG, A.G. Enlarging the role of veterinary specialists in mobilizing reserves in livestock production. Veterinariis, 37 no.6:85-90 A 16o. (MIRA 16:7) (Veterinary u*dicine) (St.:)ck and stockbreeding) GINMURG,- A..G.. "To increase fertility and to improve the organization of artificial insemination of animals." Veterinariya, Vol, 38, No. 4, 1961, P- 15. GINZBURG, A.G. Improve daily veterinary practices in the country. Veterinariia 38 no.7.-I-1-23 JI 161. (MrRA l6a8) (Veterinary medicine--congresses) WEPANOV, I.S.; CHMNOSYlTOV, Tu.L., nauchnyy red.; YERSHOT, A.D., glavnyy rod.; GINZBURG, A.I., red.; ZVEM, L.Y.. red.; ZUBARKV, N.M., red.; M"YTER, -T. V.A., red.; SOLOVIYOV, D.V., red.-, KHRUSHCHOV, N.A.. red.; 2WHIMOV, I.V., red.; STOLYAROV, A.G.. red.; IVANOVA, A.G., [Industrial requirenents as to the quality of mineral raw materials-, handbook for geologists] Trebovaniia promyshlennosti k kacheotvu ininerallnogo syrlia; ispravochnik dlia goologov. Izd.2., perer, Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhrane nedr. Ho.46. (Rubidium and cesium] Rubidii i tsezii. IU.L. Chernosvitov. 1960. 33 P. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut mine- rallnogo syrIya. (Rubidium) (cesium) G_If- j GIN.ZI~UIG, A.G. ------ -1 -.-- - _ For a ~Jrntter organization of for the control of uninfectious diseases of animals. Veterinariia ?9 no-4: 57-60 Ap 762. 11!,,T',~-~. 17:10) 1. Glavny-,,r veterinarnyy vrach-terapevt Upravloniya veterinar.4 , 11inisterstva 5ellskogo khro-zvaystva SSSR. GINZBURG, A. G. Improve the organization of the veterinar7 serTic~v increasa the effectiveness of veterinary measures on each oollaotiva ana state farm. Vaterinariia 39 no.6,.13-20 Je 162- (MIRA 18.-1) 1. Caavnyy veterinarnyy vrach-terapevt Upravleniya, vaterinarli Ministerstva. sellskago khozyaystva SSSR. GINZBURG A.G. - GOLOSECHAPOV, Yu.P., red. ; KIR-ELEVSKIY, B.N., red.; U.N., tekhn. red.; TRUKHRIA, O.N., tekhn. red. [What should the collective-farm chairman and the state-farm director know about veterinary regulations of the U.S.S.R.] Chto nuzhno znat' predneda-toliu kolkhoza i direktoru sov- khoza o veterinarnom ustave SSSR. Pod red. IU.N.Goloshchapova. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 63 P. (MIRA 15;6) (Veterinary bygiene-Law and logialation) GINZBURG A. G. (Head Veterinary Surgeon and Therapeutist of the Veterinary nistration of the Ydnistry of Agriculture of USSR) "For a better organization of measures of control of noncontagious diseases of animals" Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 4, April 1962 P. 57 -GINzEURG, A. G. (Chief Veterinary Surgeon, Therapeutist at the Veterinary Department of Wnistry of Agriculture of the USSR) 11 To improve the organization of Veterinary medicine, to increase the effectiveness of veterinary measures at each collective and state farm" Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 6, June 1962 PP- 13 GRlZAURjQ,--A,p,ina0aV IVANOV) Anatoljy Dmitriyevich; Df?F-'.l.l,ujsKAyA,, N.Lp red.; DEYEVA, V.14., tekhn. red. [Organization of veterinary service]Organizatsiia veterinar- nogo dela. Moskva, Sel'Ichozizdat, 1962. 407 p. (Veterinary medicine) (MIRA 15:12) IVANOV, A.D.; BOYKO~ A.A., red.; KARTASHEVA, N.M.p red.; PROKOFOYEVA, L.N., tekhn. red.; SOKOLOVA, N.11.p tekhn. red. (Veterinary legislation; statutes, regulations, instructions, directAes and rules on veterinar7 medicine] Veterinamos za- konodatdltatvo; poloishenlia, ukazaniia, instraktaii, nastavle- niia i pravila po vaterinarnomu delu. Pod obahchei red. A.A. Boiko. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962.~ 358 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Laws, statAtes, Ste. (Veterinary hygiene-Laws and legislation) (Veterinarians-Legal status, laws, etc.) GINZHURGI A~G* Veterinary service and state veterinary control are to be fully consolidated. Veterinariia 40 no.6:6-10 Je 163. (,XIRA 17:1) GlNZBURG, Aminadav Gesselevich; LEOI)'OVA, T.S., red. [Veterinary medicine in the seiwice of man] Veterinariia sluzhit cheloveku. Moskva, Izd-vl "Znanie," 1964. 53 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. V Seriia; Sellskoe kho- ziaistvo, no.7) (MIRA 17:5) G114ZBURG A.G. Give every assistance '-) the IntenEdflention of antmal husbandry. Veterinarlia 41 no.6,04-18 Je 164. (MIRA l8t6) 1. Glavnoye upravlenJye voterinarli Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. GINZBURG, A.L., prof. (Dnepropetrovsk) Direct adenotomy. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 20 no.4:61 JI-Ag ,6o. (ADENOIDS-SURGERY) (MIRA 14: 6) GINZBURCIP A.I. Dependence of the chomical compooltion and phyolcal propertiou of sapropelites and eaprohumoliths on the content of alginate group microcomponents. Lit. i pol. iskop. no.5:51-67 S-0 164. (MIRA 17-11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauclino-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut, Leningrad. v it it 11 4 all 14 It 4 it if 0 if Is p4 Ulf W" hill 111"W" Ulf tr cbUildedstice of coals of the ChefemiLboy -00 A. Zlivinclitioliskikov am, -00 J'Wrdgo 1"Pili" 6, 37:1 Ake ltlq, alial 411.1 Ol, .00 vh,ni .00 a I t A g(TALLUROKAL LITIRATUNC CLAWMATFOll It I vi al a% 4181 silts Run ItailLon 1~14 00 am 0 48 a 4, o .0 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 j A S a ) 1 0 No 11 tj 1) U 1, )1 A is 0 A ?IYJ)t vu 1413 ).1110"mil CAI "tire r If J L M I k1k I Et' I +.I I 1~ d A k A -.11 -P-.A A- 00 00 dto. A. 1. I'munwil. 01 c4w of die Ya 9(1937). 1-00 rwmn -Sh tYP" Of K TowiOge TOPUM 00 9. 00 0 00 so f 00 00 a 00,3 00 00. 00 .4 cW am dewttbtd aW x6if peuOraphic MW chem. -06 chamterw" WT tivvn. A. A. Podcmay -00 -I L A INTALLU"KAL LITINATUOIC CLAtSOKAVIGO 1wa;J191/ *-ONO -Lt (Ply UPI It 6 c1 19 11, TIN, 4 0 0 0 :0 0 0 4 0 0 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : - - ~* 0 at I* * 0 * '00 600 --00 coo '00 g-0 '0 0 6*0 ft* 0 '00 C-Z-* coo $Lill Go 0.1 At, Ow 0 0940000*000*00C~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 , m ky W a 40 #1 a ts ' a lic I-J. k -L &v popol.1.11 -f. ---- - ------ rnwdowAl d"Mift 41 tamim md uWasm. N. A. T&PAxAw md A. QQMmuMQ.(J. Appl. Chein, i R l b ikd a WM a4-4" soft" is o ow all is adtbd "m a wid w Imovo cokgW= hWimcm Ti.: I -se Few ~ of 11 MA makUm Is bWW with exam a( ' I've 0 NK &M Ahwed The is emmotal with (FH A W lee c , m &I. K,I*CN)o b amed to the extnLet. whom a blow ookwsUm or pp4. indiust4m U. HismAd to (* be exom of AW with lie), is Add4 o w, 1 6 "ood with '1~0& MW K TOMN) IN add & coo Z * a , R. T. too Aeo ~ M8 V"s 0 6 &i t 1 0 a a 3 a 9 ~ "Orpir(off gram* pfu It It Q 7 ;~ 0 0 o 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 :oil ~ o 0 0 0 V 06090609000 v : : : : * 4p 0 W-* 0 111111- a-0-0-04 o -0 0 0-o 6 4-4 e 6 -i -oo 0-W -00 414 0000*00*400*0090 -0A # I c: I II II I It I t It I Iit it 1 0 if If A A it it A A 11 1) 11 It AS v 1) 111 J? a 4, It Oro A L-j 6 A-A A L 8 Pit, P A I v v Ll -I- - 1-1, A 1 1* Ix i41 u 4 00 00.1 Pallucille In pegitiatites o( the Killion Rmilic te'alitclu 00 Kasslibstan). A. I. Gili-Ing 601til-t rold. a"44. ,I. vvm' 0 the thigurbay wid Kraiii-Kordim tit plnit~ I% III, it III l1mg lie AsuAlUlAk VIAllry Icefill3lile firld, W) LM. S.C. bvf 06 :;Irtlrity tq Ulf -KIIIIICIlogorsk. veiw af,- III 11-1111fli- i-00 vvilich 11 -rifilled to accial p"" .4 IjIx.- *0 itli lqjtj~'jjt-' ttmI.IAlj'w' 00 11-lullicile c-r lietallte, "llifir Ilkall IK ryl alt-I a till, will, limirTal, lwvl~r% AN larjjv Solid 111111 grallill;IF Ill.% -06 00 ri 1:w-nor ,( iisafiy fir-ty or pliiki,h YwIt I %, ml. 1,, Go I 'llifliv parallel. i. Ow III-I vilacra"I, now Nil- 11044:1111m, mild), "fabli'lit.1 .1 v'jIIIvj 1.11k." fill..1 twil, ass so =06 uilh incy mvl~mkilv invill- 0 'imI,t "f till Illikil-11 -:.'I all, rall"ll pr-1 urt" IA (all'it" all.1 .-It. Typtilv, awl I'm- 00 di v"vilC~yIIIIIj"Iitv. (:t) .1 Irl'Id"Ill, coo 00 11) fille-al'-d Illivaof Ow p11. Tilt., I'l- !)IJAs -1, -4 ,It zoo [.'Figllruv [.)licit lie: 'SIO: V'A%; Al;t 0, 1-111, 1-'-1 I~ -I 00 C.kis w:~7; Lj,0 il.12; Na,fs 3.1o; k,t) a00 00 zj WO L1.79; 1--tal limiml'i are 0 I :,-,: 1"Mmm 0 from Ila, C"4j 1:01 00 Wratlun.1 fit c ill 'It- %how tile 414 vt-lfklllflf.ll( scl all argillit-Al, IIIIII. lal. 114-114%. kaolistite. Lepitiolitv IK-cinwit, from th-v 4. h- 200 hivi,tramil anjii. It( C, (wi,tral and may licit, I %- we 0 it% a r1mv its ImIlls, i(v pr-j. IL H I AtILOCK At LM111411URIE CLAISIM111041 0 ..1, 011 - IF yr Joe b u ss AV At n it Rm n i L- -1 0 14 0 1 w w 00 *0 e 11 40 *0 ON Is co o'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *a 0144 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 a a 0 1e 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 -00*000 ***goes* 0 0 0;; oaf 0 14 O % 01 14 : - , w- A IL-J -m X-jo 9 1 r . ' " ' is V.-Y 1 .1- 1 A, AA U U &V Ujis I , I 0 is G Is I A JAI uuri'(-- j-4, 1 is 44q VA"CtittS 440 *111,Ptslyll W tin tantalite trum the depowl tit lite mul I li A at,ltww Kalb& RA I. ' 'i M lqVl~ lil 54 .I - i Ills, , " ' 11pli'li dt-l-It 114feaulite from ( ifteinilar %vjTrgA(W(t4 ill tile Ism- d manKatmijIll.l. ' 00 life, griscrally ts"t Wx,cvliltx 1-21 .1. Cm. in At"l, )It -t iti-t-1 tit 111jort-jullit- ill, f" 11) ou h i 00 ton, (mlivict w N p [lire twot' 1 h t ~ -00 e l ,, Istvil 4pir-CrVI'l. T ) 4.11), ill %lie hav x 1- mineral it bright yrilow Ill grmi0i vell"o -I 1'rowit'll Yellow, tramilialli 11,3011 (Hie C.44r t" th'. ollwl l.mA The lu,trr ii li verv itile'- it-vitisru lite mitw % l i Is . ll cmi l 3,12:11211tine, patlicularly on Ihe wfrvt Cleavadv plalle" "so wimit whielt lite m6terut real lily plil, iitt,j thits lifititu". h l zoo -~ t y0 The lslim-rAl ll Wilk. Thr mrt,al, %,lig i1r. .5; 11 5,5 0. ClcsvAj[e Is J~ft~t 41-C (I'm?) i i t - t t Stryo ut%,k-r Tlse U. Ilturt;ti dri"Kit 0 0 00 u2tol its the Asu-Ilatlak rwginalite firld sit the Kafla Rassice as ill ill., Ispift f V.-If.- .4 the Ami-flulak Riv,-t, 1. mit irpre. r*o IVII(est by 14 wries d 44 PC41114(ite V~ilp' it, [Ile VollilliAll =00 vajillm. The jentral part of the veilt cucj,,ij(j ql( ljLr,, go 0 crymals 0( si)(14113111rue, quattic, mind inscruclinc, %,Ill its he I"lw biwizons 4 W"lite, ;.'flucite. And Alliblypilite. Detached fIncketti f sidi h ( e l NoWn t1lanxAm)1antatior (U'~ T* d 12171 a 0 C n s w ,, Wj and ocher Ta inerals in. ("KtllWn With Cst"Ifffitl! ILAVe t*tr ffAlild. Analywx arc a given. flu'Ced 00 A 12 - I L A 61TALLURGICAL LITIRATM CL&jUFlCaTl0* WIN 1. ti S1130*0 At al. aW U 11 10 Ill; t, it 1 6 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 a st a 0 0 0 6 OTS: 0 a * 0 0 0 a * 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 a as gas 1 1 .410 VOO r I, tloo .010 IN. .00 V-11 1, is 0 - - T i 6-1 An It 3 1 v 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 O-AL-9100,0 1-0 -0 a age 0 0 00 GIHZBURG, A.I. Petalite In pegmatites of the Kalba Range and its alteration products. Trudy 149. (MLRA 9:6) (Kalba R"gd--Petalite) GINZBURG, A.I. -- -, Structure of mineral aggregates of complex lithia pagmatites. Tray 149. (MLRA 9:6) (Pegmatites) 0 .P~' Its replaceniont reactio-no. A. r No"--S S.S.R.'- W. uccuro In U gplicatites of Central AU; 'espiectill'y' t, ,Ralbinsk Clialm, R. Xtrakhotsn, In the twin MR111"er Aqu-Bulak, v tribatary vi the Tainta River. The' 111111cral 13 Jkslocd. Will) Op"WInUMIC, filictooline, tflPhylitt'. Wtil-developedmoote-i brasite c pst)als occlar In it much yujinger mineralizAtion; 0 (1 It), (110), with a good deav- forms. 11). (100), (0. age parallel to (001). This YOUT Scr type is asaacd. with coarse scaly lepidolite, albILL. (c eavdandite) crisduritc, -and polychrotoatic tourmaline. '~tpldollfc uiten riplaces inoutebrusitc with a Obaracterl Je resorption istructure; It bl-a tht 111v"'t replacculent is a in observed In thill sec. I tinns, with exterior Yoocs of albite and qUIIrtA. Locally atubly6rookc,albite rocks are observed, with 504)5o (if amblygonite, 40-5r.,, Alit, sul"rdinAte microclint, and ell, tsiterite. TrIphylite, inclutlvl in mr1licbrasite, is 1111vay, replaced ivith rellet' resurotion st:ructure3. Very charac- teristic is the chwir of ac pthraty Fe LI phostihate to Ai LI phosphate, w Ille the frecif Ile', * Ions are fixed again inthoyouiviertourmaline, Tliet:(picalt%viniting(jfiiit)iite- brasite widi 2 systems perpend1colar to each other' s1wirs Irregularly zipulf laniellar LvnindiLrien. ThIr. phrumucutin .111gge3ts a replacement of nituitcbmsite by Ircomnlite (N;t .ub1ygo;ilt,!), with lenching aiv,~y III pzW 4 JA '. mul " sfro~ijalbltltatlon- Very pecalUr are the reaction rim., ob- served between mictocline and inuatebmsite In which lepldo- lite Is formtd; Quensel (cf. C,A. 33, 1005t) dextibed similar reaction rims, but with Ll piniie. Chem, analyses show that rnonte~msite of the Kalblusk Chains c(mtalas ouly U-1.6% F, 1.6-2,0% Na.0, and the LisO content Is lower than In =bTyxonite, Complic.,ite(I chem. reactions occur In late h) drothermal reptacerucats of ruantcbtasile by albite, with tht formation of Ca At phrisplmtc3, spherulithic flablilte, ftancOlte, avid apatitc. and with the appearan(v of elaylsIt kaolinIte aggregates or evrn 0 halloy5fle. In the cwse of the allbitization. Na montfb'~aslte (trCtuantite) ii formed as an Intermediate product, which Is not easily dif- .1crentlatvi frant thc original montcbr-Asite by ordinary optical methods. Ify-frothermal solus. first remove from montebrasite the U+ tons, and replace them by CA". The dissolved Ll Is mincralized a '"U In the late emtn. of "Y cm'kelte, or fine s=ly lepid.lite. The leaching of P10k, wbich Is observed in spcclal cas", Is characterized by the fornuttloit of kaolinite or even qf ItAlloysite, The ele- ment migratlons characterizing thex reactions are well ob- served In thr., changes of the Intensities of the spectral lines of Li, At, P, Ca. Mg, Mo. re, Sr, Sn, Cu, and Pbi In the dif- ferent zones of repla"ment3. W. Rlto- b- S& 11 Tiudy Mineral. brwyal fit- ill fri'lavA fit Sm-116h wutri6k) to (vYr1Nk*kk fitv~' LOY', j4tlls ~"10" .111d tic Ir. to- siu! (Felil M-011WO, in the mme way ws lithi,iv,hilitc. Li(,~[." 1,J14)II0, 1,i repjack:ol by Afn sicklerite, L.Oilull, F01I)VO., and lit uccial also in 1.1 pe;'matitol of tile Kalbilia Chain't .111d, 1.3 Nli,ldle Asia, ki thlit. Iaveri bz_'.%~teti triphylite and hutort). rite, Anothve Ruisian occilli'mice Li In ~pixlulntliw pegma- tItL, whcre sicklerite. k Induded in npatite. Single crYlitalso-e not obsexvizif; colat fl, brown.lih;ck, Imtergrcmy; orie (Ilittrit cle.,tvige, anti one poe)r, pci-pitmilcular to Ilm othrr; hardpeiq atiout 4: it, 3.'!j-3_!!3. The elmittit1rii Ij m r Ifel, varjApIc in btown iooi tvith 1.7)(1" t3 ).7,12: 1.71r,!), 'tho llcklcritc C'mialm "NO and M'.~ 1".0, 1 (.. it i3 Mn Sirklefitc, ihji~,vd from lith;opliiiii-c., :1vjjkr t~j fh.-, ocurivil(t, (J Fil0and. Tii.:' tf'"JIC~Oval (";Jllula. I'mm G ii with fit!' rat!o AkO~UO - 2: 1 ; foit ani-maNJ thin ratic, i; larg&r. bccautc. pur te wwl licotio!;i1p ate infugrown on -.1eavage Cradr. In si~Tlill_irite' ot ilydi:Mweterusim and bytirated 1:01't-NIT011 fillosp1mu, ge;l have 1well f"'rillvd. The ratio Vv,(),WnO abo varic~~ in wilv liniij!j it% the :.jvk!vr1tc comp's" wI'11(: 011'. 5urn-, of R.0 WO + RAI (0.52-0. V), fitut 1,10i um, it-Affier vnflAt" Cut' regionding to th,~ [wimilit 4- 71m oL~.urrcncc of sickIctite L3 most fv~fpxnt W nibitc, Q1,SQCd. witil dark-u)luml aimilite and svc5sartite. "The par.jgeaesk i.1 ill lpodltiwlcw~ Chara'Cturked hy tile r~tplmcnw:lt of quplouwn, by triphylite (0i- lithlophilite) 'and sickleritt, and simultawtums)Y'by albitc rhe inte~growth3 in Mn apatite ire sonteflums graplih: at with parallet-tiriented needfcc When LI. Cu, Ft. '.%tn. ant! P are pro-sent topthcr in P, pegmatitt, Oj atul Ll art nevet assoed. In the gaive mineral, but either M it with Ca In a Mn Apatite + triplij-1ite or lithlophilitc; or graft. nite (Fe, Arn. Ca)jfp(),~ - tr1rhylite. The transition of sick- lerite into purpurite (of violet color, with exceudingly strong pleorhrokm) is also very characteriitic on eltavage cracks and on vdgeii. Purpurite has as above 1.78; 2 V ji -large.,,The x-ray dWraction diagrami ghow that "PUr- ~rite h often ijotbomogcneom, but a mixt. of5icklerite rputile ii proper. W. Litel lq~ 'A J-1 00 1 4 1 1 . f~ P 0000000 00 Is 11 U 11 If is m 1P PSOCKS111% AND VaGPI111#5 -'r, -i--o 4 a 31 U U J. A As 1: Is is 10OLINIQUOTMIC. A. 1, Obbilltarif anal 1. V. Ginsburg, 74, 1119-31109501 Orl. If. tin "lady Russian) Tkv lifAkIMM-CQMt&iftt?4 AMPkIbUlf holumIulailiff kAm tiern fin" In IWO IMAIIII09 only, orm, In Swrdwn Arml Am-ther In -00 .0 PlOrth Carolif illellackv of al., Am, Mineral, 15. No. a 11113111, Suaditio. qtq. nir". I Illocklmilre PrArk. of. Of'), 1 4111,471). Thoocrartence of thin misupral in U.S.S.W. in A -I.-durnonit 0 30109" PYWArso)-beArtag site In a Obbra-anorlhosile asaitsit is reported here, 11 (owes grougm of very ebmigAW 00 crystals (up fu 2 cut It"g) limith In tow 4mtvr amoof Iwg- roe inalitir bodies and in the surrounding rock, &11119" As far AN m*vvrol doiatit yards from lbe p"maille. The coalAvi artwo of the mimidwimitne-bearlag "y an the Purrounding tiAme rtich 00 results to tit* forwistivit of lithitimm-comUlaing biotilva in the 400 vicinity of tko comitact. and In a repimicifamemA al hurnblendir by goo holsomplatite farther away. Title CitCUMM&WO MAY have A considerablo prospecting valsw Ike thimlimig of a single nevillo tot holawfulatile to A basic lorinallon should Indicate the 1 -00 prrmvwv of rarii-moul-braIriagi prilmatites of the lithium typo. a 10. 114 titf*AILWI Ct AIIWK&Tt~N Cie 9 S A. -0 It U I w da a a I a99 U a 19 a m: it 1126 al 1. It, 41 00000 111 0 0 9 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 :_V_ 0 It lxteit~w va Urzya T,~!4 HAIMC (1) With 12G,- par"gonrJ14 of v has be UIL 1,.~~te and k F"-W Mjiihrqj~zie de lit AMC. but he cou-- desciibd bY 1-%Cfc"- A 5, W rtllo- 1910, Vol,. Iv, p I 'Arith 1) c0 ;Stals of manoclin] , .1 os) cwslficd sell theviolet-eulored fu juell (C.A, A 2~ hk fitlellgitc.", MCC VC1104.2"40). no practi. thorn erv;LtIons of. New ob~ I in the aroul) Of -icaliy identical With thL.5 ml-ft tApilylit" (from -egates R p,,,gtjjttic re- ilesh-red RgKj J* hurelulite ill Ins) llLnn-Onstrated it's "'ear jollgated _1.5cm jjjdl3m,,i, the Kalbinsk Chql',,Y,,,l, of 0.5 jatjj3o with Violet iie ,11S .1 cr6vitles. vown with (101) on t Uel a and gtals tillow (101). (010). Inic cry 1301"rific Molloc, ph,4phr4jdctjt.e from are trnnsPren ROW (001)"C' The CrYstl'tl *-45 tO . - 3 with, Kleu4brg. 13 'Y - 1,733; 2 V -.1693, 0 . 1.72 file c: a ispersion r 4~ V; clonzation Ileg.; an d stronic,; j d I:c f%nd 'An Iv th yery stroUg 111),313 Sholve hosid- i 'rhe t'llectra) an tj ~ f ram Phos The clLstinc OTI -lying moderate: . I - h jtlStllIe3 rIA"l 5 its jN1110 content IV-11C F W(h-~ Cut Incml of the -MPI1- 0-111 ZIL d InjePe" ;,J A. 1. GinzIlurg. -all c.~jL4_ 12~ Cry5t.,13 Of flul&!sito (Cf. Urnrij% In,,' C.~;jyer, C-1. 215, ~ - r il 0 ) I f d I ' % rol ~l ) 1 176 7), ty it it perk-~:, Aa va ge pa rill l , I ( pvplatite~q (if thit KAR'illk'k Chain$ -aad from of 'U -'Olicll :ire comp?). Jorltmd by VIL oxidat6a Cf ruddi:lghe' Landesite is n typim! reptict:nwjii foittcrll of 1,111mm,- (fi- phyllite tylakh ii 4ft(n mcs~!md amid,t r,j4Ik7Vraot -ndc products (Fe NIn ph(z:pItatit3)' L. -;'w gtvli"~trz and roc Lkidgvio. Tlit ii~rLjl 'fonlis radi4I-,id,mlur agizrvgati~i ;~.iA cw5ti, -if tilc-md calor ort the !urf:_,ce, dafk,ic browu t,, black it! the M.,rd- 1 73;, pleneltrokin in brakM .i,id elongation pw. extim"lou jm~r.tll-l; ,ptiMly biwdal, twg. TiAn vdrileig ol dl?_hllit~ often siv~rtu through OiL landczite Olychildroulte. a moor mammal tw the iron-usartganode almitinvol pbo ."to groop. A. 1. Vtvimikova muml, 'AMr-Ni6k ss.s.k.), Poklad -v Ahad. Namb S.S.S,R. 71. 1411,9(livdo 1411". and blown phtwithate raitfules with triphylite 4,rut it quatti pettinAtite 4 the Katbiu,& Wits. (K. Kmskhmaiij. %hich conuin an unktaiwn 14611tAtiC 111111CIAL -If M1111111 l4own,IA.w. hardimm,3A to 4; IN.tfivt Cleavage of The arth'Whombic cry'I'lls ~101), I- IWI(ect (1110). optk*el tviclitatiotia - ., -j - k -lidlitiv I4i,i.rhioii-. "ith 11, I-manigh yello., a IWI-yelb.o. '-.I' ;W-33'; disliciNkin p < 0; a - LAXI. 0 - 1.7m; 1 1.729: j -a m O.U.M. PArticular care was given in the cbem. atudysis to the deto. of IWO and NlntO,: the re- ,,ults, however (4.47% MO. 8.71% Ntnt(l). are mq en. .~rcljr conclusive skince the re could only he ifeld, i, Frio, - ISSIId. Thederivedchm.compts. LA (11n, Ca_!sla) 11 - inarkAbly similar to that of cftihftcnite:4iF*v,Nh0- and %be Dew mineral IN imly iks- tinguishird by trivalent Fe and Mis. end a slightly Wart 11gotontirrit. The oftom ary rwittin 4-1116% "nivebildmi- sqc** in ir"Ient thr'"Ish pwialomuirphI. which A " the transit im front chililrenite. beginninx from t lit I,vt iphei I%ut% ul thi:% 113iliffAl. The x-ray diagrAtust ul 6ith min crak are vety simiLir. althmigh different lit dctailiI~ oxy- childicnift is cmily decoctilml. to a vnixt. ad linsunite with diuk %lit luilivialii jimiktinclaitc. pyrolusitc), unit A Its - dt-itts At phophate (vuheitvitel. W. Fitcl I-A 1 Jun 50 "Nev Mineral of the phosphate Group," A. I. Ginzburg? Mineralogical Kus, Acad Sci USSR "Dok A Nauk. SSSW' Vol LXXII, No 4, PP 763-766 Describes new mineral discovered in 1947 and named Kryzhanovskit after Prof V. I. Kryzhanovskiy, Russian mineralogist. Mineral belongs to sroup of basic hy- drous phosphates In vhich iron is present in form or FeP-03, and almost all man anese in form of MnO. Form- ula of mineral: 1.16RO-0-87Fe 0 -P 0 -2H20, vhere t fp , of R = Mn, Ca, Mg. Kryzhanovski typical mineral oxidation zones of pegmatitic veins containing triphy- lite and represents modification of latter phosphate. StOmitted by Acad D. S., Beiyankin. 165n6 AlArfito In"00117 binak Rafte and "tua of4tio _':~tOOUC41W*Mt. "ketia"Am! Gintburg.; A 4: r" !Al R.1-1xiii triphyflie.' Ll(ile,-' tw-kc to I" ~ whkh Is found In the pegaigtites are typically diffurcn- ed0j at bek 4daeW a2socas. and Indicate a succemlon of 1 Y3 lvtm:i ftplacoment readim. ..!rhe occurrence b in strot, rly- lbldied,. pegrmatite 'velum .;wV1!b have, been changed by- eAtherlogandrMidation toa&pthof.more than 7 m. Tht~ Irl hWd Is-fn(Wateiy Ifttergrown with cleaveland- i A ry, . P This triphylite h; In Iii1v ov"'Poarts' of -S=t Cs up t6 cm. in diam. In the better prea tim rrvvi mtral parts, of ,the pqmtlie srefus In greater depths. piodumme~occdm in the ?tMattte, often in & tiL cry&-' u motit. til!ii as do mkrWinc. and a r1ulle NA rcgtv ututi of the'nomal mck. I tri I lit Pr tj 0 ly Ca - rare, litit pmudomotphoof hydrated phoiphates eterositt) !filter tkighrite occur up to 12 em. in length. wit the toms I ) -JIIO). (120). (101~. 1.070, 1. rduall (below 10" . v > r, up IV4 27M Moo I(M) Im. 4he - clierm. analyth ihcnrs 7.11%; the rqtRommi of Aig- -~ Tu~, Is (%dructirlitic tot. the I_sCtmqibhm In the triphylite-Othl- :_A Pbut a -Uwtfple, IM511.61, the ules (Pocketk.): W Is i Wp Hie rdks appmr oul the emtn Mo .2PA.811,0, Mrs .211AXWO od alte'. f. th A LOW; P and Incitulous 6f suffide cm (pyritc.! Ite te, YvIte. xn4 thakopyrite). A. 1% arnm4 the cot coatains mly N, P; ", 7 ,A p4Y1t,etftv1fo. but it Ito -slid ~Ujfl #wts. flUffLatIlit it &SVC%J' WitIl Za jC.Ckljfjf4CCltk MeActir andFrundel C.A'.41,=fV-l:.(C'A cl Aoa).widvol- jobito'caps. bip. umt datUbmwa une ~if, in tba om vOcklesite, LhOA(MuO + F40,),2PX),,- IeU shgjws 'XPA.271W, bemm mAhjid[W(C. WtIO, ule ul I am- rtTlue4 by limanito und worcd1tr, lrcks-.:~ s ode -Wj 04.2H%D.: Tim irtirroandbog bl3ck 3(amv contAL-is efty0-1 Fe'MfjW':- I Aft, . (Fe,W h0s.PA, . hydruketerusite, -:.:,P Os 3HjO gd mincrob of h3'dMtcd and Mn(.11) j hat J.. It. .d'umAite (frmn ~he suffidA.-O mp Cs on 41h'a &d$ (A the pmkets -rc chalcedany-like. cs4van - ex p ous, ftith rfirtis of O.Z-1.0-cm. thickocu of 6hNitei liman. Ite. wit vtdaM04m, Thn chm. re%dP#A comspondhic to these multiple and,wry cbamctcA,%W_ttmes am -Sek y undesit6od; (1) to ahseace of,oxidathd reactJons first L r" io df.~Sflyllte which leaches IAmy the Li f, fmm - tRIA Mfurcklo4ft nowly rMned vivlauffe an I kite PC and gh'=*M, from each te 11 oa., othel lu the Olattsi (2) TM o"tkii (d the plividry aulAdo ore) i 1 bOngs'al"WIL 7AI$01 Sul 0. n iotkh. mkc with jftc.hy4r%~!O 7 '0 loxitiation of triphylito and of Me other PIM. phates bring., - ; about FejO, and MnA plwq.tmic hydratto (cf. Mason.. i C.A. 35, W393)_ This change Is evident In the replacknemt of paWtr. by hureaulitatf, _. dillitly oxidized laitc), sick- mw by hettrosite dnncli of ferric and ~mn Imelivit and Fe o- lies are . hat"' nio ~,fornled, -1-Ing Awvy of the Ith p ftl&ns. glow react with CA"' and 1C0 -74 ) Th- ph.Vh a The rimi tit 1. b... and for dahl-ite which cover the nodules with all tWr maltipk: t x0flings. I is Identified by Iti eptical propeWes: -t.w - 1.82 * 0.02; a,- 1.79+-0.02; 211 - 40-41, optically pm. dispernion extnwrdi;Larily strong r < it. E.1tivelon akle Wtween the trace of a nearly perfect cleavoge - 0', 11 second cleavage perpentfictilar to the perfect oui Is rudwr Po4)r. Pletchnkau 14 strong. NOth yellow-hrowst wid tImp- brown colars, Interference colors are al)vayq highl!! onoma. ItItH, hi dttlo-grcen colurs. IV. Vito-' A 7, cu-i ith i i O l s iv n.3; t a pe tite vpil~q (if tile. 1,11111illsk w Ual npotite ilt crystaii 0.01-0.1 wich a rj)arjcLv6ifl4- bilt if mnihir picoolm16m fi wit Wife it) collir-, r " j,", 0 - Oightly L~ax;O, '9101 mrollf, 4iiifwl-Jon lc!~.i. - i LIT,11,1; ~ - TA(4. Cldtdc~iiioi its i1i tifux( cry~,tak ri-7 1-111 . III)]). witit t4,1 Fol lal 11101, j I wl.. (oicit, j J I I , i I !0911; h" 1*11~ '-f,%iq, tile hctl ni ,~C. wil f I.C.Ile Ar"!q,11,, CqIm- 11r,mvi4i t,~ -1 very :3,ri'lig fill < v -r- ;f , - 2(Fe Afn)O i O ~h . e roalt St.,] w'va fv_ 0 "lis 16.7%~ F40, Allso Tile, c ii . hwiiurphowi btrl,.-, with trApbvri('% Off, '%fil ej,4 niczzjh~x. Cliltilmidle j.,f p ',Iy f,.4Jkliz d V, cM 11 1 rnitc." psecdonlorv:j after 4.1, W. Elf-it 07N7BURG, A. T. 188T147 USSR/Geophysics - Coal, Humus Jul/Aug 51 "Petrographic Varieties of Humus Coal," A. T. Ginz- burg "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No k, pp 81-98 on the basis of personal observatiors and perusal of written sources, Ginzburg attempts to classify the humus homogeneous and striated coals and to reveal their paragenetic connection according to number of criteria and indications. Shovs how the gradual variation of the quan ratios of microscopic elements and the degrees of metamorphism are reflected in certain industrial properties of coals, particularly in their ability to coke. LC 188T47 a" 17- 97-101KI960-The new udm .1 1. Imp nut mumomwite armill" of The I on ovetirrivill in mk"dkw voil 'U FoAnt- Mile thmt omlr hw h m miliments, entirely 1,11111111" Spostite. It "Cooly been ronfused with Mgwm.ltg hrolus, olo Its rt - mill Ih I in mmillot-grounskv Initiates Or count -yootall It 6 enrich.] in olit Glifile-like confild not (if 104tlfr veins and It Is Itillinattl lourniAllne(dravit.) 7 --M. with 'Alvine. quarti, MIMI, in Alf)Htftd portion" of the veins willi't- nodulm li-d-fortilic I'votoo(re. I illylit, anti, clinic With rough for ma W Pool Pitthinoono- loan (4tw- but dWhK-4 "" 10"I'S"Cly rare. It has a 11"y luster. uplem 4111 off ex. flardurom 4- oUld! density 3,47. fruetur'. file nutpoom- ""er-I under 44 mimill 1 .7- to im"a" Wit, 1)1(rt- - 'a unit Im I Clomatom ItAlline, 6 - " =h", Tt,' a M!110 "low o- . .. whoryellow. M. rokirkia. RMI allovirption > 0. ter Is " > diolixersiou r c 2 V with Strong !!f-fjm-' 11 WI I-tiluteff"vin, 0 - 1.1"if - I I MI. Atilt '- - %iff, NI (i.m. The client. formulA is 4 (Fe, ;~611171`f to Ith NO 25-9. MnO 11.0, and M I . , M11-M)PI'll"k thererdmor similar to 141btritoolite telex-riliwit by life6orillin (IWO)) and another dearrilml by Iluribul t dr- W-A $1, 2JUVO); the new fulneral Is, Im)"rvrr, in voj#n fails diffrivoit front lalkirlpille and trijolite im4w. v.4. by the almence of CAO anti the r4lin d MnO: Pro) whit to in nialline4otriplite is only 1:111 but particullirly historl in the other cams. Additionlitly. the flitin kX PO. h: R(F. Off 4 is W IA as in trilditr but Lccumtely 4~3. Alio, thr io-fay powder diativAttip art different In detail.. TO, - Stlay replace mgpl in UkoliffleSiGitilAilt. Tbf P"MA- titic pooraern-is of tromenryll"Irlpfite with tiouirmalifir- dravite awl Its Inteme Frioliwelor"t by fidbite is highly Atourtarlotic; an joirrinvollatr re-jellon Nine Willi brAd- dMitc is observed with Aillotwimirof artloiialitr, This real- ition is o'Ond1juid With Ill(- JLfyl,to. of excri" M)t A- qwftz ant) nonscovitor, whit, Fro Awl Nino enter hemideftitt Atilt blue tourmaliur, surrounding blark tourinAline. W. K. -~Asaww, A. 1 0 , , Phosphates In granitic pegmatites. Trudy Min.muz. no.4:36-63 152. (Phosphates) (Flugmatites) (MLRA 7:11) i lAtirfieldite from 2SgjUUW of the-Turk'e'stain"R 2.1 ,AA. I. Glimburi;. Trudy Af-merolu. Milseya, Akaj. 6 (Ca,Mn,Fe (POt)-2IfjO. occurs ht highly albitiz ginatite veitts' ell, ;"'',e of the northern slope of the Turkcsta. R wt, in natrolite- like radial-iteicular cryntal nggregates; it was similarly de- scribed in this form from 11agendorf-Ifuhnerkohel, IlRvarla (first as wavdite by Gfinibel). In the Tutktiun occur-i rence, Uie fairfieldite b parngrnetiraHY relate to deave-! landite ml ttiphylite, in a typical latc-pegim titic fad The optical data are very shniRr to thosr prev ously glyen for fairgeldite by Lawn ;n~nl Bermary (Cf. I Crumn mid. G n w it o yer, C.A. 2S, 1707). L A. 1. Ginzburg and 1777 =.ruxfova. Trull AG"fratoxeN KIM SZ.S 063).-Amottg~'~- 'R.No.4,132-6(t I I the pegmatitic minerals which are generally remarkably low-' III F. but high In hydroxyl, triplite (vvltlt 0% F) Is an ex- ctptlon, and the newly desetibcd, nearly- pure Mn triplite also.kontains 4 to 9% F. The mineral occurs In intirnntc integrowths with cleavelandite, Itpidolite, ambiygonite. Od bin apatite. Its color is rose-pinkigh, similar to that of rhodochrosite, with a good cleamge and sornewhat fatty I luster; hardness 4 to 4.5; d. 3.82. It is nft pleochro1c; 2V Is very large -fispersion r > v. optical charucter po!i - angle O:cleavage trace - 20*. The spectral analysis sho;~~ Rtroag lines lof Ca. bin, and P, rather stroy lines of At Mg I Fc, and 81; a weak U line, aud a trate ol Ti. The ~hern' I analysis shows, In comparison with other triplites, higher CaO and lowrr MTO, while for FcO the conditions are ri- versed. The V iontent varIc3 from 4 to 9%. In the bin triplite of Turkeswu the PeO h timtkulatly low (1.4.1%). flitallar to that front Tmnsbalkatla. and K"Alchstan which is - assocd. with sulfide% and rhodochmsite. The genetic conditions show that Fe triplite Is an early and Nit triplite a ve late inincral In Li pegmatites Mtj triplitc hi often- rep2aced Y gtiphitt (like in the Black Hills, near Rapitj city. vDakate.); it considerable enrichment In PO,, AIA, NIIA and L40, but it reduction in NO nnd V, Is characted3fle for this cljange~ Amblygonituand ',fit apa- i the nuty be found outsidethc irriplilte in whIc III-scoriched ORSN' Thvieptacts-icsitrevelatedt tion. W. Fttd- GdwfA (a tfill 111*1*0 the Turkestan reage. A. 1. (a S.S.S.R. 94. tml~ it 6J. 40, V".-Uphit, ., Wmmi I wthvT%tuk~Van ange In the form of nodules up to 5 em. In ftm. together 14 Wt ma"rWrefoui triplito. ap2litc, fmi- UT Nocry-g- Usnotel ma. r-leltardnt", (I.. mad x were Oz, 3.01, CLUd:JAW, M'%P. 'rhe t:ttMtAtCd COrlp". COfforOn4dNt to the foctuttla N"Mil. (stmcd with literaquic data. Umnitcat- tag, tim flad of Im-fr= (A temp. rcache4l it mal. VAhle Rt W. Io%vctwtg, Jr.. AW~ A- I-AlWrt rivi-er am devel-J)'M It bir 2nuo, In VIC 1,1e smpm lit I;tgujnt11I6 mliterailmatiou. All of tilt whkli tire n1mervvi III jwgisilit1tvi; cpti~ bc On, lrwd Vither ws prilallry ~~rvilaj. Inim tfitltq itti-I Mild :4!)1;m, (3r III stc-'ridaly pl~(fllcbl of 01t.tilgo lit (Ill.'- 01011. "'Hillit, of 1ho pritpary plumphatel. 1*110 ImICA'i 14 wbit'll pelmolary p6hplimci ato Wl~wlyqd arr %imially IlArg" whilp tilliq'i of tjl,4 prilutity Phimphaw, 11,111glAs at,; 11mittd. The Itrittiary phu-n batgu tit INN% Tj jll~gtuilflw. RIO tilphylitc-U(Itid 1111itc, tr(131 apatite. RIO ulsiblygollitt, (ir ardtoultil. av, folvale'l l0litivety tarly, JR41 y au I- lected to sept-limmit prut;~mo. reattlo,is ic (AlUxtitioll, Am chservril M III -. periplimal nittm' N. by il (If ttiphylite; Ills,) typically mpergenp reactions havc fi)nntd Mally ,I tho sm-nuhr). phosph%tcs. Tboy are dc- rived Imm the ptimary illitict,th ltv hydraflaza -gid oxW,,- ticn rVactiolli, In mally pk"filliktite 110posit's, 0.4f. of Ak.z all 0 zout dew1cped Alp 4 of utbluln ndc,4,1, And A_ r ,64,y e d occur a PC! tepucement, 1"'40 fcculed by th. at 1, Odt t PIOX-etrents SU a or vatt"Covit'. WKII fe., 14 as 3AI by- LI d4g,4,3 _d ",th "Ucd!u varknm te,,,,y IPAII d4ta Properties aud . nedhtfibutioa Ofiniflu j j re ent fit3 tctd by Jectrnw "hIck- mmaltIt Im awl Is dia"11444. With 'T at t . rau"tion blofft6 to IkIlkwit at ex W. WtCL~ '-w -w -p -ggu ~m So ~K R Vp A. T., and ITosphorite From the Permatites of Ea~;,~. Trann-baikal" Tr. Mineralorrich. Mu7eya A!! S-)SI?, 1953, e) 10,-10, The authors describe eosphorite, firnt encountered in the territory of the USSR in a pemmtite vein in East Transbaikal, within hollows in albite, quartz and muscovite in the form of solid masses and cz-ystals with -roi-ms (1-1) and (121). Eosphorite chanves easily under hyperf-.enetic conditions. (IZZhGeol, No 31 19510 SO: W-31187, 8 Mar 55 -71 4" 9 0, aualy.~~ tuld ivrfzlu~.4 !,,I ---impleA Item th, Kultilit Range ~ I I 7ral), Hebron an,l liucklivId (Mritine), v,l uui;~~k (Sweden). lhc approx. corup!i. Is UAQSI tldl ilt(YVis (ILI aralogy to kaoliniu. Tile cookpite firtrut %Farutc24L ~ho-~ a tza,asiti- t-t-n ljoth mWerAs, As -i member of Oic c1durite gnup. th.-- zCmIkOte Isi ett"ItIlmrilaA tly We (.UlIp6I rc- F"'cliatamrind by Ute-hydmithermal re=tiozis Fith pri- Inary Bliodumet" and tLpidulite; the associt. of quartz with cookeite in late peet"itite wirig 13 t5~pknl. OptimIconsts.. ct varying tgtweeu 0.017 and 0.020; -y vizriable b~twetn 1.&i4 and I.Ws, a viuriable b4nsveen L~85 ai~d 1.3776; rx'i. Altr.P.A cookcite4 shim lower rs, e,g., front Varutzii5k: Y - . a - 1,1&3 (."hydrcKwkeite*'). Tht: diflerential. thermal curvel d Ow it very characuristie endotburmic ;wak (dell ydratlort) stlating at 400' to 520'. with a rct:L, Tl,, atleml material Aiowg act early dehydratiou a* 150". 1"h, e,,minun chInrite. penk (etulot1wrni; C ) zil 7,'Jil i, ah,,ut F~e x-ray typl:'A Cuikullc t-.VitlCllt, bilt the d(!JAI) dUtA are SWURVI; Lq cliUdlar-to kaolill1c and nauite. IV. Eilel P-T C-~ %It, it i -Eipotl v it tenc. ~'.Iiiz! it it,-. a it,! !:,-w /I A kod. N'vik S'.')~.- 'n-~v V uf 'waitmwwt: Aml,ir to tltoqL, ivp--rc~d by Quoi-l 32, ft"N"2!) %~tv: It k ..!. 'I"'ll that or (Ow latter i-i I'y Q11-ni I a, ualtg. C-~Q.Jud it f,,ri,;,i It. a~CsAINOO~)are,w I hfi,g th lit lj!'WIMlll-lW it lwo idlwll appalk-tilly foil p"Nuvil'! ~"'Wxoitvq'd With IlI:Lt 1 .11 C'-it Vol(), --- - ------- Oxidition processes uf Irl in vanito P-Alne- Mf A k d a uzevu, it. 6. 40-70-Prom the gtudy af the---~ Y;,fi"u% axidatfort Staws; of Fe in trip h ilite, ticli-Actlutt fefriAicklcritt. DhvIiphuh-vntL-- tripiite, ("Liffiddite, R t. - LI.411,0 (*Iiere R Ixod 1401t tA O t Is I,. NA. U.- 11, R I Is I?e*,, Isn' Mr, Zn, fuld other bivalent caCous, R*4-1 fr. A], Fe+*4, at 11, aud, x is P ur As, and -eldoin $ or Si) te upras the Mqlpd. a phr-'Phate 1111fterak. the formtda azrrcd well with the lei ~ru f?. S.R, 1954, No. 0, 7: :,-t;,htC varic-.Oci arc dt!;tyib~d V~?lAtt'. I .- p --gt!h, ma-Srs (up 10 16-20 Cill. in Imadl, in !Ih :nloi, ql;~rtr, 1-nict-0