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AID 11r. 976-1
24 May
at humidities of 70 to 88%. An increase of test temperature from 15 to 35* C rough-
ly doubled the corr:osion rate at humidities up to 807o, bringing it to -80 rng/rr?.day
day at 35' C and 807o humidity, At a humidity of 961o, however, the corrosion
rate jumped from 180 or 220 Mg/M2,- day at 15 or 25' C, respectively, to
675 Mg/M2. day at 35* C. Additions of sodium nitride and sodium benzoate, which
are effective as inhibitors of steel corrosion, had a negative effect in the case
of molybdenum;both were found to accelerate corrosion. It can be assumed that
the oxide film which forms on Mo in humid atmospheres is non-protective.
Card 2/2
. .............
L 19853-6,9 EWT(m)/EPF(C)/T Pr-4 BSD/A,51)(ni) -3/ASD (p) -3/AFE;TR DJ
ACC MION NR: AR4048157 S/0081/64/000/011/PO34/PO34
SO-_RCE; Ref, -zh. Xhimiya, Abs, lIP233
AViAOR: Gintsberg, S.A., Ivanov, A. P.
TITLE: Oil-soluble addit veN to petroleum oils which Increase their protective effect
6:0URCE: Tr. N.-I. tekhno]*t. obsluzh., vy*p, 3, 1963, 123-129
,roPIC TAGS: lubricating oil, oil additive, metal corrosion, spindle oil, cyclohexyWnine,
alkylrv: ircinol/ additive MSDA-11, additive MSDA-18.
4_'R~NSLATION: Tests on the protective effect of additives in spindle oil were carried out
',n a humidity chamber with an B02 content of 0. 01 mg/liter an-d-w-o-M-ng ip, 3-hour cycles
with temperature drops of 20-40C. The oil with the additive was applied to samples of the
metals to be tested (low carbon steel, high carbon steel, gray iron, cast iron with
spheroidal graphite, galvanized stesal, plumbous bronze, aluminum, brass, aluminum-
manganese bronze, babbitt) by immersion. The additives tested included: cyclohexylamine
salts of C -, C and C.11 fatty acids; the dicyclohexylamine salt of a mixture of C C
6 9- 10- Ile
fatty acids (add - - 1-11); additive MSDA-18 (the composition of which is unknown
CoM 1/2
Evaluating the effectiveness of acid! inhibitors.
Zhur.prikl. kiiini. 38 n0-3:6989-691 '-ir 165.
1. SiflaraiLted Atr-ij 19, 1963. (miRA 18: 11)
See alsO:
GINTSBURG, A., inzha-polko-vnik
- 0.-&-, ~ ,
" ,
Methods for repairing stations. Voen. sviaz. 16 no.3:34-35 Mr '58.
(MIRA 11:4)
(Radio stations--Maintenance and repair)
AUTHOR; Gintsburg, A.
L pe-ifaen'al Work by Team LeDder Z.S. Vikolayev in
ChnrE;e of 0alan&)rin_r- Plant on FacinG Fabrics (Opyt
!,~itboty briZradira kalandrovozhatogo Z.S. vil-r-olayeva iia
cbkladke tkani)
P3RIODICAL: K-lacl-n-ik i rezina-, iir r, p A? (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Report fron the fFctory "Kj~asn,7,y treura;,-ol'ilik" (Red
aw,,Ip). A Iihort accoun't is ;~:Iven of Z.S.
.; o' 'he zaximum L)ossille ~jljtnut ,-;h*,.I.e if~
J_ r- I. J _. :ja '_ "I L,-, , .1.
charf~-e Of '--is Shift ~Dn EliXiCI.- 3LY3 calanderinf;' planitu. OILC-
of tricts is to use tl-.e tailing froLa one batch of
-,..hich v.,ould normallj be, off-i,auge due to decreased
tension on ffirz,. b,,:-,c:.k roll-, to tihe reset to
Lhe roll f e ia nd t is
.~op for L su'sei,,iient blotch of i" a " C7 r I a ill
s,-.vE,, time and i.-iat(!rial -41ion tlh(.~- ne-i; bitch enters the
calander. He Mana~:es to get 99.50,v' useful runnin-- time f ron-
L., I.J
the Dlant, as covipared .~jith 9?-98% obtained bly his
colleatrues. Duri-n- 1957, Z.S. Nikolayev's tean; .,,as
E.&periniental 1,-Ioi~k by Teaju Leadev Z.S. Nikolayev in of'
Calandeving Plant on Facing Fabrics
noininated, rnore than once, as the best Lhop team in the
1'ac tory.
ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Krasnyy Treugollnlk" (fled Tclangie Works)
1. Industrial production--USSR 2. Personnel--Performance
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Gintsbui-g, A.
TITLE: The"Advanced Working Methods of Foreman O.G. Kokorina
on the "Sole-fastening" Operation in Boot-i-iiaking)
(Peredovoy metod vaboty masteva O.G. Kokovinoy na
ope'l-at,.3ii "nalozhenlye podoshv" na sapozh'Aaldi
PERIODICAL: Kauchult i rezina., 1958., Nv 7, P 36 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Foi'eman O.G. Kokoi,ina improved and speeded Lip the soie-
fastening operation on women's shou3 by eliminating two
unnecessacy motions Zind providing l'ov a mo,.,e ca~,eful
application of glue to pai-ts.
ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Krasnyy treugollnik (Red Tviangle Works)
Card 1/1 1. Shoes-.-Production 2 Personnel--Performance
t try or mucleic acids n the-p-r-ckek 6f,jr"th
g of silk-excretin lands of the Chins-oak
silkworm, E.A.Sbuboikovaurgdrli I tft ArIliv
nsbryol I I
A nat. Mital. j E 3 1, No. , W ;
Zhur., Kbirn. 1954, No: 41284.-.By makinc use of Illsto-
chem. methodil It has been found that the amts. of tibo-
nucleic acid (RNA) In cytoplasm and deoxyribotiucleic acid
(DNA) In the nuclei increase during the proce!s of develop-
mcnLof3iIk-ex4rcting glands. Thes5pthesisof the secretion
inside the nuclei is accompanied by an increased utiliza-
tionofDNA. For thesynthcs6of the secr lion in the cyto-
plasm RNA Is required; an accumulation tf RNA in cyto-
p1mm occurs tefore the excretion and during the first ling.
of the activity of the silk-exereling glands. It seems that
there is an interrelation between RINA and DNA during the
growth and the physiul. activity of the silk-"creling glands.
If. Witrbicki
-orofessor G. Roskin) YOSCOW
iz kafedry gistOlOgii (zwred yushchiy
State University im. M. V,. 1)5monosova.
n ra t
8(6) SOV/112-59-2-2761
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, 1qr 2, p 69 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Gintsburg, A. B.
TITLE: Generated -Voltage Busways at Large Hydroelectric Generating Stations
(Shinoprovody generatornogo napryazheniya moshchnykh gidroelektrostantsiy)
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Energ. str-vo, Vol 1, M.-L., 1958, pp 40-42
ABSTRACT: Heavy-current shaped -conductor busways developed by the Leningrad
Branch of the "Orgenergostroy" on the basis of laboratory investigations of new
welding methods are described. The cost of manufacturing and mounting one
running meter of box-type busway is 11 rubles vs 20. 5 rubles in the case of a
flat-bus busway. According to a table presented, the carrying capacity of
channel-type and angle-type composite conductors is higher than that of box-
type because the former have a longitudinal alit that helps to dissipate heat.
Busways consisting of two channel shapes are considered. Structural
assemblies have been developed for two channel types: 175 x 70 x 8 and
Card 1/2
SOV/ 112-59-2-2761
Generated -Voltage Busways at Large Hydroelectric Generating Stations
lZ5x55x6. 5; 35-mm gaps are left in assembling the former, and 15-mm gaps
are left in the latter case. For convenience in fastening and in preventing
vibration, the channels are tightly connected by sliding blocks. Special tools
are developed for the above operations ~nd also for butt welding of the buaways.
Brass bolts serve for connections. Bus holders are- made of a diamagnetic
material. Some mounting problems are touched upon. Advantages of welded
joints over the bolt-type joints, as well as major welding methods are listed.
S. S. L.
Card 2/2
GINTSBURG, A.B., inzh.
Firection of the crosoing of 3-10 kv. power transmission line across
a river. Elek.sta.33 no.101-74 Ja 162. (MIRA 150)
(Electric lines-Ovorheiad)
Gintsburg, A.K., V.A. Loktin, S.L. Rezni1covs1.iy, B.G. Rozovskiy,
X_.A_.-'9u-IYUUn, and A.A. Trakhov
Remont radiostantsiy (Repair of Radio Stations) Moscow, Voyen. Izd-vo
M-va obor. SSSR, 1959. 327 p. No. of copies printed not given.
Ed.: P.S. Kiriyenko; Tech. Ed.: Ye.K. Konovalova.
PURPOSE: This textbook is intended for students of communication
schools of the Soviet Defense Ministry, and may also be used
by Defense Ministry personnel working in army communication repair
shops, and by other radio specialists.
COVERAGE: The book deals with radio repair* Detailed information is
given on materials and components, testing and repair of components,
assembly and disassembly of radio equipment, measurements during
testing and repair of radio stations, various methods of radio
repair, and repair of power supply sources, transmitters,, and re-
ceivers. M.A. Sulyutin wrote Ch. I; A.K. Gintsburg wrote Ch. II;
Repair of Radio Stations
V.A. Loktin wrote Ch. III; B.G. RozovBkly wrote Ch. IV; S.L.
Reznikovskiy wrote Chs. V, VII, VIII, and Section 3 of Ch. VI;
and A.A. Trakhov wrote Ch. V1 (excepting for Section 3). No
personalities are mentioned. There are no references.
Foreword 3
Ch. 1. Radio Engineering Materials 5
1. Materials as basis of construction 5
2. Properties of rad:b engineering materials 5
Physical properties 5
Thermal properties 6
Electrical properties 6
Chemical properties 8
Mechanical properties 8
3- Mineral base solid insulation 8
4. Glass and oxide insulation 9
5. Ceramic insulation 11
Structural ceramics 12
Condenser ceramics 13
Vacuum ceramics 14
Use of aloe extract in the treatment of pyorrhea alveolaria.
Stomatologiia. Moskva no.2:56 1951, (CLML 20:11)
1. Of Voronezh Polyclinic (Director -- Honored Physician
RSM A.R. Tolkovenko).
r, -
GINTSBURG2 ... 'i.
IIQ~mlity of n Screw, Surface rilith the Use of' the 7ihirlinj~, ThrFiivliin~7 "eth-od in Ch,~,-.ical
.! ~-Icl . ~? Jun r1G, I on,~,jo, l,,j3t
!Irichlnf, Duildbir." T4,,Is i'or deproo, of r'niv]. Tricljriil~lll
of Chemical ;"achLne Building,.
Summary '71, 4 Sep 52, Dissr~rtatlons rresented for Def~rees_ in Science and Fngineririnj7 in
~!oscow in 1950, From llecherwiava "oskvu, J.-n-Dec 1950.
Translation from: Referativn.yy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 277 (USSR)
AUTHOR: -Gintsburg, B. 12.,
TITLE: Laboratory Work in Metallography in Specialized High Schools,
(Laboratornyye 'raboty po metallovedeniyu v srednikh
spetsialtnykh uchebnykh zavedeniyakh)
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the'Author's dissertation for the degree
of Candidate of PedaRogic Sciences, presented to the I-eningr.
gos. ped. in-t (Leningrad State Pedagogical InstituteN
Leningrad, 1957
ASSOCIATION: Leningr. gos. ped. in-t (Leningrad State Pedngogical Institute),
1. Metallurgy-USSIt
Card 1/1
[Tecbn,jL)Fy of w(Aale wid otnirturxj] art'd
test assigmemb wJ4uh methodolrgical or) their
performance. Methodological martual. for :,tu,~(!nts of subjects
not related to mechanical engineering Ar sppc~r-l on-re-
spondence high schools (based on 7 grade.-; L110 hours)j Tekh-
nologiia rnetallwr t konstruktslormye mul'erialy; po!7,airma,
zadaniia d1i.R kontrolirykh rabot q me torii clip sk I mi akaz"Iiamd
po ikh wjpolnenilu. Netndlch-iskne I)osob-e dIAa uChaShchikh~la
nemashinostroltellnykh spet.,Aallnustei srednikli spe.-
tsia.lInykI, urhebnyk-b zavederii! (na bazr- 7 ob"em 1.20
chasov). Moskva, Vyssha.Ja sbkcia,, 19 6 3. 65 p.
1. Russia U.S,S.R.) Ministerstvo vyssb~-,) 1 -orednego
spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya. TSentra-llroyy motodic~ez;'Iki-y kabi-,
ne-t- po srednenni spetsiallnonm vbrsLz-31jqniyu.
Teoriia i raschet porshnevykh kolets. ~!63~:va, "-Lash.-iz, 1916. 122 p. dia[,Ts.
Bibliographyt p. 120-/1-217.
Theory and desi--n of piston rings.
DIr,: TJ533.G5
SO.- Manufacturing and Mechardcal Engineering in the Soviet Union, Idbrary
of Congress, 195"i.
0 kriteriiakh iznosa i dolgovachnosti dvirgatelei vnutrenne,,--,-o sCoraniia.
(Vestn. I-lash., 1950, no. 7, 1). 23-29)
Criteria of thc wear and durability of internal combustion engines.
DLC: Tfj4.v4
SIO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineeri.-.g in the Soviet Union, Library
of Congresi;, 1953.
GintBburg,, B. Ya.
Teplovaya napryazhennoatt porshney dyigateley vnutrennego sgoraniya
(Thermal 4tresses in Pistons of Internal-Combustion Engines) Moscow,
1958. 133 p. (Series: Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya
dvigateley,, Trudy, 11o. 6) 1,000 copies printed.
Tech. Ed.: S.N. Zaviyalov.
PURPOSE: The book is intended for automotive and combustion engineers.
COVERAGE: The book presents an account of stresses and strains in pistons of
internal-combustion engines. A piston having a uniform flat head and an
axially symetrical skirt was chosen for the stress-strain analysis.
Analogy theorems may be used to derive a reliable calculating device for
determining thernal stresses in pistons of different parameters. Practical
criteria for ebtimating thermal stresses in a piston of arbitrary design
are set out in the last chapter. No personalities are mentioned. There are
19 references: 10 Soviet and 9 English.
ARINKIN, Viktor Vanillyevich; GINTSBURG,. B.Ta., prof., dok-tor tekhn.
nauk, retsenzent; BASMITSYAN,.A.A., inzh., red.; MODEL', B.I..
[Increasing the performance of the piston set of the D100
diesel engine] Povyshenie rabotospooobnosti porohnevoi gruppy
dizelia D100. Koakva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostr.
lit-ry, 1959. 109 P. (MIRA 12:10)
(Diesel engines)
AUTHOR; Gintsburg, B.Ya., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Gasket rings with internal pressure
PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniYVTio- 3, 1963, 31 - 35
TEXT: Gasket rings with internal prensure differ from standard piston
rings in that they produce pressure on the inner surface. The author gives a
report on the expediency of using such ringo, describes their design character-
istics and presents a number of formulae for the calculation of various factors
affecting the design of gasket rings with internal pressure. A detailed de-
scription is given of the manufacturing technology of this type of gasket rings
and the individual working operations are enumerated. There are 10 figures and
1 table.
Card 1/1
GINTSDUR~q B.Ya., doklor tekhri. nauk; 1,41MATIT, N..I.; Yo.-".;
Improving starting characteristics of a dlesel engine. Avt.
prom. 31 no.3:12-14 Mr 165. (11-1.1RA 18:7)
GINTSBURG,_,~_.Xlk,,,_doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.j RABINOVICH, A.Sh., kand.tekhn.-
*Investigating piston rings of tractor-type engines" by V. G.
Goncharenko. Reviewed by B.IA.Gintsburg, A.Sh. Rabinovich.
Vest.maehinostr. 42 no.9:84-87 S 162. (KRA 15:9)
Oliston rings) (Goncharenko, V.G.)
L 2166-66.- EWT(m)/EPF4o.)/E;~IP(J)/T/ETC(m) RM/VW
ACCESSION NR: AP5024508 UR/0191/65/000/010/0042~/0044
AUTHOR: Ciintsberg, E. G.: Chibisova Ye. I.; Kovarsk a, B. M.
TITI,~E: Polarographic investigation of the products of the rmo- oxidative destruc-a
_*on maleic and chlorendic anhydrides and ethylene
tion~Uf polyester resins bape
SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 10, 1965, 42-44
TOPIC TAGS: polyester plastic, polarographic analysis, oxidative degradation,
chemical mechanics
ABSTRACT: The products obtained from thermal oxidation of a polyester resin
were analysed polarographically to help establish the mechanics of the destruc-
tive process. The polyester investigated was based on diethylene glycol, maleic
and chlorendic anhydrides (1. 1:0. 4:0. 6 molar ratio), cured with benzoyl peroxide
and diethanolamine In styrene (3016 styrene in the initial solutions). It was heat-
ed at 240C for 1-4 hours under an initial oxygen pressure of 200 mrn Hg. Form-
aldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde and maleic acid were identified. No fumar
Card 1/2
L 2166-66
ic acid was present. Orig. art. has: 4 figures
OTHER,. 002
-- " a
Kinetics of the enZ34i~tic destruction of the cell membrane
of an erythrocyte. biol:izika, 7 no.2:244-247162.(I-IDA 16:8)
1. Institut, biologicheskoy fiziki 91-1 SSSR, Moskva.
so A
0* s
was go gee wwwwwww-l.-
!loud) ad
She ftiam alnpbAhd-,
am CL-1. (21-433L.Wi
(ODMP&. rmd. AQrA -8w. U.R.8.8., 23, 711 -
M). - - Aims of the Im of tsdpJm doei,
not swumb" in - Ow sarky stagm of k-g
do ,
#A a kier stage n fation i,4
AkwhbW Md, Ww ANI, inhibited. m"r"don q)f
K W.
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Is 9 AD a 31 0 9
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goo 0090099900*0906,99090 0000000000*000000 o
j S
"Concerning the Factors vnich Cause the Loss of Regenerative Capacities
in Tissues among Anura Extremities."
Dok. An-, 30, No 6, 1941.
es A
j SOL V a a de a &1 0 Oic
4 U.M.
its for corn-
Blow 61VII131TO woo
141080 W&P OUT OK fall I M 13.1 p 0
u AT : AS .0 .11 In a, a, ; I I,, moo All A I 111 0 1 IF Im 9 a a 3 an
0 000 0 0 00000ii-00041 0 j~e)~
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3631 UUM sups It 40 41 Q aa 4 $1 ON AT sn
K1L--1C99F6fMJRLfw CNN% TW 12 A I
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vp "WA
go 0-
R 44
r,iNZBURG, G. 1.
" Studies in Repeated Regeneration." Dok. AN-, 45, No 6, 1944.
Mbr., last. Exptl. Biol., Ka7akh Acad. Sci., -1939-41;
Mbr., Inst. CytoloVy, 4istoloF7 & Embryolofy, Acad. Sci., -19hl-:
Mbr-, 2nd Moscaw Med. 'net. imeni Stalin, -19hl-.
- - r
-T -L :-, 1 o 7 ~ * nT---) ': . I .
I Institute of Cytoloey, Histology, and 77,mbryoJ.og,,/, Acad. Sci. (-194,7-)
.Ibr. ,
"The F%rticirAtion of Reuionally Different Skin in the Regener a 4 ion of the Extremities
in the Tadrole, Ranea Temporaria," Dok. AN, :1, No. 2, 1947
"Influence of Foreign 6kin on Development and Regeneration of
&xtremities in Anuran Amphibians."
Dok. AN, No 5, 1948.
PA 43/4)T63
Fob 19W
Jbdlofte Skin
*2 019 Of the rpitbellum =d ceriun at ItsSIM&UY
.Mfwint'*Bkln in tb* R*M4k#'tlOn 6f the Ltubs of
Aiw~ Ambiblimms," 0. r. Gintsbuirs, i=t cytoloa,,
JUtolodyj, and Jkbrrol, Acad Jbd Sol VMO 4 pp
alm Akad Nauk OW NbTa W Vol MX, No 4
Dworib" lamte vblah led to camclusim that
tbf Ocriva or reglacally Alffmant skin dam not
pw sotive part-ft regmWaticim or a llab but
fflfthtly retiwds Its dedifferdntiatian. submittsd
bY ,Acadmlolm 1. 1. Mmllgmm, :25 Noy 194T.
"Role of Sidn in thm Regeneration of Organs. Regional Participation
of Dissimilar Skin In the Re",nmration of Extremitien In Talll,-ms Amphlb-
lans." Sub 20 Dec 51, Moscow Oblae-t Pedagogical Inst.
Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Mos-
cow during 1951,
SO& Sum. go. 4F1.0, 9 MaY 55
OTUPLO Vol. 5, w0.1
0 1 ntabure, - 0. 2. (A.0. 3*vgrteaw Institute of Animi Morpholop Aeadamp
~;i Scion**&), ROojpj.(,c&j Influe"q of tbg tMvisplant Ord the host in dtff*r*ftt
agW transp2onts of mtranities in tailless amphlbla, 153-6
Akedenlys Weak, S.B.S.R., boklady, vol. 7F, no.1 I IV,(
Homoplastic transplantation of certain embryonic tissues and
organs to adult m als. Doklady AksA. nauk SM. 81 no. 3:
477-480 21 Nov 1951. (CLML 21:3)
1. Presented by Academician A. I. Abrikosov 15 September 1951.
2. Institute of Animal Korpholog7 imeni A. N. Severtsov. Academy
of Sciences USSR.
Condition~s and
of extremities
11 Yeb 52.
1. Presented by
2. Institute of
Sciencen USSR.
significance of wound epithelization for regeneration
in Amphibia. Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR 82 no-5:813-816
(CIJKL 21-5)
Academician K.I. Skryabin 27 December 1951.
Morphology of Animals Imeni A.N. Severtsov, Academy of
Repair of cranial defects. Doklady Akad. nauk SSSH 87 no. 4:673-
675 1 i)ec, 1952. (GIML Z3:5)
1. Presented by Academician A. 1. Abrikosov 5 October 1952. 2. In-
stitute of Animal Korphology imeni A. X. Severteov of the AcadeaW
of Sciences USSR.
Replacement for skull defects in mature rats and dogs. Dokl. AN SSSR 87, No 5,
1952, pp 869-872.
When grafts consiting of bone of newly-born animals or of embryos are trans-
planted into the injured skull. of adult animals, the tissue of the graft is
resorbed and replaced by freshly formed bone. Unless a graft is made,
only scar tissue is formed. Within the age limits studied (i.e., from embryos
to newly-born animals), the effectiveness of the &aft 1nereases with the age
of the donor anivials. Presented by Acad. A. I. Abrikosov 6 Oct 1952.
Replacement of bons defects of the skull in mammals. Trudy lust.
morf.zhiv. no.11:158-.174 154. (MLR& 8:2)
(Mcall-Surgery) (Bone 9-Transplantat ion)
hl- Ty a a C', 1,
EXCERPTA FICA Sec.2 V61.9/8 Phy310lOff,etc. Aug%
3614. GINTTSBUR-Q-G.I. *Changes in the central nervous system du-
rTn-gregi-n-eration of limb muscles (Russian text) DOKLA-
DY AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1955, 105/5 (1110-1113) Illus. 4
In young albino rats the entire skeletal musculature was removed from the left hind
lower leg, but large nerive and blood vessels were left intact. In one group the
excised muscles were cut up with sciesore and the pulp replaced in the wound.
Asepsis was not strict and infection cecurred. particularly in animals with the
reintroduced muscle tissue. Changes in the ventral horn cells of the spinal cord
were seen in both types of preparatians. In rats with 'empty' wounds, paleness of
nerve cello could be detected after one day (the same on both sides of cord!). but
in 20-30 days the cells regained their normal appearance. In rats with 'stuffed'
wounds. even when there was no infection, the changes in the ventral horn cells
were more marked and longer lasting', with proliferation of gliaocells, while re-
storative changes were incomplete even 100 days after operation.
IQeit man Chicago, Ill.
A ~ N J~X-le I~Z~ A
Some data on the role of the micronuclous in tho accumulatioti of
nucleic acids in Pa:ramecium caudatum. Zhur. ob. biol. 22 no.6:
1+52-458 N-D '61. (1-U?,A 1-4: 11)
I. Inatituto of Animal Morphology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Scloncos,
Autoradiographic -itudy on thymidine-H-inclusion in the
process of oogenenis. Zhur. ob. biol. 24 no.lt7l-73 Ja-F'63.
(MIRA 16111)
1. Institut morfologii zhivotnykh imeni A.N.Severtsava AN SSSR,
6 1 i IT -.' I U, ~-' I . 11 .Gh:jI.actxIs!IicS cf tmour c-Ms in Lhe C"3'. in c-:3t,-s of =,.Ii,-n,9nt.
t-wm-o-ur -- VG-p.-11--!-irokhir. 1949, 13/6 4
Polymorphism of the cells, polynuclear cells - especially those with 3 nuclei - bier
nuclQi and their polymorphIsm, the presence of com.lomera-,,,,~s end the st-nicture of th,~-
tissue in the form of epithelial layars or glandular forms, nre the cha-ructeristic
So: N~~URULGY & PSYCHIA'11-Y, Section VIII Vol 4 No 1-6
GINTSBURG, I.B., inshener.
The construction of sq3artment houses with
tekh.inform. 3 no.6:4-8 Je 157.
SMAll Apartments. Biul.
(MIRA 10:10)
- GINTSIMIT", I.B.,inzh.
Testing reinforced concrete autoclaves. BjiLj.tekh.iaform- 5
no.2:7-9 F 159. (MILRA 12:4)
(Precast concrete constrizetion)
GINTSBURG, I.s. inoll.
. --,. ~ #I,
U011W aNsembly-line method in building aPartment houses along the
"angkOYO Highway. sjul. tekh.
'"Orm- PO stroi. 5 no-7:11-14 11 '59.
(Ioningrad-Apartment houses) (MIRA JZ,jLO)
(ABSembly-line Methods)
GINTSBURG, L., doktor yurid.nauk
Vacations for workers and employees. Sots.trud 4 no.12:41-43
D '59. (MIRA 13:6)
(Vacations, Amployes)
Ingineering methocl of calculating automobile brakea. Avt.trakt.
prom. no-10:17-20 0 154. (MLHA 7:10)
1. ATIPI-l
GINTSBURG, L.L., aspirant
Stability of hydraixlic polirer steering ppar, Izv*vvi3.ucheb.
za,7.; maihinostr. no.7/8:134-144 '58. (MIRA 12:8)
le Hookovakiy vecherniy mashinoetroitelinyy instit!it.
(Automobiles--Steering gear)
AUTHOR; Gintsburg. L
TITLE: The Choice of h Booster 3ystpii for S)teerini,- Mechz~nism (Vybor
komjjoriov~i uoilitolya mek1iiinizma 1-Ulevolro upravleniya)
PERIODICAL: Avtomobil1naya promyshlennoot', 1~11,9, IN?- 2, pp -SSR)
APSTRACT, The author deacribeo hydraulic and pneumatic booster oy:,tems
for the steering mechanisms of motor vehicles aj desif-rned
by American, Enflish, ~snd French firms. He aluo give- the
set-up diagram (Figr 6) of the pneurriatic., boo-,-.t~,r nystem in
YAAZ-214 automobile und f t~; bl-.jef de.,wription- I'lie distri-
blitnt' !n this system is riounted on thf~ ts tee ving-wheel
column and is connected by rod ,-.,ith the pneum-)tic booster
mounted on the right longeron of the frame, there are 6
diaL,rams, 2 photos, and 12 Soviet references,
Card 1/1
-ration of thr- opt--ration of a
,., 51MG, L. L-, Cand T ch 2cl. (diss) -- "lnv,~-stl;
hydraulic ampll.rl~,r for alitomobilf! ste(~rin!". M0.9cow, ]'if "). If-, pp (IAlin
Higher and Inter Spec Fduc RSFSR, Ll'!oscow Automotive vlfch Tnst), 120 cop!(--.s
(IM, No Ih, I'V-1.0, 112)
Calculating and selecting paraneters of the hydraulic eervo
system for power steering. Ayt.prom. no.1-.29-32 A 160.
04M 13:5)
1. Gonudarmtvennyy soyuzinyy ordena Trudovogo Krannogo ZnamenI
nauchno-iseledowatel'skiy extomobill Wy i aytonotornyy
(Motor vehicles--Steering goar)
Comparative testing of' hydraulic ond pneumatic sevomechaniame
for power steering. Avt.prom. no-2:3-5 7 16o. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Gosuderetvannyy soyuzny7 ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znament
muchno-tesledovat9l'skiy avtomobillnyy I avtomotornyv institut.
(Automobile~--Steering gear)
Investigating vibrations of steering wheels of automobiles caused
by the hydraulic booster of the steering gear. Avt.prom. no.7:
9-14 ii 16o. (N]IRA 13:7)
1. Gooudaretyennyy soyusnyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znament
nauchno-ionledovateliskiy aytomobilinyy i avtomotornyy inatitut.
(Automobiles--Steering gear--Vibration)
GINTSBURG,-L.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; VVIDELI, V.Ye.
Using the electric m9asurement mothod for the study of steering
gear. Av-t. prom. 27 no. 5:24-27 My 161; (MIRA 14:5)
1. GoBudarstvennyy soyuznyy ordona Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni
muchrio-isaledovateliskiy av-tomobi..llnyy i avtomotornyy institut.
(Automobiles--Steering gear) (Electric measurements)
qINTklgW,-J4.L.,. kand. takhn. nauk
Shir=7 of front wheals of motor vehicles. Avt. prom. 28
no.76.8-12 JI 162. (MIRA 16:6)
1, Goeudaretvennyy sovusnyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo
Znameni nauchno-iseledovatel'okly avtomobillnyy i avtcuotoravy
(Motor vehicles-Wheels-Vibration)
GINTSBURG, L.L., kand. tekhn. nauk; SY-RKIN, G.A.
Hydr6uiic pumps of power steering boosters. Avt. prom. 29
no.7:27-30 Jl 163- (MIRA 16:8)
1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy ordena. Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni
naucILqo-issledovateliskly avtomobillnyy i avtomotornyy institut
i Moskovskiy avtozavod imeni Likhacheva.
(Automobiles-Steering gear)
Gl,NTSDl,'TG L.L. kand. teklmi. naulc;
Oome problems of the maneuverahility of' rnotor vfhlicles.
Avt. prom. 30 no.8:~8-32 Ag 164.
17: 12)
1. TSentrallnyv ordena Trudovoiro Krasnogo ',',Ylameni nauclino-
issl.edovatellskiy avtomobillrjTj .1 tivtomotorny-
y Institut.
G114TS3JRGO L.L., kand. tekhn. nwak; FITTFINAN, B.M., keind. tekhn. nank
Maneuvrabilit7 of motor vehicles. kv-L. prom. 30 no.llx2I,---1-9
IT 164 (MIRA 18a2)
1. TSentralln7y ordema Trudovogo F-ranogo Ziameril naucilmv-
issledovatellskly a-vtomobilInyy i artc-motorn7y institut..
ORG: None
ODE:. UR/0413/67/000/001/01"0/01141
Gintsburg, L. L.; Trikoz, A. A.
ITITLE: -A hydraulic power steering drive with hydraulic feedback for transportation
Ivehicles. Class 63, No. 190224
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarny-ye znaki, no. 1, 1967,
TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic equipment, mechanical power transmission device, drive train
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introducen: 1. A hydraulic power steering drive
with hydraulic feedback for transportation vehicles. The installation contains a
double-action master cylinder with two pistons connected by a rod and forming a central
and two terminal working cavities. The rod connecting the pistons is power-driven
from the steering wheel. The unit also incorporates a hydraulic pump, a reservoir for
the working-fluid, a power cylinder with rod connected to the turning mechanism, and
a distributor with a cylindrical slide valve. The terminal cavities of the distribu-
tor are connected to the working cavities of the master cylinder. The remaining dis-
tributor cavities are connected by pipelines to the working cavities of the power
cylinder, to the hydraulic pump and through a filter,to the reservoir. The derice
C.rd 1/3 uDc: 629.113.o14.514--522..2
ACC NRi AP7048oo
also contains a hydraulic feedback cylinder with rod connected to the turning mecha-
Inism and working cavities connected to the terminal cavities of the distributor. To
-achieve correspondence between the positions of the steering wheel and the positions
lof the turning mechanism, the central cavity of the master cylinder is equipped with
!annular projections on the inside encircling the rod with sealing rings on the sides
ifacing the inner surfaces of the piston. An opening between these annular projections
~connects the central cavity to the overflow line. On the other side of each projectio
jat a distance greater than the length of the piston is an opening connecting the cen-
'tral cavity to lines passing through choke valves to the reservoir. The working cavi
sties of the master cylinder are made with bypass channels which connect these cavities
o the central cavity when the pistons are at their extreme positions. 2. A modifica-
tt ion of this drive in which unilateral ring-shaped sealing sleeves are used on the
,pistons in the master cylinder for compensating fluid leakage.
rd 2/3
1--master cylinder; 2--piston; 3--rad; 4--central
cavity of the master cylinder; 5 and 6--terminal cavi-
ties of the master cylinder; 7--hydraulic pump;
8--reservoir; 9--overflow cylinder; 10--rod; 11--dis-
tributor.; 12--slide valve; 13 and 14--terminal cavitice
of the distributor; 15--filter; 16--feedback cylinder;
17--rod; 18--projection; 19--sealing ring; 20--opening;
21--overflow line; 22 and 23-openings; 24 and 25--
pipeline; 26-bypass channel; 27-ring-ohaped aealing
CODE: 131 SUBM DATEt 23ju165
I Card 3/3
GIRMUN, igoaldJAICIevich: PASHMWTNIX. A.Ye.. professor, otvatetyennyy
redaktor; &MVIU, Y.K., redaktor izdatelOstya; GUSIVA, I.N..
takhnichaskiy redaktor
[Leave for industrial workers and salaried employees) Trudovye
otpusks rabochikh i aluzhashchikh. Moskva. Izd-vo Almd.aauk
SSSR. 1957. 129 P. (MLRA 10:7)
(Vacations, Sisployes)
Increasing the life of brake shoes and clutch disks. Zs rul.
no.6-17 Je 157. (MIRA 10:7)
(Notorcy.cles-Maintenance and repAir)
Buoying automobile angine starting in winter. Za rul. 16
no.12:12d D 158. (KIRA 12:1)
(Automobiles--Cold weather operation)
AKIMOVAt Isy inzh~,J-GjNTSBURGp M.p izobretatelf.
Heat the engine but not the radiator. Tekh.mol. 29 no-3:12
161. 0,[Ilt,'. 14:3)
(Automobile drivers)
Let us talk about starting. Za rul. 21 no.8slS Ag 163.
(MIERA 16s11)
Selecting P- lubricating oil. Za rul. 21 no.6:27 Js 163.
(MMA 16:11)
GINtM16 1-f-
.i,Lhr. Amnatunticuo of intminhwo Azjhp jk-ZLR
!Iola 45v Noe 1p Saptember 19~1j, pp. 3.47
-Tpcm fkatlay Ust of Nasim
P;nvecor 19510 Vol. 4.~ MO. 91 Pa. 38
L L (j
,jijn ~~r L~~tL)r;:
-33cut, urclcr of ,7:nLr
-Olotov) 13 J un 5it. Occfi,-rnja~-zi
-- -,:,i3, ---.) utc 1'~54
USSR/ T,h.-%ico - '~avcf!, in -yrof.ronic :,iradia
Card 1/1 Pub. IJ - 311.1
Authors I Gintsburg, M. .11.
Title t P%bout *.-.,altes in 11g.,m-otronic rindiall (media in which the circular nlane of polarL
ization can be observed)
Periodital I Izv. A".1 33SR ser. fiz. 18/1~, Ws-455, Jul - Aug 1954
Abstract Analytical studies ofelactromagnetic .-raves and prol-Agation in llfrmotropic
media" are presented. Th-- propagation of a flat electromagnetic wave is
analyzed. The dn-!sic;al mnanin,~ of the results obtained is explained. An
.1 beti-rocn the time-space compor-.ents of electroma,r.?mtic waves (1-Tam-tell's
equation) and those of an oscillatory coupled system with snull oscillations
(r~endulums) is established. rurther, the propa,-ation of a non-homorleneous
electrornar~netic i-rave in a wave guide filled ~rith allgyrotro-oic medium" is sttd-
ied. A more aereral-Lzed form for Mamiell's equations is derived (for a gyro-
tro-pic re~dium). Then, Tfrotro-pic urave-,guide excitation is analyzed. Final3Zj
Un rropa,~ation of an clectroma-,netic wave in a wave-gruide with a Ityrotropic
mQdiurill (ferrite) in a transverse mqnetic field is considered. Fifteen re-
ferences: 7-115SR; P-En--Yllish (W;5-1~54)-
Tnstitition :
Submitted : Anril 21~, 1954
--r 1-4 I-S
Olnebux, M.- A. -A. amtrople wave de. Doklady
Mad. Nauk Wh (N.S.) 05, 49 4. (Russian)
The author firat considers the propigation of clectra-
magnetic wav,s in a circular guile of infinite length com"
pletely filled with a "gyrotrapic" medium, i.e., a medium
which Is simultaneously gyroetectric and gyromagnetic. He
finds that the waves undergo a Faraday rotation and that
the configuraCon a( the electromagnetic field is such that
purely E-type and purely 11-type waves cannot exist but
rather a mixture of the two i3 present. [See H. Gamo,
Phys. Soc. Japan 8, 176-182 (1953); these Rev. 14, 823;
H. Suhl and . L. Walker, Physical Rev. (2) 86, 122-123
(1952).] He eittends these deductions to :he case where the
guide is shorted at both ends by perfectly conducting plates,
i.e. the resonator cas--.
He then computes an explicit expression for the Faraday.
rotation In terms of the guide radius and the components
of the dielecteic and permeability tensors under the simpli.
__Kjjjg. restriction that the rotational components of the
FR.- M ~N;~S:MM 5n:!~-,AW 1155Q MMI
V16-V -Raw; F
son Wr.,jil in 11
-t g~
Ist Aptil till'
j I Ii
at, till! A10
, Agil, i'lla th.
path 1- Z1
i for-
2114tw;l 9 X-e,-A ~70
USSR/Physics Waveguides FD-3052
Card 1/1 Pub. 153 - 21/23
Author Gintsburg, M. A.
Letter to the editor. Anisotropic waveguide
Periodical Zbur. tekh. fiz., 25, February 1955, 358-363
Abstract The writer considers a waveguide filled with an anisotropic me-
diumy the Maxwell equations for the normai waves of such a wave-
guide reducing to equations of the 4th order for one unknown
function, which is the component E or 11. He treatG here the
special case of a medium with symmetric tensors eik and Inik and
obtains from the Maxwell equations a 4th-order equation in the
Ez component of E. He obtains the exact solution for the rec-
tangu-1ar anisotropic waveguide, and notes that for a different
contour of the cross section one can employ variational methods,
keeping in mind that the above mentioned equation for the normal
wave Ez.exp[i(kz-wt)) is the Euler-Ostrogradskiy equation for a
certain functional F given. Two references: B. A. Vvedenskiy
and A. G. Arenberg, Radiovolnovody (Radio waveguides], 1946; L. A.
Vaynshteyn, Zhur. tekh. fiz., 23, 646, 1953.
Institution : -
Submitted : April 29, 1954
L ~ T_ S 6 CC.
AUTHOR: GintsburG, M. A. (Moscow) 24-10-17/26
TITLE: Fracturing rocks by means of hiGh frequency electro-
magnetic fields. (Razrusheniye gornykh porod
vysokochastotnymi elektromagnitnymi polyami)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh
Nauk, 1957, No-10, pp.93_95 (USSR
ABSTRACT: The main results described in this paper were presonted
at a seminary of the Institute of Mining, Ac.Sc., U.S.S.R.
(Institiib Gorno3o Dela AN SSSR), May 23, 1955. In this
paper a new method is described of breakinG up rocks and
other solid bodies by means of non-uniform heatinG inside
a high frequency magnetic field. The experiments were
carried out on iron ore specimens (iron quartzites) from
-the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. Their mincralofiical
composition was: quartz, magnetite, hematite, ainphiboles
and carbonates. The experiments comprised tes-ts, v.,,ith a
uniform raaGnetic field of H = 100 Oe, 240 c.p.s., usinr-
quartzite specimens weighing betveen 5 and 20 kg; the
time until appearance of the first fracture was 1 to 2 mins.
The tests aere stopped when cracks went right through and
sub-divided the specimen into several parts (after 4 to 8
Card 1/3 mins). The average temperature of the heated rock was
Card 2/3
rocks by means of high frequency elc;,ctromaC_netic fields,
300 to 4-500C and, as a result of the heatin;~, the rocks
became extremely brittle. Furthermore, experiments were
carried out with the field of a circular turn so that the
magnetic field was concentrated inside the turn and only
a small volume of the specimen was heated, whereby the
parameters were as follows: H = 100 to 200 Oe,
f - 240 c.p.s., turn diameter d = 9 cm. The first
fractures appeared after about 35 sees. The duratioii of
crack formation does not depend on the specimen size,
since the coefficient of heat conductivity of rocks is
very small; however, cracks which start in the heated
volume propagate "Uhroughout the entire body of -the rock
and lead to splitting up of large rock blocks (0.5 to
I ton) with a small expenditure of energy since the heated
vylume is small. For splitting up a specimen of 500 k6
the calculated power requirement is about 7 MV and for a
br6aking up time of 12 mins this corresponds to an energy
requirement of 1.5 klVh. Thereby, the power taken up by
the generator from the supply system is about 50 kW and',
therefore, it is necessary to design a special Generator
for supplying current for breaking up ferromagnetic rocks.
The magnetic method of breaking up rocks is also suitable
AUTHOR: Gintsburg, M.A.
TITLE: Surface Waves at the Boundary of a Gyrotropic Medium
(Poverkhnostnyye volny na grnnitse girotropnoy sredy)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly Radioteldirlika 1
el.ektronika, 1958, Nr 3, pp 38-4i (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author discussec Ulrf,-We waves at the boundaries
of gyrotropic and isotropic media. The Maxwell equa-
tions show that the waves are propagated only in one
direction (valve effect) when both media have certain
magnitudes ofl'and~,(electrioal and magnetic perme-
ability). The conditions are presented for the pro-
pagation of direct and inverse waves along the bound-
ary of the division. The results of the investiga-
tion are used for analyzing gyrotropic plates, a more
complicated independent system. The results of this
paper may be used asa first approximation for solving
surface wave problems in 'the ferrite plate of a wave
guide. The magnitudes and obtained from the
Card 1/3 equation
Surface Waves at the Boundary of a Gyrotropic Medium
PON 2 _t,111) i +~l1(u2 ~lojlo)~ =AoPu
may be placed (if the plate Is not too close to the
walls of the wave 4 uide) as a first approximation
h=h(o)+ Ah,? =~ ( + 4"' , into the transcendental
equation of a wave guide with a thick ferrite plate,
and using Newton's method, correctionsAh,Zk to be
introduced into the walls, may be found. (The magni-
tude u has the physical meaning of a factor for the
delay of the waves by the boundary of the division,
showing how many times the phase speed of a surface
wave is slower than the speed of a plane wave of the
same frequency in a vacuum). Instead of the walls of
a wave guide, one may assume a second ferrite plate
with a field in the opposite phase, as suggested by
B.Z. Katsenelenbaum. For satisfying the boundary
conditions at both metal walls, two infinite rows
Card 2/3 of such plates are requireo. The author expresses
SOV/1 6 2 -58-3-6/26
Surface Waves at the Boundary of a Gyrotropic Medium
his gratitude to B.Z. Katsenelenbaurn forconsidering
the results of this paper. There are 6 graphs, and
7 references, 3 of which are English and 4 Soviet.
PRESENTED: Presented At a seminary on radio-spectroscopy at the
Fizicheskiy institut AN SSR imeni Lebedeva (Insti-
tute of Physics imeni Lebedev, AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: February 13, 1958
Card 3/3
4'? urfacr. wav(iB on i ho boundary of r,,rrotropic media.
Zh),,)p. I teor.flz. 14 no.6.-1635-1637 Je '58. (MIRk 11:9)
(BlectromagnotIc thnor-f)
240) soy/56-35-4-41/52
AUTHOR: Girtsburj;, IA. A.
TITLE: The Exchange-Effects in Ferromagnetic Resonance (Obmennyye
effektypri Serromagnitnom rezonanse)
PEPIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fi-,iki, 1958,
Vol 35, Nr 4, PP '1047-1049 (115STO
ABSTRACT: The present paper elaborates a uniform Law for the dispert3ion
of transversal electromagnetic and spin waves, which taken
both the relativistic and exchange-interaction into account.
With a shortening of the wavelength (on the condition W= const)
the relative significance of the dis-Placement currents is re-
duced more and more, but the amount of the exchange forces
increases. Instead of transversal electromarnetic waves,
spin waves are in this case obtained. The author proceeds from
the usual equationsof motion of magnetization:
dM/dt . y j(Hexa2/jts) [M Alf] + [Mllj3 . flare Hex denotes the
effective field of the exchange forces, a - the lattice constant,
Card 11A.,!, M8 - the saturation magnetization, H - the mal,,Inetic field
The Exchange-Effects in Ferromagnetic Resonance SOV/56-~---4-41/52
strength of the sample, y - the ratio betweon the magnetic
moment of the electron anj itj spin moment
I. -.* _~ y 2.8 me ycles/
Oersted. The author puts s + MI H . ifi+ b. Here de-
notes the internal statistical field in the sample, h and M
the high-frequency components of the magnetic field and of
magnetization respectively. Expreasions are derived for the
components of the tonsor of magnetic permeability and for the
dispersion law (i.e. for the correlation between 4) and k).
Thi3 dispersion equation has 3 radicals corresponding to the
three branches of dispersion. The aforementioned dispersion
equation goes over (if displacement currents are neglected)
into the equation of statistical approximation (i.e. into the
dispersion law of -the spin waves). The character of the dis-
persion curves can be investigated in the best manner for the
special cases 9 = 0 and 9 = n/2. For 9=0 the dispersion equation
has three positive solutions. For 9 = n/2 2 waves are possible:
one of the type E and one of the type 11. There are 4 refer-
ences, 2 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/f 9_1
GINTSBURG. M.A. [translator)
I ~... 4-~rr~% V- ygf
Theory )f electromagnetic wave propagation in gyremagnatic
media [from "Rev. Mod. Phys." 2809 19561. P. lpqtoin. Usp.
fiz. nauk 65 no.2:283-311 Je 158. (14IRh 11:9)
(Ferratne) (-Radio waves) (Epstein. P.)
ats of the thickness of ice layers* Izv."
Radar measureme
SSSR.Ser.geofize noe6:872-874 Je 160. (MIRA 13:6)
(Glaciological research) (Hadar)
S / 5 7 o'/06' O/OOO/Ol7/oo6/ol2
AUTHORi Gintsburg, M.A.
TITLE, Electric double layer at the surface Of a 5atellite
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institutt zemnogo magnetizma,
ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln, Trudy,
no.17(27). Moscow, 1960, Rasprostraneniye radiovoln
i ionosfera. 187-202.
TEXT- A satellite moving through the ionosphere becomes
charged and an electric double layer is formed at its surface.
A knowledge of the properties of this layer is important to the
theory of the interaction of a satellite with the ionosphere)
since the double layer determines the boundary conditions and has
an effect on the physical processes which occur in the immediate
neighbourhood of the satellite. Three equationB are available in
the literature for the description of the electric field in the 1/
double layer. These equations, however, are different and predict
different potential distributions. The aim of the present review
is to examine these differences. The review was completed in
January 1959. The first approach is to use the classical double-
Card 1/ 6
Electric double layer at the surfact. .. S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/oo6/oi2
Eo 2/1.,, L 14
layer theory as used in electrochemistry and the chemistry of
colloids, where charged particles (ions) in the double layer are
in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium and are therefore
described by the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
mu ey
X) C" - 'i _kT_ -KT
where~ u is the velocity, (p the potential, P and m the
charge and mass of the particles, and t the 'temperature.
The present author discusses the one-dimensional case only, -i.e.
the case where the potential y is a function of a single
coordinate only. Knowing the distribution function for the ions
and the electrons, one can calculate the field in the double layer
by solving the one-dimensional Poisson equation-
d2 kTi
t 4-7rn e
. (C
Card 2/6
Electric double layer at the surface .. S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/oo6/ol2
It is shown that the solution of the Poisson equation for the case
where the distribution given by Eq.(l) holds, is
2 In e z/2 (I + e + + e- (9)
e e z/2 (1 e- + + 'e-
where- = X A/2/Rd I Rd is the Debye radius, Z = cyc/kT2
,PC is the potential of the satellite, and E is the numerical
value of the electronic charge. The double layer may be divided
into two regions: in the first region c jyj /kT -;> .1, i.e. the
potential energy of an electron or an ion within the layer is
greater than the thermal energy, while in the second layer
e tyl IkT-e~:l and the potential energy may be looked upon as a
small correction to the thermal energy. In the thermal region
the space-charge consists largely of ions and the electron
concentration falls off exponentially, while in the second region
the space-charge is made up of ions and electrons, both
concentrations being small. As an example, it is estimated that
at 300-400 km from the earth's surface the maximum thickness of a
Card 3/ 6
Electric double layer at the surface ... S/57o/6O/OO0/017/oo6/ol2
double layer is of the order of I cm. on this theory the field
strength at the wall of a satellite increases exponentially (in
absolute magnitude) with the potential (p,, reaching 47 kV/cm at
ys = -3 V. It is this property which, together with the
dependence of the capacitance of the double layer on y., may be
used to compare the theory with experiment and to select the
correct model for the double layer by independent measurements Of
E and y.. The second approach is to use the Langmuir-Bohm
equation (Ref.6- 1. Langmuir, Phys. Rev., v,34 ' 876, 1929,
Ref.7: D. Bohm, The characteristics of electrical discharges in
magnetic fields, ed. by A. Guthrie and R. Walmerling. McGraw Hill,
N.Y., 1949, chaP.3). Here, as before, the ele:tron distribution
4s assumed to be of the Boltzmann type but the ion distribution is
not. On this approach the Poisson equation assumes the form;
d 22 WO) j
tP (12)
dx kT
Card 4/ 6
Electric double layer at the surface ... S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/oo6/ol2
This equation cannot be integrated and must be solved numerically.
The advantage of Eq.(12) is that in deriving it, it is not
necessary to assume either a perfectly reflecting wall or thermo-
dynamic equili-brium. However, this equation does not take into
account the thermal motion of ions which is, in fact, neglected.
The third approach is due to R. Jastrow and C. Pearse (Ref.2:
J. Geophys., Res., v.62, 413, 1957). Here the Poisson equation
is of the form:
A!2 = 47Cn,c (e ey/kT (16)
and again, the potential distribution can only be evaluated by
numerical methods. The paper is concluded with a general
discussion of the effect of the magnetic field on the above
phenomena. Acknowledgments are expressed to the workers of
IZMIRANI G.M. Soanovskaya and Yu.G. Ishchuk, for assistance.
There are 19 figures and 11 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-
Soviet-bloc. The four most recent English language references
read as follows:
Card 5/6
Electric double layer at the surface ... S/570/60/000/017/Oo6/oi2
Ref.2: R. Jastrow, C. Pearse. J. Geophys. Res., v.62, 413, 1957-
Ref-3: E. Verwey, J. Overbeck. Theory of stability of lyophobic
colloids, N.Y. - Amsterdam, 1948.
Ref,5: R. Smith-Rose, Proc. IRE, November 1958. t-lle
Ref.7: D. Bohm. The characteristics of electrical discharges in
magnetic fields. ed. by A. Guthrie and R. Wakerling.
McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1949, chaP.3.
Card 6/6
3, D 3 / 1) 0* /S-'04) E032/Ell4
AUTHOR: Gintsburg, M. A.
TITLE: Surface waves o-n the boundary of a plasma in a
magnetic field
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut zemnogo magnetizma,
ionosfery i rasprostraneniye radiovoln. Trudy,
no.17(27). Moscow, 1960. Rasprostraneniye radiovoln i
ionosfera. 208-215. vt
TEXT: This paper was first read at a seminar of the Otdel
d1innykh radievoln (Division of Long Radio Waves) of lZMIRAN in
December 1958.
The problem is formulated as follows. Consider two semi-infinite
media separated by the plane y = 0 (Fig-7). The z-axis is in
the direction of the magnetic field, the half-space y > 0 is
occupied by air (so )i0 = 1) and the half-space y < 0 is
occupied by plasma. The properties of the plasma are
characterised by the tensor
Card l/ 7
Surface waves on the boundary of ... S/57o/60/000/017/008/012
I - ic2 0
ic2 E 2 0 (1)
0 0 E3
When the waves are propagated in the direction perpendicular to the
magnetic field there are two possible types of normal waves, namely
type H (Ez / 0, Hx / 0, Hy / 0' Ex = Ey = Hz = 0) and waves of
the type E (Hz A 0, Ex / 0, EY /0, 11x = Hy=Ez = 0). of these,
only the E waves can propagate along tile boundary of the plasma.
It is shown that in the plasma
I aH z 43Hz -Y2 - rh
E ir H (3)
x ik C.L (3 ik C-L z
where: ko w1c is the wave number in vacuum, f-M= E2/cl,
and C'L 2 2)/El*
1 2
Card 2/ 7